L-03-050, Emergency Preparedness Plan & Implementing Procedures (Volumes 1, 2 & 3), Epp/Ip 1.6, Revision 16 Through Attachment 10

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Emergency Preparedness Plan & Implementing Procedures (Volumes 1, 2 & 3), Epp/Ip 1.6, Revision 16 Through Attachment 10
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 03/26/2003
From: Bezilla M
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
-RFPFR, L-03-050
Download: ML030970205 (108)


A5.735B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 EPP/IP 1.6 Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Document Owner Manager, Emergency Preparedness Revision Number 16 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes CONTROLLED BVPS UNIT 3 Beaver Valley Power Station Procer EPPIP 1.6 Title Unit Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number EFFECTIVE INDEX Issue 8 Rev. 0 1 Issue 9 Rev. 0 1 2 3 Rev. 5 6 7 8 9 Rev. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OSC Approved OSC Approved Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Simple Change Simple Change 3-17-87 4-12-90 10-9-90 6-28-91 12-29-92 2-9-93 1-1-94 11-15-94 12-8-95 4-3-96 6-17-97 1-1-98 4-1-98 12-2-99 8-8-01 11-15-01 8-15-02 2-25-03 Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station EPPJIP 1.6 Title Unit Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number.16 ii of i TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Purpose B. References C. Responsibilities D. Action Levels/Precautions E. Procedure F. Final Condition G. Attachments Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___EPPIIP 1.6 Title Unit: Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision:

Page Number.1 6 1 of 30 A. PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance for the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) staff in the activation, operation and deactivation of the Emergency Operations Facility and the Alternate EOF.B. REFERENCES 1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures.

2.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Operating Manual.3.0 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E.4.0 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." 5.0 NUREG-1394 "Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Implementation".

6.0 Condition Reports #00-2202, #01-3759 Condition Report #02-04166 Condition Report #02-07562 C. RESPONSIBILITIES The E/RM is responsible for ensuring the actions in Section E.1.1 and E.1.2 are completed.

The Assistant to the E/RM or EOF Operations Coordinator, under the direction of the E/RM, is responsible for the actions outlined in Attachment 3 of this IP. The Support Services Manager is responsible for the completion of Attachment 1 to this IP. This attachment shall be completed for each contractor/vendor arriving onsite during an emergency response.

The Offsite Agency Liaison is responsible for the actions outlined in Attachment 4 and Attachment 2, if applicable.

D. ACTION LEVELS/PRECAUTIONS 1.0 ACTION LEVELS 1.1 An emergency condition, classified as Site Area or General Emergency has been declared at Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1, Unit 2 or as requested by the Emergency Director or determined by the E/RM.

Beaver Valley Power Station re EPNmbr 1.6 1 Title: Unit: LevelOfUse Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference' Deactivation Revision:

Page Number. -Sf 16 I 9f0 Ii I, t1 e I NOTE: If this procedure is being implemented from the AEOF, ensure the ERDS link(s)to the NRC have been activated per Attachment 2 of this procedure.

NUREG-1394 requires activation of the ERDS link(s) within one (1) hour of tie declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

lt 2.0 PRECAUTIONS NOTE: Operability of the TSC and EOF is checked as part of Operations Manual, Chapter 58.Emergency activation of the TSC and EOF will include operability checks in addition to those mentioned above. I l2.1 The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) must be activated should an emergency condition be classified as a Site Area or General Emergency...

However, the EOF may be activated upon the direction of the Emergency/Recovery Manager in conjunction with the, Emergency Director.This activation may occur at any classification providing the minimum requirements outlined in Section E.1.0 of this IP are met. It 2.2 The Emergency Operations Facility will provide the following functions:

  • Overall management of licensee resources in response to an emergenc.having actual or potential environmental consequences.
  • Additional support to the TSC and reactor operators in the Contro Room.NOTE: Upon EOF activation, EA&DP functions being performed by the TSC will become EOF responsibilities.

2.3 During a declared emergency, all personnel shall receive a radiological briefinlfrom the TSC RadCon Coordinator or assigned RadCon personnel prior tc exiting the ERF. I IF,'L I Beaver Valley Power Station EPPINP 1.6 Title: Unit Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation R evision Page Number.I 1 6 a; of 30


NOTE: The EOF should be activated as soon as possible, but, in all cases, within one (1) hour of a SITE AREA EMERGENCY or higher classification.

BVPS will continue to maintain an ERO and notification system which will have the objective of meeting the 30/60 minute response time criteria specified in NUREG-0654.

It is recognized that 100% staff augmentation, within 30 minutes, may not be achievable under all circumstances.

The Onsite staff shall be augmented as soon as reasonably achievable.

1.0 ACTIVATION 1.1 Upon declaration of an ALERT or higher emergency, the Emergency/Recovery Manager (EJRM) SHALL: 1.1.1 Inform the Emergency Director the EOF is ready for activation when sufficient staffing is available and the necessary emergency equipment is energized or operable.* The EIRM and the EA&DP Coordinator SHALL determine that the necessary emergency equipment and communications systems are available for minimum staffing.* The Assistant to the E/RM or the EOF Operations Coordinator (if they are present) MAY use Attachment 3 to determine that sufficient staffing is available.

  • The Offsite Agency Liaison, in conjunction with the EOF Computer Operator, if present, MAY use Attachment 4 "Offsite Agency Liaison-Activation Checklist" to determine that the necessary emergency equipment is energized or operational.

1.1.2 Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC) and receive a briefing/turnover from the Emergency Director (using EPP/IP 1.3,'Turnover Status Checklist", if necessary).

1.2 The Emergency/Recovery Manager, or designee SHALL declare the EOF operational and inform the TSC Emergency Director.

I I.s rs o s, *Pmdure Ntumlbf:.Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/1P1.6 Title: Unit: Level Of Use: I , l Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Referen(Deactivation Revision Page Number IL 64olf30 1.2.1 Announce the formal activation of the EOF over the following:

  • ERF Building Page* Operations and RadCon headset circuits.* Plant Page Party System 2.0 OPERATION NOTE: If access to the EOF is restricted due to radiological or other conditions, the EC personnel shall relocate to the Alternate EOF (Attachment 2 of this procedure) uni such time as access is available.

The AEOF is provided with emergency equipme and materials to support initial response.If problems are EOF specific, EOF personnel may co-locate with TSC personnel (the TSC or other locations within the ERF Building) and not report to the AEOF.If the TSC is inaccessible, TSC personnel will relocate per EPP/IP 1.4, Attachment"Guidance For ERF Evacuation/Inaccessible".

2.1 The Emergency Operations Facility is located in the Emergency Respond Facility.

Equipment and facilities required for the implementation of the BVE EPP are located in the EOF, including dedicated communication circuits.2.2 Some of the EOF equipment will fall under the guidance of EPP/IP 1"Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation" and EPPI]1.2 "Communication and Dissemination of Information".

2.3 The functional responsibilities of the individual EOF personnel are identified Section 5 of the BVPS Emergency Preparedness Plan.3.0 DEACTIVATION I-)F til nt lin 4,.L se S 4 3.1 Upon joint concurrence from the Emergency Director and ti Emergency/Recovery Manager, the EOF shall be deactivated.

n e r 2 3.2 Provisions shall be made with the Emergency Director to transf responsibilities back to the TSC or a Recovery Organization per EPP/LP 6"Termination of the Emergency and Recovery".

3.3 Emergency equipment/supplies shall be deactivated and restored to preactivatic status.IF I

-v Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/IP 1.6 hTutle: Unit: Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Numbera 16civto 5 of a F. FINAL CONDITIONS This procedure shall be terminated after the following conditions have been met.1.0 All records generated during the response have been provided to the Offsite Agency Liaison who will forward the records to Emergency Preparedness.

2.0 All functional equipment/supplies have been restored to preactivation status.3.0 The EOF staff has been relieved of all duties associated with the operation of the EOF.4.0 When normal operations are restored, or a recovery organization has been established.


Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Num be r Title: --UniL Level Of Use: l I Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision:

Page Number. 1___ 6 _6of D I-INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1t1 f Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNumber

____________________________________EPPIIP 1.6 Title Unit: Level Of Use.Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number.I 1 6 7 of can ATTACHMENT 1 (1 of 1)A5.715DX CONTRACTOR/VENDOR AUGMENTATION PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT (Example)1) Name: 2) SSN: 3) Parent Company: 4) Occupation or Title: 5) You have been assigned to assist in emergency response activities at: (Location)

6) At this location, you will report to: (Name)7)8)(Title)You are expected to report at anipm on (Date)You will serve in the following capacity: 9) You will (will not) attend training at at _ _amlpm.on (Location)(Date)NOTE: While you are performing emergency response or recovery efforts at the Beaver Valley Power Station, you will be expected to follow approved BVPS procedures, unless otherwise directed by BVPS Supervisory personnel.

Vendor procedures and/or procedures of other utilities shall not be used at BVPS unless their use is specifically approved by the BVPS Onsite Safety Committee.

THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. No onsite information shall be released to the news media or to members of the public except by BVPS Nuclear Communications personnel.

If you are approached by news media personnel, refer all questions to the BVPS Joint Public Information Center.

Procedure Number: I I Beaver Valley Power Station --EPP/11 1.6 Md.lee Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit: Level Of Use 1/2 IGeneral Skill Referer..ceF h 1CI General Skill Referer Revision:

Page Number !IF~ If I I n Ii I fII INTENTIONALLY BLANK Ir'K ,z.~ I t~'f,I 1~t Ia 1r I---- .11 Beaver Valley Power Staion Procedure Number:._ ._ _ __ __ _ v _ a __ __ _ __ __ __EPPIIP 1.6 Title Unit: Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision:

Page Number.1 6 -9 onf 0 Attachment 2 (1 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY A. PURPOSE The purpose of this attachment is to describe the activation of the Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF). Instructions will be provided for activation of the Alternate EOF during day-light working hours, for activation during non-day-light hours, and when the Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) is activated.

Additionally, this procedure addresses activation of the ERDS Computer from the AEOF.B. REFERENCES NUREG 0696 -"Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities" NUREG 1396 -"Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)" Implementation" C. RESPONSIBILITIES The Offsite Agency Liaison, or designee, under the direction of the Emergency/Recovery Manager is responsible for activating the Alternate EOF.D. ACTION LEVEL/PRECAUTION 1.0 Action Level 1.1 A situation exists at the Beaver Valley Power Station which requires relocation of the EOF staff due to radiological or plant conditions.

or Access to the Emergency Operations Facility other restrictive conditions.

is blocked due to radiological or Beaver Valley Power Station ureNumJ 1 Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit: I LevelOfUse:

11 GenerlSilRfr I Skill Referen Revision:

l Page Number.I In I 11I01t ii I Attachment 2 (2 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY


1.0 Alternate EOF activation (ERF Building activated/JPIC not activated).

II NOTE: The TSC and EOF are already staffed and activated. (EOF Evacuation)

NOTE: NUREG-1394 requires activation of the ERDS Computer within one (1) hour of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

I 1.1 Upon direction by the Emergency/Recovery Manager (in conjunction with the Emergency Director), EOF personnel shall transfer appropriate responsibilities(to the TSC, OSC, or Control Room, (overall command and control, dose projections, etc.) prior to proceeding to the AEOF. Mangers, Coordinators!

Liaisons, Offsite Agencies, etc. shall proceed to the AEOF. Assistants wilil report to Assembly Areas, or home as instructed by their respective Emergency Coordinators.

1.2 Proceed to the AEOF per Figure 1.1 I NOTE: Designated personnel have been authorized by BVPS Security, notified anc provided access to the JPIC Bldg.1.3 Emergency/Recovery Managers and Offsite Agency Liaisons are pre-designate&

personnel possessing key-card access and shall enter the JPIC via the key-card door south entrance.I A.. .--

Beavr e Powe SProcedue Number Beaver Val.lkey Power StationEPPAIP

1.6 Title

Unit Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revisiont Page Number_____16 11 of30 Attachment 2 (3 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY NOTE: There are two key-card readers outside the JPIC door. One card reader unlocks the door and the other card reader deactivates the alarm.1.4 Personnel shall place their key-card onto the "Alarm" card reader first to deactivate the alarm system (green light). Then, place key-card on "Door" card reader and open door. (Additional instructions are on outside and inside of the door.)1.5 Proceed to the AEOF. Using the key from the Break-glass Box by the AEOF door, unlock the door across from the Media Workroom (not the door in the Media Presentation Area).1.6 Go the end of the hall and open the door to the north entrance and place the magnetic "Entrance" sign on the outside of the door. All personnel shall enter via this door.1.7 All AEOF personnel shall park in the area shown in Figure 1.1.8 All AEOF personnel shall show their BVPS ID card to Security at the AEOF door (same format as the ERF).1.9 Use Attachment 2.1 "AEOF Equipment Activation Checklist", to activate facility lighting and communications, if necessary.

1.10 Contact the Emergency Director (and other applicable personnel appropriate locations) and transfer designated responsibilities back to personnel.

at the AEOF Beaver Valley Power Station Pl e rE PP/N P 1.6 i lMd.I Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unt Level Of Use: 1/2 1General Skill Referer ce,--Revision:

Page Number: I4 IC I II I I ILOI III_Attachment 2 (4 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY 2.0 Alternate EOF activation (JPIC activated).

NOTE: -The TSC and EOF are already staffed and activated (EOF Evacuation).

1.2.1 Upon direction by the Emergency/Recovery Manager (in conjunction with thIe Emergency Director), EOF personnel shall transfer appropriate responsibilities to the TSC, OSC, or Control Room, (overall command and control, dosle projections, etc.) prior to proceeding to the AEOF. Mangers, Coordinators, Liaisons, Offsite Agencies, etc. shall proceed to the AEOF. Assistants wihl report to Assembly Areas, or home per their respective Emergency Coordinators, 2.2 AEOF personnel shall park in the area shown in Figure 1.2.3 Personnel shall enter the door labeled "Entrance" and present their BVPS IH card to Security at the building entrance.2.4 Upon entering, proceed down the hall to the AEOF and present your BVPS If card to BVPS Security at the Alt. EOF door (same format as the ERF).2.5 Use Attachment 2.1, "AEOF Equipment Activation Checklist", to activate facility lighting and communications, if necessary.

2.6 Activate ERDS per Attachment 2.3.K))2.7 Contact the Emergency Director (and other appropriate locations) and transfer designated personnel.

applicable personnel at th responsibilities to Alt. EO].Ik 1id r j...,1.~ .s- I , I I Beaver Valley Power Station EPPNu P 1.6 Title: -Unit Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number] 6 13 of 30 Attachment 2 (5 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY 3.0 Alternate EOF activation (ERF Building not activated/JPIC not activated).

NOTE: The TSC and EOF are not staffed or activated.

This may occur during off-hours or upon immediate declaration of an Alert (or greater classification) if the EOF is inaccessible or can not perform its function.NOTE: BVPS Security will dispatch personnel to the AEOF instead of the ERF Building.BVPS Security personnel will be posted inside the JPIC Building, but remain outside the AEOF door for access control. Security personnel will continue to use the "ERF Building EPP Security and Dosimetry Issuance Log" to allow personnel access to the AEOF.3.1 Upon notification that the Site is inaccessible and to report to the Alternate Emergency Facility via beepers, plant page or by phone, EOF On-Call Beeper Holders shall report to the AEOF per Figure 1 and determine the requirements for additional personnel.

NOTE: Designated personnel have been authorized and notified by Nuclear Communications and provided access to the JPIC Bldg..3.2 Emergency/Recovery Manager and Offsite Agency Liaisons are pre-designated personnel possessing key-card access shall enter the JPIC via the key-card door south entrance.NOTE: There are two key-card readers outside the JPIC door. One card reader unlocks the door and the other card reader deactivates the alarm.

I.I I Beaver Valley Power Station Predure Nuber .6 I ELevel Of se'ralfl. .Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation, Unit vel Of Use: I 1/2 'General Skill Referencef Revision:

Page Number: I -C I oBo F .InU I 14I IT I'Attachment 2 (6 of 7)7Y ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILI]3.3 Personnel shall place their key-card onto the "Alarm" card reader first deactivate the alarm system (green light). Then, place key-card on "Door" car reader and open door. (Additional instructions are on outside and inside of tf door.)3.4 Proceed to AEOF using the key from the Break-glass Box by the AEOF doo unlock door across from the Media Workroom (not the door in the Medi Presentation Area).3.5 Go the end of the hall and open the door to the north entrance and place tf magnetic "AEOF Entrance" sign on the outside of the door. All personnel sha enter via the north door by the parking area.3.6 All AEOF personnel shall park in the area shown in Figure 1.3.7 All AEOF personnel shall show their BVPS ID card to Security at the AEO door (same format as the ERF).3.8 Use Attachment 2.1, "AEOF Equipment Activation Checklist", to activat facility lighting and communications, if necessary.

3.9 Activate ERDS per Attachment Contact the Emergency Director (and other applicable personnel at th appropriate locations) and transfer designated responsibilities to AEQI personnel.

4.0 Deactivation 4.1 The AEOF shall be deactivated upon the direction of the Emergency/Recover Manager and provisions should be made to transfer responsibilities back to th ERF or Control Room.4.2 Emergency equipment/supplies shall be deactivated and restored to preactivatioT status.D d I I K I 1

-i Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ r o w e r __ ___ __EPP/_P 1.6 Title Unit Le vel Of Use.Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference

-Deactivation Revision Page Number 1 6 1 5 of 30 Attachment 2 (7 of 7)ALTERNATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY 4.3 All records generated during the response have been provided to the Offsite Agency Liaison who will forward the records to Emergency Preparedness.

F. FINAL CONDITIONS 1.0 Radiological and/or plant conditions have been returned to normal.2.0 The EOF has become habitable and a recovery organization established, if needed.3.0 The last individual to exit the JPIC Building should re-activate the alarm system per instructions by the alarm box.G. FIGURES 1.0 Directions to Alternate EOF H. ATTACHMENTS 2.1 AEOF Equipment Activation Checklist (Example)2.2 AEOF ARERAS Activation/Deactivation Procedure 2.3 ERDS Activation From the AEOF Procedure Number: Beaver Valley Power Station-, EPPP 1 1? 1.6 1-1'Title: Unit: Lxvcl Of Use: I p Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Ut/2_ Leneral Skill Referencei-Deactivation Revision:

Page Number: 1 6 1 of 30Al-y INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1'K I 1 11 Beaver Valley Power Station l e EPPINP 1.6 Title: nUmt: Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and l 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision:

Page Number.I 1617 of -1 Figure 1 DIRECTIONS TO ALT. EOF

.Procedure Number: I S Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/IP 1.6 p 1 Title: Unit Level Of Use: j Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference' Deactivation


Page Number.INTENTIONALLY BLANK r.Q.'1 I 11 Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/IP 1.6 Title: Unt Lvel Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 112 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision.

Page Number.I 1 6 19 of 30 Attachment 2.1 (Page 1 of 2)AEOF EQUIPMENT ACTIVATION CHECKLIST-JPIC BUILDING LIGHTING If there is inadequate lighting in the JPIC or AEOF area, go to the Loading Dock area. On the wall opposite the entrance to the Loading Dock are the breaker panels. Open the last breaker box panel on the right and turn on appropriate breakers (breakers are labeled).CHECK PAX PHONES If some PAX phones do not work, go to the TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM (the AEOF key will open this door) and throw the switch labeled AEOF "ON/OFF".

This switch is located on the right wall approximately 10' from the door and approximately 6' off the ground. Some PAX phones are transferred from the EOF to the AEOF by this switch. If all PAX phones are operational, the switch is already "ON".

Beaver Valley Power Station I ProcedureNur 1 Title.Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit 1/2_Revision Level Of Use. l -General Skill Reference Pag Nmr. ..'I In Attachment 21l (Page 2 of 2)Ti I AEOF EQUIPMENT ACTIVATION CHECKLIST-ACTIVATE THE OPERATIONS AND RADCON RINGDOWN PHONES AND HEADSET CIRCUITS..~ I NOTE: The OPERATIONS RINGDOWN PHONE will ONLY contact the Control Room. The RADCON RINGDOWN PHONE will ONLY contact the OSC via the EA&DP RSO line and the Ul and U2 Rad Monitor panels. No communications are possible with the ERF Building via the RINGDOWN lines. i I I-ACTIVATE ERDS (IF NOT ALREADY DONE).Activate ERDS per EPPJlP 1.6, EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY ACTIVATIOD OPERATION AND DEACTIVATION, Attachment 2.Tr Jl 11 Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station EPNPum 1.6 Title: Umt Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number.16 21 of 30 Attachment 2.2 AEOF ARERAS ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION PROCEDURE ACTIVATION

1) Turn on ARERAS capable computer, if not already on.2) Double click Dose Projection icon.3) At the prompt type: ATDT 5090, or ATDT 5573, or ATDT 5657, or ATDT 5659 (the specific PAX Phone number for accessing ARERAS from the AEOF).4) When the word "Connect" appears on the screen, strike the Return key two times quickly.5) This completes the LOGON process for ARERAS from the AEOF. Follow normal procedures (e.g.: EPPIIP 2.6.2 FSAR Defaults, EPPAIP 2.6.3 Real-Time Inputs, EPP/IP 2.6.4 Manual Inputs or EPPJIP 2.6.12 Severe Accident Assessment)


1) Exit the ARERAS program normally.2) When the words "No Carrier" appear on the screen, the modem connection has been terminated.
3) Shut down the computer.4) Turn off the computer.

Beaver Valley Power Station I ProcedueNu 1.6 Title:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I__ _ _ _ _ _ Jr Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit: 1/2 Level Of Use:_ General Skill Referer Revision:

I Page Number.cel-I In I 277 of I INTENTIONALLY BLANK.#gI Beaver Valley Power Station Pro unEPPJN P 1.6 Title Unit: Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision j Page Number 1_6 23 of 30 Attachment 2.3 (1 of 4)ACTIVATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM[ A I IFROM THE AEOF NOTE: If the ERDS Link(s) cannot be activated for any reason, inform the Emergency/Recovery Manager that the ERDS Link(s) are out of service and backup phone communications using EPP/IP 1.4 as guidance with the NRC should be established.

1.0 Obtain the necessary logon information (Usemame and password) from the envelope in the file cabinet containing the EPPILP's.

The information is maintained in an envelope on the inside of the top drawer.NOTE: Before attempting to power on the equipment, verify that the unit is powered off by pressing any key--not just in the screen saver mode. The NCD19C X terminal has a built-in screen saver facility.

This screen saver facility will dim the display screen monitor if the keyboard or mouse has not been used for an extended period of time. If the X terminal is in screen saver mode, moving the mouse or pressing any key on the keyboard will cause the display monitor to be refreshed.

If the display monitor remains blank after moving the mouse or depressing a key, then the NCD19C X terminal is either broken or powered off.1.1 If not already powered on, power on the NCD19C X terminal using the power switch located on the rear of the NCD19C base unit.

l l i-I I Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Nu 1 1 1.EPIP 1.*Ticp Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit: Lvel Of Use: 112 1LGeneral Skill Referencet Revision:

Page Number: I -.r 1%I in I 24of30 11 Attachment 2.3 (2 of 4),

  • I ACTIVATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM FROM THE AEOF I i 1.2 1.3 1.4 If not already powered on, turn on the HP LaserJet I1P laser printer using the power switch located on the right side of the unit.After turning on power to the HP LaserJet 1HP, the printer will perform a series of power-on self tests. If the power on self test successfully completes, all indicator lights on the operator panel will be off except the ONLINE indicator, and the status display will read "00 READY LET1ER". If any other indication is present on the printer, then power-on self tests were not successfully completed and you will be unable to make hard copies of the screen displays.

In either case, proceed with the activation procedure.

If not already powered on, turn on both of the Telebit T3000 modems using the power switch located on the left rear of each unit.After completing the power on self tests, the modems will automatically connect 'witl the corresponding modems located in the ERF Computer Room.While attempting this connection process, you will be able to hear the modem "trainingsj' sequence.

When a successful, connection has been established, the modem speaker will be turned off and the modem will operate silently.

I 1 If a connection is successfully established, then the following status indicators on th front panel of the modem should be illuminated:

  • OH *CD *DTR *RTS *CTS Under normal phone line conditions, the HS and EC lights should also be lit. Unde poor phone line conditions, these two lights may not be illuminated.

1.5 The NCD19C is configured to automatically display a serial terminal session on th NCD19C X terminal after boot up. Press <RETURN> until the VMS logon promp appears on the display screen.lit ,.Qi_ k a"1 1 Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/IP 1.6 Title: Unit Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and l /2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number: 1 6 25 of30 Attachment 2.3 (3 of 4)ACTIVATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM FROM THE AEOF 1.6 Enter the appropriate information from the card and press <RETURN> in response to the "Usemame:" prompt.1.7 Enter the current password from the card and press <RETURN> in response to the"Password" prompt.If the correct user name and password were entered, then the VMS system prompt ($)will appear on the display screen.1.8 Enter "XINITREMOTE" to initiate the XRemote X windows server. After two or three minutes, the initialized MMI display window with the "TOP MENU", "SCREEN UP","SCREEN DOWN" and "PREV. SCREEN" function buttons will be displayed on the NCD19C X terminal.NOTE: If either of the phone lines between the AEOF and the ERF Computer Room are inadvertently lost, depress and release the T/D button located on the front panel of the Telebit T3000 modem and return to Step 1.4 and repeat the necessary steps.1.9 Move the pointer to the dash in the upper left comer of the control menu box of the MI display menu. Using the mouse, click once and select "Lower" from the pop-up menu.1.10 Position the pointer to the lower left hand corner, double click on the "BVERDS" icon.1.11 Position the pointer to "Applications" from the pop-up Session Manager menu. Click on "Applications" and select "DECterm" from the pop-up menu.1.12 Type in "ERD", leave a space and "1" or "2" depending on the affected unit. Hit return and follow screen prompted instructions to activate link.

-I1 T -T -a -----Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number Archs 11 EroI a .0 11 I Title.Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation r~r.7. I flIF Urnt LeVel Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Referenc&Revision:

Page Number: 1 6 ? of o I -.&of 30 Attachment 2.3 (4 of 4)I Or ACTIVATION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM FROM THE AEOF tl 1.13 While link is activating, "Link Status" will change from "Offline" to "Attemptin Connection" to "Modem Connected" to "Online".

Additionally, Link Status will chang from "Offline" to "Connect Modem" to "Connect ERDS" to "Sending Data" c"Waiting".

1.14 Position the pointer to the dash in the upper left comer of the control menu box of th DECterm window. Using the mouse, click once and select "minimize" from the pop-u menu. I e Ir1 I -I NOTE: If both ERDS Links need to be activated due to an Alert declaration or higher, repel steps 1.11 thru 1.14 for the opposite unit.I't 'I.I I

._ , .Procedure Numobff Beaver Valley Power Station -e- EPPNIP 1.6 Title -Unit. Level Of Use: Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number.1 6 27of 30 Attachment 3 (Page 1 of 2)EOF STAF FING CHECKLIST NOTE: This checklist is provided to aid the Assistant to the E/RM in the performance of his/her duties and determining the state of readiness of the EOF for activation.

It is not intended to replace any portion of this IP.NOTE: Discuss staffing with the Technical Support Coordinator using the BVERS printout.Initials Activity 1. Review EOF staffing.

Inform the E/RM when sufficient EOF staff members have arrived.Depending on the emergency conditions, personnel necessary for the EOF may vary.Listed below is the suggested minimum staffing.Title* Emergency/Recovery Manager* EA&DP Coordinator

2. Obtain a copy of the Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures from EOF Cabinet #1.3. Update the EOF Event Classification status board.4. Prepare memo to EIRM providing status of EOF staffing.5. Identify problems and indicate action initiated to resolve.* Designates minimum positions per the Emergency Plan.

I I Beaver Valley Power Station Podu EPP/EP 1.6 f lTitle: Unit: Level Of Use [ [Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and 1 -General Skill Reference Deactivation


Page Number: i: 1 16 29 ofn L Attachment 3 (Page 2 of 2)EOF STAFFING CHECKLIST COMMENTS: I K K , It , n.I IL Dso Beaver Valley Power Station oedur EPPNm P 1.6 Title Unit Level Of Use Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and -l/2 General Skill Reference Deactivation Revision Page Number: 16 29 of 30 Attachment 4 (Page 1 of 2)OFFSITE AGENCY LIAISON -ACTIVATION CHECKLIST NOTE: This checklist is provided as an aid for the Offsite Agency Liaison in the performance of his/her duties and determining the state of readiness of the EOF for activation.

It is not intended to replace any portion of this IP.Initials Activitv 1. Unlock EOF Cabinets (keys in break-glass box on south wall).2. Distribute supply folders to each EOF location.3. In conjunction with the EOF Computer Operator, determine if the following is energized or operable and inform the EIRM.* Audio Communications to TSC and Control Room (PAX and/or Bell lines, Ops Circuit and RadCon Circuit)* SPDS/Unit Computer System* ERDS (AEOF only)4. Set up E/RM public address system (ensure toggle switch is on).5. Obtain EPP/IP 1.6, Attachment 4 from Assistant E/RM.6. Identify equipment problems Support Services 7. Prepare speed memo to E/RM providing status of EOF equipment and complete IP 1.6 attachments.

8. Ensure Offsite Representatives have completed Security log-in and have obtained dosimetry.
9. Introduce Offsite Representatives to E/RM (Status briefs may occur here).10. Brief Offsite Representatives on status / follow-up on E/RM brief (if it occurred previously).
11. Maintain a record of actions the Offsite Agencies take in the Offsite Agency Liaison log.

to'r Beaver Valley Power Station I EPP/eP 1.6.M.1-s T -* s Emergency Operations Facility Activation, Operation and Deactivation Unit: Level Of Use: I l 1/2 1General Skill Reference,.


Page Number: I< IC IClan .r~1. I I -111 n1 1111 4 1 It Attachment 4 (Page 2 of 2)OFFSITE AGENCY LIAISON -ACTIVATION CHECKLIST NOTE: Be prepared to brief personnel arriving.COMMENTS: I1. .

A5.735B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 EPPIIP 1.7 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Document Owner Manager, Emergency Preparedness Revision Number 10 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes CONTROLLED BVPS UNIT 3 Beavr ValeyPowe StaionProcedure Number Beavr ValeyPowe StaionEPP/IP 1.7 Title Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revison Page Number.Il io~f EFFECTIVE INDEX Rev. 0 OSC Approved 8/31/95 1 Non-Intent Revision 10/31/95 2 Non-Intent Revision 6/17/96 3 OSC Approved 1/8/97 4 Non-Intent Revision 4/1/98 5 Non-Intent Revision 12/31/99 6 Non-Intent Revision 7/12/00 7 Non-Intent Revision 8/8/01 8 Non-Intent Revision 1/30/02 9 Non-Intent Revision 06/03/02 10 Simple Change 2/25/03 e VProcedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/IP 1.7 Title Unit Level Of Use l 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision.

Page Number: TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Purpose B. References C. Responsibilities D. Action Levels/Precautions E. Procedures F. Attachments Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number 1.7 EPP/IP17 Title Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision.

Page Number I 0 of 14 A. PURPOSE This procedure describes the Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS) Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Teams including:

designations, assignments, responsibility, transfers and overall coordination.

B. REFERENCES 1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan.2.0 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." 3.0 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E.4.0 NPDAP 2.14 "Fitness-For-Duty Program For FirstEnergy Employees at Beaver Valley Power Station".5.0 Condition Reports #00-4309, 01-6025, 02-00444-6, 02-10225-1 C. RESPONSIBILITIES 1.0 The Manager, Emergency Preparedness is responsible for the overall coordination of the ERO Teams and the associated Call-List.

2.0 ERO members assigned to a dedicated response team (Red, White, Blue) or ERO Pool personnel (Green), are responsible for the actions described in this procedure.

D. ACTION LEVELS/PRECAUTIONS 1.0. ACTION LEVELS 1.1 This IP remains in effect at all times to ensure a full state of readiness is maintained.

2.0 PRECAUTIONS 2.1 -All ERO personnel shall be aware of the requirements stipulated in this procedure.

2.2 Transfers of ERO personnel responsibility shall follow the guidance provided in this procedure.

Beaver Valley Power Station -Poeu Nu7er Title: Unit: Level Of Use: I.112 General Skill Reference



S 1.0 ERO TEAM DESIGNATION 1.1 The BVPS Emergency Response Organization will consist of three (3) dedicated response teams, each with required designated Primary and Secondar responders, supplemented by designated support (call-tree) personnel.

The teams will be identified by colors (i.e., Red, White, Blue).1.2 Primary Responders shall report to their emergency facility as soon as possibl and in all instances, within one (1) hour of notification of an Alert, or higher!emergency classification.

1.3 Secondary Responders shall report to their emergency facility as soon aslpossible, and in all instances, within two (2) hours of notification of an Alert, or higher, emergency classification.

IN 1.4 Designated support (call-tree) personnel are to report to their emergenci 4 facilities as soon as possible following notification.

1.5 ERO personnel not assigned to one of the three (3) dedicated response team .will be assigned to the ERO Team Pool, and shall report as soon as possibl following notification.

The Team Pool will also be identified by color (Green).1.6 Initial team assignments will be determined by Emergency Preparedness personnel.

ERO response team transfers shall be approved by the Manager, EP Temporary transfers are described in Section E.3 of this procedure.

2.0 ERO TEAM RESPONSE ASSIGNMENTSIRESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Dedicated Response Teams will rotate between the following response categories:

On-Call, Stand-By and Back-Up.2.1.1 On-Call responders are those personnel who shall respond immediately, when notified.

An On-Call team shall consist of Primary Responders, Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel.

2.1.2 Stand-By responders have no response responsibility for the week that they are designated as Stand-By.

A Stand-By team shall consist ofE Primary Responders, Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel.

2.1.3 Back-Up responders are the designated relief personnel (12-hour shifts) [for the On-Call responders.

A Back-Up team shall consist of Primary Responders, Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel.

J r V e P e S o Procedure Number Beaver v all ey Power StationEPP/lP 1.7 Title unit Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision Page Number: 2.2 ERO Response Teams shall rotate weekly.2.2.1 Rotation assignments shall be as follows (ERO Rotation Calendar available on BVWeb, EPP Web Page):* On-Call to Stand-By.Stand-By to Back-Up* Back-Up to On-Call 2.2.2 Rotation shall occur every Monday at 0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br />.2.3 On-Call Team Fitness For Duty (FFD) requirements.

2.3.1 Personnel designated "On-Call" Primary and Secondary Responders shall adhere to Fitness For Duty (FFD) requirements per NPDAP Personnel conducting a call-out must ask the individual "If they have consumed alcohol within the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />." Personnel responding to a call-out must meet FFD requirements.

2.3.3 If deemed necessary, FFD testing shall be conducted prior to beginning ERO duties.2.4 ERO personnel shall adhere to the ERO Expectation (Attachment 1).3.0 BEEPER/RESPONSIBILITY ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS 3.1 All personnel assigned to an ERO position as either a Primary or Secondary responder shall be assigned a beeper unless otherwise noted.3.2 On Call personnel arranging transfer of ERO responsibility shall notify Emergency Preparedness per Form EPP-IP- 1.7.FO 1.

Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/P 1.7 T ltle: Unit: Level Of Use: l.1/2 General Skill Reference,-


P u I 0 4of14 1F, 3.3 Transfer of assignment responsibility for On-Call Team Responders shall fall into three (3) categories.

1 NOTE: Individuals shall consult the ERO Call-List to determine the identity of qualified personnel for their ERO position for On Call transfer of responsibility.

The ERO Call-List is distributed in paper format and is also available electronically.

NOTE: If personnel in the On-Call category will not be available for any portion of their one week rotation, they shall arrange for a qualified replacement from the GREEN or Stand-by Team prior to requesting a replacement from the Back-ujp Team.3.3.1 On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond for a period of less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shall do the following:

NOTE: Emergency Preparedness DOES NOT need to be informed when a transfer of responsibilities for less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> occurs. Ensure their position is covered by another qualified individual for that ERO position l o 3.3.2 On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond for a perio of greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shall do the following: Ensure their position is covered by another qualified individual for that ERO position by completing Attachment 2l,"On-Call ERO Response Team Transfer Form" Mail (or FAX @ PAX 5777) Attachment 2 to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness.

If during off-normal working hours, call the ERO Voice Mail System at (724) 682-5080 and provide the information on Attachment

2. Mail (or FAX)a completed document to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness.

/rfC Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number~EPP/IP 1.7 Ttlet Unit Level Of Use 1 /2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision.

Page Number 3.3.3 On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond due to sudden illness (NOI&I) or personal emergency should attempt to locate a replacement.

If a replacement can not be located, contact Emergency Preparedness, or leave a voice mail message at 724-682-5080.

3.4 All personnel assigned beepers are responsible for maintaining operability of that beeper (i.e., changing batteries when necessary).

Personnel shall keep their beepers "on" at all times (and in the audible mode when appropriate) and respond accordingly to ALL beeper activations.

4.0 ERO ACTIVATION 4.1 Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) Notification NOTE: BVERS is a computer aided Voice Mail system that will be used to activate the ERO Beepers and accept personnel call backs.4.1.1 Beepers will be activated for ERO notifications with the following Actual Event -On-Call ERO Team phone: 724-643-4370 (or 330-315-4380). Only On-Call ERO Team personnel shall call back into BVERS by dialing 724-643-4370/330-315-4380, as required.4.1.2. Beeper Holder Response Upon calling into BVERS, you will be prompted to enter your Plant Photo I.D. number (e.g.: 0123). Data entry requires a touch tone phone. BVERS will then ask you to verify the number by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no). A message will be provided at this time stating the Unit, time and emergency classification declared and the basis for the declaration.

II-L ml'. Beaver Valley Power Station P .umEr 1.7 iF.... 1_. UGeneral Skill Referenced lEMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision:

Page Number: in ofI14 NOTE: BVERS will have information on all qualified ERO personnel programmed into its data base, and will know who you are and for which ERO position you are currently qualified by your I.D. entry. Personnel calling into BVERS will either j access the system immediately, or receive a busy signal. Personnel calling back should be able to access the system within a few minutes. BVERS will ask the following questions:

  • BVERS will ask if you understand the message b y' -pressing '9' (yes) or '6' (no).BVERS will ask if you are Fit For Duty and ask you to acknowledge by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no).* BVERS will ask if you are able to respond and ask you to acknowledge by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no)];* BVERS will ask you to enter your Estimated Time of.-Arrival in minutes (enter your travel time from your location to your emergency facility).

.* BVERS will then terminate the connection. BVERS will print out reports for the Control Room Emergency Response Facility, and Joint Public Informatio' Center identifying those personnel who have called in. The ERO Team designated as Back-Up does not need to call-in but shall report 12-hours after emergency declaration!

unless otherwise notified.4.1.3 If BVERS determines that a specific ERO position has not been staffed it will activate the individual Beepers for all personnel in that specifi' , ERO position with the following display: 724-643-4370 or 330-315!4380 IL~

Beaver Valley Power Station ProdureNumbe Title: Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision:

Page Number.I I 0 of 14 Any ERO Beeper Holder receiving a Beeper Code of 724-643-4370 or 330-315-4380 SHALL call into BVERS, answer the questions requested and report to their designated emergency facility. (This assumes that the On-Call individual is unable to respond.) If the ERO position has been filled, any other personnel calling in to respond to the position will be informed that there are no positions available. If the On-Call individual becomes available, he/she shall call into BVERS and report to their emergency facility.4.1.4 If BVERS determines that a specific ERO position has still not called in, BVERS will perform the following notifications for personnel in that specific ERO position:* Call the individual PAX phone numbers of personnel in that specific position,* Call the individual Home phone numbers of personnel in that specific position, and* Again, activate the individual Beepers for personnel in that specific ERO position.* This will continue until the ERO position is filled.4.2 ERO Voice Mail System (ERO-VMS)


-NOTE: The ERO-VMS is a typical voice mail system that is used to activate the ERO Beepers and accept personnel call backs in the event that the primary BVERS system is unavailable.

The ERO-VMS utilizes the ERF switch and has remote accessing features.

There is only one beeper call back number for ERO-VMS.4.2.1 Beepers will be activated for ERO notifications with the following Beeper Codes:* Actual events "9999995080"* Actual events -Site Inaccessible "0000005080" Only On-Call ERO Team personnel shall call back into the ERO-VMS by dialing 724-682-5080 (PAX 5080).

I Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNumber:

11I Title: Unit Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference


Page Number: ERO-VMS call-back number is listed on the ERO Call-List.

4.2.2. Beeper Holder Response The ERO-VMS will inform you that an emergency has been declared and ask that you provide the following information!.

If you have not consumed alcohol in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, (personnel must verbally provide this information at the'sound of the tone):* Your name (please spell last name)* ERO position* Estimated time of arrival (Time of Day, i.e., 2145 His., 0115 Hrs.) If you have consumed alcohol in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, contact a alternate for your emergency position.NOTE: l ERO-VMS has a maximum of 4 incoming lines. As a linl becomes available, the next call received will be answered.

If, no lines are available, a busy signal will be received.

I i 5.0 ERO RESPONSE DURING WORKING AND NON-WORKING HOURS 5.1 Response During Working Hours 5.1.1 "On-Call" ERO Personnel Beeper Holders SHALL call the Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) prior to responding to their emergency location (This includes personnel onsite). ALL "On-Call" ERO personnel SHALL respond to their emergency facility. Determine manpower needs and "call-out" additional personnel, if necessary.

5.1.2 All Other ERO Personnel SHALL report to their emergency facility. Take direction from the "On-Call" ERO personnel.

IA Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station .EPPIIP 1.7 Title Unit Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision Page Number.5.2 Response During Non-Working Hours 5.2.1 "On-Call" ERO Personnel Beeper Holders SHALL call the Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) and respond to their emergency location. Determine manpower needs and "call-out" additional personnel, if necessary.

5.2.2 All Other ERO Personnel Beeper Holders SHALL remain alert for further instructions (call-out, shift rotation, etc.). All other ERO personnel will be called-out, if necessary.

F. ATTACHMENTS 1.0 ERO Expectations Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Nur 1.7 I EPPIP1e Unit Level Of Use: U1/2 General Skill Referer ie 1r-EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision:

Page Number I ^ I .Is tA L 'I I 10nf 14 II-INTENTIONALLY BLANK K ir I I e VProcedure Number: rValley Power Station EPPILP 1.7 Title Unit Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision Page Number.ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 1 of 4 )ERO EXPECTATIONS I Duty Expectations/Pager Response Expectations

  • All ERO personnel shall understand, and adhere to, the requirements of procedure EPPJIP 1.7, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Teams.* All ERO personnel assigned ERO Pagers are expected to wear their Pagers at all times when within the Pager Service Area (located on the EPP Webpage/ERO Info) and respond appropriately to messages.

The following are some unacceptable responses for NOT responding to Pager messages:* Pager left in vibrate when not being worn* Pager left in other location too far to hear audible alarm (i.e.: bathroom, shower, etc.)* Weak/dead battery* All ERO notifications initiated by BVERS shall display one of the following messages: 1) "Actual Event-On-Call ERO Team call 724-6824730", or, 2) 'This is a Drill-On-Call ERO Team call 724-682-4730" (An alternate phone number that may be displayedfor BVERS is 330-315-4380)

  • When the above messages are displayed.

ALWAYS call the number provided.* These are the ONLY two alpha messages initiated by BVERS that require ERO response (other alpha messages are for information, or non-ERO response).

  • Only On-Call ERO personnel are to initially call-in to BVERS.* If only the BVERS phone number (724-682-4730 or 330-315-4380) is displayed (BVERS searching to fill a specific ERO position), then any individual receiving this message shall call-in, respond and upon being accepted, report for your position as required.* For an actual event, or DrilllExercise, a BVERS Pager message shall be followed by a LOTUS NOTES alpha-numeric message describing the event and emergency declaration time.* Upon notification, On-Call ERO personnel shall report to their ERO positions as soon as possible, but no later than their assigned response times from the time of the emergency declaration (this includes allowing for Facility activation time).

-11 1B Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure

1.7 ritle

Unit: Level Of Use: 1 1/2 General Skill Referencee EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision:

Page Number: 1 ATTACHMENT I (Page 2 of 4F ERO EXPECTATIONS Duty Expectations/Pager Response Expectations (cont.)* On-Call ERO personnel are expected to maintain response times to their respective emergency response facilities (1 or 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from the time of event declaration, not the time of Pager activations

  • For actual events, personnel are to respond appropriately when notified by Pager (via BVERSALotus Notes), Plant Page Party System, phone or BVERS phone call. (i.e.: take covert report to emergency facilities, report to alternate facilities, etc.).* For Drills or Exercises, personnel are to respond appropriately when notified by Pager (BVERS/Lotus Notes), Plant Page Party System, phone or BVERS phone call (i.e.: take cover, report to emergency facilities, report to alternate facilities, call-in Drill/OST only).* In the event alphanumeric messaging is not available, ERO Pagers will be activated with one of these message codes: J , 1) 9999995080 (Actual Event/Site Accessible), On-Call ERO personnel report to their assigned emergency facilities.

I 2) 0000005080 (Actual Event/Site Inaccessible), On-Call ERO Managers/Coordinators report to the Alternate EOF per procedure.

  • The ERO call-back phone number for this response is 724-682-5080.
  • ERO personnel On-Call are expected to maintain fitness-for-duty per 1OCFR26.* For actual events occurring during normal working hours (0700-1700 hrs), all ERO personnel are expected to report to their appropriate emergency facility to support the On-Call Team (only On Call ERO personnel call-in to BVERS).* ERO personnel are not to call the Control Room upon notification of an emergency, unless specifically requested.
  • On-Call ERO personnel are expected to have their FirstEnergy ID Badge and Dosimetry when reporting to their respective facilities.
  • If an On-Call ERO member becomes incapable of performing their ERO duties, they are to contact another qualified person for that position and transfer On-Call responsibility. (Notification to EPP personnel of the transfer is per EPP/IP 1.7.).

.Beaver Valley Power Station PocdNuer.

1.7 Title Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision Page Number I10 13 of 14 ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 3 of 4)ERO EXPECTATIONS

-Duty Expectations/Pager Response Expectations (cont.)* Emergency Facility Leads should define their expectations for their Team while remaining cognizant of Facility activation timing requirements (i.e.: delegate activities, maintain overview of events, involve the Team in response, etc.).* ERO personnel must provide information, not just data points, to each other and the Facility Lead, i.e.: -* Explain the meaning of a data point provided to the Team (i.e.: D/G #1 tripped off vs. D/G #1 tripped off and was the only remain power supply)* ERO communications shall use three-way communications and noun descriptors.

N, t , Il Beaver Valley Power Station Procedur Numbe Title. ,Unit, Level Of Use: ' v1/2 General Skill Reference r EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision:

Page Number .ATTACHMENT I (Page 4 of 4 ERO EXPECTATIONS ERO Training and Drill Participation Expectations

-1/.Attend appropriate Initial ER Classroom Training for assigned position..Attend appropriate Continuing ERG Classroom Training for assigned position.* Attend assigned ERO Team Drills/Exercises (Drill participation for key ERO positions is tracke as a NRC Performance Indicator.)

  • Managers and supervisors shall ensure that each ERO member under their supervision remains fully qualified at all times to respond to an emergency.
  • Ensure ERO participation in training and Drills is documented.
  • Participate in Drill/Exercise critiques and identify areas for improvement and strengths so appropriate corrective actions can be taken..ERO personnel shall initiate Condition Reports, and notify EPP, as necessary.
  • ERO personnel shall respond to, or assist EPP personnel, with the response to Condition Reports.* Ensure their emergency response facility is in a state of readiness prior to leaving the facility.I A5.735B-Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 EPP-IP-2.2 ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Document Owner Manager, Emergency Preparedness Revision Number 12 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes CONTROLLED BVPS UNIT 3 Beaver Valley Power Station edueNumber Title. Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE P 12 iof ii EFFECTIVE INDEX Issue 8 Rev.Issue 9 Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.0 0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OSC Approved Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Simple Change Simple Change 3-12-87 10-9-90 8-30-91 12-29-92 1-1-94 10-7-94 3-27-97 12-30-98 12-31-99 8-8-01 10-17-02 2-25-03 Beavr ValeyPowe StaionProcedure Number~BlrEPP-IP-2.2 Title: Unit. Lzvel Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision Page Number: 1 2 ii of ii TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Purpose B. References C. Responsibilities D. Action Levels/Precautions E. Procedure F. Final Conditions G. Attachments Beaver Valley Power Station edur EPP-IP-2.2 Title: Unit Level Of Use: 112 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision Page Number.12. 1 of 20 A. PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions to monitoring team personnel for performing onsite radiological monitoring in the event of an airborne release of radioactive material.

In-plant radiological surveys are performed in accordance with the Radiation Protection procedures, and at the direction of the Radiological Controls Coordinator.

Onsite plume monitoring can be requested by either the Radiological Controls Coordinator (RCC), EA & DP Coordinator, or the Emergency Director.

If onsite monitoring is at the request of the RCC, these teams are directed by and communicate through the OSC. If onsite monitoring is at the request of the EA & DP Coordinator, the teams are directed by EA & DP and communicate thru those personnel at the TSCIEOF. Onsite plume monitoring teams may be directed to complete some or all of the surveys described herein. Monitoring teams need only perform the applicable steps of this procedure.

B. REFERENCES 1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Implementing Procedure EPPJIP 2.1,"Emergency Radiological Monitoring" 2.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Health Physics Procedures 3.0 BVPS Unit 1 Licensing Commitment 2.C (7) (CATS A970524P)4.0 Condition Report #00-2202 Condition Report #02-03808 C. RESPONSIBILITIES 1.0 OSC/TSC/EOF personnel (if activated) will determine the general path of the plume and will provide monitoring team members with a briefing on specific instructions on areas to survey, types of surveys, and requirements for protective clothing and respirators.

2.0 Monitoring team members must remain alert to their own exposure and notify the OSC, TSC or EA&DP, and request relief if their cumulative exposure approaches a limit.3.0 The Emergency Director is the only individual who may authorize exposure limit extensions in excess of IOCFR20.4.0 Monitoring team members will ensure appropriate monitoring equipment is operable and in calibration.

I o ,._-.Procedum Number: I Beaver Valley Power Station NPm-P-2.2 F Title: Unit: Level Of Use: I 1/2 General Skcill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Rev1sion:

2 PageNumber

____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ 12 ~n f l .1 D. ACTION LEVELSIPRECAUTIONS 1.0 Monitoring team members shall read their dosimeters (pocket or electronic alarming dosimeter) and report the readings to the OSC, TSC, or EA&DP, at least every 30 minutes or when dosimeters have increased by 100 millirem or a dose alarm has been received.2.0 Exposures are controlled in accordance with EPP/IP 5.3, "Emergency Exposure Criteria and Control".2.1 The use of potassium iodide (KI) is controlled in accordance with EPP/IP 3."Emergency Respiratory Protection", and EPPJIP 5.3, "Emergency Exposure Criteria and Control".3.0 Monitoring teams must remain alert to their own exposure and request relief if their cumulative exposure approaches a BVPS administrative control level. The Emergency Director is the only individual who may authorize exposure limit extensions in excess 6f 10 CFR 20.4.0 All radio communications shall be done observing standard radio protocol (Attachment 5).5.0 Vehicles 5.1 Designated vehicles shall be used for monitoring team purposes.

Personal vehicles shall generally not be used, unless no suitable vehicles are available.

Owners volunteering the use of their personal vehicles shall be alerted to the fact that most insurance companies will deny any claim for damage due to radioactive contamination.

In addition, any personal vehicles shall have the same level of liability insurance as company vehicles.5.2 All monitoring equipment shall be stowed in the vehicle such that it will not effect the safe operation of the vehicle.5.3 Monitoring team vehicles shall be operated in compliance with all motor vehicle laws, including speed limits and the use of seat belts.5.4 Monitoring team vehicles shall meet the following criteria: 5.4.1 Enclosed vehicle with sufficient room for the monitoring kit and fixed seating, with seat belts, for all team members, and, 5.4.2 Operable cigarette lighter receptacle, and, 5.4.3 At least 1/2 tank of gas, and

.~Procedure Number: Beaver Valley Power Station EPP Nu P2.2 Title Unit Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSlTE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Pa Number: E.5.4.4 Current State motor vehicle inspection sticker (if applicable).

5.4.5 If personal vehicle, ensure insurance is in effect, per requirements of Step During siren activation, Field Monitoring Teams will be instructed not to activate radio transmitters.

PROCEDURE 1.0 -Preliminary Actions 1.1 If not already in their possession, team members shall obtain and don personal dosimetry.

1.2 Prior to proceeding to perform surveys obtain a pre-job brief. Use three-way communication to ensure briefing is understood.

NOTE: The DC powered air-samplers require a 12-VDC source to operate. For this reason, a vehicle may be necessary, even though the distances involved are within walking distance.1.3 If a vehicle is needed, obtain vehicle, vehicle location, and keys from TSC/OSC/EOF, as appropriate.

1.3.1 The vehicle must meet the requirements of Section D. If a company vehicle cannot be obtained, a volunteered vehicle may be used if it meets the requirements of Section D. Obtain appropriate monitoring equipment from the storage locations (Unit I Turbine Deck -735', or Unit 2 SOSB West Stairwell

-730'). Equipment selected will depend on the type of survey assigned.1.5 Perform operability checks on monitoring equipment before leaving the site, in accordance with instrument use procedure provided in the kit.

Beaver Valley Power Station PrcedUr EPP-IP-2.2 N 1 Tirle. Unit: Level Of Use: G1/2 eneral Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

PageNumber W 1.6 Obtain a Hi-band "Handie-Talkie" or a 60 Watt Monitoring Team Unit and check operation before leaving to start survey. Check radios away from the Control Room to minimize possible RF interference with instrument.

Keep tie radio operational at all times while performing surveys in order to maintain communications with the OSC /TSCIEOF.1.7 If the survey will be performed outside of the security fence, leave the station via the Primary Access Facility (PAF). Retain your personal dosimetry while performing radiological monitoring.

1.8 Record gas tank level. Ensure that there is at least a 1/2 tank of gas and a cigarette lighter which is in proper working condition.

Obtain another vehicle if necessary.

1.9 Install radio equipment on the vehicle if vehicle is being used.1.10 If OSC /TSC/EOF so direct, don protective clothing and/or respirators prior o going to survey location.1.11 Proceed to first survey location, as assigned by the OSC/TSC/EOF as follows: ,-2.0 Continuing Actions NOTE: Whenever possible, an ion-chamber instrument (such as the Eberline RO-series) should be used for making dose rate measurements.

An instrument with an energy-compensated GM probe with the beta window closed (such as HP-270) is an acceptable substitute for gamma exposure measurements.

During an Unusual Event, monitoring team data shall be reported to the Radiological Controls Coordinator.

For higher emergencies the TSC will be activated and plume monitoring data shall be reported to the EA & DP Coordinator in the TSC/EOF or OSC H.P. Coordinator, as appropriate.

In-plant monitoring data shall be reported to the Radiological Controls Coordinator.

2.1 Periodically, read your pocket dosimeters, and have other personnel in the monitoring team read theirs. Report these readings at least every 30 minutes, or when accumulated dosimeter reading reaches 100 mrem.2.2 Keep communication equipment on at all times.2.3 Team members shall take appropriate actions to prevent the spread of detected A contaminations to their skin, clothing, survey equipment and/or vehicle to the extent possible.

I F 4, w Sta n Procedure Number: Beavr ValeyPowe StaionEPP-IP-2.2 Title Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number 1 2 5 of 20 3.0 Moving Dose Rate 3.1 While enroute to the first assigned survey location, and at any other time while moving about the site, have the survey instrument turned on. Frequently observe the survey meter and report readings to the OSC/TSC/EOF, as appropriate.

If a level of 1.0 millirem per hour (beta/gamma) or greater is observed, immediately notify the OSC/TSC/EOF.

Note and record any readings significantly higher than the average and record these readings on the site map (Attachment 3). If in a vehicle, extend the instrument probe through an open window (weather permitting).

4.0 Stationary Dose Rate Survey 4.1 Hold the instrument probe parallel to, facing and about 3 feet (waist height)above the ground.4.2 Take a closed window (gamma) reading. Allow sufficient time for the meter response to stabilize.

Document the reading, in mRlhr on the EPP Survey Log (Attachment 1).4.3 Take an open window (beta plus gamma) reading. Allow sufficient time for the meter response to stabilize.

Document the reading, in mR/hr on the EPP Survey Log.4.4 If there is no observable difference between the readings taken in 4.2 and 4.3 above, it should not be necessary to obtain an air sample at that particular location.5.0 Airborne Activitv NOTE: OSCITSC personnel will determine which iodine sampling cartridge is appropriate.

OSC/TSC personnel may also change the sample volume from 10 ft 3 to another volume consistent with radiological conditions.

NOTE: If the open window dose rate measurement is about equal to the closed window reading, the survey location is not submerged in the plume and air samples will underestimate the plume concentration.

Notify EA & DP if this is the case and request instructions.

f uNOTE: If using a silver zeolite cartridge, verify that the shelf l-ife has not expired.

Beaver Valley Power Station Poure NumblIer.

I I EPP-IP-2.2 I uLIc.Unit:-1/2_Level Of Use. I;I Genera Skill Referece I General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number.I'l I .1 Or Ur-~ l I -QOt A I o I 5.1 Prepare sampler: 5.1.1 If not already present, mark a flow arrow on the side of the charcoal silver zeolite cartridge. OSC/TSC will direct which iodine sample media to use.5.1.2 Place a clean particulate filter, and the iodine sample cartridge, in tl, sample holder and install on the sampler. Air flow shall pass through the particulate paper first and the the cartridge in the direction of the arrow marked on th cartridge.

5.1.3 Position the sampler so that the intake is not in close proximity t potentially contaminated surfaces.

Protect the filter paper and iodin cartridge from rain.5.1.4 If the air sampler has an integral battery, proceed to Step D.5.2.= I CAUTION: l In the steps to follow, use caution when connecting the air sampler powe leads to the vehicle battery. Specifically:

  • Shut car off, if not already done.* Put on eye protection.
  • Self check to determine positive and negative battery terminals.
  • Avoid the fan, fan belt, and other potentially engine moving part when positioning and connecting power leads.* Avoid contact with battery acid corrosion residue.* To minimize the potential for hydrogen explosion, do NOT connec or disconnect the sampler power leads while the sampler is turned on]* Place the positive clamp of the air sampler on the positive battery terminal, the negative clamp on the air sampler on the negative battery terminal making sure that proper connections are made. I 1 5.1.5 Connect the sampler to the vehicle battery.5.2 Obtain the sample: 5.2.1 Turn on the sampler 5.2.2 Record the sample start time on an Air Sample Record Card (Attachment 4 Y ji Procedurc Number: Beaver Valley Power Station EPP-IP-2.2 Title Unit. Level Of Use.1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number.__2_7_of 0--5.2.3 Read the flow rate, and determine the sampling time: Desired Volume ft 3 Sample Flow Rate, cfm = Sample Time, in minutes The desired sample volume is normally 10 ft 3.unless directed otherwise by OSC/TSC.CAUTION:* Turn off air sampler prior to removing air sampler power-leads.* Disconnect negative clamp.* Disconnect positive clamp.5.2.4 When the sample time has elapsed, stop the sampler and record the stop time on an Air Sample Record Card.5.2.5 Complete other data requested on Air Sample Record Card.(Attachment 4)5.3 Using the EI4ON or equivalent with a HP2I0 probe, obtain a background reading.-5.3.1 Check that the RESPONSE control is set for the slowest response.

If instrument has a speaker, ensure it is turned on.5.3.2 Position the probe over the location where the sample media will be counted.5.3.3 Evaluate background count rate. If the background exceeds 30,000 cpm, notify OSC/TSC and request clearance to move to an area of lower background.

5.3.4 Note and record the background count rate in Column 7 (in cpm) on the EPP Survey Log.

Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedurEPNu

~ppIP-22 .17 Tide: Unit: Level Of Use: F 112 General Skill Reference{


Page Number: 1.5.4 Perform field screening of the sample media. lCAUTION Handle sample media in a manner that minimizes cross-contamination of sample media or the removal of activity from the sample media. As example: Handle all sample media by the edges.Place, do not slide, sample media into sample bags.Do not shake sample bags, or squeeze sample bags together.5.4.1 Remove the sample media from the sample holder.5.4.2 Count the filter paper and the iodine cartridge separately. Place the filter paper on a clean surface. Hold the HP21O probe about 0.5 inches above the filter paper( Record the gross instrument reading, in Column 5 (in cpm), on the EPP Survey Log. Place the iodine sample cartridge on a clean surface, flow arrow pointing downward. Hold the HP210 probe about 0.5 inches above the face of the sample cartridge. Record the gross instrument reading, in Column 6 (in cpm, on the EPP Survey Log.5.5 On the EPP Survey Log, 5.5.1 Record the sample volume in Column 8 (in cu ft),.5.5.2 Circle the iodine sample type, if applicable, in Column Record the team member SRD readings in Columns 10 and 11. (in mR)5.6 Place the samples in a plastic bag with the Air Sample Record Card. At the end of the survey return all samples, and EPP Survey Logs to the Station, or to} i another location designated by the OSC/TSC/EOF, for laboratory counting.> S S , E Procedure Number: Beaver Valley Power Station -EPP-IP-2.2 Title Unit- Level Of Use.1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number.1 2 9 of 20}6.0 After all the required data have been collected at the first survey location, establish radio contact with the OSC/TSC/EOF and report the following data from the log sheet.6.1 Survey point and time.6.2 Closed window gamma exposure rate.6.3 Open window beta plus gamma exposure rate.6.4 Air sample volume.6.5 Rate meter background count rate.6.6 Rate meter gross counts for particulate sample.6.7 Rate meter gross counts for radioiodine cartridge

& type of cartridge used.6.8 Closed window gamma exposure rates observed between survey points.7.0 After reporting the survey data from the last survey point, request further instructions from the OSC/TSC/EOF.

8.0 Proceed to the next survey point and repeat steps 7 and 8 for each survey location.F. FINAL CONDITIONS 1.0 All sample media are properly bagged, labeled and have been returned to the station for possible analysis.2.0 All survey logs are complete, signed and returned to OSC/TSC, as appropriate.

G. ATTACHMENTS 1.0 EPP Survey Log 2.0 Air Sampling, Field Evaluation and Sample Assessment 3.0 BVPS Site Map 4.0 Air Sample Record Card 5.0 Radio Protocol I Beaver Valley Power Station I~'tr Number PF]Tie: -Unit: Level Of Use: N 1/2 General Skill Referencej ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

-Page Number. --i , 12 10 of^. 20 _INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1U I Beaver Vale P e .Procedure Number B eaver valley Power Station EPP-IP-2.2 Title. Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ONS1tE MON1TORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision Page Number: 1 2 1 1 of 20 ATTACHMENT 1 (1 of 1)EPP SURVEY LOG Gas Tank Team Roult Dat Fl Momitmog Tearn 1,01 1 2 3 4_ 5 ml 10 mg n/a E F ONSITE t OFFSITE NW NE SE SW na DecRate, .ajr ~ ~ Ed~idSeang.p TaS iCrom L Samp 0. AlX "ef @ I I~

  • 8gamE140NrL

).4eagal r Megile_Si/C Szk_ _ _7 _ _ _ _ v s /LSi/c 2-3-1 f 3190 Team Members (name and badoe N1) I Igstrgm-rt Sen~al Numbers Team e Ledr B-G E14ON ]Air Sampler Other STpaurc#I #2 I I-.Beaver Valley Power Station PcureNumbeI Ttle: Unit: Level Of Use: I p °.1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number s I aI INTENTIONALLY BLANK Beaver Valley Power Station EPP-Nmb 2.2 Ttle. Unit: Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number ATTACHMENT 2 (1 of 1)AIR SAMPLING, FIELD EVALUATION AND SAMPLE ASSESSMENT Airborne Radioiodine Concentration vs. Net Count Rate (Charcoal or AgZe Cartridge)

M., C U11 E a-g a S a C r X Ab 10-9_ D asaIa. S I S I0 .00 .I a .*. , Ato i .a a. a....mooO 10,000 10 ' 100 Sensvn'tty lUst* * -f 1io~o E 140N Meter Limit Vet Coavnt Rate (cpm)

Procedure Number I I Beaver Valley Power Station EPP-IP-2.2 I P Title: --Umt: Level Of Use: i 1/2 General Skill Reference w ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE e1sion: Pfge Numbe i INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1LI Beaver Valley Power Station .ocedurNumber.

Title: -Unit. Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number.1 2 15 of 20 ATTACHMENT 3 (1 of 1)BVPS SITE MAP.1 It.aI-_ B B B I a~ 22 3352 * : =---Iq t 2 B B BC 5of I I I I I i_ _ _ _ ._ __-Ift0 11 ___

Beaver Valley Power Station PedureNumerp 2 Title' Unit: Level Of Use: 1 J-1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number: l 4,1. 2 16 ofV 20 s~INTENTIONALLY BLANK ,1 I aver V y Pow S Procedure Number.Beaver V all eyPower StationEPP-IP-2.2 Tite Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:


Date: Surveyor: Sampler ID#Sampler flow rate ft 3/min Sample time: (10 ft 3 /Sampler Flow Rate cfm) _Sample Start Time: Stol Sample Volume: p Time:

Beaver Valley Power Station Pro2.2edure..m.., 2 2 Title: Unit: Level Of Use: p -1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MON1TORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

-Page Number: I 12 --18 of 20 F INTENTIONALLY BLANK He{d ti ,1 ; ] , I I 0_ I'I1 Procedure Number.Beaver Valley Power Station EPP-IP-2.2 Title Umt: Level o0 Use-1/2 General Skill Reference ONSITE MONITORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page Number.I 1 2 19 of 20 ATTACHMENT 5 (1 of 2)RADIO PROTOCOL Because radio communications is one way at a time (unlike a telephone), the use of a standard protocol is necessary to minimize confusion, speed operation and insure accurate transfer of information.

1) Begin a transmission with the name of the receiving party followed by the name of the transmitting party. For example, "Beaver Valley EA & DP this is Field Monitoring Team One, over". Wait for the receiving party to acknowledge before relaying data. During a series of exchanges, terminate each transmission with "over" to indicate to the other person that they may transmit.

End the final transmission of a series with an appropriate termination phrase.For example, "Monitoring Team One out".2) Controlling group (EA & DP, OSC) communicators must avoid general statements such as,"Monitoring teams report your dosimeter readings".

This can result in confusion due to simultaneous transmissions by two or more teams. Direct such inquiries to each team in sequence.

The only exception to this is if no response is needed from the individual teams.3) Certain letters of the alphabet can be confused when said (V and B, P and B, as examples).

When spelling words for clarity or giving alphabetic designators, use the standard International Phonetic Alphabet shown in Step 7. Monitoring locations D.2.1 becomes "Delta point two point one". For a word like bat., say "I spell-bravo, alpha, tango", giving the phonetics slowly.4) Give numerical information as digits rather than reading it as a number. 2432 becomes two, four, three, two rather than two thousand four hundred thirty two. 35.7 becomes three, five, point, seven rather than thirty five and seven tenths.5) Report data as specified in the Field Monitoring EPP/IPs -that is by block location on the forms and without units such as mR/hr., cubic ft., or cpm. If units must be given, say them out-millirem per hour, counts per minute, etc. Avoid jargon and abbreviations.

6) Insure correct data transferal by obtaining repeat backs of all data sent and provide repeat back or acknowledgment of messages received (Three-way Communications).

Beaver Valley Power Station ProceduxeNumber P t Title: -Unit: Level Of Use:l _.1/2 General Skill Reference ONSiE MONiTORING FOR AIRBORNE RELEASE Revision:

Page NmberK I1 2 20of 20 F ATTACHMENT 5 (2 of 2)RADIO PROTOCOL 7) Avoid exclamatory or alarming statements.

When you press the microphone button, you ai making a public announcement because of the many scanners that can receive business ban communications.

-INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET I A-ALPHA B-BRAVO C-CHARLIE D-DELTA E-ECHO F-FOXTROT G-GULF -H-HOTEL I-INDIA J-JULIETT K-KILO L-LIMA M-MIKE N-NOVEMBER O-OSCAR P-PAPA Q-QUEBEC R-ROMEO S-SIERRA T-TANGO XU-UNIFORM V-VICTOR W-WHISKEY X-XRAY'IY-YANKEE Z-ZULU lo1 , L ,'I..q I I A5.735B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 EPPAIP 3.2 Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Document Owner Manager, Emergency Preparedness Revision Number 13 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes CONTROLLED BVPS UNIT 3 Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___EPP/IP 3.2 Title Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Number: 13 iof ii EFFECTIVE INDEX Issue 8 Rev.Issue 9 Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.Rev.0 1 2 3 0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 OSC Approved OSC Approved Non-Safety Related OSC Approved OSC Approved Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Non-Intent Revision Simple Change 3-12-87 6-20-88 6-30-89 3-22-90 9-27-90 11-21-91 12-29-92 1-1-94 10-14-94 10-6-95 10-23-96 4-12-00 12-12-01 1-30-02 6-14-02 2-25-03 Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNumber Title- Unit: Level Of Use.1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Purpose B. References C. Responsibilities D. Action Levels/Precautions E. Procedure F. Final Condition G. Attachments Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___EPP/IP 3.2 Title Unit: Level Of Use:-.. 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Number A. PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for assembling and accounting for personnel and visitors onsite in the event of an evacuation of plant areas.B. REFERENCES 1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures.

2.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Security Plan.3.0 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E.4.0 NUREG-0654IFEMA-REP-1 "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." 5.0 Condition Reports CR# 01-3198, 01-3322, 01-3556, 02-04345,02-06677,02-07647 C. RESPONSIBILITIES 1.0 EMERGENCY DIRECTOR 1.1 The Emergency Director (Shift Manager until properly relieved) is responsible for declaring a Site Area or General Emergency (A Site Area or General Emergency mandates Personnel Accountability, unless circumstances mitigate against performing.).

1.2 The Emergency Director (Shift Manager until properly relieved) can order a Site Assembly or Personnel Accountability should the situation warrant.

--Prcdr Nube I l* Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNumber Title: nt: Level OfUse.1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number, 2.0 SECURITY COORDINATOR 2.1 The Security Coordinator (Nuclear Security Shift Supervisor until proper] y relieved) is responsible for the actions pertaining to Site Assembly and Sue Accountability.

_ !g NOTE: L If a Site Area Emergency appears imminent, the Security Coordinator shoul initiate steps to expedite the prompt completion of Accountability.

l 2.2 The Security Coordinator will be located in the TSC unless a Security event is in progress.

In that case, he will be located in the Security Building.

The senior member of the security organization will assume the duties of the Security Coordinator.

D. ACTION LEVELS/PRECAUTIONS 1.0 ACTION LEVELS 1.1 An emergency condition at BVPS has resulted in conditions which require a Site Assembly and/or Site Accountability.

1.2 A Site Area or General Emergency has been declared.2.0 PRECAUTIONS 2.1 This procedure applies to the declaration of a Site Assembly and/or Site Accountability at the BVPS Site (Unit 1 and 2) and addresses maintaining accountability of emergency personnel and other personnel remaining to perforni emergency functions.

2.2 This procedure is primarily directed at Assembly and Accountability initiated bl actual or imminent radiological conditions.

It also applies to evacuations relate to other habitability hazards, such as toxic gases or fire.2.3 The responsibility for maintaining personnel accountability in the event of a local evacuation, rest with the supervisory personnel providing access control and/or radiological coverage to that area.2.4 A Site Assembly may also be required due to a Security Event. Attachment 4 provides space for specifics to be included in the Page Announcement.

i Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.S~~~~~~ EPP/vIPey.Joe glo 3.2 TitleUnit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number: 13 3 of 32


1.0 SITE ASSEMBLY NOTE: If a Site Assembly is directed, Emergency Facility Coordinators shall complete an accurate list of assigned personnel who can not go to the Assembly Area because of their emergency assignment (Attachment 2 of this IP). This Attachment must be furnished to the Central Alarm Station, in writing, before accountability can be complete.

In the event of a radiological release or similar emergency (toxic gases)making access to the Central Alarm Station impossible, Attachment 2 shall be transmitted via phone FAX (PAX) or other communications links (Page, Ops or Rad circuits).

The Attachment should be initiated at the Alert classification if it appears that a Site Area Emergency is imminent and delivered as soon as possible following the call for the Site Assembly or Site Area Emergency declaration, whichever comes first.1.1 Control Room Actions 1.1.1 Perform Attachment 10 of this procedure.

1.2 Site Assembly -Onsite nonessential personnel-1.2.1 Upon activation of Standby Alarm, personnel shall stop work and listen for instructions over the page.1.2.2 If instructions are given to report to the Assembly Areas:* Stop work* Shut down equipment* Lower any suspended loads* Leave area I t I , Beaver Valley Power Station I EPP/IP 3.2 2 F Unit: Level Of Use: j I 1/2 General Skill Reference>-

Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number: 1.2.3 Personnel exiting Vital Areas SHALL utilize card readers, ensuring computerized Accountability is maintained.

l In the event card readers are inoperable, personnel may"Thumb-Out" by manually releasing the door lock. Th'e Central Alarm Station or nearest Security personnel must be notified of the "Thumb-Out" to update the Securitly computer and maintain computerized accountability.

I 1.2.4 Personnel within Unit 1 shall report to the Mens Locker Room located in the Turbine Building.1.2.5 Personnel within Unit 2 and in the SOSB shall report to the 3rd floor Assembly Area of the SOSB.1.2.6 Contractor manual personnel within the Protected Area shall report to the 2nd floor Assembly Area in the NCD Building.

BVPS and non-manual contractor personnel within the Protected Area, but not in either unit, shall report to the 3rd floor Assembly Area in the NCD Building.

I NOTE: Outage personnel under the direction of NCD will report to the NCDlAssembly Area (Craft Change Area).l 1.2.7 Construction Contractor personnel located or working outside the Protected Area fence, but within BVPS property, will report to Whse;"B".J pNOTE: le=gJ Outage personnel under the direction of other Site groups (e.g.] i Westinghouse personnel contracted by BVPS Maintenance) will exit the PAF and report to Whse "B". a 1.2.8 Visitors shall follow the instructions given by their escort.1.3 Assembly Area Actions 1.3.1 Once within the Assembly Areas, personnel shall follow the following guidelines:

  • Follow all instructions given by Page Party Announcements, Supervisors, Security and Health Physics, if applicable.

Beaver Valley Power Station -ProcedureNumber.

Title Unt. Level Of Use I1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Numbr:* Refrain from smoking, eating or drinking.* Remain calm and quiet so that further instructions can be heard.* Personnel SHALL remain in their Assembly Areas until instructed to do otherwise.

NOTE: The Assembly Area Coordinator/Supervisors shall assume control of the Assembly Areas using Attachment 7 as guidance.2.0 PERSONNEL OUTSIDE THE PROTECTED AREA 2.1 Personnel located outside the Protected Area who do not have emergency assignments shall report to the closest Near-site Assembly Area listed below and await further instructions.

I***Training Building (1 st Floor)Warehouse B (2nd Floor)QA Building (1st Floor)NOTE: Warehouse B is usually a locked facility.

The designated Assembly Area Coordinator/designee has a key to this facility and is responsible for activating this facility.2.2 A Near-site Assembly Area Coordinator will provide instructions on signing the EPP Roster and directions on smoking, eating and drinking.I NOTE: The Assembly Area Coordinator shall assume control of the Assembly Areas using Attachment 7 as guidance.2.3 Updates concerning event classifications, plant conditions and possible Site Evacuation will be received by the Near-site Assembly Area Coordinator from I the TSC and relayed to assembled personnel. (Refer to Attachment 8 of this IP for Coordinator instructions.)

2.4 Should the situation warrant, air sampling will be conducted by Health Physics personnel at one or all of the Near-site Assembly Areas.

Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNumber 3 2'Title:Unit:

Level Of Use: I 1/2 General Skill Reference.;

Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision PageNumber 2.5 If a Site Evacuation is ordered, personnel will receive instructions as to where they should report (Remote Assembly Area or home).3.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 3.1 Upon direction from the Emergency Director, in conjunction with Security, or the TSC Security Coordinator if activated, Control Room personnel shail complete Attachment 5 of this IP. l 3.2 The primary method for accountability of station personnel is through the computerized key-card system. This system has provisions for identifying and printing a listing of all personnel remaining inside the Protected Area. All non 1 t emergency personnel located within the Protected Area shall follow the instructions provided.3.3 Emergency Facility Coordinators located inside the Protected Area should formulate a list of those personnel within their facilities or under thei'r cognizance, who would be unable to report to their assembly areas during accountability due to their emergency assignments. (See Attachment 2)3.3.1 The EPP Site Accountability Form (Attachment

2) should be initiated as soon as possible after an ALERT is declared.

When complete and accurate, the list should be faxed (724-643-4469) or hand carried to the CAS.NOTE: lIn the event of a radiological release or similar emergency (toxic gases)making access to the Central Alarm Station impossible, Attachment 2 shall be transmitted via phone (PAX), FAX or other communications' links (Page, Ops or Rad circuits).

-3.4 During emergency conditions, personnel are permitted to exit the Auxiliary, Building in mass without carding out at the exit readers. The card readers in the Assembly Areas relocate any personnel who tailgated out of Vital Areas during emergencies.

NOTE: Refer to Attachment 5 of this IP for the- Initiate Accountability Page Announcement.

Jfe l * ,~~ 11 t Beaver Valley Power Station -Procedure Number____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___EPP/IP 3.2 Title. Unit Level Of Use.1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number I -3 7 of 32 NOTE: Security personnel shall assist BVPS Supervisory personnel, as requested, at the Primary Assembly Areas.3.5 Construction personnel not assigned to a Primary Assembly Area within the Protected Area shall immediately exit through the Primary Access Facility (PAF) via their regularly assigned entry/exit gate, report to a Near-site Assembly Area (See Attachment

3) and await further instructions.

3.6 A computer generated accountability printout will be completed within thirty (30) minutes of the declaration of a Site Area Emergency or within thirty (30)minutes of the Emergency Director's request for Accountability if not in a Site Area Emergency.

This printout will complete the first stage of the Accountability/Search process.3.7 Site Accountability reports are completed by comparing the computer printout listing persons inside the Protected Area but not in the Primary Assembly Area against various EPP Site Accountability Forms (Attachment

2) provided by the Emergency Facility Coordinators.

3.8 Onsite Security personnel in CAS will report the results of the initial Accountability/Search process to the Security Coordinator in the TSC who will keep the Emergency Director updated.3.8.1 Search and rescue operations will be conducted for personnel listed as being in the Protected Area but not shown on the various Accountability Forms (per EPP/IP 5.1 "Search and Rescue").

This will be the follow-up stage of the Accountability/Search process.3.9 Personnel outside the Protected Area fence when a Site Assembly is indicated shall proceed to the nearest designated Near-site Assembly Area, as identified in Attachment 3 of this IP. Once Site Accountability has been initiated and completed, Near-site Assembly Area Coordinators should report results to the TSC per Attachment 8 of this IP.3.10 Personnel with emergency assignments inside the Protected Area will enter through the PAF.3.10.1 After entering the Protected Area, personnel should proceed to their Primary Assembly Area and report in prior to proceeding to their emergency assignments.

I Beaver Valley Power Station IProcedurc Number. 3 1 Title: Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference, Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability I Revision:

Page Number: I -3.10.2 Individuals not able to report to their Primary Assembly Area, due to the nature of their emergency assignment, should go directly to their emergency response facility and be placed on that facility's Accountability Form. I NOTE: Attachment 2 of this IP should be referenced when an EPP Sitel Accountability Form is to be utilized.3.10.3 Emergency response personnel should make every effort to report to the'Primary Assembly Areas to assist in completing accountability within the required time period (30 minutes).l _NOTE: Personnel SHALL not leave the Primary Assembly Areas during accountability.

Coordinators must use caution to insure sufficient personnel remain to maintain the emergency facility functional.

4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SITE EVACUATION Li-9.I.i L'I NOTE: Refer to Attachment 6 of this IP for the Site Evacuation Page Announcement.

.4.1 Should a Site Evacuation be ordered, normal personnel access control procedures will apply.4.2 During an emergency condition, personnel exiting the site shall follow norma exiting procedures, or as directed by Security.

l4.2.1 Once the security badge/key-cards have been read, the system can b interrogated to 'determine personnel within the Protected Area and theii whereabouts.

4.2.2 Applicable information will be reported to the Security Coordinator whJ relays the information to the Emergency Director. If necessary, search and rescue operations will b K conducted for personnel listed as being in the Protecte Area but not shown on the various Accountability Form l(per EPP/IP 5.1 "Search and Rescue")..j~I ,

Be er Valley Power Station Procedure Number BeaverEPP/IP 3.2 Title Unit- Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revsison 9 of 32 4.3 TLD/dosimeters will be collected at the normal issue and collection point unless otherwise directed by Radcon.F. FINAL CONDITIONS This procedure will be complete when an accountability report has been delivered to the Emergency Director and when procedures being conducted concurrently (Search and Rescue and Evacuation) have been satisfactorily completed.


-NEAR-SITE ASSEMBLY AREA 8.0 RETURN TO WORK ANNOUNCEMENT 9.0 PRIMARY ASSEMBLY AREA INSTRUCTIONS 10.0 SITE ASSEMBLY AND PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY EVACUATION CHECKLIST I rcdure Number- I I~TeBeaver Valley Power Station I. lTitle: EPP3.l Site Assembly' and Personnel Accountability unit: el Of Use: 12 General Skill Referei Le General Skill Referei I, I(.Revision Page Nulmber I i I I( Jof t 2, I 'INTENTIONALLY BLANK l1-s '1 I Beaver Valley Power Station ProcdureNu Title Unit. Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Number.I 1 1 of 32 ATTACHMENT 1 (1 of 1)TELEPHONE LISTING FOR ASSEMBLY AREAS AND ASSOCIATED LOCATIONS PRIMARY ASSEMBLY AREAS: UI Mens Locker Room U2 NCOS-2 U2 NCOS-3 U2 SOSB-3 5169/Page 7881 5476 7595 OFFSITE ASSEMBLY AREAS: Western Power Delivery Division, Raccoon Headquarters Hookstown Grange MISCELLANEOUS AREAS: 724-682-2384 724-573-9885 BVPS Control Room -Unit 1 BVPS Control Room -Unit 2 BVPS Control Room -Shift Manager Office Alternated Operations Support Center (Unit 1 Emergency S/D Panel Area)BVPS Security Building (CAS Room)Operations Support Center Communications

& Record Coord. (TSC)5110 5313 5102/5172/5302 5174/Page 643-5954/PAX 5114/5115 (or Page)1369/5391 5427/5652 Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.-itl EPP/1P 3.2 ilt , I.I v1!I I ItMS.Uni: ILevel OfUse: 112 General Skill Referen Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number: 1R12 r e f ) -ix , ,, a II I i'-.,;, Ja INTENTIONALLY BLANK K----IL Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station E 3.2 Title Unit Level Of Use General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revsion PageoNumber ATTACHMENT 2 (1 of 1)A5.715FS EPP SITE ACCOUNTABILITY FORM To be completed for non-assembling personnel at each work location.

Started once a Station Alert Emergency has been declared, delivered to the Central Alarm Station (PAX 5114/5115 or FAX 724-643-4469) at the declaration of an Accountability, Site Area Emergency (or General Emergency if there is a rapid escalation).

Complete all sections of the form. Individuals listed on an EPP Site Accountability Form should card-in to any of the Accountability Card Readers if they are in the area.*1*"BV" NO.BADGE NO.NAME (LAST AND INITIALS)2 .5 .I 6 .8 9.11. I 12.14. _16.17.19.5 2 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _WORK GROUP (Control Room, OSC)INDIVIDUAL COMPLETING THE FORM/DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER TO BE REACHED AT

-- lt Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Numr .1 Title: Unit: Level Of Use: 1 I-1/2 General Skill Reference,, Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:


Beaver Valley Power Station Pr-dreNubPPr 3.2 Title Unit, Level Of Use: 1iteGeneral Skil Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision -Page Number ATTACHMENT 3 (1 of 1)NEAR-SITE ASSEMBLY AREA MAP I a8 I I3 S S S S 4 4 44 4442 ii' -S 7 --a --C I i r-P./I V14 9 I a z _-'rP T T-2r -hil-I I I I-t P- -I j -L- _'--7.a=--7 -__1 ,I\ '-_ -I0-.1;.0.a S h-.-I a I i 4 a F" P-AL--,,L< f__ T I _.---I --_X _.---4 IS iA V 0-1 I -I I~II aII II\\------ft -20t -- -ttiN k -I1 _

IlEn II Beaver Valley Power Station Pcedure Number 1 TitleUnit:

Level Of Use: I p U: 12 OGeneral Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number I t 13 16 of32 ' F INTENTIONALLY BLANK ee-I t i: L .

Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure P 32 Title: Unit. Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revison Pg Num3r ATTACHMENT 4 (1 of 1)A5.715Fr SITE ASSEMBLY PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Should the Emergency Director (Shift Manager until relieved) order a Site Assembly, complete the following steps: 1) Sound the Station Stand-by Alarm one (1) time.2) Read the following: "Attention all site personnel, this is an actual event".a) "The Emergency Director has ordered a Site Assembly.

Personnel with emergency assignments report to your designated locations.

All other personnel report immediately to your designated Assembly Area.""This is an actual event." OR b) "The Emergency Director has ordered a Site Assembly due to a Security Event in progress. (Provide specifics, as applicable.)

." 3) Perform Steps 1 and 2 two (2) additional times within 15 minutes of the first announcement, unless the event is escalated or terminated.

Time Initials* First Announcement

.Second Announcement

.Third Announcement

.Date 4) Restore Page System to single unit operation upon termination of the event or upon direction of the Emergency Director.

7 Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNuPP 3.2 [i T.itl -i I p 1 i, I Unit. Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Referen Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability


Page Number: I 1 I In Q Ad n-o 'I I I OT $Z ' 1 7t, l 7.INTENTIONALLY BLANK I Proceduire Number Beaver Valley Power'Station-EPP/IP 3.2 Title Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:


INITIATE ACCOUNTABILITY PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Upon the direction of the Emergency Director or declaration of a Site Area Emergency, initiate an Accountability by completing the following steps: 1) Sound the Station Stand-by Alarm one (1) time.2) Read the following: "Attention all site personnel, this is an actual event. "A Site Accountability has been ordered by the Emergency Director.

This is an actual event." Additional Comments:'

3) Perform Steps 1 and 2 two (2) additional times within 15 minutes of the first announcement, unless the event is escalated or terminated.

Time Initials* First Announcement

.Second Announcement

  • Third Announcement
  • Date 4) Restore Page System to single unit operation upon termination of the event or upon direction of the Emergency Director.

LI Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number TiIe.EPP/IP 3.2 UiyLevel Of Use: U1/2 1 General Skill Refere Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number-L 1 1 oIn riJ INTENTIONALLY BLANK U 7, j1 I, K-p IL Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Numbe Title: Unit. Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Number.ATTACHMENT 6 (1 of 1)A5.715FV SITE EVACUATION PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Should the Emergency Director order a Site Evacuation, complete the following steps: 1) Sound the Station Stand-by Alarm one (1) time.2) Read the following: "Attention all site personnel, the Emergency Director has ordered a Site Evacuation.

All personnel, except those with emergency assignments, shall exit via your normal entrance/exit location and; (check one)D Report to for vehicle monitoring.

Specify location L Report directly to Hookstown Grange Remote Assembly Area Western Power Delivery Division Raccoon Headquarters, Remote Assembly Area[a Exit the Site and proceed home until further notice.Additional Comments: 3) Performn Steps 1 and 2 two (2) additional times within 15 minutes of the first announcement, unless the event is escalated or terminated.

Time Initials* First Announcement

  • Second Announcement

.Third Announcement

  • Date 4) Restore Page System to single unit operation upon termination of the event or upon direction of the Emergency Director.

Beaver Valley Power Station Pr r Nber 3.2 -lTitle. Unit: Level Of Use: I I.-.-- 1/2 General Skill Reference-Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision.

Page Number 1t--- 22 of 32 1t INTENTIONALLY BLANK 4 .k I Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number BeaverEPPIIP 3.2 Title Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision-Page Number 1-3 23 of X2 ATTACHMENT 7 (1 of 4)A5.715FW NEAR-SITE ASSEMBLY AREA INSTRUCTIONS AREA COORDINATOR Upon notification of a Site Area Emergency or Site Assembly/Accountability, the Near-Site Assembly Coordinator (NSAAC) shall do the following:

1) Report to their designated Assembly area location, open the Emergency Cabinet and remove the appropriate supplies (Instructions, rosters, etc.).2) Distribute and request all personnel at the Assembly Area sign rosters.3) Call 5427/5652 to notify the Communications and Records Coordinator (C&RC) in the TSC that you are activated.

Provide the C&RC, or assistant, with: a) your name, b) your Near-Site Assembly Area location and c) your phone number for callbacks.

4) The C&RC will provide you with the following information:
1) "This is an actual event. The following is information as of (time) A SITE AREA /GENERAL EMERGENCY was declared at Unit #1 / Unit #2 at (time) due to (reason)A Site Assembly and Accountability was called at (time) ". The Site Protective Action per the Emergency Director at (time) is: a) To remain at the Assembly Area.- All personnel should sign a roster.b) Return to work.c) Evacuate to the Hookstown Grange / Western Power Delivery Division.Raccoon Headquarters Offsite Assembly Area.d) Evacuate the Site and follow directions of local authorities.


Beaver Valley Power Station P E, P 3.21 I Title: Unit: Level Of Use I 1/2 General Skill Reference.

Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision.


2) Upon Termination of the emergency include the following: "The emergency condition has been terminated at ftime).5) Inform personnel in the area of this information via the buildings page system, bullhorn, etc.6) Keep personnel informed as information is provided by the C&RC.7) If an EVACUATION is declared, provide directions, if necessary, to the appropriate offsitE Assembly Area per EPP/IP 3.1 "Evacuation" located in the emergency cabinet.8) Select one pocket dosimeter from the cabinet. Read and log the initial reading. Rezero if hairline is not visible. Read and log readings every 15 minutes as long as you are located at tle Near Site Assembly Area or until the emergency is terminated.

Provide readings if requested.

TIME READING (mRem) TIME READING (mRem)9) Upon termination, collect records and rosters and return them to the Director, Emergency Preparedness, BV-T.LOCATION ,NAME ,DATE (RETURN TO DIRECTOR, EPP)DiL'1 I' Beaver Valley Power Station -Procedure Number EPPIIP32 Title: -Unit. Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision Page Number: ATTACHMENT 7 (3 of 4)A5.715FW NEAR-SITE ASSEMBLY AREA INSTRUCTIONS COMMUNICATIONS


1) Upon Receiving a Call From the NSAAC's. Provide the Following Information:
1) "This is an actual event. The following is information as of (time) .A SITE AREA / GENERAL EMERGENCY was declared at Unit #1 / Unit #2 at (time)due to (reason)A Site Assembly and Accountability was called at (time) ". The Site Protective

--Action per the Emergency Director at (time) is: a) To remain at the Assembly Area. All personnel should sign a roster.b) Return to work.c) Evacuate to the Hookstown Grange / Western Power Delivery Division Raccoon Headquarters Offsite Assembly Area.d) Evacuate the Site and follow directions of local authorities.

2) Upon Termination of the emergency include the following: "The emergency condition has been terminated at (time)NAME , DATE j4 I , 4 Beaver Valley Power Station -Procedure Number f Title i: Level Of Use: I , 1/2 General Skill References-Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:



2) Update the Information as Necessar, and Call the NSAAC's at the Following:

PHONE NO.LOCATION COORD.NAME Training Building Warehouse B QA Building 3) The NSAAC's are logging pocket dosimeter readings every 15 minutes. Periodically, reque, their latest reading, and if, INCREASING, inform the TSC Radcon Coordinator.

NAME , DATE 3 1!1 Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number~EPP/IP 3.2 Title. Unit Level Of Use.112 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision 27 of 32 ATTACHMENT 8 (1 of 1)A5.715FX RETURN TO WORK ANNOUNCEMENT EVACUATED AREA -ALL CLEAR 1) Sound the Station Stand-by Alarm one (1) time.2) Read the following: "Attention all site personnel, this is an actual event"."The is now radiologically (or other hazard) safe.(Specify Unit and location)Personnel may return to that area. This is an actual event." Additional Comments: 3) Perform Steps I and 2 two (2) additional times within 15 minutes of the first announcement, unless the event is escalated or terminated.

Time Initials* First Announcement

  • Second Announcement
  • Third Announcement
  • Date 4) Restore Page System to single unit operation upon termination of the event or upon direction of the Emergency Beaver Valley Power Station Poeu EPP/IP 3.2 F i.cur.Unit 1/2 Level Of Use: I General Skill Refere..Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability J12 Revision: 1 1 Page Number%no _r P n I.At I I, ISOT , Al-INTENTIONALLY BLANK V ,~ I-IL

-Bea r V e Pr S -.Procedure Number Beaver ValleyPower Station EPPAP 3.2 Title: Unit Level Of Use.1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision-Page Number.__ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _I___ _ __ 3 2 f3 ATTACHMENT 9 (1 of 1)PRIMARY ASSEMBLY AREA INSTRUCTIONS Upon declaration of Site Accountability:

1. All personnel in the Primary Assembly Area shall insert their key card into the assembly area reader.2. Wait for light on reader and remove key card.3. Remain in the Assembly Area unless directed otherwise.
4. Follow all instructions from Page/Party Announcements.
5. Refrain from smoking, eating and drinking.6. Remain calm and quiet so instructions can be heard.7. Supervisory personnel shall control Assembly Areas.8. Contact CAS 5114 or 5115 if problems arise.

Beaver Valley Power Station rocedure Number: 32 i 1 i ,.i.....s.Unit: Level Of Use: 2 'General Skill Referen I Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability

.__, Revision:

Page Number: I 1 I -1n urn. 1 k I *II (1 1 I IL I< a_.INTENTIONALLY BLANK3/4I--J-Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station EPPIIP 3.2 Title: Unit Level Of Use:.1/2 General Skill Reference Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability 177sion PNumber.ATTACHMENT 10 (Page 1 of 1)SITE ASSEMBLY AND PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY/EVACUATION CONTROL ROOM ACTIONS 1. Contact CAS to activate the Primary Assembly Area card readers. D]2. Complete SITE ASSEMBLY PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT D (EPP/IP 3.2, Att. 4).3. Direct Health Physics personnel to perform radiological surveys of affected areas to identify extent, nature and source of problem, if applicable.

4. Direct Health Physics personnel to perform radiological surveys in the Primary and/or Near-site Assembly Areas, if applicable.
5. Based on conditions or surveys of the affected areas: Permit personnel to return to work by performing EPP/IP 3.2, : An. 8 RETURN TO WORK ANNOUNCEMENT.

OR If warranted, send personnel home or to Remote Assembly Area by LI performing EPP/IP 3.2, Att. 6 SITE EVACUATION PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT.

6. To implement Site Accountability, complete EPP/IP 3.2, Att. 5 INITIATE ACCOUNT-ABILITY PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT.

NOTE: Must be completed within 15 minutes of calling for accountability.

6.1 Complete EPP/IP 3.2, Att. 2 EPP SITE LI ACCOUNTABILITY FORM.6.2 Hand carry, or fax, if conditions permit (724-643-4469), LI the completed EPP SITE ACCOUNTABILITY FORM to CAS.7. Upon notification of unaccounted personnel, perform EPP/IP 5.1, Att. 1 SEARCH AND RESCUE PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT.

7.1 If required, perform EPP/IP 5.1 SEARCH AND LI RESCUE.8. For Site Evacuation, perform EPP/IP 3.2, Att. 6 SITE EVACUATION LI PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT.

4 I Beaver Valley Power Station- Nuber. 3 .Unit: Level Of Use: 1/2 General Skill Referencer Site Assembly and Personnel Accountability Revision:

Page Number: p 13 32 of I C , i)I/ 'iR.': INTENTIONALLY BLANK I t--I