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Calculation NUH32P.0204, Rev. 1, Fuel End Drop Analysis for NUH32P+ Using LS-DYNA, Enclosure 7
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Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/25/2010
From: Huan Li
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
NUH32P.0204, Rev 1
Download: ML102530143 (39)


ENCLOSURE 7 Non-Proprietary Transnuclear Calculation NUH32P+.0204, Revision 1, Fuel End Drop Analysis for NUH32P+ Using LS-DYNA, August 2010 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC September 1, 2010

Non-Proprietary A Form 3.2-1 Calculation No.: NUH32P+.0204 AR EVA Calculation Cover Sheet Revision No.:

TRANSNUCLEAR INC. TIP 3.2 (Revision 4) Page: I of 3$

DCR NO (ifapplicable): PROJECT NAME: NUH32P+ Dry Fuel Storage Project for CCNPP NUH321+-;004 PROJECT NO: NUH32P+ CLIENT:CENG - Calvert Cliff Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP)


Fuel End Drop Analysis for NUH32P+ Using LS-DYNA



I) Calculation Summary Thie purpose ofthis calculation is to evaluate the structural adequacy of NUI32P-+4 14x4 fuel assembly Zircaloy-4 clad exposed to 80 inch end drop event condition.

2) Storage Media Description Secure network server initially, then redundant tape backup.

If original issue, is licensing review per TIP 3.5 required?

Yes L No 0 (explain below) Licensing Review No.:

This calculation is prepared to support a Site Specific License Application by CCNPP that will be reviewed and approved by the NRC. Therefore, a 10CFR72.48 licensing review perI TIP 3.5 is not applicable. The results contained in,this revised calculation will be submitted to NRC as part ofa RAI response.

Software Utilized (subject to test requirements of TIP 3.3): Version:

LS-DYNA 1s971 s R2 7600.1224 Calculation is complete:

Huan Li Originator Name and Signature: Date: 0, 9/ " -/t' Calculation has been checked for consistency, completeness and correctness:

,Mrinal Bose Date Checker Name and Signature: Date_

Calculation is approved for use:

Project Engineer Name and Signature: ttomli Dae,:.1-Date. * /

Non-ProprietaiN Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 2 of 38 REVISIONS AFFECTED AFFECTED REV. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES PAGES Computational I/O 0 Initial Issue All All Proprietary Information with Pursuant to IOCFR 2.390

Non-Proprietary A Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 3 of 38 Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 5 2.0 References .......................................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 M ethodology ...................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 M ethodology Com parison ............................................................................................................................... 7 4.0 Assum ptions ...................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 M aterial Properties of Fuel Cladding ........................................................................................ 9 6.0 M odel I ............................................................................................................................................... 9 6.1 Geom etry and Details ..................................................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Fuel cladding ................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.3 Cask ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.4 Fuel Pellet Spring ......................................................................................................................................... 10 6.5 Spacer Grid ................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.6 Fuel Compartm ent ....................................................................................................................................... 10 6.7 Pin to Cask Spring ........................................................................................................................................ 11 6.8 Cask to Ground Interaction ........................................................................................................................ 12 6.9 Boundary and Initial Conditions ........................................................................................................... 12 6.10 Analysis Cases Performed ........................................................................................................................... 12 7.0 M odel II ........................................................................................................................................... 13 8.0 Results .............................................................................................................................................. 13 8.1 M odel I ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 8.2 M odel II ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 9.0 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... 14 10.0 Listing of Input/O utput Files ......................................................................................................... 15

Non-Proprietary A Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 4 of 38 List of Tables Page Table 1. Geom etry Data for PW R 14x14 Fuel Rod ........................................................................................ 16 List of Figures Page Figure 1. Schematic of PW R Fuel Cladding Geom etry ................................................................................. 17 Figure 2. Schematic of the Single Fuel Rod M odel (M odel I) ........................................................................ 18 Figure 3. The Details of Single Fuel Rod M odel (M odel 1) ............................................................................. 19 Figure 4. The Spring Force-Deflection Curve for Fuel Pellets (Model I and Model II) .................................. 20 Figure 5. The Spring Force-Deflection Curve for Spacer Grids (Model I and Model II) ................................ 21 Figure 6. The Displacement Time-History of the Cask Bottom Plate (Model I) ............................................ 22 Figure 7. Displacement Time-History of the Cask in the End Drop Analysis (Model 1)................................ 23 Figure 8. The Force-Deflection Curve for Cask-Ground Spring (Model I) ..................................................... 24 Figure 9. Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case I (Model I) ........................... 25 Figure 10. Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case 2 (Model I) ........................ 26 Figure 11.Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case 3 (Model I) ........................ 27 Figure 12. Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case 4 (Model I) ........................ 28 Figure 13. Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case 5 (Model I) ........................ 29 Figure 14. Maximum Principal Strain Time-History and Contour Plot for Case 6 (Model I) ........................ 30 Figure 15. Axial Displacement Time History of Cask and Fuel Bottom for Case 1 (Model I) ..... ............. 31 Figure 16. Axial Displacement Time History of Cask and Fuel Bottom for Case 3 (Model I) ............ 31 Figure 17. Axial Displacement Time History of Cask and Fuel Bottom for Case 4 (Model I)........................ 32 Figure 18. Details of Single Fuel Rod M odel (M odel 1I).................................................................................. 33 Figure 19. Unfiltered Deceleration Time History of the Transfer Cask End Plate (Model II) ......................... 34 Figure 20. Maximum Principal Strain Time History and Contour Plot of the Fuel Assembly (Model 11) ............ 35 Figure 21. Axial Displacement Time Histories of the Cask (Model I1) .......................................................... 36 Figure 22. Velocity Time Histories of the Transfer Cask (Model 11) ............................................................... 37 Figure 23. Deceleration Time Histories of the Transfer Cask (Model I) ........................................................ 38

Non-Proprietary A Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 5 of 38 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the structural adequacy of 32P+ 14x14 fuel assembly exposed to 80 inch end drop event conditions.

2.0 References 2.1. Harold E. Adkins, Jr., Brian J. Koeppel and David T. Tang, "Spent Nuclear Fuel Structural Response when Subject to An End Impact Accident". PVP-Vol. 483, Transportation Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials, July 25-29, 2004, San Diego, CA, USA.

2.2. Not used.

2.3. TN Calculation, NUH32P-1095-1, Rev. 0, "NUHOMS 32P Weight Calculation of DSC/TC System".

2.4. TN Calculation, TN40HT-0217, Rev. 0, "TN40HT Fuel End Drop Analysis Using LS-DYNA".

2.5. NUREG-1 864, "A Pilot Probabilistic Risk Assessment of a Dry Cask Storage System at a Nuclear Power Plant". Date published in March 2007.

2.6. TN Calculation, NUH32P+-0203, Rev. 0, "32P+ Transfer Cask Impact onto the Concrete Pad LS-DYNA Analysis (80 inch End Drop)".

2.7. DOE/RW-0184, Vol 3 of 6, "Characteristics of Spent Fuel, High Level Waste and other Radioactive Wastes which require Long Term Isolation - Physical Descriptions of LWR Fuel Assemblies," Appendix 2A, U.S.

DOE, December, 1987.

2.8. Not used.

2.9. TN Calculation No. 972-179, Rev. 0, "TN-68 High Burnup Cladding Mechanical Properties".

2.10. CCNPP Calculation, DCALC No. CA06758, "Fuel Performance Data for Calvert Cliffs Dry Storage (ISFSI) Analysis for Batches CIN through C1T and C2M through C2S", October 1 9th, 2006.

2.11. Eric R. Siegmann, J. Kevin McCoy, Robert Howard, "Cladding Evaluation in the Yucca Mountain Repository Performance Assessment," Material Research Society Symp. Proc. Vol. 608, 2000.

2.12. Not used.

2.13. Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular System, Docket No. 72-1004, UFSAR of Amendment 10.

2.14. Gordon S. Bjorkman, Jr., "The effect of Gaps on the Impact Response of a cask Closure Lid", 20e International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Espoo, Finland, August 9-14, 2009, SMiRT 20-Division V, Paper 1941.


,A Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 6 of 38 Proprietary Information with Pursuant to 10CFR 2.390

Non-Proprietaty Proprietary Information with Pursuant to 10CFR 2.390


,A Calc. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 8 of 38 Proprietary Information with Pursuant to IOCFR 2.390

Non-Proprietary A Caic. No.: NUH32P+.0204 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 9 of 38 6.0 Model I 6.1 Geometry and Details Figure 2 illustrates the finite element model (model 1), which is composed of a single fuel rod, a lumped cask mass, springs representing the spacer grids, contact surfaces representing the basket compartment wall, and a spring representing the target stiffness.

Several views of the actual finite element mesh are shown in Figure 3 for model I. In this figure, the views shown are: (a) the entire model, (b) top of rod with basket compartment walls and spacer grid spring, (c) top of rod with fuel pellet springs, and (d) bottom of rod with nodes representing the cask and target (concrete and soil).

6.2 Fuel cladding The fuel cladding geometry and other physical properties are presented in Table I and Figure 1.

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~jjant to 10CFR2390 Based on the results of all the analyses performed, it is found that the maximum principal strains for the fuel cladding are 0.207% and 0.341% for model I and model II, respectively. These maximum principal strains are well ion with


ýit can be concluded with high degree ot conticlence that the Tuel clacddings wi deform elastically with very small amount of maximum principal strain; and therefore the fuel claddings will maintain its structural integrity during the 80 inch end drop event.


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NUH32P+.0204 1

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