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{{#Wiki_filter:The US NRC's Power Reactor DecommissioningProcess Decommissioning ProcessLarry W. Camper, CIPM CEP DirectorDivisionofWasteManagementandEnvironmentalProtection Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Federal and State Material Safety and Environmental  Management ProgramsU.S. Nuclear Re gulatory Commission gy1 Mission*The NRC licenses and regulates the Nation'scivilianuseofradioactive Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to protect public health and safetypromotethecommondefenseand safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment.
{{#Wiki_filter:The US NRC's Power Reactor DecommissioningProcess Decommissioning ProcessLarry W. Camper, CIPM CEP DirectorDivisionofWasteManagementandEnvironmentalProtection Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Federal and State Material Safety and Environmental  Management ProgramsU.S. Nuclear Re g ulator y Commission gy 1 Mission*The NRC licenses and regulates the Nation'scivilianuseofradioactive Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to protect public health and safetypromotethecommondefenseand safety , promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment.
2 Decommission (10 CFR 20 Subpart E) "To remove (as a facility) safely from service and reduceradioactivitytoalevelthatpermits:
2 Decommission (10 CFR 20 Subpart E) "To remove (as a facility) safely from service and reduceradioactivitytoalevelthatpermits:
reduce radioactivity to a level that permits:1.Release of the property for unrestricted use and ppytermination of the license; or2.Release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license" 3
reduce radioactivity to a level that permits:1.Release of the p ro p ert y for unrestricted use and ppy termination of the license; or2.Release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license" 3
Decommissioning Staff Expertise-Mechanical Engineers-Civil Engineers-Environmental Engineers-Environmental Scientists-Chemical Engineers
Decommissioning Staff Expertise-Mechanical Engineers-Civil Engineers-Environmental Engineers-Environmental Scientists-Chemical Engineers
-Nuclear Engineers Geotechnical Engineers-Hydrogeologists
-Nuclear Engineers Geotechnical Engineers-Hydrogeologists
Line 24: Line 24:
-ChemistsHealth Physicists ChemistsOver 300 cumulative years of experience 4
-Chemists Health Physicists ChemistsOver 300 cumulative years of experience 4
Decommissioning Completions 1012682405Power ReactorsRTRsMaterials Sites Decommissioned Reactors -Rancho Seco, 2009-Big Rock Point, 2007ConnecticutYankee2007
Decommissioning Completions 10 12 6 8 2 4 0 5Power ReactorsRTRsMaterials Sites Decommissioned Reactors -Rancho Seco, 2009-Big Rock Point, 2007ConnecticutYankee2007
-Connecticut Yankee, 2007-Pathfinder, 2007
-Connecticut Yankee , 2007-Pathfinder, 2007
-YankeeRowe,2007Yankee Rowe, 2007-Trojan, 2005
-Yankee Rowe, 2007 Yankee Rowe, 2007-Trojan, 2005
-Maine Yankee, 2005-Saxton, 2005
-Maine Yankee, 2005-Saxton, 2005
-Shoreham, 1995ForSaintVrain1997-For Saint Vrain, 1997-Shippingport, 1988 6
-Shoreham, 1995ForSaint Vrain 1997-For Saint Vrain , 1997-Shippingport, 1988 6
Key Decommissioning Milestones*Certification -Permanent Ceasing of Operations Certification
Key Decommissioning Milestones*Certification -Permanent Ceasing of Operations Certification
-NuclearFuelpermanentlyremoved Certification Nuclear Fuel permanently removed from the Reactor*Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR)*Decommissioning/Environmental RemediationLiTitiPl*License Termination Plan *Final Status Survey
-NuclearFuelpermanentlyremoved Certification Nuclear Fuel permanently removed from the Reactor*Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR)*Decommissioning/Environmental RemediationLiTitiPl*Li cense T erm i na ti on Pl an *Final Status Survey
*NRC Confirmatory Survey*Termination/Reduction of Part 50 License 7
*NRC Confirmatory Survey*Termination/Reduction of Part 50 License 7
Line 37: Line 37:
*Unrestricted Release
*Unrestricted Release
*Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)  25 mrem(0.25 mSv/a)  and As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
*Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)  25 mrem(0.25 mSv/a)  and As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
*Average member of the critical groupggp*All pathways
*Avera g e member of the critical g rou pggp*All pathways
*Period of performance -1000 years
*Period of performance -1000 years
Line 45: Line 45:
*Licensee and NRC public input/outreach requirements Public Meeting Agenda*NRC Decommissioning Overview*Reactor Decommissioning Process*Decommissioning Inspection Program*Decommissioning Funding
*Licensee and NRC public input/outreach requirements Public Meeting Agenda*NRC Decommissioning Overview*Reactor Decommissioning Process*Decommissioning Inspection Program*Decommissioning Funding
*Spent Fuel Management*Q & A9 Public Involvement
*Spent Fuel Management*Q & A 9 Public Involvement
*Process Meeting
*Process Meeting
*Post Shutdown Decommissionin g gActivities Report (PSDAR) Meeting
*Post Shutdown Decommissionin g gActivities Report (PSDAR) Meeting
*LicenseTerminationPlanMeeting License Termination Plan Meeting*Opportunity for Hearing 10 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionTheUSNRC'sPoerReactor The US NRC's  Power Reactor Decommissioning ProcessBruce A. Watson, CHPCifiiiChief, Reactor Decomm issioning BranchOffice of the Federal, State, Materials Safety and Environmental  ProtectionU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionSeptember262013 11September 26, 2013Carlsbad, California UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNRC Regulations  
*LicenseTerminationPlanMeeting License Termination Plan Meeting*Opportunity for Hearing 10 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onTheUSNRC'sPoerReactor The US NRC's  Po w er Reactor Decommissioning ProcessBruce A. Watson, CHPCifiii C h i e f , Reactor Decomm i ss i on i ng BranchOffice of the Federal, State, Materials Safety and Environmental  ProtectionU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionSeptember262013 11 September 26 , 2013 Carlsbad, California UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on NRC Regulations  
*10 CFR Part 20 Sub part E "License Termination pRule  was implemented in 1997
*10 CFR Part 20 Sub part E "License Termination pRule  was implemented in 1997
*10 CFR Part 50  
*10 CFR Part 50  
-Power Reactor License10CFRPt72IddtStFl*10 CFR Part 72  -Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation License (ISFSI) 12 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionReactor Decommissioning Options
-Power Reactor License10CFRPt72IddtStFl*10 CFR P ar t 72  -I n d epen d en t S pen t F ue l Storage Installation License (ISFSI) 12 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onReactor Decommissioning Options
*DECON: Equipment, structures, etc. removed or decontaminated to a level that permits radiolo gical pgrelease*SAFSTOR: Plant placed in a safe, stable condition ditidithttttilitibtl and maintained in that state until it is subsequently decontaminated to levels that permits radiological  
*DECON: Equipment, structures, etc. removed or decontaminated to a level that p ermits radiolo g ical pg release*SAFSTOR: Plant placed in a safe, stable condition ditidithttttilitibtl an d ma i n t a i ne d i n th a t s t a t e un til it i s su b sequen tl y decontaminated to levels that permits radiological  

release*ENTOMB: Plant is encased in a structurally long-lived substance to allow decay until levels permit unrestrictedrelease(notcurrentlyavailable) 13unrestricted release (not currently available)
release*ENTOMB: Plant is encased in a structurally long-lived substance to allow decay until levels permit unrestrictedrelease(notcurrentlyavailable) 13 unrestricted release (not currently available)
UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionReactor Decommissionin g -10 CFR 50.82 g*Reactor Decommissioning is required to be completed in 60 years. py*Bases: 50 y in SAFSTOR + 10 y DECON
UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Reactor Decommissionin g -10 CFR 50.82 g*Reactor Decommissioning is required to be com pleted in 60 y ears. py*Bases: 50 y in SAFSTOR + 10 y DECON
*Radiation Dose Rates reduced to 1 -2 %
*Radiation Dose Rates reduced to 1 -2 %
*Radioactive Waste Volumes reduced to 10%
*Radioactive Waste Volumes reduced to 10%
*Allows Decommissioning Fund to increase
*Allows Decommissioning Fund to increase
*Coincidently, corresponds well with 20 year life extension for multi-unit sites 14 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDecision Factors  for Licensees  in Determinin g gthe Decommissioning Strategy
*Coincidently, corresponds well with 20 year life extension for multi-unit sites 14 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onDecision Factors  for Licensees  in Determinin g g the Decommissioning Strategy
*Multi-Unit Site Safet yy*Financial -Decommissioning Funds Availability
*Multi-Unit Site Safet y y*Financial -Decommissioning Funds Availability
*Access to Radioactive Waste Disposal Capacity
*Access to Radioactive Waste Disposal Capacity
*Future use of the Site
*Future use of the Site
*New Business Model  
*N ew Business Model  
*Special Circumstances 15 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee notifies (certifies) NRC within 30 days of permanently ceasing operations
*Special Circumstances 15 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee notifies (certifies) NRC within 30 days of permanently ceasing operations
*Certification also required once the fuel has been permanentlyremovedfromthereactorvessel permanently removed from the reactor vessel*Licensee submits Post-Shutdown Decommissioning ActivitiesReport(PSDAR)priortoorwithin2yearsof Activities Report (PSDAR) prior to or within 2 years of cessation of operations 16 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPostShutdownDecommissioning Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) Contents
*Certification also required once the fuel has been permanentlyremovedfromthereactorvessel permanently removed from the reactor vessel*Licensee submits Post-Shutdown Decommissioning ActivitiesReport(PSDAR)priortoorwithin2yearsof Activities Report (PSDAR) prior to or within 2 years of cessation of operations 16 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPostShutdownDecommissioning Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) Contents
*A description and schedule for the planned ppdecommissioning activities
*A descri ption and schedule for the p lanned pp decommissioning activities
*An estimate of the expected decommissioning costs*A discussion that provides the means for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with the decommissionin g activities 17gwill be bounded by appropriately issued  
*An estimate of the expected decommissioning costs*A discussion that provides the means for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with the decommissionin g activities 17 gwill be bounded by appropriately issued  

Environmental Impact Statements
Environmental Impact Statements
UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPower Reactor Decommissioning Process
UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process
*NRC notices the PSDAR in the Federal Register
*NRC notices the PSDAR in the Federal Register
*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss the PSDAR and solicit comments
*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss the PSDAR and solicit comments
*NRC does not approve the PSDAR
*NRC does not approve the PSDAR
*Licensee may begin decommissioning 90 days after NRCreceivesthePSDAR 18NRC receives the PSDAR UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPower Reactor Decommissioning Process
*Licensee may begin decommissioning 90 days after NRCreceivesthePSDAR 18 NRC receives the PSDAR UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process
*Licensee performs site decommissioning  
*Licensee performs site decommissioning  
*NRC continues to conduct on-site inspections
*NRC continues to conduct on-site inspections
*LicenseesubmitsLicenseTerminationPlan(LTP)at Licensee submits License Termination Plan (LTP) at least 2 years prior to requesting license termination
*LicenseesubmitsLicenseTerminationPlan(LTP)at Licensee submits License Termination Plan (LTP) at least 2 years prior to requesting license termination
*NRC notices LTP in the Federal Register*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss LTP 19 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*Site radiological characterization information
*NRC notices LTP in the Federal Register*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss LTP 19 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*Site radiological characterization information
*Identification of remaining dismantlement activities activities
*Identification of remaining dismantlement activities activities
*Plans to complete the site remediation
*Plans to complete the site remediation
*Detailed plans for the final radiation survey 20 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*A description of the end use of the site, only if restricted release is re questedq*An updated site-specific estimate of remaining decommissioningcosts decommissioning costs*A supplement to the environmental re port pppdescribing any new information or significant environmental change associated with the  
*Detailed plans for the final radiation survey 20 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*A description of the end use of the site, only if restricted release is re q uested q*An updated site-specific estimate of remaining decommissioningcosts decommissioning costs*A su pp lement to the environmental re p ort pppdescribing any new information or significant environmental change associated with the  

licensee's proposed termination activities.
licensee's p ro p osed termination activities.
21pp UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPower Reactor Decommissioning Process
21 pp UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process
*NRC review of the LTP
*NRC review of the LTP
-Acceptance and Technical Review  
-Acceptance and Technical Review  
-Requests for Additional information, if necessary  
-Requests for Additional information, if necessary  
-Public Meetings/Opportunity for Hearing 22 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*NRC approves LTP by amending the license
-Public Meetings/Opportunity for Hearing 22 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*NRC approves LTP by amending the license
*Licensee performs remaining decommissioning activities
*Licensee performs remaining decommissioning activities
*NRC performs inspections, including independent in-process and confirmator y ppysurveys to verify licensee survey results 23 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee  submits Final Status Surve y Report yp(FSSR)*NRCperformsconfirmatorysurveysand
*NRC performs inspections, including inde pendent in-process and confirmator y p pysurveys to verify licensee survey results 23 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee  submits Final Status Surve y Re p ort yp (FSSR)*NRCperformsconfirmatorysurveysand
*NRC performs confirmatory surveys and approves the FSSR
*NRC performs confirmatory surveys and approves the FSSR
*NRC terminates the license by letter and notices the action in the Federal Register 24 UidSNlRlCii United States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionSONGS Decommissioning Milestones
*NRC terminates the license by letter and notices the action in the Federal Register 24 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onSONGS Decommissioning Milestones
*June  7, 2013  -SCE certification of permanent cessation for SONGS Units 2 & 3J282013Uit3dfldtifiti
*June  7, 2013  -SCE certification of permanent cessation for SONGS Units 2 & 3J282013Uit3dfldtifiti
*June 28, 2013  -Unit 3 defueled certification *July 22, 2013 -Unit 2 defueled certification
*J une 28 , 2013  -U n it 3 d e f ue l e d cer tifi ca ti on *July 22, 2013 -Unit 2 defueled certification
*Deadline for the SONGS PSDAR is June 7, 2015 *Public notice of PSDAR, and public meeting ~60 days after PSDAR submittal
*Deadline for the SONGS PSDAR is June 7 , 2015 *Public notice of PSDAR, and public meeting ~60 days after PSDAR submittal
*LTP required within 2 yrs of license termination termination 25 NRC Inspection Program for DecommissioningReactors Decommissioning ReactorsD. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief,  Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IV Public Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, California  September 26, 2013 26 How to safely get from this to                      thisConnecticut Yankee, CTMaine Yankee, METrojan, OR San Onofre Unit 1, CA 27 How NRC Ensures SafetyoCsuesSaety
*LTP required within 2 yrs of license termination termination 25 NRC Inspection Program for DecommissioningReactors Decommissioning ReactorsD. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief,  Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IV Public Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, California  September 26, 2013 26 How to safely get from this to                      thisConnecticut Yankee, CTMaine Yankee, METrojan, OR San Onofre Unit 1, CA 27 H o w NR C En su r es Sa f etyoCsuesSaety
*Establish and ensure compliance with requirements contained in:
*Establish and ensure compliance with requirements contained in:
-Regulations Regulations
-Regulations Regulations
-Safety standardsLicense(LicenseConditionsTechnical
-Safety standardsLicense(LicenseConditionsTechnical
-License (License Conditions
-License (License Conditions , Technical Specifications)
, Technical Specifications)
*Performlicensingreviewsandsafety Perform licensing reviews and safety evaluations
*Performlicensingreviewsandsafety Perform licensing reviews and safety evaluations
*Inspectionandenforcement Inspection and enforcement 28 InspectionActivities Inspection Activities
*Inspectionandenforcement Inspection and enforcement 28 InspectionActivities Inspection Activities
Line 115: Line 114:
-During and after remediation activities, NRC conducts independent radiological measurements to confirm licensee survey  
-During and after remediation activities, NRC conducts independent radiological measurements to confirm licensee survey  

methodolo giesg*Inspections of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
methodolo g ies g*Inspections of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
*Inspection of Physical Security 29 Objectives of the NRC Inspection PProgram*Objectively verify safe conduct of licensee activities
*Inspection of Physical Security 29 Objectives of the NRC Inspection P P rogram*Objectively verify safe conduct of licensee activities
*Verify adequacy of licensee controls
*Verify adequacy of licensee controls
*Ensure safety problems and violations are fpromptly identi fied and corrected and effective actions are taken to prevent recurrence recurrence
*Ensure safety problems and violations are f promptly identi f ied and corrected and effective actions are taken to prevent recurrence recurrence
*Examine trends in licensee safety performance performance 30 Examples of Core Inspection PdfDiiiProcedures for Decommissioning*Organization,ManagementandCostControls Organization, Management and Cost Controls*Safety Reviews, Design Changes and Modifications
*Examine trends in licensee safety performance performance 30 Examples of Core Inspection PdfDiii P roce d ures f or D ecomm i ss i on i ng*Organization,ManagementandCostControls Organization, Management and Cost Controls*Safety Reviews, Design Changes and Modifications
*Self Assessments, Audits and Corrective Actions
*Self Assessments, Audits and Corrective Actions
*Safety of spent fuel
*Safety of spent fuel
Line 139: Line 138:
-30 day goal for normal inspection reports (post exit)
-30 day goal for normal inspection reports (post exit)
-45 day goal for team inspections (post exit)
-45 day goal for team inspections (post exit)
*Enforcement NRC enforcement policy 32 Post Inspection Activitiesostspectocttes
*Enforcement NRC enforcement policy 32 P ost In spect i o n A ct ivi t i esostspectocttes
*Prompt NRC management debrief
*Prompt NRC management debrief
*Determination of any significant findings and enforcement enforcement
*Determination of any significant findings and enforcement enforcement
Line 147: Line 146:

(, use advancedsearchfeaturewithdocketnumbers advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041
(, use advancedsearchfeaturewithdocketnumbers advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041
*Track and follow u p on safet y issuespy33 Decommissioning FundingNRCRequirements&
*Track and follow u p on safet y issues py 33 Decommissioning FundingNRCRequirements&
NRC Requirements
NRC Requirements
  & Expectations Michael Dusaniwskyj EconomistFinancialAnalysis&InternationalProjectsBranch Financial Analysis & International Projects BranchDivision of Inspection & Regional SupportOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 34 DecommissioningFunding AssuranceecossogudgssuaceNRC regulates Safety not CommerceThe NRC has determined that the requirement to provide reasonable assurance of decommissionin g funding is ggnecessary to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b), a reactor licenseeisrequiredtoprovidedecommissioningfunding licensee is required to provide decommissioning funding assurance by one or more of the methods described in 10 CFR 50.75(e)  as determined to be acceptable by the NRC.
  & Expectations Michael Dusaniwskyj EconomistFinancialAnalysis&InternationalProjectsBranch Financial Analysis & International Projects BranchDivision of Inspection & Regional SupportOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 34 D eco mmi ss i o nin g F u n d in g A ssu r a n ceecossogudgssuaceNRC regulates Safety not CommerceThe NRC has determined that the requirement to provide reasonable assurance of decommissionin g fundin g is ggnecessary to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b), a reactor licenseeisrequiredtoprovidedecommissioningfunding licensee is required to provide decommissioning funding assurance by one or more of the methods described in 10 CFR 50.75(e)  as determined to be acceptable by the NRC.
35 DecommissioningFunding AssuranceDecommissioning Funding is an obligation that is takenonwhenanNRClicenseisissued taken on when an NRC license is issuedThe NRC has a com prehensive, re gulation-based pgdecommissioning funding oversight program in place to provide reasonable assurance that sufficient funds will be availablefordecommissioningandradiological available for decommissioning and radiological decontamination for each US commercial nuclear facility to NRC standards and regulations.  (Not e:  Site restoration or "GREEFIELD"itdthNRC'jiditi
35 DecommissioningFunding AssuranceDecommissioning Funding is an obligation that is takenonwhenanNRClicenseisissued taken on when an NRC license is issued The NRC has a com p rehensive, re g ulation-based pgdecommissioning funding oversight program in place to provide reasonable assurance that sufficient funds will be availablefordecommissioningandradiological available for decommissioning and radiological decontamination for each US commercial nuclear facility to NRC standards and regulations.  (Not e:  Site restoration or "GREEFIELD"itdthNRC'jiditi
)"GREEFIELD" is not under the NRC's  jurisdiction.)36 San OnofreNuclear Generating StationSaOoeuceaGeeatgStato*Fundsareinadedicatedexternal Funds are in a dedicated external decommissioning trust
)"GREEFIELD" i s no t un d er th e NRC's  j ur i s di c ti on.)36 Sa n O n o fr e N uc l ea r Ge n e r at in g Stat i o n SaOoeuceaGeeatgStato*Fundsareinadedicatedexternal Funds are in a dedicated external decommissioning trust
*As of December 31, 2012 trust funds:  
*A s of December 31, 2012 trust funds:  
*Unit 2-$1,666,100,000Uit3$1890800000
*Unit 2-$1,666,100,000Uit 3$1890800000
*Unit 3-$1,890,800,000*SONGS Unit 1as of December 31, 2012: *Remaining trust funds -$295,700,000*(Est.) remaining costs -$206,500,000 37 NRCREGULATIONOFSPENT NRC REGULATION OF SPENT FUEL AT SAN ONOFRE D. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief,  Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IVPublic Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, CaliforniaSeptember 26, 2013 38 SpentFuelatSONGS Spent Fuel at SONGS*Spent fuel must have active heat removal in a pool for several years after leaving the operating reactor. After this period, it can be passively cooled by air. *Spent fuel is being safely stored at San Onofre in fuel pools and in the onsite Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).*Spent fuel pools are able to withstand the same environmental hazard conditions as the reactors, and will be operated by certified fuel handlers who are on shift around the clock.  *Each spent fuel pool has redundant and independent cooling systems, power supplies, pool water sources, and other safety and emergency equipment. *Both the spent fuel pools and the ISFSI are protected by the San Onofre Physical Security force and its associated security systems.
*U n it 3-$1 , 890 , 800 , 000*SONGS Unit 1as of December 31, 2012: *Remaining trust funds -$295,700,000*(Est.) remaining costs -$206,500,000 37 NRCREGULATIONOFSPENT NRC REGULATION OF SPENT FUEL AT SAN ONOFRE D. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief,  Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IVPublic Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, CaliforniaSeptember 26, 2013 38 SpentFuelatSONGS Spent Fuel at SONGS*Spent fuel must have active heat removal in a pool for several years after leaving the operating reactor. After this period, it can be passively cooled by air. *Spent fuel is being safely stored at San Onofre in fuel pools and in the onsite Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).*Spent fuel pools are able to withstand the same environmental hazard conditions as the reactors, and will be operated by certified fuel handlers who are on shift around the clock.  *Each spent fuel pool has redundant and independent cooling systems, power supplies, pool water sources, and other safety and emergency equipment. *Both the spent fuel pools and the ISFSI are protected by the San Onofre Physical Security force and its associated security systems. 39 NeedforanISFSI Need for an ISFSIThdflttittfll
39 NeedforanISFSI Need for an ISFSIThdflttittfll
*Th e nee d f or a lt erna ti ves t o spen t f ue l poo l storage emerged in the 1970s.*The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and AmendmentsActof1987laidouta Amendments Act of 1987 laid out a process for licensing a geological  
*The need for alternatives to spent fuel pool storage emerged in the 1970s.*The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and AmendmentsActof1987laidouta Amendments Act of 1987 laid out a process for licensing a geological  

repository.*A geologic repository is still decades away *Dry cask storage was developed to meet the need for expanded onsite storage of  
repository.*A geologic repository is still decades away *Dry cask storage was developed to meet the need for expanded onsite storage of  

spent fuel due to the lack of a national repositoryavailableforuse repository available for use.*SONGS ISFSI became operational in October 2003.
spent fuel due to the lack of a national repositoryavailableforuse repository available for use.*SONGS ISFSI became operational in October 2003.
40 U.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsU.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations FitzpatrickNine Mile Pt 12Big Rock Point KewauneeMonticell
40 U.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsU.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations FitzpatrickNine Mile Pt 1 2Big Rock Point Kewaunee Monticell oDOETMI-2StorageTrojan Columbia 3Beaver V alle y Fitzpatrick 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Northeast:1. Maine Yankee2. Seabrook
oDOETMI-2StorageTrojan Columbia 3Beaver ValleyFitzpatrick 5678910111213Northeast:1. Maine Yankee2. Seabrook
: 3. Vermont Yankee
: 3. Vermont Yankee
: 4. Yankee RoweDavis Besse PerryFermiPoint Beach KewauneePrairie Island LaCrosseZionCookPalisades 1234Midwest:567Ft. Calhoun DOE TMI-2  StorageDOE  Idaho Spent Fuel FacilityPrivate Fuel StorageFt Saint Vrain (vault storage)Humboldt Bay Rancho Seco 151443GinnaCtbMcGuire Surry North Anna Shearon HarrisWattsy5. Pilgrim6. Haddam Neck
: 4. Yankee RoweDavis Besse Perr y FermiPoint Beach Kewaunee Prairie Island LaCrosse Zio n Cook Palisades 1 2 3 4Midwest: 5 6 7 Ft. Calhoun DOE TMI-2  StorageDOE  Idaho Spent Fuel FacilityPrivate Fuel StorageFt Saint Vrain (vault storage)Humboldt Bay Rancho Seco 1 5 14 4 3 GinnaCtbMcGuire Surry North Anna Shearon HarrisWatts y5. Pilgrim6. Haddam Neck
: 7. Millstone
: 7. Millstone
: 8. Indian Point
: 8. Indian Point
Line 172: Line 168:
: 12. Peach Bottom
: 12. Peach Bottom
: 13. Oyster Creek
: 13. Oyster Creek
: 14. Hope Creek15Salem16Midwest:1. Dresden
: 14. Hope Creek15Salem 16Midwest:1. Dresden
: 2. GE Morris (wet)
: 2. GE Morris (wet)
: 3. Braidwood
: 3. Braidwood
Line 179: Line 175:
: 6. Duane Arnold
: 6. Duane Arnold
: 7. Quad Cities
: 7. Quad Cities
: 8. ClintonCallawayWolf CreekDiablo Canyon 5Coope r8Current as of February 2013:Browns Ferry Hatch Sequoya h Oconee CatawbaBrunswick Robinson VogtleSummerWatts Bar15. Salem16. Calvert CliffsArkansas Nuclear  
: 8. ClintonCallawayWolf CreekDiablo Canyon 5 Coope r 8Current as of February 2013:Browns Ferry Hatch Sequoya h Oconee C a t aw b aBrunswick Robinson Vogtle SummerWatts Bar 15. Salem16. Calvert CliffsArkansas Nuclear  

One San Onofre Palo Verde Farle y Grand GulfRiver Bend Crystal RiverWaterfordSt. LucieSouth Texas ProjectComanche Peak 54Operating General Licensed ISFSIs at Reactor Sites 9Reactor Sites Pursuing a General licensed ISFSI  Interstate Highways RailroadsDisclaimer:  This map provides only general information regarding the current and potential ISFSI licensees, based on various information sources that may be inexact. The map will be updated when changes occur.Turkey Point 5Reactor sites have not announced intentions regarding ISFSI 33States have at least one ISFSI 41 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSIDry Shielded CanisterHorizontal Storage Module under construction*SONGS uses the Transnuclear Advanced NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System. *Major components are the Dry Shielded Canister (DSC) and the Horizontal Storage Module (HSM)
One San Onofre Palo Verde Farle y Grand GulfRiver Bend Crystal RiverWaterfordSt. LucieSouth Texas ProjectComanche Peak 54Operating General Licensed ISFSIs at Reactor Sites 9Reactor Sites Pursuing a General licensed ISFSI  Interstate Highways RailroadsDisclaimer:  This map provides only general information regarding the current and potential ISFSI licensees, based on various information sources that may be inexact. The map will be updated when changes occur.Turkey Point 5Reactor sites have not announced intentions regarding ISFSI 33States have at least one ISFSI 41 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSIDry Shielded CanisterHorizontal Storage Module under construction*SONGS uses the Transnuclear Advanced NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System. *Major components are the Dry Shielded Canister (DSC) and the Horizontal Storage Module (HSM)
.*Each DSC has an outer shell consisting of 5/8 inch thick stainless steel with steel internal spacer discs.  
.*Each DSC has an outer shell consisting of 5/8 inch thick stainless steel with steel internal spacer discs.  
The DSC has a welded internal confinement boundary and separate welded lid.42 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSI*The DSC is placed horizontally inside each AHSM module, into a steel su pport structure.
The DSC has a welded internal confinement boundary and separate welded lid.42 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSI*The DSC is placed horizontally inside each AHSM module, into a steel su pp ort structure.
pp*The AHSM has thick steel reinforced concrete walls (>4 feet thick) and roof slabs (~5 feet thick) which provide additional  
pp*The AHSM has thick steel reinforced concrete walls (>4 feet thick) and roof slabs (~5 feet thick) which provide additional  

structural protection to the canister and radiation shieldin
structural protection to the canister and radiation shieldin
: g. pg*The ISFSI pads are steel reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 3 feet.
: g. pg*The ISFSI pads are steel reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 3 feet.
43 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSISeismic Desi gn Considerations g*The SONGS ISFSI is designed for high seismicity sites. *The Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) used to analyze the SONGS ISFSI is 2.24 times higher than that used in the licensing of the San Onofre reactors. Flooding/TsunamiConsiderations Flooding/Tsunami Considerations*The SONGS ISFSI is located 19.75 feet above sea level.*The maximum flood condition of 29 feet was evaluated for the ISFSI which would potentially put the ISFSI pad under 9 feet under water. The design basis flood for the AHSM design is to withstand a submersion of 50 feet of water.*The maximum tsunami, including storm height of the waves was evaluated at 27 feet for the SONGS ISFSI. This is less than the maximum flood conditions evaluated for the site.eauaedoese*All evaluations do not take credit for the 28 foot tall sea wall which exist between the ocean and ISFSI.  *If the ISFSI were to get temporarily flooded during a tsunami, no adverse thermal effectswouldoccur effects would occur. 44 InspectionofSpentFuelStorage Inspection of Spent Fuel StorageSpent Fuel Pool inspection*Inspections of  spent fuel pool safety will continue semi-annually using Inspection Procedure 60801 -"Spent Fuel Pool Safety at Permanently Shutdown Reactors."
43 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSI Seismic Desi g n Considerations g*The SONGS ISFSI is designed for high seismicity sites. *The Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) used to analyze the SONGS ISFSI is 2.24 times higher than that used in the licensing of the San Onofre reactors. Flooding/TsunamiConsiderations Flooding/Tsunami Considerations*The SONGS ISFSI is located 19.75 feet above sea level.*The maximum flood condition of 29 feet was evaluated for the ISFSI which would potentially put the ISFSI pad under 9 feet under water. The design basis flood for the AHSM design is to withstand a submersion of 50 feet of water.*The maximum tsunami, including storm height of the waves was evaluated at 27 feet for the SONGS ISFSI. This is less than the maximum flood conditions e v a l ua t ed f o r th e s it e.eauaedoe se*All evaluations do not take credit for the 28 foot tall sea wall which exist between the ocean and ISFSI.  *If the ISFSI were to get temporarily flooded during a tsunami, no adverse thermal effectswouldoccur effects would occur. 44 InspectionofSpentFuelStorage Inspection of Spent Fuel StorageSpent Fuel Pool inspection*Inspections of  spent fuel pool safety will continue semi-annually using Inspection Procedure 60801 -"Spent Fuel Pool Safety at Permanently Shutdown Reactors."
ISFSI inspection
ISFSI inspection

Line 195: Line 191:
*This Manual Chapter references the Inspection Procedures to be implemented
*This Manual Chapter references the Inspection Procedures to be implemented
.*NRC attempts to schedule routine inspections during ongoing cask loading operations.How to find NRC inspection guidance and reports*NRC inspection guidance can be found on the NRCs website at*Most NRC inspection reports are publicly available. To locate reports, go to ADAMSwebpage(
.*NRC attempts to schedule routine inspections during ongoing cask loading operations.How to find NRC inspection guidance and reports*NRC inspection guidance can be found on the NRCs website at*Most NRC inspection reports are publicly available. To locate reports, go to ADAMSwebpage(
-rm/adams.html),useadvanced ADAMS web page ( rm/adams.html
-rm/adams.html),useadvanced ADAMS web page ( rm/adams.html
), use advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041.
), use advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041.

Revision as of 00:01, 14 July 2018

Reactor Decommissioning Process- Presentation for San Onofre 2&3 PSDAR Public Meeting
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/2013
From: Camper L W
Download: ML13268A003 (45)


The US NRC's Power Reactor DecommissioningProcess Decommissioning ProcessLarry W. Camper, CIPM CEP DirectorDivisionofWasteManagementandEnvironmentalProtection Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Federal and State Material Safety and Environmental Management ProgramsU.S. Nuclear Re g ulator y Commission gy 1 Mission*The NRC licenses and regulates the Nation'scivilianuseofradioactive Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to protect public health and safetypromotethecommondefenseand safety , promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment.

2 Decommission (10 CFR 20 Subpart E) "To remove (as a facility) safely from service and reduceradioactivitytoalevelthatpermits:

reduce radioactivity to a level that permits:1.Release of the p ro p ert y for unrestricted use and ppy termination of the license; or2.Release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license" 3

Decommissioning Staff Expertise-Mechanical Engineers-Civil Engineers-Environmental Engineers-Environmental Scientists-Chemical Engineers

-Nuclear Engineers Geotechnical Engineers-Hydrogeologists

-Geologists Mathematicians

-Geotechnical Engineers-Industrial Engineers



-Chemists Health Physicists ChemistsOver 300 cumulative years of experience 4

Decommissioning Completions 10 12 6 8 2 4 0 5Power ReactorsRTRsMaterials Sites Decommissioned Reactors -Rancho Seco, 2009-Big Rock Point, 2007ConnecticutYankee2007

-Connecticut Yankee , 2007-Pathfinder, 2007

-Yankee Rowe, 2007 Yankee Rowe, 2007-Trojan, 2005

-Maine Yankee, 2005-Saxton, 2005

-Shoreham, 1995ForSaint Vrain 1997-For Saint Vrain , 1997-Shippingport, 1988 6

Key Decommissioning Milestones*Certification -Permanent Ceasing of Operations Certification

-NuclearFuelpermanentlyremoved Certification Nuclear Fuel permanently removed from the Reactor*Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR)*Decommissioning/Environmental RemediationLiTitiPl*Li cense T erm i na ti on Pl an *Final Status Survey

  • NRCConfirmatorySurvey
  • NRC Confirmatory Survey*Termination/Reduction of Part 50 License 7

Release Criteria

  • Unrestricted Release
  • Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) 25 mrem(0.25 mSv/a) and As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)
  • Avera g e member of the critical g rou pggp*All pathways
  • Period of performance -1000 years
  • Restrictedrelease
  • Restricted release* 25 mrem(0.25 mSv/a) TEDE and ALARA, with institutional controls in effect
  • Legally enforceable institutional controls
  • If institutional controls fail, doses do not exceed 1 mSv/a, or 5 mSv/a, under specific circumstances 8*Financial assurance -independent third party
  • Licensee and NRC public input/outreach requirements Public Meeting Agenda*NRC Decommissioning Overview*Reactor Decommissioning Process*Decommissioning Inspection Program*Decommissioning Funding
  • SpentFuelManagement
  • Spent Fuel Management*Q & A 9 Public Involvement
  • Process Meeting
  • Post Shutdown Decommissionin g gActivities Report (PSDAR) Meeting
  • LicenseTerminationPlanMeeting License Termination Plan Meeting*Opportunity for Hearing 10 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onTheUSNRC'sPoerReactor The US NRC's Po w er Reactor Decommissioning ProcessBruce A. Watson, CHPCifiii C h i e f , Reactor Decomm i ss i on i ng BranchOffice of the Federal, State, Materials Safety and Environmental ProtectionU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionSeptember262013 11 September 26 , 2013 Carlsbad, California UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on NRC Regulations
  • 10 CFR Part 20 Sub part E "License Termination pRule was implemented in 1997
  • 10 CFR Part 50

-Power Reactor License10CFRPt72IddtStFl*10 CFR P ar t 72 -I n d epen d en t S pen t F ue l Storage Installation License (ISFSI) 12 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onReactor Decommissioning Options

  • DECON: Equipment, structures, etc. removed or decontaminated to a level that p ermits radiolo g ical pg release*SAFSTOR: Plant placed in a safe, stable condition ditidithttttilitibtl an d ma i n t a i ne d i n th a t s t a t e un til it i s su b sequen tl y decontaminated to levels that permits radiological

release*ENTOMB: Plant is encased in a structurally long-lived substance to allow decay until levels permit unrestrictedrelease(notcurrentlyavailable) 13 unrestricted release (not currently available)

UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Reactor Decommissionin g -10 CFR 50.82 g*Reactor Decommissioning is required to be com pleted in 60 y ears. py*Bases: 50 y in SAFSTOR + 10 y DECON

  • Radiation Dose Rates reduced to 1 -2 %
  • Radioactive Waste Volumes reduced to 10%
  • Allows Decommissioning Fund to increase
  • Coincidently, corresponds well with 20 year life extension for multi-unit sites 14 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onDecision Factors for Licensees in Determinin g g the Decommissioning Strategy
  • Multi-Unit Site Safet y y*Financial -Decommissioning Funds Availability
  • Access to Radioactive Waste Disposal Capacity
  • Future use of the Site
  • Stakeholders
  • N ew Business Model
  • Special Circumstances 15 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee notifies (certifies) NRC within 30 days of permanently ceasing operations
  • Certification also required once the fuel has been permanentlyremovedfromthereactorvessel permanently removed from the reactor vessel*Licensee submits Post-Shutdown Decommissioning ActivitiesReport(PSDAR)priortoorwithin2yearsof Activities Report (PSDAR) prior to or within 2 years of cessation of operations 16 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPostShutdownDecommissioning Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) Contents
  • A descri ption and schedule for the p lanned pp decommissioning activities
  • Anestimateoftheexpecteddecommissioning
  • An estimate of the expected decommissioning costs*A discussion that provides the means for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with the decommissionin g activities 17 gwill be bounded by appropriately issued

Environmental Impact Statements


UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process

  • NRC notices the PSDAR in the Federal Register
  • NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss the PSDAR and solicit comments
  • NRC does not approve the PSDAR
  • Licensee may begin decommissioning 90 days after NRCreceivesthePSDAR 18 NRC receives the PSDAR UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process
  • Licensee performs site decommissioning
  • NRC continues to conduct on-site inspections
  • LicenseesubmitsLicenseTerminationPlan(LTP)at Licensee submits License Termination Plan (LTP) at least 2 years prior to requesting license termination
  • NRCnoticesLTPintheFederalRegister
  • NRC notices LTP in the Federal Register*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss LTP 19 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*Site radiological characterization information
  • Identification of remaining dismantlement activities activities
  • Plans to complete the site remediation
  • Detailed plans for the final radiation survey 20 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onLicenseTerminationPlanContents License Termination Plan Contents*A description of the end use of the site, only if restricted release is re q uested q*An updated site-specific estimate of remaining decommissioningcosts decommissioning costs*A su pp lement to the environmental re p ort pppdescribing any new information or significant environmental change associated with the

licensee's p ro p osed termination activities.

21 pp UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i on Power Reactor Decommissioning Process

  • NRC review of the LTP

-Acceptance and Technical Review

-Requests for Additional information, if necessary

-Public Meetings/Opportunity for Hearing 22 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*NRC approves LTP by amending the license

  • Licensee performs remaining decommissioning activities
  • NRC performs inspections, including inde pendent in-process and confirmator y p pysurveys to verify licensee survey results 23 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onPowerReactorDecommissioningProcess Power Reactor Decommissioning Process*Licensee submits Final Status Surve y Re p ort yp (FSSR)*NRCperformsconfirmatorysurveysand
  • NRC performs confirmatory surveys and approves the FSSR
  • NRC terminates the license by letter and notices the action in the Federal Register 24 UidSNlRlCii U n i te d S tates N uc l ear R egu l atory C omm i ss i onSONGS Decommissioning Milestones
  • June 7, 2013 -SCE certification of permanent cessation for SONGS Units 2 & 3J282013Uit3dfldtifiti
  • J une 28 , 2013 -U n it 3 d e f ue l e d cer tifi ca ti on *July 22, 2013 -Unit 2 defueled certification
  • DeadlinefortheSONGSPSDARisJune7
  • Deadline for the SONGS PSDAR is June 7 , 2015 *Public notice of PSDAR, and public meeting ~60 days after PSDAR submittal
  • LTP required within 2 yrs of license termination termination 25 NRC Inspection Program for DecommissioningReactors Decommissioning ReactorsD. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief, Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IV Public Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, California September 26, 2013 26 How to safely get from this to thisConnecticut Yankee, CTMaine Yankee, METrojan, OR San Onofre Unit 1, CA 27 H o w NR C En su r es Sa f etyoCsuesSaety
  • Establishandensurecompliancewith
  • Establish and ensure compliance with requirements contained in:

-Regulations Regulations

-Safety standardsLicense(LicenseConditionsTechnical

-License (License Conditions , Technical Specifications)

  • Performlicensingreviewsandsafety Perform licensing reviews and safety evaluations
  • Inspectionandenforcement Inspection and enforcement 28 InspectionActivities Inspection Activities
  • InspectionsofSpentFuelPoolSafety
  • Inspections of Spent Fuel Pool Safety *Inspections of Decommissioning Activities

-Generallyscheduledduringperiodsofhigher Generally scheduled during periods of higher risk activities

-During and after remediation activities, NRC conducts independent radiological measurements to confirm licensee survey

methodolo g ies g*Inspections of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

  • Inspection of Physical Security 29 Objectives of the NRC Inspection P P rogram*Objectively verify safe conduct of licensee activities
  • Verify adequacy of licensee controls
  • Ensure safety problems and violations are f promptly identi f ied and corrected and effective actions are taken to prevent recurrence recurrence
  • Examine trends in licensee safety performance performance 30 Examples of Core Inspection PdfDiii P roce d ures f or D ecomm i ss i on i ng*Organization,ManagementandCostControls Organization, Management and Cost Controls*Safety Reviews, Design Changes and Modifications
  • Self Assessments, Audits and Corrective Actions
  • Safety of spent fuel
  • Occupational Radiation Exposure
  • InspectionofFinalSurveys
  • Inspection of Final Surveys*Radwaste Treatment, Effluent & Environmental Monitoring
  • Transportation of Radioactive Material
  • Maintenance and Surveillance
  • PhysicalSecurity Physical Security*Contingency response procedures 31 Inspection Planning and Communications
  • Routine inspection schedule

-Planned about a year in advance

-Coordinated with the program office in FSME

-Adjustments to schedule made throughout the year as needed

  • Inspection planning and execution

-Inspections may be announced or unannounced

-Approved Inspection Plans

-Exit Meetings

  • Issue Inspection Report

-30 day goal for normal inspection reports (post exit)

-45 day goal for team inspections (post exit)

  • Prompt NRC management debrief
  • Determination of any significant findings and enforcement enforcement
  • Issue inspection reportMostNRCinspectionreportsarepubliclyavailable.

Most NRC inspection reports are publicly available.

To locate reports, go to ADAMS web page

(, use advancedsearchfeaturewithdocketnumbers advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041

  • Track and follow u p on safet y issues py 33 Decommissioning FundingNRCRequirements&

NRC Requirements

& Expectations Michael Dusaniwskyj EconomistFinancialAnalysis&InternationalProjectsBranch Financial Analysis & International Projects BranchDivision of Inspection & Regional SupportOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 34 D eco mmi ss i o nin g F u n d in g A ssu r a n ceecossogudgssuaceNRC regulates Safety not CommerceThe NRC has determined that the requirement to provide reasonable assurance of decommissionin g fundin g is ggnecessary to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b), a reactor licenseeisrequiredtoprovidedecommissioningfunding licensee is required to provide decommissioning funding assurance by one or more of the methods described in 10 CFR 50.75(e) as determined to be acceptable by the NRC.

35 DecommissioningFunding AssuranceDecommissioning Funding is an obligation that is takenonwhenanNRClicenseisissued taken on when an NRC license is issued The NRC has a com p rehensive, re g ulation-based pgdecommissioning funding oversight program in place to provide reasonable assurance that sufficient funds will be availablefordecommissioningandradiological available for decommissioning and radiological decontamination for each US commercial nuclear facility to NRC standards and regulations. (Not e: Site restoration or "GREEFIELD"itdthNRC'jiditi

)"GREEFIELD" i s no t un d er th e NRC's j ur i s di c ti on.)36 Sa n O n o fr e N uc l ea r Ge n e r at in g Stat i o n SaOoeuceaGeeatgStato*Fundsareinadedicatedexternal Funds are in a dedicated external decommissioning trust

  • A s of December 31, 2012 trust funds:
  • Unit 2-$1,666,100,000Uit 3$1890800000
  • U n it 3-$1 , 890 , 800 , 000*SONGS Unit 1as of December 31, 2012: *Remaining trust funds -$295,700,000*(Est.) remaining costs -$206,500,000 37 NRCREGULATIONOFSPENT NRC REGULATION OF SPENT FUEL AT SAN ONOFRE D. Blair Spitzberg, Ph.D., Chief, Fuels Safety & Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region IVPublic Meeting on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Process Carlsbad, CaliforniaSeptember 26, 2013 38 SpentFuelatSONGS Spent Fuel at SONGS*Spent fuel must have active heat removal in a pool for several years after leaving the operating reactor. After this period, it can be passively cooled by air. *Spent fuel is being safely stored at San Onofre in fuel pools and in the onsite Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).*Spent fuel pools are able to withstand the same environmental hazard conditions as the reactors, and will be operated by certified fuel handlers who are on shift around the clock. *Each spent fuel pool has redundant and independent cooling systems, power supplies, pool water sources, and other safety and emergency equipment. *Both the spent fuel pools and the ISFSI are protected by the San Onofre Physical Security force and its associated security systems. 39 NeedforanISFSI Need for an ISFSIThdflttittfll
  • Th e nee d f or a lt erna ti ves t o spen t f ue l poo l storage emerged in the 1970s.*The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and AmendmentsActof1987laidouta Amendments Act of 1987 laid out a process for licensing a geological

repository.*A geologic repository is still decades away *Dry cask storage was developed to meet the need for expanded onsite storage of

spent fuel due to the lack of a national repositoryavailableforuse repository available for use.*SONGS ISFSI became operational in October 2003.

40 U.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsU.S. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations FitzpatrickNine Mile Pt 1 2Big Rock Point Kewaunee Monticell oDOETMI-2StorageTrojan Columbia 3Beaver V alle y Fitzpatrick 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Northeast:1. Maine Yankee2. Seabrook

3. Vermont Yankee
4. Yankee RoweDavis Besse Perr y FermiPoint Beach Kewaunee Prairie Island LaCrosse Zio n Cook Palisades 1 2 3 4Midwest: 5 6 7 Ft. Calhoun DOE TMI-2 StorageDOE Idaho Spent Fuel FacilityPrivate Fuel StorageFt Saint Vrain (vault storage)Humboldt Bay Rancho Seco 1 5 14 4 3 GinnaCtbMcGuire Surry North Anna Shearon HarrisWatts y5. Pilgrim6. Haddam Neck
7. Millstone
8. Indian Point
9. Susquehanna 10.Three Mile Island
11. Limerick
12. Peach Bottom
13. Oyster Creek
14. Hope Creek15Salem 16Midwest:1. Dresden
2. GE Morris (wet)
3. Braidwood
4. LaSalle
5. Byron
6. Duane Arnold
7. Quad Cities
8. ClintonCallawayWolf CreekDiablo Canyon 5 Coope r 8Current as of February 2013:Browns Ferry Hatch Sequoya h Oconee C a t aw b aBrunswick Robinson Vogtle SummerWatts Bar 15. Salem16. Calvert CliffsArkansas Nuclear

One San Onofre Palo Verde Farle y Grand GulfRiver Bend Crystal RiverWaterfordSt. LucieSouth Texas ProjectComanche Peak 54Operating General Licensed ISFSIs at Reactor Sites 9Reactor Sites Pursuing a General licensed ISFSI Interstate Highways RailroadsDisclaimer: This map provides only general information regarding the current and potential ISFSI licensees, based on various information sources that may be inexact. The map will be updated when changes occur.Turkey Point 5Reactor sites have not announced intentions regarding ISFSI 33States have at least one ISFSI 41 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSIDry Shielded CanisterHorizontal Storage Module under construction*SONGS uses the Transnuclear Advanced NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System. *Major components are the Dry Shielded Canister (DSC) and the Horizontal Storage Module (HSM)

.*Each DSC has an outer shell consisting of 5/8 inch thick stainless steel with steel internal spacer discs.

  • TheDSChasaweldedinternalconfinementboundaryandseparateweldedlid.

The DSC has a welded internal confinement boundary and separate welded lid.42 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSI*The DSC is placed horizontally inside each AHSM module, into a steel su pp ort structure.

pp*The AHSM has thick steel reinforced concrete walls (>4 feet thick) and roof slabs (~5 feet thick) which provide additional

structural protection to the canister and radiation shieldin

g. pg*The ISFSI pads are steel reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 3 feet.

43 SONGSISFSI SONGS ISFSI Seismic Desi g n Considerations g*The SONGS ISFSI is designed for high seismicity sites. *The Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) used to analyze the SONGS ISFSI is 2.24 times higher than that used in the licensing of the San Onofre reactors. Flooding/TsunamiConsiderations Flooding/Tsunami Considerations*The SONGS ISFSI is located 19.75 feet above sea level.*The maximum flood condition of 29 feet was evaluated for the ISFSI which would potentially put the ISFSI pad under 9 feet under water. The design basis flood for the AHSM design is to withstand a submersion of 50 feet of water.*The maximum tsunami, including storm height of the waves was evaluated at 27 feet for the SONGS ISFSI. This is less than the maximum flood conditions e v a l ua t ed f o r th e s it e.eauaedoe se*All evaluations do not take credit for the 28 foot tall sea wall which exist between the ocean and ISFSI. *If the ISFSI were to get temporarily flooded during a tsunami, no adverse thermal effectswouldoccur effects would occur. 44 InspectionofSpentFuelStorage Inspection of Spent Fuel StorageSpent Fuel Pool inspection*Inspections of spent fuel pool safety will continue semi-annually using Inspection Procedure 60801 -"Spent Fuel Pool Safety at Permanently Shutdown Reactors."

ISFSI inspection

  • RoutineISFSIinspectionsarenormallyperformedevery2yearsfollowing Routine ISFSI inspections are normally performed every 2 years following guidance contained in NRC Manual Chapter 2690 "Inspection Program for Dry Storage of Spent Reactor Fuel at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and For 10 CFR Part 71 Transportation Packaging."
  • ThisManualChapterreferencestheInspectionProcedurestobeimplemented
  • This Manual Chapter references the Inspection Procedures to be implemented

.*NRC attempts to schedule routine inspections during ongoing cask loading operations.How to find NRC inspection guidance and reports*NRC inspection guidance can be found on the NRCs website at*Most NRC inspection reports are publicly available. To locate reports, go to ADAMSwebpage(

-rm/adams.html),useadvanced ADAMS web page ( rm/adams.html

), use advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000361, 05000362, and 07200041.