ML18194A103 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Palo Verde |
Issue date: | 07/13/2018 |
From: | Arizona Public Service Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML18194A103 (1) | |
NATURAL GAMMA LOG-INCREASING RADIATION~BASIC SOIL PROPERTI ES LITHOLOGIC DATA PA LEO-CARBONATE MAGNETIC DESCRIPTIONS UNITS L CONTENT POLARITY COUNTS PER SECOND/20 140 l60/80 200 2/0 240 Ee 90 IOODO 120 Pl 2/4 20 40 60 60 100 EL EV-98 4'SANDY SIC I, (ML), brown laose/occomona/grc e/.-5/LTV CLAY AND CLAYEY O'ILT VVITH SAND, (CL-ML), br wn, f/m to sldf, s/ghtiy mo st, rnterbedde, scnttcred cal che nodules<5ILTY SAND, (5M)brown,nm/kum o'ense, o st.-CLAVfY 5/LT AiVD SILTY CLAY'AIL"CL),b a s/'ll ta e yehif, Ir o st/loco/th n la sea o/mlty Sand-SILTV 5AND, (5M),bvawn, medum dense, mo st~CLA Yf V 5IL Ti (ML), brown, eh/I, TD ef, hf speck's LSILTV SAND (SM)brawn 5ILTYCLAI,(CL.CH), da k brown, very shrf, mo st 4 0+IB POSITIYE e---IO 66 66 EI3 rs-CLAT'EV STLT AND SILTI'LAY, (ML-CL), brow~, very st/It to hard, mart, m cocoons.Rns'H@/0 sos ISO 140 ISO WEREURED WATER LEVEL 160 20-SILTY CLAY, (CL-CH), red.brown, very shff lo hard, mo/sf EB 1601roISO e iSI R sod p 1IS CLAI EV 5ILT,(ML),bra e 1 shlf mo sr 220 24 240-SILT/CLAT;(CL-CH),red-b ver y s/'f to ho d, mast 8 240-SIL T Y CL A Y-CL A V E V 5/L TI (CL-CH.NIL), hght brown, very st fr,mo/sr.292 00-TD-302 S'40 400 440 460 30 SAMPLE LOCATION~DEPTH (FEET)~SYMBOL EXPLANATION ENGINEERING PARAMETERS Pl ploslici lv indes minus 200-percent passing 200 sieve W/0 psrcen/mo store Sd dry density SAMPLE TYPE AsrN D 444 I/412/ASIN'S22 A$1NI D see april 4$1'NI D 2 2/tl-I/-Drive Sample-Filcher Tube Sample-HK core, Ha Indicates ont Recovery-Standard Penetration Tesf, IY volue ASIN D/Saa-S1 CARBONATE CONTENT--Ho Reaction+SliphHy li'soctive tB-Hoderolely Reaali ve++-Hiphly Souci/vs IDased on somple reach'on Io o/0%HCI UNITS solvlion)Lln/ls column refers Io penerol stntliprapk/c div/s/ons Identified w/lhin Ihe basin sed/ments PALEOMAGNETIC POLARITY Inc//nat/oa of remnonl mc/pn/lic veclor i/t geniial agreemen/wilh ((P/or oppos/r/on fo (E))Ihe prcsen/magnslic field.8-Afagnehc veclor indeterminate
~daplh Paleomopnelic R/ss Reversal~/0 ecr V-elevation D E 8 0 R I PT I 0 N 8 Lilhalog/2 descriplions were comp/led from peolopisfs field lope, loborolory tesf doto, ond down-hole peophysics Field lope were preporedin occordonce with ASTIS D2488-69 Classifications based on labor//fary les/doh/are in accordonce w Ih ASTRI D2481-69.Rock descriplians follow procedures ouHined in the QUARTERLY OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, Vo/ume SD, Ho I Descnpl ans for rot/try borings ors based vpon cuf lings samples, peophysico/
lope and drl/lars'comments LOG OF BORING PV-35