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Log of Boring PV-34.
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/2018
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18194A101 (1)


NATURAL GAMMA LOG-INCREASING RADIATION~BAS I C SO I L PROPERTI ES LITHOLOGIC DATA PALEO.CARBONATE MAGNETIC DESCRIPTIONS UNITS L CONTENT POLARITY 00 COUNTS PER SECOND/50 I 70 190 2IO 230 Pl/4 0 2 jIO 120 ELEV-905'0+Q POSITIVE e---REAEURE0 wATER LEYEL 22 32 22 97 99 79 93 100 96 97 93 90 4 ex 0 4~4 4~~4 4~4~4~~~~~20 40 60 eo 100 120 14 160 5IL TY 5AND WITH 4RAVEL AND CLAYEI SAND/(5M-5C), gi oy.brown, svbangvlor to svb-rovnded.loose,dry to moist, sl'ratified F SIC TY CL A Yi(ML), brown, shff, moist;ccrhche nodvles~5ANOV SILT WITH CLAY (ML j.brown, shf/, moist, Asn sfa nsi occosionivl fh n sand Ienaae SILTY CLAY WITH 5AND/CL CH)brawn, very shff to hard, mo et, m c aceous occasional col/she.SILTI CLAY.CLAYEYSILT,(CL AIL f brown, ve y s/Nf.mois/I Afn apache, SAND>SILT LA'/TH CLAY;(ML).brown, very shff, moiel/Mn stains CLAYEY 5/LT WITH SANO AND j5/LTY CLAY,(ML-CL),b own, eiy stiff fo hard, mo sl, Mn spec*el abundant cal elle od Iea 38 f3 SI 80 84 R I I~0'9 HS e LSS 93 91 94 4~~~r 5/LTY CI AY WITH 5AND, (CL-CH), red-brown, very xrhff or bord, mo st/scatter ed ca/che nod Ies and Mn sta ns;occas o al clayey silt ond scv dy s/I interbeCs nea/o er contact 14 20 71 96~~4~240 260 t CLAYET'ILT AND SILTV CLAY/(hfL-CL), lqhi 6 y ehll.o at, interbeddcd, occamo al Mn sta ns 94 96 97 75 00 340 0 4~+9 i++++i+++++f BASALT/qray,hard ophan tic, moderotely to very fractvredi fracfvres h/led fh calcite/moderotely weathered.

-TD-33P'~SANDY 5ILT WITH CRAVEL,(ML), bmwn, ve y shtf,moist/gravel predominanfly basalt.360 400 420 440 460 460 500 520 540 SAMPLE LOCATION~DEPTH (FEET>~SYM BOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS PI piothci/f index minus 200-percent passing 200 sieve W/0 puiceu/muiituie Sd Ciy Ceusity SAMPLE TYPE AS Tu o 422/ie/2/AST/I'O 423 AST/i'424 lii Ti/ASTNI c 2214-Ti-Dri~e Sample-P/chei Tube Sample-Nx'ore, 4'o Indi cutes 4 Recovery-Sluuaors Peuuiruhou Teel,/V"voice xsrn cisus-sr CARBONATE CONTENT--No Reocliou 4.-Slightly Iieoclive-muse/a/sly Rsocti ve++-Highly Reoc/i vs louses on sample reaction lo o ID%HCI UNITS sulu/ion)Uu/Is column refers tu geuersl slrohgiaphic Civisieus/Cent/fied wilhm/he basin seChmsuis PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Ihclmoliou of remhou/mogselic veclor in general ogreemehl wi lb ((P)or uppusitiuu lo/(3)thi Fresco/msguelic he/C.8-hfoghef c veclor inoefsrmiusle

~depth Paleumsguehc

/7/29 Reverso/~/0 sfr Ej~eievatlou D E 5 0 R I P T I 0 N 3 L'Ihuiog c Cescriplious were compiled Irom geologisls

/ie/C logs, laboratory let/Colo, uud Cuwa-hots geophysics Field logs were prepared ih accordance wilh ASThf D2488-S9 Classifications based ou laboratory teel Cela oisin occoroouce wilh ASTAI D248T-69./IocA Caser/a/ious follow procedures ouNlued in/he QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Volume 50, No./Descriphous fur rolorf boriugs are buses upon cut/'ugs samples, geuphys col logs ohc ciglers'commeols LOG OF BORING PV-34