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Shine Medical Technologies V. 0 - Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications
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Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 06/16/2015
From: Bynum R
Shine Medical Technologies
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Lynch S
Download: ML15175A221 (30)


Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsTable of ContentsSHINE Medical Technologies14-iRev. 0 CHAPTER 14TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSTable of Contents Section Title Page14a1HETEROGENEOUS REACTOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.............14a1-114a2IRRADIATION FACILITY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.........................14a2-114a


.........................................................................................14a2-214a2.2SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS................14a2-314a2.3LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION...............................................14a2-414a2.4SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................................14a2-5 14a2.5DESIGN FEATURES...................................................................................14a2-614a2.6ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS..................................................................14a2-714a


............................................................................................14a2-1814bTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PROCESSES OUTSIDE THE IRRADIATIONFACILITY.............................................................................14b-114b.1INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................14b-114b.2SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS................14b-214b.2.1SAFETY LIMITS FOR PROCESSING IRRADIATED SPECIAL NUCLEARMATERIAL OUTSIDE OF THE REACTOR...............................14b-214b.2.2SAFETY LIMITS FOR PROCESSING UNIRRADIATED SPECIAL NUCLEARMATERIAL OUTSIDE OF THE IRRADIATION FACILITY ........14b-214b.2.3SAFETY LIMITS FOR RADIOCHEMICAL PROCESSING..........................14b-214b.2.4SAFETY LIMITS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESSING.....................................14b-2 14b.2.5LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS....................................................14b-214b.3LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION...............................................14b-3 14b.3.1PRIMARY PROCESS COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS.............................14b-314b.3.2CONTAINMENT AND CONFINEMENT.......................................................14b-3 14b.3.3VENTILATION SYSTEMS...........................................................................14b-314b.3.4EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL POWER........................................................14b-314b.3.5RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EFFLUENTS........................14b-314b.4SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................................14b-414b.5DESIGN FEATURES...................................................................................14b-5 14b.6ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS..................................................................14b-614b.7REFERENCES............................................................................................14b-7 Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsList of TablesSHINE Medical Technologies14-iiRev. 0List of Tables Number Title14a2-1SHINE Facility Proposed Parame ters for Technical Specifications Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsList of FiguresSHINE Medical Technologies14-iiiRev. 0List of Figures Number Title None Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym/AbbreviationDefinition10 CFRTitle 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations ANSAmerican Nuclear Society ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute IFirradiation facility ISAIntegrated Safety Analysis IUirradiation unit LCOlimiting condition of operation LSSSlimiting safety system settingLWPSlight water pool systemNGRSnoble gas removal system PCLSprimary closed loop cooling system PSBprimary system boundary PVVS process vessel vent system RCAradiologically controlled area RPFradioisotope production facility RVZ1RCA ventilation system Zone 1 RVZ2RCA ventilation system Zone 2 SHINESHINE Medical Technologies, Inc.

SLsafety limit SNMspecial nuclear material TOGSTSV off-gas system TSVtarget solution vesselChapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsAcronyms and AbbreviationsSHINE Medical Technologies14-ivRev. 1 Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsHeter ogeneous Reactor Technical SpecificationsSHINE Medical Technologies14a1-1Rev. 0CHAPTER 14 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION14a1HETEROGENEOUS REACTOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. (SHINE) facility is not a heterogeneous reactor facility; therefore, this section does not apply.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsIrradiation Facility Technical SpecificationsSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-1Rev. 014a2IRRADIATION FACILITY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section encompasses the technical spec ifications for the processes involving special nuclear material (SNM), radioisotopes, and chemicals inside the irradiation facility (IF).In accordance with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50.34 (a)(5), this section identifies the variables and conditions that will likely be the subjects of technical specifications for the SHINE facility. These may change with the operating license

application. These variables and conditions are based on the preliminary design of the SHINE facility. The technical specifications will be submitted with the operating license application.These proposed variables have been identified on the premise that this material presents a sound framework upon which a final, complete set of technical specifications can be provided with the operating license application.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsIntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-2Rev. 014a


The format and content of the technical specifications will be written with the guidance provided in American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Nuclear Society (ANS) 15.1, "The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors" (ANSI/ANS, 2007). The technical specifications for non-power reactors include the categories in 10 CFR 50.36 for production and utilization facilities.Normal operation of the SHINE facility within the limits of technical specifications will not result in off-site radiation exposure in excess of 10 CFR 20 guidelines.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsSafety Limits and Limiting Safety System SettingsSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-3Rev. 014a2.2SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGSSafety limits (SLs) will be placed on important process variables as necessary to reasonably preserve the integrity of the primary system boundary (PSB) and prevent the uncontrolled release of radioactivity. For the SHINE IF, the PSB is the target solution vessel (TSV), TSV dump tank, TSV off-gas system (TOGS), and associated piping and components. SLs may also be established for the character and quality of the target solution.Limiting safety system settings (LSSSs) are settings for automatic protective devices related to those variables having significant safety functi ons. These settings ensure that automatic protective action will correct the abnormal situation before an SL is exceeded.Refer to Table 14a2-1 for the SLs and LSSSs associated with the PSB. The justifications for the variables chosen are given in the section/subsection listed in the Table 14a2-1.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsLimiting Conditions for OperationSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-4Rev. 014a2.3LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATIONLimiting conditions of operations (LCOs) are derived from the safety analyses and are implemented administratively or by control an d monitoring circuitry to ensure safe operation of the irradiation facility. The LCOs are the lowest functional capability or performance level required for safe operation of the irradiation facility.Table 14a2-1 shows LCOs associated with the irradiation facility. The justifications for the variables chosen are given in the sections listed in the table.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsSurveillance RequirementsSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-5Rev. 014a2.4SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSSurveillance requirements will be provided in the technical specifications.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsDesign FeaturesSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-6Rev. 014a2.5DESIGN FEATURESDesign features that will be provided in the technical specifications are the features of the SHINE facility, such as materials of construction and geometric arrangements that would have a significant effect on safety if these features were altered or modified. The requirements of 10CFR 50.36(c)(4) are specified here as they pertain to the above referenced processes (see Table 14a2-1)


Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsAdministrative ControlsSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-7Rev. 114a2.6ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSAdministrative controls will be provided in the technical specifications.Examples of the proposed subjects of administrative controls are provided below:

Procedures Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering activities described in the following Programs.

Programs*Criticality-safety*ALARA (includes use of accelerator and hot cell audible and visual warnings)

  • Procurement and use of transport and waste containers*Fire protection (includes installed and transient combustible loading, performance of hot work, deuterium source vessel integrity, fire watch requirements, use and storage of flammable and combustible liquids and gasses)*Solvent control (includes control of process residence times, solvent quality control, and solvent solution sampling and analysis)*Tritium control (includes inventory control and sampling)*Light water coolant activity monitoring
  • Chemical control Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-8Rev. 1Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 1 of 10)

Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference per ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameSLs and LSSSBasis2 SLs and LSSS2.1SLs*TSV power *Uranium concentration*Uranium enrichment

  • Quantities of radioactive materials 13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8 Large undamped power oscillations 13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Insertion of excess reactivity 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 PSB System interaction events13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction13b.2.5 Inadvertent nuclear criticality in the radioisotope production facility13b.2.6 Radioisotope production facility fire2.2Limiting Safety System Settings*TSV LSSS a. TSV cover gas hydrogen concentration highb. TSV neutron fl ux high, source rangec. TSV neutron flux high, high range 13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8 Large undamped power oscillations

13a2.1.9/13a2.2.9 Detonation and deflagration in primary system boundary Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-9Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 2 of 10)Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference perANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameLCO or ConditionBasis3LCOs3.1TSV and Target SolutionParameters*Target solution parameters:a.Precipitation catalyst concentrationb.Uranium concentrationc.Uranium enrichmentd.Fission product activity based on the maximum number of cycles prior to target solution cleanup13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8 Large undamped power oscillations 13a2.1.11/13a2

.2.11 Primary system bo undary interaction events*TSV parameters and operationalconstraints: a.High fill flow rateb.Maximum bulk temperature c.Minimum bulk temperature d.Void coefficient design valuee.Temperature coefficient design value13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity 13a2.1.3/13a2.2.3 Reduction of cooling 13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8 Large undamped power oscillations Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-10Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications (Sheet 3 of 10)

Chapter/Section/ Subsection Referenceper ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameLCO or ConditionBasis3.2TSV Control and Safety Systems*TRPS: Required channels operable per Table 3.2.1 Table 3.2.1 (Channel monitored, number of ch annels required, allowable value, nominal setpoint, permissible bypass or other conditions)a.TSV cover gas hydrogen concentration highb. TSV neutron fl ux high, source rangec. TSV neutron flux high, high range

d. Loss of PCLS flow
e. High PCLS temperaturef. Primary closed loop cooling system (PCLS) low temperatureg.ESFASh.Manual 13a2.1.2/13a2.2.

2 Excess reactivity13a2.1.3/13a2.2.3 Reduction of cooling 13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8 Large undamped power oscillations 13a2.1.9/13a2.2.9 Detonation and deflagration in primary system boundary Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-11Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 4 of 10)

Chapter/Section/ Subsection Referenceper ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameLCO or ConditionBasis 3.2(cont'd)TSV Control and Safety Systems*TOGSa. TOGS operable and in operation (operable incl udes blowers, recombiner beds, and interlock with noble gas removal system [NGRS])b. Hydrogen monitoring indicationc. Hydrogen concentration within limits 13a2.1.5/13a2.2.5 Loss of off-site power 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system boundary interaction events 13b.2.1 Maximum hypothetical ac cident in the radioisotope production facility (RPF)*Safety system equipment

a. TSV dump valvesb. Neutron driver circuit breakers c. Neutron driver interlock with TSV fill operationd. Dump tank empty during startup and irradiation
e. Fill valves13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity13a2.1.3/13a2.2.3 Reduction of cooling 13a2.1.8/13a2.2.8Large undamped power oscillations13a2.1.9/13a2.2.9 Detonation and deflagration in primary system boundary3.3Coolant Systems*Light water pool system (LWPS)a. Temperature upper limit and temperature lower limitb. Level13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity 13a2.1.3/13a2.2.3 Reduction of cooling 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system boundary interaction events Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-12Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 5 of 10)

Chapter/Section/Subsection Referenceper ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameLCO or ConditionBasis3.4Containment or Confinement*Tritium purification system (TPS) glove box system or confinement*IU and TOGS shielded cell confinement isolation valves*RPF confinement isolation valves13a2.1.7/13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB 13a2.1.12.2/13a2.2.12.2 Irradiation facility fires3.5Ventilation Systems*Ventilation systems (RCA ventilation system Zone 1 [RVZ1]/RCA ventilation system Zone 2 [RVZ2])

a. Isolation dampers
b. Filters13a2.1.4/13a2.2.4 Mishandling or malfunction of target solution13a2.1.7/13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB 13a2.1.12.3/13a2.2.12.3 TPS design basis accident13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction*Process vessel vent system (PVVS):

Blowers operable 13a2.1.5/13a2.2.5 Loss of off-site power 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system boundary interaction events3.6Emergency Power*Emergency power system operable13a2.1.5/13a2.2.5 Loss of off-site power 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system boundary interaction events Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-13Rev. 1Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 6 of 10)

Chapter/Section/Subsection Referenceper ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameLCO or ConditionBasis3.7Radiation Monitoring Systems and Effluents*Noble gas storage tank activity*Target solution transfer decay time13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction*Radiation monitoring systems

a. Channels and interlocks with ventilation systems
b. Monitoring equipment operable13a2.1.4/13a2.2.4 Mishandling or malfunction of target solution13a2.1.7/13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB13a2.1.12.3/13a2.2.12.3 TPS design basis accident3.8ExperimentsN/A N/A3.9Facility Specific LCOs*Criticality-safe sumpsa. Sump pump operableb. Sump level detectors operable13b.2.5 Inadvertent nuclear criticality in the radioisotope production facility*Radiological Integrated Control Sys-tem (RICS)13b.2.4 Critical Equipment Malfunction Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-14Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 7 of 10)

Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference per ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameDesign FeaturesBasis5Design Features5.1Site and Facility Description*Building design to resist external event such as airplane crash, tornados and

tornado missiles, high winds, floods, seismic events*Robust design of IU and TOGS shielded cells

  • 13a2.1.4/13a2.2.4 Mishandling or malfunction of target solution 13a2.1.6/13a2.2.6 External events 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system b oundary interaction events 13a2.1.12.1/13a2.2.12.2 Inadvertent exposure to neutrons from the neutron driver13b.2.3 External events*Pipe trench seals to mitigate the conse-quences of spills or leaks13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction*NGRS noble gas decay tank storage cell designed to mitigate the consequences of leaks; NGRS backflow preventer design; NGRS and gas decay tanks integrity 13a2.1.11/13a2.2.11 Primary system b oundary interaction events13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-15Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 8 of 10)Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference per ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameDesign FeaturesBasis5.1 (cont'd)Site and Facility Description*Facility berms, cell, and vault configu-ration for chemical storage and pro-cesses13b.3 Analysis of accidents with hazardous chemicals*TPS cell volume combined with TPS tritium inventory sufficient to maintain less than LFL assuming a tritium leak*Robust TPS confinement system design; tritium transport containers 13a2.1.7/13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB 13a2.1.12.2/13a2.2.12.2 Irradiation facility fires *Fire resistant construction of supercells, hot cells, tank enclosures, and process enclosures; three hour fire-rated barriers that separate fire areas13b.2.6 Radioisotope production facility fire*Production facility biological shield; irradiation facility biological shield13b.2.4 Critical equipment malfunction Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-16Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 9 of 10)Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference per ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameDesign FeaturesBasis5.1 (cont'd)Site and Facility Description*RVZ1 ductwork robust design13a2.1.4/13a2.2.4 Mishandling of target solution13a2.1.7/13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB5.2TSV Coolant System Design*Robust design of the TSV, TOGS, dump tank, piping and valves; and light water pool; dump tank elevation

relative to the TSV13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity13a2.2.1 Target solution spill in the irradiation operations area13a2.1.4/13a2.2.4 Mishandling or malfunction of target solution 13a2.1.5/13a2.2.5 Loss of off-site power 13a2.1.7 / 13a2.2.7 Mishandling or malfunction of equipment affecting the PSB 13a2.1.9 / 13a2.2.9 Detonation and deflagration in primary system boundary5.3Irradiation Unit*Neutron driver access door interlock switch; thick walls in IU cell and

shield plug13a2.1.12.1/13a2.2.12.2 Inadvertent exposure to neutrons from the neutron driver Chapter 14 - Technical Specifications IntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-17Rev. 0Table 14a2-1 SHINE Facility Proposed Parameters for Technical Specifications(Sheet 10 of 10)

Chapter/Section/ Subsection Reference per ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007Section NameDesign FeatureBasis5.4Fissionable Material Storage*Criticality safety design - TSV dump tank and RPF tanks; uranium storage; neutron absorber in tanks; criticality-safe containers, racks, sumps, vessels; concrete vault walls13a2.1.2/13a2.2.2 Excess reactivity13b.2.5 Inadvertent nuclear criticality in the radioisotope production facility Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsReferencesSHINE Medical Technologies14a2-18Rev. 014a


ANSI/ANS, 2007.

The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, American National Standards Institute, ANSI/ANS-15.1, 2007.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsIntroductionSHINE Medical Technologies14b-1Rev. 114bTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PROCESSES OUTSIDE THE IRRADIATION FACILITY This section encompasses the technical spec ifications for the processes involving special nuclear material (SNM), radioisotopes, and chemicals outside the IF produced from licensed

materials.In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.34 (a)(5), this section identifies the variables and conditions that will likely be the subjects of technical specifications for the SHINE facility.

These may change with the operating license ap plication. These variables and conditions are based on the preliminary design of the SHINE facility. The technical specifications will be submitted with the operating license application.These proposed technical specifications have been formulated on the premise that this material presents a sound framework upon which a final, complete set of specifications can be developed with the operating license application. 14b.1INTRODUCTIONThe format and content of the Technical Sp ecifications will be written with the guidance providedin ANSI/ANS 15.1 (ANSI/ANS 2007), NUREG-1537, and the Final ISG Augmenting NUREG-1537. The technical specifications for the facility outside the IF will comply with the regulations in 10 CFR 50.36 pertaining to a fuel reprocessing facility, as required by the Final ISG Augmenting NUREG-1537.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsSafety Limits and Limiting Safety System SettingsSHINE Medical Technologies14b-2Rev. 114b.2SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS14b.2.1SAFETY LIMITS FOR PROCESSING IRRADIATED SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL OUTSIDE OF THE REACTORFor irradiated SNM outside of the TSV, SLs are derived for criticality accident prevention based on the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program, and also from an Integrated Safety Analysis (ISA).

Limits are specified, using the double-contingency principle, to avoid a criticality accident. Limits are set with a conservative margin.For irradiated SNM outside of the TSV, appropriate limits are imposed pursuant to 10CFR50.36(c)(1) to ensure that fission products will be controlled to prevent excessive releases from the containment components, systems, or structures, particularly those structures, systems, and components containing large inventories of byproduct material.14b.2.2SAFETY LIMITS FOR PROCESSING UNIRRADIATED SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL OUTSIDE OF THE IRRADIATION FACILITY Limits are specified, using the d ouble-contingency principle, to avoid a criticality accident. Limits are set with a conservative margin.14b.2.3SAFETY LIMITS FOR RADIOCHEMICAL PROCESSING Safety limits for radiochemical processing are developed to maintain operations within limits pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36 to protect the staff and the public. The amount of radiation is limited so as not to exceed the shielding and confinement capabilities of the systems and components in which the materials are processed or stored.14b.2.4SAFETY LIMITS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESSINGSafety limits for chemical processing with hazardous chemicals that are conducted coincident to operations with SNM or radioactive material are developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36. 14b.2.5LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS For each process variable or parameter for whic h a SL is specified, and for which monitoring instruments are used, a protective operating limit is set to avoid exceeding the SL. This LSSS is calculated to provide a conservative margin below the SL and to account for overall measurement uncertainty, operating characteristics of control systems, and accuracy of control instrumentation. LSSSs will be established, as much as possible, to ensure adequate safety margins for each of the processes described above.Refer to Table 14a2-1 for the SLs and LSSSs associated with the processes outside the irradiation facility.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsLimiting Conditions for OperationSHINE Medical Technologies14b-3Rev. 014b.3LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATIONLCOs are derived from the ISA and are administrative or engineered controls in addition to LSSSs that are put in place to ensure that operations are maintained within safe limits.The LCOs will include the features discussed in the following subsections as appropriate. Refer to Table 14a2-1 for the LCOs associated with the processes outside the irradiation facility.14b.3.1PRIMARY PROCESS COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMSProcessing SSCs and procedures that are designed and constructed to ensure that processing is conducted safely will have LCOs established for eac h of the processes defined in Section 14b.2 above.14b.3.2CONTAINMENT AND CONFINEMENT A confinement system is required as a result of the ISA and is defined as an LCO, pursuant to 10CFR 50.36(c)(1).14b.3.3VENTILATION SYSTEMS The ISA prescribes the need for certain ventilat ion configurations, they are listed as an LCO pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36(c)(1).14b.3.4EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL POWERThe ISA prescribes the need for emergency electrical power, the power supply is listed as an LCO pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36(c)(1).14b.3.5RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS AND EFFLUENTSRadiation monitoring systems and limits on effluents are specified as they pertain to the above-referenced processes, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36(c)(1).

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsSurveillance RequirementsSHINE Medical Technologies14b-4Rev. 014b.4SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSSurveillance requirements will be provided in the technical specifications.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsDesign FeaturesSHINE Medical Technologies14b-5Rev. 014b.5DESIGN FEATURESDesign features that will be provided in the technical specifications are the features of the SHINE facility, such as materials of construction and geometric arrangements that would have a significant effect on safety if these features were altered or modified. The requirements of 10CFR 50.36(c)(4) are specified here as they pertain to the above referenced processes

.Referto Table 14a2-1 for the design features associated with the processes outside the irradiation facility Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsAdministrative ControlsSHINE Medical Technologies14b-6Rev. 114b.6ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSSee Section 14a2.6 for examples of Administrative Controls that will be in use at the SHINE Facility.The remaining administrative controls will be provided in the technical specifications.

Chapter 14 - Technical SpecificationsReferencesSHINE Medical Technologies14b-7Rev. 014b.7REFERENCES ANSI/ANS, 2007.

The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors, American National Standards Institute, ANSI/ANS-15.1, 2007