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Enclosure - Emergency Planning - 10 CFR Part 52, Subpart C, Combined Licenses (Cols) for Nuclear Power Plants - Inspections, Tests, Analyses, & Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 01/29/2004
From: Lyons J
To: Simard R
Nuclear Energy Institute
Duvigneaud D, NRR/DRIP/RNRP,301-415-1137
Shared Package
ML033010403 List:
Download: ML033010440 (19)


1E M E R G E N C Y P L A N N I N G10 CFR Part 52, Subpart C, Combined Licenses (COLs) for Nuclear Power PlantsInspections, Tests, Analyses, & Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)D R A F T (12/15/03)

B.MUSICO.docProgram Requirements 1 Inspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)2,3Acceptance Criteria 4 A. Assignment of Responsibility - Organization Control - 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1)Primary responsibilities for emergency responseby the nuclear facility licensee, and by state and local organizations within the emergencyplanning zones (EPZs) have been assigned, theemergency responsibilities of the varioussupporting organizations have been specificallyestablished, and each principle response organization has staff to respond and to augmentits initial response on a continuous basis.

A.1.e 5 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters.

  • A.1.e 6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters.A.1.e The licensee has provided for 24-hour per dayemergency response, including 24-hour per day staffing of communication links.*A.1.e The state and local organizations 7 haveprovided for 24-hour per day emergency response,including 24-hour per day staffing of communicationlinks.

1 The Program Requirements represent the 16 planning standards from 10 CFR 50.47(b) and Section II of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1. The corresponding AcceptanceCriteria are adaptations of various evaluation criteria from NUREG-0654, and encompass emergency planning (EP) program requirements that, by their nature, mightnot be met when the combined license (COL) application is submitted. In addition, applicable requirements from Appendix E of 10 CFR Part 50 are also included. Theapplicability of specific acceptance criteria will depend on the current status of the proposed site, as well as the content of the COL application. For example, anexisting reactor site might already satisfy an acceptance criterion, such that the specific program requirement could be fully evaluated from the COL application, withoutthe need for an ITAAC. NUREG-0654 evaluation criteria not included in this acceptance criteria listing would need to be fully addressed in the COL application.

2 The listed Inspections, Tests, and Analyses (ITAs) represent general verification methods for determining whether the various emergency planning acceptance criteriahave been met. The COL application should provide specific inspections, tests and analyses (as appropriate), which will correspond to actual plans, procedures,organizations, etc.-as well as to as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment and capabilities-associated with the proposed reactor design and site.

3 Pursuant to 10 CFR 52.97(b)(1), the licensee shall perform the inspections, tests and analyses (ITAs). The NRC, in accordance with 10 CFR 52.99, will ensure that therequired (onsite) ITAs are performed by the licensee, and that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met. The NRC may also perform independent inspections as part ofits verification and finding that the acceptance criteria are met. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has oversight for the offsite ITAs, to ensure thatthe prescribed acceptance criteria are met.

4 Any acceptance criteria changes would be addressed in accordance with 10 CFR 52.97(b)(2)(i).

5 The alphanumeric designations used in this guidance table of emergency planning ITAAC correspond to those in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1.6 Shaded/* ITAs and Acceptance Criteria correspond to offsite emergency planning ITAAC evaluated by FEMA.

7 The offsite acceptance criteria assume state and local government participation. However, in the event state and local government organizations do not participate, theNRC and FEMA would apply 10 CFR 50.47(c)(1) to determine whether the acceptance criteria have been met. Supplement 1 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 ("Criteriafor Utility Offsite Planning and Preparedness") would be used as guidance associated with a utility plan.

2Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaA.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment andcapability.*A.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment andcapability.A.4 The licensee is capable of continuous (24-hour)operations for a protracted period.*A.4 The state and local organizations are capable ofcontinuous (24-hour) operations for a protractedperiod.B. Onsite Emergency Organization 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2)On-shift facility licensee responsibilities for emergency response are unambiguously defined,adequate staffing to provide initial facility acci-dent response in key functional areas is maintain-ed at all time, timely augmentation of responsecapabilities is available, and the interfaces among various onsite response activities and offsitesupport and response activities are specified.B.5 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and staffingaugmentation capability.B.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and staffingaugmentation capability.B.5 The licensee's minimum on-shift staffing levelsare as indicated in Table B-1 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (or equivalent 8). The licensee is able toaugment on-shift capabilities within a short periodafter declaring an emergency, as shown in Table B-1.B.7 The licensee is able to augment plant staff, asspecified in Table B-1 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (or equivalent), with corporate management,administrative, and technical support personnel.

C. Emergency Response Support andResources 10 CFR 50.47(b)(3)Arrangements for requesting and effectivelyusing assistance resources have been made, arrangements to accommodate state and localC.1.c Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures.C.1.c The licensee has made provisions for incorpor-ating the federal response capability into its operation plan, including specific licensee, state and local

8 NUREGs, Regulatory Guides, Branch Technical Positions (BTPs), EPA recommendations, and Red Cross Multi-Media training are not required, as they are notsubstitutes for regulations. Methods and solutions different from those set out in such guidance will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite to theissuance or continuance of a license by the NRC.

3Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriastaff at the licensee's near-site EmergencyOperations Facility have been made, and other organizations capable of augmenting the plannedresponse have been identified.*C.1.c Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures.resources available to support the federal response;e.g., air fields, command posts, telephone lines, radio frequencies, and telecommunications centers.*C.1.c The state has made provisions for incorpor-ating the federal response capability into its operationplan, including specific licensee, state and localresources available to support the federal response;e.g., air fields, command posts, telephone lines, radiofrequencies, and telecommunications centers.

D. Emergency Classification System 10 CFR 50.47(b)(4)A standard emergency classification and action level scheme, the bases of which include facilitysystem and effluent parameters, is in use by thenuclear facility licensee, and state and local response plans call for reliance on informationprovided by facility licensees for determinationsof minimum initial offsite response measures.D.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including communication with state and local government authorities.*D.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including communication with state andlocal government authorities.D.1 The licensee has established an emergencyclassification and emergency action level scheme, asset forth in Appendix 1 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 or NEI 99-01 9 (as allowed by Regulatory Guide 1.101 10). The emergency action levels (EALs) havebeen discussed and agreed on by the applicant andstate and local government authorities. The specificinstruments, parameters or equipment status is shownfor establishing each emergency class, in the in-plant emergency procedures. The plan identifies the para-meter values and equipment status for each emergencyclass. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.B, IV.C]*D.1 The emergency classification and emergencyaction level scheme (i.e., emergency actionlevels/EALs) have been discussed and agreed on bythe applicant and state and local governmentauthorities. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.B, IV.C]

9 NEI 99-01, "Methodology for Development of Emergency Action Levels," Revision 4, January 2003.

10 Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.101, "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors," Revision 4, July 2003.

4Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*D.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures.*D.4 Each state and local organization hasprocedures in place that provide for emergencyactions to be taken, which are consistent with theemergency actions recommended by the COL, takinginto account local offsite conditions that exist at thetime of the emergency.

E. Notification Methods and Procedures 10 CFR 50.47(b)(5)Procedures have been established for notification, by the licensee, of state and local responseorganizations and for notification of emergency personnel by all organizations; the content ofinitial and follow-up messages to responseorganizations and the public has been establish-ed; and means to provide early notification andclear instruction to the populace within the plume exposure pathway EPZ have been established.E.2 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures, including the as-built/in-place notificationsystems and capability.*E.2 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place notificationsystems and capability.E.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place notificationsystems and capability.*E.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place publicnotification systems and capability.E.2 The licensee has established procedures foralerting, notifying, and mobilizing emergencyresponse personnel, and has the capability to notify responsible state and local governmental agencieswithin 15 minutes after declaring an emergency. [10CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.D.3]*E.2 The state and local organizations haveestablished procedures for alerting, notifying, andmobilizing emergency response personnel.E.6 The licensee has demonstrated thatadministrative and physical means have beenestablished for alerting and providing promptinstructions to the public within the plume exposurepathway EPZ. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.D.3]*E.6 The state and local officials have the capabilityto make a public notification decision promptly onbeing informed by the licensee of an emergencycondition. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.D.3]*E.6 The state and local organizations haveestablished the administrative and physical means foralerting and providing prompt instructions to thepublic within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, and 5Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriahave the capability to essentially complete the initialnotification within about 15 minutes. [10 CFR Part50, App. E, IV.D.3]F. Emergency Communications 10 CFR 50.47(b)(6)Provisions exist for prompt communications among principal response organizations toemergency personnel and to the public.F.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.*F.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including test results, and as-built/in-placesystems, equipment and capability.F.1 The licensee has provided for at least one onsiteand one offsite communication system, includingreliable primary and backup means of communication,a backup power source for each system, and thesystems are compatible with one another. [10 CFRPart 50, App. E, IV.E.9]*F.1 The state and local response organizations haveestablished reliable primary and backup means ofcommunication, and the systems are compatible withone another.F.1.a The licensee has provided, at a minimum, atelephone link and alternate, including 24-hour perday staffing of communication links that initiateemergency response actions.*F.1.a The state and local organizations haveprovided, at a minimum, a telephone link andalternate, including 24-hour per day staffing ofcommunication links that initiate emergency responseactions.F.1.b The licensee has provided for communicationswith contiguous state/local governments within theemergency planning zones (EPZs). [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.9.a]*F.1.b The state and local response organizationshave provided for communications with contiguousstate/local governments within the emergency 6Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriaplanning zones (EPZs). [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.E.9.a]F.1.c The licensee has provided for communications,as needed, with federal emergency responseorganizations. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.9.b]*F.1.c The state and local response organizationshave provided for communications, as needed, withfederal emergency response organizations. [10 CFRPart 50, App. E, IV.E.9.b]F.1.d The licensee has provided for communicationsamong the control room, TSC, EOF, principal stateand local emergency operations centers (EOCs), andradiological monitoring/field assessment teams. [10CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.9.c]*F.1.d The state and local response organizationshave provided for communications among the controlroom, TSC, EOF, principal state and local emergencyoperations centers (EOCs), and radiologicalmonitoring/field assessment teams. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.9.c]F.1.e The licensee has made provisions for alertingor activating emergency personnel in each responseorganization.*F.1.e The state and local response organizationshave provided for alerting or activating emergencypersonnel in each response organization.F.1.f The licensee has made provisions forcommunications-from the control room, TSC andEOF-to the NRC headquarters and regional office 7Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaF.2 Inspection of the as-built/in-placesystems, equipment and capability.*F.2 Inspection of the as-built/in-placesystems, equipment and capability.F.3 Inspection of the emergencycommunications system test results.*F.3 Inspection of the emergencycommunications system test results.EOCs (including establishment of the EmergencyResponse Data System (ERDS) between the onsite computer system and the NRC Operations Center).[10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.9.d, VI.1]F.2 A licensee coordinated communication link forfixed and mobile medical support facilities exists.*F.2 Coordinated state and local communicationlinks for fixed and mobile medical support facilitiesexists.F.3 The licensee has implemented a periodic testprogram for its entire emergency communicationssystem. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.9.a-d]*F.3 The state and local organizations haveimplemented a periodic test program for their entireemergency communications systems. [10 CFR Part50, App. E, IV.E.9.a-c]G. Public Education and Information 10 CFR 50.47(b)(7)Information is made available to the public on a periodic basis on how they will be notified andwhat their initial actions should be in anemergency (e.g., listening to a local broadcast station and remaining indoors), the principalpoints of contact with the news media fordissemination of information during anemergency (including the physical location orlocations) are established in advance, and procedures for coordinated dissemination ofinformation to the public are established.G.1 Inspection of the public informationprogram, including information provided tothe public.G.1 The licensee has provided for a coordinated,periodic (at least annually) dissemination ofinformation to the public regarding how they will benotified and what their actions should be in an emergency. This information includes, but is notnecessarily limited to: a. education information on radiation; b. contact for additional information;

c. protective measures, e.g., evacuation routes andrelocation centers, sheltering, respiratoryprotection, radioprotective drugs; and d. special needs of the handicapped.

8Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*G.1 Inspection of the public informationprogram, including information provided tothe public.G.2 Inspection of the public informationprogram.*G.2 Inspection of the public informationprogram.G.3.b Inspection of facility and spaceprovided for the news media.G.5 Inspection of programs conducted,including information provided to the news media.*G.5 Inspection of programs conducted,including information provided to the newsmedia.*G.1 The state and local organizations have providedfor a coordinated, periodic (at least annually)dissemination of information to the public regardinghow they will be notified and what their actionsshould be in an emergency. This informationincludes, but is not necessarily limited to: a. education information on radiation; b. contact for additional information; c. protective measures, e.g., evacuation routes andrelocation centers, sheltering, respiratoryprotection, radioprotective drugs; and d. special needs of the handicapped.G.2 The public information program provides thepermanent and transient adult population within theplume exposure EPZ an adequate opportunity to become aware of the information.*G.2 The public information program provides thepermanent and transient adult population within theplume exposure EPZ an adequate opportunity tobecome aware of the information.G.3.b The licensee has provided space, which maybe used for a limited number of the news media.G.5 The licensee has conducted coordinatedprograms to acquaint news media with emergency plans, informa-tion concerning radiation, and points ofcontact for release of public information in anemergency.*G.5 The state and local organizations haveconducted coordinated programs to acquaint newsmedia with emergency plans, information concerning 9Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriaradiation, and points of contact for release of publicinformation in an emergency.

H. Emergency Facilities and Equipment 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8)Adequate emergency facilities and equipment to support the emergency response are provided and maintained.H.1 Inspection of the as-built/in-placeTSC, including systems, equipment and capability.H.1 Inspection of the as-built/in-place(onsite) OSC, including systems, equipmentand capability.H.2 Inspection of the as-built/in-placeEOF, including systems, equipment andcapability.*H.3 Inspection of the as-built/in-placeemergency operations centers, includingsystems, equipment and capability.H.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and the as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment andcapability.*H.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including staffing rosters, and the as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment andcapability.H.1 The licensee has established a Technical SupportCenter (TSC), in accordance with NUREG-0696 (or equivalent). [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.8]H.1 The licensee has established an onsiteOperations Support Center (OSC) (assembly area), inaccordance with NUREG-0696 (or equivalent).H.2 The licensee has established an EmergencyOperations Facility (EOF), in accordance withNUREG-0696 (or equivalent).*H.3 The state and local organizations haveestablished an emergency operations center (EOC) foruse in directing and controlling response functions.H.4 The licensee has provided for timely activationand staffing of the facilities and centers described inthe plan.*H.4 The state and local organizations have providedfor timely activation and staffing of the facilities andcenters described in the plan.

10Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaH.5 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.H.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.H.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place offsiteH.5 The licensee has identified and establishedmonitoring systems that are to be used to initiate emergency measures, in accordance with Appendix 1of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (or equivalent), aswell as those to be used for conducting assessment ofthe emergency. The equipment includes: a. geophysical phenomena monitors (e.g., meteorological, hydrologic, seismic); b. radiological monitors (e.g., process, area,emergency, effluent, wound and portablemonitors and sampling equipment); c. process monitors (e.g., reactor coolant systempressure and temperature, containment pressureand temperature, liquid levels, flow rates, statusor lineup of equipment components); and d. fire and combustion products detectors.H.6 The licensee has made provisions to acquire datafrom, or for emergency access to, offsite monitoringand analysis equipment, including: a. geophysical phenomena monitors (e.g., meteorological, hydrologic, seismic);

b. radiological monitors, including rate-meters andsampling devices. Dosimetry shall be providedand shall meet, as a minimum, the NRC Radio-logical Assessment Branch Technical Position(BTP) for the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program (or equivalent); and c. laboratory facilities (fixed or mobile).H.7 The licensee, where appropriate, has providedoffsite radiological monitoring equipment in the vicinity of the nuclear facility.

11Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriaradiological monitoring equipment.*H.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place offsiteradiological monitoring equipment.H.8 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment and capability.H.9 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place OSC,including systems, equipment andcapability.H.10 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including completed inventories,operational test results, and as-built/in-place systems, equipment and capability.*H.7 The state and local organizations, where appro-priate, have provided offsite radiological monitoringequipment in the vicinity of the nuclear facility.H.8 The licensee has provided meteorological instru-mentation and procedures, which satisfy the criteria inAppendix 2 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (orequivalent), and provisions to obtain representative current meteorological information from othersources.H.9 The licensee has provided for an onsiteOperations Support Center (OSC) (assembly area),

which has adequate capacity and supplies, including(for example) respiratory protection, protectiveclothing, portable lighting, portable radiationmonitoring equipment, cameras and communicationsequipment for personnel present in the assembly area.[10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.1]H.10 The licensee has made provisions to inspect,inventory and operationally check emergency equip-ment/instruments at least once each calendar quarterand after each use. There are reserves of instruments/equipment sufficient to replace those which are removed from emergency kits for calibration or repair.Calibration of equipment is at intervals recommendedby the supplier of the equipment. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.1]

12Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*H.10 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including completed inventories,operational test results, and as-built/in-placesystems, equipment and capability.H.12 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place central pointfor receipt/analysis/coordination of fieldmonitoring data and sampling media.*H.12 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place central pointfor receipt/analysis/coordination of fieldmonitoring data and sampling media.*H.10 The state and local organizations have madeprovisions to inspect, inventory and operationallycheck emergency equipment/ instruments at least onceeach calendar quarter and after each use. There arereserves of instruments/ equipment sufficient toreplace those which are removed from emergency kitsfor calibration or repair. Calibration of equipment isat intervals recommended by the supplier of theequipment.H.12 The licensee has established a central point(preferably associated with the licensee's near-site EOF) for the receipt and analysis of all fieldmonitoring data and coordination of sample media.*H.12 The state and local organizations, haveestablished a central point (preferably associated withthe licensee's near-site EOF) for the receipt andanalysis of all field monitoring data and coordinationof sample media.

I. Accident Assessment 10 CFR 50.47(b)(9)Adequate methods, systems, and equipment for assessing and monitoring actual or potentialoffsite consequences of a radiological emergencycondition are in use.I.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.I.1 The plant system and effluent parameter valuescharacteristic of a spectrum of off-normal conditionsand accidents, plant parameter values or otherinformation that corresponds to the example initiatingconditions of Appendix 1 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (or equivalent) set at the COL stage, and the corresponding emergency class have been included inthe appropriate facility emergency procedures, whichspecify the kinds of instruments being used and theircapabilities.

13Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaI.2 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.I.3.a-b Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.I.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.I.5 Inspection of the as-built EOF, nearsiteEOF, TSC, Control Room, and offsite NRCcenter. Verification of implementation of emergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-placemeteorological data systems/intercon-I.2 Onsite capability and resources, to provide initialvalues and continuing assessment throughout the course of an accident, include post-accident samplingcapability or sampling contingency plans, radiationand effluent monitors, in-plant iodine instrumentation,and containment radiation monitoring, in accordancewith NUREG-0737 and Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 (or equivalents). [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.E.2; Model Safety Evaluation 11]I.3.a-b The licensee has established methods andtechniques to be used for determining the source term of releases of radioactive material within plantsystems, and the magnitude of the release ofradioactive materials based on plant systemparameters and effluent monitors. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.2; Model Safety Evaluation]I.4 The licensee has established the relationshipbetween effluent monitor readings, and onsite andoffsite exposures and contamination for variousmeteorological conditions; and has provided forequipment to continuously assess the impact of therelease of radioactive materials to the environment.

[10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.2]I.5 The licensee has the capability of acquiring andevaluating meteorological information, sufficient to meet the criteria of Appendix 2 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 (or equivalent). There are provisionsfor access to meteorological information by at leastthe nearsite EOF, the TSC, the Control Room and anoffsite NRC center. The licensee has made available

11 NRC Federal Register notice (65 FR 65018), October 31, 2000, "Notice of Availability for Referencing in License Amendment Applications - Model SafetyEvaluation on Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements on Post Accident Sampling Systems Using the Consolidated Line Item ImprovementProcess."

14Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criterianections, equipment and capabilities.I.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.I.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.*I.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.I.8 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.*I.8 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,to the state suitable meteorological data processinginterconnections, which will permit independent analysis by the state, of facility generated data in thosestates with the resources to effectively use thisinformation.I.6 The licensee has implemented the methodologyfor determining the release rate and projected doses ifthe instrumentation used for assessment is off-scale orinoperable.I.7 The licensee has described the capability andresources for field monitoring within the plumeexposure EPZ, which are an intrinsic part of theconcept of operations for the facility.*I.7 The state and local organizations have describedthe capability and resources for field monitoringwithin the plume exposure EPZ, which are an intrinsicpart of the concept of operations for the facility.I.8 The licensee, where appropriate, has providedmethods, equipment and expertise to make rapidassessments of the actual or potential magnitude andlocations of any radiological hazards through liquid orgaseous release pathways. This includes activation, notification means, field team composition,transportation, communication, monitoring equipmentand estimated deployment times.*I.8 The state or local organizations, whereappropriate, have provided methods, equipment andexpertise to make rapid assessments of the actual or 15Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteriaincluding the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.I.9 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.*I.9 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-plant systems,equipment and capability.I.10 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.potential magnitude and locations of any radiologicalhazards through gaseous release pathways. Thisincludes activation, notification means, field teamcomposition, transportation, communication,monitoring equipment and estimated deploymenttimes.I.9 The licensee has a capability to detect andmeasure radioiodine concentrations in air in the plumeexposure EPZ, as low as 10

-7 µCi/cc (microcuries percubic centimeter) under field conditions. Interferencefrom the presence of noble gas and background radiation does not decrease the stated minimumdetectable activity.*I.9 The state or local organizations have a capabilityto detect and measure radioiodine concentrations in airin the plume exposure EPZ, as low as 10

-7 µCi/cc(microcuries per cubic centimeter) under fieldconditions. Interference from the presence of noblegas and background radiation does not decrease thestated minimum detectable activity.I.10 The licensee has established means for relatingthe various measured parameters (e.g., contaminationlevels, water/air activity levels) to dose rates for keyisotopes (i.e., those given in Table 3 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1) (or equivalent) and gross radioactivitymeasurements. Provisions have been made for estimating integrated dose from the projected andactual dose rates, and for comparing these estimateswith the protective action guides (PAGs). The detail-ed provisions are described in separate procedures.

16Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*I.10. Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*I.11 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*I.10. The state or local organizations haveestablished means for relating the various measuredparameters (e.g., contamination levels, water and airactivity levels) to dose rates for key isotopes (i.e.,those given in Table 3 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1) (or equivalent) and gross radioactivity mea-surements. Provisions have been made for estimatingintegrated dose from the projected and actual doserates, and for comparing these estimates with theprotective action guides (PAGs). The detail-edprovisions are described in separate procedures.*I.11 The state or local organizations have madearrangements to locate and track the airborneradioactive plume, using any or all federal, state, andlocal resources.

J. Protective Response 10 CFR 50.47(b)(10)A range of protective actions has been developed for the plume exposure pathway EPZ for emer-gency workers and the public. In developing thisrange of actions, consideration has been given toevacuation, sheltering, and, as a supplement tothese, the prophylactic use of potassium iodide(KI), as appropriate. Guidelines for the choice of protective actions during an emergency,consistent with federal guidance, are developedand in place, and protective actions for theingestion exposure pathway EPZ appropriate tothe locale have been developed.J.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.J.3 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.J.1 The licensee has established the means and timerequired to warn or advise onsite individuals, including those in areas controlled by the operator,including: a. employees not having emergency assignments; b. visitors;

c. contractor and construction personnel; and d. other persons who may be in the public accessareas on or passing through the site or within theowner controlled area.J.3 The licensee has provided for radiologicalmonitoring of people evacuated from the site.

17Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaJ.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.J.5 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.J.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment and capability.*J.9 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.J.10.c Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.J.4 The licensee has provided for the evacuation ofonsite non-essential personnel in the event of a Site orGeneral Emergency, and has provided a decontam-ination capability at, or near, the monitoring point forpeople evacuated from the site.J.5 The licensee has provided a capability to accountfor all individuals onsite at the time of an emergency,and ascertain the names of missing persons within 30minutes of the start of an emergency, and can accountfor all onsite individuals continuously thereafter.J.6 For individuals remaining or arriving onsiteduring an emergency, the licensee has madeprovisions for individual respiratory protection, use ofprotective clothing, and use of radioprotective drugs (e.g., individual thyroid protection).*J.9 The state and local organizations haveestablished a capability for implementing protectivemeasures based upon protective guides and othercriteria, and consistent with the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) recommendations (orequivalent) regarding exposure resulting from thepassage of radioactive airborne plumes.J.10.c The licensee's plans to implement protectivemeasures for the plume exposure pathway (EPZ) include the means for notifying all segments of thetransient and resident populations.

18Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*J.10 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including the as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*J.11 Inspection of maps and facility lists.*J.10 The state and local organizations have themeans to implement protective measures for theplume exposure pathway (EPZ) including:

a. means for notifying all segments of the transientand resident population;
b. means for protecting those persons whosemobility may be impaired due to such factors asinstitutional or other confinement;
c. provisions for the use of radioprotective drugs,particularly for emergency workers andinstitutionalized persons within the plumeexposure EPZ whose immediate evacuation maybe infeasible or very difficult, includingquantities, storage, and means of distribution;
h. relocation centers in host areas which are at least5 miles, and preferably 10 miles, beyond theboundaries of the plume exposure EPZ; and
k. identification and availability of means fordealing with potential impediments (e.g.,seasonal impassability of roads) to use ofevacuation routes, and contingency measures.*J.11 The state or local organizations maintain mapsfor recording survey and monitoring data, key landuse data (e.g., farming), dairies, food processingplants, water sheds, water supply intake and treatmentplants and reservoirs. Provisions for maps showingdetailed crop information may be by includingreference to their availability and location and a planfor their use. The maps start at the facility and includeall of the 50-mile ingestion pathway EPZ. Up-to-datelists are maintained of the name and location of allfacilities that regularly process milk products andother large amounts of food or agricultural productsoriginating in the ingestion pathway EPZ, but located 19Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*J.12 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.elsewhere.*J.12 The state or local organizations have the meansfor registering and monitoring evacuees at receptioncenters. The resources available (i.e., trainedpersonnel and equipment) are capable of monitoring,within about a 12-hour period, 20% of that portion ofthe plume EPZ allocated to the reception center.[FEMA-REP-14 12]K. Radiological Exposure Control 10 CFR 50.47(b)(11)Means for controlling radiological exposures, in an emergency, are established for emergencyworkers. The means for controlling radiologicalexposures shall include exposure guidelinesconsistent with EPA Emergency Worker and Lifesaving Activity PAGs.K.2 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.K.3.a Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment and capability.*K.3.a Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.K.2 The licensee has provided an onsite radiationprotection program to be implemented duringemergencies, and has included methods to implementexposure guidelines.K.3.a The licensee has made provisions for 24-hour-per-day capability to determine the doses received byemergency personnel involved in any nuclearaccident, including volunteers. The licensee has made provisions for equipment at the site for personnelmonitoring, including distribution of dosimeters (bothself-reading and permanent record devices). [10 CFRPart 50, App. E, IV.E.1]*K.3.a The state or local organizations have madeprovisions for 24-hour-per-day capability to determinethe doses received by emergency personnel involvedin any nuclear accident, including volunteers. Thestate or local organizations have made provisions fordistribution of dosimeters, both self-reading andpermanent record devices.

12 FEMA-REP-14, "Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Manual," Exercise Objective 18 (21), "Reception Center - Monitoring, Decontamination, andRegistration."

20Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaK.3.b Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*K.3.b Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.K.5.b Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*K.5.b Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.K.6 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.K.7 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities, systems, equipment and capability.K.3.b The licensee has ensured that dosimeters areread at appropriate frequencies, and has provided for maintaining dose records for emergency workersinvolved in any nuclear accident.*K.3.b The state or local organizations have ensuredthat dosimeters are read at appropriate frequencies,and have provided for maintaining dose records foremergency workers involved in any nuclear accident.K.5.b The licensee has established (as appropriate)the means for radiological decontamination ofemergency personnel and wounds-includingfacilities, equipment, instruments and supplies-andfor waste disposal. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.3]*K.5.b The state or local organizations haveestablished (as appropriate) the means for radiologicaldecontamination of emergency personnel andwounds-including facilities, equipment, instrumentsand supplies-and for waste disposal.K.6 The licensee has provided onsite contaminationcontrol measures, including area access control, anddrinking water and food supplies.K.7 The licensee has provided the capability fordecontaminating relocated onsite personnel, includingproviding for extra clothing and decontaminantssuitable for the type of contamination expected, with particular attention given to radioiodine contaminationof the skin.

21Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria L. Medical and Public Health Support 10 CFR 50.47(b)(12)Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals.L.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.*L.1 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.L.2 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place facilities,systems, equipment and capability.L.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections of emergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.*L.4 Verification of implementation ofemergency plans and/or inspections ofemergency plan implementing procedures,including as-built/in-place systems,equipment and capability.L.1 The licensee has arranged for local and backuphospital and medical services having the capability for evaluation of radiation exposure and uptake, includingassurance that persons providing these services areadequately prepared to handle radiation emergencies,including contaminated persons. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.5, IV.E.7]*L.1 The state or local organizations have arrangedfor local and backup hospital and medical serviceshaving the capability for evaluation of radiationexposure and uptake, including assurance that personsproviding these services are adequately prepared tohandle radiation emergencies, including contaminatedindividuals. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.5, IV.E.7]L.2 The licensee has provided for onsite first aidcapability, including facilities and medical supplies.[10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.E.4]L.4 The licensee has arranged for transportingvictims of radiological accidents, including contaminated injured individuals, from the site tooffsite medical support facilities. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.E.6]*L.4 The state or local organizations have arrangedfor transporting victims of radiological accidents tomedical support facilities.

22Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria M. Recovery and Reentry Planning and Post-Accident Operations - 10 CFR 50.47(b)(13)General plans for recovery and reentry aredeveloped.N/AN/A N. Exercises and Drills 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14)Periodic exercises are (will be) conducted to evaluate major portions of emergency response capabilities, periodic drills are (will be)conducted to develop and maintain key skills,and deficiencies identified as a result of exercisesor drills are (will be) corrected.Test of the emergency response capabilities,including direct inspection (observation) of exercise activities.[For all licensee Acceptance Criteria.]*Test of the emergency responsecapabilities, including direct inspection(observation) of exercise activities.[For all state/local Acceptance Criteria.]N.1.a The exercise was conducted as set forth inNRC rules, and tested the integrated capability of the emergency preparedness plans and organizations. [10CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.F.2.a]*N.1.a The exercise was conducted as set forth inFEMA rules, and tested the integrated capability ofthe emergency preparedness plans and organizations.[10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.F.2.a]N.1.a The exercise simulated an emergency onsitethat resulted in offsite radiological releases,necessitating response by offsite authorities. [10 CFRPart 50, App. E, IV.F.2.a]*N.1.a The exercise simulated an emergency onsitethat resulted in offsite radiological releases,necessitating response by offsite authorities. [10 CFRPart 50, App. E, IV.F.2.a]N.1.b The exercise included mobilization of state andlocal personnel and resources, adequate to verify thecapability to respond to an accident scenarionecessitating response. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.a]*N.1.b The exercise included mobilization of stateand local personnel and resources, adequate to verifythe capability to respond to an accident scenarionecessitating response.[10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.a]

23Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaN.1.b The licensee provided for a critique of theexercise by federal and state observers/evaluators. [10CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.F.2.g]*N.1.b The state and local organizations provided fora critique of the exercise by federal and stateobservers/evaluators. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.g]N.4 Official observers from federal, state or localgovernments observed, evaluated, and critiqued the exercise at the conclusion of the exercise. Thecritique evaluated the ability of the organizations torespond, as called for in the plan. A formal evaluationresulted from the critique. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.g]*N.4 Official observers from federal, state or localgovernments observed, evaluated, and critiqued theexercise at the conclusion of the exercise. Thecritique evaluated the ability of the organizations torespond, as called for in the plan. A formal evaluationresulted from the critique. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.g]N.5 The licensee established means for evaluatingobserver and participant comments on areas needingimprovement, including emergency plan procedural changes, and for assigning responsibility forimplementing corrective actions. The licenseeestablished management control used to ensure thatcorrective actions are implemented. [10 CFR Part 50,App. E, IV.F.2.g]

24Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance Criteria*N.5 The state and local organizations establishedmeans for evaluating observer and participantcomments on areas needing improvement, includingemergency plan procedural changes, and for assigningresponsibility for implementing corrective actions.The state and local organizations establishedmanagement control used to ensure that correctiveactions are implemented. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.2.g]O. Radiological Emergency Response Training 10 CFR 50.47(b)(15)Radiological emergency response training is provided to those who may be called on to assistin an emergency.Inspection of training, including trainingprocedures and records, and verification ofactual training and capabilities throughobservation, questioning, or testing selecttrainees or organizations.

[For all licensee Acceptance Criteria.]*Inspection of training, including trainingprocedures and records, and verification ofactual training and capabilities throughobservation, questioning, or testing selecttrainees or organizations.[For all state/local Acceptance Criteria.]O.1 The licensee has assured the training ofappropriate individuals. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,IV.F.1]*O.1 The state and local organizations have assuredthe training of appropriate individuals.O.1.a The licensee has provided an opportunity forsite specific emergency response training for those offsite emergency organizations that may be calledupon to provide assistance in the event of anemergency. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E, IV.F.1]*O.1.b The state and local organizations haveparticipated in, and received, training. Where mutualaid agreements exist between local agencies such asfire, police and ambulance/rescue, the training wasoffered to the other departments that are members ofthe mutual aid district.

25Program RequirementsInspections, Tests, Analyses (ITAs)Acceptance CriteriaO.3 Training for individuals assigned to licensee'sfirst aid teams included courses equivalent to RedCross Multi-Media. [10 CFR Part 50, App. E,]P. Responsibility for the Planning Effort: Development, Periodic Review, and Distribution of Emergency Plans 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16)Responsibilities for plan development and review and for distribution of emergency plans are established, and planners are properly trained.P.4 Inspection of emergency plan andagreements, including certifications.*P.4 Inspection of emergency plans andagreements, including certifications.P.5 Inspection (inquiry) of organizationsand individuals with responsibility forimplementation of the plans.*P.5 Inspection (inquiry) of organizationsand individuals with responsibility forimplementation of the plans.P.4 The licensee has certified its plan and agreementsas current.*P.4 The state and local organizations have certifiedtheir plans and agreements as current.P.5 The licensee has forwarded its emergencyresponse plans to all organizations and appropriateindividuals with responsibility for implementation ofthe plans.*P.5 The state and local organizations haveforwarded their emergency response plans to allorganizations and appropriate individuals withresponsibility for implementation of the plans.### END ###