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PINGP Lr - Scoping and Screening Audit Schedule and Documentation List
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/2008
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of License Renewal
Download: ML090540919 (6)


PrairieIslandNPEm Resource From: Stacie Sakai Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 5:33 PM To: '' Cc: Richard Plasse; Billy Rogers


Scoping and Screening Audit Schedule and Documentation List Attachments: Prairie Island S&S Audit Schedule Rev 1.doc; Prairie Island Scoping Audit Documentation List.doc

Gene, Attached is the schedule for the upcoming Prairie Island scoping and screening methodology audit schedules for August 4-8, 2008. Also attached is a list of documents that we will be reviewing on site.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Bill Rogers at 301-415-2945 or myself at 301-415-1884.

Stacie Stacie S. Sakai Reactor Systems Engineer Engineering Review Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301.415.1884 1

Hearing Identifier: Prairie_Island_NonPublic Email Number: 747 Mail Envelope Properties (A39E93AC528D144995E76C6AB82D5D9703549A0F93)


Scoping and Screening Audit Schedule and Documentation List Sent Date: 7/28/2008 5:32:52 PM Received Date: 7/28/2008 5:32:00 PM From: Stacie Sakai Created By: Recipients:

"Richard Plasse" <>

Tracking Status: None "Billy Rogers" <>

Tracking Status: None

"''" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 547 7/28/2008 5:32:00 PM Prairie Island S&S Audit Schedule Rev 1.doc 46586 Prairie Island Scoping Audit Documentation List.doc 40954 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

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Prairie Island Scoping and Screening Methodology Audit Schedule 8/4/08-8/8/08 Monday 8/4 A.M.  ! 10:00 A.M. Entrance meeting, introductions, and audit logistics.

! Applicant presentation consisting of a general overview of the following topics:

  • Technical references used for scoping and screening.
  • Program tools used for LRA development.
  • Implementing procedures and guidance.
  • Training requirements and quality practices used during LR development (including audits and self assessments).

P.M.  ! Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(1) and (a)(3) - Detailed review of scoping and screening methodology, applicable to the mechanical discipline and using the main steam system as an example, including the following topics: implementing procedures; source information; identification of SSCs within scope; electronic databases; definition of safety-related; design bases events consideration; identification of intended functions; scoping boundaries and license renewal drawings; identification of SCs subject to AMR; and documentation of results in scoping and screening reports.

! Daily Review of Audit activities 1

Tuesday 8/5 A.M.  ! Continuation of the Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(1) and (a)(3) applicable to the mechanical discipline as required.

! Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(1) and (a)(3) - Differences applicable to the structural discipline using the turbine building as an example.

P.M.  ! Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(2) - Detailed review of scoping and screening methodology, applicable to the mechanical discipline and using the main steam system as an example, including the following topics: implementing procedures and bases documents; source information; electronic databases; identification of SSCs within scope; development of scoping boundaries and license renewal drawings; identification of SCs subject to AMR; and documentation of results in scoping and screening reports.

! Daily Review of Audit activities.

Wednesday 8/6 A.M.  ! Continuation of Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(2) applicable to the mechanical discipline as necessary.

! Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(2) - differences applicable to the structural discipline using the turbine building as an example.

! Scoping and Screening Methodology (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) applicable to the electrical/I&C discipline. Include review of fuse holders and tie wraps.

! Evaluation of consumables, plant insulation (mirrored, system, reactor vessel), overhead handling systems, and staged equipment/replacement parts, as applicable.

P.M.  ! Sample review of residual heat removal system and screenhouse (breakout session).

! Plant tour to view examples of (a)(2) scoping boundaries including seismic anchors, equivalent anchors, and the potential for spatial interaction.

! Daily Review of Audit activities.


Thursday 8/7 A.M.  ! Training activities associated with LRA development.

! Quality activities associated with LRA development.

! Aging management quality assurance elements (corrective actions, confirmation process, and administrative controls).

  • Review of individual aging management programs quality assurance attributes - corrective actions, confirmation process, and administrative controls.

P.M.  ! Continuation of A.M. activities, as necessary.

! 4:30 P.M. Pre-final brief with license renewal project team.

Friday 8/8 A.M.  ! 9:30 A.M. Final briefing of audit activities and status.


Prairie Island License Renewal Scoping and Screening Methodology Audit Documentation List

! Engineering reports and procedures which contain requirements or guidelines for the implementation of scoping and screening methodology.

! 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1) plant evaluations and implementing procedures.

! 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) plant evaluations and implementing procedures.

! 10 CFR 54.4(a)(3) plant evaluations, implementing procedures and any specific analyses performed.

! License renewal drawings.

! System design basis documents and system and component level scoping and screening reports for selected systems and structures: Main Steam, Residual Heat Removal, Turbine Building, Screenhouse.

! Description of the design basis events included in the UFSAR, and all other additional events (e.g. high energy line break, fire, high wind, earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes),

which were evaluated during the scoping process.

! Qualified equipment/component list (Q-List) and corresponding development process.

! Quality assurance program attributes used in license renewal process.

! Training lesson plans or descriptions provided to the applicant=s personnel for implementation of the license renewal process.

! Plant and industry operating experience used to determine the scope of 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) SSCs.