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Attachment 3 - Guidance for COL Applicants on Design Implementation of Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 04/07/2005
From: Joseph Colaccino
Nuclear Energy Institute
NEI 04-01
Download: ML050960503 (4)


Guidance for COL Applicants on Design Implementation of Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants

,*pIR Regret 00 NEI 04-01 Public Meeting April 7, 2005 Attachment 3

Implementation of DACIITAAC

  • To confirm that the as-built computer-based plant instrumentation and control systems (I&C systems) conforms to the certified design, the design acceptance criteria (DAC) is verified as part of the l&C system ITAAC.
  • The COL applicant is to develop the procedures and test programs necessary to demonstrate that the requirements for the ITAAC for DAC are met during the digital system design implementation.
  • The ITAAC will be performed by the COL applicant and reviewed by the NRC throughout the system lifecycle including implementation, installation and operation.

The applicant and NRC will establish agreed upon review points in the system design development process. See Figures land 2 for system and software lifecycle stages.

Through the system design activities, system requirements are allocated to components and give rise to hardware and software requirements. Software development activities proceed in parallel with hardware development and become integrated with hardware activities during the system validation stage. Software is validated against software requirements, integrated with hardware, and the complete system is validated against system requirements.


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Fligure 7A.02. Relationship lietwee Development UW Cyde Stages, Review Type, and SRP Sectons 3

Figure 2: Software Life Cycle Lie Pbannng Requirements Design Actities Implementation Integration Valdtidon Instation Operatons &

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