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Rev E1 to RHR & Core Spray Pump NPSH & Suction Pressure Drop
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/20/1996
From: Doody P, Harizi P
Shared Package
ML20133N541 List:
M-662, M-662-RE1, NUDOCS 9701230349
Download: ML20133N607 (90)




RHR and Core Spray Pump NPSH and Suction Preliminary Calc. O Pressure Drop Finalization Discipline Division Manager: T.F. White / J.L. Rogers Due Date:

m. ,v
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Independent Reviewer: ~Tbme $ Novdds/ b - AA Statement Attached S Page(s) Date Agreed By:gggpp,gAggEl O 3~D" See /s/ Note g, MO.g p p } &f V"/* W Page(s) By: Parick.7 DOMd Date dh'k'd Date Agreed gp p, HAR21 No e M l% . MO-% VBS Note: Section preparers are as indicated on individual calculation pages. This revision E1 provides NPSH analyses for 75 'F heat sink temperature. This design analysis O DOES, @ DOES NOT require revision to affected design documents. Affected Design Documents: ) A PDC O IS, @ IS NOT Required. A Safety Evaluation @ IS O IS NOT Required. Refer to SE-2971, SE AW3 This design analysis O DOES, @ DOES NOT affect the piping analysis index (PAI). If the pal is affected, initiate a revision to Calculation M561. Minor revisions made on pages of this calculation. See next revision. 1 Replacas Calc. No. Voided By Calc. No. O Or Attached Memo 9701230349 970120 PDR ADOCK 05000293 P PDR


                              $ Boston Edicon CALC.#     M662                                                         CHECKED BY:  P.D. Harizi l

REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 ) SHEET 2 OF 84 Table of Contents 1 l Section Number Description l 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Summary of Results and Recommendations 1 1 3.0 Calculation of Acceptance Criteria for Inservice Test Suction Line Loss l Calculation of NPSHA at Peak Suppression Pool Temperature (s) 3.A Method of Solution 3.B Input Data and Assumptions I 3.C Calculations / Analyses 3.C.1 Suction Line Head Loss Calculation 3.C. I .a Definition of Terms  ; 3.C.I.b Equations i 3.C.2 Net Positive Suction Head Calculation l 3.C.2.a Definition of Terms l 1 3.C.2.b Equations 1 3.C.2.c Constant Inputs 3.C.3 Suction Head Loss with Debris 1 3.C.4 Maximum Allowable Pump Suction dP @ IST Conditions 3.C.5 Initial Containment Pressure 4.0 Updated FSAR NPSH Analyses and Figures 4.A Method of Solution 4.B Input Data and Assumptions 4.C Calculations / Analyses 4.C.1 Definition of Terms 4.C.2 Equations  ! 4.C.3 Benchmark Case 4.C.4 Updated Analyses - 65 F and 75 F Seawater Temperature l 5.0 References 6.0 Attachments

CALCUL.ATION EHEET gggg PREPARED BY: P.Doody j CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harirl 1 f REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 j , SHEET .3 OF M 1 i l 4 Table Table Description l l Number i l 1 Section 3 Input Values l 2 Pump Suction Line Configuration 3 Pipe Line Losses l j 4 Total Suction Loss j 5 NPSH & Maximum Suction dP } 6 NPSH & Maximum Suction dP 1

7 NPSH & Maximum Suction dP i

! 8 Section 4 Input Values i

9 Benchmark Case - Containment Pressure Available and Required
10 Benchmark Case - Net Positive Suction Head Available f 11 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure Available at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate 4 65*F Seawater Temperature  ;

} 12 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure Available at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate 3 65'F Seawater Temperature

13 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at lYdDay

) Leakage Rate - 65*F Seawater Temperature q 14 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR and 4PSHM at

lYdDay Leakage Rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature

] 15 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at 5YdDay l Leakage Rate - 65'F Seawater Temperature i j 16 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at  ! ] SYdDay Leakage Rate - 65'F Seawater Temperature l 17 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure Available at lYdDay Leakage Rate 75'F Seawater Temperature  ; 18 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure Available at SYdDay Leakage Rate l 75 F SeawaterTemperature 19 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at lYdDay ) Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature 20 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at lYdDay Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature 1 21 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at 5YdDay 1 Leakage Rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature 22 Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR and NPSHM at SydDay Leakage Rate - 75'F Seawater Temperature 23 Updated Analysis - ECCS Pump NPSHA

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY; P.Doody h0FB MISOFI CALC. # M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 4 OF 84 Figure Number Figure Description 1 Head less for Debris Thickness of 2.63 inches and 2.03 inches using GE Extrapolation Method 2 Amendment 9 Benchmark Case - FSAR Figure 14.5-10 1 3 Amendment 9 Benchmark Case - FSAR Figure 14.5-9 4 Figure 14.5-10 NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray System After a DBA-LOCA 65'F Seawater Temperature 5 Figure 14.5-13 NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray System after a DBA-LOCA 65 F Seawater Temperature 6 Figure 14.5-XX NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray System after a DBA-LOCA 75 F Seawater Temperature 7 Figure 14.5-XX NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray System after a DBA-LOCA 75 F Seawater Temperature 8 Figure 14.5-9 NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray System


                                  $ Boston Edison CALC.#       M462                                                  CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV.      E1      DATE     29-FEB-96 SHEET       (          OF     Bf 1.0   Statement of Problem This calculation provides an analysis of NPSH conditions for the RHR and Core Spray Pumps during performance test conditions and following the design basis loss of coolant accident (DBA LOCA). Proper and reliable performance of Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) pumps requires adequate net positive suction head (NPSH) which is defined as the absolute pressure at the pump impeller datum less the vapor pressure of the fluid being pumped. If the available NPSH is less than the NPSH required by the pump, cavitation will occur within the pump. Cavitation reduces the pump performance and may cause mechanical damage.
It is necessary to calculate the head losses in the suction lines for the RHR and Core Spray Pumps under normal testing and accident conditions. The suction head losses will be used j to evaluate pump NPSH at the normal testing and DBA LOCA conditions to determine

! whether adequate margin will be available to accommodate potential degradation of the suction strainers from LOCA-generated debris. Using postulated values for post-accident strainer head losses from debris, the NPSH available to the RHR and Core Spray pumps will be evaluated and may be used as the basis for allowable strainer head loss at normal conditions to be applied during pump testing. It is necessary to perform a time dependent analysis of NPSH conditions following the

DB A LOCA using the predicted suppression pool temperature profiles and postulated a values for containment leakage to determine the minimum NPSH margin that will be available. The suppression pool profiles are based on the design basis recirculation line break DBA LOCA with 65 F and 75 F ultimate heat sinks. An updated analysis as 4 presented in FSAR Figures 14.5-9,14.5-10, and 14.5-13 is performed in this calculation to demonstrate that available NPSH will exceed that required by low pressure ECCS pumps when NPSH margin is at its minimum value following a DB A LOCA.


2.0 Summary of Results and Recommendations Table 4 provides the suction pressure drop that is calculated for each RHR and Core Spray Pump operating at the normal IST performance test conditions and at accident conditions. The test condition value represents the pressure drop at the pump suction between the idle pump no-flow condition and with the normal pump test now rate.

Tables 5 and 6 provide calculations of the available NPSH and margin for suppression pool temperatures of 166 F and 178 F. These are the peak suppression pool 1 temperature for the 65 F and 75 F heat sink design cases [Refs 10 & 37]. The RHR and Core Spray Pumps are provided adequate NPSH under design conditions at the peak d

                                     ..             _. . _ _ . -   - __=- - _ - ~ - -           =     .  .

1 1 CALCULATION SHEET & PREPARED BY: P.D. H:rizi W Boston Edison CALC # M-662 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET b OF 84 pool temperature with the initial wetwell pressure of 0.5 psig. With the suction conditions degraded due to LOCA-generated debris, a positive NPSH margin is maintained at the peak pool temperature based on the corresponding wetwell pressure shown on Figures 4 l and 6 (described below). Conditions associated with the DBA LOCA are used because l this event produces the highest peak in suppression pool temperature. Table 7 provides a calculation of the available NPSH and margin for the point of minimum NPSH margin following a DB A LOCA based on the results shown in Figures 5 and 7 l (described below). The 112 F data corresponds to the 1% per day leakage case and the 119 F data corresponds to the 5% per day leakage case at the point of minimum margin l when the containment pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure for the 65 F heat sink design case. The 115 F data corresponds to the 1% per day leakage case and the 126 F data corresponds to the 5% per day leakage case at the point of minimum margin when the containment pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure for the 75 F heat sink design case. With the suction conditions degraded due to LOCA-generated debris, a positive NPSH margin is maintained at the point of minimum margin. Figures 4 and 6 provide graphical presentations of the calculated values for " primary containment pressure" and the " containment pressure necessary to meet NPSH required" for both the RHR and Core Spray pumps after a DBA LOCA with 65 F and 75 F heat sinks. Containment pressure is evaluated for a containment leakage rate equal to the Technical Specification (TS) limit (1%/ day) and 5 times the TS limit. The evaluation of NPSH for 5 times the TS leakage rate limit demonstrates that significant impairment of containment will not cause available NPSH to drop below the NPSH required for either the Core Spray or RHR pump. Figures 5 and 7 provide graphical presentations of NPSH margin as a function of time after a DBA LOCA with 65 F and 75 F heat sinks. The margin curves shown on this figure are the difference between the primary containment pressure and the containment pressure required for NPSHR. The Core Spray pumps are predicted to have smaller NPSH margin throuEhout the accident response. For the 65 F heat sink case, the point of least margin for the Core Spray pump occurs during the suppression pool cooldown, approximately 52 hours after the accident at which time Core Spray pump margin is approximately 11.5 feet. The minimum RHR pump margin occurs at approximately the same tirae and is approximately 17.3 feet. For the 75 F heat sink case, the point ofleast margin for the Core Spray pump occurs during the suppression pool cooldown, approximately 90 hours after the accident at which time Core Spray pump margin is  ! approximately 10.8 feet. The minimum RHR pump margin occurs at approximately the ) same time and is approximately 16.6 feet. j l l

CALCULATION SHEET & PREPARED BY: ' P.D. H rizi W Soston Edison CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET 7 OF 84 As presented in Section 3.C.3, the potential exists for additional head loss for the Core Spray and RHR pumps from fibrous debris deposition on suction strainers in the amount I of 8.6 feet and 14.5 feet respectively. For the 65 F heat sink case, the minimum margin for the CS pumps exceeds the debris related loss by 2.9 feet (11.5 feet - 8.6 feet) and the minimum margin for the limiting RHR pump exceeds the debris-related loss by 2.8 feet (17.3 feet - 14.5 feet). For the 75 F heat sink case, the minimum margin for the CS pumps exceeds the debris related loss by 2.2 feet (10.8 feet - 8.6 feet) and the minimum margin for the limiting RHR pump exceeds the debris-related loss by 2.1 feet (16.6 feet - 14.5 feet). Based on the information presented, NPSH margin will be available to assure reliable operation of the RHR and Core Spray pumps. Available NPSH will exceed required NPSH over the entire range of suppression pool temperatures that are predicted following the DB A LOCA.

_q CALCULATION SHEET & PREPARED BY: P.D. H rrizi W Boston Edison CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET 8 OF /24 3.0 Calculation of Total Suction Losses and NPSH Available 3.A Method of Solution This calculation determines the suction line losses for the RHR and Core Spray Pump. These losses are used to predict the suction pressure drop that will occur with a clean t strainer. The suction line head loss is calculated at the conditions for temperature and 2 pump flow rate for the pump performance In-Service Test (IST). The calculation for suction head loss is repeated at the predicted accident conditions for wetwell temperature,

pressure, and pump flow rate. This calculation also predicts the NPSH available at the
ECcS pump suctions under accident conditiens and the resulting margin between NPSH a Available and NPSH Required.

A number of variables determine the NPSH available to the pumps. Principally they are: Suppression pool water level, temperature, and density. Wetwell pressure. Vapor Pressure of the suppression pool water. Pump suction line head loss which is principally a function of geometry ar.d flowrate (which includes the clean suction strainer head loss). Head loss caused by LOCA-generated debris partially clogging the pump suction strainer. The suction pressure drop as would be read on a pressure gage mounted at the pump suction is also calculated. The pressure drop is the difference in the pressure read with the pump idle (0 gpm) and with the pump at the test flow rate. This measurement method cancels out the effect of gage height versus the datum such that only the delta-P is important. There is a maximum amount of strainer fouling that can be tolerated such that there will be adequate NPSH to the ECCS pumps under containment accident conditions. This calculation determines the margin that will be available for NPSH with the predicted strainer head losses due to debris from the accident. This margin plus the calculated suction line losses at the accident conditions for wetwell temperature, pressure, and pump flow rate are used to calculate the maximum pressure drop that can allowed during the 1 pump performance testing.


                             $ Boston Edison CALC.#      M-662                                                 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1        DATE    2SEEB-96 SHEET        9        OF      84 The difference (PGAGE-STAne - PoAon.nuswiso ) provides a measure of the dynamic pressure drop caused by resistances and restrictions in the suction line plus the conversion of static head to velocity head as follows:

dP = PGAGE STAnc - Poror-nuwwiso = Suction Line Pressure Drop + Velocity Head  ; The allowable suction dP attributable to pre-existing strainer fouling (i.e., prior to accident) must be less than the NPSH Margin that is predicted to exist at the accident conditions. 3.B Input Data and Assumptions The physical configurations of the suction lines to the RHR and Core Spray Pumps are taken from the drawings listed in the Reference section. The head losses due to pipe fittings are in accordance with [Ref. 7]. Pipe friction values are based on the Moody diagram [Ref. 7]. The pipe roughness value was selected for steel pipe with light rust per [Ref. 8]. The strainer characteristics are in accordance with [Ref.14] and debris fouling is based on [Ref. 3] values. The design basis accident conditions inside containment are in accordance with [Ref.10, 37]. The 5100 gpm RHR Pump flow rate is based on the flow limitations for the RHR heat  ; exchanger. This single pump value of flow bounds the per-pump flow for the two-pump  ! case used in accident analyses [Ref. I1,12]. The 4400 gpm Core Spray Pump flow rate is the minimum pump mnout flow rate assumed in the accident analysis (4100 gpm) plus an assumed minimum flow line flow rate of 300 gpm [Ref. I1,12]. l The following assumptions apply:

1. The RHR and Core Spray Pump accident flow rates of 5100 gpm and 4400 gpm, respectively, correspond to the flow at zero reactor pressure.
2. The RHR and Core Spray Pump performance test flow rates of 4800 gpm and 3300 gpm, respectively, correspond to the IST test conditions with 80F torus water.

l l l


                                      $ Boston Edison CALC.#      M 462            _

CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 l

SHEET IO oF 94 3.C Calculations / Analyses 3.C.1 Suction Line liead Loss Calculation a

Definition of Terms K = resistance coefficientfor velocity headloss calculation Q = rate offlow (gpm) V = mean velocity offlow (ft/sec) hv = velocity head (ft) ht ru = head loss due tofluidflow through valves andfittings (ft) htsnumsa = head loss due toflow through a clean suction strainer (ft) htnes = head loss due toflow through suction pipe (ft)


hst total head loss due toflow in the suction line with a clean suction strainer (ft) p = density (Ibm /ft') g = acceleration ofgravity equal to 32.2ft/sec' dP = pressure drop atpump suction (psi) a = cross sectionalarea ofpipe or onfice, orflow area in valve (in') A = cross sectional area ofpipe or onfice, orflow area in valve (ft') d = internaldiameter ofpipe (in) D = internaldiameter ofpipe (ft) e = absolute roughness (in) c!D = relative roughness l = frictionfactor in Equation 5 readfrom Moody diagram lRef 7] L = length ofpipe (ft) UD = equivalent length of a resistance toflow, in pipe diameters y = kinematic viscosity (ft'/sec) IIead less Formulas Average Flow Velocity V = (G x 1/7.4805 x 1/60) Equation 1 A Velocity Head hy = y 2 Equation 2 2g


                                  $ Boston Edison CALC.#        M-662                                                CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV.       E1       DATE       29-FEB-96 SHEET         ll          OF     84 Reynolds Number Re = D x V                                              Equation 3 v

lasses For Valves and Fittinus htya, = K y2 Equation 4 2g l Losses For Strairht Pipe l f Di[ 2gy2 h tpips= Equation 5 Clean Strainer Losses The clean strainer rated pressure drop was taken from the data sheet [Ref.14] and used to generate a table of values at different flow rates by using a flow-squared relationship. The head loss K-factor due to the piping inlet from the torus was based on [Ref. 7] for an inward projecting entrance (K=0.78). In addition, the initial pipe spool piece is 16" ID which connects to the 17.25" ID suction lines. A head loss K-factor for the sudden enlargement (K=0.036) was , added to obtain the total inlet K-factor = 0.816 for each stramer. l Total Line Loss hst = ht var + h trips + h srmseat Equation 6 Pump Suction Pressure Dron dP = (hst + he ) x (p/144) Equation 7 Note: This pressure drop (psi) represents the difference between the gage pressure readings taken at the pump suction with the pump idle (0 gpm) and with the pump at the normal flow rate. Since the gage is reading from a static pressure tap, the velocity head (hv ) is added to the line loss to give the total change in head.

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.D. Harizi Boston Edison CALC. # M-462 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET f2 OF $4 3.C.2 Net Positive Suction Head Calculation , Definition of Terms NPSHA = Netpositive suction head available at the centerline of the pump inlet (ft) NPSHR = Net positive suction head required at the centerline of the pump inlet (ft) NPSHM = Net positive suction head margin; NPSHA - NPSHR (ft) ? hi = Elevation head ofsuppression pool water measured at the centerline of the pump inlet (ft) j hst - Dynamic head loss caused bypow through a clean suction strainer and the j suction line (ft) Troot = Temperature of the suppression pool water ('F) l 1 Pc = Primary containment positive pressure (psig)  : Per = Vaporpressure at the temperature of the pumpedpuid (psia)  ! Vsr = Specipc volume offluid(lY/lbm) l hoauvs = Additional head loss at the pump suction strainer caused by insulation debris (ft) l Eauntions NPSHA = hz - hst + (l4.696 + Pc -lir)(l44)(Vsp) - hoemus Equation 8 NPSHM = NPSHA - NPSHR Equation 9 Constant Innuts NPSHR = RHR Pumps: 23 feet at 5100 gpm [Ref 6] Core Spray Pumps: 29 feet at 4400 gpm [Ref 5) l hz = 12.5feetfrom mirimum normal suppression water level (-3 '0 ") to the pump inlet centerline at (-15 '6") Pc = The minimum value of 0.5 psig corresponds to the initial containmentpressure. The minimum value ofwetwellpressure with debris head loss included is calculated as the wetwellpressure required to maintain the required NPSH at the associatedpeak accident water temperature with :ero NPSH margin. 1he wetwellpressure of 5.6 psig is the predicted accident wetwellpressure at the point ofpeakpool temperaturefor the 166 Fcase in Figure 4 1he wetwellpressure of 7.4 psig is the predicted accident wetwellpressure at the point ofpeakpool temperaturefor the 178 F case in Figure 6 Psr = From the ASME Steam Table 1 " Properties ofSaturated Steam and Saturated Water (Temperature)". Vsr = Same as above.

j CALCULATION SHEET & PREPARED BY: P.D. H:rizi W Boston Edison CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET /3 OF 84-3.C.3 Strainer Head Loss w/ Debris j The following values are from GE Report [Ref. 3]: 13.8 feet for RHR Pumps @ 5000 gpm 5.5 feet for Core Spray Pumps @ 3750 gpm

For this calculation, the following pump flow rates will be used:

i l 1 RHR = 5100 gpm j Core Spray = 4400 gpm j The strainer head loss at the new flow rates will be determined consistent with the i methods used in [Ref. 3]. The total amount of debris in each torus segment was l distributed between the RHR and Core Spray Pumps in relation to the flow rates as  ! follows: J RHR = 8.1 (5100 / (5100 + 5100 + 4400) = 2.829 ft' debris C.S. = 8.1 (4400 / (5100 + 5100 + 4400) = 2A41 n' debris 2 The strainer surface area is 13 fl and the debris is uniformly deposited to the following , depths: RHR = (2.829/13) x 12 = 2.61 in l I , C.S. = (2.441/13) x 12 = 2.25 in i The " strainer velocity" is defined as follows: l' (G x 1/7.4805 x 1/60) A 4 2 where: A = 12.4 ft (see note) l G = 5100 gpm RHR Q = 4400 gpm Core Spray Note: For the calculation of strainer velocity, the strainer is assumed to have 5% of surface area completely blocked by fabric in addition to insulation debris. This 2 yields a strainer net area of12.4 fl l

CALCULATION SHEET & PREPARED BY: P.D. H rini W Boston Edison CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET /4 OF 84 , V = 0.92 fl/sec RHR l V = 0.79 ft/sec Core Spray l The data in [Ref. 3) was used to make a plot of strainer head loss versus strainer velocity I as shown in the attached graph. The plotted values are for the debris thickness evaluated l l in the GE Report (2.63 and 2.03 inches). To get the head loss for the new values of debris j thickness and strainer velocity, an interpolation between the two known curves was l performed with the following results to be used in this calculation: l RHR Pumps: i hoesus: = 14.5 ft Core Spray Pumps: l hosens: = 8.6 ft 3.C.4 Maximum Allowable Pump Suction dP @ IST Conditions The maximum allowable pump suction pressure drop as measured at the IST testing I conditions is based on the suction head losses and available NPSH margin at the accident conditions for wetwell temperature, pressure, pump flow rate, and strainer debris fouling. The total suction head loss (hst) is calculated at both the IST conditions for temperature and pump flow rate and for the accident conditions. The available NPSH margin (NPSHM) is calculated for the accident condition and ther, used to calculate a maximum dP for the test conditions that will ensure that NPSHA will meet or exceed NPSHR at the accident conditions using the following relationship: Equation 10 , dPwx = { [(hscrax + NPSHM) x (hsurest /hsurux )] + hnrest h x(prest /144 ) dPmx = Marimum allowable suction pressure drop at ISTconditions (psi) NPSHM = A vailable NPSH margin at accident conditions (ft) hsurux = Suction head loss at accident conditions (ft)


hsurest Suction head loss at IST conditions (ft)

hnrssr = Velocity headat ISTconditions (ft) prest =

Density at IST temperature (thm/ft') 4

CALCULATION SHEET A PREPARED BY: P.D. H:rizi W Soston Edison CALC.# M462 CHECKED BY: P.Doody REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 SHEET 15- OF 84 1 J 3.C.5 Initial Containment Pressure The initial conditions assumed for containment temperature and pressure prior to a Loss of Coolant Accident (see Table 8) are: I Volume Temperature Pressure Relative (ff) ( F) (psig) Humidity (4) Drywell 147,000 150 1.30 80 Wetwell Airspace 124,500 80 0.00 100 The drywell and wetwell airspace volumes are assumed to be mixed and in equilibrium following an accident that results in a reactor blowdown to the primary containment. The temperature and pressure for this mixed volume is calculated based solely ( e the temperature and pressure conditions that exist prior to the accident. This is considered to be the " initial condition" in containment (drywell and wetwell) for the NPSH analysis. Calculate Initial Mass of Noncondensible Gas: i, (Pp + 14.696)-( P;q,) (V3)*144 n' h, Ma= (Diywell) R(To + 460) 2

           '(Pyy + 14.696)-(pF;q,) (V;y)*144in M;y =                                                      h                  (Wetwell)

R(Try + 460) where: R = 53.3 ft-lbf/lbm- R Pre = 3.7184 psia @ 150 F  ; 0.5068 psia @ 80 F j Diywell = 8,478 lbm Wetwell Airspace = 8,838 lbm Total Noncondensible Gas = 17,316 lbm l l

j CALCUL.ATION SHEET ggggg PREPARED BY: P.D. H rizi CALC.# M-662 CHECKED BY: P.Doody , i i REV. E1 DATE 29-FEB-96 j i l l SHEET /d OF Sf Calculate mixture temperature of both air volumes:


4 Vo(To)+ Vw(Tw) Tuix = vo +vw 147,000(150) + 124,500(80) Tuix 271,500 118 o F \ q , Calculate pressure at mixture temperature: Pc = (MT ,)R(Tufx ,+ 460) +($Pyp)- 14.696psig 2 VT IAAi n 2 t ft , i The mixture will have relative humidity of 100% at 118 F:

Pc - (17,316)*53.3* e (118s M0) + 1.6009 - 14.696 = 0.55 pSig 2

271,500 144 IU j 2 k ft > t The minimum value for the initial containment pressure to be used in the Section 3 NPSH calculation is 0.50 psig except where noted, e.g., at the point of minimum NPSH margin, j i . l I i e-

Table 1 - Input Values @ $ yy 9 H

                                                                                                                                                                                          <5 5

C Friction Factor f for 18" Fittings = 0.012 h Piping Absolute Roughness e (in) = 0.006 m a d lK Values (Crane) l 45 LR EL l 90 LR EL 90 SR EL l Tee Branch l Tee Run l Gate Valve l B' fly Valve f Effective L/D for Fitting 10 14 20 60 20 8 25 0 $ fr Turbulent Flow Friction Factor 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 S @ m 4 K = (L/D)

  • fr FOR 18" FITTINGS 0.1200 0.1680 0.2400 0.7200 0.2400 0.0960 0.3000 $

Exit Reducer U lK Values (Crane) l Entrance l Effective K for Fittings Independent of Friction Factor Strainer n/a Any n/a Eccentric 18 x 12 h m

                                                                                                                                                                                          ?    h 0.8160     1.0000      0.0900                                                                E K = fixed RHR and Core Spray Suction Strainer                                                                                                                                    3 Loss (Clean) Reference SUDDS/RF Flow     Loss (psi)  Loss (ft)
                        #84-59 Procurement of RHR and CS                                                                                                                                         i Suction Strainers Inside Torus, dated 7/13/95 3000      0.0135     0.0320 3300      0.0163     0.0387 3600      0.0194     0.0461                                                                        o 3750      0.0211     0.0500                                                                    @  $

4100 0.0252 0.0598 m g 4400 0.0290 0.0688 x x 4600 0.0317 0.0752 $ $ 4800 0.0346 0.0819 $ 4990 0.0374 0.0885 5000 0.0375 0.0889 y y , 5100 0.0390 0.0925 o P Rated delta 0.15 psi at 10000 gpm 10000 0.1500 0.3555 f , s RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File =. RHRSST01.XLS

Table 2 - Pump Sucticn Line Configuration L Length d Diarneter D Diameter a Area A Area pipe Pipe No. (ft) (inches) (ft) (in ) 2 2 (ft ) Pipe Class Schedule en x o o CS A-1 75.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHD Std E Q  %  % l 1.0 11.25 0.938 99.40 0.69 12"-HD Std Q 9 Q CS A-2

  • CS B-1 74.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHD Std g CS B-2 1.0 11.25 0.938 99.40 0.69 12"-HD Std _ T  :-!

Std 33 E O ' RHR A 90.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB RHR B 52.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB Std I h RHR C 52.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB Std a  % , RHR D 90.0 17.25 1.438 233.71 1.62 18"-HUHB- Std Q Valve or C S A-1 CS A-1 CS A-2 CS A-2 CS B-1 CS B-1 CS B-2 CS B-2 m Fitting Count K Count K Count K Count K g $ 45 LR EL 3 0.360 0 0.000 3 0.360 0 0.000 + g 0.168 0 0.000 1 0.168 0 0.000 t,, 90 LR EL 1

  • 90 SR EL 3 0.720 0 0.000 3 0.720 0 0.000 Tee Branch 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Tee Run 1 0.240 0 0.000 1 0.240 0 0.000 Gate Valve 1 0.096 0 0.000 1 0.096 0 0.000 Butterfly Valve 1 0.300 0 0.000 1 0.300 0 0.000 Entrance 1 0.816 0 0.000 1 0.816 0 0.000 Exit 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 .

Reducer 0 0.000 1 0.090 0 0.000 1 0.090 . V & F Total K = 2.700 0.090 2.700 0.090 m Valve or RHR A RHR A RHRB RHR B RHR C RHR C RHR D RHR D Qg Fitting Count K Count K Count K Count K m y 45 LR EL 2 0.240 3 0.360 2 0.240 2 0.240 x x 4 0.672 0.168 2 0.336 4 0.672 o j 90 LR EL 1 90 SR EL 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 g y - Tee Branch 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 , Tee Run 1 0.240 1 0.240 1 0.240 1 0.240 m i Gate Valve 1 0.096 1 0.096 1 0.096 1 0.096 o 5 Butterfly Valve 1 0.300 1 0.300 1 0.300 1 0.300 $ g Entrance 1 0.816 1 0.816 1 0.816 1 0.816 E g Exit 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Reducer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 V & F Total K = 2.364 1.980 2.028 2.364 i RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS

Table 3 - Pipe Line Losses $ $ $ $ (Eq1) (Eq3) (Ref 8) (Ref 7) (Eq 4) (Eq 5) Valves & , Reynolds Pipe Relative Pipe Fittings Pipe -- g 5 Flow Rate Velocity V Number Roughness Friction h tvan he pips 5 z Pipe No. Q (gpm) (ft/sec) Re e/D Factor f (ft) (ft) $ $ For Torus Testing Temp Tpoot (F) = 80.00 S @ 0.266 m

  • CS A-1 3300 4.53 6.93E+05 0.00035 0.0160 0.861 @

CS A-2 3300 10.65 1.06E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.159 0.032 CS B-1 3300 4.53 6.93E+05 0.00035 0.0160 0.861 0.263 U CS B-2 3300 10.65 1.06E+06 1.01E+06 0.00053 0.00035 0.0170 0.0160 0.159 1.594 0.032 0.676

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $  h

RHR A 4800 6.59 RHR B 4800 6.59 1.01E+06 0.00035 0.0160 1.335 0.390 E RHR C 4800 6.59 1.01E+06 0.00035 0.0160 1.368 0.390 RHR D 4800 6.59 1.01E+06 0.00035 0.0160 1.594 0.676 For Torus Peak Temp Tpoot (F) = l 120.00 l CS A-1 4400 6.04 1.41E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.458 CS A-2 4400 14.20 2.16E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.282 0.057 . CS B-1 4400 6.04 1.41E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.452 CS B-2 4400 14.20 2.16E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.282 0.057 RHR A 5100 7.00 1.63E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.800 0.739 RHRB 5100 7.00 1.63E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.507 0.427 .n 7.00 1.63E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.544 0.427 O :D RHR C 5100 RHR D 5100 7.00 1.63E+06 0.00035 0.01d; 1.800 0.739 m 9 9 !B For Torus Peak Temp Tpoot (F) = l 166,00 l @ $ CS A-1 4400 6.04 2.05E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.458 $ CS A-2 4400 14.20 3.15E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.282 0.057 CS B-1 4400 6.04 2.05E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.452 y y CS B-2 4400 14.20 3.15E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.282 0.057 o P RHR A RHR B 5100 5100 7.00 7.00 2.38E+06 2.38E+06 0.00035 0.00035 0.0155 0.0155 1.800 1.507 0.739 0.427 { x 5 5 RHR C 5100 7.00 2.38E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.544 0.427 RHR D 5100 7.00 2.38E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.800 0.739 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS

Table 3 (Cont.)- Pipe Line Losses @ $ 9 0 (Eq 1) (Eq 3) (Ref 8) (Ref 7) (Eq 4) (Eq 5) h.h Valves & , h Reynolds Pipe Relative Pipe Fittings Pipe 9 g g Flow Rate Velocity V Number Roughness Friction htvar he npe O y z Pipe No. Q (gpm) (ft/sec) Re e/D Factor f (ft) (ft) O E For Torus Peak Temp Tpoet (F) = 175.00 0 Q CS A-1 4400 6.04 2.22E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.458 o m " CS A-2 4400 14.20 3.40E+06 0.00053 0.0170 0.282 0.057 CS B-1 4400 6.04 2.22E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.530 0.452 3 CS B-2 RHR A 4400 5100 14.20 7.00 3.40E+06 2.57E+06 0.00053 0.00035 0.0170 0.0155 0.282 1.800 0.057 0.739

                                                                                                                                                                                              $ M

g RHRB 5100 7.00 2.57E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.507 0.427 $ RHR C 5100 7.00 2.57E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.544 0.427 RHR D 5100 7.00 2.57E+06 0.00035 0.0155 1.800 0.739 3 o 3 E 9 R R 8 8 sE P P o O 8 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                   %  l-RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS

Table 4 - Totti Suction Loss (Table 3) (Table 3) (Table 1) (Eq6) (Eq2) (Eq7) Total Total y y QO y g Valve & Total Piping Clean Suction Suction Velocity Suction .< Fitting Head Loss Strainer Head Loss Head @ Pl Pressure -4 i c Flow Rate Losses h tvar he pipe htsmmsa hst hv Drop 5 (psi) E y Pump No. Q (gpm) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) For Torus Testing Temp Tpoot (F) = 80.00 __ g z Core Spray A 3300 1.019 0.298 0.03871 1.356 1.762 1.347 E $ Core Spray B 3300 1.019 0.294 0.03871 1.352 1.762 1.346 S $ RHR A 4800 1.594 0.676 0.08191 2.352 1.807 0.674 0.674 1.307 1.072 Qm ~4 RHR B 4800 1.335 0.390 0.08191 RHR C 4800 1.368 0.390 0.08191 1.840 0.674 1.086 3 RHR D 4800 1.594 0.676 0.08191 2.352 0.674 1.307 CD fE For Torus Peak Temp Tpoot (F) = l 120.00 l Core Spey A 4400 1.812 0.515 0.06882 2.396 3.132 2.370 Core Spray B 4400 1.812 0.509 0.06882 2.390 3.132 2.367 RHR A 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.454 RHR B 5100 1.507 0.427 0.09247 2.027 0.761 1.195 RHR C 5100 1.544 0.427 0.09247 2.063 0.761 1.211 RHR D 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.454 ., For Torus Peak Temp Troot (F) = l 166.00 l g Core Spray A 4400 1.812 0.515 0.06882 2.396 3.132 2.337 Core Spray B 4400 1.812 0.509 0.06882 2.390 3.132 2.335 .o RHR A 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.434 O W RHR B 5100 1.507 0.427 0.09247 2.027 0.761 1.179 m $ RHR C 5100 1.544 0.427 0.09247 2.063 0.761 1.194 0 $ RHR D 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.434 @ @ R-R - For Torus Peak Temp Tpoot (F) = l 178.00 l y y Core Spray A 4400 1.812 0.515 0.06882 2.396 3.132 2.329 Core Spray B 4400 1.812 0.509 0.06882 2.390 3.132 2.326 O P RHR A 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.429 k I 0.427 0.09247 2.027 0.761 1.174 < S RHR B 5100 1.507 - RHR C 5100 1.544 0.427 0.09247 2.063 0.761 1.190 RHR D 5100 1.800 0.739 0.09247 2.631 0.761 1.429 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS

Table 5 - NPSH & Max Suction dP $ $ 9 Q (Eq9) (Eq8) (Eq 10) (Table 4) (Ref S&6) h Allow Max Suction 5 Suction Suction Debris dP g 3 g Torus Temp Vapor Spec Elev Head Head Loss Wetwell Press Head Loss Available Required Available Margin Measured

                                                                                                                                                   @ IST N   fz g g NPSHa       NPSHu       Conditions      O      m Tpcxx    Press Pvp Volume  Vsp   hz        hst                                            Pc    hoesms     NPSHA (F)       (psia)   (ft /lbm)    (ft)      (ft)                                         (psig)    (ft)       (ft)        (ft)        (ft)          (psi)     o y     E Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM:

166.00 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 2.40 0.500 0.00 33.13 29.00 4.13 2.35 g 0.500 6.60 24.53 29.00 -4.47 n/a g g 2.390 8.60 29.00 29.00 0.00 1.35 + m 5.600 8.60 36.59 29.00 7.59 3.20 g RHR Pumps A & D @ 5100 GPM: 166.00 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 2.63 0.500 0.00 32.90 23.00 9.90 5.13 0.500 14.50 18.40 23.00 -4.60 n/a 2.445 14.50 23.00 23.00 0.00 1.31 5.600 14.50 30.46 23.00 7.46 4.19 8 RHR Pumps B & C @ 5100 GPM: Q 166.00 5.4620 0.016428 12.50 2.06 0.500 0.00 33.47 23.00 10.47 5.13 3 0.500 14.50 18.97 23.00 -4.03 n/a 2.204 14.50 23.00 23.00 0.00 1.09 m 5.600 14.50 31.03 23.00 8.03 4.19 $ M 8 7 G A O O 5 5 0 0 . 8 z ' E h-l RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS  ;

Table 6 - NPSH & Max Suction dP @ $ QQ , (Table 4) (Eq8) (Ref S&6) (Eq9) (Eq 10) $

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,o             E C

Allow Max Suction Q Suction Suction Debris dP 3 d Torus Elev Head Wetwell Head Available Margin Measured d {e @ en j Temp Vapor Spec Head Loss- Press Loss Available Required @ IST " Tm Press Pvp Volume Vsp hz ha Pc hocents NPSHA NPSHa NPSHu Conditions O k  ; (F) (psia) 3 (ft /lbm) (ft) (ft) (psig) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (psi) o h $ ' l Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM: 178.00 7.1840 0.016498 12.50 2.40 0.500 0.00 29.13 29.00 0.13 1.38 g l l 0.500 8.60 20.53 29.00 -8.47 n/a @ h 3 4.062 8.60 29.00 29.00 0.00 1.35 4 @ W 7.400 8.60 36.93 29.00 7.93 3.28 g RHR Pumps A & D @ 5100 GPM: 178.00 7.1840 0.016498 12.50 2.63 0.500 0.00 28.90 23.00 5.90 3.59 0.500 14.50 14.40 23.00 -8.60 n/a 4.118 14.50 23.00 23.00 0.00 1.31 7.400 14.50 30.80 23.00 7.80 4.32 RHR Pumps B & C @ 5100 GPM: 178.00 7.1840 0.016498 12.50 2.06 0.500 0.00 29.47 23.00 6.47 3.58 0.500 14.50 14.97 23.00 -8.03 n/a 3.880 14.50 23.00 23.00 0.00 1.09 u 7.400 14.50 31.37 23.00 8.37 4.31 @ $ B B ' M A O O t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ?              ?

O D ' E I

a. R i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <              w  .

I t l RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS l

Tabla 7 - NPSH & Mix Suction dP (Table 4) (Eq 8) (Ref S&6) (Eq9) (Eq 10) co n a o I m > > Allow Max Suction @

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .<   5    5 Suction                  Suction                                                                                                                  Debris                                                                dP                  i    C Torus                          Elev                          Head                                                   Wetwell                                                      Head                                      Available              Measured                     5 Temp      Vapor       Spec     Head                            Loss                                                         Press                                                Loss      Available           Required      Margin                 @ IST         13      g   y Tpcxx. Press Pvp Volume Vsp    h2                                 hst                                                              Pc                                         hocapes      NPSH4              NPSHa       NPSHu                Conditions       4       4   Z (F)       (psia)   (ft'/lbm)   (ft)                                 (ft)                                                   (psig)                                                 (ft)            (ft)           (ft)            (ft)               (psi)                O   E Core Spray Pumps A & B @ 4400 GPM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      S        @

Max Temp @ 0 psig: O m ~1 112.00 1.3505 0.016173 12.50 2.40 0.000 0.00 41.18 29.00 12.18 4.32 0.000 8.60 32.58 29.00 3.58 2.22 3 115.00 1.4716 0.016184 12.50 2.40 0.000 0.00 40.92 29.00 11.92 4.26  %) M 0.000 8.60 32.32 29.00 3.32 2.16 * $ 119.00 1.6468 0.016200 12.50 2.40 0.000 0.00 40.54 29.00 11.54 4.16 E 0.000 8.60 31.94 29.00 2.94 2.07 126.00 1.9959 0.016229 12.50 2.40 0.000 0.00 39.78 29.00 10.78 3.98 0.000 8.60 31.18 29.00 2.18 1.88 RHR Pumps A & D @ 5100 GPM Max Temp @ 0 psig: 112.00 1.3505 0.016173 12.50 2.63 0.000 0.00 40.95 23.00 17.95 8.24 0.000 14.50 26.45 23.00 3.45 2.64 115.00 1.4716 0.016184 12.50 2.63 0.000 0.00 40.69 23.00 17.69 8.14 0.000 14.50 26.19 23.00 3.19 2.54 O 119.00 1.6468 0.016200 12.50 2.63 0.000 0.00 40.31 23.00 17.31 8.00 0.000 14.50 25.81 23.00 2.81 2.39 o j 1.9959 0.016229 12.50 2.63 0.000 0.00 39.55 23.00 16.55 7.70 g m 126.00 0.000 14.50 25.05 23.00 2.05 2.10 o > RHR Pumps B & C @ 5100 GPM m M Max Temp @ 0 psig: y$ 112.00 1.3505 0.016173 12.50 2.06 0.000 0.00 41.52 23.00 18.52 8.23 ,$ .-< 0.000 14.50 27.02 23.00 4.02 2.64 115.00 1.4716 0.016184 12.50 2.06 0.000 0.00 41.26 23.00 18.26 8.13 - 0.000 14.50 26.76 23.00 3.76 2.54 12.50 2.06 0.000 0.00 40.88 23.00 17.88 7.99 c.

  • 119.00 1.6468 0.016200
  • 0.000 14.50 26.38 23.00 3.38 2.39 $

126.00 1.9959 0.016229 12.50 2.06 0.000 0.00 40.12 23.00 17.12 7.69 0.000 14.50 25.62 23.00 2.62 2.10 RHR/CS NPSH Calc 29-FEB-96 File = RHRSST01.XLS

__ . ~- - ~ _ . _. _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . _ _ _ . . . - CALCULATION SHEET ggg ggg PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96

SHEET $6 OF 84 Section 4.0 Updated FSAR NPSH Analyses and Firures 4
Section 4.A Method of Solution l

This section of the calculation prepares updated NPSH analysis for the FSAR. The original analysis was  ! submitted to the AEC during the origmal licensing review via Amendments 9 and 24 to the SAR. This

analysis was incorporated into the FSAR and remains there currently as FSAR Figures 14.5-9,14.5-10, and  ;

j 14.5-13 and Section The revised analysis in this calculation will be incorporated in the UFSAR ) by the 10CFR50.59 process. ,

The same approach used in the original FSAR analysis is used. Considering a known suppression pool l j temperature profile, the coincident containment pressure is calculated using the ideal gas law. The l
        " containment pressure required" to provide the required NPSH is calculated and plotted with the coincident containment pressure. The difference between the containment pressure at any point in time and the j        containment pressure required represents margin. All calculation results are presented in various plots.

i 4 1 l i l 4 a .l l i l a e


                                                                                                                             & Boston Edison                           CHECKED BY:          P.D. Harizi REV.              E1                                                                            DATE  2/29/96 SHEET                                 M                                                            OF   Of Section 4.B                                                                  Innet Data and Assumptions Table 8 - Section 4 Inpu+a Amendment 9         Ref. 65 FSeawater             Ref.               75 FSeawater           Ref.     ,
                                                                                                                                  *See                            asee                 Temperature           " See Parameter                                                                                                 Benchmark                  Temperature Note 1                          Note 1                                    Note 1 Revised Analysis                          Revised Analysis
                                                                                                                  .5%/ day       31,33c        IWday               34f                    IWday               34f
    , Containment Inkage Rate impaired Contamment                                                                                          5%/ day       31,33c        5Wday               33c                    5%/ day             33c
    , Leakage Rate Pooltemperature profile                                                                                  Amendment 9       31,33c  FSAR Fig.14.5-7         33d (6)   Figure 5-2 from referenced       37(8)

Figure 1-2 (FSAR report. Fig.14.5-10) Ultimate Heat Sink 65 *F 31,33c 65 *F 33c 75 *F 37 Temperature' , Operator action time to 10 min 33b 10 min 33b 10 min 37 initiate containment cooling' SSW Flowrate' 5000 gpm 33d 5000 gpm2 33e 4500 gpm 37 28 feet 31,33c 29 ft at 4400 gpm 8 29 ft at 4400 gpm 8

    , Core Spray NPSH Required _                                                                                                                                                                                   4 28 feet       31,33c  23 ft at 5100 gpm          9              23 ft at 5100 gpm           9

[ RHR NPSH Required Drywell Free Volume 147,000 ft' 33a 147,000 ft' 33a 147,000 ft' 33a Wetwell Free Volume 120,000 ft' 33a 124,500 ft' 35a 124,500 ft' 35a 5.2E6 lbm 3133c 84000 ft' 34a 84000 ft' . 34a [ Torus Water Volume 1 initial Toms Water 80 F 31,33c 80 F 34c 80 F 34c Temperature . Initial Drywell Relative 100 % 31,33c 80 % (5) 80 % (5) Humidity < ' This parameter is an input for calculation of the suppression pool temperature profile. 2 The current FSAR requirement for SSW flowrate is 4500 gpm and it has been determined that the suppression pool temperature profile Figure 14.5-7 is unaffected by the reduced flow based on heat exchanger perfornunce.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .___..._________..m..                                    . _ . _ . _ _ _ - . . _ . _ _ .

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody h E4# sors CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi j CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96  ; SHEET M OF 84 Table 8 - Section 4 Inputs Amendment 9 Ref. . 6S'F Seawater ' Ref. 75'F Seawater Ref. -

                                                                                                                                                                                                  *See                 Temperature .                         see          Temperature -                             " See Parameter                                                            Benchmark Note l                  Revised Analysis                     Nel         . Revised Analysis                        Nel                             ;

Initial Wetwell Relative 100 % 31,33c 100 % 33c 100 % 33c Humidity InitialWetwell Airspace 80*F 31,33c 80 F (3) 80*F (3) , Temperature , Initial Drywell Temperature 150 F 31,33c 150*F 33c (4) 150 F 33c (4) Initial Drywell Pressure 0 psig 31,33c 1.30 psig (2) 1.30 psig (2) InitialWetwell Airspace 0 psig 31,33c 0 psig 33c 0 psig 33c Pressure  ; Containment Reference n/a 45 psig or 59.6% 34f 45 psig or 59.6% psia 34f Pressure Pr psia Containment Reference Leak n/a l'Nday ofMt 34f 1%/ day ofMt 34f i Rate Lr RHR Pump Suction line 4.2 feet (7) 2.63 feet Table 5. 2.63 feet Table 5. i Head Loss ' CS Pump Suction line Head 4.2 feet (7) 2.40 feet Table 5. 2.40 feet Table 5.

  , Loss 12.5 feet                                                                                            Section                            12.5 feet                    Section             12.5 feet                     Section                               ;

Elevation head 3.C.2.b 3.C.2.b 3.C.2.b i


Notes for Table 8

1. Numbers in parentheses refer to the following notes. Numbers not in parentheses refer to the correspondmg references at the end of this section.  !
2. Initial "Drywell Airspace Pressure"is assumed equal 1.30 psig which is a conservative nommal value for drywell pressure based on a review of randomly selected summer and winter drywell pressures. Drywell pressure, temperature, and humidity along with  !

wetwell pressure, temperature and humidity are used to calculate the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside we...... cat. The i combination of the values selected for each of these six parameters provides a conservative estimate of the initial mass of noncondensible gas. r


                                                       & Boston Edison                                   CHECKED BY:                                                                                                  P.D. Harizi REV. E1            DATE     2/29/96 SHEET      26             OF      Of Section 4.B InDut Data and AssumDtions
3. Initial wetwell airspace temperature is assumed to equal the initial suppression pool temperature.
4. Initial Drywell Temperature is assmned to equal a uniform value of 150 F instead of the 135'F (General area tour. dure per Table 5.2-2 "Drywell Atmosphere Cooling Data Sheet") which is used in contamment and decay heat removal system analysis [Ref.14]. A higher initial temperature is conservative because less initial norsw4c.sible mass is present in matainment. Derefore, the partial pressure of noncondensible gas is less initially and less over the course of the transient and cooldown resulting in a lower (conservative)

NPSHA calculation.

5. He initial drywell humidity used is 20% less than that assumed in the Amendment 9 analysis. A lower humidity at a given pressure results in a higher initial mass of noncondensible gas in the contamment. This design value remams conservative since the drywell is initially inerted with dry nitrogen and then sealed. A leak inside containment will raise the humidity, offset by condensation on drywell surfaces and the drywell cooling coils.
6. A table of values for suppression pool temperature as a function of time after the accident is taken from the pool temperature cune specified in the above table,
7. Amendment 9 analysis was prepared before the actual piping configuration was known. He suction line head loss used in the benchmark analysis was estimated between 4.2 and 4.7 feet. Use of the value of 4.2 feet gives good agreement between the bcrdon rk  !

case for Figure 14.5-10. Use of the value of 4.7 feet gives good agreement between the berdouark case and Figure 14.5-9. He suction line head losses are somewhat lower based on the as-built piping configuration. [

8. De data table for the suppression pool temperature curve contained in reference 37 was provided via the GE letter reference 38.

Selected data points for the suppression pool temperature as indicated in the attached tables for 75'F seawater NPSH analysis were taken from reference 38. Between 4 and 5 days,17 additional pool temperature data points were established by linear interpolation between the pool temperature at 4 da,5 and 5 days. Rese additional data points were necessary to find the point of minimum margm which occurs before the 5th day for the SWday leakage case. Between 7 and 8 days,9 additional pool temperature data points were established by linear interpolation between the pool temperature at 7 days and 8 days. Dese additional data points were necessary to find the point of minimum margin which occurs before the 8th day for the IWday leakage case. i


REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 2.9 OF N Section 4.C Calculations / Analyses Section 4.C.1 Definition of Terms
Hz Elevation ofsuppression pool water surface above the pump inlet, ft Hsl Suction line losses,p i Lr Reference mass leakage rate at reference pressure Pr, Ibmisec Mt Initial mass ofdry air inside the drywell and suppression chamber, lbm Mt* Mass ofdry air remaining inside the drywell and suppression chamber after leakage, Ibm

} mgas Mass ofair/ nitrogen in mixture, ihmisec mieak Mass leakage ratefrom containment, Ibm /sec m,ater Mass ofwater vapor in mixture, Ibm /sec NPSHA Net positive suction head available, feet NPSHM Net positive suction head margin, feet NPSHR Net positive suction head required, feet i Pc Pressure ofprimary containment, psia i Pc Reg'd Pressure ofprimary containment required to provide NPSHR, psia 1 Pd Initialpressure of drywell, psia ) Pgas Pressure ofgas in a mixture ofgas and water vapor, psia Pwater Pressure ofwater vapor in a mixture ofgas and water vapor, psia 1 Ps Initialpressure ofsuppression chamber air space, psia b Pr Reference pressurefor mass leakage rate Lr, psia  : Pvd Partialpressure ofvapor initially in drywell, psia l 1 Pvs Partialpressure ofvapor initially in suppression chamber airspace, psia l . Pvp Vapor pressure at pool temperature, psia i j R or Rgas Specipe gas constantfor air / nitrogen, 53.3p-lbf1bm 'R Rwater Specipe gas constantfor water vapor, 85.8p-lbf!!bm *R AT Length oftime step, sec ! Td Temperature ofgas and water mixture in drywell, *R l Tp Temperature ofsuppression pool water, *F Ts Temperature ofgas and water mixture in suppression chamber, *R l

Vs Volume offree air space in suppression chamber,ft'

, Vd Free drywell volume, ft' 3 p Density ofwaterin pool, Ib/ft'

,           $               Relative humidity W               Humidity Ratio i

4 'I

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody hm NEm CALC # M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 30 op $ Section 4.C.2 Eaustions An expression for calculating the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside the drywell and torus can be derived based on the ideal gas law: PV = MRT Solving for the mass (M): M = PV  : RT ne total initial mass of noncondensible gas inside containment is the sum of the initial mass located in two i separate volumes (torus airspace, and drywell): Mt = Md + Ms ne initial mass in each volume is composed of water vapor and noncondensible gas (air / nitrogen). To calculate  : the initial mass of noncondensible gas, the contribution to the initial pressure from water vapor is subtracted. , De magnitude of this water vapor contribution is a function of relative humidity p and the saturation pressure  ! corresponding to the mixture temperature Per Dalton's Rule:  ! Pmixture = Pgas +Pwater vapor so Pgas = Pmixture - Pwater vapor

                    # = Pwater vapor         and       Pwater vapor = $ Psp p

Equation 11 is used to calculate the total initial mass in the drywell and wetwell airspace. As discussed above the equation is derived from the ideal gas law, Dalton's rule and the defmition of relative humidity. The result of Equation 11 provides the initial mass of noncondensible gas in primary containment:

                           'Pd-($ Pvd) (144f)Vd                 'Ps-($ Pvs) (144        )Vs Eq.I1               Mt=                                    +

R Td RT Equation 11 is the general equation to calculate the initial mass of noncondensible gas inside containment as a function ofinitial pressure, humidity, and temperature. Amendment 9 analysis used Eq.12 which is derived from Eq. I1 by setting drywell pressure equal to 14.7 psia (0 gage), wetwell airspace pressure equal to 14.7 psia (0 gage), and drywell and wetwell humidity equal to 100% Equation 12 was used to calculate the Amendment 9 FSAR curves. (l 4.7 - Pvd)(144 '" )Vd (l 4.7 - P vs)(144 '" ) Vs Eq.12 Mt- A + A R Td R Ts

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody MOD UND CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96  ! SHEET 3l OF $ l 1 i Section 4.C.2 Eauntions Equations' 13a and 13b were used in the Amendment 9 analysis to calculate the percentage of the original mass ) , of noncondensibles in containment after 1.5 days: 1 1 Eq.13a At 5% per day: My* = (095)l5Me = 0.926Mf 1 i Eq.13b At 0.5% per day My* =(0995)l5My = 0.9925My The above ratio's for SWday and 0.5Wday were applied as a flat amount in Amendment 9 analysis. Although , conservative, this approach is umealistic and arbitrary. FSAR Appendix R (Equation R.49) provides a rational ! basis for calculating the leakage from containment based on the calculated pressure during any time step, and a j reference leakage at a reference pressure. This equation is presented as Equation 14: l 0.5 e _p 2 f __ r Ps

Eq.14 (atmosphere's) mleak = LT e 32 i 1 i 1-
                                                                   <P,    7    __

Where: Lr = Leak rate at referencepressure (ibm' unit time) Pr = Referencepressure in atmospheres P = Containmentpressure at time step in atmospheres J Equation 14 is modified as shown in Equation 15 to calculate leakage as a function of pressure measured in units of psia. 0.5 14.696'# 1

                                                                    < Pc >                                                  .                           1 Eq.15                                                                                               (Psia) mleak = LT              e              s2
                                                            ,_ 14.696 r

Pr i _ Only a portion of the mass leaked from the containment is gas since the mixture leaking from containment is a mixture of water vapor and noncondensible gas. The humidity ratio "co" can be used to determine the amount of dry gas contained in the vapor / gas mixture. This ratio is derived from the ideal gas law since Vair=Vwater (i.e., the water vapor and gas are homogeneously mixed in the containment volume (drywell and wetwell) and Tair = Twater (i.e., both the water vapor and gas are at the suppression pool temperature). Equation 16 which provides the humidity ratio based on the ratio of gas and water vapor pressure is derived from the ideal gas law as follows: t

                                                 . . . _ - ~        --  _         . - -

CALCULATION SH ET g gg ggg PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALC. # M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET .72. OF $4- l Section 4.C.2 Eauntions

                     ,_mwater = RgasPwater _53.3Pwater                                                             l mgas       Rwater Pgas            85.8 Pgas l


,                                Pwater                                                                            :
m = 0.621 '

Pgas Pgas = Pc- Psy l Psp l Eq.16 m = 0.621 Pc- Pip i Since "mt,,A" from Equation 15 is a mixture gas and water vapor where; j mieak = mwater + mgas . and m= ###'" j mgas i

Solving for and mwater

1 m water = m mgas l i i Substituting m mga, for mwaterin the first equation yields: micak = m mgas + mgas , ) i Solving for mgas yields: Eq.17 m/cak mgas = g l l l Equation 17 provides the mass of noncondensible gas in a mixture with total mass equal to m/,ak and a humidity 4 ratio m.

The noncondensible gas remaining in containment at any time after the containment isolates is the initial mass l minus the mass of noncondensible gas that has leaked. The remaining mass (Mt*) is calculated by the following formula:


                                      *I Eq.18 Mt* = Mt-[(m#"N    +1)                (F) 4 i


CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody h SOSf0N EDISON CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 88 OF $f Section 4.C.2 Eauntions Equation 19 is used to calculate the containment pressure at any time as the sum of the partial pressure of the remaining noncondensible gas and the vapor pressure corresponding to the suppression pool temperature. j Eq.19 Pc = Mt

  • R Tp ' ft + Pip Vd + Vs <144in',

a l NPSHA is defmed by the following terms: y, 144in Eq.20 NPSHA = (Pc-Pvp) ' ' + Hz - H,;

P The term (Pc-Pvp) represents the net pressure above the vapor pressure provided by the noncondensible gas inside containment. Therefore:

2 Eq.21 Pgas = (Pc - Pvp) J NPSHA is calculated as follows, where Pgas is measured in feet of w~ater: 144 l' Eq.22 NPSHA = Pgas ' + Hz - Hsl

~  !

The containment pressure required to provide adequate NPSH is derived using Equation 20 by letting NPSHA ' equal NPSHR and solving for the containment pressure Pc. When NPSHA equals NPSHR the containment

pressure is by defmition equal to the required containment pressure Pc Reg 'd.

i Eq.23 Pc Req'd = Psp + (NPSHR - Hz + Hst) , # ,, 144 1 2

                                                                   %           fl )
   'the NPSH margin is the difference between the containment pressure that is available (calculated using i    Equation 19) and the containment pressure required (calculated using Equation 23).
                                                             .2' A                                                        144 Eq.24           NPSHM =(Pc-PcReq'd) '
                                                            '2 '


  ._ .      ._          ... _ _ - . . . . _ _ _ - . _ . .            ..__._.____._.._..__._._m..___              . _ - . _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . - _ _ . _ ,


                                                        $ hm Edima                                  PREPARED BY: P.Doody CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1            DATE                  2/29/96 SHEET        N                   OF                84 j

l~ Section 4.C.2 Eaustions l

!      The following three equations are general conversions used throughout this calculation:


                                                                    -                 3 I

ja in I Eq.25 P(feet)=P(psi) e 3 p lbm

< p>

p l '**/p3 ' j Eq.26 P(psi)= P(feet) ',

                                                           '" '"fp ,s           1

{ Eq.27 T( R)= T( F)+460 l


l l 3 i i 1 I i l e a i a 9 .l 4 1 i i 4 4 i


                                $ Boston Edison CALC.#      M662                                                            CHECKED BY:     P.D. Harizi REV. E1          DATE       2/29/96 SHEET         N         OF        84 Section 4.C.3      Benchmark Case The calculation performed to prepare the curves currently presented in the FSAR is repeated to benchmark the methodology. 'Ihis case is the first case performed and is hereafter referred to as the " Benchmark Case" Per Amendment 9 to the FSAR, the following methodology is used:
1. Calculate the initial mass of air [or nitrogen) inside the primary containment assuming atmospheric pressure and a 100% relative humidity in both the wetwell and drywell. The initial drywell temperature was assumed to be 150*F, and the wetwell temperature 80 F. The total mass is given by Equation 12.
2. Assume the contaimnent leaked at a constant rate of 5% free vol/ day for 1.5 days, the time required following an accident for the pool temperature to return to 130 F with one RHR loop operating. The reduced mass is then given by Equation 13a and 13b.
3. Due to flow through the drywell vents or vacuum breakers, the drywell and wetwell pressures will be approximately equal, i.e., Pd = Ps.
4. The drywell ar.d wetwell airspace masses and volumes can be combined and the containment (drywell and wetwell) pressure calculated as a function of the suppression pool temperature for the following l reasons: l a) Water from the pool is being pumped into the reactor vessel by a cme spray cooling system pump. This water is heated by the decay heat of the reactor core and pours out of the vessel sia the break and into the suppression pool via the dowell vent system. The water which retums to the wetwell is hotter than the suppression pool water by approximately 50 F.

b) Because of the large flow of water involved, the low thermal capacity of the drywell atmosphere, and the slow time rate of change of the temperature of the water flowing through the.drywell, the drywell atmospheric temperature will track the water temperature.  ; c) The drywell airspace temperature will always be hotter than the pool temperature because of the  ! elevated temperature of the break flow. l S. The containment pressure is then given by Equation 19.

6. The total NPSH available to the pumps is given by Equation 20.


                                                                                                                                                                                     & Boston Edison                                               CHECKED BY:                              P.D. Harizi REV.                E1            DATE      2/29/96 SHEET                   .%           OF       84 Section 4.C.3                    Benchmark Case In following table the methodology used to calculate values plotted on FSAR Figure 14.5-10 is repeated. Based on a comparison, the nlues contained in the following table and plotted on the attached Figure 2 are consistent with the results presented in the FSAR Figure 14.5-10. The minor differences in calculated values are most likely due to small variations with inputs.

Table 9 - Benchmark Case Containment Pressure Available and Required at 0.5% and 5%/ day Leakage F14.5-10 Eq.27 Lookup Eq.13a Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.13b Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.23 Mt%ft @ SWday Mt%ft @ Pc Reg'd for Leakage Pc @ 5% 0.5Wday Pc @ 0.5% NPSHA of28 Ilme Pool Temp Tp Pvp Rate Leakage Pgas (feet) Leakage Rate Leakage Pgas Hz Hsi feet (psia) (sec) ('F) (*R) (psia) (%) (psia) (%) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) Values below Values below Values below Values below plotted on plotted on plotted on plotted on Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 U U U U 100 126.0 586 1.996 0.926 14.696 29.68 0.9925 14.6 % 29.68 12.5 4.2 10.42 f I 586 2.007 0.926 14.696 29.66 0.9925 14.6 % 29.66 12.5 4.2 10.44 200 126.2 300 127.3 587 2.069 0.926 14.696 29.52 0.9925 14.732 I^ 29.61 12.5 4.2 10.49


400 128.8 589 2.153 0.926 14.6 % 29.34 0.9925 14.849 29.70 12.5 4.2 10.58

                        $00            130.0        590        2.225                                                                0.926                                                              14.696      29.18         0.9925           14.947                  29.77                        12.5  4.2          10.64 600            131.0        591    ,i 2.286                                                                 0.926                                                              14.696      29.04         0.9925           15.029                  29.82                        12.5  4.2          10.70 700            132.0     ' 592        2.347                                                                 0.926                                                              14.696      28.91         0.9925           15.111                  29.88                        12.5  4.2          10.76 800            133.0        593        2.407                                                                0.926                                                              14.696      28.77         0.9925           15.194                  29.94                        12.5  4.2          10.82

900 134.0 594 2.473 i 0.926 14.696 28.63 0.9925 15.281 30.00 12.5 4.2 10.88 j 1000 134.8 595 2.526 l 0.926 14.696 28.52 0.9925 15.351 30.05 12.5 4.2 10.93 2000 140.5 601 2.928 ^l 0.926 15.008 28.35 0.9925 15.876 30.39 12.5 4.2 11.32

                                                           ^                                                                                                                                                                                                        ^                                              ^              '

605 3.242 0.926 15.402 28.57 0.9925 16.276 30.62 12.5 4.2 11.63 [ 3000 144.5

        ; 4000                         147.5        608       3.496                                                                 0.926                                                              15.717      28.74         0.9925           16.595                  30.81                       12.5   4.2         11.87


                                                                                                                  & Boston Edison                                  CHECKED BY;        P.D. Harizi REV.                       E1                   ,_ DATE      2/29/96 SHEET                                         h         OF     84 Table 9 - Benchmark Case Containment Pressure Available and Required at 0.5% and 5%/ day Leakage F14.5-10   Eq.27 Lookup                        Eq.13a          Eq.19       Eq.21         Eq.13b        Eq.19     Eq.21                             Eq.23 Mt*ait @

5%! day Mt*ait @ PcReg'd for Leakage Pc @ 5% 0.5%' day Pc @ 0.5% NPSHA of28 Time Pool Temp Tp Pvp Rate Leakage Pgas (feet) Leakage Rate Leakage Pgas H: Hs! feet (psia) (sec) (*F) (*R) (psia) (%) (psia) t%) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) 5000 150.0 610 3.721 l 0.926 15.993 l 28.88 0.9925 16.874 30.95 12.5 4.2 12.09 < 6000 152.0 612 3.908 0.926 16.220 28.99 0.9925 17.104 31.08 12.5 4.2 12.27 7000 154.0 614 4.103 0.926 16.454 29.11 0.9925 17.342 31.20 12.5 4.2 12.46 8000 156.0 616 4.311 0.926 16.703 29.22 0.9925 17.593 31.32 12.5 4.2 12.67 9000 157.5 618 4.468 0.926 16.890 29.31 0.9925 17.782 31.41 12.5 4.2 12.82 10000 159.0 619 4.633 0.926 17.085 29.39 0.9925 17.980 31.50 12.5 4.2 12.98 15000 163.2 623 5.118 ^I 0.926 17.655 29.63 0.9925 18.555 31.76 12.5 4.2 13.45 20000 165.0 625 5.336 0.926 17.909 29.73 0.9925 18.812 31.87 12.5 4.2 13.67


25000 165.5 626 5.401 0.926 17.984 29.76 0.9925 18.888 31.90 12.5 4.2 13.73 30000 165.0 625 5.336 0.926 17.909 29.73 0.9925 18.812 31.87 12.5 4.2 13.67 - 31.68 12.5 4.2  ! 13.31 40000 162.0 622 4.972 0.926 17.485 29.56 0.9925 18.384


50000 i 158.2 618 4.542 0.926 16.979 29.35 0.9925 17.872 31.45 12.5 4.2 12.F) 60000 154.0 614 4.103 0.926 16.454 29.11 0.9925 17.342 31.20 12.5 4.2 12.46 70000 149.0 609 3.631 0.926 15.882 28.82 0.9925 16.762 30.89 12.5 4.2 12.00 [ 80000 144.0 604 3.200 0.926 15.350 28.54 0.9925 16.223 30.59 12.5 4.2 ' 11.59 f 90000 140.0 600 2.889 0.926 14.959 2832 0.9925 15.826 30.36 12.5 4.2 11.28

           ! 100000                                          136.5     597       2.640                     0.926         14.696       28.26         0.9925        15.502    30.15        12.5     4.2          11.04
                                                        *                     *                                                                                           *                             ~

150000 125.5 586 1.970 ! 0.926 14.696 29.74 0.9925 14.696 29.74 12.5 4.2 10.40 200000 118.0 578 1.601 0.926 14.696 30.55 0.9925 14.696 30.55 12.5 4.2 10.05 l

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PREPARED BY; P.Doody CALCULATION SHEET CALC.# M662 h SOSton Ed SOR CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET N OF N Section 4.C.3 Benchmark Case In following table the methodology used to calculate values plotted on FSAR Figure 14.5-9 is repeated, and the results of the recalculation are plotted. Based on a comparison, the values contained in the following table and plotted on the attached Figure 3 are consistent with the results presented in the FSAR and Amendment 9. The minor differences in calculated values are most likely due to small nriations with inputs. Table 10 - Benchmark Case NPSH Available and Required Eq.27 Lookup Eq.13a Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Pool Aft *ait @ 5% Pc @ 5% Temperature Tp Pvp Hz Hsl Leakage Leakage Pgas NPSIIA NPSHR (*F) (*R) (psia) (feet) (feet) (%) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) Values below plotted on Figure 3 Values below plotted on Figure 3 0 0 140 600 4.2 0.926 14.959 28.3 36.6 28 f 2.889 j 12.5 4.2 0.926 15.993 28.9 37.2 28 l 150 { 610 3.721 12.5

         '                                                                                                            29.4                                                                                                        37.7                                        28 160                 f620         4.746     12.5    4.2               0.926         17.219 170                l 630         5.995     12.5    4.2               0.926         18.669             30.0 [                                                                                                      38.3                                        28 4.2               0.926         20.386             30.6   f                                                                                                    38.9                                        28 f      180                 f640         7.511     12.5 Eq.27   Lookup                                Eq.13a         Eq.19             Eq.21                                                                                                Eq.22 Pool                                                             Ait*ait @ .5%    Pc @ .5%

Temperature Tp Pvp Hz Hsl Leakage Leakage Pgas NPSHA NPSHR (*F) (*R) (psia) (feet) (feet) (%) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) Values below plotted on Figure 3 Values below plotted on Figure 3 U U 140 600 2.889 12.5 4.2 0.9925 15.826 30.4 38.7 28 150 610 3.721 12.5 4.2 0.9925 16.874 31.0 39.3 28 31.6 39.9 28 160 f620 , 4.746 12.5 4.2 0.9925 18.114 170 630 5.995 12.5 4.2 0.9925 19.579 32.2 40.5 28 [ 4.2 0.9925 21.311 32.8 41.1 28 I 180 , 640 7.511 12.5


                                                                 $ Boston Edison CALC.#      M662                                                                                                                                                                                                               CHECKED BY:                                                  P.D. Harizi REV. E1                     DATE                       2/29/96                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i SHEET       40                           OF                             M                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         i l

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__j _... j1_1.!_l.._I t L4... . ._4._ . . . _ . ._ _1.. .._.t._1_.!_1_ _ t 1 I I I I i  !  ! ! ! l  ! t i ! ! ! I 26 - ; - , 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Suppression Chamber Pool Temperature (F) Note: Drywell Initially Saturated at 150 F and 0 psig Amendment 9 Benchmark Case Current FSAR Figure 14.5-9 Total NPSH Available Rated Flow Figure 3

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY; P.Doody h m Ed m CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET k OF 84 Section 4.C.4 Updated FSAR NPSH Analysis and Finures I The calculation performed to prepare the updated FSAR curves is fundamentally consistent with that used in the " Benchmark Case". Revised inputs are utilized in this analysis per Table 8. The following methodology is used:

1. Calculate the initial mass of air [or nitrogen] inside the primary containment. The total initial mass is given by Equation 11:

{15.996 - (.80 (3.718))}(144 Mt= b +. . . . . 33.3 (610) 2


{14.696 - (1.0 (.3069)}(144 5 = 17316.12 lbm 53.3 (540)

2. Calculate the reference leakage rate Lr:
        'lhe reference leakage rate is a percentage of the initial mass of noncondensibles per unit time. So for the IWday and 5Wday cases, the reference leak rate is:

L T[]%} = 17316.12 lbm (.01/ day) = 173.16 lbm / day or 0.002004 lbm / sec L T[5%} = 17316.12 lbm (.05 / day) = 865.81 lbm / day or 0.010021 lbm / sec

3. In successive steps from 100 seconds after the accident till the point of minimum NPSHM is passed, calculate:

a) mass leakage (water vapor + gas) from containment ( mleak) using Eq.15 b) relative humidity e using Eq.16 c) noncondensible gas leakage from containment ( mgas ) using Eq.17 d) remaining mass of noncondensible gas in containment (Mt*) using Eq.18  ! e) containment pressure (Pc) using Eq.19. This calculation is performed for a: IWDay leakage rate - Table 1i for a 65 F seawater temperature Table 17 for a 75 F seawater temperature SWDay leakage rate - Table 12 for a 65'F seawater temperature Table 18 for a 75 F seawater temperature

4. Using the same suppression pool temperature data and time steps from the previous step, calculate the:

a) pressure provided by the remaining mass of noncondensible gas in containment (Pgas) is calculated using Eq. 21, b) NPSHA using Eq. 22, c) Pc Req 'd using Eq. 23, d) NPSHM using Eq. 24.

                                                                                                   - __ _ ~ . ..

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY; P.Doody Soston Edison CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 42 OF 8Y These steps are performed separately for the RHR and Core Spray pumps. The results are contained in the following tables: RHR pump at IWDay leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 13) RHR pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 65*F Seawater Temperature (Table 15) CS pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 65 F Seawater Temperature (Table 14) CS pump at SWDay leakage rate - 65'F Seawater Temperature (Table 16) RHR pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 75*F Seawater Temperature (Table 19) RHR pump at SWDay leakage rate - 75*F Seawater Temperature (Table 21) CS pump at 1%/ Day leakage rate - 75 F Seawater Temperature (Table 20) CS pump at 5%/ Day leakage rate - 75*F Seawater Temperature (Table 22)

5. As in the Amendment 9 methodology; due to flow through the drywell vents or vacuum breakers, the drywell and wetwell pressures will be approximately equal, i.e., Pd = Ps.

The drywell and wetwell airspace masses and volumes can be combined and the containment (drywell and wetwell) pressure calculated as a function of the suppression pool temperature for the following reasons: a) Water from the pool is being pumped into the reactor vessel by a core spray cooling system pump for the 65 F case (by a core spray pump and LPCI pump for l the 75 F). This water is heated by the decay heat of the reactor core and pours out of the vessel via the break and into the suppression pool via the drywell vent system. The water which retums to the wetwell is hotter than the suppression pool water by approximately 50 F. b) Because of the large flow of water involved, the low thermal capacity of the drywell atmosphere, and the slow time rate of change of the temperature of the water flowing through the drywell, the drywell atmospheric temperature will track the water temperature. c) The drywell airspace temperature will always be hotter than the pool temperature because of the elevated temperature of the break flow.


                                                    & Boston Edison                                                                                                                CHECKED BY:                                                  P.D. Harizi REV.      E1         DATE       2/28/96 SHEET        47          OF       $4 Table 11 - Containment Pressure Available fa,1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65*F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                 Eq.15                   Eq.16                              Eq.17                                                                                                                            Eq.18        Eq.19 Time            Tp               Tp      PvP         micak                    c)                                       mgas                                                                                                           E          'Mf            k

(*F) (*R) (psia) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) (seconds) (ibm /sec) (Ibm /sec) 128.75 588.75 j 2.150 j_ 1 17316.12 }_ 16.049 128.75 588.75 i 2.150 0.00083 i 0.0 % 0.00076 100 17316.04  ! 16.049 f 100 * * * * [ 200 131.75 591.75 2.331 0.00083 0.096 0.00076 100 17315.% 16.301 400 133.10 593.10 2.414 0.00089 0.104 0.00081 200 17315.80 , 16.415 [ , 600 133.70 i 593.70 2.453 0.00092 0.107 0.00083 200 17315.64 16.469 135.90 595.90 2.598 0.00093 0.109 0.00084 400 17315.30 16.665 [ 1000 141.25 601.25 2.986 0.00098 0.115 0.00087 1000 17314.42 } 17.179 [ 2000 , , 0.00095 2000 17312.53 17.929 4000 148.33 i 608.33 3.571 0.00107 0.131 6000 153.65 4.069 0.00118 0.155 0.00103 2000 17310.48 18.550 [ 613.65 , 10000 160.70 4.825 0.00126 0.175 0.00107 4000 17306.18 19.470

                             ! 620.70      ,                                           ,                                                                                                                                                                     .

20.006 14000 164.50 624.50 5.275 0.00136 0.205 0.00113 4000 17301.68 1 16000 165.65 625.65 5.421 0.00140 , 0.223 , 0.00115 2000 17299.39 20.176 0.00142 0.228 0.00115 4000 17294.77 20.287 20000 166.40 626.40 5.518  ! ,' 24000 166.20 626.20 5.492 0.00143 0.232 0.00116 4000 17290.14 20.253 , 30000 165.03 625.03 5.340 0.00142 , 0.231 , 0.00116 6000 17283.21 20.067 35000 163.63 623.63 5.170 0.00141 0.226 0.00115 5000 17277.47 19.859 40000 162.00 622.00 4.972 0.00139 0.219 0.00114 5000 17271.76 19.618 3 60000 154.00 614.00 4.103 0.00137 0.211 0.00113 20000 17249.14 , 1S.541 80000 145.95 605.95 3.363 0.00126 0.177 0.00107 20000 17227.71 17.595 100000 138.20 598.20 2.761 0.00114 0.147 , 0.00099 20000 17207.89 , 16.795 120000 132.25 592.25 2.362 0.00100 0.122 l 0.00089 20000 17190.05 16.241 140000 127.50 587.50 2.080 0.00088 0.106 O.00080 20000 17174.13 15.836 150000 125.50 585.50 1.970 0.00077 0.094 , 0.00070 10000 17167.09 , 15.673 160000 123.80 583.80 1.882 0.00072 0.089 0.00066 10000 17160.49 15.540 180000 120.75 580.75 1.730 0.00067 0.086 , 0.00062 20000 17148.11 15.307 190000 119.25 l 579.25 1.660 0.00058 0.079 O.00054 10000 17142.75 15.197


                                                                                    @ gggggg EDISON                                  CHECKED BY:                P.D. Hadzi CALC.#       M662 REV.      E1         DATE     2/28/96 SHEET        N           OF     84 Table 11 - Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 65'F Seawater Temperature Inokup                                                           Eq.15              Eq.16       Eq.17                                    Eq.18                                                              Eq.19 Time           Tp             Tp                              Psp                  miaak          m          mga,                       4T            Mt*                                                                 Pc (secomis)        (*F)           (*R)                            (psia)    (75 ,,sec) yec)          (Ibm)                                                              (psia)

(Ibm /sec) 200000 118.00 578.00 1.601 0.00053 0.076 0.00049 10000 17137.85 j 15.105 210000 116.75 576.75 1.547 0.00048 0.074 0.00045 10000 17133.40 15.019 220000 115.57 575.57 1.4 % 0.00043 0.071 0.00040 10000 17129.42 14.937 230000 114.50 574.50 1.451 0.00037 0.069 0.00035 10000 17125.96 14.865 l 240000 113.50 573.50 1.412 0.00031 0.067 0.00029 10000 17123.05 14.799 112.50 572.50 1.372 0.00024 0.066 0.00023 10000 17120.76 14.735 [ 250000 [260000 111.53 , 571.53 , 1.333 0.00015 , 0.064 j 0.00014 10000 17119.30 14.6 % 270000 110.68 570.68 1.301 0.00000 0.062 0.00000 10000 17119.3L 14.6 % 280000 110.00 570.00 1.276 0.00000 0.060 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 290000 109.12 569.12 1.244 0.00000 0.059 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 300000 108.40 568.40 1.218 0.00000 0.058 0.00000 10000 17119.36 1 14.6 % 310000 107.75 567.75 1.195 0.00000 0.056 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 320000 107.00 567.00 1.170 0.00000 0.055 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 330000 106.32 566.32 1.147 0.00000 0.054 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 340000 105.75 565.75 1.128 0.00000 0.053 , 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 350000 105.08 565.08 1.106 0.00000 0.052 0.00000 10000 17119.36 14.6 % 360000 104.40 564.40 1.083 0.00000 0.051 , 0.00000 10000 17119.36 , 14.6 % 1 380000 103.39 563.39 1.051 0.00000 0.049 0.00000 20000 17119.36 14.6 % 400000 102.25 562.25 1.017 0.00000 0.048 0.00000 20000 17119.36  ! 14.696 500000 97.50 557.50 0.881 0.00000 0.046 0.00000 100000 17119.36 14.6 % 600000 94.00 554.00 0.791 0.00000 0.040 0.00000 100000 17119.36 14.6 % 700000 91.38 551.38 0.730 0.00000 0.035 0.00000 100000 17119.36 14.6 % 800000 89.25 549.25 0.682 0.00000 0.033 0.00000 100000 17119.36 l 14.6 % 900000 87.38 547.38 0.644 0.00000 0.030 0.00000 100000 17119.36 14.6 % 920000 87.00 547.00 0.636 0.00000 0.028 0.00000 20000 17119.36 > 14.6 % ,


                                                       & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                                                                CHECKED BY:  P.D. Harizi REV.      E1         DATE     2/28/96 SHEET       U            OF      SY Table 12 - Containment Pressure Available (il 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65"F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                                    Eq.15                                                            Eq.16                                                                                     Eq.17                          Eq.18        Eq.19 Time            Tp             Tp        PT                              mieak                                                                            m                                                                          mga,             AT          Mi*            Pc (seconds)         (*F)           ('R)      (psia)                                                                                                                                                                                                       (sec)       (ibm)         (psia)

(lbmisec) (Ibm /sec) 128.75 j 588.75 2.150 17316.12 16.049 2.150 0.00415 0.0 % 0.00379 100 17315.74 16.049 100 128.75 j 588.75 200 131.75 591.75 2.331 0.00415 0.0 % 0.00379 100 17315.36 16.300

400 133.10 593.10 2.414 P M447 0.104 0.00405 200 17314.55 16.414 600 133.70 I 593.70 2.453 0.00461 0.107 0.00416 200 17313.72 16.467 1000 135.90 595.90 2.598 0.00466 0.109 0.00421 400 17312.03 ,

16.662 2000 141.25 601.25 2.986 0.00487 0.115 0.00437 1000 17307.66 17.173 4000 148.33 608.33 3.571 0.00535 0.131 0.00473 2000 17298.20 17.917 6000 153.65 613.65 4.069 0.00591 0.155 , 0.00512 2000 17287.% 18.532 10000 160.70 620.70 4.825 0.00630 0.175 0.00536 4000 17266.52 19.436 14000 164.50 624.50 5.275 0.00677 0.205 , 0.00561 4000 17244.06 19.957 16000 165.65 , 625.65 , 5.421 0.00699 0.223 j 0.00572 2000 17232.63 20.119 20000 166.40 626.40 5.518 0.00706 0.229 0.00574 4000 17209.65 20.215 24000 166.20 626.20 5.492 0.00710 0.234 , 0.00576 4000 17186.63 , 20.164

 ; 30000             165.03         625.03     5.340                        0.00708                                                               0.233                                                                                0.00574              6000      17152.18       19.956 35000          163.63         623.63     5.170                        0.00699                                                               0.227                                                                                0.00570              5000      17123.68       19.729 40000          162.00                    4.972                        0.00690                                                               0.221                                                                                0.00565              5000      17095.43       19.469
                               ,    622.00 }

60000 154.00 i 614.00 4.103 0.00678 0.213 0.00559 20000 16983.65 18.319 80000 145.95 605.95 3.363 0.00617 0.179 0.00523 20000 16878.98 17.307 ' 100000 138.20 598.20 2.761 0.00546 0.150 0.00475 20000 16784.02 16.449 120000 132.25 592.25 2.362 0.00464 0.125 0.00413 20000 16701.49 15.847 . 140000 127.50 587.50 2.080 0.00387 0.109 , 0.00349 20000 16631.72 15.401 150000 125.50 585.50 1.970 0.00309 0.097 0.00282 10000 16603.53 15.223 160000 123.80 583.80 1.882 0.00270 0.092 0.00247 10000 16578.84 15.077 180000 120.75 580.75 1.730 0.00231 0.089 0.00212 20000 16536.40 14 823

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody g goston Edison cygeggo ay: P.o. u.rizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET 4-( OF Bf Table 12 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65'F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq.16 Eq. I7 Eq.18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp PvP mirak a mga, AT Mt* Pc (seconds) ("F) ('R) (psia) (lbm'sec) (lbm'sec) I] iib"] IP'"] 190000 119.25 579.25 1.660 0.00135 0.082 0.00125 10000 16523.92 14.709 200000 118.00 578.00 1.601 0.00043 0.079 0.00040 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 210000 116.75 576.75 1.547 0.00000 0.076 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 220000 115.57 575.57 1.496 0.00000 0.073 0.00000 10000 16519.96 14.6 % 230000 114.50 574.50 1.451 0.00000 0.070 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 240000 113.50 573.50 1.412 0.00000 0.068 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 250000 112.50 572.50 1.372 0.00000 0.066 0.00000 10000 16519.96 14.6 % 260000 111.53 571.53 1.333 0.00000 0.064 0.00000 10000 16519.% ' 14.6 % 270000 110.68 570.68 1.301 0.00000 0.062 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 110.00 570.00 1.276 0.00000 0.060 0.00000 10000 16519.96 14.696 [280000 , 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 290000 109.12 569.12 1.244 0.00000 0.059 0.00000 300000 108.40 568.40 1.218 0.00000 0.058 0.00000 10000 16519.96 14.6 % [ 310000 107.75 567.75 1.195 0.00000 0.056 0.00000 10000 16519.% ' 14.6 % 320000 107.00 567.00 1.170 0.00000 0.055 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 330000 106.32 566.32 1.147 0.00000 0.054 , 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 340000 105.75 ' 565.75 l 1.128 0.00000 0.053 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 % 105.08 565.08 l.106 0.00000 0.052 0.00000 10000 16519.96 14.6 % _ 350000 360000 104.40 564.40 1.083 0.00000 0.0S1 0.00000 10000 16519.% 14.6 %

                            ,           ,                                                                                                                                                                                                    J 380000         103.39         563.39     1.051                                                                                                    0.00000                                                                                                0.049    0.00000       20000      16519.%    14.6 %

400000 102.25 562.25 1.017 0.00000 0.048 0.00000 20000 16519.% 14.696 500000 97.50 557.50 0.881 0.00000 0.046 0.00000 100000 16519.% 14.6 % j 600000 94.00 554.00 0.791 0.00000 0.040 0.00000 100000 16519.% 14.6 % 700000 91.38 551.38 0.730 0.00000 0.035 0.00000 100000 16519.% 14.6 % i 800000 0.682 0.00000 0.033 0.00000 100000 16519.% 14.6 % 89.25 549.25 f 87.38 547.38 0.644 0.00000 0.030 0.00000 100000 16519.96 14.6 % [ 900000 0.00000 0.028 0.00000 20000 16519.96 14.6 % ! 920000 87.00 547.00 0.636

CALCUl ATION SHEET PREPARED BY; P.Doody g goston Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET O OF 84-Table 13 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSHR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq. 21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pa Req'd for Time Time Tp p Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSIL4 NPSH4 of23 Afargin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) Gbm'ff') (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) Values below I'alues below l'alues below l'alues below plottedon plottedon plottedon plottedon Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure S U U U U 100 0.028 128.8 61.56 2.150 16.049 32.51 12.5 2.63 42.4 7.76 , 19.4 0.056 131.8 61.52 2.331 16.301 32.70 12.5 2.63 42.6 7.94 19.6 200 400 0.111 133.1 61.50 2.414 16.415 32.78 12.5 2.63 j 42.7 8.02 19.7 600 0.167 133.7 61.48 2.453 16.469 32.82 12.5 2.63 42.7 8.06 19.7 0.278 135.9 61.43 2.598 16.665 32.97 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.20 19.8 1000 , 2000 0.556 141.3 61.35 2.986 17.179 33.31 12.5 2.63 43.2 8.58 20.2 4000 1.111 148.3 61.22 3.571 17.929 33.77 12.5 2.63 43.6 9.15 20.6 6000 1.667 153.7 61.11 4.069 18.550 34.13 12.5 2.63 44.0 9.64 21.0 10000 2.778 160.7 60.98 4.825 19.470 34.58 12.5 2.63 44.5 10.39 21.5


14000 3.889 164.5 60.90 5.275 20.006 34.83 12.5 2.63 44.7 10.83 21.7 16000 4.444 165.7 60.88 5.421 20.176 34.90 12.5 2.63 44.8 10.97 21.8 20000 5.556 166.4 60.87 i 5.518 20.287 34.94 12.5 2.63 44.8 11.07

  • 21.8 24000 6.667 166.2 60.87 5.492 20.253 34.92 12.5 2.63 44.8 11.04 21.8 30000 8.333 165.0 60.89 5.340 20.067 34.83 12.5 2.63 44.7 10.89 21.7 35000 9.722 163.6 60.92 5.170 19.859 34.72 12.5 2.63 44.6 10.72 21.6 40000 11.111 162.0 60.96 4.972 19.618 34.60 12.5 2.63 44.5 10.53 21.5 60000 16.667 154.0 61.10 4.103 18.541 34.03 12.5 2.63 43.9 9.67 20.9 80000 22.222 146.0 61.26 3.363 17.595 33.45 12.5 2.63 43.3 8.95 20.3 27.778 138.2 61.40 2.761 16.795 32.91 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.36 19.8 100000 ,

33.333 132.3 61.51 2.362 16.241 32.49 12.5 2.63 42.4 7.97 19.4 120000 140000 38.889 127.5 61.59 2.080 15.836 32.16 12.5 2.63 42.0 7.70 19.0 150000 41.667 125.5 61.62 1.970 15.673 32.02 12.5 , 2.63 , 41.9 7.59 , 18.9 44.444 123.8 61.65 1.882 15.540 31.90 12.5 2.63 41.8 7.50 18.8 160000 180000 50.000 120.8 61.70 1.730 15.307 31.69 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.36 18.6

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody SoSton Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2128/96 SHEET 48 OF $4-Table 13 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65'F Seawater Temperature FI4.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time Time Tp p Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSI[A NPSHA of23 Afargin feet (secs) drours) (*19 Gbm'tY) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) 52.778 119.3 61.71 1.660 15.197 31.59 12.5 2.63 41.5 7.29 18.5 190000 200000 55.556 118.0 61.73 1.601 15.105 31.50 12.5 2.63 41.4 7.23 18.4 210000 58.333 116.8 61.75 1.547 15.019 31.42 12.5 2.63 41.3 7.18 18.3 220000 61.1II 115.6 61.77 1.496 14.937 31.33 12.5 2.63 41.2 7.I3 18.2 230000 63.889 114.5 61.79 1.451 14.865 31.26 12.5 2.63 41.1 7.09 18.I 240000 66.667 113.5 61.80 1.412 14.799 31.19 12.5 2.63 41.I 7.05 18.I 250000 69.444 112.5 61.82 1.372 14.735 31.13 12.5 2.63 41.0 7.01 18.0 260000 72.222 111.5 61.83 1.333 14.696 31.12 12.5 2.63 41.0

  • 6.97 '

18.0 270000 75.000 110.7 61.85 1.301 14.696 31.19 12.5 2.63 41.1 6.94 18.1 280000 77.778 110.0 61.86 1.276 , 14.6 % 31.24 12.5 2.63 , 41.1 6.92 18.1 290000 , 80.556 109.1 61.87 1.244 14.6 % 31.31 12.5 2.63 j 41.2 6.89 18.2 108.4 61.88 1.218 14.696 31.36 12.5 2.63 41.2 6.86 18.2 ! 300000 83.333 86.111 107.8 61.89 1.195 14.6 % 31.41 12.5 2.63 41.3 6.84 18.3 [ 310000 , , 41.3 6.81 18.3 320000 88.889 107.0 61.90 1.170 14.696 31.47 12.5 2.63 330000 91.667 106.3 61.91 1.I47 , 14.696 31.52 12.5 2.63 41.4 6.79 18.4 340000 94.444 105.8 61.91 1.128 14.696 31.56 12.5 2.63 41.4 6.77

  • 18.4 350000 97.222 105.1 61.92 1.106 14.6 % 31.61 12.5 2.63 41.5 6.75 18.5 360000 100.000 104.4 61.93 1.083 14.696 31.66 12.5 2.63 41.5 6.73 18.5 380000 105.556 103.4 61.94 1.051 14.696 31.72 12.5 2.63 41.6 6.70 18.6 400000 111.111 102.3 61.95 1.017 14.6 % 31.80 12.5 2.63 41.7 6.67 18.7 500000 138.889 97.5 62.02 0.881 14.696 32.08 12.5 2.63 41.9 6.54 18.9 94.0 62.06 0.791 14.6 % 32.26 12.5 2.63 42.1 6.45 19.1
~600000 ' 166.667 700000       194.444       91.4                                       62.09                        0.730     14.696                     32.39    12.5      2.63      42.3        6.39         19.3 89.3                                       62.11                       0.682      14.696                                        2.63      42.4        6.35         19.4 800000 , 222.222 ,                            4                                                                                         32.49 [ 12.5    ,

900000 250.000 ' 87.4 62.13 0.644 14.696 32.57 12.5 2.63 42.4 6.31 19.4 920000 255.556 87.0 62.14 0.636 14.696 32.58 12.5 2.63 42.5 6.30 19.5


                                                 @ soston Edison                                                                   CHECKED BY:             P.D. Harlzi REV. E1         DATE    2/28/96 SHEET       49         OF      84 Table 14 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10    Lookup   Lookup                                      Eq.19   Eq. 21                                         Eq.22         Eq.23           Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time         Time           Tp          p      Pvp                                          Pc    Pgas                   H:      Hsl            NPSHA NPSH4 of29             Afargin feet (secs)      Grours)         (*F)    libWft')   (psia)                                      (psia)  (feet)               (feet)   (feet)           (feet)       (psia)           (feet)

Values below Values below Values below Values below plottedon plottedon plottedon plottedon Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 U U U U


100 0.028 128.8 61.56 2.150 16.049 32.51 12.5 2.40 42.6 10.23 13.6 200 0.056 131.8 61.52 2.331 16.301 32.70 12.5 2.40 42.8 10.41 13.8 400 0.111 133.1 61.50 2.414 16.415 32.78 12.5 2.40 42.9 , 10.49 , 13.9 600 0.167 133.7 61.48 2.453 16.469 32.82 12.5 2.40 42.9 10.52 13.9 1000 0.278 135.9 61.43 2.598 16.665 32.97 12.5 2.40 43.1 10.66 14.1 2000 0.556 141.3 61.35 2.986 17.179 33.31 12.5 2.40 43.4 11.04

  • 14.4 4000 1.1Ii 148.3 61.22 3.571 17.929 33.77 12.5 2.40 43.9 11.61 14.9 6000 1.667 153.7 61.11 4.069 18.550 34.13 12.5 2.40 44.2 12.09 15.2 10000 2.778 160.7 60.98 4.825 19.470 34.58 12.5 2.40 44.7 12.83 15.7 14000 3.889 164.5 60.90 5.275 20.006 34.83 12.5 2.40 44.9 13.27 15.9 16000 4.444 165.7 60.88 5.421 20.176 34.90 12.5 2.40 ,

45.0 13.41 , 16.0 20000 5.556 166.4 60.87 5.518 20.287 34.94 12.5 2.40 45.0 13.51 16.0 24000 6.667 166.2 60.87 5.492 20.253 34.92 12.5 2.40 45.0 13.48 16.0 30000 8.333 165.0 60.89 5.340 20.067 34.83 12.5 2.40 44.9 13.33 , 15.9 35000 9.722 163.6 60.92 5.170 19.859 34.72 12.5 2.40 44.8 13.17 15.8 40000 11.111 162.0 60.96 4.972 19.618 34.60 12.5 2.40 44.7 12.97 , I5.7 60000 16.667 154.0 61.10 4.103 18.541 34.03 12.5 2.40 44.1 12.12 15.1 80000 22.222 146.0 61.26 3.363 17.595 33.45 12.5 2.40 43.6 11.40 14.6 100000 27.778 138.2 61.40 2.761 16.795 32.91 12.5 2.JG 43.0 10.82 14.0 120000 33.333 132.3 61.51 2.362 16.241 32.49 12.5 2.40 42.6 10.44 13.6 140000 38.889 127.5 61.59 2.080 15.836 32.16 12.5 2.40 42.3 10.16 , 13.3 150000 41.667 125.5 61.62 1.970 15.673 32.02 12.5 2.40 42.1 10.06  ! 13.1 ! 160000 44.444 123.8 61.65 1.882 15.540 31.90 12.5 2.40 42.0 l 9.97 l 13.0 l


                                                         & Boston Edison                                                                CHECKED BY:              P.D. Marizi REV. E1         DATE    2/28/96 SHEET       6D          OF     M Table 14 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10   Lookup          Lookup  Eq.19                                                Eq.21                             Eq.22            Eq.23             Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time         Time          Tp          p             Pvp      Pc                                                 Pgas      Hz       Hs!           NPSHA         NPSHA of29           Margin feet (secs)       (hours)       (*F)     (Ibm'ft')        (osia)  (psia)                                              (feet)   (feet)    (feet)          (feet)          (psia)             (feet) 120.8       61.70          1.730  15.307                                               31.69     12.5     2.40            41.8             9.83                12.8 180000        50.000 52.778       119.3       61.71          1.660  15.197                                               31.59     12.5     2.40            41.7             9.76                12.7 g  190000     ,

118.0 61.73 1.601 15.105 31.50 12.5 2.40 41.6 9.70 12.6 200000 j 55.556 , 58.333 116.8 61.75 1.547 15.019 31.42 12.5 2.40 41.5 9.65 12.5 210000 61.111 115.6 61.77 1.496 14.937 31.33 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.60 12.4 220000 , . 230000 63.889 114.5 61.79 1.451 14.865 31.26 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.56 12.4 240000 66.667 113.5 61.80 1.412 14.799 31.19 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.52 { 12.3 69.444 112.5 61.82 1.372 14.735 31.13 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.49  ! 12.2 250000

  • 72.222 111.5 61.83 1.333 14.696 31.12 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.45 12.2 260000 75.000 110.7 61.85 1.301 14.696 31.19 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.42 12.3

[ 270000 , 2.40 41.3 9.39 12.3 1 280000 77.778 110.0 61.86 1.276 14.696 31.24 12.5 i 290000 80.556 109.1 61.87 1.244 14.696 31.31 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.36 12.4 300000 83.333 108.4 61.88 1.218 14.696 31.36 12.5 2.40 41.5 9.34 12.5 310000 86.111 107.8 61.89 1.195 14.696 31.41 12.5 2.40 41.5 9.32 12.5 320000 88.889 107.0 61.90 1.170 14.696 31.47 12.5 2.40 , 41.6 9.29 12.6 330000 91.667 *! 106.3 61.91 1.147 14.696 31.52 12.5 2.40 41.6 9.27

  • 12.6 340000 94.444 105.8 61.91 1.128 14.696 31.56 12.5 2.40 41.7 9.25 12.7 350000 97.222 105.1 61.92 1.106 14.696 31.61  ! 2.5 2.40 ,

41.7 9.23 12.7 360000 100.000 104.4 61.93 1.083 14.696 31.66 12.5 2.40 41.8 9.21 12.8 380000 105.556 103.4 61.94 1.051 14.696 31.72 12.5 2.40 41.8 9.18 12.8 400000 111.111 102.3 61.95 1.017 14.696 31.80 12.5 2.40 g 41.9 9.15 12.9 g , 500000 138.889 97.5 62.02 0.881 14.696 32.08 12.5 2.40 42.2 9.02 13.2 600000 166.667 94.0 62.06 0.791 14.696 32.26 12.5 2.40 42.4 8.94 13.4 194.444 91.4 62.09 0.730 14.696 32.39 12.5 2.40 42.5 8.88 13.5 , 700000 , 800090 222.222 89.3 62.11 0.682 14.696 32.49 12.5 2.40 42.6 8.83 13.6 900000 250.000 87.4 62.13 0.644 14.696 32.57 12.5 2.40 42.7 8.80 13.7 87.0 62.14 0.636 14.696 j 32.58 12.5 2.40 42.7 8.79 13.7 ' 920000 i 255.556 _ ,


                                                                      & Boston Edison                                                                                                CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV. E1         DATE     2/28/96 SHEET       5/         OF       M Table 15 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10      Lookup                  Lookup                                  Eq.19    Eq.21                                                                    Eq.22          Eq.23          Eq.24 Pa Req'd for Time         Time            Tp            p                        Pvp                                   Pc     Pgas                                                  Hz        Hsi     NPSH4      NPSHA of23        Margin feet (secs)      (hours)          t*F)      (Ibnt(ft')                   (psia)                               (psia)   (feet)                                              (feet)     (feet)    (feet)         (psia)         (feet) l'alues below                                                                Values below                                                                                     l'alues below   Values below plottedon                                                                   plotted on                                                                                        plottedon      plottedon Figure 4                                                                    Figure 4                                                                                          Figure 4       Figure 5 U                                                                            U                                                                                                  U           U
 '             ^

100 0.028 128.8 61.56 2.150 16.049 32.51 12.5 2.63 42.4 7.76 19.4 200 0.056 131.8 61.52 2.331 16.300 32.70 12.5 2.63 42.6 7.94 19.6 400 0.111 133.1 61.50 2.414 16.414 32.78 7. 5 2.63 42.7 8.02 19.7 600 0.167 133.7 61.48 2.453 16.467 32.82 12.5 2.63 42.7 8.06 19.7 1000 0.278 135.9 61.43 2.598 16.662 32.97 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.20 19.8 2000 0.556 141.3 61.35 2.986 17.173 33.30 12.5 2.63 , 43.2 8.58 , 20.2 4000 1.111 148.3 61.22 3.571 17.917 33.75 12.5 2.63 43.6 9.15 20.6 6000 1.667 153.7 61.11 4.069 18.532 34.08 12.5 2.63 44.0 9.64 21.0 [ 10000 2.778 160.7 60.98 4.825 19.436 34.50 12.5 2.63 44.4 10.39 21.4 14000 3.889 164.5 60.90 5.275 19.957 34.71 12.5 2.63 44.6 10.83 21.6 16000 4.444 165.7 60.88 5.421 20.119 34.77 12.5 2.63 , 44.6 10.97 , 21.6 20000 5.556 166.4 60.87 5.518 20.215 34.77 12.5 2.63 44.6 11.07 21.6 24000 6.667 166.2 60.87 5.492 20.164 34.71 12.5 2.63 44.6 11.04 21.6 30000 8.333 165.0 60.89 5.340 19.956 34.56 12.5 2.63 44.4 10.89 21.4 35000 9.722 163.6 60.92 5.170 19.729 34.41 12.5 2.63 44.3 10.72 21.3 40000 11.I11 162.0 60.96 4.972 , 19.469 34.24 12.5 2.63 44.I 10.53 , 21.I 60000 16.667 154.0 61.10 4.103 18.319 33.51 12.5 2.63 43.4 9.67 20.4 4 , 80000 22.222 146.0 61.26 3.363 17.307 32.77 12.5 2.63 42.6 8.95 19.6 100000 27.778 138.2 61.40 2.761 16.449 32.10 12.5 2.63 , 42.0 8.36 19.0 g , , 120000 33.333 132.3  ! 61.51 2.362 15.847 31.57 12.5 2.63 41.4 7.97 18.4 140000 38.889 127.5 61.59 2.080 15.401 31.15 12.5 2.63 41.0 , 7.70 18.0 150000 41.667 125.5 61.62 1.970 15.223 30.97 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.59 17.8 [ 160000 44.444 123.8 61.65 1.882 15.077 30.82 12.5 2.63 i 40.7 7.50 17.7

PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALCULATION SHEET SOSf0H EdE80U CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET 82 OF M Table 15 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 6S"F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup L.ookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P Reg'd for lime Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsi NPSHA NPSHA of23 Margin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) (ibm (ff) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) 180000 50.000 120.8 61.70 1.730 14.823 30.56 12.5 2.63 40.4 7.36 17.4 52.778 119.3 61.71 1.660 14.709 30.45 12.5 2.63 40.3 7.29 17.3 ( 190000 7.23 17.4 200000 55.556 118.0 j 61.73 1.601 14.696 30.55 12.5 2.63 40.4 210000 58.333 116.8 61.75 1.547 14.6 % 30.66 12.5 2.63 40.5 7.18 17.5 61.77 1.496 14.696 30.77 12.5 2.63 40.6 7.13 17.6 220000 ,I 61.111 115.6 , ,, , 230000 63.889 114.5 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.09 17.7 240000 66.667 113.5 61.80 1.412 14.696 30.95 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.05 17.8 250000 69.444 112.5 61.82 1.372 14.6 % 31.04 12.5 2.63 40.9 , 7.01 17.9 ' 260000 72.222 111.5 61.83 1.333 14.696 31.12 12.5 2.63 41.0 6.97 , 18.0 270000 75.000 110.7 61.85 1.301 14.696 31.19 12.5 2.63 41.1 6.94 18.1 280000 77.778 110.0 61.86 1.276 14.6 % 31.24 12.5 2.63 41.1 6.92 18.1 290000 i 80.556 109.1 61.87 1.244 14.696 31.31 12.5 2.63 41.2 6.89 18.2 108.4 61.88 1.218 14.696 31.36 12.5 g 2.63 41.2 6.86 18.2 , 300000 { 83.333 , , 18.3 310000 86.1Ii 107.8 61.89 1.195 14.696 31.41 12.5 2.63 41.3 6.8A 61.90 1.170 14.696 31.47 12.5 2.63 41.3 18.3 320000 , 88.889 107.0 , 6.81_ 330000 j 91.667 106.3 61.91 1.147 14.696 31.52 12.5 2.63 , 41.4 6.7. 18.4 340000 94.444 105.8 61.91 1.128 14.696 31.56 12.5 2.63 41.4 6.77 18.4 350000 97.222 105.1 61.92 1.106 14.696 31.61 12.5 2.63 41.5 6.75 18.5 360000 100.000 104.4 61.93 1.083 14.696 31.66 12.5 2.63 41.5 6.73 18.5 380000 105.556 103.4 61.94 1.051 14.696 31.72 12.5 2.63 41.6 6.70 18.6 400000 111.111 102.3 61.95 1.017 14.696 31.80 12.5 2.63 , 41.7 6.67 , 18.7 500000 138.889 97.5 62.02 0.881 14.696 32.08 12.5 2.63 41.9 6.54 18.9 600000 166.667 94.0 62.06 0.791 14.696 32.26 12.5 2.63 42.1 6.45 19.1 ,j 700000 194.444 91.4 62.09 0.730 14.696 32.39 12.5 2.63 42.3 6.39 , 19.3 ' 800000 222.222 89.3 62.11 0.682 14.696 32.49 12.5 2.63 42.4 6.35 19.4 900000 250.000 87.4 62.13 0.644 14.696 32.57 12.5 2.63 42.4 6.31 , 19.4 , 920000 ' 255.556 87.0 ' 62.14 0.636 14.696 32.58 12.5 2.63 42.5 6.30 { 19.5 l

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody goston Edison CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET 88 OF 89 Table 16 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 FA.24 P, Req'd for Time Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSI{A NPSHA of29 Afargin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) (Ibmff) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) l'alues below Values below Values below Values below plotted on plotted on plotted on plotted on Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 0 0 U U 100 0.028 128.8 61.56 2.150 16.049 32.51 12.5 2.40 42.6 10.23 13.6 200 0.056 131.8 61.52 2.331 16.300 32.70 12.5 2.40 42.8 10.41 13.8 400 0.111 133.1 61.50 2.414 16.414 32.78 12.5 2.40 42.9 10.49 13.9 600 0.167 133.7 61.48 2.453 16.467 32.82 12.5 2.40 42.9 10.52 13.9 1000 O.278 135.9 61.43 2.598 16.662 32.97 12.5 2.40 , 43.1 10.66 14.1 3 0.556 141.3 61.35 2.986 17.173 33.30 12.5 2.40 43.4 11.04 14.4 [ 2000 , , 4000 1.Ii1 148.3 61.22 3.571 17.917 33.75 12.5 2.40 43.8 11.61 14.8 6000 1.667 153.7 61.11 4.069 18.532 34.08 12.5 2.40 44.2 12.09 15.2 10000 2.778 160.7 60.98 4.825 19.436 34.50 12.5 2.40 44.6 12.83 15.6 14000 3.889 164.5 60.90 5.275 19.957 34.71 , 12.5 2.40 44.8 13.27 1 15.8 16000 4.444 165.7 60.88 5.421 20.119 34.77 12.5 2.40 , 44.9 , 13.41 1 15.9 g , 4 20000 5.556 166.4 60.87 5.518 20.215 34.77 12.5 2.40 44.9 13.51  ! 15.9 24000 6.667 166.2 60.87 5.492 20.164 34.71 12.5 2.40 44.8 13.48 15.8

30000 8.333 165.0 60.89 5.340 19.956 34.56 12.5 2.40 44.7 13.33 15.7 35000 9.722 163.6 60.92 5.170 19.729 34.41 12.5 2.40 . 44.5 13.17 15.5 11.111 162.0 60.96 4.972 19.469 34.24 12.5 2.40 I 44.3 12.97 15.3

[ 40000 2.40 43.6 12.12 14.6 60000 16.667 154.0  ; 61.10 4.103 18.319 33.51 12.5 80000 22.222 146.0 61.26 3.363 17.307 32.77 12.5 2.40 42.9 11.40 13.9 100000 27.778 138.2 61.40 2.761 16.449 32.10 12.5 2.40 42.2 , 10.82 13.2 120000 1 33.333 132.3 61.51 2.362 15.847 31.57 12.5 2.40 41.7 10.44 12.7 140000 38.889 127.5 61.59 2.080 15.401 31.15 12.5 2.40 , 41.2 10.16 12.2 150000 - 41.667 I 125.5 61.62 1.970 15.223 30.97 12.5 2.40 41.1 10.06 12.1 i 61.65 15.077 30.82 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.97 11.9 I 160000 I 44.444 123.8 1.882

CALCUl.ATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody g goggon EdlSON CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC. # M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET SY OF 84 Table 16 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 65*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSIL4 NPSHA of29 Afargin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) (ibm (ff) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) 180000 50.000 120.8 61.70 1.730 14.823 30.56 12.5 2.40 40.7 9.83 11.7 30.45 12.5 2.40 40.5 9.76 11.5 190000 52.778 119.3 , 61.71 1.660 14.709 200000 55.556 118.0 61.73 1.601 14.6 % 30.55 12.5 2.40 40.6 9.70 11.6 210000 58.333 116.8 61.75 1.547 14.6 % 30.66 12.5 2.40 40.8 9.65 11.8 220000 61.I11 1I5.6 61.77 1.496 14.6 % 30.77 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.60 , 11.9 , 230000 63.889 114.5 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.56 12.0 240000 66.667 113.5 61.80 1.412 14.696 30.95 12.5 2.40 41.1 9.52 12.1 250000 69.444 112.5 61.82 1.? ?2 14.696 31.04 12.5 2.40 41.1 9.49 12.1 260000 72.222 111.5 61.83 1.333 14.696 31.12 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.45 12.2 270000 75.000 110.7 61.85 1.301 14.6 % 31.19 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.42 , 12.3 280000 77.778 110.0 61.86 1.276 14.696 31.24 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.39 l 12.3 80.556 109.1 61.87 1.244 14.696 31.31 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.36 I 12.4 290000 300000 83.333 108.4 61.88 1.218 14.696 31.36 12.5 2.40  : 41.5 9.34 12.5 310000 86.111 107.8 61.89 1.195 14.696 31.41 12.5 2.40 41.5 9.32 12.5 320000 88.889 107.0 61.90 1.170 14.696 31.47 12.5 2.40 41.6 9.29 12.6 330000 91.667 106.3 61.91 1.147 14.696 31.52 12.5 2.40 , 41.6 , 9.27 12.6 340000 94.444 105.8 61.91 1.128 14.696 31.56 12.5 2.40 41.7 9.25 12.7 350000 97.222 105.1 61.92 1.106 14.696 31.61 12.5 , 2.40 , 41.7 9.23 12.7 360000 100.000 104.4 61.93 1.083 14.696 31.66 12.5 2.40 41.8 9.21 12.8 380000 105.556 103.4 61.94 1.051 14.696 31.72 12.5 2.40 41.8 9.18 12.8

400000 111.III 102.3 61.95 1.017 14.696 31.80 12.5 2.40 41.9 9.15 12.9 500000 138.889 97.5 62.02 0.881 14.696 32.08 12.5 2.40 42.2 9.02 13.2 600000 166.667 94.0 62.06 0.791 14.696 32.26 12.5 2.40 42.4 8.94 13.4 700000 194.444 91.4 62.09 0.730 14.6 % 32.39 12.5 2.40 42.5 8.88 13.5 800000 222.222 89.3 62.11 0.682 14.696 32.49 12.5 2.40 42.6 8.83 13.6
900000 250.000 87.4 62.13 0.644 14.6 % 32.57 12.5 2.40 42.7 8.80 ,

13.7 ^ 920000 ' 255.556 87.0 62.14 0.636 14.696 32.58 12.5 2.40 42.7 8.79 13.7


                                                                                                                                             & Boston Edison                                                  CHECKED BY:          P.D. Harizi REV.                         E1             DATE            2/29196 SHEET                           [y'                OF          84 l                                                                                               l! ll                      ll ll!ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                     , SuppressionPool 20                                                                       .

M j jIl l}i- i Temperature 160 a


f Containment Pressure 3 18 i J ' .. 7 1_d__. _ ___.1 /

                                                                                                                                                                                                                / with    Desip Basis Ixakage @ l %/ Day                  ___p 150
                                                                                     '                                                                              Margin                                                                                         140 1E 16                            ,      ,a                             j                 i                         ;        j.                ;     ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,                                      .                      l k

I III I .__I 1i b k

                                                           .                                    1ist                      i i        e             ;

5 M.~ I l I _

                                                                                                                                                                                                               !Ill!               !                           !

130 $ 34 T- '

                                                                                                                                                                       ,                                               ntainment with leakage @ 5 %' Day _-.                     120 g O 12                    Containment Pressure                                      ,      ,    ,

7 i , b for CS Pump NPSHR\ IM  ! I

                                                                                                                                                                                                        '           ~~


                                                         .l                           l l l '1' i!I                     s#                                                    ,                                                                                                       l a*                                                          !                                                         '!                               -

110 I 10 Containment Pressure for l RHR Pump NPSHR\.


N- rr  ! k '

                                                                                                                                                                                                         '                                                 I'
                                                                               !      ! ! ! lill                        h                                                           '

100 8  ;  ;  ; i t y-h  !

                                                                                                                                    -}                ,.                                          d              .                 .

u Note: Based on 65 F Seawater Temperature f p-i ll l l , f l lI lf 90 6 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Time After Accident (hours) I Figure 14.5-10 NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray System After a DBA-LOCA  ; Figure 4 r [


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  & Boston Edison                                                                        CHECKED BY:                                                                      P.D. Harizi REV.                                                           E1                                                                      DATE        2/29/96 SHEET                                                                               8$                                                      OF        8Y 25
                                                                                                                                                                          !_d               I d..

I  ! __ljd j_.y__d. q__..h. _ . . RHRPump Margin -+

                                                                                                                                                                    ---f $i = tr, pl[       !'                                      ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            @ IWday Leakage -                                                                              h,-

20  ;; i . L_ ; i. w .u - 1 i Ji m I' RHR Pump Margin .-

  • I n._i .i-i il Ii i!

w j

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  @ 5Wday Leakage                                          !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ' ,iI+!

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,j l

W + -H + ,

                                                                                                                                                                    , __._j        I

__- a I..  ! ! I Ii!l ,CS Pump Margin @ 3 i I  ! I '! D . / IWday Leakage Ii 15 b [ l 1_j .1  ! .!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                !_! i [I                                         _I        !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ! !jj                                                             !            !


                                                      -E                                                                                                            i     I.


u.  !  ! Li.ll  !, ,l U. ,l. l f .d lu,l f l, u , i
                                                                                                                                                                                        , i                                   ;

i 1-y CS Pump Margin 'j -


j d-7 k--;l; lli 4,i!!!, l

                                                       =                                                                     _.._d_ ?_ 4, __,.+;.7;___}                                                               2..-t-                    I @ SWday Leakage -t-                                                                                                                                      b. Tl .i t

i Iii, . i I m I . , n., 10 dN h ' M E h-- i - - fi d'  !! _,i _._t-m i ,I! ,l y

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4 d H
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      ._._ t__._.ii; _i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , ! t i .. _ _ .

4 - _7 ,__q.7  ; Note: Based on Case (B) Suppression Pool u. 1-2_L4 'I 11 i' i j ii 4 4d-h? 4- _4 i 44 1 1 1 il i Ii 46 Li i 4 11 Temperature Curve Figure 14.5-7 R -! 7 l 1--l H.


Based on 65"F i 4 i rii Seawater Temperature

                                                                                                                                                                                                        . i   4  i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                , ! i sQ ; -i-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,   i 7l!4-jd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -j-j--}i dy li J


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . i 0

0.I 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 0.0 Time After Accident (hours) Figure 14.5-13 NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray System After a DBA-LOCA Figure 5

                                                                                                                                                                                          .     ~.                           .-


                                                                                                                                                     & Boston Edison                CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV.                                                          E1                               DATE       2/28/9C SHEET                                                                                     57        OF      M Table 17 - Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75*F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                Eq.15     Eq.16    Eq.17                         Eq.18      Eq.19 Time                                                                   Tp               Tp       PvP                   to                      AT            Mt*          Pc micak               m8as (psia)                                                      Obm)        (psia)

(seconds) (F) (*R) ObWsd ObWsec) (sec) 124.70 584.70 1.929 17316.12 j 15.732 101.84 124.70 584.70 1.929 0.00074 0.087 0.00068 101.84 17316.05 15.732 126.60 I 586.60 2.030 0.00074 0.087 0.00068 100.00 17315.98 15.877 [ 201.84 f 401.84 128.90 588.90 2.159 0.00078 0.091 0.00072 200.00 17315.84 , 16.061 603.62 135.60 595.60 2.578 0.00083 0.097 0.00076 201.78 17315.68 16.639 1003.62 143.80 603.80 3.184 0.00097 0.114 0.00087 400.00 17315.33 17.438 0.139 0.00098 1002.04 17314.35 18.621 2005.66 154.20 , 614.20 j 4.123 0.00111 , , 2786.91 159.10 619.10 4.644 0.00127 0.177 0.00108 781.25 17313.51 19.257 3568.16 162.70 622.70 5.057 0.00134 0.198 , 0.00112 781.25 17312.64 19.754 4349.41 165.40 625.40 5.388 0.00138 0.214 0.00114 781.25 17311.75 20.148 5130.66 167.40 627.40 5.648 0.00141 O.227 0.00115 781.25 17310.85 20.455 5911.91 169.10 629.10 5.870 0.00144 0.237 0.00116 781.25 17309.94 , 20.716 g , , 6693.16 170.70 630.70 6.093 0.00146 l 0.246 0.00117 781.25 17309.03 l 20.976 6.690 0.00148 0.255 0.00118 3754.75 17304.61 21.666 10447.91 174.80 , 634.80 , [ 19633.66 177.60 l 637.60 7.126 0.00152 0.278 0.00119 9185.75 17293.69 22.158 28998.41 176.70 636.70 6.981 0.00155 0.295 0.00120 9364.75 17282.50 { 21.983 38913.91 174.10 634.10 6.586 0.00154 0.289 0.00119 9915.50 17270.67 21.516 49139.91 170.40 i 630.40 6.051 0.00151 i 0.274 0.00119 10226.00 17258.55 20.884 59757.16 166.40 626.40 5.518 0.00147 0.254 0.00117 10617.25 17246.11 20.246 70590.16 162.60 622.60 5.045 0.00142 0.233 0.00115 10833 00 17233.62 19.673 81643.66 159.20 619.20 4.655 0.00137 0.215 0.00113 11053.50 17221.10 19.193 92860.66 156.20 616.20 4.332 0.00133 0.199 0.00111 11217.00 17208.66 18.788 104289.91 153.50 613.50  ! 4.054 0.00129 0.186 0.00109 11429.25 17196.25

  • 18.437 116030.91 150.90 610.90 3.802 0.00125 0.175 0.00106 11741.00 17183.78 18.114 148.40 608.40 3.577 0.00121 0.165 0.00104 11859.75 17171.47 17.820 g 127890.66 , , ,
                    ! 139876.91                                                                                     146.10     i 606.10       3.375     0.00117    0.156   0.00101      11986.25        17159.35     17.554
                    ' 151928.91                                                                                     144.00          604.00    3.200     0.00113    0.148   0.00099      12052 00        17147.48     17.320
                    , 164009.41                                                                                     142.10          602.10    3.052     0.00109    0.141   0.000 %      12080.50        17135.89     17.118
                        -_        -       . .   ..       ~- - . - . _ . _ . _ _                                                                                                                                                                    .       .   -    - . _ . - . _ _           -    -


                                                              & Boston Edison                                                                                                                                                                                     CHECKED BY:                P.D. Harizi REV. E1         DATE       2/28/96 SHEET      f8           OF      M Table 17 - Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75*F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                                                                   Eq.15                                                                                                         Eq.16                         Eq.17                                    Eq.18      Eq.19 Time           Tp               Tp            PvP                                                         micak                                                                                                                     (o                                          AT            Mt*        Pc m8as (seconds)        (F)             ( R)         (psia)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (sec)       Obm)        (psia)

Obdsec) ObWsec) 172800 140.80 600.80 2.951 0.00106 0.135 0.00093 8790.59 17127.68 16.980

259200 130.30 590.30 2.243 0.00104 0.131 0.00092 86400 17048.54 15.963 125.96 585.96 1.994 0.00081 0.102 0.00073 69400 16997.67 15.573

[ 328600 0.00063 1000 16997.05 15.567 329600 125.90 585.90 , 1.991 0.00068 0.091 , 330600 125.84 585.84 1.987 0.00068 0.091 0.00063 1000 169 %.42 15.562 331600 125.78 585.78 1.984 0.00068 0.091 0.00062 1000 16995.80 15.557 332600 125.71 585.71 1.981 0.00068 , 0.091 0.00062 1000 16995.18 15.552 333600 125.65  ; 585.65 1.978 0.00068 0.091 0.00062 1000 16994.56 15.547 334600 125.59 585.59 1.975 0.00067 0.091 0.00062 1000 , 16993.94 15.541 335600 125.53 585.53 1.971 0.00067 0.091 0.00062 1000 16993.32 , 15.536 336600 125.46 585.46 1.968 0.00067 0.090 0.00062 1000 16992.71 l 15.531 337600 125.40 585.40 1.%5 0.00067 0.090 , 0.00061 1000 16992.09 I 15.526 , 338600 125.34 , 585.34 , 1.962 0.00067 , 0.090 0.00061 1000 16991.48 j 15.521 339600 125.28 585.28 1.958 0.00067 0.090 0.00061 1000 16990.87 15.516 340600 125.21 585.21 1.955 0.00066 0.090 0.00061 1000 16990.26 15.510 341600 125.15 585.15 1.952 0.00066 0.090 0.00061 1000 16989.65 15.505 342600 125.09 585.09 l.949 0.00066 0.090 0.00061 1000 16989.05 15.500 343600 125.03 585.03 1.945 0.00066 0.089 0.00060 1000 16988.45 15.495 344600 124.96 584.96 1.942 0.00066 0.089 0.00060 1000 16987.84 l 15.490 345600 124.90 584.90 1.939 0.00065 O.089 0.00060 1000 16987.24 15.485 432000 120.60 580.60 1.723 0.00065 0.089 0.00060 86400 16935.56

  • 15.128 518400 117.90 577.90 1.597 0.00049 0.080 0.00045 86400 168 %.29 14.908 604800 115.90 575.90 1.510 0.00035 0.075 0.00032 86400 16868.32 14.754 613440 115.70 i 575.70 1.501 0.00018 0.071 0.00017 8640 16866.84 14.739 622080 115.50 575.50 1.493 0.00016 0.071 0.00015 8640 16865.56 14.725 630720 115.30 575.30 1.484 0.00013 ,

0.070 , 0.00012 8640 16864.51 14.711 639360 115.10 575.10 1.475 0.00009 0.070  ; 0.00009 8640 16863.76 14.697 574.90 1.467 0.00003 0.069 0.00003 8640 16863.53 14.696 648000 114.90 f~ 0.00000 8640 16863.53 14.696

 ! 656640                                          l.459                                              0.00000                                                                                                               0.069 114.70           574.70 t

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody - - - CALC.# M662 h SOSf0Rbd80N CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET [7 OF 84-Table 17 - Containment Pressure Available @ 1%/ Day Leakage Rate - 75'F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq.18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp Pvp to AT Mt* Pc micak m8as (F) (*R) (psia) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) (seconds) Obdsd Obdsa) 665280 114.50 574.50 1.451 0.00000 0.069 0.00000 8640 16863.53 14.6 % 673920 114.30 574.30 1.443 0.00000 0.068 0.00000 8640 16863.53 14.6 % 682560 114.10 574.10 1.435 0.00000 0.068 0.00000 8640 16863.53 14.6 % 691200 113.90 573.90 1.427 0.00000 0.067 0.00000 8640 16863.53 14.6 % 3 777600 111.90 571.90 1.348 0.00000 0.067 0.00000 86400 16863.53 14.6 % 864000 110.00 570.00 1.276 0.00000 0.063 0.00000 86400 16863.53 14.6 % 950400 108.80 568.80 1.232 0.00000 0.059 0.00000 86400 16863.53 14.6 %

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody Q gggggg EDISON CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET 60 or M Table 18 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq.18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp PvP 0) AT Mt* Pc micak m8as (psia) (sec) (Ibm) (psia) (seconds) (*F) (*R) Obdsec) Obdsec) 124.70 584.70 i 1.929 17316.12 15.732 101.84 124.70 584.70 1.929 0.00369 0.087 0.00339 101.84 17315.77 15.732 201.84 126.60 586.60 2.030 0.00369 0.087 0.00339 100.00 17315.43 15.877 401.84 128.90 588.90 2.159 0.00391 0.091 0.00359 200.00 17314.71 16.060 603.62 135.60 595.60 2.578 0.00417 0.097 0.00380 201.78 17313.95 16.637 1003.62 143.80 603.80 3.184 0.00485 0.114 , 0.00435 400.00 17312.21 17.435 1 , [ 2005.66 154.20 j 614.20 4.123 0.00556 , 0.139 j 0.00488 1002.04 17307.31 , 18.616 2786.91 159.10 619.10 4.644 0.00635 0.177 0.00539 781.25 17303.10 i 19.248 3568.16 162.70 622.70 5.057 0.00668 0.198 0.00557 781.25 17298.74 19.743 165.40 625.40 j 5.388 0.00690 0.214 0.00569 781.25 17294.30 20.133

 , 4349.41                     ,                                    ,                   ,

5130.66 167.40 627.40 5.648 0.00707 0.227 0.00576 781.25 17289.80 20.437 5911.91 169.10 629.10 5.870 0.00718 0.238 0.00581 781.25 17285.27 20.695

  ' 6693.16          170.70         630.70     6.093      0.00728             0.246       0.00584       781.25      17280.70    20.951 10447.91        174.80         634.80     6.690      0.00737             0.255       0.00587      3754.75      17258.66    21.627 19633.66        177.60         637.60     7.126      0.00759             0.279       0.00593      9185.75      17204.16
  • 22.080 28998.41 176.70 636.70 6.981 0.00772 0.296 0.00595 9364.75 17148.42 21.867 38913.91 174.10 634.10 6.586 0.00766 0.292 0.00593 9915.50 17089.65 21.360 49139.91 170.40 630.40 6.051 0.00750 0.277 0.00587 10226.00 17029.58 20.687 59757.16 166.40 626.40 5.518 0.00728 0.257 0.00579 10617.25 16968.13 20.009 162.60 622.60 5.045 0.00702 0.237 0.00567 10833.00 16906.68 19.395
 , 70590.16                    ,           ,                        ,                   ,
  ' 81643.66         159.20         619.20     4.655      0.00675             0.219       0.00554      11053.50     16845.48    18.876 92860.66        156.20         616.20     4.332      0.00649   ,

0.204 0.00539 11217.00 16785.01 18.433 104289.91 153.50 , 613.50 4.054 0.00624 j 0.191 , 0.00524 11429.25 , 16725.13 , 18.043 116030.91 150.90 610.90 3.802 0.00600 O.180 0.00508 11741.00 16665.46 17.682 127890.66 148.40 608.40 3.577 0.00575 0.170 0.00491 11859.75 16607.20 , 17.352 139876.91 146.10 606.10 3.375 0.00550 0.162 0.00473 11986.25 16550.47 17.051 151928.91 144.00 604.00 3.200 0.00524 O.154 0.00455 12052.00 16495.69 16.783 164009.41 , 142.10 602.10 3.052 0.00499 0.147 0.00436 12080.50 16443.08 16.550

CAlcut.ATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody SOSTON bd CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET (f OF M Table 18 - Containment Pressure Available fal 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature Lookup Eq.15 Eq.16 Eq.17 Eq.18 Eq.19 Time Tp Tp PvP to mgas AT Mt* Pc micak (Ibm) (psia) (seconds) (F) (*R) (psia) ObdsM Obdsec) (sec) 172800 140.80 600.80 2.951 0.00475 0.141 0.00417 8791 16406.44 16.389 259200 130.30 590.30 2.243 0.00458 0.137 0.00403 86400 16058.51 15.167 328600 125.96 585.96 1.994 0.00256 0.108 0.00231 69400 15898.45 14.6 % 329600 125.90 585.90 1.991 0.00000 0.098 , 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 330600 125.84 585.84 1.987 0.00000 0.097 l 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 331600 125.78 585.78 1.984 0.00000 0.097 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 332600 125.71 585.71 1.981 0.00000 0.097 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 333600 125.65 585.65 1.978 0.00000  ! 0.097 1 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 125.59 585.59 1.975 0.00000 O.097 O.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % [ 334600 I __335600 125.53 585.53 1.971 0.00000 0.097 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 336600 125.46 585.46 1.%8 0.00000 0.096 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % 337600 125.40 585.40 1.965 0.00000 0.0 % 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.696 125.34 585.34 1.962 0.00000 0.096 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % , 338600 , , 339600 125.28 585.28 1.958 0.00000 0.096 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.696 340600 125.21 585.21 1.955 0.00000 0.096 , 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.696 125.15 585.15 1.952 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.6 % [ 341600 , , 15898.45 14.6 % 1 342600 125.09 ' 585.09 1.949 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 1000 343600 125.03 585.03 1.945 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 1000 15898.45 14.696 344600 124.96 584.96 1.942 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 10m 15898.45 14.6 % 345600 124.90 584.90 1.939 0.00000 0.095 O.00000 1000 15898.45 14.696 1.723 0.00000 0.095 0.00000 86400 15898.45 14.6 % 432000 120.60 f 580.60 f , i 518400 117.90 577.90 1.597 0.00000 0.083 0.00000 86400 15898.45 14.696 604800 115.90 575.90 1.510 0.00000 0.076 0.00000 86400 15898.45 14.696 g 613440 115.70 575.70 1.501 0.00000 0.071 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % 622080 115.50 575.50 1.493 0.00000 0.071 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.696 115.30 575.30 1.484 0.00000 0.070 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % [ 630720 , , 639360 115.10 575.10 1.475 0.00000 0.070 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.696 648000 114.90 574.90 1.467 0.00000 0.069 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.696 656640 114.70 574.70 1.459 0.00000 0.069 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % l


                                                                     & Boston Edison                                                    CHECKED BY:   P.D. Harizi REV. E1              DATE       2/28/96 SHEET      [N               OF        Sf Table 18 - Containment Pressure Available @ 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature Lookup                                                                              Eq.15    Eq.16          Eq.17                       Eq.18       Eq.19 Time                Tp               Tp          PvP                                                 micak      to             m 8as         AT           Mt*            Pc (Ibm)       (psia)

(seconds) (F) (*R) (psia) (lbdsec) Obda) (sec) 665280 114.50 574.50 1.451 0.00000 0.%9 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % 673920 l14.30 574.30 1.443 0.00000 0.068 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % 682560 114.10 574.10 1.435 0.00000 0.068 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % 691200 113.90 573 90 1.427 0.00000 0.067 0.00000 8640 15898.45 14.6 % 777600 111.90 571.90 1.348 0.00000 0.067 0.00000 86400 15898.45 , 14.6 % 864000 110.00 ' 570.00 1.276 0.00000 0.063 0.00000 86400 15898.45 14.696 950400 108.80 568.80 1.232 0.00000 0.059 0.00000 86400 15898.45 14.6 %


                                                                                & Boston Edison                      CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV.        E1            DATE      2/28/96 SHEET          O             OF       h Table 19 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75"F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10       Lookup     Lookup     Eq.19     Eq.21                      Eq.22        Eq.23          Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time            Time            Tp             p         Pvp         Pc     Pgas     Hz       Hsl     NPSHA      NPSlu of23        Margin feet (secs)      (hours)             (*F)        (Ibm'_'ft')  (psia)     (psia)   (feet) (feet)    (feet)     (feet)      (psia)          (feet)

Values below Values below Values below ' Values below plottedon plottedon plottedon plottedon Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 7 O U , O { U 101.84 0.028 124.70 61.63 1.929 15.732 32.25 12.5 2.63 42.1 7.55 19.1 201.84 0.056 126.60 61.60 2.030 15.877 32.37 12.5 2.63 42.2 7.65 19.2 401.84 0.112 128.90 61.56 2.159 16.061 32.52 12.5 , 2.63 42.4 7.77 19.4 603.62 0.168 135.60 61.44 2.578 16.639 32.95 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.18 19.8 i 17.438 33.48 12.5 2.63 43.3 8.77 20.3 y 1003.62 l 0.279 143.80 61.31 3.184 , 154.20 61.10 4.123 18.621 34.17 12.5 2.63 44.0 9.69 21.0 2005.65 ! 0.557 ,. 10.21 21.4 2786.91 0.774 159.10 61.01 4.644 19.257 34.49 12.5 2.63 44.4 3568.16 0.991 162.70 60.94 5.057 19.754 34.73 12.5 2.63 , 44.6 10.61 21.6 4349.41 1.208 165.40 60.88 5.388 20.148 34.91 12.5 2.63 44.8 10.94 21.8 5130.66 1.425 167.40 60.85 5.648 20.455 35.04 12.5 2.63 44.9 11.20 21.9 5911.91 1.642 169.10 60.82 5.870 20.716 35.15 12.5 , 2.63 , 45.0 11.42 , 22.0 , g 6.093 20.976 35.26 12.5 11.63 22.1 6693.16 1.859 170.70 60.77 2.63 } 45.1 4 10447.91 2.902 174.80 60.68 6.690 21.666 35.54 12.5 2.63 1 45.4 12.22 22.4 19633.66 5.454 177.60 60.63 7.126 22.158 35.70 12.5 2.63 j 45.6 12.65 , 22.6 28998.41 8.055 176.70 60.65 6.981 21.983 35.62 12.5 2.63 45.5 12.51 22.5 38913.91 10.809 174.10 60.70 6.586 21.516 35.42 12.5 2.63 45.3 , 12.12 22.3 g l 49139.91 13.650 170.40 60.78 6.051 20.884 35.14 12.5 2.63 45.0 11.59 22.0

                 " 59757.16 ' 16.599                   166.40         60.87      5.518     20.246    34.84  12.5      2.63      44.7         11.07           21.7 70590.16       19.608             162.60         60.95      5.045     19.673    34.56  12.5      2.63   ,

44.4 , 10.60 , 21.4 81643.66 22.679 159.20 61.01 4.655 19.193 34.31 12.5 2.63 44.2 10.22 21.2 92860.66 25.795 156.20 61.06 4.332 18.788 34.09 12.5 2.63 44.0 9.90 21.0 i 104289.9 28.969 153.50 , 61.11 4.054 18.437 33.89 12.5 2.63 43.8 , 9.63 , 20.8 i 116030.9 ! 32.231  ! 150.90 5 61.17 3.802 18.114 33.69 12.5 2.63 43.6 i 9.38 l 20.6 l


                                                                                                             & Boston Edison                      CHECKED BY:     P.D. Harizi                  ,

REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET N OF N Table 19 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookrp Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P,. Req'd for Time Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSIM NPSIM of23 Margin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) (!bmf) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) 127890.7 35.525 148.40 61.22 3.577 17.820 33.50 12.5 2.63 43.4 9.16 20.4 139876.9 38.855 146.10 61.26 3.375 17.554 33.33 12.5 2.63 43.2 8.96 20.2 151928.9 42.202 144.00 61.31 3.200 17.320 33.16 12.5 2.63 43.0 8.79 20.0 164009.4 45.558 142.10 61.34 3.052 17.118 33.02 12.5 2.63 42.9 8.65 19.9 172800 48.000 140.80 61.36 2.951 16.980 32.92 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.55 19.8 2S9200 72.000 130.30 61.54 2.243 15.963 32.10 12.5 2.63 42.0 7.85 19.0 328600 91.278 125.96 61.61 1.994 15.573 31.74 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.61 18.6 329600 91.556 125.90 61.61 1.991 15.567 31.73 12.5 2.63 41.6 , 7.61 , 18.6 330600 91.833 125.84 61.61 1.987 15.562 31.73 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.61 18.6 61.61 1.984 15.557 31.72 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.60 18.6 g 331600 , 92.111 125.78 , 332600 ; 92.389 125.71 61.62 1.981 15.552 31.72 12.5 2.63

  • 41.6 7.60 '

18.6 333600 92.667 125.65 61.62 1.978 15.547 31.71 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.60 18.6 334600 92.944 125.59 61.62 1.975 , 15.541 31.71 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.59 , 18.6 g . 335600 93.222 125 53 61.62 1.971 15.536 31.70 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.59 18.6 336600 93.500 125.46 61.62 1.968 15.531 31.70 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.59 18.6 337600 93.778 125.40 61.62 1.965 15.526 31.69 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.58  ; 18.6 338600 94.056 125.34 61.62 1.962 15.521 31.69 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.58 18.6 339600 94.333 125.28 61.62 1.958 15.516 31.68 12.5 2.63 41.6 7.58 18.6 340600 i M.611 125.21 61.62 1.955 15.510 31.68 12.5 2.63 41.5 7.57 18.5 341600 94.889 125.15 61.62 1.952 15.505 31.67 12.5 2.63 41.5 7.57 18.5 342600 95.167 i 125.09 61.63 1.949 15.500 31.67 12.5 2.63 41.5 7.57 18.5 343600 95.444 125.03 61.63 1.945 15.495 31.66 12.5 2.63 41.5 7.56 18.5 { l 344600 95.722 124.96 61.63 1.942 15.490 31.66 , 12.5 , 2.63 41.5 7.56 18.5 345600 96.000 124.90 61.63 1.939 15.485 31.65 12.5 2.63 41.5 , 7.56 , 18.5 , 432000 120.000 120.60 61.70 1.723 15.128 31.29 12.5 2.63 41.2 7.35 18.2 518400 144.000 117.90 61.73 1.597 14.908 31.05 12.5 2.63 40.9 , 7.23 , 17.9

                '                                                                                                                                                         7.14          17.7 604800        168.000 i    115.90                                61.77                                    1.510    14.754  30.88     12.5      2.63      40.7   !               i

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody Boston Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET [f OF bh Table 19 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-lO Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSIL4 NPSHA of23 Margin feet (secs) (hours) t*F) (Ibm'fY) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) 613440 170.400 115.70 61.77 1.501 14.739 30.86 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.13 17.7 622080 172.800 115.50 61.77 1.493 14.725 30.85 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.13 17.7 630720 i'175.200 115.30 61.78 1.484 14.711 30.83 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.12 17.7 639360 177.600 115.10 61.78 1.475 14.697 30.82 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.11 17.7 648000 180.000 114.90 61.78 1.467 14.696 30.83 12.5 2.63 , 40.7 , 7.10 17.7 656640 l'182.400 114.70 61.78 1.459 14.6 % 30.85 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.09 17.7 665280 184.800 114.50 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.09 17.7 673920 187.200 114.30 61.79 1.443 14.696 30.88 12.5 2.63 , 40.8 , 7.08 17.8 682560 189.600 114.10 61.79 1.435 14.696 30.90 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.07 17.8 691200 192.000 113.90 61.80 1.427 14.696 30.92 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.06 17.8 777600 216.000 i" 111.90 61.83 1.348 14.696 31.09 12.5 2.63 41.0 6.99 18.0 864000 240.000 110.00 61.86 1.276 14.696 31.24 12.5 2.63 41.1 6.92 18.1 950400 264.000 108.80 61.88 1.232 14.696 31.33 12.5 2.63 41.2 6.87 18.2

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody g goston Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET (( OF @ Table 20 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 1%IDay Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Inokup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq 22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time Time Tp p Psp Pc Pgas ifz fis! NPSIM NPSIM of29 Margin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) (Ibm (ft') (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) Values below Values below Values below Values below plottedon plotted on plottedon plottedon Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 7 U U U U 61.63 1.929 15.732 32.25 12.5 2.40 42.3 10.02 13.3 f 101.84 0.028 124.70 ' ' 0.056 126.60 61.60 2.030 15.877 32.37 12.5 2.40 42.5 10.11 13.5 201.84 401.84 0.112 128.90 61.56 2.159 16.061 32.52 12.5 2.40 42.6 10.24 13.6 32.95 12.5 2.40 43.1 10.64 14.1

           ' 603.62                0.168        135.60      61.44                                                  2.578     16.639 1003.62        0.279        143.80      61.31                                                  3.184     17.438    33.48     12.5     2.40       43.6                    11.23                14.6                    j 2005.66 .      0.557        154.20      61.10                                                  4.123     18.621    34.17     12.5      2.40      44.3                    12.14                15.3 2786.91        0.774        159.10      61.01                                                  4.644     19.257    34.49     12.5      2.40      44.6                    12.65                15.6 3568.16        0.991        162.70      60.94                                                  5.057     19.754    34.73     12.5     2.40       44.8                    13.06                15.8 4349.41          1.208       165.40      60.88                                                  5.388     20.148    34.91     12.5      2.40      45.0                    13.38                16.0 5130.66         1.425       167.40      60.85                                                  5.648     20.455    35.04     12.5      2.40      45.1                    13.63                16.1 5911.91 .       1.642       169.10      60.82                                                  5.870     20.716    35.15     12.5      2.40      45.3                    13.85                16.3 g                                                                                                                                                      .         .                               .

6693.16 ; 1.859 170.70 60.77 6.093 20.976 35.26 12.5 2.40 45.4 14.07 16.4 10447.91 2.902 174.80 60.68 6.690 21.666 35.54 12.5 2.40 45.6 14.66 16.6 19633.66 5.454 177.60 60.63 7.126 22.158 35.70 12.5 2.40 45.8 15.08 16.8 28998.41 8.055 176.70 60.65 6.981 21.983 35.62 12.5 2.40 45.7 14.94 1 16.7 38913.91 . 10.809 174.10 60.70 6.586 21.516 35.42 12.5 2.40 45.5 14.55 i 16.5 ) 170.40 60.78 6.051 20.884 35.14 12.5 2.40 45.2 11.03 16.2 49139.91 j 13.650 59757.16 16.599 166.40 60.87 5.518 20.246 34.84 12.5 2.40 44.9 13.51 15.9 70590.16 19.608 162.60 60.95 5.045 19.673 34.56 12.5 2.40 44.7 13.04 15.7 81643.66 22.679 159.20 61.01 4.655 19.193 34.31 12.5 2.40 44.4 12.66 15.4 92860.66 25.795 156.20 61.06 4.332 18.788 34.09 12.5 , 2.40 44.2 12.35 15.2 t 104289.9 28.969 153.50 61.11 4.054 18.437 33.89 12.5 2.40 44.0 12.07 15.0 116030.9 32.231 150.90 61.17 l 3.802 18.114 33.69 12.5 2.40 43.8 11.83 i 14.8


                                                   & Boston Edison                                 CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV.      E1         DATE  2/28/96 SHEET         d7        OF     @

Table 20 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Tirse Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas iI: 1Ist NPSIL4 NPSIL4 of29 Margin feet Grours) (*F) (Ibm (ff) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) (secs) 127890.7 35.525 148.40 61.22 3.577 17.820 33.50 12.5 2.40 43.6 11.61 14.6 t 146.10 61.26 3.375 17.554 33.33 12.5 2.40 43.4 11.42 14.4 139876.9 , 38.855 , 151928.9 42.202 144.00 61.31 3.200 17.320 33.16 12.5 2.40 43.3 11.25 14.3 45.558 12.10 61.34 3.052 17.118 33.02 12.5 2.40 43.1 11.10 14.1 164009.4 j 40.80 61.36 2.951 16.980 32.92 12.5 2.40 43.0 11.00 14.0 , 172800 , 48.000 , , , , , 32.10 12.5 2.40 42.2 10.32 13.2 259200 i' 72.000 130.30 61.54 2.243 15.963 91.278 125.96 61.61 1.994 15.573 31.74 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.08 12.8 328600 329600 91.556 125.90 61.61 1.991 15.567 31.73 12.5 2.40 , 41.8 10.08 12.8 , 330600 91.833 125.84 61.61 1.987 15.562 31.73 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.07 12.8 331600 92.111 125.78 61.61 1.984 15.557 31.72 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.07 , 12.8 61.62 1.981 15.552 31.72 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.07 12.8 332600 , 92.389 125.71 { 333600 92.667 125.65 61.62 1.978 15.547 31.71 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.06 12.8 92.944 125.59 61.62 1.975 15.541 31.71 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.06 12.8 334600 , , 335600 93.222 125.53 61.62 1.971 15.536 31.70 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.06 12.8 336600 93.500 125.46 61.62 1.968 15.531 31.70 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.06 12.8 337600 93.778 125.40 61.62 1.965 15.526 31.69 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.05 12.8 338600 94.056 125.34 61.62 1.962 15.521 31.69 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.05 12.8 339600 94.333 125.28 61.62 1.958 15.516 31.68 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.05 12.8 340600 94.611 125.21 61.62 1.955 15.510 j 31.68 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.04 12.8 341600 94.889 125.15 61.62 1.952 15.505 31.67 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.04 12.8 342600 95.167 125.09 61.63 1.949 15.500 31.67 12.5 2.40 , 41.8 10.04 12.8 g 343600 95.444 125.03 61.63 1.945 15.495 31.66 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.03 12.8 344600 95.722 124.96 61.63 1.942 15.490 31.66 , 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.03 12.8 345600 96.000 124.90 61.63 1.939 15.485 31.65 12.5 2.40 41.8 10.03 12.8 I 1.723 15.128 31.29 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.82 12.4 432000 120.000 120.60 61.70 144.000 117.90 61.73 1.597 14.908 31.05 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.70 12.2 [ 518400 , , , , ' 604800 168.000 115.90 61.77 1.510 i 14.754 30.88 12.5 2.40 l 41.0 l 9.62 l 12.0

PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALCULATION:HEET SOsfon Edison cgsexso sy: p.o. Horizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET $8 OF M Table 20 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSIIR at 1%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time Time Tp p 1hp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA NPSHA of29 Margin feet (hours) (*F) (ibm (ff) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) (secs) 115.70 61.77 1.501 14.739 30.86 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.61 12.0 613440 170.400 622080 172.800 115.50 61.77 1.493 14.725 30.85 , 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.60 11.9 115.30 61.78 1.484 14.711 30.83 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.59 11.9 630720 175.200 115.10 61.78 1.475 14.697 30.82 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.58 11.9 1[ 639360 177.600 , 648000 180.000 114.90 61.78 1.467 14.696 30.83 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.58 11.9 114.70 61.78 1.459 14.696 30.85 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.57 12.0 656640 182.400 184.800 114.50 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.56 12.0 665280 114.30 61.79 1.443 14.696 30.88 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.55 12.0 673920 ,_ 187.200 682560 ' 189.600 114.10 61.79 1.435 14.696 30.90 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.55 12.0 61.80 1.427 14.696 30.92 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.54 12.0 691200 ; 192.000 113.90 14.696 31.09 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.46 12.2 777600 i'216.000 111.90 ' 61.83 1.348 * ' 864000 240.000 110.00 61.86 1.276 14.696 31.24 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.39 12.3 264.000 108.80 , 61.88 1.232 14.696 31.33 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.35 12.4 950400


                                                         & Boston Edison                                           e dCKED BY:                                                                            P.D. Harizi                     _

REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET 49 OF 84 Table 21 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75 F Seawater Temperature F14.5-lO Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 Pa Req'd for Time Time Tp p Pvp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSI[A NPSHA of23 Margin feet (secs) (hours) (*F) libm!fY) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) l'alues below I'alues below l'alues below l'alues below plottedon plottedon plottedon plottedon Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 7 0 0 0 U 101.84 i 0.028 124.7 61.63 1.929 15.732 32.25 12.5 2.63 42.1 7.55 19.1 201.84 0.056 126.6 61.60 2.030 15.877 32.37 12.5 2.63 42.2 7.65 19.2 401.84 0.112 128.9 61.56 2.159 16.060 32.52 12.5 2.63 42.4 7.77 19.4 603.62 0.168 135.6 61.44 2.578 16.637 32.95 12.5 2.63 42.8 8.18 19.8 1003.62 0.279 143.8 61.31 3.184 17.435 33.47 12.5 2.63 43.3 8.77 g 20.3 2005.66 , 0.557 154.2 61.10 4.123 18.616 34.16 12.5 2.63 , 44.0 9.69 21.0 2786.91 0.774 159.1 61.01 4.644 19.248 34.47 12.5 2.63 44.3 10.21 21.3 3568.16 _ _ _ _ , 0.991 162.7 60.94 5.057 19.743 34.70 12.5 2.63 , 44.6 , 10.61 21.6 4349.41 i' 1.208 165.4 60.88 5.388 20.133 34.88 12.5 2.63 44.7 10.94 21.7 [ 5130.66 l.425 167.4 60.85 5.648 20.437 35.00 t 12.5 2.63 44.9 11.20 I 21.9 1.642 169.1 60.82 5.870 20.695 35.10 12.5 2.63 45.0 11.42 I 22.0 [ 5911.91 , 45.1 11.63 22.1

 ; 6693.16              1.859          170.7      60.77   6.093      20.951    35.21             12.5                            2.63
 " 10447.91             2.902          174.8      60.68   6.690      21.627    35.44             12.5                            2.63                                               ,

45.3 12.22 22.3 19633.66 5.454 177.6 60.63 7.126 22.080 35.52 12.5 2.63 45.4 12.65 22.4 28998.41 8.055 176.7 60.65 6.981 21.867 35.34 12.5 2.63 45.2 12.51 22.2 38913.91 10.809 174.1 60.70 6.586 21.360 35.05 12.5 2.63 44.9 , 12.12 21.9 49139.91 13.650 170.4 60.78 6.051 20.687 34.67 12.5 2.63 44.5 11.59 21.5 59757.16 16.599 166.4 60.87 5.518 20.009 34.28 12.5 2.63 44.2 11.07 21.2 162.6 60.95 5.045 19.395 33.91 12.5 2.63 43.8 10.60 20.8

 , 70590 16 , 19.608 81643.66 ; 22.679                  159.2      61.01   4.655      18.876    33.56            12.5                            2.63                                                                43.4           10.22           20.4      ,

92860.66 25.795 156.2 61.06 4.332 18.433 33.25 12.5 , 2.63 43.1 9.90 20.1 j 104289.91 28.969 153.5 61.11 4.054 18.043 32.96 12.5 2.63 42.8 9.63 19.8 I i 116030.91 32.231 150.9 61.17 3.802 17.682 32.67 12.5 2.63  ! 42.5 9.38 l 19.5 j


                                                 & Boston Edison                          CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV.      E1         DATE  2/28/96 SHEET         70        OF    84 Table 21 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RHR Pump NPSHR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10  Lookup    Lookvp      Eq.19      Eq.21                         Eq.22        Eq.23        Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time         Time        Tp         p       Pvp          Pc      Pgas        Hz       Hs!     NPSHA      NPSIL4 of23     Margin feet (secs)      (hours)      (*F)    (ibm ((Y)  (psia)      (psia)     (feet)   (feet)    (feet)     (feet)      (psia)     \  (feet) 127890.66      35.525     148.4      61.22    3.577      17.352     32.40      12.5     2.63       42.3         9.16         19.3 61.26    3.375      17.051     32.15      12.5     2.63       42.0         8.96         19.0 ig l39876.91, 38 855          146.1                                                                ,          ,              ,

151928.91 42.202 144.0 61.31 3.200 16.783 31.90 12.5 2.63 41.8 8.79 18.8 164009.41 45.558 142.1 61.34 3.052 16.550 31.69 12.5 2.63 41.6 8.65 18.6 172800 48.000 140.8 61.36 2.951 16.389 31.54 12.5 2.63 41.4 8.55 18.4 g , 259200 72.000 130.3 61.54 2.243 15.167 30.24 12.5 2.63 40.1 7.85 17.1 328600 91.278 126.0 61.61 1.994 14.696 29.69 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.61 16.6 329600 91.556 125.9 61.61 1.991 14.696 29.69 12.5 2.63 , 39.6 7.61 16.6 330600 91.833 125.8 61.61 1.987 14.6 % 29.70 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.61 16.6 331600 92.111 125.8 61.61 1.984 14.696 29.71 12.5 2.63 , 39.6 7.60 16.6 , 332600 !' 92.389 125.7 61.62 i.981 14.696 29.72 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.60 16.6 333600 92.667 125.7 61.62 1.978 14.696 29.72 12.5 2.63 39.6 ,j 7.60 16.6 334600 , 92.944 125.6 61.62 1.975 14.696 29.73 12.5 2.63 39.6 j 7.59 16.6 335600 93.222 125.5 61.62 1.971 14.696 29.74 12.5 2.63 39.6 ! 7.59 16.6 336600 93.500 125.5 61.62 1.968 14.696 29.74 12.5 2.63 39.6 j 7.59 16.6 337600 93.778 125.4 61.62 1.965 14.696 29.75 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.58 16.6 ' 338600 94.056 125.3 61.62 1.962 14.696 29.76 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.58 16.6 339600 94.333 125.3 61.62 1.958 14.696 29.77 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.58 16.6 i 340600 94.611 125.2 61.62 1.955 14.696 29.77 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.57 16.6 [ 341600 94.889 125.2 61.62 1.952 14.696 29.78 12.5 2.63 39.6 7.57 16.6 95.167 125.1 61.63 1.949 14.696 29.79 12.5 2.63 39.7 7.57 16.7 [ 342600 , , , , 343600 j 95.444 125.0 61.63 1.945 14.696 29.79 12.5 2.63 l 39.7 7.56 16.7 344600 95.722 125.0 61.63 1.942 14.696 29.80 12.5 2.63 39.7 7.56 16.7 345600 96.000 124.9 61.63 1.939 14.696 29.81 12.5 2.63 39.7 7.56

  • 16.7 432000 120.000 120.6 61.70 1.723 14.696 30.28 12.5 2.63 40.1 7.35 17.1 518400 144.000 117.9 61.73 1.597 14.696 30.56 12.5 2.63 40.4 7.23 17.4 604800 l 168.000 115.9 61.77 1.510 14.696 30.74 12.5 2.63 40.6 i 7.14 17.6


                                                 & Boston Edison                               CHECKED BY:                                                                                                    P.D. Harizi REV. E1         DATE   2/28/96 SHEET       7/          OF   84-Table 21 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for RIIR Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10  Inokup      Inokup     Eq.19     Eq. 21                                                                                          Eq.22                                                       Eq.23        Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time         Tp         p         Pvp         Pc      Pgas              Hz          Hsl                                                          NPSIL4                                                       NPSHA    of23   Margin Time feet

(*F) (ibnyf' t') (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) (secs) Grours) 115.7 61.77 1.501 14.696 30.76 12.5 2.63 40.6 7.13 17.6 613440 170.400 115.5 61.77 1.493 14.696 30.78 12.5 2.63 40.6 7.13 17.6 622080 172.800 , , 115.3 61.78 1.484 14.6 % 30.80 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.12 17.7 630720 175.200 177.600 115.1 61.78 1.475 14.696 30.82 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.11 17.7 639360 114.9 61.78 1.467 14.696 30.83 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.10 17.7 648000 180.000 , , 656640 182.400 114.7 61.78 1.459 14.696 30.85 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.09 17.7 114.5 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.63 40.7 7.09 17.7 665280 184.800 114.3 61.79 1.443 14.6 % 30.88 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.08 17.8 673920 187.20" *

  • 189.600 114.1 61.79 1.435 14.696 30.90 12.5 2.63 40.8 7.07 17.8 (682560 40.8 7.06 17.8 113.9 61.80 1.427 14.696 30.92 12.5 2.63 691200 , 192.000 ,

216.000 111.9 61.83 1.348 14.696 31.09 12.5 2.63 41.0 6.99 18.0 777600 110.0 61.86 1.276 14.6 % 31.24 12.5 2.63 41.1 6.92 18.1 864000 240.000 950400 264.000 108.8 61.88 1.232  ; 14.696 31.33 12.5 2.63 41.2 6.87 18.2

PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALCUl ATION SHEET g goston Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.s M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET M OF @ Table 22 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSHR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75*F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Ea.23 Eq.24 P, Reg'd for Time Time Tp p Psp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSIL4 NPSIL4 of29 Margin feet (hours) t*F) (psial (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet] (secs) (thmSV) Values below I'alues be!ow  ; l'alues below l'alues below i plotted on plotted on plottedon plottedon Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 7 U U U U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               !                       13.3 101.84         0.028         124.7         61.63  1.929        15.732       32.25   12.5     2.40       42.3           10.02 0.056         126.6         61.60  2.030        15.877       32.37   12.5     2.40       42.5           10.11            13.5 201.84 32.52   12.5     2.40       42.6           10.24            13.6 401.84     , 0.112           128.9    , 61.56     2.159        16.060                               ,,

0.168 135.6 ~ 61.44 2.578 16.637 32.95 12.5 2.40 43.1 10.64 14.1 603.62 0.279 143.8 61.31 3.184 17.435 33.47 12.5 2.40 43.6 11.23 14.6 1003.62 0.557 154.2 61.10 4.123 18.616 34.16 12.5 2.40 44.3 12.14 15.3 2005.66

  • i 2786.91 0.774 159.1 61.01 4.644 19.248 34.47 12.5 2.40 44.6 12.65 15.6 0.991 162.7 60.94 5.057 19.743 34.70 12.5 2.40 44.8 13.06 ,

15.8 [ 3568.16 , 16.0 4349.41 1.208 165.4 60.88 5.388 20.133 34.88 12.5 2.40 45.0 13.38 1.425 167.4 60.85 5.648 20.437 35.00 12.5 2.40 45.1 13.63 16.1 5130.66 5911.91 1.642 169.1 60.82 5.870 20.695 35.10 12.5 2.40 45.2 13.85 16.2 6693.16 i 1.859 170.7 60.77 6.093 20.951 35.21 12.5 2.40 45.3 14.07 16.3 2.902 174.8 60.68 6.690 21.627 35.44 12.5 2.40 45.5 14.66 16.5 10447.91 ,I , , 60.63 7.126 22.080 35.52 12.5 2.40 45.6 15.08 16.6 19633.66 I 5.454 177.6 176.7 60.65 6.981 21.867 35.34 12.5 2.40 45.4 14.94 16.4

                                                                                                                          ! 28998.41          8.055 10.809         174.1         60.70  6.586        21.360       35.05   12.5     2.40       45.1   ,

14.55 , 16.1 [ 38913.91 , ' 170.4 60.78 6.051 20.687 34.67 12.5 2.40 44.8 14.03 15.8 [ 49139.91 13.650 4 { 59757.16 16.599 166.4 60.87 5.518 20.009 34.28 12.5 2.40 44.4 13.51 15.4 70590.16 19.608 162.6 60.95 5.045 19.395 33.91 12.5 2.40 44.0 13.04 15.0 61.01 4.655 18.876 33.56 12.5 2.40 43.7 12.66 i 14.7 81643.66 22.679 159.2 92860.66 25.795 156.2 61.06 4.332 18.433 33.25 12.5 2.40 43.4 12.35 j, 14.4

                                                                                                                                          ,                                                             ,                          3 l 43.1 104289.91 ; 28.969             153.5         61.11  4.054        18.043       32.96  12.5      2.40                      12.07 ~ i        14.1

[ 116030.91 i 32.231 If0.9 i 61.17 3.802 17.682 32.67 12.5 [ 2.40 i 42.8 I 11.83 13.8

                                                                                                             ~ -                      _                           .


                                                                                                                       & Boston Edison                    CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV.                  E1                                                                 DATE  2/28/96 SHEET                                  7.?.                                                 OF    84 Table 22 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10   Lookup      Lookup  Eq.19       Eq.21                     Eq.22        Eq.23        Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time          Tp           p       Pvp     Pc         Pgas    H:      Hsl      NPSIL4    NPSIL4   of29   Margin Time feet Grours)               t*F)    ObmlfY)      (psia) (psia)      (feet) (feet)   (feet)     (feet)      (psia)        (feet)

(secs) 35.525 148.4 61.22 3.577 17.352 32.40 12.5 2.40 42.5 11.61 13.5 127890.66 146.1 61.26 3.375 17.051 32.15 12.5 2.40 42.2 11.42 13.2 , 139876.91 , . 38.855

151928.91 42.202 144.0 61.31 3.200 16.783 31.90 12.5 2.40 42.0 11.25 13.0 l 164009.41 45.558 142.1 61.34 3.052 16.550 ' 31.69 12.5 2.40 41.8 11.10 12.8 61.36 2.951 16.389 31.54 12.5 2.40 41.6 11.00 12.6 f 172800 48.000 140.8 72.000 130.3 61.54 2.243 15.167 30.24 12.5 2.40 40.3 10.32 11.3 l 259200 91.278 126.0 61.61 1.994 14.6 % 29.69 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.08 10.8

[ 328600 , 2.40 39.8 10.08 10.8 l 329600 91.556 125.9 61.61 1.991 14.696 29.69 12.5 . , l.987 14.696 29.70 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.07 10.8

' 330600                                                                      91.833             125.8      61.61 92.111             125.8      61.61       1.984  14.696      29.71   12.5    2.40       39.8        10.07         10.8

[ 331600 , 12.5 10.07 10.8 332600 92.389 125.7 61.62 , 1.981 14.696 29.72 2.40 { 39.8 92.667 125.7 61.62 1.978 14.696 29.72 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.06 10.8 333600 92.944 125.6 61.62 1.975 14.696 29.73 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.06 10.8 334600 , 93.222 125.5 61.62 1.971 14.696 29.74 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.06 10.8 335600

  • 93.500 125.5 61.62 1.968 14.696 29.74 12.5 2.40 39.8 10.06 10.8 336600 93.778 125.4 61.62 1.965 14.6 % 29.75 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.05 10.9 337600 , , ,

14.696 29.76 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.05 10.9

' 338600                                                                      94.056             125.3      61.62       1.962 94.333             125.3      61.62       1.958  14.6 %      29.77   12.5    2.40       39.9        10.05         10.9 339600                                                                                                                                                         ,

94.611 125.2 61.62 1.955 14.696 29.77 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.04 10.9 340600 94.889 125.2 61.62 1.952 14.696 29.78 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.04 10.9 [ 341600 95.167 125.1 61.63 1.949 14.696 29.79 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.04 10.9 [ 342600 , 2.40 39.9 10.03 10.9 343600 95.444 125.0 61.63 1.945 14.696 29.79 12.5 95.722 125.0 61.63 1.942 14.696 29.80 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.03 10.9 344600 345600 96.000 124.9 61.63 1.939 14.696 29.81 12.5 2.40 39.9 10.03 10.9

  • 2.40 40.4 9.82 11.4

[ 432000 120.000 120.6 61.70 1.723 14.696 30.28 12.5 [ 518400 , 144.000 117.9 61.73 , 1.597 14.696 30.56 12.5 2.40 40.7 9.70 j 11.7 61.77 l 14.696 30.74 12.5 2.40 40.8 9.62  ! 11.8 i 604800 i 168.000 115.9 1.510

PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALCULATION CHEET SOSfOU bdi80n CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/28/96 SHEET N OF 84 Table 22 - Updated Analysis - Containment Pressure for Core Spray Pump NPSIIR at 5%/ Day Leakage Rate- 75'F Seawater Temperature F14.5-10 Lookup Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Eq.23 Eq.24 P, Req'd for Time Time Tp p Ihp Pc Pgas H: Hsl NPSIL4 NPSHA of29 Margin feet (hours) (*R (Ibm 1t') (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (psia) (feet) (secs) 61.77 1.501 14.696 30.76 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.61 11.9 i 613440 170.400 115.7 172.800 115.5 61.77 1.493 14.6 % 30.78 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.60 11.9 622080 175.200 115.3 61.78 1.484 14.696 30.80 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.59 11.9 630720 177.600 115.I 61.78 1.475 14.696 30.82 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.58 11.9 639360 180.000 114.9 61.78 1.467 14.696 30.83 12.5 2.40 40.9 9.58 11.9 g 648000 , , , 182.400 114.7 61.78 1.459 14.696 30.85 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.57 12.0 656640 61.79 1.451 14.696 30.87 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.56 12.0 l 665280 , 184.800 114.5 , 673920 l 187.200 I 114.3 61.79 1.443  ! 14.696 30.88 12.5 2.40 l 41.0 9.55 12.0 682560 189.600 114.1 61.79 1.435 14.6 % 30.90 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.55 12.0 192.000 113.9 61.80 1.427 14.6 % 30.92 12.5 2.40 41.0 9.54 12.0 691200 111.9 61.83 1.348 14.696 31.09 12.5 2.40 41.2 9.46 12.2 777600 , 216.000 , , 864000 240.000 110.0 61.86 1.276 14.696 31.24 12.5 2.40 41.3 9.39 12.3 i 950400 264.000 108.8 61.88 1.232 14.696 31.33 12.5 2.40 41.4 9.35 12.4

                                                                                                =_                                                                       .               _ _                         _                                                   .                    .


                                                                                                                          & Boston Edison                                                                           CHECKED BY:                     P.D. Harizi REV.      E1                    DATE                                       2/29/96 SHEET        F                              OF                               84 180 24                    ,                              , , ,                             ,                                 ,                                 , ,,             ,,
                                                                                                                                                                             . :*!:,                          ,                                                                I f l ',
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   '.__,__} Temperature
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s-ontainmentPressure + 1 / with Design Basis e.,,,

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5 . _4_._.

                                                            ~ _+.,. i+l                      !

e _+ ,i ._,- - . l \ g @ 5 May , 1 gg Contaibment Pressure y llI for CS Pump NPSHR ! I i j ll1 s l l 1 l l l 120 R

                                                                                                           ,lf g                          l                                                                                              ll                ,

E 2

            ~ - - -

i '[ '


l {,! lll ' llllll! il' 110 10 >i i t '.i -

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                                                                                                                        ,   +lii

_+.+i.'. i i ii'ii iI4s j 7 l l i lj

            .- forRHRFump NPSHR gj l l l l l j                                                                                                  j                    j        j lll                 l                                 l              l        l        ll
                                                                                       '      i         !               l      tti               !                         ii!it                               i i
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1, ' L i..l.1.1 ll l[ Note: Based on 75*F Seawater Temperature !ij j j j llll l W


6 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 0.0 Time After Accident (hours) Figure 14.5-XX NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray System Figure 6

PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALCULATION SHEET Boston Edison CHECKED BY: P.D. Horizi CALC.# M662 REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET N OF 8f 25

                              }_1i             iiii! [1                                             i                                                                           i i

i _l.1 ii I j _[1  ! L_l i i3 j t r >

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                          ._._;_ : i                  _ A.

i 4 y RHR Pump Margin '

                                           '!  j'
                           -4                                                                                    f                                                                         ,

t r


L._. IWday Leakage

                                            !l                          2 -                            ,g.                                                                             _a                                                             ,

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                              ; , T-p.+__. tpl.                              _+_4.-+-g                          -


                                                                                                                                                                                             @ SWday Leakage g                               ]            ;

p 7

                                                                                                                                                                                     !ll                              i                                                                                          f-f O                                                              i                                                                                                                i                                                    _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,j CS Pump Margin 8 15              ,
                               ,                                                                    ,j;;                                                                         ; !          i    ;:                  3 ry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ i. ._1.,;4i @ IWday                                                      Leakage
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m ___-r 2_-{_t-hpp-

                               !     ! !        i!.


                                                                                                ,      +Lt ils                                   i--i-
                                                                                                                                                                                 @ !5Wday Leakage -+!-t                       !


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,        it M,i ;!          i
p. 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '                                                                            ! I Z                  I 4       li,!i.

[ I_li _i_4. 1 ' i 3_11 i . H. 4i lh.

f. T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . 'j I Q1 i            .i f d - i--I T I N                                 l                                     t                                    i'                            i !               iI~                                               i~                                                      fi l l . 714 II i 1-4-p+!!                            4     .

l, lJ . -- N, 4-y. 5 1 f!tSt-i! j I b '

                                                                     - * -i g                             t t t i


                                                                                                                                                                                 '   l          'T '
                                                                                                                                                                                                ! i!

t i 11  ! h-th' i >i. I d _4._Ld. . t _J 4_ .

                    ;_ _._1__d_L_L_L Li                          '                               '
                                                                                                      ._i_L.                                  4 - .a _                                          ' 4.1                                                                                                                     I

_4  ! _ Note: Based on Suppression Pool L 1, _.,._2. _.: _.-__._.!. _1.1 i i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .__.d.j l, A,_   !.

i II l Temperature Curve Figure 14.5-XX Based on Seawater Temperature of 75*F. _ ..__.__._j_._ Ly4444_ i = ' ' ' H__Q I __.l  ! iLi-- - p.14M i_-_l' l_. lil

                                                                     ,                           , ,       ,;                                                                    i ! .!ii!                                    :        'i                                              i          ! I          '4 !!

1 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 0.0 Time After Accident (hours) Figure 14.5-XX NPSH Margin for RHR and Core Spray System After a DBA-LOCA Figure 7

i CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody MOD MMOD ' CALC.O M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 f SHEET N OF 84 l This table contains calculated values of NPSHA and NPSHR for RHR and CS pumps as presented on FSAR Figure 14.5-9. Containment leakage is not considered in this calculation (i.e., l containment leakage is assumed equal to zero). Table 23 - ECCS Pump NPSHA Over a Range of Pool Temperatures and i Zero Containment Leakage Core Spray Pump Eq.27 Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Suppression Pool 0% Chamber Pool Leakage CS Temperature Tp 1%p Pc Pgas 11z Hsl NPSHA NPSHR (*19 (*R) (psia) (psia) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) Values below plotted on Figure 6 U 130 590.0 2.225 16.153 12.5 2.40 42.69 29 [ 32.589 140 600.0 2.889 17.054 33.236 } 12.5 2.40 43.34 29 150 610.0 3.721 18.122 33.890 } 12.5 2.40 43.99 29 , l 160


620.0 4.746 19.382 34.555 } 12.5 2.40 44.65 29 170 630.0 5.995 { 20.868 2.40 } 45.33 29 35.228 } 12.5 180 640.0 l 7.511 i 22.620 35.914 1 12.5 2.40 l 46.01 29 190 650.0 } 9.340 } 24.685 [ 36.620 } 12.5 2.40 } 46.72 f 29 ) RilR Pump Eq.27 Lookup Eq.19 Eq.21 Eq.22 Suppression Pool 0% Chamber Pool Leakage RHR  : Temperature Tp lhp Pc Pgas Hz Hsl NPSHA NPSHR (*F) (*R) (psia) (psla) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) Values Values below below plotted on plotted on Figure 6 Figure 6 U U 130 590.0 2.225 16.153 32.589 12.5 2.63 } 42.46 23 140 600.0 2.889 17.054 [ 33.236 } 12.5 2.63

                                                                                                          } 43.11             21

150 610.0 3.721 18.122 33.890 12.5 2.63 43.76 73 160 620.0 4.746 19.382 34.555 12.5 2.63 44.42 23 7 170 630.0 5.995 20.868 35.228 12.5 2.63 45.10 .t3


180 640.0 7.511 22.620 35.914 12.5 2.63 45.78 23 190 650.0 9.340 , 24.685 ,, 36.620 , 12.5 2.63 , 46.49 ,, 23 I i

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY; P.Doody CALC.# M662 h SOSf08Edd80N CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 SHEET 78 OF 84 50 Minimum NPSHA with Zero Containment INkage as a Function of Pool Temperature 45 -- --- -! -

                                                                                                                                                     ---{-    N4                       ,

l i < i  !  :  ! 40 ----- - I 1- -- l -- r j l 3

                                                          $ 35      - - -
                                                                                                                        - - --?                                                 - - - --- -                                               "                               -

5" i I

                                                          'E                                                                     i i-    NPSHR for Core Spray Pump 4 30     - - -

E I z W 25 - - -

                                                                                                                              +                         l                                                                                      t e                                                                   l                       I          NPSHR for RHR Pump                                                           ;

H , 20 - ---- a h-


f, - j i 15 - NoteInitialConditions: Drywell 150 F,80% R.H.,1.3 psig,147,000 cu. ft. __h _._ ._._____i __; Wetwell 80*F,100% R.H.,0 psig,84,000 cu.fl. 10 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Suppression Pool Temperature ('F) Figure 14.5-9 NPSH Availability for RHR and Core Spray System Figure 8


                             $ Boston Edison CALC.#      M662                                                     CHECKED BY:      P.D. Harizi REV. E1          DATE    2/29/96 SHEET       77         OF      84 Section 5.0      References
1. FSAR Section 4.8, Residual Heat Removal System.
2. FSAR Section 6.4, Core Spray System.
3. General Electric Report GE-NE-B13-01805-11, " Effects of Fiberglass insulation Debris on Pilgrim ECCS Pump Performance", January 1996 (SUDDS/RF #96-02 Rev. 0).
4. GE Report GE-NE-523-A044-0595. I
5. Bingham Pump Curve No. 27956 and 27763 (Core Spray Pumps)
6. Bingham Pump Curve No. 28457,28167,28168, and 28169 (RHR Pumps)
7. Crane Technical Paper No. 410, Crane Co., New York, N.Y.,1981.
8. Brater & King, Handbook ofHydraulics, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1976.
9. General Electric Report GE-NE-523-A044-0595, "PNPS Decay Heat Removal Capability", May 1995 (SUDDS/RF #95-127 Rev.1).
10. FSAR Section 14.5, Postulated Design Basis Accidents.

I 1. General Electric Report NEDC-31852P Rev.1,"PNPS SAFER /GESTR-LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis",1992.

12. BECo Calculation N110, Rev. O, "OPL-4 (ECCS Parameters) for S AFER/GESTR-LOCA Analysis for PNPS"
13. SUDDS/RF #84-59, " Procurement of RHR & Core Spray Strainers"
14. M108C-DSB, Rev. El," Suction Strainers Data Sheet"
15. M 108C-1, Rev. El, " Core Spray & RHR Strainer"
16. M 100-51-7, " Core Spray System Suction Piping to Core Spray Pump P-215A"
17. M100-54, Rev. E2," Core Spray System Core Spray Line Rerouting Assembly"
18. M 100-256-4, Rev. E2, " Core Spray Critical Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
19. M100-52-6, Rev. E2, " Core Spray System Suction Piping to Core Spray Pump P-215B"
20. M 100-265-4, Rev. E2, " Core Spray Critical Piping, N.W Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
21. M 100-251-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
22. M i00-43-7, Rev. E1, "RHR Nuclear Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
23. M 100-47-8, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, NW Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"

CALCULATION SHEET PREPARED BY: P.Doody Boston Edicon CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi l REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 l SHEET 80 oF 84 ' i i

24. M100-266-3, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" l l
25. M100-262-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"

. 26. M100-42-9, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" I j 27. M100-252-4, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, S.E. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"

28. M100-47-6, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0"
29. M100-263-3, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23'-0" l
30. M100-264-6, Rev. El, "RHR Nuclear Piping, N.W. Quadrant Below Elev. 23*-0"
31. Amendment 9 to License Application Filed June 30,1967 (Docket No. 50-293),03/11/68.

i 32. Amendment 24 to License Application (Docket No. 50-293).

33. FSAR:

a) Table 5.2-1 Primary Containment System Principal Design Parameters and Characteristics i b) Section Containment Response c) Section Core Standby Cooling System Pump Net Positive Suction Head d) FSAR Figure 14.5-7 Loss of Coolant Accident Suppression Pool Temperature


c) FSAR Table 14.5-1 Loss of Coolant Accident Priman> Containment Response Summan-j 34. Technical Specifications for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station: l a) Mimmum water volume per LCO 3.7.A.I.a. b) Maximum water volume per LCO 3.7.A.I.b. c) Maximum suppression pool temperature during normal continuous power operation per LCO 3.7.A.Lc. d) Minimum differential pressure between drywell and suppression chamber per i LCO 3.7.A.I.i. e) Allowable suppression chamber water level range per LCO 3.7.A.I.m. f) Maximum containment leakage rate per surveillance requirement 4.7.A.2.a. . 1

35. BECo Calculation S&SA91," Containment and Decay Heat Removal Analysis Inputs", l Rev.E0 l a) Section 5.2 " Calculation ofInitial Suppression Chamber Free Airspace Volume" i
                                      " Calculation ofInitial Suppression Chamber Pool Volume at                     I HWL per TS 3.7.A.I.m."
36. GE Specification,22A5756, Containment Data, Rev. 3, February 1982.
37. General Electric Report GE-NE-T23-00732-01," Containment Heat Removal Analysis",

March 1996, (SUDDS/RF96-05).

_ _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ .. . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . ___.._, m..-. .. . . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ CALCULATION SHEET g g ggg PREPARED BY: P.Doody CALC.# M662 CHECKED BY: P.D. Harizi REV. E1 DATE 2/29/96 t SHEET hl OF 84 Section 5.0 References cont'd

38. "SSW Analysis Transmittal for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station," GE letter from E.G.

Thacker to F. Mogolesko, Febmary 9,1996 with Attachments, (SUDDS/RF96-05). Section 6.0 Attachments i 2 Attachment 1 = Independent Verification Statement Record (3 pages) 1 s l i 1 1 I

 ,                                                                                                                                                      l i

J l l

INDEPENDENT DESIGN VERIFICATION RECORD (IDVR) OAbC N~ 2Rv i ATTACHMENT d. ' I. Instructions to independent personnel pq e g2 eFE

lesign Documents: M 66 ?_ EI CALC.

f (Document No.) (Rev.) (Document Title) (Document No.) (Rev.) (Document Title) Design verification should be done in accordance with ANSI N45.2.ll, Section 6, as amended by Reg. Guide 1.64, Rev. 1. l Verification Methods to be used; Document (s) "Q" Level: [ Design review /Q l Alternate or simplified calculations  ! Qualification Testing FP-Q l Non-Q Special Instructions: M , </) LO

                                                / h IN// ,

, 7*.F*. W HITE L/ / 1-29-9G Div. Manager Date 1 II. Verification Documentation: , Method Used: sign review (attach any documentation) Alternate or simplified calculations (Attach calculations) Qualification testing (Attach Test Report) Design Document Acceptable: YES NO If not acceptable, give reasons or provide comments on Exhibit 3.06-B: I Independent Design Verification check completed by (Signature): W - d 95 Independent Reviewer D'at e' Acknowledgment of verification: Ah Division Manager v Date' 987 Ill. Resolution of comments: Comments resolved (See Exhibit 3.06-B): Ob N4.M]b 3-20-% Cognizant Engineer Date Action taken makes design document acceptable

                                             $n W. YmA Independent ' Reviewer 3l20f96
                                                                                'Da t'e                 l Exhibit 3.06-A                                          Rev. 7

CALC M-42 REV. Ei ATTACHMEAIT i Cilculiti:n - IndIpend:nt Varification Stitsment R: cord gg Calculation # MWV, Revision # e4 has been independently verified by the following method (s), as noted below: Mark each item yes, no or not applicable (N/A) and initial each item checked by you. Design Review $ including verification that: e / Design inputs were correctly selected and included in the calculation, e/ Assumptions are adequately described and are reasonable.

      . gjg input or assumptions requiring confirmation are identified, and if any exist, the calculation has been identified as " Preliminary" and a " Finalization Due Date" has been specified, e4         Design requirements from applicable codes, standards and regulatory documents are identified and reflected in the design, e4         Applicable construction and operating experience was considered in the design.
      ./ The calculation number has been properly obtained and entered.

e/ An appropriate design method or computer code was used.

         / A mathematical check has been performed.
      .          The output is reasonable compared to the input.

Altemate Calculation O including verification of asterisked items notea above. The attemate calculation ( pages)is attached. Qualification Testing O for design feature including verification of asterisked items noted above and the following:

       .          The test was performed in accordance with written test procedures.
  • Most adverse design conditions were used in the test.
       .          Scaling laws were established and verified and error analyses were performed,if applicable.
       .          Test acceptance criteria were clearly related to the design calculation.         ,
       .          Test results (documented in          ) were reviewed by the calculation          l Preparer or other cognizant engineer.                                            ;

independent Reviewer Comments: fee A +d 'cI nee

                                      /S/    No M-                  f              3[20[%

Independent Reviewer /D' ate Preparer concurrence with /S/ b 7-20-% i findings and comment resolution Preparer or dfher Cognizant Engineer Note: Exhibit 3.06-B (Sheet 3 of 3) may to used for additional comments by IV as a part of the Independent Verification for calculations. use2 NESD 3.06 Rev.7 Page 24 of 24

CALC M-662 REV. El ATTACHMENT d. 34.oF e4 COMMENTS RESOLUTION t k Seekon 2, o - Sk4es " The R# THE CoMTAtUMENT PRE.SSVKES IM c<n ol Cora Spra TABLE 8 ARC d.3 PSlG WWCLL ANb oclepa tc. NPS vnol ar Psmes ers f w'?e d eleso$n conol'$*v. t C P5lG UETQEU . NHCA THEsE EQUAlltE, e t Oe f eek p ool temperdurL- w jl1. oo THE REsVLT Is 0..T PssG ra conrArn-

         -V h <. I n'u l..'. l        we-l we d ) pre ssure of O.Sp0                 MENT. A DE(J STCTION 3.C,5 UAS where ,9s               Sec4*n       4. L p is ~lible. ?                   AbbED TD CA LC ULATE TH IS AND SqsanohsI we.] m l\ fr e s sor t- of EXPLAIN TMAT AfrER, A REACTOR UP9is                Exp % k           t he          cl kfer '* -        .gcovynug gyg pgyugcc 4 g A l5,         for f ,_                  75 "P         Sewdv             WME" EG "h " W'3'"V' z}Ngara)vre-                     Case.        % rey"'b
                                                    \                                ggg,            g,.pg y ,5 g97 p         ,p.

Co d n'^^ m i te ss or e ler CS (omP NPG A cxen s 14 . 7ps ,\ 5h*Ij THE PMPS llCEASING OR DESISM

                                                                                    .BAtis. HoutVER,THE REG.GulDE fTATES kc. Si d t-                w e. cls3 Decb                 i' y ,g pygy.ggpqng,ogy (nec+                 Reg. Go NL                 b l o acI            ASSumung           H Mo INCREASE ZA CONTAIN-kNNs          as          o,cc tf kn Y f L                              MENT PRESSURE FR*H THAT PRGSEMT TR\oR, TD PosTULATEb l-oss of cooLAM'r A CCIDEMTS ,             THE MOMIAIAL MiM Co@nTs0M, r.E., WirHouT DCBRIS CLOGGING EFFECTS y MEETS THl5 CRiTERI A Ar A 17 8 'F Pool TEMP-           ..

ERATuftE c;lTH THE 0 5' PSIG CON-TAINMEArt PRESSURE THAT EXISTS DvE F To ENITIAL MAGS As sHoun in nen) SCCTs oM 3. C . 5~. 5 l s Exhibit 3.06-B (Sheet 3 of 3) Rev. 6 l}}