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{{#Wiki_filter:UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICANUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION IntheMatterof))Rochester GasandElectricCorporation
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of))Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
)(R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant)DocketNo.50-244APPLICATION OFAMENDMENT TOOPERATING LICENSEPursuanttoSection50.90oftheregulations oftheU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission (the"Commission"
)(R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant)Docket No.50-244 APPLICATION OF AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the"Commission"), Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
),Rochester GasandElectricCorporation
("RGE<E"), holder of Facility Operating License No.DPR-18, hereby requests that the License Part 2 Section B.(2)and the Technical Specifications Section 5.4 set forth in Appendix A to that License be amended.This request for amendment is submitted to incorporate changes necessary to reflect revised nuclear fuel loading.The proposed license change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application.
The proposed Technical Specification change is set forth in Attachment B.A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment C.This evaluation demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant.
holderofFacilityOperating LicenseNo.DPR-18,herebyrequeststhattheLicensePart2SectionB.(2)andtheTechnical Specifications Section5.4setforthinAppendixAtothatLicensebeamended.Thisrequestforamendment issubmitted toincorporate changesnecessary toreflectrevisednuclearfuelloading.TheproposedlicensechangeissetforthinAttachment AtothisApplication.
change in the types or a significant increase in the amounts of effluent or any change in the authorized power level of the facility.As demonstrated in Attachment C, the proposed change does not involve a significant safety hazard.9601300307 960l26 PDR ADOCK 05000244 p PDR I, i<
TheproposedTechnical Specification changeissetforthinAttachment B.Asafetyevaluation issetforthinAttachment C.Thisevaluation demonstrates thattheproposedchangedoesnotinvolveasignificant.
Wherefore, Applicant respectfully requests that the Facility Operating License No.DPR-18 and Appendix A to that license to amended in the form attached hereto as Attachment A and Attachment B respectively.
changeinthetypesorasignificant increaseintheamountsofeffluentoranychangeintheauthorized powerlevelofthefacility.
Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation By Robert C.Mecredy Vice President Nuclear Operations Subscribed and sworn to before me n this 26th day o anuary, 1996.Notary P blic DEBORAH A.PIPERNI Notary Public m the State of Nnv York ONTARIO COUNTY Commrsaon Exprres Nov.23,]9,fg  
Asdemonstrated inAttachment C,theproposedchangedoesnotinvolveasignificant safetyhazard.9601300307 960l26PDRADOCK05000244pPDR I,i<
<ga Aft;~<cN fp W*1r~a UNITED STATES LEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIO5%F WASKINGTON, O.C.20555 ATTACHMEMT A ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION DOCKET NO.50-244 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE License No.DPR-18 (p I.The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that: I A.The application complies with the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission set forth in 10 CFR Chapter'I and all required notifica-tions to other agencies or bodies have been duly made;8.Construction of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant (the facility)has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No.CPPR-19, as amended, and the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.The facility will.operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commiss10n D.E.There is reasonable assurance (i)that the facility can-be operated at power levels up to 1520 megawatts (thermal)without endangering the health and safety of the public;and (ii)that such activities will he conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission; The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; The applicant has furnished proof of financial protection ttIat satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR Part 140;and G.The issuance of this license will not bp inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.2.The Provisional Operating License dated September 19, 1969, is superseded by Facility Operating License Nc.DPR-18 hereby issued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora ion to read as follows: A.This license applies to the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, a closed cycle, pressurized, light-water-moderated and cooled reactor, and electric generating eauipment (herein referred to as"the  
Wherefore, Applicant respectfully requeststhattheFacilityOperating LicenseNo.DPR-18andAppendixAtothatlicensetoamendedintheformattachedheretoasAttachment AandAttachment Brespectively.
Rochester GasandElectricCorporation ByRobertC.MecredyVicePresident NuclearOperations Subscribed andsworntobeforementhis26thdayoanuary,1996.NotaryPblicDEBORAHA.PIPERNI NotaryPublicmtheStateofNnvYorkONTARIOCOUNTYCommrsaon ExprresNov.23,]9,fg  
<gaAft;~<cNfpW*1r~aUNITEDSTATESLEARREGULATORY COMMISSIO5%F WASKINGTON, O.C.20555ATTACHMEMT AROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATION DOCKETNO.50-244R.E.GINNANUCLEARPOWERPLANTFACILITYOPERATING LICENSELicenseNo.DPR-18(pI.TheNuclearRegulatory Commission (theCommission) hasfoundthat:IA.Theapplication complieswiththerequirements oftheAtomicEnergyActof1954,asamended(theAct),andtheregulations oftheCommission setforthin10CFRChapter'I andallrequirednotifica-tionstootheragenciesorbodieshavebeendulymade;8.Construction oftheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant(thefacility) hasbeensubstantially completed inconformity withConstruction PermitNo.CPPR-19,asamended,andtheapplication, theprovisions oftheAct,andtherulesandregulations oftheCommission; C.Thefacilitywill.operateinconformity withtheapplication, theprovisions oftheAct,andtherulesandregulations oftheCommiss10n D.E.Thereisreasonable assurance (i)thatthefacilitycan-beoperatedatpowerlevelsupto1520megawatts (thermal) withoutendangering thehealthandsafetyofthepublic;and(ii)thatsuchactivities willheconducted incompliance withtheregulations oftheCommission; Theapplicant istechnically andfinancially qualified toengageintheactivities authorized bythisoperating licenseinaccordance withtherulesandregulations oftheCommission; Theapplicant hasfurnished proofoffinancial protection ttIatsatisfies therequirements of10CFRPart140;andG.Theissuanceofthislicensewillnotbpinimicaltothecommondefenseandsecurityortothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.2.TheProvisional Operating LicensedatedSeptember 19,1969,issuperseded byFacilityOperating LicenseNc.DPR-18herebyissuedtoRochester GasandElectricCorporaiontoreadasfollows:A.ThislicenseappliestotheR.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,aclosedcycle,pressurized, light-water-moderated andcooledreactor,andelectricgenerating eauipment (hereinreferredtoas"the  
Attachment Afacility"
Attachment A facility")which is owned by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (hereinafter"the licensee" or"RGLE".The facility is located on the licensee's site on the south shore of Lake Ontario, Wayne County, New York, about 16 miles east of the City of Rochester and is described in license application Amendment No.6,"Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report," and subsequent amendments thereto, and in the application for power increase notarized February 2, 1971, and Amendment Nos.1 through 4 thereto (herein collectively referred to as"the application").Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses RG&E: (1)Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50,"Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess, use and operate the facility at the designated location in Wayne County, New York, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license;(2)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material or reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, and Commission Safety Evaluations dated November 15, 1976, October 5,-1984, November 14, 1984, and August 30.1995.(a)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive and store four (4)mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979);(b)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to possess and use four (4)mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979), as supplemented February 20, 1980 and March 5, 1980;(3)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70 to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source, and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required;(4)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and}}
)whichisownedbytheRochester GasandElectricCorporation (hereinafter "thelicensee" or"RGLE".Thefacilityislocatedonthelicensee's siteonthesouthshoreofLakeOntario,WayneCounty,NewYork,about16mileseastoftheCityofRochester andisdescribed inlicenseapplication Amendment No.6,"FinalFacilityDescription andSafetyAnalysisReport,"andsubsequent amendments thereto,andintheapplication forpowerincreasenotarized February2,1971,andAmendment Nos.1through4thereto(hereincollectively referredtoas"theapplication"
).Subjecttotheconditions andrequirements incorporated herein,theCommission herebylicensesRG&E:(1)PursuanttoSection104boftheActand10CFRPart50,"Domestic Licensing ofProduction andUtilization Facilities,"
topossess,useandoperatethefacilityatthedesignated locationinWayneCounty,NewYork,inaccordance withtheprocedures andlimitations setforthinthislicense;(2)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,toreceive,possess,anduseatanytimespecialnuclearmaterialorreactorfuel,inaccordance withthelimitations forstorageandamountsrequiredforreactoroperation asdescribed intheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport,asamended,andCommission SafetyEvaluations datedNovember15,1976,October5,-1984,November14,1984,andAugust30.1995.(a)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,toreceiveandstorefour(4)mixedoxidefuelassemblies inaccordance withthelicensee's application datedDecember14,1979(transmitted byletterdatedDecember20,1979);(b)PursuanttotheActand10CFRPart70,topossessandusefour(4)mixedoxidefuelassemblies inaccordance withthelicensee's application datedDecember14,1979(transmitted byletterdatedDecember20,1979),assupplemented February20,1980andMarch5,1980;(3)PursuanttotheActand10CFRParts30,40,and70toreceive,possess,anduseatanytimeanybyproduct, source,andspecialnuclearmaterialassealedneutronsourcesforreactorstartup,sealedsourcesforreactorinstrumentation andradiation monitoring equipment calibration, andasfissiondetectors inamountsasrequired; (4)PursuanttotheActand10CFRParts30,40,and70,toreceive,possess,anduseinamountsasrequiredanybyproduct, source,orspecialnuclearmaterialwithoutrestriction tochemicalorphysicalform,forsampleanalysisorinstrument calibration orassociated withradioactive apparatus orcomponents; and}}

Revision as of 13:53, 7 July 2018

Application for Amend to License DPR-18,incorporating Changes Necessary to Reflect Revised Nuclear Fuel Loading
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/1996
Shared Package
ML17264A320 List:
NUDOCS 9601300307
Download: ML17264A322 (6)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of))Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

)(R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant)Docket No.50-244 APPLICATION OF AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the"Commission"), Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

("RGE<E"), holder of Facility Operating License No.DPR-18, hereby requests that the License Part 2 Section B.(2)and the Technical Specifications Section 5.4 set forth in Appendix A to that License be amended.This request for amendment is submitted to incorporate changes necessary to reflect revised nuclear fuel loading.The proposed license change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application.

The proposed Technical Specification change is set forth in Attachment B.A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment C.This evaluation demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant.

change in the types or a significant increase in the amounts of effluent or any change in the authorized power level of the facility.As demonstrated in Attachment C, the proposed change does not involve a significant safety hazard.9601300307 960l26 PDR ADOCK 05000244 p PDR I, i<

Wherefore, Applicant respectfully requests that the Facility Operating License No.DPR-18 and Appendix A to that license to amended in the form attached hereto as Attachment A and Attachment B respectively.

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation By Robert C.Mecredy Vice President Nuclear Operations Subscribed and sworn to before me n this 26th day o anuary, 1996.Notary P blic DEBORAH A.PIPERNI Notary Public m the State of Nnv York ONTARIO COUNTY Commrsaon Exprres Nov.23,]9,fg

<ga Aft;~<cN fp W*1r~a UNITED STATES LEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIO5%F WASKINGTON, O.C.20555 ATTACHMEMT A ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION DOCKET NO.50-244 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE License No.DPR-18 (p I.The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that: I A.The application complies with the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission set forth in 10 CFR Chapter'I and all required notifica-tions to other agencies or bodies have been duly made;8.Construction of the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant (the facility)has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No.CPPR-19, as amended, and the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C.The facility will.operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commiss10n D.E.There is reasonable assurance (i)that the facility can-be operated at power levels up to 1520 megawatts (thermal)without endangering the health and safety of the public;and (ii)that such activities will he conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission; The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; The applicant has furnished proof of financial protection ttIat satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR Part 140;and G.The issuance of this license will not bp inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.2.The Provisional Operating License dated September 19, 1969, is superseded by Facility Operating License Nc.DPR-18 hereby issued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corpora ion to read as follows: A.This license applies to the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, a closed cycle, pressurized, light-water-moderated and cooled reactor, and electric generating eauipment (herein referred to as"the


Attachment A facility")which is owned by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (hereinafter"the licensee" or"RGLE".The facility is located on the licensee's site on the south shore of Lake Ontario, Wayne County, New York, about 16 miles east of the City of Rochester and is described in license application Amendment No.6,"Final Facility Description and Safety Analysis Report," and subsequent amendments thereto, and in the application for power increase notarized February 2, 1971, and Amendment Nos.1 through 4 thereto (herein collectively referred to as"the application").Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses RG&E: (1)Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50,"Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess, use and operate the facility at the designated location in Wayne County, New York, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license;(2)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material or reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, and Commission Safety Evaluations dated November 15, 1976, October 5,-1984, November 14, 1984, and August 30.1995.(a)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive and store four (4)mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979);(b)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to possess and use four (4)mixed oxide fuel assemblies in accordance with the licensee's application dated December 14, 1979 (transmitted by letter dated December 20, 1979), as supplemented February 20, 1980 and March 5, 1980;(3)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70 to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source, and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required;(4)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and