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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19207B45629 August 1979Petition Objecting to Problems at Plant.Problems Include Poor Const & Qa,Nuclear Waste Storage & Lack of Demonstrated Need for Plant.Requests That CP Be Revoked,Safety Hearings Be Reopened & Congressional Hearings Be Initiated
ML19208D50724 September 1979Petition Calling for Revocation of Facility CP
ML19211A95110 December 1979Appeals for Review of Director'S Decision Under 10CFR2.206. Director Abused Discretionary Power in Denying Requests to Reopen Safety Hearings at Meaningful Point in Licensing Process
ML19254F81620 October 1979Motion in Opposition to NRC Motion for Denial of Audubon Society Request for Hearing on NRC 790815 Order Confirming Suspension of safety-related Const.Economic Injury Is Sufficient Status for Hearing
ML19259C3968 May 1979Transcript of CE Cutshall Statement Re Honeycomb Patches in Cement at Facility,Supporting Save the Valley Motion to Reopen Safety Hearings
ML19259C86212 August 1979Requests Revocation of Cp,Reopening of NRC Safety Hearings & Start of Planned Congressional Hearings
ML19269D5039 April 1979Util Responds in Support of De Minimus Theory Per ALAB-509, as Modified by ALAB-512 & 790305 Order.Recommends Termination of Reservation of Jurisdiction Initiated in ALAB-480 & Continued in ALAB-493.Certificate of Svc EnclFatality
ML19305E5707 May 1980Comments Re Reopening of Facility,Addressing Licensee 800305 Request for Insp of Safety Matls & Licensee Independent Exam of Concrete.Urges Positive Action Re QC Violations & Improperly Placed Concrete
ML19316B15329 April 1980Response to Save the Valley-Save Marble Hill 800423 Motion to Strike & Objections to Util Bill of Costs Re Civil Action 78-1369 on Appeal.Urges Assigning Costs to State of Ky & Intervenor.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
ML19323E49014 May 1980Addl Comments on Intervenor 800507 Pleading Re Resumption of Work.Urges Commission to Consider Encl Affidavits Re Whether IE Should Have Confidence in QC Program & Whether New Madrid Seismic Zone Extension Should Be MadeEarthquake
ML19323E4937 July 1979Affidavit Re Glaring Concrete Workmanship Defects in & Around Containment & Alleged Improper Attitudes of Newberg- Marble Hill Const Co
ML19323E4988 July 1979Affidavit Re Glaring Concrete Workmanship Defects in & Around Containment & Alleged Improper Attitudes of Newberg-Marble Hill Const Co
ML19323E5028 July 1979Affidavit Re Glaring Concrete Workmanship Defects in & Around Containment & Alleged Improper Attitudes of Newberg- Marble Hill Const Co
ML19323E5068 May 1979Deposition Re Water Leaking,Patches & Honeycombs.Pp 2-22
ML19323E51330 September 1979Affidavit Re Us Testing,Facility sub-contractors
ML19323E51722 July 1979Affidavit Re Quality of Concrete PoursAffidavit
ML19343D38214 April 1981Petition & Supporting Memorandum for Review of NRC 810327 Order to Resume Const.No Written Findings or Conclusions Addressing Adequacy of License Investigation & Repairs of Concrete Placement Have Been Provided
ML19345B2598 May 1979Statement of 790508 Appearance in Madison,In Re Const Deficiences.Pp 1-23Affidavit
ML20009B28010 July 1981Addendum to 810414 Petition for Commission Review of NRC 810327 Order to Resume Const at Facility.Independent Engineers Must Defend Determination of 95% Reliability. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20024E0518 August 1983Answer Opposing Indiana Sassafras Audubon Soc 830722 Amended Petition to Intervene.Soc Failed to Particularize Group Interests or Member Interest & Failed to Satisfy Injury in Fact Requirement.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20039B74211 December 1981Commentary on Rc Deyoung 811208 Supplemental Decision Under 10CFR2.206.Hearing Necessary Since IE Action Allowing Resumption of Concrete Placement Violated Commission Criteria for Plant Reopening.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20062M63011 December 1981Commentary on Rc Deyoung 811130 Supplemental Decision. Decision Lacks Candor Re Prior Commentary of Ofc of Policy Evaluation.Nrc Established Procedure Extremely Biased. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20073P98125 April 1983Petition of Save the Valley to Intervene in OL Proceeding, Listing Contentions
ML20073P98719 April 1983Petition of Valley Watch,Inc to Intervene in OL Proceeding, Listing Contentions
ML20073P99116 April 1983Petition of Sassafras Audubon Soc of South Central in to Intervene in OL Proceeding,Listing ContentionsEarthquake
ML20074A45612 May 1983Answer to Indiana Sassafras Audubon Society (Isas) Petition for Leave to Intervene.Isas Fails to Establish Right to Intervene.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20074A48112 May 1983Response W/O Objection to Save the Valley Petition for Leave to Intervene,Provided Applicant May Object to Contentions & Right to Hearing After Petition Suppl Filed. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20074A64812 May 1983Response Opposing Valley Watch,Inc 820427 Petition for Leave to Intervene in Proceeding.Petitioner Fails to Estabish Sufficient Interest in Proceeding to Establish Standing as Matter of Right or Discretion.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20077C84821 July 1983Amend to Petition to Intervene in OL Hearing.Petitioner Makes Requisite Showing That Members Have Standing & Have Authorized Petitioner to Represent Interests.Contentions to Be Litigated Identified.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20077G08226 July 1983Amend to Vally Watch,Inc Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing Re Ol.Affidavits of Members to Establish Standing Encl
ML20078R65310 November 1983Motion for Extension Until 831130 to Respond to Indiana Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch,Inc Amended Petitions to Intervene & Save the Valley Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20081A50121 October 1983Petition of Save the Valley for Leave to Intervene,Listing 15 Contentions Re Integrity of Concrete in safety-related Structures,Electrical Work,Evacuation Plans & Common Mode Failures.Certificate of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20081M55010 November 1983Motion for Extension to 831130 to Respond to Amended Petitions to Intervene & to Complete Technical Analysis of Numerous Contentions.Motion Granted by ASLB on 831114
ML20082K25430 November 1983Response to Save the Valley,Inc 831021 Provisional Contentions.Contention 2 Should Be Deferred & Contentions 1 & 3-15 Should Not Be Admitted.Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20082R6588 December 1983Pp 11 of Response to Sassafras Audubon Soc & Valley Watch, Inc ContentionsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20090F6761 July 1983Notices of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20100G2874 April 1985Motion to Terminate OL Proceeding.Cps Surrendered to NRC by .Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20136B4331 September 1979Request to Suspend & Revoke CP & to Reopen Safety Hearings. Newspaper Articles Encl
ML20140B26531 August 1981Aug 1981 Official Newsletter of Save the Valley
ML20140G07428 March 1986Supplemental Answer Supporting Applicant 850404 Motion to Terminate Proceeding.Rb Samworth Affidavit Encl
ML20140G10527 March 1986Affidavit of RB Samworth Determining No Significant Detrimental Impact on or Offsite Resulting from Termination of Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20147H15319 December 1978Motion by Applicants Psin for Reconsideration of Decision ALAB-509 Is Denied.Aslab Asserts That to Hear All 16 Cases Separately Would Result in an Unworkable Situation
ML20148A24513 October 1978Motion for Aslab to Consolidate Cases Into Single Hearing in Answer to ALAB-480 Re Radon Issue.Evidence Is Generic & Will Apply to All Nuclear Reactors
ML20148C20218 October 1978Licensee Response in Opposition to Ecology Action of Oswego Motion to Consolidate Hearings on Radon Issue.Motion Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20148H42824 October 1978NRC Staff'S Response to Motion to Consolidate Hearings on Radon. Ecology Action,Intervenor in One of the Proc & Representing Intervenors in 4 Other Proc Filed 781003 to Consolidate.Nrc Requests Expeditious Ruling by Appeals Bd
ML20197B2063 October 1978Intervenor Motion to Consolidate Hearings on Radon Issue. Proposes Joint Representation of Intervenors,Applicants & Staff at Aslab Hearings & Compilation of Generic Proposed Findings
ML20198K72930 May 1986Memorandum & Order Directing That Applicants Suppl 850404 Motion to Terminate OL Proceeding within 30 Days of Svc of Order.Nrc May Respond to Applicants Suppl within 15 Days Following Svc of Suppl.Served on 860602
ML20199L0522 July 1986Suppl to Motion Supporting Terminating Proceeding.Argues That Board Has No Jurisdiction Over Surrender of Cps. Surrender of Permits to Director of NRR Should Render OL Proceeding Moot
ML20203E36821 July 1986Response to Board 860530 Memorandum & Order Re Util 850404 Motion to Terminate Proceeding & Util 860702 Suppl to Motion.In Absence of Issuance of Notice of Hearing,Util Motion Should Be Granted
ML20203E41021 July 1986Supplemental Affidavit of RB Samworth Re Termination of Const in Manner Favoring Reduction or Avoidance of Significant Environ Impacts,Per Util Motion for Withdrawal of Application.Certificate of Svc Encl