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2014 Braidwood Station Initial License Examination Operating Test Comments and Resolution
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/2014
From: Morris R
Operations Branch III
Exelon Generation Co
Shared Package
ML14344A985 List:
Download: ML15002A263 (6)


NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response Operating Test Operating Test JPMs RO/SRO In Plant JPMs JPM IP-104: Perform a) Why is the JPM time critical, what Time critical removed a Local Reactor Trip is the basis for the time?

b) Does the JPM have to start in the No - not time critical Shift Office for the time to be measured?

c) If the EO is told to perform this Procedure would have to be step by the US, would EO have to go located in the plant next to the and locate the procedure or would trip breakers.

the procedure be provided?

JPM IP-206: Perform No Comments Local Reset of Containment Isolation Phase A JPM IP-409S: Local a) If the candidate is starting with Runtime used.

Start of 1(2)B AF step 9, will they use the actual Pump reading on the runtime meter for the first step?

b) What part of step 4 is really Critical steps separated.

critical? The non-critical parts should be in their own step.

c) Since the operator has a marked Step 7 is N/Aed up copy of the procedure should step 7 (procedure step 17) already be marked as N/A?

d) What part of step 8 is really Steps are now separated.

critical? The non-critical parts should be in their own step.

RO Admin JPMs R-109: Complete No Comments NRC Active License Maintenance Log R-110: Perform a) Task condition 2 should state Unit Changed to 100% power Offsite AC Power 1 is at XXX power.

Availability Surveillance with ACB 1424 control power lost.

b) Why is this time critical? Critical time removed

NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response c) Step 4. If the applicant does not Critical deleted trace the path on the sheet will mean anything other than incorrect documentation? Why is this critical to trace the lines?

e) Step 7. Separate the critical and Done non-critical portion of the step.

f) Step 9. Separate the critical DONE portion and the non-critical portions of this step.

g) Step 9. Why is F.3.0 marked N/A CUE Removed in the procedure when the CUE states that it will be completed by another NSO? Is this section to be completed or not?

R-200: Verify Worker a) Second Evaluator note page 4. Corrected only 1 handout Tagout Checklist. Why are there so many different handouts? The candidate should be able to give corrections off of one sheet.

b) Step 4. Why is the tagging Removed sequence sequence incorrect? It is an requirement.

incorrect sequence for isolating the filter according to procedure. Where does the tag out procedure dictate the filter tagging sequence? If it does not, then this is not critical and there is only on critical step in the JPM.

c) Are the tags included so that the Made a different error no tags candidate can review the RI tag included.

content to verify it is correct? I believe that is part of the tag out review requirement for CI and RI tags. This would be a good place to put incorrect information.

R-403: Perform a) Package does not contain the Fixed during validation.

Offsite Notification form that the candidates will be (NARS Form relaying information from, only a Transmittal) for blank form was included.

General Emergency b) How was 13 minutes determined Time critical is 10 minutes.

to be the critical time, why not 10 or SRO portion to 4 minutes to 19? Please provide justification. complete document.

NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response c) Step 3: The Note says Once There EPlan procedure stops after initial roll call is complete counts critical time until roll critical time STOPS:, what does this call is complete.


SRO Admin JPMs S-100: Review a) Step 2. Note says that power is Changed initial cue to 99.47.

Calorimetric 99.51%, the calibration sheets Surveillance shows 99.47% not quit the same.

99.51% is less than 2% away from average.

b) Step 2. Make each critical action New step 3 added a separate step.

c) Step 3. Make each critical action New step 5 added a separate step.

d) Step 3. Remove the notes and Removed if asked cue from the first column.

This information is provided in the initial conditions.

S-112: Perform a) The Figures used in the Done Shutdown Margin calculation are needed for Calculation verification of this JPM. This will be done during the validation.

b) Separate all critical action into its Done own step.

S-200: Verify Worker See comments on R-100. Done Tagout Checklist S-300: Review a) Attachment 1 step 5.e and f. After validation setpoint OK Containment Release Why would the high alarm setpoint for Approval and the Alert setpoint be the same?

The high setpoint should be lower by some value. Try 1.82E-6.

b) What is the difference between After validation steps OK Step 3&4 and Step 6? They are carry overs from attachment 1 step 5.e to 5.f. Therefore they are the same critical step. This is also true for C.1.e and f.

c) Attachment 1 Step 5.f. Unit 1 is Done not circled.

NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response S-413: Perform a) File name is S-410 and the JPM Corrected Nuclear Accident number is S-413.

Reporting System Notification b) If this is done in the classroom, Met data screen printed have a screen snap shot of the Met data for step 7. If this is done in the simulator, set up the met data so that it can be taken for the machine.

c) Why are Step 7 and 8 not critical? Critical d) Should all data critical? The Changed to critical critical parts are that the form is completed correctly and transmitted correctly. So, 2, all of 4, 7, 8, and 10 are critical steps.

SIM JPMs SIM-102: Perform a) Step 7. What is the basis for DRPI 210 removed.

Movable Control DRPI 210 light lit being the failure Assemblies Surveillance criteria? A failure has to be justified.

b) Step 6. What happens if the 3 step removed candidate moves the rod 3 steps, is that a failure?

c) Step 7&8. Break out the parts that Done are critical in separate steps.

SIM-205: Raise SI a) Step 9. What is the basis for a Removed Accumulator level candidate failure if the pump runs for using a SI pump (NOP) more than 30 seconds that is what the trip protection is design to do? A failure has to be justified.

SIM302: Transfer to a) Step 10. What is the basis for the 9% is in their operations Cold Leg candidate failure if the RWST does requirement Recirculation reach 9%? The WOG 2 only states that the pumps have to be secured.

b) There used to be a 30 minute Does not apply from stopping pumps to starting pumps requirement for Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, does this apply to Braidwood?

SIM416S: CD/CB No Comments Added note in step 1 to hand Pump Trip procedure to candidate.

NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response SIM510: Perform a) Step 2. Cue 1 should be and is Changed event to have the start of 1A CS Pump being investigated. Why do we valve closed for maintenance for Post Maintenance run need this cue? activity and in TS 3.6.6 CUE 2 start with, If asked Added to Initial Conditions CUE 3 and 4. Can they verify this on the boards?

b) Step 2. Is 1CS001A closed so Valve indication in field that step 2 is a critical step? Break out the Critical portion for the rest of the step.

SIM608A: a) Step 4. What is the basis for the 60 seconds removed.

Synchronize 1A DG to 60 seconds? A failure has to be Bus 141 and respond to Gov. Adj. and justified.

overspeed trip failures b) Why is this an Alternate Path Verified Alt path during JPM? validation SIM711: Operate a a) Step 3. Separate the critical and Done Rad Monitor (Return non-critical steps.

to service a VCT Cubicle Monitor)

SIM801: Respond to a) Step 2, last bullet. What is Verified procedure RCP Thermal Barrier Responds to Alarm 1-2-A5, CC Leak with CC Valve Failure SURGE TANK LEVEL HIGH LOW?

It is not in the procedure and there is no reference provided.

Scenarios N145 a) How is Event 7 a Component Changed to part of Major failure? What actions are taken to mitigate the failure other than an automatic reactor trip?

N144 a) Add the phone call for the sodium Done concentration into a separate Event page for observation.

N143 a) 301-5 sheet for crew 1 shows that Changed Event 10 is a Major for the ATC?

Correct 305-1 sheet.

OV Comment: Swap event 1 and 2 Done TS Deleted from event 4 Done

NRC Operating Test Comments & Resolutions Braidwood Station Exam Start Date 11/12/2014 Operating Test 2014-301 Item Comment Facility Action Response N142 OV Comments: Revise termination Done criteria since S/G water level will not reach 88% criteria in a reasonable amount to time.

N-Spare Continue scenario until transition to Done cooldown method selected.