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{{#Wiki_filter:DocketNo.50-220JUL28197$NiagaramohawkPowerCorporation ATTN:Nr.GeraldK.RhodeVicePresident
{{#Wiki_filter:Docket No.50-220 JUL 2 8 197$Niagara mohawk Power Corporation ATTN: Nr.Gerald K.Rhode Vice President-Engineering 300 Erie Boulevard Rest Syracuse, Hew York 13202 Distribution ocket ORB 83 Local PDR NRC PDR GLear CParrish SNowicki GZwetzig Attorney, OELD OI&E (3)DEisenhut TBAbernathy JRBuchanan ACRS (16)Gentlemen:
-Engineering 300ErieBoulevard RestSyracuse, HewYork13202Distribution ocketORB83LocalPDRNRCPDRGLearCParrishSNowickiGZwetzigAttorney, OELDOI&E(3)DEisenhut TBAbernathy JRBuchanan ACRS(16)Gentlemen:
RE: NINE NILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 On November 29, 1976, the Commission published in the Federal Register, (copy enclosed)an amended Section 20.103 of 10 CFR 20, which became effective on December 29, 1976.One effect of this revision is that in order to receive credit for limiting the inhalation of airborne radioactive material, respiratory protective equipment must be used as stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15.Another requirement of the amended regulation is that licensees authorized to make allowance for use of respiratory protective equipment prior to December 29, 1976, must bring the use of their respiratory protective equipment into conformance with Regulatory Guide 8.15 by December 29, 1977.Because the respiratory protective program described in Section 6.12 of your facility Technical Specifications differs from that stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15, the effect of this change in the regulations is to require amendment of your Technical Specifications.
RE:NINENILEPOINTNUCLEARSTATIONUNITNO.1OnNovember29,1976,theCommission published intheFederalRegister, (copyenclosed) anamendedSection20.103of10CFR20,whichbecameeffective onDecember29,1976.Oneeffectofthisrevisionisthatinordertoreceivecreditforlimitingtheinhalation ofairborneradioactive
In view of the provisions of Section 6.11 of your Technical Specifications, which require conformance with 10 Ct R 20, the fact that Section 20.103 no longer requir es specific authorization to emiploy respiratory protective equipment,, and the revocation provisions of subsection 6.12.3, we conclude that the necessary amendment to your facility's Technical Specifications can be effected by merely deleting Section 6.12.'ccordingly, this is to advise you that pursuant to 10 CFR 20.103(c)and (f), if you desire to receive credit for use of respiratory protective equipment at your facility after Oecember 28, 1977, such use must be as stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15 rather than as specified in your DPPICII~SURNAMSW DATS~NRC FORM 318 (9.76)NRCM 0240*UI$OOVSRNMSNT PRINTINO OPPICSs ISTS S20 S24 4 l+v h II 0 q~C 41 l'l1 tl J Hiagara Mohawk Power Corporation w 2 JULY 9 1977 current Technical Specifications.
: material, respiratory protective equipment mustbeusedasstipulated inRegulatory Guide8.15.Anotherrequirement oftheamendedregulation isthatlicensees authorized tomakeallowance foruseofrespiratory protective equipment priortoDecember29,1976,mustbringtheuseoftheirrespiratory protective equipment intoconformance withRegulatory Guide8.15byDecember29,1977.Becausetherespiratory protective programdescribed inSection6.12ofyourfacilityTechnical Specifications differsfromthatstipulated inRegulatory Guide8.15,theeffectofthischangeintheregulations istorequireamendment ofyourTechnical Specifications.
Based on the revocation provision of your current specification on respiratory protection and in the absence of prior written objection from you, we will include deletion of this speci-fication in an amendment of your Technical Specifications approved after December 28, 1977.Ho response to this letter is required.Sincerely, George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors Branch 83 Division of Operating, Reactors  
Inviewoftheprovisions ofSection6.11ofyourTechnical Specifications, whichrequireconformance with10CtR20,thefactthatSection20.103nolongerrequiresspecificauthorization toemiployrespiratory protective equipment,,
andtherevocation provisions ofsubsection 6.12.3,weconcludethatthenecessary amendment toyourfacility's Technical Specifications canbeeffectedbymerelydeletingSection6.12.'ccordingly, thisistoadviseyouthatpursuantto10CFR20.103(c) and(f),ifyoudesiretoreceivecreditforuseofrespiratory protective equipment atyourfacilityafterOecember28,1977,suchusemustbeasstipulated inRegulatory Guide8.15ratherthanasspecified inyourDPPICII~SURNAMSWDATS~NRCFORM318(9.76)NRCM0240*UI$OOVSRNMSNT PRINTINOOPPICSsISTSS20S24 4l+vhII0q~C41l'l1tlJ HiagaraMohawkPowerCorporation w2JULY91977currentTechnical Specifications.
Basedontherevocation provision ofyourcurrentspecification onrespiratory protection andintheabsenceofpriorwrittenobjection fromyou,wewillincludedeletionofthisspeci-ficationinanamendment ofyourTechnical Specifications approvedafterDecember28,1977.Horesponsetothisletterisrequired.
Sincerely, GeorgeLear,ChiefOperating ReactorsBranch83DivisionofOperating, Reactors


Federal Register Notice, November 29, 1976, amending 10 CFR 20.103, 20.104 and 202405 cc w/enclosure:
ArvinE.Upton,EsquireLeBoeuf,Lamb,Leiby&MacRae1757HStreet,H.W.Mashington, D.C.20036AnthonyZ.Roisman,EsquireRoisman,KesslerandCashdan102515thStreet,Il.M.5thFloorWashington, D.C.20005Nr.EugeneG.Saloga,Applicant Coordinator Ninef1ilePointEnergyInformation CenterP.0.Box81Lycoming, HewYork13093OFFICE~ORB¹3ORB¹3ORBORBBBSURNAME~DATE~.CBar~b)/$/77SNowicki.
Ar vin E.Upton, Esquire LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby&MacRae 1757 H Street, H.W.Mashington, D.C.20036 Anthony Z.Roisman, Esquire Roisman, Kessler and Cashdan 1025 15th Street, Il.M.5th Floor Washington, D.C.20005 Nr.Eugene G.Saloga, Applicant Coordinator Nine f1ile Point Energy Information Center P.0.Box 81 Lycoming, Hew York 13093 OFFICE~ORB¹3 ORB¹3 ORB ORB BB SURNAME~DATE~.CBar~b)/$/77 SNowicki.jf 7/g/77 GZwetzig 1/@/77 GLear g/P/77 NRC 1IORM 318 (9-76)NRCM 0240 N U 8, OOYERNMENT FRINTINO OFFICEI 1075&2IM24 7 hh
jf7/g/77GZwetzig1/@/77GLearg/P/77NRC1IORM318(9-76)NRCM0240NU8,OOYERNMENT FRINTINOOFFICEI1075&2IM24 7hh
~t~1~~<C.~0 ll QULH'ND RKGULAYlONS of (s zefated manual of respiratory pro-Cectfon against ra(hoacth c materials 9m n)so announced ln the notice of Proposed gule maldrig.Interested persons were invited to sub-fnft written comments or suggestions for conslderat(on ln connection with the proposed amendments by October 7, 1974.(Lnd the comment period was extended, Upon November 6, 1974.In (zddltfon, copies of the draft guide and manual were provided iu response to re-.~Ciuests.Licensing and rc)ated regulatory f unc-Cfons of the AEC were transferred to the NRC pursuant to section 201 of the En-ergy Reorgan)zat) on hct of 1974.After consideration of the comments geceived and other considerations, the Suc)car Regulatory Commission has.Odopted the proposed amendments to Part 20 published for comment, with cer-Cain clarifying modifications and edito-changes.The more important changes, based largely on the comments gecelved, are summarized as foi)ows: Since the limits on exposure to air-borne radioactive materials are now ex-pressed in terms of intake of such mate-, ria's into the was suggested that reference be made in the regulation (5 20.103(a)(1))to some standardized bases for estimating intake.Accordingly, Cho effective rule includes a reference to (Ln NBC Regulatory Guide on acceptable
~t~1~~<C.~0llQULH'NDRKGULAYlONS of(szefatedmanualofrespiratory pro-Cectfonagainstra(hoacth cmaterials 9mn)soannounced lnthenoticeofProposedgulemaldrig.Interested personswereinvitedtosub-fnftwrittencommentsorsuggestions forconslderat(on lnconnection withtheproposedamendments byOctober7,1974.(Lndthecommentperiodwasextended, Uponrequest.toNovember6,1974.In(zddltfon, copiesofthedraftguideandmanualwereprovidediuresponsetore-.~Ciuests.Licensing andrc)atedregulatory func-CfonsoftheAECweretransferred totheNRCpursuanttosection201oftheEn-ergyReorgan)zat) onhctof1974.Afterconsideration ofthecommentsgeceivedandotherconsiderations, theSuc)carRegulatory Commission has.Odoptedtheproposedamendments toPart20published forcomment,withcer-Cainclarifying modifications andedito-changes.Themoreimportant changes,basedlargelyonthecommentsgecelved, aresummarized asfoi)ows:Sincethelimitsonexposuretoair-borneradioactive materials arenowex-pressedintermsofintakeofsuchmate-,ria'sintothebody.ltwassuggested thatreference bemadeintheregulation (520.103(a)
.concepts, models, equations and assump-Cfons for a bioas~ay program (Regulatory Qulde 8.9).The intake limi~for certain mixtures of uranium in soluble form (f 20.103(a)(2))have been changed to conform with those adopted by the htomic Energy.Commission on July 29, 1974 (35 FR 23990).Licensees may, under Cho amended regu)ation, ordlnari)y control exposures Co radioactive materia)s in much the same way as thev do under the reguh-Clon before amendmcnt.
(1))tosomestandardized basesforestimating intake.Accordingly, Choeffective ruleincludesareference to(LnNBCRegulatory Guideonacceptable
For example.if from mcasurcd concentrations of radio-~active materials in air, and from gen-erally known work patterns and stay-times ln airborne radioacthlty areas.1!can be ascertained that no exposu"e o!an individual in excess of the quarter)y limit could occur, indhldual estimates o!intake of radioactive material~au)d not be required.In those circumstances where the licensee finds lt necessary to'Title XO-Energy ma(ntafn fndhldualized records of ir-CHAFfER f-NUCLEAR REGULATORT take estimates, a requirement to record COMMISSION very small assessments of intake couid phffT~TANDARDS FOR PROTECT)ON result in burdensome and unnecessarv AGAlNST RAD(AT(ON recordkeeping.
.concepts, models,equations andassump-Cfonsforabioas~ayprogram(Regulatory Qulde8.9).Theintakelimi~forcertainmixturesofuraniuminsolubleform(f20.103(a)
To avoid such a require-Exposure of fnct(v)due)s to Concentrations ment, the e(fcctlve regu)at(on has been of Radioactive materials in Air in Re.c)arif)ed so that assessment of indiv)dua) stricted Areas intakes less than rpecified amounts need On hugust 21, 1974.(39 FR 30164)t e not be fnc)uded ln such records (f 20.103 hlnmic Energy Commssion pub)shed n)3))Li ec might of couwe thc Frmau.Rzourxa proposed amend-'a (~a ent into ments to)0CFRPart20concerningcon-maintain notes of indhldual en ry n o trol of internal occupational exposures airborne.r'ad)oacthity areas through to radioactive materials inc)udi..g pro-a()rk permit or simUar means.for for usc cf resp~ra(ory pro(ect)ve pos~such as checking e(fectivcness o(equipment.
(2))havebeenchangedtoconformwiththoseadoptedbythehtomicEnergy.Commission onJuly29,1974(35FR23990).Licensees may,underChoamendedregu)ation, ordlnari)y controlexposures Coradioactive materia)s inmuchthesamewayasthevdounderthereguh-Clonbeforeamendmcnt.
The avaiiabRity o(drafts o i tory protection p-ogram~<<it):-a related regulatory gu!Ce on acccptr.l be res@ra ory progranu for resp)ratosy Protection and out eszimating fntakes (u~ffDKRAt a(GISrfrL, VOL 41, f(O.22~CWPAY, f(OVEMSER 29, 1914 t J II 5 s kULES AND REGULATIONS
Forexample.iffrommcasurcdconcentrations ofradio-~activematerials inair,andfromgen-erallyknownworkpatternsandstay-timeslnairborneradioacthlty areas.1!canbeascertained thatnoexposu"eo!anindividual inexcessofthequarter)y limitcouldoccur,indhldual estimates o!intakeofradioactive material~au)dnotberequired.
~'''581 jndlvidual intake records tmless they , ere needed.Some commenters were concerned that Regulatory Guide 8.15, which ls refer-enced in the amended 120.103(c), might b(y changed wiihout sufllclent notice to Qcensees.Chai!ges to the guide would besu)t in a redatlng or renuinbering of Qu guide with appropriate changes to (20.103(c) including prior public notice and Procedures thereof in the Fxassa!.Rzcysrxx.In addLUon, a drat t of Regula-Coiy Ou!de 8.15 and its associated man<<bla)WerernOtlCCd With publlCatiOn Of the Iyroposed rule and made avai)able for comment even before adoption of the~@resent procedures.
Inthosecircumstances wherethelicenseefindsltnecessary to'TitleXO-Energyma(ntafnfndhldualized recordsofir-CHAFfERf-NUCLEARREGULATORT takeestimates, arequirement torecordCOMMISSION verysmallassessments ofintakecouidphffT~TANDARDS FORPROTECT)ON resultinburdensome andunnecessarv AGAlNSTRAD(AT(ON recordkeeping.
While no reference is made in the new a11)e tO aHou~ce for particle size in de-, Cermining exposures to airborne radio-activity.Hcensees may continue to apply for an exception far such aHoss1!ace un-<ha the Provisions of f 20501.Pursuant to the Atondc Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorgani-bqstion Act of 1974.and sections 552 and 553 of the United States Code, the fol-lowing amendment to Title 10, Chapter X, Code of Pederal Regidat)ons.
Toavoidsucharequire-Exposureoffnct(v)due)s toConcentrations ment,thee(fcctlve regu)at(on hasbeenofRadioactive materials inAirinRe.c)arif)ed sothatassessment ofindiv)dua) strictedAreasintakeslessthanrpecified amountsneedOnhugust21,1974.(39FR30164)tenotbefnc)udedlnsuchrecords(f20.103hlnmicEnergyCommssion pub)shedn)3))LiecmightofcouwethcFrmau.Rzourxaproposedamend-'a(~aentintomentsto)0CFRPart20concerningcon-maintainnotesofindhldual enrynotrolofinternaloccupational exposures airborne.r'ad)oacthity areasthroughtoradioactive materials inc)udi..g pro-a()rkpermitorsimUarmeans.forpu.visionforusccfresp~ra(ory pro(ect)ve pos~suchascheckinge(fectivcness o(equipment.
Part 20.fs pubHshed as a document subJect to Oodiflcation.
TheavaiiabRity o(draftsoitoryprotection p-ogram~<<it):-arelatedregulatory gu!Ceonacccptr.lberes@raoryprogranuforresp)ratosy Protection andouteszimating fntakes(u~ffDKRAta(GISrfrL, VOL41,f(O.22~CWPAY, f(OVEMSER 29,1914 tJII5 skULESANDREGULATIONS
1.Section 20.103 1s amended to read as follows: I 20o103 Exposure of individuals to con.eenteaiione of vadioac!ive snaierlala fa air in res!r)e!ed areas.Ca)0)No licensee shall possess, use.or transfer licensed material ln such a manner as to permit any individual ln a.restricted area to inhale a quantity of...:.'tadioaCt)ve material ln any period of one calendar quarter greater then the--: b)uantfty syhlch svould result from inha-lation for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks fit uniform concentrations of radiosct)ve
~'''581jndlvidual intakerecordstmlessthey,ereneeded.Somecommenters wereconcerned thatRegulatory Guide8.15,whichlsrefer-encedintheamended120.103(c),
~"-fnater)a)in air SpeClfled Ln AppendIX"B,.-'I@hie I, Column 1.'If the radioactive bnaterial is of such form that intake by IbbsorpUon through the skin Ls likely.Ln-sffvidua)exposures to radloacUve mate-Rfa)shaH be controlled so that the up-take of radioactive ma! any or-gan from either inhalation or absorption or both routes of intake" in any calen-dar quarter does not exceed that which wou)d result from inha))ng such radio-.*Since the concentration speeieed for irit-fum oxide vapor assumes equal Iniakcs by skin sLbso~s!oa and!aha)asioa, sbe total intake permitted Ia swlce that which would sexuls from iaha)a!ioa alone as the coacea-trattoa apeciaed for ff 3 S ia hppcadix B.~hie L Column 1 for 40 house Per week for 13 v eeks.e For radleeesive snaterla!s desfgaated Suhoo ia She"Isotope" Column er she table, the concentration raIue spccyeed is based upon exposure So the ma!eels!as aa exseenal radiation aotsrce.yndlrldua!
mightb(ychangedwiihoutsufllclent noticetoQcensees.
exposures so these materia!s may be accounted for as paeS of the I!m!tat!on on Iad!v!dual dose In f 20.101.These maSerlals shall be sub)ecS So the precauilonary procedures required by'f 20.103(b)(I).~aiult!pie the COneensratIOn ra!"ex Spec!~fed ia hppend!x B.Table I.celuran 1 by IS X Ios mi SOObSayn She qaa!ee!y quariiiy material for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks at uniform concentraUons sPec-lfled ln Appendix B.Table I, CoLumn 1.(2)No licensee shall Possess, use.or transfer mixtures of U-234.U-235, and U-238 ln soluble form ln such a manner as to permit any individual in a restricted area to inhale a quantity of such material in excess of the intake limits specifled Ln Appendix B, Table I, Column 1 of this part.If such soluble uranium ls of a form such that absorpUon through the skin is likely, individual exposures to such ma-terial shall be controlled so that the up-take of such material by any organ from either inhalationror absorption or both routes of intake'oes not exceed that which would result from inhaling such material at the limits speclfled in'hp-pendix B, Table I, Column 1 and footnote 4 thereto.(3)For purposes of determ)ning com-pliance with the requirements of this sec-tion the licensee shaH use suitable meas-urements of c2ncentratfons of radioaceo tive materia".in air for dctcctlng and evaluating airborne radioactlvlty ln re-stricted areas and in addition, as appro-priate.shaH use measuremeats of radio-activity in the body.measurements of radioactislty excreted from the body, or any combination of hach measurements aS may be neCeSSary SOr timely IsbteCtLOn and assessment of Lnd)yidua) sntakes of radioactivity by exposed individuals.
Chai!gestotheguidewouldbesu)tinaredatlngorrenuinbering ofQuguidewithappropriate changesto(20.103(c) including priorpublicnoticeandProcedures thereofintheFxassa!.Rzcysrxx.
It Ls assumed individual inhales radioactive material at the airborne con-centration in which he is present unless he uses respiratory protective equ!pmcnt pursuant to paragraph (c)of th)s sec-tion.When assessment, of a particular individual's intake of radioactive yna-terlal Ls necessary.
InaddLUon,adrattofRegula-CoiyOu!de8.15anditsassociated man<<bla)WerernOtlCCd WithpubllCatiOn OftheIyroposed ruleandmadeavai)able forcommentevenbeforeadoptionofthe~@resentprocedures.
intakes)ess then those which would result from lnhalaUon for 2 hours in any one day or for 10 hours in any one week at uniform concentra-tions sp&ifled in Appendix B.Table I, Column 1 need not be included'ln such assessment.
Whilenoreference ismadeinthenewa11)etOaHou~ceforparticlesizeinde-,Cermining exposures toairborneradio-activity.
provided that for any assess-meat in excess of these amounts the en-tire amour'.t is included.(b)(1)The licensee a precau-tionary procedure.
Hcenseesmaycontinuetoapplyforanexception farsuchaHoss1!ace un-<hatheProvisions off20501.PursuanttotheAtondcEnergyActof1954,asamended,theEnergyReorgani-bqstionActof1974.andsections552and553oftheUnitedStatesCode,thefol-lowingamendment toTitle10,ChapterX,CodeofPederalRegidat)ons.
use process or other engineering controls, to the extent concentrations of radio-active materials in air to levels below those which delimit an airborne radio-activity area as defined in$20 n03(d)(1)(LL).sS!ga!Scant intake by Ingestion or Infec-tion Is presumed so occur only as a resuls af circuamsances such as aec!dens.Inadrersenee.
poor procedure.
1.Section20.1031samendedtoreadasfollows:I20o103Exposureofindividuals tocon.eenteaiione ofvadioac!ive snaierlala faairinres!r)e!ed areas.Ca)0)Nolicenseeshallpossess,use.ortransferlicensedmateriallnsuchamannerastopermitanyindividual lna.restricted areatoinhaleaquantityof...:.'tadioaCt)ve materiallnanyperiodofonecalendarquartergreaterthenthe--:b)uantfty syhlchsvouldresultfrominha-lationfor40hoursperweekfor13weeksfituniformconcentrations ofradiosct)ve
or s!mllar special ccad!s!oas.Such Iasakes musS be eve!assed and ac-counted for by Sechn!ques and procedures as may be appeepe!ate so the clecumssanees of the occurrence.
~"-fnater)a) inairSpeClfled LnAppendIX"B,.-'I@hieI,Column1.'Iftheradioactive bnaterial isofsuchformthatintakebyIbbsorpUon throughtheskinLslikely.Ln-sffvidua) exposures toradloacUve mate-Rfa)shaHbecontrolled sothattheup-takeofradioactive ma! anyor-ganfromeitherinhalation orabsorption orbothroutesofintake"inanycalen-darquarterdoesnotexceedthatwhichwou)dresultfrominha))ngsuchradio-.*Sincetheconcentration speeieedforirit-fumoxidevaporassumesequalIniakcsbyskinsLbso~s!oa and!aha)asioa, sbetotalintakepermitted Iaswlcethatwhichwouldsexulsfromiaha)a!ioa aloneasthecoacea-trattoaapeciaedforff3SiahppcadixB.~hieLColumn1for40housePerweekfor13veeks.eForradleeesive snaterla!s desfgaated SuhooiaShe"Isotope" Columnershetable,theconcentration raIuespccyeedisbaseduponexposureSothema!eels!asaaexseenalradiation aotsrce.yndlrldua!
Exposures so evaluated ahau be Included Ia deserm!a!ng whether sbe 1!my!as!nn on iad!rlduai exposures ia f 20.-103(a'I II I has been exceeded.sReeu!ainey gu!dance On axveaxmens nf Indiv!dual Insakes af sad!naeuve maserlal is g!ven In negulalory Guide 8.9,"hcceptable Coneenss.hindcls.Equations and hssump-Sfons for a Rlnassay Program," alngye ceplea ar<<h!eh are ava!!able Irom ihe C'rice of S'andaeds nese!ripmen:.
exposures sothesemateria!s maybeaccounted foraspaeSoftheI!m!tat!on onIad!v!dual doseInf20.101.ThesemaSerlals shallbesub)ecSSotheprecauilonary procedures requiredby'f20.103(b)
Il S.Nue!ear negu-Inseey Cnmmhs!an.
(I).~aiult!pie theCOneensratIOn ra!"exSpec!~fediahppend!xB.TableI.celuran1byISXIosmiSOObSaynSheqaa!ee!yquariiiyQmit.activematerialfor40hoursperweekfor13weeksatuniformconcentraUons sPec-lfledlnAppendixB.TableI,CoLumn1.(2)NolicenseeshallPossess,use.ortransfermixturesofU-234.U-235,andU-238lnsolubleformlnsuchamannerastopermitanyindividual inarestricted areatoinhaleaquantityofsuchmaterialinexcessoftheintakelimitsspecifled LnAppendixB,TableI,Column1ofthispart.IfsuchsolubleuraniumlsofaformsuchthatabsorpUon throughtheskinislikely,individual exposures tosuchma-terialshallbecontrolled sothattheup-takeofsuchmaterialbyanyorganfromeitherinhalationror absorption orbothroutesofintake'oes notexceedthatwhichwouldresultfrominhalingsuchmaterialatthelimitsspeclfled in'hp-pendixB,TableI,Column1andfootnote4thereto.(3)Forpurposesofdeterm)ning com-pliancewiththerequirements ofthissec-tionthelicenseeshaHusesuitablemeas-urementsofc2ncentratfons ofradioaceo tivemateria".inairfordctcctlng andevaluating airborneradioactlvlty lnre-strictedareasandinaddition, asappro-priate.shaHusemeasuremeats ofradio-activityinthebody.measurements ofradioactislty excretedfromthebody,oranycombination ofhachmeasurements aSmaybeneCeSSary SOrtimelyIsbteCtLOn andassessment ofLnd)yidua) sntakesofradioactivity byexposedindividuals.
ItLsassumedthat.anindividual inhalesradioactive materialattheairbornecon-centration inwhichheispresentunlessheusesrespiratory protective equ!pmcnt pursuanttoparagraph (c)ofth)ssec-tion.Whenassessment, ofaparticular individual's intakeofradioactive yna-terlalLsnecessary.
intakes)essthenthosewhichwouldresultfromlnhalaUon for2hoursinanyonedayorfor10hoursinanyoneweekatuniformconcentra-tionssp&ifledinAppendixB.TableI,Column1neednotbeincluded'ln suchassessment.
: controls, ofradio-activematerials inairtolevelsbelowthosewhichdelimitanairborneradio-activityareaasdefinedin$20n03(d)(1)(LL).sS!ga!Scant intakebyIngestion orInfec-tionIspresumedsooccuronlyasaresulsafcircuamsances suchasaec!dens.
ors!mllarspecialccad!s!oas.SuchIasakesmusSbeeve!assed andac-countedforbySechn!ques andprocedures asmaybeappeepe!ate sotheclecumssanees oftheoccurrence.
Exposures soevaluated ahaubeIncludedIadeserm!a!ng whethersbe1!my!as!nn oniad!rlduai exposures iaf20.-103(a'IIIIhasbeenexceeded.
sReeu!ainey gu!danceOnaxveaxmens nfIndiv!dual Insakesafsad!naeuve maserlalisg!venInnegulalory Guide8.9,"hcceptable Coneenss.
hindcls.Equations andhssump-SfonsforaRlnassayProgram,"
alngyecepleaar<<h!ehareava!!able IromiheC'riceofS'andaeds nese!ripmen:.
D.C.20355.uponwrlssenrequess.(2)VFhenit.isLmpracUcalde toapplyprocessorotherengineering controlsto)Lmitconcentrations ofradioactive ma-terialinairbelowthosedeQnedl20203(d)(1)(il),otherprecauUona!y procedures, suchasincreased surveIL-lance.)imitation ofworkingtimes,orprovision ofrespiratory protective equip-ment,shallbeusedtomaintainintakeof,radioacUve materialbyanyindlv!d-ualwithinanyPeriodofsvenconsec-uUvedaysasfarbelowthatintakeofradioactive materialwhichwoiddresultfromlnhaiaUon ofsuchmaterialfor40hoursattheuniformconcertraUons specifielnAppendixB,Table1,Colonumn1asisreasonably achievable.
D.C.20355.upon wrlssen requess.(2)VFhen LmpracUcalde to apply process or other engineering controls to)Lmit concentrations of radioactive ma-terial in air below those deQned l 20203(d)(1)(il), other precauUona!y procedures, such as increased surveIL-lance.)imitation of working times, or provision of respiratory protective equip-ment, shall be used to maintain intake of,radioacUve material by any indlv!d-ual within any Period of s ven consec-uUve days as far below that intake of radioactive material which woidd result from lnhaiaUon of such material for 40 hours at the uniform concertraUons specifie ln Appendix B, Table 1, Colon umn 1 as is reasonably achievable.
whenevertheintakeofrad(oactive ma-terialbyanyLndisldua) exceedsth)s40-hourcontrolmeasure,thelicenseeshallmakesuchevaluations andtakesuchactionsasarenecessary toassureagainstrecurrence.
whenever the intake of rad(oactive ma-terial by any Lndisldua) exceeds th)s 40-hour control measure, the licensee shall make such evaluations and take such actions as are necessary to assure against recurrence.
Thelicenseeshallmaintainrecordsoofsuchoccurrences, evaluat!ons, andactionstakeninaclearandreadOyidentifiable formsu)tab)e.forsummaryreviewandevaluation.
The licensee shall maintain records oof such occurrences, evaluat!ons, and actions taken in a clear and readOy identifiable form su)tab)e.for summary review and evaluation.(c)When resp!ratory protect!ve equipment Ls used to lindt the inhala-tlon of airborne radioacthe material pursuant to paragraph (by(2)of this section.the licensee may make a))ow-ance fcr such use in estlmatirg expo-sures of Lndhidua)s to such materials provided that such equipment is used as stipula(,ed in Regulatory Guide 8.15,"Acceptable Programs for Respiratory Protection."'d)hotwithstanding the provi ion's of paragraphs Ib)and (c)of this section, the ComaILsslon may impose further restrictions:
(c)Whenresp!ratory protect!ve equipment Lsusedtolindttheinhala-tlonofairborneradioacthe materialpursuanttoparagraph (by(2)ofthissection.thelicenseemaymakea))ow-ancefcrsuchuseinestlmatirg expo-suresofLndhidua)s tosuchmaterials providedthatsuchequipment isusedasstipula(,ed inRegulatory Guide8.15,"Acceptable ProgramsforRespiratory Protection."
(1)On the extent to:which a Hcensee may make aHoaance for use of~p}ra-tors ln lieu of provision of process.con-tainment.ventilation, or other en ineer-.lng controls, lf application of such con-trols is found to be practicable; and (2)As might be necessary to assure that the respiratory protective progmm of the licensee ls adequate in)Lm)Ung exposures of personne)to airborne ra-dioacUve materials.(e)The licensee shall notify.Ln writ-ing, the Director of the appropr!ate Nu-clear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Offlce'"ted Ln Appendix D at)east 30 days before the date that respiratory protective equip-ment ts first used under the Provisions of this section.<fy A Hccnsee who is~authorized to make allowance for use of respiratory prosecUve equipment prior to Decem-ber 29.1926 sh3))bring his.rcspew-tory protective program into conform-..
'd)hotwithstanding theproviion'sofparagraphs Ib)and(c)ofthissection,theComaILsslon mayimposefurtherrestrictions:
arce with the requirements of para-graph (c)of this section ssltldn one year of that date, and is exempt from rneoneronon nr, rere roe nro r-a!an was approved by the DIxeesor of the Fed-eral Reg!sier on OeSnner 19.1916.Slnele cop!ex oi Regulatory Ou!de 0.15 a.e aradab:e from the OCee of Standards Dere!o mens.D.s.Hueless Reculaseer comm!xs!nn.
(1)Ontheextentto:whichaHcenseemaymakeaHoaanceforuseof~p}ra-torslnlieuofprovision ofprocess.con-tainment.
svm Ingtoa, D.C.20SSS.upon arstlea seq4ecs.ffofRAL RfOIS)fRo VOL 41~NO.23~ONDAY>>NOVfMbfb 29o Nyd f II I V Efic requirement of paragraph (e)of this section.2.In$20.104.paragraph (c)fs revised fo read as foUous: Q 20.10$Expoaure of ininara.~~(c)I3)e provisions of'$20.103(b)(2)and 20.103(c)shall apply to exposures subject to paragraph (b)of this section except that tnc references in lf 20.103 (b)(2)and 20.103ic)to Appendix B,'Tab)c I, Column 1 shall bc deemed to be references to Appendix B, Table I..Col-mnn I.(3)In l 20.405.paragraph (ai is re-vised to read as follows: I 20AOS Pirpor(s of ovrrexpnaurra and excessive levels and conrrn(rations.(a)Zn additicn to any notification required by 120.403.each licciisce shall maL.c a rcport in wri'ing uithln 30 days to thc Director, Office of Inspection and Enforccmcnt, U.S.Nuclear Rem,)story Commission, Washington, D.C.20555, RULES AND REGULATIONS with a copy lo thc appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforccincnt Regional Office lis(cd ln Appendix D, of (1)each exposure of an individual to radi."" in excess of thc applicable sr 20.101 or 20.104 (a)or tlic liccnsc;(2!each exposure of an indlvldual to rad!oactlvc material in excess of thc applicable limits in 1$20.103(a)(1), 20.103(a)(2i, 20.104(bi or thc license;(3i levels of radiation or ronrentrations of radioactive material ii.a restricted area ln excess of ary other ap>>licablc limi(.in the license: (4i any n:c:dent for which notification is re-quired by<20.403;and iS i levy)s of ra-diation or concentrations of radioactive material (whether or not invol(lng ex-cessive exposure of any individual) in an unrcstric(.cd area in excess of ten times any applicable limit set forth in tlds part or in thc license.Each report rcquircd under this paragraph shall de-scribe the extent of exposure of persons to radiation or to radioactive material, including estimates of each Individual'8 exposure as.required by paragraph (b)of this section;lcvcls of radiation and concentrations of radioactive matenal lnvolvcd;thc cause of the ex)iosure, levels or concentrations; and corrective steps taken or plaruicd to assure against a recurrence.
ventilation, orotherenineer-.lngcontrols, lfapplication ofsuchcon-trolsisfoundtobepracticable; and(2)Asmightbenecessary toassurethattherespiratory protective progmmofthelicenseelsadequatein)Lm)Ungexposures ofpersonne) toairbornera-dioacUvematerials.
a Etfcctlve date.These amcndmcnts be-come effective on December p9.1970.(Secs.53.63, 81, 103.104, 161 b and c.Pub L.83-')03, 88-489, 91-560.68 S:at 930.933, 935.937, 948-949.70 Stat.1069."8 S(a(.602, 84 SLat.1472.88 Stat.475 F42 O,S.C.2073, 2093, 21)1, 2133.2134.220'i);See.201, Pub.L.93&38, 88 Stat.1242 (42 1)S.C.5841)).Dated at Washington, D.C.this 23rd day of November 1976.For the Nuclear Regulatory Commi:-slon.SAlsUKL J.Ci(?Lx, Sccrctort) of thc Commission.
(e)Thelicenseeshallnotify.Lnwrit-ing,theDirectoroftheappropr!ate Nu-clearRegulatory Commission Inspection andEnforcement RegionalOfflce'"tedLnAppendixDat)east30daysbeforethedatethatrespiratory protective equip-menttsfirstusedundertheProvisions ofthissection.<fyAHccnseewhois~authorized tomakeallowance foruseofrespiratory prosecUve equipment priortoDecem-ber29.1926sh3))bringhis.rcspew-toryprotective programintoconform-..
IPR Doc.')6-35131 Flied 11-26-16:8:45 ain I fEDERAl REGIS(ER, VOL.O'I, E(O.23~ONDAY HOVEMRER 29m)976 r~}}
arcewiththerequirements ofpara-graph(c)ofthissectionssltldnoneyearofthatdate,andisexemptfromrneoneronon nr,rereroenror-a!anwasapprovedbytheDIxeesoroftheFed-eralReg!sieronOeSnner19.1916.Slnelecop!exoiRegulatory Ou!de0.15a.earadab:efromtheOCeeofStandards Dere!omens.D.s.HuelessReculaseer comm!xs!nn.
svmIngtoa,D.C.20SSS.uponarstleaseq4ecs.ffofRALRfOIS)fRo VOL41~NO.23~ONDAY>>
NOVfMbfb29oNyd fIII VEficrequirement ofparagraph (e)ofthissection.2.In$20.104.paragraph (c)fsrevisedforeadasfoUous:Q20.10$Expoaureofininara.~~(c)I3)eprovisions of'$20.103(b)
(2)and20.103(c) shallapplytoexposures subjecttoparagraph (b)ofthissectionexceptthattncreferences inlf20.103(b)(2)and20.103ic) toAppendixB,'Tab)cI,Column1shallbcdeemedtobereferences toAppendixB,TableI..Col-mnnI.(3)Inl20.405.paragraph (aiisre-visedtoreadasfollows:I20AOSPirpor(sofovrrexpnaurra andexcessive levelsandconrrn(rations.
(a)Znadditicntoanynotification requiredby120.403.eachlicciisce shallmaL.carcportinwri'inguithln30daystothcDirector, OfficeofInspection andEnforccmcnt, U.S.NuclearRem,)story Commission, Washington, D.C.20555,RULESANDREGULATIONS withacopylothcappropriate NuclearRegulatory Commission Inspection andEnforccincnt RegionalOfficelis(cdlnAppendixD,of(1)eachexposureofanindividual toradi.""inexcessofthcapplicable IimiLc.insr20.101or20.104(a)ortlicliccnsc;(2!eachexposureofanindlvldual torad!oactlvc materialinexcessofthcapplicable limitsin1$20.103(a)
(2i,20.104(bi orthclicense;(3ilevelsofradiation orronrentrations ofradioactive materialii.arestricted arealnexcessofaryotherap>>licablc limi(.inthelicense:(4ianyn:c:dentforwhichnotification isre-quiredby<20.403;andiSilevy)sofra-diationorconcentrations ofradioactive material(whetherornotinvol(lng ex-cessiveexposureofanyindividual) inanunrcstric(.cd areainexcessoftentimesanyapplicable limitsetforthintldspartorinthclicense.Eachreportrcquircdunderthisparagraph shallde-scribetheextentofexposureofpersonstoradiation ortoradioactive
: material, including estimates ofeachIndividual'8 exposureas.required byparagraph (b)ofthissection;lcvclsofradiation andconcentrations ofradioactive matenallnvolvcd; thccauseoftheex)iosure, levelsorconcentrations; andcorrective stepstakenorplaruicdtoassureagainstarecurrence.
aEtfcctlve date.Theseamcndmcnts be-comeeffective onDecemberp9.1970.(Secs.53.63,81,103.104,161bandc.PubL.83-')03,88-489,91-560.68S:at930.933,935.937,948-949.70Stat.1069."8S(a(.602,84SLat.1472.88Stat.475F42O,S.C.2073,2093,21)1,2133.2134.220'i);See.201,Pub.L.93&38,88Stat.1242(421)S.C.5841)).DatedatWashington, D.C.this23rddayofNovember1976.FortheNuclearRegulatory Commi:-slon.SAlsUKLJ.Ci(?Lx,Sccrctort) ofthcCommission.
IPRDoc.')6-35131 Flied11-26-16:8:45 ainIfEDERAlREGIS(ER, VOL.O'I,E(O.23~ONDAYHOVEMRER29m)976 r~}}

Revision as of 01:58, 8 July 2018

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 - Letter Regarding the 11/29/1976 Federal Register Notice Amending 10 CFR 20.103, 20.104 and 20.405
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/1977
From: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Rhode G K
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Download: ML17037B617 (10)


Docket No.50-220 JUL 2 8 197$Niagara mohawk Power Corporation ATTN: Nr.Gerald K.Rhode Vice President-Engineering 300 Erie Boulevard Rest Syracuse, Hew York 13202 Distribution ocket ORB 83 Local PDR NRC PDR GLear CParrish SNowicki GZwetzig Attorney, OELD OI&E (3)DEisenhut TBAbernathy JRBuchanan ACRS (16)Gentlemen:

RE: NINE NILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 On November 29, 1976, the Commission published in the Federal Register, (copy enclosed)an amended Section 20.103 of 10 CFR 20, which became effective on December 29, 1976.One effect of this revision is that in order to receive credit for limiting the inhalation of airborne radioactive material, respiratory protective equipment must be used as stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15.Another requirement of the amended regulation is that licensees authorized to make allowance for use of respiratory protective equipment prior to December 29, 1976, must bring the use of their respiratory protective equipment into conformance with Regulatory Guide 8.15 by December 29, 1977.Because the respiratory protective program described in Section 6.12 of your facility Technical Specifications differs from that stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15, the effect of this change in the regulations is to require amendment of your Technical Specifications.

In view of the provisions of Section 6.11 of your Technical Specifications, which require conformance with 10 Ct R 20, the fact that Section 20.103 no longer requir es specific authorization to emiploy respiratory protective equipment,, and the revocation provisions of subsection 6.12.3, we conclude that the necessary amendment to your facility's Technical Specifications can be effected by merely deleting Section 6.12.'ccordingly, this is to advise you that pursuant to 10 CFR 20.103(c)and (f), if you desire to receive credit for use of respiratory protective equipment at your facility after Oecember 28, 1977, such use must be as stipulated in Regulatory Guide 8.15 rather than as specified in your DPPICII~SURNAMSW DATS~NRC FORM 318 (9.76)NRCM 0240*UI$OOVSRNMSNT PRINTINO OPPICSs ISTS S20 S24 4 l+v h II 0 q~C 41 l'l1 tl J Hiagara Mohawk Power Corporation w 2 JULY 9 1977 current Technical Specifications.

Based on the revocation provision of your current specification on respiratory protection and in the absence of prior written objection from you, we will include deletion of this speci-fication in an amendment of your Technical Specifications approved after December 28, 1977.Ho response to this letter is required.Sincerely, George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors Branch 83 Division of Operating, Reactors


Federal Register Notice, November 29, 1976, amending 10 CFR 20.103, 20.104 and 202405 cc w/enclosure:

Ar vin E.Upton, Esquire LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby&MacRae 1757 H Street, H.W.Mashington, D.C.20036 Anthony Z.Roisman, Esquire Roisman, Kessler and Cashdan 1025 15th Street, Il.M.5th Floor Washington, D.C.20005 Nr.Eugene G.Saloga, Applicant Coordinator Nine f1ile Point Energy Information Center P.0.Box 81 Lycoming, Hew York 13093 OFFICE~ORB¹3 ORB¹3 ORB ORB BB SURNAME~DATE~.CBar~b)/$/77 SNowicki.jf 7/g/77 GZwetzig 1/@/77 GLear g/P/77 NRC 1IORM 318 (9-76)NRCM 0240 N U 8, OOYERNMENT FRINTINO OFFICEI 1075&2IM24 7 hh

~t~1~~<C.~0 ll QULH'ND RKGULAYlONS of (s zefated manual of respiratory pro-Cectfon against ra(hoacth c materials 9m n)so announced ln the notice of Proposed gule maldrig.Interested persons were invited to sub-fnft written comments or suggestions for conslderat(on ln connection with the proposed amendments by October 7, 1974.(Lnd the comment period was extended, Upon November 6, 1974.In (zddltfon, copies of the draft guide and manual were provided iu response to re-.~Ciuests.Licensing and rc)ated regulatory f unc-Cfons of the AEC were transferred to the NRC pursuant to section 201 of the En-ergy Reorgan)zat) on hct of 1974.After consideration of the comments geceived and other considerations, the Suc)car Regulatory Commission has.Odopted the proposed amendments to Part 20 published for comment, with cer-Cain clarifying modifications and edito-changes.The more important changes, based largely on the comments gecelved, are summarized as foi)ows: Since the limits on exposure to air-borne radioactive materials are now ex-pressed in terms of intake of such mate-, ria's into the was suggested that reference be made in the regulation (5 20.103(a)(1))to some standardized bases for estimating intake.Accordingly, Cho effective rule includes a reference to (Ln NBC Regulatory Guide on acceptable

.concepts, models, equations and assump-Cfons for a bioas~ay program (Regulatory Qulde 8.9).The intake limi~for certain mixtures of uranium in soluble form (f 20.103(a)(2))have been changed to conform with those adopted by the htomic Energy.Commission on July 29, 1974 (35 FR 23990).Licensees may, under Cho amended regu)ation, ordlnari)y control exposures Co radioactive materia)s in much the same way as thev do under the reguh-Clon before amendmcnt.

For example.if from mcasurcd concentrations of radio-~active materials in air, and from gen-erally known work patterns and stay-times ln airborne radioacthlty areas.1!can be ascertained that no exposu"e o!an individual in excess of the quarter)y limit could occur, indhldual estimates o!intake of radioactive material~au)d not be required.In those circumstances where the licensee finds lt necessary to'Title XO-Energy ma(ntafn fndhldualized records of ir-CHAFfER f-NUCLEAR REGULATORT take estimates, a requirement to record COMMISSION very small assessments of intake couid phffT~TANDARDS FOR PROTECT)ON result in burdensome and unnecessarv AGAlNST RAD(AT(ON recordkeeping.

To avoid such a require-Exposure of fnct(v)due)s to Concentrations ment, the e(fcctlve regu)at(on has been of Radioactive materials in Air in Re.c)arif)ed so that assessment of indiv)dua) stricted Areas intakes less than rpecified amounts need On hugust 21, 1974.(39 FR 30164)t e not be fnc)uded ln such records (f 20.103 hlnmic Energy Commssion pub)shed n)3))Li ec might of couwe thc Frmau.Rzourxa proposed amend-'a (~a ent into ments to)0CFRPart20concerningcon-maintain notes of indhldual en ry n o trol of internal occupational exposures airborne.r'ad)oacthity areas through to radioactive materials inc)udi..g pro-a()rk permit or simUar means.for for usc cf resp~ra(ory pro(ect)ve pos~such as checking e(fectivcness o(equipment.

The avaiiabRity o(drafts o i tory protection p-ogram~<<it):-a related regulatory gu!Ce on acccptr.l be res@ra ory progranu for resp)ratosy Protection and out eszimating fntakes (u~ffDKRAt a(GISrfrL, VOL 41, f(O.22~CWPAY, f(OVEMSER 29, 1914 t J II 5 s kULES AND REGULATIONS

~581 jndlvidual intake records tmless they , ere needed.Some commenters were concerned that Regulatory Guide 8.15, which ls refer-enced in the amended 120.103(c), might b(y changed wiihout sufllclent notice to Qcensees.Chai!ges to the guide would besu)t in a redatlng or renuinbering of Qu guide with appropriate changes to (20.103(c) including prior public notice and Procedures thereof in the Fxassa!.Rzcysrxx.In addLUon, a drat t of Regula-Coiy Ou!de 8.15 and its associated man<<bla)WerernOtlCCd With publlCatiOn Of the Iyroposed rule and made avai)able for comment even before adoption of the~@resent procedures.

While no reference is made in the new a11)e tO aHou~ce for particle size in de-, Cermining exposures to airborne radio-activity.Hcensees may continue to apply for an exception far such aHoss1!ace un-<ha the Provisions of f 20501.Pursuant to the Atondc Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorgani-bqstion Act of 1974.and sections 552 and 553 of the United States Code, the fol-lowing amendment to Title 10, Chapter X, Code of Pederal Regidat)ons.

Part 20.fs pubHshed as a document subJect to Oodiflcation.

1.Section 20.103 1s amended to read as follows: I 20o103 Exposure of individuals to con.eenteaiione of vadioac!ive snaierlala fa air in res!r)e!ed areas.Ca)0)No licensee shall possess, use.or transfer licensed material ln such a manner as to permit any individual ln a.restricted area to inhale a quantity of...:.'tadioaCt)ve material ln any period of one calendar quarter greater then the--: b)uantfty syhlch svould result from inha-lation for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> per week for 13 weeks fit uniform concentrations of radiosct)ve

~"-fnater)a)in air SpeClfled Ln AppendIX"B,.-'I@hie I, Column 1.'If the radioactive bnaterial is of such form that intake by IbbsorpUon through the skin Ls likely.Ln-sffvidua)exposures to radloacUve mate-Rfa)shaH be controlled so that the up-take of radioactive ma! any or-gan from either inhalation or absorption or both routes of intake" in any calen-dar quarter does not exceed that which wou)d result from inha))ng such radio-.*Since the concentration speeieed for irit-fum oxide vapor assumes equal Iniakcs by skin sLbso~s!oa and!aha)asioa, sbe total intake permitted Ia swlce that which would sexuls from iaha)a!ioa alone as the coacea-trattoa apeciaed for ff 3 S ia hppcadix B.~hie L Column 1 for 40 house Per week for 13 v eeks.e For radleeesive snaterla!s desfgaated Suhoo ia She"Isotope" Column er she table, the concentration raIue spccyeed is based upon exposure So the ma!eels!as aa exseenal radiation aotsrce.yndlrldua!

exposures so these materia!s may be accounted for as paeS of the I!m!tat!on on Iad!v!dual dose In f 20.101.These maSerlals shall be sub)ecS So the precauilonary procedures required by'f 20.103(b)(I).~aiult!pie the COneensratIOn ra!"ex Spec!~fed ia hppend!x B.Table I.celuran 1 by IS X Ios mi SOObSayn She qaa!ee!y quariiiy material for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> per week for 13 weeks at uniform concentraUons sPec-lfled ln Appendix B.Table I, CoLumn 1.(2)No licensee shall Possess, use.or transfer mixtures of U-234.U-235, and U-238 ln soluble form ln such a manner as to permit any individual in a restricted area to inhale a quantity of such material in excess of the intake limits specifled Ln Appendix B, Table I, Column 1 of this part.If such soluble uranium ls of a form such that absorpUon through the skin is likely, individual exposures to such ma-terial shall be controlled so that the up-take of such material by any organ from either inhalationror absorption or both routes of intake'oes not exceed that which would result from inhaling such material at the limits speclfled in'hp-pendix B, Table I, Column 1 and footnote 4 thereto.(3)For purposes of determ)ning com-pliance with the requirements of this sec-tion the licensee shaH use suitable meas-urements of c2ncentratfons of radioaceo tive materia".in air for dctcctlng and evaluating airborne radioactlvlty ln re-stricted areas and in addition, as appro-priate.shaH use measuremeats of radio-activity in the body.measurements of radioactislty excreted from the body, or any combination of hach measurements aS may be neCeSSary SOr timely IsbteCtLOn and assessment of Lnd)yidua) sntakes of radioactivity by exposed individuals.

It Ls assumed individual inhales radioactive material at the airborne con-centration in which he is present unless he uses respiratory protective equ!pmcnt pursuant to paragraph (c)of th)s sec-tion.When assessment, of a particular individual's intake of radioactive yna-terlal Ls necessary.

intakes)ess then those which would result from lnhalaUon for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in any one day or for 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> in any one week at uniform concentra-tions sp&ifled in Appendix B.Table I, Column 1 need not be included'ln such assessment.

provided that for any assess-meat in excess of these amounts the en-tire amour'.t is included.(b)(1)The licensee a precau-tionary procedure.

use process or other engineering controls, to the extent concentrations of radio-active materials in air to levels below those which delimit an airborne radio-activity area as defined in$20 n03(d)(1)(LL).sS!ga!Scant intake by Ingestion or Infec-tion Is presumed so occur only as a resuls af circuamsances such as aec!dens.Inadrersenee.

poor procedure.

or s!mllar special ccad!s!oas.Such Iasakes musS be eve!assed and ac-counted for by Sechn!ques and procedures as may be appeepe!ate so the clecumssanees of the occurrence.

Exposures so evaluated ahau be Included Ia deserm!a!ng whether sbe 1!my!as!nn on iad!rlduai exposures ia f 20.-103(a'I II I has been exceeded.sReeu!ainey gu!dance On axveaxmens nf Indiv!dual Insakes af sad!naeuve maserlal is g!ven In negulalory Guide 8.9,"hcceptable Coneenss.hindcls.Equations and hssump-Sfons for a Rlnassay Program," alngye ceplea ar<<h!eh are ava!!able Irom ihe C'rice of S'andaeds nese!ripmen:.

Il S.Nue!ear negu-Inseey Cnmmhs!an.


D.C.20355.upon wrlssen requess.(2)VFhen LmpracUcalde to apply process or other engineering controls to)Lmit concentrations of radioactive ma-terial in air below those deQned l 20203(d)(1)(il), other precauUona!y procedures, such as increased surveIL-lance.)imitation of working times, or provision of respiratory protective equip-ment, shall be used to maintain intake of,radioacUve material by any indlv!d-ual within any Period of s ven consec-uUve days as far below that intake of radioactive material which woidd result from lnhaiaUon of such material for 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> at the uniform concertraUons specifie ln Appendix B, Table 1, Colon umn 1 as is reasonably achievable.

whenever the intake of rad(oactive ma-terial by any Lndisldua) exceeds th)s 40-hour control measure, the licensee shall make such evaluations and take such actions as are necessary to assure against recurrence.

The licensee shall maintain records oof such occurrences, evaluat!ons, and actions taken in a clear and readOy identifiable form su)tab)e.for summary review and evaluation.(c)When resp!ratory protect!ve equipment Ls used to lindt the inhala-tlon of airborne radioacthe material pursuant to paragraph (by(2)of this section.the licensee may make a))ow-ance fcr such use in estlmatirg expo-sures of Lndhidua)s to such materials provided that such equipment is used as stipula(,ed in Regulatory Guide 8.15,"Acceptable Programs for Respiratory Protection."'d)hotwithstanding the provi ion's of paragraphs Ib)and (c)of this section, the ComaILsslon may impose further restrictions:

(1)On the extent to:which a Hcensee may make aHoaance for use of~p}ra-tors ln lieu of provision of process.con-tainment.ventilation, or other en ineer-.lng controls, lf application of such con-trols is found to be practicable; and (2)As might be necessary to assure that the respiratory protective progmm of the licensee ls adequate in)Lm)Ung exposures of personne)to airborne ra-dioacUve materials.(e)The licensee shall notify.Ln writ-ing, the Director of the appropr!ate Nu-clear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Offlce'"ted Ln Appendix D at)east 30 days before the date that respiratory protective equip-ment ts first used under the Provisions of this section.<fy A Hccnsee who is~authorized to make allowance for use of respiratory prosecUve equipment prior to Decem-ber 29.1926 sh3))bring his.rcspew-tory protective program into conform-..

arce with the requirements of para-graph (c)of this section ssltldn one year of that date, and is exempt from rneoneronon nr, rere roe nro r-a!an was approved by the DIxeesor of the Fed-eral Reg!sier on OeSnner 19.1916.Slnele cop!ex oi Regulatory Ou!de 0.15 a.e aradab:e from the OCee of Standards Dere!o mens.D.s.Hueless Reculaseer comm!xs!nn.

svm Ingtoa, D.C.20SSS.upon arstlea seq4ecs.ffofRAL RfOIS)fRo VOL 41~NO.23~ONDAY>>NOVfMbfb 29o Nyd f II I V Efic requirement of paragraph (e)of this section.2.In$20.104.paragraph (c)fs revised fo read as foUous: Q 20.10$Expoaure of ininara.~~(c)I3)e provisions of'$20.103(b)(2)and 20.103(c)shall apply to exposures subject to paragraph (b)of this section except that tnc references in lf 20.103 (b)(2)and 20.103ic)to Appendix B,'Tab)c I, Column 1 shall bc deemed to be references to Appendix B, Table I..Col-mnn I.(3)In l 20.405.paragraph (ai is re-vised to read as follows: I 20AOS Pirpor(s of ovrrexpnaurra and excessive levels and conrrn(rations.(a)Zn additicn to any notification required by 120.403.each licciisce shall maL.c a rcport in wri'ing uithln 30 days to thc Director, Office of Inspection and Enforccmcnt, U.S.Nuclear Rem,)story Commission, Washington, D.C.20555, RULES AND REGULATIONS with a copy lo thc appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforccincnt Regional Office lis(cd ln Appendix D, of (1)each exposure of an individual to radi."" in excess of thc applicable sr 20.101 or 20.104 (a)or tlic liccnsc;(2!each exposure of an indlvldual to rad!oactlvc material in excess of thc applicable limits in 1$20.103(a)(1), 20.103(a)(2i, 20.104(bi or thc license;(3i levels of radiation or ronrentrations of radioactive material ii.a restricted area ln excess of ary other ap>>licablc limi(.in the license: (4i any n:c:dent for which notification is re-quired by<20.403;and iS i levy)s of ra-diation or concentrations of radioactive material (whether or not invol(lng ex-cessive exposure of any individual) in an unrcstric(.cd area in excess of ten times any applicable limit set forth in tlds part or in thc license.Each report rcquircd under this paragraph shall de-scribe the extent of exposure of persons to radiation or to radioactive material, including estimates of each Individual'8 exposure as.required by paragraph (b)of this section;lcvcls of radiation and concentrations of radioactive matenal lnvolvcd;thc cause of the ex)iosure, levels or concentrations; and corrective steps taken or plaruicd to assure against a recurrence.

a Etfcctlve date.These amcndmcnts be-come effective on December p9.1970.(Secs.53.63, 81, 103.104, 161 b and c.Pub L.83-')03,88-489, 91-560.68 S:at 930.933, 935.937, 948-949.70 Stat.1069."8 S(a(.602, 84 SLat.1472.88 Stat.475 F42 O,S.C.2073, 2093, 21)1, 2133.2134.220'i);See.201, Pub.L.93&38, 88 Stat.1242 (42 1)S.C.5841)).Dated at Washington, D.C.this 23rd day of November 1976.For the Nuclear Regulatory Commi:-slon.SAlsUKL J.Ci(?Lx, Sccrctort) of thc Commission.

IPR Doc.')6-35131 Flied 11-26-16:8:45 ain I fEDERAl REGIS(ER, VOL.O'I, E(O.23~ONDAY HOVEMRER 29m)976 r~