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| docket = 05000528, 05000529, 05000530
| docket = 05000528, 05000529, 05000530
| license number = NPF-041, NPF-051, NPF-074
| license number = NPF-041, NPF-051, NPF-074
| contact person = Rankin J K
| contact person = Rankin J
| case reference number = TAC MF2871, TAC MF2872, TAC MF2873
| case reference number = TAC MF2871, TAC MF2872, TAC MF2873
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
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{{#Wiki_filter:Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Stations s
's Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Stations Proposed Change to the Quality AssuranceProgram Assurance Program Pre-Submittal Conference to NRCDate: 11/05/2013 1
Proposed Change to the Quality Assurance Program Pre-Submittal Conference to NRC Date: 11/05/2013 1
P u r poseupose*Present and discuss with the NRC planned Quality AssuranceProgramchanges Assurance Program changes.-ModifyPVNGScommitmenttoRegulatoryGuide133 Modify PVNGS commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.33 , Revision 2, to adopt Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) and NEI 11-04A in lieu of ANSIN187 1976 ANSI N18.7-1976.2 T op i csWhtWADiopcs*Wh a t W e A re D o i ng *Wh y NEI 11-04A and N QA-1 y Q*Overview of NRC Regulatory Guides*Outline of Submittal PackageVariousMatrices
-Various Matrices  *Proposed Schedule*Summary and Discussion 3
Wh at W e Ar e D o in g*Desi g nated as a Pro j ectateeog gj*Completerewriteconsistentwiththeformatand Complete rewrite consistent with the format and content of NEI 11-04A
*Consolidating other UFSAR sections that describe QA 

and administrative re q uirements into UFSAR Section q 13.1 and 17.2
Purpose u pose
*Adopting Regulatory Guide 1.28, Rev 4 (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) as the basis for the QA Program 4
* Present and discuss with the NRC planned Quality Assurance Program changes changes.
Wh y Th ese Sta n da r ds?yeseStadads
  - Modify PVNGS commitment to Regulatory Guide 11.33, 33 Revision 2, to adopt Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) and NEI 11-04A in lieu of ANSI N18 N18.7-1976.
*They represent the latest NRC-accepted guidance forcontentofQAPrograms for content of QA Programs*Theyrepresent40yearsofadvancementin
7 1976 2
*They represent 40 years of advancement in Nuclear QA Standards 5
O v e rvi e w o f NR C R egu l ato r y Gu i des*Current Commitments to be maintained OeeoCeguatoyGudes
-Regulatory Guide 1.8 / ANS 3.1-1978, Personnel Selection and Training
-Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 1-1974, Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water, Steam, And

Topics op cs
-Waste-Containin g Com p onents gp-Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3 -1978, Seismic  Design Classifications
* What Wh t We W AreA Doing D i
-Regulatory Guide 1.54, Revision 0 -1973, Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-CooledNclearPoerPlants Cooled N u clear Po w er Plants-Regulatory Guide 1.94, Revision 1 -1976 -Civil / Structural Design(SteelandConcreteconstruction)
* Whyy NEI 11-04A and NQA-1 Q
Design (Steel and Concrete construction) 6 O v e rvi e w o f NR C R egu l ato r y Gu i des*PVNGSdoesnotintendtoadoptOeeoCeguatoyGudes
* Overview of NRC Regulatory Guides
*PVNGS does not intend to adopt Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 3, which endorsesANS32 2012 endorses ANS 3.2-2012-Re g ulator y Guide 1.33
* Outline of Submittal Package
, Revision 3
  - Various Matrices
, was gy,,issued June 2013 [just after NRC endorsement of NEI 11-04A]
* Proposed Schedule
-The change would require a Technical Specificationchange Specification change.7 Out lin e o f PVN GS Sub mi tta l P ac k age*CoverLetterOuteoGSSubttaacage Cover Letter*Revised PVNGS Quality Assurance Program Diti D escr i p ti on*NEI 11-04A Deviation Matrix
* Summary and Discussion 3
*QA Regulatory Guide Comparison Matrix
*Matrix identifying perceived Increases and Decreases in regulatory commitments 8
R e vi sed Q APD O v e rvi e w*OverviewesedQOee*Overview-Consolidates PVNGS QAPD into PVNGS UFSAR sections 13.1 and 17.2
-AddressesQArequirementsof10CFR71 Addresses QA requirements of 10 CFR 71 , Subpart H and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.IltdtdQAlt
-I mp l emen t s an up d a t e d QA regu l a t ory structure based on Reg. Guide 1.28, Revision 4andNEI11-04A 4 and NEI 11-04A 9 NEI 11-0 4A D e vi at i o n M at rix*OrganizedusingNEI11
-04Atemplatesections0eatoat Organized using NEI 11-04A template sections which emulate 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 18

Criteria p lus additional o p erational p hase ppp administrative controls
What at We    e Aree Doing o g
*Identifies existing PVNGS UFSAR sections and  
* Designated g      as a Project j
* Complete rewrite consistent with the format and content of NEI 11-04A
* Consolidating other UFSAR sections that describe QA and administrative requirements q        into UFSAR Section 13.1 and 17.2
* Adopting Regulatory Guide 1.28, Rev 4 (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) as the basis for the QA Program 4

new UFSAR sections describing similar requirements
Why  y These ese Sta Standards?
da ds
*Identifies deviations from NEI 11-04A template content and the basis for the deviation 10 NEI 11-0 4 D e vi at i o n M at rix -Sa m p l e0eatoatSapeThis sample shows a deviation from NEI 11-04  
* They represent the latest NRC-accepted guidance for content of QA Programs
* They represent 40 years of advancement in Nuclear QA Standards 5
Overview O e e o        of NRC    C Regulatory egu ato y Gu    Guides  des
* Current Commitments to be maintained
  - Regulatory Guide 1.8 / ANS 3.1-1978, Personnel Selection and Training
  - Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 1-1974, Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water, Steam, And Radioactive -Waste-Containing  g Components p
  - Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3 - 1978, Seismic Design Classifications
  - Regulatory Guide 1.54, Revision 0 - 1973, Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-Cooled NNuclear clear Po Power er Plants
  - Regulatory Guide 1.94, Revision 1 - 1976 - Civil / Structural Design (Steel and Concrete construction) 6
Overview O  e e o  of NRC    C Regulatory egu ato y Gu  Guides des
* PVNGS does not intend to adopt Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 3, which endorses ANS 3  3.2-2012 2 2012
    - Regulatory g      y Guide 1.33,, Revision 3,, was issued June 2013 [just after NRC endorsement of NEI 11-04A]
    - The change would require a Technical Specification change change.
Outline Out  eoof PVNGS    GS Sub Submittaltta Package ac age
* Cover Letter
* Revised PVNGS Quality Assurance Program D
Description i ti
* NEI 11-04A Deviation Matrix
* QA Regulatory Guide Comparison Matrix
* Matrix identifying perceived Increases and Decreases in regulatory commitments 8
Revised e sed Q  QAPD O    Overview e e
* Overview
  - Consolidates PVNGS QAPD into PVNGS UFSAR sections 13.1 and 17.2
  - Addresses QA requirements of 10 CFR 7171, Subpart H and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.
  - Implements I l      t an updated d t d QA regulatory l t structure based on Reg. Guide 1.28, Revision 4 and NEI 11-04A 9
NEI 11-04A  0 Deviation e at o Matrix  at
* Organized using NEI 11-04A template sections which emulate 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 18 Criteria p plus additional operational p          p phase administrative controls
* Identifies existing PVNGS UFSAR sections and new UFSAR sections describing similar requirements
* Identifies deviations from NEI 11 11-04A 04A template content and the basis for the deviation 10
NEI 11-04        0 Deviation e at o Matrix at - Sa Sample pe This sample shows a deviation from NEI 11-04 regarding scope. 10CFR71, Subpart H H, and 10CFR72 10CFR72, Subpart G are considered in        11 scope of the PVNGS QAP.
Regulatory g      y Guide Commitment Change      g Matrix
* Identifies existing PVNGS Regulatory Guide commitments and related industry standards adopted
* Identifies proposed Regulatory Guide co commitments, e s, industry dus y sstandards a da ds to o be adop adopted, ed, and the basis 12
Regulatory g          y Guide Commitment Change g Matrix - Sample p
This sample shows PVNGS will maintain existing commitments to Regulatory Guide 1.26.                      13

regarding scope. 10CFR71, SubpartHand10CFR72 11 Subpart H , and 10CFR72 , Subpart G are considered in scope of the PVNGS QAP.
Re g ulator y Guide Commitment Chan g e Matrixgyg*Identifies existing PVNGS Regulatory Guide commitmentsandrelatedindustrystandards commitments and related industry standards adopted *Identifies proposed Regulatory Guide co mmitm e nt s, in dus tr y s t a n da r ds t o be adop t ed, coes,dusysadadsobeadoped, and the basis 12 Re g ulator y Guide Commitment Chan ge Matrix -Sam p legyg pThis sample shows PVNGS will maintain existing commitmentstoRegulatory 13 commitments to Regulatory Guide 1.26.
Increases and Decreases in Commitment
Increases and Decreases in Commitment
*Matrix showing perceived Increases and Decreasesincommitmentasaresultofadopting Decreases in commitment as a result of adopting NEI 11-04A and NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda
* Matrix showing perceived Increases and Decreases in commitment as a result of adopting NEI 11-04A and NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda
-Identifies current QAPD section, new QAPD section, differences, our classification (N, I, or R) and basis for acceptability acceptability 14 Sample of Increase and Reduction in Commitment Matrix:Reduction Matrix: ReductionThis sample shows a reduction in commitment relatedtoNuclearAssuranceDepartment related to Nuclear Assurance Department concurrence of lowering classification of systems, structures, and components.
    - Identifies current QAPD section, new QAPD section, differences, our classification (N, I, or R) and basis for acceptability 14
15 Pro posed Schedule for submittal
*Completionofsubmittaldevelopmentinternal p*Completion of submittal development , internal review, and approval in first quarter of 2014
Sample of Increase and Reduction in Commitment Matrix: Reduction This sample shows a reduction in commitment related to Nuclear Assurance Department concurrence of lowering classification of systems, structures, and components.
*Submittal to NRC is expected by April 2014
*Due to the extent of changes requested, PVNGS willrequestimplementationperiodof180days will request implementation period of 180 days from the date of NRC approval 16 Summar y and Discussion
*CompleterewriteofthePVQualityAssurance y*Complete rewrite of the PV Quality Assurance Program.*Adopting Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) and NEI 11-04A 04A*NoplantoadoptlatestrevisionofRG1.33 No plan to adopt latest revision of RG 1.33*Plan to submit for approval 2 nd Qrt. 2014*PV will implement 180 days from NRC approval 17}}
Proposed p      Schedule for submittal
* Completion of submittal development development, internal review, and approval in first quarter of 2014
* Submittal to NRC is expected by April 2014
* Due to the extent of changes requested, PVNGS will request implementation period of 180 days from the date of NRC approval 16
Summaryy and Discussion
* Complete rewrite of the PV Quality Assurance Program.
* Adopting Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) and NEI 11-04A
* No plan to adopt latest revision of RG 1.33
* Plan to submit for approval 2nd Qrt. 2014
* PV will implement 180 days from NRC approval 17}}

Latest revision as of 12:41, 4 November 2019

Meeting Presentation for November 5, 2013 Public Meeting Regarding Incorporation of NEI 11-04 Into the QA Program at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/2013
Arizona Public Service Co
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Rankin J
TAC MF2871, TAC MF2872, TAC MF2873
Download: ML13309A720 (17)


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Stations s

Proposed Change to the Quality Assurance Program Pre-Submittal Conference to NRC Date: 11/05/2013 1

Purpose u pose

  • Present and discuss with the NRC planned Quality Assurance Program changes changes.

- Modify PVNGS commitment to Regulatory Guide 11.33, 33 Revision 2, to adopt Regulatory Guide 1.28, Revision 4, (NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda) and NEI 11-04A in lieu of ANSI N18 N18.7-1976.

7 1976 2

Topics op cs

  • What Wh t We W AreA Doing D i
  • Whyy NEI 11-04A and NQA-1 Q
  • Overview of NRC Regulatory Guides
  • Outline of Submittal Package

- Various Matrices

  • Proposed Schedule
  • Summary and Discussion 3

What at We e Aree Doing o g

  • Designated g as a Project j
  • Complete rewrite consistent with the format and content of NEI 11-04A
  • Consolidating other UFSAR sections that describe QA and administrative requirements q into UFSAR Section 13.1 and 17.2

Why y These ese Sta Standards?

da ds

  • They represent the latest NRC-accepted guidance for content of QA Programs
  • They represent 40 years of advancement in Nuclear QA Standards 5

Overview O e e o of NRC C Regulatory egu ato y Gu Guides des

  • Current Commitments to be maintained

- Regulatory Guide 1.8 / ANS 3.1-1978, Personnel Selection and Training

- Regulatory Guide 1.26, Revision 1-1974, Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water, Steam, And Radioactive -Waste-Containing g Components p

- Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3 - 1978, Seismic Design Classifications

- Regulatory Guide 1.54, Revision 0 - 1973, Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-Cooled NNuclear clear Po Power er Plants

- Regulatory Guide 1.94, Revision 1 - 1976 - Civil / Structural Design (Steel and Concrete construction) 6

Overview O e e o of NRC C Regulatory egu ato y Gu Guides des

- Regulatory g y Guide 1.33,, Revision 3,, was issued June 2013 [just after NRC endorsement of NEI 11-04A]

- The change would require a Technical Specification change change.


Outline Out eoof PVNGS GS Sub Submittaltta Package ac age

  • Cover Letter
  • Revised PVNGS Quality Assurance Program D

Description i ti

  • NEI 11-04A Deviation Matrix
  • QA Regulatory Guide Comparison Matrix
  • Matrix identifying perceived Increases and Decreases in regulatory commitments 8

Revised e sed Q QAPD O Overview e e

  • Overview

- Consolidates PVNGS QAPD into PVNGS UFSAR sections 13.1 and 17.2

- Addresses QA requirements of 10 CFR 7171, Subpart H and 10 CFR 72, Subpart G.

- Implements I l t an updated d t d QA regulatory l t structure based on Reg. Guide 1.28, Revision 4 and NEI 11-04A 9

NEI 11-04A 0 Deviation e at o Matrix at

  • Organized using NEI 11-04A template sections which emulate 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, 18 Criteria p plus additional operational p p phase administrative controls
  • Identifies existing PVNGS UFSAR sections and new UFSAR sections describing similar requirements
  • Identifies deviations from NEI 11 11-04A 04A template content and the basis for the deviation 10

NEI 11-04 0 Deviation e at o Matrix at - Sa Sample pe This sample shows a deviation from NEI 11-04 regarding scope. 10CFR71, Subpart H H, and 10CFR72 10CFR72, Subpart G are considered in 11 scope of the PVNGS QAP.

Regulatory g y Guide Commitment Change g Matrix

  • Identifies existing PVNGS Regulatory Guide commitments and related industry standards adopted
  • Identifies proposed Regulatory Guide co commitments, e s, industry dus y sstandards a da ds to o be adop adopted, ed, and the basis 12

Regulatory g y Guide Commitment Change g Matrix - Sample p

This sample shows PVNGS will maintain existing commitments to Regulatory Guide 1.26. 13

Increases and Decreases in Commitment

  • Matrix showing perceived Increases and Decreases in commitment as a result of adopting NEI 11-04A and NQA-1-2008 with 2009 Addenda

- Identifies current QAPD section, new QAPD section, differences, our classification (N, I, or R) and basis for acceptability 14

Sample of Increase and Reduction in Commitment Matrix: Reduction This sample shows a reduction in commitment related to Nuclear Assurance Department concurrence of lowering classification of systems, structures, and components.


Proposed p Schedule for submittal

  • Completion of submittal development development, internal review, and approval in first quarter of 2014
  • Submittal to NRC is expected by April 2014
  • Due to the extent of changes requested, PVNGS will request implementation period of 180 days from the date of NRC approval 16

Summaryy and Discussion

  • Complete rewrite of the PV Quality Assurance Program.
  • No plan to adopt latest revision of RG 1.33
  • Plan to submit for approval 2nd Qrt. 2014
  • PV will implement 180 days from NRC approval 17