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NUH32PHB-0203, Revision 1, PWR Fuel Rod Accident Side Drop Loading Stress Analysis for Nuhoms 32 Phb System, Non-Proprietary
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Issue date: 03/10/2015
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
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ML15075A350 List:
NUH32PHB-0203, Rev. 1
Download: ML15075A345 (23)


ENCLOSURE 12 Non-Proprietary NUH32PHB-0203, Revision 1, PWR Fuel Rod Accident Side Drop Loading Stress Analysis for NUHOMS 32 PHB System Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant March 10, 2015 Controlled Copy E-281 A Form 3.2-1 Calculation N,.: NUfI32PIIB-0203 A R EVA Calculation Cover Sheet Revision No.: TRANSNUCLEAR INC. TIP 3.2 (Revision

5) Page I of 22 DCR NO (if applicable):

NUHI32PHIB-009 PROJEcr NAME: NUHOMS*32PIHB System PROJECT NO: 10955 CLIENT: CENG -Calvert Cliff Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP)CALCULATION TITLE: PWR Fuel Rod Accident Side Drop Loading Stress Analysis for NUHOMS 32PHB System



l) Calculation Summary The purpose of this calculation is to verify the structural adequacy of the fuel cladding subject to side drop hypothetical accident loading condition for PWR fuel assemblies to be loaded in the NUH32PHB transfer cask. In addition, structural integrity of spacer grids is discussed to assess grid deformation impact onto fuel rod pitch as well as modal analysis for fuel cladding is conducted to determine lateral natural frequencies.

2) Storage Media Description Secure network server initially, then redundant tape backup. (Same as Rev.0)!I If original issue, is licensing review per TIP 3.5 required?

N/A Yes [i No [I (explain below) Licensing Review No.: Software Utilized (subject to test requirements of TIP 3.3): Version: ANSYS I O.OA I Calculation is complete: Originator Name and Signature:

Huan Li Date: Calculation has been checked for consistency, completeness and correctness:

Raheel Haroon d Checker Name and Signature:

Date: Calculation is approved for use: Project Engineer Name and Signature:


A,. JCalc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 ARIEVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TfRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 2 of 22 REVISION


Affected Rev. Description of Changes Pages Computational

_/o 0 Initial Issue All All I Add discussion about M-5 material for AREVA fuel assembly so that all 1,2,5-8,11,15 None the fuel assemblies for NL-32PI-BB are taken into account.

A Caic. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCL.AR INC. Page: 3 of 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS i.0 Purpose ............





5 2.0 References


5 3.0 M ethodology


...... .* .. .. ...... 6 4.0 Assumptions

......................................................., .............................................................................................

6 5.0 Design Criteria .....................................................................................................................................................

7 6.0 Computation


7 6.1 Finite Element M odel ......................................................................................................................................

7 6.2 M aterial Properties



7 6.3 Selection of Bounding Case ............................................................................................................................

8 6.4 Loading ............................................................................................................................................................

8 7.0 Results .........................................................................

........ ........ ..............................


8 8.0 Conclusion




a ........8 9.0 Listing of ANSYS.................


9 9.0 Listing of ANSYS Computer Files ............

..... .. 9 Appendix A: -M odal AnMlysis ..............................................................................


15 Appendix B: -Fuel Assem bly Spacer Grid Integrity


21 A ICaic. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCL.AR INC. Page: j4.6f 22 List of Tables Table I Analyzed Fuel Rod Characteristics


... .10 Table~~ 2 iieEeetMdl..............

... ....... .....................


Table 2 Finite E lem ent M odel ....................................................................


I1I Table 3 Summary of Stress Results for Accident Condition 75g Side Drop ..................................................................

11 Table 4 Fuel Cladding N atural Frequencies



15 List of Figures Figure I PW R Fuel Cladding Geom etry ....... .. ............................................................


12 Figure 2 Finite Elem ent M odel Setup ..............................................................................................................................

12 Figure 3 Typical PWR Fuel Assembly Grid and Constraints

..... ........................


13 Figure 4 Bounding Fuel Assembly Bending Stress Under 75g Load.-......

....... ....... 14 Figure 5 Natural Frequency

-1" M ode ..... .........



16 Figure 6 N atural Frequency

-2 nd M ode .......................................................................................................................

..... 17 Figure 7 N atural Frequency

-d M ode ............................................................................................................................

18 Figure 8- N atural Frequency

-4 th M ode ............................................................................................................................

19 Figure 9- Natural Frequency

-51h Mode .... ................................................

20 Figure 10 Schematic Diagram of Spacer Grid Response (Ref. [2.15], Figure uI-15) i ......................

2.. ;...22 A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation .Rev. No..: 1 T.RANSNUCLEAR INC.. Page: 5of22 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to verify the structbral adequacy of the fuel assemblies to be loaded in the NUH32PHB transfer cask. Side drop analysis is performed for hypothetical accident load conditions.

In addition, structural integrity of spaccr grids is discussed to assess grid deformation impact onto fuel rod pitch. Modal analysis for fuel cladding is also conducted to determine laterAl natural frequencies..

2.0 References

2.1 NUH32PHB.0101, Rev. 2, "Design Criteria Document.(DCD) for the NIJHOMS 32PHB System for Storage"...

2.2 TN Calculation No. 972-179, Rev. 0, "TN-68 High Bumup Cladding Mechanical Properties'".


Computer Code and User's Manuals, Release DOE/RW-0184, Volume 3 of 6, December 1987, "Characteristics -of Spent Fuel, High Level Waste, and Other Radiological Wastes which May Require Long-Term Isolation", USDOE, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management.

2.5 TN Calculation NU32PHB-0403, Rev. 0, "Thermal Evaluation of NUHOMS 32PHB DSC for Storage and Transfer Conditions".

2;6 H.E. Adkins, Jr., B.J. Koeppel and T. Tang, "Spent Nuclear Fuel Structural Response when Subjected to an End Impact Accident", PVP2004, San Diego, CA, July 25-29, 2004.2.7 An Swam, L.F., Strasser A.A., Cook J.D., Burger J.M., "Behavior of Zircaloy-4 and Zirconium Linear Zircaloy-4 Cladding at High Bumup", Proceedings of the 1997 International Topical Meeting on LWR Fuel Performance, Portland, Ofegon March 2-6, 1997.2.8 Raymond J, Roark and Warren C. Young, '"Formulas For Stress and Strain", 5k" edition, MoDraw-Hill Book.Company.2.9 Calvert Cliffs Calculation CA06525, Rev. 0, "Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 Cycle 16 Bounding Fuel Performance Analysis for ZrB2 Implementation at 2746 MWt Core Power".2.1.0 UCID -21246, "Dynamic Impact Effects on Spent Fuel Assemblies'", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, October 20, 1987.2.11 NUREG/CR-0200, Vol. 3, Rev. 5 (Table M8.2.4), ORNL/NUREG/CSD-2/V3/R6, "SCALE, A Modular Code Systm for Performing Standardized Computer Analysis for Licensing Evaluation for Workstations and Personal Computers", Oak Ridge National Laboratory, RSIC' Computer Code Collection.

2.12 Not used.2.13 Not used.2.14 Chun, R., M. Witte, M. Schwarz, "Dynamic Impact Effects on Spent Fuel Assemblies", October, 1987, pp.3.2.15 Report SAND90-2406, "A Method for Determining the Spent-Fuel Contribution to Transport Cask Containment Requirements", Sandia National Laboratories, November 1992.2.16 TN Calculation No. NUHPHB-0205, Rev. 1, "NUHOMS 32PHB Basket Evaluation for Storage and Transfer Loads".2.17 TN Calculation No. NUH-HBU-0249, Rev. 0, "M5 Cladding Mechanical Properties"..

A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AR EVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 T.RANZNUCLEAR INC. Page: 6 of 22 Proprietary I I A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 ARIEVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUC-LE.R INC. Page: 7of 92 Proprietary A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1i TRANSNUCLEAR INC. PJage: 8 .of 22 Proprietary

8.0 Conclusion

The maximum stress under Accident drop conditions among all PWR fuels to be transported in the NUH32PHB Cask is 44.5 ksi for Zircaloy-4 and 47.1 ksi for M-5, respectively.

Those stresses significantly lower than the yield stress of Zircaloy-4 (92 ksi) and M-5 (67.3 ksi) at 750 'F. It is, therefore, concluded that the fiel claddings will not fail urnder accident side drop load condition.

.A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 9.of 22 Proprietary A Caic. No., NUH32PHB-0203 AR EVA Calculation Rev. No.: I T.RANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 10of22 Proprietary A ICalc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 ARIEVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 T.RANSNUCLIAR INC. Page: 11 of 22 Proprietary

.A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AR EVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC., Page: 12.of 22 Proprietary A Calc, Noi,: NUH32PHB-.203 AREVA Calculation Rev. N6.: -I TRANNUCL.AR INC. Page: 113 of 22 Proprietary A CaIlC No.:' NUH32PHf.0O203 AREVA Calculation Rev. NO. I TRANSNUCLEAR IN, Page: 14 of 22 Proprietary

,A Caic. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 1.5 of 22 Proprietary A Calc, No,:' NUH32PHM0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. N0.: i TRANSNUICLEARMINC

'Page: 16 of 22 Proprietary A Calc, No;.' NuH32PHI-0203 AR EVA Calculatfon

[ Rev. No.: TRANSNUCLEAR IN., Page: 17 of 22 Proprietary A Calc, No.:' NUH32PH-60203 AREVA Calculation Rev. NO.: I TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 18 of 22 Proprietary A Cal, No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.' i TRANMNUCLEARINC.

Page: 19 of 22 Proprietary A Calc; No,: NUH32PHB-0203 AR1EVA Calculation Rev. N6.: I TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 20 of 22 Proprietary

,A Calc. No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AR EVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 TRANSNUCLEAR INC. Page: 21 of 22 Proprietary A Calc, No.: NUH32PHB-0203 AREVA Calculation Rev. No.: 1 T. uNMUCL ._4_ Page; 22 of 22 Proprietary