Press Release-IV-07-016, NRC to Hold Two Public Meetings on Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC NE WS                      U. S. N UC LEA R R EG UL AT OR Y C OM M ISSI ON                            Of f i c e o f P u b l i c A f f a i r s R e g i o n I V                            611 Ry an Pl az a D r i v e - Su i t e 400                       Ar l i n g t on , T X  76011-4005 No. I V-07-016 May 30, 2007 Con ta c t: V ic tor Dr ic ks                                                                            E-Ma il: opa4@nrc.g ovPhone: 817-860-8128 NRC TO HO LD TW O PUB LI C ME ET IN GSON P AL O V ER DE NU CL EA R G EN ER AT IN G STA TIO NThe U.S. Nuc lear Reg ulatory Commi ssion will hol d two public meeting s in Tonopah, Ariz., on perfor mance improvements at the PaloVe rde N uclea r Ge nera ting Station. Palo Verde
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC NEWS U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive - Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4005 No. IV-07-016                                                                       May 30, 2007 Contact: Victor Dricks                                                                E-Mail: Phone: 817-860-8128 NRC TO HOLD TWO PUBLIC MEETINGS ON PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold two public meetings in Tonopah, Ariz., on performance improvements at the PaloVerde Nuclear Generating Station. Palo Verde, which is operated by Arizona Public Service Co., is located 55 miles west of Phoenix.
, w h ic h is o p e r a te d b y A r iz o n a Pu b li c Se r v ic e Co., is lo c a te d 5 5 mi le s w e s t o f Ph o e n ix.Th e NR C w ill me e t w ith APS of fi c ia ls a t 6: 30 p.m. o n Jun e 6, a t th e Sa dd le Mo un ta in Unified School District Administration Building Boa rd Room, 38201 W. I ndian School Road, Tonopah, to discuss the status and f ocus ar eas f or Palo Ver de's pe rfor mance improvement plan.
The NRC will meet with APS officials at 6:30 p.m. on June 6, at the Saddle Mountain Unified School District Administration Building Board Room, 38201 W. Indian School Road, Tonopah, to discuss the status and focus areas for Palo Verdes performance improvement plan.
NRC officials will also discuss plans for a compre hensive inspec tion at Palo Verde. The mee ting is b e tw e e n N RC st a ff a nd APS of fi c ia ls, bu t me mbe rs of the pu bli c wi ll h a ve a n o pp or tun ity to observe the meeting and ask que stions of NRC st aff prior to the end of the meeting. The NRC also will hold a "Town H all" sty le meeting with the public at 6:30 p.m. on J une 7 to discuss issues of public interest re lated to Palo Ver de. NRC staff w ill present a br ief overvie w of a ctivities at Palo Verde , then be a vailable f or questions and c omments from the public. The mee ting will be he ld in the Cafeter ia of the Ruth Fishe r Elementa ry School, 38201 W. I ndian School Road, Tonopah.
NRC officials will also discuss plans for a comprehensive inspection at Palo Verde. The meeting is between NRC staff and APS officials, but members of the public will have an opportunity to observe the meeting and ask questions of NRC staff prior to the end of the meeting.
###N R C ne w s re le a se s a re a v a ilab le thr o u g h a fre e li st se rv e su b sc rip tio n a t t h e fo llo w ing W e b a d d re ss: h t t p://w w w.n r c.g ov/pu bl i c-i n v ol v e/l i s t s e r v e r.h t ml . T h e N R C ho m e p a g e a t ww w.n r c.g ov a l s o o f f e r s a S UBS C R I BE l i nk. E-mai l not i f i cat i ons ar e s ent t o s ubs cr i bers wh en new s r el eas es ar e post ed t o N R C's W eb s i t e.}}
The NRC also will hold a Town Hall style meeting with the public at 6:30 p.m. on June 7 to discuss issues of public interest related to Palo Verde. NRC staff will present a brief overview of activities at Palo Verde, then be available for questions and comments from the public. The meeting will be held in the Cafeteria of the Ruth Fisher Elementary School, 38201 W. Indian School Road, Tonopah.
NRC news releases are available through a free list serve subscription at the following W eb address: . The NRC homepage at also offers a SUBSCRIBE link. E-mail notifications are sent to subscribers when news releases are posted to NRC's W eb site.}}

Revision as of 06:50, 23 November 2019

Press Release-IV-07-016: NRC to Hold Two Public Meetings on Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/2007
Office of Public Affairs Region IV
Category:Press Release
Press Release-IV-07-016
Download: ML071500173 (1)


NRC NEWS U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive - Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4005 No. IV-07-016 May 30, 2007 Contact: Victor Dricks E-Mail: Phone: 817-860-8128 NRC TO HOLD TWO PUBLIC MEETINGS ON PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold two public meetings in Tonopah, Ariz., on performance improvements at the PaloVerde Nuclear Generating Station. Palo Verde, which is operated by Arizona Public Service Co., is located 55 miles west of Phoenix.

The NRC will meet with APS officials at 6:30 p.m. on June 6, at the Saddle Mountain Unified School District Administration Building Board Room, 38201 W. Indian School Road, Tonopah, to discuss the status and focus areas for Palo Verdes performance improvement plan.

NRC officials will also discuss plans for a comprehensive inspection at Palo Verde. The meeting is between NRC staff and APS officials, but members of the public will have an opportunity to observe the meeting and ask questions of NRC staff prior to the end of the meeting.

The NRC also will hold a Town Hall style meeting with the public at 6:30 p.m. on June 7 to discuss issues of public interest related to Palo Verde. NRC staff will present a brief overview of activities at Palo Verde, then be available for questions and comments from the public. The meeting will be held in the Cafeteria of the Ruth Fisher Elementary School, 38201 W. Indian School Road, Tonopah.

NRC news releases are available through a free list serve subscription at the following W eb address: . The NRC homepage at also offers a SUBSCRIBE link. E-mail notifications are sent to subscribers when news releases are posted to NRC's W eb site.