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Enclosure 6, Calculation 2003-0046, Battery Chargers Sizing and Current Limit Setpoints, Rev. 4
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/2005
From: Holt K
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2010-0209, NRC 2005-0096 2003-0046, Rev 4
Download: ML052280320 (50)



Point Beach Nuclcar Plant CALCULATION COVER SHEET C'alculltion/Addendium Number. T"Itle of Ca culationl/Addlend~um:

20U3-0046 Battery Chargers Sizing and Current Limit Set Point Siver (CHAMPFS -Identifter C0rklt): tlNIT: PBO0 3 PB1 El PB2 0 125 Vde O Original Calculation/Addendum 0 Rerised'CalculationlAddendum Revision # 4 O Supersedes Calculation/Addendum # 3 O Canceled O Placed on Administrative Hold, Ref.

QA *4ipe E3QAWS ~ Scepe O Nol~Discipline: . El CIVIL 0ELECTRICAL S~fryt Relared 0D Y%



  • ith NP 7.2.4. The rmiew was Rc;ecwers' Initials accompalished by one ora comulinationtuf the folloni-ng (checkiall tlht applyi: tQu Required) o A rciiw of a reprcsentative sampie of repetitive calculations.

[l A review of the calculation against a similar calculation previously performed.

EIl A detailed review of the calculation. P, r El A review by an alternate. simplified, or approximate method of calculation.

I'repartr Rvcskwcr Dbplinc Name Signature Date

  • e"-4 -t'.? st%.4 ttf.l..

0 0 EE Robert J. Fletcher 7/14/05 D El EE R. Scott Munnings 7_14A7 S O to EE 2. XON ES f__e_;___s °7/s/os 0 G.v .351tGFRIEO 0 7/5I/aS O

o_ 0_





_ _ _ _ _ _

O .O Approver: Printed Name:

Signature: ____

Datc: __I i-__-_

PRF.l603 Rcuaa7 0&A05,'04 'a^c I or 14 Rc*cr<- NP 7.2-4 REC'D JUL19 2005

Calculation 2003-0046 Rcvision 4 Calculation Page Inventory Section or Attachment Page 1H(s) Revision Section or Attachment Page #(s) Revision Cover Sheet 1 4 _ _ _ l l Page Inventory 2 4 l l Comments 3-4 4 l

_ l Calculation Body 5 -13 4 .

Results and Conclusions 14 4 Attachment A 1- 8 0 Attachment A 9 - 12 3 Attachment A 13 - 15 4 I Attachment A 16- 19 0 I Attachment A 20 - 22 4 =

Attachment A 23-24, 24a 3 Attachment A 25 - 26 1 Attachment B 2 4 Attachment C 2 4 _

PB3F-1608 Revision 7 08/05/04 PDSC2FOf 14 Rderencc: NP 7.2.4 l

Calculation 2004-0046 Revision 4 Comments And Resolution Reviewer Comments: Resolution:

COI) Assumption 6.3 states that: ""...DC output current from Wording and calculation revised to utilize worse case loading batterychargers D-07, D-0S. D-09, D-107. D-108, and D-109 (other than peaks that could be determined to be related to from plant trending data over the past 2 years ranges from 120 testing and maintenance - see response to commcnt 4 below) amps to 150 amps. This conflicts with X-Y Graph of D-107 Battery Charger Current (Attachment A, page 20). Though it is more than 2 years ago, no explanation given for approximately 4 month period of 170 amp average.

C02) Assumption 6.3 uses source of plant trending data over Attachment A was revised to include data for an the past 2 year (Reference 5.18/Attachment A). This conflicts approximately 4 year period (7128/01 to 6/2005) and wording with SOMS data contained in Attachment A which ranges revised in the calculation text to reflect this.

from 7/28/01 to 6/28103.

C03) Assumption 6.3 changes 2 year battery current from 175 Peak values used and wording revised to reflect this change.

amps to 120-150 amps using the same graphs (Attachment A) without explanation for the new interpretation of the same data.

C04) Assumption 6.3 does not provide sufficient explanation Explanations for peaks greater than 170 amps were provided why peaks in chart are not considered. What is the period to show that these are not part of normal operation.

(width) of the peaks and why can they be discounted.

COS) What is the basis for assuming 5 amps per charger for Document revised to provide additional basis.

EDG control loads?

C06) What is the basis for assuming 30 amps per charger for Document revised to provide additional basis.

additional annunciators?

C07) Assumption 6.2 specifies that maximum of 925 Ah are Revised to reference Attachment A.

removed (925amps for one hour) per Attachment B. There is no Attachment B to this calculation.

C08) Assumption 6.2 specifies that maximum of 925 Ah are It is intended (as stated in Assumption 6.2) that the most removed (925amps for one hour) per Attachment B. Per conservative number for Ah, to envelope both battery types, Attachment A the one hour rating of 60 Exide 2GN-23 battery be used. Wording modified to clarify this.

cells is 925 Amps and the one hour rating of 60 C&D LCR-21 battery cells is 795 Amps.

POF-1608 Revision 7 08/05/04 Page 3 Of 14 Rcfcrcncc: NP 7.2.4

Calculation 2004-0046 Revision 4 Comments And Resolution Reviewer Comments: I Resolution:

C09) Sce Commcnt C08. Ah = 925 is used in both section 8.1 It is intended (as stated in Assumption 6.2) that the most (D-07, D-08, & D-09) and section 8.2 9D-107, D-l08, & D- conservative number for Ah, that cnveloped both battery 109). This affects section 9.0 minimum charger size required types, be used. Wording modified to clarify this.

and recommended setpoint for D-107, D-108, &D-109. This also affects Design Input 7.2.

PBF-I604 Revision 7 0S/05/0/044 Papc q of 14 Refercncc: NP 7.2.4

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to determine minimum required size and the acceptable range for the current limit set point of the safety related battery chargers. I The battery charger current limit set points for battery chargers D-09, D-107, D-108 and D-l 09 are being changed because of the condition described in CAP033447 (Ref. 5.17). There is a potential for the main supply breaker for battery charger D-09, D-107, D-108 and D-l 09 to trip upon manual restoration after a loss of offsite power with safety injection signal, loss of AC voltage, or station blackout event.

Therefore, the acceptable range for the current limit set point is being determined for battery chargers D- I 07, D-08, D-09, D-107, D-108 and D-109 in this calculation.

The purpose of this revision (Revision 4) is to modify the charger sizing portion of this calculation for consistency with LAR 239 (Ref. 5.29) for Technical Specification This includes a change in the maximum amp-hours assumed removed from the battery prior to recharge as well as revising the maximum continuous load on the battery and charger while recharging. This change reflects the chargers' ability to recharge the battery within the specified time while carrying the maximum continuous DC system load, irrespective of the status of the plant during which these demands occur.

Other aspects of this calculation, other than editorial changes, were not addressed as part of this revision.

2.0 Scope The scope of this calculation is limited to the following battery chargers:

OD-07 OD-08 OD-09 OD-107 OD-108 OD-109 PrF-1 608 Revision 7 08/05/04 Page 5 of 14 Referencc: NP 7.2.4 lI

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 3.0 Methodology The steps performed in determining the required battery charger size, minimum current limit set point and the maximum current limit set point are as follows:

1. The minimum battery charger size (current limit set point) required is established by the following equation:

A, = AhxC + A, (Ref. 5.3 and 5.4)

Ar = required minimum charger rating in amperes Ah = total ampere hours discharged from battery during its specified duty cycle C = constant to allow for ampere hour efficiency = 1.10 A, = maximum continuous DC system load while charging (in amperes) tj = required maximum time for recharging

2. The maximum battery charger current limit (DC Amps) set point is established by the following equations:

VAIN =( x V..- x I,,

Wof = VAIN x PFx EFF

'DC W VAIN = volt-amperes (Apparent Power into Chargers)

VAC = AC supply voltage in volts IAc = Maximum AC supply current Wour = Watts (Power into DC system from Chargers)

PF = Charger power factor EFF = Charger efficiency VDc = Charger DC output voltage IDC = Charger DC output current

3. The battery charger current limit set point is compared to the minimum allowable battery charger size (minimum current limit set point) and maximum allowable set point. A new current limit set point is determined for all battery chargers that are outside the minimum and maximum range.

4.0 Acceptance Criteria 4.1 Battery Chargers must be sized (minimum current limit set point) to recharge any of their respective partially depleted batteries within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> while carrying maximum continuous DC system loads, irrespective of the status of the plant during which these demands occur (Ref. 5.1, 5.2, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28, 5.29, and 5.34). The charger size will be determined to be acceptable if the calculated size (ampere rating) is less than or equal to the installed charger ampere rating.

4.2 The battery charger current limit set points must ensure continuous operation of the chargers at their current limit setting without tripping the over-current protect device (thermal overload) during current limit. (Ref. 5.1 and 5.2)

PBFr-108 Revision 7 08105104 Page 6 of 14 Rercrence: NP 7.2.4

. -

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 5.0 References 5.1 FSAR (Sections 8.7 and Appendix A. 1) 5.2 10 CFR Part 50.63 5.3 EPRI book "DC Distribution System", EL-5036-V9, 1987 (See Attachment A) 5.4 IEEE Std. 946-1985 "IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of Safety Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" (See Attachment A) 5.5 CIM 170 (WEST) (See Attachment A) 5.6 BECH 6118 E-5 Sh. 3B, Rev. 0 5.7 BECH 6118 E-5 Sh. 3C, Rev. 0 5.8 BECH 6118 E-2005 Sh. 3B, Rev 0 5.9 BECH 6118 E-2005 Sh. 3C, Rev. 0 5.10 CIM 1384 (EXIDE) (See Attachment A) 5.11 Calculation N-93-056, Rev. 3 5.12 Calculation N-93-057, Rev. 3 5.13 Calculation N-93-060, Rev. 3 5.14 Calculation N-91-016, Rev. 2 5.15 Procedure OI-110, Rev. 8 (See Attachment A) 5.16 Procedure RMP 9359-7, Rev. 3 (See Attachment A) 5.17 CAP033447 5.18 Operations Management System (SOMS) (See Attachment A) 5.19 BECH 6118 E-5 Sh. 2A, Rev. 5 5.20 BECH 6118 E-2005 Sh. 2B, Rev. 6 5.21 CIM 638 (PCP) 5.22 Procedure RMP 9359-8, Rev. 3 (See Attachment A)

PBF-1 608 Rcvision 7 O0/05/04 Page 7 of 14


Kcrcrcncc: Nil 7.2.4

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 5.23 CIM 277 (C/D) (See Attachment A) 5.24 Calculation N-93-058, Rev. 2 5.25 Calculation N-93-059, Rev. 2 5.26 Technical Specification 3.8.4 (SR 5.27 CA052659 5.28 Technical Specification Basis B3.8.4 (SR 5.29 PBNP License Amendment Request (LAR) 239 5.30 BECH 6118 E-6 Sh. 1, Rev. 48 5.31 BECH 6118 E-6 Sh. 2, Rev. 16 5.32 BECH 6118 E-6 Sh. 3, Rev. 2 5.33 BECH 6118 E-6 Sh. 4, Rev. 3 5.34 US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.32, Rev. 2 5.35 CIM 000710 (PANAL) (See Attachment C) 5.36 Culter-Hammer BF/BFD Technical Data Spec Sheet (See Attachment C)

PDF-1608 Rcvision 7 08/05/04 Page 8 of 14 4crcrcncc: Ni' 7.2.4 i

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 6.0 Assumptions Unvalidated Assumptions - None Validated Assumptions:

6.1 It is assumed that for battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 that the power factor is 0.72.

Basis: This assumption is technically justified in that the power factor using the nameplate information and vendor technical manual (Ref. 5.5) is approximately 0.74 at full load current.

Therefore it is conservative to assume a power factor of 0.72 for battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 for the conditions being evaluated in this calculation.

6.2 It is assumed that the maximum Amp-hours (Ah) discharged from the battery is 925 All.

Basis: The maximum coping period at Point Beach for the station batteries is one hour and then normal AC power supply is restored per the current license basis (Ref. 5.1). The two cell types used for the affected batteries are Exide GN-23 (DO5, D06 and D305) and C&D LCR-2 1 (Dl 05 and D106). Based on a one-hour discharge to a minimum average cell voltage of 1.75 vdc, a maximum of 925 Ah are removed (925 amps for one hour) per Attachment A. Use of 925 Ah is a conservative value to use for all of the chargers.

6.3 It is assumed that the maximum continuous DC system load during charging is 240 AC.:.

Basis: This assumption is technically justificd because the normal DC output current from battery chargers D-07, D-08, D-09, D-107, D-108, and D-109 from plant trending data over the past 4 years ranges from approximately 120 amps to 170 amps (Ref. 5.18). Previously this was based on an

"'average" current value of the most limiting system. A re-review of the plant trending data revealed that excursions beyond 170 amps were brief and do not reflect normal plant operation. All charger peak loads during the past 4 years were reviewed by the PBNP DC system engineer and correlation to testing or maintenance activities on the systems were found. This correlation is documented in Attachment B. Based on this, 170 amps will be used as a conservative base loading condition during normal operation for each charger.

It is expected that the DC continuous loads during any operating condition would be similar since the major DC motor loads (such as the feedwater pump bearing oil pumps, main turbine bearing oil pumps and main generator seal oil pumps) have been placed on the non-vital batteries. Major pealk loads, such as emergency diesel field flashing and breaker actuations are momentary in nature. The instrumentation loads do not significantly increase due to a Design Basis Accident or other operating scenarios since the instrumentation is normally energized and remains energized. A review of the system one-lines (Ref. 5.30, 5.31, 5.32, and 5.33) was performed and it was determined that the only significant continuous load additions that would occur, beyond those for normal plant operation, are additional annunciator loading and EDG control loads. Some control loads would itcrease during accident conditions, such as safeguards actuation relays (energize to actuate), while other loads are expected to decrease, such as reactor protection relays (deenergize to actuate) and containment isolation valves (deenergize to close). For conservatism, an additional load of 30 ADC per charger is assumed to account for additional annunciators that may be lit during non-normal operating PBF-160R Revision 7 08/05104 Page9ofl4


NP 7.2.4 l

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 conditions. This equates to more than 225 additional annunciators at a conservative value of 16 watts per window (Ref. 5.35). An additional 5 AwC load per charger is assumed for EDG control loads. This equates to more than 40 additional relays at a conservative value of 15 watts per relay (Ref. 5.36). To support future load growth, 20 ADC is added (approximately 11.5% of the maximum measured continuous value). Finally, an additional 15 ADc conservative margin of load per charger is assumed for miscellaneous control loads. Therefore, the assumed value of 240 AnC (170 AI)c maximum measured value for normal operating conditions plus an additional 70 ADO' for annunciators, EDG control loads and additional margin to allow for off-nonnal plant conditions and future load growth) is considered to be conservative.

6.4 It is assumed that the minimum AC supply voltage for the battery chargers while they are in current limit is 450 VAC.

Basis: This assumption is technically justified in that the worst-case minimum AC supply voltage at the battery charger input terminals is 455 VAC (Ref. 5.14) while loaded on the emergency diesel generators. The battery charger will be in current limit upon restoration after a loss of AC voltage to the contactors (Loss of offsite power with Safety injection signal, loss of AC voltage or station blackout). When the battery chargers are restored, the battery chargers will only be supplied on the emergency diesel generators, gas turbine, or offsite power (only if restored to normal). The voltage at the terminals of the battery charger when supplied by the gas turbine or offsite power will be between 480 to 500 VAc. A review of plant trending (Ref. 5.18) demonstrates the voltage on both unit B03 and B04 normally average between 480 to 500 VAC. The gas turbine will provide similar voltage ranges because the output voltage of the generator per 0 110 (Ref. 5.15) is maintained between 13.8 and 14.2 kV on the 13.8 kV bus. These voltages are equal to or greater than the voltages seen during normal operation. Therefore, it is conservative to assume a minimum AC supply voltage of 450 VAc for the conditions evaluated in this calculation.

6.5 It is assumed that the maximum charger output voltage is 136 VDx- while recharging the battery and supplying the DC load.

Basis: This assumption is technically justified in that the calibration procedure for battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 is set between 132.5 to 133 V1 ,c (Ref. 5.16). The calibration procedure for battery chargers D-107, D-108 and D-109 is set between 133.5 and 134.5 VDC (Ref. 5.22). The normal operating range of the battery chargers is 130 and 136 VDC (Ref. 5.16 and 5.22). Therefore, it is conservative to assume the maximum charger DC output voltage of 136 V1 C for the conditions evaluated in this calculation.

PBF.1608 Revision 7 o81/05A .. IOof 14

-Paige R'cnence: NI' 7.2.4

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 7.0 Design Inputs The following design inputs are required to develop the allowable current limit set point range for each individual battery.

7.1 Battery Charger Ratings - D-07, D-08, and D-09 7.1.1 Input Voltage - 480 VAC (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.2 Input Current (Full Load) - 92 AAC (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.3 Output Voltage - 130 VDC (float) and 140 VDC (equalize) (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.4 Output Current - 400 ADc (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.5 Maximum current limit setting - 110% (440 ADC) (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.6 Efficiency (EFF) - 0.91 (Ref. 5.5) 7.1.7 Power Factor (PF) - 0.72 (Assumption 6.1) 7.2 Maximum Amp-hours (Ah) discharged from battery - 925 Ah (Assumption 6.2) 7.3 Maximum continuous DC system load during charging - 240 ADc (Assumption 6.3) 7.4 Required maximum time for recharging battery - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (Ref. 5.1 and 5.28) 7.5 AC Input Supply 7.5.1 Maximum AC supply current (supply breaker rating) - 100 AAC for D-07. D-08 and D-09 (Ref. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9) 7.5.2 Maximum AC supply current (supply breaker rating) - 125 AAC ror D-l 07, D- 108 and D-109 (Ref. 5.7, 5.8, 5.19, and 5.20) 7.5.3 AC Supply voltage range - 450 to 500 VAC (Assumption 6.4) 7.6 DC Output Supply 7.6.1 Battery Charger Output Voltage - 136 VDC (Assumption 6.5) 7.7 Battery Charger Ratings - D-107, D-108, and D-109 7.7.1 Input Voltage - 480 VAC (Ref. 5.21) 7.7.2 Input Current (Full Load) - 128 AAC (Ref. 5.21) 7.7.3 Output Voltage - 135 VDrx (float) and 145.2 VDr (equalize) (Ret: 5.21) 7.7.4 Output Current - 500 Aix (Rcf. 5.21) 7.7.5 Maximum current limit setting - 125% (625 ADO) (Ref. 5.21) 7.7.6 Efficiency (EFF) - 0.925 (test data in voltage and current range, Ref. 5.21) 7.7.7 Power Factor (PF) - 0.751 (test data in voltage and current range, Ref. 5.21)

PBF-1608 Revision 7 0.V05/04 Page II of 14 Rcrcrcnsc: NP 7.2.4

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 8.0 Calculation Analysis Using the methodology discussed above, the battery charger size, minimum and maximum current limit set points are developed below.

8.1 Battery Chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09

1. A, = AhxC +A, A,= required minimum charger rating in amperes Ah = 925 Ah C= 1.10 A, = 240 ADC tj = 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> A, = 925 x 1.1+240 24 2 83 A, = ADC
2. VAIv = (-VFxV, XIA)

JIVru = VAIN x PFx EFF VDC VAC = 450 VAC IAC = 100 AAC PF=0.72 EFF = 0.91 VDC= 13 6 VDC VA,,, =(1x450x 100)

VAIN s77943VA WOX}7 =77943 x 0.72 x 0.91 WOU# 51069Watts 51069

/DC =-

- 136

'DC :t:375ADC PBI-1 608 Rcvision7 08105/04 Pagc 12 or 14


NP 7.2.4 l

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 8.2 Battery Chargers D-107, D-108 and D-109

1. A, =AhxC A, tI Ar required minimum charger rating in amperes Ah = 925Ah C= 1.10 Ac = 240 ADC tI = 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 925 x 1.1 A, = 24 + 240 A, 283 ADC

'DC =

VDC VAC = 450 VAC IAC = 125 AAC PF = 0.751 EFF = 0.925 VDC = 136 VDC VAIN =(,/3 x 450 x 125)

VAIN :97427VA WO, = 97427 x 0.751 x 0.925 WOUT x 67680Watts 67680 DC 136 IDC 497ADC PB- I1608 Rcvision7 08/05/04 Page 13 of 14 Rcrerencc: NP 7.2.4

Calculation 2003-0046 Revision 4 9.0 Results and Conclusion Battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 are adequately sized to meet the minimum charger size required of 283 ADC (400 ADC rated). The recommended range for the current limit set point for battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 is 283 to 375 Ai)c. The recommended set point for battery chargers D-07, D-08 and D-09 is 350 ADc. Given a -10 to +5 AKx setting tolerance, this set point allows approximately 5%

margin for the total tolerance (set point drift and M&TE tolerance).

Battery chargers D-107, D-108 and D-109 are adequately sized to meet the minimum charger size required of 283 AtDc (500 ADC rated). The recommended range for the current limit set point for battery chargers D-107, D-108 and D-109 is 283 to 497 ADC. The recommended set point for battery chargers D-107, D-1 08 and D-109 is 450 ADC. Given a -10 to +10 Aixc setting tolerance, this set point provides more than a 5% margin for the total tolerance (set point drift and M&TE tolerance).

The calculation determined the minimum charger size required and the acceptable current limit set point range for battery chargers D-07, D-08, D-09, D-107, D-108, and D-l 09. The acceptance criteria will be achieved for all battery chargers when the current limit set points are within the acceptable range identified above.

PBF- 160 Revision 7 08/05/04 Page 14 of 14 Recrenmc: NP 7.2.4 l



DC oISTRIBtJtiON SYSMtM 9-1s A*VDWcb Ye vj_

TlV5 fIA Ill PaPAJ . : Is

r. u Rev. 0.

'J1'yn to the sensithe QutetOften the voltage is selected uMOua cmrger output voltage rat.

a ull Most charger manufacturers can pstvide equtpment with ripple limniu of 30 tnV mtns.Drsy tems In which the battery Is temporarily discon-One altemative to redundant equipment In forced-cooled chrers is a load reduction. on loss of cooling. to the self-cookd rating. Full capacity would be resumed on resolution of the cooling problem. This system requires loassof-cooling alnss and some forn of automatic load shedding.

neted function stisfactorily an the charger however. the ripple may be greater. BATTERY EUIMNATORS latterychargers that are used for supplying liad GROUND DETECTION ALARMS AND when the battery Is disconnected are sometknes VOLTMET£RS called battery elimtinatori. These chargers have ad.

I ditional filtering, making them more expensive.

Devices to detect griounds and provide alarns are sometimes provided with the charger. A discus- II I slon of these devices can be found In Section 9.5. SZING I INPUT AC Three-phase input should be used when possible The minimurn charge rating Isestablished by us-Ing Equation 1.8:

Ah X C A three-phase charger provides a ripple volage A,r t , A, lEq. 94-with afrequency of 360 Hz which ismuch easier to filter because the amount or capacitac re-Where:

quired ii proportional to the reciprocal of the ripple frvquency, The output of a stngtlaphase charger contains a ripple Frequency of 120 El. A,

  • required minimum charge nting I amperes Therefor, a three-phase charger requires onec Ah - total ampere hours dicharged from battery third the capacitance of a single-phase charger of during Its specified dory cyct.

the same size, reducing the chance of capacitor C - constant to allow for amparc twur reittirncy fallur. Capacitors are one of the moat fallure-prone components In chargers.

Three-phuas ac input permits Iss waveform dis- A,

  • continuous de load while charing in amperes torton than does a single-phase charger of the I&- requled maximum time for rechargt same size. Three-phase chargers that we silicon controlled ractlfier (SCds) may be phase-routlon Ah Is derived by reference to the battery bad sensitive for tiMing the firing CIreults Therefore cycle as outlined earlier. The ampere hours con-ce must be taken during Installation to nake cor- sumed In each sectlon of the cycle ar calculated rect connections. and summed for the total batterv.

The continuous de load while charging A,. Is COOLING calculated by adding up the ampere requirements of all the continuous loads on the dc buL Correcuon-cooled chargers are preferred and Standard chargers. according to NEKA, are should be used when possible. This type of cool. rated 1. 3.6. Z2. IS. 20. ZS. 3S,50. 75. 100. ISO.

Ing requires less maintenance and usually and ZOO A. Ratings above ZoO Aare at 100-A In-produces less noise. if forced-air cooling Is re- tervalL It the value or A, falls between two quLred. a redundant cooling system should be con- stundard-size chargers the larger size should be sidered. The capacity of either cooling systern used.

alone should be sufficient to cool the equipment This method assumes that the battery has lust properly and allow full, continuous operating completed a duty cycle discharge and that the capability. Fans should be monitored by airflow charger must sImuluneoustv recharge the battery switches to warn If airflow i reduced by either and supply the continuous load.

fan failuw or clogged air filters- Convection-cooled As an example. use the typical duty cycle Ulus.

chargers are usually larger and heavier than trated In the battery portion of this volume (Fig-I forced-sricooled units. ure 9-21. and assume an S-h mixnlmwn charge time

a A*achrAevWr A I 9-76 POVER PLANT ELECTRICAL REFERENCE SER YtES RIPLI'd Ketvfet~eiy: Al RI; TAL V\u 2c3 o'(

with a 200-A normal load. The charger would be saIzd uslng Equatlon 9-J as follows:

NE.UXA .T p ajyL M2 I'll Rev. °1n-dustrial Ce . i-r  %.listS 50 to 100% for the voltge linits when applied to nominal volt.

12000 300

  • 35 00O0 age. However. when an analysis oflhe various con.

A N60 6 200 tml devices (Indicating lamps. push buttons. motor sarting switches, and the lill Isnuade. the norni-nil voltage can be 11i. 11S to 120. 120. or 12S V.

- j-.

  • 200
  • 246.73 A Similarly. ANSI/IEEE Standard C.90-S1978 (41 for rlay states a range of 100 td 140 V for nominally Thlecharger capacity should be 300 A. which rated 125-V relays. ANSIWIEEELNEMA Standard Is the next-higher snndard rating above 247 A. 07.16-1980 1131 Ues 90 to 130 V fcr nominally rated 11SAV contrl circults The system designer will be challenged by these inconsistencies and may hve to modify the design.

a.S DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Somne of the options may be:

a Specify nonstandard devices which mav be VOLTAGE RATING OF LOADS difficult to obtain.

The battery uied in a dc distribution system Is designed for cell Ivhages ranging from 17.5 to Z.33

  • Use a lower fless than 2.33 V/cell) equalizing charge rate with the resultant longer charge VkcDl. A typical 60-cell battery ha a battery ter.

mrinal voltage range of 10; to 140 V. The de sys. period.

tern dcsign should take Into consideration the

  • aDesign for a hliher Final voltage lmonr than voltage drop 14% nuximtumn Istypical) between the 1.75 Vlcelil. thus Increasing the minimum ac-t battery and the load terminals. If a 4* voltage dmp Is allowed the load dc Input voltabg wvuld bebetweena 0t1 and 140 V.based on Equations 9-9 and 93-0:

captable voltage.

  • Add or delete resistance by modifying the length or size of cable between the battery I

and the load.

Lv - (i.0- 0.041 IV,, X N lEq. 9.3)

  • Make a judgment, particularly on the Inter.

I.I I  : Rv- V_ N (Eq. 9.103 mnittently energIzed devices. to risk a short.

time oervoltage.

I II. Where:

IV - nunber of calls hi battery The maximum allowable One voltage drop be-tween the battery terminals and the load termi-nals may be increased. provided the load Lv- low tsrminal voltage at load equipment has been specified to operate with a lower Input terminal voltage. Care must be taken Nv - high terrnrut voluge at load I

i V V,, - minimum denfned cell voltage - 1.75

--mmaximum defined crll voltue - 2.33 to ensure tut the maximum load ternilnal volt-age does not exceed 2.33 x N.

.wer terminal voltages are allowed by manufacturers In some types of equipment. such AD equipment connected to the de distribution as switchgear. Currently. the tripping voluge must be equal to or greater than 70 V. and the closing system should be capable of operating continu-ously and properly without malfanction or over- voltage must be equal to or greater than O0 V.

heating In the voltage range specified by the system designer. If this criterion isset early in the DETERMINATION OF CABLE NEEDS design process It is usually accepted by the equip-mont suppliers even though the applicable stan- AU electrical systems, both ac and dc. must be dards. NElA. ANSI. and oithers, may have slightly designed with the understanding that voltage drop different limits. Isan ever-present problem that must be factored A review of the voltage standards for various into the design. Those loads that are voltage sen.

- =  :: -L = --.. = E J1 .fa all#.* mo h.,a

.ltut 1.h. .*

&rN, -.. it

.. .. .... - _ .. - ...-

I ALIU.&l Kr lOWER SYS~tS FOR N:CLEAR FOWER C'ENCATING sr-TAiois j.tzeofthe battery (number orcells and capac-1 ,d the operating procedures should be estab-

  • ed as outlned In ANSI/lEEE Std 485.1983 181 operadon whieabattery er white switches are op chargeronlineshould ats erA*caeAf cA Of' IEEE Su g9ig19KS A


I 1bdPJ 1 51/IEEE Std 450.1980 IT], respectively.

duty cycles that require r tery loads (such as could 45 jWlcal Layout. The redundant equipment se power) alto requ're th LVCI g l rinluding the cabics) of the aafety-related dc provided to allow adequaa:

a tem shall be arranged to meet the physical actlons.Thus seveml batte POT requirements of ANSI/IEEE Std 364.

Ioparathn be required to address suc J P \, Rev.

I981 161. After the magnitude anaVl5 'V° Consilderatlon should be given to locating the component load and the overaw period have been I equipment of each redundant division (that Ui, battery. charger.and main distribution panel) as determined each batterydutycycle should be con-structed, and the batterysaied, In accordance with 14 close togetheras practicalsoas to minirmizevoltage ANSIIIEEE Std 485-1983 181.

drop and to accommodate maIntenance and test.

Los activitics. 5.3 Instal-laon DeaSIg. The design or each bat-tery installation should be In accordance with IEEE I.

Std 4541981 1121. snd shaU include provisions for Installation, InspectIon, and testing In accordance

5. Batteries with ANSU/EE Std 335I985 151.

5.39 alntenaneTesteig and Replacement Bat Xt Determination of BUttery Duty Cycles and terieshouldbemaintalnedtested.and replaced In Da tteySlse(Capacity). Thedeterminationorthe accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 450-1980 171.

batterydutycycles Isaplant-uniqueactlMvtybecause

!the mgnitude (total amperes) and duratIon of 8.4 QualifIcatlon. Batteries shall be qualified ezzch segment ot the duty cycle is the sum of the (environmentally and sebmically) In accordance l lndlvdual operating loads (amperes) over thetine with ANStJtEEE Std 535-1979 19)J period equtred for the .peelUc plant equIpment under consideration.

In additIon, the overall period (total battery dis-charge time) of the duty cycle cannot be less than 6 BEattery Chargers the estimated time Interval necessary to restore sc power (either from an on-site engIne generator 6.1 General Description. The station battery source or an off-site power source) to the battery chargers are used to convert ac to de to charge the chargers and other auxIliaries tollowing a loss of atation batteries and to supply power to dc loads oft-site power. This estimated time interval is during normal operation.

deterrl.ned by engineering Judgment. which Is greatly influenced by operating experience. and by L2 DeternanntIon t Requited Rating. The sta.

thequantity. reliabUlty and flexibWtyofthespecific tion batterychargersshould besized In accordance off-site power sources (generation and transmbs- with the following formula sion system network equlpment)sandon-site power sources (engine-generators and distribution sys. 1- L 11 rAh (Eq I) teMs31 For example, a minimum scenario may require where the batteries to supply power to the system for I - charger rated output (amperes) approximately 1 min (the time between loss of oft-sitepower and the loadingofthedlesel) Ulafter L - continuous de lad (amperes) such time, the charger output and de loads return 1.1 - constantthatcomnpensatesforthe bauery to normal. Such a design would be the minimum losses period meeting the single failure criteria. More often, the oeralU period ofthe battery duty cycle Ls Ah - amipere-hours dbcharged from the bat-estimated at J. 1, 2. or 4 hL The time/load current tery (ampere-hours). It Is recommended profile should consider the requirements in all that the 8 h ampere-hour rating or the operating modes. Non-regulatory criterIa, such a5 battery be used In this formula.



%td 946.tii1M IEEE REC03 IMENDED PRACrLE rOR E DESIGN OFAFl NYLAK1X1 r , time to rr clharge the battery to approxi-matrly D.; of capacity (hours). To mini-PA~cxAYuxem- A "Sundg mIze de system down time. a reasonable b e;ktlkcltiov^ 200-3-DN>OxPlidijftl recharge time should beavlected;B -12h is t , .0itsty ur h recommended. It Is recommended that I Ins in vrp ii the battery manutacturerbeconsulted ror t KLVieiitwi - - nyurran 1 values or T7ess than S h. 1 lead Lab Itis also recomimended that the ampereratingof X rDsC Lnnlulr..

the chargerbeat least equal to the continuous load /S t ^5nd*nRe-V. o.,tes -i, I, plus the largest combination of noncontirtuous loads (as deflned in ANSW/IEEE Std 4851983 181, fault can develop.Abaffiershould aisubve pnid 42.2) that would likely be connected to the bus between the positive and nepativ lite leads at simultaneously during normal plant operation. main distribution pancl The continunur curri I The batterychargerspeccilatlon should Include (or account lor) any abnormal service conditlons rating of the protective/disconnectigig dtie should be selected to accommodate the masimi (for example, ambient temperature, altitude. etc) sustained current in the battery duty cycle Wh.

as noted In NiMA PE 5.19 114 1. prorided, the protective device should haic a t rating (a) sufficientily high to prevent dumnage 6.3 SampleCalculiadons. Asamrnplecalculatlnof the fuse element or opening or the breaker at.

battery charger rating appears In Append x A I min current rating of the battery. and (bi su 6.4 QuIlRcation. All chargers shall be qualiied clently low to assure opening for the short eirt I In accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std.650-1979 (1 11. current available from the battery at end discharge voltage.

6.5 Output Cai,.eterlstics. Al station battery chargers should meet the requirements ofNEKA NDTE1NTetmijnfuma)mrt CutthftItttW ruAlemetiat I should be above SCI meniL current ruling irthe lattM.

PE 5-1983 [141 and the performance characterbs.

tics descriptions that follow. The main protective device should coordis 1.5.1 Output Ripple. A typical charger (with- with all downstream protective devices.'All do out additional rlitering) will produce less than 2% butlonbus protective devices should have s olt rms (2.J Von a 130 Vbasls) ripplewhen connected rating consistent with the maximum systerm o to a fully charged batterywith an Ah rating (atthe sting voltage, and should have an Interfup 8 h rate) of at least tour times the output current capacity that exceeds the maximum short-cir rating of the charger. In some cases dc loads (for current available, The distribution bus sand example. solld3state Instruments) may require m- manual disconnectIng device should have ash proved rlterei& The maximum ripple can usually circuit current withstand capability that Mxt be limited to 30 mnV rms by adding raters to the the maximum short-circuIt current avaiable chargers. 7.2 TyplealDiagran. ThcoptinumdcsupplY 652 Operatdon Without a Connected Batery. distribution system diagram for anygivenr pimP For some designs it maybe appropriate to discon- depend on conditlons and design criteria a nect the-battery from the system for maintenance Ilshed for that plant. Figure J Isthe keydi3aF2 i of the battery. Under thIs condition, the charger one acceptable 125 V Cla I£ de systcm.

should be capable orfsupplying the load without a battery connected and should be so specified for 7.3 VoltageRatonporDDCtowredCOWmP thcse applications. However, an Increase in the Equipment specilications forcumponentsPOW voltage regulation and output ripple should be by de systems should require the equL1pIte expected. If the Increase in voltage regulation or designed and withoutdamageS.4 ripple cannot be toleratecd the maximum allowable Input terminal voltage range correspondid y values should be specfled. varition In batteryterrminal voltage. Fordo whIch the battery is equalized while conna theload, this rangeshould cover thevmrlat0D

7. DIstribution System and Equlpment equalize to the final end of dbschut'e volug example from 140 V-105 Vdc fura60'.ccso 7.1 Description and Rading. A circuIt breaker. 125 V dc system, or from 280 V-210 Vd fuses, or a manual disconnecting device should be 120-cel nomLnal250Vdcsystem). OBe'

- IEEE Std 946-1985 IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACnICE FOR THE DESICY OFSAFETY RLTL A+ c oxea- A Appendixes 0 \ tlo ICL&JCA zco3 oow°4Jt panfo IEEE 95-19SI IEEE kclmrntndnefd PrSCLkr bor Ihe Dtlln od sradrtyteh DCAuxbaf I tp E ~f TM L .rcfatnrg1AS~0tjkubbt an Incudedfo r itnomdratnloey.I Appendix A Th3 a 1~ ,n Rev. o .atteuyChagerRalng-Sample Calculations A1 Introductlon Thebatterychsrgerspeclfication should include I (or account (or) any abnormal service conditiors I This appendix outUnes the method. includingsam- (for example, ambient temperature, altitude, etc) plecalculations fordetermInIng the required rating as noted In NEMA PE 5 1083 1141.

ofbatterycharger uasrecozmehded in 62 and 6.

A3. Sample Calculations A2. Formula Example 1. Determine ihe rating of the charger required for a battery where the continuous dc i The station battery chargers should be sized in load Is100Athe largestsingle noncontinuous Ioad accordance with the foiDowing forrnuL is 80 A.and the Ah discharged from the battery i 400 Ah (ratingof the batteryst 8-h rate) with 12h

- L e 1.1 *MAh (EqAl) to recharge the batteryCno abnormalservice condi-tions.

where 10 lW (1.1)44 r

  • charer output current rating (amperes) I* 100
  • 367 - 138.7A L - continuous dc load (amperes) To account (or the single noncontinuous load, the following applies:


  • constant thatcompensates 6or the battery
losses 1I 100 + 80 - ISOA Ah - ampere-hours discharged from the bat-


spec*y battery charger with a 1380 tery (ampere-hours). It Is recommended (or larger) rated output that the 8-h ampere-hour rating of the lxamnple 2. Determine the rating of the churtf battery be used In this formula requiret for a battery where the continuous 1t&i 7 - time to re-charge the battery to approxl- Is 300 A, the largest single noncontInuous load 1 mately 95% ot capacity (hours). To minl- 100 A,the ampere-hours discharged from thecW::.

mike dc asjtem down time, a reasonable teryis 1200Ah (raUngofthebatteryst8 h r) recharge time *hould be selected;8- 12 h Is with 10 h to recharge the battery (no abnOrj F recommended. It bs recommended that the batterymanufacturerbe consulted for aervice conditions). '

values or Tless thin 8 h 1- 300D (1U) 1200 10--

In addition ItILs recommended that the ampere I

  • 300 + 132 a 432 A rating of the charger be at least equal to the To account for the single Poncontisuou s°4 -

continuous load plus the largest combination or following applies_

noncontinuous loads (as defined In ANS/IEEEStd 455-1953 181.4 22) that would llicelybeconnected

  • 300 100-000A to the bus slrnuianeousb' during normal plant oper- Conclusion- specifY bstterY charger with I ation. (or larger) rated outputL I6


A*Atrhc'cliwenyr A

&eAAo*;OV\ Xco3rooq(6 P,>,,,j Ta: T-A EQUtME:.NT DAM'A SHEET y5~vFS O'^N4. Rev. OQupment * - Thyristor Regulated Rectomatlc Battery Charger.

2 Load - 60 Cell Lead Calcium Battery and Connected Load.

3. Westinghouse 0.0. - I2X-50021-AR5L-12


I 4. AC Characteristics Voltage 4W0V Phases 3 I Frequency 50 hZ Current (FuLl Load) 92 Amperes -

II Transformer Taps It-H2-H3 48ovolts JP4-H5-Hi 450 Volts

5. DC Characteristics Voltage Float Charge Equalize Charge, Current 400 Anperes
  • Always consult battery instruction manual for battery manufacturers reco=mended charging voltages rates. wh:hen to equalize and time duration of equalize charge.
6. Currer.t Limit Setting -

ll0 Rated Full Load Current (440 Amperes.:DC)

7. Special Start-Up Instructions
1. With DC Load Breaker Open. Close AC Input Breaker.
2. Vhen DC Voltmeter reeds 130 volts. Close DC Load Breaker.

This procedure.vill prevent DC breaker trip due to filter capacitor (1C) inrush charging current.


0- 20.310 Page 3 A +aA vwevxj- A Ractomatic" Regulated

&I\tACAt~0A 2003,00%4 Battery Chargers I For Floctine Service I 200. 230. 460 Volts. Threc Phase. Ac.

e0 Cycls. 24. 60 sand120 Caltr.

25.1000 Amperes

  • p;c 1 Operation twaen no load and run toed to *1%. with currnt Smillng sening wIll cercs the cwrsnt A block diagram el the three phase Rnctomalic Is shown below. Once Itheme
  • C10% Sc line voltage vanttion. limiltlsignal to tveride the voltage signal.

and thus cuntrol the phcrse hiWe This I

source end the battery cennections sit Current Limit limits the output current to 110% of rated mtdr. the Be circuit bhe.gAr may be aperal. The current sensing circuit devuloPt *sig- output. and protects the charger by outo-ad to enargire thc chiager. The iegulated nas voltage proportionol to tihe load currenL maticilfy limiling the current on overloads dc euteut of the charger Is obtained by stl;. An Incteass In the load current above the to a sale value.

con controlled r*ctifies (thyrictorul which El9Icleney

.r tonttollciJ by

  • transstortied regulator Voltage Rtegulation consisting ofa constant voltage section and to cc.

a current limit icetion Cons tant Voltage Constant voltage rtgulation is acconmplisheJ by comparing the dc output voltage with a N0 -0 zoner diede constant voltage reftrence bridge. A voltage change dur to ac voltge' variation or change h dc load will cause an

  • co _e I*c uLnbalancd In the voltage folerence brldgo.

This signal Is fed to e phase thilt network which pulses thr gaste circuit of tfe thy.

rittor at the proper level la maintain dc voltage setting. It will regulate ths voltage o Is so 51 Po 1S a .040 under sloady state load conditione be. Mrftut Cwtvd I 1FrL ANOMS) PeWd

( ) *Typical Block Diagram I

I J.

I i I



>aplaci ties -Dimnensions --V eights WEICHn V Att~hrev& AX ItOMIDRSTIC _ AACIti~o^tO a30(

IPACKED 7 *TL k:O It"j ZIkg tc~meso VI-gy h-220.1 -I°S 21 _ Pa vC:

29Z JO;6zZ m 1 I,11. SGJT15 Average Cell Perform'ance Data*

(Dtscharge Rales in Amperes.


,y, 1 O .'.

A.H 7I - . 12 1 I'ft.J .. R. I24.

2 .. . . . 1 3 . . I TO 1.50 I



2 HR'HR hR 24 I HR IhrH 2 2 4 I44 R..I4,lHR.

111J t jMAH.1.4AI.

15 N. _R.

1 1.


t _~

ITo 1.75 VPC Final HR l. HR e

f65 OG.4.13 alo40 2423 - I lg 109 3 1l9 j 25 l 20 1 35 *20 535 0 9Z2 191 l 035 CN.l5 1250 I 25 al9 _ 1to I57 215 I 2JI 295 390 A6S C00 Sa0 104 1220 2200 GN-I? 1I50m 300 77 I3S Is? 255 I 3 3* t 540 710 UO0 1230 l880!J360 GN-19 1l00 311 8?2 1 45 199 l 280 323 100 525 61S *es 2075 1 136S 1830 l32S GN-21 1100 318a 6 I ' 2 360 .00 563 ;7 8 1160 I 2j 1970 1 08S GN.2 l 8C J I 9 16

-- Z5 I 25 l 33S I 4O6CS0 725192 l 20l65l200lJt To 1.81 VPC Final G?40 IIJO als §IO 13 15 212 1250 1315 1 370 1 6; I EIo1 719 or?7 GN-IS 1250 1 1 112 14 ZO 20s 231 170 350 I 400 525 699 185 19221 GN-I7I 15COI ON.I9 GN-21 1600 I 700 139 1 129I 1?5 1 2O I264 13M5 289 147 9 203 2t0 7 320 283 385 367 39j I$2 1

J0 474 50

$5 60$

8C2S 8s 745


8 0S 195 1 12DD e8s 1070 560 1170 1425 1325 GN-2J 1l 255 214 7 303 360 422 155 650 800 1033 1265 1525

'Pa!1I IAD. oVe&CI 9.4089e.. ww A0 8.t Sk41 20tOEE48S I

1-1 U.



GAS TURBINE OPERATION April 5, 2004 ATTACHMENT C LOCAL MANUAL CLOSURE OF H52-G05 (CONTINUED) 4.0 Dead Bus Pickup Of HOI Bus From C02R 4.1 Ensure 43LRS, Remote Local Selector Switch in REMOTE position.

4.2 Adjust frequency using Governor Speed Changer Switch to obtain 59.5 to 60.5 Hertz CAUTION Do NOT allow G05 Output Voltage to exceed 14.4 KV. An Over-excitation Trip will occur at 14.8 KV.

NOTE: Manual control of voltage adjust controls will adjust voltage only.

NOTE: Periodic monitoring of output voltage Is required to prevent over-excitation.

4.3 Adjust voltage using G05 GT Generator Voltage Adjust to Obtain 13.8 to 14.2 KV.

NOTE: Maintain 13.8 KV System parameters as follows:

59.5 to 60.5 Hertz 13.8 to 14.2 KV 4.4 Position G-05 GT Generator Main Breaker Synchroscope to ON 4.5 CLOSE H52-G05 Output Breaker.

4.6 Turn G-05 GT Generator Main Breaker Synchroscope OFF.

4.7 At C500, Ensure 43ST, Synchronizing Mode Selector Switch in AUTO.

NOTE: PBF-2023, C05 Operating Logs should be started - Including G-05 performance data.

NOTE: During snow or sleet conditions periodically monitor inlet structure for Ice build up. Immediately notify Shift Management if excess build up of ice is noticed.

(9) 4.8 Record a set of log readings every hour OR as directed by Shift Management.

4.9 IF another power supply becomes available (offsite power)

I itlmt#1t A THEN parallel G05 with power supply per appropriate procedure.

1 iW cu1ifpoo 0di3-' 00*

reams6 Irred c,^ Rev. -3 Page 28 of 44 REFERENCE USE


AtJqcAem A e-t Ic.%4 Iofoi: 27003- coq Ase 10


Signature Date Time List pages used for Partial Performance Controlling Work Document Numbers

POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT RMP 9359-7 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SAFETY RELATED Revision 3 DC STATION BATTERY CHARGER D-07, D-08 AND D-09 April 14,2004 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE INITIALS NOTE: "+ / -" keys to right of key pad shall be used to adjust current or use mouse to adjust current using up/down arrows on screen.

5.4.21 Adjust Charger as follows:

a. Place switch ISW to Float position, ensuring charger float voltage is 130 to 136 volts; normal operating range AND record value on Data Sheet 3. IF required, adjust float voltage using I P (float) potentiometer.


b. Load charger to approximately 100 amps AND ensure there are NO current oscillations. Record amp value on Data Sheet 3.

EM NOTE: Range In Step 5.4.19.c shall NOT be changed without concurrence of System Engineer.

(Reference CAP050366)

c. Load charger to between 330 Amps and 350 Amps AND record value on Data Sheet 3.

EM NOTE: Pressing F3 will take control to auto mode and maintain charger current at value set between 330 and 350 Amps.

d. Using Scopemeter monitor AC ripple voltage AND record ripple voltage peak to peak on Data Sheet 3.


e. Record Start time AND initial readings on Data Sheet 4.


f. Ensure balance loading at AC input breaker. Record AC input phase currents on Data Sheet 3.

EM PMT 5.4.22 Test Coordinator shall perform the following for battery charger test:

a. Record battery charger readings every half hour for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and finish time on Data Sheet 4.

EM I4 b. Ensure battery charger data was maintained within required 2 h0h limits for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per Data Sheet 4. EM A4cs /1tic 2003 -oot41 EM Re I Page 16 of 29 REFERENCE USE 71ors p45e 01et


c. Record final battery charger volts and amps on Data Sheet 3.


d. Review result of battery charger test AND ensure acceptable.


5.4.23 Using load test computer, unload Charger by decreasing load current to zero.

EM 5.4.24 Hit "Fil" key to stop test.

EM 5.4.25 Ensure charger float voltage is 132.5 to 133 volts; normal operating range AND record value on Data Sheet 3.

IF required, adjust float voltage using I P (float) potentiometer.

EM 5.4.26 Place switch ISW to Equalize position, ensuring charger equalizing voltage is 142.5 to 143.0 volts (normal equalizing range) AND record value on Data Sheet 3. IF required, adjust equalizing voltage using 2R (equalizing) potentiometer.

EM 5.4.27 Open station battery charger local DC output breaker.

EM 5.4.28 Test Air Flow switch as follows:

a. Open Station battery charger local AC breaker.


b. OPH de-energize battery charger by opening and locking applicablc AC supply breaker.


c. Remove fan motor overloads.


d. OPH unlock AND close applicable AC supply breaker.


e. Have Unit 2 CO close applicable station battery charger AC controller with applicable control switch at 2C20.


f. Notify Operations applicable battery charger Trouble Alarm on 2C20 will be received.


g. Close station battery charger local AC breaker.

EM A&hvmt i X h. Check station battery charger local AC breaker trips in approximately 10 seconds.

GCAk (4o1 4 2003-c00q EM Thise.L5.e acdi ". 3 Page 17 of 29 REFERENCE USE

Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 13 This page revised in Rev. 4 X-Y Graph of D-08 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT 500 -l -.

450 - -

400 !. -

- - . - . - _ . - __ . __ _ i_

350 - -

300 - -T T 250

_ -LXZ- H--

I . . - . . -I 200

_~ . ..~ _ ._ . T..T 150

-MW" 100 I I I 100 --

7"r -t -

- -. -.I I -. -

50 - -

I 0 1 - 1 5I/. --. ---. . I. I -- . ---. . -- - I 4119101 1115101 5124102 12/10102 - 6/28103 1114104 811/04 2/17/05 915/05


Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 14 This page revised in Rev. 4 X-Y Graph of D-09 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT 350 -_ -

-- .7.

300 ---_ . _T ., .. . . . ._


250 -

200-L -

I I. .

I I I A.1-I 150 100-

- -

I Ir i I __ I a I - - I - I

  • 4119101 11/5/01 5/24/02 12/10/02 6128/03 1/14/04 8/1/04 2/17/05 9/5105


Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 15 This page revised in Rev. 4 X-Y Graph of D-07 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT 160 140 -

nA-IZU ,--a 100] - ..- _ __ -L1. I.


60 II l -- 1 20 -

0. I 1
~II 0 !--__ l-.

4119/01 1115101 5124/02 12/10/02 6/28/03 1114104 811/04 2117105 9151l 05


Trmr .M.imi. J

  • . .A.'Fvrd l*- . -e.. I , . . *

'iim.s-. -.::  ::_, . . .....

rQtll s * *. -

X.Y Graph oft153 VOLTAGE 806


.li I1 .1,1 I I' l II - 11 I m 1960 1476 I 1470 I iI ASS I I I II 1 1116712 6712o4 91/02 12110)D2 5m2833 II

-1SB03VOLTAGE-X jt_*.-*., - IJs46..

Ail-a vwc' A 2t,5-OO' e O~L~t>O\vt zzco--0,4 Th's if J4 .nY Rev. 0 I1

. -.

LA -MF-nL"M-L- -

. L *. . .. .. * . .

  • . . ~

X-Y Graph or1 8a VOLTAGE 510 S05

. 1 I I I 600

. fl- 1 1 IIL II 1 I1z1 495 490 486

=1=- I U. Il 480 9 - 4.*9 S A75 I I I I

_ _ _ __1

_ _ _ _ _ _ __11 _ _ _ _m_ _ "_ 12 _ _ _ _ _ _C M


- ***C**********

A~hckchmvv~~ A ca ~lAc% hi, OA ZcA -04

,,pe 17 TtA_

KLV;IEt; gy  : _

Pie : ,1?

Tzj two . "V Rev. 0

. 2 o mgK-X6ldaa.lllfs . .'  :

X-Y Graph of2340 VOLTAGE I

j 466 7r"I IIMI

. . 1 211032 6&2412 .




1210.2 3ar em

- 25.03 VOLTAGE . X

. _ t t @jn- - pff .Jm '

AA It:Aj  ; Re-.J. C)

I Ai . i- ,. .

X-Y Graph ot2.4U VOLTAGE 600 60-EV - - ____



- VOT.4 IE 470 _ _ _ _ _ _

712001 11r601 2113A32 SW=10 11102 1211002 3=203 W9A33

- 2B.O4AVOLTAGE .X cr,\C w-LA,~N 7.O Xe: -1She} °



Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 20 X-Y Graph of D-107 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT This page revised in Rev. 4

. _ - . . ,.

- - X . ....

_ _ _I I

Ii I

_ ....

300 _. - .

II 250-200!-I I; -.-i --. I

. I_..

150-100 -. - -

50 . . . .-- . . I- - -... I 4 I .15-.

4119/01 101 1115101 5124/02


- I I 0 12110102 I


6128103. 1114104 i

811/04 211710 2117105

--- 915 9/5105


Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 21 X-Y Graph of D-108 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT This page revised in Rev. 4 250 ---


. ii .

ill i 150 100 50-OI- .- _

4119101 11/5101 5124102 12110102 6128103 1/14/04 8/1104 2117105 9/5/05


Attachment A Calculation 2003-0046 Page 22 X-Y Graph of D-109 BATTERY CHARGER CURRENT This page revised in Rev. 4 '1 160 _ ..


. .

140 ffi2I 120 , -

100 l .


. I

. ;1


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Tice 2.3 T$s"-" p.5 a e in Rev. 3 RMP 9359-8 DC STATION BATTERY CHARGER D-107, D-108 AND D-109 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE DOCUMENT TYPE: Technical CLASSIFICATION: SAFETY RELATED REVISION: 3 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 7,2004 REVIEWER: Qualified Reviewer APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Department Manager PROCEDURE OWNER (title): Group Head OWNER GROUP: Maintenance Verified Current Copy:

Signature Date Time List pages used for Partial Performance Controlling, Work Document Numbers


POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT RMP 9359-8 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SAFETY RELATED Revision 3 DC STATION BATTERY CHARGER D-107, D-108 AND April 7, 2004 D-109 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE INITIALS CAUTION To take Manual Control of Load Test Program, right after F1 key Is depressed then depress F3 and this will give manual control of load test.

5.4.16 Hit 'Fl key to start test.

EM NOTE: "+/-"keys to right of key pad shall be used to adjust current or use mouse to adjust current using up/down arrows on screen.

5.4.17 Ensure Charger Setup as follows:

a. Ensurecharger float voltage is 130.0 to 136.0 volts (normal operating range) AND record value on Data Sheet 3.

IF required adjust float voltage using I P (float) potentiometer.

EM NOTE: Range in Step 5.14.18.b shall NOT be changed without concurrence of System Engineer.

(Reference CAP05O366)

b. Load charger to between 340 Amps and 360 Amps AND record value on Data Sheet 3.

EM NOTE: Pressing F3 will take control to auto mode and maintain charger current at value set between 330 and 350 Amps.

c. Record Start time AND initial readings on Data Sheet 4.


d. Using Scopemeter monitor AC ripple voltage AND Record ripple voltage peak to peak on Data Sheet 3.


e. Ensure balance loading at AC input breaker. Record AC input phase currents on Data Shcet 3.

A q EM DON3 -bel Ca/IC f (laItoir FA'c Zq 3

'tm3 j R4 Page 17 of 30 REFERENCE USE

POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT RMP 9359-8 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES SAFETY RELATED Revision 3 DC STATION BATTERY CHARGER D-107, D-108 AND April 7, 2004 D-109 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE INITIALS PMT 5.4.18 Test Coordinator shall perform the following for battery charger test.

a. Record battery charger readings for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and finish time on Data Sheet 4.


b. Ensure battery charger data was maintained within required limits for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per Data Sheet 4.


c. Record final battery charger volts and amps on Data Sheet 3.


d. Review result of battery charger test AND ensure acceptability.

I SE/SUPV 5.4.19 Decrease load on charger to between 35 and 205 amps AND I ensure there is NO current oscillations. Record amp value on Data Sheet 3.

EM 5.4.20 Using load test computer, unload Charger by decreasing load current to zero.

EM 5.4.21 Hit "Fl" key to stop test.

EM 5.4.22 Place switch ISW to Equalize position, ensuring charger equalizing voltage is 142 to 143.0 volts (normal equalizing range) AND record value on Data Sheet 3. IF required adjust equalizing voltage using 2R (equalizing) potentiometer.

EM 5.4.23 Place switch ISW to Float position, ensuring charger float voltage is 133.5 to 134.5 volts; normal operating range AND record value on Data Sheet 3. IF required adjust float voltage using I P (float) potentiometer.

EM 5.4.24 Open station battery charger Local DC output breaker.

EM 5A.25 De-energize station battery charger by opening Local AC input breaker.

EM 5A.26 Notify control operator to open contactor from 2C20.

EM 5.4.27 OPH open applicable Battery Charger AC supply breaker.

OPH A{Kkw+ A A(, CC Page 18 of 30 REFE RENCE USE Watts FST" , Re 3


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- LA - Lead Antimony I

SPECIFICATIONS PLATES 14,1;ghl Vrdibs Ttb;,%ness Po@ln.......... . . is, I:- 0.3:210 131: #-' 135miI i.j mmi Nl116r ...........

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  • "lacdees Cboselurca Volls Dooel 0 till C 1 Calcium Isij I Mr.l. 30 IS Ia lirn l-nn. Dorn. 1 sl

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LC.17 1200 983 638 7.83 224 240 LA.17 S90 I10I 1400 7. . (08.? 76.3 734 274

-'05 tC.-l LA.US 1350 1106 716 1000 I126 1572 s1S.7 124.3 3.3t 8.88 210 290 6t tC.2I LA-21 1500 1223 795 illS I 52 1741 22r6 12?.5 131.5 30.4 314 10..3 14.13 22.63 310 330 LC-23 LA-731 1R50 11350 875 1130 1480 1388 10 359 575 I40.6 349.1 33.3 LC-25 LA-2S I8o0 1475 954 1297 1615 2060 10 3275 345 17 I 1.4 . 56.5 31.2 I50 273 911 LC-27 LA-27 1950 I600 1034 1405 1750 2230 13.19 I5se. t19.2 LC.29 367 390 96 LA-29 2030 I390 1068 145J Inf0 2330 119 (.I0.9 43.5

'339 384 407 LC-31 LA 31 2175 lol1 114'S (558 1(40 2S00 139 I 7J.' . a.i.c  : !.ti

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  • Dal&Wtled on Cisgfta'ge lom lie: at 71OF I25°C1 lot a mninam, ol 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.


  • ~.:, 1, I...'..

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Attachment B Calculation 2003-0046 Page I of 2 This pagc added in Rev. 4 Correlation of Battery Charger Peak Currents to Testing and Maintenance Activities Charger Date(s) Current Comment D08 9/2/04 500A Battery charger maintenance (Service Test) per RMP 9359-7, WO #0305276. Activity correlated with OPS logs.

D09 11/4/04 330A Battery charger maintenance (Service Test) per RMP 9359-7, WO #0307405. Activity correlated with

._____OPS logs.

D107 10/3/03 350A Battery charger maintenance (Service Test) per RMP 9359-8, WO #0305860. Activity correlated with OPS loqs.

D107 12/24/03 350A Battery charger troubleshooting/maintenance. Repair of current limit board and performance of load test, WO #0311808.

D107 8/7 - 819/03 190A Load testing of DY-OC inverter performed after troubleshooting and repair under WO #0301989. Validated in OPS logs.

D107 8/17- 8/18/03 190A Load testing of 2DY-03 inverter per RMP 9045-3 under WO #0301992.

Activity correlated with OPS logs.

D1 08 7/30/02 240A Support recovery from D-106 station battery performance test per RMP 9200-4, WO #9943006. Activity correlated with OPS logs.

D1 08 8/2 - 8/4/03 195A Attributable to troubleshooting I testing of DYOD inverter under WO #0306598. Activity correlated with OPS logs.

D108 8/10 - 8/11/03 195A Load testing of 1DY-04 inverter per RMP 9045-5 under WO #0203835.

Activitv correlated with OPS logs.

D108 11/4/03 195A Akin to above troubleshooting I repair entries, subsequent load testing of DY-OD inverter under WO # 0309957. l

Attachment B Calculation 2003-0046 Page 2 of 2 This page added in Rev. 4 Activity correlated with OPS logs.

DIOB 1/4 -1/5/04 190A Akin to above troubleshooting I repair entries, subsequent load testing of DY-OD Inverter under WO #0400034.

Activity correlated with OPS logs.

DI08 3/1/04 190A Load testing of DY-OD inverter per RMP 9045-4 under WO #0301990.

Validated in OPS logs.

D108 4/2-413/04 190A Akin to above troubleshooting / repair entries, DYOD Inverter 24 Hr load test after repairs underWO #0407316.

Activity correlated with OPS logs.

D108 8128104 185A Load test performed on DY-OD inverter after troubleshooting / repair under RMP 9045-4 and WO #0400359. Activity correlated with OPS logs.

DIOS 9/16/04 190A Load testing of 2D-Y04 instrument bus inverter per RMP 9045-6 under WO #0216189 after overhaul I repair underWO #0216188.. Activity correlated with OPS logs.

Cutler-Hammer January2001 Vol..ia.No.109711 BF/dFD -Fixed Contact Industrial Control BF/BFD Series - Fixed Technical Data Contact Industrial Control Table 49-75. Specifications BF Reiay Electrical Ratings - NEMA A300 Vohts I Maximum Current Maximum VA jCont. Make Break l Make Break 120 T 10 0 I 7 0 7202 720 1240 110 3003 17200 1720 Horsepower Ratings DC Rating - NEMA P300 (UL Recognized_

Phase AC Volts Volts Maximum Current MaexMake 115 230 Cant. IMake IBreak Ior rmleak Type OF T~p. BFD I1/E - 125 5.0 1.1 1.1 138 i3 ________250 115.0 0.55 0.55 138 Product Description Resistive Rating Coil Power Requirements Type BF Is AC operated, 300V maxl-mum, and the BFD Is DC operated, 125V iX 3A AC 77Z.aopoen, 12 VA closed 1250VDC 1.5A 2wa!mi l)nal)250Vme -

250V. Fixed contact relays are avail-able in any combination of NO and NC Options from two to twelve poles. BF and BFD relays have captive clamp terminals Table 49-76. Options fully accessible from the front, a Descrlpton Code Catalog Price molded coil with low operating tem- Letter or Number U.S S perature and silver alloy contacts suit-FASTON Push-On Terminals F CD able for low voltage circuits. Insert letter F after relay type designation in listed catalog Number. Example: BFF20F or BFDF20S Standards and Certifications Overlapping Contacts A _ 0

  • UL recognized, UL File No. E19223 NO contact closes before corresponding NC contact (AC relays only) - opens - supplied as NOINC set(s). Insert letter A after relay type designation In listed Catalog Num-
  • CSA certified, File No. LR36402-6, ber. Example: BFA22F or BFDAF22S LR28548-10, 11 (AC and DC relays) NEMA 1 Endlosure for Relay Types BF, Art-all poles _ 4977D40G04 55.50 BFD-4-8 poles 4977D40G04 55.50 ARD-4-rpoles 4977D40G04 55.50 0 Consult Customer Support Center for pricing.

ArTTA~if~ C.

CALCUVLAf16t VcO3 - 4OLIc P/cf i. oF I2 ThtS Po.~. "t.4dC IN gRN- Lj Dicount Symbol ............. 1CD For more information contact Cutler-Hammer et


CAT201.01.T.E EXON


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COMPONENT5 VOLTAGE STAND-BY MAXIMUM MINIMUM CAPACITY f .. Self-Policing Plug-lns 120 AC 6.5 VA 8.5 VA a 2.0 amps 125 DC 3.7 Watts 7.4 Watts 0 0.5 amps

, . No.0ai Plug-lns . 120 AC 0 7.2 VA 0 2 0 amps 125 DC 0

  • 4.3 watts a 0:s amps FlashenAll Models , 120 AC 0 2.7 VA 0 120Dwattslampload^

125 DC 0 5.0 Watts 0 500watts lamp load

.-. - . , . - . *1 Auxiliary Relays 120 AC 0 5.0 VA 0 10.0 amps (Model ACS-XI) 125 DC 0 3.5 Watts 0 2.0 amps 2X,' Backlightid Nameplates An 20 at

, 2Y:xZW . Any 0 12.0 Watts 0

.x 1W Any 0 3.0 Watts 0 _ .

-1)J * *i~ Bullseye LamPs Any 0 3.0 Watts 0 7

Pushbuttons Models SI10. SI41 120 AC 125 DC 6.0 amps 2.0 amps UjSq Model SI-11 120 AC II I _ 20.0 amps -

125 DC _ 10.0 amps VS M odels~~~~~~ C6 5XB5 . B 112 0a p i Models 51-PB. 51-PB41 120 AC ___6.0 amnps Modds ACS-PB. ACS-PB41 125 DC 2.0 amps Hom FZ 3 Model HSA 120 AC 1 VA 20.0 O odS H S D 125 DC 0 Watts 0 -

  • Al contact ratings are for non-inductive loads at 120/60 for AC applications and at 125 volts for DC S applications. fa p "The number of lamps handled by one flasher is a function of this rating and lamp wattage. Con.

5?51X - sider total wattage of maximum number of lamps flashing at any one time. Where lamp load ex-ceeds flasher contact rating, an auxiliary flasher relay is required, not an additional flasher.

In most cases, plug-in relays are designed for use on either 50 or 60 cycles. Nameplates so desig.

nate. for example 120/50-60. Flashers must be ordered for exact frequency however.

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  • 1 5100: EZ.AMP overlay feature at the bottom of the page should be used during no4 coordnation studes.

All time/current characteristic curve data Is based on 40tC ambient cold start I4'000 Terminations are made with conductors of appropriate length and ratings.

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Application Data 29-1 67F Page 16 AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers Types FD and HFD 125 Amperes 125A CtRRENT INAM-PERES


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