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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, Attachment 1, Cover - Page 16
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/2014
From: Hickey F J, Saxton C H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14134A371 List:
Download: ML14134A248 (24)


Attachment 1 to PLA-7165 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report I Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 & 2 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Annua l Radiologica l Environmenta l Operating Report SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION UNITS 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Enviromnental Operating Report 2013 Prepared by: //' "

F.J. Hickey, Sr. Health Physicist/

C. H. Saxton, Sr. Environmental Scientist D. W. Miller, Chemistry Support Supervisor Approved by: LU nvfLa r -Plant I Environmental PPL Susquehanna, LLC 769 Salem Boulevard Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Appendix A-Program Summary .....................................................................................

A-1 Appendix B-Sample Designation and Locations


B-1 Appendix C-Data Tables ...............................................................................................

C-1 Appendix D-Summary of Results from Analytics, Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and Department of Energy (DOE)-Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) and PPL REMP Laboratory Quality Control Spike Program .....................................

D-1 Appendix E-REMP Sample Equipment Operability Trending .......................................

E-1 -ii-LIST OF TABLES Appendix A Table Table A Summary of Data for SSES ......................................


A-3 Appendix B Tables Table B-1 Sampling Locations


B-4 Table B-2 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Radiological Environmenta l Monitoring Program ...........................................................


B-9 Appendix C Tables Table. C-1 Gross Beta Analyses of Air Particulate Filters Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ......................


C-3 Table C-2 Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Composited Air Particulate Filters Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .......................................................

C-4 Table C-3 lodine-131 Analyses of Air Iodine Samples Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .........................................................................................

C-5 Table C-4 Environmental Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry Results Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .......................................................

C-6 Table C-5 lodine-131 and Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Milk Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .........................


C-9 Table C-6 Tritium and Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Groundwater Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .........................


.C-11 -iii -

LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Table C-7 Annual Average Tritium Concentration in Precipitation, Perimeter Drain, Monitoring Wells and Lake Took-a-While (LTAW) Surface Water Data Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ............................

........ C-14 Table C-8 Gross Beta, Tritium and Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Drinking Water Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ..........................................

.. C-1 5 Table C-9 Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Food Products (Fruits and Vegetables)

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ............

....................... C-1 6 Table C-10 Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Soil Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .............................



C-1 7 Table C-11 Tritium arid Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Surface Water Susquehanna Steam Electric Station .........................


C-18 Table C-12 Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Fish Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ................

.................. ...................................................................

C-2 1 Table C-13 Gamma Spectroscopic Analyses of Shoreline Sedimen t Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ..............


C-22 Appendix D Tables Table D-1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross. Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services .......................


D-3 Table D-2 ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmenta l Services .................. , .........................

D-6 Table D-3 DOE's Mixed Analyte performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services ..................

........... D-7 -iv-LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Table D-4 PPL REMP Laboratory Quality Control Spike Prog r am Analy ti cs Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services ....................................................... D-9 Appendix E Table Table E-1 REMP Sample Equipment Operability Trending Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ............................................


..................... E-3 LIST OF MAPS Map B-1 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Within One Mile ..............................

B-11 Map B-2 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations From One to Five Miles ..................

B-12 Map B-3 Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations .Greater than Five Miles ..................

B-13 Map B-4 Environmental Sampling Locations Within One Mile .............................

..... B-14 Map B-5 Environmental Sampling Locations From One to Five Miles ......................

B-15 Map B-6 Environmental Sampling Locations Greater than Five Miles ......................

B-16 LIST OF FIGURES Figure C-1 Gross Beta Activity (E-03 pCi/m 3) in Air Particulates


......... C-23 Figure C-2 Ambient Radiation Levels Based on Environmenta l Dosimetry Data ....................



...... C-24 Figure C-3 lodine-131 Activity in Milk .............................


.................... C-25 -v-LIST OF FIGURES (cont'd) Figure C-4 Annual Average Tritium Activity in Precipitation, Perimeter Drain, Surface Water Versus Ground Water ........................



C-26 Figure C:-5 Gross Beta Activity in Drinking Water. ................................


C-27 Figure C-6 Tritium Activity in Surface Water ........................................


... C-28 -vi-I. Summary During normal operations of a nuclear power generating station there are permitted releases of small amounts of radioactive material to the environment. To monitor and determine the effects of these releases a Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) has been

  • established around the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES). The results of the REMP are published annually, providing a summary and interpretation of the data collected.

Ecology Ill was responsible for the collection of environmental samples duril)g 2013. Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) was responsible for the analysis of environmental samples during 2013. The results are discussed in this report. Landauer provided the dosimetry services for SSES during 2013. This Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) conducted for SSES covers the period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. During that time period, 1373 analyses were performed on 1125 samples. Of the two man-made radionuclides (tritium [H-3] and cesium-137


detected in the environment by the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP), tritium is the only radionuclide attributable toSSES operation.

The whole body and organ dose to members of the public attributable to tritium identified in REMP cooling tower blowdown samples was 7.27E-04 mRem. Tritium was included in the dose calculation because it was identified in the REMP samples of water being discharged to the Susquehanna River. The 2013 average concentration of tritium in the cooling tower blowdown water and the 2013 average cooling tower blowdown flow were used to determine the amount of tritium released.

The presumed exposure pathways to the public from this radionuclide were drinking water taken from the Susquehanna River at Danville, PA and eating fish caught near the SSES discharge to the river. Dose from ground plane deposition (shoreline exposure) is not applicab l e because tritium does not emit gamma radiation and the beta radiation emitted by tritium is not sufficiently penetrating to reach an individual on the shore. Based on the above outlined methodology, the total tritium activity r eleased from the SSES to the Susquehanna River in 2013 was 79.3 curies. The 2013 average dilution factor for the Susquehanna River was 697 , based on the annual average river flow of 8.20E+06 gpm and the annual average cQoling tower_blowdown flow of 1 .18E+04 gpm. The REMP Sample Equipment Operability and year to year trend comparison is located in Appendix E, Table E-1 The REMP was conducted in accordance with the SSES Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) and the respective station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) which are based on the design objectives i n 1 OCFR Part 50 Appendix I , Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3 and I V.C. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) values required by the TRM and SSES ODCM were achieved for the 2013 reporting period. The REMP objectives were also met during this period. The concentration of radioactive ma t erial in the environment that could be attributable to SSES operations was only a sma ll fraction of the concentration of naturally occurring and man-made radioactivity.

Since these results were comparable to the results obtained during the preoperational phase of the program and combined with historical results collected since commercial operation , it can be concluded that the levels and fluctuations were as expected and that the operation of the SSES had no significant radiological impact on the environment.

Additionally, the REMP sample results for 2013 verify the adequacy of the SSES radioactive effluent control systems.

Samples of air particulates, air iodine, milk, groundwater, drinking water, vegetation, soil, surface water, fish and sediment were collected and analyzed. External radiation dose measurements were also made in the vicinity of SSES using passive dosimeters.

Air particulate samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta weekly and gamma emitting nuclides quarterly.

Gross beta and cosmogenically produced beryllium-? (Be-7) were detected at levels consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activation products were detected.

High sensitivity iodine-1_31 (1-131) analyses were performed on weekly air samples. All res.ults were less than the minimum detectable concentration.

  • Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed quarterly using Optically Stimulated Luminescent dosimeters (OSLO). The levels of radiation detected were consistent with those observed in previous years. Cow milk samples were analyzed for concentrations of 1-1 31 and gamma emitting nuclides.

All 1-131 results were below the minimum detectable concentration.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) was detected at levels consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activation products were detected.

A one-time collection of four pasture grass samples was made from two locations in 2013. Naturally occurring Be-7 and K-40 were detected in the four samples at concentrations ranging from 650 to 1 ,090 pCilkg wet and 3230 to 8060 pCi/kg wet, respectively.

Preoperational data is not available for comparison.

Groundwater samples were analyzed for concentrations of tritium and gamma emitting nuclides.

Tritium activities detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activation products were detected.

Drinking water samples were analyzed for concentrations of tritium, gross beta and gamma emitting nuclides.

Tritium and gross beta activities detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activation products were detected.

Food product (fruits, vegetables and broadleaf vegetation) samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma emitting nuclides. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at levels consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activatiqn products were detected.

Soil samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma emitting nuclides.

In addition to the naturally occurring isotopes (i.e. K-40, thorium-228

[Th-228], radium ... 226 [Ra-226] and actinium-228

[Ac-228]), Cs-137 was detected in one of the soil samples. The sample data is consistent with historical and preoperational data which indicates that the presence of Cs-137 in the soil is due to residual fallout from atmosphe r ic nuclear weapons testing in the 1970s and early 1980s and the Chernobyl event. Surface water samples were analyzed for concentrations of tritium and gamma emitting nuclides.

Tritium activities detected were consistent with those detected in previous years. No fission or activation products were detected.

Fish and shoreline sediment samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma emitting No fission or activation products were detected in fish or sediment samples.

II. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program The SSES is located on approximately a 1500 acre tract along the Susquehanna River, five miles northeast of Berwick in Salem Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

The area around the site is primarily rural , consisting predominately of forest and agricultural lands. The station consists of two barling water reactor generating units. Each unit has completed an Extended Power Uprate process which has increased licensed thermal power from 3489 MWt (megawatt thermal) to 3952 MWt. Unit-1 completed the power up rate in 2010 and Unit 2 completed the power uprate in 2011. More specific information on the demography, hydrology, meteorology, and land use characteristics of the area in the vicinity of the SSES can be found in the. Environmental Report [Reference 1], the Final Safety Analysis Report [Reference 2] and the Final Environmental Statement

[Reference 3] for the SSES. Radioanalytical data from samples collected under the REMP were compared with results from the preoperational phase and historical results during operations.

Differences between these periods were examined statistically to determine the effects of station operations.

This report presents the results from January 1 through December 31, 2013, for the SSES Radiological Enviro.nmental Monitoring Program (REMP). A. Objectives of the Operational REMP The objectives of the Operational REMP are to: 1. Document compliance with SSES REMP Technical Requirements and radiological environmental surveillances.

2. Verify proper implementation of SSES radiological effluent controls.
3. Identify, measure and evaluate trends of radionuclide concentrations in environmental pathways near SSES. 4. Assess impact of SSES Effluents on the Environment and the public. 5. To verify that SSES operations have no detrimental effects on the health and safety of the public or on the environment.

B. Implementation of the Objectives

1. In order to meet the objectives, an operational REMP was developed.

Samples of various media were selected for monitoring due to the radiological dose impact to humans and other organisms.

The selection of samples was based on: (a) Established critical pathways for the transfer of radionuclides through the environment to man, and (b) Experience gained during the preoperational phase. Sampling locations were determined based on site meteorology, Susquehanna River hydrology, local demography, and land uses. 2. Sampling locations were divided into two classes, indicator and control. Indicator locations are sited where it is expected th at radiation and radioactive material that might originate from the station would be detectable.

Control locations are selected in areas where they would be unaffected by station operations (i.e. Susquehanna River upstream from the station, >1 0 miles from the station in least prevalent wind directions).

Fluctuations in the levels of radionuclides and direct radiation at indicator locations are evaluated with respect to analogous fluctuations at control locations.

Indicator and control location data are also evaluated relative to preoperational data. 3. Appendix A, Summary of Data for SSES, describes and summarizes the analytical results in accordance with the SSES Technical Specifications.

4. Appendix B, Location, Designation, Distance, Direction and Sample Collections and Analytical Methods, describes the coding system which type and location.

Table B-1 lists the location codes, locations, latitude, longitude, and the types of samples collected at each location.

Table B-2 contains sample medium, analysis and sampling details. 5. The sampling locations are indicated on the following maps: Map B-1, Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Within One Mile Map Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations From One to Five Miles Map B-3, Direct Radiation Monitoring Locations Greater Than Five Miles Map B-4, Environmental Sampling Locations Within One Mile Map B-5, Environmental Sampling Locations From One to Five Miles Map B-6, Environmental Sampling Locations Greater Than Five Miles Ill. Program Description A. Data Interpretation Results of analyses are grouped according to sample type and presented in Appendix C, Data Tables. All results above the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) are at a confidence level of+/- 2 sigma. This represents the range of values into which 95% of repeated analyses of the same sample should fall. As defined in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 4.8, LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (above background) that will be detected with 95% probability, with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real signal". LLD is normally calculated as 4.66 times the standard deviation of the background counting rate, or of the blank sample count, as appropriate, divided by counting efficiency, sample size, 2.22 (dpm per picocurie), the radiochemical yield when applicable, the radioactive decay constant and the elapsed time between sample collection and time of counting.

The LLD is an "a priori" number which represents the capability of the measurement system. The Minimum Detectable Concentrc;ttion (MDC) is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material that can be detected at a given confidence level. The. MDC differs from the LLD in that the MDC takes into consideration the interference caused by the presence of other nuclides while the LLD does not. The MDC is an "a posteriori" number which is an indicator of the performance of the measurement system. The MDC is set to be below the LLD. The grouped data were averaged and standard deviations calculated.

Thus, the +/- 2 sigma deviations of the averaged data represent sample and not analytical variability.

For reporting and calculation of averages, any result occurring at or below the LLD is considered to be at that level. B. Program Exceptions Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 01/16/13 to AP/C 6G1 Timer box malfunction-01/23/13:

Timer box reset 01/23/13 digits failed to advance and proper advancement properly.

No effect on of digits confirmed.

continuous sampler Operability verified.

operation for sam!)ie period. 01/23/13 to AP/C 6G1 Timer box malfunction


Timer box reset 01/30/13 digits failed to advance and proper advancement properly.

No effect on of digits confirmed.

continuous sampler Operability verified. operation for sample period. 01/23/13 to AP/C 382 Power outage for AR-1665918 01/30/13 approximately

3.4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />s


No corrective (time unknown} as action required. Air TRO determined by timer box monitor resumed normal reading, resulting in non-operation when power was Condition A continuous operation for restored.

Operability sample period. verified.

01/29/13 to Surface 686 No sample flow through AR-1667862 02/05/13 Water AC8. Non-representative 02/05/13:. Grab sample for sample period. collected at alternate TRO location 589 as per procedure for week 2. Condition A 02/08/13:

Maintenance performed.

AC8 restored to seNice@ 1417 hours0.0164 days <br />0.394 hours <br />0.00234 weeks <br />5.391685e-4 months <br />, resulting in delayed start for week 3. 02/12/13:

Operability verified. Valid sample collected for week 3. 02/06/13 to AP/C 382 Power outage for AR-1669609 02/13/13 1386 approximately 48 minutes 02/11/13:

No corrective 13S6Q (date/time unknown} as action required.

Air TRO determined by timer box monitors resumed normal reading, resulting in non-operation when power was Condition A continuous operation for restored.

Operability sample period. restored.

1 5' Quarter Ground-MW-6 Quarterly groundwater (well) AR -1681886 2013 water (1387} sample was not collected 03/19/13:

Obtain sample 02/26/13 within quarterly time limit when conditions permit. due to cooling tower falling 04/11/13: 1st quarter ice hazard. sample collected.

Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 03/27/13 to AP/C 6G1 Timer box malfunction


Time box 04/03/13 digits failed to advance replaced. Operabil i ty properly. No effect on verified.

continuous sampler operation for sample period. 04/10/13 to AP/C 6G1 Planned electrical AR-1689822 04/24/13 maintenance from 04/15/13 04/17/13:

Air monitor not @ 083.0 to 04/19/13 @ operational due to planned 1230, resulting in non-power outage. continuous operation for the sample period. Pre-Low sample volume f or notification by PPL E l ectric sample period 04/1 0/13 to Utilities.

04/17/13. NOTE: TRM requirements were met since the other 04/24/13:

Operability control location (8G1) was ver i fied. operational during planned power outage. 04/17/13 to AP/C 6G1 Timer box malfunction


Time box 04/24/13 digits failed to advance replaced.

Operability properly.

No effect on verified.

continuous sampler operation for sample period. 04/24/13 to AP/C 8G1 Power outage of AR-1698761698761 05/01/13 approximately

4.9 hour1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />s

No corrective action (date/time unknown) as needed. Air monitor determined by timer box, resumed normal opera t ion resulting in non-continuous when power was restored. operation for sample period. NOTE: TRM requirements 05/01/13: Operability were met since the other verified.

control location (6G1) was operational.

05/15/13 to AP/C 8G1 Power outage of AR-1707282 05/22/13 approximately

1.3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />s

No corrective action (date/time unknown) as needed. Air monitor determined by timer box, resumed normal operation resulting in non-continuous when power was resto r ed. operation for sample period. 05/22/13:

Operability verified.

05/15/13 to AP/C 6G1 Power outage of AR-1707282 05/22/13 approximately

5.3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />s

Power strip turned on and (date/time unknown) as power restored.

determined by timer box, Operability verified.

resulting in non-continuous operation for sample period. After investigation, sample collectors found power strip to air monitor in off position (cause *unknown). Delayed start time of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 15 minutes for next sample period.

Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 06/13/13 Milk 10D3 Required indicator milk AR-1712214 sample unavailable. Drasher The following TRO Farm sold cows on 05/22/13 samples were due to financial reasons. collected to meet Condition F TRM requirements

Pasture grass (vegetation) from location 1 OD3 and controllocation10G1 for biweekly scheduled milk samples on 06/17/13 and 07/01/13; broadleaf vegetation from indicator location 8G1 (Pumpkin Hill Farm) on 06/26/13 and control location 15G1 (Dancing Hen Farm) on 07/01/13.

Broad leaf vegetation will continue to be sampled month l y as availabl.e. 06/05/13 to AP/C 3S2 3S2, 13S6, 13S6Q -Power AR-1715499 06/12/13 13S6 outage of 0.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> on No corrective action 13S6Q 06/11/13 (time unknown) as required. Air 12S1 determined by timer box, monitors resumed resulting in non-continuous normal operation operation for sample period when power was restored.

12S1-power loss of 0.2 06/12/13:

hours. Operability verified 07/09/13 to Surface 2S7 Composite container AR-1727357 07/16/13 Water overflowed resulting in non-Grab sample representative sample for collected 07/16/13 week 3 July composite.

@1018 for week 3 Reason unknown. July composite.


Reconfigured and recalibrated sampler according to CH-TP-087. Sampler resumed normal operation.

Operability verified Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 07/23/13 to Surface 6S6 Diminished flow rate (<1.5 AR-1730852 07/30/13 Water gpm) found by I&C during Adequate sample routine PM for week 1 volume collected for August composite.

week 1 August composite. Able to obtain procedural aliquot with volume setting at 50%. ACS remained operable.


I&C performed maintenance (PCW0-1746241) to restore flow to required 1.5 gpm. 09/17/13:

Operability verified.

07/23/13 to Surface 2S7 Interior sample delivery AR-1732424 07/30/13 Water tubing found displaced from Adequate sample tube guide on the bottom of volume collected for the controller assembly by week 1 August E-111 sample collectiors composite.

Tubing during weekly sample reinserted into tube collection.

Reason unknown. guide to allow No operability issues sample water associated with this delivery to composite condition.


07/30/13: Operability verified. 07/23/13 to Surface 2S7 Slowdown isolated for river No corrective action 07/30/13 Water diving activities during week needed for 1 August composite:

blowdown isolation.


0345-1620 Dates and times 07/25/13@

0511-1805 were noted on 07/26/13@

0402-1000 sample collection 07/29/13 @ 0840-1727 form. 07/30/13@

0235-1528 Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 07/30/13 to Surface 6S6 Diminished flow rate (<1.5 AR-1733523 08/06/13 Water gpm) found by E-111 sample Adequate sample collectors during weekly volume collected.

collection for week 2 August Unable to obtain composite.

procedural aliquot with volume setting stroke hold at maximum. ACS remained operable.


Maintenance performed to unblock line and restore required flow rate to 1.5 gpm. 09/17/13:

Operability verified.

2°0 Quarter Direct 7G1 OSL dosimeter 7G1 located Corrective actions 2013 Radiation in theSE sector at 14 miles were initiated with from the site was found placement of a new missing during the exchange dosimeter at 7G1 for of the second quarter 2013 the third quarter monitoring period. This 2013. Occasional dosimeter is a redundant vandalism is control dosimeter.


Actions to prevent recurrence are not applicable.

09/03/13 to Surface 6S6 Diminished flow rate (<1.5 AR-1745301 09/10/13 Water gpm) found by E-111 sample Adequate sample collectors during weekly volume collected collection for week 2 during sample period September composite.

for week 2 September composite.

Able to obtain procedural aliquot with volume setting stroke hold at 60%. ACS remained operable.

09/14/13: Maintenance performed to unblock the line and restore required flow rate to 1.5 gpm. 09/17/13:

Operability verified.

Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 11/06/13 to AP/C 13S6 Flow rate upon arrival at air Flow rate adjusted 11/13/13 monitor was 2.5 cfm, above to 2.2 cfm on procedural range of 2.0-2.4 departure. cfm. Reason unknown. No Operability verified. effect on continuous sampler operation for sample period. 11/13/13 to AP/C 13S6 Timer box reading did not AR 2013-04531 11/20/13 reflect actual sample time Monitored situation (166.5 vs calculated run time to evaluate of 167.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />). Reason applicable corrective unknown. Calculated volume actions. Operability did not correspond with dry verified.

gas meter volume. Reason unknown, but possible cause could be changes in air temperature during sampling week. Both issues had no effect on continuous monitoring for sample period. 11/20/13 to AP/C 13S6 Timer box malfunction.

Digits Timer box replaced. 11/26/13 failed to advance. No effect Operability verified. on continuous sampler operation for sample _Q_eriod.

4m Quarter Ground MW-7 Sample unavailable due to AR 2013-04838 2013 Water (2S8) insufficient ground water. Will sample next Sample pump operation was quarter (February verified as satisfactory and 2014). no blockages were identified in the lines. TRM required sampling at other ground wate r monitoring locations was conducted for 4 1 h quarter with no issues. 11/26/13 to Surface 6S6 Diminished flow rate (<1.0 CR2013-05310 12/03/13 Water gpm) found by E-111 sample Adequate sample collectors for week 1 volume collected December composite. during sample period for week 1 Dec. composite. Able to obtain procedural aliquot with volume setting at maximum. ACS remained operable.

12/06/13: Maintenance performed to unblock line and restore required flow to 1.5 gpm.

Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 12/10/13 to Surface* 6S6 Diminished flow rate (<1.0 CR 2013-06766 12/16/13 Water gpm) found by E-111 sample Adequa te sample collectors for week 3 volume collected December composite. during sample period for week 3 Dec. composite.

Not able to obtain procedural aliquot with volume setting at maximum. ACS remained operable.

12/16/13 to Surface 6S6 12/23/13:

No sample flow CR 2013-07175 12/31/13 Water found by E-11 1 sample 12/23/13:

Grab collectors for week 4 sample collected a t TRO December composite. location 5S9 to represent week 4 Condition A 12/31/13: No sample flow Dec. composite.

found by E-111 sample collectors for week 5 12/31/13:

Grab December composite. sample collected at location 5S9 to represent week 5 Dec. composite.

12/3 1/13: I&C maintenance unsuccessful.

CR 2013-07237 generated. 01/03/14: Maintenance performed to unblock line and restore required flow to 1.5 gpm. 12/23/13 to Surface 2S7 12/23/13:

Slowdown isolated AR 2013-07458 12/31/13 Water from 0849 to 1605 hours0.0186 days <br />0.446 hours <br />0.00265 weeks <br />6.107025e-4 months <br /> for Verified sampler planned maintenance. operation.

Date and time were noted on sample collection form.

Date Sample Location Exception Corrective Action Type 4'" Quarter Direct 7G1 During collection of 4'" Corrective actions 2013 Radiation quarter 2013 environmental were initiated with dosimeters, the dosimeter at placement of a new location 7G1 was missing. dosimeter at 7G1 This dosimeter is a redundant for the first quarter control dosimeter. 2014. Occasional vandalism is unavoidable. Actions to prevent recurrence are not applicable.

2013 Totals: 4 occurrences resulted in entry into TRO Condition A 1 occurrence resulted ih entry into TRO Condition F All remaining occurrences were non-TRO events. Actions to prevent recurrence were not applicable to any of the occurrences in 2013. C. Program Changes Milk location 1003 went out of business May 22, 20 1 3. Three broad leaf vegetation locations, 8C1, 1 OB5 and 15G1 , were added to the program in 2013. Leafy vegetation is collected at these locations in lieu of milk due to the loss of the dairy farm at location 1003. D. Quality Assurance Program Teledyne Brown Engineering The quality of the results obtained by TBE is ensured by the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program as described i n the Teledyne Brown Engineering Quality Assurance Manual and the Teledyne Brown Engineering Procedure Manual. E. Summary of Results-Inter-laboratory Comparison Program The TBE laboratory performed 185 analyses of Performance Evaluation (PE) containing spiked samples of air particulate, air