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{{#Wiki_filter:not all-inclusive}}
{{#Wiki_filter:Credit for Operator and Mitigation Actions, and Security Bounding Time Trina Washington, Rob White, Richard Hanson and Mike Whitlock NRC Public Meeting to Discuss Staffs Follow-up Actions in Response to SRM-SECY-17-0100 December 17, 2018
Desired outcomes Extend RG 5.81* criteria to broader set of operator actions
* Add more target elements to target sets Receive credit for law enforcement tactical support to enable additional licensee mitigation actions that would prevent radiological sabotage
* NRC establishes a default Security Bounding Time (SBT)
* NRC endorses NEI approach to determining a site-specific SBT
* Allow removal of target elements that lead to a target set loss over a long duration (in excess of a SBT)
* Address in RG 5.81 and endorsed NEI document Credited actions that enhance site protective strategies
* Regulatory Guide 5.81, Target Set Identification and Development for Nuclear Power Reactors                ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 2
Definition of terms Credit - Using the term in a manner similar to RG 5.81
* Determination that a licensee may rely on an action to be performed when developing a protective strategy
* Conclusion of action viability should meet a reasonable assurance standard Operator Action - An action meeting criteria in RG 5.81
* An operator action is a target element within a target set
* It cannot rely on removal of adversary interference by law enforcement, but viability should consider the capabilities of the site protective strategy
* Operator can use plant, FLEX or B.5.b equipment
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 3
Definition of terms Mitigation Action - An action that may be taken by an operator to prevent the irreversible onset of radiological sabotage but does not meet the operator action criteria in RG 5.81
* May prevent the loss of a target set or compensate for the loss of a target set
* May include the use of guidelines and equipment for mitigating the consequences of beyond-design-basis (BDB) external events, or events leading to a loss of large areas of the plant due to explosions or fires, as required by NRC regulations, orders and licenses (FLEX and B.5.b)
* Requires the removal of adversary interference (i.e., a Security Bounding Time) to permit performance
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 4
Definition of terms Security Bounding Time (SBT) - The elapsed time, measured from recognition of an attack, required for a law enforcement tactical team to eliminate adversary interference sufficiently to allow performance of a mitigation action
* Mitigation actions are taken to protect public health and safety
* Tactical team is augmenting the onsite security force for a specific purpose; security supervision maintains control of overall site security response
* The NRC staff has suggested that recalled licensee security personnel may also be considered as a tactical resource for establishing a SBT; NEI supports development of this option
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 5
Simplified illustrative examples (not all-inclusive)
                                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 6
Operator actions Determination of adversary timelines should be made with consideration of the effectiveness of a licensees protective strategy, and demonstrated capabilities to interdict adversaries Adding operator actions increases the complexity of the adversarys mission, which decreases the probability of success and improves margin Assessment of an operator action employing equipment maintained for the mitigation of BDB events (e.g., FLEX or B.5.b) should be able to credit the equipment, procedures and training described in associated program documents
                                                ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 7
Potential changes to RG 5.81 - adversary timelines Performance in Force-on-Force (FOF) drills and exercises
  - If FOF drill and exercise performance demonstrates that the protective strategy protects the operator, travel path and performance location, then the action should be credited Computer modeling - If a licensee has a site-specific computer model of their protective strategy, then the operator action may be permitted if the model shows there is reasonable assurance that an adversary cannot preclude performance
                                                ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 8
Potential changes to RG 5.81 - adversary timelines Delay factors - Adversary timelines should reflect all factors that would hinder the movement of an adversary, not just passive features
* Through a review of military or other literature, these factors should be identified, quantified, and made available for licensee assessments of operator actions Location of the action relative to other target set equipment - Permit operator action when performance location is in the same area as another target element and that area is included within the protective strategy
* Consider in cases when the adversary will arrive after the operator but before the action is completed
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 9
Mitigation actions Increase the number of barriers to radiological sabotage Viable if the action can be performed after adversary interference has been eliminated, and before the onset of irreversible radiological sabotage
* An action could involve use of plant equipment or equipment maintained for responses to BDB events (FLEX and B.5.b)
* Eliminating adversary interference could be accomplished through containment of adversary force members within areas that do not permit interference with implementation of the action (considering both travel routes and work areas) or neutralization
* Establish a SBT to credit law enforcement tactical response
                                                        ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 10
Mitigation action types and timeframes
                                      ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 11
Mitigation actions As a result of NRC staff feedback on the NEI Security Event Mitigation Assessment (SEMA) white paper, submitted on May 3, 2017, the NEI SBT white paper addresses only the determination of a site-specific SBT
* Other aspects of assessing the viability of a mitigation action need to be defined (e.g., availability and protection of FLEX equipment)
The assessment of a mitigation action employing equipment maintained for the mitigation of BDB events should be able to credit the equipment, procedures and training described in associated program documents
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 12
NEI SBT process Determines credit for law enforcement tactical support received from a local, regional, State, or Federal source
* Licensee will likely seek credit for a tactical team with the shortest response time, other factors being equal. For example, a site may achieve SBT credit based on the support from a local tactical team, even though additional tactical responders would be available from State and Federal agencies.
Ensures tactical team has site information prior to attack Specifies minimum capability standards for tactical support
* NTOA standard, or equivalent State/Federal standard
* Capabilities may be adjusted by law enforcement agency based on site-specific mission needs
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 13
NEI SBT process Mission planning and execution times
* Based on licensee experience and discussions with LLEAs
* Reasonable and bounding for a wide range of conditions
* Tactical team may determine times greater (but not less) than assumed times based on planning process Two planning categories/time formulas
* Outside Protected Area
* Inside Protected Area (whether inside or outside power block)
SBT process is focused on facilitating performance of a mitigation action; it is not intended to create an integrated response plan
* Security supervision maintains control of overall site security response
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 14
Credit for mitigation actions - desired outcomes Permit consideration of law enforcement tactical support and mitigation actions
* Recognize adversary interference is eliminated after the SBT is exceeded, and subsequent mitigation actions Consideration could inform:
* Target set development
* Selection of FOF exercise scenario target sets Certain scenarios with durations beyond an SBT would screen out because a mitigation action could be taken
* Inform SDP by allowing the outcome of an FOF exercise to be evaluated under the framework of the Baseline SDP Could eliminate the FOF exercise SDP
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 15
Mitigation action example Lost Mesa NPP - Time to Core Damage 10 9
8                                                      SBT = 4.5 7
hours Target Set 6
5                                                        Time to CD -
loss of support 4
system 3
2                                                        Time to CD -
loss of target 1
elements 0  60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 Minutes
                                                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute  16
Mitigation action example Lost Mesa NPP with a 4.5 hour SBT - potential support element screen-outs SBT
                                            ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 17
Questions / Discussion
                  ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 18
Backup Slides
              ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 19
Detailed examples using the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                              ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 20
Operator action example at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                              ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 21
Mitigation action example #1 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 22
Mitigation action example #1 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 23
Mitigation action example #2 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 24
Mitigation action example #2 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 25
Mitigation action example #3 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 26
Mitigation action example #3 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant
                                    ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 27
Change summary Security Bounding Time and Operator Action Mitigation Actions Change  Revise RG 5.81 Criterion 3 to  Revise RG 5.81 to identify Elements include suggested              beyond the SBT as unattractive; make assessment criteria (FOF        conforming changes to IP 71130.14 exercise performance, computer modeling, delay factors or location of the action relative to other target set equipment); make conforming changes to IP 71130.14 Impact  RG 5.81, Appendix A,            RG 5.81, Appendix A, Attributes 6 and Attribute 9                    11; elements beyond SBT in TSs will become unattractive - move from Attribute 6 to 11 (or a new Attribute)
Benefits Increase elements in TSs and  Unattractive Elements will not require reduce the number of            protection due to the capability to standalone targets              mitigate after SBT ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 28
: 6. Target Set Equipment:                    Example 1 (current)
Element A or Element D And                    Element A Element B And Element C            Element A, B, C
: 9. Credited Operator Actions and      Element D Damage Control Measures:
0 1  2  3 4 5 6                    7    8
: 11. Additional Considerations:                          Time (hours)
Secondary Primary TS Equipment              Alternate Fuel Elements A, B and C            Elements A        Fuel source for Element A (Component D)
TCD = 3 hrs.              TCD = 4.5 hrs.            TCD = 6.5
                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 29
: 6. Target Set Equipment:
Example 1 Mitigation Element A or Element D                    Action (proposed)
And Element B                    Element A And Element C            Element A, B, C
: 9. Credited Operator Actions and        Element D Damage Control Measures:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
: 11. Additional Considerations:                                      Time (hours)
Element D is mitigated by operator providing BDB pump.        Primary TS                                      Secondary Fuel Alternate Damage control measure is          Equipment credited because time to core                                                        Fuel source for damage is beyond SBT and          Elements A, B                                          Element A Element A and C                                            (Element D) operator has sufficient time to preform actions of placing BDB      TCD = 3 hrs.          TCD = 4.5 hrs.                TCD = 6.5 equipment in place.
RESULT: Protection for Element D no longer needed due to ability for operator to perform actions after SBT. Evaluate strategy for impacts.
                                                                          ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 30
: 6. Target Set Equipment:
Example 2 (current)
Element E or Element F And                  Element F, G, B Element B
: 9. Credited Operator Actions and Damage Control Measures:
Element F, B
: 11. Additional Considerations:
Element E, B Time to core damage can be decreased by eliminating Element F and Element G                            0 1  2 3 4 5 6                      7  8 Time (hours)
Secondary Primary TS Equipment                  Alternate Flooding Effects Elements E and B            Elements F, G and B      Flooding Element E TCD = 2 hrs.                TCD = 4.5 hrs.            TCD = 7.5
                                                            ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 31
: 6. Target Set Equipment:                  Example 2 Mitigation Action (proposed)
Element E Or Element F and Element G        Element F, G, B And Element B                  Element F, B
: 9. Credited Operator Actions and      Element E, B Damage Control Measures:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
: 11. Additional Considerations:
Element F is mitigated by                                          Time (hours) operator closing valve in PA yard. Primary TS                                      Secondary Damage control measure is                                    Alternate Equipment                                Flooding Effects credited because time to core damage is beyond SBT and                                Elements F, G and      Flooding Element Elements E and B operator has sufficient time to                                  B                          E preform actions of closing valve      TCD = 2 hrs.        TCD = 4.5 hrs.              TCD = 7.5 in PA yard.
RESULT: Protection for Ele. F not needed due to operator actions after SBT; however Ele. G will need protection if Ele.
F protection is removed. Evaluate strategy for impacts.
                                                                        ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 32}}

Revision as of 09:22, 20 October 2019

12/17/2018 Public Meeting with NRC on Opac - SBT (Final) - NRC Copy
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 12/17/2018
From: Hanson R, Doris Lewis, Washington T, White R, Whitlock M
NRC/NSIR/DPCP/RSB, Nuclear Energy Institute
Download: ML18348B146 (32)


Credit for Operator and Mitigation Actions, and Security Bounding Time Trina Washington, Rob White, Richard Hanson and Mike Whitlock NRC Public Meeting to Discuss Staffs Follow-up Actions in Response to SRM-SECY-17-0100 December 17, 2018

Desired outcomes Extend RG 5.81* criteria to broader set of operator actions

  • Add more target elements to target sets Receive credit for law enforcement tactical support to enable additional licensee mitigation actions that would prevent radiological sabotage
  • NRC establishes a default Security Bounding Time (SBT)
  • NRC endorses NEI approach to determining a site-specific SBT
  • Allow removal of target elements that lead to a target set loss over a long duration (in excess of a SBT)
  • Address in RG 5.81 and endorsed NEI document Credited actions that enhance site protective strategies
  • Regulatory Guide 5.81, Target Set Identification and Development for Nuclear Power Reactors ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 2

Definition of terms Credit - Using the term in a manner similar to RG 5.81

  • Determination that a licensee may rely on an action to be performed when developing a protective strategy
  • Conclusion of action viability should meet a reasonable assurance standard Operator Action - An action meeting criteria in RG 5.81
  • An operator action is a target element within a target set
  • It cannot rely on removal of adversary interference by law enforcement, but viability should consider the capabilities of the site protective strategy
  • Operator can use plant, FLEX or B.5.b equipment

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 3

Definition of terms Mitigation Action - An action that may be taken by an operator to prevent the irreversible onset of radiological sabotage but does not meet the operator action criteria in RG 5.81

  • May prevent the loss of a target set or compensate for the loss of a target set
  • May include the use of guidelines and equipment for mitigating the consequences of beyond-design-basis (BDB) external events, or events leading to a loss of large areas of the plant due to explosions or fires, as required by NRC regulations, orders and licenses (FLEX and B.5.b)
  • Requires the removal of adversary interference (i.e., a Security Bounding Time) to permit performance

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 4

Definition of terms Security Bounding Time (SBT) - The elapsed time, measured from recognition of an attack, required for a law enforcement tactical team to eliminate adversary interference sufficiently to allow performance of a mitigation action

  • Mitigation actions are taken to protect public health and safety
  • Tactical team is augmenting the onsite security force for a specific purpose; security supervision maintains control of overall site security response
  • The NRC staff has suggested that recalled licensee security personnel may also be considered as a tactical resource for establishing a SBT; NEI supports development of this option

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 5

Simplified illustrative examples (not all-inclusive)

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 6

Operator actions Determination of adversary timelines should be made with consideration of the effectiveness of a licensees protective strategy, and demonstrated capabilities to interdict adversaries Adding operator actions increases the complexity of the adversarys mission, which decreases the probability of success and improves margin Assessment of an operator action employing equipment maintained for the mitigation of BDB events (e.g., FLEX or B.5.b) should be able to credit the equipment, procedures and training described in associated program documents

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 7

Potential changes to RG 5.81 - adversary timelines Performance in Force-on-Force (FOF) drills and exercises

- If FOF drill and exercise performance demonstrates that the protective strategy protects the operator, travel path and performance location, then the action should be credited Computer modeling - If a licensee has a site-specific computer model of their protective strategy, then the operator action may be permitted if the model shows there is reasonable assurance that an adversary cannot preclude performance

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 8

Potential changes to RG 5.81 - adversary timelines Delay factors - Adversary timelines should reflect all factors that would hinder the movement of an adversary, not just passive features

  • Through a review of military or other literature, these factors should be identified, quantified, and made available for licensee assessments of operator actions Location of the action relative to other target set equipment - Permit operator action when performance location is in the same area as another target element and that area is included within the protective strategy
  • Consider in cases when the adversary will arrive after the operator but before the action is completed

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 9

Mitigation actions Increase the number of barriers to radiological sabotage Viable if the action can be performed after adversary interference has been eliminated, and before the onset of irreversible radiological sabotage

  • An action could involve use of plant equipment or equipment maintained for responses to BDB events (FLEX and B.5.b)
  • Eliminating adversary interference could be accomplished through containment of adversary force members within areas that do not permit interference with implementation of the action (considering both travel routes and work areas) or neutralization
  • Establish a SBT to credit law enforcement tactical response

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 10

Mitigation action types and timeframes

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 11

Mitigation actions As a result of NRC staff feedback on the NEI Security Event Mitigation Assessment (SEMA) white paper, submitted on May 3, 2017, the NEI SBT white paper addresses only the determination of a site-specific SBT

  • Other aspects of assessing the viability of a mitigation action need to be defined (e.g., availability and protection of FLEX equipment)

The assessment of a mitigation action employing equipment maintained for the mitigation of BDB events should be able to credit the equipment, procedures and training described in associated program documents

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 12

NEI SBT process Determines credit for law enforcement tactical support received from a local, regional, State, or Federal source

  • Licensee will likely seek credit for a tactical team with the shortest response time, other factors being equal. For example, a site may achieve SBT credit based on the support from a local tactical team, even though additional tactical responders would be available from State and Federal agencies.

Ensures tactical team has site information prior to attack Specifies minimum capability standards for tactical support

  • NTOA standard, or equivalent State/Federal standard
  • Capabilities may be adjusted by law enforcement agency based on site-specific mission needs

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 13

NEI SBT process Mission planning and execution times

  • Based on licensee experience and discussions with LLEAs
  • Reasonable and bounding for a wide range of conditions
  • Tactical team may determine times greater (but not less) than assumed times based on planning process Two planning categories/time formulas
  • Outside Protected Area
  • Inside Protected Area (whether inside or outside power block)

SBT process is focused on facilitating performance of a mitigation action; it is not intended to create an integrated response plan

  • Security supervision maintains control of overall site security response

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 14

Credit for mitigation actions - desired outcomes Permit consideration of law enforcement tactical support and mitigation actions

  • Recognize adversary interference is eliminated after the SBT is exceeded, and subsequent mitigation actions Consideration could inform:
  • Target set development
  • Selection of FOF exercise scenario target sets Certain scenarios with durations beyond an SBT would screen out because a mitigation action could be taken
  • Inform SDP by allowing the outcome of an FOF exercise to be evaluated under the framework of the Baseline SDP Could eliminate the FOF exercise SDP

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 15

Mitigation action example Lost Mesa NPP - Time to Core Damage 10 9

8 SBT = 4.5 7

hours Target Set 6

5 Time to CD -

loss of support 4

system 3

2 Time to CD -

loss of target 1

elements 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 Minutes

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 16

Mitigation action example Lost Mesa NPP with a 4.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> SBT - potential support element screen-outs SBT

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 17

Questions / Discussion

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 18

Backup Slides

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 19

Detailed examples using the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 20

Operator action example at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 21

Mitigation action example #1 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 22

Mitigation action example #1 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 23

Mitigation action example #2 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 24

Mitigation action example #2 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 25

Mitigation action example #3 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 26

Mitigation action example #3 at the Lost Mesa Nuclear Power Plant

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 27

Change summary Security Bounding Time and Operator Action Mitigation Actions Change Revise RG 5.81 Criterion 3 to Revise RG 5.81 to identify Elements include suggested beyond the SBT as unattractive; make assessment criteria (FOF conforming changes to IP 71130.14 exercise performance, computer modeling, delay factors or location of the action relative to other target set equipment); make conforming changes to IP 71130.14 Impact RG 5.81, Appendix A, RG 5.81, Appendix A, Attributes 6 and Attribute 9 11; elements beyond SBT in TSs will become unattractive - move from Attribute 6 to 11 (or a new Attribute)

Benefits Increase elements in TSs and Unattractive Elements will not require reduce the number of protection due to the capability to standalone targets mitigate after SBT ©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 28

6. Target Set Equipment: Example 1 (current)

Element A or Element D And Element A Element B And Element C Element A, B, C

9. Credited Operator Actions and Element D Damage Control Measures:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Additional Considerations: Time (hours)

Secondary Primary TS Equipment Alternate Fuel Elements A, B and C Elements A Fuel source for Element A (Component D)

TCD = 3 hrs. TCD = 4.5 hrs. TCD = 6.5

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 29

6. Target Set Equipment:

Example 1 Mitigation Element A or Element D Action (proposed)

And Element B Element A And Element C Element A, B, C

9. Credited Operator Actions and Element D Damage Control Measures:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Additional Considerations: Time (hours)

Element D is mitigated by operator providing BDB pump. Primary TS Secondary Fuel Alternate Damage control measure is Equipment credited because time to core Fuel source for damage is beyond SBT and Elements A, B Element A Element A and C (Element D) operator has sufficient time to preform actions of placing BDB TCD = 3 hrs. TCD = 4.5 hrs. TCD = 6.5 equipment in place.

RESULT: Protection for Element D no longer needed due to ability for operator to perform actions after SBT. Evaluate strategy for impacts.

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 30

6. Target Set Equipment:

Example 2 (current)

Element E or Element F And Element F, G, B Element B

9. Credited Operator Actions and Damage Control Measures:

Element F, B

11. Additional Considerations:

Element E, B Time to core damage can be decreased by eliminating Element F and Element G 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (hours)

Secondary Primary TS Equipment Alternate Flooding Effects Elements E and B Elements F, G and B Flooding Element E TCD = 2 hrs. TCD = 4.5 hrs. TCD = 7.5

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 31

6. Target Set Equipment: Example 2 Mitigation Action (proposed)

Element E Or Element F and Element G Element F, G, B And Element B Element F, B

9. Credited Operator Actions and Element E, B Damage Control Measures:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Additional Considerations:

Element F is mitigated by Time (hours) operator closing valve in PA yard. Primary TS Secondary Damage control measure is Alternate Equipment Flooding Effects credited because time to core damage is beyond SBT and Elements F, G and Flooding Element Elements E and B operator has sufficient time to B E preform actions of closing valve TCD = 2 hrs. TCD = 4.5 hrs. TCD = 7.5 in PA yard.

RESULT: Protection for Ele. F not needed due to operator actions after SBT; however Ele. G will need protection if Ele.

F protection is removed. Evaluate strategy for impacts.

©2018 Nuclear Energy Institute 32