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Design Criteria,500 Kv Steel Pole Structure Transmission Lines.
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1980
From: Geiger R, Valastiak M
Shared Package
ML17139D084 List:
NUDOCS 8508120267
Download: ML17139D083 (178)








'~Pa e General Types of Lines Right of Way Clearing Clearances Structure Location Structures 12 Electrical Characteristics 32 Foundations 37 Insulators and Hardware 43 Conductor and Shield Wire Data 46 Counterpoise and Grounding 58 Electric and Magnetic Field Effects 59 Lake Crossing 64

DESIGN CRITERIA 500 kV STEEL POLE STRUCTURE TRANSMISSION LINES Forward A major departure from the construction of conventional lattice towers which were used for the original Keystone 500 kV transmission lines to the use of steel pole structures was adopted in 1972 on the Siegfried-Wescosville 500 kV line. For aesthetic reasons, in the highly visible area in the vicinity of Route 22 and 309, a portion of the line was constructed on steel pole structures. Since that time approximately 150 miles of steel pole structure lines have been built or engineered.

This report is a documentation of the design criteria applied to these 500 kV lines utilizing steel pole structures. While this manual provides information on all aspects of the design, special emphasis is placed where the criteria used is substantially different from the Keystone criteria.

1. General This manual documents the. fundamental factors in the electrical and structural design of the PPGL 500 kV lines utilizing steel pole structures. It does not serve as an engineering design manual, but rather presents the design criteria from which detailed specifi-cations were prepared in connection with various physical components in the construction of the lines. The manual also gives the criteria used for structure spotting and right of way clearing.

For the most part, the criteria used in the design of the 'lines covered in this report is similar from one line to another, however, special attention is given to areas made where the criteria is different.

The lines are generally single circuit lines supported by 'H'rame steel pole structures, however, some of the lines have been designed for double circuit construction. A portion of the Alburtis-Wescosville line is single pole structures supporting the single circuit. The double circuit lines are supported by double circuit 'H'rame steel pole structures.

The 'H'rame configuration for the single circuit structures is two uprights with a single cross-arm with the phases, arranged horizontally.

The double circuit configuration utilizes a 'H'rame with two uprights and two cross-arms. The phases are arranged four on the bottom arm and two on the top arm. A circuit is arranged in a triangular configuration on each side of the structure with one phase on the top arm and two phases on the bottom 'arm. The single pole structure has three horizontal 'V'.,'s arranged in a delta configuration with one on one side of the pole and two on the other side. The following is a table of the lines discussed in this report.

TABLE I TYPES OF LINES Double Single Length Year Circuit Length Year Line Name Circuit T~e Miles Const. H-Frame Miles Const. Remarks

1. Susquehanna-Wescosville, Susquehanna- X H 54 78-81 Siegfried Section Siegfried- X H 5 74-, X 78-80 Portion on Wescosville Section Towers
2. Stanton-Susquehanna /j2 X H 30 76-79 2 miles 230 kv Sunbury-Susquehanna 82 X H 40 79-82 X 95% owned "by Allegheny Electric
4. Susquehanna-Generator X H 0.25 82

$/2 Leads

5. South Manheim 0.5 78 Part of Connection 230 kV Line
6. Alburtis-Wescosville X H 2.8 80-81 X 5.7 80-81 X Sing 2.8 80-81 Pole 4

Sus uehanna-Wescosville I,ine The Susquehanna-Wescosville 500 kV Line provides a portion of the trans-mission to integrate the Susquehanna SES into the bulk power system.

The line consists of two distinct line sections. The original 10 mile section from Wescosville 230 kV Substation to a point approximately 1 mile from the Siegfried 230 kV Substation is a reconstruction of the Siegfried-Wescosville 230 kV line on a combination of steel pole painted green and galvanized steel lattice towers. The remaining 'H'rames, one mile of this line section was completed as part of the Susquehanna-Siegfried line. This portion of the line utilizes double circuit with one circuit position initially vacant. 'H'rames The line route for the conversion from 230 kV to 500 kV construction fol-lowed the original Siegfried-Wescosvi'lie 230 kV line corridor except for a small relocation in the vicinity of the Lehigh Service Center. Starting at Wescosville Substation in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County, the line extends

Township, ll mil'es through Lehigh County.

South Whitehall Township and North Whitehall The second section of line from Susquehanna to Siegfried is 54 miles long, single circuit arrangement with steel pole 'H'rame construction using corrosion resistant steel. This line section extends from the Susquehanna 500 kV Switchyard in Salem Township, Luzerne County to the Siegfried-Wescosville 500 kV line, described above, in the vicinity of the Siegfried Substation in Allen Township, Northampton County. The line route parallels the Sunbury-Susquehanna 500 kV line across the to an intersection of the existing Sunbury-Susquehanna 230 kV Susquehanna'iver, line. At. this point, the Susquehanna-Siegfried line parallels the existing 230 kV line northeast to a point near Council Cup. At Council Cup the line leaves the existing 230 kV line, forming a new right of way, in an easterly direction across the southern portion of Iuzerne County and south into Carbon County. The route then passes in a southeasterly direction across a portion of Carbon County to an intersection with the East Palmerton-Christmans 66 kV line. At this intersection, the Siegfried line and the East Palmerton-Christman line form a parallel right of way south toward East Palmerton Substation. East of the substation, the Susquehanna-Siegfried joins the Siegfried-Harwood 230 kV line and continues in a common corridor south to the Siegfried-Wescosville 500 kV line on the Lehigh River in Northampton County. The line, in general, is centered in a 200 foot right of way. Where the line is in a common corridor with other transmission lines, the right of way width varies in each case from 200 feet to 325 feet.

Stanton-Sus uehanna i/2 500 kV I.ine The Stanton-Susquehanna 500 kV line provides one of the transmission out-lets for the Susquehanna SES. In addition, it reinforces the bulk power supply to the PAL Wyoming Valley Region.

The line is 32 miles long and is constructed on steel pole 'H'rame's using corrosion 'resistant steel and double circuit single poles painted green. The'ouble circuit steel pole section is approximately 2 miles long and constructed for 230 kV operation. The line wi'll be reterminated at the Susquehanna 500 kV Switchyard when required. Starting at the Susquehanna 230 kV Switchyard in Conyngham Township, Luzerne County, the line extends to the Stanton 230 kV Substation near Pittston, Exeter Township, Luzerne County.

The line parallels the Montour-Susquehanna 230 kV line across the Susque-hanna River to a point approximately 2000 feet northwest of the Susquehanna SES. Leaving the Montour-Susquehanna 230 kV line, the Stanton line tra-verses north to the vicinity of Schickshinny where it'turns northeast ex-tending past the UGI-Hunlock Substation and intersects,a UGI-66 kV double circuit tower line. The Stanton Line parallels the UGI line in a common corridor to the vicinity of the UGI-Mountain 230 kV Substation. Near the Mountain Substation the Stanton line intersects the Stanton-Mountain 230 kV line and parallels it in a common corridor to the intersection with the Stanton-Schwoyersville and Stanton-Exeter 66 kV double circuit line.

From this intersection to the Stanton 230 kV substation, all three lines are in one common corridor.

Sunbur -Sus uehanna /j2 500 kV Line The Sunbury-Susquehanna line provides one of two 500 kV transmission out-lets for the Susquehanna SES.

The line is 44 miles long and ownership is divided between PPM and Alle-gheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. PPSL's portion is 4.3'/ of the line (1.9 miles) and is located at the Sunbury and Siegfried end of the line.

The first 4.2 miles from Susquehanna SES are double circuit steel pole

'H'rames. One position occupied by the Sunbury line and the other position for future system development. The structures on the north side of the Susquehanna River are painted green while the remaining structures utilize corrosion resistant steel. The balance of the line is single circuit 'H'rames utilizing corrosion resistant steel.

The line starts at the Susquehanna 500 kV Switchyard in Salem Township, Luzerne County and extends to the Sunbury Substation in Monroe Township, Snyder County. Leaving the Susquehanna Switchyard, the route crosses the Susquehanna River in a southerly direction in a common corridor with the Susquehanna-Siegfried line and intersects the existing Sunbury-Susquehanna 230 kV line. From this intersection the route parallels the existing line to the west. The two lines, in a common corridor, parallel the Susquehanna River in a southwesterly direction as they cross parts of Columbia, Montour and Northumberland Counties. At a point 1.2 miles south of Sunbury the line crosses the Susquehanna River to the Sunbury Substation on the west bank in Snyder County.

Sus uehanna Generator 82 Leads The Susquehanna generator 82 leads serves as the connection for the gener-ator 82 output. to the 500 kV substation. This short 500 kV line consists of two single circuit steel pole 'H'rames painted green and extends 1400 feet from the unit Jj2 dead end structure to the 500 kV switchyard.

This facility is located on the Susquehanna plant site, consequently no right of way is required.

South Manheim Connections These lines provide the present 230 kV supply to the South Manheim 230 kV Substation and the connection to the future 500 kV substation. Beginning at the South Manheim 230 kV Substation in Penn Township, I,ancaster County, the line extends to the west on a 200 foot right of way 0.68 miles to the 230 kV double circuit tower line near PA Route 72. The first 0.53 miles of the line are 500 kV double circuit steel pole 'H'rames painted green and the remaining 0.15 miles are 230 kV double circuit single pole painted green.

Alburtis-Wescosville 500 =kV Line The Alburtis-Wescosville line provides system reinforcement necessary to deliver bulk power into the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnec-tion network. ,In addition', the line will reinforce the power supply to the PPSL Lehigh region.

The line is 11.3 miles long and consists of three distinctly different sections of line. The first section, about 2.8 mile's in length from Wescosville in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County to Route 100, the line is constructed on single steel poles painted green. Continuing west 2.8 miles from Route 100 to the Alburtis-Bossards right of way, the line is constructe'd on steel pole 'H'rames painted green. Turning south and continuing on the Alburtis-Bossards right of way, the line extends 5.7 miles to the Alburtis Substation in Lower Macungie Township, Lehigh County, on double circuit steel pole 'H'rames painted green. The second circuit position is for future system development. Right of way width varies from 140 feet in the single pole section to 200 feet in and double circuit H-frame section. the'ingle

3. Ri ht Of Wa Clearin To provide for the proper clearance of power conductors to surrounding vegetation, the PPGL Vegetation Management Specifications were applied to clearing the right of way corridor for 500 kV steel pole structure lines. This specification coveys the initial removal or trimming of trees and brush and selective spraying of growth on the right of way.

Detailed instructions for specific clearing plans are on the Plan and Profile Construction Drawings for each line. In addition, access roads and erosion and sedimentation control measures are shown.

Erosion control plans are required by the DER wherever there is earth moving activity and require a permit whenever an activity affects more than 25 acres simultaneously. 'Construction practices of PPSL limit the total acres affected to less than 25 acres at one, time. For PPGL Company transmission line construction, the plan and profile drawings used for constructing the line along with the specifications for Soil and Erosion and Sedimentation Control on Transmission Rights of Way (A-118231), which is made part of the plan and profile by cross reference, is considered the erosion control plan for the project.

For the three Susquehanna transmission outlets, the additional criteria of complying with the final environmental statement related to the construction of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station prepared by the NRC was imposed. To insure compliance, Environmental Audits were performed monthly by the transmiss'ion engineering section.

4. Clearance The ground clearances for 500 kV Transmission Lines are designed to provide, at all times a safe distance from the energized conductors to ground. All clearances are calculated according to Section 23 of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and shown on Table II.

The following 500 kV Lines are considered in this report:

1. Susquehanna-Wescosville
2. Stanton-Susquehanna $/2
3. Susquehanna Generator g2 I,eads
4. Sunbury-Susquehanna
5. South Manheim Connections
6. Alburtis-Wescosville With the exception of the Alburtis-Wescosville Line, the ground clearance requirements for the above, lines were based on the 6th Edition of the NESC (see Table II). PPScL Co. also practices maintaining a clearance of 41 feet at maximum thermal sag at road crossings in order to limit the current due to electrostatic effects to 5.0 milliamperes, rms, if the largest anticipated truck, vehicle, or equipment under the line were short-circuited to ground.

Clearances for the 'Alburtis-Wescosville Iine originally were designed in accordance with the 1977 Edition of the NESC. This edition made the provision that if switching surge factors could be determined, the vertical clearance 'to ground could be reduced. However, as the design of the line proceeded, it was determined that the electrostatic effects of the line were not the sole governing condition for clearance Other criteria 'such as corona, electric field gradient and audible noise were used to determine the ground clearance requirements on this line. The double circuit portion of the line utilizes triple bundle conductors with a clearance of 30 feet at 900C thermal rating.

This provides a maximum electric field gradient of 9a8 kV/m. The single pole single circuit portion, due to the narrow easement, utilizes the triple bundle configuration. To achieve a maximum electric field gradient of 5 kV/m, the conductors have a ground clearance of 45'hermally rated at 90 C.



1977 Edition With Known Alburtis-Switching Surge Wescosville 6th Edition 1977 Edition factors Line Pedestrian Travel 28 28 23.6 see note Roads 33 33 28.6 see note Railroads 41- 41 36.6 36.6 Power Lines 15 15 15 15 Communication I,ines 17 17 17 17 Future Power Lines at Roads 54 56 54 54 Note: 30'f clearance is required for triple bundled conductor, double circuit portion, at 90 C.

45'f clearance is required for triple bundled conductor, single circuit portion, at 90 C.

31'f clearance is required for double bundled conductor.


5. Structure Location Structure locations were determined by aesthetic, engineering design and electrical code concerns. Structures at angles are a necessity but spotting structures to reduce visual impact was considered in locating structures. A minimum distance of 200'rom roads was maintained and high points were avoided unless extreme engineering conditions would have resulted.

The Keystone criteria governed the engineering design of the line except that structures were designed for specific spans as opposed to the Keystone family of towers. In addition to the aesthetic and engineering concerns, the National Electric Safety Code criteria also influenced the location of structures. The clearances specified in the code (See clearance section) were maintained. The heights of the structures were limited for economic reasons, which restricted the span lengths and structure locations. Where lines paralleled existing transmission line facilities, the location of new structures were determined by the maximum offset from existing structures to maintain NESC clearances to adjacent lines.

Structures General Back round Steel pole structures were used selectively on several of the first 500 kV tower lines such as the Berks and Hosensack-Quarry lines and were mainly interspersed at locations requiring unique conductor arrangements, line crossing points, or special tension change points.

Steel poles were conveniently used at those locations because they could be custom designed for the precise loadings to be applied and represented cost savings over special designed, non-standard, lattice type structures.

On later 500 kV lines, tubular steel structures were used entirely because of either (1) competitive overall steel pole installed costs which represented savings over comparable lattice tower designs or (2) environmental consideration for a more aesthetically pleasing structure compared to lattice towers. Again, all structures and foundations are custom designed for their particular application in order to realize the greatest cost savings. Ioadings are developed accordingly for each structure location and provided to the selected pole manufacturer. In the case of long lines involving many structures the manufacturer generally groups loadings within the various different pole types and designs and fabricates a number of structures by the heaviest loading in a given group.. This design method results in a certain percentage of overdesign on a large number of structures but optimizes overall savings by cutting down on engineering costs and manufacturing shop set up time by duplicating many fabrication units.

Since each structure is designed for actual applied loads, specific maximum allowable horizontal and vertical spans cannot be assigned to given a structure type as is the case in lattice towers designed as a family to cover a wide range of loadings.

Table "III" on page 14 summarizes the major 500 kV steel pole line which was designed by PL between 1973 and 1979. Table "IV" on pages 15 and 16 identifies the various structure types and associated outline drawings which are specified on each of the line designs.

Unswe t Arms Vs. Strai ht Arms and Un ainted Vs. Painted Structures A 3.0 mile segment of the Siegfried-Wescosville section of the Susquehanna-Wescosville line was the first major steel pole 500 kV line construction on PL's system. Painted structures with upswept arms were utilized on the line section in the vicinity of Routes 22 and 309 and Wescosville Substation. Tower construction was used in the remaining 8.0 mile portion of the line towards Siegfried Substation because steel pole construction could not be economically justified with the structure types being evaluated at that time.


When the time came to design the approximately 128 miles of 500 kV lines which would serve as outlets for Susquehanna S.E.S. generation (namely the Stanton-Susquehanna /f2, Susquehanna-Siegfried section of the Susquehanna-Wescosville and Sunbury-Susquehanna 82 lines) the economics of different structure types were evaluated and it was determined that considerable savings could be realized over tower construction with the use of tapered straight conductor arms and OHGW arms, and corrosion resistant steel. Since large portions of each of these lines are in rural or wooded areas, a corrosion resistant steel provided an improved visual impact over lattice towers. However, painted structures were purchased for the line sections in the immediate vicinity of Susquehanna S.E.S. in order to coordinate with the existing green facilities. Painted structures are used exclusively on the Alburtis-Wescosville and South Manheim Tap lines since they also are located in areas considered to be more environmently sensitive. In all'ases painted structures have a higher initial cost and are more costly to maintain.


TABLE "III" 500 KV STEEL POLE LINES Summar Of Structure T es and Confi urations General Structure Single or Painted on Arm Structure I,ine Name ~T6 Double Circuit Un ainted Corten T~e Series

1. Susquehanna-Wescosville "H" Type Single Painted Upswept 5SPjj1100 Siegfried-Wescosville line 5SPH1200 Susquehanna-Siegfried Section "H" Type Single S Painted 6 Straight 5SP jjT Double Unpainted 5SHPT
2. Stanton-Susquehanna $/2 Line I I HI I Single Unpainted Straight 5SPHT
3. Susquehanna-Generator 92 Leads I IHII Single Painted Straight
4. South Manheim Taps "H" Type Double Painted Straight 5DPHT
5. Alburtis-Wescosville I,ine "H" Type Double Painted Straight 5DPjjT "H" Type Single Painted Straight 5SHPT Triangular Single Painted 5SPT Strut
6. Sunbury-Susquehanna 92 Iine "H" Type Single Unpainted Straight 5SPHT "H" Type Double Unpainted Straight 5DPjjT Hll Type Double Painted Straight 5DPHT

TABLE "IV" 500 KV STEEL POLE LINES STANDARD STEEL POLE STRUCTURE OUTLINE DRAWING REFERENCE Structure Desi nation Structure T e SINGLE CIRCUIT 5 SPH 1100 Series Single Circuit "H", tangent V String Susp. DB 1067 'P.144 (Upswept Arms) 5 SPH 1200 Series Single Circuit "H", 1 -15 . V String Susp. DB 1067 P.155 (Upswept Arms) 5 SP 1300 Series Single Circuit, Unguyed, Tension DB 1067 P.143 5 SP 1400 Series Angle Deadend, 3 Pole Str.

5 SP 1600 Series Single Circuit, Tension DB 1067 P.145 Series Pole Str.

Unguyed,'ngle 5 SP 1700 Deadend, 3 5 SP 202 6 203 Single Circuit, Unguyed, Tension DB 1066 P.813 SP 301 6 302 Angle Deadend, 3 Pole Str.

5 SP 600 Series Single Circuit, Single Pole, Tension DB 1069 P.531 Guyed, Angle Deadend 5 SPHT Series Single Circuit "H", Tangent V String Susp. DB 1067 P..193 (Straight Arms) 5 SPHA Series Single Circuit "H", 1 -15 V String Susp. DB 1067 P.194 (Straight Arms) 5 SPHA Series Single Circuit "H", 16 -30 V String Susp. DB 1067 P.195 (Straight Arms) 5 SPHD Series Single Circuit "H", Guyed, Tension DB 1067 P.200 Angle Deadend, 0 -30 (Straight Arms)

'5 SPD Series Single Circuit, Guyed, Tension DB 1067 P.196 (Horizontal) Angle Deadend, 3 Pole Str.

5 SPT Series Single Circuit, Single Pole, Strut Susp. DB 1085 P.55 Triangular Tangent Strut.

5 SPA Series Single Circuits, Single Pole, Strut Susp. DB 1085 P.55 Triangular Angle Strut 1 -10 e5 SPD Series Single circuit, Guyed, Heavy Tension DB 1085 P.57 (Triangular) Angle Deadend, 2 Pole Str.


4 Structure Desi nation Structure e 5 SPD Series Single Circuit, Guyed, Single Tension DB 1085 P.58 (Vertical) Pole, Angle Deadend DOUBLE CIRCUIT 5 DPHT Series Double Circuit "H", tangent V String Susp. DB 1067 P.225

  • (Straight Arms) 5 DPHA Series Double Circuit >>H", lo-15o V String Susp. DB 1067 P.226 (Straight Arms) 5 DPHA Series Double Circuit iiH<< 16o 30o V String Susp. DB 1067 P.227 (Straight Arms) 5 DPHD Series Double Circuit, "H", Guyed, Tension DB 1067 P.228 Angle Deadend, 0 -30 (Straight Arms) 5 DPD Series Double Circuit, Guyed, Tension DB 1067 P.229 Angle Deadend, 4 Pole Str.


"H" Deadend Vs. Sin le Pole Deadend Structures "H" type deadends were introduced in the design of the Susquehanna lines and proved a design advantage over single pole deadends in that horizontal offsets between OHGW and conductors are readily provided to obtain clearances for ice on-ice off and galloping conductor criteria. Stringing on "H" deadends is more costly due to the temporary guying that is necessary to prevent arm deflection due to stringing tension unbalances. In addition, unanticipated problems were encountered during stringing due to rotation of the conductor arm and OHGW mast which was inherent in the design tolerances provided in the pinned and bolted connections. In the end the two types of structures were nearly a trade off economically, although the use of an "H" deadend may have an aesthetic value over a typical multipole structure. Due to economics "H" deadends were limited to line break angles 304 and below.

Un u ed Vs Gu ed "H" T e Structures (V-Strin runnin an les)

Cross braces are utilized on "H" structures on all lines to provide for a more rigid design and help support transverse loads in lieu of angle guys. Angle guys cannot be justified taking into consideration aesthetic impact. Rigid cross braces a'e'pecified'n lieu of interpole guying due to the ease of installation and savings in labor costs. Cross braces are limited to one per structure on all lines except the Siegfried-Wescosville line; the intent is to provide space to walk the crane during erection as a one piece structure. V-string assemblies are limited to line break angles of approximately 30~, within the capacity limits of the assembly, similar to tower line construction.

Un u ed Vs. Gu ed Deadend Structures Due to the extremely large conductor tensions commonly used in the 500 kV designs it is usually cost prohibitive to purchase a self-supporting structure to sustain unbalanced tensions resulting from stringing, ice on-ice off, or broken conductor loading conditions.

Therefore, most deadend structures whether they are "H" type or single pole are head and back guyed to support longitudinal loads.

Guying on "H" deadends is only specified to support the typical unbalanced longitudinal loadings mentioned. above. Single poles are additionally guyed to support maximum conductor deadend design loads. A total of 4 head and 4 back guys (2 per leg) are typically used on single circuit "H" deadend designs to support all conductors and OHGWs and a maximum of 4 head and 4 back guys per conductor position are typically specified on single poles. The number of guys is limited to satisfy aesthetic requirements and optimize overall installed costs.


OHGW positions typically are not guyed on "H" structures because of.

electrical clearance requirements and the large vertical loads that are generated in the static arms. OHGW positions on single or multipole structures are generally not guyed on line angles below 55 because of minimum electrical clearance requirements to'nergized conductors at the lower elevation.

Guy attachments are specified at a minimum vertical distance below conductor attachments to provide electrical clearances. This re-quirement generally applies to "H" deadends with large line angles and multipole structures with shallow line angles.

Sin le Pole Tan ent Structures A new single pole structure equipped with strut insulator. assemblies on a triangular configuration was developed. for the section of the Alburtis-Wescosville line out of Wescosville Substation for use on the narrow 140'ide R/W strip in that segment. Increased ground clearances and triple bundled 1590 kcmil phase conductors are incorporated on the single pole section in order to reduce RIV and audible noise interference levels.

Une ual Le I,en ths and Structure Hei hts "H" type structures are typically purchased in height increments of

.5'.g. 120', 125', 130'tc. Structures on the Stanton-Susquehanna

//2 and Susquehanna-Siegfried lines are not in inciements of 5'. The distance from the top of structure to the conductor elevation changed from 25'o 27'uring the course of design but after structural steel was purchased by the manufacturing and Steel Pole. Detail and Plan Profile drawings were near completion; and it structure was easier to heights than change the OHGW arm lengths and designated change leg lengths and design drawings. I,ater designs compensated for this change and use height increments of 5'.

Unequal leg lengths on multilegged structures or unequal pole heights on multipole structures are utilized to limit foundation pedestal-lengths to 18" below grade. where cross sectional groundlines vari'es.

Typically these unequal'engths are also in 5'ncrements and the remaining differences in elevation is compensated for by foundation pedestal lengths. However, one foot increments are used on the Sunbury-Susquehanna //2 and Susquehanna-Siegfried lines in order to reduce the number and length of concrete pedestals.

Structure Desi nation And Le Identification The typical 500 kV structure type designations and the definition of each character in the designations are described on pages 21 and 22.

You will note. that structure designations conform to the format of typical 138 kV and 230 kV structures on the earlier lines up to and including the Siegfried-Wescosville line. Designations were altered for the purchase of structures for the Susquehanna lines in order to more precisely identify the line and location where a particular 18

0 structure was to be shipped and at the same time provide at a glance additional information about configuration, insulator type, orientation, and whether or not it was to be guyed. The pole manufacturer identified the specified designation on the structure nameplate.

The pole manufacturer also labels each pole or leg section with the orientation specified on the job bill of material. The standard orientation is shown on Page 13. Physical identification is usually with beads of weld placed on baseplates, arm saddles, or flange plates and at a minimum consist of the structure number, line code letter, and orientation, e.g. 24AL1. Other structural members such as arms, x-braces, etc. are labelled, again with beads of weld, in accordance with the manufacturer's identification and detailed drawings. In addition, the manufacturer supplies section orien-tation marks on parts that are shop fitted such as flange plate connections.

Steel Pole Climbin Step bolts and/or climbing and working ladder support brackets are installed on all steel pole structures to provide working access to all conductor and OHGW positions under, both initial installation and hot line maintenance conditions. Step bolt nuts and ladder support brackets are welded to structural members by'the- pole manfuacturer in accordance with PPGL Steel Pole Fabrication Specification LA-50181.

'Permanent step bolts were'he accepted means of climbing when the Siegfried-Wescosville line was installed and therefore were the sole type of climbing assist. During the design of the later Susquehanna lines, removable climbing and working ladders became the newer means of climbing and represented cost savings over permanent steps. Step bolts are provided, however, on "H" structure OHGW arms and other structural members on all structure types where ladder provisions are impractical. High reaching aerial equipment is generally used by construction in lieu of actually climbing the structure when'such equipment is available and can be readily moved to the structure site.

For specific details and location of the climbing assists provided on a given structure refer to the individual steel pol'e detail drawings referenced on the job Plan and Profile drawing.

Seel Pole Loadin Conditions Structure loading conditions for 500 kV line designs generally conform to Stone 6 Webster criteria on the Keystone lines. Loading summaries are prepared by computer for each individual structure and used by the manufacturer in their designs. The computer generates normal PPSL loadings, similar to 138 kV or 230 kV poles, but then formats those loads into the various Keystone conditions.


Ce In the case of longitudinal loads on V-string equipped structures, Keystone loads are substituted for PPM, loads to keep loadings to a minimum. The loadings that are substituted, see Table V, are selected by comparing actual vertical and horizontal spans with lattice tower types that fall in the same range. Refer to Page 31.

Some Keystone loading conditions are also eliminated from the manu-facturers summaries because they are not applicable or are readily de'fined as non-governing loadings. The Keystone loading conditions and an explanation of their application on steel pole structures are shown on pages 24 through 30.

The. one major exception to meeting Keystone loading criteria is on the Siegfried-Wescosville line. The heavy ice loading condition on that line was limited to 1 1/4" ice, Og wind in lieu of the normal 1 1/2" ice, Og wind loding. A smaller condition jf9E loading was selected on the basis of historical ice studies of the PAL system and the lower U.S.G.S. elevation that the line is located.

The use of Keystone criteria 'on double circuit structures is similar to single circuit designs. Worst case longitudinal unbalances under the condition g5, broken conductor, condition //6, stringing, and ~

condition g7, ice on - ice off loadings were applied.


500 KV STEEL POLE DESIGNATIONS Example of Typical Structure Type and Definition of Each Character in the Designation (Used on lines prior to and including the Siegfried-Wescosville Line)

Designates Voltage 5S PH1 1 Oi These 2 characters distinguish the loadings by which the structure was'esigned.

Absense of No. = 66 kV 1 = 138 kv 2 = 230 kV Designates Type of Framing 5 = 500 kv 1 Tangent Suspension V-String 2 = Angle Suspension V-String 3 Unguyed Tension Deadend I,etter Indicates Circuits 6a 7 = Guyed Tension Deadend D = Double Circuit S = Single Circuit Use of 4 characters indicates the following:

Letters Indicate Structure Type 66 kV - Designed for 556.5 kcmil ACSR, 500'vg. spans P = Single Steel Pole PH = Steel "H" Type Structure 230 kV - Designed for 1590 kcmil ACSR, 550'vg. spans 500 kV - Designed for 2493 kcmil ACAR, 1500'vg. spans.


--" Example of Typical Structure Type and Definition of Each Character in the Designation Indicates For Guyed Structure 500 kV Letter Indicates Circuits

~(Blank G for Unguyed Structure)

S = Single Circuit L = Left Pole of Multiple Pole Str.

D = Double Circuit M = Middle Pole of Multiple Pole Str.

R = Right Pole of Multiple Pole Str.

(See Note --'elow)

Letter Indicates Structure P - Single Steel Pole (No I,etter for "H" Type Structures.

PH- Steel "H" Type Str.. On Structures with more than 3 Poles, Label Li L2 Ry R2 Etc.

from the structure center)

T = Tangent V String A = Angle V String -Designates I,ine D = Deadend Tension A = Susq.-Siegfried B = Susq-Stanton jj2 C = Sunbury-Susq j12 Structure Number D = So.Manheim Taps E = Alburtis-Wescosville Susq.Generator 82 Leads NOTE Most Important Code I,etter of Structure Designation. Each Structure is custom designed for a specific location on a specific line. Only a structure with the proper code may be used on a given line.

NOTE"--: Refer to "Steel Pole Leg Identification" section for typical orientation. I,eft Through right are viewed with your back to the source end of the line and the proper orientation shall be indicated on the structure bill of material and Plan 6 Profile drawing.

NOTE---": Standard Designation after the Siegfried-Wescosville Line.

STEEL POLE LEG IDENTIFICATION Multilegged or multipole steel structures are identified and labelled left to right with your back to the source end of the line as shown in the diagrams below.


~+Leg gl Left 0 Leg gl Left 2 Leg jjl Left I,eg g2 Left 1' (Source) (Source) ++Leg jj2 Middle (Source)

Leg jj2 Right Leg 93. Right 1


~Leg gl left ~Leg jjl Ieft 2 Leg jul Left ~r;eg g2 Left I (Source) ~Leg f/2 Middle (Source)

Leg j/2 Right jj3 Right 1

'Leg 83 Right jj4 Right 2 ANGLE STUCTURE WITH BREAK ANGLE TO RIGHT CY 'Ieg /$ 1 left C( Leg gl Left 2 Leg gl Left (Source) (Source) CY Ieg //2 Ieft 1 J

I,eg g2 Middle (Source)

Leg N2 Right Ieg g3 Right I Leg jj3 Right ~Leg (I4 Right 2 ANGLE STRUCTURE WITH BREAK ANGLE TO LEFT

- The source is the starting point of the line designated by the transmission design engineer.


Sus ension Structures All tangent and angle steel pole structures with V-strings are designed for each of the individual numbered loading conditions as follows:

1. All cables intact, NES Code heavy loading which consists of 4 psf wind on 1/2 in."radial ice, O~F, on ground wires and conductors, and 4.0 psf wind on structure with the following overload factors:
a. Transverse wind load and wind on structure 2.54
b. Transverse and longitudinal wire pull loads 1.65
c. All vertical loads 1.27-This loading condition meets the requirements of the NES Code rule 261A3a and 261A3b.

='verload factors on the Alburtis-Wescosville line are 2.50 and 1.50 respectively-NESC 1977 rule 250, 252, and 261Al.

2. No cables on structure, a transverse wind of 25.0 psf (1) on structure with an overload factor of 1.10 for all loads.

This loading condition meets the requirements of NES Code rule 261A3c, 24 psf.

(1) PPSL hurricane wind load.

3. NOTE: This condition is not applicable to steel ole structures.

All cables intact, NES Code heavy loading which consists of 4 psf wind on 1/2 in. radial ice, O~F, on ground wires and conductors, and 6.4 psf wind on 1.5 faces of tower with an overload factor of 2.0 for all'oads.

4. All cables intact on steel pole structure in combination with a transverse hurricane wind of 25 psf (100 mph) on bare ground wires and conductors, at 60~F, and 25.0 psf wind on str. with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads.
5. NES Code heavy loading, O~F, combined with a longitudinal load produced by a broken subconductor in any one phase plus 100 per cent impact factor, all other phases and ground wires intact, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads except an overload factor of 1.0 for longitudinal long produced by a broken conductor.

6a. A longitudinal stringing load which would be produced by the ground wire 'binding in the stringing block and producing a longitudinal swing of the supporting bracket of 45 deg at any one ground wire attachment point, the other ground wire intact, no conductors on str., a 4 psf wind on bare wire with 4.0 psf wind on str. of 1.25 for all loads.


~g 6b. A longitudinal stringing load which would be produced by two subcon-ductors in any one phase binding in the stringing block and producing a longitudinal swing of the insulator of 45 deg, the other phases and ground'wires intact, a 4 psf wind on bare wire with 4.0 psf wind on structure, O~F, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads.

For "H" frames, the cantilever length of arm is designed for a camber equal to the deflection at the free end of arm calculated under loading condition.

7. A differential ice loading, incurred by ice falling from the ground wires or conductors in the span on one face of the tower, based on 1 in. radial ice to bare cable, no wind, 30 F, and producing a longitudinal load on the structure. The differential ice loading is applied to the structure as follows:
a. Differential ice loading on one ground wire, 1 in. radial ice on the other ground wire and all three phases (see 7b)
b. Differential ice loading on both ground wire, and 1 in. radial ice on all three phases (condition 7a was determined to control design between 7a 6 7b)
c. Differential ice loading on one outside-and middle phase; 1 in.

radial ice'on the other phase and both ground wires.

d. Differential ice loading on all three phases with 1 in. radial ice on both ground wires.

The overload factor is 1.25 for all loads and differential ice loading is always applied to the same face of the structure.

8. All cables intact, an 8 psf wind on 1 in. radial ice O~F, on ground wires and conductors, and 8.0 psf wind on str. with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads
9. All cables intact, 1 1/2 in. radial ice, no wind, 0 F, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads and combined as follows:

a ~ 1 1/2 in. ice on one ground wire, the other ground wire and phases bare (see 9e.)

b. 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wires and all phases bare (see 9e.)

c~ 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wires, one outside phase and the middle phase; the other phase bare (see 9e.)

d. 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wire and outside phases, and the middle phase bare (see 9e.)
e. 1 1/2 in. ice on all ground wires and phases - this condition was determined to control design.


10. All steel pole structures are designed for a vertical pickup from the crossarm directly above the apex of the V-string. Condition 9e loads are used.

ll. NOTE: This condition is not applicable to steel pole structure.

For the bottom chord lacing and chord angles on all tower crossarms, a 400 lb ultimate vertical load is applied at the center of these members in combination with the loading produced by the stringing conditions as specified for each of the different tower types.

All other horizontal or near horizontal redundant members are designed to withstand an ultimate vertical load of 400 lb applied to produce maximum bending.

Insulation Wei ht The weight of insulator strings for use in steel pole structure design is as follows and is based on using 25 units for V-string leg:

Single V-string (50 insulators) = 900 lb Double V-string (100 insulators) = 1,800 lb 26

Tension Structures All deadend steel pole and deadend "H" frame structures are designed for each of the individual numbered loading conditions as follows:

l. All cables intact, NES Code heavy loading which consists of 4 psf on 1/2 in. radial ice, 0 F, on ground wires and conductors and 4.0 psf wind on structure with the following overload factors:
a. Transverse wind load and wind on structure 2.54 "=
b. Transverse and longitudinal wire pull load 1.65
c. All vertical loads 1.27-This loading condition meets the requirements of the NES Code rules 261A3a and 261A3b


Overload factors on the Alburtis-Wescosville line are 2.50 and 1.50 respectively-NESC 1977 rule 250, 252 and 261 Al.

2. No cables on structure, a transverse wind of 25.0 psf (1) on strip with an overload factor of 1.10 for all loads This loading condition meets the requirements of NES Code rule 261A3c, 24 psf.

(1) PPGL hurricane wind load

3. NOTE: This condition is not applicable to steel pole structures.

All cables intact, NES Code heavy loading which consists of 4 psf wind on 1/2 in. radial ice, 0 F, on ground wires and conductors, and 6.4 psf wind on 1.5 faces of tower with on overload factor of 2.0 for all loads.

4. All cables intact on steel pole structure in combination with a transverse hurricane wind of 25 psf (100 mph) on bare ground wires and conductors, at 60 F, and 25.0 psf wind on structure with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads
5. NES Code heavy loading, 0 Fp combined with a longitudinal load produced by a broken subconductor in any single phase plus 100 per cent impact factor, all other phases and ground wires intact, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads except an overload factor of 1.0 for longitudinal load produced by a broken conductor.

6a. A stringing condition resulting from the ground wires and conductors being dead 'ended with a 4 psf wind on bare cable, 0 F, and 4.0 psf wind on str. with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads and combined as follows:


a. One ground wire dead-ended, no other cables on structure (see 6a-d)
b. Two ground wires dead-ended, no conductors on structure (see 6a-d) c~ Two ground wires, one outside and middle phase dead-ended; no conductors at other phase location
d. All ground wires and conductors dead-ended - this condition was determined to control design between 6a-a, 6a-b, 6a-d, 6b 6 6c
e. The above combinations shall always be dead-ended on the same face of the tower.

6b. A stringing condition resulting from the ground wire being dead-ended with a 4 psf wind on bare cable, O', and 4.0 psf wind on structure with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads and combined as follows:

a. One ground wire dead-ended, no other cables on structure.
b. Two ground wires dead-ended on the same face, no conductors on structure.

NOTE: See 6a-d 6c. A longitudinal stringing load which would be produced by two sub-conductors in any single phase binding in the stringing block and producing a longitudinal swing of the insulator of 45 deg, the other phases and ground wires intact, a 4 psf wind on bare wire with 4.0 psf wind on structure O~F, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads.

NOTE: see 6a-d

7. A differential ice loading, incurred by ice falling from the ground wires or conductors in the span on one face of the structure, based on 1 in. radial ice to bare cable, no wind, 30 F, and producing a longitudinal load on the structure. The differ'ential ice loading is applied to the structure as follows:

a ~ Differential ice loading on one ground wire, 1 in. radial .ice on the other ground wire and all three phases (see 7b)

b. Differential ice loading 'on both ground wires and 1 in. radial ice on all three phases (Condition 7a was determined to control design between 7a and 7b)

Co Differential ice loading on one outside and middle phase, 1 in.

radial ice on the other phase and both ground wires.


d. Differential ice loading on all three phases with 1 in. radial ice on both ground wires.

The overload factor is 1.25 for all loads and differential ice loading is always applied to the same face of the structure.

8. All cables intact, an 8 psf wind on 1 in. radial ice, 04F, on ground wires and conductors, and 8.0 psf wind on structure with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads.
9. All cables intact, 1 1/2 in. radial ice, no wind, O~F, with an overload factor of 1.25 for all loads and combined as follows:
a. 1 1/2 in. ice on one ground wire, the other ground wire and phases bare (see 9e) be 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wires and all phases bare (see 9e)
c. 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wires and outside and middle phases; the other phase bare (see 9e)
d. 1 1/2 in. ice on both ground wires and outside phases, and the middle phase bare (see 9e)
e. 1 1/2 in. ice on all ground wires and phase - condition 9e was determined to control design
10. NOTE: Condition 10 not applicable because loading apply to dead end structure.

All towers with V-strings are designed for a vertical pickup from the crossarm directly above the apex of the V-string. This consists of a vertical load equal to the weight span times 2 times bare cable weight with an overload factor of 1.25 at an one hase oint.

11. NOTE: This condition is not applicable to steel pole structures.

For the bottom chord lacing and chord angles on all tower crossarms, a 400 lb ultimate vertical load is applied at the center of these members in combination with the loadings produced by the stringing conditions as specified for each of the different tower types.

All other horizontal or near horizontal redundant members are designed to withstand an ultimate vertical load of 400 lb applied to produce maximum bending.

Insulator We iths The weights of insulator strings for use in steel pole design are as follows:


2 Strings for each leg of the V-string = 1 800 lb er hase 3 Strings for flat leg and 2 strings for the other leg of the V-string

= 2 200 lb er hase For structures with strain insulators, the weight of insulators is 2,000 lb per phase on one face of the tower.

S ecial Steel Pole Structure Loadin s All line deadend structures at substation or switchyard terminals were designed to sustain all cables down on one face of the structure, the other side intact, NES Code heavy loading, 0 F, with an overload factor of 1.50 for all loads.

2. On single pole deadends with line break angles 55 and below an additional condition 810 and j/10a were included to split the transverse loads from condition //8 into loads supported separately by pole and guys. The intent was to compensate for wind loads that would be sustained by the pole rather than the guys on shallow line angles. Guys were assumed to support deadend loads only.


03 TABLE V 500 KV STEEL POLE TRANSMISSION LINES Summary of Keystone Iongitudinal Loads Substituted For PL Generated I,oads on Tubular Steel Structure I.oading Summaries Horizontal Vertical Conductor I.oad OHGW Load

")Span Span nn (fj Lon xtudznal) AJ (jj Lon itudinal)

Condition 85 Condition $/6 Condition 87 Condition j/5 Condition 86 Condition jj 00 0'o 1399 0'o 1767'720 7000 4200 3880 00 1400 to 1800'800'o 2287'9500 9400 10920 8940 0 15 1400'o 1800'800'o 2287'2260 7800 6600 3880 15 - 30 1400',to 1800'800'o 2287'0900 9260 5560 A

n 3880 NOTES:

n4 PL generated loads were used on OHGW position Keystone Condition Numbers PL generated loads were used on any structure which did not fall into a range that met line angle, horizontal span, and vertical span simultaneously.

7. Electrical Characteristics Line Im edances - ohms er mile Name Resistance Reactanc'e Stanton-Sus uehanna - single circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.025 0.604 Zero sequence 0.478 1.602 Sus uehanna-Wescosville - single circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.025 0.604 Zero sequence 0.478 1.602 Sus uehanna-Wescosville - double circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.0247 0.5821 Zero sequence 0.4699 1.750 Mutual 0.445 1.035 Sunbur -Sus uehanna - single circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.025 0.604 Zero sequence 0.478 1.602 Sunbur -Sus uehanna - double circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.0247 0.5821 Zero sequence 0.4699 l. 750 Mutual 0.445 1.035 Alburtis-Wescosville - single circuit, twin bundle Positive and negative sequence 0.025 0.604 Zero sequence 0.478 1.602 Alburtis-Wescosville - double circuit, triple bundle Positive and negative sequence . 0.0226 0.5238 Zero sequence 0.'4678 1.6916 Mutual 0.445 1.035 Alburtis-Wescosville - single circuit, triple bundle Positive and negative sequence 0.0226 0.5137 Zero sequence 0.4985 1.5910 South Manheim Connections - double circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.0247 0.5821 Zero Sequence 0.4699 1.750 Mutual 0.445 1.035 Sus uehanna Gen. 82 Leads - single circuit Positive and negative sequence 0.025 0.604 Zero Sequence 0.478 1.602 32

Conductor Surface Volta e Gradient-Calculated Maximum Kilovolts per cm Position of Line Name line o eratin at 525 kV Phase Stanton-Susquehanna 16.11 inside Susquehanna-Siegfried single circuit portion 16.11 inside double circuit portion 16.38 inside bottoms Sunbury-Susquehanna single circuit 16.11 inside double circuit 17.73 inside bottom Alb'urtis-Wescosville single circuit-twin bundle 16.11 inside single circuit-triple bundle 15.09 bottom double circuit-triple bundle .15. 69 inside bottom South Ma'nheim Connections 17.73 .inside bottom Susquehanna Gen..j/2 Leads 16.11 inside 33

Shield Wire Confi uration - ical Sus ension Structure Two 19 No. 9 Alumoweld shield wires are installed at the top of each structure in a horizontal plane as follows:

Ht Above Outermost Shield Angle to Line Name Phase Offset 'utermost Phase Stanton-Susquehanna 25' I 20o 25' t 56'3'3o Susquehanna-Wescosville 20o (single circuit portion)

Susquehanna-Wescosville (double circuit portion) 25'-

56'3'3o Sunbury-Susquehanna 91 20o (single circuit portion) 25'I Sunbury-Susquehanna (double circuit portion)

Alburtis-Wescosville (double circuit portion)

Alburtis-Wescosville (single circuit - triple

'6'3'34 (single circuit - twin bundle portion)


] 7 I 4ll 7.5'3 20o 4o bundle portion)

South Manheim Connections Susquehanna Gen. /f2 Leads 56'3'30 25'I 20o 34

Conductor Confi uration and S acin Number of Subconductor Subconductor Spacing Name of I,ine Subconductors Confi uration Center to Center Conductor Stanton-Susquehanna horizontal 18" 2493 kcmil ACAR Susquehanna-Wescosville horizontal 1 8ll 2493 kcmil ACAR (sc 6 dc portions)

Sunbury-Susquehanna horizontal ] 81I 2493 kcmil AGAR (sc 6 dc portions)

Alburtis-Wescosville horizontal 18lt 2493 kcmil ACAR (sc H-frame portion)

Alburtis-Wescosville triangular 18" 1590 kcmil ACAR (dc portion and sc single pole portion)

South Manheim Connections horizontal 18 2493 kcmil AGAR Susquehanna Gen. /I2 I.eads -horizontal 18" 2493 kcmil AGAR

Name Descri tion of Phase S acin

1) Stanton-Susquehanna 35 ft. Horizontal (flat)
2) Alburtis-Wescosville (H-Frame portion) 35 ft. Horizontal (flat)
3) Susquehanna-Wescosville 35 ft. Horizontal (flat)

(single circuit portion)

4) Sunbury-Susquehanna 35 ft. Horizontal (flat)

(single circuit portion)

5) Susquehanna-Siegfried 4 conductor positions on bottom arm and (double circuit portion) 2 conductor positions on top arm. Horizontal phase
6) Alburtis-Wescosville spacing is 33 ft. on both arms. Vertical phase (double circuit portion) spacing is 32 ft.
7) Sunbury-Susquehanna (double circuit portion)
8) Alburtis-Wescosville Triangular configuration with 2 phase positions on one (single circuit - single pole side of the pole and one on the other. The middle phase portion is located 37'orizontally and 10'8" vertically from the bottom phase. The top phase is located 25'ertically and 1'9" horizontally from the bottom phase.
9) South Manheim Connections 4 conductor positions on bottom arm and 2 conductor positions on top arm. Horizontal phase spacing is 33 ft. on both arms.

Vertical phase spacing is 32 feet.

10) Susquehanna Gen. i/2 I,eads 35 ft. Horizontal (flat)
8. Foundations Stanton-Susquehanna /j2 500 kV Line Susquehanna-Wescosville 500 kV Line Susquehanna-Siegfried section Siegfried-Wescosville 500 kV section South Manheim 500 kV Connections Sunbury-Susquehanna /32 500 kV Line Alburtis-Wescosville 500 kV Line General The foundations for the above captioned lines are designed using a laterally loaded caisson design approach as developed by GAI Consultants and Duquesne Light Company except the Siegfried-Wescosville 500 kV line which is designed using the non-specific classical method for steel pole foundations. Table VI following this narrative gives specific design criteria used on each line. The purpose of this narrative is to address, in general terms, the highlights of the evolution of the laterally loaded caisson design approach. For more specific information you are directed to the appropriate DB and ER files. See the Bibliography for references.

Subsurface Related Information o U lift Resistance The cone of soil approach to uplift resistance was replaced by skin friction/adhesion because outside testing information reported the cone of soil to be applicable only for relatively shallow foundations.

o Correlation of K as f (Eh)

Ba'sed on in-house testing it was determined that the Terzaghi equation:

K = E

1. 35B was not applicable and that the spring constant, K, was more accurately represented by the Yoshida-Yoshinaka equation:

K = 2.31E (B) 1/4 power 3 (Bo) 37

o De th to first resistin medium As experience with the laterally loaded design concept progressed, it was discovered that by selectively ignoring the parameters of some soil strata foundation depth could be optimized.

Desi n Load Related Information o Base reactions As more experience with and knowledge of the computer program, used for design, grew, the deviation of base reactions changed.

Originally the ABAR value was assumed to be the distance between the baseplate and the inflection point on the shaft. It was discovered later that ABAR equals ground line MOMENT divided by manufacturer's base reactions directly.

Factors of safety were applied in accordance with previously established transmission section policy. Manufacturer's base reactions were modified to account Xor the differences between the overload capacity factors, (olcf), and the desired factors of safety. Initially base reactions resulting from loads having an olcf of 1.25 were multiplied by .85 instead of .88 to arrive at a factor of safety of 1.1. Also at one time the uplift base reactions having an olcf of 1.25 were multiplied by 1.25 instead of 1.2 to arrive at a factor of safety of 1.5.

This explanation documents the reasons for the factor of safety discrepancy between some of the lines.

For the most recent lines designed the manufacturer's calculated base reactions were appropriately modified by equations internal'o the computer program..

Reinforced Concrete Desi n Related Information

~Slinin Reinforcing for initial lines was originally ordered for tower foundations. This reinforcing was received prior to the decision to use tubular steel H-frame and augered caisson construction.

Due to this, these two lines have foundation reinforcing spliced to the required length supplemented with bar ordered in to make up the difference. 30'engths The only splicing used on the balance of the lines is that required due to field revisions. All these splices meet the ACI Code requirements.

o Flexural Reinforcin Desi n Flexural reinforcing was consistently designed using the working 38

stress equation:

As = ZH f jd For the Siegfried-Wescosville section all flexural reinforcing for all diameters was designed using d = 48 which is only accurate for 5'6" diameter foundation. This resulted in conserva-tism. Also, for foundations on this ER the standard reinforcing cage as called out on E-118150 was used if it satisfied the above equation.

In general the balance of lines had flexural reinforcing custom designed for the individual structure base reactions and was consistent with the ACI Code.

Flexural reinforcing in foundation pedestals was originally designed as a separate cage to be spliced to the vertical caisson reinforcing. To optimize the installation, design procedures were altered to treat the pedestal flexural reinforcing as a direct extension of the vertical caisson reinforcing with no splic'es.

Shear Reinforcin Desi n Generally the minimum shear reinforcing as specified by the ACI Code was sufficient to carry shear loads.

Shear reinforcing was specifically checked and sized per the ACI Code for Sunbury-Susquehanna and Alburtis-Wescosville lines.


BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR REFERENCES Bulk Power Civil/Structural Files for Pressurements testing results for the following sites:

Bossards Beach Haven South Manheim Connections Sunbury - Susq. j/2 500 Line Alburtis-Wesc. 500 Line ER File 121219 - Susq.-Stanton 500 Line ER'File 121233 - Susq.-Siegfried 500 Line ER File 121243 - South Manheim 500 kV Tap ER File 122026 - Montour-Susq. 230 kV Relocation ER File 121242 - Susq. Generator 81 Leads ER File 121234 - Sunbury-Susq. 500 kV Line ER File 121236 - Alburtis-Wescosville 500 kV Line SAO File 907128 - Bossard's Foundation Testing Reprint of "Soils and Foundations" Vol. 12, No.3 September 1972 Issue - Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, by IWAO Yoshida and Ryunoshin Yoshinaka.

Report prepared by Sargent 6 Lundy for PPGL dated August, 1977 "Transmission Pole Caisson Foundation Tests" Report prepared by General Analytics Inc. dated March, 1972 "Laterally Loaded Caisson Embedded in a Multi-I,ayered Elastic Media".

Report prepared by A.M.DiGioia, Jr., T.D.Donovan, and F.J.Cortest-February 1975, "A Multi-Layered/Pressuremeter Approach to Laterally I,oaded Rigid Caisson Design" Report prepared by GAI Consultants, Inc. for PPSL, dated February, 1978.

"Pressuremeter Testing and Geotechnical Design Parameter Correlations-Sunbury-Susquehanna 500 kV Line."

Report prepared by GAI Consultants, Inc. for PPSL, dated December, 1977.

"Design Approach for Laterally Loaded Drilled Piers".


0 o Bulk Power Civil/Structural Files for the following Design Books DB 1121- Stanton-Susq. /$ 2 500 kV - Foundation Design DB 1118- Susq.-Siegfried 500 - Foundation Design DB 1123- S. Manheim 500 kV Tap - Foundation Design DB 1124- Montour-Susq.Relocation - Foundation Design DB 1122 " Susq. Generator Nl - Foundation Design DB 1103- Sunbury-Susq. /j2 500 kV - Foundation Design DB 1104 " Alburtis-Wesc. 500 kV - Foundation Design

O BO 1

&I O


CO Rg g

0 5! 3 WO Qg&O Og o




Ãg O 55 ZNE NAtK ER 4 t

>usa. -Stanton 500 I

Center PPM No N/A I Used Used Used, Ter zahi i

,'R 121219 hub . Cone Cone

'. at Structure g.'

I uplift of of uplift uplift

'dns.Designed-1975-76 .

'I I

us@.-Siegfried 500 Center PPM No GAI ..75ksf.:;9ksf. 7.2ksf. Terzaghi



Z 121233 hub Yoshida at structure GAI

'dns. designed-1977-78; lunbury-Susg. 500 Center GAI GAI- GAI '.4ksf.

Yes 0 75 7 2ksf Yoshida

,"R 121234 hub

. at Structure BS8T

'dns. designed - 1979 I


esc. goo -

Center PPM Yes.

STS 'PP8cL 0.4ksf. '0 75 7 2ksf Yoshida lR 123236 hub ksf.

at Structure;

'dns.designed-1979 ~ - at leg in BSEcT limestone

. Manheim Sub Tap Representative PAL ,75ksf, 9ksf. 7.2ksf. Yoshida
R 323243 'locations g a Wagondrill: m BSM

'dns. designed-1978

.tont our-Susq,. Center hub Yes'TS,PPM .4ksf .75ksf. 7.2ksf. T rzahi leloc. ER 122026 at Structure Ee BM:T


>usq, Leads .Center PPM'es STS PPM .4ksf ..75ksf. 7.2ksf Terzsghi

R 321242 hub

'at Structure BSLT


'<e fried.-Wescosville Center hub Items of 019 'at Structure I

an /o ot: For more information see Narrative Documentation, Bibliography~


~ 'I II%5 g~RIB ago

~oR4 Yes 3ff No Moment Mfgr's. .66 Mfgr's- No '.06 1.06 1.25 1.25 N/A ABAR betwee:n Gales. bot t omi Calcs ~

of I

. X-bracero base l.ate 1" or Mf&r s. 1.06 1.06 1.06 Yes Yes Mfgr's. Mfgr's. Moment Yes 0.25) 5 Shear i.or or or 1.56 N/A guyed Calcs. Gales. Calcs. 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.5 tangent Mfgr 's.

I Yes 0.25 "g 5 Yes Mfgr's, Moment Yes 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 Yes strs. Shear guyed.


0.5'angents calcs. Calcs. Calcs.

0.25 Mfgr 's. Mfgr 's. 1.1 4 Moment'alcs.


Calcs. Shear

.25'P a Yes Mfgr's. Mfgr's. Moment Mfg guyed Yes 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.56 N/A Calcs. Calcs. Shear Gales.


~ 5 tangent Yes 0 25 ~ Yes Mfgr ' ~ Mfgx'. Moment Mfgr's.'es 1 1 3. 1 1 1 1-5 Yes Ca1cs. Calcs . Shear Ca1cs.

Yes 0 25o Mfgr 's. Mfgx's. Moment Mfgr's. Yes 1.1 1.1 1.1 3..5 Yes Calcs. Calcs. Shear Calcs.



g Moment Mfgr's ..66 Mfgr's ~

No '.06 1.06 1.25 l.25 N/A .

I As~0.0268M Not Yes ABAR betwee:n I Calcs. I Used Calcs. bottoms of

... X-brac ega base l.ate

, Mfgr's. Mfgr's. Moment Mfgr 's Yes 1.06 1.06 1.06 Same as Not 'es Shear I or or or 1.56 H/A


Sunbury I

Used per ACI Calcs. Calcs. Calcs. 1.1 1.1 1.1 Code Mfgr 's. 1.1 1.1 1.1 l. 5 As~ per Oniy in Mfgr's. Mfgr's. Moment Yes 68M



Yes Shear 5+5 ACI re-calcs. Calcs. Calcs. 22M Code visions As')

As 6. 18M per ACI

's.~ Mfgr's.Moment:

~ Mg'.Ye 11 1.1 1.1 1.5 'nly Calcs.

Y Same per in Calcs. Calca. Shear Sunb ACI field re-Code visions per ACI


M gr's. M gr's. Moment g Y 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.56 N/


Same Hot Only in Gales. Calcs. Shear Sunb y used, . field re visions per ACI Mfgr 's. Mfgr 's. Moment Mf I Yes 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 Yes Same . Not,'es 'evised Calcs. as Used Calcs. Calcs. Shear Sunbury per ACI

, I Code Not Mfgr's. Mfgr's. Moment Mfgr's Yes 1.1 1.1 l.l. 1.5 Yes Same



Yes revised Calcs. Calcs. Shear Calcs. I Sunbury 'er ACI Code ssi al Method Used SUSQUEHANNA SES A.W.Metr er RELATED TRANSMISSION LINES Jan.1980 FOUNDATION DESIGN DPC~TATION TABLE VI

9. Insulators and Hardware Insulators Standard ANSI approved 5-3/4 x 10" ball and socket type porcelain suspension insulators are used on 500 kV steel pole construction.

These insulators are used on 'V'trings, deadends, idler strings and horizontal 'V'ssemblies. Classes of insulators used are:

ANSI Class M&E Ratin Proof Test Color 52-5 25,000 or 30,000 lbs. 12,500 or 15,000 lbs. Grey 52-8 36,000 or 40,000 lbs. 18,000 or 20,000 lbs. Royal Blue The hardware connections for the two classes of insulators are not compatible between insulators or hardware of different classes.

Color coding also helps identify the insulator class and strength to prevent intermixing.

All 'V'tring leg, horizontal-'V'eg and vertical strings use 25 insulators. All deadend assemblies use 27 insulators.

Insulator Hardware Assemblies PPSL utilizes five different types of insulator assemblies for 500 kV steel pole structures:

o Suspension, 'V'tring Assembly: These assemblies are used on tangent structures or very small (less than 5 ) angles. The specific assembly type is dictated by vertical and horizontal spans. Insulators in this category are Types A, B, C, C-l, D, D-l, AAA, BBB, CCC, and DDD.

Restrained Angle 'V'tring Assembly: These assemblies utilize the 'V'tring shape and are used for angles up to 30 (0 to 15 and 16 to 30 ). The line break angle and the vertical span dictate the strength of assembly to be used. The assemblies in this category are Types F-outside, G-center, FFF and GGG.

Idler'ssembly: These assemblies are used to support loops on deadend structures. A single string with a weight at the conductor attachment point is employed., These assemblies are Types M and MMM.

Horizontal-'V'ssembly: These assemblies are used on tangents and small angles (less than 10 ) to support conductors from a single pole structure.

Deadend Assembly: Several deadend configurations are used for high or low tension, twin or triple bundles. Turnbuckles are 43

employed in each assembly coupled to each subconductor to allow for variation in assembly length to match conductor sags in a bundle. Compression fittings are used for deadends and terminal lugs. Assemblies in this category are the Types Hl, HHH, JJJ and KKK.

Application of each suspension and restrained angle assembly must be determined through checking the insulator grading chart as well as checking buckling of the insulator string.'nsulator assembly hardware is purchased from several manufacturers in complete assembly units. Each assembly is made of ten or more sub-components. To achieve interchangeability of components, each "supplier is required to design their assembly based on the initial Keystone design. Except for a few minor exceptions, all items are interchangeable between manufacturers. At most, two or three sub-components must be replaced at one time to achieve interchange-ability. The Transmission Construction Specifications provides details for the assemblies which note the items that can be interchanged and which items must be replaced with one or two other sub-components at the same time.

~Sacess Spacers are used to stablize the bundle of conductors. Under switching conditions the sub-conductors will attract one another causing bundle collapse. To prevent collapse of the bundle, spacers are

.installed on specified intervals, ho greater than 250'n length, along the span. Twin conductor bundles are horizontally spaced at 18". Either bolted clamps with closed spring spacers or preformed helical rod spacers are employed. The triple bundle application utilizes a configuration of an equilateral triangle with 18" spacing, two conductors on the horizontal plane at the top with one sub-conductor suspended below. The triple bundle application utilizes spacer dampers. These devices are intended to maintain the bundle spacing while reducing aeolian vibration and subspan oscillation.

D~ae ess Dampers are employed on the static and twin bundle conductors.

Their purpose is to reduce aeolian vibration levels. Several manu-facturers have been approved for supply of these dampers. Application of each manufacturer's damper is independent of another. This means that dampers are installed per each manufacturer's recommendation.

The same span will require various quantities and different placement locations of dampers dependent on the manufacturer of the damper being installed. Therefore, if two or more damper designs are used on one line, the dampers will be installed in deadend span sections.

This is necessary to meet the manufacturer's recommendation for installation as closely as possible.


Armorrods Preformed armorrods are used at all suspension points on the static and phase conductors. The armorrods are wrapped around the cable at the suspension clamp posj.tion. The rods are intended to reduce wear on the conductors due to aeolian vibration at the conductor clamp.


10. Conductor and Overhead Ground Wire Data In the application of steel pole structures for 500 kV lines, several modifications of the Keystone design for conductors and OHGW cables have taken place. 500 kV construction is characterized by a bundle of conductors for each phase. This bundle arrangement provides for a larger effective Geometric Mean Radius (GMR) than can be obtained by a single larger conductor. The large GMR reduces the surface gradient along the phase wires which in turn reduces the audible noise, RIV, TVI and corona losses.

Lightning protection is achieved through the application of two shield wires. All lines of 500 kV construction on the PPGI, system utilize Alumoweld wire for the overhead ground wire. With the exception of the Beltzville Crossing of the Susquehanna-Wescosville 500 kV line which utilizes 19 No. 5 Alumoweld, 19 No. 9 Alumoweld is used for the overhead ground wires. The appropriate electrical and mechanical characteristics of these cables are listed in Tables X and XI.

In the case of the phase conductors, there are three different conductors utilized in two configurations:

Twin bundle - 2493 kcmil 54/37 AGAR Susquehanna-Stanton 500 kV line Susquehanna-Wescosville 500 kV line Susquehanna'enerator //2 500 kV leads Sunbury-Susquehanna //2 500 kV line South Manheim 500 kV lines Alburtis-Wescosville 500 kV line (Single Circuit.H-frame Portion)

Twin bundle - 1970.7 kcmil 69/37 ACSR Susquehanna-Wescosville 500 kV line (Beltzville Lake Crossing)

Triple bundle.-. 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR Alburtis-Wescosville 500 kV line (Double Circuit and Single Circuit -Single Shaft Portions)

The twin bundle 2493 kcmil 54/37 AGAR is the bundle configuration developed by the Keystone Design Committee. For the long span application at the Beltzville Crossing a higher strength conductor was required.. The 1970.7 kcmil 69/37 ACSR is to provide the mechanical and electrical properties required for this application. Two situations on the Alburtis-Wescosville 500 kV line necessitate the application of triple bundle conductors to achieve desirable audible noise levels. First, in the double circuit application, depending on the line phasing, a wet conductor may cause audible noise levels higher than levels which are desirable based on operating experience.

Secondly, a portion of the line utilizes a 140'asement (200',is the standard 500 kV easement). To achieve desirable AN levels on this section of the line, a triple bundle conductor is required.


The accompanying Table VII, VIII, IX provide the parameters for each conductor and overhead ground wire..


TABLE VII CABLE DATA CONDUCTOR - 2 493 MCM 54/37 ACAR Nominal diameter, in. 1.821 Weight per foot, lb 2.341 sq. in. 'rea,

l. 958 Number of strands 91 EC aluminum 54 6201 aluminum allow 37 EC strand diameter, in. 0.1655 EC strand area, sq. in. 0.02151 6201 strand diameter, in. 0.1655 6201 strand area, sq. in. 0.02151 Mechanical Data Rated ultimate strength, lb. 63,000 Modulus of elasticity, final psi 8)286)000 Modulus of elasticity, initial, psi 6,500,000 Coefficient of linear expansion per degree F 0.0000128 Creep constants K 0.608 x 10 M 2.10 N 0.275 EC strand wire Tensile strength, minimum, psi Individual tests 23,000 Average for lot 24)000 Minimum elongation, per cent in 10 in. 2.0 6201 strand wire Tensile strength, minimum psi 46,000 Stress at.l percent extension, minimum psi 44,160 Ultimate elongation, minimum percent in 10 in. 3.0 Electrical Data Circular mils 2,843,000 Circular mils, 62/ equivalent EC 2,345,000 EC strand wire, cm 27,390 6201 strand wire, cm 27,390 Conductivity, percent IACS, minimum EC aluminum 62 6201 alloy 52.5 Temperature coefficient of resistance, per deg. C at 20 C EC aluminum 0.00401 6201 alloy 0.00352 48

Electrical Data (Cont.)

Current carrying capacity, amperes, based on l)870 50 C rise over 25 C ambient with 2 fps cross wind Inductive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, ohms/mile 0.34193 Capacitive reactance, Xa', 60 cycles, megohm 0.0322 mile. 18 in spacing Resistance D-C ohms per mile at 20 C 0.038259 A-C ohms per mile at 20 C 0.0451 at 50 C 0.0490 at 100 C 0.0554 Conductor tensions are limited to the following range:

I 20 percent of ultimate strength at bare cable, no wind, O~F, final sag condition t 50 percent of ultimate strength with 1 in. ice and 8 lb. at 0 F 60 percent of ultimate strength at l~g in. radial ice, no wind, O~F, final sag condition Reel Data Overall diameter, in. 96 Drum diameter, in. 42 Inside width, in. 60 Overall width, in. 68.5 Hub Diameter, in. 51~

Length inside, in. 34 Maximum cable length for full reel, ft. 6,665 Weight, lb.

Empty 1,620 With wrapping 1,675 With wrapping and lagging 2,220 Shipping, full reel 17,823 49

TABLE VIII CABLE DATA CONDUCTOR - 1 970.7 kcmil 69/37 ACSR Nominal diameter, in. 1.802 Weight per foot, lb 3.128 Area, sq. in. 1.577 Number of strands 106 EC aluminum 69 Steel 37 EC strand diameter, in. 0.1690 EC strand area, sq. in.

Steel strand diameter, in. '.1127 Steel strand area, sq. in.

Mechanical Data Rated ultimate strength, lb. 102,600 Modulus of elasticity, final psi Modulus of elasticity, initial, psi Coefficient of linear expansion per degree F Creep constants K


EC strand wire Tensile strength, minimum, psi Individual tests 23,000 Average for lot 24,000 Minimum elongation, per cent in 10 in. 2.0 Steel strand wire Tensile strength, minimum psi 467000 Stress at 1 percent extension, minimum psi 44,160 Ultimate elongation, minimum percent in 10 in. 3.0

-Electrical Data Circular mils 2,843,000 Circular mils, 62/ equivalent EC 2,345,000 EC strand wire, cm 27,390 Steel strand wire, cm 27,390 Conductivity, percent IACS, minimum EC aluminum 61 Steel 8 Temperature coefficient of resistance, per deg. C at 20 C EC aluminum Steel 50

Electrical Data (Cont.)

Inductive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, ohms/mile 0.3364 Capacitive reactance, Xa', 60 cycles, megohm 0.0768 mile. 18 in spacing Resistance D-C ohms per mile at 25 C 0.0464 A-C ohms per mile at25 C 0.0491 at 50 C 0.0535 at 100 C 0.0623 Conductor tensions are limited to the following range:

20 percent of ultimate strength at bare cable, no wind, O~F, final sag condition 50 percent of ultimate strength with 1 in. ice and 8 lb. at O~F 60 percent of ultimate strength at l~< in. radial ice, no wind, O~F, final sag condition Reel Data Overall diameter, in. 96 Drum diameter, in. 42 Inside width, in. 60 Overall width, in. 68.5 Hub Diameter, in. 5g I.ength inside, in. 3'4 Maximum cable length for full reel, ft.

Weight, lb.

Empty 1,620 With wrapping 1,675 With wrapping and lagging 2,220 Shipping, full reel 51

TABLE IX CABLE DATA CONDUCTOR - 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR Ph sical Data Nominal diameter, in. 1.504 Weight per foot, lb 1.792 Area, sq. in. 1.335 Number of strands 52 EC aluminum 45 Steel 7 EC strand diameter, in. 0.1880 EC strand area, sq. in. 0.0278 Steel strand diameter, in. 0.1253 Steel strand area, sq. in. 0.0123 Mechanical Data Rated ultimate strength, lb. 42,200 Modulus of elasticity, final psi 11,223,690 Modulus of elasticity, initial, psi Coefficient of linear expansion per degree F 0.0000128 EC strand wire Tensile strength, minimum, psi Individual tests- 23,000 Average for lot 24,000 Minimum elongation, per cent in 10 in. 2.0 Steel strand wire Tensile strength, minimum psi 190,000 Stress at 1 percent extension; minimum psi 160,000 Ultimate elongation, minimum percent in 10 in. 5.0

,Electrical Data Circular mils 1,699,722 Circular mils, 62/ equivalent EC EC strand wire, cm 35,343 Steel strand wire, cm 15j700 Conductivity, percent IACS, minimum EC aluminum 61 Temperature coefficient of resistance, per deg. C at 20 C EC aluminum 0.00403 Current carrying capacity, amperes, based 1,335 on 40 C rise over 40 C ambient with 2 fps cross wind and emissivity'actor of 0,5 without sun 52

Electrical Data (Cont.)

Inductive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, ohms/mile 0.364 Capacitive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, megohm 0.0822 mile. 18 in spacing Resistance D-C ohms per mile at 20 C 0.05755 A-C ohms per mile at20C 0.0623 at 50 C 0.0678 at 75 C 0.0734 Conductor tensions are limited to the following range:

20 percent of ultimate strength at bare cable, no wind, 0 F, final sag condition 50 percent of ultimate strength with 1 in. ice and 8 lb. at 0 F 60 percent of ultimate strength at 15 in. radial ice, no wind, 0 F, final sag condition Reel Data Overall diameter, in. 96 Drum diameter, in. 42 Inside width, in. 60 Overall width, in. 68 '

Hub Diameter, in. 5<

I.ength inside, in. 3g Maximum cable length for full reel, ft. 6,665 Weight, lb.

Empty 1,620 With wrapping 1,675 With wrapping and lagging 2,220 Shipping, full reel 14,163 53

TABLE X CABLE DATA OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE " 19 NO. 9 ALUMOWELD Ph sical Data Nominal diameter, in. .572 Weight per foot, lb .5658 Area, in sq. in. .1954 Number of strands 19 Strand diameter, in. 0.1144 Strand area, sq. in. 0.01028 Mechanical Data Rated ultimate strength, lb. 34,290 Modulus of elasticity, final, psi 23,000,000 Modulus of elasticity, initial, psi 20,500,000 Coefficient of linear expansion per degree F 0.0000072 Electrical Data Circular mils 248,800 Resistance ra, d-c at 20 C, ohms per mile 1.098 ra, 60 cycles, a-c at 20 C, ohms per mile 1.120 Inductive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, a-c 0.701 at 1 ft. spacing, ohms per mile Shunt capacitive reactance, x'a, 60 cycles a-c 0.1109 at 1 ft. spacing, megohms per mile Ground wire tensions are limited to the following range:

20 percent of ultimate strength at bare cable, no wind, O~F, final sag condition 50 percent of ultimate strength with 1 in. ice and 8 lb. at 0 F 60 percent of ultimate strength at 1$ in. radial ice, no wind, 0 F, final sag condition Reel Data Nominal length of strand, ft. 6,700 Net weight of strand, lb 3>791 54

Reel Data (Cont.)

Weight of reel and lagging, lb 520 Total shipping weight, lb 4,311 Diameter of head, in., 56 Diameter of drum, in. 36 Traverse width, in. 39-5/16 Overall width, in. 44 Arbor hole diameter, in. 3 55

TABLE XI CABLE DATA OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE - 19 NO. 5 ALUMOWELD Ph sical Data Nominal diameter, in. 0. 910 Weight per foot, lb 1.430 Area, in sq. in. 0.4940 Number of strands 19 Strand diameter, in. 0.1819 Strand area, sq. in. 0.02600 Mechanical Data Rated ultimate strength, lb. 73,350 Modulus of elasticity, final, psi 23,000,000 Modulus of elasticity, initial, psi 20,500,000 Coefficient of linear expansion per degree F 0.0000072 Electrical Data Circular mils 628,.900 Resistance ra, d-c at 20 C, ohms per mile 0.4342 ra, 60 cycles, a-c at 25 C, ohms per mile 0.4507 Inductive reactance, Xa, 60 cycles, a-c 0.645 at 1 ft. spacing, ohms per mile Shunt capacitive reactance, x'a, 60 cycles a-c 0.0971 at 1 ft. spacing, megohms per mile Desi n Data Ground wire tensions are limited to the following range:

20 percent of ultimate strength at bare cable, no wind, O~F, final sag condition 50 percent of ultimate strength with 1 in. ice and 8 lb. at 0 F 60 percent of ultimate strength at lg in. radial ice, no wind, O~F, final sag condition Reel Data Nominal length of strand, ft. 6,700 Net weight of strand, lb 9,580 Weight of reel and lagging, lb 520 56

Reel Data (Cont.)

Total shipping weight, lb 10,100 Diameter of head, in. 56 Diameter of drum, in. 36 Traverse width, in. 39-5/16 Overall width, in. 44 Arbor hole diameter, in. 3 57

ll. Counter oise 8 Groundin A two step grounding and counterpoise system is applied to reduce, ground resistance to approximately 25 ohms.

Prior to 1977 the steps consisted of:

l. Installation of a driven ground rod at the bottom or side of each structure foundation. Each ground rod is connected to the steel tower leg or pole. The resistance of the foundation with all piers interconnected is measured.
2. If the resistance of the foundation is greater than 25 ohms, a couterpoise, 500 feet in length (250 feet on each side of the structure) is buried along the line.

In 1977, the method of grounding the tower leg was changed to include the foundation concrete. The steps are as follows:

l. All metal components in the concrete, the anchor bolts and reinforcing cage, are bounded together and leads connected to the steel tower or pole outside the concrete. The resistance of the foundation with all piers interconnected is measured.
2. If the resistance of the foundation is greater than 25 ohms, counterpoise up to a total of 500 feet (250 feet on each side of structure) is installed.

Lengths greater than this do not have an advantage in determining the lightning outage rate. If an isolated high resistance is encountered, there is no need to reduce'he resistance, other than installing the initial counterpoise. The increased outage rate of this high resistance structure has a small effect on the entire line outage rate, If there is a large group of structures with high resistances, there may be an effect on the outage rate and this should be investigated.

An increase in the number of insulators may be more economical than additional grounding.

Grounding and bonding wires are 3/8 inch high strength galvanized steel. The buried counterpoise is installed at a depth of 18" in uncultivated areas and 24" in cultivated areas. The counterpoise avoids roadways and underground facilities such as electric conduits and cables, telephone lines, sewers, water lines, storm drains, and gas and oil pipelines.


12. Electric 6 Ma netic Field Effects The electric and magnetic field effects of 500 kV lines are shown in Table XII.

PPM. has operated 95 miles of single circuit 500 kV line since 1966.

A portion of this mileage consists of two single circuit lines on 150 foot center lines. These circuits result in the maximum exposure to electric and magnetic field effects experienced by PPSL Company.

Hagnetic Flux Density 0.96 gauss Electric Field Gradient 9.9 kV per meter Vet Conductor Audible Noise 55.0 dba Heavy Rain Radio Interference 77.9 db Experience since 1966 has resulted in few complaints. All but one consisting of complaints of spark discharges from ungrounded objects.

Grounding these objects eliminated the complaints. The remaining one was a listener in a remote fringe area with poor radio reception for one station during early morning and late afternoon hours. The radio station changed its antenna pattern during these hours and as a result the signal was not as strong as during the remaining 'hours of the day. The transmission line did reduce the reception from Class B to Class C standards.

The steel pole transmission lines have field effects of equal magnitude to those experienced with the exception of the double circuit structures and the single circuit single poles. These structures have audible noise levels of approximately 60 dba when a two conductor bundle is used. To alleviate this condition, a three conductor bundle has been selected for the single pole structure and for double circuit structures when they are used in urban areas and areas where potential for development exists.

The phasing that gives the'lowest electric field gradient for the double kV circuit structures shall be selected so as not to exceed per meter.

ll Phasing arrangements must be checked when using these configuration on multicircuit right-of-ways. A rule of thumb is not to have like phases opposite each other.

All fences and other metallic structures on the right-of-way will be grounded in accordance with existing en'gineering standards.

Should a radio and television reception problem be evident, it will be investigated and corrected if it is definitely shown to be caused by the transmission line.

RJG:pd/47P-A 59



Operating voltage 525 kV Phase current 4600 amperes 2-2493 kcmil AGAR conductors per phase except + is 3-1590 kcmil ACSR conductors per phase.

Magnetic flux density Electric Field Gradient Wet Conductor Heavy Rain Ground gauss Kv/m AN - dBA RI-dB Clearance Le t R W Right R W Left R W Right R W Left R W Right R W Lef t R/W Right R/W Line Description Feet Edge Edge Max Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Tower Line Single circuit 33 0.93 0. 19 0.19 9.0 l.'63 1.63 53.2 53.2 73.0 73.0 Single circuit (keystone) 31 1.00 0.19 0. 19 9.8 1. 56 l. 56 53.8 53.8 74.0 74.0 Double circuit h h C B 8 C 33 0. 85 0. 20 0.20 10.8 1.39 1.39 58. 2 58.2 78. 4 78.4 h h C BA C 33 Q. 56 0. 13 0. 13 6~9 1.23 l. 23 61.0 61 ' .80. 2 80.2 Single Pole Line *

'.8 Single circuit 30 Q. 69 0. 17 0. 19 2. 30 1.88 45 ~ 2 46. 6 64.8 67.1 Single circuit "H" 30 1.01 0.19 0. 19 9.8 1. 56 l. 56 53. 7 53. 7 74.0 74.0 Heavy Rain is at 1000 kHa Sheet 1 of 4

I s

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TABLE XII 500 KV TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC AND NAGNETIC FIELD EFFECTS Operating voltage 525 kV Phase current 4600 amperes 2-2493 kcmil ACAR conductors per phase except

  • is 3-1590 kcmil ACSR conductors per phase.

Magnetic flux density Electric Field Gradient Met Conductor Heavy Rain Ground auss Kv/m AN dBA RI dB Clearance Left R/W Right R W Left R W Right R W Left R W Right R M Left R/W Right R/M Line Description Feet Edge Edge Hax Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Multi line R/W's 2 single circuit Tower Lines 31 150'etween ABC ABC 0.96 0.22 0. 22 9.9 1. 63 1. 63 55. 0 55. 0 77. 9 77.9 ABC CAB 1.02 0.18 0.18 10. 3 l. 58 1.58 54.5 54.5 77.8 77.8 125'etween ABC ABC 0.96 0. 23 0. 23 9.9 1. 65 1. 65 55.6 55.6 78. 1 78.1 ABC CAB 1.02 0.18 0. 18 12.4 1.58 1.58 54. 7 54.7 77.9 77.9 100'etween (

ABC ABC 0. 96 0. 24 0. 24 10. 0 l. 66 l. 66 57. 7 57.7 79.2 79.2 ABC CAB 1.03 0.18 0. 18 14 ~ 5 1. 60 1. 60 55. 1 55.1 78.1 78.1 Heavy Rain is at 1000 kHz Sheet 3 of 4

TABLE XII 500 KV TRANSMISSION ELECTRIC AND HAGNETIC FIELD EFFECTS Operating voltage 525 kV Phase current 4600 amperes 2-2493 kcmil ACAR conductors per phase except

  • is 3-1590 kcmil ACSR conductors per phase.

Magnetic flux density Electric Field Gradient Wet Conductor Heavy Rain Ground gauss Kv/m AN d BA RI -dB Clearance Le t R W Right R W Left R W Right R M Left R/M Right R/W Left R/W Right R/W Line Description Feet Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge . Edge Edge Edge Hulti line R/M's 125'etween Left line - single H 40 Right line - double H C B ABC A 8 'A C 0.64 0.15 0.20 8.0 1. 68 2.44 59.3 62.0 79.6 85.0 A B B C A C 0.65 0.14 0. 21 8.3 1.75 2.15 59. 0 61. 7 79.3 84.3 B 8 C A A C 0.73 0.12 0.14 . 11.0 l. 63 2.06 54.7 55.6 78.1 81.3 A B C B A C 0.66 0.13 0.14 10.4 1.73 2.01 57.7 60.4 78.8 83.9 Heavy Rain is at 1000 kHz Sheet 4 of 4

Lake Crossin General Location The line crosses the Beltzville I,ake approximately 2.7 miles east of the Beltzville Dam; the lake is approximately 1500 ft wide at the crossing. (shoreline to shoreline).

1 Beltzville Lake is northeast of the Pennsylvania Turn'pike and Route 209 intersection in Towamensing and Franklin Townships, southeast quadrant of Carbon County, eastern Pennsylvania. I,ocation on Pohopoco Creek about 4.5 miles above its confluence with the Lehigh River.

At normal conservation pool level, the lake covers over 947 acres.

Recreational boating of all types is afforded by the reservoir in addition to the water supply and flood control aspects of the facility.

In relation to Susquehanna Station and Siegfried Substation, Beltzville Lake is approximately 35 miles southeast and 4

ll miles north, respectively.

L~andsca e The topography of the land transversed by the line is illustrated on No. 5 J~ul 1976 (Amendment No. 5 in future references). Specifically, two miles north of the crossing the elevation approaches 1500 ft.

above sea level then gradually slopes downward to approximately 800 ft. one-half mile from the center of the lake at the crossing which is 651 feet at "top of flood control pool elevation". The southern approach to the crossing i's exactly the same as the north. "'efer to drawing LE-83849 Sheets 6 and 7 for plan and profile of this line section.

lian-made features in the area consist of the East Palmerton-Wagners 66 kV line (see E-155884 Sheet 2 for reconstruction) built in the 1950's. The 500 kV centerline is 150 ft. west of the reconstructed East Palmerton-Wagners 138 kV centerline. In addition, two pipelines (Mobil Oil and Buckeye Co.) are located within a 1500 ft. distance east of the 138 kV centerline.

The area is, mainly a forested, rural environment with land use dictated by Department of Environmental Resources for a State Park.

Transmission Line The standard 500 kV line built by Pennsylvania Power and Light Company is a Steel Tower or Steel Pole Structure equipped with 2 static wires: 19 No. 9 AWG Alumoweld conductor, and 2-bundled Power conductors per phase: 2493 kcmil AGAR 54/37 conductor. For further details see previous sections of this report under conductor data and structure sections.


The line route was selected to minimize costs and environmental impacts. In environmentally sensitive areas, such as Beltzville State Park, appropriate engineering and construction techniques were used. Amendment 5 in Parts V and Vl discusses the route impacts.

The PPM Standard 500 kV design was used on the 54 mile Susquehanna-Siegfried line except for the three-span (4930 ft.) section for the Beltzville crossing.

The change in design across Beltzville Lake was required, because the terrain adjacent to the Lake is not elevated and the long span would have needed structures higher then 200 feet to maintain NESC clearances.

The "Top of Flood Control Pool Elevation" of the lake is 651 ft.

according to the Army Corps of Engineer's specification ER1110-2-4401 Section 4. The power conductor for the 500 kV line must be 58 ft.

above the 651 ft. elevation at maximum final sag.

To achieve the necessary clearances using 2493 kcmil AGAR 54/37 would require a structure exceeding 250 ft. and 240 ft. on the south and north side of the I,ake, respectively. This would require lighting and/or special painting of the structures resulting in increased environmental impacts.- Therefore, a special conductor was, used to permit the use of structures less than 200 ft. high in order to eliminate structure treatment and minimize environmental impacts.

The basic design requirements were. submitted to approved suppliers for bids:

o 3,470 amps. per phase at maximum thermal loading condition of 100 C for ACAR, 125 C for ACSR, or 200 C for SSAC conductor at 35DC, zero'nots wind ambient conditions. The loading is the summer normal rating based on the PJM conductor rating method (see attached IEEE conference paper No. 74-003-0). The current shall be considered equally divided between the subconductors in the conductor bundle.

o The conductor may be composed of two or three subconductors.

The minimum conductor dia. shall be 1.8" for two subconductor and .7" for three subconductor bundles.

The maximum subconductor tension shall not exceed 60$ of the ultimate strength at 1.5" ice, zero degrees F, and zero pounds wind loading condition.

o The maximum conductor sag shall not exceed 135'n the span under the above requirements.

2,620'rossing Bids received were for the following conductor types:

o 2 subconductors of 1970 kcmil 69/37 ACSR 65

o 2 subconductors of 2505 kcmil 84/19 AACSR o 2 subconductors of 2250 kcmil 84/19 AACSR o 3 subconductors of 875.1 kcmil 54/37, ACSR o 3 subconductors of 1138 kcmil 36/37 ACSR Since all of the conductors listed fulfilled the specifications, other factors determined the preferred I

conductor type to use:

o 3 subconductors type involved greater weight 8 visual impact.

o 2 subconductors 2505 kcmil 84/19 AACSR and 2250 kcmil AACSR were eliminated due to manufacturing difficulty, and handling ability during construction.

Additional comments and bid prices are available in the Bulk Power Department's confidential files Purchase Recommendation EE-4930 (Sept. 7, 1977).

The conductor selected for the Crossing was 1970 kcmil (69/37) ACSR.

At the time of the conductor purchase, a 'spare phase of 2 subconductors of 1970 kcmil (69/37) ACSR was acquired to be used in the event of a phase wire failure on the Beltzville Crossing. A sufficient length was provided to guarantee that it could also be used on the 3 Mile Island-Peach Bottom 500 kV Line river crossing for a phase wire failure, since this conductor is similar to the 2505 kcmil 84/19 AACSR used on the river crossing.

Engineering data for the 1970 kcmil 69/37 ACSR can be found in the conductor data section of this report.

Spacers and dampers were provided by the conductor manufacturer along with engineering to determine their location. Aircraft marker spheres were installed on the OHGW's according to the Federal Aviation Administrations guidelines. Design locations for spacers and marker spheres are shown on Plan and Profile print LE-83849 Sheet 6 and 7 and Damper locations are on print A-176042 (1970 kcmil 69/37 ACSR) and A-176043 (19 No. 5 AWG Alumoweld).

pd/47P-A 66

PP51. Form 2454 (10/83) cat. <<973401 SB FB~ N A~9 0 7 Rev. 0 Dept. PENNSYLVANIAPOWER & LIGHT COMPANY ER No.

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Date DesIgned by Approved by 19 PROJECT CALCULATIONSHEET Sht. No. ~ of ~5




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Date Designed by by 19

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PP) L Form 2454 (10/83) car. <<0rsroi 3- -b-.N h-301 Rev 0 Dept. PENNSYLVANIAPOWER & LIGHT COMPANY ER No.

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Approved by QdNÃics~P$ 7+ yjC 7~ <<rrg,i+

PP8 l. Form 2454 (70/83)

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Date Designed by Approved by 19 PROJECT CALCULATIONSHEET Sht. No. ~of ~

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PPAL Form 2454 (10/83) car, <<ar34oi k


CALCULATIONSHEET Date 19 Designed by PROJECT Sht. No. ~of~~

Approved by

Copies to:

W.F. Hecht N-2 W. Barberich N-4.

H.R. Clarke N-5 May 27, 1982 T.M. Crimmins N-5

,W;G; Gfbbard N-5 E.J. Goodwin N-2 E.A. Guro N-2B C.R. Horn N-2B H.W. Keiser SSES S.B. Kuhn N-5 D.J. Morgan N-5 H.V. Oheim N-5 Mr. P. R. Hill - N5 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION STATION BLACKOUT ANALYSIS RE: YOURS OF FEBRUARY 12, 1982 This letter presents an evaluation of the frequency of loss of off-site power at Susquehanna and is a complete xesponse to your letter and to the additional points of interest raised at our March 30, 1982 meeting and subsequent discussions. In order to clearly and adequately address the frequency of loss of off-site power issue for Susquehanna, our response is

.provided in report format.

DESCRIPTION OF OFF-SITE POWER SYSTEM A detailed desex'iption of the Susquehanna off-site power system and its connections to the PL transmission system is presented in the attached copy of Section 8.2.1 of the Susquehanna FSAR (See Appendix 1). In brief, off-site power at Susquehanna is provided by Startup Transformers I/10 and 820 and their transmission connections to the bulk power system. The tx'ansformers are physically and electrically remote from each other and each one is connected to a 230 kV transmission line. The transmission lines which supply Transformers //10 and i/20 occupy separate corridors and do not terminate in the same switching station. With all facilities initially in service, the total loss of any one of the four switching stations, which terminate the two transmission lines from which Transfor-mers 810 and 820 are tapped, will not result in the loss of both Startup Transformers. If terminal problems occur on one of the txansmission lines supplying a Startup Transformer, the problem can be isolated, in most cases automatically, by opening the breaker(s) at that terminal. This would permit the Startup Transformer to remain in service via supply from the remaining terminal.

page 2 DEFINITION OF LOSS OF OFF-SITE POWER o f off-site power (LOOP) is def ined, for the purpose of this analy-sis, as the simultaneous loss or unavailability of power supply to Startup Transformers <<10 and <<20. Therefore, the determination of frequency of LOOP takes into account the availability of the transmission system which lies Transformers <<10 and <<20 and the availability of the transformers themselves. This analysis does not take into account plant induced outages of the 13.8 kv and 4.16 kv startup busses which could result in isolating the plant from the off-site power system."

FRE UENCY OF LOOP AND ANTICIPATED RESTORATION TIME The total frequency of LOOP at Susquehanna is conservatively estimated to be .049 occurrences per year. The components of the total frequency of LOOP include: LOOP due to independent outage events (.009/year) and LOOP to common mode outage events ( ~ 04/year). The frequency of LOOP value is dominated by common mode outage events (disasters and system blackout).

I The time required to restore off-site power after LOOP is dependent on the extent of damage, if any, to the electric supply system caused by the LOOP initiator event. In most cases, off-site power is expected to be restored within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> of LOOP. If there is no damage to system facilities, off-site power can be restored, within several minutes by automatic or supervisory switching operations. On the other hand, if there is exten-sive damage to the off-site power system, the restoration time would be many days.

DETERMINATION OF FRE UENCY OF LOOP The determination of frequency of LOOP includes both the "sustained" and "transient" occurrences of LOOP expected on. the PL system. Transient occurrences of LOOP are less than 3 minutes duration. The components considered in determining the frequency of LOOP at Susquehanna include:

Simultaneous forced outage of both 230 kV sources to the off-site power system due to independent events.

Forced (independent) outage of one 230 kV source while the other source is scheduled out for maintenance.

Natural and man-made disasters unusually severe weather events, earthquake, airplane crash, sabotage and war.

System blackout (widespread or local).

Simultaneous forced outage of both 230 kV sources to the off-site power system due to dependent events (neither blackout nor disaster related).

Page 3

~ .

Since the 230 kV transmission lines supplying the off-site power system do not share the same switchyard sources and are on separate corridors, the non-blackout non-disaster related dependent outage consideration was assumed to be negligible. The frequency of LOOP'due to independent events was calculated using historical data for the PL system. An estimate" of the frequency of LOOP due to common mode;outage events (disasters and blackouts) was derived from an analysis of weather data and PL historical outage data. A detailed discussion of the determination of frequency of LOOP caused by independent events and by common mod'e outage events is presented below.

LOOP CAUSED BY INDEPENDENT EVENTS The calculation of the annual frequency, of LOOP .caused by independent events is based on the simultaneous and independent forced outage of both 230 kV sources to the off-site power system,due to independent events, and the independent forced outage of one 230 kV source while the other source is scheduled out for maintenance. The forced and scheduled outage hours used in the calculation are based on PL historical outage data (1975-1981).

It is important to note that these data do not'.reflect the urgency asso-ciated with restoring an outaged off-site source at Susquehanna. Since the frequency of LOOP is a function of the restoration time (see Appendix 2), the calculated value for frequency of LOOP using historical data will tend to be conservative.

Based on PL historical outage data, the calculated value for frequency of sustained LOOP caused by independent events is approximately .003 occur-rences per year. The calculation technique is presented in Appendix 2.

This value corresponds to outage durations lasting longer than 3 minutes.

It is generally expected that, on the bulk power system, a transient line fault will have been cleared and the outaged line restored to service within 3 minutes by automatic reclosures. In general, a sustained outage is one which cannot be restored within this approximate 3 minute interval.

Based on PL historical outage data, the frequency of LOOP due to transient interruptions less than 3 minutes duration is approximately .006 occurrences per year.

The curve shown in Appendix 3 illustrates the "annual frequency of LOOP >

T hours duration" as a function of "T hours duration". This curve, for independent events only, was developed using available PL historical outage data. The 6-hour point highlighted on the curve is the average time to restore one of the off-site power sources in the event that construction personnel are required to isolate a faulted section of one of the 230 kV lines which supplies Transformer 810 or Transformer /120.

LOOP CAUSED BY COMMON MODE OUTAGE EVENTS Since the 230 kV transmission lines supplying the off-site power system do not share the same switchyard sources and are situated on separate e

page 4 corridors, the common mode outage events which could reasonably cause LOOP are disasters (natural or man-made) and blackouts (widespread or local).

Previous occurrences of disasters and blackout were reviewed and the likelihood of such occurrences in the Susquehanna electrical area was estimated.

The disaster component of common mode outages earthquake, airplane crash, sabotage, war, hurricane, tornado, flood, unusual hail,. ice or wind storms is dominated by unusually severe weather events. There have been several instances of multiple 230 kV line outages caused by unusually severe weather events. In March 1958, a severe snow storm occurred in the Lancaster Region and caused the collapse of two transmission structures-one on each of two adjacent 230 kV lines (Manor-Westport and Manor-River-side). One of the two circuits 'was restored in 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> by making tempo-rary connections between the usable portions of both circuits. In June 1972, the rains associated with Hurricane Agnes caused severe flooding in the Susquehanna River basin. The flooding resulted in the loss of both generating units at the former Stanton generating plant, the loss of the three, generating units at Brunner Island, the loss of the Brunner Island 230 kV switchyard and the seven 230 kV lines terminated there. In January 1978, unseasonably warm weather and persistent rain resulted in an ice jam and severe flooding at Safe Harbor Hydroelectric Station on the Susque-hanna River. The ice jam destroyed a double circuit 230 kV river crossing structure located on an island near the down-river side of the dam. For postulated disaster scenarios similar to the 1972 flood and the 1978 ice jam, there would not be a LOOP concern at Susquehanna. The loss of any one of the source switchyards or the loss of any section of 230 kV line would not result in LOOP.

The development of a multi-interconnected bulk electric supply system began after World War II. Therefore, there are less than 40 years of history upon which to base a prediction of the impact of adverse weather on the continuity of bulk electric supply. Weather records, however, date back more than 100 years. Based on climatological data from the Wilkes Barre-Scranton airport located approximately.30 miles north-northeast of the Susquehanna plant, there have been several severe storms worthy of note. The blizzard of 1888 began on March 11 as rain with winds up to 65 miles per hour, changed to snow and resulted in 15 inches of accumulation with 15 to 20 foot drifts. Although the incidence of tornados is very low, two tornados did occur, August 1890 and August 1914, causing several deaths in the Wilkes-Barre area. In November, 1969, a freak storm charac-terized by heavy wet snow, severe icing and gusty winds caused extensive damage to 69 kV and 12 kV electric supply facilities in the PL Pocono Region. Hurricane Agnes (1972), previously mentioned, was the worst natural disaster in the history of Pennsylvania causing record flooding and several deaths.

In order to minimize the impact of severe weather on the reliability of the electric supply system, all PL transmission lines are designed to

Page 5 conform with or exceed the rules set forth in the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). This conformance applies to mechanical strength as well as electrical clearance. For the specific case of mechanical strength, 'all 230 kV lines in the vicinity of the Susquehanna plant are designed for 1 inch ice loading with an applied 8 pound per square foot wind. The NESC specifies a 1/2 inch ice loading with an applied 4 pound per square" foot wind design requirement. In addition to complying with the NESC, PL transmission design also provides for adequate lightning protection, adequate clearance over flood levels (as designated by the Army Corps of Engineers), and minimal environmental impact.

Extensive disruptions to the bulk power system resulting in LOOP can be, caused by the unpredictable but real occurrence of major floods, hurri-canes, tornados, unusually severe ice storms and by possible occurrences of earthquakes, sabotage, airplane crashes, and war. The occurrence of LOOP due to earthquakes, sabotage, airplane crashes, and war is expected to be considerably less frequent than LOOP due to severe weather. With regard to airplane crashes, a review of the Federal Vortac map indicates that, as of January 1, 1982, there are no major scheduled airline flights within 8 miles of the Susquehanna plant. Considering all of the possible instances of unusually severe weather and other disasters, loss of off-site power at Susquehanna due to disasters is conservatively estimated to occur once every 50 years (.02 occurrences per year).

The blackout component of common mode outages is not readily predictable from historical data. There has been only one incident of a blackout on the PL system. The incident occurred on June 5, 1967 and resulted in a blackout of the eastern portion of the PJM Interconnection. Since there is only one recorded occurrence in 36 years of post-war history, it is impossible to statistically predict the frequency of occurrence of a blackout. For the purpose of this analysis, a blackout can be either a widespread condition such as occurred in 1967, or a localized electrical disruption affecting only a relatively small part of the bulk power system. A turbine-geperator trip which results in LOOP would be con-sidered a localized blackout occurrence. In order for the sudden genera-tion loss resulting from a turbine-generator trip to cause LOOP, the

,transient stability limit of the local grid would have to be exceeded causing all four 230 kV switchyard .sources supplying. the offsite system to be outaged.

Based on the PJM blackout experience and blackout experiences of other utilities, a greater understanding of the causes of blackout has resulted in subsequent improvements in equipment design, systems engineering and operator training. In addition, procedures and guidelines have been developed to unload and unstress the electric supply system in order to minimize the exposure to widespread outages, cascading, and blackout.

LOOP due to either a widespread or a local blackout is conservatively estimated to occur once every 50 years (.02 occurrences per year).

Page 6 The estimated value, therefore, for frequency of LOOP due to disasters and blackouts is .04 occurrences per year.

RESTORATION OF OFF-SITE POWER AFTER LOOP The time to restore off-site power after LOOP is dependent on the extent of damage, if any, to the electric supply system. In most cases, off-site power can be restored in less than one day if there is .only minor damage to the system. Obviously, if one postulates the simultaneous and catas-trophic physical failure of both Transformers //10 and //20 or of the 230 kV lines supplying them, the restoration time for an off-site source would be on the order of many days. The restoration time would be a function of the status of the remainder of the electric supply system, the availabi-lity of spare equipment, and weather conditions.

For a more reasonable LOOP scenario, without catastrophic failures of multiple components of bulk power related facilities, it is;. expected that one of the off-site sources can be restored either within a few minutes by performing remote switching operations or within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> by isolating a faulted section of transmission line. ,The specific work involved in isolating a faulted section of line involves the removal of bolted jumper loop connections on the 230 kV transmission structure at or near the point where the 230 kV tap line supplying the Startup Transformer is connected to the grid. By removing the appropriate loops at the tap point, the faulted section of line is isolated and the affected Startup Transformer can be re-energized from the remaining 230 kV source switchyard.

After a blackout, the restoration of the electric supply system follows established PJM restoration procedures. Following an event which causes a blackout, less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> would be required to determine the extent of the blackout and initiate the restoration procedure. A 230 kV supply line would be provided at Susquehanna from Yards Creek Pumped Storage Hydro-electric Station in New Jersey. It is expected that an energized 230 kV circuit, capable of providing off-site power at Susquehanna, would be available within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after a blackout.

By: G. Lac o GL:mg LA-23 Attachments


~S1 DRSCRTPTTQQ 2 1 'I ~TDaa eiSsion~sstee The bulk pover transmission system of PPGL operates at 230 KV and 500 KV Unit 41 of the Susquehanna Steam El.ectric Station supplies pover to the 230 KV system through a 230 KV svitchyard and Unit S2 supplies pover to the 500 KV system through a separate 500 KV svitchyard. The offsite pover system for the plant is supplied throuqh the 230 KV portion of the bulk 'pover system.


'Figure 8.2-1 shows the Susquehanna 230 KV and 500 KV svitchyards and the transmission lines associated with each yard and in the vicinity of the plant. The fiqure shows the line arrangement

'ith both units in operation. The two svitchyards are physically separate and are tied toqether by a 230 KV yard tie line with a 230-500 KV transformer in the 500 KV yard.

Tvo independent offsite pover sources.are supplied to the Susquehanna plant. One source is established by tapping the

~ ~

~ Montour-Mountain 230 KV line north of the plant and constructing 1300 ft. of 230 KV line on painted steel pole structures 'to startup transformer 410. The Montour-Mountain line shares double circuit steel pole structures vith the Stanton-Susquehanna 42 230 KV line in the vicinity of the plant. The double circuit line extends to a point 1.5 miles east of the transformer 010 tap at which point the tvo circuits split as shown in Piqure 8.2-1. The Montour-.Mountain line extends 16.8 miles north on douhle circuit lattice towers vith the Stanton-Susquehanna 41 230 KV line and terminates in the Mountain Substation. The Stanton-Susquehanna 42 circuit extends southward on double circuit towers with the Stanton-Susquehanna 41 circuit and terminates in the Susquehanna 230 KV S witchyard.

To the west of the tap into the Susquehanna plant the Montour-Mountain 230 KV circuit extends 1500 feet on double circuit steel pole structures at which point the Stanton-Susquehanna S2 circuit separat'es and extends northvard to Stanton Substation. The Montour-Mountain 230 KV circuit then Joins the Montour-Susquehanna 230 KV circuit on double circuit steel la ttice towers and extends 29.0 miles to the Montour Switchyard. The total distance to Mountain Substation from the tap into the plant is 18.7 miles. The distance from Montour to the tap is 29.7 miles.

Several lines feed the Montour Svitchyard and Mountain Substation, as can be readily seen in Pigure 8. 2-3. These lines Rev. 28, 1/82


8 2-1

SSZS-PS AR offer a multitude of possible supplies for the tap into e Susquehanna startup transformer f10. contour Switchyard is supplied directly by generation from the tjontour Steam Electric Station. Other generatinq stations are indirectly linked by the bulk pover grid system. The conductors for the transformer 410 tap and the Nontour-tlountain line are 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR..and are supparted by single string insulator assemblies. Haximum conductor tension is limited to 16,000 pounds on steel pole line sections and 21,900 pounds on. lattice tower sections under maximum anticipated loading conditions.

, The second offsite pover source is supplied at 230 KV from the yard tie circuit betveen the Susquehanna 500 kV and 230 kV Substations south of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station. The source is, provided by a sinqle 400 f t. span tap f rom the 230 KV Yard tie circuit to startup transformer 420.

The yard tie line consists of 230 KV double circuit tubular steel pole structures supportinq tvo parallel circuits of 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR conductors on single string insulator assemblies.

circuits are tied together to farm a tvo conductor per phase he sinqle circuit line. The 400 ft. tap to transformer consists of one 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR conductor per phase. The $ 20 dj.stance from the tap point vest to the 500 KV yard is 1500 ft. The distance from the tap point east to the 230 KV yard is 1.6 miles.

Maximum conductor tension is limited to 16 ~ 000 pounds in the yard tie line under laximum loadinq conditions.

The second offsite paver supply is furnished by the multiple sources throughout the bulk power qrid system through the 230 KU and 500 KV lines emanating from the Susquehanna 230 KV and 500 KV switchyards. See Piqvre 8. 2-3.

All transmission lines meet or exceed design requirements set forth by the National Electric Safety Code. One or two overhead ground wires are employed on the transmission lines above the phase conductors to provide adequate lightning flashover protection. All lines meet the Army Corps of Enqineers requirements for clearance over flood levels. All bulk power transmission. lines are desiqned to withstand 100 mph hurricane vind loads on bare conductors.

The contour-gountain 230 KV line is crossed by the Stanton-Susquehanna 42 230 KV line. No transmission lines cross over the Susquehanna 500 KU to 230 KV, yard tie line or the tvo tap lines supplyinq transf ormers $ 10 and 420.

No single disturbance in the bulk paver grid system complete loss of offsite power to the Susquehanna SES.

villThis cause basic system design criteria.

is a Rev. 28, 1/82 8 2-2


~8.2. 1 Transsisgion Xnterconnection PP6L is a member of the Pennsylvania, Rev Jersey, and Maryland Interconnection vhich permits economical exchanges of pover vith neiqhborinq utilities and provides emergency assistance. Direct bulk pover ties are between PPSL and Philadelphia Electric, Luzerne Electric Division of UGI, Metropolitan Edison, Pennsylvania Electric, Jersey Central Power and Light, Public Service Electric and Gas, and Baltimore Gas and Electric Companies.

8 2 1.3 Svitchggrds 8 2 1. 3. 1 Sta~tu~T~ans~fo m~es $ 10 and 420 The contour-Nountain 230 KV line and the 239 KV yard tie line supply vower to startup transformers $ 10 and 420, respectively, through motor operat'ed air break svitches. High speed positi ve ground svitches are installed between the motor operated air break svitches (NOABs) and the startup transformers. The startup transformers and low side bus connections are discussed in Section 8.3.1. The startup transformer yards are physically e separated from each other, the Unit Sl and 42 main transf ormer yards and the 230 KV and 500 KV switchyards as can he seen on fiqure 8.2-1. 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR conductors connect the air svitches to the startup transformers. 13.8 KV cables are installed in underground conduit between the startup transformers and the turbine building. Ron-seqregated phase bus duct" establish the tie to the 13.8 KV startup buses within the turbine build inq. See Figure 8. 2-4 for a one line diagram of the of f site pover system.

Line relay protection for the contour-Hountain 230 KV line and the 230 KV yard tie circuit is provided by tvo independent directional comparison carrier blocking pilot relaying and two zone directional distance backup systems vhich ensure adequate line protection in the event of a malfunction. These relaying schemes detect faults on the transmission line and isolate the pover sources to the transformers by tripping the power circuit breakers (PCBs) at the line term'inals. Breaker failure relaying, applied at each line terminal, detects a failure to trip or failure to interrupt condition at the line terminal and trips all associat ed PCBs necessary to isolate the line. Power to the line relayinq facilities is supplied from the local switchyard pover sources.

Startup transformers 410 and 420 are protected by high speed percentage differential, sudden pressure and overcurrent Rev. 28, 1/82 8 2-3

SSES-PSAH relaying. Direct transfer trip facilities are utilized as the primary relaying scheme to open the PCBs at the transmission line remote terminals in the event of transformer tr'ouble. Backup protection is provided by the high speed ground svitch on the 230 KV si'de of the startup transformer. This svitch is closed to place a positive fault on the 230 KV transmission line vhich vill


be detected by the remote line terminal relaying systems if the primary direct transfer trip scheme fails to function correctly.

The motor operated air svitch automatically opens after the 230 KV system is de-energized to isolate the startup transformer from

.,the transmission permit reclosing of the transmission

'ine terminal PCBs.system and A time delay undervoltaqe relay monitors the 13.8 KV startup bus voltaqe. On loss of offsite power the relay trips the startup bus

'incoming feeder breaker and initiates transfer < 'he bus loads

'to the other startup transformer through closure of the startup

~ 'us tie breaker. The time delay undervoltage relay also prevents unnecessary automatic trip of the incoming feeder breaker for

'hort duration disturbances on the transmission line.


Power to transformer 010-and 020 svitchqear, motor operated air

-"break svitches, and hiqh speed ground svitches is supplied from the station 125 V DC pover supplies.


'8 2'-1 3. 2 S~g~ue ~pa U~ 4 t 230 KV Hain Transf ormer Leads Overhead 1590 kcmil 45/7 ACSR conductors, bundled tvo per phase, tie the Unit 41 main stepup transformers, through a hiqh voltage Disconnect svitch-Synchronizing PCB-Disconnect switch arranqement, to the 230 KV svitchyard. The synchronizing breaker and disconnect svitch arrangement is provided at the Susquehanna SES site to improve reliability in synchronization and flexibility of operatinq Unit 1. Steel pole structures support the strain bus and the 2.2 mile 230 KV tie with single string insulator assemblies. The tie line is capable of transmitting the full 1280 NUA output of the Unit fl generator.

Relay protection between the Unit $ transformer and the 1

synchronizing breaker is provided by high speed percentage differential relays which trip Unit $ 1 and the synchronizing breaker by the unit master trip lockout relays. A second protection scheme is provided by the Unit Sl overall differential relaying which also detects fault conditions betveen Unit ~1 transformer and the synchronizing breaker. Tvo directional comparison carrier blockinq pilot and tvo zone directional distance backup relaying systems provide fault protection betveen the 230 KV synchronizinq PCB and the Susquehanna 230 KV Svitchyard. Breaker failure protection relaying is applied. at Rev. 28, 1/82 8 2-4

SS ES- FS AR e ach terminal to detect a failure to trip or failure to interrupt condi tion and to electrically isola fe the faulty ccmponen t.

Control power to the synchronizing pover circuit breaker an0 power to the onsite relaying equipment are provided by the plant 125 V DC pover supplies.

8,2 1 3,3 Susquehanna 230 KV Switch~ad The 230 KV svitchyard is an outdoor steel structure, comprised of 6 bay'ositions containinq 14-230 KV pover circuit breakers arranged in a breaker and one half scheme. Terminating positions are provided for seven lines, one generator lead, and a yard tie to the 500 KV svitchyard. 'he svitchyard breakers can be operated by remote supervisory control from the PPGL System Operatinq Offices.

Service pover to the 230 KV svitchyard is provided by a .local 12 KV distribution line with a backup diesel generator in the 230 KV svitchyard. An automatic throvover scheme is employed in the event of one source failure. Line protection equipment pover is provided by a single 125 V DC svitchyard service battery equipped with tvo full capacity chargers.

8.2. 1.3.4 Susquehanna Unit 42 500 KU Hain T ansformer leads Unit S2 qenerator output is connected to the 500 KV svitchyard by a 1400 ft. overhead 500 KV transmission line. 2493 kcmil 54/37 ACAR conductors bundled tvo per phase are supported by V-string insulator assemblies cn steel pole H-frame structures. The t ie is capable of transmittinq the full 1280 NVA generator output of Unif f2 to the 500 KV svitchyard.

Relay protection for the connection betveen the Unit f2 transformer and the Susquehanna 500 KV svitchyard is provided by hiqh speed bus differential relays which trip Unit S2 and the three 500 KV switchyard qeneratcr breakers by the master trip lockout relays for a fault in the- connection. An overall differential protection scheme provides a second system to trip Omit S2 and the three PCBs connected to the generator in the 500 KV svitchyard for a fault on the transformer leads. Breaker failure protection is applied at each terminal to detect a

.failure to trip or failure to interrupt condition and to electrically isolate the faulty component.

Rev. 28, 1/82 8~ 2-5

SSES-PS AR 8.2.1 3.5 Su guehanna 500 KV Svitc~h~ad The 500 KV switchyard is an outdoor steel structure, comprised of three bays containing five 500 KV paver circuit breakers arranged in a modified rinq bus configuration. The switchyard provides for ultimate future expansion to 5 bays in a breaker and one half scheme. Terminating positions are provided for tvo lines, one 500 KV generator lead circuit and a circuit to a bank of three sinqle phase 500-230 KV autotransformers. Manual operation of the 500 KV generator lead synchronizing circuit breakers is by the plant control room operator. The remaininq PCBs can be operated by PPSL'.s remote supervisory control or by the plant supervisory control.

Service power to the 500 KV svitchyard is provided by tvo sources: one from the qeneratinq station, and the second from the tertiary vindinq of the yard tie autotransformers vith an automatic low voltaqe throwover scheme in the even't of one source failure. Line protection equipment is powered .by a single 125 V DC svitchyard service battery equipped with tvo full capacity

, battery chargers.

8 2 1.3.6 Montoux and Nougtain 230 kV Swit~ch ards Figure 8.2-5 shows a one line diaqram of the off-site pover

~ ~

system for Startup Tran former tl0.

The Montour Svitchyard is an outdoor steel structure comprised of four bay positions containinq 11-230 kV pover circuit breakers arranged in a breaker and one half scheme. Tvo generating leads from the contour Steam Electric Station and five transmission lines are terminated in the yard. The switchyard breakers can be operated by remote control from the PPGL System-.Operating o ff ices.

The Mountain Svitchvard is ovned and operated by IJGX Corporation, Luzerne Electric Division. It is an outdoor steel structure with tvo bay positions each containinq one 230 kV PCB. The tvo, PCBs are arranged back to hack betveen the Montour-Mountain and Rountain-Lackavanna Lines. Between the tvo PCBs is a normally open MOAH to the Susquehanna-Stanton ~1 line. The PCBs and MOAB can be operated by remote supervisory control from the UGI Corporation System operator's office PCB and NOAB status is monitored by PPSL ~s System Operatinq of fices.


Rev. 28, 1/82 8 2-6 Al-6

SS ES-FS AR PPSI. ~ s transmission lines are patrolled approximately three tiaes throughout a year to ensure that the physical and electrical integrity of the transmission line supports, hardvare, insulators, and conductors is maintained for safe and reliable continuity of service.

The periodi" transmission li,ne patrol is conducted by helicopter.

Less frequent foot patrols and selective structure inspections are performed depending on the age of the line.

Honitoring of the Unit $ 1 and Unit ¹2 offsite paver sources in the plant control .room is via a hardvired aimic bus arrangement vhich shovs startup transf'oraers ¹10 and ¹20, the transformer ¹10 and ¹20 motor operated air break svitches, the 13.8 KV start-up buses, the 13.8 KV bus feeder breakers, and the 13.8 KV bus tie breaker. hnnunciation signals abnormal tripping to the control room operator. Control and status indication are provided for the 230 KV tlOhB switches and the 13.8 RV breakers. Potential indication for the PPSL grid and 13.8 KV bus and status indication of the 230 KV high speed ground svitches are provided.

h cathode raV tube (CRT) display is provided by the plant 0 computer system which provides the operator with additional information about the offsite pover sources. The display is a mimic bus arrangement, similar to the hardwired mimic hus, and includes the status of the PCBs at the remote terminals'of the trans for acr ¹ 10 and ¹ 20 sup ply lines.

Honitoring of the Unit ¹1 main generator output leads to the 230 KV svitchyard is provided in the" control room. h har dvir ed miaic hus arranqeaent provides control and status indication of the synchron izi.nq PCB. P oten tial ind ication and monitoring of current, vatts, vars, vatt hours and voltage are provided.

Annunciation siqnals an abnormal change in status of the synchronizing PCB. The coaputer CRT display system provides the operator with the status of all PCB's in the 230 KV svitchyard and the synchronizinq PCB via input from PPGL's supervisory control system. hnnunciation accompanies a failure of the supervisory system. Manual control of the 230.KV switchyard is by a supervisory system .from selected PPGL System Operating facilities.

Nonitorinq of the Unit ¹2 mai n qenerator output leads and the 500 KV svitchyard is provided in the cont'rol room via a mimic hus

, arrangement. PCB open-close status indication and control are provided far all PCBs in the 500 KV svitchyard. Except for the main generator synchronizing breakers vhich are hardvired directly to the control room alonq with potential indication, all 500 KV PCB control and status indication in the control room is

'I Rev. 28, 1/82 8 2-7



~ provided throuqh a supervisory system. Digital displays output current, watts, vags, vatt hours, and voltage.

monitor Annunciation accompanies uncommanded PCB status changes, loss of potential, transformer trouble, fire protection system actuation, carrier equipment failure, and fault recorder failure. Control of the 500 KV svitchyard fault recorder and tap change control on the 500-230 KV transformer are made available to the operator.

Similar information is provided to the control room operator via the computer CRT mimic bus arrangement display through the supervisory system. Primary ccntrol of the 500 KV switchyard is.

via the System Operatinq supervisory control system except for the main generator synchronizing breakers which 'can be controlled only by the pla nt ope ra tor.

Preoperational and initial startup testinq of all relaying, and PCBs is conducted at transformers 410 apparatus,'quipment, and f20 and the 500 KV and 230 KV svitchyards to ensure compliance with desiqn criteria and standards.

PCB protective relay testing, maintenance, and calibrat ion in the 230 KV and 500 KV svitchyards, Montour svitchyard and at transformers 010 and 020 vill be conducted approximately once every two years. PCB protective relay testing, maintenance and calibration at Mountain svitchyard is performed approximately every year ..

8.2 1.5 I+ustgg Sgagda~ds The requirements, criteria and recommended practices set forth in the followinq documents are implemented in the design of the transmission system:

A National Electric Saf ety Code, 7th Addition.

B PJM Interconnection Protective Relaying Philosophy and Design Standards MAAC Group Reliability Principles'nd Standards for Planninq Bulk Power Electric Supply System of MAAC Group, July 18, 1968 (Appendix 8.2A)

In general high voltage circuit breakers are manufactured and tested in accordance vith the latest recommendations and rules of the ANSI, XEEE, NE"lA, and AEIC.

Pennsylvania Power 8 Liqht 'Company Substation and Relay and Control Enqineering Instruction Manuals, Enqineerinq and Construction Standards, Operatinq Principles and Practices; Relay and Control Paci lities 3/3/76 and sound engineering principles. The design criteria include consider-ation of aesthetics, reliability, economics, and sa fety.

Rev. 28, 1!82 8 2-8 Ai-8


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APPENDIX 2 CALCULATION OF FRE UENCY OF LOOP DUE TO INDEPENDENT EVENTS The PL historical outage data (1975-1981) show that for approximately 1200 miles of monitored 230 kV transmission lines, there were approximately 30 instances of forced 230 kV line outages annually. The average duration associated with each forced outage was approximately 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. So as not to skew the Susquehanna LOOP calculation, the historical data were adjusted so that none of the forced outages exceeded 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. This adjustment was made in recognition of the physical and electrical independence of the Susquehanna off-site power system and PL's commitment to the top priority restoration of an outaged off-site source at Susquehanna.

Since the Montour-Mountain 230 kV line, including the Transformer 810 tap, is approximately 50 miles in length, the forced outage frequency for this line is predicted to be:

(50 mi : 1200 mi). x (30 per year ) 1.224 occurrences per year.

Similarly, for the 2.5 mile line supplying Transformer 820, the forced outage frequency is predicted to be

[(2.5 mi x 10) ~ 1200 mi] x [30 per year] '.612 occurrences per year.

The length of the short line, 2.5 miles, was increased by a factor of 10 to reflect the assumed higher frequency of terminal induced forced outages for short lines.

The predicted frequency of Transformer /310 and 820 failures is .005 per transformer per year. Since a spare Startup Transformer will be located on site, a 3 day outage duration was assumed for postulated failures of Transformer 810 or 820.

The annual frequency of sustained LOOP (X 1) at Susquehanna due to having both 230 kV sources in a simultaneous forced outage condition is:

4 X1 X2(r1+r2)

S1 8760 1

combined annual frequency of loss of Transformer 810 and'ts 230 kV, source (.005 + 1.224 ~ 1.229).

combined annual frequency of loss of Transformer 820 and its 230 kV source (.005 + .612 .617).

r ~ equivalent outage duration for A1.'.224x8

+ .005x72 1.229

= 8.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />)


r = equivalent outage duration for X .

(.612x8 + .005x72

= 8.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />)

.617 Therefore, X = '

(1.229)(.617)(8.3+8.5) = .0015 occurrences per year Using a similar approach, the frequency of sustained LOOP at Susquehanna with one of the two 230 kV sources scheduled out for maintenance is:

(X1 m X2r1) m

+ (X2 Xl m

' r2) 2 8760

~ annual frequency of scheduled maintenance outage for Transformer /f10 and its 230 kV source (1 occurrence per year).

A2 annual frequency of scheduled maintenance outage for Transformer /$ 20 and its 230 kV source (1 occurrence per year).

t r2 outage duration outage duration for for 11 A2 (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />).

(8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />).

Therefore, (1) (. 617) (8)+ (1) (1. 229) (8) .0017 occurrences per year.

Combining the above two components of the independent event calculation yields a value of .0032 (.0015 + .0017) predicted occurrences of sustained LOOP per year. The calculation for transient interruptions of off-site power is similar to the one above and is not presented.

The calculation technique used above is based on the IEEE paper "Power System Reliability I Measures of Reliability and Methods of Calculation".

This paper was published in the July 1964 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.





2.4 I

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