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Report from University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Regarding Animal Diversity Web Myotis Leibii Information
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Issue date: 02/11/2007
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ADW: Myotis leibii: Information Structured Inquiry Search preview Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Mammalia Order Chiroptera Family Vespertilionidae Subfamily Vespertilioninae Species Myotis leibii Myotis leibii (eastern small-footed myotis)

Information Classification 2007/02/11 04:02:22.922 US/Eastern By Jen Blasko Kingdom: Animalia Geographic Range Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Myotis leibii are one of the rarest bats in North America. They occur from Ontario and Class: Mammalia Quebec in Canada southwestward through the Appalachian region to Arkansas and Order: Chiroptera Eastern Oklahoma in the United States. They have been recorded in New England, Georgia, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Oklahoma. Family: Vespertilionidae Fossil records have been found in Big Bone Cave in Tennessee and in Cumberland Subfamily: Vespertilioninae Cave in Maryland. The range of M. leibii is allopatric with M. californius, M. ciliolabrum Genus: Myotis and all other small footed Myotis bats with a keeled calcar in North America. (Best & Species: Myotis leibii Jennings 1997; Corgan 1975; Davis et al. 1965; Martin 1972; Wilson & Ruff 1999).

Biogeographic Regions:

nearctic (native ).

Habitat The Eastern small footed bat occurs in mountanous regions at elevations ranging from 240-1125m. They prefer eastern deciduous and coniferous forests and can roost in buildings, rock bluffs and turnpike tunnels during spring and summer months. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Hibernation sites are in mines and caves only. During hibernation they tend to hang near the entrance where there is low humidity. When the winters become harsh they retreat further back into the caves. They do not shift cave sites and it appears that they hibernate near their summer ranges. These bats have been found to hibernate horizontally under rock slabs possibly due to a more constant temperature and humidity under these conditions. (Barbour & Davis. 1969; Best &

Jennings 1997; Davis 1955; Fenton 1972).

Terrestrial Biomes:

forest .

Physical Description Mass M. leibii are one of the smallest bats in eastern North America. Total body length 3.20 to 5.50 g; avg. 3.80 g averages 83mmand tail length averages 36mm. Cranial dimensions average 13.6mm in (0.11 to 0.19 oz; avg.

length, 4.2mm in depth, and 5.1 mm for the maxillary tooth row. Their ears are less than 0.13 oz) (1 of 4)3/7/2007 11:01:04 AM

ADW: Myotis leibii: Information 15mm long and their hind feet measure less than 8mm, a diagnostic feature of the small-footed Myotis. They have a wingspan of 210-250mm with a forearm length of 32.2mm and an average mass of 3.8g. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Eastern small footed bats have soft, thick, glossy fur with a yellowish tan to blackish brown colour and a golden sheen to the surface. The roots of the fur are black with pale brown tips which give the golden sheen. The ventral surface of their body is grey and their face, ears, wings and interfemoral membrane are black. Their ears reach or exceed the tip of their nose when laid forward and their tail extends beyond their naked interfemoral membrane. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Myotis leibii have a keeled calcar. Their skull is small and delicate and their braincase is flattened. The forehead slopes gradually upward from the rosturm, they lack the prominent forehead common to other Myotis species. The dental formula is 2/3I 1/1C 3/3P 3/3M for a total of 38 teeth. (Best & Jennings 1997).

Some key physical features:

endothermic ; bilateral symmetry .

Reproduction There is a 1:1 sex ratio at birth. Mating occurs in autumn before hibernation. Sperm is stored in the female until fertilization in the early spring. Females have 2 mammae and give birth to a single young between late May and July.

Females have been found in maternity colonies ranging from 12-20 individuals. The lifespan of M. leibii is thought to be between 6-12 years, however they have a low survival rate (0.757 for males and 0.421 for females). (Best & Jennings 1997; Hitchcock et al. 1984; Wilson & Ruff 1999).

During copulation males mount the female from behind, grasping the back of her neck with his teeth and further stabilizing her with his thumbs. The interfemoral membrane does not appear to be an obstacle during copulation due to the free movement of the male's penis. The females role is passive. There are no vocalizations during mating. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Key reproductive features:

gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual .

Behavior Shortly after sunset M. leibii emerges. They can fly slowly, erratically, or regularly, often with characteristic flight patterns which can be used in identification of this species. Flight altitude ranges from 0.3 to 6 m above the ground. They are often seen flying in and out of caves as well as over open fields. They can be caught in mist nets. Vocalizations are normal for this species however specific attributes of their calls are not well understood. (Best and Jennings 1997).

These bats can roost in colonies of up to 145 but instances of solitary or male-female pair roosting have been observed.

They are commonly seen in mixed species flocks of migrating bats during the late summer. Myotis leibii hibernate late in the fall (mid November) and usually leave hibernation by March, although it has been noted that they may remain active throughout the winter months. During milder winters they have been seen to move in and out of their hibernation caves.

During hibernation they lose an average of 16% of their body mass. They can tolerate cold temperatures, often arousing from torpidity below -9 degrees Celsius. (Best & Jennings 1997; Fenton 1972; Hitchcock 1965; Wilson & Ruff 1999).

It has been shown that M. leibii have some homing ability as they are able to return to their roost sites when moved from them. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Key behaviors:

motile .

Food Habits Few details are known about the diet and feeding habits of M. leibii, although they appear to be insectivores. They have been seen to forage over water and land collecting insects while in flight. Favorite prey includes small insects such as flies, beetles, and moths which are caught on the wing. (Best & Jennings 1997; Wilson & Ruff 1999).

Economic Importance for Humans: Negative (2 of 4)3/7/2007 11:01:04 AM

ADW: Myotis leibii: Information Myotis leibii are known to commonly roost in human structures and therfore may be considered a nuisance by some.

(Best & Jennings 1997).

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive As insectivores, M. leibii may help control insect pests, including mosquitos, which they have been observed catching in the lab. However, because of their small population size there may be little or no noticeable effect. (Best and Jennings 1997).

Conservation Status IUCN Red List: [link]:

Pennsylvania has listed M. leibii as threatened and at risk. The United States Fish and No special status.

Wildlife Service has listed M. leibii as a candidate for protection under the Endangered Species Act. (Best & Jennings 1997)

US Federal List: [link]:

No special status.

Other Comments CITES: [link]:

It was originally believed that there were 3 races; M. leibii leibii, M. l. ciliolabrum and M. l. No special status.

melancrhinus. Myotis ciliolabrum was proven to be a separate species from M. l. leibii by electrophoretic examination. Myotis leibii melancrhinus is more similar to M. c. ciliolabrum and therefore is now considered a race of the latter and not of M. leibii. (Best & Jennings 1997).

Myotis is from the Greek mys meaning "mouse" and ot meaning "ear". The species name of "leibii" is named fro G. C.

Leib who collected the inital specimen. (Best & Jennings 1997).

Contributors Jen Blasko (author), University of Toronto.

References Barbour, R., W. Davis. 1969. Bats of America. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.

Best, T., J. Jennings. 1997. Myotis leibii. Mammalian Species, 547: 1-6.

Corgan, J. 1975. Pleistocence bats of Tennessee. The American Midland Naturalist, 93: 503.

Davis, W. 1955. Myotis subulatus leibii found in unusual situations. Journal of Mammalogy, 36: 130.

Davis, W., M. Hassell, C. Rippy. 1965. Myotis leibii leibii in Kentucky. Journal of Mammalogy, 46: 683-684.

Fenton, M. 1972. Distribution and overwintering of Myotis leibii and Eptesicus fuscus (Chiroptera: Vespertilonidae) in Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Occasional Papers, 21: 1-8.

Godin, A. 1977. Wild Mammals of New England. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hitchcock, H. 1965. Twenty three years of bat banding in Ontario and Quebec. The Canadian Field Naturalist, 79: 4-14.

Hitchcock, H., R. Keen, A. Kurta. 1984. Survival rates of Myotis leibii and Eptesicus fuscus in southeastern Ontario.

Journal of Mammology, 65: 126-130.

Martin, R. 1972. Synopsis of late Pliocene and Pleistocene bats of North America and the Antilles. The American Midland Naturalist, 87: 326-335.

Wilson, D., S. Ruff. 1999. The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals. UBC Press.

2007/02/11 04:02:24.881 US/Eastern (3 of 4)3/7/2007 11:01:04 AM

ADW: Myotis leibii: Information To cite this page: Blasko, J. 2001. "Myotis leibii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed February 26, 2007 at http://

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