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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000282/201001024 June 2010Notice of Public Meeting with Northern States Power Company to Discuss the Significance Associated with an Apparent Violation as Discussed in Inspection Report 05000282-10-010 & 05000306-10-010
IR 05000282/201101023 June 2011Notice of Meeting with Prairie Island Units 1 & 2 to Discuss Inspection Reports 05000282/2011010 & 05000306/2011010
ML0200905539 January 200201/16-17/2002 Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC to Discuss Analyses of Pressurized Thermal Shock Being Performed by Isl, Acting as Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Contractor
ML0203802647 February 2002Meeting with the Nuclear Management Company Regarding Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Technical Specification Conversion Program
ML0206000151 March 200203/11-15/2002 - Meeting with Nuclear Management Company Regarding Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Technical Specification Conversion Program
ML0206400867 March 2002Forthcoming Meeting with Nuclear Management Company Steam Generator Replacement Program at the Prairie Island, Unit 1
ML02071048811 March 2002Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting - Duane Arnold Energy Center to Present to the Licensee the Results of Nrc'S End-of-Cycle Assessment
ML02072000911 March 200204/25-26/2002 Meeting Announcement Re 2002 Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Training Managers' Conference
ML02072011011 March 2002Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting with Monticello, Mn, to Present Licensee Results of Nrc'S End-of-Cycle Assessment
ML02072037112 March 2002Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting with Prairie Island Re Results of the Nrc'S Annual Assessment of the Performance of Plant
ML02081021121 March 2002Public Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant
ML02081024021 March 2002Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Re Results of Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Performance of Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML02081026421 March 2002Public Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant
ML02081028221 March 2002Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting - 10:00 A.M. (CST)
ML02081032622 March 20021:30 P.M. (Edt) Palisades Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting -
ML02084065829 March 2002Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) Regarding the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
ML02084069429 March 2002Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) Regarding Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Technical Specification Conversion Program
ML0209406464 April 2002Notice of Significant Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC (4/18/02) to Discuss the Current Status and Issues for the Six NMC Plants
ML0209407654 April 2002Public Meeting to Discuss the Current Status and Issues for the Six Plants in the Nuclear Management Company
ML02109017018 April 2002Public Mtg Point Beach to Discuss Preliminary Red Finding Concerning the Potential Common Mode Failure of Auxiliary Feedwater
ML0212601756 May 2002May 14-16, 2002; Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company Prairie Island Technical Specification Conversion Program
ML0215101354 June 2002Forthcoming Meeting with Nuclear Management Co., LLC, Regarding Prairie Island TS Conversion Program
ML02164074413 June 2002Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Co Re Finding Involving the Licensee Staff'S Critique of Its Performance During the Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise Conduced 02/12/02Significance Determination Process
ML02197039016 July 2002Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Co. to Discuss Palisades Excellence Plan & General Activities Occurring at Plant
ML02198016616 July 2002Notice of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Corp, LLC to Discuss Palisades Excellence Plan & General Licensee Activities
ML02210051729 July 2002Revised Meeting Notice for Predecisional Enforcement Conference to Discuss Apparent Violations of the NRC Requirement to Provide Complete and Accurate Information Related to the 4/13/01, Request for a NOED for the D6 Emergency Diesel GeneraEnforcement Discretion
ML02211039230 July 2002Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company to Discuss the Future Power Uprate Submittals at Kewaunee Nuclear Power PlantPower Uprate
ML02254061011 September 2002Prairie Island, Continuation of Predecisional Enforcement ConferenceEnforcement Discretion
ML02288018111 October 2002Public Meeting (2:00 P.M.) to Discuss the Palisades Excellence Plan and General Activities Occurring at the Palisades Nuclear Plant
ML02288024911 October 2002Public Meeting Notice - to Discuss the Palisades Excellence Plan and General Licensee Activities
ML03010016410 January 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company Re Palisades Plant Request for Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program
ML03016014321 January 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Re Selective Scope Application of an Alternative Source Term for Point Beach Nuclear PlantControl Room Habitability
ML03023011110 January 2003Cancellation of a Notice of Meeting for 1/23/2003, Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Re Request for Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Program for the Palisades Plant
ML03044027114 February 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Co., LLC Steam Generator Replacement Project at Prairie Island, Unit 1
ML0307104687 March 2003Duane Arnold Notice of Meeting - EOC- 2003
ML03071076411 March 2003Notice of Significant License Meeting with Nuclear Management Co Re Monticello End-of-Cycle Assessment
ML03073051214 March 2003Public Meeting to Discuss Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML03073053114 March 2003Notice of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Co, LLC Re Results of NRC End-of-Cycle Assessment (5:00 P.M. CST)
ML03083029521 March 2003Point Beach Nuclear Plant END-OF-CYCLE Meeting
ML03083031521 March 2003Significant License Meeting with Nuclear Management Co., LLC Results of End of Cycle Assessment
ML03084009021 March 2003Meeting with Nuclear Management Co., Llc. to Present Results of NRC End-of-Cycle Assessment of Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Station
ML03084020918 March 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC to Discuss Palisades End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML03084023718 March 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC to Discuss Palisades End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML03133032813 May 2003Notice of Open Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC to Obtain Licensee'S Perspective on Significance of Preliminary Red Inspection Finding
ML03133068314 May 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC License Amendment Request Dated March 25, 2003, for Transition of Safety Analyses at Prairie Island
ML03135056914 May 2003Notice of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to Discuss Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Activities at Kewaunee/Point Beach
ML03163112612 June 2003Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC for Licensee to Describe the Process Used and the Results of Its self-assessment of the Operation, Procedures, and Processes of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Preparation for the Nrc
ML03163115212 June 2003Notice (Letter) of Public Meeting to Discuss the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Self-Assessment in Preparation for NRC Inspection Procedure 95003
ML03175050424 June 2003Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Co., LLC, Prairie Island Re Discuss Unit 1 Steam Generator Replacement Activities
ML03175061024 June 2003Closed Meeting EA-03-105 with Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, to Discuss an Apparent Violation of NRC FFD Requirements Regarding a Failure to Take Action Regarding Detection of Alcohol on a Plant EmployeeFitness for Duty