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Regulatory Conference Supporting Documentation for Apparent Violations EA-11-241 and EA-11-243, Attachment 2. SDP Assessment of Service Water Pump P-7C Coupling Failures, Part 4.3 of 7
Person / Time
Site: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Issue date: 01/05/2012
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML1200100495 List:
EA-11-241, EA-11-243, PNP 2012-06 EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06, Rev. 0
Download: ML120100515 (40)


Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0=Y'Ent&VV Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 41 of 66 Fire Area 3-Bus 1 D Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)UCSMB204 UCSMB204-UCSMB205 UCSMB205-ZCNMB34610 ZCNMB34610 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 ZCNMB3463 ZCNMB3463 R-CEPO-MC-34R105 ZCNMB3468 ZCNMB3468 R-CEPO-MC-34R10 ZSEMT34-6 ZSEMT34-6 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 EB-22 IST-348 PB2MKMCC22 P-B2MK-EB-22 EC-1 81 DFUMKWO02A DFUMKWO02A D-FUMK-W002-1 GHSMB0501A GHSMB0501A

-GKVMA0508 GKVMA0508 M-KVMB-SV-0508 GKVMA0514 GKVMA0514 M-KVMB-SV-0514 GKVMB0502 GKVMB0502 M-KVMB-SV-0502 GKVMB0513 GKVMB0513 M-KVMB-SV-0513 EC-1 87 ABIOPASCA ABIOPASCA A-BIPO-LS-0751A ABIOPASCB ABIOPASCB A-BIPO-LS-0751B ABIOPASCC ABIOPASCC A-BIPO-LS-0751C ABIOPASCD ABIOPASCD A-BIPO-LS-0751D ABIOPBSCA ABIOPBSCA A-BIPO-LS-0752A ABIOPBSCB ABIOPBSCB A-BIPO-LS-0752B ABIOPBSCC ABIOPBSCC A-BIPO-LS-0752C ABIOPBSCD ABIOPBSCD A-BIPO-LS-0752D ATLMT0751A ATLMT0751A A-TLMT-LT-0751A ATLMT0751 B ATLMT0751 B A-TLMT-LT-0751 B ATLMT0751 C ATLMT0751 C A-TLMT-LT-0751 C ATLMT0751 D ATLMT0751 D A-TLMT-LT-0751 D ATLMT0752A ATLMT0752A A-TLMT-LT-0752A ATLMT0752B ATLMT0752B A-TLMT-LT-0752B ATLMT0752C ATLMT0752C A-TLMT-LT-0752C ATLMT0752D ATLMT0752D A-TLMT-LT-0752D IST-166 ZCEPO0751C M-PCMT-PIC-0751C IST-167 ZCEPO0751 B M-PCMT-PIC-0751 B IST-168 ZCEPO0751A M-PCMT-PIC-0751A IST-169 ZCEPO0751D M-PCMT-PIC-0751D IST-170 ZCEPO0752C M-PCMT-PIC-0752C IST-171 ZCEPO0752B M-PCMT-PIC-0752B IST-172 ZCEPO0752A M-PCMT-PIC-0752A IST-173 ZCEPO0752D M-PCMT-PIC-0752D IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-19 ACNMC62-2A A-REMD-62-2P8A IST-20 AMLMACHA A-CEPO-AFAS-MODA IST-21 ACNMD1C2-6 A-REMB-62-1P8C IST-32 AREMB22P8B A-REMB-62-2P8B EJ-1005 A38 AKVMA0522G A-KVMA-SV-0522G Comment manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 No credit for manual closure of MSIVs Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'Entewv Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 42 of 66 Fire Area 3-Bus 1 D Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)AHSMB0522B AHSMB0522B A-HSMB-HS-0522B DFUMKWO01A DFUMKWO01A D-FUMK-W001-1 DFUMKWO06D DFUMKWO06D D-FUMK-W006-1 GHSMB0510A GHSMB0510A

-GKVMB0505A GKVMB0505A M-KVMB-SV-0505A GKVMB0505B GKVMB0505B M-KVMB-SV-0505B IST-15 AAVMA0521-IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-19 ACNMC62-2A A-REMD-62-2P8A IST-198 GKVMA0507B M-KVMB-SV-0507B IST-199 GKVMA0507A M-KVMB-SV-0507A IST-20 AMLMACHA A-CEPO-AFAS-MODA IST-203 GTPMT0510 B-TPMT-PT-0510 IST-21 ACNMDIC2-6 A-REMB-62-1P8C IST-32 AREMB22P8B A-REMB-62-2P8B IST-6 ACNMDSX741 A-REMD-PSX-0741 EJ-1006 IST-1 ACNMD23P8C A-REMD-62-3P8C IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-21 ACNMDIC2-6 A-REMB-62-1P8C IST-32 AREMB22P8B A-REMB-62-2P8B EJ-1051 IST-19 ACNMC62-2A A-REMD-62-2P8A IST-20 AMLMACHA A-CEPO-AFAS-MODA IST-30 AFSMB0727A A-FSMA-FS-0727A IST-31 AFSMB0749A A-FSMA-FS-0749A IST-40 APSMD0741A A-PSMD-PS-0741A IST-41 APSMD0741B A-PSMD-PS-0741B IST-42 APSMD741DD A-PSMD-PS-0741DD IST-43 PC1 MCY1014 P-C1 MC-EY-10-14 EJ-1052 A197 APSMD0762A A-TPMT-PT-0762A A199 APSMD0762B A-TPMT-PT-0762B A201 APSMD0762C A-TPMT-PT-0762C IST-1 ACNMD23P8C A-REMD-62-3P8C IST-32 AREMB22P8B A-REMB-62-2P8B IST-46 AFSMB0737 A-FSMA-FS-0737 IST-47 AFSMB0736 A-FSMA-FS-0736 EJ-9401 DFUDK1203A DFUDK1203A P-CBMA-152-203 IST-137 PC1 MCY2003 P-C1 MC-EY-20-03 IST-138 SCNMBSISX2 R-REMB-SIS-X2 IST-139 SCNMBSISX4 R-REMB-SIS-X4 IST-149 SCNMASIS8 R-REMB-SIS-8 IST-161 PCNMB213AB P-CBMB-152-213 IST-162 DFUDK1213A P-CBMB-152-213 IST-163 DCBDC72238 D-CBMC-72-236 IST-21 ACNMD1C2-6 A-REMB-62-1P8C Comment No credit for manual closure of MSIVs SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0 Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 43 of 66 Fire Area 3-Bus 1 D Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-494 PCBMBB-202 P-CBMB-152-202 IST-496 DFU DK1202A D-FUMK-A1202-1 IST-497 DCBDC72403 D-CBMC-72-403 PCBMAB-203 PCBMAB-203 P-CBMA-1 52-203 PREMB1272 PREMB1272 P-REMA-127-1 PREMB272X1 PREMB272X1 P-REMB-127-2-X1 PREMB272X2 PREMB272X2 P-REMB-127-2-X2 SCNMBSISX6 SCNMBSISX6 R-REMB-SIS-X6 SPBMBI-2 SPBMBI-2-manual initiation of sis relays not modeled in PSAR2 SREMBSIS2 SREMBSIS2 R-REMB-SIS-2 SREMBSIS6 SREMBSIS6 R-REMB-SIS-6 SREMBSIS8 SREMBSIS8 R-REMB-SIS-8 SREMBSISX6 SREMBSISX6 R-REMB-SIS-X6 SREMBSISX8 SREMBSISX8 R-REMB-SIS-X8 ZCNMB34610 ZCNMB34610 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 ZCNMB3463 ZCNMB3463 R-CEPO-MC-34R105 ZCNMB3468 ZCNMB3468 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 ZSEMT34-6 ZSEMT34-6 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 Ift Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 44 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)Exposure A197 APSMD0762A A-TPMT-PT-0762A fire A199 APSMD0762B A-TPMT-PT-0762B A201 APSMD0762C A-TPMT-PT-0762C A38 AKVMA0522G A-KVMA-SV-0522G ABIOPASCA ABIOPASCA A-BIPO-LS-0751A ABIOPASCB ABIOPASCB A-BIPO-LS-0751 B ABIOPASCC ABIOPASCC A-BIPO-LS-0751C ABIOPBSCA ABIOPBSCA A-BIPO-LS-0752A ABIOPBSCB ABIOPBSCB A-BIPO-LS-0752B ABIOPBSCC ABIOPBSCC A-BIPO-LS-0752C AHSMB0522B AHSMB0522B A-HSMB-HS-0522B ATLMT0751A ATLMT0751A A-TLMT-LT-0751A ATLMT0751 B ATLMT0751 B A-TLMT-LT-0751 B ATLMT0751C ATLMT0751C A-TLMT-LT-0751 C ATLMT0752A ATLMT0752A A-TLMT-LT-0752A ATLMT0752B ATLMT0752B A-TLMT-LT-0752B ATLMT0752C ATLMT0752C A-TLMT-LT-0752C C200 CANMT0917-Isolation of CCW leaks not modeled C517 CPSMB0918 C-PSMB-PS-0918 CCSMB2084 CCSMB2084-manual start of CCW pumps not modeled in PSAR2 CHP46 ZPSMT81A R-PSMT-PS-1801A CHP49 ZPSMT84A R-PSMT-PS-1804A CHP50 ZPSMT83A R-PSMT-PS-1803A CHSMB0910 CHSMB0910-Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CHSMB0911 CHSMB0911-Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CHSMB0940 CHSMB0940-Isolation of CCW to containment not modeled in PSAR2 CREMBEX5P4 CREMBEX5P4 R-REMB-5P-4 DC6 DCBMC72112 P-CBMA-152-106 DFUDK1302A DFUDK1302A


-This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open (the TBV solenoids must spuriously energize to open valve)G322B GCNMA386A3

-This relay must energize to cause ADVs to Am Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0'--='EnhgW Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 45 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)open G332B GCNMA386A5

-This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open GCNMBHPX1L GCNMBHPXIL S-AVMA-CV-3002 GEPMT0511 GEPMT0511 B-EPMT-EP-0511 GHSMB0501A GHSMB0501A

-No credit for manual closure of MSIVs GHSMB0510A GHSMB0510A

-No credit for manual closure of MSIVs GKVMA0508 GKVMA0508 M-KVMB-SV-0508 GKVMA0514 GKVMA0514 M-KVMB-SV-0514 GKVMB0502 GKVMB0502 M-KVMB-SV-0502 GKVMB0505A GKVMB0505A M-KVMB-SV-0505A GKVMB0505B GKVMB0505B M-KVMB-SV-0505B GKVMB0513 GKVMB0513 M-KVMB-SV-0513 GPCMT0511 GPCMT0511 B-PCMT-PIC-0511 GREMB5P8 GREMB5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 GSCMT0511 GSCMT0511 B-CEPO-PM-0511 ICNMAK24 I CN MAK24 I-CMME-C-2B ICNMBK21 ICNMBK21 I-CMME-C-2B ICNMBK22 ICNMBK22 I-CMME-C-2B IFUMKF3 IFUMKF3 I-CMME-C-2B IREMBK22 IREMBK22 I-CMME-C-2B IREMBK24 IREMBK24 I-CMME-C-2B IST-1 ACNMD23P8C A-REMD-62-3P8C IST-100 ICMME2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-100 ICMME2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-101 ICMMTC2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-101 ICMMTC2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-102 ICMME2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-102 ICMME2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-103 I CN MAK22 I-CMM E-C-2C IST-104 I CSMB1207 I-C2MB-52-1207 IST-104 ICSM B 1207 I-C2MB-52-1207 IST-105 ICNMBCR4 I-REMB-CR-4 IST-105 ICNMBCR4 I-REMB-CR-4 IST-106 ICNMCK23 I-CMME-C-2B IST-107 ICNMBK23 I-CMME-C-2B IST-109 ICMMTC2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-109 ICMMTC2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-11 FAVMC0729-Hotwell reject to CST not credited in PSAR2 IST-137 PC1 MCY2003 P-Cl MC-EY-20-03 IST-138 SCNMBSISX2 R-REMB-SIS-X2 IST-139 SCNMBSISX4 R-REMB-SIS-X4 IST-143 SREMBX161 G-REMB-42-161 IST-149 SCNMASIS8 R-REMB-SIS-8 IST-15 AAVMA0521-SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0 OEnteigy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 46 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-15 AAVMA0521-SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW IST-152 ZPSMA821 R-PSMA-PS1802SW1 IST-153 ZPSMA841 R-PSMA-PS1804SW1 IST-156 ZPSMA811 R-PSMA-PS1801SW1 IST-157 ZPSMA831 R-PSMA-PSI803SW1 IST-161 PCNMB213AB P-CBMB-152-213 IST-163 DCBDC72238 D-CBMC-72-236 IST-166 ZCEPO0751C M-PCMT-PIC-0751C IST-167 ZCEPO0751 B M-PCMT-PIC-0751 B IST-168 ZCEPO0751A M-PCMT-PIC-0751A IST-170 ZCEPO0752C M-PCMT-PIC-0752C IST-171 ZCEPO0752B M-PCMT-PIC-0752B IST-172 ZCEPO0752A M-PCMT-PIC-0752A IST-174 XAVMA2008-T81 makeup to CST no longer modeled IST-176 XAVMA2010 A-AVMA-CV-2010 IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-180 MAEMTHOGGR M-AEMT-C-4 IST-183 GMVMA0510 M-HSMB-0510C IST-184 GHSMB0510C M-HSMB-0510C IST-187 GMVMA0501-SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW IST-188 GHSMB0501 C-SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW IST-190 DCBDC72104 D-CBMC-72-104 IST-191 DCBDC72207 D-CBMC-72-207 IST-191 DCBDC72207 D-CBMC-72-207 IST-191 DCBDC72207 D-CBMC-72-207 IST-192 DCBMC72119 D-CBMC-72-119 IST-198 GKVMA0507B M-KVMB-SV-0507B IST-199 GKVMA0507A M-KVMB-SV-0507A IST-203 GTPMT0510 B-TPMT-PT-0510 IST-203 GTPMT0510 B-TPMT-PT-0510 IST-21 ACNMD1C2-6 A-REMB-62-1P8C IST-228 GAVMA0511 B-AVMA-CV-0511 IST-252 FCSMC105 M-CSMB-252-105CS IST-253 FCSMB205 M-CBMB-252-205 IST-257 DCBDC72101 D-CBMC-72-101 IST-257 DCBDC72101 D-CBMC-72-101 IST-259 DCBDC72201 D-CBMC-72-201 IST-259 DCBDC72201 D-CBMC-72-201 IST-259 DCBDC72201 D-CBMC-72-201 IST-273 BMVMA2169 G-MVMA-MO-2169 IST-274 BCVMA2138 G-PMME-P-56A IST-275 SCSMB127C1 G-CSMB-42-127CS1 IST-276 SCSMB187C1 G-CSMB-42-187CS1 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0='Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 47 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-277 42-2425/CS G-CSMB-42-287CS IST-277 42-2425/CS G-CSMB-42-287CS IST-277 42-2425/CS G-CSMB-42-287CS IST-278 BMVMA2140 G-MVMA-MO-2140 IST-279 BCVMA2139 G-PMME-P-56B IST-280 SCSMB227C1 G-CSMB-42-227CS1 IST-281 BMVMA2170 G-MVMA-MO-2170 IST-283 PCBMCC-131

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-284 PCBMCC-211

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-285 VTSFC1850-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-286 VTSFC1851-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-288 PCBMCC-1 33-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-289 PCBMCC-221

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-290 VTSFC1 857-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-291 VTSFC1858-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-295 PCBMCC-251 L-C2MC-52-251 IST-296 PCBMCC-147 L-C2MC-52-147 IST-297 PCBMCC-247 L-C2MC-52-247 IST-30 AFSMB0727A A-FSMA-FS-0727A IST-301 DFUMKS17A D-FUMK-S17-1 IST-301 DFUMKS17A D-FUMK-S17-1 IST-305 PCBMCB-206 L-C2MB-152-206 IST-306 SAVMA3029 Z-AVMA-CV-3029 IST-308 HPVMD3030B Q-PVMD-PCV-3030B IST-309 SMVMA3199 L-MVMA-MO-3199 IST-31 AFSMB0749A A-FSMA-FS-0749A IST-310 SMVMA3190 L-MVMA-MO-3190 IST-311 SCNMBX147 L-REMB-42X-147 IST-312 SCNMBX247 L-REMB-42X-247 IST-313 SCNMBX251 L-REMB-42X-251 IST-314 PCBMCC-167 L-C2MC-52-167 IST-314 PCBMCC-167 L-C2MC-52-167 IST-318 SHCMT3025A L-HCMT-HIC-3025A IST-32 AREMB22P8B A-REMB-62-2P8B IST-328 PCBMCC-141 L-C2MC-52-141 IST-329 SCNMBX141 L-REMB-42X-141 IST-330 PBSMTMCC24 P-B2MK-EB-24 IST-331 PBSMTMCC23 P-B2MK-EB-23 IST-335 GCNMA5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 IST-339 GCNMB5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 IST-345 PB2MKMCC23 P-B2MK-EB-23 IST-345 PB2MKMCC23 P-B2MK-EB-23 IST-347 HFLMK3037-Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0*Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 48 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-348 PB2MKMCC22 P-B2MK-EB-22 IST-348 PB2MKMCC22 P-B2MK-EB-22 IST-350 HFLMK3018-Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 IST-351 PCBMCC-137 H-C2MC-52-137 IST-352 PCBMCC-197 H-C2MC-52-197 IST-353 PCBMCC-157 H-C2MC-52-157 IST-354 PCBMCC-151 H-C2MC-52-151 IST-355 PCBMCC-261 H-C2MC-52-261 IST-356 PCBMCC-257 H-C2MC-52-257 IST-357 PCBMCC-237 H-C2MC-52-237 IST-358 PCBMCC-241 H-C2MC-52-241 IST-362 HFLMK3071 I-FLMK-F-321 IST-363 HFLMK3070 I-FLMK-F-319 IST-366 PCBMBC1305 F-C2MC-52-1305 IST-369 QCXMTC1305 F-C2MC-P-9ALOCAL IST-371 QCNMBPS2 F-PSMB-PS-1310 IST-374 QCNMBP41PS F-PSMB-PS-5350 IST-376 DCBMC72109 D-CBMC-72-109 IST-376 DCBMC72109 D-CBMC-72-109 IST-391 DFUMKS55B D-FUMK-S55-2 IST-392 PCBMCC5221 H-REMT-30721C IST-395 PCBMCC1205 G-C2MC-52-1205 IST-396 SC2MCC-161 G-C2MC-52-161 IST-396 SC2MCC-161 G-C2MC-52-161 IST-397 SCNMA0101 G-C2MC-52-1206 IST-398 DFUMKB1105 D-FUMK-B1105-1 IST-399 PCBMC52207 G-C2MC-52-207 IST-399 PCBMC52207 G-C2MC-52-207 IST-399 PCBMC52207 G-C2MC-52-207 IST-400 DFUMK72205 D-FUMK-B1205-1 IST-401 PCBMB1206 G-C2MB-52-1206 IST-402 PC2MA1105C G-C2MC-52-1105C IST-402 PC2MA1105C G-C2MC-52-1105C IST-404 SCNMBA0101 D-FUMK-B1206-1 IST-405 PCBMBC1 105 G-C2MB-52-1105 IST-46 AFSMB0737 A-FSMA-FS-0737 IST-47 AFSMB0736 A-FSMA-FS-0736 IST-500 DFUDK1303A D-FUMK-A1303-1 IST-501 PCBMBB-302

-backfeed power not modeled in PSAR2.IST-502 PCBMAB-302 P-CBMA-152-302 IST-519 PCNMD52402 P-CBMA-252-401 IST-54 CCSMD2082 C-CSMD-152-208CS IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0`Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 49 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled IST-60 CAVMB0910-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-65 CCVMA0943 C-CVMA-CK-CC943 IST-66 CAVMB0911-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-67 CAVMB0940-containment CCW isolation not modeled in PSAR2 IST-68 DFUMKS027A

-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-69 UKVMA0801-Compressors no longer require SW cooling IST-70 UKVMA0803-Compressors no longer require SW cooling IST-76 PCBMCB-205 P-CBMC-152-205 IST-77 DFUMKA1205 D-FUMK-A1205-1 IST-82 SCNMA16-3-CV-1359 sis test contacts not modeled in PSAR2 IST-82 SCNMA16-3-CV-1 359 sis test contacts not modeled in PSAR2 IST-98 DFUMKB1207 D-FUMK-B1207-1 IST-98 DFUMKB1207 D-FUMK-B1207-1 IST-99 DFUMKB1106 D-FUMK-B1106-1 IST-99 DFUMKB1106 D-FUMK-B1106-1 IST-99 DFUMKB1106 D-FUMK-B1106-1 ISWFCS3 ISWFCS3-Failure of logic to unload compressor and prevent RV actuation not modeled in PSAR2 P252B PCNMB303CS

-Manual trip of CB-152-302 not modeled in PSAR2 PBS1G-08 PCNMB1GCS-No manual actuation of 252-302 modeled in PSAR2 PC2MA1206 PC2MA1206-Alternate power source for charging pumps no longer modeled in PSAR2 PCBMBB-206 PCBMBB-206 L-C2MB-152-206 PCBMBC1 103 PCBMBC1 103 P-CBMB-52-1103 PCBMBC1201 PCBMBC1201 P-C2MB-52-1201 PFUMKSO4 PFUMKSO4 P-FUMK-S04-1 PREMB5P8 PREMB5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 PREMB8612 PREMB8612-Circuitry for 152-202 failing to trip not modeled in PSAR2 PREMB8612X PREMB8612X

-Circuitry for 152-106 failing to trip not modeled in PSAR2 QCNMB5TR1 C QCNMB5TR1 C F-PSMB-PS-1310 S42161 MAN SCSMB161CS G-CSMB-42-161CSI S55A-H SCSMB1205 G-CSMB-52-1205CS S55B-I SCSMB1206 G-CSMB-52-1206CS S55C-I SCSMB1105 G-CSMB-52-1105CS SCBA19A SCSMB42191 G-CSMB-42-191 CS SCNMA43206 SCNMA43206

-blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 SCNMBSISX6 SCNMBSISX6 R-REMB-SIS-X6 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0'-"Enteiy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 50 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)SCNMBX0327 SCNMBX0327 SCNMBX0328 SCNMBX0328 SCNMBX0329 SCNMBX0329 SCNMBX0330 SCNMBX0330 SCNMBY0327 SCNMBY0327 SCNMBY0328 SCNMBY0328 SCNMBY0329 SCNMBY0329 SCNMBY0330 SCNMBY0330 SCSMA52206 SCSMA52206 SCSMB206 SCSMB207C1 SCSMB207C2 SH1 17 SH135 SH157 SH175 SH194 SH207 SH25 SH49 SH77 SH95 SHSMB3018A SHSMB3018B SHSMB3025B SHSMB3059A SHSMB3059B SKVMA3018 SKVMB3029A SKVMB3030A SKVMB3059 S L54 SL64 SL74 S L84 SLSMA0327 SLSMA0328 SLSMA0329 SLSMA0330 SPBMB1-2 SCSMB206 SCSMB207C1 SCSMB207C2 SCSMB1571 SCSMB2371 SCSMB1511 SCSMB2411 SHSMB3037A SHSMB3018A SCSMB1371 SCSMB2611 SCSMB1971 SCSMB2571 SHSMB3018A SHSMB3018B SHSMB3025B SHSMB3059A SHSMB3059B SKVMA3018 SKVMB3029A SKVMB3030A SKVMB3059 SCSMB1411 SCSMB1471 SCSMB2471 SCSMB2511 SLSMA0327 SLSMA0328 SLSMA0329 SLSMA0330 SPBMB1-2 SPCMT102A SPCMT102A New BE Comment (PSAR2)Z-REMA-LSX-0327 Z-REMA-LSX-0328 Z-REMA-LSX-0329 Z-REMA-LSX-0330 Z-REMA-LSY-0327 Z-REMA-LSY-0328 Z-REMA-LSY-0329 Z-REMA-LSY-0330 blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 L-HSMB-HS-206 G-CSMB-42-207CS1 G-CSMB-42-207CS1 H-CSM B-42-157CS 1 H-CSMB-42-237CS1 H-CSMB-42-151 CS 1 H-CSM B-42-241 CS 1 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 H-CSMB-42-137CS1 H-CSMB-42-261 CS1 H-CSMB-42-197CS 1 H-CSMB-42-257CS1 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 L-HSMB-HS-3025B Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Z-KVMB-SV-3029A Z-KVMB-SV-3030A Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 L-HSMB-HS-141-1 L-HSMB-HS-147-1 L-REMB-42-247 L-REMB-42-251 Z-LSMA-LS-0327 Z-LSMA-LS-0328 Z-LSMA-LS-0329 Z-LSMA-LS-0330 manual initiation of sis relays not modeled in PSAR2 P-DCPO-PS-0102A Ift Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'v'Ente!gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 51 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)SPCMT102C SPCMT102C P-DCPO-PS-0102C SPMME67A SPMME67A L-PMME-P-67A SREMAX0327 SREMAX0327 Z-REMA-LSX-0327 SREMAX0328 SREMAX0328 Z-REMA-LSX-0328 SREMAX0329 SREMAX0329 Z-REMA-LSX-0329 SREMAX0330 SREMAX0330 Z-REMA-LSX-0330 SREMAY0327 SREMAY0327 Z-REMA-LSY-0327 SREMAY0328 SREMAY0328 Z-REMA-LSY-0328 SREMAY0329 SREMAY0329 Z-REMA-LSY-0329 SREMAY0330 SREMAY0330 Z-REMA-LSY-0330 SREMB127-0 SREMB127-0 G-REMB-42-127 SREMBR-191 SREMBR-191

-auto start of P-56B no longer modeled in PSAR2 SREMBR-287 SREMBR-287


-Manual operation of CV-3029 not in PSAR2 SU28 SHSMB3030A

-Manual operation of CV-3029 not in PSAR2 UCSMB205 UCSMB205-manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 V22 VCSMB131-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V25 VCSMB211-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V48 VCSMB133-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V51 VCSMB221-ESF room cooling no longer modeled ZCNMB34610 ZCNMB34610 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 ZCNMB3463 ZCNMB3463 R-CEPO-MC-34R105 ZCNMB3468 ZCNMB3468 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 ZPSMB81A1 ZPSMB81A1 R-PSMB-PS-1801AI ZPSMB81A2 ZPSMB81A2 R-PSMB-PS-1801A2 ZPSMB83A1 ZPSMB83A1 R-PSMB-PS-1803A1 ZPSMB83A2 ZPSMB83A2 R-PSMB-PS-1803A2 ZPSMB84A1 ZPSMB84A1 R-PSMB-PS-1804A1 ZPSMB84A2 ZPSMB84A2 R-PSMB-PS-1804A2 ZSEMT34-6 ZSEMT34-6 R-CEPO-MC-34R106 EA-11 CCSMB1094 CCSMB1094-manual start of CCW pumps not modeled in PSAR2 CCSMBI 164 CCSMB1 164-manual start of CCW pumps not modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Engineering Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 52 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)DFUDK1 105A DFUDK1105A D-FUMK-B1 105-1 DFUDK1 106A DFUDK1 106A D-FUMK-B1 106-1 IST-140 PC1 MCY3003 P-Cl MC-EY-30-03 IST-141 SCNMBSISX1 R-REMB-SIS-X1 IST-142 SCNMBSISX3 R-REMB-SIS-X3 IST-146 SCNMASIS5 R-REMB-SIS-5 IST-158 PCNMB107AB


-IST-159 DFUDK1107A D-FUMK-A1107-1 IST-159 DFUDK1107A D-FUMK-A1107-1 IST-159 DFUDK1107A D-FUMK-A1107-1 IST-160 DCBDC72136 D-CBMC-72-136 IST-160 DCBDC72136 D-CBMC-72-136 IST-160 DCBDC72136 D-CBMC-72-136 IST-19 ACNMC62-2A A-REMD-62-2P8A IST-19 ACNMC62-2A A-REMD-62-2P8A IST-20 AMLMACHA A-CEPO-AFAS-MODA IST-257 DCBDC72101 D-CBMC-72-101 IST-300 DFUMK1111A D-FUMK-A1111-1 IST-307 PCBMCB-111 L-C2MB-152-111 IST-337 DFUMK1114A D-FUMK-A1114-1 IST-338 DFUMK1112A D-FUMK-A1112-1 IST-340 PCNMC52112 S-REMB-144-112 IST-341 PCNMC52114 S-REMB-144-114 IST-346 DFUMK1113A D-FUMK-A1113-1 IST-471 DCBDC72111 D-CBMC-72-111 IST-483 EDGME11 E-DGME-K-6A IST-486 PCBMBB-106 P-CBMB-152-106 IST-490 DCBDC72308 D-CBMC-72-308 IST-490 DCBDC72308 D-CBMC-72-308 IST-491 PREMB1275 P-CBMB-152-106 IST-500 DFUDK1303A D-FUMK-A1303-1 IST-509 EKVMA1470 E-KVMB-SV-1470 IST-53 CCSMD1092 C-CSMD-152-109CS IST-55 CCSMD1162 C-CSMD-152-116CS IST-6 ACNMDSX741 A-REMD-PSX-0741 IST-63 CCVMA0944 C-CVMA-CK-CC944 IST-75 DFUMKA1103 D-FUMK-A1103-1 IST-84 UCNMB44103 U-REMB-144-103 PB1MKBUS1C PB1MKBUS1C P-BlMK-EA-11 PCBMAB-1 05 PCBMAB-105 P-CBMA-152-105 PCBMAB-106 PCBMAB-106 P-CBMA-152-106 PCBMBB-111 PCBMBB-1 11 L-C2MB-152-111 PREMB1271 PREMB1271 P-REMA-127-1 Comment shutdown sequencer not modeled in PSAR2 shutdown sequencer not modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 53 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)PREMB271X1 PREMB271X1 PREMB271X2 PREMB271X2 PREMB38311 PREMB38311 SCNMA431 11 SCNMA43111 SCNMBSISX5 SCNMBSISX5 SCSMA52111 SCSMA52111 SCSMB111 SCSMB1 12 SCSMB114 SH314A SPBMB1-1 ED-11A EJ-9400 SPMME67B SREMBSIS1 SREMBSIS5 SREMBSISX5 SREMBSISX7 UCSMB103 UPSMB1318 UPSMB1325 ZCNMB34510 ZCNMB3453 ZCNMB3455 ZCNMB3459 ZSEMT34-5 DCB7218MOD DFUDKD11A DFUMKD11A IST-490 DFUDK1 105A DFUDK1 106A IST-159 IST-159 IST-160 IST-257 IST-471 IST-486 IST-490 IST-491 I ST-500 PCBMAB-105 PCBMAB-106 SCSMB111 SCSMB1 12 SCSMBI14 SCSMB113 SPBMB1-1 SPMME67B SREMBSIS1 SREMBSIS5 SREMBSISX5 SREMBSISX7 UCSMB103 UPSMB1318 UPSMB1325 ZCNMB34510 ZCNMB3453 ZCNMB3455 ZCNMB3459 ZSEMT34-5 DCBMC72018 DFUDKDIIA DFUMKDIIA DCBDC72308 DFUDK1105A DFUDK1106A DFUDK1107A DFUDK1107A DCBDC72136 DCBDC72101 DCBDC72111 PCBMBB-106 DCBDC72308 PREMB1275 DFUDK1303A PCBMAB-105 PCBMAB-106 New BE (PSAR2)P-REMB-127-1-X1 P-REMB-127-1-X2 P-REMB-383-11 R-REMB-SIS-X5 L-HSMB-HS-111 S-CSMB-152-112CS S-CSMB-152-114CS H-CSMB-152-113CS L-PMME-P-67B R-REMB-SIS-1 R-REMB-SIS-5 R-REMB-SIS-X5 R-REMB-SIS-X7 U-PSMB-PS-1318 U-PSMB-PS-1325 R-CEPO-MC-34L105 R-CEPO-MC-34L105 R-CEPO-MC-34L106 R-CEPO-MC-34L105 R-CEPO-MC-34L105 D-CBMC-72-18 D-FUMK-D018-1 D-FUMK-D018-1 D-CBMC-72-308 D-FU MK-B 1105-1 D-FU MK-B 1106-1 D-FUMK-A1107-1 D-FUMK-A1107-1 D-CBMC-72-136 D-CBMC-72-101 D-CBMC-72-111 P-CBMB-152-106 D-CBMC-72-308 P-CBMB-152-106 D-FUMK-A1303-1 P-CBMA-152-105 P-CBMA-152-106 Comment blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 manual initiation of sis relays not modeled in PSAR2 manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 A Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev, 0 Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 54 of 66 Fire Area 4-Bus 1 C Switchgear Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)PREMB1271 PREMB1271 P-REMA-127-1 PREMB271X1 PREMB271X1 P-REMB-127-1-X1 PREMB271X2 PREMB271X2 P-REMB-127-1-X2 PREMB38311 PREMB38311 P-REMB-383-11 Ift Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0-='Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 55 of 66 Fire Area 13A1-Aux Building Corridor Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)Exposure C517 CPSMB0918 C-PSMB-PS-0918 Fire CCSMB1164 CCSMB1164-manual start of P52c not modeled in PSAR2 CCSMB2084 CCSMB2084-manual start of P52c not modeled in PSAR2 CHP46 ZPSMT81A R-PSMT-PS-1801A CHP50 ZPSMT83A R-PSMT-PS-1803A CHSMB0910 CHSMB0910-Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CHSMB0911 CHSMB0911-Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CHSMB0940 CHSMB0940-Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CREMBEX5P4 CREMBEX5P4 R-REMB-5P-4 DFUMK1206A DFUMK1206A D-FUMK-A1206-1 DFUMKS09 DFUMKS09 D-FUMK-S09-1 DFUMKS10 DFUMKSIO D-FUMK-S10-1 DFUMKS13A DFUMKS13A D-FUMK-S13-2 DFUMKS14A DFUMKS14A D-FUMK-S14-2 GCNMBHPX1L GCNMBHPX1L S-AVMA-CV-3002 GREMB5P8 GREMB5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 HC6A-MST HHSMB771-manual start of compressors not modeled in PSAR2 HC6B-MST HHSMB811-manual start of compressors not modeled in PSAR2 IST-1 ACNMD23P8C A-REMD-62-3P8C IST-100 ICMME2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-101 ICMMTC2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-102 ICMME2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-104 ICSMB 1207 I-C2MB-52-1207 IST-105 ICNMBCR4 I-REMB-CR-4 IST-109 ICMMTC2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-114 HADMTM9B Q-ADMK-M-9B IST-121 HADMTM9A Q-ADMK-M-9A IST-131 HPSMB0440 Q-PSMB-PS-0440 IST-133 HPSMB0442 Q-PSMB-PS-0442 IST-143 SREMBX161 G-REMB-42-161 IST-152 ZPSMA821 R-PSMA-PS1802SW1 IST-156 ZPSMA811 R-PSMA-PS1801SW1 IST-157 ZPSMA831 R-PSMA-PS1803SW1 IST-161 PCNMB213AB P-CBMB-152-213 IST-163 DCBDC72238 D-CBMC-72-236 IST-180 MAEMTHOGGR M-AEMT-C-4 IST-192 DCBMC72119 D-CBMC-72-119 IST-273 BMVMA2169 G-MVMA-MO-2169 IST-275 SCSMB127C1 G-CSMB-42-127CS1 IST-276 SCSMB187C1 G-CSMB-42-187CS1 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP

-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'v'Enteigy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 56 of 66 Fire Area 13A1-Aux Building Corridor Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-277 42-2425/CS G-CSMB-42-287CS IST-278 BMVMA2140 G-MVMA-MO-2140 IST-280 SCSMB227C1 G-CSMB-42-227CS1 IST-281 BMVMA2170 G-MVMA-MO-2170 IST-283 PCBMCC-131

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-284 PCBMCC-211

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-285 VTSFC1850-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-286 VTSFC1851-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-288 PCBMCC-133

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-289 PCBMCC-221

-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-290 VTSFC1857-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-291 VTSFC1858-ESF room cooling no longer modeled IST-295 PCBMCC-251 L-C2MC-52-251 IST-296 PCBMCC-147 L-C2MC-52-147 IST-297 PCBMCC-247 L-C2MC-52-247 IST-300 DFUMK1111A D-FUMK-AI 111-1 IST-301 DFUMKS17A D-FUMK-S17-1 IST-305 PCBMCB-206 L-C2MB-152-206 IST-306 SAVMA3029 Z-AVMA-CV-3029 IST-307 PCBMCB-111 L-C2MB-152-111 IST-308 HPVMD3030B Q-PVMD-PCV-3030B IST-309 SMVMA3199 L-MVMA-MO-3199 IST-310 SMVMA3190 L-MVMA-MO-3190 IST-311 SCNMBX147 L-REMB-42X-147 IST-312 SCNMBX247 L-REMB-42X-247 IST-313 SCNMBX251 L-REMB-42X-251 IST-314 PCBMCC-167 L-C2MC-52-167 IST-318 SHCMT3025A L-HCMT-HIC-3025A IST-328 PCBMCC-141 L-C2MC-52-141 IST-329 SCNMBX141 L-REMB-42X-141 IST-330 PBSMTMCC24 P-B2MK-EB-24 IST-331 PBSMTMCC23 P-B2MK-EB-23 IST-335 GCNMA5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 IST-339 GCNMB5P8 R-REMB-5P-8 IST-345 PB2MKMCC23 P-B2MK-EB-23 IST-347 HFLMK3037-Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 IST-348 PB2MKMCC22 P-B2MK-EB-22 IST-350 HFLMK3018-Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 IST-351 PCBMCC-137 H-C2MC-52-137 IST-352 PCBMCC-197 H-C2MC-52-197 IST-353 PCBMCC-157 H-C2MC-52-157 IST-354 PCBMCC-151 H-C2MC-52-151 IST-355 PCBMCC-261 H-C2MC-52-261 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 57 of 66 Fire Area 13A1-Aux Building Corridor Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-356 PCBMCC-257 H-C2MC-52-257 IST-357 PCBMCC-237 H-C2MC-52-237 IST-358 PCBMCC-241 H-C2MC-52-241 IST-362 HFLMK3071 I-FLMK-F-321 IST-363 HFLMK3070 I-FLMK-F-319 IST-391 DFUMKS55B D-FUMK-S55-2 IST-392 PCBMCC5221 H-REMT-30721C IST-395 PCBMCC1205 G-C2MC-52-1205 IST-396 SC2MCC-161 G-C2MC-52-161 IST-397 SCNMA0101 G-C2MC-52-1206 IST-398 DFUMKB1 105 D-FUMK-B1 105-1 IST-399 PCBMC52207 G-C2MC-52-207 IST-400 DFUMK72205 D-FUMK-B1205-1 IST-401 PCBMB1206 G-C2MB-52-1206 IST-402 PC2MA1105C G-C2MC-52-1105C IST-404 SCNMBA0101

-Auto start of P55B not modeled IST-405 PCBMBC1105 G-C2MB-52-1105 IST-46 AFSMB0737 A-FSMA-FS-0737 IST-54 CCSMD2082 C-CSMD-152-208CS IST-55 CCSMD1162 C-CSMD-152-116CS IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled IST-60 CAVMB0910-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-63 CCVMA0944 C-CVMA-CK-CC944 IST-65 CCVMA0943 C-CVMA-CK-CC943 IST-66 CAVMB0911-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-67 CAVMB0940-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-68 DFUMKS027A

-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-69 UKVMA0801-Compressors no longer require SW cooling IST-70 UKVMA0803-Compressors no longer require SW cooling IST-74 PCBMCB-204 U-C2MC-152-204 IST-76 PCBMCB-205 P-CBMC-152-205 IST-77 DFUMKA1205 D-FUMK-A1205-1 IST-79 DFUMKA1204 D-FUMK-A1204-1 IST-82 SCNMA16-3-CV-1359 sis test contacts not modeled in PSAR2 IST-98 DFUMKB1207 D-FUMK-B1207-1 IST-99 DFUMKB1106 D-FUMK-B1106-1 PC2MA1206 PC2MA1206-Alternate power source for charging pumps no longer modeled in PSAR2 PCBMBB-1 11 PCBMBB-1 11 L-C2MB-152-1 11 PCBMBB-206 PCBMBB-206 L-C2MB-152-206 PCBMBC1 103 PCBMBC1 103 PCBMBC1103 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0*Entcigy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 58 of 66 Fire Area 13A1-Aux Building Corridor Area/BUST Orig BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)PCBMBC1201 PCBMBC1201 PFUMKSO4 PFUMKS04 PREMB5P8 PREMB5P8 S42161MAN SCSMB161CS S55A-H SCSMB1205 S55B-I SCSMB1206 S55C-l SCSMB1105 SCNMA43111 SCNMA43111 SCNMA43206 SCNMA43206 SCNMBX0327 SCNMBX0328 SCNMBX0329 SCNMBY0327 SCNMBY0328 SCNMBY0329 SCSMA52111 SCNMBX0327 SCNMBX0328 SCNMBX0329 SCNMBY0327 SCNMBY0328 SCNMBY0329 SCSMA521 11 SCSMA52206 SCSMA52206 SCSMB111 SCSMB206 SCSMB207C1 SCSMB207C2 SH117 SH135 SH157 SH175 SH194 SH207 SH25 S H49 SH77 SH95 SHSMB3018A SHSMB3018B SHSMB3025B SHSMB3059A SHSMB3059B SKVMA3018 SKVMB3029A SKVMB3030A SKVMB3059 SCSMB111 SCSMB206 SCSMB207C1 SCSMB207C2 SCSMB1571 SCSMB2371 SCSMB1511 SCSMB2411 SHSMB3037A SHSMB3018A SCSMB1371 SCSMB2611 SCSMB1971 SCSMB2571 SHSMB3018A SHSMB3018B SHSMB3025B SHSMB3059A SHSMB3059B SKVMA3018 SKVMB3029A SKVMB3030A SKVMB3059 New BE Comment (PSAR2)P-C2MB-52-1201 P-FUMK-S04-1 R-REMB-5P-8 G-CSMB-42-161 CS 1 G-CSMB-52-1205CS G-CSMB-52-1206CS G-CSMB-52-1105CS blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 Z-REMA-LSX-0327 Z-REMA-LSX-0328 Z-REMA-LSX-0329 Z-REMA-LSY-0327 Z-REMA-LSY-0328 Z-REMA-LSY-0329 blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 blocking LPSI trip on RAS not modeled in PSAR2 L-HSMB-HS-111 L-HSMB-HS-206 G-CSM B-42-207CS 1 G-CSMB-42-207CS1 H-CS M B-42-157CS 1 H-CSMB-42-237CS1 H-CS M B-42-151 CS 1 H-CSMB-42-241 CS1 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 H-CSMB-42-137CS 1 H-CSMB-42-261 CS1 H-CSMB-42-197CS1 H-CS M B-42-257CS 1 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 L-HSMB-HS-3025B Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 Flow path not modeled in PSAR2 Z-KVMB-SV-3029A Z-KVMB-SV-3030A Failure to close failure mode not modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Engineering vEntey Analysis Attachment 4-Page 59 of 66 Fire Area 13A1-Aux Building Corridor Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)SL54 SCSMB1411 L-HSMB-HS-141-1 SL64 SCSMB1471 L-HSMB-HS-147-1 SL74 SCSMB2471 L-REMB-42-247 SL84 SCSMB2511 L-REMB-42-251 SLSMA0327 SLSMA0327 Z-LSMA-LS-0327 SLSMA0328 SLSMA0328 Z-LSMA-LS-0328 SLSMA0329 SLSMA0329 Z-LSMA-LS-0329 SPMME67A SPMME67A L-PMME-P-67A SPMME67B SPMME67B L-PMME-P-67B SREMAX0327 SREMAX0327 Z-REMA-LSX-0327 SREMAX0328 SREMAX0328 Z-REMA-LSX-0328 SREMAX0329 SREMAX0329 Z-REMA-LSX-0329 SREMAY0327 SREMAY0327 Z-REMA-LSY-0327 SREMAY0328 SREMAY0328 Z-REMA-LSY-0328 SREMAY0329 SREMAY0329 Z-REMA-LSY-0329 SREMB127-0 SREMB127-0 G-REMB-42-127 SSD30 SLMMB24395 L-REMB-42-2439 SSD31 SQSMB2439 L-REMB-42-2439 SSD40 SLMMB23395 L-REMB-42-2339 SSD41 SQSMB2339 L-REMB-42-2339 SU11 SHSMB3029A

-Manual operation of CV-3029 not in PSAR2 SU28 SHSMB3030A

-Manual operation of CV-3030 not in PSAR2 UCSMB204 UCSMB204-manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 UCSMB205 UCSMB205-manual start of SWS pumps not modeled in PSAR2 V22 VCSMB131-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V25 VCSMB211-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V48 VCSMB133-ESF room cooling no longer modeled V51 VCSMB221-ESF room cooling no longer modeled ZPSMB81A1 ZPSMB81A1 R-PSMB-PS-1801A1 ZPSMB81A2 ZPSMB81A2 R-PSMB-PS-1801A2 ZPSMB83A1 ZPSMB83A1 R-PSMB-PS-1803A1 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0 Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 60 of 66 Fire Area 13A2-Aux Building Corridor Area/BUST Orig BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)Exposure CHSMB0910 CHSMB0910 Fire CHSMB091irel CHSMB0911 GCNMBHPX1L GCNMBHPX1L IST-273 BMVMA2169 IST-274 BCVMA2138 IST-275 SCSMB127C1 IST-276 SCSMB187C1 IST-277 42-2425/CS IST-279 BCVMA2139 IST-281 BMVMA2170 IST-301 DFUMKS17A IST-318 SHCMT3025A IST-397 SCNMA0101 IST-398 DFUMKB1105 IST-401 PCBMB1206 IST-402 PC2MA1105C IST-405 PCBMBC1 105 IST-60 CAVMB0910 IST-66 CAVMB0911 IST-68 DFUMKS027A IST-82 SCNMA16-3 PC2MA1206 PC2MA1206 S55B-I SCSMB1206 S55C-l SCSMB1105 SCBA19A SCSMB42191 SHSMB3025B SHSMB3025B SREMB127-O SREMB127-O SREMBR-191 SREMBR-191 SREMBR-287 SREMBR-287 New BE Comment (PSAR2)Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 S-AVMA-CV-3002 G-MVMA-MO-2169 G-PMME-P-56A G-CSMB-42-127CS 1 G-CSMB-42-187CS 1 G-CSMB-42-287CS G-PMME-P-56Bure G-MVMA-MO-2170 D-FUMK-S17-1 L-HCMT-H IC-3025A G-C2MC-52-1206 D-FUMK-81105-1 G-C2MB-52-1206 G-C2MC-52-1105C G-C2MB-52-1105 G-CSMB-52-1206CS G-CSMB-52-1105CS G-CSMB-42-191 CS L-HSMB-HS-3025B G-REMB-42-127 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 CV-1 359 sis test contacts not modeled in PSAR2 Bus 11 is not an alternate power source for Bus 12 in PSAR2 auto start of P-56B no longer modeled in PSAR2 auto start of P-56A no longer modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 61 of 66 Fire Area 23B-East Turbine Building Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)Exposure A38 AKVMA0522G A-KVMA-SV-0522G Fire AHSMB0522B AHSMB0522B A-HSMB-HS-0522B CHSMB0910 CHSMB0910-CHSMB0911 CHSMB0911-DC6 DCBMC72112 P-CBMA-152-106 DFUDK1302A DFUDK1302A


-G322B GCNMA386A3 G332B GCNMA386A5 GEPMT0511 GEPMT0511 B-EPMT-EP-0511 GHSMB0501A GHSMB0501A


-GKVMA0508 GKVMA0508 M-KVMB-SV-0508 GKVMA0514 GKVMA0514 M-KVMB-SV-0514 GKVMB0502 GKVMB0502 M-KVMB-SV-0502 GKVMB0505A GKVMB0505A M-KVMB-SV-0505A GKVMB0505B GKVMB0505B M-KVMB-SV-0505B GKVMB0513 GKVMB0513 M-KVMB-SV-0513 GPCMT0511 GPCMT0511 B-PCMT-PIC-0511 GSCMT0511 GSCMT0511 B-CEPO-PM-0511 115A IRVMB1200 I-RVMC-RV-1200 1158 IRVMB1204 I-RVMC-RV-1204 115C IRVMB1202 I-RVMC-RV-1202 ICNMAK24 I CN MAK24 I-CMM E-C-2 B ICNMBK21 ICNMBK21 I-CMME-C-2B ICNMBK22 ICNMBK22 I-CMME-C-2B IFUMKF3 IFUMKF3 I-CMME-C-2B IREMBK22 IREMBK22 I-CMME-C-2B IREMBK24 IREMBK24 I-CMME-C-2B IST-100 ICMME2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-101 ICMMTC2C I-CMME-C-2C IST-102 ICMME2A I-CMME-C-2A IST-103 ICNMAK22 I-CM ME-C-2C IST-104 I C S M B 1207 I-C2 M B-52-1207 IST-105 ICNMBCR4 I-REMB-CR-4 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 Isolation of loss of CCW inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 Backfeed power to Bus 1 C,D&E not modeled in PSAR2 This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open (the TBV solenoids must spuriously energize to open valve)This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open No credit for manual closure of MSIVs No credit for manual closure of MSIVs Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0"v Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 62 of 66 Fire Area 23B-East Turbine Building Area/BUST Orig BE Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)IST-106 ICNMCK23 IST-107 ICNMBK23 IST-109 ICMMTC2A IST-11 FAVMC0729 IST-117 HADMTM9C IST-134 PB2MKMCC4 IST-15 AAVMA0521 IST-17 IST-174 AHSMB0102A XAVMA2008 IST-175 IST-176 IST-177 IST-179 IST-18 IST-180 IST-183 IST-184 IST-185 IST-187 IST-188 IST-190 IST-191 IST-192 IST-198 IST-199 IST-203 IST-228 IST-252 IST-253 IST-257 IST-259 I ST-296 IST-30 IST-31 I ST-311 IST-314 IST-328 I ST-329 IST-345 IST-351 I ST-352 IST-353 PB2MKBUS91 XAVMA2010 PBSMTL03 MCNMB42615 AKVMA0522B MAEMTHOGGR GMVMA0510 GHSMB0510C PB2MKMCC3 GMVMA0501 GHSMB0501 C DCBDC72104 DCBDC72207 DCBMC72119 GKVMA0507B GKVMA0507A GTPMT0510 GAVMA0511 FCSMC105 FCSMB205 DCBDC72101 DCBDC72201 PCBMCC-147 AFSMB0727A AFSMB0749A SCNMBX147 PCBMCC-167 PCBMCC-141 SCNMBX141 PB2MKMCC23 PCBMCC-137 PCBMCC-197 PCBMCC-157 New BE Comment (PSAR2)I-CMME-C-2B l-CMME-C-2B I-CMME-C-2A Q-ADMK-M-9C P-B2MK-EB-04 A-HSMB-HS-0102A P-B2MK-EB-91 A-AVMA-CV-2010 P-BSMK-EL-22 M-REMB-52-615 A-KVMB-SV-0522B M-AEMT-C-4 M-HSMB-0510C M-HSMB-0510C P-B2MK-EB-03 D-CBMC-72-104 D-CBMC-72-207 D-CBMC-72-119 M-KVMB-SV-0507B M-KVMB-SV-0507A B-TPMT-PT-0510 B-AVMA-CV-0511 M-CSMB-252-105CS M-CBMB-252-205 D-CBMC-72-101 D-CBMC-72-201 L-C2MC-52-147 A-FSMA-FS-0727A A-FSMA-FS-0749A L-REMB-42X-147 L-C2MC-52-167 L-C2MC-52-141 L-REMB-42X-141 P-B2MK-EB-23 H-C2MC-52-137 H-C2MC-52-197 H-C2MC-52-157 CST makeup from hotwell not modeled TDAFW pump no longer gets steam from SGB T-81 no longer modeled as redundant to other CST makeup sources SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW SGB no longer supplies steam to TDAFW Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0 OEntergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 63 of 66 Fire Area 23B-East Turbine Building Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-354 PCBMCC-151 H-C2MC-52-151 IST-366 PCBMBC1305 F-C2MC-52-1305 IST-369 QCXMTC1305 F-C2MC-P-9ALOCAL IST-371 QCNMBPS2 F-PSMB-PS-1310 IST-374 QCNMBP41PS F-PSMB-PS-5350 IST-40 APSMD0741A A-PSMD-PS-0741A IST-403 PCBMB1206B D-FUMK-B1206-1 IST-406 PCBMBC105B D-FUMK-81105-1 IST-41 APSMD0741B A-PSMD-PS-0741B IST-42 APSMD741 DD A-PSMD-PS-0741DD IST-43 PC1 MCY1014 P-C1 MC-EY-10-14 IST-491 PREMB1275 P-CBMD-152-106 IST-498 PREMB1276 P-CBMA-152-202 IST-500 DFUDK1303A D-FUMK-A1303-1 IST-501 PCBMBB-302

-backfeed power not modeled in PSAR2.IST-502 PCBMAB-302 P-CBMA-152-302 IST-503 PCBMCC21 11-Battery room ventilation not needed in PSAR2 IST-504 PCBMCC2411

-Battery room ventilation not needed in PSAR2 IST-516 PGNMTMAIN-Main xfrmr not modeled in PSAR2 IST-519 PCNMD52402 P-CBMA-252-401 IST-57 CAVMA0918-Makeup to CCW not modeled IST-60 CAVMB0910-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-66 CAVMB0911-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-68 DFUMKS027A

-Isolation of CCW leaks inside containment not modeled in PSAR2 IST-69 UKVMA0801-Compressors no longer require SWS IST-70 UKVMA0803-Compressors no longer require SWS IST-98 DFUMKB1207 D-FUMK-81207-1 IST-99 DFUMKB1106 D-FUMK-B1106-1 ISWFCS3 ISWFCS3-Failure of logic to unload compressor and prevent RV actuation not modeled in PSAR2 P252B PCNMB303CS

-Manual trip of CB-152-302 not modeled in PSAR2 PBS1F-08 PCNMB1FCS-No manual actuation of 252-302 modeled in PSAR2 PBS1G-08 PCNMBIGCS-No manual actuation of 252-402 modeled in PSAR2 PCSMBA-301 PCSMBA-301 P-CBMA-252-301 PREMB38311 PREMB38311 P-REMB-383-11 PREMB38312 PREMB38312 P-REMB-383-12 PREMB38323 PREMB38323 P-REMB-383-23 PREMB8612 PREMB8612-Circuitry for 152-202 failing to trip not modeled in PSAR2 PREMB8612X PREMB8612X

-Circuitry for 152-106 failing to trip not modeled in PSAR2 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0 Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 64 of 66 Fire Area 23B-East Turbine Building Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)QCNMB5TR1C QCNMB5TRIC F-PSMB-PS-1310 SH117 SCSMB1571 H-CSMB-42-157CS1 SH157 SCSMB1511 H-CSMB-42-151CS1 SH25 SCSMB1371 H-CSMB-42-137CS1 SH77 SCSMB1971 H-CSMB-42-197CS1 SL54 SCSMB1411 L-HSMB-HS-141-1 SL64 SCSMB1471 L-HSMB-HS-147-1 X32 XCNMB9631A A-PBMC-PB-P936 X33 XHSMB8950A A-HSMC-HS-8950A Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Entewv Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 65 of 66 Fire Area 23D-West Turbine Building Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)Exposure A38 AKVMA0522G A-KVMA-SV-0522G Fire AHSMB0522B AHSMB0522B A-HSMB-HS-0522B DFUMKWO01A DFUMKWO0IA D-FUMK-W001-1 DFUMKWO06D DFUMKWO06D D-FUMK-W006-1 G113B GCNMA386A8

-G322B GCNMA386A3 G332B GCNMA386A5 GEPMT0511 GEPMT0511 B-EPMT-EP-0511 GHSMB0510A GHSMB0510A

-GKVMB0505A GKVMB0505A M-KVMB-SV-0505A GKVMB0505B GKVMB0505B M-KVMB-SV-0505B GPCMT0511 GPCMT0511 B-PCMT-PIC-0511 GSCMT0511 GSCMT0511 B-CEPO-PM-0511 IST-11 FAVMC0729-IST-117 HADMTM9C Q-ADMK-M-9C IST-14 AAVMA0522B A-AVMA-CV-0522B IST-15 AAVMA0521-IST-17 AHSMB0102A A-HSMB-HS-0102A IST-174 XAVMA2008-IST-175 PB2MKBUS91 P-B2MK-EB-91 IST-176 XAVMA2010 A-AVMA-CV-2010 IST-179 MCNMB42615 M-REMB-52-615 IST-18 AKVMA0522B A-KVMB-SV-0522B IST-180 MAEMTHOGGR M-AEMT-C-4 IST-189 IXVMD180CA I-XVMD-MV-CA1 80 IST-190 DCBDC72104 D-CBMC-72-104 IST-191 DCBDC72207 D-CBMC-72-207 IST-196 FAVMA0730 M-AVMA-CV-0730 IST-198 GKVMA0507B M-KVMB-SV-0507B IST-199 GKVMA0507A M-KVMB-SV-0507A IST-203 GTPMT0510 B-TPMT-PT-0510 IST-228 GAVMA0511 B-AVMA-CV-0511 IST-252 FCSMC105 M-CSMB-252-105CS IST-253 FCSMB205 M-CBMB-252-205 IST-364 PCBMB1306 U-PMME-P5 IST-366 PCBMBC1305 F-C2MC-52-1305 IST-369 QCXMTC1305 F-C2MC-P-9ALOCAL IST-371 QCNMBPS2 F-PSMB-PS-1310 IST-374 QCNMBP41PS F-PSMB-PS-5350 IST-40 APSMD0741A A-PSMD-PS-0741A This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open (the TBV solenoids must spuriously energize to open valve)This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open This relay must energize to cause ADVs to open No credit for manual closure of MSIVs No longer considered a condensate flow diversion path TDAFW pump no longer gets steam from SGB T-81 no longer modeled as redundant to other CST makeup sources Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-1 1-06 Rev.0 Entery Engineering Analysis Attachment 4-Page 66 of 66 Fire Area 23D-West Turbine Building Area/BE/IST Orig BE New BE Comment Cabinet (Fire IPEEE)(PSAR2)IST-41 APSMD0741 B A-PSMD-PS-0741 B IST-42 APSMD741DD A-PSMD-PS-0741DD IST-43 PC1 MCY1014 P-C1 MC-EY-10-14 IST-516 PGNMTMAIN-Main xfrmr not modeled in PSAR2 PCBMB1306 PCBMB1306 U-PMME-P5 QCNMB5TR1C QCNMB5TR1C F-PSMB-PS-1310 X32 XCNMB9631A A-PBMC-PB-P936 X33 XHSMB8950A A-HSMC-HS-8950A A Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Enteigy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 1 of 16 Table of Contents Modifications to PSAR2 Fault Description pg Tree Logic Table A5.1 Modifications Made to Reflect Fire IPEEE Logic 2 Table A5.2 Modifications Made to Logic to Assure Correct Modeling of 3 Plant Response to Fire Initiators Table A5.3 Modifications to Logic to Allow Evaluation of MOV 4 Functions Not Currently in the Models (not used in this analysis)Table A5.4 Modifications to Credit Local Operation of MOVs 5 (not used in this analysis)Table A5.5 Modifications Adding MOV Hot Short Failure Modes 6 (not used in this analysis)Table A5.6 Modifications Identifying Unsuppressed Fires Requiring 7 Control from the Hot Shutdown Panel Table A5.7 House Events Added to Fault Tree Models 8 Table A5.8 Fire Initiating Events Added to Fault Tree Models 11 Table A5.9 Random Failures Added to Fault Trees 13 Table A5.10 Random Failures Changed for the Purpose of Sequence 14 Quantification Table A5.11 Operator Actions Added to Fault Tree Logic 15 Table A5.12 Hot Short Failure Modes Added to Fault Tree Logic 16 (not used in this analysis)

Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C 06 Rev.0 MEntergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 2 of 16 Table A5.1, Modifications Made to Reflect Fire IPEEE Logic Gate Description A24-Fire Local closure of P8C breaker A47-Fire Local closure of P8A breaker A69A-Fire Local opening of CV-0749 A89-Fire Local opening of CV-0727 F39-Fire Manual action to start fire pump 9A F40-Fire Manual action to start fire pump 9B F52-Fire Manual action to start fire pump P41 P106B4A-Fire Local closure of fast transfer breaker 152-106 P202134-Fire Local closure of fast transfer breaker 152-202 U973-DGA-Fire Local closure of breaker to P7B UGT020-Fire Alignment of warm water recirc pump (parallel to traveling screens)H334A-Fire Local operation of MO-3070 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0*Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 3 of 16 Table A5.2, Modifications Made to Logic to Assure Correct Modeling of Plant Response to Fire Initiators Gate Description The following logic adds a house event to reflect that fire initiating events do not cause conditions that would generate an automatic SIS NONSISINT-Fire Add HSE-FA-INIT as a flag to indicate that a non-SIS fire initiating event has occurred The following four changes are directed at preventing a dual SG blowdown from disabling all flow paths to the SGs even though AFW is still available AHDR1-1-Fire Disable ESDE failing flow path through CV-0749 AHDR2-1-Fire Disable ESDE failing flow path through CV-0727 AHDR3-1-Fire Disable ESDE failing flow path through CV-0736A AHDR4-1-Fire Disable ESDE failing flow path through CV-0737A The following change disables logic that assumes HPSI flow diversion will occur on hot short of MO-3072 (it appears the flow diversion will be back to the PCS)H079-Fire Disable HPSI flow diversion through MO-3072 Ift Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 4 of 16 Table A5.3, Modifications to Logic to Allow Evaluation of MOV Functions not Currently in the Models (not used in this analysis)Gate Description GS02-Fire Add charging to PCS flow path through MO-3072 LSDC45-Fire Add CK-3240 as means of preventing flow downstream of MO-3198 to SIRWT LSDC57-Fire Add CK-3239 as means of preventing flow downstream of MO-3189 to SIRWT XADVA-FTO-Fire Alignment of hogger as means of preventing demands on SGA SRVs XESDE-DA1-Fire Addition of TBV&ADVs on SGB as means of blowing down SGA XESDE-DA2-Fire Isolation of SGA including MO-0510 FTRC X1001-FIRE Operator action to trip closed CV-0510 locally (without credit for this action, MO-0510 would not be important as SGA MSIV would be failed open for many Fire Areas-see Ref 2.1.8).

Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0'Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 5 of 16 Table A5.4, Modifications to credit local operation of MOVs (not used in this analysis)Gate Description G068-HSFire Local operation of MO-2160 GCBA10-HSFire Local operation of MO-2140 GS02-HSFire Local operation of MO-3072 LLSDC-HSFire Local operation of MO-3012 LLSDC56-HSFire Local operation of MO-3010 LLSDC76-HSFire Local operation of MO-3014 LLSDC86-HSFire Local operation of MO-3008 LLSDC44-HSFire Local operation of MO-3199 LLSDC46-HSFire Local operation of MO-3198 LLSDC56-HSFire Local operation of MO-3190 LLSDC57-HSFire Local operation of MO-3189 XADVA-FTO7A-HSFire Local operation of MO-0510 H111A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3011 H151A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3013 H19AI-Fire Local operation of MO-3007 H801A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3009 HH129A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3064 HH169AI-Fire Local operation of MO-3062 HH43A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3068 HH89A1-Fire Local operation of MO-3066 A Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Enteigy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 6 of 16 Table A5.5, Modifications Adding MOV Hot Short Failure Modes (not used in this analysis)Gate Description G068B-HSFire Hot short of MO-2160 GCBA1OB-HSFire Hot short of MO-2140 GS02B-HSFire Hot short of MO-3072 LLSDC66B-HSFire Hot short of MO-3012 LLSDC56B-HSFire Hot short of MO-3010 LLSDC76B-HSFire Hot short of MO-3014 LLSDC86B-HSFire Hot short of MO-3008 LSDC46-HSFire Hot short of MO-3199 LSDC50-HSFire Hot short of MO-3198 LSDC58-HSFire Hot short of MO-3190 LSDC62-HSFire Hot short of MO-3189 XADVA-FT08-HSFire Hot short of MO-0510 H110-HSFire Hot short of MO-3011 H150-HSFire Hot short of MO-3013 H18-HSFire Hot short of MO-3007 H800-HSFire Hot short of MO-3009 HH128-HSFire Hot short of MO-3064 HH168-HSFire Hot short of MO-3062 HH42-HSFire Hot short of MO-3068 HH88-HSFire Hot short of MO-3066 CNT-22-LOOPIA-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3068 leading to ISLOCA CNT-22-LOOP1 B-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3066 leading to ISLOCA CNT-22-LOOP2A-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3064 leading to ISLOCA CNT-22-LOOP2B-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3062 leading to ISLOCA CNT-23-LOOPIA-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3007 leading to ISLOCA CNT-23-LOOP1 B-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3009 leading to ISLOCA CNT-23-LOOP2A-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3011 leading to ISLOCA CNT-23-LOOP2B-HPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3013 leading to ISLOCA CNT-32-LOOPIA-LPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3008 leading to ISLOCA CNT-32-LOOP1 B-LPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3010 leading to ISLOCA CNT-32-LOOP2A-LPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3012 leading to ISLOCA CNT-32-LOOP2B-LPSI-HSFIRE Hot short of MO-3014 leading to ISLOCA Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0 Ent^rgy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 7 of 16 Table A5.6, Modifications identifying Unsuppressed Fires Requiring Control From the Hot Shutdown Panel Gate Description FAISUP Fire Area 1 exposure fires anded with SUP FA2SUP Fire Area 2 exposure fires anded with SUP-AUTO FA3SUP Fire Area 3 exposure fires anded with SUP-AUTO FA4SUP Fire Area 4 exposure fires anded with SUP-AUTO Note: These pates are used to d istinguish logic differences when unsunnressed fires rpmjire manning of the hot shutdown panel.

Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0 MEntergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 8 of 16 Table A5.7, House Events Added to Fault Tree Models House Event Description HS-MO-0510 Logic enabling MOV hot short failure mode (T)HS-MO-2140 HS-MO-2160 HS-MO-3007 HS-MO-3008 HS-MO-3009 HS-MO-301 0 HS-MO-3011 HS-MO-3012 HS-MO-3013 HS-MO-3014 HS-MO-3062 HS-MO-3064 HS-MO-3066 HS-MO-3068 HS-MO-3072 HS-MO-3189 HS-MO-3190 HS-MO-3198 HS-MO-3199 HSE-3072-FLOWDIV Disables HPSI flow diversion thru MO-3072 (F)HSE-AFW-FLOWDIV Disables AFW flow diversion on SG blowdown (F)HSE-FA-INIT Indicates that a non-SIS fire initiator occurred (T)HSE-ANYFIRE Enables Fire IPEEE logic changes fall fire areas (T)HSE-NOTANY Enables Fire IPEEE logic changes all fire areas (F)HSE-NOTFA1 Enables logic changes for FA1 (not used)HSE-NOTFA13A Enables logic changes for FA13A (not used)HSE-NOTFA2 Enables logic changes for FA2 (not used)HSE-NOTFA2-ED-10 Enables logic changes for FA2-ED-10 (not used)HSE-NOTFA2-ED-20 Enables logic changes for FA2-ED-20 (not used)HSE-NOTFA23 Enables logic changes for FA23E, S&W (not used)HSE-NOTFA23ES Enables logic changes for FA23E&S (not used)HSE-NOTFA3 Enables logic changes for FA3 (not used)HSE-NOTFA4 Enables logic changes for FA4 (not used)HSE-NOTFACR Enables logic changes for FA1 (not used)IE-FA-1 Disables components for FA1 exposure fire (T)s IE-FA-1-EC-01 L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-01 R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-02L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-02R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)

Ift Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0 Entergy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 9 of 16 Table A5.7, House Events Added to Fault Tree Models House Event Description IE-FA-1-EC-03L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-03R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-04L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-04R Disables components for FAI cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-08L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-08R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-106 Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-1 1 L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-11 R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-126 Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-12L Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-12R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-13L Disables components for FAI cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-1-EC-13R Disables components for FA1 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2 Disables components for FA1 exposure fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-01 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-02 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-1 1 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-12 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-21 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-23 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EB-24 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-06 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-07 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-08 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-09 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-10 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-1 1 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)[E-FA-2-ED-15 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-16 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-17 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-18 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-20 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-21 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-ED-576 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EJ-14A Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EJ-542 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EJ-543 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EJ-575 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EJ-576 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EY-01 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EY-10 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)

Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'Entffgy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 10 of 16 Table A5.7, House Events Added to Fault Tree Models House Event Description IE-FA-2-EY-20 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EY-30 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EY-40 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-EY-50 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-2-FZ2 Disables components for FA2 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3 Disables components for FA3 exposure fire (T)IE-FA-3-EA-12 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EB-22 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)I E-FA-3-EC-1 81 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EC-187 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EJ-1005 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EJ-1006 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EJ-1051 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-3-EJ-1052 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)[E-FA-3-EJ-9401 Disables components for FA3 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-4 Disables components for FA4 exposure fire (T)IE-FA-4-EA-1 1 Disables components for FA4 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-4-ED-1 1A Disables components for FA4 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-4-EJ-9400 Disables components for FA4 cabinet fire (T)IE-FA-13-13A1 Disables components for FA13A1 exposure fire (T)IE-FA-13-13A2 Disables components for FA13A2 exposure fire (T)IE-FA-23-23E Disables components for FA23E exposure fire (T)[E-FA-23-23S Disables components for FA23S exposure fire (T)IE-FA-23-23W Disables components for FA23W exposure fire (T)

Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 F Rev.0 Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 11 of 16 Table A5.8, Fire Initiating Events Added to Event Tree Logic Initiating Event Frequency Reference FA-1 2.43E-03 Fire IPEEE (Ref 2.1.3)FA-1-EC-01L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-01R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-02L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-02R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-03L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-03R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-04L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-04R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-08L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-08R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-106 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-11L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-11R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-126 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-12L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-12R 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-13L 9.50E-03 FA-1-EC-13R 9.50E-03 FA-2 3.10E-03 FA-2-EB-01 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-02 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-11 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-12 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-21 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-23 3.20E-03 FA-2-EB-24 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-06 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-07 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-08 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-09 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-10 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-11 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-15 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-16 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-17 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-1 8 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-20 3.20E-03 FA-2-ED-21 3.20E-03 FA-2-EJ-14A 3.20E-03 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0=Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 12 of 16 Table A5.8, Fire Initiating Events Added to Event Tree Logic Initiating Event Frequency Reference FA-2-EJ-542 3.20E-03 FA-2-EJ-543 3.20E-03 FA-2-EJ-575 3.20E-03 FA-2-EJ-576 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-01 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-10 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-20 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-30 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-40 3.20E-03 FA-2-EY-50 3.20E-03 FA-3 9.81 E-04 FA-3-EA-12 3.75E-03 FA-3-EB-22 3.75E-03 FA-3-EC-181 3.75E-03 FA-3-EC-187 3.75E-03 FA-3-EJ-1005 3.75E-03 FA-3-EJ-1 006 3.75E-03 FA-3-EJ-1 051 3.75E-03 FA-3-EJ-1052 3.75E-03 FA-3-EJ-9401 3.75E-03 FA-4 4.15E-04 FA-4-EA-1 1 3.75E-03 FA-4-ED-11A 3.75E-03 FA-4-EJ-9400 3.75E-03 FA-13-13A1 1.99E-03 FA-13-13A2 5.37E-03 FA-23-23E 2.94E-02 FA-23-23S 6.42E-02 FA-23-23W 1.55E-03 Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11-06 Rev.0'v Ente^gy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 13 of 16 Table A5.9: Random Failures Added to Fault Trees Event Prob Reference Description B-AVMB-CV-0511 3.64E-03 PSAR2.BE ADV FTRC Spurious operation of turbine bypass valve H-CVMC-CK-ES3101 HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC HPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)H-CVMC-CK-ES3103HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC HPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)H-CVMC-CK-ES3116HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC HPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)H-CVMC-CK-ES3131HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC HPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)H-CVMC-CK-ES3146HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC HPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)H-MVMA-MO-3072 4.18E-03 PSAR2.BE CVCS MOV FTO CVCS injection to primary system H-MVMD-MO-3072 2.96E-05 PSAR2.BE CVCS MOV FTRO CVCS injection to primary system H-REMT-30721C 0 NA (used to assign fire areas that I&C failure mode for MO-3072 inj to primary will fail the MOV I&C)system L-CVMC-CK-ES3101 HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC LPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)L-CVMC-CK-ES3116HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC LPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)L-CVMC-CK-ES3131 HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC LPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)L-CVMC-CK-ES3146HS 5.85E-04 PSAR2.BE Ck Valve FTRC LPSI injection line check valve FTRC (ISLOCA model)M-FUMK-B389 2.21 E-05 PSAR2.BE Fuse failure MO-0510 control failure M-HSMB-0510C 6.71 E-05 PSAR2.BE Hand switch FTC MO-0510 remote hand switch failure M-LMMC-0510A 2.33E-05 PSAR2.BE Limit switch FTRC MO-0510 control failure M-MVMA-MO-0510 4.18E-03 PSAR2.BE MOV FTO MO-0510 FTO to supply steam to hogger M-MVMC-MO-0510 8.12E-04 PSAR2.BE MOV FTRC MO-0510 FTRC preventing SGA from depressurizing M-MVMD-MO-0510 2.96E-05 PSAR2.BE MOV FTRO MO-0510 FTRO to supply steam to hogger M-QSMC-0510 2.33E-05 PSAR2.BE Torque sw FTRC MO-0510 control failure M-REMB-3890 2.41 E-04 PSAR2.BE Relay fail to energize MO-0510 control failure M-REMC-3890 2.40E-05 PSAR2.BE Relay FTRE MO-0510 control failure M-REMD-389C 2.40E-05 PSAR2.BE Relay FTRDE MO-0510 control failure M-REMD-4938 2.40E-05 PSAR2.BE Relay FTRDE MO-0510 control failure M-TRMT-B389 3.72E-05 PSAR2.BE Trans fails to function MO-0510 control failure P-B2MK-EB-03 1.20E-05 PSAR2.BE Bus fails to function MCC3 fails to function (power to MO-051 0)P-CBMC-1 52-110 1.0 NA (conservatively assigned Breaker to Bus 13 value of 1)P-CBMC-52-389 1.49E-05 PSAR2.BE MO-0510 control failure Breaker FTRC U-PMME-P5 1.0 NA (conservatively assigned Warm water recirc pump FTR (bypasses plugged value of 1)traveling screens)

A Entergy PSA EA-PSA-SDP-P7C-11

-06 Rev.0 Entecgy Engineering Analysis Attachment 5-Page 14 of 16 Table A5.10, Random Failures Changed for the Purpose of Fire PSA Quantification Event Prob Description M-PMCC-P-2AB-MG T Used as a house event to disable Feedwater , condensate and main condenser