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Palo Verde Units 1, 2 & 3 - Log of Boring PV-19
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/13/2018
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18194A145 (1)


IOO l20 I40 l60 I80 200 220 NATURAL GAMMA LOG INCREASING RADIATION~COUNTS PER SECOND Ea Pt 2/c 90 I00 60 I20 BASIC SOIL PROPERTIES ELEV 9S4'Q POSITIVE e---LITHOLOGIC DATA PALEO CARBONATE MAGNETIC DESCRIPTIONS UNITSY CONTENT POLARITY 20-SILTY SAHID ARID SANDVSILT (SM-ML), lttght brawn LAYEY SIL.T AND SILTY CLAV/(ML CL), drown, stratrfted 40 60 60 mu ou r 94NDY SILT WITH GRAVEL ARID CL.AYEY SILT I(AIL), hcown, oacomortal clay hormonf/20 SANDY SH.T AND CLAYEY SIL.TI (ML), brown.l4 REAEVREC WATER LEVEL/60 20 SMTY CLAY AND CLAT EY Ster/(cH.ZL-ML), red.Drown,ocean/on sandy s/I nu t one 240 00 SILTY 5ANDS ANP f INPV f/LTS/I'fM-HIL),b w,d sa p su bly erne r d bu'on 992 50 360 360 400 42.:J,IJ.b'O.Li: YJ,(lI;.PY 0 Iu.)iph Oivi62 I.IL: '20.'.o'.r C,g".'0-J.'J:+++FAVVG'2 DMFITA TE.P-ANDESiTE, dor k gray,hard ves color.eathered.TD-424'40 460 460 300 620 640 SAMPLE LOCATION~DEPTH (FEET)-y SYM BOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS Pl plus/city inde minus 200-percent passing 200 sieve Yl/0 percent moisture Sd dry density AZT'u ouzz (tilts/ASIA/O SZS AZTH 0424 Hsta A S Tu.'Z 2 I S-TI SAMPLE TYPE-Drive Sample-P/cher Tube Sample-NK Core,h'c Indicates%Recovery-Stonda d Penetration Test, t"N aloe Asm oises-st CARBONATE CONTENT-No React'on T.-Shghtty React ve fP-Mode ately React/vs+-Highly Reactive+/based on sample reaction lo a IDN HCI UNITS solution/Itn Is column rsfe s lo gene ol straligraphtc d/vtsions iditnhfted utlhin the basin sed ments PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Incination of remnanl magnetic vector in generol ogrssmenl with (II))or oppos tion/o f (3 I the present magna/to/Isla 8-hfagnel c vecfor mdelermtnate H depth Poleamagnetic IZS Reversal~ID ezr v-elevation D E 6 0 R I PT I 0 N 6 Ltthologic descnpl one were compiled fram geologists fluid tops, htborolory test dale, and down-hole geophysics Field logs were prepared in accordance ith ASTM D2488-69 Classificahons based on laboratory

/esl do/a orein accordance with ASTM D2482.69.Roc'*descr pitons follow procedures outlined in the OUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Vo/orna 50, No I Descnptions for~otary borings ore based upon cuninps samples, geophys col logs ond drRlers'comments LOG OF BORING PV-IB