Press Release-12-089, NRC Completes Reintegration of Security Into Reactor Oversight Process Assessments

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Press Release-12-089: NRC Completes Reintegration of Security Into Reactor Oversight Process Assessments
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Palo Verde, Fermi, Hope Creek, Prairie Island, Farley  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/2012
Office of Public Affairs
Category:Press Release
Press Release-12-089
Download: ML12214A452 (1)


NRC COMPLETES REINTEGRATION OF SECURITY INTO REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS ASSESSMENTS The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has reintegrated security inspection results into the agencys Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) assessment program, effective July 1. The reintegration will be reflected in the August quarterly update to the ROPs Action Matrix.

The NRC previously treated safety and security inputs to the Action Matrix separately.

Reintegrating security information provides a holistic representation of licensee performance and will allow NRC staff to more fully leverage supplemental inspection procedures and resources when performance warrants.

The integrated assessment process will provide the public increased transparency through a complete representation of licensees performance. Under the new process, licensees receive a single assessment letter that covers all seven ROP cornerstones.

Letters were issued to nuclear power plant licensees with unresolved security findings on July 30, notifying them that their Action Matrix assessments on the public website will appear different when the new assessment results are reflected on the NRCs website Aug. 6. Those plants are Farley Units 1 and 2; Fermi; Palo Verde Units 1, 2 and 3; Prairie Island 1 and 2; Salem 1 and 2 and Hope Creek. These security findings were previously identified under the separate security assessment program, but they have not been shown on the public Action Matrix for these plants until now. Future updates to the Action Matrix will reflect new findings.

From now on, the website will show information on all seven ROP cornerstones, with security inputs displayed in one of two ways. Issues of very low security significance will show up as green findings or performance indicators. Issues of greater security significance will show up as blue findings or performance indicators, regardless of their actual significance level. Specific information about all security performance deficiencies will remain non-publicly available, consistent with current NRC policy.

Information on the ROP and the Action Matrix is available on the NRC website. The July 30 letters are available through the NRCs ADAMS document database, using the Advanced Search tab, selecting Accession Number under Property and entering these numbers as Value:

ML12212A121 (Farley); ML12212A012 (Fermi); ML12212A013 (Prairie Island);

ML12212A385 (Palo Verde); and ML12212A078 (Salem/Hope Creek).

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NRC NEWS U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Telephone: 301/415-8200 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 E-mail: Site: Blog: No.12-089 August 1, 2012