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Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2013
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Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/2014
From: Church C R
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14135A155 (98)


{{#Wiki_filter:Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 May 15, 2014 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


10 cFR 50.4 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-90 NRC Docket No. 50-390 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT .2013 Enclosed is the subject report for the period of January 1,2013, through December 31,2013. This report is being submitted as required by Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN), Unit 1, Technical Specification (TS) 5.9.2, "Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," and the WBN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Administrative Control Section 5.1. Provided in the enclosure is the 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for WBN.There are no regulatory commitments in this letter. lf you have any questions conceming this matter, please contact Gordon Arent, Licensing Director, at (423) 365-2004.Respectfu!!y, la Christopher R. Church Site Vice President Watts Bar Nuclear Plant


Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2013 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 May 15, 2014 cc (Enclosure): NRC RegionalAdministrator - Region ll NRC Senior Resident lnspector - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 NRC Senior Resident lnspector - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 NRC Project Manager - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 NRC Project Manager - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 EDMS Enclosure Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit I Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 20 13 A}.INUAL ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL OPERATING REPORT WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLA}.IT 2013 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTI{ORITY April2Al4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contelrts Intoduction Nafirally Occuning and Background Radioactivity. .ElecticPowerProduction .....i ......Site/Plant Description RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram. .. . !.Dircc't Radiation Monitoring Measurement Techniques Results.Atuospheric Monitoring Results. ......Terrestial Monitoring Samplc Collection and Analysis. . . .Results.Liquid Pathway Monitoring Sample Collection and Analysis. . . .ResulJs.Assesuent and Evahution Conclusions References Table I comparison of Program Lower Limits of Detection with Regulatory Limits for Maximum Annual Average Effuent Concentrations Releascd to Uaresticted Areas and Rcporting Levels.Figure I Tennessee Vdley Region.Figure 2 Environmental Exposure Pathways of Man Due to Releases of Radioactive Materials to the Afuosphere and Lake.I 2 2 3 6 8 11 11 T2 t4 l4 1s 16 t6 t7 l9 l9 20 23 23 24 25 26 27 a-l-28 TABLE OF CONTENT$ (continued) Appendix A Radiological Environrnental Monitoring Program and Sampling Locatiorui. Appendix B Program Modifications. Appendix C Program Deviations. Appendix D Analytical Procedures Appendix E Nominal lower Limits of Detection (LLD).Appndix F Quality Assuance/Qualrty Control Program.Appendix G Land Use Survey Appendix H Data Tables and Figures 29 40 42 4s 48 53 58 64 aa-lt-H(ECUTIVE


This report describes the radiological environmental monitoring program conductd by TVA in the vicinity of the Watb Br Nuclear Plant (WBN) in 2013. The prcgram includes the collection of samples fiom the environment and the determination of the concentations of radioactive materials in the samples. Samples are takcn from stations in thc general area of the plant and firom areas that should not be influenced by plaot operations. Material sampled includes air, atuosphoic moisfine, watetr, milt food cK)ps, soil, fislr, sedimelrt, and dircct radiation levels.Results from stntions neuthe plant are compared with concentations from contol locations and with prcoperational measuremeirts to determine potential impacts of plant operations. The majority of eirvironmenal radioactivity measured by the program was dge to natqrally occuning radioactive materials or radionuclides commonly found in the elrvircnmelrt as a result of atuospheric fallout and the operation of other nuclear facilities in the area low levels of Cesium (Cs)-137 wer* measured in soil, fisL and shoreline sediment samples. The Cs-137 concentations werc consistent with the prcoperational monitoring pogram results and with Ievels normally found in the envircnment as the result of past nuclear wealx)ilt testiug. The frllout from accidents at the Chernobyl plant in the tlkraine in 1986 and Frrtushima plant in " Japan in 201I may bave also contibuted to the low levels of Cs-137 measured in environmeotal samples. Trace lwels oftitirm were detected in a limited uumber of atuosphcric moisture mmples. Tritium at concentations slighfly above the aoalytical decction limit was also detected in a small number of ualer samples collected from Chickamauga Resemoir. These levels would not rcpreseNrt a significant contibution to the radiation exposutt to members of the public.Tritirm was detected in onsite gtrormd water monitoring wells. The tritium was the result of onsite gromd $raner contamioation from prwiotuly idqrtified andrepaired leaks in plant systems. In addition, cobalt (Co)r60, Cs-137, and antimony (Sb)-125 were identified iu scdiment collected from the onsite ponds. The level of activity measured in these onsite lcations would uot prcsent a risk of exposurc to the general public.-l-INTRODUCTION This rcport descdbes and summarizes the results of radioactivity measurcm@ts made in the vicinity of WBN aud laboratory analyses of samples collected in the area- The measurements are made to comply with the pquirements of l0 CFR 50, Appendix A Criterion 64 and l0 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section [V.8.2, IV.B.3 and tV.C and to determine poteatial effects on public health and safety. This report satisfies the annual reporting requirements of WBN Technical Specification 5.9.2 and Offsite Dose Calculation lvlanual (ODCM) Adoinistative Control 5.1.In addition to rcporting the data presoibed by specific requirementsi other infonuation is included to help correlate the significance of rcsults measured by this monitoring program to the levels of environmental radiation resulting from ncurally occurring radioactive materials. Naturally Occunins and Backgrormd Radioactivity Most matedals in orn world today contain tace amounts ofnaturally occuning radioactivity. Potassium (K)40, with a half-life of 1.3 billion yeaf,s, is one ofthe major types of radioactive materials formd naturally in our environment Approximately 0.01 perccot of alt potassium is radioactive potassium-40. Other examples of naturally occuni4g radioactive mafedals arc beryllium (Be)-7, bismuth (Bi)"212 atd2l4,lead (Pb)-212 and 214, thallis6 (n)-20E, actinium (Ac)-228,uranftrm (U)"238 and 235, thorium (Th)-234, radium (Ra)-226, radon (Ra)-222 and 220, wllrcln (C) -14, aod hydrogen (tt)-3 (generally calld tititm). These naturally occuning radioactive materials are in &e soil, our foo4 ou drinking watcr, and our bodies. The radiation fromthese materials makes up apartofthe low-level natural backgpundradiation The remainder of the Datural backgrcrmd radiation results from cosmic rays.It is possible to get an idea of the relative hazard of differqrt types of radiation sources by evduatitg the amount of radiation the U.S. population rcceives from each general type of radiation source. The information below is primuily adaptd ftom Refwnces 2 and 3.-)-ta u.s. GENERAL POPTJLATTON AVERAGE DOSE EQLTTVALENT ESTIMATES Source millirem (mrem/Year Per Person Natural background dose equivalent Cosmic Terrestrial In the body Radon Total Medical (effective dose equivalenQ Nuclear energy Consumer products 33 2l 29 228 3l t 300 0.28 13 Total 624 (approximately) As can be see,n from the data presentcd above, natural bockgroud radiation dose equivaleirt to the U.S. population normally exceeds that ftom nuclear plants by several hrmdred times. This indicates that nuclear plant operations normally rezult in a population radiation dose equivalent which ig insignificant compared to that which rcsults from nanrral background radiation. It should be noted that the use of radiation and radioactive materials for medical uses has resulted in a similar effective dose equivalent to the U.S. population as tbat catrsed by natual backgrcuud comic and terrestial radiation. Electic Power Muction Nuclear po\rEr plants are similar in many rcspects to conventional coal buming (or other fossil fuel) electrical generating ptants. The basic psocess behind electrical povrcr production in both tyryes of plants is tbat fuel is usd to heat water to prod,rce stcam which prcvides the force to tum turbines aud gencrators. In a nuclear power planq the fuel is uranium and heat is poduced in ttre reactor through the fission of the uranium. Nuclear plants include mey complex systems to contrrol the nuclear fission process and to safegrrard against the possibility of reactor malfimctioa The nuclear reactions produce radionuclides commonly refErred to as fission and activation products. Very small aoormts ofthese fission aad actination products re reteased into the plant systems. This radioactive material can be tansportd throtrghout plant systems aod some of it released to the environment. The nuclear reactions produce radionuclides commonly refetred to as fission and activatiou products. Very small amounts of these fission and activationproducts are released into the plant systems. This radioactive material can be tanspofted tbrouglout plant systc,ms and some of it released to the elrvironment. Paths thrcugh which radioactivity finom a nuclearpower plaut is routinely released are monitored. Liquid and gaseous efluent monitors record the radiation levels for each release. These monitors also provide alarm mecbanisxns to p,rompt termination of any rclcase above limits.Releases are monitored at the onsite points of rclease and throtrgh the radiological environm:ntal monitoring program which measunes the envirjnmental radiation in areas arormd the plant In this way, the release of radioactive matcrials from the plant is tightly confiolle4 and verification is provided that the public is not exposed to significant levels of radiatibn or radioactive materials as the result of plant operations. The WBN ODCM, which describes the program required by the plant Technical Specifications, prescribes limits for the releasc of radioactive effluents, as well as limits for doscs to the general public ftom the release of these efluents.The dose to a member of the general public ftom radioactive materials rcteased to uorestricted anEas, as given iu Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) guidelines and the ODCM, is limited as follows: Liquid Effiuents Total body Any organ<3 mrem/Year<10 mrern/Year Craseous Effluents Noble gases: Crammaradiation <10 millirad (mradlYear Beta radiation <20 mrad/Year Particulates: Any organ 4-<15 mrem/Year The EPA limits for the total dose to the public in the vicinity of a nuclear power plan!established inthe Environmental Dose Standard of CI CFR 190, are as follows: Total body <25 mrem/year Thyroid !75 mrem/year Any other organ <25 rnrem/year Appendix B to l0 CFR 20 presents annual average limits for thc conce,ntations of radioactive materials releasd in gaseous and liquid efluents at the bormdary of the mrcsfticted arcas.Table I of this report prcsents the annual average concentation limits for the pnncipal radionuclides associarcd with nuclear power plant efluents. The table also prese,nts (1) the concentrations of radioactive materials in the environment which would require a spocial report to the NRC aod (2) the detection limits for measued radionculides. It should be noted that the levels of radioactive materials measured in the environme,nt are tpically below or only slightly above the lower limit of detection. SITE/PLAI{T DESCRIPTION The WBN site is locatcd in Rhea @rmty, Tennessee, on the west bank of the Te,nnessee River at Tennessee River Mle (TRM) 528. Figrre I shows the site in relation to other TVA projects.The WBN sirc, containing approximately 1770 acres on Chickamauga Iake, is approximately 2 miles south of the Wafb Bar Dam and approximately 3t miles north-norlteast of TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Ptant (SQN) site. Also looated within the neserrration are the Wafis Bar Dam and Hydro-Electric Plant the Watts Bar Steam Plant (not in operation), the TVA Ceotal lvlaintenance Facility, and the Watts Bar Resort Arca Approximdely 16,000 people live within l0 miles of the WBN site. More thm 80 percent of these live beturecn 5 and 10 rnilss fr'o* the sirc. Two smell towns, Spnng City and Degatur, arc Iocated in this area Spring City, with a population of approximately 2,200,is uorthwest and nor&-northwest from the srtg while Decatur, with about 1,500 people, is sotrth and south-southwest from the plant The remainder ofthe area within l0 miles of thc sie is sparsely populatc4 consisting primarily of mall farms and individual residences. The area betrreen I0 and 50 miles from the sirc includes portions of the cities of Cbattanooga and lfuoxville. The largest rnban concentatioa in this area is the crty of Chdtanooga, located to the southwest and south-sordhwest The city of Cbattanooga has apopulation of about 170,000, with approximately 80 perceot located between 40 and 50 miles from the sirc and the remainder located beyond 50 miles. The city of Ifuoxville is located to the east-northeasg with not more tha' 10 percent of its 185,000 plus people living within 50 miles of the site. Three smattel urban areas of greater than 20,000 people are located betw*en 30 and 40 miles from the site. Oak Ridge is approximately 40 miles to the northeast, th* twin citics of Alcoa and Maryville ue located 45 to 50 miles to the east-northeast, and Cleveland is located about 30 miles to the soutt.Chiclcamarga Reservoir is one of a series of highly contolled multiple-use reservoirs whose primary us*s are flood contol, navigation, and the generation of electric power. Secondary us*s include industrial and public water zupply and naste disposal, fishin& aod recreation Public acce$ araas, boat docks, and residential suMivisions have been developed along the reservoir shorelinc. WBN consists of two pressudzed wafisr reactors. WBN Unit I received a low power operating license (NPF-20) onNovember 9, 1995 and achieved iDitiat lriticality inJanuary 1996. The full powet operating license (MF-90) was received on February 7,7996. Commercial operation was achieved May 25,1996. WBN Unit 2 was defercd October 24,20N, in accordance with the guidance in Creneric Letter 87-15, *Policy Statement on Deferred Plants.' On August 3,2007, TVA ptovided ootice of its intent to reactivate and complete constnrction of WBN Unit 2. WBN Unit 2 resumed constnrction in late 2OO7,and orpects to complete consfruction and request an operating license by December 2015.-7' RADIOLOGICAL E}.IVIRONMENTAL MoNIToRING PRoGRAI\{Most of the radiation and radioactivity generared in anuclearpowerreac.tor is contained within the reaotor systems. Plant efluent radiation monitors are designed to monitor radionuclides released to the environment. Environmental monitoring is a final verification tbat the systems are performing as planned. The monitoring program is designed to monitor the pathways between tbc plant and ths people in the immediate vicinity of the plant Sample types are chos*n so thm the potelrtial for detection of radioactivity in the environment will be morimized. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (RElrP) and sampling locations for WBN are ouflined in Appendix A.There are two primary parhways by which radioactivity can move thrcugh the environment to humans: air and water (see Figure 2). The air pathway can b s4arat*d into trro comlrcnents: the direct (airborne) pathuray and the indirect (gormd or terresnial) pathnay. The direct airbome pathway consists of direct radiation and inhalation by htrmans. ID th* ter*sfrial pathway, radioactive materials may be depositcd on the glotmd or on plants and subsequcntly ingested by animalg and/orhumans. Hum; exposlrre through the liquidpdhway may result from drinking $rater, eating fislU or by direct erryosur* at the shoreline. The tlpes of samples collected in this prcgram are designed to monitor these pattrways A number of factors were considered in determining the locations for collecting environmental samples. The locdions for the tuogphcrio monitoring stations were determined from a cdtical pathuay analysis based on weafher patterns, dose projections, populdion disfribution, and land llse. T*rrestrial sampling stations were selected after reviewing such 'irgs as the locations of dairy nnimals and gardens in conjrmction with the air pathrvay aoalysis. Liquid pathway stations were selected basd on dose projections, water rse information, and availability qf media sgch as fish and sediment. Table A-2 (Appendix A, Table 2: This notation system is used for all tables and figrres glven inthc appendices.) lists the sampling stations andthetlpes of samples collected from each. Modifications made in the WBN REMP h 2013 are reported in Appcndix B. Deviations o@ur in the monitoriug prcgram due to equipment problems with automatic sampling systems, and/or sample unavailability. Deviations to the sampling prcgram during 2013 are included in Appendix C.To determine the amotmt of radioaotivity in the eirvironment prior to the operdion of WBN, a preoperatioual radiologioal environmental monitoring progrm was initiated in December 1976 and operated thugh December 31, 1995. Mpasurements of the same tlpes of iadioactive marcrials thd are measurd currently were assessed during the preoperdional phase to establish nomal backgrcrmd levels for various radionuclides in the envitonment Dufug the 1950s, 1960q and 1970q tuospheric nuolear weapons testing released radioactive matedal to the elrvironment causing fluctuations in backgrcund radiation levels. Ifuowlillge of preoristing radionuclidc patterns inthc environmentpermits adetermination, tbrcughcomparisonand The determination of envircnmental impact during the operating phase also considers the prcsense of control stations that have been established in the environment Results of environmental samples taken at conful stations (frr from the plant) are compared with those from indicator strtions (nar the plant) to aid in the determination of the impaets fi,om WBN operation The s"mple analysis is performed by the Tennessee Valley Authority's (fVA's) Environmartal Radiological Monitoring and Instnrmentation (ERI\{&I) group located atthe WesternArea Radiological Labontory (WARf) in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, except forthe strontirm (Sr)-89, 90 analysis of soil samples which is performed by a conEact lahratory. Analyses ae oonducted in accordance with written and approved procedur,es and are based on .accepted methods. A summary of the analysis techniqucs and methodolory is presarted in Appendix D. Datatables summarizingthe sample analysis results are pteselrted inAppendix H.The Data Supplement to this report contains the results of all measurements made as a part of this program. The radiation dctection devices and analysis methods used to determine the radionuclide content of samples collectcd in the environment arc very se,nsitive to small amounts of radioactivity. The sensitivity of the measuremeirt prooess is defined h tcrms ofthe lower limit of detection (LLD).A description of the nominal LLDs fot the ERM&I laboratory is presented in Appendix E.Tbe ERM&I laboratory operates under a comprehensive quality assnance/quality contol program to monitor laboratory performance throughout the year. The program is intended to detec't any problems in the mesuement prccess as soon as possible so thcy can be cotrected. This pmogram includes equipment chects to ensure tbat the radiation detectioa insfitments are working properly and the aoalysis of quality contol samples which are included alongside rcutine environmental samples. To provide for interlaboratory comprison prograq the laboratory participatcs in an environmental cmoss-check program administercd by Eckert and 7-regler Aoalytics. A completc description of the prcgram is presented in Appdix F.- l0-DIRECT RADIATION MONITORING Dircct radiation levels are measured at various monitoring points around the plant site.These measurements include contibrtions from cosmic radiation, radioactivity in the groun4 frllout fiom amospheric nuclear weapoffr tests coaducted in the pas( and any radioactivity that may be prese,nt as a result of plant operdions. Because of the relatively large variations in backgrouud radiation as compared to the small levels Aom the pla4 contibutions from the plant may be difficult to distinguish. Measurement Techniques The Landauer Inlight environmental dosimeter is used in thc radiological environmental monitoring prcgram for the measurement of direct radiation. This dosimetEr contains fou ele,me,nts consisting of alurninum oxide det*ctors with open windows as well as plastic and oopper fiIt*rs. The dosimeter is processed using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)technology to determine tbc amount of radiation o(posure.The dosimeters are placed approximafiely one meter above the grormd, with two at eaoh monitoriog location. Si:rteen monitoring points are located atound the plant near the site bouudary, one location in each ofthe 16 compass spctotr. One monitoring point is also locaied in each of the 16 compass sectors at a distance of appnoximately four to five miles fromthe plaat Dosimeters are also placd at additional monitoring locations out to approximately 15 miles ftom the site. The dosimetcn are exchanged every tbree montbs. The dosimeters arc seirt to Landauer Inlight for processing and rezults repoting. The values are conected for trarsit and shielded background exposur*. An average ofthe two dosimaer results is calculated for each monitoring point. The system meets or exceeds the performance specifications outlined inAmericaoNational Standads Institfie (A].ISD N545-1975 and Health Physics Society (IPS) f,trafr Standard N13.29 for environmental applications of dosimeters. WBN Technical Specification s.g.z,Annual Radiological Environmeirtal Operanng Reporq requires that the AnilEl Radiological Environmental Op*rating Report identi$ TLD resula that rcpres*nt collocatcd dosimeters in relation to the NRC TLD program and the er(posure period-1 l-associated with each result. The NRC collocated TLD program was terminated by the NRC at the end of 1997,therefore, therc are no TLD rezults that represe,lrt collocated dosimeters included in this report ksults The results for eirvironmental dosimetq mgasruements are normalized to a standard quarter (91.25 days or 2190 hours). The monitoring locations are grouped according to the distance ftom the plant The first goup consists of all monitonng points within 2 miles of the plant The second group is made up of all locations grcater than 2 miles from the planl Past dats have shorvn tbat the average results fiom thc locations more than 2 miles fiom the plant are essentially the same. Therefore, for prrposes of this r*port, monitoring points 2 miles or less from the plantae identified as'otrsite" stations and locations greater than 2 miles are considered

  • offsite.'

The qtrarterly gamma radiation lwels detennined from the dosimeters deployed arormd WBN in 2013 are summarized in Table H-1. The ocposures are measrr,ed in milliroentgens (mR). For purposes of this report one mX! one mrem and one mrad arc assumed to bentmerically equivalent The rouaded average annual exlrosues, as measured in 2013, are Sown below. For comparison purlroses, the average dircct radiation measuemsrts made in the preoperational phase of the monitoring program arc also shown.Annral WBN Average Direct Radiation Levels mR/Year Onsite Stations Offsite Stations 20t3 63 s8 Preoperational Average 6s 57'12-The data in Table H-I indicates tbat the averagc quarterly dircct radiation levels at the WBN onsite stntions are approximately 1.3 mR/quartcr higher than'levels at the oftite stations. This difference is consistent with levels measured for the preoperation and consfruction phases of TVA nuclear power plant sircs where the average levels onsite wer,e slightly hig[er thm levels oftite. Figue H-l compares plots of the data ftom the onsite stations with those fiom the oftite stations over the period from 1977 throrrgh 2013. The new Iandauer Inlight Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeters were deployed since 2007 replacing the Paoasonic LJD-814 dosimeters used dudng the previous years.The data in Table H-2 contains the results of the individtnl monitoring stations. The results reported in 2013 are consiste,nt with direct radidion levels id*otifid at locations which are not influeirced by the operation of WBN. There is no indication that WBN activities increased the backgrormd radiation levels normally observed in thc areas sunormding the plaot. ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING The ahosphedc monitoring netrrork is divided into three grcups identified as local, perimeter, and remotc. Four local air monitoring stations arc located on or adjaceirt to the plant site in the genenal directions of greatest wind frequency. Four perimeter air monitoring stations are located between 6 to 1l miles fiom the plant, and two air monitors are located out to 15 miles and used as oontrol or baseline stations. The monitoring program and the locations of monitoriqg statioDs are identified in the tables and figures of Appendix A.Results from the analysis of samples in the atuospheric pathway are preseirtcd in Tables H-3, H-4, and H-5. Radioactivity levels identified in this reporting pedod are consistcnt with background and preoperational program data Thcre is no indication of an increase in ffiospheric radioactivity as a restrlt of WBN operations. Sample Collection and Analysis Air particutates are collest*d by continuously sampling air at a flow rate of approximately 2 cubio feet per Eirute (cfu) through a 2-inch glass fiber filter. Thc sampling system consists of apurnp, amagnchelic gauge formeasrring the drcp in pressure acnoslttbe system, and a dry gas meter to measure the total volume of air sampled" This system is housed in a building approximately 2 feetby 3 fea by 4 feet- The filter is contained in a sampling head mormtpd on the outside of the monitoring hdlding. The filter is replaced weekly. Each filter is analyzed for gross beta activity about 3 days after collection to allow time for the radon darrghtcrs to decay.Every 4 wecks composites of the filt*rs fiom each location are ualyzed by gamma sptroscopy. Craseous radioiodine is sampled using acommercially available crtidge oontaining Triahylenediamine (TEDA)-imprregnated chucoal. This system is designed to collect iodine in both the elemental form and as organic compormds. The cartidge is located in the same sampling head as the air particulate filter and is dormstcam of the particulate filter. The cutridge is e;hanged at the same time as the particulate filter and samples the same volume of air.Each cartridge is analyzed for I-l3l by gamma specfioscopy analysis.'14' Atuospheric moisture sampling is conducted by pulling air at a constant flow ratc througb a cohmn loaded with approximately 400 grams of silica gel. Every two weeks, the column is orchanged oa the sampler. The atuospheric moisture is removed from silica gel by heating and eallzed fortritium. Results The results from the analysis of air particul66 samPles are summarired in Table H-3. Gross beta activity in 2013 was consistelrt with levels reported inprevious years. The average gross beta astivity measued for air particulate samples was 0.021 pCi/m3. The annual avemges of the gross beta activity in air particulate filters at thrcse stations for the friod 197?-2013 are pr*s*Nil.ed in Figrre H-2. Increased levels due to fallout from atmospheric nuclear wealxlns testing are evident in the years prior to 1981 and a small iacrcase fiom the Chcrnobyl accidelrt can be seen in 1986. These patterns are consistent with data from monitoring programs conducted by TVA at other nuclear power plant constnraion sites. Comparison with the same data for the preoperational period of 1990-1995 indicates tbat the aonual av*ragc gross beta activity for air particulaes as measured in the 2013 monitoring program was consistent with the pmeoperatioDal data" Only natural radioagtive materials were identified by the monthly s;auupa spcchal analysis of the air particulafe samples. As shown in Table H-4, I-l3l was not detected in any chrooal cartidge samples collected in 2013.The results for atmospheric moistrne sampling are reportcd in Table H-5. Tritium was measured in a limitcd number of amospheric moisture samples at levels slightly above the nominal LLD value of 3.0 pCi/m3. These values were consistent with prwiously reported data TERRESTRIAL MOMTORING Tercstial monitoring is accomplished by collecting samples of environmenhl media that may tansport radioactive material from the atuosphe,re to humans. For e:rample, radioactive material may be depositcd on a vegetable gaden and be ingested along with &e vegetables or it may be deposited onpasture grass where dairy catle are grazing. When the cow ingests the radioactive material, some of it may b* transfer*d to the milk and consumed by humans who ddnk the milk Therefore, samples sf millc, soil, and food crops are collected and analyzed to determine potential impads ftom exposure througb this pathway. The from the analysis of these samples arc shown in Tables H-6 tbrcugb H-12.A land use survey is conducted annually benreen April and Octobq to identify the location of the nearest nilk eimal, &e nearest residence, and the nearcst garden of greater than 500 square feet productng fresh lea$ vegaables in each of 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of 5 miles ft,om the plant. This land use survey satisfies the requirements l0 CFR 50, Appmdix I, Section fV.B.3. From data produced by the land use suney, radiation doses arc projected for individuals living nearthe plant. Doses from air submersion re calculated forthe ncarest residence in each s@tor, while doses from ddnking milk or eating foods produced near the plant are calculated for the areas with milk-producing nnimnls and gardenq respeotively. These dose projections are h5ryothetical erfiemes and do not represeirt affid doses to the general public. The results of the 2013 land use survey arc preselrted in Appendix G.Samole Collection and Analvsis MiIk samples are collected everytwo wccks from two indicator dairies and Aom atleast one conhol dairy. Milk samples ale ptaced on ice for fiansport to the radioanalytical laboratory. A specific analysis for I-l3l and a gamma sp*ctal aoalysis are performed on cach sample and onoe per quarter samples are analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90.-l 6-The monitoring program includes a provision for sampliag of vegetatiou from locations wheme milk is being produced 41d yfiql milk sampling cannot be conducted. There werp no p*dods during tlis year when vegetation sampling wat necessary. Soil samples are collected annually from the airmonitoring locations. The samples are collected with either a "c@kie cuttetot ao auger type sampler. After drying and grinding, the sample is aaaly"rdby gamma spectoscopy. When the ga--a analysis is complete, the sample is analy"rdfor Sr-89 and Sr-90.$amJ'les representative of food crops raised in the area near the plant are obtained fiom individual g;arde,ns. Tlpes of foods may vary tom year to ye61 as a result of changes in the local vegetable gudens. Samples ofcabbage, com, grcenbeans, potatoes, udtomatoes, were collected from local vegetable gardens and/or funs. Samples ofthe same food products grown in areas that wouldnot be atrested by theplantwerre obtained from comermarkets as con1,ol samples. The edible portion of each sample is analped by gamma spectoscopy. Rcsults The res;ults from the analysis of milk samples are preseirted in Table H-6. No radioactivity dtributable to WBN Plant operations was identified. All I-l3l values wer* below the established nominal LLD of 0.4 pCi/liter. The results for the quartcrly Sr-89 and Sr-90 aoalysis were belowthe established LLD's for these aoalyses. The gamma isotopic analysis detected only naturally occuning radionuclides. Consistelrt with most of the environmen! Cs-137 was daected inthe majority of the soil samples collected in 2013. The maximum concelrtation of Cs-137 vnas 0.59 pci/g. The concentrations werE consistent with levels previously reportcd frrom fallout All other radionuclides reported were aatrnlly occuning isotopes. The results ofthe analysis of soit samples are summadzed in Table H'7. Aplot of the annual avemge Cs-137 concentations in soil is presented in Figur* H-3. Conceirhations of Cs-137 in soil are steadily decreasing as a result ofthe cessation of weapons testing in the atuosphere, the 30 year half-life of Cs-137, and tansport tbrough the environment The radionuclides measured in food samples were naturally occrrring. The rezults arc reported in Tables H-8 tbrough H-12.-1 8-LIOI.JID PATHWAY MONITORTNG Potential exllosur*s from the liquid pathway can occur from drinking lvafer, ingestion of fislr, or from direct radiation exposur* from radioactive materials deposited in thc shoreline scdiment The aquatic monitoring program inchrdes the collection of samples of river (surface) watet, gIormd wat*,r, ddnking water sr4plies, fislt, and shoreline sediment Indicator samples were collected dormsheam of the plant and contol samples collected within the rcservoir upstream of the plant or in the next trpstream reservoir (Watts Bar Iake)., Routo fiom the analysis of the liquid pathway samples are presented in Table H-13 through H-19. Radioactivity levels in surface and public urater, fisb, and shoreline sediment were , consistent with background and/or fallout levels previously reported. tow levels of Cs-137 were measrned in samples of shoreline sediment md fislr" [ow levels oftitium were detected in a: limitd number of water samples collested in Chickamauga Reservoir. Results for the sedimeirt. sampling conducted in the onsitc ponds and ground water monitoring in onsite wells ue: discussedlaterinthissection r Samole Collection and Analvsis , Samples of surface wder are collected from the Tennessee River using automatic sampling , syst*ms &,om two dormstream stations and one upstream station. A timer tums on the system d , container. A one-gallon sample is removed from the container at 4-week inteivals and the rcmaining water is discarded. Each sample is analped for gamma+rnitting radionculides, gtoss beta activity, and tritiuur.Sgmples are also collectcd by an automatic sampling system at the firsttwo downstneam drioking water intakes. These samples are collected in the sane menn*tr as the $dace water samples.These monthly samples are analy.d for gamma-emitting radionuclidesi gross beta aotivity, and tritium. The samples collectcd by the automatic sampling device are taken directly from the river at the intake stRrcture. Since these samples are unteated water collected at plant intake, the upsteam surface nder sample is used as a contol sample for drinking watsr.-t9-Grcund wateris sampled fiom one onsite well down gradientfrom the planq one onsite well up gradient ftom the plaog aod four additional onsite ground urater monitoring wells located along undcrgrcund discharge lines. The onsite wells are sampled with a continuous sampling system.A compositc sample is collected from the onsite wells every four weeks and analped for gamme+rnitting radionuclides, gr)ss beta activity, and tritium content In addition, a gab sample is collectcd evety forn weeks ftom a private well in ao area rmaffected by WBN. The gfab sample is also analyzed for gross beta activity, gamma-emitting radionuclides, and for tritium.Sanples of commercial and game fish qpecies are collected semiarnuab from each oftwo reservoirs: the reservoir on uihich the plaot is located (Chickaoauga Reservoir) and the upstcam rescrvoir (Watts Bar Reservoir). The samples are collected usit g a combination of neting techniques md elechofishing. The ODCM specifies analysis ofthe edible portion ofthe fish. To comply with this requiremen! filleted portions are taken from seve,lal fish of each species. The samples are analyzed by samma spectroscopy. Samples of shoreline sediment art collected fiom recreation areas in the vicinity ofthe plant.The samples are drieq goun4 and aoalped by gam-a qpectroscopy. Samples of sediment are also collected from the onsite ponds. A total of five samples were collected in2013. The samples arc &ie4 g!ou4 and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Results Choss beta activity was detectable above the nominal LLD in most oftte surface nder samples.The gross beta concentatiom averaged 3.6 pCinit*r in dovvnsheam (indicaior) samples frd,2.7 pCinitq in upstream (control) samples. These levels were consistelrt with res;ults found during the preoperational monitoring program. Tritium at a level slightly above the nominal LLD value unas detected in one surface water sample. The titium concentation was 279 fiifhrc;r whioh was significantly below the EPA drinking water limit of 20,000 pCi/titer. Low levels of Cs-137 were detected in trro surfape water semJrles. An investigation rilas condtrcted that det*rmined that the Cs-t37 was duc to external contamination of the samples. The investigatioD walr documented in Problem Evaluation Report (PER) 727222. A summary table of the results for surface nrater samples is shown in Table H-13. The annual average gross baa activity in s,rfrce water samples forthe period 1977 through 2013 areapresenrcd in Figure H-4.No fission or activation products were identified by the gauum analysis of drinking watcr samples &om either of two dorrylsheam monitoring locations. Average gross beb activity at downstream (indicator) stations uas 2.8 pCi/litcr aod the average for gpstream (confol) station was also 2.7 llCJlhtrr. Iow levels of titium were detected in two samples collected ft,om the two downsfieam public water sampling locations. These titium levels were sictrificantly below the EPA ddnking water limit of 20,000 pCi/liter. The rcsults are shom in Table H-14. Trend plots ofthe gross beta activity in drinking water samples from 1977 thrcugh 2013 are presentcd in Figtue H-5.Thc gamma isotopic analysis of ground watcr samples identified only ndrrally occgrring radionuclides. Crross beta concenfiations in samples from tbe ousite indicator locations averaged 3.1 pCi/liter. The average gross beta astivity for samples from the contol locations was 2.5 fiitlitfi. Tritium was detected in samples from the onsite monitoring wells locatcd near plant discharge lines. The titium in onsite gouod water was the result of previously id*ntified leaks ftrom plant systems. Repairs were made to resolve the leaks but the plume of contaminated gpund wat*r continues to move slowly across the sitc tourad the river. The highest titium concentation in samples from these monitoring locations was 1,510 pCi/liter. There was no titium daected inthe onsite up gradientwell orthe oftite gormdwatermonitoring location-The results are presented in Table H-15.Measurable lerrels of Cs-I37 were identified in a total oftbree fish samplcs. The maximum Cs-137 conccntation was 0.05 pCi/g measured in commercial fish collec.ted at the upstream location Other radioisotopes found in fish were naturally occuning, with the most notable being K-40. The results are summarized in Tables H-16 and H-17. Trend plots ofthe annual average cs-137 concqrtations mcasured in fish samples arc presented in Figue H-6. The Cs-137 activities are consistent with preoperational results produced by fallout or efluents ftom other nuclear facilities. ab Cs-137 consistent with the concentations present in the envircnment as the result of past nuclear weapons testing or other nuclear operations in the arca was measur*d in atotal of three shoreline sediment sarrples. The rezults forthe analysis of shorcline sediment is presented in Table H-18.Trend plots of the average concentatioo of Cs-137 in shoreline sediment ue presented in Figrre H-7.Consistent with previous monitoring conducted for the onsite pon&, Cs-137 $as detestcd in the sedime,nt samples. The average ofthe Cs-I37 levels measured in sediment from the onsite ponds was 0.07 pcrtp. In addition, Co-60 and Sb-125 wene also detected in some ofthe samples collected from the onsite ponds. The resul* for the analysis of pond sediment sapples are provided in Table H-19. Since these radionuclides wer* present in relatirrclylow concentations aud confined to the ponds located iD the owner controlled area not opeo to the ge,lreral public, the pr*s*nce ofthese radionuclides would not repreent an iucreased risk of orposrre to the gcneral public. ASSESSMENT A}.ID EVALUATION Potential doses to the public arc estimated from measured efluents using computer models.These models were developed by TVA and are based on guidance provided by the I.IRC in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for aeterrrining the potential dose to individtrals and populations living in the vicinity oftbe plant The results ofthe efluent dose calculations are reportcd in the Annual Radiological Efluent Release Report" The doses calculated are a rqnesentation of the dose to alnaximum cxposed individual." Some of the frcton usd in these calculations (zuch as ingestionraf*s) are ma,rimum expected values rvhichwilltendto overestimde &e dose to the'tlpothetical'person Thecalculatedmardmumdoseduetoplaoteffueirtsaresmallfuctious ofthe applicable r*gulatory limits. In reality, the expected dose to actual individuals is significantly lower.Based on the very low concentrations of radionuclides actually prescnt in tbe plant eflucnb, radioactivity levels Eeasured in the environment as result of plant operations, are expected to be negligible. Tbe results for the radiological environmental monitoring couduc'ted for WBN 2013 operations confirm this orpectatiou Results As statcd eulier in this rcpor! the estimated increase in radiation dose equivalentto the general public rcsulting from the operation of WBN is insignifioant when comparcd to thedose from natral background radiation The resrlb fiom each environmental sample are compared with the conceirtrations from the corresponding control stntions and appropriatc prpoperational and background data to determine influences from the plant During this report perio4 Cs"137 was detected in sboreline sediment, soil, and fsh colected for the WBN program. The Cs-137 conceirtrations were consistent with levels mcalrured during the preoperational monitoring prcgram. The low levels of tritium measurpd in water samples fiom Chickmauga Rescrvoir represented conoentations rhat were a small fraction of the EPA drinking watet limii.The levels of tritium det*ctcd in the onsite ground water monitoring wells aod the radionuolides measu*d in samples of sediment from the onsite ponds do not reprcsent an incresd risk of a3-exposurc to the public. These radionuolides were limited to the owner contnolled area aod would not present ao exposurc pathway for the genetal public,: I Conclusions , tt is concluded from the above analysis of environmental samples aad ftom the tnend plots p,r*s*nted in Appendix H, that exposur* to mcmbers of the general public which may have been:: attributable to WBN is negligible. The radioactivity rcported herein is pimarily the result of i fallout or natural background. Any activity which may be preseirt in the elrvironme,nt as a result , ofplant operations does not re,present a significmt contibutioa to the exposurc ofmembers of the public.I , i'24-REFERENCES

1. Memil Eisenbu4 Environmental Radioactivity.

Academic Press, Inc., New Yorb NY, 1987.2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, ReportNo. 160, "Ionizing Radiation Exposure ofthe Population of the United St8tcs," March 2W9.3. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 8.29, "Insruction Conceraing Risks tom Occupational Radiation Eq)osur*,' February 1996. Tablc I COMPARISONOF PROGRAM LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION WITH THE REGULATORY LIMITS FOR MA)(IMLrM AI.INUAL A\lERAGE EFFLT ENT CONCENTMTIONS RELEASED TO I'NRESITRICTED ARBAS AI{DREPORTDiIG LEVELS ConcenFations in Water, pCi/Liter Concentratioqs in Aif, pCi/Cpbic Metgr Effuent Rcporting Iowcrlimit Efflu*ot nceqting Lorvcrlimit Cmccntrationr lrr"l'- ofDcectign^r Conccntdiont t*.t'_ of Etctoction3 Analysiq H-3 Cr-51 I\[n-54 CbFs8 Co{0 Zn-65 Sr-89 Sr-90 Nb95 Zt-g5 Ru-103 Ru-106 I-131 Cs-I34 Cs-137&-14l Ba-I40 La-140 1,000,000 500,000 30,000 20,000 3,000 5,000 E,000 s00 30,000 20,000 30,000 3,000 I,000 900 I,000 3,000 9,000 9,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 300::o 100,000 30,000 1,000 1,000 50 400 1,000 6 2,000 400 900 2A 200 20a 200 4A 2,000 2,000 3.00 0.02 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.001I 0.0004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.03 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.0I5 0.0I------------E..0.9 l0 20------2t0 45 5 5 5'l0 5 2 5 t0 5 40 0.4 5 5 30 2s l0 ooo 400 2 30 50--200 200 Note: I pCi -- 3.7 xlOa Bq.Notc: For those reporting levels that are blank, no value is given in the rcfer*nce.

l. Source: Table 2 ofAppendix B to l0 CFR 20.1001-20.24A1
2. Source: WBN Oftite Dose Calculation Manual, Table 2.3-2.3. Source: Table E-l ofthis report t\a a c.\(\,'u TEr,INESSEE VALLEY REGTON \crva NUCLEAR PLANT SrTES) "\, w\\]2/*:ffi-I a t)VA.touurG--- -a=o--a'---D_a,\\h\^ fYY\olr\\rt-rd Q-y'a?\Ef ,/lr?"4-'fi-WATT8 BIR TUCLEAR PLATIT- SEOUryAH ruCLEAR PLAIIT- ELLETOilTE TU.iCLEAR PLATIT- BHOUTIS FEFRV ilt CLEAR PLATUT ()c A R., c JACr*Ora ir*mPills-.-.- -----!---J-.

\\tr. lo ,{.-I a I I I!ailutT3r,.rF- \, t.iv 1\I\\/n-J a rrulTCLE SltoALS.//,a\\l J--AL GEORGIA H H tND.ft I'Lzr-4_ -j- "\rr-'.--.r\ , \W /A B Au';'/o},d F.o(I E Ft (D Fl$, iuvrnoluuEnlTAl Expotunr PA?HwAYa oF MA EUt TCl NILIA'E! OF HACTIC,ACTT\,I MATEHIAL TCI TT{E ATUICISI,HEHE ANE' LAKE.Dilulbd BV Atmosphgre Airborno Bcleasss\l Plume Erposuro litrid Balsasos Diluted By Lahe]vlAN Arimals Itilk,taatl co#rcd Gonsumod By tan Shoreline ErposulG Br Animals Ilrinking Water Fish Uegetation Upiake From Soil Figure 2'2E' APPENDXA RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ANID SAI\dPLING LOCATIONS a9-Table A-l WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLA}.IT RADIOLOGICAL E}WIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM't u)o I Exposure Pathway and/or Sample I. AIRBORNE a. Particulates

b. Radioiodine
c. Afinospheric Moisfine Number of Samples and Locationsb 4 samples from locations (in different sectors) at or ncar the site boundary (LM-lr2r 3, and 4).Sampling and Collg-Sion Frequency Continuous sampler operation with sample collec{ion weekly (morc (ftequently ifrequired by dust Ioading).TlTe and Frequency of Analysis Analyzs for gross beta radioactivity grcater than or equal to24 hours following filtcr change. Perform gamma isotopic analysis on each sample if gross beta is greater than l0 times yearly mean of control sample.Composite at least once p*r 3l days (bV location) for glilnma scan.I- l3 I at least once per 7 days.Analysis is performed by gamma spccfroscopy.

Analpc each sample for Eitftm.4 samples from communitics approximately 6-10 miles from the plant (PM-2, 3,A,and 5).2 samples from control locations greater than I0 miles frorir the plant (RI{, and 3).Samples from same locations as air particulates. 4 samples from locations (in differ*nt sectors) at or near the site boundary (LM-112,3, and 4)2 samples from 66mmunities approximately 4-10 miles distance from the plant (PMr, 5).Continuous sampler operation with filter collection weekly.Continuous sampler operation with sample collection biweekly. Table A-l WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLA}.IT RADIOLOGICAL MOMTORINGPROGRAM' Exposure Pattrway Nurnber of samples and Sampling and Collectio. n Frpquency Ty?e and Frequency of Aqnlysis I (, ld a and/or Sample Locationsb

c. Atmosphcric 2 samples from controt locdion Moisnrc (Conr) gr*at*r &an l0 miles from thc plant (RM-2 and RM-3).d. Soil Samples firom same location as air Once pcr ym. Grmma s*nn, Sr-t9, Sr-90 onoe psr particulates.

yee.2. DIRECT 2 or more dosimeters placed at or At least once per 92 drrys. Gamma dose at least once per 92 neartho citc boundary in each ofthe days 16 scctors.2 ormorc dosimcten placed at ststions located apprordmatcly 5 milcs Aom tho plmt in cach of thc 16 scctorc.2 or morc dosimetcrs in at least I additional locations of spccial intcr*st, including at lcast 2 contnol ststions. Table A-l WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLAI{T RADIOLOGICAL ETWIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAtrT Exposure Pathway Number of Samples and an-d/g_r Sanrple Locationib Sampling and Collection Frequsncy Ty?e md Frequency of Analvsis Gross beta, gamma scan, and tritium analysis of each sample.I r, N I 3. WATERBORNE

a. Surface b. Ground 2 samplcs downstrrcsm ftom plant Collcctcd by automatic scquentid-Gross beta, gamma scan, and tritium dischargc (TRM 517.9 and TRM 6pe samplef with compoaite sample analysis of each sample.523.t), collected over a period of approximately 3I days.I samplc at a control lmation Wstream from thc plantdischargc GRM529.3).

Five sampling locations fiom ground Co[*ct*d by automatic soquentiat-Gross beb" gtmma sc8n, and tritium watcr monitoring wells adjaoent to the tlpe samplcr with compositc samples analyris of each sample.plant (Slells No. l, A, B, C, md F). collected over a pcriod of approximately 3I days.I sample ftom ground water sounce Same as Well No. l.up Sadient (Well No. 5).I sample fiom grcund water source Grab samplo at least onco per 3l Gross betr, samms scan, and tritium oftitc (Farm L). dryB. analyris ofcach sample.c. Drinking I snrFle at thc firgt two potablc Collected by autornatic sequential-Gro$ betq gomma scan, and tritium surfioe wstor sppliee, downstrream type samplcf, wi& comporite ssmplc anabrcfu of each sample.ftom the plant (TRM 503.t and TRM collcctod monthly.473.0). WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLAI{T RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MOMTORING PROGRAM" Number of Samples and Lgcationsb Sampling and Collection _Erqguency !(.)(, I o. Ilrinking (Con't) I sample at a control locdion TRII{ szg.rd.d" Sediment fiom I sample downstsHm ftom plant At lcast mcc per lt4 days. Gamma scan of each samplc.Shorcline Discharge (TRM 513.0).I samplc from a contol location upsfi*am from plafr discharge (TRM 530.2)c. Pond Scdiment I samplc ftom at leastthrco locatione At le8st oncG pcr),ed. Gamma scan of each sample.inthe Yrd HoldingPond.

5. INGESTION a- Milk Exposurc Pathway and/-of S,ilSple b. Fish Tlpe and Frequency of fuialvsis I-13l and gamma analysis on cach sample. Sr-89 and Sr-90 once per quarter.I sample from milk producing animals Every 2 each of l-3 arsas indicated by the cow ccnsus were doses are calculated to be highest.a I or more samples from control locations.

One somple of commcrcially important At least once pcr lt4 days. Gamma scan m edible portions.ryocies and one sample of rccrcationally importmt spccicr.Onc sanrplo ofcach specios fiom Chickamauga and Wacs Bar Reseffoirs. Table A-l WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLA}.IT RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MOMTORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of samples and qP#P-r Senpple Locationib Sampling and Tpe and Frequency Collgctig_g.E'lg-gugncy of Analysis I (, 5 I c. Vcgotation' Samplesfromfumgproducingmilk Atlcastonccpcr3l days. I-l3l analysisandgammascanof @asturage and but not prcviding a milk sample. each sampie.grass)d. Food Pnoducts I sample each ofprincipal food Annually attimc of harsest Tte Gamma scan on rdible portion products grown Et privat* gardons types of fmds available for sampling and/or fams in thc immediate will rary. Foltowing ie a list of vicintty of tho plant t5pical foodr which may be available: Cabbage, Lettuce and/or Grrens Corn Green Beans Potatoes Tomatoes a Tte umplingprogram outlined in this tablc is thst r*hicnm b. Sanrple locations ane shorm on Figrrres A-l , A-2rA-3.c. Samples shsll be collected by collecting m aliquot at intcryals not cxceeding 2 hours.d. Tho- samplcs collcctcd at TRMs 503.E md 4?3.0 art talen from ths raw rvatcr suprply, thcrcfort, thc rpeteam surhcc water sanplc wi[ bc considerpd the conhol sample for drinking water.e. Vegotation sampling is applicable only for fums that meet tto criErie for milk sampling and wheir milk sampling cannot be performcd. Table A-2 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PIdI{T RADIOLOGICAT ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINC PROGRAM SAI\{PLING LOCATIONS Approximatc Dishce Sestpr (Milcs)Indicdor (I)or Samples. Contnot (a* -Collegtedb-Map Location Ngrrbct'37 38 Station-PM.2 PM-3 PM-4 PM.5 RM.2 RI\'l-3 LM.I LM-2 LM.3 I M-{Farm L Farm K lVell #l Farm N Farm EII Well #5 TRM 517.9 TRM 523.1 TRM 529.3 TRM 473,0 (C.F. Indusfies) TRM 5t3.0 TRM 530.2 TRM 503.9 (Dayton)TRM 522.9-527.9 (dorvastream of WBN)TRM 471-530 (Chiclcamauga Lakc)Waffis Bar Rcscrvoir Yard Pond Well A Wcll B Well C Well F Farm HH NW NNE NEIENE'S sw NNW ssw NNE NNE SE ssw ENE s ESE ssw I-: t-ssE/s/ssw ssE ssE ESE SE ssw AP,CF,S"AT{ AP,CF,S AP,CF,S AP,CF,S"ALd AP,CF,SAIU AP,CF,S,AI\{ AP,CF,S,AIU AP,CF,S,Atrd AP,CF,SAIT{ AP,CF,S,AIvr w M w M M w SW sw s%Pwc PW 2 3 4 5 6?t 9 l0 It t2.l5 IE 20 22 23 25 26 27 3l 32 33 3s 7.0 10.4 7.6 8.0 15.0 15.0 0.5 0.4 1.9 0.9 1,3 I1.6 0.6 4.I 24.A 0.5 9.t'4.t'l.5d 2.44 24.0d Onsitc 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 l.l3 I I I I C C c C I I c c I I c I I c I I I c I I SS SS PW F F F PS w w w w M 39 8l t2 E3 t4 t5 86 a b.Sec Figures A-1, A-2, and A-3 Samplc codcs: AI\{ : Atnosphcric MoisUrrc AP : Air particulatc filtcr CF = Charcoal filttr F : Fistl M - Milk PW : hrblic Water PS =. Pond Ssdimcnt S = Soil SS = Shorpline diment SW : Suficc watsr W : WelI water c. Station locdcd on thc boundary betwecn thcsc two s*ctors.d. Distmcc from thc plant discharge (TR[,I 527.8)c. The surfacs waler sample is also uscd as 8 contol for public watcr. Tablc A-3 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI.AI{T ENVIRONMENTAT DOSIMETERS LOCATIONS IUap'I,ocation NumbEr 2 3 4 5 6 1 l0 lt 12 l4 40 4l 42 43 u 45 46 47 4E 49 50 5I 52 54 55 s6 57 5t 59 60 62 63 u 65 66 67 6E 69?0 7t 72 73 74 75 76 77 7E 79 Statiog NW-3 NNE.3 ENE.3 s-3 sw-3 NNW4 NNE-IA SBIA ssw-2 wa N-l N-2 NNE-I NNE.2 NF-l NE.2 NE.3 ENE-I ENE.2 E-l E-2 ESE"I ESB2 sE-2 ssE-lA ssE-2 s-l s-2 ssw-l ssw-3 sw-l sw-2 wsw-r wsw-2 w-l wNw-l wNw-2 NW-1 NW-2 NNW-I NNW.2 NNW.3 ENE.2A SE.2A s-2A w-24 NW.2A ssE-l Sector NW NNE NE/ENE s SW NNW NNE SE ssw w N N NI\[E NNE NE NE NE ENE ENE B E ESE ESE SE ssE SSE s S ssw ssw sw sw wsw wsw w wNw wNw NW NW NNW NNW NNW ENE SE s w NW SE Approximatc Distancc (Milcs)7.4 10.4 7,6 7.8 15.0 15.0 1.9 0.9 1.3 4.t 1.2 4,7 1.2 4.1 0.9 2.9 6.1 4.7 5.9 1.3 5.0 t.2.4.4 5.3 0.6 5.8 0.7 4.8 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.3 0.9 3.9 0.9 0.9 4.9 l.l 4.7 1.0 4.5 7.0 3.5 3.1 LA 3.2 3.0 0.s Onsirc (Onf or oftitc(gfi) otr otr otr ofr otr ofr On On On otr On otr On otr OD otr otr On otr On otr OD ofr of On otr On ofr On otr On off OD ofr On On otr On otr On otr off otr otr ofr ofr'off On a Scc Figrlrs A-1, A-4 aod A-3.b. Mcrsdcsignaicd'ondto"rtloc*cd2milcsclcssfromthcpleq"ofBitt'rclocdcdnurthen2nilcs fromthcplmt Figrre A-l Radiological Environmental Sampling Incations Within I Mile ofthe Plant sog.75 5E.e5 123.75 EtfE 76.75 E 101,e5 ESE UIINW 281.e5 w 258.75 ws sw/H;t#.riffi WATTS BAB IS'CLEAB PLANT-37' Figrne A-2 Radio lo gical Environmental Sampling Locatiout From I to 5 Miles From The Plant 3fir75 291.25 U 25&75 UXU u3t, 6C-?6 ff- B3E 129.75 7&75 I 5(, ror25 t*25 Figue A-3 Radiotogical Envirorunental Salnpling [ocations Crreater Than SlUil.s From the Plant APPENDD(B PROGRAI\{ MODIFICATION S 40-Appendix B A modification was made in the milk sampling locations during 2013. The dairy farm id*rtified as Farm L ded operations in August of 2013. A dafuy farm in the same sector thst had previously declined to provide samples for the WBN REMP was approached conceming participation and the farm orvner agreed. This location was added to the sampling schedule and Appendix A description. The location is identified as Fatm HH. This dairy farm had been discussed inprevious WBN reports butwas id*ntifid as Farm Ho.-4 l-APPENDD( C PROGRAT{ DEVIATIONS 42-Appendix C ProEram Deviations Table C-l plovides the information on missed samples. A review of the details ofthe plograrn deviations did not id*nti& any adverse t*Nd in equipment performance. I 43-Table C-l Date ail14nofi Station LM-2 Location 0.4 miles NNE Sample Tyoe Air Monitor 08/1 A2U3 Farm L 09/1 1l2A13 Farm L 10129t2013 RM-3 1.3 rniles SSW MiIK 1.3 miles NW Mitk 15 miles NNW Air Monitor Dosimeter Qescription The air filter and charcoal cartridge samples did not have usable sample volume data due to a problem with the sampling pump. The pump was replaced and samples were collected as scheduled for the next sampling cycle. This problem was documented with PER 730936.The presence of naturally occuning radionuclides in final precipitate of the Sr*9/90 analysis resulted in an error in the Sr*9 result. This Iocation ended milk production and collection of a replacement sample for rerun was not possible.This dairy farm ended operation prior to the scheduled collection. Milk was no longer being produced at the farm. A replacement sampling Iocation was added in time for the next sampling period The atrnospheric moisture sample from this location did not contain adequate moisture levels for the tritium analysis.The environmental dosimeters for the listed location were missing at the quarterly collection. The issue was documented with PER 834025.&5 I 4T'QTR 2013 SE-2A 3.1 miles SE APPEhIDXD AI{ALYTICAL PROCEDURES -,45-AppendixD Analytical Procedures Analyses of environmental samples are performed by thc radioanalytical laboratory located at the IVestern Area Radiologicsl Laboratory facility in Muscle Shoals, Alabma, except for the Sr-89, 90 analysis of soil samples which ruras performed by a contract laboratory. Analysis ptocedures are based on acceptcd methods. A summary of the aualysis techniques and methodolory follows.The gross beta measurements are made with an automatic low backgrormd cormting system.Normal counting times are 50 minutes. Watsr samples are prepared by evaporating 500 millititcr (ml) of samples to ncar d4mess, tan*erring to a stainless steel planche( and completing the evaporation process. Air particulate filt*rs are oouuted directly in a shallow planchet The specffic analysis of I-l3l in milk is pcrformed by first isolati'g and puri$ing the iodine by radiochemical separationand then counting the finalprecipitae on abeta-gamma coincideirce counting sptem. The normal count time is 50 minutes. With the beta-gamma coincidencc counting system, backgrouDd cormts are virtually eliminated and or&emely low lwels of activity can be detected.After a radiochemical separation, milk samples analyzrdfor Sr-89, 90 are counted on a low background baa counting system. The sample is countd a second time after a74ay ingroui'th pedod. From the two @unts, the Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentatiout can bc determined Water samples are analyzed for trititrm content by first distilling a portion of the sample and the,n cormting by liquid scintillation. A commercially available scintillation cocktail is used.Cramma analyses are performed in various cor.uting geometies on the sample tlpe and volume. All gamma counts are obtained with germanium tlpe detectors interfaced wirh a high resolution ganna specfuoscopy system The charcoal cartridges usedto sample garcoun radioiodine are analyzedby gamma specfioscopy using a high resolution gamma spechoscopy systcm with gemadlm detectonr. Afuospheric moisture samples are collected on silica gel fiom a metered air flow. The moisture is released from the silica gel by heating and aportion ofthe distillate is cormted by liquid scintillation for tritium rsing commercially available scintillation cochail.The necessary efficiency values, weight-efficiency surves, and geometry tabtes are established ud maintaiDed on each detector and cotrnting system. A series of daily aod pedodic quality contol checks are performed to monitor counting instnrmelrtation System logbooks and controt cbarts ue used to document the results of the quality contol checks.47-APPEI\TDIXE NOMINAL LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION Appendix E Nopdnal Lower Limits of Detgction A numbs of factors influence the Iower Limit of Detection (LLD), including sanple size, cormttine, counting efficiencn chemical plocesses, radioactive decay frctors, and interfering isotopes encountered in the sample. The most probable values for thesc factors have been evaluated for the various analyses pedormed in the environmental monitoring prcgrm. The nominal LLDs are calculted in accordance witti the methodologr prescribed in the ODCM, are presented in Table E-1. The maximum LLD values for the lower limits of detectioa specified in the ODCM are shorpn in Table E-2.The nominal LLD values are also presented in the data tables. For analyses for which nominal LLDs have notbceir establishe4 an LLD of zero is assumed in determining if ameasured astivity is greater than the LLD. In these cases, the LLD value will appea as -1.00E+00 in the data tables in Appdix H.49-TABLE E.l Nominal LLD Values A. Radiochemical Pnocedures Sedincnt Airrilrrs wat*r Milk wetvegetatim mdsoil Anatysis rocirust (*itLt (!cilL) ocirG*al (pcvgay)Choss Beta 0.m2 1.9 Tritium 3.0 270 Iodine-l3l 0.4 0.4 6.0 Stonttum-89 0.0011 5.0 3.5 31.0 1.6 Stontium-90 0.0m4 2.0 2.0 l2.O 0.4 Table E-l Nominal LLD Values B. Gamnra Analyses Vegetation lVet Soil and Particulate Filter Analysis pCi/m3_.005.01 ,{}2-.0I Charcoal Filter pCi/m3.a?,07 0.15 0.03 a.o2 0.12 0.02 4.02 0.03 a.a2 0.v2 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.30 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.03 0.07 0.05 4.20 oj'Water and Milk pcilL 10 30 4s l0 5 40 5 5 l0 5 5 5 IO 5 r00 25 l0 l0 45 l5 2A 20 s0 l0.' . 4.A.35.E5 2.4A l.7a ,25 1.25 ,14.15.45 , 3.50 2.40 1.40.45 2.00 r.75 Foods Tomatoes 20 60 95 20 25 90 t0 l0 45 l0 l0 t0 45 l0 25A 50 25 25 90 40 80 40 r30 30 and Grain vegetation sediment Fish clam Flesh potatoes, etc.oci/c dry pci/kgr wct nci/g. dry ocilg dr.v oci/c dry ocirkc wct!Ul l..J t Ce-l4l Ce-144 Cr-51 I.I3 I Ru-l03 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 7i-95 Nb-95 Co-5E IVIn-54 Zn{.5 Co-60 K-40 Ba-140 I,a-l40 Fe-59 Be-7 Pb2r2 Pb-zt4 Bi-zt4 Bi-z12 Tlr08 Ra-224 Pa-226 Ac-228 Pa-234m.47 35.15 I 15.30 200.20 60.03 25.15 lg0.03 30.03 25.05 45.25 30.03 2A.03 2A.05 45.03 20.40 400.30 130.24 50.09 4a.25 200.04 40.50 E0.10 55.25 25A': :3-.I0.07.15 ,'1:.10;;--70..t' -* Table EA Maximum LLD Values Specified by the WBNODCM Analysis gross beta H-3 l\dn-54 Fe-S9 Co-58;60 7fr-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 I-13 I Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 L8-140 Watsr*w 4 2000'I5 30 I5 30 30 l5 lb ls I8 60 l5 Airbome Particulate or Gases pe/m3 I x 10-2 N.A.NA.N.A.N-4,.NA.N.A.N.A.7 x l0'2 5 xl0-2 6 x l0-2 NA.NA.Fish pCi/kg we.t N.A.N.A.130 260 130 2@N.A.N.A.N.A.130 150 N.A.N.A.Mitk p-c-{L NA.NA.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.NA.I l5 It 60 l5 Food Products nCifts. wet-N.A.NA.NA.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.60 60 t0 N.A.N.A.Sediment pcifts 4ry N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.ls0 180 N.A.N.A.a.b.If no drinking watsr pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/titer may be used.If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCinit*r may be used.-sr-J-APPENDIXF QUALITY AS STJRANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAL{ Appendix F Ouality Assurance/Ouality Confiol Program A qualif assurance program is employed by the laboratory to ensure that thc eirvironmental monitoring data are reliable. This program includes the use of writren, appoved procedures in performing the wor\ provisions for stafftraining and certification, interDal self assessmeots of ptogram performance, atrdits by various orternal organizetisas, and a laboratory quality control program.The quality contol program employedby the radioanalytical labordory is designedto ensure tbat the sampling and analysis prccess is working as intenied. The prognm inchades equipmelrt checks md the analysis of quality contol som,ples along with routine samples. Instrument qualityconfiolchecksincludebaokgroundcountrate aadcormtsreproducibility. Inadditionto these two geireral checkq other quality contol check are performed on the variety of detectors usd in the laboratory. The exact naturc ofthese checks depends on the tlpe of dwice and the method it uses to detect radiation or storp the information obtained Quality contol samples of a variety of tlpes are used by the laboratory to veri$ the performance of different portions of thc anatytcd prccess. These quality contnol samples include Uenks, replicatc samples, aoalytrcal knowns, blind samples, and sross-checks. BlaDks are samples which contain no measurable radioactivity or no activity of the t,"e being measured. Such samples are analyzed to determine whether there is my contaminmion of equipment or commercial laboratory chemicals, ctoss-contaminstion in the chemical plocess, or interference from isotopes othcr than the one being measured.Duplicate samples are geireratcd atrandom by tbe sample comprrterprogram which schedules the collection of the routine samples. po1 sxsmple, if the routine progpm calls for fe6 milk srrnplels evetry lveek, on arandom basis each farm might provide an additional sample serreral times a year, Thcse duplicate samples are analyzed along with othcr routine mmples. They provide information aboutthe vadability of radioactive content inthe various sample media If enough sample is available for aparticular analysis, the laborafory staffcan split it into trro portions. Such a sample provides information about the variability of the analytical prccess since two identical portions ofmatedat are anallzed side by side.Analytical knowns are anothercategory of quality contol sample. A knolm amount of radioactivity is added to a sample medium. The lab staffknows the radioactive content of the sample. Whenever possible, the analytical knoums contain the same amount of radioactivity each time they are ruu. ln this way, analytcal knowns provide immdiate data on the quality of the measurcmelil prccess.Blind spikes are samples radioactivity which are intoduced into the aoalysis process disguised as ordinary environmental samples. The lab staffdoes not know thc sample oontains radioactivity. Since the bulk of the ordinary workload of the environmelrtal laboratory contains no measurable activity or only naturally occurring radioisotopes, blind spikes can be used to test the detection capabitity ofthe laboratory or can be used to test the dara review prcce$. If an analysis routinely ge,nerates numerous zeroes for aparticular isotope, the presence of the isotope is brought to the atteirtion of the laboratory zuperrrisor in the daily review ptoc*ss.Blind spikes test this process since the blind spikes contain radioactivity at levels high enough to be detected-Furthermore, the activity can be put into such samples at tk e:rte, e limit of dctection (near the LLD) to veri$ tbat the labor*ory can detect very low levels of activity.Another category of quality conbol samples is th internal cross-ohecks. These samples have a knom amotmt of radioactivity addd and are presented to the lab stafflabeled as ctoss-check samples. This means tbat the quality conEol staffknows the rddioactive content or tight answed'but the lab petonnel performing the analysis do uot Such samples test the best -performance ofthe laboratory by determining ifthe lab can find the'tight answetr' These samples provide information abort the accuracy of the measurcmentprocess. Flrthcr information is available about the variability of the prccess if multiple analyses are requested on the same sample. Like blind spikes or analytical knonns, these samples can also be spiked with low lcvels of activity to test dercction limia. The aoalysis results for intemal soss+heck samples met program performance goals for 2013. To provide for an independent verification ofthe laboratory's ability to make acourate measurements, the laboratory participated in an e,nvironmental level cross-check plogram available through Ectert md Zegler Analytics during 2013. The results of fiA's participation in this cr'oss-check program are presentod in Table F-l. The results for thcse qoss-oheck samples were all within the pogram agreement limits.The quatity contol data are routinely collecte4 exaqined and reported to laboratory supervisory personnel. They are checked for tends, problem aneias, or other indications that a portion of the anatytical proc*ss needs cotleqtion or implovement. The end result is a measuremcnt pmccss. tbat provides reliable and verifiablc data and is scnsitive eirough to measurc the presence of radioactivity far below the levels which could be harmful to humans.-56: Tablc F-l BcsultfFgf ?013 Eldcrml Cross Ctpcks Tcst Pcri,od trittlt Qurrtcr Flrrt Qurrlcr Filrt Qurrlcr trftrt @rrter fm QurrEr Fftlt Qurrlcr Thhd aurrtrr Thhd Qorrtcr Thlrd Qurrtr Thlrd Qurrtcr Thtrd Qurrtr Thlrd Quettr Samolc Typc l.tnalwis WaE(pCi/t) Cross B*ta WaGr (pci/t)3H w8E(pCi/L) rsrI tlct ,r.cs Itrcs ttco"Mn seFe 65zn oco lllcc Syutbcilic Urinc (pCi/L)rH MIk(pCi/L) BII'sr*sr Air Filu (pCi/Fihff) Choss Bctt WEEr(pcl/t) .,H Std (pci/gram) t'cr trlcs l37G*co\,In the o?.n'co Air Filffi (pCi/Filer) Crros BctE Air Filtr (IrCiffiltcr) ttcr t'cs ,rcs tco sMo 5eFc 6?.r,'co Symhaic Urirc (pCi/L)h Milk (pCi/L)r3rI tst*sr Results Known TVA 3.00EjO2 2.5tE+02 1.40E+04 1.459+04 9.2t8+0I 9.528+01 4S28+i2 4.568+O2 2.058+02 2.0,,E+{2 2.54E+{2 2,56E<+2 1.998+02 2.0t8+02 t.9.E+t2 2.l0BO2 2.4lB+s2 2.358i{lI2 2.88E+{2 3.128+02 3.t3E+02 3.ttE+02 L79E+i2 l.t4E1O2 1.41E+Ot t.328+04 1.008+tD t.058+02 t.908+0I 9.76E+0t 9.828+00 1.058+01 8.468+01 8.208+01 9.968+03 1.068{{4 6.01E{r s.r?Eor 3.738{1 3.39E{r 2.r38{r Z70ESI 2.33F.{lt 2"43E41 3.0tE{t 3.23E4t 2.r3E{r 2.8tE{l 5.nB4l 6.318{t 4.24F.4t 4.4lE4t 9.258+01 8.63E+01 2.228+{2 2.WE+{2 t.388'10 l.l6E+02 1.05E+02 1.028+u 8.63Et{l t.638{Ol l.l lEj{r2 l. t4E+02 t.058+02 1.058+02 z.,3B+ry2 2.21E*ry2, 1.578fi2 t.59E+02 l.0lE+04 1.028+ot 9.568+01 l.O0E+Ol t.988+0t 1.008+m 1.248+01 1.028+{l AgEW[Ycs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ycs Ys Yes Yes Yes Ycs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ycs Ycs Yes Yes Ycs Ye Ycs Yes Yes Ycs Yes Yes Ycs Yes Yes Yes Yes Ycs Ycs APPENDD(G LA}IDUSE SURVEY-58' Appendix G I"and Use.$-uryey A tand usc suryey was conducted in accordancc with the govisions of ODCM Confiol 1.3.2 to identi$ the location of the nearest milk nnimal, the nearest residence, and the neetst garden of greater tban 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of 5 miles (8 km) from the plant The land use survey was conducted between April l, 2013, and.October l, 2013, using appropriate tecbniques such as door-todoor srrvey, meil suvsy, telephone survey, aerial survey, or informdion from local agricultrual authorities or other rcliable sources.Using the suwey data, relative radiation doses were projected for individuals Dear the plant Doses ftom air submersion werre calculated for the nearest resident in each sector. Doses from milk iqgestion or vegetable ingestion were calculated for the areas with milk producing animals and gardens, respectively. These doses were calculated using historical meteorotogical data They also a$ilrme that the eflueirt neleases are equivalent to the design basis source terms. The calculated doses are relative in nature and do not reflect actual oqpsur*s rcceived by individuals living near WBN.The location of nearest resident changed in one sector duriDg 2013. In addition" the location of the nerest garden changed in a total of tbree sectors.The sunrey of milk producing locations performed in 2013 did not identiS any new locations. The dairy farm dcsignated as Farm L and located in the SSW sector ended oporation during 2013 and was not included in the use suney results. The dairy farm designatd as Farm Ho had in previots years declined to partici@e in the excbange of land use information or the WBN REMP sampling program. The data reported for Farm Ho in this section in the past nms based on estimates of the distance, feeding practices, and milk consumption. When Farm L went out of business, the farm owner at Farm Ho was approached again about pafiiolpating in the WBN REMPprogram. TheowneragredtoprovidesamplesfortheWBNREMPandinformationfor land usc survey. The information providcd by the farm owner was rsed in the dose projection calculations performed for the 2013 land use survey. In additioa to changes in the results for Farm Ho, a rcvised distance was reported for the dairy fatm in the ESE sec'tor. Tbe distance changes reulted in small changes inthe )VQ forthese farms. IVhentheprwiously identified Farm Ho was added to the sampling progam, the description for the location was changed to Farm HII.Tables G-1, G-2, and G-3 comparc rcsults ofthe relative projected annual dose calcutations for 2013 and 2012. Table G-l Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Relative Projected Annual Air Submersion Dose to the Nearest Residsnce Within 8 km (5 Miles) ofPlanf mrem/year 2012 Approximate Di$nce (Meters)4,590 3,754 3,399 3,472 3,263 4,654 l,4w l,@6 1,550 1,932 4,141 2,4?2 2,901 1,44t 2,065 4,376 2013 Sector N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE ssE s ssw sw wsw w wNw NIV NNW Annual Dose 0.07 0.21 0.27 0.29 0.26 0.14 0.72 0.34 0.40 0.31 0.09 0.19 0.08 4.02 Approximate D.isFgce (Mstsrc)4,590 3,750 3,399 3,A72 4,399 4,654 1,409 1,646 1,550 1,E32 4,141 2,422 2,901 1,44E 2,A65 4,376 Annual Dose 0.07 0.21 0.27 0.29 0.15 0.14 0.72 0.34 0.40 0.31 0.09 0.19 0.05 0.19 0.08 0.02 a Assumes the eflucnt releascs are cquivalent to desrgn basis souttc tsmrs.-6 l-Table G-2 lVatts Bar Nuclear Plant Relative hojected Annrnl Ingestion Dose to Child's Bonc Organ from Ingestion of Home-Grown Foods Nearest Garden Within 8 km (5 Miles) ofPlanf mrem/year 2012 Sector N NNE NE Approximate Distance (Met-cS)6,659 5,030 3,?93 4,947 4,656 4,931 1,409 l,7ll 3,535 b b 3,090 3,138 2,963 2,065 4,607 Annual Dose a.a 2.79 4.90 2.73 3.09 2,92 14.20 6.16 ,.r: 2.77 l.l3 1.64 0.50 Approximarc Distance (Meters)6,659 5,030 3,793 3,472 4,656 4,931 IJOg l,7l I 2,349 5,584 b 3,0E0 3,13E 2,963 2,065 4,60?Annual Dose 4.62 2.79 4.90 6.2A 3.09 2.92 1,4.20 6.',l6 5.29 l.2l--2.77 0.99 I.I3 0.50 ENE E ESE SE ssE s ssw sw wsw w wNw NW NNW a. Assume the efluent releases are equivalent to desrgp basis source tems.b. Garden not identified within 8 km (5 miles) of the plant in this sector.-62' Table G-3 W6 BarNuclear Plut Relativc Projcc&dAnnud DosG to kcsptor Thyroid fiom Ingcstionof Milts (Near*st Milk-Producing Animal Within 8kn (5 Miles) of Ph)mcmryea ApproximabDishce AnnualDose I dion S;ctu Mct*rs 2012 2013)vQ s/m3 Cow-S Farm Nb ESE Farm HoLd ssw 6,706 2,826 0.05 0.06 1.35 E-6 03le 0.19 l.l3 E-6& Assuncs thc pld is operating md cfluent rslcasos are equivalcnt to dGsip basis sottrtc t*f,ms.b. MilkbcingsqlcdEt6*8c locations.

c. Tho projcotod dosc r*porEd f6 ttfu location in 2012 od prcrrious )reas was based on assumcd vzhs for agc of consumcr md cow fccding frcttr sincc actrnl de from thc fum ownsr was notataihblc.
d. The idcmificatim for this locdion was rcviscd to Farm IIH in Appendh A of this re[nrt Thc idc'ntificCion chmgc to FTmIIII will dso be uscd in firhrre prs inthis sectiou-63' APPEI{DD( H DATA TABLES A}.ID FIGURES Table H-1 prREcT MplATloN LEVELS Average External Gamma Radiation Levels at Various Distances from Watts Bar Nuclear Plant for Each Quarter - 2013 mR / Quarter (a)Awraoe ExtemalGamma Radiation Levels o)lst Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Cttr 4th Otr mR/Yr Average O -Z miles 15.5 15.5 (onsite)Average> 2 miles 14.3 (offsite)16.7 15.1 63 14.5 15.7 13.9 5g (a). Field periods normalized to one standard quarter (2190 houns)(b). Avenage of the individual measurements in the set Table H-2 (1 of 2)pr RECT RADTATTON TFVELS Individual Stations at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Environmential Radiation Levels mR /Quarter!o\o\t Map Location Number 40 41 42 10 43 3 M 45 46 47 48 74 4 49 50 51 52 11 il 75 79 55 56 Dosimeter Station Numbe.r N-1 N-2 NNE-1 NNE.1A NNE.2 NNE-3 NE.l NE.2 NE.3 ENE-1 ENE-2 ENE-2A ENE-3 E-1 E-2 ESE-1 ESE-2 SE-14 SE-2 SE.2A SSE.1 SSE-1A SSE-2 Directiolr, qErees 10 350 21 22 2A 17 39 il 47 74 69 69 56 85 s2 109 106 138 128 1U 146 161 156 Approx Distance, miles 1.2 4.7 1-2 1.9 4.1 10,4 0.9 2.9 6.1 4.7 5.8 3.5 7.6 1.3 5.0 1.2 4.4 0.9 5.3 3.1 0_5 0.6 5.8 Annual(l)Exposure mR4fe,,ar 65.0 66.5 62.5 54.9 52.5 59.2 62.8 64.0 44.7 68.1 58.0 53.6 52.7 53.7 63.7 52.0 90.3 66.7 55.7 62.5 60.4 54.9 67.3 lst Qtr Znd Qtr Jan-Mar Apr-Jun 2013 ?013 18.9 14.0 16.0 16.0 15.0 16.0 14.A 15.0 12.5 12.4 12.5 17.9 16.5 15.5 17.5 17.4 1 1 .5 10.0 15.5 16.5 12.A 15.0 16.0 1 1 .5 12.5 13.5 12.O 13.0 14.5 14.5 12.5 14.5 19.9 19.9 16.0 17.0 16.5 1 1 .5 13.0 16.5 15.5 14.5 13.0 13.5 18.9 15.0 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Jul*ep Oct-Dec 2A 2A!3 15.9 16.2 19.4 1 5.1 13.9 17.6 12.9 13.0 13.9 14.1 17.4 .11.4 16.4 14.4 15.4 14.1 11.4 1 1 .8 18.9 17 .2 16.9 14.1 12.9 13.2 14.4 12.3 13.9 14.8 16.4 18.3 12.9 12.1 20.3 24.2 18.4 1 5.3 15.9 1 1.8 17.4 (1). 17.9 12.5 14.9 13.4 17.4 16.0 (1). Sum of available quartedy data normalized to 1 year for the annual exposule value.

Table H-2 Q of 2l DIRECT RADIATION LEVELS lndividual Stations at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Environmental Radiation Levels mR /Quarter t o\{I Map Location N.umhgr 57 58 76 5 59 12 60 62 63 6 64 65 66 14 77 67.68 69 7A 78 2 71 72 73 7 Dosimeter Station Numbet s-1 s-2 S.2A s-3 SSW.1 SSW.2 SSW-3 SW-1 SW.2 SW-3 WSW-1 WSW.2 w-1 w-2 W-2A WNW-1 WNW-2 NW-1 NW-2 NW-24 NW-3 NNW-1 NNW-z NNW-3 NNW-4 Directiolr, degrees 182 185 177 185 199 200 199 226?24 225 255 247 270 277 268 zgn 292 320 313 321 317 340 333 329 337 Approx Distance, rniles 4.7 4.8 2.O 7.8 0.8 1.3 5.0 0.8 5.3 15.0 0.9 3.9 0.9 4.9 3.2 0.9 4.9 1.1 4.7 3.0 7.O 1.0 4.5 7.0 15.0 Annual(1)Exposure mFllfear 58.8 48.7 70.5 51 .6 72.9 52.9 53.7 73.9 59.3 47.9 57.3 65.9 62.8 53.2 59.0 g9.g 71.2 il.2 69.7 54.2 72.3 51 .9 56.7 u.8 49.3 1st Qtr Znd Qtr Jan-Mar Apr-Jun zALq 2A13 15.5 15.0 12.5 12.5 14.O 19.4 14.5 1 1.5 19.4 18.9 13.5 12.4 16.5 12.5 18.9 19.4 14.0 13.5 10.0 13.0 16.0 14.5 16.5 14.5 15.0 15.0 12.5 14.5 15.5 14.0 20.9 20.9 15.0 20.4 16.5 14.4 15.5 17.9 15.0 14.0 16.5 18.9 12.5 1 1.0 12.4 15.5 9.5 11.0 12.5 12.5 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2913 20J3 14.9 13.4 1 1.9 1 1.8 21.3 15.8 11.9 13.7 18.4 16.2 14.9 12.5 12.4 12.3 18.4 17.2 13.9 17.9 13.9 10.9 13.4 13.4 18.9 16.0 18.4 14.4 14.4 11.8 15.4 14.1 25.3 22.8 18.4 17.4 17.9 15.8 20.8 15.5 12.9 12.3 22.8 14.1 154 13.0 16.9 12.3 13.4 10.9 13.4 10.9 (1). Sum of available quarterly data normalized to 1 year for the annua! exposure value. Name of Facility WATTS BAR NUCLEAR pt-ANT Location of Facitrty: RHEA, TENNESSEE Tennessee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR FILTER pCilrnA3 = 0.037 Bq/m^3 Location with Highest Annual Mean. Type and Total Number of Analysis Perfonned Louer Umit of Detectlon (LLD)See Note 1 2.00E-03 1.00E-02 2.00E-02 2.00E-02 5.00E-03 4.00E-02 5.00E-03 5.00E-03 2.00E-03 lndicator Locatlons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.AsE4/2 (415 t 415)7.45E 3.74E42 104 VALUES < LLD 1.01E-01 (104 / 104)6.91E42 - 1.34E-01 104 VALUES < LLD 2.82E-02 (104 tlml 6.50E{3 1.29E-01 l(N VALUES < LLD 104 VALUES < LLD 2.52e-02 (l0f l10l-)^5.30E-03 1.37E-01 2.00E-03 (1 t10l.)2.00E 2.00E-03 Location Deecription with Dlstarre and.Pirection PM3 10.4 MILES NNE PMz SPRING CITY 7.0 MILES T{W PM3 10.{ MILES NNE LItt,{ WB 0.9 MILES SE LM2 0.5 MILES N LM2 0.5 MILES N LNI?0.5 MILES N LM2 O.5 MILES N LM2 0.5 MILES N Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.13E.42 (52 I 521 9.13E 3.50E{2 13 VALUES < LLD 1.02E-01 (13 / 13)8.15E-02 1.30E{1 13 VALUES < LLD 2.g7E.c/2 (13 / 13)1.21E4i2 - 1.29E-01 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 2.92E{l2 (13/ 13)9.90E-03 1.37E-01 2.00E{3 (1 ' 13)2.00E 2.00E-03 Docket Numben Reporting Paiod: 5G390.391 2013 Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.05E{2 (104 I 104l 9.03E-03 3.57E-02 26 VALUES < LLD 1.02E-01 (26 t 26)7.38E-02 1.35E-01 26 VALUES < LLD 3.O2E42 (fi t 26).8.70E 7.27E-A2 26 VALUES < LLD 26 VALUES < LLD 2.e3E-W, (?6 t 20l 6.$E 7.5i7E.0,2 2.00E-03 (1 ts.l 2.00E{3 - 2.00E{3 Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Note 3 H p d)-(D h{)r{t (, 3 Ch 6 3 GROSS BETA .519 GAIT MA SCAN (GELI) , 130 AC-228 BE-7 Bt-212 Bt-214 K.f0 P*212 PBi214 TL-208 NoGc: 1. Noo{nal Lornr LanC dDcfccilon ([D) ar rteocrbe<l h TaUe E - l 2. Mean and Rengp b8*d upon detsdaDle m*elutBme!& ody. Fracffm of d*lodable rEasrrenrentr d rpecmed bcauon l! lndcatod ln pqrcrilreses (F).3. Ba'ltr ln Uds column lndbate no nofiqntrp meatrrcmonb Tennessee Valley Authori$RADIOACTIVITY IN CHARCOAL FILTER pCUm^3 = 0.037 BCrn^3 Name of Fadli$: WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PUNT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Docket Nurnber: 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2013-I p C')-o Frl*!s I o\\o t Type and Total Number of Analysis Performed GAITilMA SCAN (GELI) - 519 AC-22'B Bl-214 l-131 K-.f0 PV212 P*214 TL-208 lndicator Locatlons Mean (F)Range See NoG 2 415 VALUES < LLD 8.69E-02 (252 t 4151 5.02E-02 3.24E41 SEE NOTE 4 3.47E-01 (40 t4151 3.00E 5.37E-01 3s2E-42 e t 4151 3.05E 3.59E-02 1.09E-01 (140 t 4151 7.058-42 2.82E.o1 415 VALUES < LLD Location with Highest Annual Mean Lower Umit of Detection (LLD)See Note.!7.00E-02 5.00E-02 3.00E-02 3.00E-01 3.00E-02 7.WE-92 2.008-m Location Description with Distarrce and Direction LMz 0.5 MILES N PM3 10.4 MILES NNE PM4 7.6 MILES NE/ENE PM3 10.4 MITES NNE LM3 1.9 MILES NNE LM3 1.9 [rrlLES NNE Mean (F)Range$*-l_ugte z 51 VALUES < LLD e.938-02 (38 / s2)5.13E42 - 3.24E-A1 3.93E-01 (5 l52l 3.13E 5.37E-01 3.59E-02 (1 I 52)3.59E-02 3.59E{2 125E{1 (15 t 521 7.87E{l2 - 2.12E-O1 52 VALUES < LU)Control Locations Mean (F)Range 9ee.ryote2 l(x VALUES < LLD 8.71E42 (56 / 104)5.00E 2.10E-01 3.39E-01 (12't 1O4)3.06E 3.83E-01 104 VALUES < LLD 1.20E-01 (25 t 10,-'7.23E-t2 2.59E-01 1(N VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Note 3 Ndes: 1. Nomanat Lqpr l-euel d Ddecdon (LlID as dolcrbod h TaUe E - 1 Z t{ean and Rangc baled Wqr deteclable mearurffren0s only. Fracflm of (l*tectatrb measu*merG at spedfred locafrm lr lrdicatcd ln parunthe38 (F).3. Blanl$ h thls colunn lrdlcate no noffutrihe rnqalurcrnerts

4. Ihe andysls d Charcoal Fiil*G w p*dmned by Gamma Specfosco0v.

No l-13tr vres de{edod. TIE tID br l-131 by @mma Specfioocogy w 0.03 pCUcrbh rder. Tennessee Valley Authority MD]OACTMTY IN ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE pCi/m^3 = 0.037 Bq/m^3 Name of Facitity WATTS BAR NtrcLEAR PLANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Type and Lower Llmit tndicator Locdtions Total Number of Detection Mean (F)of Analysis (LLD) Range Performe{ See NSe 1 See Note 2 TRITIUM .207 Location with Highest Annual Mean Mean (F)Locatlon Description wlth Range Dlstance and Direc'tion See Nbte 2 DocketNumben 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2013 Number of Conffd Locatlons Nonroutine Mean (F) RePorted Range Measurernents See Note 2 See Note 3 3.00E+ff) 3.70E+00 (15 / 156) LMI 3.06E+00 5.49E+@ 0.5 MILES SSW 4.O{E+00 (5 t 26) 3.93E+00 (4 r 51}3.12E+@ - 5.49E+00 3.02E+00 4.88E+00 H p 6-(D H Fr{I (, t{c)I Ndos: l. Nqnlnal Loupr Levol of Deiec0on (fg as deacrlbcd ln TaUe E - 1 2. Mean ard Rangc baled upon ddedable meaqrernedg orly. Fradlm of d*toctable rneasuo[nfib af spocinod bcaton b Mlca0ed h par*n0le3es (D.3. Blaril(S ln td! cdunn Indlcafte rp nonrq.rnttrc meaammcntB Ten nessee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK pCi/L = 0.037 BqrL Location with Hlghest Annual Mean 50-390,391 2013 Contrd Locatlons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 52 VALUES < LLD 2.4eE+01 (2 t 52)2.ZOE+O1 2.79E+Ot 3.21E+01 (u I 52, 2.O2E+O1 6.01E+01 1.24E+03 (52 t 52)-7.77E+t2 - 1.53E+03 52 VALUES < LLD 3.08E+01 (33 I 52)2.O2E+{1 5.61E+01 52 VALUES < LLD 8 VALUES < LLD 8 VALUES < LLD Name of Facility: Location of Facllity: Type and Total Number of Analysie Performed loDlNE-l3l - 103 GAMMA SCAr.r (cELt)AC-228 Bt-214 K-,00 PBi212 P&214 TL-208 sR.89 - 15 sR90 -16 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI.ANT RHEA, TENNESSEE Lorer Umit of Detectlon (LLD)See Nole 1 4.00E-01 103 2.mE+01 2.00E+0t 2.C[)E+01 1.00E+01 3.50E+00 2.00E+00 Doclet Number: Reportirg Period: lndicator Locations Mean (D Range See Note 2 51 VALUES < LLD 2.55E+01 (1 I 51)2.55E+01 2.55E+01 3.61E+01 (4 I 51!2.07E+0t - 7.59E+0t 1.28E+03 (51 , 51)1.14E+03 1.40E+03 1.65E+01 (1 / 51)1.65E+0t - 1.65E+0t 3.08E+0t (36 / 51)2.00E+ot - 5.ggE+01 51 VALUES < LLD 7 VALUES < LLD 8 VALUES < LLD Locafron Descrlptbn wlth Distance and Direction Mean (F)Range See NoLe.2_2.55E+01 (1 / 18)2.55E+01 - 2.55E+01 3.87E+01 eA t 26)2.OTE+Al - 7.55E+01 1.32E+03 V I n 1 .29E+03 - 1.35E+03 1.65E+ot (1 t 26)1.65E+01 - 1.65E+01 3.39E+01 (6 t t)2.09E+0t - 5.99E+01 26 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurernents Sgq Note 3 t{,-t TAYMAN FARM 1.3 MILES SSW NORTON FARM 4.1 MILES ESE 1.5 MILES SSW NORTON FARM 4.1 MILES ESE 1.5 MILES SSW NORTON FARM 4.1 MILES ESE H p cr H (D tT{Fhl!O\'Noier: 1. Nomlnal Lolar Let *l d De[ecilon GfD) as &scrD*d h Tsble E - 1 2. iiean and Range ba$d Won d*GciaDle measusnents orty. Fradim of detectaDle moasu*monb at sp*clli*d locdm ls lnrllcatert ln parerilfreses (F).3. Blenkl ln tl{s colunn lndlcatc no rurluntrB m*asurUnsnts Name of Facility WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT Localion of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Tennessee Val ley Authority RADIOACTM]TY IN SOIL PCi/g = 0.037 Bdg .oRY *EIGHT)Location with Highest Annual Mean Docket Number: fl)-390,391 Reporting Perlod: 2013 Type and Total Number of Analyeis Performed GAITIMA SCAT.I (cEU) - 10 A"-ng BE.7 Bt-212 Bt-211 c$l37 K-..{0 PB-l212 P*211 TL-z08 sR89 - 10 sR90 -10 2.50E-01 2.50E-01 4.50E-01 1.50E-01 3.00E-02 7.508-01 1.00E-01 1.50E-01 6.00E-02 1.60E+00 4.00E-01 Loner Umit of Detection (LLD)See N$e 1 lndlcator Locationa Mean (F)Rarpe 9qp Notej 1.02E+00 (8 / 8)7.36E 1.21E+00 3.47E{1 (2 t g'3.07E 3.97E-01 1.12E+00 (7 t 8l 7.69E 1.3ttE+@7.s0E-01 (8 / 8)6.55E 8.26E-01 1.54E-01 (8 / 8)3.OgE 3.47E-01 1.12E+01 (8 / 8)2.92E+00 2.35E+01 e.85E-01 (8 / 8)7.19E41 1.18E+00 8.09E-01 (8 / 8)7.O7E41 8.86E-01 3.40E{1 (8 / 8)2.49E41 - 4.10E-01 8 VALUES < LLD 8 VALUES < LLD Location Description with Dlstance. and DiEq{ion LM{ TA'B 0.9 MILES SE LM3 1.9 MILES NNE PM5 DECATUR 6.2 MILES S LMl 0.5 MILES SSW PM2 SPRING CITY 7.0 MTLES tn 'LM4 \A'B 0.9 MILES SE LM..+ WB 0.9 MILES SE LM2 0.5 MILES N LM-.{ WB 0.9 MILES SE Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.21E+O0 (1 I 1, 1.21E+00 - 1.21E+00 3.87E{1 (1 t 1l 3.87E{1 3.87E{1 1.3itE+00 (1 ,1)1.33E+00 1.33E+00 8.26E-01 (1 ' 1)8.26E 9.26E-01 3.47E-01 (1 I 1',)3.47E{1 - 3.47E-01 2.35E+01 (1 t 1)2.35E+01 - 2.35E+01 1.188+00 (1 t lt 1.18E+00 - 1.18E+00 8.86E-01 (1 t 1'8.86E{1 - g.g6E-01 4.10E-01 (t t 1)4.10E 4.10E-01 Confd Locations Mean (F)Range See Note ?4.e6E-01 (2 t 21 4.12E 5.79E-01 2 VALUES < LLD 5.63E-01 (2 t 2l 4.57E{1 - 6.69E-01 5.87E-01 (2 t 2'4.98E 6.75E-01 3.13E{1 (2 t 2l 3.39E-02 5.93E-01 3.28E+00 (2 tz',)2.29E+00 4.27E+OO 4;99E-01 (2 I 2l 3.94E 6.04E{1 6.29E{1 (2 t z',)5.73E '6.85E-01 1.73E-01 (2 t 2l 1.39E-01 o 2.08E-01 2 VALUES < LLD 2 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurernents See Note 3 H p d l-(!Frr{lt I{a{N)I N&3: 1. Nortnal Lory*r l-elrd of Detec{on (UD) as dGscr$*d h TaUe E - 1 2. Mean ard Raqe based qon deiectabb mearurqnerilr orlly. Fracilon of thtectabb meau.renrentr d tpoclfred loca[on b Hicated ln parenttpres (D.3. Blanks h OS cotnn lndlcde no nqrruntne maagrmmentg Name of Facitity WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI-ANT Location of FaclltU: RHEA, TENNESSEE Tpe ard Loupr Umit lndicator Locations Total Number of Detecilion Mean (F)of Analysis (LLD) Rarqe Perfonned See Nde 1 See Note 2 Tennessee Valley Authority RADIOACTMTY IN CABBAGE PCirKg = 0.037 B{Kg (WET WEIGHT)Location with Higirest Annual Mean Locatim Description with Hlp Distance and Direction See Note 2 2.5 MILES NE 2.5 MILES NE Number of Control Locatlons Nonroutine Mean (F) RePoted Range Measurenrents See Note 2 See Note 3 5.37E+01 (1 ,1)1 VALUES < LLD 1 VALUES < LLD Docket Numben 50-390,391 Reportlng Period: 2013 GAMMA SCAIl (GELD - 2 Bt-214 K-,()"*212 PB-214 7.23E+0t (1 I 1l 7.23E+41 7.23E+01 Z,1OE+AZ 1.50E+00 (1 / 1)7.23E+At (1 ,1)7.23E+0t 7.23E+01 5.37E+01 - 5.37E+01 1.50E+03 (1 t 1l 2.13E+03 (1 / 1)1.50E+03 - 1.50E+03 2.13E+03 - 2.13E+03 1.50E+03 1.50E+03 4.00E+0t 1 VALUES < LLD 2.5 MILES NE 8.OOE+01 1 VALUES < LLD 2.5 MILES NE 1 VALUES < LLD 1 VALUES < LLD H s C l-t}l+l*I 6 I{t,'t Nd..: t. tlominal brer L*n d ot Det*cffon (LLD) ao decctlbal h TaUe E - I 2. Mean and Range based upot dcfled$b meaqrcmen& only. Fracilm of debdable measu*rnentB at speclfred locaffon ls lndlcabd ln parcnhesee (F).3. Blanl(s h thb cdum lndlcst* no noffortrlt[ro moa$mm*nl3 Narne of Facility: Location of Facility: Type and Total Number of Analyels Performed GAMMA SCAl.f (eELl)Bl-214 K-,{0 P&l214 Ten nessee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY IN CORN PCi/Kg = 0.037 Bq/Kg WET WEGnr)Locafion with Highest Annual Mean 5&390,391 2013 Control Locatbns Mean (D Range See Note 2 5.81E+or (1 / 1)5.81E+01 5.81E+01 1.83E+os (1 / 1)1.83E+03 - 1.83E+03 1 VALUES < LLD WATTS BAR NUCUelqn PI.ANT RHEA, TENNESSEE Loucr Umil of Detedi,on (rrD)Se Note 1 4.(DE+01 2.ffiE+O2 8.00E+01 Docket Numben ReportirU Perlod: lndlcator Locations Mean (Q Range See Note 2 5.24E+01 (1 I 1)5.24E+01 - 5.24E+01 2.09E+08 (1 I lt, 2.09E+03 2.09E+03 1 VALUES < LLD Location Deecription with Distance and Dlrection NORTON FARM 4.1 MILES ESE NORTON FARII'4.1 MTLES ESE NORTON FARM 4.1 MILES ESE ttlean (F)Range See Note 2 5.24E+01 (1 / 1)5.24E+01 - 5.24E+O1 2.09E+03 (1 I 1l 2.09E+03 2.09E+03 1 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Note 3-2 Fl s tf)r (!f+f Fl{I\o I\t 5 I Nc[6: 1. Nordnal Lonor Lewl of Detecdon (LLD) ae decolbat ln TaUe E - 'l 2. Mean and Raqe bated upott ddcct&lo mcasrr*rten0! orily. Fnc'tlon of deiectable measrrsmenb at spedffed ldca0on le Indlcat*d In parenltrese (F).3. Blarlk3 lntt{s column lndlcate no nonrcuilho msarurgmentr Name of Facility: WAfiS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Type and Lorcr Llmit lndicator Locations Total Number of Detecllon Mean (F)9f Lnalysis (LLD) Range Perfoqned See Note.i See Note Z GAMMA SCAhr (GELl) - 2 Tennasee Valley Authority MDIOACTIVITY IN GREEN BEANS PCl,Kg = 0.fi17 BCKg WETWEIGHT) Location with Highest Annual Mean Docket Number Reporting Paiod: 50-390,391 2013 Cmtnol Locatiom Mean (F)Range See Note 2 5.72E+$ (1 11t.5.72E+01 - 5.72E+01 4.18E+03 (1 / 1)4,18E+03 - 4.18E+03 1 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Ngte-3 gl-211 K-,{0 P*214 4.fl)E+01 2.5OE+42&mE+01 6.38E+01 (1 / 1)6,38E+01 - 6.38E+01 1.86E+03 (1 I 1, 1.86E+03 1.88E+03 1 VALUES < LLD Location Descriptbn wlttr Distance and Qiqction 2.5 MILES NE 2.5 MILES NE 2.5 MILES NE Mean (F)Range See Note 2 6.38E+01 (1 t 1)8.38E+01 - 6.38E+01 1.86E+03 (1 ' 1)1.86E+03 1.86E+03 1 VALUES < LLD H E d)J o trl Ft{I ld o a{(, t Ndes: t. Nomlnal LorBr l.*rd of Dd*dlon GfD) as d*scrsed kr Table E - I 2. Moan 8IIl Range bas*d t.tpoo ddeds& messuqnenE orily. Frsctlon of detedable moas.rsnenb d $edfod tocdm b lndicated ln parent :ses CI.3. Blanks ln thb cohmn lndlcdo no nmrcurtne mo8suentcnb Name of Facility: WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PIANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Tenneesee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY ]N POTATOES PCitKg = 0.(87 BdKg WTWEI.HT)Location vutth Highet Annual Mean. Docket Number 5G390,391 Reporting Period: 2013 Type and Total Number of Analysis Performed GAMMA SCAI{ (GELD - 2 Bt-211 K-,00 P*2'.12 P*214 Louer Llmit of Detedion (LLD)See Note t 4.00E+01 2.50E+A2 4.00E+01 8.00E+01 lndicator Locatons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.55E+02 (1 t 1l 1.55E+02 1.55E+02 3.76E+03 (1 / 1)3.76E+03 3.76E+(B 1 VALUES < LLD 1.58E+02 (1 I 1, 1.58E+02 - 1.58E+02 Location tlescriptlon with Qst?nce and Direction WBNP 4 MILES NiIW WtsNP 4 ttflLES NiIW WBNP. 4 MILES Ni.IW WBNP 4 MILES Ni.IW Mean (Q Range$pe }lgte 2 1.55E+02 (1 t 1'1.55E+02 1.55E+02 3.76E+03 (1 / 1)3.76E+03 - 3.76E+03 1 VALUES < LLD 1.58E+02 (1 I 1)1.58E+02 1.58E+02 Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1,36E+02 (1 I 1'1.36E+02 - 1.36E+02 3.8[E+03 (1 I 1'3.64E+03 - 3.O4E+03 1 VALUES < LLD 1.4E+02 (1 11l 1.4d,E+O2 II/,E+OZ Number of Nonroutine Reported Measuqments Seg l'lote 3-l s, ,Ct l-.o H r{!td rd t{ch t Ndes: l. irlordnal Lorrr Lad of frdedlon GfD) a! &scrfted h TaUe E - I 2 Mean and Range bmed qon dc[edaDb measurqltonts only. Fraclion of dctedabh measuEm*nb a[ specm*d bca0on b [ldlffi ln parBnuies*s (D.3. Bark h lhb co&rnn indlcate no noffu.nllne mealuuncf{g Name of Facility: WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI-ANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Type and Lorer urnlt lndtcator Locauons Total Number of tletecflon Mean (F)gf {nalysls (tID) Range Pdg.nned See Note 1 See Note 2 cAirMA SCAr.l (cELl) - 2 Ten nessee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY IN TOMATOES PCirKg = 0.037 BdKg WET WEIGI-'r)Locatlon wlth Highest Annual Mean Docket Number: 5&300,391 ReporlirU Pedod: 2A13 Bl-211 K-,{0 PB-214 TL-209 4.00E+01 2.WE+Oz 8.00E+01 3.00E+01 1.22E+A2 $ t 1'1.2E+O2 1.22E+O2 1.84E+03 (1 I 1l 1.84E+03 - 1.84E+03 l.VALUES < LLD 1 VALUES < LLD Location Description with Distane and Diregli.og


NE 2.5 MILES NE 2.5 MILES NE 2.5 MILES NE Mean (F)Range See Note 2.1.nE+A2 ( t1l 1.22E+O2 1.72E+O2 1.84E+03 (1 t 1l 1.8{E+03 - 1.&4E+03 1 VALUES < LLD 1 VALUES < LLD Conbd Locatlons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 4.72E+o1 (1 t 1)4.72E+A1 - 4.72E+51.1.87E+03 (1 / 1)1.87E+03 1.97E+03 1 VALUES < LLD 1 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Note 3 H A)ct t-(!f+{lr{!lJ hJ t{{I No(*: '1. Nodnal Lorwr leid d Detedion (tfD) ac deecrlbed Lr TaUe E - 1 2. ir*m and Raqe based ryon detectab]a m*asufilents ody. Fraotiqr of debclabb rEasutrnenb at spsdfid locaton ts lndlcded ltl par*ftfEsGs (F).3. Blanks h tffc column lrdlcatc no noiloudnc mcalurGmeri! Tennessee Valley Authority RADIOACTIVITY lN SURFACE WATER Ootal)pCirl = 0.037 Bq/L Name of Facili$: WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PIANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Type and Loter Umit Indicator Locations Total Number of Deflection Mean (F)of Analyrb (LLD) Range Performed See Note 1 See Note 2 Location with Higtrest Annual Mean Mean (F)Location Description with Range Dlstance qn{ Pirectlon See Note 2 Doclct Number: 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2013 contrd Locations ilffifJ Mean (F) RePorted Range Measurements See Note 2 See Note 3 GROSS BETA .39 GAMMA SCAr.r (GELI) - 39 AC-228 Bt-214 cs-l37 t{ K-40 6 I P*212 PB-214 TL-208 TRITIUM .39 1.S)E+00 3.60E+(X) (19 / 2E) TRM 523.1 1.96E+00 1.11E+01 2.00E+01 2.19E+01 (1 lffi) TRM 517.9 2.19E+01 - 2.19E+Ol 2.00E+01 4.46E+01 (14 126l TRM 523.1 2.16E+01 - 1.32E+A2 5.(DE+00 8.42E+00 (2 t fi) TRM 523.1 7.08E+00 9.76E+00 2A VALUES < LLD TRM 523.1 1.50E+01 3.49E+01 (1 I Xil TRM 523.1 3.49E+01 - 3.49E+01 5.60E+01 (6 126l TRM 523.1 2.58E+0t - 1.26E+02 1.00E+0t 1.08E+01 g t re) TRM 523.1 1.08E{O1 - 1.08E+01 2.74E+t2 2.7#+t2 ( I m' TRM 517.9 2.79Eloi2 2.79E+@4.63E+00 (8 / 13)2.73E+00 (1O / 13)1.96E+00 - 1.11E+01 1.95E+00 3.36E+00 2.19E+01 (1 ,13)Z.32E+O1 (1 t13'2.19E+01 - 2.19E+01 2.32E+01 2.32E+O1 5.56E+01 (8 / 13)2.76E{01 (6 / 13)2.16E+01 1.32E+02 2.2AE+O1 - 3.16E+0I 8.42E+00 (2 t 13',)7.08E+00 - 9.76E+00 13 VALUES < LLD 3.49E+01 (1 ' 13)13 VALUES < LLD.I3 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD rl s d lJ (D F. t*{I lJ t})3.49E+01 - 3.49E+01 8.34E+01 (3 / 13)2.49E+Ol (3 113')2.92E+O1 1"26E+02 2.23E+U 2.66E+01 1.08E+01 (1 t 13)1.08E+01 1.@E+01 2.79E+02 (1 ' 13)2.79E+O2 2.79E+O2 Notos: l. Nordnd Lovuor l.errd of tbtecdon (LtD) ar dcrcrted ln Table E - I 2. liloan and Raqp bascd upon dcilecfaue rrasuemerB mly. Fracfm of debdabl* nreasuernenb af spccmd bcatm b indlcabd ln parenttraee (Q.3. Eanks in thb column lndbate no nsf,olrnthe measu*monts Name of Facility: Location of Facility: Type and Total Number of Analysis Pgrformed GROSS BETA - 39 Ten nessee Valley Authonty RADIOACTIVITY lN PUBLIC (DRINKlNG) WATER (Torat)pCUL = 0.037 Bq/L Location with Highest Annual Mean Docl<etNumber: 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2013 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PIAhIT RHEA, TENNESSEE Lorer Limit of Detection (LLD)Qge Note 1 1.90E+00 2.00E+01 2.00E+0t 1.00E+02 8.00E+02 1.508+01 2.00E+Ot 1.00E+01 2.7OE;+A lndicator Locatlons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.80E+00 (18 / 26)1.91E+00 - 4.16E+00 26 VALUES < LLD 3.40E+0t (15 / 26)2.12E+01 5.69E+0t 26 VALUES < LLD 26 VALUES < LLD 1.58E+O1 (1 t 8l 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 3.23E+0t (12 t 261 2.14E+01 - 5.03E+01 26 VALUES < LLD 3.37E+02 (2 t Ul 2.96E+02 3.77E+A2 Location Description with DislarceSqrl. Pi recti g n CF INDUSTRIES TRM 473.0 RM.2 DAYTON TN 17.8 MILES NNE CF INDUSTRIES TRM 473.0 RM-2 DAYTON TN 17.8 MILES NNE RM.2 DAYTON TN 17.8 MILES NNE CF INDUSTRIES TRM 473.0 CF INDUSTRIEi TRM 473.0 CF INDUSTRIES TRM 473.0 RM-2 DAYTON TN 17.8 MILES NNE Mean (F)Range See Note 2 3.10E+00 (6, 13)2.00E+00 - 4.16E+00 13 VALUES < LLD 3.61E+01 (8 / 13)2.1SE+OI 5.69E+01 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 1.58E+01 (1 ,13)1.58E+01 - 1.58E+01 3.54E+01 (6 t 131 2.43E+01 5.03E+01 13 VALUES < LLD 3.77E+Oz (1 t ln 3.778+A2 3.77E+Oz Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Note ?2.73E+00 (10 / 13)1.95E+00 3.36E+fi)2.32E+01 (1 t 13'2.32f.+01 2.32E+A1 2.76E+01 (6 / 13)2.2AE+O1 3.16E+01 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 2.49E+01 (3 I 13)2.23E+O1 2.66E+01 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported. Measurernents See.l)lote 3 H p d t-o t+{*{I irl s 3{\o I GAtrlMA SGAN (eELl) - 39 AG?2;B Bt-214 K40 PA-2UM. P*212 P*214 TL-208 TRITIUM - 47 Notes: 1.2.3.t{dnlnal LoErL*lrd of D.trc0on (LtD) as d*sqlbod trl Tails E - l llcT and Rangc ba$d upon ddtciable nrarurunnrte ody. Fracllon of dctedebb rtealtrrcmcntr d spoctncd bcathn 18 lndlcatcd ln pallnttEs*s CI.Eardq h lhls colunn lndlcde m nquorn0ne m6rrlmcnts Name of Facility: Location of Facility: Type and Total Number of Analysis Performed GROSS BETA - 91 GAMMA SCAN (GELI)AC-22A Bt-212 Bt-214 cs-137 K-[0 P*212 P*214 TL-208 TRITIUM - 91 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI3NT RHEA TENNESSEE Louer Limit of Detec{ion (LLD)See Note 1 1.90E+fi)2.00E+01 5.00E+01 2.@E+01 5.00E+00 1.00E+02 1.50E+01 2.00E+01 1.00E+01 2.74E+CtZ Tennessee Valley Authorfi RADIOACTIVITY lN WELL (GROUND) WATER OotaD pCi/L = 0.037 Bq/L Location with Highest Annual Mean lndicator Locatlons Mean (F)Rar*e See Note 2 3.14E+fi) (57 ' 60 1.96E+00 6.47E+00 2.50E+01 (4 r 65)2.O2E+O1 - 3.08E+01 65 VALUES < LLD 3.81E+01 (53 / 65)2.01E+01 1.77Efi2 65 VALUES < LLD 65 VALUES < LLD 1.77E+AI (3 / 65)1.t{E+01 - 2.15E+01 3.83E+0t (40 / 60 2.01E+01 - 1.78E+02 1.05E+01 (1 ' 65)1.05E+01 1.05E+01 8.11E+02 (3{ ' 60 3.13E+02 1.51E+03 Location Description with Qi_qtance and Direction WBN WELL #1 0.6 MILES S WtsN WELL #1 0.6 MILES S WBN [,lVV-F o.30 MlLES SE)WBN lulw-A 0.58 MlLES SSE)wBN [n r-c 0.25 MILES ESE)WBN ItlW-F o.30 MlLES SE)\A'BN WELL #1 0.6 MILES S I IBN lufw-A 0.58 MILES SSE)IA'BN TA'ELL *1 0.6 MILES S wtsN in r-B 0.45 MlLES SSE)Mean (F)Range See Note 2 3.33E+00 (13, 13)1.968+00 - 5.71E+00 3.08E+01 (1 ,13)3.08E+01 - 3.08E+01 13 VALUES < LLD 5.66E+01 (11 / 13)2.49E+01 - 1.77E+O2 13 VALUES < LLD 13 VALUES < LLD 2.15E+01 (1 / 13)2.15E+Ot 2.15E+01 5.20E+01 (11 t 131 2.33E+01 - 1.78E+A2 1.05E+01 (1 / 13)1.05E+01 - 1.05E+01 1.18E+03 (13 / 13)9.25E+02 - 1.51E+03 Docket Numbel: Reporting Period: 50-3S),391 2013 Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.50E+00 (8 / 26)2.11E{O0 3.57E+00 3.75E+01 (3 t 2g)2.7#+A1 - 5.71E+01 26 VALUES < LLD 1.018+02 (22 I 26.1 2.24E+A1 - 3.40E+02 26 VALUES < LLD 26 VALUES < LLD 1.71E+01 (2 I 26)1.56E+01 - 1.86E+01 (21 l%')2.11E+01 3.24E+O2 26 VALUES < LLD 26 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutlne Reported Measurernents Sce Note 3-91-ilE cr!-(?t+l)Ir I trJ lJr I oo o t Notos: 1. Nomflnd lffi *l of Detecihn GfD) as d*scrbed ln TaDle E . 1 Z Mcsn and Range baed upot ddedabb rparurrnedr orily. Fndlon ddetedable meannemenB at specmed bcadm b lndlcaled ln paronfiesa (D.3. Bankr h ttds colunn lndlcdc no nqiloudno measrrBmonls Name of Fadlity: Locatlon of Fadlity Type ard Total Number of Analysis Pgrfo_rne4 GAMMA SCAI{ (GELD 9,1-214 cs-l37 K-,{0 PB-212 PB-214 Tennessee Val ley Authonty RADIOACTIVIW IN COMMERCIAL FISH pci/g = 0.037 B{g (DRY WEIGHT)Location with Hlghest Annual Mean 5&390,391 2013 Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.29E-01 (2 t 2l 1.16E-01 1.42E.c^1 4.45E-t2 (2 t 2)?.82E42 - 5.09E-02 1.29E+01 (2 t 2')1.11E+01 1.47E+01 2 VALUES < LLD 2 VALUES < LLD WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI.ANT RHEA TENNESSEE Laruer Limit of Detection (LLD)See Note_l-6 1.00E-01 Dod<et Number: Reporting Period: lndicator Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.e3E-01 14 t 4l 1.19E 3.05E-01 4 VALUES < LLD 1.27E+a1 Q I 4, 1.17E+01 - 1.41E+01 5.56E-02 (1 t 4)5.56E-02 5.56E-02 4 VALUES < LLD Location Descfiption with Distance and Direction CHICKAMAUGA RES TRM 471-530 CHICKAMAUGA RES TRM 471-530 CHICKAIUAUGA RES TRM 471-530 CHICKAMAUGA RES TRM 471-530 DOWNSTREA]VI STATION 1 DOWNSTREAM Mean (D Range See Note 2 2.59E-01 (2 t 2)2.13E 3.05E-01 2 VALUES < LLD 1.31E+01 (2 t 2l 1.22E+Ol - 1.41E+01 5.56E{2 (1 t 2)5.56E 5.56E-02 2 VALUES < LLD Number of. Nonrqltine Reported Measurements See Note 3 3.00E-02 4.00E-01 4.00E-m 5.00E-01 I 6.lrl I H s d)-a (D h{lJ(t lr c,\Noteg: 1. Nominal Lourer Level of Detection (LLD) aa describe<l in Tabte 2. Mean arud Range based upon d*flectable measurcments only.3. Blanks In this colurnn indi,cate no nonrounline meagurements E-1 Fraciion of detedable mea8urements at specified location is irdicated ln parentheses (F). Name of Facility: WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT Location of Facility: RHEA TENNESSEE Tennessee Valley Authortty RADIOACTMTY IN GAIiE FISH PCirg = 0.037 Bdg (DRY Vt ElGfff)Location wtth Highest Annual Mean Type and Total Number of Analysis Performed GAMMA SCA[{ (GELI) - 6 Ba-214 c$I37 K-,00 PB-212 Pg-214 TL-208 Louer Limit of Detection (LLD)See Note I 1.00E-01 3.00E-02 4.00E-01 4.00E-02 5.00E-01 3.00E-02 lndlcator Locations Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.37E-O1 (4 I 1',!1.73E 2.98E-0r 3.69E-02 (1 t 4l 3.69E-02 3.69E-02 1.19E+01 (4 I 4, 1.10E+Ol 1.33E+01 5.10E-02 (1 t 4',t 5.10E-02 5.10E-02 4 VALUES < LLD 4 VALUES < LLD Locatim D$cripton wtfir Qstgne and Dlrec'tion DOWNSTREAM STATION 1 DOWNSTREATIi. DOWNSTREAIUI STATION 1 DOWNSTREAM DOI/VIISTREAT STATION 1 DOI/UNSTREAM DOWNSTREAM STATION 1 DOWI{STREATTI DOWNSTREAM STATION 1 DOWNSTREATTI DOWNSTREAM STATION 1. DOWNSTREAM Mean (F)Range See Note 2 2.38E-01 (2 t 2l 2.42E-01 2.76E41 3.69E-02 (1 t 2l 3.6ffi 3.69E{2 1.24E+01 (2 t 2)1.15E+01 - 1.3ilE+01 5.10E-02 (1 t 2l 5.10E-02 5.10E{2 2 VALUES < LLD 2 VALUES < LLD Docket Number: Reporting Period: 50-390,391 2013 Gontrol Locations Mean (F)Rarpe Sce Note 2 2.52E-A1 e /,z',)1.95E 3.10E{1 2 VALUES < LLD 1.24E+O1 (2 I 2l 1.13E+01 1.34E+01 4.60E-02 (1 t 2)4.@E-U2 4.60E{2 2 VALUES < LLD 2 VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurernents See Note 3 H s, t:r tr tD h{rJr I lr.-{I'6 t\)I Ndos: 1. Norilnal Lou6r l..errd of D*t*cilon (UD) as d*scrlbql ln TaUe E - 1 2. iilean and Raqe basd upon dctcciabb mcaurfiientu ody. Fracffon of debdabb mGalur*mcnb at specmed bcdon b lndlcaied ln parenttser (D.3. Blanb fr ffis colunn lndlcde no noffounthe flressuemerils Name of Faciltty Location of Facility: Type aml Total Number of Analysis Performed GAMMA SCAi.t (cELt)AC-228 BE-7 Bt-212 Bt-214 c9137 K-,*0 PA-234M PV212 PB-214 RA-220 TL-208-4 Tenneseee Valley Authority RAD]OACTIVITY IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT pCl/g = 0.037 Bq/g (DRY WEIGHT)Locatlon r,r,ith Hlghest Annual Mean Docket Number: 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2A13 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PI.ANT RHEA, TENNESSEE Louer Umit of Detection (LLD)See Note 1 2.50E-01 2.50E-0't 4.50E-01 1.50E-01 3.00E-02 7.50E-01 4.00E+00 1.00E-01 1.50E-01 1.50E-01 6.00E-o2 lndlcator Locatlons Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.28E+fi) (2121 1.26E+00 1 .298+00 3.84E-01 (1 t2l 3.64E-01 3.64E-01 1.39E+00 (2 t 2t 1.28E{O0 1.47E+OO 7.38E-01 (2 t 2l 5.55E{1 - 9.21E-01 4.78E42 (2 t2)3.91E 5,6ttE-92 2.13E+0t (21 2l 1.57E+01 - 2.70E+A1 2 VALUES < LLD 1.26E+00 (2 t 2)1.21E+(xl 1.31E+@7.80E{1 12 t2l 5.69E g.g2E-01 9.21E-01 (1 t 2l 9.21E{1 s.21E-01 4.10E-01 (2 t 2)4.08E{1 - 4.12E41 Location Desoiption with Distance and Direction COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRlr/l 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 COTTON PORT MARINA TRM 513 Mean (F)Range See Note 2 1.28E+00 (2 t 2)1.268+00 1.29E+00 3.64E{1 (1 t 2'3.64E-01 3.64E-01 1.38E+00 (2 I 2, 1.28E+00 1.47E+OO 7.38E-01 (2 t 2)5.55E-01 -', 9.21E-01 4.78E.{/2 (2 t2)3.91E 5.65E-02 2.13E+0t (212)1.57E+01 - 2.7OE+AI VALUES < LLD 1.26E+00 (2 t 2'1.21E+00 - 1.31E+00 7.80E-01 (2 t 2)5.69E 9,92E-01 9.21E-01 (1 t 2)9.21E{1 921E-01 4.10E-01 (2 t2)4.08E{ll - 4.12E41 Control Locations Mean (Q Range See Note 2 4.64E-01 (2 t 2l 3.23E 6.05E-01 5.70E+00 (1 t 2l 5.70E+00 5.70E+00 5.80E-01 (1 t 2'5.80E 5.80E-01 4.07E-01 (2 t 2'3,39E 4.75E-01 s.0eE-02 (1 t 2t 5.09E-02 5.09E-02 4.56E+q! e t 2l 3.78E+@ - 5.33E+OO 2 VALUES < LLD 4.6.3E-01 (2 t 2l 3.19E 6.07E-01 4.74E-01 (2 t 2l 3.60E 5.89E{1 3.3eE-01 (1 t 2)3.39E 3.39E-01 1.59E-01 (2 t 2l 1.UE 2.15E-01 Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See Note 3 I 6 t, t H p i'FJ t!l+{t+{!u*Noba: 1. Norninal Lffi t-erd of Dolecdon GfD) as d*lcribod ln TaUe E - 1 2 Mean and Rsnge bes*d upon deteciable measul*fitent3 orty. Fradlm of d*lsdable nreasurements at spedfed locatm ls hdlcabd ln parcntlees (F).3. Blails h trb coltrnn lndtcate no noilqmdne mea$remeil3 Name of Facility WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT Location of Facility: RHEA, TENNESSEE Type and Loer Limit lndicator Locations Total Number of Detection iilean (F)of Analysls (LLD) Ftange Perfomed See Note 1 Qqe Note 2 , GAMMA SCAN (GELI) - 5 Tennessee Valley Authorlty MDIOACT]VITY IN POND SEDIMENT pCl/g = 0.037 Bq/g (DRY WEIGHT)Location with Hlghest Annual Mean DocketNumber: 50-390,391 Reporting Period: 2A13 H p d t-t?lil*{I rra\o ,@s I Ae-z.B BE.7 Bl-212 Bl-214 co*0 cs-l37 K.f,0 PB-212 PB-214 sB-l25 TL-209 2.50E-01 2.50E-01 4.50E{1 1.50E-01 3.00E-02 3.O0E-02 7.50E-01 1.00E-01 1.50E-01-1.00E+q)5.00E-02 7.27E41 (5 / 5)5.37E 8.91E-01 6.11E-01 (4 / 5)2.86E 9.99E-01 8.79E-01 (5 / 5)5.89E 1.07E+@6.61E{1 (5 ' s)5.39E 7.8/iE41 5.42E-42 (4 / s)s.01E{/2 7.81E{l2 7.25E.02. (4 / 5)4.09E-02 8.65E42 9.42E+00 (5 / 5)6.11E+00 - 1.28Et01 7.45E-01 (5 / 5)5.52E 9.30E-01 6.8eE{1 (5 / 5)5.40E g.06E4I 5.48E-02 (2 t 5)4.78E42 6.17E42 2.47E41 (5 / 5)1.74E41 - 2.ggE-01 Location Description with Distance an4,Pirecfion YP.l3 YARD POND YP.l7 YARD POND YP*YARD POND YP.5 YARD POND YP-17 YARD POND YP.l3 YARD POND YP*YARD POND YP.l3 YARD POND YP.l3 YARD POND YP.17 YARD POND YP.13 YARD POND Mean (F)Range See Note 2 8.81E-01 (1 I 1'8.81E-Ol 8.81E-01 e.eeE-0l (1 / 1)9.99E 9.99E-01 1.07E+00 (1 t 1'1.07E+00 - 1.07E+OO 7.84E-01 (1 / 1)7.84E 7.&{E-Ot 7.81E-02 (1 t 1'7.81E-02 7 .E1E-02 E.65E-02 (1 t 1)8.65E-02 8.65E-02 1.29E+01 (1 I l'1.28E+01 - 1.28E+01 9.30E{1 (1 / 1)9.30E 9.30E-01 E.06E{1 (1 t 1'8.06E-Ol - 9.06E-01 6.17E42 (1 / 1)6.17E-02 6.17E-42 2.89E-01 (t t 1l 2.89E{1 - 2.89E{1 Control Locations Mean (F)Range See Noto 2 VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD VALUES < LLD Number of Nonroutine Reported Measurements See NoJe-.3 1, Nominal Louer Level of Detedion (LLD) as deecrbed in E - 1 2. }lean and Range based upon detedable measurements only.3. Blanks in this column indlcate no nonrountine meesurernents Fraction of detectable measurements at specifted location is indicated in parentheses (F).Notes: Figrrre H-l Direct Radiation Direct Radiation Leuels Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Four Quarter Moving Average 25 b2a t o 3 ct E L*1s t.E tD-\E E10 h I lrr.Ar, lnifirl WBNP lnUght Dosimeter tleployment Januaru ^ 2007 operation in January, 1996 I r,-Y E/rcr I l I t t I I I I Itt-t-On-Site -+ 'off-Site I I I I t I I I t I I I t97S 19t0 198s 1990 199s 2m0 200s 2010 201s Catendar Year Dosimeters are processcd quartedy. This chart shows tends in the average mcasurement for all dosimaers grouped as non-siteo or noff-siten. The data fiom preoperational phase, prior to 1996, showthe same tend of non-siten measurements higher than noff-site" measuremeirts tbd is observed in current data indicating tbatthc slightly higher *on-site" directradiaion levels are not relafied to plant operations. Figure H-2 Radioactivity in Air Filters As can be seen in thc tend plot of gross beta activity, tbe goss beta levels in air particulates have remained relatively constant with the excqfiion of years when thi beta activity was elenatedduetoftlloutfromnuclearweaponstestitrg. Tbedaaalsoshowsthatthereisno ditrerencc in the levels for smpling conducted atthe indicator stations as compared to the conhol stations. The Watts Bar monitoring prcgram was suspended for one year in 1989. The pmeoperational monitoring was restarted in 1990.Annual Average Gross Beta Activity in Air Filters Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 0.15 (n 0.10 E\-C'c t= o.os t lnitial Openation of IrlrBNP in January, 1996 L97s 1980 1985 $!n $95 20@ 2005 2010 Zr15 0.00 Calendar Year--+ lndlcator +FControl- 86' Figrre H-3 Cs-137 in Soil Cesium-I37 lus produced by past nuclear weaporur testing and is present in almost sv*f,y envircnmental soil sample orposcdto the atuosphere. The nconfiolo and oindicator' locations have generally trended domward with year-to-year variation, since the beginning ofthe WatE Barmonitoring Fogram.Annual Avemge Activity of Cs-I37 in Soil Watts Bar Nuclear Plant.A e!Y!0\-(, c I.F-I t 1.0 0,9 0.8 4.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 o.2 0.1 0.0 lnitial WBN Operation in January, 1996 1975 1985 1995 2000 Galendar Year 2010 201s-# lndicator ++-Control ' Figrrre H4 Gross Beta Activity in Srrface Water As shown in the gnpb the gross beta activity has been essentially the same in samples fiom the dormstream and upteam'locations. The average gross beb activity in these samples has been representative of the levels measurcd during prcoperational monitoring Annual Average Gross Beta Activity in Surface Water Watts Bar Nuclear Plant lnitialWBN Operation in January, 19go-r3-t-u B t E2 ,-t 1 197s 1980 1985 1990 1995 2q'0 2(x)5 2010 2015 Calcndar Ycar--& I ndlcator (Downstream) +F Control (Upstream) Annual Avenage Grcee Beta Ac'tlvlty ln Drlnklng Water Wattg Bar Nuclear Plant J\3 ii B a b E2--o I 1975 19S0 'l98tt 1990 1S5 20(x' 2005 ?o10 2015 CehnderYcer + Downsfr*am (lndicator) --s- Upetseam (Contol)Figrre H-5 Gross Beta Activity in Drinking Water The average gross beta a,ctivity in &inking $,atcr samples from the upsheam contol locatioas has bceo esseutiallythe same asthe activity level measured in samples fromthe dormsheam indicator locations. The annual average gross beta activity bas be*o relatively co.nstant since the start of plant opcrations in 1996 md is stightly lower than preoperational levels. Annual Average Activity of Cs-137 in Commerical Flsh a-'a E Y o!-\ar-(J c t U-a: t 0.30 0.25 a.2a 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 1975 1985 1990 1995 2000 Calendar Year+ lndicator -{FControl Watts Bar Nuclear Plant lnitialWBN Operation in January, 1996 Figure H-6 Radioactivity in Fish The concenfrtions of Cs-137 found in fish arc consistent with levels prcsent in the Tennessee River due to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and operation of otber nuclear faoilities in the uppcr reaches of the Temnessee River Wat*rsh*d. Annual Avemge Astivityof G-I37 in Game Fish 0.30 o.25 0.20 a-L E-!!\r ar L'B I+.E-G 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 1975 1990 1995 2000 Calendar Year 2010 2015*- lndicator +FControl Figrue H-7 Radioactivity in Shoreline Sediment The Cs-137 present in the shorcline sediments of the Tennessee River system was profuced both by testing of nuclear weapons and operation of other nuclear facilities in the upper reaches of the Tennessee River Watershed. The amormts of Cs-137 bave declined significantly duing the course of monitoring forthe Watts Bar site, so much so thatnot all samples contain detectable levels.Annual Averate Astivity of Cs-!37 in Shoretine Sedirnent Watts Bar Nuclear Plant ,-L E Y t0\,-TJ B I a.-)-E 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 o.2 0.1 0 1975 1990 199s 2000 Calendar Year--F lndicator -*FControl lnitialWBN Openation in January, 1996-91 -}}