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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML0131101973 October 2001Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Revision 26 to Procedure 91204-C, Emergency Response Communications.Fitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
ML02114037216 April 2002Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsBoric Acid
Fitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
High Radiation Area
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Met Tower
Temporary Modification
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Fire Protection Program
Grace period
Potassium iodide
ML02133000925 April 2002Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsFitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
High Radiation Area
Severe Accident Management Guideline
ML0217703505 March 2002Revision 39 to EPIP 91002-C, Emergency Notifications
ML02248043612 August 2002Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsMet Tower
Potassium iodide
ML03023068414 January 2003Revision 19.2 to Procedure 91203-C, Activation and Operation of the Emergency Operations Facility.
ML0304406686 February 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsFitness for Duty
High Radiation Area
Fire Protection Program
Potassium iodide
ML03121000521 April 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsFitness for Duty
Met Tower
ML0319706492 July 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsFitness for Duty
Met Tower
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Fire Protection Program
ML03232001812 August 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure RevisionsHigh Radiation Area
Grab sample
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Potassium iodide
NL-12-1112, Emergency Preparedness Information Requested by NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations 50. 54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2. 1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review.11 June 2012Emergency Preparedness Information Requested by NRC Letter, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of Code of Federal Regulations 50. 54(f) Regarding Recommendations 2. 1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review.
NL-16-0868, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Report of Changes to Emergency Plan17 June 2016Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Report of Changes to Emergency PlanHealth Physics Network
Grab sample
Emergency Lighting
Potassium iodide
NL-16-1409, Submittal of Report of Changes to Emergency Plan22 August 2016Submittal of Report of Changes to Emergency PlanReactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
NL-16-2274, Southern Nuclear Operating Company - Standard Emergency Plan Implementation Date2 November 2016Southern Nuclear Operating Company - Standard Emergency Plan Implementation Date