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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000608/201900130 January 2020Shine Medical Technologies, LLC, NRC Inspection Reports 05000608/2019001Commercial Grade Dedication
IR 05000608/20210013 May 2021Shine Medical Technologies, LLC NRC Inspection Report 05000608/2021001Non-Destructive Examination
Commercial Grade Dedication
ML12095055219 September 2013Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Assignment of Facility Project Manager, Docket No. 50-608
ML13134A3851 July 2013Memo Request for List of Federal Protected Species within the Area Under Evaluation for the Shine Medical Technologies Radioisotope Production Facility Environmental ReviewOpen House
ML13135A3041 July 2013Letter Request for Scoping Comments on the Shine Medical Technologies Radioisotope Production Facility Environmental ReviewOpen House
License Renewal
ML13135A6351 July 2013Shine Medical Technologies Radioisotope Production Facility Application ReviewLicense Renewal
ML13136A0141 July 2013Request for Scoping Comments Concerning the Shine Medical Technologies Radioisotope Production Facility Application ReviewLicense Renewal
ML13150A28025 June 2013Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Cover Letter for Notice of Acceptance for Docketing of Part One of an Application for a Construction Permit Under 10 CFR Part 50
ML13157A35524 June 2013Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Cover Letter for Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Conduct Scoping Process for the Proposed Construction and Operation of the Shine Radioisotope Production FacilityLicense Renewal
ML13168A5623 July 2013Environmental Site Audit Regarding Sine Medical Inc. Proposed Radioisotope Production FacilityLicense Renewal
Exclusive Use
ML13172A36131 May 2013Part Two of the Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction PermitAffidavit
ML13231A04111 September 2013Requests for Additional Information ShineLicense Renewal
Exclusive Use
ML13269A37825 September 2013Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Submittal of Preliminary Emergency Plan
ML13302C0444 October 2013Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Response to Environmental Requests for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML13303A45028 October 2013Submittal of the Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Shine Medical Isotope Production FacilityAffidavit
ML14070A2355 March 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Proposed Facility Design Changes and Impact on the PSAR Request to Withhold Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML14120A4922 May 2014Shine Request for Withholding LetterAffidavit
ML14121A5348 May 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure
ML14135A36015 May 2014Updated General Information for Shine Medical Technologies. Inc
ML14195A15919 September 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Request for Additional Information Regarding Application for Construction PermitSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Anticipated operational occurrence
Temporary Modification
Emergency Lighting
Design basis earthquake
Process Control Program
Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
ML14232A73820 August 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Request for 10CFR 51.95(b) Implementation Guidance
ML14295A3372 December 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Response to Request Regarding 10 CFR 50.95(b)
ML14356A5283 December 2014Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Response to Request for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML15005A4076 January 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Request for Additional Information Regarding Application for Construction Permit
ML15027A06313 January 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Submittal of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
ML15037A2493 March 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., - Proposed Review Schedule, Notice of Hearing, Opportunity to Petition for Leave to Intervene, and Order Imposing Procedures
ML15043A3956 February 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Application for Construction Permit - Response to Request for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML15055A11625 March 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., - Request for Additional Information Regarding Application for Construction PermitSafe Shutdown
Emergency Lighting
Design basis earthquake
ML15062A1112 April 2015Issuance of Environmental Scoping Summary Report Associated with the Staff'S Review of the Application by Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., for a Construction Permit for a Medical Radioisotope Production FacilityLicense Renewal
ML15091A7491 April 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Submittal of NSA-DAC-SHN-13-02, Revision 1
ML15092A40723 March 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Application for Construction Permit, Response to Request for Additional Information 11.1-9Affidavit
ML15099A60715 April 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., - Request for Additional Information Regarding Application for Construction Permit(Tac Nos. MF2305, MF2307, and MF2308)High Radiation Area
ML15105A3358 May 2015Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit of the Proposed Shine Medical Radioisotope Production FacilityOpen House
ML15107A18313 May 2015Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit for the Proposed Shine Medical Radioisotope Production FacilityOpen House
License Renewal
ML15107A40313 May 2015Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit for the Proposed Shine Medical Radioisotope Production FacilityOpen House
License Renewal
ML15107A46513 May 2015Fws Letter for the Availability of the Shine Draft EISLicense Renewal
ML15118A82013 May 2015Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit for the Proposed Shine Medical Radioisotope Production FacilityOpen House
ML15120A24110 April 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Application for Construction Permit, Response to Request for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML15131A4621 May 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit, Response to Request for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML15140A72221 May 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc., Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML15140A72321 May 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. - Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML15140A72421 May 2015Shine Technologies, Inc. - Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML15140A72521 May 2015Shine Technologies, Inc. - Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML15140A72621 May 2015Shine Technologies, Inc. - Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit
ML15140A73121 May 2015Shine Technologies, Inc. - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure
ML15140A73420 May 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit, Response to Request for Additional Information 13a2.2-5
ML15161A34321 May 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Preliminary Safety Analysis Report Revisions Resulting from Request for Additional Information ResponsesAffidavit
ML15175A13116 June 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit Revision to Sections 13b.3 and 19.4 of the Preliminary Safety Analysis ReportAffidavit
ML15183A29019 June 2015Shine Medical Technologies, Inc. Application for Construction Permit - Response to Request for Additional InformationAffidavit
ML15219A16327 August 2015Shine Medical Technologies Inc., Request for Withholding Information from Public DisclosureAffidavit