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 Issue dateSiteTitle
JAFP-20-0034, Transmittal of 2019 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report30 April 2020FitzPatrickTransmittal of 2019 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
JAFP-20-0038, Submittal of 2019 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report15 May 2020FitzPatrickSubmittal of 2019 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
JAFP-20-0075, Core Operating Limits Report Cycle 256 October 2020FitzPatrickCore Operating Limits Report Cycle 25
JAFP-20-0087, Inservice Inspection Summary Report Cycle 2428 December 2020FitzPatrickInservice Inspection Summary Report Cycle 24
JAFP-21-0029, Revision to Commitment Relating to Resolution of Anchor Darling Double Disc Gate Valve Part 21 Issues29 April 2021FitzPatrickRevision to Commitment Relating to Resolution of Anchor Darling Double Disc Gate Valve Part 21 Issues
JAFP-21-0033, Submittal of 2020 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report30 April 2021FitzPatrickSubmittal of 2020 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
JAFP-21-0035, Summary of Plant and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Changes, Tests, and Experiments as Required by 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 72.48, and Summary of Commitment Changes, for 2019 and 20207 May 2021FitzPatrickSummary of Plant and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Changes, Tests, and Experiments as Required by 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR 72.48, and Summary of Commitment Changes, for 2019 and 2020
JAFP-21-0039, 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report13 May 2021FitzPatrick2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
JAFP-22-0028, 2021 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report27 April 2022FitzPatrick2021 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
JAFP-22-0029, 2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report11 May 2022FitzPatrick2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
JAFP-22-0030, Oswego County and New York State Participation in the Emergency Plan13 May 2022FitzPatrickOswego County and New York State Participation in the Emergency Plan
JAFP-22-0033, Core Operating Limits Report Mid-Cycle 2523 June 2022FitzPatrickCore Operating Limits Report Mid-Cycle 25
ML11207014426 July 2011Peach Bottom
Draft Letter Report, Entitled Risk-Informing EP Oversight: Evaluation of EALs Using Saphia Pilot Study of Peach Bottom and Surry
ML12090A87131 January 2005Indian PointNRC Staff Pre-Filed Hearing Exhibit NRC000068, NUREG/CR-6864, Vol. 1, Identification and Analysis of Factors Affecting Emergency Evacuations.
ML12339A63031 January 2005Indian PointOfficial Exhibit - NRC000068-00-BD01 - NUREG/CR-6864, Vol. 1, Identification and Analysis of Factors Affecting Emergency Evacuations.
ML13031A50031 January 2013Peach Bottom
NUREG/CR-7154 Vol 1 Risk Informing Emergency Preparedness Oversight: Evaluation of Emergency Action Levels - a Pilot Study of Peach Bottom, Surry and Sequoyah (Main Report, Appendices a and B)
ML13031A50131 January 2013Peach Bottom
NUREG/CR-7154 Vol. 2 Risk Informing Emergency Preparedness Oversight: Evaluation of Emergency Action Levels - a Pilot Study of Peach Bottom, Surry and Sequoyah (Appendices C - F)
ML19031C25526 February 1971SalemEnvironmental Protection Report. Implementation of the National Environmental Protection Act
ML20043C25125 May 1990Oyster CreekRev 4 to Radiological Controls Policy & Procedure Manual 9300-ADM-4010.03, Emergency Dose Calculation Manual.
ML20072F82914 March 1983SeabrookAdvises That City of Newburyport,Ma Has Not Reviewed or Approved Draft Emergency Plan for City.Plan Should Not Be Treated as City Emergency Plan
ML20072V48122 March 1983SeabrookForwards Request to Participate as Interested Municipality. City Is Interested in Emergency Planning,Contamination & Insurance Coverage
ML20072V51022 March 1983SeabrookRequest to Participate as Interested Municipality. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20083J1617 December 1983CallawayPublic Version of Rev 0 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-C0010, Duties of Corporate Emergency Organization & Rev 0 to Procedure EIP-ZZ-C0020, Callout of Corporate Emergency Organization. Revised Index Encl
ML20086U07627 September 1973Oyster CreekDiscusses Allegations Re Irregularities at Oyster Creek During Operation.Forwards Ltr Allegations from Source W/ Request That Immediate Appropriate Investigation Be Undertaken.W/O Encl
ML20101U2435 February 1985PerryMotion for Summary Disposition of Issue 8 Re Reliability of Tdi Diesel Generators for Emergency Onsite Power.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists & Applicant Entitled to Favorable Decision
ML20101U2625 February 1985PerryStatement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue Re Issue 16 Concerning Reliability of Tdi Diesel Generators for Emergency Onsite Power
ML20107L62826 February 1985PerryAnswer Opposing Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 850211 Motion for Appointment of Gd Eley as ASLB Consultant & Witness on Issue 16.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20108B5581 March 1985PerryUpdates Applicant 840208 & 0309 Responses to Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy Interrogatory 10-2 Re Issue 16. Applicant Contract Agreement W/Swri Available at Facility. Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20112H22929 March 1985PerryAnswer to Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 850211 Motion for Directed Certification.Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy Failed to Satisfy Requirements for Stay of Proceedings on Issue 16.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20113F25222 January 1985PerryAnswers to 850107 Fourteenth Set of Interrogatories Re Issue 16.Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
ML20113F29622 January 1985PerryNotice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20128H05323 May 1985University of LowellForwards Motion to File Late Response to Jf Doherty Petition to Intervene,Petition of Univ of Lowell for Leave to Intervene & Notice of Appearance in Proceeding
ML20128H06123 May 1985University of LowellMotion to File Late Response to Jf Doherty Petition to Intervene.Univ Unaware of Necessity for Response Until Relevant Time for Filing Expired
ML20128H07823 May 1985University of LowellResponse to Petition to Intervene of Jf Doherty.Univ Adopts NRC Response to Petition & Submits That Jf Doherty Failed to Show Requisite Standing to Intervene.Petition Should Be Denied & Proceeding Dismissed.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20133B71030 July 1985VogtleNotice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20147H39014 April 198207002580Indicates That Two Patients Currently Wearing Pu-238 Pacemakers Will Be Followed in Cardiology Clinic.No More Pacemakers Will Be Implanted.M Pine Statement Encl
ML20196J26224 November 1998Summary of 981105 Meeting with Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md to Discuss Development of Performance Measures to Be Used by NRC to Aid in Assessing Emergency Preparedness at Operating Nuclear Plants
ML20198K0058 December 1998Summary of 981112-13 Meeting with Industry Representatives in Washington,Dc Re Development of Performance Measures to Be Used by NRC to Aid in Assessing Emergency Preparedness at Npps.List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl
ML20205C11124 March 1999Summary of 990310 Meeting with NEI & Various Util Representatives Re Performance Indicators & Insp Findings Assessment for Emergency Preparedness Programs.Attendance List & Meeting Matls Encl
ML20216D64728 July 199907200022Affidavit of Rl Sullivan Re Utah Contention R (Emergency Planning).* Affidavit Concerns Issues Related to Emergency Plan,Revised on 990519,re Private Fuels Storage ISFSI License Application.With Certificate of Svc
ML23104A33210 February 2023Triso-XComment (1211) of Robert Sullivan on Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare Environmental Impact Statement; Trisox Special Nuclear Material License
ML23109A12626 January 2023Comanche PeakComment (1791) of Robert Sullivan on Notice of Intent to Conduct Scoping Process and Prepare Environmental Impact Statement; Vistra Operations Company LLC; Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2