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| | issue date = 01/19/2012 | | | issue date = 01/19/2012 |
| | title = NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations | | | title = NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations |
| | author name = Subin L B | | | author name = Subin L |
| | author affiliation = NRC/OGC | | | author affiliation = NRC/OGC |
| | addressee name = Abramson P B, Karlin A S, Trikouros N G | | | addressee name = Abramson P, Karlin A, Trikouros N |
| | addressee affiliation = NRC/ASLBP | | | addressee affiliation = NRC/ASLBP |
| | docket = 05000275, 05000323 | | | docket = 05000275, 05000323 |
Category:Legal-Hearing File
MONTHYEARML15288A0962015-10-15015 October 2015 October 2015 Hearing File Update ML15258A0412015-09-15015 September 2015 Staff September 2015 Hearing File Update ML15229A1572015-08-17017 August 2015 Staff August 2015 Hearing File Update ML15196A3982015-07-15015 July 2015 Notice of July 2015 Hearing File Update ML15166A4042015-06-15015 June 2015 June 2015 Staff Hearing File Update ML15135A1592015-05-15015 May 2015 May 2015 Hearing File Update Notification ML15105A2242015-04-15015 April 2015 April 2015 Hearing File Update ML15075A2542015-03-16016 March 2015 Hearing File Update Letter ML15049A3122015-02-18018 February 2015 Hearing File Update Feb 2015 ML15015A6542015-01-15015 January 2015 Hearing File Update Jan 2015 ML14349A1772014-12-15015 December 2014 Hearing File Update December 2014 ML14135A3572014-05-15015 May 2014 NRC Staff May 2014 Hearing File Update Letter ML14077A0212014-03-18018 March 2014 March 2014 Hearing File Update Letter in the Matter of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal ML14049A0092014-02-18018 February 2014 NRC Staff February 2014 Hearing File Update Letter ML14015A0072014-01-15015 January 2014 NRC Staff January 2014 Hearing File Update Letter in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal ML13350A0622013-12-16016 December 2013 NRC Staff Notice of Update of Hearing File for Diablo Canyon Nuclear, Units 1 and 2 ML13325A2802013-11-21021 November 2013 NRC Staff November 2013 Schedule Update Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13318A0662013-11-14014 November 2013 NRC Staff November 2013 Hearing File Update in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13294A0492013-10-21021 October 2013 NRC Staff October 2013 Hearing File Update Letter in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13260A2932013-09-16016 September 2013 NRC Staff Notice of Update of Hearing File for Diablo Canyon Nuclear, Units 1 and 2 ML13227A1302013-08-15015 August 2013 NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations, in the Matter of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2) ML13227A1232013-08-15015 August 2013 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Letter in the Matter of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2) ML13192A2272013-07-11011 July 2013 NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13192A2002013-07-11011 July 2013 NRC Staff Hearing File Update in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13171A1592013-06-20020 June 2013 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13168A1582013-06-17017 June 2013 Hearing File Update ML13137A2112013-05-17017 May 2013 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML13134A3652013-05-14014 May 2013 NRC Staff Notice of Update to Hearing File in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML13108A1502013-04-18018 April 2013 NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 ML13105A2412013-04-15015 April 2013 NRC Staff Hearing File Update Letter ML13080A0852013-03-21021 March 2013 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML13073A1372013-03-14014 March 2013 Hearing File Update Letter ML13052A8252013-02-21021 February 2013 Staff Status Update Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML13045A2532013-02-14014 February 2013 NRC Staff Is Providing Notice That It Has Updated the Hearing File for Section 2.1203 and Section 2.336 Proceeding and Has Made It Available to the Parties ML13015A1062013-01-15015 January 2013 NRC Staff Notification of Update to Hearing File in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12355A1762012-12-20020 December 2012 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML12352A0432012-12-17017 December 2012 NRC Staff Hearing File Update in the Matter of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2) ML12320A6652012-11-15015 November 2012 NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12320A6622012-11-15015 November 2012 NRC Staff Notification of Update to Hearing File in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12292A0912012-10-18018 October 2012 NRC Staff Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12289A8712012-10-15015 October 2012 NRC Staff Notification of Update to Hearing File in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12264A3642012-09-20020 September 2012 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations in the Matter of Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12258A0482012-09-14014 September 2012 NRC Staff Notification of Update of Hearing File for Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12229A3202012-08-16016 August 2012 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML12228A4062012-08-15015 August 2012 NRC Staff Notice That Its Updated the Hearing File for Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12201A1842012-07-19019 July 2012 Update to Staff Schedule ML12198A4572012-07-16016 July 2012 NRC Staff Notification of Updated Hearing File for Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 ML12177A3532012-06-25025 June 2012 NRC Staffs Notification to Board of Current Milestone Schedule for the Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Safety Evaluation and Environmental Review ML12138A1082012-05-17017 May 2012 Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations ML12136A4192012-05-15015 May 2012 Hearing File Update Letter 2015-09-15
[Table view] |
January 19, 2012 In the Matter of PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2)
Docket Nos.
50-275-LR and 50-323-LR RE: Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations
Dear Administrative Judges:
Pursuant to the Board's Order of August 5, 2010 (Scheduling Initial Scheduling Conference), this letter inform s the Board of the NRC Staff's current milestone schedule for the Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 license renewal safety evaluation and environmental review. In light of PG&E's status report filed with the Board on January 10 , 2012 the Staff expects to finalize its safety and environmental reviews, to include issuance of the final supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) and any necessary supplements to the safety evaluation report or SEIS, between May 2014 and August 2014. This estimate is based on the applicant issuing its final report on the seismic studies by November 2013
, as stated in PG&E's January 10, 2012 update. Sincerely, Signed (electronically) by
Lloyd B. Subin Counsel for NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop
- O-15D21 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-1988 E-mail: Lloyd.Subin@nrc.gov Date of signature: January 19, 2012 Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop: T
-3F23 Washington, DC 20555
-001 Administrative Judge Paul B. Abramson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop: T
-3F23 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop: T
-3F23 Washington, DC 20555
) Docket Nos. 50
-275-LR/ 50-323-LR ) (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, ) ASLBP No. 10
-900-01-LR-BD01 Units 1 and 2)
) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing Letter regarding Projected Schedule for Completion of the Safety and Environmental Evaluations
, dated January 19, 2012 have been served u pon the following by the Electronic Information Exchange, this 1 9 th day of January, 201 2: Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop
- T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
-0001 E-mail: ask2@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop
- T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
-0001 E-mail: ngt@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Paul B. Abramson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
-0001 E-mail: pba@nrc.gov
Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop
- O-16G4 Washington, DC 20555
-0001 E-mail: ocaamail@nrc.gov
Office of the Secretary Attn: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff Mail Stop: O
-16G4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
-0001 E-mail: HEARINGDOCKET@nrc.gov
David A. Repka, Esq.
Tyson Smith, Esq.
Carlos Sisco Winston & Strawn LLP 101 California Street San Francisco, CA 94111
-5802 E-mail: drepka@winston.com trsmith@winston.com CSisco@winston.com
Jill ZamEk, Esq.
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace 1123 Flora Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 E-mail: jzk@charter.net Diane Curran, Esq.
Harmon, Curran, Spielberg, and Eisenberg 1726 M Street NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 E-mail: dcurran@harmoncurran.com Signed (electronically) by
Lloyd B. Subin Counsel for NRC Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop
- O-15D21 Washington, DC 20555 Telephone: (301) 415-1988 E-mail: Lloyd.Subin@nrc.gov Date of signature:
January 19, 2012 3