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Groundwater Monitoring Report - Plant Vogtle Landfills #2 and #3, Solid Waste Permit Nos. 017-006D(L)(I) and 017-007D(L)(I), Burke County, Georgia, March 2005
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/2005
From: Godfrey J
Southern Nuclear Operating Co, The Dextra Group
To: Gillespie H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of GA, Environmental Protection Div
017-006D(L)(I), 017-007D(L)(I), EV-05-0513
Download: ML073300619 (142)


Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201-1295 Tel 205992.5000 SOUIHERNA COMPANY Energy to Serve Your World"" File: E.03.40C Log: EV-05-0513 March 16, 2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Landfill#2 and#3 Solid Waste Permit No.017-006D(L)(I)

Solid Waste Permit No.017-007D(L)(I)

Mr.Harold C.Gillespie Unit Coordinator

-Industrial Solid Waste Unit Georgia Environmental Protection Division 4244 International Parkway, Suite 104 Atlanta, GA 30354

Dear Mr.Gillespie:

Pursuant to EPD Solid Waste Rule 391-3-4-.14 and in accordance with the approved Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 and#3 Groundwater Monitoring Plans, Southern Nuclear is submitting the attached semi-annual groundwater monitoring report which was prepared for Southern Nuclear by the Dextra Group.This report presents the results for analysis of groundwater samples taken in December 2004.Samples from all monitoring wells at Landfill#2 and Landfill#3 were analyzed for Chapter 391-3-4 Appendix I parameters.

In addition, due to a statistically significant increase over background detected during the June 2004 monitoring event, samples from Landfill#3 well GWA-7 were analyzed for Chapter 391-3-4 Appendix II parameters and due to the detection of the Appendix II parameter mercury in previoussamplingevents, all monitoring wells at Landfill#3 were analyzed for mercury.As discussed in Sections 5 and 6 of the attached report, there was no statistically significant increase over background for any parameter detected in the compliance wells at Landfill#2.At Landfill#3 there was a statistically significant increase over background for barium and 1, 1-dichloroethane in wells GWC-13 and GWC-14;trichlorofluoromethane in wells GWC-13 and GWA-7;and cis-1 ,2-dichloroethane in well GWC-14.There was also a detection of mercury in Landfill#3 wells GWA-7 and15.Statistical analysis for mercury was not performed because there are fewer than four complete data sets for mercury analysis.

EV-05-0513 Page 2 Georgia Environmental Protection Division Mr.Harold C.Gillespie A copy of this letter and the attached report will be placed in the operating record within 14 days to serve as the notice to the operating record in accordance with EPD Rules.If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Rachel Bauman at (205)992-7025.Sincerely,'-AA J.M.Godfrey Manager-Environmental Affairs JMG/RGB:ahl cc: Mr.Michael Kemp (w/o)Mr.Earl Hinkle (w/o)Mr.Kurt Batsel (w/o)Attachment EV-05-0513 Page 3 Georgia Environmental Protection Division Mr.Harold C.Gillespie bc: P.D.Rushton (w/o)W.F.Kitchens (w/o)N.J.Stringfellow (w/o)N.D.Dennis (w/o)C.L.Buck (w/o)D.G.Goodwin (w/o)(Return Receipt)SNC Document Management

-Vogtle (Return Receipt)


AND 017-007D(L)(I)

BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA MARCH 2005 PREPARED FOR: Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.40 Inverness Center Parkway Birmingham, Alabama 35201 PREPARED By: Kurt R.Batsel, P.E.Georgia License Number 16594 The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road,#154 Dextra Marietta, Georgia 30068

--TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-Introduction 12-Monitoring Well Network 13-Groundwater Flow Rate and Directional Data 2 3.1 Geology/Hydrogeology 3.2 Groundwater Elevations and Gradients4-Sampling Procedures and Parameter Analyses 4 4.1 Procedures and Field Measurements 4.2 Parameter Analyses5-Groundwater Quality Evaluation 5 5.1 Detected Parameters 5.2 Statistical Analyses 5.2.1 Landfill#2 5.2.2 Landfill#36-Conclusions 7 In Order Following Page 7 Tables1-Groundwater Elevations and Monitoring Well Construction Details, Landfill#22-Groundwater Elevations and Monitoring Well Construction Details, Landfill#33-Groundwater Sampling Field Measurements, Landfill#24-Groundwater Sampling Field Measurements, Landfill#35-Constituents for Detection Monitoring6-Summary of Detected Parameters, Landfill#27-Summary of Detected Parameters, Landfill#3 Figures1-Groundwater Contour Elevation Map Landfill#2, December 28, 20042-Groundwater Contour Elevation Map Landfill#3, December 28, 2004 AppendicesA-Hydraulic Gradient Calculation SheetsB-Laboratory Analytical ReportsC-Statistical Analyses

-, 1-Introduction This report presents the results of groundwater sampling conducted in December 2004 at two private solid waste landfills (Landfill#2 and Landfill#3)operated by Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.(SNC)at Plant Vogde in Waynesboro, Georgia.Groundwater monitoring was initiated in 2002 in accordance with the approved Groundwater Monitoring Plan for the landfills.

The landfills are operated under Solid Waste Permit#s 017-006D(L)(I) and 017-007D(L)(I) and are used for disposal of non-putrescible, non-liquid office and solid waste as well as construction/demolition debris such as asbestos insulation, wooden pallets and concrete.The active trench at Landfill#2 is used only for asbestos disposal.Landfill#3, permitted in 1987, has been utilized solely for construction and demolition debris disposal since 1992.Sampling, analyses and data evaluation were conducted in accordance with the rules of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division (EPD), Chapter 391-3-4, the September 1991"Manual for Groundwater Monitoring" and the approved Groundwater Monitoring Plan for the landfills.

The Endings of the initial four sampling events, conducted from August 2002 through December 2002, and subsequent semi-annual sampling events are presented in reports previously submitted to the EPD.This report presents the results of the December 2004 semi-annual monitoring event.Subsequent reports will be prepared upon completion of semi-annual monitoring events as scheduled in the Groundwater Monitoring Plan.2-Monitoring Well Network The groundwater monitoring well network consists of four permanent monitoring wells located along the north, east and south waste unit management boundaries of Landfill#2 (Figure 1), and seven permanent monitoring wells located along the perimeter of the waste management unit boundary of Landfill#3 (Figure 2).As shown in the Egures, the wells are located outside of, but as close as practical to, the waste disposal areas.The wells are screened within the uppermostproducing zones underlying the landfills, which occur from approximately 35 to 60 feet below land surface at Landfill#2 and from approximately 30 to 50 feet below land surface at Landfill#3.The four permanent groundwater monitoring wells at Landfill#2 were installed in September 2001 after advancing a total of eight deep soil borings around the landfill boundary.The upgradient well is GWA-2/MW-2 and the downgradient, or compliance, wells are GWC-3/MW-3, GWB-4/MW-4 and GWC-11/MW-11.

The well construction details are presented in Table 1.The wells will be referred to as GWA-2, GWC-3, GWB-4 and GWC-11 in this report consistent with the EPD's well identification guidelines.

The seven permanent groundwater monitoring wells at Landfill#3 were installed in September 2001 and in July 2002.The well construction details are presented in Table 2.Wells GWA-7/MW-7 and GWA-15/MW-15 are located at the south and southwest portions of the landfill boundary.Wells GWC-5/MW-5, GWC-13/MW-13 and GWC-14/MW-14 are located along the eastern portion of the landfill boundary, and wells GWB-6/MW-6 and GWB-16/MW-16 are located along the northern landfill boundary.Well GWA-7/MW-7 was initially treated as a compliance (downgradient) well for Landfill#3.However, due to review of water level measurements showing this well to be side gradient from the active fill area of the landfill, well GWA-7/MW-7 was evaluated as a background well in the monitoring reports from the June 2003 and December 2003 sampling events.Based on the consistent detection of trichlorofluoromethane and the June 2004 detection of trichloroethene in Well GWA-7/MW-7, it was decided to return to evaluating this well as a compliance well.This

-,-approach was used in the June 2004 monitoring report and was continued in this monitoring report.The most appropriate designation for this well will continue to be evaluated in light of future monitoring results.For this report, well GWA-15/MW-15 is the designated background well, and the remaining wells are designated compliance wells.The wells will be referred to as GWC-5, GWB-6, GWA-7, GWC-13, GWC-14, GWA-15 and GWB-16 in this report in accordance with the EPD's well identification guidelines.

Two stormwater sediment ponds were completed in 2004 in accordance with the approved Design and Operational Plan for the Vogtle Landfill#3.As there was no discharge from either pond at the time of the December 2004 groundwater monitoring event, no surface water samples were collected from the surface water monitoring stations located at the pond outfalls.3-Groundwater Flow Rate and Directional Data 3.1 Geology/Hydrogeology The geology of the Plant Vogtle site consists of sedimentary deposits within the Coastal Plain physiographic province of Georgia.These sediments consist of unconsolidated sands, silts and clays comprised of marine and non-marine fluvial deposits.Marls and limestone were also encountered at depth in deep borings completed at the landfills.

A boring completed to approximately 126 feet below land surface at the northwest boundary of Landfill#2 appears to have been completed just into or immediately on top of the Utley Limestone member.The marls encountered during drilling were components of the Irwinton Sand member.Either all or parts of the Barnwell Group members (except the Utley Limestone member)were also encountered in the other borings conducted at the landfills.

Underlying the Barnwell Group is the Lisbon Formation with its uppermost unit, the Blue Bluff Marl, located immediately under the Utley Limestone.

This marl layer, approximately 70 feet thick, is a near-impermeable layer that effectively confines the Tertiary and Cretaceous aquifers, the two confined aquifers beneath the Plant site.The occurrence of groundwater underlying the landfills appears in confined, semi-confined, unconfined, and perched hydrogeologic units.Groundwater is found primarily in sands, silty sands, clayey sands and marl limestone interfaces.

The main difference between boring/well water production characteristics and aquifer confining characteristics appears to be the thickness of the water-producing zone, the grain size of the sand component, the sand/clay ratio and the characteristics of the marl/limestone interface.

Groundwater may also exist in an unconfmed water table aquifer in the Barnwell sands and limestone that overlie the marl.The water table aquifer at the site is on an interfluvial ridge, or a topographically high area in which the groundwater in the water table discharges along streams that surround the topographic high.The streams eventually discharge to the Savannah River.3.2 Groundwater Elevations and Gradients During well installation, the occurrence of groundwater was determined by collecting continuous split spoon samples beginning approximately five feet above the location of expected producing zones.At both landfills, groundwater was generally found in water producing zones less than one foot thick and was observed to be under semi-confined or confined conditions.

Upon completion of all drilling activities, measuring points were located on the tops of the well casings and surveyed relative to mean sea level (msl).During each sampling event, depth to water measurements were recorded in the wells from the surveyed elevations using an electronic water-level 2

,,-.-, indicator.

The water level measurements were then subtracted from the appropriate measuring point elevations to determine groundwater elevations in the wells.Hydraulic conductivity (K)in the wells was measured on September 26, 2001.The values ranged from 5.634 x 10-4 cm/sec in GWB-6 to 3.064 x 10-2 cm/sec in GWA-2.Landfill#2 Depth to water measurements and groundwater elevations for the wells at Landfill 2 are presented in Table 1.Groundwater elevations measured during the sampling events to date indicate groundwater underneath Landfill 2 trends from a relatively higher elevation at the eastern/northeastern portion of the landfill (GWA-2)to relatively lower elevations to the west/southwest beneath the landfill (Figure 1).Well GWC-11 is not used to construct the potentiometric surface map because the uppermost water-bearing unit at this location appears to be within a different hydrologic zone based on the significantly lower groundwater elevation measured in well GWC-11 compared to wells GWA-2, GWC-3 and GWB-4.The hydraulic gradient of 0.01 (shown on Figure 1 for December 2004)was calculated using apoint problem from potentiometric surface elevations in monitoring wells GWA-2, GWC-3 and GWB-4.The calculations used in determining the gradient are provided in Appendix A.The hydraulic gradient has ranged from a minimum of 0.01 (October 2002 and December 2004)to a maximum of 0.08 aune 2003).Landfill#3 Depth to water measurements and groundwater elevations for the wells at Landfill#3 are presented in Table 2.Groundwater elevations measured to date indicate that the groundwater elevation, or hydraulic'head,'is greatest beneath the center area of the landfill, and decreases to the southeast, to the northeast and to the west-southwest beneath the landfill.This mounding effect is believed to be the result of natural inftltration in the sandy soils within the historic topographically high area in the center of the landfill.This topographically high area, which encompasses a broad area within the landfill, is a natural site feature that was present prior to any landfilling operations.

Figure 2 shows the topography of the landfill.The topographically high area is now centered in the north middle portion of the landfill near well GWB-6.As discussed previously, the water-bearing stratigraphy beneath Landfill#3 is composed of individual saturated sand units within a clayey/marl matrix.These units mayor may not be interconnected.

As such, groundwater elevations in the monitoring wells may reflect head in multiple perched layers and may not represent groundwater

'flow'direction beneath the landfill.Figure 2 presents a map depicting the saturated head contours measured on December 28, 2004.Monitoring well GWA-15 is the well most representative of background water quality at the site because of the distance between the well and the current landfilled area, and the location of the area of relatively higher head located between the well and the current landfilled area on the eastern portion of the site.This well is therefore used as a background well to evaluate groundwater quality at the landfill.Well GWA-7 is now evaluated as a downgradient well based on review of the groundwater elevation and chemical analysis data collected since 2002.The hydraulic gradient was calculated using a three-point problem from groundwater elevations in the monitoring wells as follows for each main direction of head difference:


GWB-6, GWA-7 and GWA-15;3 Northeast:

GWC-13, GWB-6 and GWC-5;and Southeast:

GWC-13, GWA-7 and GWC-14.The calculated hydraulic gradients are presented on the contour map (Figure 2).The calculations used in determining the gradients are provided in Appendix A.For the December 2004 event, the southwest gradient was 0.01, the northeast gradient was 0.09, and the southeast gradient was 0.12.The southwest gradient has typically been 0.01, with a maximum of 0.02 Oune 2003), reflecting the consistently flattest gradient across the landfill.The northeast trending gradient has ranged from a minimum of 0.08 (October and December 2002, June 2004)to a maximum of 0.17 Oune 2003).The southeast gradient has ranged from a low of 0.06 (December 2002)to a maximum of 0.16 Oune 2003).For this monitoring event, the steepest gradient was observed in the southeast flow component.

4-Sampling Procedures and Parameter Analyses 4.1 Procedures and Field Measurements Prior to sample collection during each sampling event, depth to water measurements are recorded in each well from the surveyed elevations using an electronic water level indicator.

The water level indicator is decontaminated using a potable water and Alconoxwash and a distilled water rinse between use at each well.The water level measurements are then subtracted from the appropriate measuring point elevations to determine the groundwater elevations in the wells.Groundwater samples were collected from all monitoring wells after the wells were properly purged according to the EPA document entitledLow-Flow Purging&Sampling of Groundwater Monitoring Wells (Bulletin QAD023)".The wells were purged and sampled using QED SamplePro pumps equipped with Teflonbladders.Purge rates were matched to the recovery rates of the wells, verified by periodic depth to water measurements to determine draw-down during purging.Purging was conducted until at least three consecutive stable readings of pH, conductivity, and turbidity were recorded.Groundwater samples were then collected directly into pre-preserved sample containers supplied by the laboratory.

Final measurements of pH, conductivity, and turbidity were performed to verify that these parameters remained stable during sampling.All field instruments were calibrated in the field daily prior to use and at the conclusion of each sampling event.The field measurements are provided in Tables 3and 4.After each sample was collected, the SamplePro pumps and airlines were decontaminated according to the following protocol:*The pump and air line were placed on clean plastic;*The pump was disassembled and the bladder was removed;*The pump was sprayed with a potable water and Alconoxsolution, followed with a distilled water rinse until all soap residue was removed;*A new pump bladder was then installed in the pump prior to reassembly; and*The pump airline was placed in a clean plastic bag between use at each well.4.2 Parameter AnalYses In accordance with the approved Groundwater Monitoring Plan, the groundwater samples and field and laboratory quality assurance/quality control (QA/Qc)samples were analyzed for the Chapter 391-3-4 Appendix I list of parameters, which consists of total metals and volatile organic compounds (Table 5).The field QA/QC samples consisted of duplicate samples, trip blanks and equipment 4

-blanks.Metals analyses were conducted using EPA Methods 6010B/7841, and VOCs analyses were conducted using EPA Methods 6010B/8260B and 504.1 to provide sufficiently sensitive quantitation limits for comparison with maximum contaminant limits.Advanced Chemistry Labs, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia performed the laboratory analyses.The complete laboratory analytical reports, which include field and laboratory QA/QC results and chain-of-custody forms, are provided in Appendix B.In addition, samples were collected for the Chapter 391-3-4 Appendix II parameter mercury in all wells due to this parameter's detection in previous assessment monitoring conducted at the landfill.The well GWA-7 was also scheduled for full Appendix II analysis during the December 2004 sampling event as this well indicated a statistically significant increase above background for the Appendix I parameter trichlorofluoromethane during the previous June 2004 sampling.The Appendix II parameter groups base neutral/acid extractables, cyanide and sulfide were inadvertently omitted from the GWA-7 sample analysis in December 2004.This was communicated to Mr.Earl Hinkle of EPD in February 2005 and it was agreed that these additional parameters would be collected during the next sampling event at the site.5-Groundwater Quality Evaluation 5.1 Detected Parameters Tables 6 and 7 present a summary of all analyzed parameters detected above the laboratory method reporting limits.Lanc!ftll#2 At Landfill#2, barium was detected at 0.021 milligrams per liter (mg/l)in the GWB-4 sample.The maximum contaminant level (MCL)for barium is 2.0 mg/I.No organic parameters were detected during this monitoring event.There was insufficient water to collect samples from well GWC-3.No parameters were detected in any of the field or laboratory QA/QC samples, and the laboratory QA/QC checks were within acceptable limits.Lanc!ftll#3 At Landfill#3, barium was detected at concentrations below the MCL in the sample from well GWC-13 (0.043 mg/l).Zinc was also detected in well GCW-13 at 0.044 mg/l;there is no MCL for zinc.The Appendix II parameter mercury was detected at 0.0017 mg/l (MCL of 0.002 mg/l)in well GWA-7, and at 0.0004 mg/l in well GWA-15.In the sample from compliance well GWC-13, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)1,1-dichloroethane, cis-l,2-dichloroethene and trichlorofluoromethane were detected at low levels, below MCLs where applicable.

Trichlorofluoromethane was also detected in the GWA-7 sample;there is no MCL for trichlorofluoromethane.

There was insufficient water to collect samples from well GWC-14.No parameters were detected in any of the field or laboratory QA/QC samples, and the laboratory QA/QC checks were within acceptable limits.5.2 Statistical AnalYses In accordance with the approved Groundwater Monitoring Plan, statistical analyses were conducted for each constituent detected in the compliance well samples for this sampling event.The analyses wereconductedto help identify any significant increase in constituent concentrations in 5 downgradient, or compliance, well samples over samples representative of background water quality.The analyses were conducted consistent with U.S.EPA recommended methods as detailed in the guidance document"Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA FacilitiesInterim Final Guidelines" (1989)and the corresponding Addendum (1992).The following methodology was used to evaluate the data:*The distribution of the data was ftrst evaluated for normality using the Shapiro-Wilkes Test as recommended in the 1992 EPA guidance.The test indicates non-normal concentration distributions of the detected parameters in all wells at both landfills for eithertransformed or log-transformed data sets.*For the well data sets at both landfills, the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric analysis of variance method was used to compare the concentrations of individual parameters in each compliance well to the concentrations of these parameters in the background well.This method is recommended by the 1992 EPA guidance for non-normal sample sets that have between 15%and 90%non-detects.

The detailed statistical analyses are provided in Appendix C and the results are summarized below.5.2.1 Landfill#2 o At Landfill#2, barium was detected in the sample from compliance well GWB-4.The analyses do not indicate statistically signiftcant higher concentrations for this parameters in the compliance well samples compared to the concentrations in the background well sample.In addition, the barium concentration was below the MCL.5.2.2 Landfill#3 Compared to background well GWA-15/MW-15, the analyses indicate statistically significant higher concentrations of the following parameters:

  • Barium, 1,1-dichloroethane and trichlorofluoromethane in the GWC-13 well samples,*Trichlorofluoromethane in the GWA-7 well samples, and*Barium, 1,1-dichloroethane and cis-1,2-dichloroethene in the GWC-14 well samples.The Appendix II parameter mercury was also detected in the GWA-7 and GWA-15 well samples in the December 2004 sampling event.Mercury was detected at 0.0017 mg/l (MCL of 0.002 mg/l)in well GWA-7 and 0.0004 in GWA-15.Statistical analyses of mercury concentrations were not performed since there are fewer than four data sets for mercury analysis to date in all wells.It should be noted that the statistical analyses data sets include all sampling events to date for all wells.As a result, statistically higher concentrations of detected parameters in a well are determined based on all reported concentrations (including consideration of non-detects) from all sampling events for that well.If a concentration is lower in the current event for a well, the complete data set for the well may still indicate a statistically higher concentration over the background well data set considering all sampling events to date.For example, although there was no sample available for GWC-14 for this event, the statistical analyses indicate signiftcantly higher concentrations of barium, 1,1-dichloroethane and cis-1,2-dichloroethene for the GWC-14 historical sample data set.6

6-Conclusions Since a statistically significant increase over background is indicated for several analyzed parameters in wells GWA-7, GWC-13 and GWC-14 at Landfill#3, SNC will place a notice in the operating record within 14 days of submittal of this report as required by Chapter 391-3-4.The notice will indicate which constituents have shown statistically significant higher concentrations compared to the background wells.SNC has now completed three rounds of Appendix II parameter sampling in wells GWC-13,14 and GWA-15, and found all Appendix II parameters with the exception of mercury to be below the analytical detection limit.Therefore, we will continue to perform analysis for the Appendix II parameter mercury in all wells during the regular semi-annual sampling events.To date, three rounds of analysis for mercury have been completed in wells GWC-5, GWB-6, GWA-7.After completion of four semi-annual sampling events for mercury in all wells, this parameter will be added to the routine statistical analysis that is currently performed for the Appendix I parameters.

A separate request will be submitted for approval to reduce the frequency of sampling for the other Appendix II parameters in wells GWC-13, GWC-14 and GWA-15, based on the lack of detection of these parameters in the previous assessment monitoring events and consideration of the factors listed in Rwe 391-3-4-.14, paragraph 26.SNC added annual monitoring for Appendix II parameters in well GWA-7 in December 2004.The next sampling event will include the Appendix II parameters that were inadvertently missed in well GWA-7 on the most recent monitoring event.Well GWA-7 will continue to be monitored annually for all Appendix II parameters unless the data warrant a reduction at which time an additional request for reduction will be submitted.



))Table 1 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Groundwater Elevations and Monitoring Well Construction Details Total Boring Total Well Riser Screened Groundwater Measuring Point Elevation Ground Surface Elevation Depth to Water Depth Depth Height Interval Elevation Well 10 Date (feet, msl)(feet,msl)(feet, topvc)(feet, bls)(feet, topvc)(feet)(feet,msl)(feet, msl)GWA-2IMW-2 9/26/2001 249.41 246.76 40.02 57 47.70 2.65 201.76 to 211.76 209.39 7/29/2002 41.69 207.72 9/9/2002 41.64 207.77 10121/2002 42.72 206.69 1213/2002 40.69 208.72 6/24/2003 37.58 211.83 12117/2003 39.98 209.43 6/15/2004 39.59 209.82 12128/2004 43.02 206.39 GWC-3/MW-3 9/26/2001 250.41 247.81 50.45 62 52.60 2.60 197.81 to 207.81 199.96 7/29/2002 50.05 200.36 9/9/2002 50.79 199.62 10/21/2002 49.30 201.11 1213/2002 50.26 200.15 6/24/2003 51.58 198.83 12117/2003 47.89 202.52 6/15/2004 47.44 202.97 12128/2004 49.13 201.28 GVVB-4/MW-4 9/26/2001 242.40 239.83 39.84 57 48.57 2.57 193.83 to 203.83 202.56 7/29/2002 40.06 202.34 9/9/2002 41.27 201.13 10/21/2002 40.50 201.90 1214/2002 39.65 202.75 6/24/2003 38.10 204.30 12117/2003 39.53 202.87 6/15/2004 39.46 202.94 12128/2004 40.02 202.38 GWC-11/MW-11 7/29/2002 227.53 225.09 64.80 65 67.44 2.44 160.09 to 170.09 162.73 9/9/2002 59.99 167.54 10/21/2002 65.27 162.26 1214/2002 65.49 162.04 6/24/2003 59.72 167.81 12117/2003 59.33 168.20 6/1512004 60.69 166.84 12128/2004 62.71 164.82 Notes: Ground surface measured at survey bolt set in concrete pad at base of protective casing.msl=mean sea level.topvc=measuredfrom top of pvc riser.bls=below land surface.Page 1 of 1)

))Table 2 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Groundwater Elevations and Monitoring Well Construction Details)Total Boring Total Well Riser Groundwater Measuring Point Elevation Ground Surface Elevation Depth to WaterDepthDepth Height Screened Interval Elevation WelllD Date (feet, rnsl)(feet, rnsl)(feet, topvc)(feet, bls)(feet, topvc)(feet)(feet, rns I)(feet, msl)GWC-5IMW-5 9/26/2001 251.96 249.11 48.65 67 56.85 2.85 195.11 to 205.11 203.31 7/29/2002 50.21 201.75 9/9/2002 50.43 201.53 10/21/2002 49.26 202.70 12/3/2002 49.26 202.70 6/24/2003 44.60 207.36 12116/2003 47.55 204.41 6/15/2004 47.76 204.20 12/28/2004 49.13 202.83 GWB-6IMW-6 9/26/2001 278.87 276.45 47.47 67 64.42 2.42 214.45 to224.45231.40 7/2912002 48.52 230.35 9/9/2002 48.55 230.32 10/21/2002 49.21 229.66 12/3/2002 48.86 230.01 6/24/2003 46.92 231.95 12/16/2003 46.30 232.57 6/15/2004 46.49 232.38 12128/2004 47.22 231.65 GWA-7IMW-7 9/26/2001 261.33 259.39 31.11 50 41.94 1.94 219.39 to 229.39 230.22 7/29/2002 33.16 228.17 9/9/2002 33.25 228.08 10/21/2002 33.20 228.13 12/3/2002 32.94 228.39 6/24/2003 27.51 233.82 12116/2003 30.59 230.74 6/15/2004 30.87 230.46 12/28/2004 32.33 229.00 GWC-13IMW-13 7/29/2002 273.08 270.99 40.92 50 50.09 2.09 222.99 to 232.99 232.16 9/9/2002 41.00 232.08 10/21/2002 40.94 232.14 12/3/2002 40.48 232.60 6/24/2003 36.90 236.18 12116/2003 39.17 233.91 6/15/2004 39.59 233.49 12/28/2004 40.59 232.49 Page 1 of 2

))Table 2 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Groundwater Elevations and Monitoring Well Construction Details)Total Boring Total Well Riser Groundwater Measuring Point Elevation Ground Surface Elevation Depth to Water Depth Depth Height Screened Interval Elevation WelilD Date (feet, rnsl)(feet, rnsl)(feet, topvc)(feet, bls)(feet, topvc)(feet)(feet, rnsl)(feet, rnsl)GINC-14IMW-14 7/29/2002 262.88 260.66 40.05 55 53.22 2.22 209.66 to229.66222.83 9/9/2002 42.31 220.57 10/2112002 42.79 220.09 12/312002 42.35 220.53 6/24/2003 44.29 218.59 12116/2003 51.52 211.36 6/1512004 52.11 210.77 12128/2004 52.66 210.22 GWA-15/MW-15 7/29/2002 268.15 265.34 45.94 55 55.81 2.81 212.34 to 222.34 222.21 9/9/2002 46.05 222.10 10/21/2002 46.19 221.96 12/3/2002 46.23 221.92 6/2412003 41.76 226.39 12116/2003 43.29 224.86 6/1512004 43.24 224.91 12128/2004 44.68 223.47 GWB-16/MW-16 7/2912002 256.95 254.57 DRY 65 55.38 2.38 201.57 to 211.57 DRY 9/9/2002 DRY DRY 10121/2002 DRY DRY 12/312002 DRY DRY 612412003 DRY DRY 12/16/2003 DRY DRY 6115/2004 DRY DRY 12128/2004 DRY DRY Noles: Ground surface measured at survey boll set in concrete pad at base of protective casing.msl=mean sea level;topvc=measured from top of pvc riser;bls=below land surface Page 2 of 2

))Table 3 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Groundwater Sampling Field Measurements Gallons WelllD Date pH Conductivity" Turbidiif PUl'!led Odor Color Comments GWA-2/MW-2 9/2612001------Well development only 7/29/2002 4.69 19 13.8 2.5 none none 9/912002 4.51 24.9 7.53-nonenone 10/21/2002 5.17 18 1.31 3.1 none none 1213/2002 5.30 13 9.1 3.5nonenone 6/24/2003 6.28 26.9 5.76 1.0 none none 12/17/2003 4.93 22.7 4.5 3.5 none none 6/16/2004 6.97 15.32 5.9 1.5nonenone 12128/2004 4.80 10.3 9.67 2.0nonenone GWC-3/MW-3 9/2612001------Well development only 7/29/2002 4.08 27.9 22.2 1.3nonenone 9/912002 6.03 36.5 4.08 0.5 none none 10/2112002

-176 35.6<0.5 gal--Too little water to purge and sample 1213/2002 5.51 488 14.0<0.5 gal--Too little water to purge and sample 6/24/2003---<0.5 galnonenone Too little water to purge and sample 12/17/2003 6.59 22.7 2.79 2.0 none none 6/16/2004 4.91 40.8 5.78 1.25nonenone 12/28/2004

Too little water to purge and sample GWB-4/MW-4 912612001 4.73 36.0 15.5 35.0--Well development only 7/29/2002 4.21 269 3.63 2.0nonenone 9/912002 4.35 34.8 0.55 2.0nonenone 10/21/2002 5.01 25 6.44 3.0 none none 12/412002 5.51 98.7 2.60 4.0nonenone 6/24/2003 5.33 36.0 5.27 2.0 none none 12/17/2003 4.62 3.55 0.00 1.5 none none 6/16/2004 4.63 33.80 1.40 3.3 none none 12/28/2004 4.43 20.70 0.00 2.0nonenone GWC-ll1MW-ll 7/29/2002 5.30 67.5 36.6 4.0 none palewMe 9/9/2002 6.24 97.0 6.51 2.0nonenone 10/21/2002 5.05 75.0 8.05 1.8nonenone 12/412002 5.72 57.1 8.10 2.0 none none 6/24/2003 6.93 70.0 2.70 2.5nonenone 12/17/2003 7.04 69.2 11.2 4.5 none none 6/16/2004 6.10 58.9 6.1 3.5 none none 12/28/2004 5.85 30.5 9.3 2.0 none none Notes:--=no data recorded 11-Conductivity in of umhos/sec 12-in of NTU 1 of 1)

))Table 4 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Groundwater Sampling Field Measurements

)Gallons WelllD Date pH Conductivity/1 Turbidity'2 Purged Odor Color Comments GWC-5/MW-5 9/2612001 5.11 47.5 28.6 6.0 none cloudy Well development only 7/29/2002 5.41 24.4 2.83 1.75 none none 9/912002 8.13 365 4.11 2.0 none none 10/21/2002

1213/2002 5.94 117 7.8 2.0 none none 6/24/2003 5.18 29 3.5 6.0 none none 12116/2003 6.27 210 79.7 3.0 none cloudy Split with GAEPD 6/16/2004 5.94 40.7 16.5 2.0 none none 12128/2004 4.96 30 7.33 2.3 none none GWB-6/MW-6 9/26/2001 7.13 242 25.6 2.0 none-Well development only 7/29/2002 6.75 1,338 0.35 1.5nonenone 9/9/2002 4.13 198 6.43 1.5 none none 10/21/2002 6.72 573 0.44 2.5 none none 1213/2002 6.14 116 0.45 1.5nonenone 6/24/2003 7.09 155 9.1 1.5 none none 12/17/2003 6.82 126 2.27 1.5 none none 6/1612004 6.77 178.5 1.25 2.75nonenone 12/28/2004 7.05 130 2.84 2.25 none none GWA*7/MW-7 9/2612001--cloudy 30.0--Well development only 7/29/2002 6.97 251 8.33 2.5 none none 9/912002 7.52 327 9.97 5.0nonenone 10/21/2002 4.39 92 3.14 2.0nonenone 12/312002 6.51 188 7.3 2.5nonenone 6/24/2003 7.02 163 101.3 4.0 none dark brown Turbidity>100 ntu for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 12/16/2003 5.73 62.7 100 4.0 none mod.brown Turbidity 85-100 ntu for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 6/15/2004 5.94 68.9 42.7 2.0 none none 12/28/2004 8.16 109 9.86 3.5 none none GWC-13/MW-13 7/29/2002 6.52 421 0.66-9/912002 5.96 77.5 6.40 1.0 none none 10/21/2002 6.19 73.4 3.09 2.5 none none 12/312002 6.54 481 1.00 2.5nonenone 6/24/2003 5.95 271 2.02 2.5nonenone 12/16/2003 5.65 294 0.75 6.0 none none Split with GAEPD 6/1612004 5.84 366 4.70 1.75 none none 12/28/2004 6.09 268 0.38 1.75nonenone 1 of 2

))Table 4 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Groundwater Sampling Field Measurements

)Gallons WelllD Date pH Conductivity'l Turbidity'2 Purged Odor Color Comments GWC-14/MW-14 7/29/2002 6.49 448 1.15-nonenone 9/912002 5.57 717 5.19-none none 10/21/2002 6.00 674 4.65 3.2 none none 1213/2002 5.54 547 2.7 4.5 none none 6/24/2003 5.97 197 3.61 2.5 none none 12117/2003

Split with GAEPD-VOCs

&metals 6/15/2004------Well Dry 12128/2004

Too little water to purge and sample GWA-15/MW-15 7/29/2002 5.70 95.8 1.12 4.0 none none 9/912002 5.92 118 8.53 2.5 none none 10/21/2002 5.19 81 1.88 4.5 none none 1213/2002 7.58 78.2 3.6 2.5 none none 6/24/2003 7.44 48.0 5.38 2.5 none none 1211712003 6.93 39.4 4.55 6.5 none none Split with GAEPD 6/15/2004 6.47 55.7 5.59 2.25 none none 12/28/2004 6.83 50.0 8.85 3.00 none none GWB-16/MW-16 7/29/2002-------Well Dry 9/912002-------Well Dry 10121/2002

Well Dry 1213/2002--------Well Dry 6/24/2003-------Well Dry 12/16/2003

Well Dry 611512004--------Well Dry 12/28/2004

Well Dry Notes:-=no data recorded;20f2

-Table 5 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfills#2 and#3 Appendix I to Part 40 CFR Part 258: Constituents for Detection Monitoring (1)-Common Name (2)Inorganic Constituents:

(1)Antimony.(2)Arsenic.(3)Barium.(4)Beryllium.(5)Cadmi urn.(6)Chromium.(7)Cobalt.(8)Copper.(9)Lead.(10)Nickel.(11)Selenium.(12)Silver.(13)Thallium.(14)Vanadium.(15)Zinc.Organic Constituents:




.(21)Bromoform; Tribromomethane

.(22)Carbon disulfide.(23)Carbon tetrachloride


.(25)Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride.(26)Chloroform; Trichloromethane

.(27)Oibromochloromethane; Chlorodibromomethane

.(28)1,2-0ibromo-3-chloropropane; OBCP.(29)1,2-0ibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide; EOB.(30)o-Oichlorobenzene; 1,2-0ichlorobenzene

.(31)p-Oichlorobenzene; 1,4-0ichlorobenzene


.(33)1,1-0ichloroethane; Ethylidene chloride.(34)1,2-0ichloroethane; Ethylene dichloride

.(35)1,1-0ichloroethylene; 1,1-0ichloroethene; Vinylidene chloride.(36)cis-1,2-0ichloroethylene; cis-1,2-0ichloroethene

.(37)trans-1,2-0ichloroethylene; trans-1,2-0ichloroethene (38)1,2-0ichloropropane; Propylene dichloride




.(42)2-Hexanone; Methyl butyl ketone.(43)Methyl bromide;Bromomethane

.(44)Methyl chloride;Chloromethane

.Page 1 of 2 EPA Method 6010B/7041 6010B/7061 6010B/7091 6010B/7091 6010B/7131

6010B/7191 6010B/7201


6010B/7421 6010B/7520 6010B/7741 6010B/7761

6010B/7841 6010B/7911 6010B/7951 8260

-Table 5 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.Plant Vogde Landfills#2 and#3 Appendix I to Part 40 CFR Part 258: Constituents for Detection Monitoring (1)-Common Name (2)(45)Methylene bromide;Dibromomethane

.(46)Methylene chloride;Dichloromethane

.(47)Methyl ethyl ketone;MEK;2-Butanone

.(48)Methyl iodide;Iodomethane

.(49)4-Methyl-2-pentanone; Methyl isobutyl ketone.(50)Styrene.(51)1,1,1, 2-Tetrachloroethane

.(52)1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane

.(53)Tetrachloroethylene; Tetrachloroethene; Perchloroethylene

.(54)Toluene.(55)1,1,1-Trichloroethane; Methylchloroform


.(57)Trichloroethylene; Trich1oroethene

.(58)Trichlorofluoromethane; CFC-11.(59)1,2, 3-Trichloropropane

.(60)Vinyl acetate.(61)Vinyl chloride.(62)Xylenes.EPA Method 8260 (1)This list contains 47 volatile organics for which possible analytical procedures provided in EPA Report SW-846"Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste," third edition, November 1986, as revised December 1987,includes Method 8260;and 15 metals for which SW-846 provides either Method 6010 or a method from the 7000 series of methods.(2)Common names are those widely used in government regulations, scientific publications, and commerce;synonyms exist for many chemicals.

Page 2 of 2

--Table 6 Southern NuclearOperatingCompany Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2004 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2.00 Sal NS 0.021 Sal Zinc NA Sal NS Sal Sal Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal NS Sal Sal Chlorobenzene 100 Sal NS Sal Sal 1 ,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 Sal NS Sal Sal Methylene chloride 5 Sal NS Sal Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal NS Sal Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NA Sal NS Sal Sal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 Sal NS Sal Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 Sal NS Sal Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal NSSalSal Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available NS-Not sampled;well dry or insufficient recharge to sample well 1Metals concentrations in mg/l or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 1 of 8

-Table 6 (Continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters June 2004 CONSTITUENT MCL WELL SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2.00 SOL 0.020 SOL SOL Zinc NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL SOL SOL SOL 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SOL SOL SOL SOL Methylene chloride 5 SOL SOL SOL SOL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SOL SOL SOL SOL Trichlorofluoromethane NA SOL SOL 7 SOL 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL SOL SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL SOL SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL-Selow quantification level MCL-Maximum Contaminant Level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available-1Metals concentrations in mg/L or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 2 of 8

--, Table 6 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2003 CONSTITUENT MCL WELL SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWS-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2.00 SOL SOL SOL 0.022 Zinc NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL SOL SOL SOL 1 ,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SOL SOL SOL SOL Methylene chloride 5 SOL SOL SOL SOL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SOL SOL SOL SOL Trichlorofluoromethane NA SOL SOL 6 SOL 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL SOL SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL SOL SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL-Selow quantification level MCL-Maximum Contaminant Level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available 1 Metals concentrations in mg/L or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ug/I or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 30f8

-Table 6 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters June 2003 CONSTITUENT MCL WELL SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2.00 SOL NS SOL SOL Zinc NA SOL NS SOL 0.029 Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL NS SOL SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL NS SOL SOL 1 ,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SOL NS SOL SOL Methylene chloride 5 SOL NS SOL SOL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SOL NS SOL SOL Trichlorofluoromethane NA SOL NS SOL SOL 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL NS SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL NS SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 SOL NS SOL SOL SOL-Selow quantification level MCL-Maximum Contaminant Level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available NS-Not sampled;well dry or insufficient recharge to sample well 1Metals concentrations in mg/L or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 4 of8

-Table 6 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWB-4/MW-4 3 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2.00 0.015 0.020 0.021 0.020 0.018 Zinc NA SQl 0.047 SQl SQl SQl Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NA SQl SQl SQl SQl SQl Chlorobenzene 100 SQl SQlSQlSQl SQl 1 ,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SQl SQl SQl SQl SQl Methylene chloride 5 SQl SQlSQlSQl SQl cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SQl SQl SQl SQl SQl Trichlorofluoromethane NA SQl SQlSQlSQl SQl 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 SQl SQlSQlSQl SQl Xylenes (Total)10000 SQl SQl SQl SQl SQl Vinyl chloride 2SQlSQl SQl SQl SQl SQl-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available-lMetals concentrations in mg/l or ppm 20rganics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 5 of 8 Table 6 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters October 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Barium 2 BOl NS 0.021 0.025 Zinc NA BOl NS BOl BOl Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA BOl NS BOl BOl Chlorobenzene 100 BOl NS BOl BOl 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 75 BOl NS BOl BOl Methylene chloride 5 BOl NS BOl BOl cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 BOl NS BOl BOl Trichlorofluoromethane NA BOl NS BOl BOl 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 BOl NS BOl BOl Xylenes (Total)10000 BOl NS BOl BOl Vinyl chloride 2 BOl NS BOl BOl BOl-Below quantification level-MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available NS-Not sampled;well dry or insufficient recharge to sample well 1Metals concentrations in mg/l or ppm 20rganics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 6 of 8

-Table 6 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters September 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2 SOL SOL 0.021 0.020 Zinc NA SQl SOL SOL SOL Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL SOL SOL SOL 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 75 SOL SOL SOL SOL Methylene chloride 5 SOL SOL SOL SOL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SQl SOL SOL SQl Trichlorofluoromethane NA SOL SQl SOL SOL 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL SOL SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL SOL SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available-1 Metals concentrations in mg/l or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.-Page 7 of 8

-Table 6 (Continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Summary of Detected Parameters July 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWA-2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 GWC-11/MW-11 Metals 1 Sarium 2 0.027 SOL 0.021 0.085 Zinc NA SOL SOL SOL 0.034 Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL SOL SOL SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL SOL SOL SOL 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 75 SOL SOL SOL SOL Methylene chloride 5 Sal 6 6 Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal SOL SOL Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NASalSal 5 Sal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL Sal SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL SOL SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 Sal Sal Sal SOL Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available--1Metals concentrations in mg/l or ppm 20 rgan ics concentrations in ugll or ppb Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.--Page 8 of 8

_.Table 7 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2004 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES G'WC-5/MW-5 GWB-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GWA-7/MW-7 s G'WC-13/MW-13 G'WC-14/MW-14 GWA-15/MW-15 Metals'Barium 2.00 BOlBOlBOlBOl 0.043 NS BOl Zinc NABOlBOl BOl BOl 0.044 NS BOl Copper 1.3 6 BOlBOlBOl BOl BOl NS BOl Mercury4 0.002BOlBOl BOl 0.0017 BOl NS 0.0004 Chromium (total)0.1 BOlBOlBOl BOl BOl NS BOl Beryllium 0.004BOlBOl BOl BOl BOl NS BOl Cadmium 0.005BOlBOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl Nickel NABOlBOl BOl BOl BOl NS BOl lead 0.015 6 BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl NS BOl Vanadium NA BOl BOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl Organics'1.1-Dichloroethane NA BOl BOlBOlBOl 16 NS BOl Chlorobenzene 100 BOlBOlBOl BOl BOl NS BOl 1 ,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 BOl BOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl-Methylene chloride 5 BOlBOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 BOlBOlBOl BOl 8 NS BOl Trichlorofluoromethane NA BOl BOl 146 143 81 NS BOl 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 BOl BOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl Xylenes (Total)10000 BOl BOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl Vinyl chloride 2 BOlBOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl Chloroform 3 0.1 BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl NS BOl Trichloroethene 5 BOl BOlBOlBOl BOl NS BOl BOl-Below quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available NS-Not sampled;well dry or insuffident recoverytosample well'Metals concentrations in mg/l'Organics concentration units in ugll or ppb 3Applies only to Community water Systems serving 10,000 4Appendix II parameter; NA reflects that this parameter was not analyzed for those wells not included in the Assessment Monitoring Program sReplicate sample of well GWA-7/MW-7 sample 6 Action level Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.-Page 1 of 8

-Table 7 (Continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters June 2004 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWC-5/MW-5 GWB-6IMW-6 GWA-7IMW-7 GWC-13IMW-13 GWC-13/MW-13 s GWC-14IMW-14 GWA-15IMW-15 Metals'Sarium 2.00 0.040 Sal Sal 0.034 0.034 NS Sal Zinc NASalSal Sal Sal Sal NS Sal Copper 1.3 6SalSalSalSalSal NS Sal Mercury4 0.002SalSal 0.0006SalSal NS Sal Chromium (total)0.1SalSal Sal Sal Sal NS Sal Seryllium 0.004 Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal Cadmium 0.005SalSalSalSal Sal NS Sal Nickel NA Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal lead 0.015 6SalSal Sal Sal Sal NS Sal Vanadium NA Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal Sal Sal 17 19 NS Sal Chlorobenzene 100 Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal Methylene chloride 5 Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal Sal Sal 9 10 NS Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NASalSal 46 121 133 NS Sal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 Sal SalSalSal Sal NS Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal NS Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal Sal Sal 2 2 NS Sal Chloroform 3 0.1 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal NS Sal Trichloroethene 5 Sal Sal 13 Sal Sal NS Sal Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA*None available NS-Not sampled;well dry or insufficientrecoveryto sample well'Metals concentrations in mg/l 20 rgan ics concentration units in ugll or ppb 3Applies only to Community Water Systems serving 10,000 4Appendix II parameter; NA reflects that this parameter was not analyzed for those wells not included in the Assessment Monitoring Program sReplicate sample of well GWC-13IMW-13 sample 6 Action level Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.-Page 2 of8

--Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2003 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWC-5/MW-5 GWB-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GWC-13/MW-13 GWC-13/MW-13 5 GWC-14/MW-14 GWA-15/MW-15 Metals'Sarium 2.00 0.142SalSal 0.033 0.032 0.189 Sal Zinc NA 0.032 Sal 0.023 Sal Sal 0.127 Sal Copper 1.3 6 0.025 SalSalSal Sal 0.026 Sal Mercury'0.002SalSalSalSalSal 0.01 Sal Chromium (total)0.1 0.028 SalSalSal Sal 0.091 Sal Seryllium 0.004SalSalSal Sal Sal 0.004 Sal Cadmium 0.005 Sal SalSalSal Sal 0.011 Sal Nickel NA SalSalSal Sal Sal 0.034 Sal lead 0.015 6 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 0.015 Sal Vanadium NA SalSalSal Sal Sal 0.060 Sal Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal Sal Sal 20 21 10 Sal Chlorobenzene 100SalSal Sal Sal Sal 19 Sal 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SalSalSalSal Sal 33 Sal--Methylene chloride 5SalSal Sal Sal SalSalSal cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 70 SalSalSal 14 14 17 Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NASalSal 34 102 97SalSal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 SalSalSal SalSalSal Sal Xylenes (Total)10000SalSal Sal Sal Sal 10 Sal Vinyl chloride 2 SalSalSalSal SalSalSal Chloroform' 0.1SalSal Sal Sal SalSalSal Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available'Metals concentrations in mg/l 20 rgan ics concentration units in ugl1 or ppb'Applies only to Community water Systems serving 10,000'Appendix II parameter 5Replicate sample of well GWC-13/MW-13 sample 6 Action level Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.--Page 3 of 8 Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters June 2003 CONSTITUENT MCL WELL SAMPLES GWC-51MW-5 GWB-6IMW-S GWA-7IMW-7 GWC-13IMW-13 GWC-13IMW-13 5 GWC-141MW-14 GWA-15IMW-15 Metals'Sarium 2.00 SOL SOL 0.036 0.029 0.030 0.051 SOL Zinc NA SOL SOL 0.034 SOL SOL SOL SOL Copper 1.3 SOL SOL 0.035 SOL SOL SOL SOL Mercury4 0.002 NS NS NS 0.0005 0.0005 0.0072 SOL Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA SOL SOL SOL 9 9 10 SOL Chlorobenzene 100 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 7 SOL 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 16 SOL Methylene chloride 5 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 SOL SOL SOL 6 6 10 SOL Trichlorofluoromethane NA SOL SOL 23 41 47 5 SOL 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL Xylenes (Total)10000 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL Vinyl chloride 2 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL Chloroform 3 0.1 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL-Selow quantification level MCL-Maximum Contaminant Level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available'Metals concentrations in mglL 20 rgan ics concentration units in ugl1 or ppb 3 App lies only to Community water Systems serving 10,000 4Appendix II parameter; NS reflects that this parameter was not analyzed for those wells not included in the Assessment Monitoring Program 5Replicate sample of well GWC-13IMW-13 sample Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 4 of 8

--Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters December 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl WEll SAMPLES GWC-5/MW-5 GWS-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7GWC-13/MW-13GWC-14/MW-14 GWA-15/MW-15 Metals'Sarium 2.00 0.018 Sal 0.015 0.082 0.106 Sal Zinc NA SalSalSal 0.027 Sal Sal Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal Sal Sal 7 16 Sal Chlorobenzene 100 SalSalSalSal 10 Sal 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75SalSal Sal Sal 39 Sal Methylene chloride 5 Sal Sal SalSalSal Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal Sal Sal Sal 19 Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NASalSal 210 391 27 Sal 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7SalSalSal 11 24 Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 Sal SalSalSal 21 Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal Sal Sal Sal 4 Sal--Chloroform 3 0.1SalSalSal 5 Sal Sal Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available , Metals concentrations in mg/l 20 rgan ics concentration units in ug/I or ppb 3Applies only to Community Water Systems serving 10,000 Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCl.Page 5 of 8

-CONSTITUENT Metals'Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters October 2002 WEll SAMPLES MCl GWC-5IMW-5 GWB-6IMW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GWC-13IMW-13 GWC-14/MW-14 GWA-15IMW-15 GWA-15-2IMW-15-2 3 Organics 2 1,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal Chlorobenzene 100 Sal 1,4-Dicholorbenzene 75 Sal Methylene chloride 5 Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NA Sal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal Sarium Zinc Sal Sal Sal Sal 0.083 0.064 Sal SalSalSal 0.027SalSal SalSalSal 6 17 Sal Sal SalSalSal 9 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 35 Sal SalSalSalSal 11 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 16 Sal Sal Sal 221 348 31 Sal SalSalSal SalSalSal SalSalSalSal 11 Sal Sal SalSalSalSalSal Sal Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per EPD RUle Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available'Metals concentrations in mg/l 20rganics concentration units in ug/l or ppb 3Replicate sample of GWA-15/1MW-15 well Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 6 of 8

-CONSTITUENT Metals'MCl Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters September 2002 WEll SAMPLES GI/VC-5/MW-5 GWB-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GI/VC-13/MW-13 GI/VC-14/MW-14 GWC-14-2/MW-14-2 3 GWA-15/MW-15 Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NA Sal Chlorobenzene 100 Sal 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 75 Sal Methylene chloride 5 Sal cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 70 Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NA Sal 1 ,1-Dichloroethene 7 Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal Sarium Zinc 2 NA 0.020 Sal Sal Sal 0.085 0.092 0.095 Sal Sal Sal 0.023 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 6 21 21 Sal Sal Sal Sal 8 8 Sal Sal Sal Sal 37 36 Sal SalSalSal Sal Sal SalSalSal Sal 19 18 Sal Sal 32 381 47 48 Sal Sal Sal 8 29 28 Sal Sal Sal Sal 23 23 Sal SalSalSal Sal 3 Sal-Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per Georgia EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available 1 Metals concentrations in mg/l 20 rgan ics concentration units in ugll or ppb 3Replicate sample of GWB-14/1MW-14 well sample Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 7 of 8

-Table 7 (continued)

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Summary of Detected Parameters July 2002 CONSTITUENT MCl INEllS'GVVC-5/MW-5 GINB-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GWA-7-2/MW-7-2 3 GVVC-13/MW-13 GVVC-14/MW-14 GWA-15/MW-15 Metals'Sarium 2SalSalSalSal 0.077 0.068 Sal Zinc NASalSalSal Sal Sal Sal Sal Organics 2 1 ,1-Dichloroethane NASalSal Sal Sal Sal 13 Sal Chlorobenzene 100 Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 75 SalSalSalSal Sal 20 Sal Methylene chloride 5 9 6 8 7 8 8 Sal cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 70SalSalSalSal Sal 10 Sal Trichlorofluoromethane NA Sal Sal 177 192 300 43 Sal 1,1-Dichloroethene 7 Sal Sal Sal SalSalSal Sal Xylenes (Total)10000 SalSalSalSal Sal 8 Sal Vinyl chloride 2 Sal SalSalSal Sal Sal Sal--Sal-Selow quantification level MCl-Maximum Contaminant level per Georgia EPD Rule Chapter 391-3-5;NA-None available'Metals concentrations in mg/l 20 rgan ics concentration units in ugll or ppb 3Replicate sample of GWA-7/MW-7 well sample Bold indicates detected concentration is greater than the MCL.Page 8 of 8------------





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evauon Map December 28, 2004 Plant Vogtlc Landfill#3 iW-""'"v ,,:'-;;';-, Figure 2 I


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" II\I lOWC-5/MW*1 2OH3 6/MW ZJI.6!(;\11,',7/MW"}.II'\



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('N I Title: T:\Document Management\CORRESPONDENCE\MICHELLE GRAVESIAPRIL 2005\Figure2 ApPENDIXA-HYDRAULIC GRADIENT CALCULATION SHEETS LANDFILL#2 Plant Vogtle Landfill#2 Gradient Calculation (based on three-point problem)December 2004 Monitoring Event Well Designation GWA*2/MW-2 GWC-3/MW-3 GWB-4/MW-4 Water Table Elevation 206.39 201.28 202.38 Northing 11755.95 12048.48 11205.40 Easting 9622.59 8881.72 9466.20 Gradient Calculation from fitting a plane to three points a Xl+b Yl+CZl+d=0 a X2+b Y2+CZ2+d=0 a X3+b Y3+CZ3+d=0 where (X"YI)are the coordinates of the well and zi is the head, i=1,2,3 The gradient is calculated from the square root of (a 2+b 2)Southwest Gradient Wells of Interest=(GWA-2, GWC-3&GWB-4)(High-Mid-Low)

X Y z GWA-2/MW-2 11755.95 9622.59 206.39 GWC-3/MW-3 12048.48 8881.72 201.28-GWB-4/MW-4 11205.40 9466.20 202.38 9622.59 206.39 1 1=a=8881.72 201.28 1 9466.20 202.38 1 11755.95 206.39 1 1=b=12048.48 201.28 1 11205.40 202.38 1 11755.95 9622.59 1 I*c=12048.48 8881.72 1 11205.40 9466.20 1 11755.95 9622.59 206.39 1=d=12048.48 8881.72 201.28 11205.40 9466.20 202.38 zO=-65.55007182 mx=0.004787411 my=-0.008787589

'Southwest Gradient=0.0100 1 2171.7358-3986.356-453634.7-29735790 Page 1 of 1 LANDFILL#3 Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Gradient Calculation (based on three-point problem)December 2004 Monitoring Event Well Designation GWC-5/MW-5 GWB-6/MW-6 GWA-7/MW-7 GWC-13/MW-13

GWC-14/MW-14 GWA-15/MW-15 Water Table Elevation 202.83 231.65 229.00 232.49 210.22 223.47 Northing 9604.30 9432.48 8826.22 9242.72 8960.64 8975.71 Easting 7999.33 7473.25 7657.89 7995.86 7999.10 6886.73 Gradient CalcUlation from fitting a plane to three points a X 1+b Y1+CZ 1+d=0 a X2+b Y2+CZ2+d=0 a X3+b Y3+CZ3+d=0 where (Xj,Yi)are the coordinates of the well and zi is the head,i=1,2,3 The gradient is calculated from the square root of (a 2+b 2)Southwest Gradient Wells of Interest=(GWB-6, GWA-7&GWA-15)(High-Mid-Low)

-x Y z GWB-6/MW-6 9432.48 7473.25 231.65 GWA-7/MW-7 8826.22 7657.89 229 GWA-15/MW-15 8975.71 6886.73 223.47 I 7473.25 231.65 1 1=a=7657.89 229 1 6886.73 223.47 1 I 9432.48 231.65 1 1=b=8826.22 229 1 8975.71 223.47 1 I 9432.48 7473.25 1 1=c=8826.22 7657.89 1 8975.71 6886.73 1 I 9432.48 7473.25 231.65 1=d=8826.22 7657.89 229 8975.71 6886.73 223.47 zO=-102.2575003 mx=0.006966316 my=-0.008521441 ISouthwest Gradient=0.0110 1 Page 1 of 3-3064.633 3748.7663 439921.63 44985286 Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Gradient Calculation (based on three-point problem)Northeast Gradient Wells of Interest=(GWC-13, GWB-6&GWC-5)(High-Mid-Low) x Y z GWC-13/MW-13 9242.72 7995.86 232.49 GWB-6/MW-6 9432.48 7473.25 231.65 GWC-5/MW-5 9604.30 7999.33 202.83 7995.86 232.49 1 1=a=7473.25 231.65 1 15503.527 7999.33 202.83 1 9242.72 232.49 1 1=b=9432.48 231.65 1-5324.554 9604.30 202.83 1 9242.72 7995.86 1 c=9432.48 7473.25 1=189623.79 9604.30 7999.33 1 9242.72 7995.86 232.49 1=-d=9432.48 7473.25 231.65 229954789 9604.30 7999.33 202.83 zO=-1212.689548 mx=-0.0817594 my=0.028079569 INortheast Gradient=0.0864 1 Page 2 of 3 Plant Vogtle Landfill#3 Gradient Calculation

-(based on three-point problem)Southeast Gradient Wells of Interest=(GWC-13, GWA-7&GWC-14)(High-Mid-Low) x Y z GWC-13/MW-13 9242.72 7995.86 232.49 GWA-7/MW-7 8826.22 7657.89 229.00 GWC-14/MW-14 8960.64 7999.10 210.22 I 7995.86 232.49 1 1=a=7657.89 229 1 7537.8995 7999.10 210.22 1 I 9242.72 232.49 1 1=b=8826.22 229 1 8290.9958 8960.64 210.22 1 I 9242.72 7995.86 1 1=c=8826.22 7657.89 1-96684.04 8960.64 7999.10 1 I 9242.72 7995.86 232.49 1=-d=8826.22 7657.89 229-19101019 8960.64 7999.10 210.22 zO=-197.5612478 mx=0.077964261 my=0.085753512 Gradient=0.1159 1 Page 3 of 3


-, I A CL


__C_o Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road°Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Laboratory:

Repor1 ACL Project#: 4688601 Client Proj#: Southern Company/Vogtle Prepared For: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Attention:**Mr.

Kurt Batsel Report Date: 1/17/2005 This report contains 50 pages.(including this cover page and chain of custody)Sheldon Stone Quality Assurance Manager Advanced Chemistry Labs is a woman owned small business concern.If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call us at (770)409-1444.This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of ACL (Advanced Chemistry Labs, Inc).ACL certifies that the following analytical results meet all the requirements of NELAC.ACL is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP).ACL maintains the following certifications:

NELAC (E87212), South Carolina (98009001), North Carolina (362), Florida (E87212), USDA Soil Import License (S-36503).

Page 1 of 50


Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610, Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Data Qualifier Codes-Code A S SQl OW E H J PQl TIC***Description Value reported is the mean of two or more determinations; Indicates the analyte was detected in the sample and method blank;Below practical quantitation limit;Results reported on a dry-weight basis (ex: mg/kg,dw);

Estimated value;sample received or analyzed beyond the accepted holding time;sample received at improper temperature; Estimated value;result higher than the highest calibration standard;Reported value is between the method detection limit and the practical quantitation limit;Practical quantitation limit;Tentatively identified compound;Not analyzed due to interferences;

--NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all results are reported on an as received basis.Page 2 of 50 I A CL

____IN......C_.Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road'Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.a.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I GWA-2/MW-2

\Sample ID: ACL Sample#: 225692 Analyte Acetone Acrylonitrile Senzene Bromoch loromethane

,.-Q.romodichloromethane omoform Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 A-Dichlorobenzene 1, 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone

,..,Adethyl bromide)thyl chloride IVlethyl ethyl ketone Methyl iodide 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Methylene bromide Methylene chloride Units: Result Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal 1J9/L PQl 100 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 20 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 10 10 100 5 50 5 5 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Analyte Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloridem&p-Xylenes o-Xylene Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 RP Result Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Page 3 of 50 PQl 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5

5 5 50 2 10 5

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 V.O.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample 10: GWB-4/MW-4 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225693 Units: jJg/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQL Analyte Result PQL Acetone Sal 100 Styrene Sal 5 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Senzene Sal 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Sromochloromethane Sal 5 Tetrachloroethene Sal 5-'lromodichloromethane Sal 5 Toluene Sal 5 omoform Sal 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon disulfide Sal 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Trichloroethene Sal 5 Chlorobenzene Sal 5 Trichlorofluoromethane Sal 5 Chloroethane Sal 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Sal 5 Chloroform Sal 5 Vinyl acetate Sal 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Sal 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane Sal 5m&p-Xylenes Sal 10 1,2-Dibromoethane Sal 5 o-Xylene Sal 5 trans-1 A-Dichloro-2-butene Sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Sal 51, 1-Dich loroethane Sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane Sal 51, 1-Dich loroethene Sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane Sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 Ethylbenzene Sal 5 2-Hexanone Sal 50 bromide Sal 10 thyl chloride Sal 10 IVlethyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Sal 50 Methylene bromide Sal 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Page 4 of 50

--I ACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample ID: GWC-5/MW-5 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225694 Units: 1J9/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQL Analvte Result PQL Acetone Sal 100 Styrene Sal 5 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Senzene Sal 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Sromochloromethane Sal 5 Tetrachloroethene Sal 5 ,.......tq-omodichloromethane Sal 5 Toluene Sal 5 omoform Sal 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon disulfide Sal 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Trichloroethene Sal 5 Chlorobenzene Sal 5 Trichlorofluoromethane Sal 5 Chloroethane Sal 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Sal 5 Chloroform Sal 5 Vinyl acetate Sal 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Sal 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane Sal 5m&p-Xylenes Sal 10 1,2-Dibromoethane Sal 5 o-Xylene Sal 5 trans-1 A-Dichloro-2-butene Sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethene Sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane Sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 Ethylbenzene Sal 5 2-Hexanone Sal 50 bromide Sal 10 lthyl chloride Sal 10 Methyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Sal 50 Methylene bromide Sal 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Page 5 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: AD VANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batser Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company/Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample 10: GWB-6/MW-6 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225695 Units: IJg/L Analyst: RP Analvte Result PQl Analyte Result PQl Acetone Sal 100 Styrene Sal 5 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Senzene Sal 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Sromochloromethane Sal 5 Tetrachloroethene Sal 5 ,-B.romodichloromethane Sal 5 Toluene Sal 5:>moform Sal 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Sal 5 disulfide Sal 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Trichloroethene Sal 5 Chlorobenzene Sal 5 Trichlorofluoromethane Sal 5 Chloroethane Sal 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Sal 5 Chloroform Sal 5 Vinyl acetate Sal 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Sal 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane Sal 5 m&p-Xylenes Sal 10 1,2-Dibromoethane Sal 5 o-Xylene Sal 5 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene Sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethene Sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane Sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal.5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 Ethylbenzene Sal 5 2-Hexanone Sal 50 Methyl bromide Sal 10-Sal 10 thyl chloride ,.,ethyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Sal 50 Methylene bromide Sal 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Page 6 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample ID: GWA-7/MW-7 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225696 Units: IJg/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQL Analyte Result PQL Acetone Sal 100 Styrene Sal 5 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane sal 5 Senzene sal 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Sal 5 Sromochloromethane sal 5 Tetrachloroethene sal 5 sal 5 Toluene Sal 5 omoform sal 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon disulfide Sal 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Trichloroethene sal 5 Chlorobenzene sal 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 146 5 Chloroethane sal 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane sal 5 Chloroform Sal 5 Vinyl acetate Sal 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane sal 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane sal 5m&p-Xylenes sal 10 1,2-Dibromoethane sal 5 o-Xylene sal 5 trans-1 A-Dichloro-2-butene sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene sal 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethane sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethene sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene sal 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene sal 5 Ethylbenzene sal 5 2-Hexanone sal 50 bromide Sal 10:thyl chloride Sal 10 IViethyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone sal 50 Methylene bromide SQl 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Page 7 of 50


Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, llC 4665 lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(5030B/8260B)

-Appendix I Sample 10: GWA-7/MW-7 Dup Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225697 Units: IJg/l Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQl Analyte Result PQl Acetone Sal 100 Styrene Sal 5 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane sal 5 Senzene sal 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane sal 5 Sromochloromethane sal 5 Tetrachloroethene sal 5.....-Q,romodichloromethane sal 5 Toluene Sal 5 omoform sal 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon disulfide Sal 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Trich loroethene sal 5 Chlorobenzene sal 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 143 5 Chloroethane sal 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane sal 5 Chloroform Sal 5 Vinyl acetate Sal 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane sal 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane sal 5m&p-Xylenes sal 10 1,2-Dibromoethane sal 5 o-Xylene sal 5 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene sal 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene sal 5 1, 1-Dich loroethane sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethene sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene sal 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene sal 5 Ethylbenzene sal 5 2-Hexanone sal 50 bromide Sal 10 lthyl chloride Sal 10 l'JIethyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone sal 50 Methylene bromide Sal 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Page 8 of 50 I A CL

.....C_.Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, llC 4665 lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.a.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I ACl Sample#: 225698 Units: Analyte Result PQl Acetone SOL 100 Acrylonitrile SOL 50 Senzene SOL 5 Sromochloromethane SOL 5 SOL 5 Jmoform SOL 5 Carbon disulfide SOL 5 Carbon tetrachloride SOL 5 Chlorobenzeme SOL 5 Chloroethane SOL 10 Chloroform SOL 5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SOL 20 Dibromochloromethane SOL 5 1,2-Dibromoethane SOL 5 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene SOL 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene SOL 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene SOL 5 1,1-Dichloroethane SOL 5 1!2-Dichloroethane SOL 5 1,1-Dichloroethene SOL 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene SOL 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene SOL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane SOL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene SOL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene SOL 5 Ethylbenzene SOL 5 2-Hexanone SOL 50 bromide SOL 10 thyl chloride SOL 10 Methyl ethyl ketone SOL 100 Methyl iodide SOL 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone SOL 50 Methylene bromide SOL 5 Methylene chloride SOL 5 Sample ID: GWC-11/MW-11 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Analyte Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloridem&p-Xylenes o-Xylene Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 RP Result SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL Page 9 of 50 PQl 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 50 2 10 5 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.IACL I Phone: (770)

Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsef Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample 10: GWC-13/MW-13 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/2812004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACl Sample#: 225699 Units: IJg/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQl Analyte Result PQl Acetone SQL 100 Styrene SQL 5 Acrylonitrile SQL 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane SQL 5 Senzene SQL 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane SQL 5 Sromoch loromethane SQL 5 Tetrachloroethene SQL 5 ,.....E:qomodichloromethane SQL 5 Toluene SQL 5.Jmoform SQL 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane SQL 5 Carbon disulfide SQL 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane SQL 5 Carbon tetrachloride SQL 5 Trichloroethene SQL 5 Chlorobenzene SQL 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 81 5 Chloroethane SQL 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane SQL 5 Chloroform SQL 5 Vinyl acetate SQL 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SQL 20 Vinyl chloride SQL 2 Dibromochloromethane SQL 5m&p-Xylenes SQL 10 1,2-Dibromoethane SQL 5 o-Xylene SQL 5 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene SQL 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene SQL 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene SQL 5 1,1-Dichloroethane 16 5 1,2-Dichloroethane SQL 51, 1-Dich loroethene SQL 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 8 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene SQL 5 1,2-Dichloropropane SQL 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene SQL 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene SQL 5 Ethylbenzene SQL 5 2-Hexanone SQl 50 ,Jidethyl bromide SQl 10 thyl chloride SQl 10 IViethyl ethyl ketone SQL 100 Methyl iodide SQL 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone SQl 50 Methylene bromide SQl 5 Methylene chloride SQL 5 Page 10 of 50


.....S_TR....... l_'N_C_.Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road'Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, llC 4665 lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 V.O.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I ACl Sample#: 225700 Units: 1J9/l Analyte Result PQl Acetone Sal 100 Acrylonitrile Sal 50 Senzene Sal 5 Sromochloromethane Sal 5 Sal 5 omoform Sal 5 Carbon disulfide Sal 5 Carbon tetrachloride Sal 5 Chlorobenzene Sal 5 Chloroethane Sal 10 Chloroform Sal 5 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Sal 20 Dibromochloromethane Sal 5 1,2-Dibromoethane Sal 5 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene Sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane Sal 5 1,1-Dichloroethene Sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane Sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Sal 5 Ethylbenzene Sal 5 2-Hexanone Sal 50 bromide Sal 10:thyl chloride Sal 10 IlIIethyl ethyl ketone Sal 100 Methyl iodide Sal 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Sal 50 Methylene bromide Sal 5 Methylene chloride Sal 5 Sample 10: GWC-15/MW-15 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Analyte Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene

Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene

Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylenes o-Xylene Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 RP Result Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Sal Page 11 of 50 PQl 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 2 10 5

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample ID: EQ-BLK Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/2812004 Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACl Sample#: 225701 Units: jJg/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQl Analyte Result PQl Acetone SQl 100 Styrene SQl 5 Acrylonitrile SQl 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane SQl 5 Senzene SQl 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane SQl 5 Sromochloromethane SQl 5 Tetrachloroethene SQl 5 SQl 5 Toluene SQl 5 Jmoform SQl 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane SQl 5 Carbon disulfide SQl 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane SQl 5 Carbon tetrachloride SQl 5 Trichloroethene SQl 5 Chlorobenzene SQl 5 Trichlorofluoromethane SQl 5 Chloroethane SQl 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane SQl 5 Chloroform SQl 5 Vinyl acetate SQl 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SQl 20 Vinyl chloride SQl 2 Dibromochloromethane SQl 5m&p-Xylenes SQl 10 1,2-Dibromoethane SQl 5 o-Xylene SQl 5 trans-1 A-Dichloro-2-butene SQl 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene SQl 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene SQl 5 1,1-Dichloroethane SQl 5 1,2-Dichloroethane SQl 5 1,1-Dichloroethene SQl 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene SQl 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene SQl 5 1,2-Dichloropropane SQl 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene SQl 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene SQl 5 Ethylbenzene SQl 5 2-Hexanone SQl 50 bromide SQl 10 thyl chloride SQl 10 IVlethyl ethyl ketone SQl 100 Methyl iodide SQl 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone SQl 50 Methylene bromide SQl 5 Methylene chloride SQl 5 Page 12 of 50 IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACL Sample#: 225696 Units: IJg/L Analyte Result PQL Aldrin SQl 0.05 Arochlor-1016 SQl 0.50 Arochlor-1221

.SQl 0.50 Arochlor-1232 BQl 0.50 SQl 0.50.ochlor-1248 SQl 0.50 Arochlor-1254 SQl 0.50 Arochlor-1260 SQl 0.50 a-SHC SQl 0.05 b-BHC SQl 0.05 d-SHC SQl 0.05 g-SHC SQl 0.05 Chlordane SQl 0.10 4,4'-DDD SQl 0.05 4,4'-DDE SQl 0.05 4,4'-DDT SQl 0.05 Dieldrin SQl 0.05 Endosulfan I SQl 0.05 Endosulfan II SQl 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate SQl 0.05 Endrin SQl 0.05 Endrin aldehyde SQl 0.05 Heptachlor SQl 0.05 Heptachlor epoxide SQl 0.05 Methoxychlor SQl 0.05 Toxaphene BOL 2.00--Sample ID: Pesticides/PCBs (8081A18082)

-Appendix II GWA-7/MW-7 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/06/2005 Analyst: SS Page 13 of 50 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.--I ACL I Phone: (770)-At-Ia-nt-a-,

Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610'Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Chlorinated Herbicides (8151A)-Appendix II Sample ID: GWA-7/MW-7 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/06/2005 ACl Sample#: 225696 Units: 1J9/L Analyst: SS Analyte 2,4-D Dinoseb 2,4,5-TP (Silvex)2,4,5-T- Result Sal Sal Sal Sal PQl 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Page 14 of 50

.-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample ID: GWA-2/MW-2 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACl Sample#: 225692 Units: IJg/L Analyst: SS Analyte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Result SQl SQl PQl 0.20 0.05 Page 15 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACL Sample#: 225693 Units: 1J9/L Analyte Result PQL 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SOL 0.20 1,2-Dibromoethane SOL 0.05--Sample 10: Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II GWB-4/MW-4 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 Analyst: SS Page 16 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company/Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACl Sample#: 225694 Units: IJg/L Analyte Result PQl 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SQl 0.20 1,2-Dibromoethane SQl 0.05--Sample ID: Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II GWC-5/MW-5 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 Analyst: SS Page 17 of 50 IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta.GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACL Sample#: 225695 Units: 1J9/L Analyte Result PQL 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BQL 0.20 1,2-Dibromoethane BQL 0.05-.Sample 10: Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II GWB-6/MW-6 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 Analyst: S8-, Page 18 of 50 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.-IACL I Phone: (770)

Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample 10: GWA-7/MW-7 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACl Sample#: 225696 Units: 1J9/L Analyst: SS Analyte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

--Result SQl SQl PQl 0.20 0.05 Page 19 of 50

-.I A CL


Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road'Suite 100'Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409*1844 P.O.Box 88610'Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample ID: GWA-7/MW-7 Dup Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225697 Units: IJg/L Analyst: SS Analyte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

--, Result Sal Sal PQL 0.20 0.05 Page 20 of 50 I A CL.../N....C_.Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)..Appendix II Sample 10: GWC-11/MW-11 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/2812004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225698 Units: IJg/L Analyst: SS Analvte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

-.--., Result Sal Sal PQL 0.20 0.05 Page 21 of 50


.......'R_Y_LA_B......s_,__IN_C_o Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road°Suite 100°Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610°Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample 10: GWC-13/MW-13 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/2812004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: 225699 Units: IJg/L Analyst: SS Analvte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

--Result Sal Sal PQL 0.20 0.05 Page 22 of 50 IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACl Sample#: 225700 Units: IJg/L Analyte Result PQl 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SQl 0.20 1,2-Dibromoethane SQl 0.05--, Sample 10: Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II GWC-15/MW-15 Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/2812004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 Analyst: SS Page 23 of 50

-I A CL.....IN__C_" Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road"Suite100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#:'ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample ID: EQ-BLK Matrix: Water Date Sampled: 12/28/2004 Date Extracted:

01/04/2005 Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACl Sample#: 225701 Units: IJg/L Analyst: SS Analyte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

-Result sal sal PQl 0.20 0.05 Page 24 of 50



Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta.GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

ACL Sample#: ,225692 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQL Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium Sal 0.020 Seryllium Sal 0.004 Sal 0.005.lromium Sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-Sample ID: GWA-2/MW-2 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 25 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACl Sample#: 225693 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQl Antimony Bal 0.006 Arsenic Bal 0.010 Barium 0.021 0.020 Beryllium Bal 0.004 Bal 0.005.1romium Bal 0.020 Cobalt Bal 0.050 Copper Bal 0.020 lead Bal 0.010 Nickel Bal 0.020 Selenium Bal 0.040 Silver Bal 0.010 Thallium Bal 0.002 Vanadium Bal 0.050 Zinc Bal 0.020 Sample ID: Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

GWB-4/MW-4 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 26 of 50


Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356.e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

ACL Sample#: 225694 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQL Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium sal 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004.-cadmium Sal 0.005 Iromium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020 Sample 10: GWC-5/MW-5 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 27 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610'Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACl Sample#: 225695 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQl Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Bal 0.010 Sarium Sal 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004 sal 0.005 Iromium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-, Sample ID: Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

GWB-6/MW-6 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 28 of 50

-I A CL Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road" Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

ACl Sample#: 225697 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQl Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium sal 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004 sal 0.005 lromium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-Sample ID: GWA-7/MW-7 Dup Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 29 of 50

-I ACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 ACL Sample#: 225698 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQL Antimony SOL 0.006 Arsenic SOL 0.010 Sarium SOL 0.020 Seryllium SOL 0.004"....cadmium SOL 0.005 Iromium SOL 0.020 Cobalt SOL 0.050 Copper SOL 0.020 Lead SOL 0.010 Nickel SOL 0.020 Selenium SOL 0.040 Silver SOL 0.010 Thallium SOL 0.002 Vanadium SOL 0.050 Zinc SOL 0.020-Sample 10: Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

GWC-11/MW-11 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/2812004 01/05/2005 AD Page 30 of 50


__L_A....BS_,_IN_C_" Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company/Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

ACl Sample#: 225699 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQl Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium 0.043 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004 sal 0.005 lromium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc 0.044 0.020 Sample ID: GWC-13/MW-13 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 31 of 50 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.-IACL I Phone: (770)

Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (601 08/7841)ACL Sample#: 225700 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQL Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium sal 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004 sal 0.005.lromium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver SaL 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-Sample 10: GWC-15/MW-15 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/2812004 01/05/2005 AD Page 32 of 50



__,_IN_C_" Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road" Suite 100" Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601*12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix I Metals (60108/7841)

ACL Sample#: 225701 Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQl Antimony BOl 0.006 Arsenic BOl 0.010 Barium BOl 0.020 Beryllium BOl 0.004 BOl 0.005 lromium BOl 0.020 Cobalt BOl 0.050 Copper BOl 0.020 lead BOl 0.010 Nickel BOl 0.020 Selenium BOl 0.040 Silver BOl 0.010 Thallium BOl 0.002 Vanadium BOl 0.050 Zinc BOl 0.020 Sample 10: EQ-BLK Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD Page 33 of 50


Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix II Metals (6010B/7470A/7841)

ACL Sample#: 225696 Units: mg/L Analvte Result PQL Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium Sal 0.020 Seryllium Sal 0.004.......cadmium Sal 0.005 ,romium Sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 Lead Sal 0.010 Mercury Sal 0.0005 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Tin Sal 0.025 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-.Sample ID: GWA-7/MW-7 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 12/28/2004 01/05/2005 AD/JR Page 34 of 50

_I A CL Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610, Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail:

--QUALITY CONTROL SECTION Page 35 of 50 IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444-Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 v.o.(50308/82608)

-Appendix I Sample ID:-----------

Matrix: Water Date Sampled:-----------

Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: 01/05/2005 ACL Sample#: Blank Units: IJg/L Analyst: RP Analyte Result PQL Analyte Result PQL Acetone SQl 100 Styrene SQl 5 Acrylonitrile SQl 50 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane SQl 5 Senzene SQl 5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane SQl 5 Sromochloromethane SQl 5 Tetrachloroethene SQl 5-J3romodichloromethane SQl 5 Toluene SQl 5*omoform SQl 5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane SQl 5 disulfide SQl 5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane SQl 5 Carbon tetrachloride SQl 5 Trichloroethene SQl 5 Chlorobenzene SQl 5 Trichlorofluoromethane SQl 5 Chloroethane SQl 10 1,2,3-Trichloropropane SQl 5 Chloroform SQl 5 Vinyl acetate SQl 50 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane SQl 20 Vinyl chloride Sal 2 Dibromochloromethane Sal 5 m&p-Xylenes.SQl 10 1,2-Dibromoethane SQl 5 o-Xylene SQl 5 trans-1 A-Dichloro-2-butene Sal 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Sal 5 1 A-Dichlorobenzene Sal 51, 1-Dich loroethane Sal 5 1,2-Dichloroethane SQl 51, 1-Dich loroethene Sal 5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Sal 5 1,2-Dichloropropane Sal 5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene SQl 5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene SQl 5 Ethylbenzene SQl 5 2-Hexanone SQl 50 Methyl bromide SQl 10.-:thyl chloride Sal 10.*Iethyl ethyl ketone SQl 100 Methyl iodide SQl 5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone SQl 50 Methylene bromide SQl 5 Methylene chloride SQl 5 Page 36 of 50

-I A CL__IN.....C_.Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 100'Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company/Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 V.O.(50308/82608)



Water Dibromofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 4-Bromofluorobenzene (77-137)(72-138)(84-112)(77-125)ACLSample#

225692 99 107 100 96 225693 94 104 103 96-225694 96 106 102 97 225695 95 102 100 96 225696 98 103 100 94 225697 97 104 101 96 225698 97 105 101 94 225699 97 108 102 96 225700 97 108 100 97 225701 97 105 101 96-**Matrix Interference DO=Diluted Out Page 37 of 50


%LIMITS COMPOUND REC#REC.1,1-dichloroethene 20.0 0.0 17.6 88 (54-144)benzene 20.0 0.0 19.0 95 (82-132)trichloroethene 20.0 0.0 20.5 103 (73-128)toluene 20.0 0.0 19.7 99 (83-130)chlorobenzene 20.0 0.0 20.0 100 (82-123)SPIKE MSD MSD ADDED CONCENTRATION%%ac LIMITS COMPOUND REC#RPD#RPD REC.1,1-dichloroethene 20.0 17.0 85 4 14 (54-144)benzene 20.0 18.7 93 2 14 (82-132)trichloroethene 20.0 20.2 101 1 14 (73-128)toluene 20.0 19.7 98 0 13 (83-130)chlorobenzene 20.0 20.0 100 0 13 (82-123)#Column to be used to flag recovery and RPD values with an asterisk*Values outside of ac limits RPD: 0 out of 5 outside limits Spike Recovery: 0 out of 10 outside limits Comments: Page 38 of 50

--I A CL......Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Pesticides/PCBs (8081A18082)

-Appendix II Sample ID: ACL Sample#: Blank Units: J-l9/L Analyte Result PQL Aldrin Sal 0.05 Arochlor-1016 Sal 0.50 Aroch lor-1221 Sal 0.50 Arochlor-1232 Sal 0.50 Sal 0.50 och lor-1248 Sal 0.50 Arochlor-1254 Sal 0.50 Arochlor-1260 Sal 0.50 a-SHC Sal 0.05 b-SHC Sal 0.05 d-SHC Sal 0.05 g-SHC Sal 0.05 Chlordane Sal 0.10 4,4'-000 Sal 0.05 4,4'-00E Sal 0.05 4,4'-00T Sal 0.05 Dieldrin Sal 0.05 Endosulfan I Sal 0.05 Endosulfan II Sal 0.05 Endosulfan sulfate Sal 0.05 Endrin Sal 0.05 Endrin aldehyde Sal 0.05 Heptachlor Sal 0.05 Heptachlor epoxide Sal 0.05 Methoxychlor Sal 0.05 Toxaphene Sal 2.00--Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 01/04/2005 01/06/2005 SS Page 39 of 50

-I A CL 1

....._IN_C_o Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road°Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Pesticides/PCBs (8081A18082)



Water-ACL Sample#225696 TCMX (30-130)113 DCBP (30-130)84 ee Matrix Interference DO=Diluted Out Page 40 of 50

--Advanced Chemistry Labs Pesticides Spike Report (SW-B46 Method BOB1A)Instrument 10: HP5890A-ECDGC#1 Column: STx-CLPII, 30m, O.53mm, 0.42J.1m ACL#: LCSW010405 Matrix: Water Extraction Date: 1/4/05 Analysis Date: 1/6/05 Initial Volume: 1000.0 ml FmalVolume:

1 Dilution Factor: 1 Unit: J.lglL or ppb R.T.Spike Sample MS MS R.T.MSD MSD RPD QC Limits Pesticide MS Added Result Cone.Rec.(%)MSD Cone.Ree.(%)(%)RPD%Recovery a-BHC 7.830 0.500 0.000 0.361 72 7.834 0.376 75 4 25 40 160 g-BHC (Lindane)8.8450.5000.000 0.339 68 8.849 0.356 71 5 25 40 160 b-BHC 9.089 0.5000.0000.377 75 9.093 0.399 80 6 25 40 160 d-BHC 10.001 0.500 0.000 0.363 73 10.005 0.377 75 4 25 40 160 Heptachlor 10.188 0.500 0.000 0.376 75 10.192 0.393 79 4 25 40 160 Aldrin 11.229 0.500 0.000 0.409 82 11.233 0.425 85 4 25 40 160 Heptachlor Epoxide 13.080 0.500 0.000 0.374 75 13.086 0.389 78 4 25 40 160 a-Endosulfan I 14.4190.5000.000 0.363 73 14.424 0.377 75 4 25 40 160 DOE 14.754 0.5000.0000.395 79 14.760 0.411 82 4 25 40 160 Dieldrin 15.349 0.500 0.000 0.373 75 15.354 0.389 78 4 25 40 160 Endrin 16.3890.5000.000 0.368 74 16.395 0.385 77 4 25 40 160 DOD 16.735 0.500 0.000 0.372 74 16.740 0.388 78 4 25 40 160 b-Endosulfan II 17.114 0.5000.0000.344 69 17.119 0.358 72 4 25 40 160 DDT 17.7930.5000.000 0.384 77 17.798 0.401 80 4 25 40 160 Endrin Aldehyde 18.2420.5000.0000.297 59 18.247 0.310 62 4 25 40 160 Endosulfan Sulfate 19.167 0.5000.0000.359 72 19.172 0.374 75 4 25 40 160 Methoxychlor 20.141 0.500 0.000 0.404 81 20.145 0.423 85 5 25 40 160 Mirex 21.038 0.500 0.000 0.355 71 21.042 0.378 76 6 25 40 160 Endrin Ketone 21.166 0.500 0.000 0.405 81 21.170 0.416 83 3 25 40 160*Outside QC limits Page 41 of 50 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.IACL I Phone: (770)

Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACl Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Chlorinated Herbicides (8151A)-Appendix II Sample 10: ACl Sample#: Blank Units: IJg/L Analyte Result PQl 2,4-D Sal 1.0 Dinoseb sal 1.0 Hexach lorobenzene sal 1.0 Pentach lorophenol sal 1.0".....o..4,5-TP (Silvex)sal 1.0 4,5-T sal 1.0 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 01/04/2005 01/06/2005 SS Page 42 of 50 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.-IACL I Phone: (770)


Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005


225696 Chlorinated Herbicides (8151A)-Appendix II SURROGATE PERCENT RECOVERY


Water oeAA (30-130)77**Matrix Interference DO=Diluted Out Page 43 of 50 Advanced Chemistry Labs Herbicides Spike Report (SW-846 Method 8151A)Instrument 10: HP5890A-ECDGC#5 Column: STx-CLPII, 30m, O.53mm, 0.42pm ACL#: Matrix: Extraction Date: Analysis Date: Initial Volume: Final Volume: Dilution Factor: Unit: LCSW010405 Water 1/4/05 1/6/05 1000.0 ml 4 1 pglL orppb-R.T.Spike-Sample MS MS R.T.MSD MSD RPD QC Limits Herbicide MS Added Result Cone.Ree.(%)MSD Cone.Ree.(%)(%)RPD%Recovery Dalapon 0.000 25 40 160 4-Nitrophenol 0.000 25 40 160 Oicamba 0.000 25 40 160 MCPP 0.000 25 40 160 MCPA 0.000 25 40 160 Dichlorprop 0.000 25 40 160 2,4-0 24.155 4.000 0.000 3.213 80 24.152 3.332 83 4 25 40 160 Pentachlorophenol 0.000 25 40 160 Silvex(2,4,5-TP)25.433 0.400 0.000 0.436 109 25.429 0.451 113 3 25 40 160 2,4,5-T 26.004 0.4000.0000.413 103 26.001 0.427 107 3 25 40 160 2,4-0B 0.000 25 40 160 Oinoseb 27.042 0.400 0.000 0.603 151 27.039 0.617 154 2 25 40 160 Picloram 0.000 25 40 160 Acifluorfen 0.000 25 40 160-Herbicide Calculation based on curve prep.on*Outside QC limits 10/06/04 Page 44 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road'Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II Sample 10:-----------

ACL Sample#: Blank Analyte 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane

--.Units: Result SQl SQl 1J9/L PQl 0.20 0.05 Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 01/04/2005 01/04/2005 SS Page 45 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta.GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta.GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Miscellaneous Organics (8011)-Appendix II SURROGATE PERCENT RECOVERY


Water Bromofluorobenzene (40-140)ACL Sample#225692 101 225693 97-225694 109 225695.92 225696 78 225697 101 225698 100 225699 96 225700 95 225701 102-**Matrix Interference DO=Diluled Out Page 46 of 50

-Advanced Chemistry Labs i Pesticides Spike Report (SW-B46 Method B011/Method 504.1)Instrument ID: HP5890A-ECDIFIDGC#2 Column: SPB-5, 30m, O.32mm, O.25JJm ACL#: Matrix: Extraction Date: Analysis Date: Initial Volume: Final Volume: Dilution Factor: Unit: LCSW010405 Water 1/4/05 1/4/05 35.0 ml 2 1 JJglL orppb-_.R.T.Spike Sample MS R.T.MSD MSD , MS RPD QC Limits Pesticide MS Added Result Conc.Rec.(%)MSD Conc.Ree.(%)(%)RPD%Recovery EDB 5.240 0.250 0.000 0.227 91 5.246 0.245 98 8 25 60 140 rep 7.668 0.250 0.000 0.237 95 7.672 0.278 111 16 25 60 140 OSCP 11.015 0.250 0.000 0.223 89 11.018 0.266 106 17 25 60 140*Outside QC limits Page 47 of 50

-IACL I Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta.GA 30356 Client: Contact: The Dextra Group, LLC 4665 Lower Roswell Road#154 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Mr.Kurt Batsel Client Proj#: ACL Project#: Date Received: Date Reported: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4688601 12/30/2004 01/17/2005 Appendix II Metals (6010B/7470A/7841)

Sample ID: ACL Sample#: Blank Units: mg/L Analyte Result PQL Antimony Sal 0.006 Arsenic Sal 0.010 Sarium sal 0.020 Seryllium sal 0.004-<'admium sal 0.005 I1romium sal 0.020 Cobalt Sal 0.050 Copper Sal 0.020 lead Sal 0.010 Mercury Sal 0.0005 Nickel Sal 0.020 Selenium Sal 0.040 Silver Sal 0.010 Thallium Sal 0.002 Tin Sal 0.025 Vanadium Sal 0.050 Zinc Sal 0.020-, Matrix: Date Sampled: Date Extracted:

Date Analyzed: Analyst: Water 01/05/2005 AD/JR Page 48 of 50

-Sample 10: ACL Sample Number: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.Appendix II Metals Water Matrix Laboratory Control Spike for Method (601 OB/7841)LCS/LCSD 010405-1--SPIKE SAMPLE SAMPLE LCS LCSD LCS ADDED RESULT RESULT RANGE COMPOUND (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(%Rec)(%Rec)(%)Antimony 0.040 0.041 0.042 103 106 90-110 Arsenic 0.200 0.205 0.198 103 99 85-115 Barium 1.000 0.990 0.9559995 85-115 Beryllium 0.200 0.205 0.198 102 99 85-115 Cadmium 0.050 0.052 0.051 105 102 85-115 Chromium 0.200 0.205 0.196 103 98 85-115 Cobalt 0.200 0.205 0.205 102 103 85-115 Copper 0.200 0.203 0.196 101 98 85-115 Lead 0.200 0.207 0.202 103 101 85-115 Nickel 0.200 0.202 0.196 101 98 85-115 Mercury 0.002 0.002 0.0029897 85-115 Selenium 0.050 0.048 0.046 97 92 85-115 Silver 0.020 0.019 0.019 97 95 85-115 Thallium 0.040 0.042 0.040 104 99 90-110 Vanadium 0.500 0.509 0.492 102 98 85-115 Zinc 0.200 0.206 0.200 103 100 85-115 Comment: Page 49 of 50

).ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS.INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360.P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356.(770)409-1444*Fax (770)

)Company Name: Phone#: 116518-qloq (P CHAIN-OF CUSTODY RECORD l\\sL Dex+ro...(1roup Fax#:

1-53Ji£;"" AND ANALYSIS REQUEST-e-a-.s;;..udf----l/2d"---,


=-c,....I A"",,,--!,:.i7!a a, If.4'M (of?ba.f$.d;;.J dex.f.-yCJI-qnun.(OM.Project Manager: Client Project: (#)<'" n.v AJ...U'i iJ(J UrlA-l Y n UJ7fAp<J (/}Cuv+Ba I s.dl (Name)VCy'/+Le-I attest that the proper field sampling Name (Print):.-770-31")-7,)17

...-t cc ,....., procedures were used during the'0o.5h..,

II u,-eJlRS/s

...:::: 1'-::: e:collection of these samples.K,Wl'R Azm pri)jed-J JIJ Method<::l:;.ri'"<:>Field Matrix Preserved Sampling><.r.::::r:SampleH-F\j=fd"-IDIf iRemarks Q,l.\l A-1/Mu..l-l l j\/./J J v v J j J GW(-Ill MW-/l f).j v ,/J Ie leiDY J J j (/C,WC-let)/MW-lIf)'J J J J raja-elm/4D6 j v'J'II Date Time-Received by: Remarks:-"' I Relinquished by..L 7 Relinquished bv: I CUSTODY RECORD Special Detection Limits Special Reporting ReqUirements Fax 0 TAT Special Handling Priority (24 hr)0 ACL Contact----I Rush (48 hr)0 t-+-.....--t Rush (72 hr)0 Quote#-----

Lab Use Only: Cooler Temp.NormalP.O.L1.d'/f0, IQAlQC Level ACL ProjectL.'u 0 C Level10 Level20 Other 0"'0 Ql co<D 01 o o-01 o I Kellnqulsned by:--Date Time

....I A CL Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road.Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail:

--Lab()ratory Report Report Date: 01/28/2005

-;.)-This report contains 2 pages.(including this cover page and chain of custody)John H.And os Laboratory Director Advanced Chemistry Labs is a woman owned small business concern.If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call us at (770)409-1444.This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of ACL (Advanced Chemistry Labs, Inc).ACL certifies that the following analytical results meet all the requirements of NELAC.ACL is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP).ACL maintains the following certifications:

NELAC (E87212), South Carolina (98009001), North Carolina (362), Florida (E87212), USDA Soil Import License (S-36503).

Page 1 of 6

-I A CL Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610, Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: Data Qualifier Codes-Code A S SQl OW E H J PQl.TIC***Description Value reported is the mean of two or more determinations; Indicates the analytewasdetected in the sample and method blank;Below practical quantitation limit;Results reported on a dry-weight basis (ex: mg/kg,dw);

Estimated value: (i)sample received or analyzed beyond the accepted holding time;(ii)sample received at improper temperature;(iii)the continuing calibration for an analyte did not meet qc criteria;Estimated value;result higher than the highest calibration standard;Reported value is between the method detection limit and the practical quantitation limit;Practical quantitation limit;Tentatively identified compound;Not analyzed due to interferences;

-Upon client request, a statement of the test result estimated uncertainty can be provided.NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all results are reported on an as received basis.Page 2 ot6

-I ACL I-Phone: (770)409-1444 Fax: (770)409-1844 e-mail: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.3039 Amwiler Road*Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360 P.O.Box 88610*Atlanta, GA 30356 Client: The Dextra Group, llC Client Proj#: Southern Company 1 Vogtle 4665 lower Roswell Road ACL Project#: 4688601#154 Date Received: 12/30/2004 Marietta, GA 30068-0000 Date Reported: 01/28/2005 Contact: Mr.Kurt Satsel Date Sample ID ACL#Analyte Matrix Result PQL Units Analyzed GWA-2/MW-2 225692 Mercury (74 70A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 GWS-4/MW-4 225693 Mercury (74 70A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 GWC-5/MW-5 225694 Mercury (74 70A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 GWS-6/MW-6 225695 Mercury (7470A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 Dup 225697 Mercury (7470A)Water 0.0017 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005

\..:iWC-11/MW-11 225698 Mercury (7470A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 GWC-13/MW-13 225699 Mercury (7470A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 GWC-15/MW-15 225700 Mercury (74 70A)Water 0.0004J 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005 EO-SlK 225701 Mercury (74 70A)Water Sal 0.0005 mg/l 01/27/2005

_.Page 3 of6

--I A CL I Phone: (770)409-1444 3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30360 Fax: (770)409-1844 P.O.Box 88610, Atlanta, GA 30356 e-mail: QUALITY CONTROL SECTION Page 4 ot6

-ADVANCED CHEMISTRY LABS, INC.Mercury (7470A)Quality Control Data-Blank: ACl#Water Blank Matrix Water Mercury (7470A)(mg/l)<0.0005 Mercury Duplicate:

ACl#Matrix (7470A)(mg/l)%D 225700 Water 0.0004J 5 225700-D Water 0.0004J Expected Actual Matrix 8pike: ACl#Value Value%Recovery RPD 225701-80.00200.0020 102 2 225701-8D 0.0020 0.0021 104 Page 5 af6 eEL I CHEMISTRY LABS.INC.3039 Amwiler Road'Suite 100*Atlanta, GA 30360*P.O.B-ox a B610*Atlanta.GA 30356*(770)409-1444*Fax (770)409:..1844

)(f)(J):::J r+())*'<"U Ql lC CD (J)o-(J)Ccmpany Name: Phone#: llO-518-!t'CHAIN-QF CUSTODY RECORD r;ax.'

.AND ANALYSIS REQUEST C0l11'aIlY Add ress.Rd Site LOcation,g Ch;0 A 1IJIP5I24s u.,-u..***

(0 If.1'tYJCoA ba.isd P d-eXffOl-q'(e-un.(OfK.Project Manager:

P-roject: (')Sau../t.<.Jr"Yl[fA y+50 f sd:1:." (Nam9)VoCf+Lt IlIttest that the proper fleld sampling Sampler Name

_--nO3/1'Un.-........procedures were used during the:Jc:: Sh TltYett. C:x-J1RSiS 7S ,Az.m Prv-jid\:!0-..1'-.....collllction of theSi!samples.-;;;Method.j Field Matrix Preserved Sampling'>(2r1\-1F" Sample 0:::---fi..(j J g(0 cCII:J c;0<3 40Q>III0..-0"'(l c::-.;u"0..:2 E.c<3 z C1.III a (5 CIIJL.iJ[d: i<t*(I)<(f)Q.0:I::I: X.!:!Z 0.-Remarks t.-v..\A-d I f'J\VJ-a s 1/,j j j kl j j j...

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ACL Prcject IC\*ro 0C aAlQC level FaxD Level 1 CJ Leve120 Otller[J RelinqUlSned byZ_

by: I----CUSTODY._.--_.._---_.._-_......_---.._._._.._--Relinquished bV:/Date Tiffil!Re<:eived by: RECORD-----------

  • .._.__.._---_.-.""-.--

!ReJmquished by*Date Raoeived-


---..---lnne---------, waybin#.)/d13D 9: 19 o (J)><r+")(;)")o C"D r\;0: c: II c: u: u:



.._--..LANDFILL#2 Concentrations (mg/L)Parameter:

Barium Original Data (Not Transformed)

Non-Detects Replaced with 1/2 DL Total Samples: 29 Total Non-Detect 15 Percent Non-Detects:

51.7241%Total Background Samples: 8 There is 1 background well Well Samples NO Date Result Original GWA-2/MW-2 8 6 (75%)7/30/2002 0.027 0.027 9/24/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 10/21/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/4/2002 0.015 0.015 6/25/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/17/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 6/16/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/28/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 There are 3 compliance wells Well Samples NO Date Result Original GWB-4/MW-4 8 3 (37.5%)7/30/2002 0.021 0.021 9/24/2002 0.021 0.021 10/21/2002 0.021 0.021 12/4/2002-0.0205 0.0205 6/25/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/17/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 6/16/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/28/2004 0.021 0.021 GWC-11/MW-118 3 (37.5%)7/30/2002 0.085 0.085 9/24/2002 0.02 0.02 10/21/2002 0.025 0.025 12/4/2002 0.018 0.018 6/25/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/17/2003 0.022 0.022 6/16/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/28/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 GWC-3/MW-3 5 3 (60%)7/30/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 9/24/2002 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/4/2002 0.02 0.02 12/17/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 6/16/2004 0.02 0.02 There is 1 unused well Well Samples NO Date Result Original EO-Blank 4 4 (100%)6/25/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 12/17/2003 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 6/16/2004 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 Page 1 12/28/2004 Page 2 ND<0.01 ND<0.02 r Shilpiro.Wilks Test of Nonnality P.r.nwtler:

Barium All Well.Normality resl 01 Par.meler Concentration, 0ngn0I (Nell T......_l K*,.;SampIM.211 , , , ,*, , , ,*.."""..""""..*""""""""

" xiii........'..............,...0.01.....,..,......0015 o.o,a******..,.., 0.021 0.021 0,022 0025 0.021 x(n*I+1)..,'00'.=..,..'0.021 0.021 O.O:lO/i..,****OQla 0.015...0.0'...0..0.01 0.01...0,01 om...0.01......0.0, om QW5 0.011 o 0.5 0012 0.011 0011 0.0" 0.011 00'05...0,01 om*...-om...-O.Ol0!5.(1,011-00"-0011.(lOll.0 012.0 015.{l017.(1075 o..02.QQ 0.215 Q.lil5'1 0.,a'5o lla2..=.=,.-,.=b(i)00321&25 OlXl&7OM,ma 000, S30IS 000131120_.=Ms.....of b-.....*0 0SS27211 S8mplo SllI_00__00,<2051 W_tIC*0 5-l(l728 5" CntlcaI.-01 0 m.....-0 S0t0728 E____,..c.-_010.__OSOll725 E__01"""""""" 01__01.....

r Kruskal_Waltis Non-Parametric Tllst Parameter:

Barium 0ngNI 00Q (Nell T......_IR.-""'"'12 DL Kruskal Wallis Ranks Background Walls WalllDResult Rank G......*2/lolW.2"*\012112002 NO<001*,-0015"tip<<>01*1211712003 ND<O 01*.,-N[)<<)01*ND<O 0'0 RaoN<S<m*112 RanI<MNn*115RW*S...,-1I2 5 Compliance WellS WelilD Date R..ull Rank,-,"" lQ12112OO2"\21oll2OO20-"NO<O 01*lZ117J2003


000'"_S<rn-13g_Mnn_,7315 Ciw:;..11 rtJtH.'171:JO'lOlU*" 1012112002" 1;tW2W2 001."NO<O.Q1*12/1712003 OW".'-..0<0.01*,m_010<001*R_s...n""NO<O 01*"0<00'*,-**" 1211712003 NO<OOI*..-***r RanI<Sum*53'-'

Caku&lltlon R.ulD: Kn".'P'H-..oo3131n M_Coo?.'"";., H-'l,"*""_....?lo3eJlt._.,.,.n.3


  • "'*..?_.--..._--""-

LANDFILL#3 Concentrations (mgIL)Parameter:

Bariumo.IIlljOll_l lOlei SompIooo.4ll",...

26___-.otlO<IO 1 0leI 8Io:l<gf<l<ftl Son"o*s a..--io 1 I:>ad<\I<D<Jnd

_Well Samples NO Date RllSult Original a (100'1l01ND<l/O'_w Nll<O.OIlM117OO2-HO<ll.OIw_HD<O_HIl<llOI HO<ll.O,1211112003 HO<ll.Q1.'-""<11.0'HD<O 02 ,m_HO<OOI ND<OO2 Tho..

....,_...._Well Samples NO Date Result Original-*a (100'1l0)ND<O.OIND<O 01lG'2112OO2 NO<ll 01 No->J02 ,-,Nt><OOINO<OOI Nt><002'211,12003 NO<<lO,.,-IjO<Oo, ND<O 02 ,m_ND<OOl N[)<<l 02 G'M'-1YMW-13l1 o (O'Ilol0.077 0077'012'00:>


  • o


00)4'm_ 0.043 GW:::*'O/MVIL,.e o (0'Il0) 1GnlJ>>:Q.-.-.="M"M m_.M'.M'1211712000**(5O'IlolNO<O.01 HD<O.02.m.m'00'/2002 N[)<<lOl NO<OO2 ,=0.Q18 0.0'8 m_H[)<<l01 NO'OO2'2/17/2003 0.1'2"Q'-'

r.,-,m_"[)<<l.CI"1><0.02 GWA-7NtN-7

  • 5(75'1>1N[)<<lO,.,-NO<OOI N[)<O.O<!IlII2112OO2 NO<001 tI[)<O.02 ,=0-015 o 015 ND<OO,_..,-NO<001 NO<O.02'21211I2OO'I><<NI.01 NO<O.02 n.....101.....-_

Well Samples NO Dille Result Original'0_**(l\JO'1101NO<O.OI_.12117I2OOJ NO<OOI_..,-NO<OOl 1'10<002 1212612_NO<OOI N[Nl 02 ShapIro-Wilks of Nonnallty Par..........

" 8arium AnWel..Normality T_t of COoe.nWot!oM

"....,,,_woc K*n s....-.*,""


"" ,0.1."..m._n ,"q o IJ1.-.-,**O.'011.-.-***.-.-.-o O11tllolJ*.".-00'_*.".=.-o O':z:Jl'35

,.".m ,,-00"'0611*.".m...',.,!.-*....-.-._-..**.-.-011'.-"." 0.1151.., ,,="**.-.-"****.M.....-"**.-.-.-._,"....-***.-0001_"**.=._, 0.001:l857!

".".-0"0$.=00010179"...*******o.OOD<JlI"...o ole.-00351._-...001500211 00001385"......*00101*,."."*OOll!*"."."**"."."*..."."*..."."*" 0015."..OOt,.".-..**."."*.-...***".=.".=".-*****n.-....-"**."'M...-."...., oo,..,*.-.".->>.-**.->>*m**.., c**.m".-**.=q.-**q.-.".-*.-**.-"q.(1137"....'.'

5t,m'"_-0 DJll't s.npo S-*000010011 W-...:*Ote<!$.J



    • '-'

Kruskal_Wallis Non.Parametric Test P.rilm.ter:

Barium 0ng0r.0II 0olo ("loITr_J f'IOn.t.-etI

_WlII\'U Ol.Kruskal Wallis Ranks Background Wells WelilD O.M Result""k GWI>.--IMlW-15TllO'2oo2"I[)o<O.o1

'" 11I2412002..'" lMII20021<10<0.01'" ,-, I<ID<O.<Xle


1<10<0.01'" 1211712003 00<0.01'"1<0-.001'"'2/2012_..," R_s..m*108 R_Mo..,_13 5__"3_5 Compliance WellS WelllD O.M Result Rank1<1><0.01'3.5I<D<O.OI 13.5 lM112OO2 1<0<001'" ,='"1<10<001'" 12/1712OOJ 1<10<0.01'"1<0<001'"1<0-.0.01'" R_s..m*I08 R__*135 GW::-l:l1UW-137IlO'2000 00770 100112002" ,=.-12/1712003"""1....""""*1212012_"_s..m_2IlO R___GW::-,_,.7/lO'2oo2.W".-., 1Ml12OO2" ,="" 12/1712003.....

Gv.c-MM1-6 113(1I2OO2


.100:I 1 or.l, 12002'211112003R_Sum' 23 75 ND<O,01 OW ND<OO, 0018 NO'<QO'.NO<QOI lJ.5*'""'""*," GWA_1MN-11012112002_Sum-'.'R.... ND<O.O'NO<O.01 NO_O.O'0015NO<OO'ND<O.O'-"'3.5'"'"""'"'"'" Caleulatlon Results:

H SIOli.tic*""80...__HlI...'....I.........,.......'..............


eoo_..=-""""_is" 0705.0: 5of27_>" 0705.<loOt__.... 33_>" 0705..-.ov..e,., OV._...I0............_GnIIeai v_

15812t'58128 158128..*m.2751..".." jndlviduill Well ComlH',lao"s ill 1%31"nlneilnce L"v"ll"'r Comparillon

,,., Z t<<Q it 2.32lll'l

-GV\6.61ol\WI 135 G'M:*'3MN-'331l.25 GWC-I_**OO_,

23 75 r:NI/'.-1MN-7 17&25 COIicaI v_'e.58.2t

'5$128..*m..."..Individual Well Comparisons al Groupwise S%SlgnlficBnee Level 11%Slgnlfie.nee Level per eomPllrlsonl 1'llo Z..",...2.32lll'l

-Gvw.5IM\WI 13 5 GV\C-,3IMW-,331l25 GWC-'_'.OO_72375 GW",,7f1dW.1 17 515.....




""""'"'*" (Not T_)__'1'l0lTotal JIl P1IItlont-..o.oocu 7&_SoompIoI 8 n.o.-... Well Samples ND D...Reault Original 8 I''''')

":<YlUTJ.N......"N"N*(>'2'r.IW2-,='21.7f2000.'-"N ,m_n.............._Well Samples ND"".Result Original*a (100'll0)."N"N 1 (;V2'I'lOC<l,=1211112003"N.,-"N ,m_

  • (5O'llo).*012.1200;2"N ,=**'2o"7r.'0Q3





  • &(100'Jl,) 10121/2000 ,=12/1712003n..r.....2__Well Sample.ND D**Result Original'0_**(100'Ji0)'211712003NC'<2.' Trip Illri., lltOOllol':l/17/2003.....

Shapiro-Wilks Test of Nonnality Pillr.m.ler:

el,_1,2_0lehioroetheOll All Wells Nonn.llly Ttll of P.r.meter Cooeentratlons Orignol 0...(NcO TranolDrmedl__WIlh 112 Dl.l(*23, s.m_*.0$,"II),,(n-l.1),,(n.1.11*,,(I)Io(n-l.1

) ,""'" 0.383 5.31115 ,"'""215 ,"" H.'O.'3(}'3.;137;*""'"2.7783*""'" o Hl52

  • """ ,,-un,.,"""I\51*"" , o0._*"*" 0.'2\l1 0,711IS""*" o"B

""" 0 01073 0""" 0 0(0)72*""" 0 o 0lI7B 0""" 0 007M 0"'"" 0 0_*""" 0 0""" 0 001522 0""" 0 0.004311 0""" 0 0"" 0 0-0'77 0""" 0 0 U"" 0 O.011B 0""" 00.."" 0""" 0" ,..,.0""" 0""" 0""" 0"" 0""" 0 y"" 0"" 0"" 0""" 0""" 0"*""'"*"."""".,""".,"".""".11"""-13*""-lOSlB.S"."*..".,.,.....

SuYI 01 b_*23 3JlIY W s-.c.0.=7M 5'JloC__

EwIonot 01 ,.......",aMy.1I!i'JI._of,,., C__



Kruskal-Wailis Non-Parametric Test Parilmeter:


!l<lgir>IIllOIIllNill 7"-1 tIOo1-OOMoaO RepII<>Ia""'" 112 01.Kruskill Wallis Ranks Background Wells Well 10 Dille Result"".GW,," 151NW.15 7 rrJl2oo2'" ill'2412oo2

'" 1M112OO2

'" ,=,'"&/2412ooJ"""2.'1*.'121111200J 000"

'"'212!112""" ," R_s....,.148 R__*185RanI<SL<n.148 1lId<\II'OU'lO

""""-..18 5 Compliance Wells WelilD D...Resull"'ok'"'" 1M112oo2'" ,=,'"'" 1211112003 Nt><2.5'"

'"NO-<H'*.5 R_s....*l.8 R__*185 GWC-1Ji1,lW-I3TI'rJI200.'" N0'<2.5'" lM112OO2 ND<B'"

18.5*" 12I1112OOJ

-.." 1511 f>/'2OOoO..*M_s....**J(l f<_M.."*...'" GWC-IoMW-l.713CrnlO2

..I*.'., 1M'=".,".,=-....1211712003


GW:-Ww-li 71>>'2002 w,oOm:KlJ lDr.!11:1OOJlZ1171lOO3""'...-.......S<rn-'oa GWA*7MoN-7'QIJ'I<OO2 1211712003

..........Rar"-Mean*'6,5 IIID<H 1ID<2.!1IID<l.5 1IID<l,5 III...." IIID<H IIID<2.5 NU<" ND<25 ND<J5 NO".'N0<25 N0<25 NO<2*ND<2.5'6,5 ,a,5'"'"la,5\8,5 ,"'" 18,!1.,"

'"'"'"'"'56128'5.'26 ,,-'S 81211'58'211 Critieal 11_'58'211'55'25'56'26 ,56'28 C;llcul;llion Results: 1(,...1<01*"""" H SIaldIIo.18 501'19........"'"........"_(0CljU0I0Cl

""_N>lKIeIOClO)."MIO" 115%C<>n-.oo eornpoorioon""""" QTO!Iat 5 0118_>11 Q7OS.doco OV......._do""'!...*

'>>0075>II 07115._0IIJl"'OIIJl-'CO__...Inalvldu;l1 Well Compllrlsons al1%Slgnl1lcance Level per Compllrl,on I'll.Z ooore IS 2,32634-.bod<grouo<l r_'" la 5---,a5 G'M;*1lMN-1J211 75 liWC*s".'I'H ,a 5 GW-71101W-l

'a 5 Individual WeH Compllrisons III GroupwiseSignificance Level (1%Significance Lellel per comparison)

,%Z ooore" 2,J26J0 r_'" 18 5""""_11_

'a 5 GWC-1JilolW-1J211 75"1I<<"..**]"1 GVIO;;-MdW-.

'a 5 GWA-7lMW7 ,a5...."

Concentrations Parameter:

1,1.Dlehloroethane 0ng0nII OalalNot T_lf<OIIIa<lOd

'"""'12 DI.Total SompIoo<Ie TOUoI NOII-Doolocl

l3"""""'"11 7;W'" TotaIlIod<Qfo<nl s.MpIM e wen Samples NOResult Original el'OOOO)llXJa(102'00'12002-,=1211712003Ol/1'lnOO4,m_n.......,"""""'..",.

_WeH Sample..NORe..ult Original 0-*e 1100%)lC1'1\12OO'l,=Nl><2.5N[)<2.51211712003 ND--"2.'Nt>--..,-.'m_N0<2.5GW:::-13MN-1J.e 1 (12....)N0<2.'**'CI'1112OO2**,=,,**1211712003

-.,"" ,m_"" GW::_l"""""'*1.e o (0'lI.)""""'001/2002"" ,="""" 12l'712003

""*N0<25N0<25,oo'!?002,=N0<2.5N0<2.5r 12/1112OOJ N0<2.5'-"


  • 8(1lX11lo)-,1001/2OO:l t1D<25I<D<,!.5llr".....I\.lIj N0<2.*1211712003 N0<25..-N0<25N0<25 Thef"O or.2..........:l_

Well SamplEls NO 0...Result Original**(IOO"tlND<2512J1112O()3 NO<25.,-ND<.5'2J2lVlOO4 ND<'.1 (l00%l.2/1112003 Shapiro-Wilh Test of Normality Plrlmeter:

1,1-Dlehloroethlne All Wei'" Nonnallty T..t of Plrlmeter ConcentrationlOm....l<>:m.l)-....-...R'"l"-'-.'11 DL K'23 SItt'!pIM.

06 , x(l)x(n.1+1)x(n_1+'l-x(I)5(n.I+1) b(l),""'" ,., ,-,""'" ,-.1.3 ,""'"3._'*"" 1.,5 ,-,"" 13.5

  • ""\M ,,-2.2!182',""*""" QH:e'25 ,""" o 12Q3 0,_>.""*" 0.".0.>.'"" ,..01073 0.*" ,.*" ,."""*".-"""*,"""**""" ,.-,""" ,.=*" ,." ,*""" ,._,*" ,.," ,**n*""" , 00'91*""" , 0.0118*"""*.-*"""*n""*""*"""*""*""*""*"""*""*""***""'**""'*,""*"..*""."*""."""-105"""*'3.5"""""_,.5"""

..20.5"."*""-18.5"_IS r S<n 1351 SompIo__0.-..5 5<Jn W_*Oile7W'er.--...III 0 iMS_0 E___

,...<:1**010121_0 511"0" E_wot"....__......_._'"

Kruskal-Wallis Non_Parametric Test Parameter:

1,1-0IchIOfoethllne 0JigInaI1l_(Not T,......IM<l)-...o.ooas

_...." 1fl 01.Kruskal Wallis Ranks BackgrotJnd Wells WelllD Date Result GWA-l_15113(V2(102 "N()o.l.'" 1011112002


" 1211112003".,-N0<2.5"Nl><2.'" RoN.:;o,.,,*

lJll R_......,*11_:;0,.,,'lJll Compliance Well'Well 10 0".Rlil$ult Rank N0<2.5" a-2'12002 No.2.5" 10/2112llO2 NIl<2.'""=-No.2.5" 1211112003 No.2.5".,-

" 12/2812_

" R.-:;o,.".

1Jll__'11 (i'M:-l J,iMW.1 31 rJQflOO2

" 00_," 101211<OQ2**1V-JrAUi ,*812012003-*" 1211112003**..

""..Rank:;0,."*2a1l 11__*Jll 125 OINC-1011M-1--t.713012OO2




r.00112002 0/201;!0Q3 12/1712003

.12r21lr2004 R....So.oYl*136 R 17100'211'2002

,=*211712000.,--II_s.....1311 R 17 010<2.

010<25 ND-2.010<2.010<2.*ND<U 010<2.*010<2.*ND<2.NO.2.*ND<H.100<2.*"""""""""""""""

"156128 1M'2\!..".,25'M12.CrilIcaIV_

'5.128 1Ml2S..156'26 15.,2a r Caleulation Result.: KtI.>II.oI-_H S......,.25 In.KtuoI<M-_., 5....ti<l_""_'-'-)':llIllllCConIoGoonot

"",*..,....", 1.07ll!\..501"-25,728>" 0705 II'IdotIbnIl 0


........-__...........b_Individual Well Compa,laona 811%Slynltluno;:o Level p'" Comparison 1'll.Z 00Ye*2 32$3ot

" G'M:-13NW-133&


17 CNlA*7lMW-1 17 tr>divldual Wall Comparisons at Groupwln 5%Slgnlneance Level (1%Slgnlflcance Level per comparl,on}

1%2.......2.325300_bKlo:g,ouncl rank.17----" GV>C1J1MW.13:l!1125 GWC-14!101W-,

=GWC-5MW-..7 rNI"'7N.W-l 17 r Concentrations (loIg/l1 Parameter; Trio; 0ngn0I DOlO (NoO T.-_I-.....-Rp'

,.....'12 D<.T_sa.-.06 T.............Non-o:-c..

..:1<78%r_s.m.oiK 8 Well Samples NO D...Result Original<)W....,.1><,."N0<25100112002*ND<Uw_ND<H,211712003 N0<25.,-ND_2.*"'"N0<2.............

__Well SlImpl" NO Dale Result Original-*8 (l00'll.)ND<2.5w_ND<2.'0)'21120(12 ND_2."'"..0<2.w_N0<25I2I1712M3 ND_'*"'".,-ND<H"0<2.0Gm*l3/MW-l311 a (O'll.).,.,'012'12002.,., el2412OO3*"" ,2}1712OO3*



1 (l8._1'l1.1

,-,""'"'" 10.2112002

"""",, 1211712003 ND<2."*e (l00'll.)1'10<2.N0<2.,0/2,12Oll2 ND<H,.l><2."1><2."121111200'


r.,- ,w_NO,., ,., IIflMlUL'""'1012112002 n,'" ,='"'""" lm71lOO3**.,-1Zf2l1i2OO4

- n....2__Well Samples NO 0...Result Original.*4('W'lIio) 12/1112003..-'N'W_..-1 (100'll0)1211112003 Shapiro.WlIks Test of Normality Parameter:

Trichlorofluoromethllne All Wells Nonnallty Test of Parameter Concentrations 0rJgI0lII DOllI ('<<>I T-I__,n'" K*23 s.mpIeo.46 ,><<1)><<n-<<o-1)

><<n-1<o-l)-><<I;'(n-<<o-1) b(1),".,..m 146.7t16 ,"., 3785,"0.')0'7lI.MoI'*,..".-81.1255*"'" 2185°1!ll!2-40.6841*""0." ,,-36."" ," ,..,.211.17:18*" ,..'" 0"'5..*"'" 12'5"'"'UKI'o" ,.**" OIl!11.<<ll" ,.." no°'0'3!.-4.2=" ,..H'..°Qg'2.n*""***°0ll7!3.8105""*...0.Q75(1 3.25775""..., 0_u'o'..""'" 1 g,205 H""., ,-""".,***, 2""""""°8701ll6*"".,'00"°5575(1""*" 00107 o""g,.D""*°011!*"""**" ,..*,""**, ,...2.5"""***"""*2',"""""".2$1.'"" ,.""*" ,."*".""*"...*H'"***""-73,5"**"*'"".120 5*,.."'"*1&0.5".,..."."*20T 5"'""_21&5""",.....," ,no*., ,......"

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__III 0..."__0"",,,,,.3 I'll.C 01 0 In?..-00 0&22383 E____

Kruskal-Waltis Non-Parametrlc Test Parametar':

Trichlorotluoromethana Ot9fIolClll8(NoIT

    • _..0'....0" I'Kruskal Wallis Ranks Background Wells W..ID"'..Rn"" Ro'"


-_."_." w__....2/ll/i003

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r Concentrations (mg/L)Parameter:

Zinc Oril,ionoIOato<_T_)

-..CleOo<>o R_""",/2 DL TOlIIl SompleoTOUI Hon-lJnI<:I.

38 P.roont02"""7'10 n.r...1'*"'groutI<l

....Well Samples NO Data Result Orlgln.1 G.....

  • (100'0>1100<<10'100<<),02 M_NO<00110)'2112002
  • NO<OOl NC)<00:2NlNlOI"D'<C.02 M_NO<OOI1211112003

..D<On, Nr><Q.02 011(012004 Hl)<<)0'10<>-0."" m_NO<OO,n.............-_Wall Sampl..NO O.ta Result Original*8 1l00'll0)N[)<O 01 ND<<I.02 M_N[)<Q 01 100<0.02 N[)<<lO, 10<>'0.02N[)<<lel"[)<<leI1211712"0' NO><Q 01.,-NO<OOl,m_NC><OOlG\o\CIJlMl">.l3aNO<001 100<0.02 M_0,023'00'1:>002 0.021.m0.021100<001 100<0.0<'2/17/2003_

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    • 5(033333%)100<00'M_-..0<00,1 Cl'2112002 ND<OO'ND<Oro ,-, NO<001 N(}<<I01 lZ1l112OO3 0127*.127*7 (Ol.MI.) 100<001NO<001100'12002 100<00' ,-, NlWI., NO<001 I2I1712DDJ..."


  • 8 (7Mlo)000<0.Q1_.. 100112002_..,=.-.-1211112000


-..0-0.0'__W.II SlImpl" NOResult Original.*4(100'l00)NO<\I.01 1211112000 NO<O.ol.,-NO<O,Ol'm__......"

Shapiro-Wilks Test of Normality Parameter:

Zinc All W.II$Normality Ta.t of Parameter Concentrations 111 OL

.(n-l+11.(n_1+1)-.(I)I(n-l+11 , 0,01 0.127 o 117 0.JII3 0.0<<311 , 0.01.-.=.-,..,.-002_*0.0\..,.-,.".., 0017..00031e54*.".=00'7..-0002al'5 , 0.01.., 0.0130,002(112-<
  • 0.01 0.023 0013 O.I.IS
  • 0.0'."*0.1203*" 0.0\."*0118*" 0.01."*0.1073*" 0.01 0.01*0.0012*"."."*0067e*"."."*0.07e!!*"'"..'" ,-"" 0.01 0.01*0.DOO7*"'"'"*0.0522*"'"""" o""'"""'"."*
  • ."."*00277*"." 0.01*0.01g7*" 0.01'"*0.0118*n."."*0003;*"."."*" 0.01 0.01*" 0.01."*"."."*"."."*" 0.01."*."."*"."."*."."*O.Pl...*."'"*."...*."...*" 0.01...*."'"*..,....0013..,....0013"..,....0011 Q..,....0 017".....,*.-'"***"'".-*o 12T ,,'.0"'



,.,.__..0I00_0ll&lll' ra_..a.;.__....'....11lo eo-"'01127_0:15325'!._...-_...._............


Kruskal_Waliis Non.Parametrie Test Parameter:

Zine 0r9f'III 0Ma (tlol T,..._l-..o...ao_.....'Il IlL Kruskal Wallis Ranks Background Wells Well 10 Dale Resull",0'


-"'0<0.01'" ,-, NO<O.Ol'"""_00" 1211712003 NO<O.Q1'".,-_00'" IlI26120Q.0 "0<0,0" R_s....*'511 R__


Compliance Wells W81110 0**Result"'0>NO<OOI'"NO<001'"'00,/2002 NO<001'"NO<OO" NO<001'" 1211712003 NO<OOl'"..-NO<OO"NO<OO"_s.....,5&

__*'11.5 f3'NC,.'lNr/'I-1 J7 r.¥JI2OO2 NO-<OOl'"to)7'/2002 0.W7..,-, 0.027"NO<OO" 1211712003

-ND<OO" eI'ilnOO4-ND-OO11.5'm_.-..R" Sum......._,_)002.GoNC-'OJMW.'.7/3012OO2 NO<O 0"NI><O 0'...'0)7'12002 NI><OO"NI><O 0"Nl><Q 0'10.5'211712003 o'27'-"

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