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Response Submitted by Intervenor State of Ok to Util 790811 Request That Aslb Reopen Record for Hearings.Public Interest Requires Reopening Record for Litigation of TMI-related Issues.Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 08/27/1979
From: Rogers C, John Thomas
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19209B081 List:
NUDOCS 7910090149
Download: ML19209B085 (18)


',-.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Sefore the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of the Appli-

)cation of Public Service

)Company of Oklahoma, Associ-

)Docket Nos.

ated Electric Cooperative,)STN 50-556 Inc. and Western Farmers

)STN 50-557 Electric Cooperative (Black

)Fox Station, Units 1 and 2)

)RESPONSE OF INTERESTED STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO APPLICANTS REQUEST FOR HEARIU:s AND MOTION TO ESTABLISH HEARING SCHEDULE Comes now the State of Oklahoma, participant in the above-styled prc.eeding as an Interested State under 10 CFR, S2.715(c), and makes response to the request filed August 11, 1979, by Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., and Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (herein referred to as " Applicants") for the Board to re-open the record for additional hearings and Applicants' Motion to Establish a Hearing Schedule filed concurrently with the aforesaid request for hearings.


..Applicants state that they now withdraw their former objection to the reopening of the record of the instant proceedings for the purpose of examining health and safety issues that arose as a consequence of the March 28, 1979, accident at the Three Mile Island Generation Station, Unit 2 g910000FfT"-1-1115 256

'.e*(TMI-2) stating that:

"[t]his decision was based on a determi-nation by Applicants that the public interest will best be served by openly reviewing the lessons learned from the TMI-2 accident as they might apply to Black Fox Station..."/l They request further hearings be held for the purpose of" generally exploring those aspects of the TMI-2 accident that are pertine'nt to this proceeding."2 The State of Oklahoma agrees with Applicants that it appecrs to be in the public interest that the record be re-opened in order to explore the regulatory consequences of the TMI-2 accident.

Oklahoma disagrees with Applicant's position that the public interest will be totally satisfied at this stage by tbe Applicants' commitment to the short Term Recommendations issued by the TMI-2 Lessons-Learned Task Force.

Oklahoma's position is that due to the fact of the relative proximity of the issuance of the Long Term Recommendations of the TMI-2 Lessons-Learned Task Force 3, the final report of the President's Commission on the 1/ " Request for Hearing and Motion to Establish Hearing Schedule" (hereinaf ter " Request / Motion") , mailed August 11, 1979, p.4.2/ Id, p.5.3/ The Task Force reported their intention to issue Long Term Reco==endaticns "by about September 1, 1979." NUREG-0578, p.

4.Oklahoma has been orally that this formal estimate was ambitious and a more accurate date for release would be some time in October.

}ll}/ '..Accident at Three Mile Island (Kemeny Commission)4, and the NRC's Special Inquiry (Rogovin Commission)5, litigation of issues raised in said reports will no doubt be of weighty significance in determining whether the instant record has been adequately developed on the issues of health and safety to support the issuance of the Construction Permits sought in this proceeding. II.MOTION TO ESTABLISH HEARING SCHEDULE a.Preliminary Statement Applicants apparently premise their Motion to Establish a Hearing Schedule upon their belief that the TMI-2 review process has been completed to the point that NCR Staff favors resuming the licensing process interrupted this spring by the moritorium.6 Applicants assert that the ... entire complement of matters required by the NRC Staff " to be addressed by construction permit applicants" were identified in NUREG-0578, in IE Bulletin No. 79-08 and the 4/ Established by Executive Order 12130 on April 11, 1979.44 Fed. Reg. 22027. The Commission is legally re-quired to make a final report "not later than six months from the date of the Commission's firs t meeting. " 44 Fed.Reg. at 22028. See Attachment I. Associated Press reports that the actual due date of the report. is October 25, 1979. See Attachment II, Tulsa World, Fridcy, August 24, 1979, Section A 15. 5/ It was anticipated that the Rogovin Commission would require about six months to conduct their inquiry. 44 Fed.Reg. at 35065. See Attachment III. 6/ Request / Motion, p. 6.

  • .."information paper" SECY-79-4507 and expressed confidsnce that the commitments made by Applicants in their July 27, 1.179, licensing document as later clarified on August 8, 1979, would be approved in the Staff's upcoming Supplement No. 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report.8 Due to public criticism from the Kemeny Commission, the Director of NRC's Office of Reactor Regulation reportedly told the Kemeny Commissioners recently that the Staff would not favor proceeding with the licensing process until the NRC cc..ssioners themselves gave their clear approval to proceed with the licensing process.9 As a result of this intervening event it is submitted that the question of establishing a hearing schedule should be deferred by the Board until the NRC commissioners have an opportunity to consider Mr. Denton's recommendation that the licensing process be resumed.

7/ Id., p. 7.8/ In the conference call of the parties and Board held on August 23, 1979, Mr. Davis stated he believed SER Supp. 3 would be issued August 24, 1979. 9/ Attachment II.

  • .b.Scheduling of Hearings 10 In the Douglas Point case the Appeals Board deter-mined that scheduling is a matter left to the discretion of the Licensing Board, but identified three factors relevant for determining when hearings should be held on specific issues.The Appeals Board stated:

" the absence of any rigid scheduling ...criteria established by statute or regu-lation suggests that the adjudicatory boards were to decide for themselves in such circumstances when hearings should be held on specific issues. It seems to us that a variety of factors appropriately should be taken into account in reaching that decision. Principal among them are: (1) the degree of likelihood that any early findings on the issue (s) would re-tain their validity; (2) the advantage, if any, to the public interest and to the litigants in having an early, if not nec-essarily conclusive, resolution of the issue (s); and (3) the extent to which the hearing of the issue (s) at an early stage would, particularly if the issue (s) were later reopened because of supervening developments, occasion prejudice to one or more of the litigants."/11 Applicants, being the moving party, bear the burden of proving that their motion should be granted.12 1 Likelihood findings would remain valid. te Lessons Learned Task Force explained how they 10/ Potomac Electric Power Co. (Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 & 2) ALAB-277, 1 NRC 539, 3 AELR 17, 841-15 (1975). 11/ Id., 3 AELR at 17, 8 41-18 anc'. 17, 841-19. 12/ 10 CFR S2.732. 1115 760_,_

  • .developed their list of Short Term Recommendations in the Introduction to their report.

They state in relevant portion:

  • "The decision-making process followed by the Task Force in determining which safety issues required short-term licensing acti -

versus those that could be deferred for further evaluation by the Task Force or others, was based upon engineering evalua-tion and qualitative professional judgment of the safety significance of the various issues.In this regard, the Task Force has selected items for "short-term action" if their implementation would provide sub-stantial, additional protection required for the public health and safety. Our recommendations for short-term action are prompt, specific, and safety signifiqant in their character and are not likel/ to be overttuned or contradicted by contin-uing studies or investigations. Some of them may eventually ce cisplaced, nowever, by more comprehensive long term changes in nuclear power plant regulation. In some cases, an immediate action may not be amenable to precise description on the basis of information or analyses developed to date; however, the item has been judged by the Task Force to be of sufficient safety significance to require an immediate commitment to get studies or testing under-way.In this case the recommended action is to obtain a 'short-term commitment' for a longer term modification, study, or test by affected licensees." (Emphasis added)/13 Thus, although the Task Force attempted to make short-term recommendations of lasting validity, they cautioned that some were subject to changes should regulatory policy standards change.The Task Force goes on to state that certain issues to be examined in their Long Term Recommendations report 13,* NUREG-0578, at 3. 1115 261_,_ '.were " inextricably tied" to fundamental policy questions. They indicate that other fundamental issues would require work over a period of time in excess to that available to the task force due to the fact that the licensing basis for nuclear regulation may be required to be changed.14 They recommend in the latter case that the fundamental policy decisions should not be made without taking into consideration C the Kemeny and Rogovin studies. Thus, although the Short Term Recommendat_ons were sought to be drafted to be of time-enduring quality, said recommendations may be subject to change once the long-term significance of the TMI-2 event is understood. It is submitted that because the issuance of reports dealing with the long term significance of TMI-2 are relatively soon forthcoming, prudence would require consideration of long term regulatory recommendations to be made in order to determine if the short term recommenda-tions maintain their validity. 2.Advantage to the Public Interest and the Litigants in Having an Early, if not Necessarily Conclusive Resolution of Issues. The Board indicated in the Douglas Point decision, supra, that it was probably in the public interest and in the interest of the Applicant in that case for an early decision 14/ Id., at 4. 15/ Ibid.1115 262 7-- .on site suitability even though construction at any site would be delayed by as many as five years. The Appeal Board stated that an early rejection of a site would enable the search for an alternate site to begin immediately, a process calculated by that applicant to require as many as nine and one-half years.16 Early hearing in the instant case would allow only the litigation of the adequacy of Applicants' commitments to fulfill NUREG-0578 recommendations plus the issues identi-fied in IE Bulletin No. 79-08 and SECY-79-450. Most of Applicants' commitments defer all detail of how they propose to fulfill their commitments to later description in the FSAR.\ delay generated by waiting for the Long Term Recom-mendations of the Lessons Learnec Task Force, the report and recommendations of the Kemeny Commission and the report and recommendations of the Rogovin Commission could be put, it is submitted, to good use by providing more clarifying detail concerning how Applicants propose to go about ful-filling their proclaimed objective of satisfying the Short Term Recommendations. At the same time availability of the aforesair studies would reveal whether the Short Term Recom-mendations were subject in the near future to modification caused by fundamenral policy changes. 16/ 3 AELR, ar 17, 841-20. 1115 263_3_ .3.Prejudice to a Litigant Caused by Re-opening Due to Supervening Developments. Apart from the burden required to cause the Board to accept for re-litigation a matter that has already been litigated, reopening the record to show changed circum-stances impacts upon all parties by increasing litigation expenses.The burden of going forward with evidence to support a finding of changed circumstances is, therefore, not only a burden of pursuasion but also a monetary burden. The fact that both such burdens might completely be avoided by awaiting the forthcoming reports would make the necessity of making such a showing of changed :ircumstances even more burdensome. In short, the availability of the instant issues for litigation at this time does not in itself justify early hearings on the issues when the validity of the recommenda-tions is subject to qualification in the near future should fundamental polf y changes be forthcoming as the result of longer-term analysis of the TMI-2 event. Applicants show no particular advantage to the public interest or themselves in early hearings that wou-- not potentially remain were scheduling deferred until the upcoming long-term reports are made available. Applicants state only that the issues are ripe for inclusion in the record at this time. Finally, due to the fact that the long-term reports will be available in 1115 264 .the near future, any required re-litigation of issues will be most pernicious to all parties. The State of Oklahoma would conclude by submitting it is prudent to defer having hearings until the issuance of the Long Term Recommendations of the Lessons Learned Task Force, the Kemeny Commission Report and the Rogovin Commis-sion Report. CONCLUSION The State of Oklahoma agrees that it is in the Public Interest to re-open the record for litigation of issues raised by the TMI-2 accident. The question of scheduling should first be deferred until the NRC Commissioners have an opportunity to rule on the propriety of proceeding with the licensing process. Apart from the question of the propriety of whether the licensing moritorium should continue, Oklahoma submits that Applicants have not met their burden of showing that hearings before the issuance of the Long Term Lessons Learned Task Force Report, the Kemeny C0mmission Re crt and e.the Rogovin Commission Report are in the Public Interest. 1115 265

  • .Respectfully submitted, JAN ERIC CARTWRIGHT ATmr 4 Y "ENERAL O~

KLAHOMA 5's ARLES S . ROGERS ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL OHN GREGO Y ..OMAS ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 112 State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405)521-3921 ATTORNEYS FOR STATE OF OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE OF MAILING On this 27th day of August, 1979, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was mailed, postage prepaid, to the following: Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Frederick J. Shon, Member Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatoay Commission Washington, DC 20555 Dr. Paul W. Purdom, Director Environmental Studies Group Drexel University 32nd and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19104 L. Dow Davis, Esquire William D. Paton, Esquire Colleen Woodhead, Esquire Counsel for NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1i15 266 -.Joseph R. Farris, Esquire John R.Woodard, III, Esquire Green, Fellman, Hall & Woodard 816 Enterprise Building Tulsa, OK 74103 Joseph Gallo, Esquire 1050 17th Street, N.W.Seventh Floor Washington, DC 20036 Mr. Clyde Wisner NRC Region 4 Public Affairs Officer 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76011 Andrew T.Daltor., Esquire 1437 South Main Street Room 302 Tulsa, OK 74119 Mrs. Carrie Dickerson Citizens Action for Safe Energy, Inc. P. O. Fox 924 Claremore, OK 74107 Mrs. Ilene H. Younghein 3900 Cashion Place Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Mr. Lawrence Burrell Route 1, Box 197 Fairview, OK 73737 Glenn E. Nelson, Esquire Michael I. Miller, Esquire Isham, Lincoln and Beale One First National Plaza Chicago, IL 60603 Mr. Gerald F. Diddle General Manager Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O.Box 754 Springfield, MO 65801 2-1115 267-

  • .Mr. Maynard Human General Manager Western Farmers Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 429 Anadarko, OK 730C5 Mr. Vaughn L. Conrad Public Service Company of Oklahoma P.O. Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 Mr. T. N.Ewing, Manager Black Fox Station Nuclear Project Public S'arvice Company of Oklahoma P.O. Eox 201 Tulsa, OK 74103 Mr. M. J. Robinson Black & Veatch P.O.Box 8405 Kansas City, MO 64114 George L. Edgar, Esquire Kevin P.Gallen, Esquire Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Suite 700 1800 M.Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20036 1 1 i V=..aRLES S.

ROGERS V i115 268

  • . ..
    .-.-*..The Pmident . -

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  • , ,. .,:. - . - -:.w- .' .e ',:.,..m.---..-'. . ',,...-.Executive. Order 12130 of April 11,19~9

,_.g ,.m..-~ .F-'.p-...-.-.. .*.1--President's : Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island , K y_-- --......,.$., By the-authority vested in me as President by the Constitution of the United .l'Siates of America, and in orde: to provide, in accordance with the provisions I..i. of the Federal Advisory Conxjttee Act (5 U.S.C. App.1), an independent forum to investigate and expl:in the recent accident at the nuclear power ), .-facility at Three .giile Island in ?ennsylvania, it is hereby ordered as follows: .. ..,-k .*...: . * ' .' .1-1. Establishmen.,-. .. . ... . . ~ . . . . . ' .;n:- s ++-; _ ,-.a n ),'..hyp*:p. .?*, , ..,<.v........,.. .. g.g g, .a . established the. President's Comnilision on the Accident..-at " . ...... ....- -, s.~..n--. . ..3,g.r..~--~3.,,.. : :n ..-,. ..-.s..~~ .,.:.'. Three M,ile Islan,d.K ",7 5".W,.'.,~ ~.:- L ~d ~ '~ H =,p.N.W; _; * ^~~"..,,..:.'. .O -_ _ ,,_ p : ,. ..'..,.hl .J ,., . . . c. .,. . . - eu r.@.. 1-102..Re m. e~mGeshipif'th'e ~Commissio. n shall be. composed of. no.t mors,.4". .,~. , . . . . n 4 than twelve: persons i db h ident from among citizens.who are'.; . % ,,..;..v.A..,cl7 > gM 'iot fill ti::ii offib.ers .appo nte . y t e Pres.

or employees within the Executive Branch. The~ Piesidentf.F':

N- a:$' M. u.i$$..N, pD.?l des.v.'~~'shall'.o.ign~ ' ate 7aiC,hairman fron[among.the' members of:the'q:mmissiorE.. d.*G ' 3 Co: :....c.~ I.b.$."N, .v: %;.m .v.; p3 y.-r-:.;, ga a . ,.EN$.>'h':;b'1.-2..Fdnction,sMffM,wd$.w:-g, .m:,= a;a:w. .,,. . .e...i.$'.*dde y.p;-PM /. ,"4 Q.. ..y:.M;@ < ; Q. .m. '?i..- m- -.~.= 5,..: :.-.. . . : .- s

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c. M.s .1.;201; The Commissforrscall conlc.c*:,;.v.- .h'ensive study.and.investiga~ n.,; 1 M. 6 w.q~ r~ M. .:.i~@M;9;- Q~.d? ,;;T ' tion"of the 'r' cent' accident involving tlieinuclear power facility on-Thiie. Mile 7N< h ct a:compre

.'.W$..:;.~ J~e T"S* V. .. ~ d."."+:C'J. . Island'!n Penn'syliania.The. study a.nd investigation shallinclude:. !.M'..'W. pp.s .g.aM, ,..S ;. .,p%;3. .S*.~: c,..:.,;C*w.'p =c.~.'-.) a tech"mcal ass.#. . . . . , _ i Wwc.,..t,-.g. , . ... >,:m' , ty- - ee. d W.^.,; . - - . = ~ O m.- r.l ,w.essment .f the~even'ts and t 'y w , ,-. :. ,..n v .m.:. 2 w.s . . ~.h~ e. . + M'.~. -> - .. A; . ... .y . ir causes;:.W:.r-y.. W*%g%!.rie. ~ ~%m.c-(a.~..o. /.4 qu-- ..,.,. .w.~7.9-a ..J-.- yf. ,- 1,' &.p,h-Qg (b) an analys'is~of the role'of the.managingTitiliti+;:u,"f-EW,4%6WE.~.4@.- ~.

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SvM (c) a':n" asses.K .%V %.3;-cM '. .smentof the ect.rgency preparednes&%'WW Nw~:s and response of the NuclearM p 15 r ~ -:-.-'g.MM;-M3. Ic, v.2.a'.cc.g{i,, Re ^ + . -~ .- v. -i ' -. -'" r f.',~4~.. .:. ,,.5.:.W *.

  • v gulatory. Commission and other Federal, state and !ccal auth'orities; ;';.Mj:

~ f.'3'" f., e-t h .:'.}~:~.. sq ~ ' -~ . % Ci ' - ; *.m ;d w.".".'~m Ara,e. ...... .. -.W. L_ COOK (d) an.-evaluation;of th,e Nuciear. Regulatory Commission's licensing..!nspecW. or.; 7 ';.' c, -~'. .a 3 w. 4.b: ftion, operation and enforce =entprocedures as app

  • lied to this facility:.l4+~:= .E 7

'_ . < - . . -::. :'c.: .: .,. ..-n ..a--.~ - - - .- --:- .r*%-c v-C*'..'?,,..? _. [e}' air assessment of how the"public's right to infor: mat [on'Concerning t!ie' U'd!J ",*-

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,)s , ,.,.events at Three Mile-Island was served and ~of the steps which. should 'be ~; 3 ,,-l', -Q ,', .7-[c; hensible and tinfely infor=ation: and C ., : ;--i.cwi . ': ;5 $ P g;1.; . e :LQ ~ taken during similar emergencies'to provide the public with accurate, compre- 'S '~n '"" -' ' ';rT .: :....e. $1 f_. %,-;; % ,,.-y**:7.v. ,;. ..- ; . ., ,.. s ;--;- . * . . . ~ . -~ _ s ; . -

  • "c - -.7 (f) appropriat,e recommend 5ticcs-ba_ sed upon the Commis.sion's Endings. Q ' . . . I

.. -(',-: ';'.z , ,., r.r -- -. . . .. -. . .,..' . - a' 1-202. The Commission shall prepare and transmit to the Pr'esident and to the7 .~. m :. . . . .'...c.-.; Secretaries of Energy and Health. Education and Welfare a final report of its"-., findings and recommendations. .. ~ . -.. .n----..~. . , ,e.-.~* ~ ..: ; . ..,q, ]l.@ *. , q. .,-1-3. Administmtion. .' - '., o 0 .: S . *. -~'*-..---. ... . o't.,..: 1-301. The Chairman of the Commission is authorized to appoint and fix the .-compensation of c staff of such7. sons as may be necessary to discharge the. ~ ..c#-*Commission's responsiHlW-subject to the applicable provisions of the -Federal Advisory. Committee Act and Title 5 o.f the' United States. Code.' ._ <. .1-302. To thk e. . .s .a'D-xtent authorized by law and requested b'y the' Cha'irman of the . .-;.,. _Commission. the General Services Administration shall provide the Commis.. -- 3-sien with.necess y administrative services, facilities, and s,upport on a ,. <:-.l-.'teimbursable basis.

  • l-'.-j 1.... . . . -- .-.. . w: u....-. . .. . ,.1-303, Tne Department of Energy and the Department of Health. Education.

$_.-... ..;.-c and Welfare shall. to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availabil.c' ..s ,3'. . - -.,. ity of funds, provide the Con mission with such facilities. support funds and f T. , ,.. m : .. ,. ..>..n. : -- .. .-,.: .,.,.t.'.'~.-*...-..-.. .'--..A .U. . .u- -4..- .; . . . ,. .-.--*.. " , A.TTACliMENT- I .k1b'269-,.-.--~..-.. *,. - '..i.:...y... n.Pnaen m .a'---s. ..--..." , servicesfincluding staff as may be necessary for the effeciive performance of J'.'A..the Commission's, functions. . ..: ..-et. .,' . u .. . -..-a .. . . . ...1-304. The... Commission may request any Executive agency to ' furnish,'such ...-.,.'.' information advice or' assistance as it deems necessary to carry out-itsb,f .s. . -. d.. functions. Each such agency-is directed. to the extent permitted by!!aw' to' W ' furnish such information, advice or assistance upon request by the Chai. man .T~ .of the Commission.

, f.

.g. , .,-, 1-305. Each member of the Commission may receive cos.pensation"aD&.,.;.. e...'n s.maximum rate now or bereafter prescribed by law for each day sech me':nbeiS is engaged in the work of the Commission. Each = ember may also receive'T .travel expenses including per diem in lieu of subsistence (5 U.S.C. 5703'andy .,-5703). .s. ~ . -'-ML. M.: ..--: m.m..' ' '.'E'1-300. The functions of the President under the Federal Advisory Committier .~.. 3.,. Act which are applicable to the Commission. except that of're9ortin8 annually %w% ..*4', , . ... .. ^-...'.. .. to the Congress. shall be perform.ed._ by the Administrator of General Services,.Wr:0 .' ~ + -.v- *f,2*.- . . .. , . .; ,; ,. ., , A D ' . .% . .'.' ,' W. .+;y4,.. _ . ,*?p%.**.-'.,_-

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,- .g g. -.4....:..., , . , ...;..e....,... , . , .,, ..., ; ,q. g ,,, ,, . a; . . .w.y g , ,.. g, ,,. . .-

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e y .1, . ,,.'c,]-r. . . . . . .. ..3'.. , . . . . . . ... .,.-,.w.... .. };n.... . . . , . .-.--.,..-%.s-:- :_

  • r .v.;p . . .a. .cq.. e ' v .E

.'..s+.. -i;...(.,..,..e.: reg . . ..... , ,. ,. , .4.',-.. . ~ ~ . . -...... . . . .e ; . . . . - e .: .3 . ,,..fg ..,.i.,*ti. - c.g r.r; in .p;*ru .."r. .. . .- .. -4.e .s :- , z.-:*g.- .* y -. ._ e ,.rs.,.. . .e ..n 1,cgari, economic consadcratior nie I r numeuaan. .mgesed by a

  • olher s.1hc Weihecs. lay die ettsve l>A ught Comanisskm Cleala man John Ke-

.i l cla r ed commbshm meentaer Caroly n of brensing w all r94 "fusc< lose" the could easily f orecluse certas wh6un e.. sosume bauang lu e uses the sesosigest scaction yet 1,y mcm. meny, tresident el Dartmouth Cul .la wis as latntun testained. Smulhalaty of other resporements as changes wheth the I reshler.46a e alunin' pou rr plet s, act use d the l+a s of the 12 preson pa es!Jensial lege. told reporters cather the NHC . llarry hfel'hrtson, a lawyer anil a resuu a;f what earlous Tlate Mile g,aiwg might , in f art. call f..r. uch-ar h e etulator y t'ummsuiuas p.nasol w hish has been Insestigatang sleuiald not cuaislJer resuming the li c onetaane adv4wr to 1* resident tan-3*la'kl lhVrStaKat6ans pruduce. Tes tor, a ssuviceir g.hpicht (soss sue sday of ads prating pohcacs the "t htre Elite Island accideng censing psocess 1,efuse has panca's idenn Johnson,1018 f)cuton the move"htr. tknlon, I tlank you're kkt- l'isucetoes l'nive rsatt , said he ha, hu h remi.I lead to anollar lhace klas t h Zil near flag sistsurg, Pa. " repas t IS IEsWed- * * *

  • The presidential' panel m' N ' '

.? As wsm aaw,lher sign of puur manage. d6 sing sne swapped taack Asisema"not see n the hasas" for lacntor alc is!..n I tm ailent

Afics questionhag Incnton fut ruure , ust'sub-liaiuhl lernaun, du e t tur of the than three hous s the resumastlost , mit a report on Three blile Istathile,s nwnt and Imilcyntaking within itse Gov. firuce Italdntt, a panel mee n-ca.nclusions the tuo dose

, , agency, which regulates the nuclear ter. "What you're saying as that now chans;es required by she hitC u.'hC's a Hhce of licartur hcgulathm, . voted to call the hve NitC commes. 1* rest.lcat Jimray Carter hy Oct. 25 'c halustry. . -a can !gnos e the s ecommendations",uf snake nuclear 4 ants"I fm-ed made public a dernh.n.Wednes; . sluncta to testif y and said sub. demeny sakt he sind other. panel"These policy situations' bill re. this conuunssima. _ , y . ganised in do its l..h an the giess oa memh&rs were partientarly cou-;f 'motif unsure ihat she NitC is sa ey for the agency's staff to resun.e 'poenaea would be astued if the iseilt an fulme Tnil 2n uhe crippled Isabbut and anottwr en-mission occunig hornse ape laratsuns for conomisslosicrs dhin't show. . ' . ; cerned about the fd!!C's planned sei, .reattor'Is Unit No. 2 at Thrre 446te s**ndscr. "Ictfoed laylor, niiphed it etug of safe opca uf scatturs/ seusicar powe r plants af ter a Artmg NltC Chais man Illt har,) aumption of licensing because thelfs Island) tanlest things are changed," that once construttaan or upciathen f.c said.-w rce smmth latese panmpted by the appeased meal anused the . Investigallon ad far has prompted .Ef rPharton se!J. .2nnutiauia nm h as archlent, pr es& dent 44) 3.anel. *1 he commis.- numesous ' questions hbout, whettger i. g)cnfun argued that future l6cens-I ac. %mg runwl. retums .includd, sum has taken am pusitumin scapect the licesssing pi acess is safe.'- 4 ing of the new plants depends oss alahoma's Atlas k I'un tinata I and to this e Dentant memus as dum." Itug . ? Econeny sm&J he resed of the NitC's .the. utilities eoniormin's with 2 ; he slupped shuel of assuring th decish,n to retume the ticensing pro- changes which have t een required I.ater, how eve r, Is toldt the panel that hveming wuuld not be te(,' cess for hew reactors la the newspa ' as a result 6f the Tlisee &!de Islaiul e uw I the agency's staff u til hol.t edi ~ suined lecios e the laivcsilpative 'sc'3 .'Per, as d6J ethess on the panel. ^, . . -.,,.cident. * ^

  • ItC comndulonce s g6te s e 4 car go-NHC sinkestnaen l<s eeik,,Ingr amg"The NHC seems to,be,thumting Dculou told the shcplical pe esiden-a the hecnstad e.autesi until thq . pos t is luued

.. , o ten 1 '4 he peder, u hlth luad yet to said the other fons' runinaissioners e-.H i appenscd by ibe hve NitC runi. , ucre neatnatalle to tesof y. g ~j luonnes s.,u ouba hee threctly af I nic pa csucnomil'snur to the reltachi cutbus st frurie - !*cita anempn in st uwsuing comminian:<ine . y*ctites li r fat c sae'W scactat s anal NItC sa Rif had madd ${ Licar it wouhl >*en s t s u c t ion pe s anils f or !!ve , resume the lice nsing pe occedmgs.i*6.t..g b b.C\-e*-~]y.-.d I g li tY i N-.m-~ ..,..'-..,-;-.,. . . . .. .r.. .. ....,- - .'", '350sWN.- Federal Re:;ister71/ol. 4C No.118 f h!onday. June 18.1979 7. Notices ' .... . .. . .. .. .'-'~i , .,. g . s % . ' Washington. D'.C' 20555. Attention:.. A copy of items (2) and (3}'may be

~obtained upon request addressed to the ..;'

[ Docket No. 50-245) ..'Director. Division of Operat!ng Reactose. -U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissica. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co., et al.:. Deted at Beth eda. Maryland, tMs tot day W&D E ' M'hh "'!Issuance of Amendment to Provisional if I" IF8- ~Director. Division cf Operating Reactors. .Operating Ucense - -'*For the Nucleer Itegulamry Comm.isesc a. -.Dated at Bethesda, h!aryland. $ts 5th day. The O.S. Nuclear Regulatory - . . .- Den braana, of June tW2. .~..- ' Commission (the Commission) has Issued Amendment No. 6: to Provisional CVef. OPcMries Reactors Beench No. J.. For the Nuclear Regulatory Cocmission.- -Operating Ucense No. DPR-:1. Issued to D'ioa o/ CP'*f ^#CC'#- Robert W. Reid. '-Northeast Nuclear Energy Company. P ow *=co rM 6-tm ad aml -Chief OperctingRecciors BMnch No. 4. , , .The Hartford Electric Ught Company. . same coes ""*" Dimion of Operaties Recerces. Western Massachusetts Electric .--p o,,,.Esan ru.a im %.-Company, and Connecticut Ught and ,'.. ,"*--'*l Power Company (the licensees), which*; ;.(Docket No. 50-344). <-/.c-._ ',,3,,a coo n , m ,. -, .m.<.. -. 8 -

  • a . . m Q.

...*'revised Technical SpeciEcations for " *. ' --w' ' '-.'s...._ ..3*.* W ? operatica of the Afillstone Nuclear 4% .The Toledo Edison Co. and the .Three Mile Island Inquiry; Statement ot~ .- C:eveland Electric illuminating Co.;.. pai;gy , ,.;,.,. , , , g Mi ?.N Power Station. Unit No.1 (de facility), ... ; .g g.g, q., ,.g.g

j. 91 :locatedinWaterford .. Issuance of Amendment to Facility-%v.. , g, . June 4.19].3 ,, , , m.q ;

g,,, m.',*N'Y amendment is effective as'ofits date of dl. Cperating Ucense j-- rg.., JP 'f Issuance.; jp."t@4^.".4'A.- *7. id; yh,'* Q,gNycle'ar' Reg'.bIM >at ry Cpssion h ...5.[ h'a's instituted a SpecialInquiry '%... g~ e at 3 wo.;er.This amendment authorizes revisionst Commissica (the Commissiot , aas 4'. ,* ' review and rep rt on the accident whic_l)- 'Wd .t's Appndix ATechnical Spec!Ecations *' issued A=end=ent No.15 to Facility . place at 6e nne hills Js'and, uc,; k..,.h,Q cooldown. operations, system ;M':,m ~ Ceveland Electric BluminatingR',qtoughness requiiements of Appendix.G2 t' The Toledo Edison Ccmpan'yjndThe ~ Q,' t -.MTto ensure compliance.with the fracture'N Operating Ucense No. NPF-3. issued to . Nuclear Station No; 2 begintung on ne. -- ~' .arch 3.1979.The primary objective of

5. .to 10 CFR Part 50 during eatup an :d X*,-t

-h'" the inquiry ' ill be to prepare.a report ; w..l)f'Etioig.., y' ! w. hydrostatic tests and reactor coreg i. ; Company (the icensees , or oper which makes factaal determinations.7..g; -.-M.;of the Davis.Besse Nuclear Power ~' f [L .Q,citicality, 6.g, s.Vispp.6f E' Station. Unit No.1 (the facility) located.geaceming 6e actual events which.w ccurred and their caasestand the,y e; N1J:.d:.The application for the amendment.' . in Ottawa County Ohio.The ~ ~ ~ . . , . a'.- A' i'rei;uirements of the Atomic. Energy Act'% amen ment is ef'ective as ofits'da'teIf.; . acti as f utility and Comnuss, ion 9 complies with the stan'dards and t '' r pers enel before and during the a ..e .. J--&issuancew w"M e./~' -accident. The inquiry will also identify. - ~~ ~ ~e.*_C.,$ of 1954, as amended [the Ac*). and BeCom=ission's rules and regulations..Tbp. ne amudment nmons, a satisfied;;,.~ -'*-areas of deficiency revealed by the- E.: condition of the beense wluch required . . accident and areas !n which further . .I TCom.cussion has made' appropriate .,. - ..' " Nf.ndinis as required by the Act and the , . submission of operating reecer coolant nvestigation is warranted.N., , , r ,~system n w da*a., . a, ., , , ; ,g.. : The Commission wtll contract with2 : ..Cocumssion's rules and regulations in 10 The Commission has mada 2 : _ _ . .4

  • 5- cCFR Chapter I. which are set forth in the . appropnate findings as required by the : . the law firm of Rogovin. Stern and Huge.

' license amendment. Prior public notice Washington D.C. to conduct $e Special E J 'of tais amendment was not required q- Atomic Energy Act of1954. as amended Inquiry. The inquiry will be headed by a - ^since the amendment does not involve a 3 (the Act), and the Commission's rules

  • Director. Mitchell Regovin. Mr. Rogovin and regulations ,n t,0 CFR Chapter I.

-will have the authority to designate a '

  • -.signi!! cant hazards cons:deration., i*which are set forth in the beense.

staff of his choosing. including both NRC I.The Commission has determined that amendment. Prior publienot:ce of th s personnel, and staff and consultants ~the issuance of this amendment wtll not amendment was not required since the from outside the Commission. It is- - .result in any significant environmental . ammd=mt dces not mvolve a expected that in assembling a staff. the .impact and that pursuant to 10 CFR significant hazards consideratien. Director will draw substantially on I 51.5(dl(4) an environmental impact - .The Commission has determined that senior Commission staf!. including -statement or negative declaration and s.the issuance of this amendment will not Commission personnel and consultants environmeatal "npact appraisal need -~not be prepared in connection with . result in any significant envi.onmental currently engaged in conducting an ,- issuance of this amendment, impact and that pursuant to 10 CFR-interim inquey into the matter. The -For furtser details with respect to iis 51.5(d)(4) an environmental impact Director will possess full independence statement or negative declaration and in carrying out the inquiry.and will be actiori, see (1) the application for . amendment dated June 8.1978, and . . environmentalimpact appraisal need removable only for maJeasance or. . . ..-..-- supplement thereto dated (u!y 1.1977. not be preparedin connection with- neglect of duty.To fur 6er such

issuance of th:s amend =ent.

-Indepent.ence the Director w:11 maintain (2) Amendment No.52 to Ucense No.1,.~ . DPR-21. and (3) the Commission's - - For further details with respect to this records of all' discussions beering on the -. related Safety Evaluation. All of these - action, see (1) the licensee *s letter dated ' inquiry between $ose conducting 6e Items are available for publicinspection- January 16.1979. (0) Amendment No.15 inquiry and any member of de ..f at the Commission's Public Document. to License No. NPF-3 and (3) the Commission.or a Ccmmissioner's Rocci.1717 H Street.NW Washington. Commission's related Safety Evaluation. personal staf.f. T's Commission will D.C. and at the Waterford Public All of dese items are available for designate a senior NRC official to whom Ubrary. Rope Ferry Road. Route 158. public-inspection at the Commission's it will delegate its statutory power to. . , .Waterford. Connecticut 06385. A single. Public Document Room.1717 H Street, conduct investigaticns, issue subpoena s," copy ofitems (2) and (3) may be N.W., Wasiungton D.C. and at 6e Ida and administer oaths in crder that these obtained upon request addressed to $e , Rupp Public Ubrary 310 Madison Street, powers willbe available to fur 6er the Port Clinton Chio.. SpecialInquiry. The Commission will U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. grant to the Director access to any and --.-...,-.. .... . ....' Federal Register / Vo!.'44. No.118 / Stonday.' lune-18.19791 Notices -3506S-'Commission that he deems necessaryto .- of the accident;other design effects OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND conduct a full and complete inquiry, and related to the Di!-2 accident.. BUDGET'wdl provide appropriate administrative --ntI-2 operations. including training ..~..' 'R U hh support for carrying out the inquiry. It is and qualifications of personnel- '.expected that reports issued and' cperating procedures and


.analyses performed by other persons management overview: technical ,g g.{and organizations w 11 be utilized where support to operating personnel and I agencies propose public use forms. -I.useful. It is antreipated that the Special management. e4o cudkeepig.inquiry will taxe approximately six-emergency response to the Dil-2 requirements. the Office of Management i months.v.cident by the utility, bther ut:lities and Budget (OMB) reviews and acts cm The Special!nquiry represents a.d utility groups, and industnal . those requirements under the Fedral-r najor phase of the Commission's - organizations, including -coordination with NRC and other Reports Act (44 USC. Chapter 33). evaluation of the accident andits ~.,' . -Federal. State, and local ofScials, Departments and agencies use a number V implications. It is not intended to - 9-duplicate the efforts of the President's" and assessment and dissemination of techniques includin.g public hearings to consult with the public on significant . Commission on the Accident at Three s St.!e Island. It is designed instead so M.,,l ._ e,of information.mergency planning b.y, and . .-.'cf reportmg reuire=ents before seeking . ..W OMB approval OMB in carrying out its '. T that the Nuclear Regulatory c i"~ . . emergency response plans appro,ved responsibility under the act also :. * -y order to fulSilits ownv.?? NRC: actual emergency '- considers comments on the forms and.. - ,'4 reFulatory responsibdities.will have the . . 7 response to the acefdent by NRC/ , reccrdkeeping require =ents that wil!C~ 'y".*fullest possible understanding of the . . '~ Commissioners, on site and at.t.'., . .......g.-3 ." ' -events at Three Mile Island both from , , including' staff. ACRS and , " 1 .-affect the public ."' -*M-'..--.O, ..-the technical standpoint and from thek '- he a dquarters: NRC coordina tion (f,'. Ilst of Forms Under Redew; '~ c ,%standpoint of how its regulatory _ i 'El,'*with Federal. State, and local -.Every hionday and Thu'rsday OhiB.b, * ~ - processes functioned.The purpose of'.V f ' ;ofScials, the utility; industry %: df. publishes a list of the agency forms . .' . - L*,#'that evaluation is to per=2t the

sources, and the national . * ,- received for review since the last 11st . ~--

q.,#. . . -Cornmission to take whatever further9.. laboratories:NRC assessment and: %las published.The list has all the.n M'.. -., steps may be necessary to prevent anys;. -l . dissemination ofinformation(entries for one agencytogether and M .' ,~ , . .similar accident in the future, and to..r..."- communications and chain of : . i'": cccmand within NRC ~ W-l:[. ' grouped into new for:ns. revisions, or d 'y improve the NRC's ability to respond to - , ev. tensions. Each entry contains the.S + accidents. & - f'".7.c.The SpedalInquhy will'also asses's - .g{' following information:-C--<g The specific areas which the Specialw the possible implications of the accident ne na ne ind telephone number of the - ' . * , ' 6 Inquiry will examine include the 7 - . at ntI-2 (including design of the -.g following: ~.., 3 c..> .M~ k facility, operations. regulatory actions.- agency clearance ofscer:- - --'... ne office of the agency issuing this for=t '., . . --the sequence of events during the% emergency preparedness) for other . ' ' ne ut!e of the for=:. - -...f 'accident.what was happemng to the . 7 nuclearpower plants and identify areas ne agency form numl.c.if appheable: -- E'reactor and the plant including.e. where further study is recommended. How often de form mu.t be fined out J.S where feasible, an assessment of ' Based on these assessments and .r- ..Who mu be required or asked to reporn. .i M P important alternative sequences: the .reccmmendations, the Commission will b out be?response of the operating personnel: undertake such additional radioactive releases and exposures: . investigations analyses and actions as g ,,m, og gy,,dnMi df hA' is'D --~;.needed to all out de form; and ~ .-f events at the plant before the 11 considers appropriate in $a discharge ne name and telephone numb *rof the ' _ .accident that clight be related to the of its responsibilities. -'C.- penson or office responsible for CMB - -accident. . .The Director will keep the . -review.-.-.-Se history of the NRC review of the Commission informed on a periodic-Reporting or recordkeeping '- - -'7' 'utility's aoplication for a license to-basis of the progress of te inquiry. Any requirements that appear to raise n'o * -operate Three Mile Island No. :: - information ofim:nediate public health signincant issues are approved NRC license conditions on ntI-- or safety sign 1Scance will be reported promptly. In addition. most repetitive '- , operations. including technical promptly to the Co=missica.The

  • repomng requirements or forms that

-speci5 cations: the operatir.g and Commission emphasizes that it will take require one half hour or less to complete inspection history at UC-:: the whatever regulatory action it deems and a total of 20.000 hours orless 'crerating and inspection histories of necessary at any time. based on annually wd! be approved ten business-e e other Babcock & Wilcox plants.. Informatica available to it at that time. days after this notice is published unles's ~ /, focused en anyindications of the By instituting the Special!nquiry. Se specific issues are raised; such forms are -!4ypes of problems that arose in the . Commissionintends no suggestion $at identiSed in the list by an asterisk (*)., ' -C.TMI-2 accident: a summaryof NRC1 it wtil withhold regulatery action with

  • past consideration of such problems: respect to identified deficiencies until . . Comarents and Questions

.., b'the extent to which financial or tax ' ' the inquiry is completed.. _ ,. Copies cf the proposed forms and 4-consideration influenced conditi,ons ~ Dated at Washmaton. D.C. this 13th day of suppceting documents may be obtained m the plant in any way that augnt . June,19rs. from the agency clearance officer whose , have contributed to de accident: -'For de Commission. . name and telephone number appear }any other precursor events or -%,; gg.under the agency narne. Comments and -analyses relevant to the accident. ,. .- questions about the items on this list' --the susceptibility of Babcock &. p m mem e -should be directed to the OMB reviewer Nilcox plants to accidents; unique or office listed at de end cf each entry.,y features of TMI-2 that may have ~ , If you anticipate commenting on a - ~, increased or decreased the severity . -forra but find that time to prepare will ' 'P'00RORQNX-g6'._,}}