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{{#Wiki_filter:Sent:l7 Apr2015 19:55:15 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford
Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Attachments: Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Cliff-Here is a shot at adding some additional language to 2 of the questions.
We can discuss Monday-Jon
Sent:28 May 2015 19: 10:07 +0000 To:Brock, Kathryn;Thornas, Brian
FW: ATTeJ~4!! t -C:LH!.ln' -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments FYl-
: 1. have. not been asked to support yet, but the potential exists (unfortunately).
Jon From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:41 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford Cc: Lingam, Siva; Wilson, George; Lund, Louise
FW: Ai IORIQEY -CdENt --Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments Andrea, Scott, Heads-up. It is likely that you and/or your will soon receive requests to support the hearings.
Mike From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:53 AM To: Wentzel, Michael; Cook, Christopher; Hill, Brittain; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Dozier, Jerry; Oesterle, Eric; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Bamford, Peter; Markley, Michael; Manoly, Kamal; Li, Yong Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Young, Mitzi; Straus, Daniel; Kanatas, Catherine; Mizuno, Beth; Wachutka, Jeremy; Uttal, Susan
Affe"'l41! 1 eetrn I -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments
: All, The Atomic Safety & Licensing Board is planning on holding oral arguments for several pending Diablo Canyon contentions, including:
: 1) License renewal contentions A and B - analysis of alternatives to license renewal
: 2) License renewal contentions C and D - SAMA contentions
: 3) The de facto license amendment issues referred by the Commission to the Board in CLl-15-14 The Board plans on holding the arguments all together, one after the other. The proposed dates are July 8, 9, or 10. It is possible all the arguments will only take one day, but they may take more. than one day. The Board is considering either holding the. arguments here in Rockville or in San Luis Obispo.
We are looking. for Staff support, both in preparing for. arguments, as well. as. Staff members who are able to attend the argument. Please note that not everyone on this list needs to be available to attend the argument. If we end up going to San Luis Obispo, we will probably only bring a limited number of Staff to support.
What is your availability on July        a. 9, and 10, and what is your availability regarding Rockville vs ..
San Luis Obispo?
Sincerely, Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -415-1474 0
N&*l&&i. l"lstie e: ::ail a: :8 etR) 8MH~Ji"8Rt8 ,._8)' HRl8iR 08Rfi"8Rli81 °M8FR8)' *Iii Al is  tli5Ri)' ' 0 ' wrk Plddbtt 111are11a1. OU 1101 dlsclose outside 141"18 n itl wot 8011:: : :ieeie:: etf51ue s 81:
Sent:22 May 2015 20:07:34 +0000 Tol(bJ( 5l                    I
FW: Code Attachments:Point Source jjj From:. Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 I :0 I PM To: Ake, Jon
RE: Code Jon, Auached is a GU1 version. J can send a non-GUI version if yo u would like. There is a draft user manual included with the files I am sending. Call if you have any questions.
---- Original Message-----
From: Ake, Jon Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 11 :58 AM To: Weaver, Thomas
Code Thomas-Do you have a matlab script for producing an FAS with Boore's simple seismological model? Including which units for inputs?
ls so can you shoot me a copy?
Thx Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)
User Manual: NRC Seismologic Model Software by The SGSEB Three Stooges Thomas Weaver, Scott Stovall & .Jon Ake Scptembrr 14, 2012
Contents 1 U sing NRC Seismologic Model Software      1 1.1 File . . . .      . . . .              1 1.2 Worksheets . . . . .                    1 1.2.1 Project Information              1 1.2.2 Input            ..            1 Earthquake l\fagnitude  2 Somce to Site Distance  2 Frequency Range .        3 Response Spcctruru      3 Source Parameters . . . 3 Geometrical Spreading    3 Site Amplification      4 Diminution . . . .      5 Seismic Attenuation      5 Somcc Duration          6 Pat h Duration    .. 6 1.2.3 P at.h and Site Effects Graphs  7 1.2.4 Simulated Time Histories        7 1.3 Calculate                              8 1.4 Results .                              8 1.5 Help                                    8 2 Point Source Model                          9 3 Random Vibration Theor y                  10 4 Time History Simulation                    11 A NRC SMS Validation                        12
List of Figures 1.1 Input worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        2 1.2 Geometrical s preading: eastern North America.                          4 1.3 Generic site amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    5 1.4 Three segm ent at tenuation function and associated input for NRC SMS . 6 1.5 P ath duratiou for eastern Nort h America from 13oore (2005). . . .. . . 7 ii
Chapter 1 Using NRC Seismologic Model Software The NRC Seismologic Model Software (NRC SMS) is based on the work published by Boore (2003) on the simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method. In addition, SMSIM, the DOS based Fortran program developed by Boore (2005) was used to assist in development of NRC SlVIS.
NRC SMS uses a menu and toolbar structure to navigate through the program as you input and view data used for computing Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) and structural response spectra (RS), calculate FAS and RS, and view results from calculations. Each menu option is decribecl below.
1.1      File The File menu contains options for opening a previously created *.mat fi le, saving your input and results as a *.mat file. or exporting your input and results to a text file (* .txt) or Excel fi le (*.xis).
Corresponding buttons are located in the toolbar for opening and saving *.mat files.
1.2    Worksheets The Worksheets menu is used to access worksheets for inputing project d<~ta, data required for calculation of Fourier amplitude and response spectra, and data required to calculate simulated time histories. In addition, this menu option allows you to see t he path and site effects functions that will be used for calculating the FAS based on the input you have provided.
1.2.1    Proj ect Information The Project Information worksheet allows you to document important project details such as the project name, project identificat ion, and additional information you find useful for identifying the associated calculations.
1.2.2    Input The Input worksheet is used to define parameters required for calculatiug Fourier amplitude and response spectra. This worksheet is shown in Figure 1.1. The Input worksheet is divided into 1
11 sections such as Earthquake Magnitude, Somce to Site Distance, Frequency Range, etc. Input parameters for each of these sections are d iscussed below.
  ) ffRC SMS_v01 file Woricsheets< ResU.IS Helo
..J      .... -  -, ~
E.arthqu.ake M.agnitude- - -        Source                              Seismic Attenu.atio Minimum    f6o        Spectral Shape j&ngla Comet - Brune j100
:::J        No of Line Segments-n 1.1ax1mum. l"""6.'Q                  Stress Drop*                  bars            Frequency    Slope  Altenuation No of Magnitudes:  11                                Densrtr. ~ gk c                    r1  IT1 I -2.03 ITs6 Velocity, Vs:    136 kmls                11  !"02 r- Source  to Site Dlstance>-- -                                                                12: r-&deg;-6 Minimum:    l10 km    Geometrical Spreading1- - - - - -                          12: !To' lo:92 l8a j1o km              No of IJne Segmer&#xa5;s ~
Maximum                                                                          Seismic Velocity f'35 kmls Number of Distances. 11                          lower Sour&deg;' IDS<:!! ~ tance
                                                                                  ":lower, n Source Duration lr (loo)
Frequency R.ange                                                    1            1              Duration Weight, w_a  f1o Minimum    Jo:o1 H;,;    3 70 130      0.5000 0
Duration Weight, w_b  lO Maximum:    j100 Hz Path Duration Response Spectrum                  Site Ampflfic.atlon                                          No. of l ine Segmems  l4 r  Calculate Response Spectrum Osc~lator Correction*
IGenenc Hard Rock                          ::J jeoore and Joyner (1984)  ::J  Dinlnutlon 0
10 0
0 Damping      I  0.05 Type of Fiher jkappa            J                                          70    9.6000 kappa. J 0.006        sec                                        130      7.8000 fmax    lsQ.O      Hz Slope of last Segment  J004 Figure 1.1: Input worksheet used to define parameters required for calculating four ier amplitude and response spectra          Earthquake Magnitude Earthquake !\.fangitude allows you to calculate FAS and RS for a range of earthquake magnitudes.
FAS and RS are calculated at the minimum magnitude when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 1. When the number of magnit udes is set equal to 2, FAS and RS will be calculated at the specified minimum and maximum magnitudes. FAS and RS will be calculated at evenly spaced magnitudes when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 3 or greater. Thus, if the minimum magnitude is 5, t he maximum magnit ude is 7 and the number of magnitudes is 3>FAS and RS will be calculated for magnitudes of 5, 6, aud 7.          Sour ce to Site Distance Similar to Earthquake Maguit uclc, FAS aud RS can be obtained for a rauge of Source to Site Distances.
2    Frequency Range Frequency Range is used to define the minimum and maximum frequency for which FAS and RS are calculated. FAS and RS values are caclutcd at 340 points per log cycle. \i\Then the mi nimum frequency is set equal to 0.1 and the maximum frequency is set equal to 100, FAS an RS will be calculaLcd at 1020 points.    R esponse Spe ctrum Calculation of a response spectrum is optional and consists of three parts. the option checkbox, the oscillator correction option, and the decimal damping value, ( (typically 0.05 for 5% damping). If you desire to obtain a response spectrum, the checkbox for "Calculate Response Spectrum" must be checked. The response spectrum or spectra will then be calculated for each magnitude and source to site d istance specified using ra.nclom vibration theory (RVT).
    *w hen using RVT to compute response spectra, a shaking duration value, Trms, is used to compute the root mean square (rms) spectral accelcratiou values. T herms duration is equal to the gTotmd motion duration plus a corrected oscillator duration as expressed in Equation 1.1.
                                                            / 'n )
Trms  = Tgm +To ( 'Yn
                                                              +a (1.1)
W here T,9111 is the ground motion duration, T 0 is the oscillator duration with T 0 = 1/(21Tf r(),
/ = T9 m/T0 , and n and a arc constants. The values used for the constants n and a determined based on the oscillator correction option chosen. When choosing the Boore and Joyner {1994) correction n = 3 and a = 1/3. If the Liu and Pezeshk (1999) oscillator correction is chosen, n = 2 and
112 a= [271"  (i - mom2                                      (1.2) where mo, m1 and m2 are moments of the squared spectral amplitude. Additional details on RVT are provided in Chapter 3.    Source Paramete rs The Source Parameters section allows you to specify the type of spectral shape to be used in calculating the FAS (e.g. single corner model or two corner model), the stress drop for the single corner model, source density, and source shear wave velocity. When selecting a two corner model, the earthquake magnitude is soley used to determine the corner frequencies. Additional details on each spectra.I shape are provided in Chapter 2.    Geometrical Spreading The Geometrical Spreading section defines the function we use for describiug how wave amplitude decreases with distance from the source. The funct ion may consist of multiple segments as shown in Equation 1.3.
(~ti            R$R2 Z(R2) (!ff  f 2 R2 $ R $ R3 Z(R) =                                                          (1.3)
Z(f4)  ('Ji r;  f4 ~  R.
In eastern North America, Atkinson and Boore (1995) and Frankel ct, al. (1996) suggest us-ing the three segment, function shown in Figure 1.2. To implement t,he eastern North America geometrical spreading relation.ship, we enter a value of 3 for the number of line segments. The values Ri, R2, RJ, nlo n2 and n3 for Equation 1.3 which correspond to the line segments shown in Figure 1.2 are 1 km, 70 km, 130 km, 1, 0, 0.5, respectively.
0.1 O>
                    "O co (I)
: 0. 0.03 Cf) ro
                    .g  0.02 (i)                                    1/70 E
0 (I)
(9 0.01 1/70 (130/R)o.s 10      20    30              100      200 300 Distance (km)
Figure 1.2: Geometrical spreading function for eastern North America (Boore 2003).
1.2.2. 7    Site A mplification The Site Amplification section requires you to select a site amplification function used t o quantify site effects. The options consist of "Generic Hard Rock" , "Generic Soft Rock", "No Amplification",
and "User Defined". The "Generic Hard Rock" and *'Generic Soft Rock" amplification functions are shown in Figures 1.3. \i\lhen "No Amplification" is selected, the amplification value is 1 at all frequencies. When selecting "User Defined" , you will be prompted to select a *.mat file that contains data used to define the amplification function. This file must have frequency values in column 1 and amplification values in column 2. o headings should be placed above the frequency and ampflication values.
                          - Generic Soft Rock
                          - Generic Hard Rock 4
              ~ 3 Q.
              <t 2
0.01          0.1                1            10              100 Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1.3: Generic site amplification.    Dim inution You have two options for implementing the diminution function (high frequency filter). The first option is to utilize kappa, "'' and the second option is to use a !max filter. Equatious that define the diminution function are provided below.
D(J) = exp( - rr1~J)                                (1.4)
D(f) = [l + (f I !max)8r 112                            (1.5)
A "'value of 0.04 has been used for coastal California sites (Boore and J oyner 1997, RC 2012),
and a value of 0.006 may be appropriate for sites in eastern North America.    Seismic Attenuation Attenuation can be modeled as a three segment piecewise function . An example of this three seg-ment fw1ction is shown in Figure 1.4 along with the corresponding frequency, slope, and attenuation values that are used to define the function in NRC SMS. Often, sufficient data is only available to define the third segment (slope 2 segment) of the function. For this case, a single function is used to define t he attenuation relationship.
A single attenuation function is implemented in NRC SMS by selecting a value of 1 for t he number of segments in the drop down menu. Boore {2003) plotted a number of attenuation functions for the slope 2 segment and two of these functions are provided in Equation 1.6. These two equation were obtained t hrough best fit equations to the data presented by Boore (2003). vVhen implementing a function shown in Equation 1.6, the number of line segments is chosen to be 1, Lrl = 1 Hz, the slope is equal to the exponent (e.g. slope = 0.45) and Q is equal to t he coefficient (e.g. Q = 180).
1430J0*35          Central U.S. (Boore 2003)
Q(f) =        180/0.45            California                                                  (1.6)
{ 208!0.78 California (Boore 2003) 103 111        ft2 a              {fr1, Qr1)
Seilmlc Attenuation No of L!ne Segmerts 133 FiequeACy    Slope  Atl&!Klatlofl 102                                                                  r1 ro;- I -2 03        [2a6 11 l"0"2
                                                        **************-........ 12 ros
                                                ,\                                  a~            lo92 ITs
                                                  \                              Setsmic Velocity  135'  km's 101 10*2            10* 1                  10&deg;                  101                102 Freq Figure 1.4: Three segment attenuation funct ion and associated input for NRC Sl\1S.    Source Duration The source duration is a fw1ction of the corner frequency or corner frequencies , depending on the point source model used. Equation 1.7 is used to calculate the source duration. For the single corner model, Wa = 1 and la is the corner frequency. When Wa = 1. Wb = 0.
(1.7) 1.2.2 .11  P ath Duration The path duration can be modeled using a multi segmented line. For eastern North America, Boore has used a path duration function with four segments as shown in Figure 1.5. A single path duration begining at the source location having a slope of 0.05 is generally considered appropriate 6
for sources in California. Given a. single segment, the number of line segments is set equal to 1 a.nd an initial source to site distance and duration of 0 is input into the first row of the table.
10 Q)
c                                          Path Duration 0
No of line Segments      r-4
:::I                                            SMu*S..Ollirce hfl!Ju'.....
0                                            -  - --.-;;c.r.        C-)
5                                                            0          0 10          0 70    96000 130    7 8000 0
0      50      100      150      200        250            300 Distance (km)
Figure 1.5: Path duration for east ern North America from Boore (2005).
1.2.3      Path and Site Effects Graphs The Path and Site Effects \iVorksheet shows plots of the geometrical spreading funct ion, site am-plificat ion function, diminution function and seismic attenuation function used in calculating the FAS. These plots updated as changes to the Input Worksheet are made.
1.2.4      Simulated T ime Histories The Simulated Time Histories vVorksheet is currently not functional. Upon implementation, this worksheet will be used t o provide input for developing time histories that spectrally ma tch a given FAS.
1.3    Calculate The Calculate menu option is used to initiate calculation of FAS and RS as well as simulated time histories.
1.4    Results The Results menu option is used to view FAS and RS or simulated time histories which have been calculated.
1.5    Help The Help menu option provides access to this user manual.
Chapter 2 Point Source Model 9
Chapter 3 Random Vibration Theory 10
Chapter 4 Time History Simulation 11
Appendix A NRC SMS Validation 12
MATLAB 5. 0 MAT-file, Platform : PCWIN, Created on : Fri Jan 04 12 :03 :27 2013                                            OMCixilc " O' d" CJD
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Sent:22 May 201520:07:14 +0000 To:Heeszel, David;Seber, Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane.
RE: Columbia GMM codes Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday. May 22, 2015 2:29 PM To: Seber, Dogan: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Columbia GMM codes Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both fi les are for a single fau lt at 8 mag11itudes from 5(fault 1)-8(fault8). ln this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with lOkm away that comes to the surface.
The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are the mean+/-sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.
The next step is to get a set of scenario earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard. Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.
: Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T -7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:32: l 8 +0000 To:Heeszel, David
Re: Columbia Ground Motion Model Thanks David looking forward to looking at it next week Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)
From : Heeszel, David Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:26 PM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.
Cheers, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:3 Jun 2015 21:53:57 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan;Jackson, Diane;Munson, Clifford
RE: Columbia Seismic. Public Meeting Slides l agree. We should gently suggest the SSHAC discussion be very brief.
From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:41 PM To: Jackson. Diane; Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon
FW: Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides Quickly went over the slides. In SSC, Focus #2 is missing(!?). IL is to me more important to discuss #2 than fault slip rates (# 1). I wonder why they chose to not prepare slides for that. Also, can we tell them to skip SSHAC slides to save some time for more meaningful discussions on technical topics. There are about 20 slides discussing what SSHAC process is.
-----Original Message-----
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday. June03, 20 15 1:01 PM To: Munson. Clifford; Seber, Dogan; Jackson, Diane Cc: Vega, Frankie; Cho, Esther; Ake, Jon; Shams, Mohamed; Singal. Balwant; Alexander, Ryan; Maier, Bill; Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Burnell, Scott; Walsh, Lisa; Kock, Andrea; Monarque, Stephen
Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides
: Folks, CGS Seismic Slides. For awareness, the State of Washington and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board plan lo listen to the meeting or attend.
Interim action adds information about Flex Strategy.
: Esther, Please add to public ADAMS.
: Thanks, Nick
-----Original Message-----
From: Williams, Lisa L. [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:54 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Rich Rogalski
Meeting slides Nick.
Here is Energy Northwest's presentation. I have made 20 copies of the slides (2 per page) that ram bring1ng with me for handouts. Lisa
Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:22:26 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Vega, Frankie
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates I will be on travel the 16-18.
From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie
Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.
Any preferences or limitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent:.Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:07. AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed
Planning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates
: Cliff, I am out PM today and Friday.
PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRG Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a licensing call with PG&E Friday at 1pm to discuss NRG technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communicate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs.
single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to email a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice. Please let us know a couple of focus areas by noon Friday.
PV Meeting Date Coordination The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As I recall, I thought we had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Working Group. Let me know if I can propose any dates in the 2 nd and 3 rd week of June.
: Thanks, Nick Senic',i Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
Sent:l3Apr201513:59:10+0000 To:Munson, Clifford
RE: Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP Cliff-Looks good Jon From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 3:09 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Ake, Jon
Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP
: Vlad, Here is my slide set for overview of SWUS GMC.
Sent:2 Apr2015 17:03:24 +0000 To:Heeszel, David
RE: Palo Verde Catalog Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:56 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; Munson,. Clifford; Ake,. Jon; Hill, Brittain Cc: Miriam R.. Juckett (; John Stamatakos
Palo Verde Catalog Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. T he other columns should be relatively self explanatory.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:28 Apr 2015 13:44:04 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Thanks Alice-1hadn't seen this yet Jon From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:43 AM To: John Stamatkos; Li, Yong; Ake, Jon; Graizer, Vladimir
FW: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team You may already have through others but you were not on distribution so I am sending.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 10:33 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Stieve, Alice Cc: Jackson, Diane; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Hill, Brittain
Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Cliff. Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this is the missing piece. They have this one file on the SSC in the reading room.
: Thanks, Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 20154:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High
: Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the. information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PP RP-Tl correspondence and interactions on the source. model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
: Thanks, Cliff
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain;. Seber, Dogan;. Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt,. Gerry
DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team
: Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.
Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.
DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website.
: Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar
DCPP information on Certrec
: Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
* Login to
* Click on "Inspections"
* Set status to "In Progress" and Plant to "Diablo Canyon"
* Click "Search" button .
* Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
* Click on t he "NRC Requests" tab
* Click on what you would like to see.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell - j<bJ(6)      I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 19:24:02 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (;Alice Stieve (Al;Heeszel, David; Vladim ir Graizer (;Heeszel, David; Yong Li ( );Jackson, Diane
PVNGS - Focus Area Topics for June-9 Public Meeting Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for PYNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx Attached are the edited questions from our meeting today. Attachment was released in full in interim response #1 stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7D10 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
Devlin-Gill,. Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:20 May 2015 17: 16:56 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Stieve, Alice;Munson,. Clifford ;Heeszel,. David ;Ake. Jon ;John Stamatkos;'Miriam R. Juckett (mjuckett@swri .org)';Hill, Brittain;Li , Yong
PVNGS Public Meeting Questions Palo Verd e team, For furth er discussion, below are t he edited questions about the areal zones:
Because the PVNGS host zones, SBA and East, contribute significantly to the hazard at the PVNGS site, the NRC staff is interested in hearing discussion, beyond what is presented in the PVNGS SSC SSHAC report, on the following topics regarding areal sources. Please discuss. the rational and analyses used for:
: a. Choosing to model the spatial variation of recurrence rate per unit area using variable, but continuous and relatively smooth seismicity. Please also discuss the rationale for not considering the use of uniform spatial recurrence rates in the.
SSC areal sources. Although text in SSC Section mentions that uniform rates are often inappropriate, the text does not elaborate on conditions where uniform rates might be appropriate or if such conditions occur for the SSC. areal sources. Additionally, please discuss this in the context of the previously completed PVNGS SSC SSHAC 2, since decisions made for that model led to the use of the constant rate model for the areal sources , and what information informed the recent SSC SSHAC 3 to not use the constant rate model for any of the areal sources.
: b. Not using a "floor" during the smoothing analysis of recurrence parameters . . Please also discuss this in the context of the. PVNGS host zones and the WEST and GULF zones, which all show in SSC Figures 9-30 through 9-33 cells of zero rate(M>5.0)/deg2/yr.
: c. Not using earthquakes lower than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters for the Eastern source zones, as shown in SSC Table 9-4. Please discuss this in the context of there being so few events within the host zones that have magnitudes greater than to equal to M4.67 and inclusion of earthquakes lower than M4.67 despite the earthquake record below M4.67 not be complete.
I also updated the file on SharePoint: (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301.
From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:38 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I added 2 questions, attached. I also updated the fi le on SharePoint:
http: II epm .nrc.govI environ mental/illtq/wus-sshac/Shared%20 Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:47 PM To: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I. have. more observation/questions. that I can present tomorrow.
From: Stieve, Alice .
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:43 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow Palo Verde SharePoint FOLDER: Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens. My draft focus areas file is in that folder.
The attached file are Vlad's draft topics.
From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Monday,. May 18, 2015 1:02 PM To: Stieve,. Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David;. Ake, Jon;. John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow
: Alice, Can you send us the link to the topics/questions you've developed for the public meeting.
: Thanks, Cliff From : Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 10:22 AM
To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
PV team meeting tomorrow I will not be at work all day tomorrow, therefore, I will not be at the PV team meeting_Don't cry. You will just have to carry on without me.@. Let me know what happens.
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: 13 May 2015 15:44:07 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (Clifford.Munson
Cc:Alice Stieve (;Heeszel, David
PVNGS Request
: Cliff, Please review and forward the following request on to JLD for Palo Verde:
For the staff to preform confirmatory analysis, please have the licensee send the NRC the PVNGS composite earthquake catalog prior to the declustering analysis, meaning t he catalog with 1,941 events in it as mentioned in "Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Source Characterization" report on page 6-7 and 6-10. The staff requests the catalog be provided in the tabular fo r m.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 18: 15:50 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Alice Stieve (
RE: latest version Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx
: Cliff, OK. Alice and I spoke, we'll have a computer & laptop.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S.NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Munson,. Clifford .
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:39 PM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie
latest version Stephanie, I made edits to the first draft. Let's use this one for the meeting discussion. Alice is getting a projector and laptop?
: Thanks, Cliff
Focus Area Questions!Topics for Palo Verde Public Meeting 5/9 In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.
Seismic Source Characterization
: 1. Provide additional detail on the PPRP and Tl interaction documentation for the SSC model, specifically . .. .... TBD .... I am working through that documentation this week (April 27).
: 2. Clarify how uncertainty derived from the difference in cumulative slip rates on Quaternary faults in AZ in comparison to the geodetic slip rates in southern AZ were evaluated and incorporated into model.
: 3. Clarify how uncertainty of the potential for the existence of unknown Quaternary faults in Southern Basin and Range province were evaluated and captured in model , in particular in the area W and NW of the PV site, and outside the geologic mapping project area.
4.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide. additional detail on the. involvement of. the PPRP. in the field review of the Quaternary geology mapping project of the PV site area and vicinity 5.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional. detail regarding verification and characterization of the 3 faults of interest in the site vicinity (Sand Tank, unnamed fault (Gilbert), unnamed fault (Pearthree)).
6.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional detail regarding the very simplistic geologic cross section of the PV site to rule out existence of unnamed fault (Pearthree) .
: 7. Geologic mapping project. Provide additional details regarding stratigraphic correlation of Quaternary units in the site area and vicinity, in particular the stand alone river terrace unit (Qorh) mismatch with the Qi1 alluvial fan surface.
: 8. Regarding information in PVNGS SSC Table 9-4, because the Eastern sources have so few events at M~4.67, please discuss how and why the Tl team chose to not use the events. lower. than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters. Also, please justify not using a "floor" during the recurrence parameters analysis.
: 9. Please talk about the SSHAC presentations, discussions, and/or analyses that led the Tl team to. use variable, continuous , and relatively. smooth seismicity when determining recurrence parameters for host zones, as opposed to constant rate values, particularly since there are so few recorded events in the PVNGS host zones.
Ground Motion Characterization Site Response
                                                  "O A>
cc CD
Palo Verde Nuclear I
                                                    <D 0
0 0
Generating Station Site Response Evaluation Section 2.3 of the "Seismlic Hazard and Screening Report for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units1, 2, and 3, March 2015" 1
Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting on June-9 SITE RESPONSE Provide additional detail regarding the Vs-kappa adjustment factors.
Specifically, provide the bases for
    - the host Vs profile,
    - the target deep Vs profile (including the use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 to develop the upper and lower profiles),
    - the target kappa value used for the kappa adjustments and whether the input FAS were corrected to the site kappa of 0.033 sec or a lower baserock kappa value,
    - use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5 to determine the upper and lower site kappa values,
    - the scenario events (magnitudes and distances) used to develop the input spectra for the Vs-kappa adjustment factors,
    - not including the Vs-kappa adjustment factors as additional epistemic uncertainty on the median GM 1\11s instead of capturing this variability as part of the variability in the site amplification functions.
Description of Subsurface Material
* Subsurface at PVNGS consists of about 350 ft of basin sediments overlyi11g bedrock, with a crystalline basement co1mplex at a depth of about 1,200 feet below the grcJund surface.
* Basin sediments: stratigraphic subdivisions of sands, gravels, clays, silts, and fanglomerate.
* Bedrock: Miocene volcanic and interbedded sedimentary rocks.
* Materials are divided into 2 site profiles, a shallow site profile and deep site profile, that are separated at the bottorr1 of the basin sediments.
Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Shallow Site Profile:
* UFSAR and PSAR lithologic descriptions and natural gamma logs
* Control point elevation is defined at the ground surface
* Vs values are estimated from suspension logs, downhole and crosshole surveys from the UFSAR and Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) surveys.
* Epistemic uncertainty (alnVs) was e*stimated for shear wave velocities in the base-case (BC) profile from the different measurements that were used to develop best-estimate valu es 1
* Upper-range (UR) and lower-range (LR) profiles were. developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile by exp(1.28*alnVs), following guidance in the SPID to achieve 10th and 90th percentile values.
* Note. that the UR profile does not include a lithologic layer of fanglomerate to account for its possible non-existence.
DISTANCE 8E1WEEN B~NGS RELATIVE TO Ul-81 \fcell Figure 35: Composite shallow profile 0                1111!>            2390          Figure 34:                        Depth                    Unit contact  Uthologlc Description U1 -B1            U2-B1            U3-B1                                                    (ft)                    (deptlllelev.)
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580                    soil and occaitiooaJfy tlAlaoeous sand. el!M!1to11 of ~contact D        Cl>* . ., . . ,,; - *
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D ___
500                                                                                              GENERALIZED LITHOLOGY                XI
* BEDROCK see deep prolile ll(&#xb5;e IHlUll.A*-DFlOWlllt(CCIASo... '1.CW\
Saod Clay DNClUCTE----                                                  ~FanglOmerale LITHOt..OGIC UNIT 5
Dynamic properties of shallow site profile (base case profile)
Base Strati-                                                l:nit    Sigma              ~ oma    sigma
                                ~nemlized Lanr .      graphic
{;nit lithology D eprh (ft)
Thickness (ft)
                                                                        " *eight (pd)
Depth (ft)
Case Ys y .,
                                                                                                              , .., (ln)
(ft/s) 1            I            Sand          0          21          110      0.0      101 7    0.070    0.13 2            I            Sand          21        14          120      3 ~2    1041    0.0&8    0.19 3            I            Sand          35        10          120      5A      U50      0.075    0.17 4            I            Sand          45          7          120      6.9      1181    0.063    0.15 5            II            Clay          52        60          1151      8.0      1208    0.087      0.15 6            II            Clav          112        25        12Sl      3.5      1293    0.073      0.15 7          II            Clav          137        22        125 1      4.3      1391    0.073    0.15 8          m              Sand          159          8        126*      5.0      1431    0.055      0.15 9          I\'            Clay          167        19        ns  1 8.0      1+46    0.049    0.15 10          \  ...
Sand          186        19        126-'      2.0      1459    0.050    0.15 11          VI            Clay          205          5        125t      5.0      1510    0.103      0.15 12          VI            Clay          210        20        1251      1.8      1742    0.145      0.15 13        vn              Sand          230          8        126-      2 .0    1829    0.160    0.15 14        VIII            Clay          ns        52          1251      LO      2094    0.127    0.15 15        \Till          Clay          290        21        125 1    15.9      1094    0.127    0.15 16          IX            Sand          311        30          130      17.0      2094    0.127    0.15 17          x        Fane:lomerate      341        86          140      60.0      3262    0.176    0.15 A.ndesite Bed-                                                ~A1 XI        basal flow        427                    140        83      4485    N'A1      NA 3
rock brecc1a/mff Notes:
1 125 pcf is the a\*erage urut weight of all day unrts. The unit weights for all clay ooits are averaged for the sake of simplicity ill me ~te response analysis.
    '11 _6 pcfis. the average urut \\'eight of Sand {;ruts Ill\'. and VIl. The average is used fur the sake of simplicity in the site response an.alyill.
3In the site response analysis for shallow profile, Unit XI 1s cons.idered as die half space..                      6
Vs ( tt/scc)                          Layer depths, thicknesses, and 0 1000 2000        3000    400Cl shear wave velocities (Vs) for lower-range (LR), base-case (BC),
                                    - LR
                                    - BC and upper-range (UR) profiles for so
the shallow site profile at PVNGS.
100 Depth    Tlt:ickness        ,.-:s (ft/~et)
                                                  '"      (ft)      (ft)    LR          BC        ml 1          0        21      929        1017      1113 bO l        21        15      ~BO        ]041      1165
:;        35        ro    1046        ] 150    1266 200                                        4        4 )-        7    1 0.~0      lUtl    12,80
-                                                )        52        60    1081        ]208      1351
.c Q.
6        112        25    117S        ]293      1419 250                                        7        137        2'.!  12~6        ]391      t5Q8 s        159          8    1334        ~4"?
                                                                                            ..:>-  1536 9        167        19    1359        l446    1540 300 10        186        19    1359        ]459      1555 11        205          5,    l324        ]j1[ 0    1723 3SO                                        12        210        20    1448        ]74~    2098 13        2]1]        8    i4gg        ].829    2245 14        2:1S        52    1780        2094      2462 400 1.5      290        21    L S~O      2094      2462 16        311        30    1550        2094      2462 4.'.>0 17        341        86    2603        32:62    NI~
ED  lhts H 81 bonnvs
                                                                                                                                                      @)  LCIS.2~
* PVNGS -        llorlngl
                                                                                                                                                    -      SASW "'-1*7 bear \Vave Velocity (ft/ ec) 0        1000        2000        3000        4000        50(
0 100 200 300 0        1.000        2.000 II l    1 1
i  I    I I      '
400                                                                            .._~~~~~~~......_~~~~~---'-_...            __~~~............. o        250      500 m 2
&#xa3;Q. 500
Figure 1. Locations of SASW lines SASW-LCl-1 through SASW -LCl-7 (shown m red as lines 1-7) at the PVNGS site.
Q 600 A WArray                                                200 700    -      L Cl l
                - - L 12 800    -      L 13
                -      L C14                                              250
                -      L CIS 900    -      L 16
                - - L CI 7
            .._,_._._.._._.___._.__._.__._._..._._..__._,__._'-'-'___._.~ 300 1000 0        300        600        900        1200        1500 hear Wave Velocity (m/ ec)
Figure 4.1  Companson of the Seven. hear Wave Velocity Profi lcs Determined ai lhe Palo                                                                                  8 Verde NPP Site
PVNGS Borehole                                                                                                          PALO VERDE BOREHOLE B-2 Receiver to Receiver Vs and VPAnalysis
* Drill and. log 2 boreholes. (one deep[B-2, 423.                                                      50 ft], one shallow [B-1, 45. ft]) at the site, collec downhole geophysical data from the deep 100 borehole, and preparation of each borehole for installation of borehole seismometer 150 equipment.
* P-S Su spension Logging
* Induction/Natural Gamma                                                                        g    200 J:
* Caliper/Natural Gamma                                                                          Ii:w
* Acoustic Televiewer/Boring Deviation                                                            c 250 i
411250 300
                                                                -=- m" 0        80 0      :!ID No\OQ ~,. FIPS ~202 fl
                                                                ~ 201~ GOOQ18 Elflll -.ef!illgia LCl*B-1 450 .L...~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~-..1 0        2000      4000      6000    8000    10000    12000      14000 VELOCITY (ft/s)
Fi gure 1. Locations of boreholes LCl*B*1 and LCl*B*2 at the PVNGS site. Note: north arrow shows 9
true north. as opposed to "plant north."
Figure 5. Boring LC l-B-2, Suspension R1-R2 P- and Swwave velocities
Geologic cross-section showing the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the PVNGS site 0 SCRJPTION E 6AS.En&an    Ua!I""'~
I      ......_ ,,., *      * *Onln!!~
* 10
Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Deep Site Profile:
* Developed from data presented in the UFSAR and Geological Society of America Bulletin A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona (Warren, 1969)
* No borings underneath the. three units that reach the top of the basement complex, so the upper. contact is estimated using a. geologic cross-section from the UFSAR that shows.
the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the si1te
* Control point elevation for this. profile is defined at the bottom of the shallow site profile.
* Vs values were estimated from suspension (LCI,. 2015f) for bedrock. Vs for the basement complex was determined using typical seisn1ic wave velocities for granodiorite.
* Uncertainty in the thickness of each layer vi1as accounted for in the LR and UR deep site profiles.
* For the volcanics, this uncertainty was determined from boring logs as described in LCI (LCI, 2015d). For the upper basement layers, this uncertainty was taken as 10 percent of each respective mean thickness.
* Consistent with SPI D:
    -  UR and LR Vs values were developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile value by exp(1.28*alnVs), respectively, like for the shallow site profile
    -  Epistemic uncertainty was estimated for Vs in the BC profile using a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 as
    -  The LR and UR profiles were constructed by pairing 90th percentile Vs with 10th percentile thickness (and vice versa) in order to maximize the varia1tion in travel time                              11
Dynamic properties of deep site profile (base case profile) 1 e. source: T able 16 from LCI (LCI . ?Ol )-d)
T a ble 5~ . D1ynallllc properaes of d eep sire pro fil Depth      rmt        ~!Jean      :\Jean      Vs    Poisson's Elevatiou
                                                                                                                                                    ~1ea11  Sigma, to top    weight        Vs          Vp    Sigma      Ratio                                                      Thickness Tbicklless Strat. Gt'neraUzed of layer unit      lithology Range +,    Range -,
Mean, Top      Sigma ,
(ft)    (pct)    (ft/sec)    (ft/sec)    (lo)                                            Top          Top          (ft)    (ft)
(ft msl)    Top (ft) 3 (ft msl)    (ft msl)
Andesirel XI  basa lt/ flow            395        140        4485        9863      0.35      0.370        558        83          641        475        808      145 breccia/ ruff Weathered granodiorire/
~'II                          1203      1461        5438      10786      0.35      0.330        -250        NIA          NIA          NIA          20        10 mera-granice (top)
Weathered granodioritel xn    mera-granire 1223      152 1      7343      12632      0.35      0.245        -270        NIA          NIA          NA          20        10 (middle)
Wearhered g:ranodio1ite/
xn    mera-grnnire 1243      157 1
9248      14477      0.35      0.155        -290        NIA          NIA          NIA          20      10 (bonom)
xn    mera-~anire 1263      171 2      10200      15400      0.35      0. 109      -310        NIA          NIA          NIA        NIA      NIA Notes:
1 Unir weight for the weathered basement complex is deremlined from Vp.
1 Unit weight for wnveathered basement complex is detemiiued from Wan-en (WatTen. 1969).
3 Sigma rop is only calculated for Andesite XI for use in shallow site profile site response calculations. Sigma is calculated using rop elevation contact of bedrock from Units 1-3 Bl boreholes (Figure 34).
Vr, (m /'>)
PVNGS deep site 0
                                                                                                      .,. -, ,.    :1 I
2000 3000 4 000 I  ,,
                                                                                                                    .. - *~  ,_  - -  ......... ..
profile                                                  500 -
I  1 I-Lowtr R:mgt P rofilt (low n locidts. thil'ker layers. bas~:ise density):
m ight = 0.3 Desc:riptton                                    Tbicbiess (m)            Vs (m s)
I l  ..
I QI Vokanic bedrock sequen~                              324.2                873_4    t6:
Basement (shallow; weafherul top)                    10_  0            l ,059_0  ~ 1000  -                                l                          -
Basement (shallov.r: wealhered middle)                10_0                1.430_0 Q.
3        .                                    I Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)                  10.0                l.800_9    0 Basement (shallow)                                  1.784.2              1.986-3    t1I I
Basemeru (deep)                                    12.560_0              3.680.0  ..."'
0        .                                    I I
B:iw Case Profilt (mt dfan Ynlues :ill par:unerers):                                ~  1500 -                                    L weiebt =OA                                                                          :t:                                              1 0
Description                                    Thickness (m)            Vs (m s)  .D
\'olcanic bedrotl: ~                                267.6                1.367.0    E                                                I 0
Basement (shallow; weathered top)                                        l.657.5
                                                                                    ..c                                              I 6.1 Basement (shallow; vteatheted middle)
Basement (shallow~ weathered bottom)
B~t (shallow) 6.1 6.1 1,581.7 2.238_1 1.818..8 3,109.0
                                                                                  -.z E
2000 .
Basement (dttp)                                    10.0000              3.680.0    0 QI          UR Prctile I
t:pper Range Profile (high , *elocitlts, rhiwter layers. b.-se cue density):
wei_ebt = 0.3 Description                                    Ttucl.."ness (m )        Vs (m s)
                                                                                              . Base Case Prof ile LR Prctil e I
\'olcanic bedrock sequence                          211.0                2. 139.6      2500 -                                                  I Basement (shallow; weathered top)
Basement (sh3.llow; weathered middle) 2.2 2.'.!
2.5943 3.503.1
                                                                                                - Warr en (1969)                                I I
Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)
Basement (shallow)
Basement (deep) 1.379.3 17,.i40.0 3.680.0 3.680 0 3.680.0
                                                                                                - S'NUS Re fere nce Profile I
I        13 3000                            .
PVNGS Shear Modulus & Damping Curves Table . ~gradation CW\"eS for each stratigraphic unit at PVNGS. Source: Table 14 from LCI (I.CI 2015d' -
Degrndatlon            DtgradatioJl Strntignapbic Gtnendized Depth Thickness Layer                                                              Curns                Cw.t~
Cnit        lithol~-        (ft)      (ft}
(..\lterna ch'e n    l..Uternntin 2)
EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cun-es 1            I          Sand            0        21 0-20 ft              0-50 ft EPRI Sou        Peninsular Cun;~
2            I          Sand          21        14 20-50 ft              0-50 ft EPRI Soil        Peni.nsular Curves 3            I          Sand          35        10 20-50 ft            0-50 ft EPRI Sou        Peninsular Curves 4            I          Sand          45          7 20-50 ft              0-50 ft
* Shallow profile Vucetic and Dobry      Vuce-tic and Dobry 5            n          Clay          52        60
( 1991)-PI=30          (1991}Pl=30        alternative were given Vucetic and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobry 6            II          Clay          112        25 (1991)-PI=JO          (1991)-Pl=30      equal weights
                                                            \*ocellc and Dobry    Vucetic and Dobry 7            II          Clay          137        22 (1991)-Pl=30          (1991)-PI=30
* Deep profile linear EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cw.-es 8            m          Sand          159        8 120-250 ft            51-500 ft I\"                                          Vucetic  and  Dobry  Vucrtic  and Dobry 9                        Clay          167        19 (1991 )-PI=30          (1991}Pl=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsular Curves 10            \          Sand          186        19 120-250 ft            51-500 ft
                                                            \"ucebc and Dobry      Vucettc and Dobry 11            VI          Oay          205          5 (1991)-PI=JO          (199l}Pl=30
                                                            \"ucetic and Dobry    Vucetic and Dobry 12            VI          Clay        210        20 (1991)-PI=30          (199l}PI=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsulnr Cw...-es 13          VII          Sand        230          8 120-250 ft            51-500 ft Vucebc and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobty u            VIII        aay          238        51 099l)-PI=30            (1991)-PI=30 Vucellc and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobry 15          \'III        Clay        290        21 0991)-Pl=30            (1991)-Pl=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cun:es 16            IX          Sand        311        30 150-500 ft            51-500 ft EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cwve!.                        14 17            x      Fanglomernte    3-U        86 250-500 ft            51-500 ft
10                  .' I I
                                                                                                                                          ~      -        ~
i t, Z-    !--+-
I' PVNGS Kappa                                              e
                                                                                                        .~* i-,....                      ~
                                                                                                                                                                          ~l~ ~
j              I
                                                                                                    '= f=  1~*~
                                                                                                                                          *=      -
* Adjustment factors were developed to convert                    ti                                                                                                  .
ground motions. from the reference rock associated              l
                                                                  "'....                        I l with the GMPEs from the SWUS. GMC to site specific            ~
                                                                  ....                                                                                          ?
                                                                                                              -                                        lJ;,?I rock conditions at PVNGS corresponding to the deep site profile ..
if c
0        1 I    I I ~              Ti .,.. __
                                                                                                                                                                . I I: __...
__, /~
* Vs-kappa adjustments consist of 2 parts.
                                                                                              .._~I r
* L
                                                                                                                                      * ~
                                                                                                                                                                      ... - ~            -
: 1. Accou nt for impedance differences, calculated using
                                                                  .-c                            r
                                                                                                                                          ...... """ "' "I" the Quarter-wavelength approach (Boore and Joyner, cu
                                                                                                '                                                  ' ','-- ~ ~
lo..                                  I
1997; Boore, 2003, 2013} and affects all frequencies.                * -                  -      1~~                                    - ,_                                    ..... k
: 2. Account for the differences in kappa (kappa-zero ). It  <
I has an exponential fo rm and affects mainly the high frequencies.
* Host kappa value fo r SWUS GMPEs is 0.041 sec and                      0.1 the target kappa value at PVNGS is 0.033 sec with a                        0.1                                      1                                                10                          100 Frequency (Hz) logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5.
* BC, LR, and UR target kappas were combined with                          -    LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                                  -      LB Profile, Median kappa (0.11) each of the BC, LR, and UR deep site profiles to get 9 sets of adjustment factors applied to the {BC, LR, UR}                        LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                                  -      Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12) kappa alternatives and Vs profile alternatives.
                                                                          -    Medi.1n Profile, Medi an kappa {0.16)                        -      Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12}
* Although some of these adjustment factors become very large at HF, the SWUS GMC rock motions have                              UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                                  -      UB Profile. Median kappa (O.U) zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is                        UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.                                                                  Net factors to convert ground motions from SWUS reference rock to PVNGS rock cond ffi ons.
PVNGS Randomizcition of Vs Profiles
* Shear wave velocity in each layE~r. SPID (EPRI, 2013) guidance was followed - shear wave velocities were truncated to +/-2 alnVs. USGS site class "A" pararr1eters, for hard rock.
* Material properties. SPID guidance was followed and realizations were. truncated at +/-2 aln for both G/Gmax and. damping curves.
* Profile layer depths and thicknesses. Depth to the top of each layer was modeled using a Norrnal distribution, each realization of depth to the top of a given layer was limited to +/-2a.
* Depth to bedrock was modeled using a Normal distribution, each realization of depth to the top c,f bedrock was limited to +/-2a.
* 60 random velocity profiles were generated for each combination of profile (BC, LR, and UR), material model (EPRI or Peninsular values), input spectrum, and set of adjustment factors.
PVNGS Input Spectra
* Obtained using reference-rock hazard for PVNGS
* Following guidance from the SPID, HF (5 and. 10 Hz) and. LF (1. and 2.5 Hz) spectra at mean annual frequencies of exceedence (MAFEs) of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 were scaled to 11 different PGA amplitudes between 0.01 g and 1.5 g for a total of 22 input control motions.
* Input response spectra were converted to Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) using IRVT, which requires an estimate of ground motion duration for each input control motion, which was calculated according to the method in Rathje et al. (2005) .
Table 8. Deaggregated magnitudes and distances for reference rock and associated durations. Source:
LCI (LCL 2015a).
:\lotion          ~Ia2nitude  (l\1w)    Di tance (km)    Duration ( ec) 104 Lff~V Freq.            7.5                210              26.3 104 High Freq.            6. 1                18              4 .06 I 0-5 Low Freq.            7.6                200              27.7 10-5 High Freq.            6.2                  8.0            3.94 10-6 Low Freq.            6.8                  8.0              .46 10-6 High Freq .          6.4                6.0              4 .76          17
PVNGS Site Response Methodology
* RVT. was used to perform the site response analyses, consistent with SPID.
* For the BC, LR, and UR shallow site profiles, site amplification factors (SAF) are developed for seven spectral frequencies (0.5 Hz SA, 1.0 Hz SA, 2.5 Hz SA, 5.0 Hz SA, 10 Hz SA, 20 Hz SA, and 100 Hz SA or PGA) over the range of spectral amplitudes represented by the input contnol motions (refer to Section 2.3.4). Each set of SAF incorporates the various types of variability in profile and material properties and uncertainty in kappa and deep shear wave vellocities as represented by the nine sets of adjustment factors.
* To include the deep site profile effect on SAF, the IRVT-derived input FAS was multiplied. by the set of Vs-kappa adjustment factors prior to using that input spectrum to drive the shallow site profile.
PVNGS Amplification Function BC. 10-4                                                                                          BC 10-5 J
10' 10' 10 1 -
1cr' 10 * - -10*            10'      ti/
10' 10 '        to*        10' 10 1
10'        10'                                to'        10'          UT Frequency. (Hz)                                Frequenc~ (Hz)
Frequency, (Hz)                          Freqa>>ney (Hz]
Fi~ -He. PVNGS BC mr&#xa3;l<< r6ponsc spectra mid SAF for 10* HF input motion ming the EPRI soil 1
Fi:ur~ -Ha. PVNGS BC s.udaa ~spectra and SAf for 10-4 HF i.npuc molion 11$Uig the EPRl soil marerial olOdel and a SUlgle re~ rock ro local rock adjustmen1 fuoc.tion. Green Imes are ~ for    mataial model and 1 sin.git refet-mce rock ro loc&l rock adj11stmeo1 function.. Green are spectra for 60 indi\idual randomiud profiles Median (blade solid line) and :::lo1o (blaclc dashed linH) ~e abo 60 1.0dmdual randomized profiles. M~an (blad: sohd lio.e) and =loi. (black dashed 11.0es) ~ also shown. Souru: Figure 46 from LCI (l..CI.1015d).
shown. SoutN: F1gur-e 48 fromlCI (l..CL ::WlSd).
10'                                      10' 10'                                          10' 810' '
        ~;      I J  10 '
10 1
10 ' --~              -;o* --"i&deg;o' l(f' 10 '      10'  - -,o* --,rf F~(IUJ                                                  Fniquency. (Hz) 1 Figure 4lb. PVNGS BC~ r~nse spectra and SAF for 10-4 LF mput motion using !he EPRI soi.I          f iptt 41d. PVNGS BC surfuce response spectta. aod SAF for 10* l.F 111put motton usuig ~ EPRI soil matenal modtl and a slQ!le re~ rock to local rod: adju5tmrnt function. Gtttn Imes are spectra for  matmal model. and a smgle reftteoce rock to local rocl.: ad~llllttlt fimctton. Grett ~ are ~1A' for 60 111dmdual nmdoouz.ed pr-ofiles. Median (black sohd hne) and +/-loi. (blad: dashed lines) are also 60 1.odm.dual rmdomu.ed profiles. '.\ledian (black sohd !me) and "'lo11 {black dashed hoes) ~also shown. Soun:e: Figure 47 from LCI (I.CI. 2015d)                                                    shown. Source: Figure 49 from LCI (l..Cl.1015d)
PVNGS BC median amplification    2.5                                                                    -- . .    -l                                                -+- PGA
                                                                                                                                                        - .20Hz factors    c nl
                ~  1.5
                                                            ~ . "W:''I*-
                                                                  ~    -- ~~
                                                                                                                                                        -*-S H_z 2.5 Hz 1
1 Hz
                                                                                                                                                        -    0 .5 Hz 0.5 II                                  -,.....~
0                                                                  II                                                .
0.001                        0.01                            0.1                              1                              10 SpectraJ acceleration, (g) 0.6 0.5                                "    .. ,.~                c _c
                                                      -          I                ~~ u.                                                                -+-PGA
                                                      ~          l              l 'I ~~        I        * ~~                      ,...,.
                                                                                                                                                        . . .20Hz
                                                                                  "- *r      J" ,_J - ~~                        , ~I
                                                      '!"!'            . -.            ~      ~~
1 "" .... ~
                                                                                                                                      -i                -    10Hz l -,                                                  "', ** ~ -                                  ~S Hz 2.5 Hz 1 Hz
[J                            I                .                                            -
0.1                                  ~                                                                                          ~
                                                                                                                                                        -    0.5 Hz 0
0.001                        0.01                            0.1                              1                              10 20 Spectral aueleration, (g)
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:2 Jun 2015 17:35:50 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Munson , Clifford;Ake, Jon;Heeszel,. David ;Stieve ~ Alice;John Stamatkos;Weaver, Thomas;Stovall, Scott;Hill , Brittain;Chokshi , Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong;Jackson, Diane;Miriam Juckett (mjuckett@
RE: PVNGS: Site Response Attachments:PVNGS Site Response - SDG.pptx.
Site response overview slides attached.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 11:57 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Munson,. Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas;. Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (
RE: PVNGS: Site Response I put together few slides about GMRS and can show them .
From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:07 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas; Stovall, Scott; Hill,. Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh.
Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (
PVNGS: Site Response Palo Verde Team, I put together a few slides on the PV site response to generate discussion at today's meeting. I know there has been ongoing work by others regarding PV site response, please come prepared to discuss your work and knowledge of the PV site response with the whole team.
Tuesday, June 2 (TODAY), 2:30PM ET TWFN -07A03 Phone: (877) 927-0419 Passcode l (b)(6)    j#
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
TSCHILTZ, Michael From:TSCHILTZ, Michael Sent:29 Apr2015 19:14:30 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:MAUER, Andrew
DIABLO CANYON MEETING Nick in the staff slide presentation for the. subject meeting.. specifically, slide 15 shows l date for Group 1 SPRAs ... as has been discussed with NRC upper management our understanding is that Diablo (if it is in group 1) will be given the. same amount of time as others. to. complete SPRA which pushes it out beyond the date shown on the slide .... . was this just an oversight or is t his an issue t hat needs further discussion?
Mike Tschiltz.
Director,. Risk Assessment Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8083.
M f{b){6)                  I E:
* essage transmission contains information.from the Nuclear Energy. Institute, Inc. The.information is intended solely.for the addressee.and its.use
* not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient,. you have received
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review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution o                        mmunication is strict                    u ave received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender Immediately by telephone or by elect                                delete the orig/no/ message. IRS Circular 230 disdosure:
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Sent through www.lntermedia .com DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 15:12:36 +0000 To:Gibson , Lauren
FW: PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Attachments:NRC Public Meeting 4-28 Seismic Final.pdf FYI. ... slide 54 has a summary of licensee and regulatory actions.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:42 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; 'John Stamatakos <> ('; Hill, Brittain; Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Walker, Wayne; Alexander, Ryan; Moreno, Angel; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Maier, Bill; Roth(OGC), David; Lindell, Joseph; Uttal, Susan; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Hipschman, Thomas; Wyman, Stephen
PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Folks, Attached are the. PG&E slides in support of the Tuesday public meeting. NRG slides. will be available tomorrow morning.
Please forward to those I may have. missed.
Thanks, Nick From: Jahangir, Nozar []
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:58 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl
Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Philippe; Attached is the DCPP presentation for the subject meeting. I will also take 30 hardcopies with me, as well. I w ill be travelling on Monday and will be in Rockville on Monday night.
We also need the Web access number and passcode for Techn ical PG&E staff that w ill be calling in support of the presentation.
Thanks Nozar Juhangir P.E.
Manager, Techni cal Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering 805-545-6512 l<b)(6)            I(cell)
nx jl From: Difrancesco, Nicholas []
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:33 AM To: Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Jahangir, Nozar;. Vega, Frankie; Shams,. Mohamed; Jackson, Diane
NRC Technical Focus Areas for Support of Public Meeting on April 28 Mr. Soenen ,
In support of the public meeting scheduled for April 28, 2015, the NRG staff would like to gain additional technical understanding in several areas to support productive public meeting discussions. In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.
Seismic Source Characterization
: 1. Summarize the key data used to constrain the slip rate of the Hosgri fault, including associated uncertainties.
: 2. Clarify how elements of the thrust/reverse interpretation for the San Luis Range Thrust are incorporated into the SSC.
: 3. Clarify how the rupture models are derived from the fault source geometry models.
: 4. Summarize the methodology used to define the equivalent Poisson rates.
Ground Motion Characterization
: 1. Provide additional detail on the criteria used for the selection of the candidate ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for development of the common form median ground motion models for DCPP. Specifically, please elaborate on the basis for including GMPEs based on datasets other than NGA-West2.
: 2. Provide additional detail on development of the common functional form used to fit the candidate GMPEs. Specifically, please discuss how model parameters such as depth to Vs=1 km/sand 2.5 km/s (which are present in some of the candidate GMPEs) are accounted for in the functional form.
: 3. Provide additional detail on the approach for weighting the selected common form models as well as the criteria used to verify the physicality of the final models.
: 4. Provide additional detail on how the continuous distribution for total sigma (crss) was developed by combining the between-event and within-event aleatory variabilities.
Site Response
: 1. Section of the 50.54(f) submittal states that shear modulus and damping curves are not directly applicable to DCPP since analytical modeling is not used and that non-linear site effects are implicitly included in the empirical GMPEs for Vs30=760 m/s. However, the NGA-West2 database has a limited amount of data for sites with Vs30 near 760 m/s and for earthquakes with magnitudes and source-to-site distances similar to those dominating the hazard for DCPP. Please provide additional information on how these limitations in the NGA-West2 database are accounted for in the site response model for DCPP.
: 2. Section 2.3.6 of the 50.54(f) submittal describes the development of the site term for DCPP. For the calculations of between-event residuals, provide additional information on the criteria used to determine the appropriate distance range(+ and - Rrup) to the sample station. Please discuss the sensitivity of this distance range on between-event residual values. Please provide an example calculation that uses site-specific values to determine the values for $ s2s, including the epistemic uncertainty in the site term .
Please let me know if you have any questions on the above focus areas.
: Thanks, Nick Di f rancesco Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
AIL 09-001                    JAPAN LESSONS LEARNED
* The NRC's first assessment of the Shoreline fault was detailed in RIL 09-
* The NRG staff issued a request for 0
_.. :J I
0 -
001 and was based on information available at the time. The NRC found the Shoreline fault's maximum additional information to all nuclear power plants on March 12, 2012, to
_.. PJ
                                                                                                                                        -CJ)* :J 6"
predicted shaking is less than what            initiate several actions as a result of                                            PJ  -
NRC REvlEW OF S EISMIC            <    "O the plant was previously analyzed for.          lessons learned from the Fukushima                                                ~. PJ
                                                                                                                                        -co Dai-ichi accident in Japan:                HAZ'ARDATTHE DIABLO C,AJ\J'V            PJ CD AIL 12-001 RIL 12-01 , "Confirmatory Analysis of Seismic Hazard at the Diablo Canyon
                                                    - Conduct "walkdowns" of all nuclear power plants to verify flooding and PONERPLANT                -Q:
CD ~
0 CJ) 0
Power Plant from the Shoreline Fault            seismic protection features                                                        -
CD _..
I Zone," updates the NRC's evaluation                                                                                              "O (JI
                                                    - Reevaluate flooding and seismic                                                    c: ~
based on information PG&E provided                                                                                                0-0 hazard and design using present day                                              =o in January 2011 , as well as a staff visit to Diablo Canyon.                              methods and guidance 0o
* The NRC continues to conclude that ground shaking from the Shoreline fault's earthquake scenarios are less
* The DCPP seismic hazard reevaluation, submitted in March 2015,. assesses all known faults in the area (i.e., not limited c:
CD than the HE and LTSP ground motion          to just the Shoreline fault) using a                                                        0 levels for which the plant was              process similar to what is done for siting                                                  : :;
previously evaluated and                    new reactors. The licensee reported that                                                    CD demonstrated to have reasonable              the ground shaking from the known                                                          CJ)
assurance of satety                          fault's earthquake scenario exceeds the                                                    0 "O
Double Design Earthquake in the                                                            CD
~ 10 1- 1OHz range and that there was reasonable assurance that the plant        This brochure provides an overview o the NRC's review of the Shoreline fau 0
&sect; i u
      -~**--                                        could achieve sate shutdown at the higher level. The NRC is currently          zone. near Diablo Canyon . . It also          ,,
CD evaluating the licensee's report            places the Shoreline fault review in            0 context with the NRC's request that al          )>
j '&deg;                                                                                                                                            ..,
l ..
* The NRC performed a screening and prioritization review of this report and determirn~rl th::it niabln r.anyon screens U.S. nuclear power plants reanalyze seismic hazards based on lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
                                                                                                                                              .0 CD c:
accident in Japan.
in to do n me '"' 'l 'l r.-J *e seismic                                                    -i probablis ; rii a~ 3: mf .ts is due                                                        ::;
(Prepared April 2015)                CD Com parison of Hosgri and L TSP              - - - - -* ua$0V VI I (he licensee's Spectra to NRC Deterministic              reported interin actions, the NRC                                                        "O For additional information contact th        PJ Evaluation Results                  determined that the plant is safe to                                                      <O operate while the further analysis is        Office of Public Affairs. Phone~ (30        CD CJ) being completed.                                415-8200 or email:
DIABLO CANYON POWER                                -      Hosgri Earthquake (HE} ground            SHORELINE FAULT motion level,. which is based on an PLANT SEISMIC                                              earthquake from the Hosgri fault, BACKGROUND                                                  which was discovered in 1971 .
                                                      );;>. The HE ground motion level is
* Nuclear power plant designs                              0.75g peak ground acceleration consider earthquake effects by                            anchored at 100 Hz based on a providing margins against ground                          7.5 magnitude earthquake 5 motion levels at the plant site.                          kilometers from the site
  -      The ground motion levels show              >-      Diablo Canyon's design was how much energy (measured in                        modified so that sufficient
          'g,' or percent of Earth's gravity) is              equipment survives the. HE to transmitted at different shaking                    safely shutdown the plant and frequencies                                        keep the nuclear fuel cool Designers use ground motion
* Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP}
levels to analyze how structures and equipment respond during an          -      The plant's original license earthquake                                        required seismic reevaluation in 1O years
* Diablo Canyon is licensed to three earthquake. ground motions (most                        The LTSP was initiated to meet plants have two)                                        this license condition
  -      Design Earthquake (DE) ground            -      The LTSP spectrum has been
* In November of 2008 , plant owner Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) motion is the biggest earthquake                  used to evaluate seismic margins          informed the NRG it had identified a the plant is allowed to continue previously unknown fault during operating through collaborative research. with the U.S.
    );;>. The DE ground motion level is                                                              Geological Survey (USGS}
0.2g anchored at 100 Hz
* The Shoreline fault is approximately Double Design Earthquake (ODE) ,                                                            600. meters from the reactor and 300 ground motion is the shaking level                                                          meters offshore at. which all safety related
* The NRC's first assessment of the equipment must remain functional                                                            Shoreline fault was detailed in Research Information Letter (R IL)
    ~      The ODE ground motion level is 09-001 .. "Preliminary Deterministic double the amplitude of the DE Analysis of Seismic Hazard at Diablo (0.4g peak ground acceleration. 00                                                    Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from anchored at 100 Hz)                  DI                                      10  100 f rfqUen<)' (H 7)            Newly Identified 'Shoreline. Fault""
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 12:45 :57 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane
FYT: Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Attachments:diablo canyon brochure revision 6.docx Fyi. . .
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:34 AM To: Gibson, Lauren Cc: Hill, Brittain; Vega, Frankie
Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Lauren ,
Britt Hill had a new graphic with additional curves on it. We will probably need to add the GMRS and consider incorporation of the LSTP margin assessment.
Scott Flanders, Mohamed Shams, Yong Li , and Kamal Manoly are planning to travel for the end-of-cycle meeting June 24. Ahead of the meeting we should share with them for comment.
SPRA report will be due June 2017.
: Thanks, Nick From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:21 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
FW: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo canyon seismic brochure
: Nick, Have you been able to look at this yet? I think the time has come.
: Thanks, Lauren From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 4:56 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure
: Nick, I took the liberty of updating this brochure as if the screening and prioritization review were already completed . All that's needed is to put in the due date for SPRA. There seems to be
quite a large number of people to coordinate with in this: your branch , DORL, Region 4, and NRO, so it should probably go into circulation for comment soon . We don't want to get ahead of the screening and prioritization , but I want to be ready to go so we can use this tool as soon as the initial review is completed.
When do you think I should send it to the others? I thought you should get the first crack at it.
: Thanks, Lauren From: Uselding, Lara .
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:32 AM To: Bowman, Gregory Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Great news Greg , thanks and we appreciate the support.
Lara From : Bowman, Gregory Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 7:29 AM To: Uselding, Lara Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure
: Lara, Lauren will take the lead for helping out with preparing for the meeting and pulling together the communication tools to support it. She'll coordinate with NRO , JHMB, DORL, and Region IV on that. I asked her to get in touch with you to discuss specifics, including timing of the meeting, so.
you should be hearing from her shortly.
Greg From: Sebrosky, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 6:53 AM To: Bowman, Gregory; Gibson, Lauren; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Lingam, Siva; Markley, Michael; Oesterle, Eric; Jackson, Diane Cc: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena
question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Greg, Lauren , Nick, Mike, Siva, Eric, and Diane, The purpose of this email is to inform you of a request from RIV regarding possibly updating the attached brochure that we used in the past to communicate Diablo Canyon seismic issues. The inquiry for possibly updating the brochure can be found in the email below. A second purpose is to provide a proposal for updating the brochure that would involve JLD, NRO and RIV resources. Any insights you might have on the best way of updating the brochure (if it is
deemed appropriate to do so) based on the information below on how the brochure was put together would be helpful.
The attached brochure was developed by me as the Diablo PM with help from Annie Kammerer, Cliff Munson, Chris Cook, RIV staff (including Neil O'Keefe, Christie Hale, Megan Williams and Lara Uselding), and the JLD (Barry Miller). It was. part of a broader effort to communicate seismic information to the public at a Fall 2012 public meeting. Barry, Annie, and Chris, all had poster boards that they developed along with the attached brochure and they attended the Fall 2012 public meeting. The. brochure and several poster boards from the Fall 2012 meeting are still available on the RIV sharepoint link (see
From my perspective, I understand the request below is limited to updating the attached brochure, I just wanted to give everyone that was not involved with the Fall 2012 public meeting an idea of how the seismic communication tools were developed (it was truly a team effort). For what it is worth my suggestion to update the brochure would include the following (the 4 megabyte word file is available on the RIV sharepoint link):
* Me or Lauren Gibson work with Megan Williams to take a first crack at updating the brochure based on the Diablo's March 2015 seismic reevaluation information o Megan has the technical background on Diablo seismic issues and is an outstanding source of information
* Have the revised brochure. reviewed for technical. content by Nick DiFrancesco (JLD seismic reevaluation lead PM) , Diane Jackson (NRO seismic branch chief - Diane can determine which NRO staff, if any, need to review the updated brochure for technical content) and RIV projects staff o Revise the brochure as appropriate based on comments from JLD, NRO, and RIV projects staff Please let me know if you have any questions about the above and feedback on the proposal if it is determined that updating the brochure is appropriate.
: Thanks, Joe Sebrosky Senior Project Manager:
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-1132 From: OPA4 Resource Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 5:34 PM To: Gibson, Lauren; Sebrosky, Joseph Cc: Burnell, Scott
Hello Lauren and Joe-
Back in 2012 when we issued the RIL, we handed out the attached brochure. I forget who there at HQ put it together but it's been a super handy resource to pass out to public and the media. I thought it would be useful if we update it with 1) verbiage once the March submittals come 2)any necessary updates and take. it with. us this year to our meeting. Can you assist with this or point me to right person to work with?
I am no longer pursuing a video so this would provide a helpful overview of Oiablo Canyon seismic..
: Thanks, Lara Uselding
Sent:24 Apr 2015 18:39:46 +0000 To:Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne;Uselding, Lara;Maier, Bill
FYI: Draft of WUS Screening and Pdoritization Letter Attachments: Redline~ Western US Screening and Prio1itization letter.docx, lnfo POP Western US Screening Letter rev5.docx
: Folks, Current WUS seismic screening letter. Beginning management review in NRR and NRO. It generally mirrors the CEUS screening letter from May 9, 2014.
Attached is the current POP that will be updated for senior management briefings. I plan to schedule in the near future a NRR ET and include the R-IV management brief.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:08 PM To: Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Cho, Esther Cc: Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford; Vega, Frankie; Burnell, Scott; Lent, Susan
~ Draft of WUS Screening and PrioritizatiOll Letter ~le'Q)
: Folks, Attached is the WUS Screening and Priorization Letter. Along with Frankie's and technical staff efforts the letter is ready for management review.
Attachment 2 - redline markup shows changes from the CEUS May 9, 2014 letter.
Items for Management Awareness :
* Discusses acceptability of Oiablo Canyon and Palo Verde interim actions in lieu of ESEP
* Discusses limited scope evaluation schedule for Group 1 WUS Sites only
* No discussion of SPRA schedule relaxation (suggest to discuss with licensees when results are communicated)
Attachment 4 - Current Management POP and Communication Plan Timeline
: Esther, Attachment 1 is ready for ADAMS add.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRG would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRG provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1 : Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach) . The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
I The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
I The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRG staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the. endorsed SPID guidance . .
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50.54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations including estimated seismic risk. Additionally, the. submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRG staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic. margins.
supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The licensees for Diablo. Canyon and Palo. Verde provided interim evaluations in lieu. of completing of the Expedited Approach . These licensees have demonstrated seismic margins that met the intent of the Expedited Approach review.
For Columbia, the interim evaluation provided in March 2015 is a first step in assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term, by January 2016,.
Columbia will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate. and identify reinforcements,. if necessary, for certain equipment to ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic ground motion.
SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRG staff's initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake. (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This results in a curve of ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRG staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-10 Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations
                                                      -. 3 -.
ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1O Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is. the focus for this portion of the risk evaluation , as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further. seismic risk evaluations.
* If the GMRS, in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the. Interim Evaluation) .. Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.
In addition,. if the. GMRS meets the. low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID ,. and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above. 10. Hz, then the. licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible. to that specific range of ground motion. . provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 and by letter dated February 20, 2014, the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the. 30-day review period under certain circumstances .. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be. needed. In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models. and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during the. NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo. Verde additional time and interactions. will be. required to better understandthe. seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional evaluations . . Palo Verde has. been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority 5
Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
for further evaluations and establish. schedule. for an Expedited Approach, if. necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e., spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three. groups6 , which (i) reflects the. relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing. and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the. new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS). to the. SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to. the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in the 1-10 Hz range that are generally higher in absolute magnitude. Group 1 plants including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June 30, 2017.
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance in the. 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After. further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on the. staffs screening review the licensee for Columbia should. finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 2016. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders to assess acceptable alternatives for conducting these evaluations. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations. The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
can. complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1. plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic. hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such, the NRG staff will continue its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review . . The. staff has. placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations.
Initial interactions. with licensees. will occur as soon as. practicable. The NRG staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic. hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
: ML15113B344                                                      *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/ PM      NRR/JLD/ LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC      NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC        NRR/ DORU D.
NAME        NDiFrancesco          Sl ent          MShams              DJackson                Llund DATE        04/22/15                I /15            I /15              I /15                    I /15 OFFICE      NRO/ DSEA/D          OGC              NRR/JLD/D            NRR/ D NAME        SFlanders            BHarris          JDavis              WDean DATE          I /1 5                I. /15          . I. /15              I .. /15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under No. Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seism ic Risk              Limited-scope Evaluations.
Expedited Screening                      Evaluation          High            Low        Spent Fuel Plant Name                                Approach Result                      (Prioritization  Frequency      Frequency          Pool Evaluation Group)        Evaluation      Evaluation    Evaluation Columbia Generating Station                In            x                1              x                                x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2                                In                              1              x                                x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional Station , Units. 1, 2, and 3                                                3              x                                x in Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 1O.. 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:2 1 May 201 52 1:14:05 +0000 To:Burnell , Scott;Maier, Bill ;Uselding, Lara;Moreno, Angel Cc:Alexander, Ryan;Walker, Wayne;Lingam, Siva;Vega, Franki e;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed;Hipschman, Thomas;Markley, Michael;Hill, Brittain
FYI: Future Issuance of Diablo Canyon R2. l Seismic Meeting Summary Attachments:Summary of April 28th Meeting with PGE_5.docx Meeting summary is publicly available as Folks,                                                              ML15125A186.
FYI: The following meeting summary will be issued regarding the April 28 - Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic public meeting COB Wednesday May 27, 2015. The summary closes two public comments received related to the webcast.
Open ADAMS P8 Document (Summary of April 28, 2015, Category 1 Public Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Discuss Diablo Canyon's Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Associated with Implementation of Japan Lessons-Learned Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1, Seismic)
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
DiFrancesco. Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 19 May 2015 19:05:51 +0000 To:'Gene Nelson, Ph.D.'
Cc: Vega, Frankie
Incorporation of Public Comment Or. Nelson, Appreciate the public comment. Apologizes in the delay in response, the staff has received a number of public comments for review as part of the meeting. Below is the staff summary of your comment:
The staff received a comment from Dr. Gene Nelson (Californians for Green Nuclear Power) via email during the meeting. The NRG staff inadvertently missed the opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Nelson's. comment during the meeting. According to Dr.
Nelson, Diablo Canyon has favorable site conditions, which attenuate or dissipate earthquake energy over relatively short distances. Due to this favorable condition , the primary earthquake forces seen by the plant would be dominated by nearby earthquake sources and energy transmitted to the plant would be dominated by the small section of the earthquake rupture closest to the plant. Dr. Nelson stated that when considering the information presented at the meeting of overall plant ruggedness and the seismic hazard insights discussed above, Diablo Canyon continues to operate safely.
Please let Frankie and I know if you have proposed correction by May 21 , 2015.
: Thanks, Nick
-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. [mailtol(bl( l 5
h Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 7:39 PM To: DiFrancesco , Nicholas
Reminder: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. is still awaiting the summary of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP Importance: High
==Dear Nicholas:==
I'm still awaiting the summary for my review of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP that documents my participation in the meeting. Do you know when I will be able to review that document?
You may also be interested in the 231 pages of submissions as of 11 May 2015 to the California Energy Commission (CEC) docket 15-IEPR-12 regarding Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I wrote or assembled about 99% of the written exhibits. Upon request, I'll email you a 5-page summary of those exhibits .
Thanks! Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San Luis Obispo, CA
>Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08 :55:27 -0700
>To: "DiFrancesco, Nicholas" <>
>From: "Gene Nelson, Ph.D." 1<0 ><6 >                  ~
>Subft(t* Examnle DCPP N11f lear Safety Discussions by Gene Nelson, Ph.D.
>Beet >><5)                    _
>Nicholas DeFrancesco
>US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
>(301) 415-1 115
>30 April 2015
>I appreciate your telephone call to me yesterday regarding my not being
>a telephonic participant in the NRC DCPP seismic safety review on 28
>April 2015. I look forward to reviewing a draft of my contributions to
>the 28 April 2015 DCPP seismic safety review in the upcoming NRC
>I sincerely hope there will be more effort focused on public outreach
>to help interested non-expert participants understand future NRC
>reviews of DCPP safety. As a physical sciences professor at Cuesta
>College - and recently an engineering professor at California .
>Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, I recognize the
>importance of public outreach. As a consequence, I have provided
>citizen testimony at NRC field hearings, Diablo Canyon Independent
>Safety Committee hearings, California Coastal Commission hearings,
>California State Water Resources Control Board hearings, and California
>Energy Commission hearings. A Google search of both phrases "Diablo.
>Canyon Power Plant" and "Gene Nelson" shows 19 results, "DCPP" and
>"Gene Nelson" shows 13 results, and "CGNP" and "Gene Nelson" showed 12
>As an example of my outreach, please see my current exchange with Rod
>Deyo, Ph.D. in the attachment. His Ph.D. is in mathematics.
> Rod and I both graduated from
>Harvey. Mudd College. in 1973.
>I'm interested in your perspectives.
>Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San
>Luis Obispo, CA1<0><6 >            !cell
Sent:24 Apr 2015 20:01:37 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph
Many thanks! RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides
: Yosef, Have a good weekend. Appreciate the prompt review.
Sincerely, Nick From : Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 3:59 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Nick.
Yosef. Lindell.
Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -4 15-1474 MOTI C E
* This iWil il illi'Q ilRf i\tiil6RQ2ifilt8 M!!i)' Hfill!iifil 88FlfiieF1tieJ ;0 :M9Ff19) elie1 :t er 1914101I :CJ Wo:lc P1ee~et  :::11te1 i11l. Qu ::ct aisclosc oatsiac tJAS :: itlibal 80111111issia11 app1oeal.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:31 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Vega, Frankie; Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan; Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane
For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Scott, Lara, OGG, Current working draft of slides. Let me know if have questions with messages. I plan to start processing for public release about 9:30 am Monday.
: OGG, I don't see items that should impact ongoing hearings. - content relates to NTTF 2.1 Seismic.
only. Mostly from information from the public domain.
: Thanks, Nick
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 12:58 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Jackson, Diane; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
Comments on DCPP slides
: Folks, I added a slide 16 based on the bullets below. Written to avoid getting ahead of senior management and public affairs.
Proposed Bullets are:
Forthcoming Seismic Screening Letter
* Issuance of letter for WUS sites in - 2 weeks
* Diablo Canyon has screened-in for further risk evaluations and is a review priority
* No immediate safety issues identified
* Information supports safety assurance allowing additional time to complete the seismic risk evaluation
: Thanks, Nick From: Kock, Andrea Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 11:56 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
RE: For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Slides look good to me. I would be sure to clarify a few things in your talking points if you have not already:
(1) Where are we in the process for Diablo- they screened themselves in and we are evaluating their hazard (2) They submitted an interim evaluation and based on this and other. information we. have, there is no immediate safety issue. This information provide additional safety assurance for us to take additional time to evaluate their risk evaluation and determine what regulatory actions. are needed if any Andrea Kock, Deputy Director, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD 301-415-2368
From: Jackson, Diane Sent:. Friday, April 24, 2015 8:56 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Good morning all - Please find attached, for your review and comment, the staff introductory slides. Right now, I am giving these.
Mohamed and Nick, your review and comment are requested as well. Once we have comments back, then we can send to the licensee.
I am also thinking on additional/alternative context. We don't want this part to be too long. The talking points are not updated. I will be working on them today. If you want to add bullets or ideas as suggestions for me to work into the slide message, please add them .
Diane fi>imie ~cm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)
Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 03; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One M ission
Sent:23 Apr 2015 13:50:37 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed ;Manoly, Kamal;Li, Yong;Walker, Wayne;Lingarn, Siva;Uselding, Lara;Alexander, Ryan;Roth(OGC),
David;Lindell , Joseph ;Uttal, Susan;Moreno, Angel Cc:Kock, Andrea;Flanders, Scott;Bowen, Jeremy;MarkJey, Michael ;Rivera-Lugo, Richard;Hayes, Barbara;Hill, Brittain;NTTF R2.1_2.3 CAL Resource Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07C01- 15p
Prep meeting for Diablo Canyon Webcast (888-817-9392 PCl(bl( 5l              I)
Attachments: PG&E Email.docx, 4 15 Public Notice.pdf, Potential Q As for April 3020 15 COM_BEH.DOCX
Prep Meeting to support Diablo Canyon Webcast on April 28 (888-817-9392 PC:l(bl( 5J      ~
I Agenda:
: 1. Meeting Notice Agenda -
: a. Bridgeline Setup
: i. 1 assisted bridgeline - queue for one question or comment ii. 1 open bridgeline for.licensee and R-IV
: b. Attached Agenda
: c. NRC Planned. Introduction to 2.1 and DC Seismic. Hazard Reviews
: 2. NRC Technical Questions (PGE Email to be Public April 23, 2015)
: 3. Public.Availability of Slides on Monday April 27, 2015
: d. Licensee Slides to NRC Sunday April 26, 2015.
: e. Slides to OCA and RSLO (Angel and Maier) - April 27.
: 4. Awareness of Open Contentions [OGC]
: f. Content ion related t o SSHAC
: g. Contention CLB.
: h. Contention related to renewal
: 5. Discussion of Roles and Responsibility for Public Questions ITopics                                          Primary Responsibility
Current Licensing and Design Basis, M. Markley, [B . Hill Y. Li], N.
USFAR                              DiFrancesco Inspection or Compliance            M . Markley or R-IV over bridgeline Renewal                            NA - No renewal staff General R2. l Proces Questions      N. DiFrancesco or DSEA Sei mic Que tion                    C. Munson, J Ake, B Hi ll Off Topic Questions                N. Difrancesco
: Thanks, Nick
April 22, 2015 Potential Commission Q&As April 30, 2015, Update on NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic
: 1. Are there plants that exceed 2X SSE? Why does the expedited approach only consider ground motions up to two times higher than the plant's design?
Yes, there are several plants that exceed their Safe Shutdown Earthquake by more than two times.
If. a re-evaluated seismic hazard is greater than the plant's design basis, completion of the expedited approach provided additional confidence that a plant can cope with the higher hazard. This information builds on the interim evaluations that were submitted to NRC in March 2014, which. showed that the plants were very unlikely. to experience core-damage at the higher hazard levels. T he expedited approach is designed to show that important equipment used to safely shut-down a plant will function as intended if a large earthquake occurs .. The expedited. approaches were completed by licensees in December 2014, and the NRC staff is reviewing these submittals. In general, licensees used a simplified method to analyze how safe shut-down equipment responds to the. re-evaluated ground motions. This method scales the plant's original engineering analyses to a higher level of ground motion, up to two times the plant's design basis. By using this scaling method, licensees could promptly determine if important safe-shutdown equipment is safe or needs additional modification .
If a plant's re-evaluated hazard exceeds two times its design basis, the plant is categorized as either. Priority Group 1 or Group 2 for completion, of a seismic probabilistic risk assessment. For these risk assessments, licensees will use detailed engineering models that are based directly on the re-evaluated levels of ground motion for the plant. However, the first of these detailed risk assessments aren't expected until June, 2017. T he NRC determined that the simplified method used in the expedited approach was appropriate, because it provided near-term information on the. functionality of important safety equipment at a higher hazard level years before the longer-term risk assessments could be completed.
: 2. If ESEP assures safety, what additional insights do we need from a PRA? How many sites provided modifications in the ESEP submittals? Does that give us insights regarding which sites need to do PRAs?
The longer-term seismic risk evaluations provide the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend design or licensing basis or make additional satety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in
conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. In contrast, the ESEP analyses provide an important intermediate step in demonstrating plant safety for the re-evaluated seismic hazard.
The interim analyses provided an overall plant-level assessment of seismic safety.
The ESEP analyses give a more focused assessment of the ability of safe-shutdown equipment to withstand the higher seismic hazards. Although some plant modifications have resulted from the ESEP analyses, the NRG staff does not expect the results of these analyses to modify the need for plants to conduct a seismic PRA.
: 3. How does ESSP relate to the mitigation strategies rule? How can licensees leverage work on the ESEP for the purposes of mitigation strategies?
: 4. What are the staff's views on R2.2?. May just. ask what is your personal view.
The staff will use the ongoing 2.1 activities and insight gained to inform our decision on augmenting the current regulatory process with a periodic review of external hazards. Recommendation 2.2 is a Tier 3 activity and a future decision.
: 5. How many plants need to do additional risk evaluations in response to the newly calculated seismic hazards? Update to indicate that the staff is working with industry to further. refine. which plants. will require. a PRA consistent with our May 9 2013 letter.
Based on the results of the NRC staffs review of the March 31, 2014 submittals, at least 20 CEUS sites will need to conduct the detailed seismic risk evaluations (either the seismic probabilistic risk assessment or the seismic margins analysis) during the next several years MAY 2014 Letter Count:
: 10. plants screened into priority Group 1,
: 11. plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in ,
22.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 13.5 plants that conditionally screened in.
16.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations Updated as of September 2014 1O plants screened into priority Group 1, 11 plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in, 13.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 2.5 plants that conditionally screened in.
24.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations 1 deferred - Vermont Yankee (permanent shutdown in 4 th quarter 2014)
We will determine where the remaining conditional sites will screen very soon.
: 6. How can we be sure that the information provided in 2014 on seismic hazards remains applicable when PRAs are submitted close to 2020?
The information submitted to the NRG in March of 2014 was a request for information [(50.54(f) request)] linked to Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 .. These reevaluations provide the current site-specific seismic hazard information to the NRG. The NRG staff will review and issue assessments on the licensee's.
reevaluated seismic hazard by the mid-year 2015. Priority Group 1 plants are performing risk evaluations, which. are due. in June of 201 7 . . Risk evaluations. for Group 2 plants are due at the end of 2019 and Group 3 evaluations, if needed, are due at the end of 2020. The staff will also review the insights gained from Recommendation 2 activities inform our decision on Recommendation 2.2 to determine if licensees need to confirm seismic hazard information on a periodic basis . .
: 7. Since the hazard information is always changing, what regulatory assurance do licensees have that the hazard they are using for their PRAs will be acceptable?
NRG understands that the seismic PRAs are. complex investigations that will take.
licensees several years to complete, and that the reevaluated seismic hazards are an intrinsic part of these analyses. Late last year, the NRG staff informed licensees that if there were no outstanding questions {i.e., RAls) on their March 2014 submittals, the licensees should move forward with using their seismic hazards in their PRA calculations. The staff is beginning to make final review determinations on the March 2014 seismic hazard submittals, with Group l plants having highest priority for completion. The staff expects that these review determinations will be completed in late 2015.
: 8. Will the schedule for review of the WUS allow PRAs to be completed on time?
The NRG staff will use the same approach as for CEUS plants and will communicate to W US licensees as soon as practicable about using their March 2015 seismic hazards in their seismic PRAs. If a WUS plant screen-in as priority Group 1, the plant will need to complete the seismic PRA no later than June 2017. Licensees for both the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Columbia Generating Station have seismic PRA programs ongoing, and have not indicated that they would be unable to meet completion deadlines.
: 9. Why are plants in the western United States (WUS) on a different and longer schedule than plants in the central and eastern United States?
The Columbia, Diablo Canyon , and Palo Verde plants required additional time to develop an updated, site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis due to the West Coast's complex seismic features. In developing probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, CEUS sites were able to use the same recently developed seismic source model and a common ground motion model (see Attachment 3). As a result, CEUS plants needed less time to. complete their seismic hazard re-evaluations. West Coast
site-specific seismic sources and ground motion models involve a Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) study, as described in NUREG/CR-6372, "Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis : Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts." The SSHAC is a group of independent seismic experts who were convened in the 1990's to develop guidance on the conduct of major seismic studies, and ensure that seismic activities are conducted properly and documented completely.
The SSHAC process is independent of the NRC's seismic experts. The NRC must approve any studies, models, methodologies, analyses etc. used by nuclear power plants if they form the. basis for safety assessments and where the. NRG needs to make regulatory decisions affecting their operating license. Further, although the NRC does carefully consider comments and recommendations from the SSHAC, as an independent regulatory body, NRC is not held to any decisions made by the SSHAC.
: 10. Will the staff complete it's review of the WUS reevaluated hazards in time to support implementation of mitigative strategies? Why or why not?
: 11. The CEUS screening process was completed in 30 days. Why is screening for the WUS taking longer?
The screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations will likely take 30- 60 days to accomplish , because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. Compared to the CEUS submittals, the WUS submittals contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, the WUS submittals are much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before. the seismic hazard reevaluations. were.
: 12. The staff sent a CA note to the Commission this. fall indicating. that the SFP evaluations would continue to be conducted. Why is this evaluation needed given the extent of previous study in this area and the findings from the recent RES. scoping study?
As discussed in the CA note, the planned SFP evaluation provides an additional plant-specific, systematic, and traceable investigation of the significance of the newly evaluated seismic hazard. The staff concluded that available risk insights were insufficient to support modification or elimination of the SFP evaluation, in large part because it was not possible to relate plant-specific changes in seismic hazard to changes in SFP risk. As a result of the SFP evaluation, licensees are expected to confirm the applicability of available generic analyses to their plant-specific conditions, and enhance the technical basis used by NRC for decisions on the seismic safety of SFP storage systems.
: 13. Why didn't the CEUS licensee's submit new SCDF numbers? How can the industry say that nobody is above 10-4/year? What does 10"4/year mean for plant safety?
Seismic core damage frequency (SCDF) is a numerical estimate of risk and provides a representative indication of plant safety. The March 12, 2012, 50.54(f) requested information stated that plant's where the re-evaluated hazard exceeds the design basis should submit and interim evaluation or actions. To support plant responses to the 50.54(f) request, industry independently assessed SCDF for all of the CEUS plants and provided the results to NRC in a March 12, 2014 letter. This assessment is similar to the NRC's preliminary seismic risk assessments for Gl-199. The 4
10* /year value demonstrates that current understandings of seismic hazard do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety, and that plants should continue to operate while more rigorous risk evaluations are completed.
The CEUS licensees, as part of the March 31 , 2014, submittals, confirmed that the industry conclusions for their facility are accurate. The NRC reviewed this information as part of the staffs assessment of licensee interim actions and evaluations, and agrees that the re-evaluated seismic hazards do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety.
: 14. Do we have similar risk information for WUS as was submitted for the CEUS (as indicated in #13) interim evaluation to demonstrate that WUS plants are safe while risk evaluations are completed?
The March 2015 WUS submittals included interim evaluations for the Diablo Canyon and Columbia plants. Diablo Canyon used the results of previously completed seismic margin analyses to show that the plant was. designed with sufficient margin to cope with the higher seismic hazard levels. Similar to CEUS plants, Columbia used updated core-damage frequency calculations to demonstrate the plant could cope with the higher seismic hazard. The Palo Verde submittal did not identify seismic hazard exceedances with the plant's design basis, and provided additional information showing the reevaluated seismic hazard did not exceed a 1.25 factor of safety above the plant's SSE. For all 3 WUS plants, the NRC staff believes that sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that these plants are safe to operate while additional risk evaluations are completed.
: 15. What is the likelihood of the design basis earthquake or "SSE" ground motions being exceeded over the life of a nuclear plant?
The ground motion response spectra forming the seismic design bases at U.S.
nuclear plants are called the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) . SSEs for operating nuclear power plants were established many years ago. Today's understanding of seismic hazard tells us there is some likelihood that a plant's SSE may be. exceeded by an earthquake ground motion. However, each plant was designed differently according to different licensing SSEs. Therefore, the likelihood of exceedance is plant specific. Meanwh ile, systems, structures and components typically have margin, meaning that they often can withstand shaking levels that are above the plant's design basis.
: 16. SEP Plants and Enhancements Background URI 156 - Systematic Evaluation Program, considered the review of 51 plants receiving operating licenses before 1976. A sample review of 1O of the older plants were completed as a part of SEP effort. Several of the 137 SEP identified issues were subsumed into A-46 and IPEEE. Standard review plan before 1975.
10 SEP Plants Operating Units Palisades, Ginna, Oyster Creek, Dresden 2, Units in Decommissioning Milestone Unit 1, Yankee Rowe, Haddam Neck, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, and San Onofre Ginna, SONG-1, and Yankee Rowe identified for plant enhancements 41 Non-SEP Plants Vermont Yankee, Maine Yankee, Kewaunee, Fort Calhoun, Zion 1/2, Browns Ferry 1/2, Indian Point 2/3, Peach Bottom 2/3 , Prairie Island 1/2, Duane Arnold, Cooper, Arkansas 1, Calvert Cliffs 1, Cook 1, Hatch 1 , Fitzpatrick, Three Mile Island 1, Brunswick 2, Trojan, Milestone 2
: 17. Has there been an operating U.S. reactor site that has experienced exceedance of. its. seismic design basis during an earthquake?.
The August 2011 earthquake at North Anna plant in Virgin ia was the first instance of an operating reactor in the United States where recorded ground motion exceeded its design basis in some frequency range. The plant shut down safely, and extensive inspections showed that there was no discernable damage to safety systems. After thorough review of the inspection information, NRC authorized the restart of North Anna in November 2011 . In 1986, earthquake motions at the Perry plant in Ohio exceeded its SSE in limited frequencies during construction, but the plant was found
acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In 1979, the V.C. Summer plant in South Carolina also exceeded its SSE while under construction, but was found acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In all of these cases, the exceedance of ground motion by itself was not an indicator of whether the plant's design limits were exceeded. Also, the plants had much higher capacity than the design basis. As expected , there was no damage to these plants from the earthquakes.
: 18. Why isn't the NRC immediately shutting down priority 1 plants/plants with higher seismic hazards?
The. prioritization is. not a risk ranking - . more analysis is needed to. determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk. The NRC continues to have confidence, based on our understanding of both reactor design and construction and the results of the plants' seismic "walkdowns," that plants can operate safely while more analyses are done. Nuclear power plant manufacturing and construction methods typically result in a plant having the capacity to withstand earthquakes larger than their design basis earthquake. This is because nuclear power plants are designed to withstand the force of different internal and external events. Many of these events create larger forces on a plant than an earthquake. Plants examined this capacity and demonstrated their safety systems can still perform properly after seismic hazards. larger than those the plant was designed to withstand. The. NRC is satisfied the systems will perform their safety functions at the higher seismic hazard levels, and that the plant can continue operating. NRC staff's initial review of an industry screening analysis and the interim evaluations provided confidence. that none of the plants showed a preliminary change in risk that would cause concern. Consequently, interim actions were not necessary to ensure the systems can function.
In addition to the design margins and interim actions, all plants recently underwent detailed seismic walkdowns. These walkdowns identified and addressed degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions through the corrective action program, and verified the adequacy of the. monitoring and maintenance procedures. NRC reviewed licensee actions to:
* verify the plant configuration with the current seismic licensing basis;
* address degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed seismic conditions; and
* verify the adequacy of monitoring and maintenance programs for protective features.
The results of these walkdowns provide additional confidence that plants can continue to operate safely while longer-term risk assessments progress.
: 19. How would you characterize the reevaluated hazards of the western sites. in comparison to the CEUS sites? How much has the "needle moved" with regard to the reevlauated WUS hazards?
: 20. There. are many more earthquakes and active faults in the WUS than in the CEUS, and WUS plants have been designed to withstand. these higher seismic. hazards. Seismic hazards changed. for WUS plants similar to the way hazards changed for CEUS plants. For Palo Verde, the licensee reports that the reevaluated seismic hazard is smaller than the design basis SSE for the plant. For Diablo Canyon and Columbia, the reevaluated hazards can be up to about 2.5x the SSE, which is comparable to some CEUS Group 2 plants. Are there seismic monitors on site?
Yes. The NRC requires nuclear power plants to maintain operating seismic monitors on site.
: 21. Are there seismic trips installed on US plants?
As required by their Technical Specifications, Diablo Canyon has an installed seismic trip. No other US operating nuclear plant has installed seismic trips ,
: 22. How does the U.S approach and timelines for response to seismic Fukushima issues align with other countries?
: 23. How will we use the information from risk evaluations to make regulatory decisions on plant modifications or any necessary changes to plant licensing bases?
Once the SPRA analyses are completed, the NRC wi ll use these results along with other available risk information to determine if additional regulatory actions are needed to provide additional protection against the updated seismic hazards. The NRC staff expects that the results of the SPRA analyses will provide a transparent basis to support backfit decisions for. potential safety enhancements.
: 1. Why is Diablo Canyon safe to operate today?
In support of the requested interim evaluation for Diablo Canyon, PG&E provided a comparison of the reevaluated GMRS to ground motions based on the 1988 Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP). As part of the LTSP, PG&E determined that structures, systems and components at Diablo Canyon can safely withstand ground motions that are at least 1.35 times larger than the LTSP median ground motion.
The NRC staff had previously reviewed the LTSP analyses and determined they were acceptable. Although the reevaluated GMRS exceeds Diablo. Canyon's. SSE, these ground motions do not exceed the minimum 1.35 ''factor of safety" in Diablo Canyon's design. After reviewing this information, NRC determined that the DCPP remains safe to operate while additional seismic risk evaluations are being
conducted. Diablo Canyon has been screened-in as a priority Group 1 plant and a detailed risk evaluation is expected to be submitted to the NRC by June 30, 2017.
: 2. Have seismic hazards been increasing or decreasing when new analyses are done at DCPP?
In 2011, information from the Shoreline and other faults was used in deterministic analyses of seismic hazard at DCPP, which showed ground motions were bounded by the previous Hosgri design-basis and LTSP ground motions .. PG&E updated these deterministic analyses with new information (AB 1632) in 2014. The 2014 seismic hazards were higher than calculated in 2011, but still bounded by Hosgri and LTSP. The latest probabilistic. analyses. are even higher than calculated in 2014, and slightly exceed the Hosgri ground motions at some low (1 .5 Hz) and high (>25 Hz) frequencies. Nevertheless, DCPP has a well-established margin in its design that can cope with such small increases in seismic hazard above the plant's design basis.
The science of seismic hazards analysis have advanced considerably since Diablo Canyon was first designed. The 2015 analyses use currently available science, along with current NRC regulations and guidance, to characterize potential seismic hazards at this site. The 2015 analyses now consider, for example, the likelihood that earthquakes could occur on seismic sources and the possibility that slip on one fault might trigger slip on nearby faults. These considerations appear to contribute to the observed increase in calculated seismic. hazard for the DCPP site.
: 3. What is the impact of this new information on seismic design and licensing of DCPP? Has the licensee entered this new information into the corrective action program and performed an operability evaluation? Needs to be updated As stated in the March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter, the seismic hazard reevaluations conducted in Phase 1 do not revise the design basis of the plant. Based upon the results of Phase 1, the. NRC staff will determine whether additional regulatory actions are necessary (e.g., update the design basis and SSCs important to safety) to provide additional protection against the updated hazards.
In their March 2015 submittal, PG&E provided an interim evaluation that shows the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazards. This interim evaluation documents the specific seismic design characteristics of the DCPP , and summarizes analyses that demonstrate the plant has a sufficient design margin to safely cope with the reevaluated hazards. The March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter considered the requested seismic hazard reevaluations to be outside the design basis of the plant, and the reevaluations were not expected to initiate an additional operability evaluation.
: 4. How will the AB 1632 seismic report be coordinated with the 50.54(f) required submittal in March 2015? What does. Diablo's submitted reevaluated hazard
Much of the new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling from the AB 1632 report was used to develop the March 2015 submittal. To consider how this new information affects seismic hazard, PG&E had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) using a very detailed, multi-year process. This process, from the Senior Seismic Hazards Analysis Committee (SSHAC, NUREG/CR-6372), evaluates the center, body and range of available information to rigorously calculate seismic hazards at a site.
(If asked what things the plant has done since Fukushima : It is important to note that OCPP is an industry leader in implementing FLEX which was a post-Fukushima industry initiative to have extra equipment available remotely in the event of a beyond design basis event).
: 6. Why didn't the NRC discover the length of the faults when it did its seismic review of. the Shoreline fault in 2011 prior to issuing the AIL?.
California Assembly Bill 1632 (Blakeslee, Chapter 722, Statutes of 2006) directs the California Energy Commission to assess the potential vulnerability of California's largest base-load power plants, Oiablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, to a major disruption due to a seismic event or plant aging; to assess the impacts of such a disruption on system reliability, public safety, and the economy; to assess the costs and impacts from nuclear waste accumulating at these plants; and to evaluate other major issues related to the future role of these plants in the state's energy portfolio. The licensee has used the most state-of-the-art 20 and 30 geophysical mapping techniques, which are commonly used in offshore petroleum resource exploration. These techniques provide higher-resolution data than what was available to characterize the Shoreline Fault in the 2011 report.
The NRG has requested licensees of operating nuclear power reactors to submit a seismic hazard reevaluation using up-to-date methodologies and analyses which is due for OCPP in March 2015.
: 7. There is high public interest in the reevaluated seismic hazard at Oiablo Canyon.
How have we ensured that this complicated topic is clearly communicated to the public surrounding the plant?
Sent: l May 2015 18:49:27 +0000 To:Proffitt, Andrew
RE: Diablo Public Meeting It was a straight forward meeting . . Great meeting for staff technical exchange and understanding of the submittal. Diablo Seismic analysis is at least a decade ahead of everyone else in the fleet.
-Nick From: Proffitt, Andrew Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 2:38 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Diablo Public Meeting Any key insights or take-aways from the Diablo public meeting earlier this week?.
J. Andrew Proffitt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical. Assistant NRR/JLD (301) 415-1418
Sent:29 May 2015 17:26:55 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie
RE: FYI. ... FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Call or send an email to Diane and Stephanie to schedule some SRB time to review the letter and the request. I'll review the MS Order Alignment Section and back revisions.
From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:19 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: FYl....FW: Proposed 2. 1 Seismic Task Tracker more interest from management ahhh!
Have you heard from Diane on this and if they are planning to engage the SRB? If you haven't heard from her, I'll follow up with her early next week.
Thanks From:. Difrancesco, Nicholas.
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:07 PM To: Vega, Frankie
FYI.. .. FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker FYI .. only your letter made the cut.
Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega) (Interest NRR/ET Commission)
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:06 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Proffitt, Andrew
RE: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Let us go with the Diablo Canyon one only for now. The August dates are too far out for now.
Thx From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 10: 12 AM To: Shams, Mohamed Cc: Proffitt, Andrew
Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker
: Mohamed, If you approve, I propose the following be added to the action tracker.
Issue SPRA Relief or Alternatives Letter (August 30) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR ET)
Issue. HF Endorsement Letter (August 30). [Owner:Wyman] (Interest NRR. ET)
Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega] (Interest NRR/ ET Commission)
Watts Bar 2 JLD OL Appendix Input (June 5) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR/ET Commission)
: Thanks, Nick From :. Shams, Mohamed .
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:55 AM To: Uribe, Juan; NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution
RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Juan - thanks very much for the background. That was very helpful.
All - I spoke with Andrew and he said just send him an email with the action and he will update the tracker. That is what other branches do. The description Juan had below is perfect to defining the type of information to send to tracker.
Thx Mohamed From :. Uribe, Juan Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:33 AM To: Shams, Mohamed
RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Mo, My $0.02 on this for background purposes was that this table (if it's the one I think it is) and the items within were added and maintained by the previous TA Billy Jessup. To my knowledge, he was. the only one who updated/maintained the. list so that the rest of the division wasn't trying to access and modify it. It was basically his own activity tracker that he then used to keep the directors up to speed. Your item #1 below suggests we may need to start doing it ourselves?
My understanding is that he fed the list based on the discussions from Monday mornings between BCs and JLD management as well as other meetings he attended within the Division and LTI ET. He would then do the rounds with his list asking for updates to prepare for the following Monday. It basically captured high level items that had a divisional impact. Below is a excerpt from one of the TA docs that details what the tracker (again , if it's the one Im thinking it is) is for:
o  Focus is primarily on the JLD Task Tracker ( jld/Lists/Tasks/ All ltems.aspx)
* The Task Tracker is used to maintain awareness of due dates for high-level actions and activities in the division including controlled correspondence, EDO and Commission-level information requests, assistance to internal and external stakeholders (i.e., presentation
requests), meeting preparations, and other items added at the request of JLD management.
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:14 AM To: NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution
REQUEST - Update Task Tracker All - In the management meeting on Monday mornings, we go over the task tracker assessing the status of upcoming tasks for the division. I have noticed, and was also told, that our branch does not have any tasks on the list. Or at a minimum, our tasks are not up-to-date. I don't know to what degree you are aware of that task tracker and have updated it in the past. I also don't know the threshold of the tasks that go on the tracker-although I have a feel tor it. Two request: (1 ) please start/continue to update the tracker with our tasks, and (2) if you need clarification on the type of tasks to add to the list, please reach out to Andrew Proffitt. The examples that come to my mind that should have been tracked include: COMSECY on flooding action plan , WUS screening letter, VY 2.1/2.3/9.3 closure letter, and IA extension letter. No worries .. .everything was tracked regardless.
Many thanks, Mohamed
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:l4 May 2015 18:24:29 +0000 To:Vega, Frankie Cc: Hill ,. Brittain
References fo r Di ablo Letter Prep on Expedited Approach Response
: Frankie, To start the Diablo Letter and confirm technical assignment, I think we general ly need the following references. We probably should handle Palo Verde separately (in a screening letter).
* NRC response letter to licensees related to expedited approach commitment change (December 15, 2014)
* Licensee Integrated Plan (due February 28, 2013) (report page 8 has a statement about will enter reevaluated hazard into CAPs If warranted - designed to CLB)
* NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for WUS Licensees (May 13, 2015)
Reference and Background from Britt:
NRC's. review of the LTSP, and conclusion of its acceptability, are documented in the Diablo Canyon SER rev 34 (1991), which is publically available in ADAMS as ML14279A130 . SSER34 documents NRC staff's thorough review of the LTSP , which includes the margins assessment cited by PG&E in their March 2015 submittal.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of. Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Sent: 15 May 2015 2 1:02:25 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph;OGCMailCenter Resource Cc:Roth(OGC), David;Uttal, Susan
Thanks ! RE: 'rn:TO' - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - ~ Work Product Thank you ! Have a great weekend.
-Nick From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:02 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan
RE ~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E -
OUO Work Product
: Nick, Yosef Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301-4 15-1474 14eTleE. Tliis Cll mil u::c:l a: 19 atl!iel 11 ;;e11te 1118)' BBJiil8iJii iiOPfidortiil:I &deg;Uc may qj 02
                                                                                                        + gr Attmne~, Wmk -
P1 eeJtsot Jtt&lc: ial. Bo ::ct disclose outside fJfil8 ooitl 1oat 60111111issio11 app1ova1.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 2:37 PM To: OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan
~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - OUO Work Product OUO        VVOIR PIOOOCt
: OGC, Don't think this needs review. However, the response below is to Ms. Rochelle Becker, Executive Director, Alliance. for Nuclear Responsibility. Her concerns relate in part to the fidelity of the Diablo Canyon SSHAC and engineering methods.
The propose response is fact based, consistent with the public meeting, and our public staff review plan.
: Thanks, Nick 01::10  Wrnk f'1odott From : Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May. 14, 2015 1:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
RE: Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E One small clarification in green. Rest looks good.
Britt From : Burnell, Scott Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:42 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
. RE: Comments on Draft Response? :::::: Written concerns - April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Minor grammar tweak below.
From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:35 PM To: Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Britt, Lauren ,
Ms. Becker, Thank you for the public comment related to the April 28, 2015, webcast. The staff is aware and following the California Public Utilities Commission's Independent Peer Review Panel activities. The staff review for the Diablo Canyon Seismic Hazard Screening Report is ongoing in support of Near-Term Task Force - Recommendation 2.1: Seismic. We are independently reviewing PG&E's probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which was developed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee results and process. As you may be aware, on May 13, 2015, NRG placed Diablo Canyon into the highest priority group for the reevaluated Seismic
Hazard review along with 11 other reactor sites. For awareness, I have placed our emails in NRC agency document access and management system (ADAMS) as a public record.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards, Nick DiFrancesco Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation. Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115 Non Responsive
Sent:24 Apr 2015 14:32:36 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Stieve, Alice Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Hill, Brittain
Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Attachments:SSC SSH AC Documentation of PPRP-TT-Team lnteraction.pdf Cliff, Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this. is. the missing piece. They have this one file on the. SSC in the.
reading room.
Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<>; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High
: Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PPRP-TI correspondence and interactions on the source model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
: Thanks, Cliff From: Dif rancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team
: Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.
Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.
DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team
Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website .
: Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar
DCPP information on Certrec
: Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is. how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
* Login to
* Click on " Inspections"
* Set status to "In Progress" and Plant te. "Diablo Canyon"
* Click "Search" button.
* Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
* Click on the "NRC Requests" tab
* Click on what you would like to see.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell  j(b)(GJ              I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:7 Apr2015 19:13:56 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Agreed, I spoke with Kamal and Yong, they have the same concern .
Not worried about this issue.. the technical staff will work it out. The seismic guys are worried the hazard could move.
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:49 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Why are we still going after these folks for+/- 1 to 2% from the SSE? Is that making sense to you?
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:57 AM To: Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Li, Yong
Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter
: Folks, Any additional comments? I intend to follow-up with the. licensee today.
The licensee stated that they did not pass the. 0.2 g licensing basis SSE around 3 Hz. Received a staff comment that you get a different answering depending on how you transform the. SSE from a log plot to a linear plot.
: Thanks, Nick From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 7:07 AM To: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Frankie - it's not clear if APS intends to screen-out based on IPEEE, following the process outlined in the SPID. Please emphasize to APS that the screening process allows for screen-out based on IPEEE. results, provided the IPEEE analyses meet the criteria outlined in the.
SPID. Although "background information" on IPEEE appears useful, APS should focus on addressing the IPEEE acceptability criteria if they wish to use these analyses in screening decisions.
Thanks-Britt From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 8:18 AM To: Jackson, Diane;. Shams, Mohamed; Hill, Brittain;. Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Hi all; Nick and I met with APS (licensee for Palo Verde) and discussed details on the supplemental letter they are planning to submit next week regarding their seismic hazard reevaluation. Also, a preliminary agenda for the public kick-off meeting next month was discussed. Regarding the supplement, I've provided a short summary of the information APS is planning to submit to provide additional clarity for the staff's review:
: 1. APS will be adding a graph overlaying the .2g (licensing basis). IPEEE and .25g (design basis) spectral responses all together. This would add some clarity on the plant's margin.
: 2. APS will provide additional background information on their IPEEE curve. This will document the basis for selecting .3g instead of .5g PGA. The 841h percentile and median curves will be provided.
: 3. APS will provide a short discussion on why the ESEP will not add additional value to their seismic evaluation.
: 4. APS will clarify and provide additional background , referencing FSAR information, on the licensing (.20g) and design (.25g) basis responses.
: 5. Regarding PPRP discussions (comments and their resolutions) . APS belief this information was provided as part of the SSHAC report. APS committed to verify this and will get back to us. APS agreed that having this information will greatly help the staffs review.
APS intends to submit this letter by April 8, 2015. Nick is planning to have one additional call before this submittal to make sure they'll provide the information the staff is requesting .
Please let us know if something is missing so we can communicate it to APS before the subm ittal.
Frankie G. Vega, P.E.
Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 30l -4 15-1617 Location: 0 -13H1 0
DiFrancesco, Nicholas.
From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: l Apr 2015 12:41:54 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane
RE: publ icall y available PV SSHAC
: Diane, I spoke with the licensee, the Palo Verde SSHAC is effectively decontrolled (e.g. printing and sending are ok). Licensee stated that the eRoom was sending the files due to the size. Only restriction would be purge copies when the review is completed . If the staff assessment relies on the SSHAC we may need to look at docketing information. The licensee also understands it is subject to FOIA.
- Nick From: Jackson, Diane .
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:17 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
publically available PV SSHAC Nick -
The PV reviewers expressed the concern about the PV SSHAC reports not be public. They are allowed to down load and print it right? They 9at least one reviewers) believes it will take them more time , if they have to write questions to identify what needs to be on the docket.
I'd like to discuss further. Any chance PV is going to change their mind on the public vs non public?
Diane 9>iane J.adLHm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)
Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 D3; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One Mission
Sent:28 Apr 20 15 20:08:36 +0000 To:Ake, Jon
FW: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. l(b)(6)                    IJ Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:59 PM To: DiPrancesco, Nicholas
RE: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Nicholas Defrancesco US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DORL/LPLA (30 I ) 415-11 15 njd2 28 April 2015 Hello, Nicholas:
As a Ph.D. physical scientist, I note that today's PG&E presentation provided a large body of technical information regarding the latest update regarding DCPP seismic safety. I appreciate that as a consequence of how earthquake energy is sttongly attenuated by the distance between the earthquake rupture and a measurement point, the earthquake forces seen by the compact DCPP site are dominated by the small section of the eanhquake rupture closest to the plant.
Today's data continue to confirm that DCPP can safely withstand any earthquake in the region near DCPP with a substantial safety margin. Since I have a schedule conflict that will likely prevent my parlicipation in the public question and answer period, I'm requesting that you ask the NRC staff attending this meeting to confirm my summary.
(Please confinn receipt of this message.)
Sincerely 5
Gene Nelson, Ph.D. Physical Science Faculty, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA ..      r_)_(_l - - - - ' cell
Soenen, Philippe R From:Soenen, Philippe R Sent: 1 Jun 2015 20:15:29 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford ;Jackson, Diane
FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties Attachments:June 2015 DCPP RAJ.DOCX I
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 4:14 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Difrancesco, Nicholas
FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6J                    I
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Soenen, Philippe R Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:33 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Jahangir, Nozar; Ferre, Kent S; thompson@lettisci .com ; Abrahamson, Norman; Cc:; Strickland, Jearl
Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:00 AM-10:30 AM UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code: (b)( 6l
: All, This phone call is proposed to discuss the advanced draft RAI related to geophysical site properties. The meeting is proposed. for Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 1000 to 1030 Pacific Time. Please call in to Bridge line: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6)        l lf this date or time. does not work please propose any alternative.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell f b)(6J          I
PG&E is committed to. protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
June XX, 2015 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424
REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFO NEAR~ERMTASKFORCERECOM RE-EVALUATIONS RELAT                  0 SITE POWER PLANT (TAC NO                  5275 AND By letter dated March 11 , 20151, tot                                            mission (NRC), Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for N,...,.._"                      ic Hazard an      creening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federa                                  ection 50.54(f), Response for Information Regarding Recommen
* n 2.1                              erm Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ic
* Acciden ~~u1ablo Can                        Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluatiCJP18lQ                    luation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical app*~*~........
ro ed for Diablo Canyon and has determined co      te its review. Enclosed is a request for additional sponse evaluation . As discussed with your staff on June to the RAI would be provided no later than July 30, 1
The letter can be found under Agen cywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) No.
If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA/
ior Project Manager
: 1. Request for Additional Information
: 2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv 1
                                                  -. 2. -.
If you have any questions related to the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-11 15 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA!
ior Project Manager
: 1. Request for Additional Information cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv RidsNrrDorllpl4-2        RidsNrrOd NDiFrancesco, NRR      Slingam, NRR RidsNrrPM RidsRgn2MailCenter ADAMS Ac ee                                                    *via mail NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA*      NRO/DSEA/RGS1
* NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC NAME                              Slent                  DJackson                  MShams DATE OFFICE    OGG                    NRR/JLD/JHMB/PM NAME                              NDiFrancesco DATE OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and M agement System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRC staff requested that                  sees submit site specific hazard curves that capture. the variability in soil depth (including. d      to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities , layer thicknesses, damping,            train de      ent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seis            closur      f the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be dev                r ab        range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation o                                  qu By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accessio Electric Power Research Institute [EPR I] Final Draft Re Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and lmple          tation De using the SPID guidance.
Regarding the development of site. a seismic hazard reevaluations, Seer As lmlM~oil        r rock uncertainties should be. incorporated into site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard curves. The control-point elevation hazard curves should By lette                            . (ADAMS Accession No. ML15071A046), the licensee for the Diablo Ca                    nt (      P) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empir                  which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to                he site amplification rather than analytical models." While the staff considers the em            te response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach ,
the method as imple nted by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data. In addition, the. site.term developed by the licensee using the empirical approach shows a significant amount of deviation in the negative direction over an important frequency range from the NGA-West2 ground motion models for a Vs3o=760 m/s site.
Enclosure. l
Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 1O of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a supplemental response to the March 2015 seismic hazard reevaluation that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain levels produced by the scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) the control point elevation. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa c rections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or            rock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response as a figure and a table control point      mic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertai      hrough        azard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.
Enclosure 1
Sent:20 Mar 2015 17 :47: l 7 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Wbaley, Sheena;Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea;Bowen, Jeremy
FW: PG&E Drop-in Attendees on March 26 FYl. .. Attendees. Also, Philippe meant Thursday March 26. DC plans to cover a number of topics regarding their submittal and next steps with R2. 1 activities.
-Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 12:28 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
PG&E Drop-in Attendees
: Nick, The following are the people from PG&E that w ill be present for the drop-in on 3/28:
Jearl Strickland - Director, Technical Services Nazar Jahangir - Manager, Nuclear Seismic Engineering Norm Abrahamson - Chief Geosciences Consu ltant Bill Horstman - Senior Consulting Engineer All of these individuals are PG&E employees. I will be providing t hese individuals your contact information to contact you once they are down in the lobby on 3/28.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Officf - 805 545 6984 Cell (bJ( 5 l        ]
PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
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Information (pages 948-960/1000) is outside of the scope of the FOIA request. The information concern licensee press release - not the NRC's for review reevaluated hazard.
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:lO Mar 2015 20:01:43 +0000 To:Li, Yong;Manoly, Karnal;Oesterle, Eric;Lingarn, Siva
FW: PG&E Summary Sheet Attachments:Final Fact sheet - March 12, 2015 NRC Updates.pdf, News Release_Alt.docx Importance:High FYI.. Attachment l may be of interest.
From: Uselding, Lara Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 12:53 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Importance: High Lara Uselding NRC Region 4 Public Affairs 817-200-1519 From : Hipschman, Thomas Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 03:23 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Maier, Bill
FW: Pending Press Release FYI From: Jones, Thomas P. []
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:04 PM To: Hipschman, Thomas Cc: Baldwin, Thomas (DCPP)
Pending Press Release Importance: High Good Morning Tom, Please find attached the press release PG&E intends to issue today at 3PM local time regarding completing the March 12 hazard updates for the NRC. We offer some highlights about plant safety and will make t he filing this week. I have also attached a small fact sheet we will be using to help explain some of these complex topics.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Regards, Tom Jones
Director, Government Relations Pacific Gas & Electric Company Office: 805 595 6340 6
Mobile1...(b-J(- l_ _ _ __.
PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Quick Facts on                    Seismic & Flooding Hazards Re-evaluation
~e-evaluations :
New and extensive analyses performed at the direction. of the Nuclear Regulatory
* Performed at                    Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Diablo Canyon Power Plant can. safely withstand direction of Nuclear              extreme natural events, including potential earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding . .
Regulatory Commission (NRC)                  The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts
* Continue to show that earthquakes, large waves and flood ing could have on the facility.
Diablo Canyon can w ithstand                        Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation earthquakes, tsunamis and                      Represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously flooding                          performed .
* Performed with                  Using the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent experts              independent seismic experts publically reanalyzed existing and new seismic using latest scientific          information. including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies. to re-methodologies and                evaluate. how earthquakes could. potentially impact the facility. The. probability of site-specific                    earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults was also determined.
information Key Results:
* NRC will independently
* Confirms plant's design can withstand earthquakes from all regional fau lts . .
* 0.0001 annual chance of an earthquake producing ground motions of .8g.
                                      * .8g does not exceed the robust seismic. design. margin of the plant.
* The plant has at least 35% design margin beyond .8g (left graph).
* A minor exceedance (approx. 7%) in the Hosgri earthquake design in a specific, low frequency range (1 .33 Hz) that does not impact safety (right graph).
* No safety structures, systems and components required for safe shutdown are sensitive to ground motions at a frequency below 2.7 Hz. .
rr "'
    .I "                                                                **
I i **                                                                i Comparison of Ground Motion Response Spectrum                    Comparison of GMRS and. 1977 Hosgri (GMRS) and Long Term Seismic Program Seismic                      Design Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Margins Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Power Plant                    Power Plant March 2015
Tsunami/Flooding Hazard Re-evaluation Used the latest NRC guidance, methodologies and independent expertise to determine the maximum waves and rainfall that could impact the site.
Key Results:
* Plant continues to be safe from tsunamis, including those generated from underwater landslides and earthquakes.
* Design can withstand expected storm flooding.
* Measures were identified - and have already been implemented -- to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall.
What's Next?
PG&E will submit the re-evaluations to the NRC for independent review on March 12, 2015.
The NRC will later provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk assessment that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.
The NRC will also review the flooding re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.
March 2015
March 9, 2015 NEW ANALYSES SHOW DIABLO CANYON SAFE FROM EXTREME NATURAL EVENTS Re-evaluations Demonstrate Earthquake, Flooding and Tsunami Safety AVILA BEACH, Calif. - New and extensive analyses performed at the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) can safely withstand extreme natural events, including potential ea1t hquakes, tsunamis and flooding ..
The new analyses, known as hazard re-evaluations, will be submitted to the NRC this week for independent review. The agency called on all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perfonn s uch work fo llowing the events that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan.
"Safety is and always will be the top priority for PG&E and Diablo Canyon. That's why seismic, flooding and tsunami safety was at the forefront in the design of the facility. These. updated findings are the.
culmination of years of study and analysis, and further confirm the safety of the plant's design," said Ed Halpin, PG&E's Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.
The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts that earthquakes, large waves and flooding could have on the Diablo Canyon facility .
T he updated seismic assessment represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously performed. Prior evaluations dete1mined the ground shaking from an earthquake on a pa1ticular fault in the region, based on historical records and geological evidence, and then compared this information against structures, systems and components at the faci Uty to ensure they could withstand seismic ground shaking ..
Us ing the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent seismic experts publicaJly re-evaluated existing and new seismic informati on, including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies recently performed near. Diablo. Canyon, to re-evaluate how. earthquakes could potentially impact the faci lity. This process included examining the probabi lity of earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults.
The result is a more thorough assessment of the seismic hazard, providing additional confirmation that the plant is seismically safe.
The NRC will review the re-evaluation in order to provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk evaluation that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.
"The updated seismic source model for Diablo Canyon incorporates an extensive body of new onshore and offshore data a nd emerging new scientific concepts to characte rize earthquake sources. For example, it is the first earthquake model developed for a nuclear site that allows for multi-fault linked ruptures to produce large maximum earthquakes. Through the extensive use of experts in the fi eld of seismic geology and independent peer review, the model was developed to capture. the full range of possibilities regardjng the location, size and frequency of large magnitude eruthquakes in the vicinity of Diab lo Canyon. In my
opinion, the model developed for Diablo Canyon will set the standard for how future eaithquake source models are developed," said Bill Lettis, who serves as one the key technical leads for the SSHAC process .
PG&E's flooding and tsunami hazard update involved the use of the latest NRC guidance and methodologies to determine the maximum potential waves and rainfall that could impact Diablo Canyon.
The re-evaluation, ut ilizing independent expertise, detenni_ned that the plant's key safety systems and components continue to be safe from tsunamjs, including those generated from underwater landslides and eaithquakes.
The plant's design is also deemed appropriate to withstand expected storm flooding. In addition, measures were identified and implemented to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall and a quick build-up of water in some plant locations that greatly exceeds any known precipitation event recorded in the site's history. The NRC will review the re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.
"These important updates. provide an in depth look at the seismic, tsunami and flooding hazards in our region, and most importantly, demonstrate the plant's design is safe. Our work in these areas, however, will never cea<;e. Our commitment to safe operations and protecting public health and safety will continue to be reflected in our ongoing study and evaluation of the. areas. Our customers expect no less," said PG&E's Halpin.
NR C Hazards Assessment Background As part of its response to the Fukushima event in Japan in 2011 , the NRC directed all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perform updated assessments of the seis mic and flooding hazards for their facilities. Plants located in the eastern and Central U.S. completed such analyses and provided them to the NRC in 2014. Western plants, including Diablo Canyon, were directed to complete and submit their assessments by March 20 15.
About Diablo Canyon Power Plant Diablo Canyon Power Plant is a nuclear power facility owned and operated by PG&E. Its two units together produce approximately 2,300 net megawatts of carbon-free power. It provides nearly 10 percent of all electricity generated in California, and enough energy to meet the needs of more than three mjJlion Northern and Central Californians. Diablo Canyon has a $920 million annual local economic impact and is the largest p1ivate employer in San Luis Obispo County.
About PG &E Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (N YSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 16 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and
Sent:8 May 2015 13:01:42 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Shams, Mohamed
FW: Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity di scussion.
FYI. ..
From : Jahangir, Nozar []
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 6:44 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl
Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity discussion Nick; In the Diablo Canyon public meeting on April 28th, we stated that there will be an industry expert panel meeting, sponsored by PEER, on the topic of "Directivity" that the staff may be interested in participating. This was an area that the SSC SSHAC requested Diablo Canyon to provide additional documentation and PG&E made a commitment in our March 11 submittal to provide such documentation to the NRC once we. have greater clarity on the approach.
This. is a link to the recently posted public announcement by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) regarding the expert panel discussion on treatment of "Directivity" in Ground Motion models. PG&E will be an observer. in the proceedings.
http ://
Thanks Nazar Jahangir P.E.
Manager, Technical Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering S-'i -
(cell )
nx.1 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
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Sent:25 Mar 2015 21 :20:08 +0000 To:Markley, Michael Cc:Bowen, Jeremy;Shams, Mohamed
RE: Did you notice. the PG&E drop-in ?
Mike, Thank you for the recommendation and support. The PG&E drop-in is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The level-high topics are consistent with discussions allowed by COM-203. I will prepare a summary as appropriate.
I have advised my management and the licensee that technical discussions are inappropriate. At present, we are working to have a public meeting discussing technical issues with PG&E on April 28, 2015, to better understand their seismic analyses and assumptions. Our current target is to notice the meeting around April 2 following confirmation of the agenda topics with staff and the licensee.
Very respectfully, Nick Sr. Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 25,. 2015 11:14. AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Did you notice the PG&E drop-in?
Nick, I did not hear back from you on the drop-in tomorrow. It would be better to notice it now and take your beating on not meeting the 10-day noticing requirement, than to have to answer all the stakeholder inquiries and accusations.
Michael T. Markley, Chief Plant Licensing Branch IV-1 (LPL4-1)
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 301-415-5723 (Office) l<bl(6l        ~ (Blackberry)
What information is NRC expecting in the. March 12,. 2015 WUS plant submittals?
NRC expects that the March 12, 2015 submittals will contain substantially more information than was submitted for CEUS plants in March 2014. This is because each of the WUS plants had to develop site-specific source models and ground-motion models, using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) approach. In contrast, the CEUS plants all used a common set of models (see Attachment 3). In addition to the information that was included for the CEUS plants, NRC expects that the important details of the site-specific SS HAC studies will be included in the March 12, 2015 submittals. NRC also expects that the complete SSHAC study report will be available for the NRC staff to review, as needed.
If the reevaluated hazard exceeded the plant's seismic design basis, NRC expects the WUS plants to follow the same approach as used for CEUS plants and also submit an interim evaluation of the plant's. capacity to. withstand the higher ground motions. Because nuclear power plants generally have significant margin beyond their design capacity to withstand earthquake motions, the interim evaluation uses the actual capacities and new hazard information to see if the preliminary understanding of seismic risk is still within acceptable limits while the plant does more detailed evaluations.
Will NRC conduct a screening and prioritization review for western United States (WUS) plant submittals?
Yes. NRC staff will conduct a screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations after the complete hazard reports are submitted. This review will likely take two months to accomplish, because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. If the reevaluated hazard is within the plant's design basis, the NRC staff will need to determine if sufficient information is available to support that conclusion. However, if the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds the plant's design basis, NRC will need to determine:
(1)      if the plant's interim evaluations and actions demonstrate the plant can continue to operate safely at the reevaluated hazard level, while longer-term risk assessments are ongoing.
(2)      the priority for WUS plants to complete the additional risk evaluations (3)      the schedule for completion of the expedited approach and seismic risk evaluation.
NRC's review of the interim evaluations. and actions will determined if there is an immediate safety concern that warrants immediate regulatory action for WUS plants. The NRC's longer-term review will examine in detail licensees' reevaluated hazard submittals and related seismic risk assessments.
Will NRC prioritize WUS plants for completion of seismic risk assessments?
Yes. As part of the initial review, WUS plants that have "screen in". for more detailed risk assessments will be prioritized to ensure the plants of most interest are reviewed first. This prioritization is not a risk ranking - more analysis is needed to determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk . Using the same approach as for the CEUS plants, the NRC staff will consider several factors in prioritizing (or screening) the WUS risk assessments:
(1)      the extent to which the reevaluated hazard exceeds the current design basis ;
(2)      the site's overall seismic hazard. based on an examination of the reevaluation; and (3)      previous estimates of plant capacity (e.g ., IPEEE insights).
Does NRC expect to review the WUS submittals the same way as the CEUS submittals?
Compared to the CEUS submittals, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much longer and contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) , using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before the seismic hazard reevaluations were submitted.
After the screening and prioritization review is completed, NRC staff will conduct a thorough review of the WUS seismic hazard reevaluations. To review each of these site-specific hazard reevaluations, the NRC staff will need to examine important details of each plant-specific source characterization and ground motion model. The NRC staff expects to conduct confirmatory analyses of key parts of these models, to determine if the reevaluated seismic hazards are reasonable. In addition to examining the detailed technical information that supports the hazard reevaluation , the NRC staff also will review the lengthy documentation about the SSHAC process that licensees used to develop the source characterization and ground motion models.
Will NRC. produce its. own version of the WUS plant's reevaluated seismic hazard?
To support the initial review of CEUS plant submittals, the NRC developed a computer model that could calculate seismic hazards for each CEUS plant. These calculations were possible because all the CEUS plants used the same seismic hazard model, and the model was developed several years before the CEUS hazard reevaluations were submitted.
However, the WUS plants completed their site-specific hazard analyses less than a year before the final reports were submitted to NRC, and each plant used different types of seismic hazard models. The NRC staff determined that they could conduct an appropriate, risk-informed review of the WUS hazard reevaluations without expending considerable resources to develop three new, site-specific computer models. The NRC staff expects to do site-specific confirmatory analyses on key parts of the hazard analyses, including independent evaluations of the earthquake source models, ground motion models, and site response models.
Will WUS plants have to do additional risk assessments if their reevaluated hazard is larger than the plant's safe shutdown earthquake?
Yes , the same criteria used for CEUS plants applies to WUS plants for determining if additional risk assessments are needed. WUS plants that screen-in for the risk assessments will need to complete the expedited approach (see question #4) and either a seismic margins assessment or a probabilistic risk assessment. Plants that screen-out from the risk assessment might still meet the criteria for conducting focused-scope evaluations of low frequency exceedances, high frequency exceedances, or spent fuel pool performance. The need for conducting additional analyses will be determined during NRC's screening and prioritization review.
Sent:5 May 2015 14:49:05 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed Cc:Jackson, Diane;Hill. B1ittain
Awareness of OGC. NLO on WUS Seismic. Reevaluation Letter Attachments:WUS Seismic Reevaluations Letter 4-2015 LSC.docx Mohamed, Awareness only. We continue to make progress on concurrences for the WUS letter. The letter will go to DORL and JLD senior management COB today.
Thanks, Nick From: Clark, Sheldon Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:07 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Spencer, Mary; Biggins, James
WUS Seismic Reevaluation Letter Nick, (b)(5)
Sheldon L. Sheldon Clark Attorney Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-2189
Page 135 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
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Page 137 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
Page 138 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301-415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M, Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
: ML15113B344                                                *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM      NRR/JLD/ LA    NRR/JLD/HMB/BC      NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC      NRR/ DORUO NAME        NDiFrancesco        Slent          MShams              DJackson              Llund DATE        04/22/ 15              I / 15            I / 15              I / 15                I /1 5 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D          OGC            NRR/JLD/D          NRR/. D NAME        SFlanders            BHarris        JDavis              WDean DATE          I / 15.            I ./15.        . I / 15            . I . / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations (b)(5)
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites (b)(S)
Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10,. 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:4 May 2015 18:34:12 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane Cc:Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea
FYI: POP JLD Status (05.05.15).docx Attachments: POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx
: Diane, POP for DEDO brief tomorrow for awareness.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 2:29 PM To: Bowen, Jeremy Cc: Shams, Mohamed
One Change --- POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx
: Jeremy, One change from the current plan for Diablo Canyon. Technical staff is pushing to provide additional basis documenting the decision that no ESEP is needed for Diablo. We have a letter template from last year that I plan to use {letter. dated December 15. 201 4).
: Thanks, Nick
Update NRR ET on status of J LD activities EXPECTED OUTCOMES Provide current status and address any questions Outside of Scope
* wus o Screening & prioritization letter - targeting 05/12/15 o All 3 plants screen in for sPRA; no immediate safety issues o Columbia & Diablo Canyon - Group 1
* sPRA due 06/30/17
* Diablo Canyon - Separate letter on no ESEP; LTSP provides safety basis
* Public Meetings o Diablo Canyon (04/28/ 15 o Columbia (96/04/ 15) o Palo Verde - Group 3
* sPRA due 12/31 /20 Non Responsive
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.
March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID gu idance.
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.
For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and. will response under a seperate letter.
SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRC staffs initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., >10 Hz). The frequency range 1- 10 Hz is the focus for 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations
                                                      -. 3 -.
this portion of the risk evaluation, as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other. frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations.
* If the GMRS, in the. 1-10 Hz range, is greater than the. existing SSE, then the. plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.
In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions .. Similarly, if. the. GMRS. exceeds. the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the. possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the. SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed.
In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during. the NRG screening. and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations .. Palo Verde has been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in,. the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach, if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e. ,. spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).
5 Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals , plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10. Hz range; (2). the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as. well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally. higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-10 Hz. range is relatively small, and the maximum. ground motion in. the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Based on these criteria, Palo Verde is prioritized as a Group 3 plant. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on. the staffs screening review the licensee. for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than. January 31 , 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRG staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
2015. and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur. as soon. as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18. months ..
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at .,
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/ encls: Listserv
ML15113B344                                                      *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM        NRR/JLD/ LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC    NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC          NRR/ DORUO NAME        NDiFrancesco          Slent            MShams              DJackson                Llund DATE        04/22/ 15                I / 15            I / 15            I / 15                    I /15 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D            OGC              NRR/JLD/D          NRR/. D JDavis (MFranovich NAME        SFlanders            SCI ark for)
WDean DATE          I  /1 5          05/04/15            I / 15            I  / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRG review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
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Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 andNPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
Sent:5 May 2015 16:04: 18 +0000 To:Hill, Brittain Cc:Jackson, Diane
Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Attachments: Western US Screening and Prioritization letter.docx
: Britt, Still working on the letter. However, I think that. I have resolved the primary comments supporting DSEA concurrence .
: 1. ESEP. assessment tor DC and PV will be a separate letter
: 2. GMRS agreement will come late 2015 trom the NRC.
: 3. Most editorial changes have been incorporated
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:58 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Western US Screening and Prioritization letter
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) , Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.
March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID guidance.
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.
For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde sites, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and will respond under. a seperate letter.
SCREENING PROCESS As described in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were to be conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results , which were the focus of the NRC staff's initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over. frequency. The ability of the equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations, explaining each o f the evaluations that are part of the overall seismic reevaluation.
                                                      -. 3 -.
significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1o Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is the focus for this portion of the. risk evaluation , as this range has the. greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant (i.e., the plant screens in for further evaluation). Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations ..
* If the GMRS, in the 1- 1O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency. and spent fuel pool. evaluations.
In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds. the SSE below 2.5 Hz,. the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific. range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope. evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed ..
In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during the NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the. plant. As. such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations.. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to. the licensee .. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach , if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo 5
Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
Verde needs to. complete limited-scope evaluations. (i.e., spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization. review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in. the 1-10 Hz range is also not high. As described above, Palo Verde has conditionally screened in; based on current information Palo Verde has been assigned to prioritization Group 3. Given the limited level. of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including. Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on the staff's screening review the licensee for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 31, 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance. with. the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
conducted. a number of public meetings on. the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and. spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected. that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's. calculated hazard. As such .. the NRC staff. will continue. its review of the submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months ..
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic.
Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
conducted a number of public meetings on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard . . As. such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensee March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:
PUBLIC                                RidsNrrOd                            AKock, NRO LPL4-1 R/F                            RidsNsirOd                          DJackson, NRO LPL4-2 R/F                            RidsOeMailCenter                    RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNroOd                            RidsOgcMailCenter                    RidsNrrPMColumbla RidsNrrDorl                          MMarkley, NRA                        RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsNrrDorllpl4-1                    MKhanna, NRR                          RidsOgcRp Resource RidsNrrDorllpl4-2                    MShams, NRR                          RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource NDiFrancesco, NRR                    RidsEdoMailCenler Resource ADAMS Accessi on No.: Ml151138344                                                            *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM        NRR/JLD/LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC          NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC          NRR/DORUD NAME        NDiFrancesco.        SLent            MShams                  DJackson                  Llund DATE        04/22/15              04/24/15        04/23/15                . . /. / 15.                  . I. / 15 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D            OGC              NRR/J LD/D              NRR/ D NAME        SFlanders            SClark          JDavis IMFranovich forl  WDean DATE          I / 15            05/04/15            I /15                    I / 15 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing . The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seismic Risk              Limited-scope Evaluations.
Expedited Screening                      Evaluation          High            Low        Spent Fuel Plant Name                              Approach Result                      (Prioritization  Frequency      Frequency          Pool Evaluation Group)        Evaluation      Evaluation      Evaluation Columbia Generating Station              In            x                1              x                                x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2                              In            x                1              x                                x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating        Conditional x                3              x                                x Station, Units 1, 2, and 3                in Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:5 May 201521 :18:36 +0000 To:Jackson, Di ane Cc: Hill , Brittain
Working Version of WUS Seismic Screening Letter Attachments:Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Rev l 5-5-15 5pm.docx
: Diane, For awareness, attached is the working version of the letter .. This. includes incorporating limited OGC comments. There was one OGG comment regarding providing additional background that I maintained for consideration and discussion. Still considering a small update to support transition to the. interim evaluations section.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott
Press Release on WUS Seismic Screening Letter
: Scott, We. briefed the DEDO, NRR, and R-IV management on the content of the. WUS Screening letter during the JLD status weekly. Mentioned that we are working towards a press release. We received no realignment on the letter or communication plan approach.
View ADAMS P8 Properties ML151138344 Open ADAMS P8 Document (Screening and Prioritization Results for the Western United States Sites Regarding Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Seismic Hazard Re-Evaluations for Recommendation 2.1 of the. NTTF Review)
Current working towards issuance on Tuesday May 12 (that can always slip with NRR/ET review) . . Happy to. support a limited accuracy review as needed ..
Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Communication Plan Timeline (ADAMS ML14083A619)
Date                      Activity (responsible organization)
SignitJ.cant Historic Actions Completed (2/20/14} Issued letter to all licensees Re: Operability, Reportability, Interim Evaluation and Actions (ML14030A046)
Completed (5/9/14)        Issued Central and Eastern US (CEUS) Seismic Screening Letter (ML14111A147)
WUS Seismic Hazard Screening Review Completed (3/12/15)        NRC Receipt of WUS Hazard Reports (JLD/licensees)
Completed (3/30/15)        NRC/NEI Seismic Public Meeting w/ Discussion of WUS Review Process Completed (4/15/15)        Target for public meeting notice of April 28 Diablo Seismic Meeting (JLD-DiFrancesco)
Completed 4/27/15          Public availability of NRC and licensee slides for April 28 meeting (JLD -
Completed 4/28/15          Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on 2.1 Seismic (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee)
Completed 4/29/15          Complete WUS screening & prioritization technical review (NRO/DSEA) 5/7/2015                  Distribute WUS screening & prioritization letter to R-IV, OPA, OCA, OEDO (NRR/JLD liaison team) 5/11/2015                  Notice to states, congressional, licensee issuance, and NGOs of pending issuance (RSLO, OCA, JLD) 5/12/2015.                Issue WUS screening & prioritization letter licensees including review of interim evaluation and actions (NRR/JLD)
Issue Press Release on prioritization review (OPA) 6/4/15                    Columbia Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/9/15                    Palo Verde Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/23/15                    Diablo End of Cycle Meeting and Open House (R-IV)
Late.Summer                Columbia End of Cycle Meeting (R-IV)
Continuing                Staff assessment of the reevaluated seismic hazard (NRO/DSEA, NRR/JLD)
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:20 May 201 5 15:26:48 +0000 To:Rosenberg, Stacey Cc:Laur, Steven;Han-ison , Donnie;Shams, Mohamed;Jackson, Diane
Awareness of Public Meeting Slides on SPRA Relief and Working Letter Outline Attachments:R2. l Seismic - May 21 2015 Public Meeting Rev 7.pptx, SPRA Relief Letter for Group 2 and Group 3 Sites.docx
: Stacey, As mentioned in the May 4 NRR/DRA brief. The staff is moving forward to provide relief to certain priority Group 2 and Group 3 sites from completing an SPRA. The May 21 public meeting. tomorrow. (Attachment 1 ). is. a step, along the way. were we consider. external.
stakeholder insights. Following the May 21 public meeting we will have one additional public meeting to consider stakeholder input. NRR ET has asked us to target August 2015 (Attachment 2) for issue of the letter response to licensee. The working draft contains my initial outline. I plan seek NRR/DRA concurrence sometime this summer and communicate awareness of SPRA activities.
Steve, Donnie, During an NEI call this morning the technical background about ice condensers containment failure probability. Tomorrow I expect an industry question on this topic.
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
Sincerely, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
::::J 0
                                                  -OJ U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION O"
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w Protecting People and the Environment        01 I
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                                                  --0 NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic                            -
3 0
May 21 , 2015.                    r_.
Andrea Kock, Diane Jackson,                    0
en I\)
Mohamed Shams, Nick DiFrancesco                --CX>
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office of New Reactors
U.S.NRC llNTTllD STATES NUCLl!AI\ IU!CllUTORY COMMISSION Proucnng People and tlu Environment Today's Agenda NRC
* Discussion of SPRA for Groups 2 and 3
* Development of Guidance fair Proposed Rulemaking Related to Mitigation Strategies
* Public Questions or Comments NEI
* Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation l)evelopment
* High Frequency Guidance Updates
* Public Questions or Comments NRC
* Key Messages I Actions SPRA - Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessmen1t          2
U.S.NRC llNlTl!D ~TATES h'UCLEAI\ IU!CUl.ATORY COMMISSION Protecting People aruJ the Environment Assessment of SPRAs for Group 2 and Group 3 plants Diane ,Jackson 3
Seismic 2.1 Process Ensures Clarity, Consistency, and Risk-Informed Regulatory Decisions PHASE 1 INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE 1                  STAGE 2                    PHASE 2 DECISION-MAKING Interact with Industry on Hazard and Risk Evaluation Guidance NRC makes Regulatory Decisions, as needed Screened-in plants complete CEUS Licensees submit      Expedited Interim Evaluation
* Safety Enhancements Site Response (9/2013 &    CEUS:12/2014 ; WUS:1/2016
* Backfit Analysis 3/2014)              and Risk Evaluation
* Modify Plant License (Group. 1: 201 7)
NRC review Seismic Risk Evaluation, as needed L-----------------------------
U.S.NRC UNITED ~"TATES NUCLEAR Rl!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Pl'Otecting PeQJJle and tJu Environment R2.1 Seismic lnforn1ation Needs for Regulatory Decisions
* 50.54(f) letter gathers information to support regulatory decision to modify, revoke or suspend license
* SPRA are an important tool to identify safety enhancements and assess plant capacity
* May 9, 2014, letter discusse~j that SPRAs for some Group 3 plants with limited exceedanices may not be needed to make regulatory 50.54(f) decision
* Presently the staff is evaluating 50.54(f) responses and available information to sup~,ort potential SPRA relief for some Group 2 and Group 3 1plants 5
U.S.NRC UmTllD STATES 1''\JCLEAR IU!CUl..ATORY COM MISSION Prot"'cnng P"'opl"' an.d tlu Ett vironmen t Available Information Supporting Limited SPRA Relie1f
* R2.1 seismic reevaluated hazard I interim actions
* R2.3 walkdown review:s and inspections
* Gl-199, CEUS seismic hazard insights
* IPEEE seismic plant Ccipacity insights
* Expedited Approach Eivaluations 6
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Proucting Pet>ple 1uul the Environment Evaluation Approach for SPRA Relief
* Staff built on Gl-199, IF>EEE, and reevaluated hazard risk insights for its review
* Considered exceedanc:e above SSE, hazard peak, area between curves between 1 to 10 Hz, and reactor design
* Assessed if SPRA safe~ty insights would likely identified plant specific enhances 7
U.S.NRC Ul'o'l'l'ED ~,.ATES NUCLEAR RllCUl..ATORY COMMISSION A-otectmg PeQJJle an.d tlu En.viron.m en.t SPRA Relief Letter. and Target Timeline
* Engagement of stakeholder planned today and as part of next R2.1 Se~ismic public meeting
* May - June 2015 - Sta.ff is continuing to develop inputs and as~;ess decisions
* Late Summer - Letter Issuance
  - Documents staff decisic>n providing SPRA relief for potential some Group 2 and Group 3 plants
  - Limited Scope Evaluati<)ns are expected from licensees provided SPFtA relief 8
U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CU1..ATORY OOMJ\t!SSION Protecting Peqple and the Environm ent NRC Guidance Development for Proposed Rule on Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events (MBDBE)
Incorporating Reevaluated Seismic Hazard 9
U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR lll!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the En vironment Overview of Topics for Discussion
* Background on propose of MBDBE rule and guidance
* Scope of proposed rule
* Reasonable Protectiion
* Deployment and interactions
* Use of existing engineering insights 10
U.S.NRC Ul'o1TED STATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CU1..ATORY OOM1'fiSSION Protecting People and the Environment Guidance Development
* Agency priority to support MBDBE proposed rulemaking (i.e. proposed 10 CFR 50.155)
* Proposed rulemaking extends Mitigation Strategies to met the reevaluated hazard level
* Draft Regulatory Guide [)G-1301 under development to support issuance for public comment by early Augu~>t
* Guidance to address scc)pe and performance requirements
* Draft DG 1301 -                                      ADAM~) No. ML15072A171.
U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Proposed Rule Scope
* All phases of FLEX equipment, including portable and installed
* FLEX equipment must perform its intended function
* Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard 12
U.S.NRC UKITllD STATES NUCLEAR RECULATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and tlu En vironment Reasonable Protection - Equipment
* Equipment must ren1ain functional
  - Components retain                          c~oolant or fuel
  - Structures allow access for deployment
  - Supporting equipment remains functional
* Evaluation of equiprnent for robustness at the reevaluated seis,mic hazard
  - Analysis, testing, earthquake_experience, and generic test data.
U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAJ\ RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Reasonable Protection - Buildings
* Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard
  - Inelastic deformatior1 is permitted so long as strategy can be implemented
  - Deformation limit co111mensurate with intended function 14
U.S.NRC UNITED~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY OOM MlSSION Protecnng People and the Environment Deployment and Interactions
* Secure and protect, equipment and strategies from seismic interactions
* Seismically induced flooding
* Feasible deployment routes
  - Potential soil liquefac:tion or non-safety building failures
  - Confirm access throLJgh robust structures 15
U.S.NRC U1'Tl'ED ~,.ATES 1''\JCLl!AR R&#xa3;CUl..ATORY COMMJSSION Pw>tecting People and the Environment Existing Engineering Framework
* IPEEE A-46, capacity cind risk insights
* R2.1 Seismic ESEP interim evaluation -
capacity insights
* Seismic probabilistic ri~;k assessment -
capacities and risk insi!~hts
* Industry codes and standards (e.g. ASCE 43-05)
ESEP - Expedited Seismic Ev;aluation Process ASCE -American Society of C:ivil Engineers              16
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1''\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:
JLD_ 17
U.S.NRC l!NtTBD STATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CUl..ATORY OOMAUSSION Proucnng People and the Environment Key Messages and Next Steps 18
U.S.NRC UNITllD STATES NUCLEAR RJ!CULATORY COM MISSION Protecnng People and the Environment NTTF 2.1 . Seismic Next Steps
* Discussion of dates for r1ext meeting (late June)
* Interaction on guidance *for proposed rulemaking (June - August 2015)
* Discuss and finalize SRf)A decision for Groups 2 and 3 (August 2015)
* Finalize high-frequency fevaluation implementing guidance (June/July 2015)
* Spent fuel pool evaluatic>n implementing Guidance (Summer/Fall 2015) 19
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1''\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:
JLD_ 20
ProkctinK People and the Enviromnent Backup Slides 21
jinformation (pages 52-61/ 1000) is available from ADAMS ML151138344.
The Power Reactor Licensees and Holder of Construction Permits in Deferred Status on the Enclosed List UBJECT:        SUSPENSION OF SEISMIC RISK EVALUTION INFORMATION REQUES PURSUANT TO TITLE 10 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATI N
                              .54(f). REGARDING SEISMIC HAZARD RE-EVALUATIONS FO ,
W~ O~
N I          FR      THE F K HI A DAI- HI A IDEN fie purpose of tfits letter is to inform enc ose lcensees tflat certain Group 2 a Group 3 sit ay suspend respondin to the seismic risk evaluation information r; uest based on a revie avajlable inf      *o [This letter discussions the analysis approach of this decisions and expectations for completion of limit-scope evaluation (i.e. spent fuel pool , high-frequency, and/or low frequency evaluations).] Does not provide relief from other licensing requirements for risk-informed technical specifications or plant licensing.]
BACRGROONll On Marcfl 12, 2012, the NRC issued a request for information pursuant to Title 10 of the Cod of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (1 OCFR), Section 50.54(f) (hereafter referred to as the 50.54 etter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System {ADAMS) Accession No L12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning, in part, th ismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine whethe icenses should be modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section o
* nclosure 1 indicated that licensees and ns          i n rm* h Id r h            r vi        i mi azaro Evaluation and Screenin re          . The 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to the re-evaluated seismic hazard.
By (five] letters NRC completed its screening and prioritization review which places 34 reactor sites into three review groups based on relative priority and resource constraints to complete seismic risk evaluations.
Previously, in accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations. If the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS), in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant complete an Expedited Approach, screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, committed to conduct high frequency, and a spent fuel pool evaluation.
The seismic screening letters dated in 2014 and 2015 also discussed that relief from the request was under consideration for some Group 3 sites. Based on further review, the staff found it prudent to also review Group 2 sites .. In total the staff identified that seismic risk evaluations for approximately (12.5] sites are not required [footnote Hatch unit CLB difference] to complete regulatory decision making. [This letter discussion the rationale].
AVAILIBLE INFORMATION The NRC staff as part of. its 50 .54(f) request sought information to support regulatory decisions related to the seismic reevaluated hazard for operating reactor sites. The 50.54(f) letter discusses that this information would be used in Phase 2 decisions. Although seismic risk evaluations are an important tool to. assess plant satety and ruggedness. Based on the. staff review of licensee hazard, risk insights, and plant design, substantial safety benefits are not expected for a number of previously screened Group 2 and Group 3 review sites. The NRC staff in coming to this decision considered , the reevaluated hazard screening reports,. Gl-199 risk insights, R2.1 hazard updates, probabilistic risk assessment guidance and standards, and 10 CFR 50.109 backfit criteria.
EVALUATION PROCESS AND ANALYSIS  , documents plants identified in Group 2 and Group 3 where low to moderate seismic hazard exceedance and risk insights provided sufficient safety basis to not require a seismic risk evaluation. In otherwords, the seismic hazard was. reasonable small to. not require plant specific improvements.
The staff found that Calvert Cliffs , Units 1 and 2, GMRS hazard slightly exceedance. the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and previous seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) found plant risk to be very low.
The staff found that Cooper, Perry, Seabrook, and Three Mile Island, Unit 1, hazard slightly exceeded the SSE, and previously risk evaluations demonstrated plant risk to be low.
The staff found that Davis-Besse, Wolf Creek, Point Beach, Fermi , and LaSalle, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates. are low.
The staff found that Hatch Unit 2 and Monticello, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates are moderate.
: ML151138344                                                  *via email OFFICE    NRR/JLD/PMB/PM      NAR/JLD/ LA  NRR/JLD/ HMB/BC        NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC      NRR/DOAUD NAME      NDiFrancesco        Slent        MShams                  DJackson              Llund DATE OFFICE    NRO/DSEA/D          OGG          NRR/JLDID              NRR/D NAME      SFlanders                        JDavis                  WDean DATE RidsNrrPMSalem RidsNrrPMSeabrook RidsNrrPMSequoyah RidsNrrPMShearonHarris RidsNrrPMSummer RidsNrrPMSurry RidsNrrPMSusquehanna RidsNrrPMThreeMilelsland RidsNrrPMTurkeyPoint RidsNrrPMVogtle RidsNrrPMWaterford RidsNrrPMWattsBar1 RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 RidsNrrPMWolfCreek RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn 1MailCenter Resource RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource.
PUBLIC RidsNroOd RidsNrrOd RidsNsirOd.
MMarkley, NRR MKhanna, NRR MShams, NRR NDiFrancesco, NRR AKock, NAO DJackson, NRO RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNrrPMColumbia RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource
Glossary of Evaluation
  ?G'Sociat          Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations ntenm Evaluat on or Actions - An immediate licensee an(j NBC review of the re-evaluat azard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluation e ongoing. The staff has completed Its review and concluded that, based on the licensees nterim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continu operations. Interim evaluatio s and actions are rovided In Section 5.0 "Interim Actions " of th .
h - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed in December 2014 f CEUS plants and by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds r.urrent design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks a he systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditi fa station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate hea ink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to contin ith a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance th~
~ismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedite .....__~
~proach guidance document is found in the A enc
* e Documents Access and Mana emen S stem under Accession No. ML13102A142 comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amena a plant's esign or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provid nformation to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this infonnation in conju~
ith the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulato ctions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins AnalY,sis o
      * *
* s e      gewndi;m*n~auml.llliunal!ll*~U21.:IDitJWfB~~
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from. the Fukusnima Dai-lchi Acciden1 Seismic Screening UDdated Based on Review of Available lnformatio Umited-scooe Evaluation!i
                                                                                  ~ ~
                                                                  *Evaluatio Plant Name                      ~ee~~                                                      ~~~J~~::,pm esu    D;~~~zatio              nc 0        al en a
Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2i              Ou Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 and ~        Du Coooer Nuclear Station                                  Ou ,                                                            ~
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Unit 1]              Out                          ~                                ~
EdWin I. Ratcfi Nuclear Plant. Unit 2 1                  QYj                                            I
=ermi, Unit 2!                                        Ou                            1 LaSalle Countv Station. Units 1 and 2!                Ou                              I Monticello Nuclear Generatina Plan~                    :o u                                                            ~
Dvster Creek Nuclear Generatina Statiori              bu '                                            I>              ~
Palo Verde Nuclear Station Units 1. 2, and 3            Ou                                            )              ~
Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1J                      Du i>oint Beach Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2              Pu                                                              ~
Seabrook, Unit 11                                      Pu
~auovah Nuclear Plant.. Units 1 and 2                  'O
                                                        . u,                            '
jfhree Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 11            Pu Wolf Creek Generatina Station Unit 1l                  Ou Enclosure 2
arch 2015 Re-evatuated Seismic Hazard and Screening Repo dwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and Salle Coun  Station, Units 1 and rch 27 2014 ML14092A413 Station Unit 1          rch 31 2014 ML14097A020 Enclosure 3
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 13 May 2015 18:34:49 +0000 To:Witt, Kevin;Yale ntin, Milton Cc: Bowman, Gregory;Shams, Mohamed
Comment Re: SFP Commitments to Commission Attachments:20 l 3-0030comscy. pdf We need to confirm with the technical experts but, l think the only plant we need to understand better is Columbia.
DC and Palo Verde general appear to be within their CLB.
Might be a good item to consider as we develop the SPF evaluation implementing details.
-----Original Message-----
From: Witt. Kevin Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:15 PM To: Valentin, Milton Cc: Bowman. Gregory; Difrancesco, Nicholas
Commitments to Commission Hi Milton, since we were talking about commitments this morning, 1 was just reminded of one. ln the expedited transfer paper (attached- footnote on pg 10), we committed to go back and verify that the western US Plants SFPs are bounded by this analysis when we gain sufficient information about seismic hazards. We may be able to utilize the work that JHMB is doing on the SFP seis mic hazard reevaluations to close this item out.
Ol'FICIAL USE ONLY        SENSI I IVE IN I ERNAL INFoRMAllON March XX, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO:              Chairman Burns Commissioner Svinicki Commissioner Ostendorff Commissioner Baran FROM:                      Michael R. Johnson Deputy Executive. Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs Office of the Executive Director for Operations
As stated cc : SECY OGC OCA OPA CFO Ol'l'lelAL t:l!I! 014L I  !1!14SITI OI!! ii"l!!l'\14AL 114FORMA I ION
                *via email OFFICE    NRR/JLD          NRR/JLD/JPSB:BC OEDO/TCCM                DEDR NAME      LKGibson*        GBowman*.              MDudek            MJohnson.
DATE      3/ 12/15        3/ 12/15 OFFICIAL USE ONLY          SENSI I Iv E IN I ERNAL IHFORIOIM'IOl4
                                                          -2 (6) On March 12, 2015, the NRC staff received the seismic hazard reevaluation reports for the. plants in the Western United States (Columbia Generating Station; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3). Along with their submittals, licensees whose reevaluated seismic hazard is higher than their design basis are expected to provide an interim evaluation to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing. The NRC staff will review the licensee submittals and establish a prioritization schedule for the seismic risk evaluations for those plants where the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds that in the facility's design basis . The staff will also review the licensee's interim evaluation and actions,. if applicable .. This review, which will be documented in a letter. will likely take between 30-60 days to accomplish. With the submittal of these report, seismic hazard reevaluation have been submitted for all plants.
Outside of Scope 8FFl81AI:: l:ISE Q~lb>f  Gli~Usll'l'/li IHl'liRHP:b l~IFQRU 0 TIQH
8FFl81AL    ~SE  8HLV      SEHSl"flVE lftifEfilHAL lt4F8filMAll8H I
    &sect;.~~r-~~**    Regulator}'' A~t.i~_n i        '
ComJ?I~~~~-              r:'!~~!:.~!l~st,cfrie'    Future Milestones Tier 1 NRG to document review of Expedited Approach. for GEUS by RFI issued                                        December 31, 2015 March 12, 2012 NRG to issue seismic NRG to issue review Seismic Hazard Reevaluation                                        hazard staff assessments Licensees for Western U.S.                                  letters on Expedited NTTF 2.1      Request for Information                                          for GEUS licensees by facilities submitted site                              Approach for GEUS by (RFI)                                                      September.30, 2015 seismic hazard                                        February 28, 2016 reevaluations by March 12, 2015                                      Licensee(s) for Western U.S. facilities to submit Expedited Approach by January 31 , 2016 Non Responsive Enclosure 2 QFFIGhl:b l!ISi: 8ttl'/    8EHSl'flV! IH'l'! .. HAL 1m*onlUIA I ION
Sent:20 May 2015 19:43: 18 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon;Stephanie Devlin;Heeszel, David
Palo Verde questions Attachments:Questions for PVNGS.docx Attached are my draft questions based on their use of GMM.
They supersede couple of my questions send to you 10 days ago.
Provide more rational for the choice of subset of GMPEs for PVNGS. What is the reason for deviation from approach chosen by DCPP? What is the reason for not using Idriss and Zhao GMPEs for Greater Arizona sources (Table EX-2)?
Section justifies use of Zhao models for California and they are used for Diablo. In mean time Table 5.5.1-1 (p.5-46) says that Zhao tectonics and attenuation are not relevant to California/West Arizona. DCPP. and PVNGS seem to contradict each other's ..
Section 6.2.2 is including Bindi 2014 model, but limits its use to M=7 because of magnitude scaling which is different from others (Fig. 6.2.2-1) 1.50                                      -~----~--~*                1 1.00 T = 0.2 SS Rx = S 0.70 El
<( 0.50 en CL
* ASK14
* AS814 l.
* Bi14 BSSAt4
* C814 en~
0.20 5.0        5.5        6.0        6.5        7.0        7.5  8.0 M
In mean time for DCPP the use of different scaling (strong saturation) by Zhao is considered to be useful representing alternative approach.
It looks like when alternative scaling results in lower GM it is acceptable to Tl team, but when it results in higher GM it is not acceptable.
Page 6-6 states:
                "Based on the evaluation of the candidate GMPEs for application to earthquakes in California and Mexico recorded in central Arizona given in Kishida et al. (2014), the Tl Team judged that the. NGA-West2 GMPEs are suitable for estimating path terms. for the paths from California and Mexico to central Arizona."
In mean time existing publications Phillips (2013) demonstrate higher Q for Arizona (also Fig. 5.5, p.107).
Kishida et al. ,. 2014 report states. (Abstract):
"The comparison showed that overall the recorded 5% damped response spectral ordinates were. over predicted by the NGA-West2 models by a range of 0-0.35 natural log units for events occurring in Central California, and by a range of 0.2-0.7 natural log units for events occurring in Southern California and the Gulf of California."
This conclusion looks inconsistent with:
: 1. Arizona Q at least same or higher than that of California
: 2. Kappa same or lower than that of California This conclusion is based on comparisons with records from mostly small. magnitude events (Table 2.2, p.6) and data having extremely limited frequency range of 0.5 to 8 Hz (may be actually up to 5 Hz). Figure 2.18 (p.19) confirms that
(/) 150 ---...--.---.................--.--.-...-.-.........-n--.....-........~~
~@ 100    ------------- ... -... -                      Arizona Events
                                            \ --- NGA-West2 Events
0 '--~~-L..U-1..LU.__;:=.........1....1....:..u..u....-..1.-..1-1...i..:iu.u.i 0.1                        1                        10                    100 Period (s)
Are there any consideration of basin effect in applying GMPEs for Arizona considering that basin effect in NGA-West2 relations depends upon the depth to Vs=1km/s or 2.5 km/s?
Use of such a subset of data actually questions estimates of kappa.
Fig. 4.17-4.37 also don't look convincing.
Sent: 10 Apr 20 15 21 :24:07 +0000 To:John Stamatakos;Stirewalt, Gerry;PJaza-Toledo, Meralis;Miriam R. Juckett Cc:Ake, Jon;Hill, Brittain;Munson. Clifford;lisa.;Li, Yong
RE: Monday Diablo Meeting That is very good.
From: John Stamatakos [].
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:01 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stirewalt, Gerry; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Miriam R. Juckett Cc: Ake, Jon; Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford;; Li, Yong
Monday Diablo Meeting
: Vlad, For Monday, I can walk everyone through the draft summary report we have on the seismic imagining data and searchable image table.
John Dr. John Stamatakos Direct or ofTechnical Programs Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)
Southwest Research Institute 1801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-0290
IInformation (pages 282-283/1000) is .. ... ..... .
Graizer, Vladimir From:Graizer, Vladimir Sent:28 May 2015 13:53:52 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane;Munson , Clifford Cc:John Stamatakos;Ake, Jon;Plaza-Toledo, Merali s;Giacinto, Joseph ;Stovall, Scott;H111, Britlain;Li, Yong
RE: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Diane and Cliff, I don't know if it is considered an RAI, but as I mentioned at one of the Diablo meetings I need the following info:
Section 8.4.1 of the SWUS report discusses evaluation of median base models and their range.
Please provide Excel files of the plots shown on Figures 8.4-17 and 8.4-18 showing comparisons of hazard curves for frequencies of 5 and 0.5 Hz.
In addition, please provide similar files for the frequencies of 1O and 1 Hz.
Vladimir Graizer, Ph.D.
Seismologist Office of New Reactors Mail Stop: T-7F3 Washington, DC 20555-0001 From: Jackson,. Diane Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:43 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos; Ake, Jon; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Giacinto, Joseph; Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
FYI: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Nick sent a reminder.
Diane From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9: 16 AM To: Philippe Soenen (; Jahangir, Nozar Cc: Michael Richardson (; Strickland, Jearl; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie
Reminder on Diablo Information Request Philippe , et, al Just a reminder that the staff is interested in the following references to support NRC review:
: 1) Benchmark files for SWUS-DCPP median ground motion models.
: 2) ESTA 27 and 28 recordings of Parkfield and San Simeon earthquakes
: a. Time histories
: b. Response spectra
: c. Response spectra adjusted for Vs30
: 3) Engineering reports describing development of velocity profiles for stations ESTA 27. and 28.
: 4) Paper describing WAACY Magnitude PDF by Wooddell and others.
Please let me know when the references will be available.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 18:29:27 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane
Columbia GMM codes Attachments:ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_yeskappa.pdf, ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_nokappa.pdf Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both files are for a single fault at 8 magnitudes from 5(fault1 )-8(fault8). In this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with 1Okm away that comes to the surface.
The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the. weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are. the mean+/ -sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.
The next step is to get a set of. scenario. earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard.
Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.
: Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
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                                                                                                      .. t . . . . . . ... . .
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                    . /          . .*
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1                                          -*      .- *- *      -**-. . . . .
: 0. 1 I
                                                                                                          . *J- * - * - *-
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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 Mar 2015 20:17:38 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Graizer, Vladimir
Columbia GMM Implementation Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx Attached is a brief PowerPoint detailing the implementation of the Columbia GMM. I focused primarily on Appendix 02 of the SSHAC report and so am not intimately familiar with the technical bases used to develop the GMM. Let me know if you have any questions I may be able to answer.
Please forward to anyone who may have a use or need for this.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Hanford SSHAC Ground Motion Mod~1s and ~J11pleni.~ntation 43N 50      100
                - = - = - - Kilometers 122'W t20W        118W
Hanford Ground Motion Model
* Defined at 20 Periods
* Divided into two pieces
  - GMM for background and fault sources (crustal model)
  - GMM for subduction sources (subduction model)
* Independent Logic Trees
* Single Sigma Logic Tree
  - Different parameters use~d for crustal and subduction earthquakes
* V530 is 760 m/s throughout
Crustal Model (189 branches)
Backbone Vs-K Adj ustment  Inherent Uncertainty in      Host-to-Target GMPE        Factors      Backbone Adjustments          Uncertainty Factors Vs K-7                    I
[~ln (Y) M )9    (0.0625)
[~ln {Y} M) 8    (0.0625)
Vs K-6
{0.136)          [~ln { Y) IMh  (0.0625) x1.3 Vs K-5
[61n (Y) IM) 6 (0.0625)            (0.3}
CY14                    [flln(Y) I M] 5    (0.50)          xl.O (1.0)  (0.222)                                              (0.6)
[61 n(Y) IM] 4    (0.0625)
Vs K-3 x0.8 (0.198)            [61n (Y) IMh (0.0625)
Vs K-2
[~ln (Y)  IMh    {0.0625)
[~ln(Y )  IM]1  (0.0625)
Backbone Model
* Modification of Chiou and Youngs, 2014
* Can be broken into "'10 subcomponents Some parameters fall out b/c not considered by this PSHA
* E.g. directivity component
* Included in software for completeness
* Necessary Inputs Frequency (f)
Magnitude (m)
  - Rupture Distance (RRuP)
Joyner-Boore Distance (RJs)
Fault Dip (6)
Reverse Faulting Flag (FRv)
Normal Faulting Flag (FNM) (I should remove this)
Depth to top of rupture (ZroR)
Subsequent Adjustment Factors
* V5-kappa factors
  - Table lookup
* Period Dependent Uncertainty
  - Required Inputs
* Hanging Wall Factor (FHw)
          - Depends on Rx and fault type
* Joyner-Boore Distance (RJ8 )
* Dip (6)
* Rx
* Magnitude (M)
* Host-to-Target Uncertaint\l
  - Constant
Implementation in SSC
* Crustal Earthquakes
* Same GMM used for fault sources and background sources All earthquakes are          considerE~d      faults
* Yakima Fold and Thrust treated Discretely
* Zones treated generally
            - Randomly Distributed
            - Sometimes randomly oriented
            - All Boundaries are Leaky Need to consider fault type
* Sources have styles of faulting and dips associated with them
            -  Necessary to calculate the parameters Rx and      Ztor
* Fault scaling relations. become important particularly for determining ztor
            - Calculate width based on scaling relations and determine ~or
                  >> If Ztor <0 then this realization is not considered in PSHA
Subduction Model (72 branches)
Scaling on Epistemic    Host-to-Target Backbone    Magnitude          An elastic Uncertainty in Vs Adjustment GMPE          Scal ing      Attenuation Med ian        Factor*
[~Cl]med    + 0.2                                Vs factor-4 0.5 05      x1 .62 (0.335)
(0.2)            ( 0.4 )      (0.2)
Vs factor-3 Back-arc      [6C1]med                          x1 .0            (0.165)
{1.0)          (0.6)                        ( 0.6)
V5 factor-2
[tiCl]med - 0.2          05      x0 .62            (0.335)
(0.2)              ( 0.6)    ( 0.2)
V5 factor-1
Implemented Within GMPE (0.165)
Backbone Model
* Modification of BC Hydro Model.
* Broken into "'9 subcomponents
* Necessary inputs Freq uency (f)
Moment Magnitude (M)
Foca l Dept h (Zh) fo r Interface event s Depth w ithin slab for lntras lab events Eve nt type fl ag (Fevent)
* lnterplate
* lntraslab R
* Rupture for lnterplate
* Hypocentre for lntraslab
* Site correction term means that PGA callculation must be done for hypothetical case where V530=1,000 m/s Time co nsuming circular loop
* Requires calculating much of logic t ree for IPGA at 1000 m/s prior to calcu lating SA at desired frequency.
Implementation in SSC
* Reads as if interplate  e~arthquakes are (semi)finite (Rrup)
* lntraplate are point(ish) sources (Rhyp)
* Logic tree is primarily <<3 lookup exercise
* Despite simpler form -- more difficult to implement due to correction factors w/in backbone
Sigma (6 branches)
I Distri but ion I Sigma Model High Normal (0.2)
Cent ral (0.6)
Mixture Model Low
CY2 -CY1 a == a-1 +            [ mir1(max(M, 5), 7) - 5]
* Same tree used for both crustal and subduction earthquak~~s
  - Normal Model Uses Table Lookup
  - Mixture Model Uses CcJnditional Probability and table lookup
* Need to call integration subroutine 6 times for one realization P(z > z) =WMixl    1
                      - ffi (  z- /1)
Potential Sirr1plifications?
* All ruptures reach a specific depth_(Ztor=constant)?.
* Ignore hanging wall effect*!>
* Constant Dip?
* Rrup=RJs=RHYP ?=Rx?
  - All could be implemented t::>n SSC side
* Full GMM logic tree is coded
          - Decide which, if any simplifications to apply later
* Need a definitive answer 01n the level of granularity necessary
  - Only interested in Median SA and sigma?
* Computationally cleaner
Implementation So Far
* Fortran90 - need to consicler that most of Roland's codes are in C
* Models coded as indepenclent subroutines
  - With dependencies (mostlv lookup)
* Sigma developed as well
  - With dependencies
* Simple wrapper programs have been developed for testing
  - Comparisons to Chapter 9 in SSHAC report look reasonable
* No digital testing files for comparison
* Currently~ only output is. ~;A and sigma.
  - Not individual branches
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 May 2015 19:46:45 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
Columbia GMM without host to target uncertainty.
Attachments:no_htu_yeskappa.pdf, no_htu_nokappa.pdf Attached are two pdfs containing plots for the Columbia GMM without the host to target uncertainty. nokappa does not contain the Vs-kappa correction, and yeskappa does. The faulting parameters and magnitudes are the same as the plots sent last week and the size of the dots corresponds to that branches relative weight in calculating the mean. There are nine branches for the nokappa realization and 63 for the yeskappa. The results. appear to be approximately 7% lower than for the case that includes the host-to-target uncertainty correction .
- -David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office : T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
(f) 0.0001 1e -os--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1            1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(j) 0.001 1 e-os--~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~....-~~~....-~~~......+--
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
0.001 1e-os---~---..~---------.......-...-.-~~--~--..----.....-.-....-~~-----------. . . . . .-----
0.1                      1                        10                              100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.0001 -+--- - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
0.1                1                10              100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
fault1 10 1                            .    .        .
* t__
0.1 0.01 0.001
0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                            100 Frequency (Hz)
fault2 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
              ;r;--~~~~-~~~~===j 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1    1                10        100 Frequency (Hz)
fault3 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-09j_~----r~-r---,--..,..--,---i--r-r.f-~~.,.-----r-----r----r---,--,--r--i-r~~-r------r-----r----r--r-r-~
1 00 0.1                            1                                    10 Frequency (Hz)
fault4 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
(f) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e- 09 0.1 1                10 100 Frequency (Hz)
faults 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e- 06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1                10 100 Frequency (Hz)
fault6 10 1
0.1                        .. . .. . .. . ...... . ... ... .. . .. .
0.01                            * **
<l: 0.0001 (f) 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                                        100 Frequency (Hz)
10 1
0.1                        * ** ;****: .... . ... .. ... ... .
                                      +* *
* 0.001
* O>
<(  0.0001
1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                                  100 Frequency (Hz)
fault8 10 1                                                ,_ . - :* - . _ ;, - ;
0.1 0.01
0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1                        1                10                                              100 Frequency (Hz)
Information (pages 332/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:26:34 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane
Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I. can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.
David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:2 Apr 2015. 12:09:41 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Seber, Dogan;Li, Yong; Walsh, Lisa;Stovall, Scott Cc:'Miriam R. Juckett' Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07 A04-15p.
Discussion of CGS GMPEs Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation. Call in and presentation attached Bridge line phone number: 888-71 1-9770 Participant passcode1(b)(6) I
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12: 13:54 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa
RE: CGS GMPE Codes Hi Lisa, I'll be going through the logic tree approach and how I have currently implemented it. I imagine.
that much of the discussion will be around simplifications that we can make that will help our review be more efficient. I would skim Chapter 9 of the report and (maybe) familiarize yourself with Appendix D2 . . I haven't given the code to Cliff or Dogan yet, so I don't want to put the cart before the horse in terms of handing them around.
-- David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:58 AM To: Heeszel, David
CGS GMPE Codes Hi David, Dogan just mentioned that you are going to present the Columbia GMPEs and implementation along with the codes you have developed for confirmatory analysis on Thursday. He forwarded me the appointment and I plan to attend, but I just thought I would check in with you. I am planning on reading through the SSHAC report over the next few days. Would I be able to look at the codes you developed from the SSHAC report before the meeting (and/or would that be useful)?
Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph .D.
Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612
PGA Weighted VS-kappa I      Backb~ne  I  Log(SA)
Frequency  SA (code)    Weight  SA (Branch*                  Uncertainty  B kb branch          Branch      ac one code) 2.60E-01
                      - 3.44E-03    8.94E-04        1
                                                                                -5.3100 100                                                              1 100    1.72E-01    3.44E-03    5.92E-04        1              2        -5.3100 100    1.38E-01    3.44E-03    4.75E-04        1              3        -5.3100 100    3.25E-01    3.44E-03    1.12E-03        1              4        -5.3100 100    2.12E-01    2.75E-02    5.83E-03        1              5        -5.3100 100    1.81 E-01  3.44E-03    6.23E-04        1              6        -5.3100 100    3.32E-01    3.44E-03    1.14E-03        1              7        -5.3100 100    1.35E-01    3.44E-03    4.64E-04        1              8        -5.3100 100    2.47E-01    3.44E-03    8.50E-04        1              9        -5.3100 100    1.63E-01    8.50E-03    1.39E-03        2              1        -5.3100 100    1.08E-01    8.50E-03    9.18E-04        2    I          2        -5.3100 100    8.64E-02    8.50E-03    7.34E-04        2    I          3        -5.3100 100    2.04E-01    8.50E-03    1.73E-03        2    I          4        -5.3100 100    1.33E-01    6.SOE-02    9.04E-03        2    I          5        -5.3100 100    1.13E-01    8.50E-03    9.61 E-04        2              6        -5.3100 100    2.08E-01    8.50E-03    1.77E-03        2    I          7        -5.3100 100    8.46E-02    8.50E-03    7.19E-04        2              8        -5.3100 100    1.55E-01    8.50E-03    1.32E-03        2              9        -5.3100 100    8.14E-02    1.24E-02    1.01E-03        3    I          1        -5.3100 100    5.37E-02    1.24E-02    6.66E-04        3              2        -5.3100 100    4.30E-02    1.24E-02    5.33E-04        3              3        -5.3100 100    1.02E-01    1.24E-02    1.26E-03        3              4        -5.3100 100    6.61 E-02  9.90E-02    6.54E-03        3              5        -5.3100 100    5.65E-02    1.24E-02    7.01 E-04        3              6        -5.3100 100    1.04E-01    1.24E-02    1.29E-03        3              7        -5.3100 100    4.21 E-02  1.24E-02    5.22E-04        3              8        -5.3100 100    7.73E-02    1.24 E-02  9.59E-04        3              9        -5.3100 100    4.23E-02
            -  --      1.39E-02
                      ---        - 5.88E-04
                                    - - - -> - 4          .....      1        -5.3100 1-----
100    2.79E-02    1.39E-02    3.88E-04        4              2        -5.3100 100    2.23E-02    1.39E-02    3.1OE-04        4              3        -5.3100 100    5.27E-02    1.39E-02    7.33E-04        4              4        -5.3100 100    3.43E-02    1.1 1E-01  3.81 E-03        4              5        -5.3100
-    100    2.94E-02    1.39E-02    4.09E-04
                                                -    4              6
                                                                          -    -5.3100 100    5.39E-02    1.39E-02    7.49E-04        4              7        -5.3100 100    2.19E-02    1.39E-02    3.04E-04        4              8        -5.3100 100    4.01 E-02  1.39E-02    5.57E-04        4              9        -5.3100 100
          - 1.46E-03    1.24E-02    1.81E-05        5              1        -5.3100 100    9.62E-04    1.24E-02    1.19E-05        5              2        -5.3100 100    7.71 E-04  1.24E-02    9.56E-06        5              3        -5.3100 100    1.82E-03    1.24E-02    2.26E-05        5              4        -5.3100 100    1.18E-03    9.90E-02    1.17E-04        5              5        -5.3100 100    1.01 E-03  1.24E-02    1.25E-05        5              6        -5.3100 100    1.86E-03    1.24E-02    2.31 E-05        5              7        -5.3100 100    7.55E-04    1.24E-02    9.36E-06        5              8        -5.3100 100      1.38E-03  1.24E-02    1.71 E-05        5    I          9        -5.3100 100    7.57E-07    8.50E-03    6.43E-09        6    I          1        -5.3100 100    5.00E-07    8.50E-03    4.25E-09        6    I          2        -5.3100 100    4.00E-07    8.50E-03    3.40E-09        6              3        -5.3100 Page l
PGA 100  9.45E-07  8.50E-03 8.03E-09    6 4 -5.3100 100  6.15E-07  6.80E-02 4.18E-08    6 5 -5.3100 100  5.26E-07  8.50E-03 4.47E-09    6 6 -5.3100 100  9.65E-07  8.50E-03 8.20E-09    6 7 -5.3100 100  3.92E-07  8.50E-03 3.33E-09    6 8 -5.3100
- 100 100 100
      - 7.19E-07 1.20E-13 7.90E-14
                - 8.50E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 6.11 E-09 4.13E-16 2.72E-16
                                      - 6 7
7 9
1 2
                                            -5.3100 100  6.33E-14  3.44E-03 2.18E-16    7 3 -5.3100 100  1.49E-13  3.44E-03 5.13E- 16  7 4 -5.3100 100  9.73E-14  2.75E-02 2.68E-15    7 5 -5.3100 100  8.32E-14  3.44E-03 2.86E-16    7 6 -5.3100 100  1.53E-13  3.44E-03 5.26E-16    7 7 -5.3100 100  6.20E-14  3.44E-03 2.13E-16    7 8 -5 .3100 100  1.14E-13  3.44E-03 3.92E-16    7 9 -5.3100 Weighted 5.21E-02 Mean SA Page2
PGA Backbone                        SA*VSK +              Weighted I VS-Kappa                Backbone SA *Vs                    SA Uncertainty                    Backbone.                  SA Correction              kappa Correction                (Branch)
Correction                    J:!_ncertainty            ~ranch)_
                      -    -1.8054
                                      -      -1.3424    2.61 E-01  8.99E-04    1 0.340      0.4630 0.340      0.0471        -1.8054          -1.7583    1.72E-01  5.93E-04    2 0.340      -0.1740        -1 .8054        -1 .9794  1.38E-01  4.75E-04    3 0.340      0.6840        -1.8054          -1.1214    3.26E-01  1.12E-03    4 0.340      0.2550        -1.8054          -1.5504    2.12E-01  5.83E-03    5 0.340      0.0984        -1.8054          -1.7070    1.81 E-01  6.24E-04    6 0.340      0.7050        -1.8054          -1 .1004  3.33E-01  1.14E-03    7 0.340      -0.1950        -1.8054          -2.0004    1.35E-01  4.65E-04    8 0.340      0.4120        -1.8054          -1.3934    2.48E-01  8.54E-04    9 0.428      0.4630        -2.2727          -1 .8097  1.64E-01  1.39E-03    10 0.428      0.0471        -2.2727          -2.2256    1.08E-01  9.18E-04    11 0.428      -0.1740        -2.2727          -2.4467    8.66E-02  7.36E-04    12 0.428      0.6840        -2.2727          -1.5887    2.04E-01  1.74E-03    13 0.428      0.2550        -2.2727          -2.0177    1.33E-01  9.04E-03    14 0.428      0.0984        -2.2727          -2.1743    1.14E-01  9.66E-04    15 0.428      0.7050        -2.2727          -1.5677    2.09E-01  1.77E-03    16 0.428      -0.1950        -2.2727          -2.4677    8.48E-02  7.21E-04  I 17 0.428      0.4120        -2.2727          -1.8607    1.56E-01  1.32E-03    18 0.560      0.4630        -2.9736          -2.5106    8.12E-02  1.01 E-03  19 0.560      0.0471        -2.9736          -2.9265    5.36E-02  6.64E-04    20 0.560      -0.1740        -2.9736          -3.1476    4.30E-02  5.33E-04  I 21 0.560      0.6840        -2.9736          -2.2896    1.01 E-01  1.26E-03    22 0.560      0.2550        -2.9736          -2.7186    6.60E-02  6.53E-03    23 0.560      0.0984        -2.9736          -2.8752    5.64E-02  6.99E-04    24 0.560      0.7050        -2.9736          -2.2686    1.03E-01  1.28E-03    25 0.560      -0.1950        -2.9736          -3.1686    4.21 E-02  5.22E-04    26 0.560      0.4120        -2.9736          -2.5616    7.72E-02  9.57E-04    27
                            -3.6267                                            28 0.683
      -    -0.4630
                  -                    - - --4.23E-02
                                                          ---      5.88E-04
                                                                  -3.88E-04 0.683      0.0471        -3.6267          -3.5796    2.79E-02            I 29 0.683      -0.1740        -3.6267          -3.8007    2.24E-02  3.11 E-04 I 30 0.683      0.6840        -3.6267          -2.9427    5.27E-02  7.33E-04  I 31 0.683      0.2550        -3.6267          -3.3717    3.43E-02  3.81 E-03  32 0.683      0.0984
                      -    -3.6267
                                      - -3.5283        2.94E-02  4.08E-04  ] 33 0.683      0.7050        -3.6267          -2.9217    5.38E-02  7.48E-04    34 0.683      -0.1950        -3.6267          -3.8217    2.19E-02  3.04E-04    35 0.683      0.4120        -3.6267          -3.2147    4.02E-02  5.58E  36 1.320      0.4630
                      -      ----*-f-
                            -7.0092          -6.5462    1.44E-03  1.78E-05    37 1.320      0.0471        -7.0092          -6.9621    9.47E-04  1.17E-05    38 1.320      -0.1740        -7.0092          -7.1832    7.59E-04  9.41 E-06  39 1.320      0.6840        -7.0092          -6.3252    1.79E-03  2.22E-05    40 1.320      0.2550        -7.0092          -6.7542    1.17E-03  1.15E-04    41 1.320      0.0984        -7.0092          -6.9108    9.97E-04  1.24E-05    42 1.320      0.7050        -7.0092          -6.3042    1.83E-03  2.27E-05    43 1.320      -0.1950        -7.0092          -7.2042    7.43E-04  9.22E-06  1 44 1.320      0.4120        -7.0092          -6.5972    1.36E-03  1.69E-05    45 2.740      0.4630        -14.5494        -14.0864    7.63E-07  6.48E-09    46 2.740      0.0471        -14.5494        -14.5023    5.03E-07  4.28E-09    47 2.740      -0.1740        -14.5494        -14.7234    4.03E-07  3.43E-09    48 Page 3
PGA 2.740    0.6840    -14.5494  -l 3.86~m51 E-07            8.09E-09  49 2.740    0.2550    -14.5494  -14.2944      6.19E-07      4.21E-08  50 2.740    0.0984    -14.5494  -14.4510      5.30E-07      4.50E-09  51 2.740    0.7050    -14.5494 I -13.8444 _9.72E-07          8.26E-09  52 2.740  -0. 1950    -14.5494 I -14.7444      3 .95E-07    3.36E-09  53 2.740    0.4 120
                    -  -14.5494  -14.1374      7.25E-07                54 6.16E-09 5.690 5.690
. _5.690 0.4630 0.0471
            -0. 1740 t-
                                            -  1.20E-13
                                  -30.1668 .... 7.92E-14
                                  -30.3879      6.35E-14 4.13E-16 2.72E-16 2.18E-16 55 56 57
,__ 5.690  0.6 840  t-
                        -30.2139  -29.5299      1.50E-13      5.15E-16  58 5.690  0.2550      -30.2139  -29.9589      9.75E-14  f.-
2.68E-15  59 5.690  0.0984      -30.2139  -30.1 155    8.34E-14      2.87E-16  60 5.690    0.7050    -30.2139  -29.5089      1.53E-13  ~
5.26E-16  61 5.690  -0. 1950    -30.2139  -30.4089      6.22E-14      2.14E-16  62 5.690    0.4 120    -30.2139  -29.8019      1.14E-13      3.92EOJ1j  63 Weighted        5 .21 E-02 Mean SA Page4
PGA 5.0000 0 .0000 61  -  Log(SA) Backbone
-10.0000 +-- - - - - -- -- t- - - -              -  VS-Kappa Correction Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction
-20.0000    -- - -- - - - - - --1-- -
                                                  -  SA *vsK +. Backbone
-25.0000    + - - - - - - - - -- - -*- -              Uncertainty
-30.0000    + - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii.,,.,._
-35.0000 .....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
l.OOE+OO l.OOE-02 l.OOE-04 1.00E-06
                                                    -  SA (Branch) 1.00E--08
                                                    -  Weighted SA (Branch) l.OOE-10 l.OOE-12 l.OOE-14 Page5
PGA Page 6
PGA Page 7
0.1 Hz Weighted                Backbone VS-kappa                  Log(SA}      VS-Kappa Frequency    SA      Weight      SA                  Uncertainty branch                Backbone      Correction (Branch}                  Branch 0.1 2.80E-04  3.44E-03  9.63E-07            1            1  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 5. 19E-05  3.44E-03  1.79E-07            1            2  -1.11E+01      8.54E-01
--    0.1 9.15E-05  3.44E-03  3.15E-07
                                              -      1
                                                      ---      -3  -1.11 E+01
                                                                                *-  8.54E-01 0.1 1.59E-04  3.44E-03  5.47E-07            1            4  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 1.20E-04  2.75E-02  3.30E-06            1            5  -1.11E+01      8.54E-01 0.1 1.80E-04  3.44E-03  6.19E-07            1            6  -1. 11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 2.66E-04  3.44E-03  9.15E-07            1            7  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 5.47E-05  3.44E-03  1.88E-07            1            8  -1 .11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 8.06E-05  3.44E-03  2.77E-07            1            9  -1. 11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 2.47E-04  8.50E-03  2.10E-06            2            1  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 4.58E-05  8.50E-03  3.89E-07            2            2  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 8.08E-05  8.50E-03  6.87E-07            2            3  -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 1.40E-04  8.50E-03  1.19E-06            2          4    -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 1.06E-04  6.80E-02  7.21 E-06            2            5  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 1.59E-04  8.50E-03  1.35E-06            2            6  -1 .11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 2.35E-04  8.50E-03  2.00E-06            2            7  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 4.83E-05  8.50E-03  4.1 1 E-07          2            8  -1.11E+0 1    8.65E-01 0.1 7.12E-05  8.50E-03  6.05E-07            2          9    -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 2.20E-04  1.24E-02  2.73E-06            3            1  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 4.08E-05  1.24E-02  5.06E-07            3            2  -1 .11E+01    8.75E-01 0.1 7.21 E-05  1.24E-02  8.94E-07            3            3  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 1.25E-04  1.24E-02  1.55E-06            3          4    -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 9.49E-05  9.90E-02  9.40E-06            3            5  -1 .11 E+01    8.75E-01 0.1 1.42E-04  1.24E-02  1.76E-06            3            6  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01
--    0.1 2.09E~4    1.24E-02  2.59E-o6
                                              -      3
                                                        --      7  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 4.30E-05  1.24E-02  5.33E-07            3          8    -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 6.35E-05  1.24E-02  7.87E-07            3            9  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 2.02E-04  1.39E-02  2.81E-06            4            1  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01
--    0.1 3.74E.:-05 1.39E-02  5.20E-0-7
                                              -      4
                                                        --      2
                                                                  -  -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 6.61 E-05  1.39E-02  9.19E-07
                                                  -- 4          3    -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 1.14E-04  1.39E-02  1.58E-06            4          4    -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 8.70E-05  1.11E-01  9.66E-06            4            5  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01
--    0.1 1.30E-04  1.39E-o2  1.81 E-06
                                              -      4
                                                        --      6  -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01 0.1 1.92E-04  1.39E-02  2.67E-06            4            7  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 3.95E-05  1.39E-02  5.49E-07            4          8    -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01
--    0.1 5.82E-05  1.39E-02  8.09E-07
                                              -      4
                                                      ----      9-  -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01
--                    1.24E-02 0.1 1.76E-04              2.18E-06            5            1  -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 3.27E-05  1.24E-02  4.05E-07            5            2  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 5.76E-05  1.24E-02  7.14E-07            5            3  -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 9.99E-05  1.24E-02  1.24E-06            5          4    -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 7.59E-05  9.90E-02  7.51 E-06            5            5  -1 .11E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 1.13E-04  1.24E-02  1.40E-06            5            6  -1. 11E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 1.67E-04  1.24E-02  2.07E-06            5            7  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 3.44E-05  1.24E-02  4.27E-07            5            8  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 5.08E-05  1.24E-02  6.30E-07            5            9  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 1.66E-04  8.50E-03  1.41 E-06          6            1  -1.11E+01      9.01E-01 0.1 3.08E-05  8.50E-03  2.62E-07            6            2  -1.11 E+01    9.0 1E-01 Page 8
0.1 Hz 0.1 5.43E-05  8.50E-03  4.62E-07        6    3  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 9.41 E-05  8.SOE-03  8.00E-07        6    4  -1. 11E+01  9.01 E-01 0.1 7.15E-05  6.80E-02  4.86E-06        6    5  -1.11 E+01  9.01E-01 0.1 1.07E-04  8.50E-03  9ToE-07          6    6  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 1.58E-04  8.SOE-03  1.34E-06        6    7  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 3.24E-05  8.SOE-03  2.75E-07        6    8  -1.11E+01  9.01 E-01
-- 0.1 4.79E-05  8.SOE-03  4.07E-07
                                        -    6
                                              -- 9
                                                  - -1.11 E+01  9.01E-Of 0.1 1.60E-04  3.44E-03  5.50E-07        7    1  -1 .11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 2.97E-05  3.44E-03  1.02E-07        7    2  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 5.24E-05  3.44E-03  1.80E-07        7    3  -1. 11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 9.07E-05  3.44E-03  3.12E-07        7    4  -1.11 E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 6.89E-05  2.75E-02  1.89E-06        7    5  -1 .11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 1.03E-04  3.44E-03  3.54E-07        7    6  -1. 11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 1.52E-04  3.44E-03  5.23E-07        7    7  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 3.13E-05  3.44E-03  1.08E-07        7    8  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 4.61 E-05  3.44E-03  1.59E-07        7    9  -1.11 E+01  9.04E-01 Weighted 9.67E-05 Mean SA Page 9
0.1 Hz Backbone Backbone                    SA*VSK +
SA *Vs-                                  Weighted Uncertainty                  Backbone SA (Branch) kappa                                SA (Branch)
Correction                  Uncertainty Correction 1.32E+OO      -9.4794        -8.1594    2.86E-04      9.84E-07  1 2.00
    -3.69E-01    -9.4794        -9.8484    5.28E-05      1.82E-07  2
-    1.99E-01    -9.4794
                            - -9.2804    - 9.32E-05
                                                      - 3.21      -
E-07  3 7.49E-01    -9.4794        -8.7304    1.62E-04      5.56E-07  4    0.00 4.74E-01    -9.4794        -9.0054    1.23E-04      3.38E-06  5 8.76E-01    -9.4794        -8.6034    1.83E-04      6.31 E-07  6  -2.00 1.26E+OO      -9.4794        -8.2194    2.69E-04      9.27E-07  7
    -3.16E-01    -9.4794        -9.7954    5.57E-05      1.92E-07  8  -4.00 7.25E-02    -9.4794        -9.4069    8.22E-05      2.83E-07  9 1.32E+OO      -9.6015        -8.2815    2.53E-04      2.15E-06  10  -6.00
    -3.69E-01    -9.6015        -9.9705    4.68E-05      3.97E-07  11 1.99E-01    -9.6015        -9.4025    8.25E-05      7.01 E-07 12
                                                                        -8.00 7.49E-01    -9.6015        -8.8525    1.43E-04      1.22E-06  13 4.74E-01    -9.6015        -9.1275    1.09E-04      7.39E-06  14
                                                                      -10.00 8.76E-01    -9.6015        -8.7255    1.62E-04      1.38E-06  15 1.26E+OO      -9.6015        -8.3415    2.38E-04      2.03E-06  16
    -3.16E-01    -9.6015        -9.9175    4.93E-05      4.19E-07  17 -12.00 7.25E-02    -9.6015        -9.5290    7.27E-05      6.18E-07  18 l.OOE 1.32E+OO      -9.7125        -8.3925    2.27E-04      2.81 E-06 19
    -3.69E-01    -9.7125      -10.0815    4.18E-05      5.19E-07  20 1.99E-01    -9.7125        -9.5135    7.38E-05      9.16E-07  21  1.00E 7.49E-01    -9.7125        -8.9635    1.28E-04      1.59E-06  22 4.74E-0 1    -9.7 125      -9.2385    9.72E-05      9.63E-06  23  1.00E 8.76E-01    -9.7125        -8.8365    1.45E-04      1.80E-06  24 1.26E+oo      -9.7125        -8.4525    2.13E-04      2.65E-06  25  1.00E
    -3.16E-0 1    -9.7125      -10.0285    4.41 E-05    5.47E-07  26 7.25E-02    -9.7125        -9.6400    6.51E-05      8.07E-07  27  1.00E 1.32E+OO      -9.8013        -8.4813    2.07E-04      2.88E-06  28
    -3.69E-01    -9.8013      -10.1703    3.83E-05      5.32E-07  29  l.OOE 1.99E-01    -9.8013        -9.6023    6.76E-05      9.39E-07  30 7.49E-01    -9.8013        -9.0523    1.1 7E-04    1.63E-06  31 l.OOE 4.74E-01    -9.8013        -9.3273    8.90E-05      9.87E-06  32 8~76*E:o 1  -9.8013        -8.9253    1.33E-04      1.85E-06  33 1.26E+OO      -9.8013        -8.5413    1.95E-04      2.71E-06  34  l.OOE
    -3.16E-01    -9.8013                  4.04E-05      5.61 E-07 35 7.25E-02    -9.8013 -
                            - -10.1173
                                          - 5.95E            -
-                          -            -            - 8.28E 36 1.32E+OO      -9.9345        -8.6145    1.81 E-04    2.25E-06  37
    -3.69E-01    -9.9345      -10.3035    3.35E-05      4 .16E-07 38 1.99E-01    -9.9345        -9.7355    5.91 E-05    7.33E-07  39 7.49E-01    -9.9345        -9.1855    1.03E-04      1.27E-06  40 4.74E-01    -9.9345        -9.4605    7.79E-05      7.71E-06  41 8.76E-01    -9.9345        -9.0585    1.16E-04      1.44E-06  42 1.26E+OO      -9.9345        -8.6745    1.71E-04      2.12E-06  43
    -3.16E-01    -9.9345      -10.2505    3.53E-05      4.38E-07  44 7.25E-02    -9.9345        -9.8620    5.21 E-05    6.46E-07  45 1.32E+OO    -10.001 1      -8.6811    1.70E-04      1.44E-06  46
    -3.69E-01    -10.0011      -10.3701    3.14E-05      2.67E-07  47 Page 10
0.1 Hz 1.99E-01    -10.001 _1 _ _-.c...
9 .-"-
1 _ _5_.5_3_E_-0_5-+- 4.70E-07    48 7.49E-01    -10.0011      -9.2521      9.59E-05        8.15E-07    49
4.74E-01    -10.0011      -9.5271      7.29E-05        4.95E-06    50 8.76E-01    -10.0011      -9.1251      1.09E-04 I      9.26E-07    51 1.26E+OO    -10.0011      -8.7411      1.60E-04        1.36E-06    52
  -3.16E-01    -10.0011      -10.3171      3.31E-05        2.81 E-07    53 7.25E-02    -10.0011      -9.9286      4.88E-05        4.14E-07    54 1.32E+OO    -10.0344      -8.7144      1.64E-04        5.65E-07    55
  -3.69E-01    -10.0344 - -10.4034          3.03E-05        1.04E  56 i.-_1_.9:...:..
9E-O1 -10.0344 -    -9.8354      5.35E-05        1.84E-07    57 7.49E-01    -10.0344      -9.2854      9.28E-05        3.19E-07
                                                                          - 58 f--
4.74E-01    -10.0344      -9.5604      7.05E-05        1.94E    59 8.76E-01    -10.0344      -9.1584      1.05E-04        3.62E-07    60 1.26E+OO    -10.0344      -8.7744      1.55E-04        5.32E-07    61
  -3.16E-01    -10.0344      -10.3504      3.20E-05        1.10E-07    62 7.25E-02    -10.0344      -9.9619      4.72E-05        1.62E-07    63 Weighted 9.90E-05 Mean SA Page 11
0.1 Hz 21    41    61  -    Log(SA) Backbone
                      -    VS-Kappa Correction
                      -    Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction
                      -    SA*VSK +Backbone Uncertainty
:+oo 21    41  61
                        -    SA (Branch)
:-04                    -    Weighted SA (Branch)
:-07 Page 12
Sheet3 0.1 2.80E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  1 0.1 5.19E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  2 0.1 9.15E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  3 0.1 1.59E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  4 0.1 1.20E-04  2.75E-02  0.649E+OO  5 0.1 1.80E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  6 0.1 2.66E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  7 0.1 5.47E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  8 0.1 8.06E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 1 9 0.1 2.47E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 1 0.1 4.58E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 2 0.1 8.08E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 3 0.1 1.40E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 4 0.1 1.06E-04  6.80E-02  0.649E+OO 2 5 0.1 1.59E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 6 0.1 2.35E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 2 7 0.1 4.83E-05  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 2 8 0.1 7.12E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 9 0.1 2.20E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 1 0.1 4.08E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 2 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 3 0.1 1.25E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 4 0.1 9.49E-05  9.90E-02  0.649E+OO 3 5 0.1 1.42E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 6 0.1 2.09E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 7 0.1 4.30E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 8 0.1 6.35E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 9 0.1 2.02E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 1 0.1 3.74E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 2 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 3 0.1 1.14E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 4 0.1 8.70E-05  1.11 E-01 0.649E+OO 4 5 0.1 1.30E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 6 0.1 1.92E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 7 0.1 3.95E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 8 0.1 5.82E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 9 0.1 1.76E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 1 0.1 3.27E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 2 0.1 5.76E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 3 0.1 9.99E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 4 0.1 7.59E-05  9.90E-02  0.649E+OO 5 5 0.1 1.13E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 6 0.1 1.67E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 7 0.1 3.44E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 8 0.1 5.08E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 9 0.1 1.66E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 1 0.1 3.08E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 2 0.1 5.43E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 3 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 4 0.1 7.1SE-05  6.80E-02  0.649E+OO 6 5 0.1 1.07E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 6 Page 13
Sheet3 0.1 1.58E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 7 0.1 3.24E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 8 0.1 4.79E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 9 0.1 1.60E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 1 0.1 2.97E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 2 0.1 5.24E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 3 0.1 9.07E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 4 0.1 6.89E-05  2. 75E-02 0.649E+OO 7 5 0.1 1.03E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 6 0.1 1.52E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 7 0.1 3.13E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 8 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 9 Page 14
Sheet3 1 2-0.111E+02  0.854E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.854E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.854E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.865E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.875E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.875E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.875E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.875E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.883E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.1 11E+02  0.883E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.883E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.895E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.895E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.895E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.1 11 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.901E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.901E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.901E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.901E+OO 0.876E+OO Page 15
Sheet3 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  -0.369E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO  0.199E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO  0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.725E-01 Page 16
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:8 May 2015 15: 16:30 +0000 To:Weaver , Thomas
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Sure.
From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015.11:11 AM To:. Heeszel,. David
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Does Monday at 1 PM work for you?
From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:05 AM To: Weaver, Thomas
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi Thomas, Sure. My schedule is pretty open, but I plan to be out on Friday. Perhaps before or after one of the WUS site meetings?
--David From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:01 AM To: Heeszel, David
Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi David, If. possible , I would like to work with you on developing some conditional mean spectra that we can use for Columbia Generating Station site response analyses. Let me know if you have some time next week when you are available to discuss .
: Regards, Thomas
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:! May 2015 14:44:11 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
RE: Columbia GMPEs Hi. Dogan, I need to make a few modifications - specifically to how the sigma model operates, but it should be useable for the purpose you want. Cliff. also wants me. to simplify it to the branch level, which I am working on as well. I'll try and have an updated version on Monday.
--David From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 10:26 AM To: Heeszel, David
Columbia GMPEs Hi. David, I need to make some comparisons of the Columbia GMPE models. against some of the NGA-West 2 models. Is your Columbia GMPE code, you mentioned a while back, ready to be used by others? I need to make simple comparisons such as g vs distance given M. Please let me. know if I can use. your code. for this. purpose.
Dogan Seber, PhD Senior Geophysicist Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
~  301-415-0212
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12:08:07 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa
RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Thanks, that was on my list for this morning.
--David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:54 PM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;
RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Bridge line phone nu ~- 711-9770 Participant passcode~
<<Message: FW: Conference Details {APR 02, 2015--11:00 AM ET--Conf# 3279869) >>
-----Original Appointment-----
From:. Heeszel,. David .
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:40 AM To: Heeszel, David; Walsh, Lisa; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;
FW: Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-15p
-----Original Appointment-----
From:. Heeszel,. David .
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:11 AM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong
Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-1 Sp We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation.
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:2 Apr 2015 14:55:33 +0000 To:Devlin-Gill , Stephanie;Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon ;Hill, Brittain Cc:Miriam R.Juckett(;John Stamatakos
Palo Verde Catalog Attachments:PVNGS_independent_evenL_catalog.xlsx Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. The other columns should be relatively self explanatory.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC,. NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail.Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Year Month Day Hour Min. Sec. lat. long. Depth 1852 11    29  20  0    0    32.5  -115    9.9 1856 9    21  7    30  0    33.1  -116.7  9.9 1870 3    11  10  20  0    34.55  -112.47  0 1870 8    12  0    0    0    34.55  -112.47  0 1871 2    7  15  8    2    34.1  -112.44  0 1872 5    3  1    0    0    33    -115    9.9 1875 1    21  19  45  0    33.65  -114.S  0 1875 11    2  9    0    0    32.38  -114.6  0 1875 11    15  22  30  0    32.5  -115.5  9.9 1880 12    19  23  35  0    34    -117    9.9 1885 9    13  12  34  0    33.3  -116.9  9.9 1887 5    30  14  0    0    31.71  -110.07  0 1887 11    11  0    0    0    32    -110.58  0 1888 7    25  0    0    0    31.71  -110.07  0 1888 11    25  0    0    0    32.22  -110.97  0 1889 2    7  5    20  0    34.1  -116.7  9.9 1890 2    9  12  6    0    33.4  -116.3  9.9 1891 4    26  20  0    0    35.18  -114.52  0 1891 7    30  14  10  0    32    -115    9.9 1892 2    2  0    30  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1892 2    24  7    20  0    32.55  -115.63  9.9 1893 6    5  6    40  0    31.71  -110.07  0 1894 10    23  23  3    0    32.8  -116.8  9.9 1899 9    20  0    0    0    35.19  -114.06  0 1899 10    6  23  30  0    31.71  -110.07  0 1899 12    25  12  25  0    33.8  -117    9.9 1903 1    24  5    0    0    31.5  -115    9.9 1906 1    25  13  32  30  35.540 -111.870 0 1906 4    19  0    30  0    32.9  -115.S  9.9 1910 4    11  7    57  0    33.5  -116.5  9.9 1910 9    24  4    5    0    35.690 -111.670 0 1912 8    18  21  12  0    35.320 -111.710 0 1913 12    6  0    15  0    35.25  -112.17  0 1915 6    23  3    59  0    32.8  -115.S  9.9 1915 6    27  8    30  0    33.4  -111.8  0 1915 11    21  0    13  0    32    -115    9.9 1916 3    30  5    20  0    31.34  -110.94  0 1916 9    30  2    11  0    33.2  -116.1  9.9 1917 5    28  6    6    0    32.8  -115.3  9.9 1918 4    20  8    45  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1918 4    21  22  32  0    33.8  -117    9.9 1918 5    1  4    32  0    32.6  -115.4  9.9 1919 5    23  11  5    0    35.19  -111.65  0 1919 10    1  19  30  0    32.6  -115    9.9 1920 1    1  2    35  0    33.2  -116.7  9.9 1921 4    6  21  7    0    34.9  -110.16  0 1921 9    8  19  24  0    32.4  -115.S  9.9
1922 6  16 21 1  0      32.7  -114.7  0 1922 6  17 23 42 0      33.38  -110.86  0 1923 9  28 0  0  0      35.19  -111.65  0 1923 9  30 18 27 0      34 .2  -111.5  0 1923 11 7  23 57 0      32.5  -115.5  9.9 1926 4  3  20 8  0      34    -116    9.9 1927 1  1  8  16 0      32.5  -115.5  9.9 1927 2  11 3  40 0      31.54  -110.75  0 1928 10 2  19 1  0      33.6  -116.7  9.9 1929 9  26 20 0  22.7  34.83  -116.52  9.9 1930 1  16 0  24 0      34.2  -116.9  9.9 1930 2  26 2  30 0      33    -115.S  9.9 1930 7  16 19 0  0      34.2  -112.5  0 1931 4  17 12 38 0      34.53  -110.05  0 1931 7  28 8  35 0      34.7  -112    0 1932 3  23 0  20 6.5    35.795 -115.932 6 1932 5  20 20 22 49.84  34.995 -115.841 6 1932 6  27 10 7  21 .22 31.53  -116.091 6 1933 11 27 0  0  0      34.42  -112.91  0 1933 11 28 20 10 55.89  35.697 -116.072 6 1934 1  11 7  15 0      31.91  -109.82  0 1934 3  12 0  0  0      35.1  -110.9  0 1934 4  13 10 55 11.69  35.123 -116.233 6 1934 5  14 13 14 0      31    -114.5  0 1934 11 25 8  18 29.19  31.501 -116.074 6 1934 12 25 12 20 0      36.95  -112.5  0 1934 12 31 18 45 43.92  32.18  -115.175 6 1935 1  1  1  12 43.43  31    -114    6 1935 1  1  8  50 0      36.05  -112.14  0 1935 1  2  7  30 0      32.67  -114.14  0 1935 1  9  0  58 44.08  33.486 -115.167 6 1935 10 24 14 48 7.51  34.106 -116.699 6 1935 11 4  3  55 54.71  33.507 -116.667 6 1935 12 5  21 25 0      36.95  -112.5  0 1935 12 20 7  45 31.86  32.811 -115.296 6 1936 1  12 0  0  0      36.05  -112.14  0 1936 1  30 17 13 53.26  32.842 -114.82  6 1936 2  25 6  30 0      35.19  -114.06  0 1936 9  9  2  48 6.89  34.889 -116.049 6 1936 10 13 20 39 54.87  35.374 -115.772 6 1937 2  27 1  29 17.57  31.78  *116.599 6 1937 3  25 16 49 2.18  33.4  -116.25  6 1937 4  8  12 0  0      35.71  -109.54  0 1937 7  20 22 49 0      35.33  -112.88  0 1937 7  21 23 55 0      33.46  -112.07  0 1937 11 12 1  38 58.31  35.913 -115.274 6 1937 12 4  0  54 47.73  35.5  -113    6 1937 12 17 23 30 0      35.19  -111.65  0 1938 6  6  2  42 41.93  32.273 -115.191 6
1938 7  21 15 34 23.02 34.616 -115.938 6 1938 7  24 3  5  0.41  33.45  -115.065 6 1938 8  18 7  39 44.47 34.818 -116.047 6 1938 9  17 17 20 18    33.2  -108.6  0 1938 9  18 23 30 0    32.72  -109.1  0 1938 9  18 23 45 0    32.27  -109.23  0 1938 9  24 18 0  0    32.62  -109.97  0 1938 9  29 23 32 0    33.05  -109.3  0 1938 12 28 22 7  12    33.05  -109.3  0 1939 3  9  13 30 0    36.1  -112.1  0 1939 3  22 19 16 33.16 34.641 -115.671 6 1939 5  4  20 44 0    35.97  -114.82  9.9 1939 6  4  1  19 12    32.75  -109.1  0 1939 6  4  5  0  0    33.05  -109.3  0 1940 5  5  9  38 27.41 35.456 -115.29  6 1940 5  18 5  3  59.66 34.089 -116.282 6 1940 5  19 4  36 40.5  32.844 -115.381 6 1940 5  19 18 6  0    32.67  -114.14  0 1940 6  4  10 35 8.12  32.966 -116.315 6 1940 6  4  23 33 0.33  33.096 -114.7  6 1940 7  7  18 42 55.8  31.454 -115.133 6 1940 10 16 13 25 0    35.19  -111.65  0 1940 12 7  22 16 27    31.667 -115.083 9.9 1940 12 7  22 17 0    31.069 -114.853 6 1941 3  21 0  0  0    35.9  -114.6  0 1941 5  21 16 25 0    35.9  -114.6  0 1941 9  3  21 25 0    36    -114.7  0 1942 1  8  2  42 0    35.19  -111.65  0 1942 3  3  1  3  25.85 34.001 -115.847 6 1942 3  31 0  29 30.33 35.545 -115.891 6 1942 5  23 15 47 33.78 32.995 -116.25  6 1942 9  9  5  15 0    36    -114.7  0 1942 11 9  20 34 25.57 34.858 -116.092 6 1943 7  1  16 19 16.01 35.807 -115.955 6 1943 8  18 0  30 15.14 35.781 -116    6 1943 8  29 3  45 14.31 34.268 -116.968 6 1943 12 21 9  0  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1943 12 22 15 50 28.6  34.37  -115.819 6 1944 1  31 4  24 58    36.9  -112.5  0 1944 6  12 11 16 35.81 34.002 -116.699 6 1944 9  30 0  54 8.88  36.106 *114.701 6 1944 10 28 4  1  35.77 31.163 -115.739 6 1945 1  7  22 25 32    36.5  -111.8  0 1945 3  20 21 55 7    34.25  -116.167 9.9 1945 3  31 18 50 45    31    -114    0 1945 4  22 9  45 48    31.5  -114    9.9 1945 4  22 22 14 0.12  32    -114.5  6 1945 5  11 23 32 55.69 30.884 -115.897 6 1945 5  12 7  33 0    31.6  -115.6  9.9
1945 8  15 17 56 18.39 33.082 -115.631 6 1946 6  4  12 5  26.66 33.986 -115.704 6 1946 7  18 14 27 57.99 34.502 -115.915 6 1946 9  28 7  19 10.42 33.935 -116.867 12.8 1946 11 26 22 49 0    36.1  -114    0 1947 4  6  8  10 54.29 31.5  -115    6 1947 4  10 15 58 5.11  34.983 -116.531 6 1947 4  10 17 29 27    34.967 -115.55  6 1947 5  14 21 45 31.77 34.75  -114.5  6 1947 6  21 8  9  37    32    -115.5  9.9 1947 7  24 22 10 46.82 33.994 -116.481 6 1947 10 27 4  15 40    35.75  -111.48  0 1948 1  24 2  57 0    36.1  -111.5  0 1948 8  8  23 20 0    36.8  -112.l  0 1948 12 3  18 45 0    35.03  -110.7  0 1948 12 4  23 43 16.41 33.983 -116.331 6 1949 3  3  5  59 34    31    -113    0 1949 5  2  11 25 46.9  34    -115.696 6 1949 5  3  21 10 19.9  34.566 -115.447 6 1949 6  26 1  35 24    32.1  -113.9  0 1949 11 4  20 42 38.77 32.127 -116.75  6 1950 1  17 0  53 0    35.71  -109.54  0 1950 2  2  10 37 24    32    -113    0 1950 2  3  15 51 50.28 30.5  -114.5  6 1950 7  29 14 36 31.93 33.088 -115.664 6 1950 9  5  19 19 56.77 33.726 -116.697 6.4 1951 1  24 7  16 52.62 32.622 -115.119 6 1951 2  15 10 48 0.22  33.482 -116.601 3.4 1951 3  5  23 0  0    36.95  -112.5  0 1951 4  12 6  20 10    32    -113    0 1952 2  8  8  59 5.5  36    -114.7  0 1952 5  24 4  15 12.84 36.156 -114.461 6 1952 5  25 13 6  36    36    -115    6 1952 10 22 19 46 36    32    -113.S  0 1953 5  18 7  3  1.57  36.022 -113.784 6 1953 6  14 4  17 26.7  32.892 -115.504 6 1953 6  14 4  30 1.76  33.567 -115.251 6 1953 10 8  20 19 46    34.66  -111.01  0 1953 10 10 18 49 6    31.8  -116.1  9.9 1954 2  1  4  31 48.85 32195  -114.352 6 1954 2  1  13 5  10.16 31.719 *114.011 6 1954 3  19 9  54 27.83 33.298 -116.081 6 1954 5  31 8  6  24    31.6  -115.2  9.9 1955 1  28 12 10 18.08 33.748 -115.327 6 1955 4  25 10 43 7.42  32.466 -114.989 6 1955 12 17 6  7  27.9  32.955 -115.472 6 1956 1  3  14 24 1    32.383 -116    9.9 1956 1  9  12 56 59.66 35.624 -115.865 6 1956 2  9  14 32 41.91 31.832 -116.231 6
1956 2  15 1  20 35.27  31.149  -115.485 6 1956 3  16 20 29 33.73  34.289  -116.775 2.7 1957 4  25 21 57 36.9  33.119  -115.681 6 1957 7  5  0  58 0      32      -114    9.9 1957 9  22 16 3  47.97  33.884  -114.92  6 1958 3  15 8  34 4      32.5    -113.5  9.9 1958 6  12 22 1  4.46  34.816  -116.025 6 1958 8  18 6  0  52    30.5    -114    0 1958 9  18 6  3  0      31.4    -109.85  0 1958 12 1  3  21 17.62  32.216  -115.754 6 1959 2  11 14 1  0      35.19  -111.65  0 1959 6  14 6  13 37. 14 31.335  -116.093 6 1959 7  21 12 39 0      36.8    -112.37  0 1959 10 13 8  15 0      35.5    -111.5  0 1960 1  23 3  11 43.76  35.4 19 -116.288 6 1960 6  3  21 38 0.06  31.5    -114    6 1961 2  9  17 50 44.41  31.579  -115.478 6 1961 9  12 19 18 49.21  32.742  -115.57  6 1962 2  15 7  12 42.9  36.9    -112.4  26 1962 3  7  19 57 37.5  32.29  -109.77  0 1962 5  9  16 39 6.1    32.06  -110.32  0 1962 5  27 1  45 40.74  32.258  -115.769 6 1962 8  6  13 59 58.72  34.613  -115.753 6 1962 8  10 2  29 55.83  35.007  -115.649 6 1962 8  20 10 43 13.7  31      -114    6 1962 10 29 2  42 53.71  34.349  -116.866 6 1963 1  27 3  0  38.98  31.564  -115.834 6 1963 3  25 9  28 43.94  35.962  -114.861 6 1963 5  10 23 49 50.5  35.04  -113.82  0 1963 5  19 22 55 21.7  35.46  -114.21  0 1963 6  11 15 23 41 .67 31.973  -116.252 6 1963 6  20 14 59 42.6  30.2    -114.1  14 1963 6  29 3  3  50    34.81  -114.54  0 1963 9  11 11 59 41    33.2    -110.7  33 1963 9  23 14 41 52.79  33.704  -116.938 10.7 1963 10 20 13 29 32.64  31.685  -115.387 6 1963 11 2  8  47 43    32.4    -113.7  14 1963 11 18 14 38 28.9  29.9    -113.6  14 1963 11 23 10 53 18.4  30.4    -113.5  14 1964 1  17 17 8  24.4  31      -114    6 1964 2  3  8  43 36    31.5    -114.2  9.9 1964 4  16 4  16 26.7  30.5    -114.4  33 1964 4  16 4  56 47    31.8    -113.7  9.9 1964 4  16 6  45 43.9  32.5    -113.2  33 1964 8  21 19 41 37.5  30.6    -113.8  15 1964 8  22 3  3  20.7  31.5    -114.3  15 1964 9  6  18 51 18.6  34.2    -114    15 1964 9  23 18 9  36.16  36.135  -114.657 6 1964 12 20 21 56 6.2    35.959  -114.655 6
1965 1  9  20 37 11.83  32.037 -114.549 6 1965 2  16 12 24 35.9  30.7  -113.2  33 1965 3  13 8  46 56.8  32.2  -111.4  0 1965 5  3  3  30 48.81  36.483 -114.382 6 1965 5  15 6  25 1.5    35.9  -114.8  5 1965 6  7  14 28 1.3    36.1  -112.2  15 1965 6  17 22 58 20.9  31.7  -113.3  10 1965 7  1  2  43 1.4    30.9  -113.7  33 1965 7  9  1  26 54.6  30.6  -113.5  33 1965 9  13 8  47 6.5    31    -114.4  33 1965 9  23 10 35 58.7  30.4  -113.7  33 1965 9  25 17 43 43.33  34.714 -116.432 6 1965 10 14 17 47 35.3  31    -113    33 1965 10 17 9  45 18.78  33.99  -116.761 13 1965 11 26 13 57 2.6    31.8  -112.7  33 1966 1  11 10 25 12.2  31.1  -114.3  33 1966 1  22 12 16 35.1  36.57  -111.99  0 1966 2  24 8  24 53.47  31.919 -114.619 6 1966 3  29 22 56 17.15  33.728 -115.363 6 1966 3  31 0  56 39.3  29.9  -111.8  33 1966 4  3  19 44 38    30.7  -113.7  33 1966 4  13 9  36 15.3  36.7  -112.9  0 1966 4  28 0  42 57.4  35.6  -113    20 1966 5  2  14 59 13.1  36.4  -112.5  0 1966 5  3  5  28 11.1  31.5  -113.8  33 1966 5  26 20 33 22.69  31.544 -115.72  6 1966 6  14 10 45 17.1  36.4  -113.3  0 1966 6  17 20 12 23.9  36.6  -113.5  0 1966 6  24 22 59 56.2  31.5  -114.1  33 1966 7  23 22 55 59.1 1 35.47  -114.595 6 1966 8  7  17 36 26.7  31.8  -114.S  9.9 1966 8  10 13 24 51.1  30.8  -114.5  33 1966 8  10 17 45 37.97  30.328 -114.561 6 1966 8  16 4  43 21.4  30.1  -113.7  11 1966 9  28 12 so 26.7  30.4  -113.9  33 1966 10 1  19 23 11    30    -114.2  32 1966 10 3  16 3  50.9  35.8  -111.6  34 1966 10 30 22 20 6.8    30.8  -113.S  30 1966 11 5  5  18 14.89  31.573 -115.615 6 1966 11 9  14 11 30.66  36.092 -115.065 6 1966 12 1  9  20 40.9  36.2  *113.9  26 1966 12 8  7  23 5.1    30.6  -114.2  14 1967 3  2  6  29 24.4  34.475 -110.964 14 1967 3  10 13 5  17.9  30.333 -114.486 33 1967 3  28 3  48 59.1  35.45  -111.73  5 1967 4  1  15 39 49.9  30.781 -114.03  33 1967 4  26 7  18 22.5  31.14  -114.547 33 1967 5  1  19 48 7.1    34.457 -112.864 26 1967 5  4  22 34 48.5  30.416 -114.403 33
1967 5  21 14 42 34.06  33.552 -116.632 8.4 1967 5  21 18 0  5.1    34.29  -110.57  11 1967 5  26 7  48 43    36.42  -111.56  11 1967 6  14 23 11 53.3  35.28  -112.24  28 1967 8  7  16 40 32.1  36.4  -112.6  0 1967 9  4  23 27 44.7  36.2  -111.7  0 1967 9  21 0  1  52.74  31.301 -115.826 6 1967 10 13 1  19 3.5    30.4  -113.7  33 1967 11 1  16 55 43.3  30.7  -113.4  33 1967 12 5  11 9  37.4  30.8  -114.1  33 1967 12 5  13 15 31 .8  30.2  -114.2  33 1967 12 5  18 12 13.9  31.1  -113.S  33 1968 4  9  2  28 58.39  33.18  -116.103 10 1968 6  20 19 28 51    31.285 -113.529 33 1968 9  3  13 51 36.8  30.847 -113.57  33 1968 12 1  19 16 32.9  31.108 -113.083 33 1969 1  23 23 1  0.44  33.892 -116.049 6 1969 2  2  19 3  38.3  31.588 -113.451 33 1969 2  10 2  57 35.7  30.818 -112.691 33 1969 2  10 6  58 39.7  29.899 -112.95  33 1969 2  10 20 41 30.5  30.291 -112.669 33 1969 3  9  2  53 19.9  30.866 -114.22  33 1969 3  9  3  21 58.3  31.731 -113.89  33 1969 3  21 3  7  31.9  31.3  -114.7  9.9 1969 3  22 7  25 35.6  31.4  -114.1  9.9 1969 5  27 16 17 39.37  35.337 -116.046 6 1969 6  10 3  41 31.5  31.436 -116.301 6 1969 7  31 22 36 2.32  34.467 -114.974 6 1969 9  10 1  7  24.2  31.031 -113.632 33 1969 9  10 2  42 1.5    30.431 -113.843 33 1969 12 25 12 49 10.1  33.4  -110.6  15 1970 1  19 7  16 21    31.497 -115.974 10 1970 4  25 8  25 50.1  36.019 -114.734 5 1970 4  28 7  0  36.22  32.175 -114.676 6 1970 8  6  20 2  24.3  33.199 -115.033 7.6 1970 8  19 2  55 23.31  32.015 -114.525 6 1970 9  3  23 8  28.95  34.642 -115.817 6 1970 9  25 21 24 21 .77 34.737 -115.93  6 1970 10 4  7  21 18.4  29.965 -113.887 33 1970 10 4  17 39 45.4  30.629 -113.645 33 1970 10 12 20 5  34.5  30.072 *113.384 33 1970 11 24 16 47 56    36.357 -112.273 6 1970 12 3  3  47 24.6  35.874 -111.906 5 1970 12 14 19 14 19.15  34.33  -115.706 6 1970 12 18 9  18 33.4  35.99  -114.771 7 1970 12 28 1  13 8.01  33.813 -115.228 6 1971 5  1  3  11 19.9  36.518 -113.375 5 1971 5  6  22 32 36.4  36.45  -114.467 5 1971 5  23 21 31 51.6  35.02  -113.89  0
1971 9  30 22 46 10.87 32.983  -115.804 6 1971 11 4  2  18 58.7  35.2    -112.2  5 1971 11 30 4  21 57.3  31.233  -115.393 8 1971 12 15 12 58 14.5  36.791  -111.824 5 1972 2  20 6  8  17.9  29.895  -113.532 33 1972 4  20 13 28 16.3  35.31  -111.64  5 1972 8  2  13 6  15.6  31.539  -114.425 33 1972 8  3  22 36 2.94  31.818  -114.586 6 1972 9  4  6  8  19.5  30.908  -113.186 33 1972 9  4  23 55 56    30.353  -113.277 33 1972 10 28 13 22 37.89 31.763  -114.508 6 1973 4  19 16 59 42.7  34.3    -112.62  0 1973 7  23 20 37 46.1  30.751  -113.468 33 1973 7  24 1  46 5.8  31.124  -113.33  33 1973 10 10 17 20 19.2  30.203  -113.287 33 1973 10 16 14 53 52.4  31.6    -115.833 8 1973 11 20 19 1  4.44  33.959  -115.495 8 1973 12 26 6  18 16.6  36.081  -114.639 5 1974 3  14 20 59 57.2  34.24  -112.7  0 1974 3  23 17 36 47    30.346  -113.833 33 1974 5  8  19 27 35.72 31 .768 -114.562 6 1974 6  4  21 58 41.86 34.597  -112.901 6 1974 6  11 4  55 6.51  35.783  -115.645 6 1974 6  30 8  44 29.76 30.619  -114.451 6 1974 9  5  21 41 5.84  31.789  -114.031 6 1974 9  5  22 3  22.46 31.654  -114.629 1.51 1974 10 4  18 59 58.4  34.54  -113.02  17 1974 10 16 23 49 39.3  31.499  -114.468 8 1974 11 16 7  38 59.43 30.588  -113.814 6 1974 11 16 7  39 9.32  31.163  -114.364 8 1974 11 22 16 25 49.6  31.18  -115.241 33 1974 12 24 5  47 20.7  33.9    -111.9  4 1975 1  23 17 2  30.14 32.964  -115.508 13.9 1975 3  26 4  30 54.7  36.1    -115.7  11 1975 4  9  6  54 26.1  34.596  -113.135 6 1975 4  13 19 8  48.06 35.401  -116.438 13 1975 4  28 0  17 49.7  31.998  -114.792 10 1975 4  28 2  37 58.09 31.632  -114.268 6 1975 4  29 17 35 32.72 35.598  -116.297 6 1975 5  5  16 56 49.76 31.505  -114.622 6 1975 6  1  1  38 48.74 34.521  *116.481 9.9 1975 7  17 18 24 46.1  31.883  -115.807 10 1975 8  1  11 42 12.6  33.65  -116.75  5 1975 9  8  22 25 23.4  32.55  -114.33  0 1975 11 5  12 23 15.5  34.538  -115.808 5.2 1975 11 15 7  43 48.3  34.3    -116.33  5 1975 12 3  10 12 22.8  32.83  -108.663 27 1976 2  4  0  4  58    34.66  -112.5  10 1976 2  28 20 53 58.5  35.91  -111.79  5
1976 7  19 20 7  39    30.748  -113.502 33 1976 7  30 23 18 49.64  33.492  -113.245 6 1976 8  9  21 43 2.9    35.54  -111.68  5 1976 10 4  14 48 39    36.026  -114.735 5 1976 10 19 5  39 5.2    30.277  -112.96  33 1976 10 21 14 58 18    30.592  -113.204 33 1976 11 4  10 41 37.87  33.124  -115.61  11 1976 11 10 16 36 9.71  33.871  -113.702 3 1976 12 4  23 18 58.2  33.457  -114.478 6 1976 12 7  12 59 56.3  31.983  -114.783 8 1976 12 15 17 50 20.4  29.947  -113.364 33 1976 12 23 21 5  22.55  34.573  -114.372 0 1977 1  10 21 51 59.29  32.77  -114.711 6 1977 2  26 9  44 0.32  31.238  -113.899 6 1977 2  26 23 25 37.19  31.209  -114.212 6 1977 3  17 19 11 11.93  35.212  -112.925 0 1977 3  24 6  24 14.63  34.689  -115.717 0 1977 4  27 21 48 17.79  34.684  -113.724 3 1977 4  29 18 59 35.67  34.877  -113.067 6 1977 5  25 22 36 32.12  32.253  -112.643 8 1977 6  1  19 12 9.76  35.051  -113.52  0 1977 6  14 19 3  39. 11 34.859  -113.01  0 1977 7  13 22 10 51. 12 34.682  -112.934 0 1977 7  19 18 47 1.84  36.076  -114.463 6 1977 7  20 4  7  55.98  36.61  -114.635 6 1977 8  6  3  16 39.67  30.269  -113.603 6 1977 9  2  12 40 56.15  36.551  -113.779 0 1977 9  2  18 51 41.65  34.793  -113.479 0 1977 9  12 19 2  9.34  34.81 9 -113.138 0 1977 10 4  14 51 32.69  31.183  -114.097 6 1977 10 4  17 7  55.39  31.365  -114.413 6 1977 10 13 22 28 19.81  32.277  -112.522 0 1977 10 30 5  30 13.3  32.88  -115.5  4 1977 11 10 14 30 0      33.01  -113.35  0 1977 12 23 11 0  4.33  35.366  -113.978 0 1978 1  10 17 37 14.47  34.932  -113.186 0 1978 1  23 22 37 10.42  34.919  -113.336 0 1978 1  25 19 5  38.24  34.951  -113.055 0 1978 2  6  22 39 5.48  33.048  -113.946 21.2 1978 2  14 18 49 28.37  32147  -112.553 6 1978 2  14 20 49 23.03  34.304  *112.876 0 1978 2  17 10 13 43.24  35.834  -115.787 6 1978 3  14 23 43 11.52  32.011  -112.756 6 1978 3  29 21 56 49.44  34.602  -113.303 0 1978 4  4  2  14 10.2  30.275  -113.403 33 1978 4  5  18 42 17.23  32.136  -112.624 0 1978 5  5  21 3  15.8  32.211  -115.303 6 1978 7  10 21 40 17.6  30.704  -114.002 15 1978 7  17 14 46 13.14  35.538  -116.271 13.3
1978 9  23 14 28 41.09  36.431 -115.156 6 1978 10 21 3  19 1.96  31.341 -113.874 6 1978 11 17 23 28 12.52  31.972 -112.615 6 1978 11 29 14 37 40.3  30.177 -113.956 15 1978 12 10 13 35 8.48  36.102 -114.407 6 1979 1  6  22 32 13.39  35.439 -114.524 6 1979 1  22 18 7  1.45  34    -113    0 1979 3  15 20 50 33.46  34.805 -113.302 0 1979 3  15 21 7  16.53  34.327 -116.445 2.5 1979 4  7  16 20 17.27  32.202 -112.346 6 1979 4  15 2  59 56.21  31.393 -114.408 6 1979 6  24 22 26 19.93  31.805 -112.523 6 1979 7  3  3  52 48.29  32    -114.589 6 1979 7  3  10 48 6.38  31.472 -114.681 6 1979 8  9  9  3  10.21  32.105 -114.698 6 1979 8  31 7  51 38.21  32.3  -114.605 10 1979 10 7  7  45 3.37  32.096 -114.677 6 1979 10 15 23 16 53.44  32.614 -115.318 12.3 1979 10 21 19 46 58.18  32.019 -114.596 15 1979 11 14 21 9  9.79  31.348 -112.589 6 1979 11 21 16 50 5.08  36.907 -112.852 7 1980 1  8  1  21 24.36  32.237 -114.391 6 1980 2  13 16 58 50.13  31.127 -113.79  10 1980 2  22 13 12 41.3  31    -113    6 1980 2  25 10 47 38.41  33.475 -116.5  19.4 1980 3  18 11 29 47.81  31    -112.714 6 1980 3  18 12 25 35.3  30.169 -113.966 15 1980 3  18 12 50 27.1  30    -113    6 1980 3  28 22 11 50.07  36.379 -114.161 6 1980 4  29 18 25 10.1 1 36.927 -113.491 7 1980 5  15 9  14 12    31.23  -113.769 15 1980 6  1  8  40 27.5  35.391 -111.986 5 1980 6  10 22 40 25.04  32.296 -112.439 6 1980 7  14 11 46 12.6  36.5  -112.33  13 1980 7  27 4  21 32.64  31.048 -113.428 6 1980 8  7  12 38 46.34  35.514 -113.623 6 1980 8  29 8  57 55.2  30.211 -113.212 15 1980 9  1  11 34 55.7  31.176 -113.194 15 1980 9  18 8  55 34    31.299 -113.893 6 1980 10 29 14 53 35.5  29951  -114.072 15 1980 10 30 16 37 48.28  32.295 *112.463 6 1980 11 8  6  4  42.4  31.039 -113.686 15 1980 11 9  7  29 2.6    30.431 -113.789 15 1980 12 11 17 54 6.86  34.719 -113.403 6 1981 1  12 8  59 13.2  35.658 -113.469 5 1981 2  15 21 16 46.64  30.644 -113.937 6 1981 3  13 0  9  6.6    35.948 -114.799 2 1981 3  18 11 45 43.37  30.762 -113.81  6 1981 4  6  18 21 37.38  34.555 -113.1  0
1981 4  9  22 58 49.91  31.648 -112.714 6 1981 5  7  1  38 17.8  32.202 -108.898 5 1981 8  28 6  44 36.29  31.968 -113.587 6 1981 10 29 19 31 1.16  31.688 -113.254 10 1981 11 16 4  32 48.97  36.961 -112.527 0.85 1981 12 20 3  6  21.59  30.937 -113.914 10 1982 1  3  4  2  17.92  33.053 -114.826 6 1982 6  9  2  21 12.44  34.377 -115.732 2.8 1982 6  15 23 49 21 .16 33.555 -116.667 11.6 1982 7  31 6  42 19.31  35.47  -116.298 6 1982 10 21 15 17 15.05  31.407 -114.374 6 1982 10 22 19 2  47.94  33.385 -114.523 6 1982 11 1  23 14 21.8  36.033 -114.375 5 1982 11 4  23 3  37.16  36.133 -115.072 6 1982 11 19 20 57 34.67  36.027 -112.006 5 1982 11 27 23 38 18.41  35.943 -114.317 6 1982 12 7  9  43 49.61  36.023 -114.826 5 1983 1  1  22 29 30.68  32.686 -114.06  6 1983 2  12 4  4  8.42  34    -114    6 1983 2  23 11 10 20.87  35.973 -114.711 5 1983 4  9  0  45 26.03  36.394 -114.758 6 1983 4  17 6  3  30.93  30.39  -114.048 10 1983 5  17 21 55 58.9  35    -114.5  0 1983 6  10 1  22 31.96  36.179 -114.071 6 1983 6  18 11 9  34.05  31.575 -114.74  0.5 1983 7  14 18 59 22.82  34.62  -113.15  0 1983 7  19 18 43 23.02  31.3  -114.559 6 1983 7  23 12 48 7.3    30.856 -113.814 10 1983 8  31 8  10 8.74  36.135 -112.037 5 1983 11 3  18 26 23.56  36.483 -114.56  5 1983 12 3  21 1  10.61  32.322 -113.782 6 1984 2  11 19 30 1      35.93  -115.81  6 1984 3  7  3  32 36.68  34.569 -115.917 6 1984 4  3  14 34 32.52  36.132 -114.804 6 1984 4  22 9  49 56.38  31.787 -114.007 6 1984 4  22 10 41 10.95  35.488 -116.295 6 1984 5  5  21 56 47.3  36.1  -115.69  6 1984 6  20 13 37 18.31  36.049 -114.801 6 1984 6  30 3  30 2 .59  30.074 -114.123 10 1984 7  5  1  12 28.45  31.52  -114.39  6 1984 7  7  18 14 59.06  32.462 *114.008 6 1984 7  18 14 29 31.82  36.216 -111.844 5 1984 9  5  12 37 5.03  31.078 -113.746 10 1984 9  6  20 34 25.49  30.614 -113.966 10 1984 9  22 17 59 55.04  32.435 -113.978 0 1984 12 4  20 53 8.62  36.042 -115.089 6 1985 1  21 4  18 15.98  35.917 -115.753 6 1985 1  29 5  37 54    35.3  -111.4  0 1985 1  30 13 47 16.42  34.75  -112.137 5
1985 3  30 18 34 57.57  32.466 -113.878 6 1985 5  8  23 40 21 .75 31.942 -115.873 18.4 1985 7  6  10 34 44.2  31.108 -114.277 6 1985 7  6  11 11 31 .85 32.288 -114.714 6 1985 7  16 17 57 50.9  34.54  -116.84  9.9 1985 7  23 20 16 44.91  36.01  -114.638 6 1985 8  7  21 28 44.28  35.491 -116.271 6 1985 10 4  8  3  44.97  35.898 -115.173 6 1985 10 11 0  16 26.48  35.657 -116.224 6 1985 11 16 12 6  48.31  36.088 -114.653 5 1986 1  19 19 35 0.1    32.55  -114.1  0 1986 3  24 17 29 57.34  32.446 -113.893 6 1986 4  27 16 14 29.1  30.518 -113.885 10 1986 7  8  9  20 44.35  34.007 -116.607 10.8 1986 8  6  5  31 7.9    36.8  -112.345 0.06 1986 8  22 14 43 58.55  36.245 -114.359 13.05 1987 1  26 12 44 27.72  35.854 -115.031 5 1987 2  7  3  45 14.5  32.373 -115.307 10.3 1987 2  25 13 52 27.2  31.45  -114.72  6 1987 3  15 19 25 38.66  31.355 -113.006 5 1987 4  15 7  16 10.8  34.64  -111.21  10 1987 6  21 9  44 7.2    30.88  -113.88  6 1987 9  9  4  20 10.3  31.48  -114.31  6 1987 9  20 0  0  0      36.17  -113.16  0 1987 9  20 11 24 33.02  34.853 -113.732 5 1987 10 1  20 20 8.1    36.423 -114.656 29.07 1987 11 16 5  52 43.36  30.049 -114.405 10 1987 11 17 23 44 24.91  30.641 -114.559 12 1987 11 24 13 15 56.29  33.014 -115.834 5.5 1988 1  25 13 17 12.31  31.834 -115.865 6 1988 2  12 5  23 56.47  30.105 -113.896 10 1988 2  14 7  39 49    35.59  -111.63  13 1988 2  23 0  48 25.3  35.912 -114.947 5 1988 4  20 9  59 1.01  30.538 -114.139 8 1988 4  28 6  16 7.85  35.585 -116.288 6 1988 5  4  18 53 33.54  35.974 -114.995 0 1988 5  22 19 22 45.77  36.925 -112.995 0.3 1 1988 5  28 10 51 13.97  35.933 -114.896 5 1988 7  4  10 56 54.54  35.918 -114.916 5 1988 7  15 0  38 9.59  36.374 -110.448 5 1988 9  7  1  17 40    36.01  *112.14  12 1988 9  10 20 59 3.86  34.249 -115.705 6 1988 12 16 5  53 4.77  33.986 -116.683 8.7 1988 12 29 18 18 57.4  36.896 -112.952 1.37 1988 12 30 19 55 55.09  35.983 -114.8  5 1989 1  9  5  8  8.46  36.3  -115.1  7 1989 2  1  0  32 40.37  35.775 -115.419 6 1989 2  4  12 26 58.08  36.788 -112.954 0.89 1989 2  5  21 51 12.79  32.494 -114.626 1
1989 2  7  1  48 12.03  32.167  -114.534 6 1989 3  5  0  40 30.84  35.952  -112.257 5 1989 3  12 6  30 19.49  36.976  -112.907 3.96 1989 4  6  16 10 4.09  36.046  -114.661 5 1989 4  18 10 45 47.66  34.669  -110.925 5 1989 6  21 19 42 23.38  30.959  -114.126 11.86 1989 6  22 21 6  1.84  30.395  -114.262 10 1989 7  17 20 10 22.25  34.038  -110.946 5 1989 8  2  20 59 9.39  35.627  -116.265 6 1989 8  24 22 44 10.92  35.62  -115.644 6 1989 9  6  12 36 55    34.87  -110.99  20 1989 9  6  18 26 52    36.03  -112.37  10 1989 9  19 9  46 0.79  36.663  -112.407 5 1989 9  21 9  33 58.95  33.57  -114.458 6 1989 10 29 9  8  30    35.886  -114.862 5 1989 11 12 0  14 39.69  30.871  -114.015 10 1989 11 28 18 37 32    36.1    -112.2  10 1990 1  13 5  47 33.52  30.222  -114.44  10 1990 1  27 6  28 52.07  30.121  -113.73  10 1990 6  14 23 28 48.92  31.566  -114.483 5.74 1990 7  23 6  51 11.47  30.248  -114.458 10 1990 8  14 15 7  2.76  32.07  -113.124 5 1990 10 14 6  17 2.8    30.618  -114.51  8 1990 10 17 11 48 23.5  36.53  -111.13  3 1990 11 11 12 32 16.83  30.768  -114.52  3 1991 2  18 12 51 21.78  30.973  -113.258 10 1991 2  20 0  56 55.72  29.874  -113.592 10 1991 4  26 13 8  20.64  36.627  -112.345 10 1991 4  29 13 4  37.35  32.088  -114.664 6 1991 7  4  7  51 22.5  30. 151 -113.598 10 1991 7  4  11 20 30.56  30.446  -113.857 10 1991 8  22 15 7  13.55  30.777  -114.722 5 1991 8  22 16 41 1      36      -112.13  2 1991 9  10 4  21 4.31  30.46  -114.367 7 1991 11 13 21 37 27.03  34.644  -112.36  5 1991 12 3  17 54 35.81  31.703  -115.91  5 1991 12 25 8  44 14.93  30.551  -114.184 11.77 1991 12 25 20 30 7.88  31.288  -114.039 15.93 1992 1  23 7  55 28.79  35.625  -116.277 6 1992 2  17 5  43 40.54  30.808  -113.314 6 1992 2  24 17 15 20.79  35.953  *112.221 5 1992 3  6  16 19 0.88  36.553  -114.883 6 1992 3  13 11 20 2.87  35.516  -113.584 6 1992 3  14 5  13 31 .64 35.96  -112.355 5 1992 3  15 0  17 47.16  30.82  -114.677 8 1992 4  6  11 25 1.93  31.062  -114.009 6 1992 4  7  0  39 9. 19  35.447  -113.226 5 1992 5  6  1  41 1.27  36.346  -112.043 5 1992 5  20 21 46 5.2    36.02  -112.17  9
1992 5  26 6  0  15.2  31.691 -114.272  6 1992 5  26 6  24 23.95  30.207 -114.294  6 1992 5  27 10 56 54.31  30.837 -114.657  8 1992 6  28 11 57 33.98  34.203
* 116.431 2.8 1992 7  5  18 17 29.97  35.982 -112.219  5 1992 7  13 9  56 13.16  35.345 -114.654  18 1992 8  28 10 14 44.5 1 36.057 -114.938  3 .87 1992 8  30 1  17 45.02  30.144 *114.195  10 1992 9  20 4  44 24.5  30.607 -114.377  8 1992 10 18 4  52 47.01  30.801 -114.661  7.77 1992 12 4  18 15 54.73  36.444 -114.021  5 1992 12 7  9  4  53.49  30.586 -114.216  15.99 1992 12 10 19 15 42.64  31.875 -114.718  8 1992 12 20 3  12 56.79  30.902 -114.208  1.63 1993 1  21 20 42 53.89  36.384 -114.97  6 1993 2  4  6  18 18.06  35.964 -112.225  5 1993 2  4  11 4  25.21  36.08  -115.045  10.23 1993 3  7  8  53 27.95  31.164 -114.242  10 1993 3  19 21 1  46.28  36.398 -114.828  0 1993 4  1  18 34 13.87  36.383 -114.704  13.16 1993 4  15 1  24 58.96  31.376 -114.297  17.28 1993 4  29 8  21 0.81  35.611 -112.112  10 1993 5  2  11 5  1.57  30.485 -114.043  3.03 1993 5  12 7  23 56.11  36.203 -113      5 1993 5  12 7  24 4.1    36.203 -114.013  5 1993 6  13 12 9  33.48  31.482 -114.411  20.03 1993 6  27 13 20 9.5    36.73  -113.03  10 1993 7  8  2  5  20.94  30.25  -114.174  8 1993 7  9  11 25 6.99  31.387 -114.36  15.83 1993 7  12 3  37 47.2  36.75  -113.01  10 1993 7  18 11 37 35.4  34.77  -111.04  10 1993 8  16 14 9  49.68  30.718 -112.858  6 1993 8  16 14 10 7.12  31.352 -114.332  14.86 1993 9  5  13 36 9.59  30.261 -114.729  10 1993 9  8  1  1  44.07  35.951 -115.711  6 1993 10 18 11 54 54.7  36.74  -113      10 1993 11 3  12 14 27.31  35.925 -115.72  6 1993 11 25 2  46 35.31  35.833 -115.781  0 1994 2  3  12 47 17.13  31.793 -114.68  14.38 1994 2  20 15 42 56.71  30.576 *114.053  8 1994 2  25 19 16 10.78  31.458 -114.385  15.57 1994 3  23 2  59 16.17  31.806 -116.128  22.5 1994 3  25 6  41 49.2  36.14  *112.2    10 1994 4  1  17 17 33.86  34.936 *112.707  5 1994 4  24 8  41 33.7  36.71  -113.04  10 1994 5  19 6  0  43.86  30.45
* 114.017 8.39 1994 6  17 13 43 10.12  30.658 -114.542  1.35 1994 7  4  7  2  15.05  31.655 -113.48  10 1994 7  17 23 41 37.41  30.573 -114.349  3.82
1994 7  21 13 51 23.74 30.174  -114.524 20.15 1994 8  8  21 17 8.37  30.511  -114.373 35.09 1994 9  4  16 43 22.35 30.195  -114.556 30.72 1994 9  19 3  53 8.76  31.519  -114.438 36.7 1994 9  29 11 21 24.58 35.464  -111.992 5 1994 10 3  14 0  48.63 32.066  -114.948 10 1994 10 29 22 27 52.19 36.081  -114.119 5 1994 11 25 8  17 26.41 31.497  -114.421 15.89 1994 11 27 11 10 53.46 36.332  -113.597 5 1994 12 13 18 42 59.73 30.593  -113.878 31 .77 1994 12 23 4  9  58.41 30.209  -114.638 10.59 1995 1  1  14 59 43.41 36.047  -114.827 4.42 1995 1  11 4  51 27.06 32.43  -115.23  12 1995 2  6  14 28 21.2  35.07  -111.63  10 1995 3  7  21 56 14.9  36.78  -113.01  10 1995 3  7  22 33 19.36 36.602  -113.418 5 1995 3  21 9  43 21.12 30.404  -114.145 13.83 1995 3  26 14 32 6.41  31 .265 -114.351 35.21 1995 4  16 8  23 45.7  36.05  -112.16  10 1995 5  7  11 3  32.85 33.911  -116.285 10.5 1995 6  12 18 51 58.66 32.085  -114.61  19.66 1995 6  17 19 42 56.93 31.454  -114.337 14.47 1995 6  20 16 21 16.09 36.391  -114.525 0 1995 8  2  18 24 27.32 30.513  -113.818 13.2 1995 8  2  18 26 58.46 30.912  -114.23  8 1995 8  2  18 32 11.7  30.318  -114.214 32.87 1995 9  22 2  42 55.8  36.137  -114.16  2.56 1995 10 26 4  4  37.03 30.593  -113.854 8 1995 11 1  18 54 37.58 31.029  -113.903 11.72 1995 12 6  3  27 31.89 31.515  -114.388 15.57 1995 12 27 22 25 13.26 36.196  -114.48  5 1996 1  2  1  44 48.86 30.767  -114.414 10.47 1996 1  31 22 59 56.24 35.919  -114.679 5 1996 2  8  22 58 26.72 30.883  -114.187 3 1996 2  15 22 41 37.87 36.793  -113.973 0.14 1996 3  13 5  43 53.25 36.917  -112.423 1.13 1996 3  15 9  17 33.71 30.811  -114.197 2 1996 3  31 22 43 13.68 32.034  -113.032 6 1996 4  26 4  4  1.1  36.54  -112.37  10 1996 5  1  23 10 54.32 31.286  -114.406 10 1996 5  1  23 13 3.46  30.98  -114.277 13 1996 6  6  2  30 36.97 30.207  -114.598 9 1996 6  14 19 23 0.48  32.051  -114.709 6 1996 9  12 21 19 13.74 36.833  -113.763 7.31 1996 10 8  4  13 19.26 31.018  -113.097 4 1996 10 22 4  15 12.33 36.17  -115.166 6.52 1996 11 17 2  37 53.82 35.746  -115.75  0 1997 1  22 1  5  54.4  36.76  -113.03  3 1997 2  2  2  26 0.01  30.251  -114.316 10.79
1997 2  5  8  23 5.58  30.435 -114.654 10 1997 2  5  10 21 36.95 30.596 -114.326 10 1997 2  9  16 15 24.9  34.77  -111.06  10 1997 3  31 7  34 48.91 35.534 -111.993 5 1997 4  22 0  44 29.13 30.419 -113.989 13.01 1997 4  29 20 4  49.94 30.118 -114.276 15 1997 5  28 4  26 20.1  36.73  -113.05  10 1997 6  8  14 29 59.7  36.09  -112.28  10 1997 6  19 11 21 49.53 31.246 -115.491 6 1997 7  3  0  24 0.48  36.078 -114.772 0 1997 7  9  19 29 19.6  36.79  -112.98  10 1997 7  10 10 34 42.1  36.44  -112.42  10 1997 7  19 9  59 22.9  34.52  -112.86  10 1997 7  19 11 43 57.7  36.082 -114.622 5.88 1997 7  26 3  14 55.75 33.402 -116.348 11 .6 1997 7  31 7  30 1.2  36.7  -113.01  10 1997 8  26 6  52 20    36.2  -111.88  10 1997 10 15 11 7  49.6  36.74  -112.98  10 1997 12 20 2  5  52.2  36.341 -115.253 8.93 1998 1  5  5  23 48.5  35.54  -112.07  10 1998 1  6  8  36 46.63 34.916 -110.495 5 1998 1  16 8  35 30.6  36.5  -112.4  10 1998 2  3  6  26 31.64 30.868 -114.09  8 1998 2  18 14 29 32.65 31.854 -115.771 6 1998 2  22 10 15 9.4  36.49  -112.38  10 1998 2  24 11 31 48.78 31.235 -115.601 12 1998 4  8  12 2  57.16 30.372 -114.483 9.52 1998 4  13 14 31 11.5  34.26  -110.12  10 1998 4  24 1  27 8.54  31.756 -114.263 10 1998 5  15 12 48 16.1  36.71  -113.01  10 1998 6  8  18 49 2 .98 31.968 -114.546 8 1998 6  15 12 56 13.44 31.329 -114.247 2.03 1998 8  22 23 20 28.78 36.281 -113.984 5 1998 10 18 7  13 10.65 36.033 -111.091 5 1998 10 27 1  8  40.33 34.321 -116.842 6 1998 10 31 22 38 6.26  30.443 -114.491 8 1998 11 6  17 15 3.24  31.552 -114.722 6 1998 11 8  0  24 18.21 36.216 -112.47  5 1998 11 17 0  6  27.41 36.8  -114.08  1.49 1998 12 7  20 32 45.29 36.793 -114.053 0.45 1998 12 14 21 40 37.47 36.293 *115.32  5 1999 1  5  23 24 0.32  36.822 -114.026 1.19 1999 2  10 5  9  46.65 36.551 -113.518 5 1999 2  11 6  37 36.16 35.634 -111.575 5 1999 2  24 21 9  52    35.81  -113.3  0 1999 3  2  19 8  22.28 36.458 -114.515 5 1999 3  17 18 29 43.68 30.338 -113.931 10 1999 3  17 20 4  59.32 30.393 -114.505 3.37 1999 3  29 6  47 38.19 30.503 -113.466 10
1999 3  30 21 41 13.12 36.814 -114.043 1.34 1999 5  5  19 4  40.85 36.794 -114.063 1.35 1999 5  14 7  54 2.98  34.066 -116.369 2.3 1999 6  1  12 40 5.01  35.904 -115.79  6 1999 6  1  15 18 2.46  32.411 -115.226 3.3 1999 6  11 8  57 25.62 31.725 -114.558 29.99 1999 8  2  17 59 58.73 36.02  -114.947 6 1999 8  3  9  37 25.08 31.322 -114.301 6.21 1999 8  24 13 4  7.39  31.986 -114.692 6 1999 9  10 7  6  2.72  31.379 -114.334 6 1999 10 1  18 38 23.82 31.681 -114.043 13 1999 10 8  21 26 41    33.28  -114.68  6.1 1999 10 8  21 34 14    33.03  -114.75  5.7 1999 10 16 9  46 43.96 34.596 -116.269 1.2 1999 10 16 9  47 43.59 33.23  -115.654 6.7 1999 10 16 17 15 9.17  30.751 -110.749 5 1999 11 29 15 14 49.12 30.13  -114.399 5 1999 12 6  14 20 3.26  35.049 -111.469 5 1999 12 7  19 25 21.68 36.852 -113.962 1.31 2000 2  22 3  31 37.8  35.77  -113.16  0 2000 3  28 4  45 20.49 36.512 -113.51  5 2000 4  12 15 57 0    36.24  -112.33  14 2000 5  2  6  45 45    32.111 -115.119 5 2000 5  4  6  48 0    36.09  -111.51  12 2000 5  4  7  42 15.98 36.632 -113.055 5 2000 6  2  17 51 14.27 31.113 -114.338 5 2000 6  12 18 13 22.49 30.464 -113.993 2.53 2000 6  23 20 10 42.73 35.509 -116.264 6 2000 8  8  3  18 2.42  30.75  -114.138 13.83 2000 8  8  3  18 9.32  32.448 -113.474 5 2000 8  25 15 23 16.96 29.932 -113.392 10 2000 10 31 21 56 39.69 36.456 -114.307 0 2000 12 1  0  1  9.1  36.051 -114.98  6 2001 1  16 7  26 35.21 30.391 -113.852 0.3 1 2001 1  17 1  26 32.85 31.812 -114.705 6 2001 1  17 4  13 3.67  32.448 -113.719 6 2001 1  17 9  33 27.88 31.867 -114.316 19.95 2001 2  4  3  29 2.65  36.143 -115.346 0 2001 5  17 10 15 32.31 30.807 -114.027 9.84 2001 7  12 20 9  1.7  31.392 -114.358 15.52 2001 9  9  6  30 30.1  30.224 *114.61  7 2001 10 23 7  19 42.4  31.697 -114.703 5 2001 10 31 7  56 16.36 33.511 -116.502 15.6 2001 11 28 16 24 0.74  30.331 -113.547 10 2001 12 6  12 58 16.03 30.639 -114.436 4 2001 12 8  23 36 10.14 32.059 -115.036 0.6 2002 2  11 23 34 24.91 30.565 -113.889 13 2002 3  3  0  9  0.64  35.422 -116.454 6.8 2002 3  3  15 20 56.14 35.618 -116.251 7
2002 3  27 11 18 5.92  30.216 -114.011 10 2002 4  15 6  53 20.5  36.79  -112.46  15 2002 5  25 0  5  17.71  35.589 -116.31  7 2002 7  7  5  37 38.98  36.486 -113.55  5 2002 8  30 5  16 12.98  31.863 -114.265 5 2002 9  13 11 42 17.29  30.216 -114.573 15 2002 10 29 14 16 54.08  34.803 -116.266 4.6 2002 12 10 21 4  0.5    32.25  -115.788 10.9 2003 1  11 15 40 37.1  31.248 -114.238 5 2003 2  7  10 34 4 .83  31.628 -115.511 7.6 2003 2  22 12 19 10.53  34.31  -116.846 3.6 2003 3  17 6  28 41.3  31.851 -114.654 6 2003 3  25 21 11 34.89  36.766 -112.982 4.68 2003 6  8  19 14 48    31.92  -114.427 8 2003 6  11 0  56 15    31.917 -114.724 5 2003 8  10 0  33 23.52  35.066 -113.37  5 2003 9  8  18 13 24.7  31.324 -114.169 6 2003 9  9  23 7  21 .35 30.155 -114.114 10 2003 9  9  23 41 52.8  30.159 -114.49  10 2003 9  10 11 26 44.55  30.641 -113.544 10 2003 9  17 18 1  36.93  35.939 -114.698 3.65 2003 10 24 18 18 53.92  35.939 -114.727 0 2003 11 1  2  43 29.3  30.661 -114.201 7 2003 11 15 12 54 11.3  32.496 -114.689 6 2003 11 18 19 35 45    32.183 -114.598 13 2003 12 4  16 0  52    31.964 -114.495 16 2003 12 12 2  55 18.1  30.808 -114.471 5 2003 12 21 16 8  57    33.62  -109.78  0 2003 12 21 21 28 22    33.8  -109.07  0 2004 1  13 7  58 53.3  31.058 -114.145 7 2004 1  17 9  47 21.7  30.78  -114.33  11 .3 2004 1  26 7  14 23.8  31.67  -114.456 7 2004 3  5  8  28 0      34.98  -109.99  24 2004 3  12 8  37 26.21  33.227 -109.557 5 2004 3  15 17 19 12.6  30.689 -114.697 4 2004 3  16 4  6  3.6    30.75  -114.225 5 2004 3  30 1  40 23.1  30.201 -114.193 8.1 2004 5  14 10 58 1.67  36.05  -114.123 0 2004 5  14 14 9  36.7  31.528 -114.311 4 2004 6  27 5  0  0      36.21  -111.57  16 2004 8  12 14 44 30    30.546 *114.45  4 2004 8  20 6  33 2.7    30.147 -114.15  7.5 2004 8  26 0  16 14.6  30.646 -113.901 6 2004 10 18 16 47 14.3  30.309 -114.574 6 2005 2  24 8  58 54.1  30.63  -114.256 8 2005 3  2  11 12 57.42  34.715 -110.97  5 2005 3  15 0  21 7.29  36.911 -112.546 22.75 2005 4  20 19 3  25    31.931 -114.745 12 2005 4  25 22 59 39.6  30.059 -114.46  8
2005 4  27 0  32 59.02 30.253  -114.132 10 2005 6  8  4  32 33.1  36.832  -113.564 2.29 2005 6  12 15 41 46.33 33.538  -116.567 14.1 2005 6  16 20 53 25.68 34 .061 -117.007 14.2 2005 7  12 23 32 41.38 36.959  -112.352 9.03 2005 9  2  1  27 19.5  33.143  -115.634 5.6 2005 10 31 13 41 33.62 30.517  -113.109 10 2005 11 8  4  11 59.5  30.715  -114.236 12 2005 11 20 8  45 36.39 36.185  -113.854 5 2005 11 25 12 32 53.6  31.288  -114.272 6 2005 12 16 8  17 1.41  30.177  -114.063 10 2006 1  20 20 1  15.5  30.5    -114.549 5 2006 2  5  11 36 55.89 36.988  -112.861 12.01 2006 2  23 1  22 2.2  30.618  -114.195 5 .3 2006 5  1  21 4  42.6  30.199  -114.332 10 2006 5  24 4  20 26.01 32.307  -115.228 6 2006 6  21 1  45 8 .9  31.536  -114.481 15 2006 7  9  17 43 33    34.743  -112.707 1 2006 7  23 15 24 20.1  31.895  -114.565 15 2006 11 15 7  4  2.3  30.69  -114.338 4 2007 1  4  19 4  43.7  30.97  -114.583 4 2007 1  18 6  21 6.42  30.493  -114.086 10 2007 1  19 17 34 27.58 36.283  -115.431 16 2007 1  24 12 27 25.6  30.546  -114.664 10 2007 5  22 20 55 19.8  31.364  -114.167 12 2007 6  25 14 52 28    33.73  -111.14  7 2007 7  4  18 30 28    36.104  -111.073 8 2007 7  5  1  38 32.4  30.551  -114.6  4 2007 7  5  4  37 29    31.053  -114.351 6 2007 7  26 2  37 24.5  31.532  -114.324 4 2007 8  28 13 52 27.32 30.315  -113.983 10 2007 9  8  7  15 40.59 33.697  -108.811 5 2007 9  15 5  26 24.33 33.401  -108.835 5 2007 9  21 0  58 0.4  31.284  -114.215 8 2007 9  28 0  23 22.28 35.773  -115.805 5.4 2007 10 5  6  28 12.7  31.588  -114.41  12 2007 10 25 20 35 29.5  31.712  -114.505 13 2007 10 29 2  2  16.8  30.505  -114.159 6 2007 10 29 22 21 11.9  31.47  -114.311 9 2007 12 5  0  22 41    36.428  -113.127 13 2007 12 27 0  13 20    36.53  *112.258 23 2008 1  10 11 26 15.97 30.917  -113.892 10 2008 1  12 12 50 20.44 30.445  -113.901 10 2008 1  17 22 0  13    35.02  -113.914 1 2008 1  29 14 46 6.3  31.339  -114.449 9 2008 2  9  7  12 4.5  32.36  -115.277 6 2008 2  19 20 41 28.35 30.01  -114.014 10 2008 3  27 1  7  13.78 36.465  -113.581 5 2008 4  7  21 32 5    34.704  -111.181 2
2008 5  14 1  7  40.88  30.569 -113.744 10 2008 5  14 16 9  52.93  30.25  -114.3  10 2008 5  17 19 8  55.3  31.912 -114.745 9 2008 6  4  23 32 35    36.443 -112.492 13 2008 7  8  17 51 5.16  36.62  -114.563 6 2008 9  3  23 44 17.03  34.615 -112.897 6 2008 10 1  23 49 18    35.925 -112.073 15 2008 10 8  9  31 41.04  30.279 -113.305 10 2008 10 19 19 51 14    35.479 -111.764 11 2008 10 26 19 47 48.35  36.235 -114.554 10.79 2008 11 5  6  17 40.6  31.813 -114.658 8 2008 11 13 7  48 45.42  29.98  -114.21  5 2008 11 19 15 35 39.2  30.564 -114.354 4 2008 11 20 19 23 0.1    32.329 -115.332 6 2008 12 4  2  4  36.9  36.044 -114.832 5.99 2008 12 6  4  18 42.8  34.813 -116.419 7 2008 12 11 3  41 55.68  30.335 -113.797 10 2008 12 30 11 44 12.97  30.107 -113.222 10 2009 2  24 7  10 30.6  30.104 -114.349 14 2009 2  24 7  17 35.7  30.456 -114.099 15 2009 2  27 15 10 1.4    36.352 -115.073 8.4 2009 3  24 11 55 43.9  33.317 -115.728 6 2009 4  28 0  59 53.5  30.571 -114.578 4 2009 5  9  6  7  31 .97 34.213 -112.141 5 2009 5  11 22 35 49.8  31.711 -114.539 5 2009 5  14 4  23 27.2  30.852 -114.083 14.1 2009 9  3  15 54 6.8    31.232 -114.344 10 2009 9  4  11 47 54    36.647 -112.956 5 2009 10 7  16 35 5.5    30.212 -114.39  5 2009 10 8  3  47 45.1  30.542 -114.32  5 2009 10 8  6  1  0.3    30.278 -113.745 6.3 2009 10 9  22 13 54.18  35.963 -114.546 10.93 2009 10 16 10 27 10.7  29.991 -114.081 4 2009 10 31 3  17 31.9  35.358 -111.578 6.38 2009 11 3  23 39 42    36.713 -113.046 16 2009 11 16 6  55 46    36.833 -112.352 21 2009 11 21 20 45 46    36.877 -111.9  8 2009 11 28 5  23 15.7  30.912 -114.478 6 2010 1  27 20 33 31    36.581 -111.471 7 2010 2  19 23 30 17    31.402 -114.39  12 2010 2  20 1  12 48.7  31.673 *114.094 15 2010 2  21 1  12 9.5    31.837 -114.521 10 2010 3  2  0  51 39    36.564 -113.272 12 2010 3  13 20 55 8      30.62  -114.557 3 2010 3  18 18 40 41.97  35.019 -111.609 5 2010 3  21 17 40 6.08  36.61  -113.318 10 2010 3  30 9  14 10.46  31.276 -114.049 10 2010 4  4  22 40 41.7  32.216 -115.3  10 2010 5  3  0  59 24.24  31.539 -114.726 10
2010 5  24 7  27 7.76  33.298 -109.231 5 2010 5  29 15 31 54    36.463 -113.259 6.72 2010 6  15 4  26 58.4  32.7  -115.921 5 2010 6  18 15 7  33.65 31.716 -114.716 10 2010 6  25 10 30 34.12 33.61  -111.196 5 2010 7  3  7  34 46.28 30.731 -114.028 6 2010 7  7  23 53 33.5  33.421 -116.489 14 2010 7  27 12 22 31    35.889 -111.394 18.28 2010 8  9  23 55 47.4  31.01  -114.001 8 2010 8  10 22 47 47.1  30.365 -114.365 4 2010 8  11 17 23 2.1  30.617 -114.11  4 2010 9  8  3  58 8.45  30.435 -113.63  10 2010 9  15 7  50 2 .4  30.069 -113.802 10 2010 9  25 16 49 26.3  31.23  -115.65  5 2010 9  26 22 20 30.64 33.696 -111.147 5 2010 10 13 18 20 47.34 31.54  -114.347 10 2010 10 19 1  27 55    36.855 -113.022 9.8 2010 10 20 23 1  54.8  31.395 -116.026 8 2010 11 6  20 39 5    36.969 -112.874 12.24 2010 11 11 3  23 38    36.463 -113.495 7.39 2010 11 24 14 58 20    36.818 -111.791 5.8 2011 1  16 11 55 48.81 31.474 -114.293 10 2011 1  17 21 2  24.7  31.725 -114.624 10 2011 1  23 12 16 47.19 34.837 -112.087 5 2011 1  26 10 51 36    36.098 -112.074 6.9 2011 3  18 19 54 46.74 34.827 -112.092 15 2011 3  20 21 28 16    36.077 -111.908 7.55 2011 4  7  13 40 57.9  31.233 -115.62  5 2011 5  26 19 46 30.3  30.822 -113.934 10 2011 6  16 0  0  0    35.872 -112.191 8.96 2011 6  21 0  0  0    35.055 -111.554 16.2 2011 7  8  3  44 3.04  36.288 -112.181 2.7 2011 7  18 0  0  0    36.603 -113.769 1.7 2011 7  18 9  6  54.13 36.891 -113.555 6 2011 7  29 0  0  0    34.9  -112.032 3.6 2011 8  31 0  0  0    35.784 -113.226 7 2011 9  17 2  8  39.5  31.385 -114.311 8 2011 10 11 10 12 2.38  34.72  -116.028 7.56 2011 10 13 0  0  0    35.666 -111.414 3.6 2011 10 14 16 15 46.5  31.304 -114.245 10 2011 10 20 3  45 49.2  30.622 *114.038 8 2011 10 25 18 20 24.6  34.871 -112.518 5 2011 11 3  0  0  0    35.842 -113.216 6.88 2011 11 12 23 3  46.33 36.014 -114.818 6 2011 12 13 0  0  0    36.764 -113.017 8 .2 2011 12 14 18 34 47    36.666 -113.794 0.3 2011 12 23 12 32 37.6  30.451 -114.011 10 2012 1  8  19 11 12.21 34.826 -110.942 5 2012 1  19 1  38 55.6  30.887 -114.171 8
2012  2  26 0  0  0    34.898  -110.965 2 2012  3  20 14 18 52.8  31.288  -114.258 4 2012  3  21 1  18 22.5  31.084  -114.392 12 2012  3  26 3  42 43.1  31.517  -114.319 7 2012  4  22 0  0  0    34.894  -110.961 3.65 2012  6  1  5  24 34.1  30.452  -114.066 10 2012  6  25 0  0  0    35.025  -112.546 1.85 2012  7  19 5  8  39.3  31.428  -114.295 8 2012  7  24 21 39 24    30.56  -114.216 7 2012  8  25 9  28 26    31.339  -114.306 5 2012  8  26 20 57 58.2  33.02  -115.55  9 2012  8  26 21 17 26.72 34.175  -115.608 8.9 2012  8  27 5  23 19.1  30.658  -114.063 10 2012  8  28 11 36 52.97 30.026  -114.213 10 2012  9  25 16 3  33.46 36.486  -114.879 13.3 2012  10 8  0  0  0    33.431  -109.28  5 2012  10 11 21 26 49.76 36.431  -114.432 0 2012  10 17 0  0  0    35.748  -113.088 4.9 20 12 10 30 9  20 57.6  31.24  -114.298 15 2012  11 13 0  19 16.49 35.511  -116.246 0 2012  12 11 0  0  0    35.61 9 -113.154 10
M ag Mag Type Source    Catalog  Priority Zone Mag Sigma Mw    E(M) 6.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.5  6.33 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33 5    MMI      AZGS      AZG S    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6    MMI      AEIC      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        2    0.5      4.33  4.33 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    5        6    0.5      4.33  4.33 6.2  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.2  6.03 5.9  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.9  5.73 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 7    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5.67  5.67 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3.67  3.67 5.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.6  5.43 6.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.8  6.63 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        7    0.5      3    3.00 6    Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6    5.83 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 7.3  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      7.3  7.13 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4 .33 4.33 6.1  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.1  5.93 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        7    0.5      3.67  3.67 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6.7  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.7  6.53 6.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        5    0.3      6.6  6.43 6.2  Ms      AEIC      AEIC    2        3    0.3      6.2  6.03 6.2  Mw      Toppozada  Unif ied 1        1    0.3      6.2  6.03 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 6    Ms      AEIC      AEIC    2        3    0.3      6    5.83 6.2  Ms      AEIC      AZGS    2        3    0.3      6.2  6.03 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6    Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6    5.83 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3    3.00 6.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.6  6.43 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5.7  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.7  5.53 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3.67  3.67 6.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.8  6.63 5.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.6  5.43 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3    3.00 5.9  Mw      Toppoza da Unified  1        1    0.3      5.9  5.73 5    Mw      CDMG      Unified  1        1    0.3      5    4.83 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33
5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.8  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8  5.63 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.1  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 1 0.3 5.1  4.93 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5    Mw  COMG      Unified 1 1 0.3 5    4.83 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 4.46 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.46 4.39 3.78 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.78 3.71 4.7  Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7  4.63 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 2.96 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3    3.00 3.58 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.58 3.51 5.5  ML  CDMG      AZGS    5 4 0.2 5.5  5.43 5.07 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 5 0.2 5.07 5.00 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.46 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 6.46 6.39 3.93 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 3.93 3.86 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 2 0.5 5    5.00 3.11 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.84 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.84 4.77 4.79 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.79 4.72 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.25 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.25 5.18 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.79 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.79 3.72 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 2.78 h  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.78 2.71 3.22 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.85 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.02 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 6.02 5.95 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.58 ML  Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.58 3.51 3.63 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.2 3.63 3.56 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.88 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.88 4.8 1
3.32 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.32 3 .25 3.72 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.72 3.65 4.54 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.54 4.47 5.5  M  AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.2 5.5  5.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5  Md  NMBMG  AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 3.83 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 4.69 Mw  Deng    Unified 1 7 0.2 4.69 4.62 4.5  Md  NMBMG  AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.47 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 5.29 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.29 5.22 6.89 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.89 6.82 4.5  ML  CDMG    AZGS    4 2 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5    4.93 3.47 I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 4.84 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.84 4.77 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5  5.43 6.05 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 5 0.2 6.05 5.98 4    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 3    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3    3.00 3    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3    3.00 4.78 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.78 4.71 3.28 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.28 3.21 4.83 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.11 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.11 4.04 3    I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3    2.93 3.62 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.62 3.55 5.26 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.26 5.19 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.08 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.08 5.01 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.22 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.22 5.15 3.34 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.34 3.27 4.7  Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7  4.63 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.86 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 5.3  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.3  5.23 4.39 I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.2 4.39 4.32 5.15 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 5 0.2 5.15 5.08 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2  5.13
5.78 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.78 5.71 4.65 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.5  Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5  5.43 4.83 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.85 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.48 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.48 6.41 3.81 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.81 3.74 3.4  I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.4  3.33 4.8  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.8  4.73 5.28 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.28 5.21 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.96 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.96 5.89 4.5  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5.69 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.69 5.62 3.53 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.53 3.46 4.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 5.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.66 5.59 7    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 4.2  Unk NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.16 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.16 4.09 5.41 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.41 5.34 4.72 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 5.97 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.97 5.90 4.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5  Unk NE I    ANSS    3 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.72 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 7 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.67 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.67 3.60 5.1  Ml  AZGS    AZGS    5 4 0.2 5.1  5.03 3.7  I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 5.46 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.46 5.39 4.76 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 2 0.2 4.76 4.69 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5    4.93 566  Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 6 0.2 5.66 5.59 5.35 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 6 0.2 5.35 5.28 6.37 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.37 6.30 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2  5.13 4.31 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.31 4.24 4.85 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 5.24 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.24 5.17 4.7  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7  4.63 3.03 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.03 2.96 6.76 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.76 6.69
6.52 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 5 0.2 6.55  6.48 4.65 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65  4.58 5.17 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.17  5.10 4.7  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 3.64 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.64  3.57 4.9  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 3 0.2 4.9  4.83 3.26 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.26  3.19 5.25 Unk NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.25  5.18 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33  4.33 5.76 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.76  5.69 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33  4.33 4.82 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 5 0.2 4.82  4.75 5.75 ML  Brumbaugh AZGS    2 3 0.2 5.75  5.68 2008 5    ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 5    4.93 3.38 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.38  3.3 1 4.74 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.74  4.67 4.74 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74  4.67 4.71 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71  4.64 4.5  ML  uuss      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 5.07 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.07  5.00 2.96 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96  2.89 3.01 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.01  2.94 4.9  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.9  4.83 4.94 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.94  4.87 4.86 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86  4.79 4.78 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 7 0.2 4.78  4.7 1 2.7  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.7  2.63 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    4 7 0.2 2.9  2.83 5.6  Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.6  5.53 4.5  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 2.7  ML  AEIC      AZGS    4 2 0.2 2.7  2.63 4.2  Mb  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.2  4.13 5.27 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.27  5.20 4.96 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4 .96 4.89 4.7  Mb  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.7  4.63 5.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.9  5.83 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.5  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 5    4.93 4.2  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.7  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 4.1  Mb  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.1  4.03 4.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 5.73 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 4 0.2 5.73  5.66 3.3  Mb  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 4.41 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.2 4.41  4.34 3.61 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.61  3.54
4    h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.2 4    3.93 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.4  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.03 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 4.03 3.96 3.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.8  3.73 3.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 5.11 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.11 5.04 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.92 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.92 4.85 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 4.4  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 2.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.7  2.63 4.33 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 4.33 4.26 3.11 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 3.3  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 3.5  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.5  3.43 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.74 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 3.3  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 3.5  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.5  3.43 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 3.76 Ml  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.76 3.69 6.3  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 6 0.2 6.3  6.23 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.3  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4    3.93 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.4  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.6  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.6  4.53 4.72 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.28 Ml  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.28 3.21 3.7  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 3.9  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 2.8  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.8  2.73 4.5  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 3.8  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.8  3.73 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93
4.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 3.8  Mb  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.8  3.73 3    Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93 3.2  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.2  3.13 4    Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4    3.93 4.6  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.6  4.53 4.97 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.97 4.90 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 6.58 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.58 6.51 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.71 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 4.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.8  4.73 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.2  5.13 5.5  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.5  5.43 3.22 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.89 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.89 4.82 2.96 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.4  Mb  AEIC    AZG S  2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.9  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.9  4.83 3    Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3    2.93 3.1  h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 3.1  3.03 2.75 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.75 2.68 3.02 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 3.02 2.95 3.23 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.23 3.16 2.87 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.87 2.80 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4    3.93 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 5.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.2  5. 13 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93 2.8  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.8  2.73 3.83 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 3.7  Mb  NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.7  3.63 2.94 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.94 2.87 2.9  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 2.8  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 2.8  2.73 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93
4.99 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2  4.99 4.92 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2  3    2.93 4.7  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 5 0.2  4.7  4.63 3    Unk  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2  3    2.93 5.4  Ms  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.5  5.48 3.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.1  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 6 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.63 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.63 3.61 3.9  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4    h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  4    3.98 4.5  mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.5  4.48 5    Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 4.1  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0. 1 4.1  4.08 4.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 4.86 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.86 4.84 2.9  Mc  Cl      ANSS    3 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.1  Unk  NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.1  mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.1  4.08 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 2.8  h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.21 h    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.53 I    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.53 3.51 3.26 h    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.26 3.24 3.27 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.27 3.25 3.3  ML  Cl      ANSS    3 6 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.9  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.9  Mc  Cl      ANSS    3 4 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.16 I    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.16 4.14 4.1  Ml  Cl      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 4.9  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 5 0.1  4.9  4.88 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.76 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.76 4.74 3.4  Unk  PAS      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.7  d    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  d    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 5.13 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.13 5.1 1 3.34 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.12 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.12 3.10 2.97 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.97 2.95 4.97 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 5.25 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.25 5.23 4.88 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.01 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.01 2.99 4.88 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 3.9  Unk  NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 5    M    AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.1  5    4.98 3    M    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98
4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.02 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.02 3.00 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZG S  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3    Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 4.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 5.07 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.07 5.05 3.78 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.78 3.76 2.9  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 5.79 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.79 5.77 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.05 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0. 1 3.05 3.03 3.16 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.16 3.14 3.11 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.11 3.09 3.02 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.02 3.00 2.73 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.73 2.71 3.06 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 3.2  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.84 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.84 2.82 3.05 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.05 3.03 3.09 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.09 3.07 3.34 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.45 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.45 3.43 3.97 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.97 3.95 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.97 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.97 2.95 4.08 I  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.08 4.06 3.21 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.14 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.14 3.12 4.68 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.68 4.66 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5  3.67 3.67 3    h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 3    h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.8  h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.9  h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.95 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.95 2.93 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.01 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.01 2.99 5.31 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.31 5.29 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.84 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.84 3.82
2.78 Mh  Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.78 2.76 3.03 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.03 3.01 3.26 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.26 3.24 5.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.46 5.44 3.41 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.41 3.39 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.15 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.15 3 .13 3    h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 5.51 Mw  GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.51 5.49 3.21 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 2.8  h  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.21 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.25 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.25 3.23 3.24 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0. 1 3.24 3.22 2.99 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.99 2.97 2.8  I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.1  I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 6.51 Mw  GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.51 6.49 2.85 h  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.49 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.49 3.47 2.7  Mc  uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.08 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.08 3.06 3.98 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.98 3.96 3.45 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.45 3.43 5.32 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.32 5.30 4.39 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.39 4.37 4.8  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 4.22 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.22 4.20 2.9  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.7  Mc  uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.6  Unk NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0. 1 2.8  2.78 2.8  Ml  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.27 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.27 3.25 2.98 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.98 2.96 5    Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.53 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.53 3.51 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.38 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.38 3.36 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.6  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 2.7  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.5  Unk NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.02 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.02 3.00 3.2  Unk NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.14 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.14 3.12 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78
2.9  n  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.2  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0. 1 2.8  2.78 4.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 2.71 Mc  uu      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.71 2.69 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 2.98 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.98 2.96 2.73 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.73 2.71 4.77 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.77 4.75 3.16 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.16 3.14 3.22 c  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.22 3.20 3.05 c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.05 3.03 3.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.79 2.77 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.12 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.12 3.10 3.7  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.85 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.9  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.79 h  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.79 2.77 4.6  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3.09 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.09 3.07 2.85 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 2.85 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.06 c  SCSN_le SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 3.25 I  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.25 3.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.3  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.71 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.71 2.69 3.2  Unk PAS    ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.2  3.18 3    I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0. 1 3    2.98 2.75 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.12 h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.12 3.10 2.7  c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.2  Unk PAS    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.7  Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0. 1 4.4  4.38 2.81 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.81 2.79 3.3  c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 2.75 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.75 2.73 2.92 Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.92 2.90 3.04 Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.04 3.02 2.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98
3.54 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.54 3 .52 5.49 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.49 5.47 4.72 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.72 4.70 3.07 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.07 3.05 5.17 Mw    NEIC      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.17 5.15 3.45 I      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.45 3.43 3.04 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.04 3.02 2.77 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 3.68 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.68 3.66 3.1  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.64 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.64 3.62 5    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 6.02 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.02 6.00 2.85 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.85 2.83 3    Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 2.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.48 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.48 5.46 3    Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3    2.98 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3    2.98 3.3  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 6.5  Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.5  6.48 5.49 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.49 5.47 5.3  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.3  5.28 2.9  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.9  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0. 1 3.9  3.88 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.69 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.69 3.67 3    Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 3.74 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.74 3.72 3.2  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.3  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.1  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3    2.98 5    Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5    4.98 3.61 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.61 3.59 2.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.6  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  Mc    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.01 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.01 2.99 3.42 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.42 3.40
3.27 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.27 3 .25 4    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  4    3.98 3.44 Mc    uu      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.44 3.42 2.7  Unk    NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.5  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 4.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.01 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.01 2.99 2.72 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.72 2.70 3.2  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.7  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.22 c      SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.22 3.20 2.8  Unk    NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.5  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3    Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 4.2  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  5 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.4  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.9  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.2  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3.9  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.8  h      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.5  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 2.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3    2.98 3.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.5  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 5.37 Mw    ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.37 5.35 3.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.36 I      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.36 3.34 3.33 d      SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.33 3.31 3    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.77 d      SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 3.02 d      SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.02 3.00 4.2  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.27 h      SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.27 3.25 3.4  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.9  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.1  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08
3.26 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.26 3.24 2.85 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.9  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 7.28 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0. 1 7.28 7.26 4    Mb    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  4    3.98 2.85 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 2.71 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.71 2.69 4.2  Unk    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.4  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.5  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.9  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3    d      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3    2.98 3.6  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.7  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.91 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.91 2.89 3.11 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.11 3.09 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 5.5  Mb    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  5.61 5.59 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 2.9  b      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.5  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 5    MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.43 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.43 3.41 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 4.2  4.18 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.83 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.83 3.81 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.34 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.9  Mc    NN        ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.1  MO_res RESN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 36  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.6  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 4.97 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 2.7  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.3  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98
2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48 3.6  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.7  3.68 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3.3  3.28 3    Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3    2.98 5.21 Mw    GlobalCMT  Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 3.6  Unk    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.6  3.58 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.6  3.58 3.5  Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.5  3.48 4    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.1  4.08 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 3.67 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.67 3.65 4.57 Mw    NEIC      Unified 1 1 0.1 4.57 4.55 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 3    2.98 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.8  2.78 3.1  Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.1  3.08 4.4  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48 4.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.3  4.28 4.1  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 4.1  4.08 4.71 Mw    Berk_MT_TO Unified 1 1 0.1 4.71 4.69 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3    2.98 4    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.1  4.08 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 5.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 5.2  5.18 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.2  4.18 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3.8  3.78 2.8  ML    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.8  2.78 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.5  3.48 3.4  ML    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.4  3.38 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.8  3.78 2.71 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 2.87 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.1  3.08 3    h      SCSN_re    SCSN    4 3 0.1 3    2.98 2.7  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.7  2.68 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.8  3.78 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.3  3.28 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 2.87 c      SCSN_le    SCSN    2 6 0.1 2.87 2.85 2.72 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.72 2.70 4.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.7  4.68 3.71 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.71 3.69 2.86 Mc    NN        ANSS    3 2 0.1 2.86 2.84 3.6  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.6  3.58 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48
3.6  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4    MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 2.8  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.7  Ml      NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.1  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.2  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.3  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.9  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.75 I      SCSN_le SCSN    4 5 0.1  4.75 4.73 2.7  Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.2  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.85 Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0. 1 2.85 2.83 4.85 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.85 4.83 2.9  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3    Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.77 Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 2.7  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.9  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.5  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.7  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.81 Mw      SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.81 4.79 2.8  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.76 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 5 0.1  4.76 4.74 3.8  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.2  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.5  MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.1  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.8  MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.4  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.3  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3.3  3.28 3.4  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 4.78 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.78 4.76 3.2  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.08 I      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.08 3.06 3.3  Ml      NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.8  Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.97 Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.97 2.95 2.9  ML      NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.18 Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.18 3.16 3.1  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.9  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.87 Ml      AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.87 2.85 3    Ml      NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 4.3  Mb      NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.1  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.4  Mb      NE I    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38
2.83 Mc    uu        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.83 2.81 2.91 Mc    uu        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.91 2.89 4.89 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.89 4.87 3.25 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.25 3.23 4.97 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.75 Mc    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 5.13 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 6 0.1  5.13 5.1 1 3.2  I      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  Mb    Cl        AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  Mb    Cl        AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 7.12 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  7.12 7.10 4.65 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.65 4.63 4.5  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.2  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.7  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.73 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.73 2.71 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Ml    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.73 Mw    SCSN_MT  Unified 1 1 0.1  4.73 4.71 3.2  Ml    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.06 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.06 3.04 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.5  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 2.72 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.72 2.70 3    Ml    PAS      ANSS    2 7 0. 1 3    2.98 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 4.38 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  4.38 4.36 3.21 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 4.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.53 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.53 3.51 3.3  MD_res RESN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 5.02 Mw    SCSN_MT  Unified 1 1 0.1  5.02 5.00 4.2  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 5.74 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.74 5.72 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.23 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.23 3.21 2.71 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.71 2.69
4.7  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.72 I      SCSN_le    SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.72 2.70 3.5  ML    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.73 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.73 4.7 1 4.88 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.97 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 5.19 Mw    GlobalCMT  Unified 1 1 0.1  5.19 5.17 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.96 ML    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.96 2.94 3.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0. 1 3.4  3.38 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3    ML    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.8  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.2  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.7  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.73 ML    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.73 2.71 2.9  Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  5 2 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3    2.98 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.2  Ml    Eagar 2007 AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.6  Ml    Eagar2007  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.4  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3.4  3.38 2.8  Ml    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 2.78 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.78 2.76 2.8  MD_res RESN OM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3 .88 4.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.9  MD_res RESN OM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 5.1  Mb    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.51 ML    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.51 3.49 2.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58
5.1  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 2.7  Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.21 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.21 5.19 4.87 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  4.87 4.85 2.88 Ml    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.88 2.86 5.15 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.15 5.13 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.2  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.8  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.1  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  Ml    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.9  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 4    3.98 5.1  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 5.29 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.29 5.27 3.7  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.2  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 4.8  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 2.85 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.5  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 2.9  ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.3  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.9  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0. 1 2.9  2.88 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.22 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.22 3.20 3.1  ML    ECX      ANSS    3 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.8  MD_res RESN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.5  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3    ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.8  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.9  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.4  ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 5.14 Mw    UC3      UCERF3  1 1 0.1  5.14 5.12 3.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.7  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78
3.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 4.8  Mw    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 2.7  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  Ml    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.5  h      SCSN_re  SCSN  3 7 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.8  I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  ML    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.6  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.9  ML    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.76 Ml    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.76 3.74 2.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  Ml    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.98 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  4.98 4.96 2.95 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  2.95 2.93 5.13 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.13 5.11 3.7  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3    Ml    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3    2.98 4.8  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 4.5  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 2.88 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  2.88 2.86 4.96 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  4.96 4.94 3.9  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.1  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.1  Ml    ECX      ANSS  3 6 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3    2.98 3    ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.4  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.7  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.85 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.85 3.83 4.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 5    4.98 2.9  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.3  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.8  MO    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0. 1 2.8  2.78 4    MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 7.19 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  7.19 7.17 3.1  ML    PAS      ANSS  3 6 0.1  3.1  3.08
3.6  Mw    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.8  Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.8  5.78 2.93 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  2 6 0.1  2.93 2.91 3.1  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.34 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 4 0.1  3.34 3.32 5.54 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.54 5.52 3.1  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.6  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4    3.98 5.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  5.2  5.18 4.9  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 5 0.1  5    4.98 2.8  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.48 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  2 6 0.1  3.48 3.46 3.06 ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 4.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 5 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.2  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3    ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.35 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  4 4 0.1  3.35 3.33 3.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.6  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.7  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.9  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 5    MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 5 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.79 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.7  MO    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.1  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.97 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0. 1 2.97 2.95 2.83 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 3 0.1  2.83 2.8 1 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.44 ML    Cl      ANSS  3 2 0.1  3.44 3.42 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.5  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.79 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.71 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  3 7 0.1  2.71 2.69 3.1  ML    uu      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.4  Mc    SLC      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 4.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 3.2  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 4    MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08
2.95 MD    AZGS      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.95 2.93 2.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  MD    AZGS      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 2.7  MD    AZGS      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 4.2  Mc    UNM      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 5.46 Mw    CMT      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.46 5.44 3.9  Ml    PAS      ANSS  3 2 0.1  3.9  3.88 5.4  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  5.61 5.59 4.2  Mc    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.59 ML    NN        ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.59 3.57 4.1  Ml    AZGS-USGS AZGS  2 3 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.1  ML    REN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.9  ML    AZGS-USGS AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2 .88 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3    2.98 2.94 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  2 2 0.1  2.94 2.92 2.72 MD    AEIC      AZGS  2 3 0. 1 2.72 2.70
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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:20:20 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc:Graizer, Vlad imir;M unson, Cl ifford ;Ake, .Jon;John Stamatkos
RE: Palo Verde public meeting in mid-J une?
I plan to be out the 22-26th, but am available otherwise.
-----Original Message-----
Frorn: Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 11:17 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Graizer. Vladimir; Munson. Clifford; Ake. Jon; John Stamatkos
Palo Verde public meetjng in mid-June?
Cao the Palo Verde team support a APS public meeting in mid-June?
1 have no vacation plans yet so l guess l am open in June. What about the rest of you? Of course Vlad is in CA for the week. Maybe he will check his email.
-----Original Messagc-----
From: Devl in-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, April 20. 2015 I J :10 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Heeszel, David
FW: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie
Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.
Any preferences or li mitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday. April 16,. 2015 10:07 AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega,. Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed
P lanning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates Cliff.
I am out PM today and Friday.
PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRC Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a l icensing call with PG&E Friday at lpm to discuss NRC technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communi cate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs. single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to e mai l a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice.. Please let us know a couple. of focus areas by noon Friday.
PV Meeting Date Coord ination.
The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As. f recall,. I thought we. had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Wo rking Group. Let me know. if I can propose any dates in the. 2nd and 3rd week of June.
T hanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division<> I Tel: (301) 415 -1115
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:24 Mar 2015 18:07:16 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: Pal o Verde Is this in addition to or a replacement for the meeting already scheduled for 3:30?
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:05 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David
Palo Verde When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:00 PM-3:30 PM {UTC-05:00) Eastern nme (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07CO 1- 15p Can we meet at 3PM for a short meeting?
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15:01:01 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Hill, Brittain;Ake, Jon;Li, Yong;John Starnatkos;Miriam R. Juckett (
RE: PY topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site .
-- David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15: 18:24 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: PV topics Here From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:18.AM To: Heeszel, David
RE: PV topics What file?
From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:01 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
RE: PV topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site.
--David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 11 May. 2015 14:56:25 +0000.
To:Devlin-GiU, Stephanie;Jackson, Diane Cc:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford
RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation I will do the same for Ch . 9.
-- David From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:09 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford
RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation.
Ok, I'll cover the SWUS Chp 5 as it applies to PVNGS next Tuesday.
When Vlad returns, we should probably also make sure he's knows to attend the Tuesday PVNGS meeting, since it wil l be of interest to him.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7Dl0 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Jackson, Diane Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 9:41 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford
FW: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation Stephanie and David -
Cliff and I were discussing status of the PV review, and continuing to splice it up into reasonable chunks. Vlad is out this week.
For next Tuesday (not tomorrow),
Stephanie review and prepare slides for SWUS GMC SSHAC Report Ch5. For Ch5 some of the subsections are only applicable to DCPP so Stephanie can skip those (there aren't too many).
David the same for Ch9.
If you have questions on technical direction and level of detail, see the good Dr. Munson. Also, let me know if you think your workload will /will not support and we can look at workload and timelines.
Thanks - Diane
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:31Mar2015 17:33:05 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford
RE: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HfD
-. Appendix. F)
Is there any way we can also request the peer review comments and the Tl teams response from the workshops? I can't find them in the SSHAC report.
-- David From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:32 PM To: Heeszel, David; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos
FW: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID -
Appendix F)
From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:31 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID - Appendix F)
: Nick, There are five electronic attachments listed in the Palo Verde SSHAC Appendix F (page F-57),
which is the. very important Hazard Input Document. We need these electronic files to be able.
to perform our sensitivity studies for the PV hazard. Please have the licensee put these in the electronic reading room as soon as possible.
: Thanks, Cliff These attachments were released in interim response #1 HID Attachments Attachment A: Areal Source Coordinates (electronic attachment)
Attachment B: Fault Source Coordinates (electronic attachment).
Attachment C: UCERF3.3 Rupture Sets (electronic attachment)
Attachment D: ABSMOOTH Output (electronic attachment)
Attachment E: SWUS GMC Regions for Fault Sources (electronic attachment)
I *1tl . ~,"'"u!  ln\, rn.1llv,..,1. fn<
COVER SHEET Revision 0 Page 1of18 CALCULATION TITLE              Adjustment Factors from Reference Rock to Palo Verde Rock Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Hazard PROJECTNAME: _E~v~            a~lu~a~
PROJECT No.: _1;;...;:0c.;;.
6-    - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -
Prepared by:                            Gabriel Toro[    ~
Date:          2/ 27 / 15' Verlrled by:                      Robin McGuire{    (2iL./Ji.A~ IV      Date:      2 *'2(11<
(Name/ Signature of Verlller)
Approved by:                  &#xa3;*s.s ~"'* ''~ I            fZ.,-J/.~          Date:    2./t1/*r (Name/Signature of Project Manager or Vice President)
Optlonal Cllent Approval:                                                            Date:
(Name/ Signature)
LCIFORM.QAP-3*38.02 (04.04.2014)
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION LCI Lt'lti.' illll*ul nl' lnt.-m.11il'll\.1l, In<.
r*c l ' , 1*;. t        I,. I REVISION LOG Revision O Page 2of18 Calculation Revision Status Impacted Document Rev. No.                    Date                                      Description No.
0                2/27/15                Initial Issue Text Revision. History Page No ..                                    Rev. No ..                Page No.            Rev. No.
1-18                                        0 Attachment Revision History Attachment                          Page No.                  Rev. No.        Attachment      Page No.        Rev. No.
No ..                                                                      No.
A                            A1-A2                      0 B                            81-BS                    0 LCIFORM.QAP-3-38.03 (04.04.2014)
SHEET            Page 3of18 VERIFICATION METHOD 1:81 Step-by-Step Method      D Alternate Calculation Item      Parameter                                                      Yes      No      N/ A 1          Purpose Is clearly stated and Calculation satisfies the        x Purpose.
2        Methodology Is appropriate and properly applied.                x 3        Assumptions are reasonable, adequately described, and            x based upon sound geotechnlcal principles and practices.
4          Input received via signed communications from                                      x authorized signatories and correctly Incorporated Into the Calculation.
5        Software Is properly Identified; Is appropriate for this                            x application; and validation Is referenced, or Included, and acceptable.
6        Calculation Is complete, accurate (I.e., equations are          x correct, Input to equations is correct, and math Is correct),
adequate, and leads logically to Results and Conclusions; or Is verified via Altemate Calculation.
7          Results and Conclusions are accurate, acceptable, and          x reasonable compared to the Input and Assumptions.
8          References are valld for Intended use.                          x 9        Appendices are complete, accurate, and support text.            x Comments: (use addltlonal pages as necessary)
Verifier:              Robin McGuire/      f2R-- V1A.x;,"I._
(Nome/ Signature)                              (Date)
LClfORM.QAP-3*38.04 (04.04.2014)
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI l cttJ.;&#xa5;';,,,.1111111:> lott>m>t10n.1I, 1.,.-
PROJECT CALCULATION                                  Rev.O Page 4of18 I            '  *~    ~*  t Table of Contents Section                                                                                                                            Page Purpose .........*....................*.......*................... *.......*...........................*.......................*............ 5 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 Assumptions.....*............*...........................*.................*............*....*........................................* 6 Inputs ...........................................................*.....................................*.........................*.......... 6 Software ..........................................*...................................*...................*..........*.........*.......... 7 Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Results and Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10 References.............................................................................................................................. 17 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX A (PROPRIETARY} ...................................................................................................Al APPENDIX B. Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics ................................................... Bl List of Tables Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination) ....*.*...*.....*........*.....*......*...........*..*.... *.......***..*....*..........*....*........*............... *... 14 List of Figures Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS. A depth of 0.corresponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15} and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles ............ 8 Figure 2. Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor ........................................................... 13
PC No. PV001 - PC-02 LCI l.etn&#xa5;n*t1l10nb lnwmahollJI, 1,,.
            \            -.. ,,_,-
PROJECT CALCULATION                        Rev. O Page S of 18 Adjustment Factors.from Ref erence Rock to Palo Verde Rock
: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to develop adjustment fac tors to convert ground motions from the reference rock associated with the South Western US Ground Motion Project (the SWUS project) GMPEs to the rock conditions at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).
These factors , which are given in Fourier-amplitude space, will be converted later to factors in spectra l-acceleration space, and these in turn will be used to conve1t the amplitudes pred icted by the SWUS GMPEs to Palo Verde rock ..
: 2. METHODOLOGY The following inputs are required to convert SWUS ground motions on Reference Rock (the host) to ground motions on PVNGS bedrock (the target) using Vs-kappa 1 adjustments.
Calculation of the SWUS rock to Palo Verde rock requires the fo llowing inputs:
: 1.      Host Vs and density profile, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
: 2.      Host kappa value, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
: 3.      Target Vs and density profile, developed by LCI (Ref. 2). This is the. profile below PVNGS bedrock, and extending to deep basement.
: 4.      Target PVNGS bedrock kappa value (and its uncertainty), specified by the SWUS project (Ref. I)..
These quantities are used to calculate host and target Vs-kappa filters in the frequency domain.
Each fi lter consists of two parts. The fi rst part accounts for impedance differences and can be calcu lated using the Quarter-wavelength approach (see Refs. 3-5) and affects a ll frequencies. The second filter accounts for the differences in kappa. It bas an exponential form and affects mainly the high frequencies. The net adjustment factor (in Fourier-amplitude space) is the ratio of the target filter divided by the host filter. Multiple values of this factor wil1 be calculated, to account for uncertainty in the inputs. This approach has. been used in a number of studies (e.g., Refs. 8-1 0 and 14).
The result from this calculation consist of multiple values of the adjustment factor (in terms of Fourier amplitude) as a function of frequency (with associated weights), given in tabular form.
1 Vs is the shear-wave velocity; kappa is a quantity that represents the anelastic attenuation in the upper crust. ln the nomenclature of Anderson and Hough (1984) (Ref. 7), the kappa used in this calculation corresponds to kappa-zero, as it captures attenuation effects in the upper crust, rather than whole-path attenuation.
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI I ~ltl*~n*-ullianh lntematlOll<ll, Inc.
                !                    A' r-PROJECT CALCULATION              Rev.O Page 6of 18
: 3. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions are made in this calculation:
Assumption                                              Rationale The input data provided by the SWUS                      These data were developed under a project (Host Vs and density profile, host              SSHAC Level 3 process kappa. target kappa and its uncertainty) are correct.
The site-specific deep profile (thickness, Vs,          These data were developed, documented, and density for each layer beneath soil) is.            and reviewed by LCI. (Ref. 2), using site-correct.                                                specific data (recently acquired and from UFSAR). Good agreement with shallow portion of Warren (1969; Ref. 15) profile.
The basement portion of the deep profile                Model based on regional data and used (from Warren ( 1969)) is correct.                        for earthquake locations (see Lockridge et al. , Ref. 12).
The. guidance provided by the EPRI SPID                  This document has been extensively document (Ref. 11) regarding uncertainty                reviewed and accepted by the NRC.
ranges is correct.
The. Qua11er Wave Length (QWL) approach                  Approach is well documented in the is adequate for the adjustment of GM PEs.                literature and has been used for regional and NPP studies (e.g., Refs. 8-10 and 14)
The. Gardner et al (1974) equation for                  Relation is widely used (see Bracher, density as a function of Vp is correct.                  1995; Ref. 6).
: 4. INPUTS Input                                        Source Host profile (thickness, Vs, and              SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. I and its attached Excel density for each layer) and host              file WUS_VsProfile-10272014.xls) kappa (0.041 s)
Target (PVNGS) kappa and                      SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. 1) associated uncertainty
* median 0.033s
* 0'1 n=0.5
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                    Rev.O Page 7. of.18.
Deep PVNGS profile (thickness,              LCI (Ref. 2; volcanics and upper basement; used the Vs, and density for each layer)            thickness of the volcanics derived from the elevation column because it is more reliable) and Warren(! 969; Ref. 15; lower basement)
Equation for density as a                  Gardner et al (1974; Ref. 12).
function of Vp (used only for lower basement of PVNGS profile).
: 6. CALCULATIONS All calculations are performed in spreadsheet Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A),
as described below.
Sheet Deep_Projlle_Summary tabulates the base-case deep profile (as generated from Refs. 2 and 15), converts it to metric units, generates the Lower Bound (LB), Median, and Upper Bound (UB) profiles, and generates. graphs. Following the. EPRI SPID (Ref. 11 ), cr1nvs is given a value of 0.35 for the upper two layers (applicable to sites with limited geophysical information). cr1nvs is set to 0 for the lower basement, just as Ref. 11 sets the CEUS basement Vs to 9200 ft/s (without uncertainty). Also, following Ref. 11, the. UB. Vs. values are. not allowed to exceed the lower basement Vs. Uncertainty in the thickness of the volcanics is taken from LCI (Ref. 2).
Uncertainty in the thickness of the upper basement is taken as 10 percent. The UB and LB profiles are constructed by pairing 90-th percentile Vs with 10% thickness in order to maximize the variation in travel time (in a manner similar. to what is done in Ref.. 11 ). The three resulting Vs profiles are shown in Figure I.
PC No. PV001- PC-02 LCI l"~?l"-ulltlnb lntcnJiJholl<!I, Inc I                  _1.;-,.
PROJ ECT CALCULATION                    Rev. O Page 8of18 Vs (m/s) 0      1000            2000            3000      4000 0        - ,.. ... . ,    I I    ,1 I -1 I
                                                          . l 500                            I-"'
I l ..
I l:!Q. 1000
                                                ~                    L
                                                                        -I n;                                                I
                        ~    1500                              -
                      ~                                                L. 1 0
                      ..c E                                                    I 0
                      ~                                                    I
                      .[                                                    I of 2000                  T                          1 Q.
QI              -  UBProfile                        I 0
                                      -  Base Case Profile                I
                                                                            ... I I
                                      -  LB Profile 2500 Warren (1969}
SWUS Reference Profile 1 :              I I
3000 Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for PVNGS. A depth of 0 corr esponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils).
Also shown ar e the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiJes.
Sheet Lockridge_et_al lists. the Warren ( 1969; Ref. l 5) profile and contains tables used for plotting it.
Sheet Density_Bsmnt documents the calculation of density for those basement layers for which no density. is provided in Ref. 2, using an equation. from Ref. 12 ..
Sheet HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760 contains information about the host profi le received from SWUS (Ref. 1) and a few calculations to extract information from them.
PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                  Rev.O Page 9of1 8
* Columns A-Y contains information about the host profile received from SWUS (Vs vs.
depth, density vs. depth, and adjustment factors).
* Columns Z-AC contain profile information in the form (thickness, Vs, density) extracted from columns A-Y.
* Columns. N-0 contain amplification factors for this profile (calculated by SWUS (Ref. 1) using the QWL approach). These adjustment factors are relative to the source (characterized by Vs=3500 mis and density 2.7 gr/cc).
Sheet Amplif'_Calcs_Ref_Pro.file contains. the calculation of the impedance. Z (see Refs. 3-5) for the reference SWUS (Ref. 1) profile.
* Columns A-C contain the profile data (from HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
* Columns H-J (step I) calculate travel time and integrated density to the bottom of each layer~ as the. first step in the calculation of the impedance (see. Eqs. 16-1 8 of Ref. 4 for the equations used; equations are reproduced in same columns).
* Columns L-R (step 2) interpolate the travel time and integrated density linearly to a finer depth scale. Interpolation is done using a user-defined function. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet. These interpolated values are then used to calculate the assoc iated frequency l/(4*travel time), time-averaged. Vs. (beta_bar), average density (rho_ bar), and impedance (beta_bar* rho_bar).
* Columns T-U (step 3) interpolate the impedance vs. frequency values to a fine frequency scale (0.1 to 100 Hz, 30 frequencies per decade), which will be the same frequency sampling to be used for all profiles. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet.
* Columns W-X use the impedance to calculate the adjustment factor with respect to the source (Vs=3500 mis, density=2.7 gr/cc). These values are compared to those calculated independently by SWUS (Ref. I) and provided in sheet HostVsProfile_ V.d0_760 (see graphical comparison on same columns), obtaining a very. close agreement .. This comparison serves as an additional check for the calculation of impedance vs. frequency used in this calculation document.
Sheets Amplif_Calcs_ *_PV_Pro,file (where* takes the values of LB, Median, and UB) contain the calculation of the impedance Z for the three PVNGS deep profiles and the calculation of their associated impedance factors.
* Columns A-C contain the profile data (from Deep_Profile_Summary) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI L..-111.;?m-*uhont'l lnwm 1hon.JI, In.;
PROJECT CALCULATION                  Rev.O Page 10of18 t                    *~* r
* Columns H-U contain the various steps in the calculation of impedance Z as a function of frequency. These calculations are similar to the ones performed in Columns H-U in Amplif_Calcs_Ref_Profile..
* Column W calculates the adjustment factor associated with impedance effects (sqrt(Z_ Ref/Z_PVNGS)) vs .. frequency, using the impedance. Z calculated in. this sheet and in Amplif_ Calcs_Ref_Profile.
* Columns Y-AB introduce the effect of kappa differences between the Host (0.04 ls) and the target, considering the LB (10%), median (50%), and UB (90%) values of the latter).
Sheet Summary tabulates all nine profiles from columns Y-AB of Amplif_ Calcs_ *_PV_Profile, calculates their weights, and computes their summary statistics.
: 7. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The calculated adjustment factors account for differences in impedance and kappa between the Host SWUS (Ref. 1) Reference Profile and the Target PVNGS rock profile, and can be used for the calculation of adjustment factors to convert SWUS spectral accelerations to PVNGS rock.
These factors (in Fourier amplitude space) are given in tbe Summary Sheet of Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A). They are also. given in Table 1 below and in stand-alone file Adjustment_Factors.csv (see Appendix A for a description of electronic fi les).
As part of the review of Ref.2, one interpretation was revised, resulting in a change in thickness of the volcanic unit (top of deep profile). from 878 ft to 808 ft. The effect of th is change is.
evaluated in Appendix B. The change in the adjustment factor is small (~2 percent at a few frequencies) and would reduce ground motions (therefore ignoring the change is conservative).
As a result, the adjustment factors based on the original volcanic unit thickness (Table 1 and file Adjustment_Factors.csv) are maintained ..
It is important to note the following when interpreting and using these results.
: 1. Although these adjustment factors become very large at high frequencies (as a result of the kappa adjustments), the SWUS (Ref. 1) rock motions have zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.
: 2. Results are tabulated to l 00 Hz, but the exponential model for kappa effects (which can produce very high adjustment factors at these high frequencies) may not be applicable.
Based on seismological principles, one expects the product of these adjustment factors and the Fourier amplitudes of the SWUS (Ref. 1) motions to produce a spectral-shape falloff beyond approximately 10 Hz that is roughly linear in log-amplitude vs. frequency space (see Ref. 7), possibly becoming steeper at higher frequencies. If there are appreciable differences from this anticipated fa lloff (e.g., shapes that do not reach a peak, bimodal shapes with an extra peak beyond 20 Hz), it is appropriate to truncate or flatten these adjustment factors at some appropriate frequency to remove these unphysical shapes. Because it is difficult to anticipate whether these effects will occur, and at what frequencies, the adjustment factors are provided as calculated, but with the understand ing that they may need some modifications at high frequencies. The task to truncate or flatten
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI 11111< ()ln..,,hllnb lnl\'m 1t10rlJI, Inc
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PROJECT CALCULATION                Rev.O Page 11 of 18 them (if needed) is left to the analyst that converts these adjustment factors to spectral-acceleration factors.
: 3. For frequenc ies below 0.1 Hz, it is appropriate to assume that the adjustment factor is equal to the factor at 0.1 Hz.
The nine calculated adjustment factors are shown in Figure 2 and given in Table 1; the associated summary statistics are given in Figure 2 .
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                                                                                                    ~                100 Frequency (Hz)
          -    LB. Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                          -          LB. Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
          -    LB. Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                          -          Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
          -    Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)                  -          Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
          -    UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                          -          UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)
Figure 2. Adjustment Factors
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                          Rev.O Page 13 of18 10                                                                                          2 j        +t t                t t      t:                l+
                    -    Logarithmic mean AF logarithmic sigma (right Y axis)
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Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI lct11.;f"nsi1llanb ln1l'maho11<1l, l1"K"
              '              ,_,    ,  f PROJECT CALCULATION                    Rev. O Page 14of18 Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination)
SWUS t o PVNGS Adjustment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB        LB              M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile,  Profile,  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile,            M edian      UB      Profile,  M edian      UB          LB    M edian    UB Frequency        LB kappa              kappa    kappa    LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hzi            (0.09)              (0.12)    (0.09)    (0.12)    (0.16)    (0.12)      (0.0 9).  (0.12)    (0.09).
0.1000            1.0136              1.0086    0.9993    0.8916    0.8873    0.8790      0.8598    0.8556    0.8477 0.1080            1.0218              1.0165    1.0063    0.8871    0.8824    0.8736      0.8528    0.8483    0.8398 0.1166            1.0313              1.0255    1.0144    0.8821    0.8771    0.8676      0.8451    0.8403. 0.8312 0.1259            1.0424              1.0360    1.0240    0.8766    0.8712    0.8611      0.8367    0.8316    0.8219 0.1359            1.0574              1.0504    1.0372    0.8721    0.8663    0.8554      0.8291    0.8236    0.8132 0.1468            1.0768              1.0691    1.0546    0.8684    0.8622    0.8505      0.8219    0.8160    0.8050 0.1585            1.0999              1.0914    1.0754    0.8643    0.8576    0.8451      0.8140    0.8077    0.7959 0.1711            1.1279              1.1185    1.1009    0.8597    0.8526    0.8391      0.8054    0.7987    0.7861 0.1848            1.1660              1.1555    1.1358    0.8571    0.8493    0.8349      0.7981    0.7910    0.7775 0.1995            1.1927              1.1811    1.1594    0.8549    0.8466    0.8310      0.7910    0.7833. 0.7689 0.2154            1.1895              1.1770    1.1536    0.8524    0.8435    0.8268      0.7830    0.7748    0.7594 0.2326            1.1852              1.1718    1.1467    0.8496    0.8400    0.8220      0.7742    0.7654    0.7491 0.2512            1.1856              1.1711    1.1441    0.8501    0.8397    0.8203      0.7678    0.7584    0.7409 0.2712            1.1867              1.1710    1.14 19    0.8511    0.8398    0.8189      0.7612    0.7511    0.7324 0.2929            1.1878              1.1709    1.1395    0.8522    0.8400    0.8175      0.7538    0.7431    0.7231 0.3162            1.1890              1.1707    1.1368    0.8533    0.8402    0.8159      0.7456    0.7341    0.7128 0.3415            1.1950              1.1752    1.1385    0.8580    0.8438    0.8174      0.7393    0.7271    0.7043 0.3687            1.2037              1.1821    1.1423    0.8578    0.8425    0.8141      0.7334    0.7203    0.6960 0.3981            1.2136              1.1902    1.1469    0.8537    0.8372    0.8068      0.7268    0.7128    0.6869 0.4299            1.2251              1.1996    1.1526    0.8490    0.8313    0.7987      0.7193    0.7043    0.6768 0.4642            1.2429              1.2149    1.1636    0.8464    0.8274    0.7924      0.7133    0.6973    0.6678 0.5012            1.2688              1.2380    1.1817    0.8466    0.8260    0.7884      0.7092    0.6920    0.6605 0.5412            1.3013              1.2673    1.2051    0.8474    0.8252    0.7847      0.7046    0.6861    0.6525 0.5843            1.3476              1.3096    1.2403    0.8521    0.8281    0.7843      0.7014    0.6816    0.6455 0.6310            1.4077              1.3648    1.2871    0.8586    0.8325    0.7851      0.6987    0.6774    0.6388 0.6813            1.4269              1.3801    1.2954    0.8659    0.8375    0.7861      0.6956    0.6728    0.6315 0.7356            1.4146              1.3645    1.2744    0.8755    0.8445    0.7887      0.6931    0.6686. 0.6244 0.7943            1.4047              1.3511    1.2549    0.8901    0.8561    0.7952      0.6929    0.6665    0.6191 0.8577            1.3940              1.3366    1.2342    0.9073    0.8699    0.8033      0.6928    0.6643    0.6134 0.9261            1.3821              1.3207    1.2118    0.9275    0.8863    0.8132      0.6926    0.6619    0.6073 1.0000            1.3731              1.3074    1.1914    0.9546    0.9089    0.8283      0.6943    0.6611    0.6024 1.0798            1.3666              1.2962    1.1724    0.9900    0.9390    0.8494      0.6980    0.6620    0.5988 1.1659            1.3594              1.2839    1.1520    1.0338    0.9764    0.8762      0.7019    0.6629    0.5948 1.2589            1.3512              1.2703    1.1300    1.0758    1.0114    0.8998      0.7062    0.6639. 0.5906
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                      Rev. O Page 15of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB      LB                M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile, Profile~  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median      UB    Profile,  Median        UB          LB    Median      UB Frequency  LB kappa  kappa    kappa  LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hz)    (0.09)    (0.12)  (0 .09)  (0.12)    (0.16)    (0 .12)    (0 .0 9)  (0.12)  (0.09) 1.3594    1.3483    1.2614  1.1117    1.0777    1.0082    0.8886      0.7142    0.6681    0.5888 1.4678    1.3478    1.2543  1.0943    1.0773    1.0026    0.8747      0.7246    0.6743    0.5883 1.5849    1.3471    1.2464  1.0757    1.0767    0.9963    0.8598      0.7364    0.6813    0.5880 1.7113    1.3460    1.2378  1.0557    1.0759    0.9894    0.8439      0.7496    0.6893    0.5879 1.8478    1.3446    1.2282  1.0344    1.0748    0.9817    0.8268      0.7645    0.6984    0.5882 1.9953    1.3435. 1.2184  1.0121. 1.0739    0.9739    0.8090      0.7821    0.7093    0.5892 2.1544    1.3435    1.2089  0.9895    1.0739    0.9663    0.7909      0.8033    0.7228    0.5916 2.3263    1.3431    1.1984  0.9654    1.0735    0.9579    0.7716      0.8280    0.7387    0.5951 2.5119    1.3424    1.1869  0.9398    1.0730    0.9487    0.7512      0.8522    0.7535    0.5966 2.7123    1.3421    1.1751  0.9132    1 .0728    0.9392    0.7300      0.8575    0.7508    0.5835 2.9286    1.3413    1.1620  0.8851    1.0721    0.9288    0.7075      0.8570    0.7424    0.5655 3.1623    1.3399    1.1476  0.8553    1.0710    0.9173    0.6837      0.8561    0.7332    0.5465 3.4145    1.3419    1.1351  0.8264    1 .0726    0.9073    0.6606      0.8573    0.7252    0.5280 3.6869    1.3434    1.1213  0.7960    1.0738    0.8963    0.6362      0.8583    0.7164    0.5086 3.9811    1.3451    1.1067  0.7644    1.0751    0.8846    0.6110      0.8594    0.7070    0.4884 4.2987    1.3525. 1.0956  0.7347. 1.0811    0.8757    0.5873      0.8641    0.7000    0.4694 4.6416    1.3605    1.0837  0.7040    1.0874    0.8662    0.5627      0.8692    0.6924    0.4498 5.0119    1.3751    1.0756  0.6751    1.0991    0.8598    0.5396      0.8785    0.6872    0.4313 5.4117    1.3923    1.0680  0.6458    1.1129    0.8536    0.5162      0.8895    0.6823    0.4126 5.8434    1.4148    1.0625  0.6173    1.1309    0.8493    0.4934      0.9039    0.6788    0.3944 6.3096    1.4430    1.0592  0.5892    1.1534    0.8466    0.4710      0.9219    0.6767    0.3765 6.8129    1.4746    1.0560  0.5606    1.1787    0.8441    0.4481      0.9421    0.6747    0.3582 7.3564    1.5156. 1.0569  0.5334. 1.2114    0.8448    0.4264      0.9683    0.6752    0.3408 7.9433    1.5606    1.0574  0.5054    1.2474    0.8452    0.4039      0.9971    0.6756    0.3229 8.5770    1.6136    1.0599  0.4776    1.2898    0.8472    0.3817      1.0310    0.6772    0.3051 9.2612    1.6782    1.0659  0.4507    1.3414    0.8520    0.3603      1.0722    0.6810    0.2880 10.0000    1.7503    1.0722  0.4233    1.3990    0.8570    0.3383      1.1183    0.6850    0.2704 10.7978    1.8346    1.0808  0.3962    1.4664    0.8639    0.3167      1.1721    0.6905    0.2531 11.6591    1.9374    1.0941  0.3702    1.5486    0.8746    0.2959      1.2378    0.6990    0.2365 12.5893. 2.0549    1.1088  0.3441. 1.6425. 0.8863    0.2750      1.3129    0.7084    0.2199 13.5936    2.1894    1.1246  0.3179    1.7500    0.8989    0.2541      1.3988    0.7185    0.2031 14.6780    2.3499    1.1446  0.2926    1.8783    0.9149    0.2338      1.5014    0.7313    0.1869 15.8489    2.5422    1.1692  0.2680    2.0321    0.9346    0.2142      1.6243    0.7470    0.1712 17.1133    2.7672    1.1962  0.2438    2.2119    0.9562    0.1949      1.7680    0.7643    0.1558 18.4785    3.0319    1.2258  0.2201    2.4235    0.9798    0.1759      1.9371    0.7832    0.1406
PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                      Rev.O Page 16of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB      LB                M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile, Profi le~  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median      UB      Profile,  Median        UB          LB    Median      UB Frequency  LB kappa    kappa    kappa    LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hz}      (0.09}    (0.12)  (0.09}    (0.12)    (0.16)    (0.12)      (0.0 9)    (0.12)  (0.0 9) 19.9526    3.3536    1.2614  0.1975    2.6806    1.0083    0.1578      2.1427    0.8059    0.1262 21.5443    3.7485    1.3041  0.1761    2.9963    1.0424    0.1407      2.3950    0.8332    0.1125 23.2631    4.2270    1.3518  0.1556    3.3787    1.0805    0.1244      2.7006    0.8637    0.0994 25.1189    4.8118    1.4050  0.1361    3.8461    1.1231    0.1088      3.0743    0.8977    0.0869 27.1227    5.5426    1.4671  0.1179    4.4303    1.1727    0.0943      3.5412    0.9373    0.0754 29.2864    6.4784    1.5422  0.1014    5.1783    1.2327    0.0811      4.1391    0.9853    0.0648 31.6228    7.6667    1.6277  0.0861    6.1281    1.3010    0.0688      4.8983    1.0399  0.0550 34.1455    9.1952    1.7252  0.0722    7.3499    1.3789    0.0577      5.8748    1.1022  0.0461 36.8695  11.1888    1.8369  0.0597    8.9434    1.4682    0.0477      7.1486    1.1736  0.0381 39.8107  13.8284. 1.9655  0.0486    11.0533    1.5710    0.0388      8.8350    1.2557  0.0310 42.9866  17.3805    2.1143  0.0389    13.8925    1.6900    0.0311    11.1045    1.3508    0.0249 46.4159  22.2896    2.2920  0.0307    17.8164    1.8320    0.0245    14.2409    1.4644  0.0196 50.1187  29.2648. 2.5099  0.0238    23.3918    2.0062    0.0190    18.6974    1.6036  0.0152 54.1170  39.2659    2.7684  0.0181    31.3858    2.2128    0.0145    25.0872    1.7687    0.0116 58.4341  53.9344    3.0774  0.0135    43.1106    2.4598    0.0108    34.4589    1.9662    0.0086 63.0957  75.9811    3.4500  0.0098    60.7328    2.7576    0.0078    48.5447    2.2042    0.0063 68.1292  110.005. 3.9029  0.0069    87.9283    3.1197    0.0055    70.2824    2.4936    0.0044 73.5642  164.031    4.4589  0.0048    131.113    3.5641    0.0038    104.800    2.8488    0.0031 79.4328  252.802    5.1544  0.0032    202.069    4.1200    0.0026    161.517    3.2932    0.0020 85.7696  404.226. 6.0417  0.0021    323.104    4.8292    0.0017    258.262    3.8601    0.0013 92.6119  671.328    7.1753  0.0013    536.603    5.7353    0.0010    428.915    4.5843    0.0008 100.000  1160.96    8.6394  0.0008    927.980    6.9056    0.0006    741.749    5.5197    0.0005
PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                Rev. O Page 17 of18
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9.. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Electronic fi les are provided in a DVD. (PROPRIETARY)
APPENDIX B: Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics
PROJECT CALCULATION            PC No. PV001-PC-02 Revision 0 L. tti.-
* J'nsuh.1ntii lnlern.>, Inc    APPENDIX A                  PageA2 of A2 PROPRIETARY Electronic files included in this appendix are provided on a DVD-ROM disc that contains multiple files developed as part of this calculation. This disc is labeled: 'PVOOl-PC-02-RevO' PROPRJETARY A complete list of data directories and associated files are contained in the text file named file_ list_ a_ 02262015. txt, located in a separate folder named 'App_ A_ file_ list'.
PROJECT CALCULATION                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B                      Page 81 of BS APPENDIX B. CALCULATIONS FOR 808 FT THICKNESS OF VOLCANICS The calculations presented here follow the same steps documented in Section 6 above and are performed in file Calc_ Adjustment_Factors_ 808ft.xlsm (contained in Appendix A). The on ly difference between the. two sets of calculations is that the thickness. of the volcanics has. been changed from 878 ft to 808 ft (see sheet Deep_Projile_Summary).
Figures B-1 through B-3 show the Vs profiles considered, individual adjustment factors, and logarithmic-mean adjustment factors. These can be compared to Figures 1-3 ..
An additional sheet in Calc_ Adjustrnent_Factors_ 808ft .xlsm (sheet Compare_878ft) compares the results obtained with the 808-ft thickness to those obtained earlier with the 878- ft thickness.
The differences observed are. small and are much smaller than the. the uncertainty in the adjustment factors (see Figure B-4). The maximum change in the logarithmic-mean adjustment factor is a reduction of two percent, and the change is much smaller at most frequencies. Given the size of this change, and given that ignoring this change is conservative, it is concluded that the change. can be ignored and the values in Table I and in fi le Adjustment_Factors.csv can be used.
PROJECT CALCULATION                      PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI                                                  APPENDIX B                        Page 82 of BS Vs (m/s) 0 0
1000 I
2000            3000        4000 I
I    II              I I
I 1
I 500 I "'
I l ....
Qi                                              I
                    ~    1000                                      l -
                    ~                                                  I
Ri                                                    I
                  ...."'0                                              I t
0 1500                                          ~
                  .ll E                                                    I 0
I I      .- -
2000  ~-
J-      -                  I            -
cu                  UB Profile 0
                                -      Base Case Profile                ; I
                                                                          ... I
                                -      LB Profile 2500                                                I
                                -  -  Warren (1969)                        I I
                                -  -  SWUS Reference Profile I
I 3000 Figure B-1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS, after modifying thickness of volcanics, A depth of 0 corresponds to.
the bottom of the sh allow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles.
PROJECT CALCULATION                                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI                                                  APPENDIX B                                        Page 83 of BS 10                                                                            I                          I I                    ..L                          -1,
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0.1                            1                                            10                        100 Frequency (Hz)
            -    LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                -              LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
            -    LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                -              Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
            -    Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)        -              Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
            -    UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                -              UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)
Figure B-2. Adjustment factors after modifying thickness of volcanics.
PROJECT CALCULATION                            PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.o LCI                                                    APPENDIX B                              Page 84 of BS 10                                                                                                2
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                    ~ loga rithmic        sigma (right Y axis)        1~c-E I                                  I->- -+                -  I-+-        1.6
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0.8 "C ro QI
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  !tJ                                                                                          -
  <t                                                                  ~                                      0.4 0.1
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                                                            ~[_,(            +
10                        100 0.2 0
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-3. Swnmary statistics of the adjustment factor after modifying thickness of volcanics
PROJECT CALCULATION                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B                      Page BS of BS Change in Adjustment Factor as a Result of Modifying Thickness of Volcanics 30%
I    ' '        ~
I 20%
                      ,      _, /
10%    I u..
  *=Gi 11.0 c
  .s:. 0%
u c
    ...u Q,I Q.
                                    '  \    ,.,
10                            100 Frequency {Hz)
              -  LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)            -    LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
              - - LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)            -    Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
              -  Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)    -    Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
              -  UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)            -    UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
              -  UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)            -    Logarithmic mean AF
                  -1 sigma                                      + 1 sigma Figu re B-4. Change in logarithmic-mean adj ustment factor (thick blue line) as a result of modifying thickness of volcanjcs.
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:? May 2015 20:01:54 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
Vs-kappa corTection paper Attachments: Reference 7 .21. pdf Attached is the Vs-kappa correction from PVNGS.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent: 12 Feb 20 15 20:0 l :46 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon Cc:Jackson, Diane
ACTJON: SSHAC Review Guidance lmportance:High Amigos-I've taken the risk of putting together some guidance on how the WUS teams can approach review of the SSHACs. I've focused on what I think are the. key questions. we'd want the teams to answer as the goals of their reviews, so that we'd have a good, traceable basis for concluding the SSHAC process was acceptable/unacceptable. Certainly, I don't think that every team would necessarily have to address every sub-question, but have tried to identify 7 basic yet distinct areas that appear intrinsic to a good SSHAC process.
I've pulled these 7 areas from various statements and concepts in NUREG/CR-6372 (SSHAC), NUREG-2117 (Implementing SSHAC), and NUREG-1563 (BTP on Expert Elicitation). I'm intentionally avoiding the use of anything that reads like Acceptance Criteria/Review Methods, as I appreciate the sensitivities that the scope isn't a licensing review ...
I would appreciate your thoughts on this approach for guiding the teams in their upcoming reviews. I've run it past Diane as a straw man, and she didn't barf. If you think this is on the right track, please add/edit the attached. If you think this is nuts, or want to work on an alternative approach, let's talk on Tues/Wed. I'll be out on AL from Thurs 2/19 through 3/5, and would like to get your initial feedback before I split for sunnier climes.
Thanks-Britt Brittain E. Hill, Ph.D.
Sr. Technical Advisor US Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS T7-F03, NRO/DSEA Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ph + 1 1301' 41 5-6588* Er +1 (301 ) 415-5399; 5
Mobile_(bJ( l                j email:
Sent:3 Jun 2015 l 7:32:37 +0000 To:Walsh,      Lisa
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Lisa - this. looks good and is a handy reference - the changes make the data comparisons clear. Seems appropriate to send to group, but I don't see a need for using at tomorrow's meeting (we're not doing evaluations/comparisons with PSHA bases yet).
Thanks-Britt From : Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:23 PM To: Hill, Brittain
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi. Britt, Here is an updated version. Do you see. any additional changes I should make? . Should I send this version to the rest of the group?
* Magnitude threshold to. only display events greater than and equal to 1.85 as they used in the SSHAC . .
* lluminated pre- and post- the licensee's catalog Lisa From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:32 AM To: Walsh, Lisa
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi Lisa - nice map - are you running Arc for this, or GMT?
Before showing this at a public meeting , I'd suggest truncating the USGS catalog to same M threshold as the SSHAC (2?). By plotting all USGS quakes, the map gives the impression that lots of. earthquakes are missing from the SSHAC database (i.e., not considered in the PSHA).
From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:19 AM To: Seber, Dogan; St irewalt, Gerry; Weaver, Thomas Cc: Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford; Li, Yong; Chokshi, Nilesh; John Stamatkos; Jackson, Diane; Karas, Rebecca
Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi CGS Team,
Attached is a map I compiled with seismicity out beyond the 200 mi radius from the. site and info provided in the SSHAC by the licensee. This might be a useful resource for the public meeting tomorrow.
Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph.D ..
Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612
Sent:21May201521:40:13 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie;JacksonFD    .....,.
ian= e_ _ _ _ _ __,
Cc:DiFrancesco, Nicholas (bl(5 l
Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Someone who knows the details of. what Diablo is relying on for FLEX need to confirm that the 1988 LTSP analyses have indeed evaluated the. SSCs Diablo currently relies on for shutdown path. Unless. this.
is clear, issue needs to be resolved with SRB discussion. etc .. Absent that confirmation, it is premature to conclude that.the 1988 LTSP. margins assessment encompasses the 2015 shutdown path that includes FLEX. Diablo didnt address FLEX SSCs in submittal.
Working from blakberry- very hard to edit files!
Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6)          I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04: 16 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; I'm not aware if the SRB has. discussed this issue yet. I will confirm.
Thanks Frankie From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4: 12 PM To: Vega, Frankie Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Hi Frankie - has the issue of Diablo meeting the ESEP requirements been discussed by the SRB? Have they determined that all FLEX is covered by LTSP analyses? Please confirm.
Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6)          I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04:02 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; Hope you are doing well. I've attached the draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon. This letter follows a very similar format to the letter we sent last year to several CEUS licensee also requesting ESEP relief (Based on their previous IPEEE evaluations). I'm sending this draft letter to you first since It mostly references Diablo's LTSP which you are very familiar with. Please review and feel free to make any necessary changes. I'm also planning to share this with the mitigation strategies technical reviewers. just as we did with the other ESEP relief letter I mentioned above.
If you have questions please let me. know.
Frankie G. Vega, P.E.
Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 301-415-1617 Location: 0 -13Hl2
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:26 May. 2015 14:54:41 +0000.
To:Ake, Jon ;John Starnatkos
l st Draft - Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Publi c Meeting Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft l).docx Britt is out this week. Here is what I cobbled together so far. Would appreciate your comments and input. I am working on the site response question on Vs-kappa corrections.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015.19:04:03 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott
Boore paper on adjusting from vs30=760 to 3000 You may already have this paper. notes/Adjusting PSA amplitudes to Vs30 3000.v02.pdf
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:21May.2015 19:42: 17 +0000.
To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:Jackson, Diane;Seber, Dogan ;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Stirewalt, Gerry;Wal sh, Lisa;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Kock, Andrea
Columbia Topics for 6/4 meeting.
Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for CGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx These are ready to go.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent: 19 May. 2015 13:21: 14 +0000.
To:Seber, Dogan Cc:Jackson, Diane
Columbia Topics for Public Meeting
: Dogan, When you get a chance would you please forward your topics/questions for the Columbia public meeting to Britt, Jon, and me. Diane suggested that we discuss during the Thursday meeting so that we can get them over to JLD by the end of the week.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 May 2015 20:47:43 +0000 To:Weaver, Thomas;Stovall , Scott;Ake, Jon.
Cc: Heeszel, David
Confirm Hanford Vs-Kappa correction
: Thomas, David has programed the Hanford GMM both with and without the vs-kappa correction. If you give him some scenario events similar to the ones used by Hanford, you could try to replicate the Vs-kappa corrections in Figure 9.38. This would be useful to make sure we understand each of the steps in preparation for the meeting next week.
Let's talk tomorrow after the Columbia. meeting.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 201516:25: 16 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott Cc:Graizer, Vladimir
dcpp median gmm I finished the swus-dcpp gmm this morning. Below are median gm results for a scenario event on one of the local faults which we can use for the analytical site response. Solid line is the weighted average of the 31 median models. There are 21 frequencies between 0.1 and 100. Benchmarking to come.
DCPP Median Ground Motion 2.0 ....------------------------------_.__________________
1.8 x
1.6                                          x x
x      x  ~
x 1.4                                    x x x    x x          )C x M  3E      x x        x      x
                                              ~ x  ~  x    x x      x 1.2                                          )rt xx x        ~
1.0 x x x
x x
x x
x en                                                          x    ~
x                ~
* x x    x x x
x x
x  ~              x      x x                  x    x ~
0.6                                        )C x
* x x    x x x  )(
x x                          x x              x                M x                  x 0.4
x x                    *x  x
x 0.2            x          ~
x 0.1                1                      10 frequency (Hz)
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:28 May 2015 13:57:39 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nichol as;Jackson, Diane
DCPP RAI - Draft 2 Attachments:DCPP RAJ (draft 2).docx Some modifications.
May 27, 2015.
To the Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
By letter dated March 15, 2015,. to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) , Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for NRG review the Seismic Hazard and Screening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f) , Response for Information Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term. Task Force. Review. of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluation report is an evaluation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical approach.
The NRG staff has reviewed the information provided for Diablo Canyon and has determined that additional information is required to complete its review .. Enclosed is. a request for additional information (RAI) related to the site response evaluation. As discussed with your staff on XXXX YY, 2015, it was agreed that a response to the RAI would be provided no later than XXXXX YY, 2015.
If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA/
Nicholas J. DiFrancesco, Senior Project Manager Hazards Management Branch.
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Request for Additional Information
: 2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv
ML14268A516                                    *via mail OFFICE    NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM          NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA*    NRR/ DORULPL2-2/PM*  NRR/DORULPL2- 1/ PM*
NAME      NDiFrancesco              Slent                MBarillas            SWilliams DATE      09/29/14                  09/29/14            10/15/14            09/30/14 OFFICE    NRR/DORULPL2-1 /PM*      NRO/DSEA/RGS1
* NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC      NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM NAME      RHall (w/comments)      DJackson            SWhalev.            NDiFrancesco DATE      09/30/14                  10/15/14            10/23/14            10/23/14 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRG staff requested that licensees submit site specific hazard curves that capture the variability in soil depth (including depth to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities, layer thicknesses, damping, and strain dependent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seismic" Enclosure 1 of the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be developed over a broad range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation of seismic core damage frequency." .
By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12319A074), "Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Final Draft Report 1025287, 'Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID),' the NRG staff endorsed using the SPID guidance.
Regarding the development of site amplification curves for the NTTF Recommendation 2.1 seismic hazard reevaluations, Section 2 of the SPID states:
Site amplification factors should be calculated as described in Section 2.4. As discussed in that section , multiple models of site amplification factors (and associated. uncertainties) should be developed, indicating the log-mean and log-standard deviation of control-point motion divided by input rock motion, for various spectral frequencies.
The SPID further recommends that the soil and/or rock uncertainties should be incorporated into the seismic hazard calculations via the site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard integral to develop control-point hazard curves .. The control-point elevation hazard curves should then be used to calculate the GMRS.
By letters dated March 15, 2015, the. licensee for the Diablo. Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empirical approach , which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to "constrain the site amplification rather than analytical models." While. the staff considers the empirical site response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach, the method as implemented by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data.
Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a revised March 2015 Enclosure1
seismic hazard reevaluation submittal that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain produced by the. scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) control. point elevation .. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa corrections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or baserock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response, in table form, control point seismic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertainties through the hazard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.
List of Addressees H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy Progress, Inc.
Docket No. 50-261 License No. DPR-23 Mr. William R. Gideon, Vice President H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 3581 West Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550 Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Docket Nos. 50-269 , 50-270 and 50-287 License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55 Mr. Scott Batson Vice President, Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 7800 Rochester Highway Seneca, SC 29672-0752 Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Docket No. 50-395 License No. NPF-12 Mr. Thomas D. Gatlin, Vice President Nuclear Operations South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Post Office Box 88, Mail Code 800 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Enclosure 2
Sent:23 Apr 2015 19:34:30 +0000 To:Ake. Jon;John Stamatkos
DCPP Scenario events
Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:30 Apr 2015 19:28:09 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott;Ake, Jon.
Cc: Graizer, Vladimir
DCPP Scenario Worksheet Attachments:scenario-spreadsheet.csv, scenario-spreadsheet.xlsx, Scott and Jon, I developed 5 scenario events each at 3 levels (16, 50, 84). So there are a total of 15 events.
saved the spreadsheet in three formats - hopefully one of them will work for you.
Here are the parameters Mag      7.5      6.5. 6.8    6.0    8.0 Ztor      1        1      1      1        1 Rrup      5.1      1.2    9.2    5.1    5.1 Rjb      . 3.7 . . 0.6 . o.n  . 3.7    . 3.7.
Dip        85      90    60      85      85 Width      15      12    15      12      15 Rx . 5.      . 0.6 . 10    5      5 F          SS      SS    REV SS        SS I tried to get a sufficient range of SA values yet still keep this. somewhat realistic. Let me know if you want me to add another scenario .
: Thanks, Cliff
Sheetl freq          S1 -L      S1-M      S1 -H      S2-L      S2-M        S2-H 0.1    0.0135928 0.02323223 0.03970752 0.00589409 0.01020574 0.01767144 0.133333  0.02126067 0.03630149 0.06198292 0.01001215 0.01731891 0.02995808 0.2  0.02409332  0.0411381 0.07024117 0.01871057 0.03236535 0.05598526 0.25  0.04022888 0.06862008 0.11704813 0.02539436 0.04388301 0.07583252 0.333333  0.05301979 0.09043807 0.15426398 0.03797482    0.0656228  0.1134002 0.5  0.09164862 0.15601652 0.26559216 0.06757365 0.11653808 0.20098255 0.666666  0.14167118 0.24093055 0.40973422 0.09803317 0.16889984 0.29099493 1  0.21814579 0.37024451 0.62839165 0.17031874 0.29285324 0.50354425 1.333333  0.27242788  0.4614501 0.78162409 0.22171708 0.38084868 0.65419282 2  0.36417754 0.61501182 1.03861304 0.32708952 0.56016641 0.95932883 2.5  0.40726873 0.68640871 1.15686986 0.39553462 0.67670695 1.15775528 3.333333  0.47517616 0.79925945 1.34437649 0.48466229 0.82753578    1.41297 45 4  0.58357937 0.98061553 1.64777384 0.57464538 0.98019656    1.6719621 5  0.65999943 1.10681187 1.85611147 0.60995261 1.03938167 1.77114457 6.666667  0.67182266 1.12326444 1.87805962 0.64599653 1.09750438 1.86458565 10  0.58402362 0.97256939 1.61961123    0.5758048 0.97532302 1.65204421 13.33333  0.53894264 0.89480798 1.48565221 0.50718422 0.85737405 1.44935555 20  0.40332911 0.66764251 1.10516825 0.41862939 0.70626183 1.19152113 33.33333  0.32281427 0.53169879 0.87574691 0.33913793 0.56986923 0.95757774 50  0.30574949  0.5030885 0.82779547 0.31006683 0.52049895 0.8737 4438 100  0.29870653 0.49002754 0.80388932 0.29220525 0.48904596 0.81848615 Page I
$3-L        $3-M        $3-H        $4-L      $4-M        S4-H        S5-L 0.00451818 0.00776098 0.01333122 0.001 41504 0.00247976 0.00434558 0.02435431 0.007 45782 0.01279767 0.02196089 0.00251936 0.00441057 0.00772146 0.03666668 0.01214696 0.02084426 0.03576889 0.00523621 0.00916689 0.01604823 0.03245563 0.0180192 0.03089016 0.05295474 0.00736962 0.01288889 0.02254167      0.0597338 0.02837656    0.0486457 0.08339292 0.01202286 0.02102705 0.03677468 0.07387252 0.05878505 0.10057337 0.17206762 0.02361384 0.04125751 0.07208407 0.12573558 0.09098823 0.15551313 0.26579629    0.0361113 0.06309275 0.11023405 0.20049557 0.1565745 0.26707565 0.45556206 0.06559398 0.11437516 0.19943411 0.29220897 0.22743113    0.387551 0.66040116 0.09763834 0.17008022    0.2962697    0.3556664 0.32907062    0.5590687 0.94981988 0.15350101 0.26685545 0.46391768 0.44779938 0.3932533 0.66677586    1.1305437 0.19326401 0.33564605 0.58292422 0.47353872 0.48875519 0.82704718 1.39948801 0.25366551 0.43966651      0.7620533 0.53575002 0.55287124 0.93460608 1.5799131 1 0.29240918 0.50681909 0.87844571 0.68431228 0.64332396 1.08533984 1.83105655 0.32928307 0.57016043 0.98724454 0.77468653 0.65070698 1.09560218 1.84467692 0.36299417 0.62727609 1.08397137 0. 78104157 0.61 103827 1.02470454 1.71841837 0.33126088 0.57072428    0.9832921 0.66341963 0.52224613 0.87317761 1.45992302 0.29304614 0.50438006      0.8681201 0.62851214 0.41903824 0.69851887 1.16440113 0.23611794 0.40558539 0.69668365 0.45284468 0.32035244 0.53188205 0.88308526 0.18941057 0.32438043 0.55552688 0.36316698 0.29310184 0.48615141 0.80635179 0.16916332 0.28970543 0.49614323      0.3506405 0 .28652044 0.47381165 o. 78353042 0.16295276    0.2782334 0.47506912 0.34416697 Page2
Sheetl S5-M        S5-H 0.04162532 0.07114419 0.06260646    0.1068973 0.05541631 0.09462047 0.10189042 0.17379874 0.12600743 0.21493612 0.21404391 0.36437413 0.34096921 0.57986317 0.49594707 0.84173833 0.60244309 1.02044411
: o. 75622982 1.27709765 0.79809982 1.34511351 0.90114634 1.51575306 1.14988171 1.93219967 1.29914089 2.17864514 1.30587471 2.18337773 1.10478686 1.83979184 1.04352046 1.73255995 0.7496071 1.24084665 0.59816267    0.9852178 0.5769534 0.94933477 0.5646053    0.926234 Page 3
Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015 17:55:32 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott
dcpp site response See Section 9.3 in the Hanford SSHAC - this is what I was thinking we could do for DCPP.
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 Apr 20 1517:21:46 +0000 To:HiJl, Brittain
: Britt, Would you make an unlocked version of the SSC like you did for the GMC?
: Thanks, Cliff
Sheetl freq          host AF      target27 AF target28 AF target27/host target28/host 0.1        1.137        1.132      1.138 0.99560246 1.00087951 0.13333          1.181        1.173      1.182 0.99322608 1.0008467 4 0.2        1.262        1.249      1.263 0.98969889 1.00079239 0.25        1.311        1.294      1.312  0.9870328 1.00076278 0.3333          1.38        1.356      1.382  0.9826087 1.00144928 0.5        1.488        1.449      1.491 0.97379032 1.00201613 0.6666          1.578        1.52.2      1.583 0.96451204 1.00316857 1        1.732        1.635        1.74 0.94399538 1.00461894 1.3333          1.875          1.73      1.886 0.92266667 1.00586667 2        2.135        1.893      2.154 0.88665105    1.0088993 2.5        2.292        2.019          2.3 0.88089005    1.0034904 3.3333          2.48        2.215      2.407 0.89314516 0.97056452 4        2.593        2.348      2.428 0.90551485 0.93636714 5        2.724        2.535      2.431 0.93061674 0.89243759 6.66667          2.88        2.765      2.455 0.96006944 0.85243056 10        3.104        3.161      2.577  1.0183634 0.83021907 13.3333          3.266        3.462      2.828 1.06001225      0.865891 20        3.514        3.671      3.136 1.04467843 0.89243028 33.3333          3.808        3.799      3.267 0.99763655 0.85793067 50        3.996        3.854      3.314 0.96446446 0.82932933 100          4.147        3.895      3.358 0.93923318 0.80974198 Page I
DCPP Mediar1 Ground Motion 2.0 _..,.--~------------..............--~~........--.......----...............~~--.......---......._._.............._
                                                                        ....... \
I            \
I                \
1.6                                                          I                    \
I                        ~
I                            \
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                                                    >',    Ix                                  \
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1.2                                                / X )I.      ~
                                                                    ~          x~        XX          \
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                                                                    )(          ~        x    ~          \
<( 1.0
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0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1                            1                                              10                                              100 frequency (Hz)
Information (pages 503/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:4 May 2015 17:44:31 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir
dcpp-scenario.pptx Attachments:dcpp-scenario.pptx Slide with one of the scenario SA for DCPP.
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:23 Apr 2015.18:56: 12 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir Cc:Ake, Jon ;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Jackson, Di ane
Diablo GMM for Local Sources Presentation Attachments:Diablo GMM_Local.pptx
: Vlad, Attached are a few slides for Monday.
: Thanks, Cliff
SWUS GMM for DCPP April 2:3, 2015
SWUS GMM Notation Table 1-1: Notation used in HID, Part II: DCPP.
T                  Period (seconds)
M                  Moment magnitude NML                Normal sources (-120 ~rakes -60)
REV                Reverse sources, including Reverse-Oblique (REV-OBL); (30 s rakes 150)
SS                  Strike-slip sources, including Normal-Oblique; (-180 s rake< -120, -60
                    < rake < 30, and 150 < rake s 180)
FNML                style of faulting (FNML=1 for NML, 0 otherwise)
FRv                style of faulting (FRv=1 for REV , 0 otherwise)
ZroR                Depth to top of rupture (km)
Dip                Fault dip (degrees) w                  Down-dip rupture width (km)
L                  Rupture length (km)
RRuP                Rupture distance (km)
Ris                Joyner-Boore distance (km)
Rx                  Horizontal distance from top of rupture measured perpendicular to strike (km)
Rv                  Horizontal distance from center of rupture measured parallel to strike (km) f Hw              Hanging Wall factor (155                Total sigma
SWUS GMM Distance Notations Reverse or normal faulting, hanging-wall site Strike-slip faulting Rx (positive)
: Rx= Rib (positive) :
l(                  )!
I Surface                                            Surface Site Dip Width Fault Rrup =Closest distance to rupturing fault plane (slant distance)
Rjb =Closest horizontal distance to vertical projection of the rupture Rx = Closest horizontal distance to top of rupture
SWUS          Gl\~C    - DCPP
* DCPP. median. ground motion models separated into two.
  - Nearby faults
  - Distant faults
* Up to 31 Common form median models for nearby faults
  - Hosgri rupture model
  - Outward-Vergent rupture model
  - Southwest-Vergent rupture n1odel
  - Northeast-Vergent rupture rr1odel
  - Irish Hills-Estero Bay {IHEB) Source Zone
* Five NGA-West 2 GMPEs (+ 3 additional epistemic for each=
15 total models) used for distant sources
Logic Tree for Median at DCPP-Nearbv Faults
                'J.ourcf' Mf'n le          hS4!- M~d fl                      llrutiv1tv (h            for ( r>'11m0fl f !Jlll'm                                    Arl111i h 1 ''
: u o 1s11        tr !V:\ UI
                                                          -. ~ fo  oas1    Ht'l.'4111                            1 of 5 HW models tfl lf *I
H'Wl (                                assigned to each llN3 [ . 1 Example for PGA                                                                                                    base model branch 1-f~ l ll ll!Nl (ll H n 5 (lJ f Ji ll~
( 1111 111 tll f Ulll                              llvvS I l
1r v2 1 H..,. J llJ "t f;~ C t>tll 1 0
HN't (l}
tr.H U)
U2 [0020)        l lW!i [ l]
Al                                        a23(oou1          lfAi 4(1) 1111f \                                  tl.2."1 [0024)
* II ~3 (1) a2s coon1        l f:l'Y l( JJ
                                                          ~16 ( 00?41 1227 (0011) 1 28 (0041 )
ll JVS (tl trNZ(l)
I M 'l l ll I No directivity adjustment I
ltl '>(OOU)      11.Nl (l]
tl'.30 [1) 019)  11# 4 ll)
O~ llO    02iJ  1-tWl ( l)
R11 trncd l oo1moo ronn 0
                                                                                                      ''&deg;1  110 11
Base Model The functional form of the DCPP ba se model GMPEs is given in Eq. 2-1:
2                        2 Ln (SABASE (M ,RRuP, ZT0 R, F ,T)) =a0 (T)-a (T)RRUP + ai (T)ZroR +a10 (T)FRv
                              +(a4 (T) +a5 (T)(M - 5)) In (~R~uP +a:(T) ) - a9 (T)FNML
                                  -a1(T) +a 2 (T)(M -5.5)        for M < 5.5 a1(T)(M - 6.5)          for5.5 < M < 6.5 a3(T)(M -6.5)              for M > 6.5 (Eq. 2-1)
Each of 31 models has 9 coefficients which are unique for each period Some. periods do. not use all 31 models Coefficient a9 is different for each period but same for all 31 models
Base Model Coefficients for f=lO Hz Weight ID      ao.          a1        a2          a3        a4        a5        a6          a7      as        alO        HW branch (T=0.1s)
Model 1      1.37939 0.208505      1.22538 -0.20679 -1.07715. 0.221829          5.79698. 0.110195 0.108741 0.046582            3 0.213802 Model 2      2.08907 -0.03872 0.288456 -0.29772 -1.50424 0.285801                6.32318 0.073587 0.212603 0.321285              4 0.026091 Model 3            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Table 2-1: Period dependent a, coefficients for F.....
Model 4      1.42017 0.229463      1.26391 -0.18665 -1.01908 0.158087          5.54758 0.097386 0.164283      0.40946        5 0.045412 Model 5            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Model 6. 2.1 1812 0.018214.        0.601    -0.2412. -1.43939 0.229396      6.44111 0.099093 0.109868 0.187477              2 0.090946                    Period (sec)      ...
Model 7. 1.41537 -0.15843. 0.184346 -0.34334. -1 .35195 0.248723            4.83625 0.043879 0.156605 0.283496              3 0.106704                        0.01        0.132 Model 8            0          0          0          0          0          0          0.      0          0          0        0          0                      O.G2        0.132 Model 9            0          0          0          0          0          0          0.      0          0          0        0          0                      0.03        0.132 Model 10            0          0          0                                0          0        0          0          0                                          0.05        0.132 0          0                                                              0          0                ---o:n7r:;      n 132 Model 11            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Model 12            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 c      0.1        0.132 D 0.1:.      0.132 Model 13 Model 14 Model 15 1.71824 -0.12097 0.045631 -0.41779 -1.52157 0.365292 1.70842 -0.06499. 0.933162 -0.38424. -1 .33162 0.272438 1.35801 0.227881. 0.80121 -0.07749. -0.98918            0.17225 4.77083 0.078932 0.322164 0.070163 5.4551 7 0.032357 0.279844 0.026501 5.81514 0.150695 0.109848 0.582348 1 0.021841 5 0.025405 5 0.033783
                                                                                                                                                              -    0.2 0.25 0.3
                                                                                                                                                                            - 0.122 0.113 0.104 Model 16  0.135637      0.55761 0.680404 -0.02608 -0.46462 0.206783            3.94907. 0.156003 O.Q13575 0.291355            2 0.023577                        0.4        0.095 Model 17      2.5824 -0.08858 0.070521 -0.46784 -1.82498. 0.330311              7.36546. 0.04215 0 .176967 0.092855            2 0.070407                        o.s        0.095 0.75        0.086 Model 18    1.29169 0.160183 0.256293 0.000711 -1.14381 0.158694                5.98039 0.044523 -0.02714 0.395977              4 0.039704 1        0.077 Model 19            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0                      1.5        0.068 Model 20    1.13328 -0.01714 0.917788 -0.10739 - 1.00981 0.120088              5.50958 0.137317 0.049162 0.265754              3 0.038353                          2        0.058 Model 21            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0                        3        0.039 Model 22    1.83279. -0.18253      0.87006. -0.30695 -1 .42278 0.358787        5.59443 0.083036 0.262303 -0.10329              5 0.014387.                        4        0.020 Model 23    1.72167 0.036879. 0.069845 -0.38891. -1.44441 0.360783              4.97423 0.111618 0.331344 0.047177              4 0.015225                          5        0.000 Model 24    1.48175 0.160589      1.03484 -0.19933      -1.0126 0.130542      6.03483 0.063056 0.096106 0.269177              3 0.013056                        7.5        0.000 10        0.000 Model 25      1.2764 0.148104        1.1556 -0.29942 -1.09622 0.264494          4.31646. 0.16418    0.31363 0.031954          1    0.02341 Model 26    1.69432 0.364288 0.512214 -0.08895 -1.141 72 0.219346              6.92161 0.168786 0.183995 0.120731              5 0.026731 Model 27  0.997811 -0.01465 0.810009 -0.02759 -1.02663 0.176784                4.90505 0.028728 0.007867 0.261264              2 0.018086 Model 28    1.67589 0.240931        0.3965 -0.12191 -1.23775 0.180479          6.61248 0.130284 0.073181 0.315853              3 0.088166 Model 29    0.44296 0.248235 0.446781 0.209578 -0.71921 0.089693                5.0781 0.108356 -0.06265      0.39772        1 0.030853 Model 30  -0.09241 0.111952 0.391203 -0.05354 -0.61128 0.125671                2.84165 0.131 171 0.028781 0.323736            4 0.009617 Model 31    1.03204 0.190696. 0.640938 -0.10285. -0.96101 0.107609              5.67792 0.154048 0.050723 0.282794              1 0.024445 sum.
Hanging Wall Effect Iit Rx is positive I (Eq. 2-2a) where (Eq . 2-2 b)
(Eq . 2-2 c)
Hanging Wall Coefficients Table 2-2: Coefficients for HW Factor Model.
Period              Model-dependent Cl Coefficients        Coefficients held Constant (sec)                                                          for all five models Model        Model    Model    Model  Model    C2          C3        C4 HWl          HW2      HW3      HW4    HWS 0 .01      0 .868      0 .982  1.038    1.095  1.209  0.2160      2 .0289  0.1675 0 .02      0.867        0 .987  1.046    1.106  1.226  0.2172      2.0260    0.1666 0 .03      0.856        0 .997  1 .067    1.138  1.278  0.2178      2 .0163  0 .1670 0.05      0.840        1.027    1.121    1.215  1.402  0.2199      1.9870    0.1699 0 .075      0.857        1.041    1.133    1.226  1.410  0.2218      1.9906    0.1817 0.1      0.848        1.040    1 .135    1.231  1.422  0.2213      1.9974    0 .1717 0 .15      0.868        1.009    1.080    1.150  1.292  0.2169      2.0162    0 .1814 0.2      0.850        1.005    1 .082    1.160  1.315  0 .2131      1.9746    0 .1834 0 .25      0.868        0 .985  1.044    1.102  1.219  0.1988      1.9931    0 .1767 0 .3      0 .839      0 .974  1.041    1 .108  1.242  0.2019      2.0179    0 .1658 0 .4      0.780        0 .934  1 .011    1 .089  1.243  0.2090      2.0249    0.1624 0 .5      0.741        0 .902  0.982    1 .063  1.223  0.2053      2.0041    0 .1719 0 .75      0.613        0 .869  0.997    1.125  1 .380 0.1713      1.8697    0 .1866 1      0 .621      0 .788  0 .872    0 .955  1.123  0.1571      1.8526    0 .3143 1.5      0.506        0 .662  0.740    0 .818  0.974  0 .1559      1.8336    0 .3195 2      0.391        0.537    0.609    0.682  0.828  0.1559      1.7996    0.3246 3      0.128        0 .245  0 .304    0 .362  0.480  0.1616      1.6740    0 .3314 4          0        0 .034  0 .088    0.138  0.231  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 5          0            0        0        0    0.040  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 7.5          0            0        0        0      0  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 10          0            0        0        0      0  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314
DCPP Median Ground Motion Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3 TECHNICAL REPORT - Rev. 2 2.5    DCPP Ground Motion for the Median The DCPP ground motion model for the median from REV and SS sources is given by ln(SA(g)) =Ln ( SABASE (J\tl. RRUP' ZTOR' F. T) )
            + f HWO\!f.,Dip fV,Rx.RJB ,RRUP,ZroR )                                        (Eq. 2-3)
foJR ss(M ,R,o.,,, R ,R                or SS events
                                          ,RY, W,L.D;p) for REV events I No directivity      J The DCPP ground motion model for the median from NML sources is given by In( SA(g)) = Ln (SABASE ( M. RRUP, ZTOR, F. T))
(Eq. 2-4)
            + f HW ( M ' Dip. ff ' Rx . RJB . RRUP' ZTOR )
Results for f=l and 10 Hz 2.0 --+-'-__.__....................__.__..........................__..........................__.................................................................__.__...........-+-
1.8 1.6                                                                                                                                                                                  Parameter Value O> 1.4
Cf) 1.2 f=l Hz Mag      8.1 c 1.0 co
* 2.0 km i5 0.8                                                                                                                                                                                    ZroR Q)
* E o.6          *                          *                                *
* RRUP      10.2 km 0.4        - - .!. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - .. - - - -                                                          -*-~ !_ _                    . - - - - -
                                                                                                                  *                                    * **
* RJB      10.0 km 0.0 ---..-.-.......................-.-.......................-.-.......................-        .......................-.-..-............- - --....-.--
0                                                    10                                                20                                                      30 median model no.
Dip      85 2.0 ............-    ...................................__............_ _ _........................._____.__.......................__..._._..........._ _
* Width    15.0 km 1.8 1.6                f=lO Hz                                                                                                                                                        Rx        10.0 km O> 1.4
Cf) 1.2
* F        SS c 1.0          *                                                            *
* co              ----- -.- ---------~ - ~ ----------------
i5 0.8                        *
* Q)
E o.6                                              *                                                *                                    *                        **
0.4                                                                                                          *                                                      **
0.2 0.0 -t--.--.-..-....-.-....,........,-.....-................,........,.-.-.......................-.-..-..,........,.......,........,-.....-.......................- -
0                                                  10                                                20                                                      30 median model no.
Total Sigma Model Partially Non-Ergodic
: 3. Total Sigma Model for DCPP 3 .1    Structure of the Logic Tree Model                    Epistemic            Directivity        Aleatory U ncerta inty        Adjustment      Distribution Form H igh (95% percentile)  Yes- C entral      Mixture Model 0 .3              0.0                08        ~
M-Dependent Central 10                          0 .55 Accounts for heavy tails Low (5*.4 ercentile)    No                Normal 0 15                1.0                0 .2 (See Eq. 3-1 )            (Set? Tobie J 1)                        (See Eq 3-l)
Figur e 3-1: Logic Tree for Total Sigma at DCPP.
Total Sigma Model 3 .2    DCPP Total Sigma Model The fol lowing values are provided obtain the total sigma as a function o f Magnitude, O$$(M), for hazard calculations using:
( M-5)  (              )
CT1+--*        Uz-U1                        fo1*M < 7.0 CTss(M) =              2                                                                      (Eq. 3-1) fCTz                                          forM    ~  7.0 The period-dependent values of 0'1 and            a 2 are listed in Table 3-1:                                  For M=8.1 T~ble 3-1 : Epistemic Distribution for      O'ss  for DCPP.                                                ass (low) 0.434 (0.15)
Period (sec)
Low Branch                Cen tral Branch            High Branch        ass (central)= 0.592 (0.55)
                                                  <n                        en 0.01 CH 0.456            0.390 CH 0.576        0.495 CH 0.699 02 0.614      ass (high) = 0.629 (0.30) 0.02        0.457            0.394        0.577        0.498      0.699      0 .614 0.03        0.458            0.396        0.577        0.499      0.700      0.615 0 .05        0 .460          0 .402      0 .578      0 .504      0.700      0.616 0.075        0.4 6 1          0.407        0.578        0.507      0.701      0.617 0 .1        0.462            0.411        0.579        0.510      0.702      0.618 0.1 5        0.464            0.41 6      0.580        0.514      0.703      0.620 0.2        0.465            0.4 19      0.58 1      0.51 7      0.703      0.621 0.25        0.465            0 .422      0.581        0.519      0.704      0.622 0.3        0.466            0.424        0.581        0.520      0.704      0.623 0 .4        0 .466          0.427        0.582        0 .522      0 .704    0 .625 0.5        0.467            0.429        0.582        0.524      0.705      0.626 0.7"        ..... --        v.4.:SL      u.::>o.,    U.::>.L I  v. --      """8 c    1        0.468            0.434        0.583        0.529      0.706      0.629 ... 1 1.:>        -    A _...,
n  .d'.:t7  O'i~d        n  <;.'.:t1 ~
v:031 2        0.469            0.439        0.584        0.532      0.707      0.632 3          0.470            0.441        0.585        0.534      0.707      0 .633 4          0.470            0.441        0.585        0.534      0.707      0.634 5        0.470            0.441        0 .585      0 .535      0.707      0.634 7.5        0.471            0.442        0.585        0.535      0.708      0.635 10        0.471            0.442        0.586        0.536      0.708      0.635
To Do List
* Program more periods
* Validate results for a fE~w examples
* Implement with Roland's codes
* Run PSHA for major ne~arby sources
* Distant sources
  - NGA West 2 GMPEs already part of Roland's codes
Sent:l7 Apr2015 19:55:15 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford
Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Attachments: Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Cliff-Here is a shot at adding some additional language to 2 of the questions.
We can discuss Monday-Jon
Sent:28 May 2015 19: 10:07 +0000 To:Brock, Kathryn;Thornas, Brian
FW: ATTeJ~4!! t -C:LH!.ln' -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments FYl-
: 1. have. not been asked to support yet, but the potential exists (unfortunately).
Jon From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:41 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford Cc: Lingam, Siva; Wilson, George; Lund, Louise
FW: Ai IORIQEY -CdENt --Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments Andrea, Scott, Heads-up. It is likely that you and/or your will soon receive requests to support the hearings.
Mike From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:53 AM To: Wentzel, Michael; Cook, Christopher; Hill, Brittain; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Dozier, Jerry; Oesterle, Eric; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Bamford, Peter; Markley, Michael; Manoly, Kamal; Li, Yong Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Young, Mitzi; Straus, Daniel; Kanatas, Catherine; Mizuno, Beth; Wachutka, Jeremy; Uttal, Susan
Affe"'l41! 1 eetrn I -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments
: All, The Atomic Safety & Licensing Board is planning on holding oral arguments for several pending Diablo Canyon contentions, including:
: 1) License renewal contentions A and B - analysis of alternatives to license renewal
: 2) License renewal contentions C and D - SAMA contentions
: 3) The de facto license amendment issues referred by the Commission to the Board in CLl-15-14 The Board plans on holding the arguments all together, one after the other. The proposed dates are July 8, 9, or 10. It is possible all the arguments will only take one day, but they may take more. than one day. The Board is considering either holding the. arguments here in Rockville or in San Luis Obispo.
We are looking. for Staff support, both in preparing for. arguments, as well. as. Staff members who are able to attend the argument. Please note that not everyone on this list needs to be available to attend the argument. If we end up going to San Luis Obispo, we will probably only bring a limited number of Staff to support.
What is your availability on July        a. 9, and 10, and what is your availability regarding Rockville vs ..
San Luis Obispo?
Sincerely, Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -415-1474 0
N&*l&&i. l"lstie e: ::ail a: :8 etR) 8MH~Ji"8Rt8 ,._8)' HRl8iR 08Rfi"8Rli81 &deg;M8FR8)' *Iii Al is  tli5Ri)' ' 0 ' wrk Plddbtt 111are11a1. OU 1101 dlsclose outside 141"18 n itl wot 8011:: : :ieeie:: etf51ue s 81:
Sent:22 May 2015 20:07:34 +0000 Tol(bJ( 5l                    I
FW: Code Attachments:Point Source jjj From:. Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 I :0 I PM To: Ake, Jon
RE: Code Jon, Auached is a GU1 version. J can send a non-GUI version if yo u would like. There is a draft user manual included with the files I am sending. Call if you have any questions.
---- Original Message-----
From: Ake, Jon Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 11 :58 AM To: Weaver, Thomas
Code Thomas-Do you have a matlab script for producing an FAS with Boore's simple seismological model? Including which units for inputs?
ls so can you shoot me a copy?
Thx Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)
User Manual: NRC Seismologic Model Software by The SGSEB Three Stooges Thomas Weaver, Scott Stovall & .Jon Ake Scptembrr 14, 2012
Contents 1 U sing NRC Seismologic Model Software      1 1.1 File . . . .      . . . .              1 1.2 Worksheets . . . . .                    1 1.2.1 Project Information              1 1.2.2 Input            ..            1 Earthquake l\fagnitude  2 Somce to Site Distance  2 Frequency Range .        3 Response Spcctruru      3 Source Parameters . . . 3 Geometrical Spreading    3 Site Amplification      4 Diminution . . . .      5 Seismic Attenuation      5 Somcc Duration          6 Pat h Duration    .. 6 1.2.3 P at.h and Site Effects Graphs  7 1.2.4 Simulated Time Histories        7 1.3 Calculate                              8 1.4 Results .                              8 1.5 Help                                    8 2 Point Source Model                          9 3 Random Vibration Theor y                  10 4 Time History Simulation                    11 A NRC SMS Validation                        12
List of Figures 1.1 Input worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        2 1.2 Geometrical s preading: eastern North America.                          4 1.3 Generic site amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    5 1.4 Three segm ent at tenuation function and associated input for NRC SMS . 6 1.5 P ath duratiou for eastern Nort h America from 13oore (2005). . . .. . . 7 ii
Chapter 1 Using NRC Seismologic Model Software The NRC Seismologic Model Software (NRC SMS) is based on the work published by Boore (2003) on the simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method. In addition, SMSIM, the DOS based Fortran program developed by Boore (2005) was used to assist in development of NRC SlVIS.
NRC SMS uses a menu and toolbar structure to navigate through the program as you input and view data used for computing Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) and structural response spectra (RS), calculate FAS and RS, and view results from calculations. Each menu option is decribecl below.
1.1      File The File menu contains options for opening a previously created *.mat fi le, saving your input and results as a *.mat file. or exporting your input and results to a text file (* .txt) or Excel fi le (*.xis).
Corresponding buttons are located in the toolbar for opening and saving *.mat files.
1.2    Worksheets The Worksheets menu is used to access worksheets for inputing project d<~ta, data required for calculation of Fourier amplitude and response spectra, and data required to calculate simulated time histories. In addition, this menu option allows you to see t he path and site effects functions that will be used for calculating the FAS based on the input you have provided.
1.2.1    Proj ect Information The Project Information worksheet allows you to document important project details such as the project name, project identificat ion, and additional information you find useful for identifying the associated calculations.
1.2.2    Input The Input worksheet is used to define parameters required for calculatiug Fourier amplitude and response spectra. This worksheet is shown in Figure 1.1. The Input worksheet is divided into 1
11 sections such as Earthquake Magnitude, Somce to Site Distance, Frequency Range, etc. Input parameters for each of these sections are d iscussed below.
  ) ffRC SMS_v01 file Woricsheets< ResU.IS Helo
..J      .... -  -, ~
E.arthqu.ake M.agnitude- - -        Source                              Seismic Attenu.atio Minimum    f6o        Spectral Shape j&ngla Comet - Brune j100
:::J        No of Line Segments-n 1.1ax1mum. l"""6.'Q                  Stress Drop*                  bars            Frequency    Slope  Altenuation No of Magnitudes:  11                                Densrtr. ~ gk c                    r1  IT1 I -2.03 ITs6 Velocity, Vs:    136 kmls                11  !"02 r- Source  to Site Dlstance>-- -                                                                12: r-&deg;-6 Minimum:    l10 km    Geometrical Spreading1- - - - - -                          12: !To' lo:92 l8a j1o km              No of IJne Segmer&#xa5;s ~
Maximum                                                                          Seismic Velocity f'35 kmls Number of Distances. 11                          lower Sour&deg;' IDS<:!! ~ tance
                                                                                  ":lower, n Source Duration lr (loo)
Frequency R.ange                                                    1            1              Duration Weight, w_a  f1o Minimum    Jo:o1 H;,;    3 70 130      0.5000 0
Duration Weight, w_b  lO Maximum:    j100 Hz Path Duration Response Spectrum                  Site Ampflfic.atlon                                          No. of l ine Segmems  l4 r  Calculate Response Spectrum Osc~lator Correction*
IGenenc Hard Rock                          ::J jeoore and Joyner (1984)  ::J  Dinlnutlon 0
10 0
0 Damping      I  0.05 Type of Fiher jkappa            J                                          70    9.6000 kappa. J 0.006        sec                                        130      7.8000 fmax    lsQ.O      Hz Slope of last Segment  J004 Figure 1.1: Input worksheet used to define parameters required for calculating four ier amplitude and response spectra          Earthquake Magnitude Earthquake !\.fangitude allows you to calculate FAS and RS for a range of earthquake magnitudes.
FAS and RS are calculated at the minimum magnitude when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 1. When the number of magnit udes is set equal to 2, FAS and RS will be calculated at the specified minimum and maximum magnitudes. FAS and RS will be calculated at evenly spaced magnitudes when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 3 or greater. Thus, if the minimum magnitude is 5, t he maximum magnit ude is 7 and the number of magnitudes is 3>FAS and RS will be calculated for magnitudes of 5, 6, aud 7.          Sour ce to Site Distance Similar to Earthquake Maguit uclc, FAS aud RS can be obtained for a rauge of Source to Site Distances.
2    Frequency Range Frequency Range is used to define the minimum and maximum frequency for which FAS and RS are calculated. FAS and RS values are caclutcd at 340 points per log cycle. \i\Then the mi nimum frequency is set equal to 0.1 and the maximum frequency is set equal to 100, FAS an RS will be calculaLcd at 1020 points.    R esponse Spe ctrum Calculation of a response spectrum is optional and consists of three parts. the option checkbox, the oscillator correction option, and the decimal damping value, ( (typically 0.05 for 5% damping). If you desire to obtain a response spectrum, the checkbox for "Calculate Response Spectrum" must be checked. The response spectrum or spectra will then be calculated for each magnitude and source to site d istance specified using ra.nclom vibration theory (RVT).
    *w hen using RVT to compute response spectra, a shaking duration value, Trms, is used to compute the root mean square (rms) spectral accelcratiou values. T herms duration is equal to the gTotmd motion duration plus a corrected oscillator duration as expressed in Equation 1.1.
                                                            / 'n )
Trms  = Tgm +To ( 'Yn
                                                              +a (1.1)
W here T,9111 is the ground motion duration, T 0 is the oscillator duration with T 0 = 1/(21Tf r(),
/ = T9 m/T0 , and n and a arc constants. The values used for the constants n and a determined based on the oscillator correction option chosen. When choosing the Boore and Joyner {1994) correction n = 3 and a = 1/3. If the Liu and Pezeshk (1999) oscillator correction is chosen, n = 2 and
112 a= [271"  (i - mom2                                      (1.2) where mo, m1 and m2 are moments of the squared spectral amplitude. Additional details on RVT are provided in Chapter 3.    Source Paramete rs The Source Parameters section allows you to specify the type of spectral shape to be used in calculating the FAS (e.g. single corner model or two corner model), the stress drop for the single corner model, source density, and source shear wave velocity. When selecting a two corner model, the earthquake magnitude is soley used to determine the corner frequencies. Additional details on each spectra.I shape are provided in Chapter 2.    Geometrical Spreading The Geometrical Spreading section defines the function we use for describiug how wave amplitude decreases with distance from the source. The funct ion may consist of multiple segments as shown in Equation 1.3.
(~ti            R$R2 Z(R2) (!ff  f 2 R2 $ R $ R3 Z(R) =                                                          (1.3)
Z(f4)  ('Ji r;  f4 ~  R.
In eastern North America, Atkinson and Boore (1995) and Frankel ct, al. (1996) suggest us-ing the three segment, function shown in Figure 1.2. To implement t,he eastern North America geometrical spreading relation.ship, we enter a value of 3 for the number of line segments. The values Ri, R2, RJ, nlo n2 and n3 for Equation 1.3 which correspond to the line segments shown in Figure 1.2 are 1 km, 70 km, 130 km, 1, 0, 0.5, respectively.
0.1 O>
                    "O co (I)
: 0. 0.03 Cf) ro
                    .g  0.02 (i)                                    1/70 E
0 (I)
(9 0.01 1/70 (130/R)o.s 10      20    30              100      200 300 Distance (km)
Figure 1.2: Geometrical spreading function for eastern North America (Boore 2003).
1.2.2. 7    Site A mplification The Site Amplification section requires you to select a site amplification function used t o quantify site effects. The options consist of "Generic Hard Rock" , "Generic Soft Rock", "No Amplification",
and "User Defined". The "Generic Hard Rock" and *'Generic Soft Rock" amplification functions are shown in Figures 1.3. \i\lhen "No Amplification" is selected, the amplification value is 1 at all frequencies. When selecting "User Defined" , you will be prompted to select a *.mat file that contains data used to define the amplification function. This file must have frequency values in column 1 and amplification values in column 2. o headings should be placed above the frequency and ampflication values.
                          - Generic Soft Rock
                          - Generic Hard Rock 4
              ~ 3 Q.
              <t 2
0.01          0.1                1            10              100 Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1.3: Generic site amplification.    Dim inution You have two options for implementing the diminution function (high frequency filter). The first option is to utilize kappa, "'' and the second option is to use a !max filter. Equatious that define the diminution function are provided below.
D(J) = exp( - rr1~J)                                (1.4)
D(f) = [l + (f I !max)8r 112                            (1.5)
A "'value of 0.04 has been used for coastal California sites (Boore and J oyner 1997, RC 2012),
and a value of 0.006 may be appropriate for sites in eastern North America.    Seismic Attenuation Attenuation can be modeled as a three segment piecewise function . An example of this three seg-ment fw1ction is shown in Figure 1.4 along with the corresponding frequency, slope, and attenuation values that are used to define the function in NRC SMS. Often, sufficient data is only available to define the third segment (slope 2 segment) of the function. For this case, a single function is used to define t he attenuation relationship.
A single attenuation function is implemented in NRC SMS by selecting a value of 1 for t he number of segments in the drop down menu. Boore {2003) plotted a number of attenuation functions for the slope 2 segment and two of these functions are provided in Equation 1.6. These two equation were obtained t hrough best fit equations to the data presented by Boore (2003). vVhen implementing a function shown in Equation 1.6, the number of line segments is chosen to be 1, Lrl = 1 Hz, the slope is equal to the exponent (e.g. slope = 0.45) and Q is equal to t he coefficient (e.g. Q = 180).
1430J0*35          Central U.S. (Boore 2003)
Q(f) =        180/0.45            California                                                  (1.6)
{ 208!0.78 California (Boore 2003) 103 111        ft2 a              {fr1, Qr1)
Seilmlc Attenuation No of L!ne Segmerts 133 FiequeACy    Slope  Atl&!Klatlofl 102                                                                  r1 ro;- I -2 03        [2a6 11 l"0"2
                                                        **************-........ 12 ros
                                                ,\                                  a~            lo92 ITs
                                                  \                              Setsmic Velocity  135'  km's 101 10*2            10* 1                  10&deg;                  101                102 Freq Figure 1.4: Three segment attenuation funct ion and associated input for NRC Sl\1S.    Source Duration The source duration is a fw1ction of the corner frequency or corner frequencies , depending on the point source model used. Equation 1.7 is used to calculate the source duration. For the single corner model, Wa = 1 and la is the corner frequency. When Wa = 1. Wb = 0.
(1.7) 1.2.2 .11  P ath Duration The path duration can be modeled using a multi segmented line. For eastern North America, Boore has used a path duration function with four segments as shown in Figure 1.5. A single path duration begining at the source location having a slope of 0.05 is generally considered appropriate 6
for sources in California. Given a. single segment, the number of line segments is set equal to 1 a.nd an initial source to site distance and duration of 0 is input into the first row of the table.
10 Q)
c                                          Path Duration 0
No of line Segments      r-4
:::I                                            SMu*S..Ollirce hfl!Ju'.....
0                                            -  - --.-;;c.r.        C-)
5                                                            0          0 10          0 70    96000 130    7 8000 0
0      50      100      150      200        250            300 Distance (km)
Figure 1.5: Path duration for east ern North America from Boore (2005).
1.2.3      Path and Site Effects Graphs The Path and Site Effects \iVorksheet shows plots of the geometrical spreading funct ion, site am-plificat ion function, diminution function and seismic attenuation function used in calculating the FAS. These plots updated as changes to the Input Worksheet are made.
1.2.4      Simulated T ime Histories The Simulated Time Histories vVorksheet is currently not functional. Upon implementation, this worksheet will be used t o provide input for developing time histories that spectrally ma tch a given FAS.
1.3    Calculate The Calculate menu option is used to initiate calculation of FAS and RS as well as simulated time histories.
1.4    Results The Results menu option is used to view FAS and RS or simulated time histories which have been calculated.
1.5    Help The Help menu option provides access to this user manual.
Chapter 2 Point Source Model 9
Chapter 3 Random Vibration Theory 10
Chapter 4 Time History Simulation 11
Appendix A NRC SMS Validation 12
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Sent:22 May 201520:07:14 +0000 To:Heeszel, David;Seber, Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane.
RE: Columbia GMM codes Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday. May 22, 2015 2:29 PM To: Seber, Dogan: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Columbia GMM codes Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both fi les are for a single fau lt at 8 mag11itudes from 5(fault 1)-8(fault8). ln this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with lOkm away that comes to the surface.
The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are the mean+/-sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.
The next step is to get a set of scenario earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard. Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.
: Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T -7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:32: l 8 +0000 To:Heeszel, David
Re: Columbia Ground Motion Model Thanks David looking forward to looking at it next week Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)
From : Heeszel, David Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:26 PM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.
Cheers, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:3 Jun 2015 21:53:57 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan;Jackson, Diane;Munson, Clifford
RE: Columbia Seismic. Public Meeting Slides l agree. We should gently suggest the SSHAC discussion be very brief.
From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:41 PM To: Jackson. Diane; Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon
FW: Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides Quickly went over the slides. In SSC, Focus #2 is missing(!?). IL is to me more important to discuss #2 than fault slip rates (# 1). I wonder why they chose to not prepare slides for that. Also, can we tell them to skip SSHAC slides to save some time for more meaningful discussions on technical topics. There are about 20 slides discussing what SSHAC process is.
-----Original Message-----
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday. June03, 20 15 1:01 PM To: Munson. Clifford; Seber, Dogan; Jackson, Diane Cc: Vega, Frankie; Cho, Esther; Ake, Jon; Shams, Mohamed; Singal. Balwant; Alexander, Ryan; Maier, Bill; Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Burnell, Scott; Walsh, Lisa; Kock, Andrea; Monarque, Stephen
Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides
: Folks, CGS Seismic Slides. For awareness, the State of Washington and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board plan lo listen to the meeting or attend.
Interim action adds information about Flex Strategy.
: Esther, Please add to public ADAMS.
: Thanks, Nick
-----Original Message-----
From: Williams, Lisa L. [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:54 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Rich Rogalski
Meeting slides Nick.
Here is Energy Northwest's presentation. I have made 20 copies of the slides (2 per page) that ram bring1ng with me for handouts. Lisa
Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:22:26 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Vega, Frankie
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates I will be on travel the 16-18.
From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie
Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.
Any preferences or limitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent:.Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:07. AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed
Planning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates
: Cliff, I am out PM today and Friday.
PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRG Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a licensing call with PG&E Friday at 1pm to discuss NRG technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communicate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs.
single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to email a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice. Please let us know a couple of focus areas by noon Friday.
PV Meeting Date Coordination The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As I recall, I thought we had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Working Group. Let me know if I can propose any dates in the 2 nd and 3 rd week of June.
: Thanks, Nick Senic',i Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
Sent:l3Apr201513:59:10+0000 To:Munson, Clifford
RE: Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP Cliff-Looks good Jon From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 3:09 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Ake, Jon
Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP
: Vlad, Here is my slide set for overview of SWUS GMC.
Sent:2 Apr2015 17:03:24 +0000 To:Heeszel, David
RE: Palo Verde Catalog Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:56 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; Munson,. Clifford; Ake,. Jon; Hill, Brittain Cc: Miriam R.. Juckett (; John Stamatakos
Palo Verde Catalog Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. T he other columns should be relatively self explanatory.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:28 Apr 2015 13:44:04 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Thanks Alice-1hadn't seen this yet Jon From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:43 AM To: John Stamatkos; Li, Yong; Ake, Jon; Graizer, Vladimir
FW: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team You may already have through others but you were not on distribution so I am sending.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 10:33 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Stieve, Alice Cc: Jackson, Diane; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Hill, Brittain
Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Cliff. Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this is the missing piece. They have this one file on the SSC in the reading room.
: Thanks, Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 20154:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High
: Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the. information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PP RP-Tl correspondence and interactions on the source. model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
: Thanks, Cliff
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain;. Seber, Dogan;. Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt,. Gerry
DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team
: Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.
Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.
DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website.
: Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar
DCPP information on Certrec
: Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
* Login to
* Click on "Inspections"
* Set status to "In Progress" and Plant to "Diablo Canyon"
* Click "Search" button .
* Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
* Click on t he "NRC Requests" tab
* Click on what you would like to see.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell - j<bJ(6)      I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 19:24:02 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (;Alice Stieve (Al;Heeszel, David; Vladim ir Graizer (;Heeszel, David; Yong Li ( );Jackson, Diane
PVNGS - Focus Area Topics for June-9 Public Meeting Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for PYNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx Attached are the edited questions from our meeting today. Attachment was released in full in interim response #1 stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7D10 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
Devlin-Gill,. Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:20 May 2015 17: 16:56 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Stieve, Alice;Munson,. Clifford ;Heeszel,. David ;Ake. Jon ;John Stamatkos;'Miriam R. Juckett (mjuckett@swri .org)';Hill, Brittain;Li , Yong
PVNGS Public Meeting Questions Palo Verd e team, For furth er discussion, below are t he edited questions about the areal zones:
Because the PVNGS host zones, SBA and East, contribute significantly to the hazard at the PVNGS site, the NRC staff is interested in hearing discussion, beyond what is presented in the PVNGS SSC SSHAC report, on the following topics regarding areal sources. Please discuss. the rational and analyses used for:
: a. Choosing to model the spatial variation of recurrence rate per unit area using variable, but continuous and relatively smooth seismicity. Please also discuss the rationale for not considering the use of uniform spatial recurrence rates in the.
SSC areal sources. Although text in SSC Section mentions that uniform rates are often inappropriate, the text does not elaborate on conditions where uniform rates might be appropriate or if such conditions occur for the SSC. areal sources. Additionally, please discuss this in the context of the previously completed PVNGS SSC SSHAC 2, since decisions made for that model led to the use of the constant rate model for the areal sources , and what information informed the recent SSC SSHAC 3 to not use the constant rate model for any of the areal sources.
: b. Not using a "floor" during the smoothing analysis of recurrence parameters . . Please also discuss this in the context of the. PVNGS host zones and the WEST and GULF zones, which all show in SSC Figures 9-30 through 9-33 cells of zero rate(M>5.0)/deg2/yr.
: c. Not using earthquakes lower than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters for the Eastern source zones, as shown in SSC Table 9-4. Please discuss this in the context of there being so few events within the host zones that have magnitudes greater than to equal to M4.67 and inclusion of earthquakes lower than M4.67 despite the earthquake record below M4.67 not be complete.
I also updated the file on SharePoint: (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301.
From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:38 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I added 2 questions, attached. I also updated the fi le on SharePoint:
http: II epm .nrc.govI environ mental/illtq/wus-sshac/Shared%20 Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:47 PM To: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I. have. more observation/questions. that I can present tomorrow.
From: Stieve, Alice .
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:43 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow Palo Verde SharePoint FOLDER: Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens. My draft focus areas file is in that folder.
The attached file are Vlad's draft topics.
From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Monday,. May 18, 2015 1:02 PM To: Stieve,. Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David;. Ake, Jon;. John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
RE: PV team meeting tomorrow
: Alice, Can you send us the link to the topics/questions you've developed for the public meeting.
: Thanks, Cliff From : Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 10:22 AM
To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir
PV team meeting tomorrow I will not be at work all day tomorrow, therefore, I will not be at the PV team meeting_Don't cry. You will just have to carry on without me.@. Let me know what happens.
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: 13 May 2015 15:44:07 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (Clifford.Munson
Cc:Alice Stieve (;Heeszel, David
PVNGS Request
: Cliff, Please review and forward the following request on to JLD for Palo Verde:
For the staff to preform confirmatory analysis, please have the licensee send the NRC the PVNGS composite earthquake catalog prior to the declustering analysis, meaning t he catalog with 1,941 events in it as mentioned in "Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Source Characterization" report on page 6-7 and 6-10. The staff requests the catalog be provided in the tabular fo r m.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 18: 15:50 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Alice Stieve (
RE: latest version Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx
: Cliff, OK. Alice and I spoke, we'll have a computer & laptop.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S.NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Munson,. Clifford .
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:39 PM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie
latest version Stephanie, I made edits to the first draft. Let's use this one for the meeting discussion. Alice is getting a projector and laptop?
: Thanks, Cliff
Focus Area Questions!Topics for Palo Verde Public Meeting 5/9 In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.
Seismic Source Characterization
: 1. Provide additional detail on the PPRP and Tl interaction documentation for the SSC model, specifically . .. .... TBD .... I am working through that documentation this week (April 27).
: 2. Clarify how uncertainty derived from the difference in cumulative slip rates on Quaternary faults in AZ in comparison to the geodetic slip rates in southern AZ were evaluated and incorporated into model.
: 3. Clarify how uncertainty of the potential for the existence of unknown Quaternary faults in Southern Basin and Range province were evaluated and captured in model , in particular in the area W and NW of the PV site, and outside the geologic mapping project area.
4.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide. additional detail on the. involvement of. the PPRP. in the field review of the Quaternary geology mapping project of the PV site area and vicinity 5.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional. detail regarding verification and characterization of the 3 faults of interest in the site vicinity (Sand Tank, unnamed fault (Gilbert), unnamed fault (Pearthree)).
6.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional detail regarding the very simplistic geologic cross section of the PV site to rule out existence of unnamed fault (Pearthree) .
: 7. Geologic mapping project. Provide additional details regarding stratigraphic correlation of Quaternary units in the site area and vicinity, in particular the stand alone river terrace unit (Qorh) mismatch with the Qi1 alluvial fan surface.
: 8. Regarding information in PVNGS SSC Table 9-4, because the Eastern sources have so few events at M~4.67, please discuss how and why the Tl team chose to not use the events. lower. than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters. Also, please justify not using a "floor" during the recurrence parameters analysis.
: 9. Please talk about the SSHAC presentations, discussions, and/or analyses that led the Tl team to. use variable, continuous , and relatively. smooth seismicity when determining recurrence parameters for host zones, as opposed to constant rate values, particularly since there are so few recorded events in the PVNGS host zones.
Ground Motion Characterization Site Response
                                                  "O A>
cc CD
Palo Verde Nuclear I
                                                    <D 0
0 0
Generating Station Site Response Evaluation Section 2.3 of the "Seismlic Hazard and Screening Report for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units1, 2, and 3, March 2015" 1
Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting on June-9 SITE RESPONSE Provide additional detail regarding the Vs-kappa adjustment factors.
Specifically, provide the bases for
    - the host Vs profile,
    - the target deep Vs profile (including the use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 to develop the upper and lower profiles),
    - the target kappa value used for the kappa adjustments and whether the input FAS were corrected to the site kappa of 0.033 sec or a lower baserock kappa value,
    - use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5 to determine the upper and lower site kappa values,
    - the scenario events (magnitudes and distances) used to develop the input spectra for the Vs-kappa adjustment factors,
    - not including the Vs-kappa adjustment factors as additional epistemic uncertainty on the median GM 1\11s instead of capturing this variability as part of the variability in the site amplification functions.
Description of Subsurface Material
* Subsurface at PVNGS consists of about 350 ft of basin sediments overlyi11g bedrock, with a crystalline basement co1mplex at a depth of about 1,200 feet below the grcJund surface.
* Basin sediments: stratigraphic subdivisions of sands, gravels, clays, silts, and fanglomerate.
* Bedrock: Miocene volcanic and interbedded sedimentary rocks.
* Materials are divided into 2 site profiles, a shallow site profile and deep site profile, that are separated at the bottorr1 of the basin sediments.
Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Shallow Site Profile:
* UFSAR and PSAR lithologic descriptions and natural gamma logs
* Control point elevation is defined at the ground surface
* Vs values are estimated from suspension logs, downhole and crosshole surveys from the UFSAR and Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) surveys.
* Epistemic uncertainty (alnVs) was e*stimated for shear wave velocities in the base-case (BC) profile from the different measurements that were used to develop best-estimate valu es 1
* Upper-range (UR) and lower-range (LR) profiles were. developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile by exp(1.28*alnVs), following guidance in the SPID to achieve 10th and 90th percentile values.
* Note. that the UR profile does not include a lithologic layer of fanglomerate to account for its possible non-existence.
DISTANCE 8E1WEEN B~NGS RELATIVE TO Ul-81 \fcell Figure 35: Composite shallow profile 0                1111!>            2390          Figure 34:                        Depth                    Unit contact  Uthologlc Description U1 -B1            U2-B1            U3-B1                                                    (ft)                    (deptlllelev.)
(tleV. 1&3")      (tlev. 15'1      (*ltv. t501 Sh allow profi le                    0 boring logs from                                                          I *SANO yellow to red to brown ~ wrtll trwn lne~lar becls or Slit clayey-sin and S11ty-clay beneath each of
                          ..                                    the three                            60 880 reactors                            80 850 100 II
* CLAY yetlOw to red to brown olayey.sll! and Silty-clay w<th lenses Of fine-grained sand and silty-sand 120 820
...J                                                                                                  140 w    800
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  ~  750                                                                                                                      16817157 g                                                                                                                                            v. SAND brown to red-brown 111ty sand 111ndy*Slll and cteyey sand vecy &I fl to hard nonptnbc to ION plashc1ly
~                                                                                                                            'l<Y5/748 paraco11lorm11y
11/fJ              >-  V1 - CLAY yeltON to red-brown. S<l!y-clay very stdf to haJd distinct
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w                                                                  LmfOLOGIC UNITS                                                        uppe1 cori8cl stigttly to hlgl'fy calcareous med lo h91 plasbelly er                                                                                                                            230l723    ..J SA"I>                                    no                ()  VII* SANO uody-MI and silty 111nd btoWn non1)lHllC
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640    3111642 IX ..... ;o 320    IX
* IX - SANO llrlJwn 10 re<J.brown, $11nd. silty-sand and Clayiry-sand x    FAIOGl.OM&#xa3;~4Tt                                                  oc:c:asional (jfavel Cla&tli 6Ubaf1glllar to subroooded dense to very 620                    dense Vf!fY S11n to hard 340 GENERALIZED UTHll.OGJC DESCRIPTIONS 341/612  ------~----------~~---..----~-----~-~-~----------
u nc0n form *iY D&o'&deg;                  oay...., .....,_ .. _              ..                  600 X
* FANGLOMERATE brown to gay rroderately 10 wel cemened 1/0tcanic e1asts c:lenved from und<<lying bedtock in a matnl< of sand DCUIY-SAOfD_...., ...........
580                    soil and occaitiooaJfy tlAlaoeous sand. el!M!1to11 of ~contact D        Cl>* . ., . . ,,; - *
and thlckne!.6 ol tnt vary ectoss the site D        fA.HGt.Olll&#xa3;'tATE. ,.. "'""'                  IO 560    3951558 major uncontorm11y 0-run ... cv.v..-.. _.,......_
D ___
500                                                                                              GENERALIZED LITHOLOGY                XI
* BEDROCK see deep prolile ll(&#xb5;e IHlUll.A*-DFlOWlllt(CCIASo... '1.CW\
Saod Clay DNClUCTE----                                                  ~FanglOmerale LITHOt..OGIC UNIT 5
Dynamic properties of shallow site profile (base case profile)
Base Strati-                                                l:nit    Sigma              ~ oma    sigma
                                ~nemlized Lanr .      graphic
{;nit lithology D eprh (ft)
Thickness (ft)
                                                                        " *eight (pd)
Depth (ft)
Case Ys y .,
                                                                                                              , .., (ln)
(ft/s) 1            I            Sand          0          21          110      0.0      101 7    0.070    0.13 2            I            Sand          21        14          120      3 ~2    1041    0.0&8    0.19 3            I            Sand          35        10          120      5A      U50      0.075    0.17 4            I            Sand          45          7          120      6.9      1181    0.063    0.15 5            II            Clay          52        60          1151      8.0      1208    0.087      0.15 6            II            Clav          112        25        12Sl      3.5      1293    0.073      0.15 7          II            Clav          137        22        125 1      4.3      1391    0.073    0.15 8          m              Sand          159          8        126*      5.0      1431    0.055      0.15 9          I\'            Clay          167        19        ns  1 8.0      1+46    0.049    0.15 10          \  ...
Sand          186        19        126-'      2.0      1459    0.050    0.15 11          VI            Clay          205          5        125t      5.0      1510    0.103      0.15 12          VI            Clay          210        20        1251      1.8      1742    0.145      0.15 13        vn              Sand          230          8        126-      2 .0    1829    0.160    0.15 14        VIII            Clay          ns        52          1251      LO      2094    0.127    0.15 15        \Till          Clay          290        21        125 1    15.9      1094    0.127    0.15 16          IX            Sand          311        30          130      17.0      2094    0.127    0.15 17          x        Fane:lomerate      341        86          140      60.0      3262    0.176    0.15 A.ndesite Bed-                                                ~A1 XI        basal flow        427                    140        83      4485    N'A1      NA 3
rock brecc1a/mff Notes:
1 125 pcf is the a\*erage urut weight of all day unrts. The unit weights for all clay ooits are averaged for the sake of simplicity ill me ~te response analysis.
    '11 _6 pcfis. the average urut \\'eight of Sand {;ruts Ill\'. and VIl. The average is used fur the sake of simplicity in the site response an.alyill.
3In the site response analysis for shallow profile, Unit XI 1s cons.idered as die half space..                      6
Vs ( tt/scc)                          Layer depths, thicknesses, and 0 1000 2000        3000    400Cl shear wave velocities (Vs) for lower-range (LR), base-case (BC),
                                    - LR
                                    - BC and upper-range (UR) profiles for so
the shallow site profile at PVNGS.
100 Depth    Tlt:ickness        ,.-:s (ft/~et)
                                                  '"      (ft)      (ft)    LR          BC        ml 1          0        21      929        1017      1113 bO l        21        15      ~BO        ]041      1165
:;        35        ro    1046        ] 150    1266 200                                        4        4 )-        7    1 0.~0      lUtl    12,80
-                                                )        52        60    1081        ]208      1351
.c Q.
6        112        25    117S        ]293      1419 250                                        7        137        2'.!  12~6        ]391      t5Q8 s        159          8    1334        ~4"?
                                                                                            ..:>-  1536 9        167        19    1359        l446    1540 300 10        186        19    1359        ]459      1555 11        205          5,    l324        ]j1[ 0    1723 3SO                                        12        210        20    1448        ]74~    2098 13        2]1]        8    i4gg        ].829    2245 14        2:1S        52    1780        2094      2462 400 1.5      290        21    L S~O      2094      2462 16        311        30    1550        2094      2462 4.'.>0 17        341        86    2603        32:62    NI~
ED  lhts H 81 bonnvs
                                                                                                                                                      @)  LCIS.2~
* PVNGS -        llorlngl
                                                                                                                                                    -      SASW "'-1*7 bear \Vave Velocity (ft/ ec) 0        1000        2000        3000        4000        50(
0 100 200 300 0        1.000        2.000 II l    1 1
i  I    I I      '
400                                                                            .._~~~~~~~......_~~~~~---'-_...            __~~~............. o        250      500 m 2
&#xa3;Q. 500
Figure 1. Locations of SASW lines SASW-LCl-1 through SASW -LCl-7 (shown m red as lines 1-7) at the PVNGS site.
Q 600 A WArray                                                200 700    -      L Cl l
                - - L 12 800    -      L 13
                -      L C14                                              250
                -      L CIS 900    -      L 16
                - - L CI 7
            .._,_._._.._._.___._.__._.__._._..._._..__._,__._'-'-'___._.~ 300 1000 0        300        600        900        1200        1500 hear Wave Velocity (m/ ec)
Figure 4.1  Companson of the Seven. hear Wave Velocity Profi lcs Determined ai lhe Palo                                                                                  8 Verde NPP Site
PVNGS Borehole                                                                                                          PALO VERDE BOREHOLE B-2 Receiver to Receiver Vs and VPAnalysis
* Drill and. log 2 boreholes. (one deep[B-2, 423.                                                      50 ft], one shallow [B-1, 45. ft]) at the site, collec downhole geophysical data from the deep 100 borehole, and preparation of each borehole for installation of borehole seismometer 150 equipment.
* P-S Su spension Logging
* Induction/Natural Gamma                                                                        g    200 J:
* Caliper/Natural Gamma                                                                          Ii:w
* Acoustic Televiewer/Boring Deviation                                                            c 250 i
411250 300
                                                                -=- m" 0        80 0      :!ID No\OQ ~,. FIPS ~202 fl
                                                                ~ 201~ GOOQ18 Elflll -.ef!illgia LCl*B-1 450 .L...~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~-..1 0        2000      4000      6000    8000    10000    12000      14000 VELOCITY (ft/s)
Fi gure 1. Locations of boreholes LCl*B*1 and LCl*B*2 at the PVNGS site. Note: north arrow shows 9
true north. as opposed to "plant north."
Figure 5. Boring LC l-B-2, Suspension R1-R2 P- and Swwave velocities
Geologic cross-section showing the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the PVNGS site 0 SCRJPTION E 6AS.En&an    Ua!I""'~
I      ......_ ,,., *      * *Onln!!~
* 10
Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Deep Site Profile:
* Developed from data presented in the UFSAR and Geological Society of America Bulletin A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona (Warren, 1969)
* No borings underneath the. three units that reach the top of the basement complex, so the upper. contact is estimated using a. geologic cross-section from the UFSAR that shows.
the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the si1te
* Control point elevation for this. profile is defined at the bottom of the shallow site profile.
* Vs values were estimated from suspension (LCI,. 2015f) for bedrock. Vs for the basement complex was determined using typical seisn1ic wave velocities for granodiorite.
* Uncertainty in the thickness of each layer vi1as accounted for in the LR and UR deep site profiles.
* For the volcanics, this uncertainty was determined from boring logs as described in LCI (LCI, 2015d). For the upper basement layers, this uncertainty was taken as 10 percent of each respective mean thickness.
* Consistent with SPI D:
    -  UR and LR Vs values were developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile value by exp(1.28*alnVs), respectively, like for the shallow site profile
    -  Epistemic uncertainty was estimated for Vs in the BC profile using a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 as
    -  The LR and UR profiles were constructed by pairing 90th percentile Vs with 10th percentile thickness (and vice versa) in order to maximize the varia1tion in travel time                              11
Dynamic properties of deep site profile (base case profile) 1 e. source: T able 16 from LCI (LCI . ?Ol )-d)
T a ble 5~ . D1ynallllc properaes of d eep sire pro fil Depth      rmt        ~!Jean      :\Jean      Vs    Poisson's Elevatiou
                                                                                                                                                    ~1ea11  Sigma, to top    weight        Vs          Vp    Sigma      Ratio                                                      Thickness Tbicklless Strat. Gt'neraUzed of layer unit      lithology Range +,    Range -,
Mean, Top      Sigma ,
(ft)    (pct)    (ft/sec)    (ft/sec)    (lo)                                            Top          Top          (ft)    (ft)
(ft msl)    Top (ft) 3 (ft msl)    (ft msl)
Andesirel XI  basa lt/ flow            395        140        4485        9863      0.35      0.370        558        83          641        475        808      145 breccia/ ruff Weathered granodiorire/
~'II                          1203      1461        5438      10786      0.35      0.330        -250        NIA          NIA          NIA          20        10 mera-granice (top)
Weathered granodioritel xn    mera-granire 1223      152 1      7343      12632      0.35      0.245        -270        NIA          NIA          NA          20        10 (middle)
Wearhered g:ranodio1ite/
xn    mera-grnnire 1243      157 1
9248      14477      0.35      0.155        -290        NIA          NIA          NIA          20      10 (bonom)
xn    mera-~anire 1263      171 2      10200      15400      0.35      0. 109      -310        NIA          NIA          NIA        NIA      NIA Notes:
1 Unir weight for the weathered basement complex is deremlined from Vp.
1 Unit weight for wnveathered basement complex is detemiiued from Wan-en (WatTen. 1969).
3 Sigma rop is only calculated for Andesite XI for use in shallow site profile site response calculations. Sigma is calculated using rop elevation contact of bedrock from Units 1-3 Bl boreholes (Figure 34).
Vr, (m /'>)
PVNGS deep site 0
                                                                                                      .,. -, ,.    :1 I
2000 3000 4 000 I  ,,
                                                                                                                    .. - *~  ,_  - -  ......... ..
profile                                                  500 -
I  1 I-Lowtr R:mgt P rofilt (low n locidts. thil'ker layers. bas~:ise density):
m ight = 0.3 Desc:riptton                                    Tbicbiess (m)            Vs (m s)
I l  ..
I QI Vokanic bedrock sequen~                              324.2                873_4    t6:
Basement (shallow; weafherul top)                    10_  0            l ,059_0  ~ 1000  -                                l                          -
Basement (shallov.r: wealhered middle)                10_0                1.430_0 Q.
3        .                                    I Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)                  10.0                l.800_9    0 Basement (shallow)                                  1.784.2              1.986-3    t1I I
Basemeru (deep)                                    12.560_0              3.680.0  ..."'
0        .                                    I I
B:iw Case Profilt (mt dfan Ynlues :ill par:unerers):                                ~  1500 -                                    L weiebt =OA                                                                          :t:                                              1 0
Description                                    Thickness (m)            Vs (m s)  .D
\'olcanic bedrotl: ~                                267.6                1.367.0    E                                                I 0
Basement (shallow; weathered top)                                        l.657.5
                                                                                    ..c                                              I 6.1 Basement (shallow; vteatheted middle)
Basement (shallow~ weathered bottom)
B~t (shallow) 6.1 6.1 1,581.7 2.238_1 1.818..8 3,109.0
                                                                                  -.z E
2000 .
Basement (dttp)                                    10.0000              3.680.0    0 QI          UR Prctile I
t:pper Range Profile (high , *elocitlts, rhiwter layers. b.-se cue density):
wei_ebt = 0.3 Description                                    Ttucl.."ness (m )        Vs (m s)
                                                                                              . Base Case Prof ile LR Prctil e I
\'olcanic bedrock sequence                          211.0                2. 139.6      2500 -                                                  I Basement (shallow; weathered top)
Basement (sh3.llow; weathered middle) 2.2 2.'.!
2.5943 3.503.1
                                                                                                - Warr en (1969)                                I I
Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)
Basement (shallow)
Basement (deep) 1.379.3 17,.i40.0 3.680.0 3.680 0 3.680.0
                                                                                                - S'NUS Re fere nce Profile I
I        13 3000                            .
PVNGS Shear Modulus & Damping Curves Table . ~gradation CW\"eS for each stratigraphic unit at PVNGS. Source: Table 14 from LCI (I.CI 2015d' -
Degrndatlon            DtgradatioJl Strntignapbic Gtnendized Depth Thickness Layer                                                              Curns                Cw.t~
Cnit        lithol~-        (ft)      (ft}
(..\lterna ch'e n    l..Uternntin 2)
EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cun-es 1            I          Sand            0        21 0-20 ft              0-50 ft EPRI Sou        Peninsular Cun;~
2            I          Sand          21        14 20-50 ft              0-50 ft EPRI Soil        Peni.nsular Curves 3            I          Sand          35        10 20-50 ft            0-50 ft EPRI Sou        Peninsular Curves 4            I          Sand          45          7 20-50 ft              0-50 ft
* Shallow profile Vucetic and Dobry      Vuce-tic and Dobry 5            n          Clay          52        60
( 1991)-PI=30          (1991}Pl=30        alternative were given Vucetic and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobry 6            II          Clay          112        25 (1991)-PI=JO          (1991)-Pl=30      equal weights
                                                            \*ocellc and Dobry    Vucetic and Dobry 7            II          Clay          137        22 (1991)-Pl=30          (1991)-PI=30
* Deep profile linear EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cw.-es 8            m          Sand          159        8 120-250 ft            51-500 ft I\"                                          Vucetic  and  Dobry  Vucrtic  and Dobry 9                        Clay          167        19 (1991 )-PI=30          (1991}Pl=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsular Curves 10            \          Sand          186        19 120-250 ft            51-500 ft
                                                            \"ucebc and Dobry      Vucettc and Dobry 11            VI          Oay          205          5 (1991)-PI=JO          (199l}Pl=30
                                                            \"ucetic and Dobry    Vucetic and Dobry 12            VI          Clay        210        20 (1991)-PI=30          (199l}PI=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsulnr Cw...-es 13          VII          Sand        230          8 120-250 ft            51-500 ft Vucebc and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobty u            VIII        aay          238        51 099l)-PI=30            (1991)-PI=30 Vucellc and Dobry      Vucetic and Dobry 15          \'III        Clay        290        21 0991)-Pl=30            (1991)-Pl=30 EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cun:es 16            IX          Sand        311        30 150-500 ft            51-500 ft EPRI Soil        Peninsular Cwve!.                        14 17            x      Fanglomernte    3-U        86 250-500 ft            51-500 ft
10                  .' I I
                                                                                                                                          ~      -        ~
i t, Z-    !--+-
I' PVNGS Kappa                                              e
                                                                                                        .~* i-,....                      ~
                                                                                                                                                                          ~l~ ~
j              I
                                                                                                    '= f=  1~*~
                                                                                                                                          *=      -
* Adjustment factors were developed to convert                    ti                                                                                                  .
ground motions. from the reference rock associated              l
                                                                  "'....                        I l with the GMPEs from the SWUS. GMC to site specific            ~
                                                                  ....                                                                                          ?
                                                                                                              -                                        lJ;,?I rock conditions at PVNGS corresponding to the deep site profile ..
if c
0        1 I    I I ~              Ti .,.. __
                                                                                                                                                                . I I: __...
__, /~
* Vs-kappa adjustments consist of 2 parts.
                                                                                              .._~I r
* L
                                                                                                                                      * ~
                                                                                                                                                                      ... - ~            -
: 1. Accou nt for impedance differences, calculated using
                                                                  .-c                            r
                                                                                                                                          ...... """ "' "I" the Quarter-wavelength approach (Boore and Joyner, cu
                                                                                                '                                                  ' ','-- ~ ~
lo..                                  I
1997; Boore, 2003, 2013} and affects all frequencies.                * -                  -      1~~                                    - ,_                                    ..... k
: 2. Account for the differences in kappa (kappa-zero ). It  <
I has an exponential fo rm and affects mainly the high frequencies.
* Host kappa value fo r SWUS GMPEs is 0.041 sec and                      0.1 the target kappa value at PVNGS is 0.033 sec with a                        0.1                                      1                                                10                          100 Frequency (Hz) logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5.
* BC, LR, and UR target kappas were combined with                          -    LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                                  -      LB Profile, Median kappa (0.11) each of the BC, LR, and UR deep site profiles to get 9 sets of adjustment factors applied to the {BC, LR, UR}                        LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                                  -      Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12) kappa alternatives and Vs profile alternatives.
                                                                          -    Medi.1n Profile, Medi an kappa {0.16)                        -      Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12}
* Although some of these adjustment factors become very large at HF, the SWUS GMC rock motions have                              UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                                  -      UB Profile. Median kappa (O.U) zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is                        UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.                                                                  Net factors to convert ground motions from SWUS reference rock to PVNGS rock cond ffi ons.
PVNGS Randomizcition of Vs Profiles
* Shear wave velocity in each layE~r. SPID (EPRI, 2013) guidance was followed - shear wave velocities were truncated to +/-2 alnVs. USGS site class "A" pararr1eters, for hard rock.
* Material properties. SPID guidance was followed and realizations were. truncated at +/-2 aln for both G/Gmax and. damping curves.
* Profile layer depths and thicknesses. Depth to the top of each layer was modeled using a Norrnal distribution, each realization of depth to the top of a given layer was limited to +/-2a.
* Depth to bedrock was modeled using a Normal distribution, each realization of depth to the top c,f bedrock was limited to +/-2a.
* 60 random velocity profiles were generated for each combination of profile (BC, LR, and UR), material model (EPRI or Peninsular values), input spectrum, and set of adjustment factors.
PVNGS Input Spectra
* Obtained using reference-rock hazard for PVNGS
* Following guidance from the SPID, HF (5 and. 10 Hz) and. LF (1. and 2.5 Hz) spectra at mean annual frequencies of exceedence (MAFEs) of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 were scaled to 11 different PGA amplitudes between 0.01 g and 1.5 g for a total of 22 input control motions.
* Input response spectra were converted to Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) using IRVT, which requires an estimate of ground motion duration for each input control motion, which was calculated according to the method in Rathje et al. (2005) .
Table 8. Deaggregated magnitudes and distances for reference rock and associated durations. Source:
LCI (LCL 2015a).
:\lotion          ~Ia2nitude  (l\1w)    Di tance (km)    Duration ( ec) 104 Lff~V Freq.            7.5                210              26.3 104 High Freq.            6. 1                18              4 .06 I 0-5 Low Freq.            7.6                200              27.7 10-5 High Freq.            6.2                  8.0            3.94 10-6 Low Freq.            6.8                  8.0              .46 10-6 High Freq .          6.4                6.0              4 .76          17
PVNGS Site Response Methodology
* RVT. was used to perform the site response analyses, consistent with SPID.
* For the BC, LR, and UR shallow site profiles, site amplification factors (SAF) are developed for seven spectral frequencies (0.5 Hz SA, 1.0 Hz SA, 2.5 Hz SA, 5.0 Hz SA, 10 Hz SA, 20 Hz SA, and 100 Hz SA or PGA) over the range of spectral amplitudes represented by the input contnol motions (refer to Section 2.3.4). Each set of SAF incorporates the various types of variability in profile and material properties and uncertainty in kappa and deep shear wave vellocities as represented by the nine sets of adjustment factors.
* To include the deep site profile effect on SAF, the IRVT-derived input FAS was multiplied. by the set of Vs-kappa adjustment factors prior to using that input spectrum to drive the shallow site profile.
PVNGS Amplification Function BC. 10-4                                                                                          BC 10-5 J
10' 10' 10 1 -
1cr' 10 * - -10*            10'      ti/
10' 10 '        to*        10' 10 1
10'        10'                                to'        10'          UT Frequency. (Hz)                                Frequenc~ (Hz)
Frequency, (Hz)                          Freqa>>ney (Hz]
Fi~ -He. PVNGS BC mr&#xa3;l<< r6ponsc spectra mid SAF for 10* HF input motion ming the EPRI soil 1
Fi:ur~ -Ha. PVNGS BC s.udaa ~spectra and SAf for 10-4 HF i.npuc molion 11$Uig the EPRl soil marerial olOdel and a SUlgle re~ rock ro local rock adjustmen1 fuoc.tion. Green Imes are ~ for    mataial model and 1 sin.git refet-mce rock ro loc&l rock adj11stmeo1 function.. Green are spectra for 60 indi\idual randomiud profiles Median (blade solid line) and :::lo1o (blaclc dashed linH) ~e abo 60 1.0dmdual randomized profiles. M~an (blad: sohd lio.e) and =loi. (black dashed 11.0es) ~ also shown. Souru: Figure 46 from LCI (l..CI.1015d).
shown. SoutN: F1gur-e 48 fromlCI (l..CL ::WlSd).
10'                                      10' 10'                                          10' 810' '
        ~;      I J  10 '
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PVNGS BC median amplification    2.5                                                                    -- . .    -l                                                -+- PGA
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Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:2 Jun 2015 17:35:50 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Munson , Clifford;Ake, Jon;Heeszel,. David ;Stieve ~ Alice;John Stamatkos;Weaver, Thomas;Stovall, Scott;Hill , Brittain;Chokshi , Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong;Jackson, Diane;Miriam Juckett (mjuckett@
RE: PVNGS: Site Response Attachments:PVNGS Site Response - SDG.pptx.
Site response overview slides attached.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 11:57 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Munson,. Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas;. Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (
RE: PVNGS: Site Response I put together few slides about GMRS and can show them .
From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:07 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas; Stovall, Scott; Hill,. Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh.
Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (
PVNGS: Site Response Palo Verde Team, I put together a few slides on the PV site response to generate discussion at today's meeting. I know there has been ongoing work by others regarding PV site response, please come prepared to discuss your work and knowledge of the PV site response with the whole team.
Tuesday, June 2 (TODAY), 2:30PM ET TWFN -07A03 Phone: (877) 927-0419 Passcode l (b)(6)    j#
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2
TSCHILTZ, Michael From:TSCHILTZ, Michael Sent:29 Apr2015 19:14:30 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:MAUER, Andrew
DIABLO CANYON MEETING Nick in the staff slide presentation for the. subject meeting.. specifically, slide 15 shows l date for Group 1 SPRAs ... as has been discussed with NRC upper management our understanding is that Diablo (if it is in group 1) will be given the. same amount of time as others. to. complete SPRA which pushes it out beyond the date shown on the slide .... . was this just an oversight or is t his an issue t hat needs further discussion?
Mike Tschiltz.
Director,. Risk Assessment Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8083.
M f{b){6)                  I E:
* essage transmission contains information.from the Nuclear Energy. Institute, Inc. The.information is intended solely.for the addressee.and its.use
* not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient,. you have received
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review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution o                        mmunication is strict                    u ave received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender Immediately by telephone or by elect                                delete the orig/no/ message. IRS Circular 230 disdosure:
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Sent through www.lntermedia .com DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 15:12:36 +0000 To:Gibson , Lauren
FW: PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Attachments:NRC Public Meeting 4-28 Seismic Final.pdf FYI. ... slide 54 has a summary of licensee and regulatory actions.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:42 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; 'John Stamatakos <> ('; Hill, Brittain; Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Walker, Wayne; Alexander, Ryan; Moreno, Angel; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Maier, Bill; Roth(OGC), David; Lindell, Joseph; Uttal, Susan; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Hipschman, Thomas; Wyman, Stephen
PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Folks, Attached are the. PG&E slides in support of the Tuesday public meeting. NRG slides. will be available tomorrow morning.
Please forward to those I may have. missed.
Thanks, Nick From: Jahangir, Nozar []
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:58 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl
Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Philippe; Attached is the DCPP presentation for the subject meeting. I will also take 30 hardcopies with me, as well. I w ill be travelling on Monday and will be in Rockville on Monday night.
We also need the Web access number and passcode for Techn ical PG&E staff that w ill be calling in support of the presentation.
Thanks Nozar Juhangir P.E.
Manager, Techni cal Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering 805-545-6512 l<b)(6)            I(cell)
nx jl From: Difrancesco, Nicholas []
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:33 AM To: Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Jahangir, Nozar;. Vega, Frankie; Shams,. Mohamed; Jackson, Diane
NRC Technical Focus Areas for Support of Public Meeting on April 28 Mr. Soenen ,
In support of the public meeting scheduled for April 28, 2015, the NRG staff would like to gain additional technical understanding in several areas to support productive public meeting discussions. In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.
Seismic Source Characterization
: 1. Summarize the key data used to constrain the slip rate of the Hosgri fault, including associated uncertainties.
: 2. Clarify how elements of the thrust/reverse interpretation for the San Luis Range Thrust are incorporated into the SSC.
: 3. Clarify how the rupture models are derived from the fault source geometry models.
: 4. Summarize the methodology used to define the equivalent Poisson rates.
Ground Motion Characterization
: 1. Provide additional detail on the criteria used for the selection of the candidate ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for development of the common form median ground motion models for DCPP. Specifically, please elaborate on the basis for including GMPEs based on datasets other than NGA-West2.
: 2. Provide additional detail on development of the common functional form used to fit the candidate GMPEs. Specifically, please discuss how model parameters such as depth to Vs=1 km/sand 2.5 km/s (which are present in some of the candidate GMPEs) are accounted for in the functional form.
: 3. Provide additional detail on the approach for weighting the selected common form models as well as the criteria used to verify the physicality of the final models.
: 4. Provide additional detail on how the continuous distribution for total sigma (crss) was developed by combining the between-event and within-event aleatory variabilities.
Site Response
: 1. Section of the 50.54(f) submittal states that shear modulus and damping curves are not directly applicable to DCPP since analytical modeling is not used and that non-linear site effects are implicitly included in the empirical GMPEs for Vs30=760 m/s. However, the NGA-West2 database has a limited amount of data for sites with Vs30 near 760 m/s and for earthquakes with magnitudes and source-to-site distances similar to those dominating the hazard for DCPP. Please provide additional information on how these limitations in the NGA-West2 database are accounted for in the site response model for DCPP.
: 2. Section 2.3.6 of the 50.54(f) submittal describes the development of the site term for DCPP. For the calculations of between-event residuals, provide additional information on the criteria used to determine the appropriate distance range(+ and - Rrup) to the sample station. Please discuss the sensitivity of this distance range on between-event residual values. Please provide an example calculation that uses site-specific values to determine the values for $ s2s, including the epistemic uncertainty in the site term .
Please let me know if you have any questions on the above focus areas.
: Thanks, Nick Di f rancesco Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
AIL 09-001                    JAPAN LESSONS LEARNED
* The NRC's first assessment of the Shoreline fault was detailed in RIL 09-
* The NRG staff issued a request for 0
_.. :J I
0 -
001 and was based on information available at the time. The NRC found the Shoreline fault's maximum additional information to all nuclear power plants on March 12, 2012, to
_.. PJ
                                                                                                                                        -CJ)* :J 6"
predicted shaking is less than what            initiate several actions as a result of                                            PJ  -
NRC REvlEW OF S EISMIC            <    "O the plant was previously analyzed for.          lessons learned from the Fukushima                                                ~. PJ
                                                                                                                                        -co Dai-ichi accident in Japan:                HAZ'ARDATTHE DIABLO C,AJ\J'V            PJ CD AIL 12-001 RIL 12-01 , "Confirmatory Analysis of Seismic Hazard at the Diablo Canyon
                                                    - Conduct "walkdowns" of all nuclear power plants to verify flooding and PONERPLANT                -Q:
CD ~
0 CJ) 0
Power Plant from the Shoreline Fault            seismic protection features                                                        -
CD _..
I Zone," updates the NRC's evaluation                                                                                              "O (JI
                                                    - Reevaluate flooding and seismic                                                    c: ~
based on information PG&E provided                                                                                                0-0 hazard and design using present day                                              =o in January 2011 , as well as a staff visit to Diablo Canyon.                              methods and guidance 0o
* The NRC continues to conclude that ground shaking from the Shoreline fault's earthquake scenarios are less
* The DCPP seismic hazard reevaluation, submitted in March 2015,. assesses all known faults in the area (i.e., not limited c:
CD than the HE and LTSP ground motion          to just the Shoreline fault) using a                                                        0 levels for which the plant was              process similar to what is done for siting                                                  : :;
previously evaluated and                    new reactors. The licensee reported that                                                    CD demonstrated to have reasonable              the ground shaking from the known                                                          CJ)
assurance of satety                          fault's earthquake scenario exceeds the                                                    0 "O
Double Design Earthquake in the                                                            CD
~ 10 1- 1OHz range and that there was reasonable assurance that the plant        This brochure provides an overview o the NRC's review of the Shoreline fau 0
&sect; i u
      -~**--                                        could achieve sate shutdown at the higher level. The NRC is currently          zone. near Diablo Canyon . . It also          ,,
CD evaluating the licensee's report            places the Shoreline fault review in            0 context with the NRC's request that al          )>
j '&deg;                                                                                                                                            ..,
l ..
* The NRC performed a screening and prioritization review of this report and determirn~rl th::it niabln r.anyon screens U.S. nuclear power plants reanalyze seismic hazards based on lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
                                                                                                                                              .0 CD c:
accident in Japan.
in to do n me '"' 'l 'l r.-J *e seismic                                                    -i probablis ; rii a~ 3: mf .ts is due                                                        ::;
(Prepared April 2015)                CD Com parison of Hosgri and L TSP              - - - - -* ua$0V VI I (he licensee's Spectra to NRC Deterministic              reported interin actions, the NRC                                                        "O For additional information contact th        PJ Evaluation Results                  determined that the plant is safe to                                                      <O operate while the further analysis is        Office of Public Affairs. Phone~ (30        CD CJ) being completed.                                415-8200 or email:
DIABLO CANYON POWER                                -      Hosgri Earthquake (HE} ground            SHORELINE FAULT motion level,. which is based on an PLANT SEISMIC                                              earthquake from the Hosgri fault, BACKGROUND                                                  which was discovered in 1971 .
                                                      );;>. The HE ground motion level is
* Nuclear power plant designs                              0.75g peak ground acceleration consider earthquake effects by                            anchored at 100 Hz based on a providing margins against ground                          7.5 magnitude earthquake 5 motion levels at the plant site.                          kilometers from the site
  -      The ground motion levels show              >-      Diablo Canyon's design was how much energy (measured in                        modified so that sufficient
          'g,' or percent of Earth's gravity) is              equipment survives the. HE to transmitted at different shaking                    safely shutdown the plant and frequencies                                        keep the nuclear fuel cool Designers use ground motion
* Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP}
levels to analyze how structures and equipment respond during an          -      The plant's original license earthquake                                        required seismic reevaluation in 1O years
* Diablo Canyon is licensed to three earthquake. ground motions (most                        The LTSP was initiated to meet plants have two)                                        this license condition
  -      Design Earthquake (DE) ground            -      The LTSP spectrum has been
* In November of 2008 , plant owner Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) motion is the biggest earthquake                  used to evaluate seismic margins          informed the NRG it had identified a the plant is allowed to continue previously unknown fault during operating through collaborative research. with the U.S.
    );;>. The DE ground motion level is                                                              Geological Survey (USGS}
0.2g anchored at 100 Hz
* The Shoreline fault is approximately Double Design Earthquake (ODE) ,                                                            600. meters from the reactor and 300 ground motion is the shaking level                                                          meters offshore at. which all safety related
* The NRC's first assessment of the equipment must remain functional                                                            Shoreline fault was detailed in Research Information Letter (R IL)
    ~      The ODE ground motion level is 09-001 .. "Preliminary Deterministic double the amplitude of the DE Analysis of Seismic Hazard at Diablo (0.4g peak ground acceleration. 00                                                    Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from anchored at 100 Hz)                  DI                                      10  100 f rfqUen<)' (H 7)            Newly Identified 'Shoreline. Fault""
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 12:45 :57 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane
FYT: Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Attachments:diablo canyon brochure revision 6.docx Fyi. . .
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:34 AM To: Gibson, Lauren Cc: Hill, Brittain; Vega, Frankie
Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Lauren ,
Britt Hill had a new graphic with additional curves on it. We will probably need to add the GMRS and consider incorporation of the LSTP margin assessment.
Scott Flanders, Mohamed Shams, Yong Li , and Kamal Manoly are planning to travel for the end-of-cycle meeting June 24. Ahead of the meeting we should share with them for comment.
SPRA report will be due June 2017.
: Thanks, Nick From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:21 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
FW: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo canyon seismic brochure
: Nick, Have you been able to look at this yet? I think the time has come.
: Thanks, Lauren From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 4:56 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure
: Nick, I took the liberty of updating this brochure as if the screening and prioritization review were already completed . All that's needed is to put in the due date for SPRA. There seems to be
quite a large number of people to coordinate with in this: your branch , DORL, Region 4, and NRO, so it should probably go into circulation for comment soon . We don't want to get ahead of the screening and prioritization , but I want to be ready to go so we can use this tool as soon as the initial review is completed.
When do you think I should send it to the others? I thought you should get the first crack at it.
: Thanks, Lauren From: Uselding, Lara .
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:32 AM To: Bowman, Gregory Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Great news Greg , thanks and we appreciate the support.
Lara From : Bowman, Gregory Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 7:29 AM To: Uselding, Lara Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren
RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure
: Lara, Lauren will take the lead for helping out with preparing for the meeting and pulling together the communication tools to support it. She'll coordinate with NRO , JHMB, DORL, and Region IV on that. I asked her to get in touch with you to discuss specifics, including timing of the meeting, so.
you should be hearing from her shortly.
Greg From: Sebrosky, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 6:53 AM To: Bowman, Gregory; Gibson, Lauren; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Lingam, Siva; Markley, Michael; Oesterle, Eric; Jackson, Diane Cc: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena
question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Greg, Lauren , Nick, Mike, Siva, Eric, and Diane, The purpose of this email is to inform you of a request from RIV regarding possibly updating the attached brochure that we used in the past to communicate Diablo Canyon seismic issues. The inquiry for possibly updating the brochure can be found in the email below. A second purpose is to provide a proposal for updating the brochure that would involve JLD, NRO and RIV resources. Any insights you might have on the best way of updating the brochure (if it is
deemed appropriate to do so) based on the information below on how the brochure was put together would be helpful.
The attached brochure was developed by me as the Diablo PM with help from Annie Kammerer, Cliff Munson, Chris Cook, RIV staff (including Neil O'Keefe, Christie Hale, Megan Williams and Lara Uselding), and the JLD (Barry Miller). It was. part of a broader effort to communicate seismic information to the public at a Fall 2012 public meeting. Barry, Annie, and Chris, all had poster boards that they developed along with the attached brochure and they attended the Fall 2012 public meeting. The. brochure and several poster boards from the Fall 2012 meeting are still available on the RIV sharepoint link (see
From my perspective, I understand the request below is limited to updating the attached brochure, I just wanted to give everyone that was not involved with the Fall 2012 public meeting an idea of how the seismic communication tools were developed (it was truly a team effort). For what it is worth my suggestion to update the brochure would include the following (the 4 megabyte word file is available on the RIV sharepoint link):
* Me or Lauren Gibson work with Megan Williams to take a first crack at updating the brochure based on the Diablo's March 2015 seismic reevaluation information o Megan has the technical background on Diablo seismic issues and is an outstanding source of information
* Have the revised brochure. reviewed for technical. content by Nick DiFrancesco (JLD seismic reevaluation lead PM) , Diane Jackson (NRO seismic branch chief - Diane can determine which NRO staff, if any, need to review the updated brochure for technical content) and RIV projects staff o Revise the brochure as appropriate based on comments from JLD, NRO, and RIV projects staff Please let me know if you have any questions about the above and feedback on the proposal if it is determined that updating the brochure is appropriate.
: Thanks, Joe Sebrosky Senior Project Manager:
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-1132 From: OPA4 Resource Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 5:34 PM To: Gibson, Lauren; Sebrosky, Joseph Cc: Burnell, Scott
Hello Lauren and Joe-
Back in 2012 when we issued the RIL, we handed out the attached brochure. I forget who there at HQ put it together but it's been a super handy resource to pass out to public and the media. I thought it would be useful if we update it with 1) verbiage once the March submittals come 2)any necessary updates and take. it with. us this year to our meeting. Can you assist with this or point me to right person to work with?
I am no longer pursuing a video so this would provide a helpful overview of Oiablo Canyon seismic..
: Thanks, Lara Uselding
Sent:24 Apr 2015 18:39:46 +0000 To:Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne;Uselding, Lara;Maier, Bill
FYI: Draft of WUS Screening and Pdoritization Letter Attachments: Redline~ Western US Screening and Prio1itization letter.docx, lnfo POP Western US Screening Letter rev5.docx
: Folks, Current WUS seismic screening letter. Beginning management review in NRR and NRO. It generally mirrors the CEUS screening letter from May 9, 2014.
Attached is the current POP that will be updated for senior management briefings. I plan to schedule in the near future a NRR ET and include the R-IV management brief.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:08 PM To: Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Cho, Esther Cc: Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford; Vega, Frankie; Burnell, Scott; Lent, Susan
~ Draft of WUS Screening and PrioritizatiOll Letter ~le'Q)
: Folks, Attached is the WUS Screening and Priorization Letter. Along with Frankie's and technical staff efforts the letter is ready for management review.
Attachment 2 - redline markup shows changes from the CEUS May 9, 2014 letter.
Items for Management Awareness :
* Discusses acceptability of Oiablo Canyon and Palo Verde interim actions in lieu of ESEP
* Discusses limited scope evaluation schedule for Group 1 WUS Sites only
* No discussion of SPRA schedule relaxation (suggest to discuss with licensees when results are communicated)
Attachment 4 - Current Management POP and Communication Plan Timeline
: Esther, Attachment 1 is ready for ADAMS add.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRG would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRG provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1 : Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach) . The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
I The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
I The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRG staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the. endorsed SPID guidance . .
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50.54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations including estimated seismic risk. Additionally, the. submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRG staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic. margins.
supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The licensees for Diablo. Canyon and Palo. Verde provided interim evaluations in lieu. of completing of the Expedited Approach . These licensees have demonstrated seismic margins that met the intent of the Expedited Approach review.
For Columbia, the interim evaluation provided in March 2015 is a first step in assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term, by January 2016,.
Columbia will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate. and identify reinforcements,. if necessary, for certain equipment to ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic ground motion.
SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRG staff's initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake. (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This results in a curve of ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRG staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-10 Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations
                                                      -. 3 -.
ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1O Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is. the focus for this portion of the risk evaluation , as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further. seismic risk evaluations.
* If the GMRS, in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the. Interim Evaluation) .. Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.
In addition,. if the. GMRS meets the. low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID ,. and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above. 10. Hz, then the. licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible. to that specific range of ground motion. . provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 and by letter dated February 20, 2014, the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the. 30-day review period under certain circumstances .. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be. needed. In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models. and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during the. NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo. Verde additional time and interactions. will be. required to better understandthe. seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional evaluations . . Palo Verde has. been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority 5
Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
for further evaluations and establish. schedule. for an Expedited Approach, if. necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e., spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three. groups6 , which (i) reflects the. relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing. and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the. new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS). to the. SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to. the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in the 1-10 Hz range that are generally higher in absolute magnitude. Group 1 plants including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June 30, 2017.
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance in the. 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After. further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on the. staffs screening review the licensee for Columbia should. finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 2016. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders to assess acceptable alternatives for conducting these evaluations. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations. The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
can. complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1. plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic. hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such, the NRG staff will continue its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review . . The. staff has. placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations.
Initial interactions. with licensees. will occur as soon as. practicable. The NRG staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic. hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
: ML15113B344                                                      *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/ PM      NRR/JLD/ LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC      NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC        NRR/ DORU D.
NAME        NDiFrancesco          Sl ent          MShams              DJackson                Llund DATE        04/22/15                I /15            I /15              I /15                    I /15 OFFICE      NRO/ DSEA/D          OGC              NRR/JLD/D            NRR/ D NAME        SFlanders            BHarris          JDavis              WDean DATE          I /1 5                I. /15          . I. /15              I .. /15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under No. Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seism ic Risk              Limited-scope Evaluations.
Expedited Screening                      Evaluation          High            Low        Spent Fuel Plant Name                                Approach Result                      (Prioritization  Frequency      Frequency          Pool Evaluation Group)        Evaluation      Evaluation    Evaluation Columbia Generating Station                In            x                1              x                                x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2                                In                              1              x                                x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional Station , Units. 1, 2, and 3                                                3              x                                x in Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 1O.. 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:2 1 May 201 52 1:14:05 +0000 To:Burnell , Scott;Maier, Bill ;Uselding, Lara;Moreno, Angel Cc:Alexander, Ryan;Walker, Wayne;Lingam, Siva;Vega, Franki e;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed;Hipschman, Thomas;Markley, Michael;Hill, Brittain
FYI: Future Issuance of Diablo Canyon R2. l Seismic Meeting Summary Attachments:Summary of April 28th Meeting with PGE_5.docx Meeting summary is publicly available as Folks,                                                              ML15125A186.
FYI: The following meeting summary will be issued regarding the April 28 - Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic public meeting COB Wednesday May 27, 2015. The summary closes two public comments received related to the webcast.
Open ADAMS P8 Document (Summary of April 28, 2015, Category 1 Public Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Discuss Diablo Canyon's Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Associated with Implementation of Japan Lessons-Learned Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1, Seismic)
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
DiFrancesco. Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 19 May 2015 19:05:51 +0000 To:'Gene Nelson, Ph.D.'
Cc: Vega, Frankie
Incorporation of Public Comment Or. Nelson, Appreciate the public comment. Apologizes in the delay in response, the staff has received a number of public comments for review as part of the meeting. Below is the staff summary of your comment:
The staff received a comment from Dr. Gene Nelson (Californians for Green Nuclear Power) via email during the meeting. The NRG staff inadvertently missed the opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Nelson's. comment during the meeting. According to Dr.
Nelson, Diablo Canyon has favorable site conditions, which attenuate or dissipate earthquake energy over relatively short distances. Due to this favorable condition , the primary earthquake forces seen by the plant would be dominated by nearby earthquake sources and energy transmitted to the plant would be dominated by the small section of the earthquake rupture closest to the plant. Dr. Nelson stated that when considering the information presented at the meeting of overall plant ruggedness and the seismic hazard insights discussed above, Diablo Canyon continues to operate safely.
Please let Frankie and I know if you have proposed correction by May 21 , 2015.
: Thanks, Nick
-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. [mailtol(bl( l 5
h Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 7:39 PM To: DiFrancesco , Nicholas
Reminder: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. is still awaiting the summary of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP Importance: High
==Dear Nicholas:==
I'm still awaiting the summary for my review of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP that documents my participation in the meeting. Do you know when I will be able to review that document?
You may also be interested in the 231 pages of submissions as of 11 May 2015 to the California Energy Commission (CEC) docket 15-IEPR-12 regarding Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I wrote or assembled about 99% of the written exhibits. Upon request, I'll email you a 5-page summary of those exhibits .
Thanks! Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San Luis Obispo, CA
>Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08 :55:27 -0700
>To: "DiFrancesco, Nicholas" <>
>From: "Gene Nelson, Ph.D." 1<0 ><6 >                  ~
>Subft(t* Examnle DCPP N11f lear Safety Discussions by Gene Nelson, Ph.D.
>Beet >><5)                    _
>Nicholas DeFrancesco
>US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
>(301) 415-1 115
>30 April 2015
>I appreciate your telephone call to me yesterday regarding my not being
>a telephonic participant in the NRC DCPP seismic safety review on 28
>April 2015. I look forward to reviewing a draft of my contributions to
>the 28 April 2015 DCPP seismic safety review in the upcoming NRC
>I sincerely hope there will be more effort focused on public outreach
>to help interested non-expert participants understand future NRC
>reviews of DCPP safety. As a physical sciences professor at Cuesta
>College - and recently an engineering professor at California .
>Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, I recognize the
>importance of public outreach. As a consequence, I have provided
>citizen testimony at NRC field hearings, Diablo Canyon Independent
>Safety Committee hearings, California Coastal Commission hearings,
>California State Water Resources Control Board hearings, and California
>Energy Commission hearings. A Google search of both phrases "Diablo.
>Canyon Power Plant" and "Gene Nelson" shows 19 results, "DCPP" and
>"Gene Nelson" shows 13 results, and "CGNP" and "Gene Nelson" showed 12
>As an example of my outreach, please see my current exchange with Rod
>Deyo, Ph.D. in the attachment. His Ph.D. is in mathematics.
> Rod and I both graduated from
>Harvey. Mudd College. in 1973.
>I'm interested in your perspectives.
>Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San
>Luis Obispo, CA1<0><6 >            !cell
Sent:24 Apr 2015 20:01:37 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph
Many thanks! RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides
: Yosef, Have a good weekend. Appreciate the prompt review.
Sincerely, Nick From : Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 3:59 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Nick.
Yosef. Lindell.
Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -4 15-1474 MOTI C E
* This iWil il illi'Q ilRf i\tiil6RQ2ifilt8 M!!i)' Hfill!iifil 88FlfiieF1tieJ ;0 :M9Ff19) elie1 :t er 1914101I :CJ Wo:lc P1ee~et  :::11te1 i11l. Qu ::ct aisclosc oatsiac tJAS :: itlibal 80111111issia11 app1oeal.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:31 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Vega, Frankie; Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan; Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane
For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Scott, Lara, OGG, Current working draft of slides. Let me know if have questions with messages. I plan to start processing for public release about 9:30 am Monday.
: OGG, I don't see items that should impact ongoing hearings. - content relates to NTTF 2.1 Seismic.
only. Mostly from information from the public domain.
: Thanks, Nick
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 12:58 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Jackson, Diane; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
Comments on DCPP slides
: Folks, I added a slide 16 based on the bullets below. Written to avoid getting ahead of senior management and public affairs.
Proposed Bullets are:
Forthcoming Seismic Screening Letter
* Issuance of letter for WUS sites in - 2 weeks
* Diablo Canyon has screened-in for further risk evaluations and is a review priority
* No immediate safety issues identified
* Information supports safety assurance allowing additional time to complete the seismic risk evaluation
: Thanks, Nick From: Kock, Andrea Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 11:56 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
RE: For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Slides look good to me. I would be sure to clarify a few things in your talking points if you have not already:
(1) Where are we in the process for Diablo- they screened themselves in and we are evaluating their hazard (2) They submitted an interim evaluation and based on this and other. information we. have, there is no immediate safety issue. This information provide additional safety assurance for us to take additional time to evaluate their risk evaluation and determine what regulatory actions. are needed if any Andrea Kock, Deputy Director, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD 301-415-2368
From: Jackson, Diane Sent:. Friday, April 24, 2015 8:56 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane
For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Good morning all - Please find attached, for your review and comment, the staff introductory slides. Right now, I am giving these.
Mohamed and Nick, your review and comment are requested as well. Once we have comments back, then we can send to the licensee.
I am also thinking on additional/alternative context. We don't want this part to be too long. The talking points are not updated. I will be working on them today. If you want to add bullets or ideas as suggestions for me to work into the slide message, please add them .
Diane fi>imie ~cm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)
Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 03; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One M ission
Sent:23 Apr 2015 13:50:37 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed ;Manoly, Kamal;Li, Yong;Walker, Wayne;Lingarn, Siva;Uselding, Lara;Alexander, Ryan;Roth(OGC),
David;Lindell , Joseph ;Uttal, Susan;Moreno, Angel Cc:Kock, Andrea;Flanders, Scott;Bowen, Jeremy;MarkJey, Michael ;Rivera-Lugo, Richard;Hayes, Barbara;Hill, Brittain;NTTF R2.1_2.3 CAL Resource Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07C01- 15p
Prep meeting for Diablo Canyon Webcast (888-817-9392 PCl(bl( 5l              I)
Attachments: PG&E Email.docx, 4 15 Public Notice.pdf, Potential Q As for April 3020 15 COM_BEH.DOCX
Prep Meeting to support Diablo Canyon Webcast on April 28 (888-817-9392 PC:l(bl( 5J      ~
I Agenda:
: 1. Meeting Notice Agenda -
: a. Bridgeline Setup
: i. 1 assisted bridgeline - queue for one question or comment ii. 1 open bridgeline for.licensee and R-IV
: b. Attached Agenda
: c. NRC Planned. Introduction to 2.1 and DC Seismic. Hazard Reviews
: 2. NRC Technical Questions (PGE Email to be Public April 23, 2015)
: 3. Public.Availability of Slides on Monday April 27, 2015
: d. Licensee Slides to NRC Sunday April 26, 2015.
: e. Slides to OCA and RSLO (Angel and Maier) - April 27.
: 4. Awareness of Open Contentions [OGC]
: f. Content ion related t o SSHAC
: g. Contention CLB.
: h. Contention related to renewal
: 5. Discussion of Roles and Responsibility for Public Questions ITopics                                          Primary Responsibility
Current Licensing and Design Basis, M. Markley, [B . Hill Y. Li], N.
USFAR                              DiFrancesco Inspection or Compliance            M . Markley or R-IV over bridgeline Renewal                            NA - No renewal staff General R2. l Proces Questions      N. DiFrancesco or DSEA Sei mic Que tion                    C. Munson, J Ake, B Hi ll Off Topic Questions                N. Difrancesco
: Thanks, Nick
April 22, 2015 Potential Commission Q&As April 30, 2015, Update on NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic
: 1. Are there plants that exceed 2X SSE? Why does the expedited approach only consider ground motions up to two times higher than the plant's design?
Yes, there are several plants that exceed their Safe Shutdown Earthquake by more than two times.
If. a re-evaluated seismic hazard is greater than the plant's design basis, completion of the expedited approach provided additional confidence that a plant can cope with the higher hazard. This information builds on the interim evaluations that were submitted to NRC in March 2014, which. showed that the plants were very unlikely. to experience core-damage at the higher hazard levels. T he expedited approach is designed to show that important equipment used to safely shut-down a plant will function as intended if a large earthquake occurs .. The expedited. approaches were completed by licensees in December 2014, and the NRC staff is reviewing these submittals. In general, licensees used a simplified method to analyze how safe shut-down equipment responds to the. re-evaluated ground motions. This method scales the plant's original engineering analyses to a higher level of ground motion, up to two times the plant's design basis. By using this scaling method, licensees could promptly determine if important safe-shutdown equipment is safe or needs additional modification .
If a plant's re-evaluated hazard exceeds two times its design basis, the plant is categorized as either. Priority Group 1 or Group 2 for completion, of a seismic probabilistic risk assessment. For these risk assessments, licensees will use detailed engineering models that are based directly on the re-evaluated levels of ground motion for the plant. However, the first of these detailed risk assessments aren't expected until June, 2017. T he NRC determined that the simplified method used in the expedited approach was appropriate, because it provided near-term information on the. functionality of important safety equipment at a higher hazard level years before the longer-term risk assessments could be completed.
: 2. If ESEP assures safety, what additional insights do we need from a PRA? How many sites provided modifications in the ESEP submittals? Does that give us insights regarding which sites need to do PRAs?
The longer-term seismic risk evaluations provide the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend design or licensing basis or make additional satety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in
conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. In contrast, the ESEP analyses provide an important intermediate step in demonstrating plant safety for the re-evaluated seismic hazard.
The interim analyses provided an overall plant-level assessment of seismic safety.
The ESEP analyses give a more focused assessment of the ability of safe-shutdown equipment to withstand the higher seismic hazards. Although some plant modifications have resulted from the ESEP analyses, the NRG staff does not expect the results of these analyses to modify the need for plants to conduct a seismic PRA.
: 3. How does ESSP relate to the mitigation strategies rule? How can licensees leverage work on the ESEP for the purposes of mitigation strategies?
: 4. What are the staff's views on R2.2?. May just. ask what is your personal view.
The staff will use the ongoing 2.1 activities and insight gained to inform our decision on augmenting the current regulatory process with a periodic review of external hazards. Recommendation 2.2 is a Tier 3 activity and a future decision.
: 5. How many plants need to do additional risk evaluations in response to the newly calculated seismic hazards? Update to indicate that the staff is working with industry to further. refine. which plants. will require. a PRA consistent with our May 9 2013 letter.
Based on the results of the NRC staffs review of the March 31, 2014 submittals, at least 20 CEUS sites will need to conduct the detailed seismic risk evaluations (either the seismic probabilistic risk assessment or the seismic margins analysis) during the next several years MAY 2014 Letter Count:
: 10. plants screened into priority Group 1,
: 11. plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in ,
22.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 13.5 plants that conditionally screened in.
16.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations Updated as of September 2014 1O plants screened into priority Group 1, 11 plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in, 13.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 2.5 plants that conditionally screened in.
24.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations 1 deferred - Vermont Yankee (permanent shutdown in 4 th quarter 2014)
We will determine where the remaining conditional sites will screen very soon.
: 6. How can we be sure that the information provided in 2014 on seismic hazards remains applicable when PRAs are submitted close to 2020?
The information submitted to the NRG in March of 2014 was a request for information [(50.54(f) request)] linked to Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 .. These reevaluations provide the current site-specific seismic hazard information to the NRG. The NRG staff will review and issue assessments on the licensee's.
reevaluated seismic hazard by the mid-year 2015. Priority Group 1 plants are performing risk evaluations, which. are due. in June of 201 7 . . Risk evaluations. for Group 2 plants are due at the end of 2019 and Group 3 evaluations, if needed, are due at the end of 2020. The staff will also review the insights gained from Recommendation 2 activities inform our decision on Recommendation 2.2 to determine if licensees need to confirm seismic hazard information on a periodic basis . .
: 7. Since the hazard information is always changing, what regulatory assurance do licensees have that the hazard they are using for their PRAs will be acceptable?
NRG understands that the seismic PRAs are. complex investigations that will take.
licensees several years to complete, and that the reevaluated seismic hazards are an intrinsic part of these analyses. Late last year, the NRG staff informed licensees that if there were no outstanding questions {i.e., RAls) on their March 2014 submittals, the licensees should move forward with using their seismic hazards in their PRA calculations. The staff is beginning to make final review determinations on the March 2014 seismic hazard submittals, with Group l plants having highest priority for completion. The staff expects that these review determinations will be completed in late 2015.
: 8. Will the schedule for review of the WUS allow PRAs to be completed on time?
The NRG staff will use the same approach as for CEUS plants and will communicate to W US licensees as soon as practicable about using their March 2015 seismic hazards in their seismic PRAs. If a WUS plant screen-in as priority Group 1, the plant will need to complete the seismic PRA no later than June 2017. Licensees for both the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Columbia Generating Station have seismic PRA programs ongoing, and have not indicated that they would be unable to meet completion deadlines.
: 9. Why are plants in the western United States (WUS) on a different and longer schedule than plants in the central and eastern United States?
The Columbia, Diablo Canyon , and Palo Verde plants required additional time to develop an updated, site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis due to the West Coast's complex seismic features. In developing probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, CEUS sites were able to use the same recently developed seismic source model and a common ground motion model (see Attachment 3). As a result, CEUS plants needed less time to. complete their seismic hazard re-evaluations. West Coast
site-specific seismic sources and ground motion models involve a Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) study, as described in NUREG/CR-6372, "Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis : Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts." The SSHAC is a group of independent seismic experts who were convened in the 1990's to develop guidance on the conduct of major seismic studies, and ensure that seismic activities are conducted properly and documented completely.
The SSHAC process is independent of the NRC's seismic experts. The NRC must approve any studies, models, methodologies, analyses etc. used by nuclear power plants if they form the. basis for safety assessments and where the. NRG needs to make regulatory decisions affecting their operating license. Further, although the NRC does carefully consider comments and recommendations from the SSHAC, as an independent regulatory body, NRC is not held to any decisions made by the SSHAC.
: 10. Will the staff complete it's review of the WUS reevaluated hazards in time to support implementation of mitigative strategies? Why or why not?
: 11. The CEUS screening process was completed in 30 days. Why is screening for the WUS taking longer?
The screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations will likely take 30- 60 days to accomplish , because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. Compared to the CEUS submittals, the WUS submittals contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, the WUS submittals are much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before. the seismic hazard reevaluations. were.
: 12. The staff sent a CA note to the Commission this. fall indicating. that the SFP evaluations would continue to be conducted. Why is this evaluation needed given the extent of previous study in this area and the findings from the recent RES. scoping study?
As discussed in the CA note, the planned SFP evaluation provides an additional plant-specific, systematic, and traceable investigation of the significance of the newly evaluated seismic hazard. The staff concluded that available risk insights were insufficient to support modification or elimination of the SFP evaluation, in large part because it was not possible to relate plant-specific changes in seismic hazard to changes in SFP risk. As a result of the SFP evaluation, licensees are expected to confirm the applicability of available generic analyses to their plant-specific conditions, and enhance the technical basis used by NRC for decisions on the seismic safety of SFP storage systems.
: 13. Why didn't the CEUS licensee's submit new SCDF numbers? How can the industry say that nobody is above 10-4/year? What does 10"4/year mean for plant safety?
Seismic core damage frequency (SCDF) is a numerical estimate of risk and provides a representative indication of plant safety. The March 12, 2012, 50.54(f) requested information stated that plant's where the re-evaluated hazard exceeds the design basis should submit and interim evaluation or actions. To support plant responses to the 50.54(f) request, industry independently assessed SCDF for all of the CEUS plants and provided the results to NRC in a March 12, 2014 letter. This assessment is similar to the NRC's preliminary seismic risk assessments for Gl-199. The 4
10* /year value demonstrates that current understandings of seismic hazard do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety, and that plants should continue to operate while more rigorous risk evaluations are completed.
The CEUS licensees, as part of the March 31 , 2014, submittals, confirmed that the industry conclusions for their facility are accurate. The NRC reviewed this information as part of the staffs assessment of licensee interim actions and evaluations, and agrees that the re-evaluated seismic hazards do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety.
: 14. Do we have similar risk information for WUS as was submitted for the CEUS (as indicated in #13) interim evaluation to demonstrate that WUS plants are safe while risk evaluations are completed?
The March 2015 WUS submittals included interim evaluations for the Diablo Canyon and Columbia plants. Diablo Canyon used the results of previously completed seismic margin analyses to show that the plant was. designed with sufficient margin to cope with the higher seismic hazard levels. Similar to CEUS plants, Columbia used updated core-damage frequency calculations to demonstrate the plant could cope with the higher seismic hazard. The Palo Verde submittal did not identify seismic hazard exceedances with the plant's design basis, and provided additional information showing the reevaluated seismic hazard did not exceed a 1.25 factor of safety above the plant's SSE. For all 3 WUS plants, the NRC staff believes that sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that these plants are safe to operate while additional risk evaluations are completed.
: 15. What is the likelihood of the design basis earthquake or "SSE" ground motions being exceeded over the life of a nuclear plant?
The ground motion response spectra forming the seismic design bases at U.S.
nuclear plants are called the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) . SSEs for operating nuclear power plants were established many years ago. Today's understanding of seismic hazard tells us there is some likelihood that a plant's SSE may be. exceeded by an earthquake ground motion. However, each plant was designed differently according to different licensing SSEs. Therefore, the likelihood of exceedance is plant specific. Meanwh ile, systems, structures and components typically have margin, meaning that they often can withstand shaking levels that are above the plant's design basis.
: 16. SEP Plants and Enhancements Background URI 156 - Systematic Evaluation Program, considered the review of 51 plants receiving operating licenses before 1976. A sample review of 1O of the older plants were completed as a part of SEP effort. Several of the 137 SEP identified issues were subsumed into A-46 and IPEEE. Standard review plan before 1975.
10 SEP Plants Operating Units Palisades, Ginna, Oyster Creek, Dresden 2, Units in Decommissioning Milestone Unit 1, Yankee Rowe, Haddam Neck, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, and San Onofre Ginna, SONG-1, and Yankee Rowe identified for plant enhancements 41 Non-SEP Plants Vermont Yankee, Maine Yankee, Kewaunee, Fort Calhoun, Zion 1/2, Browns Ferry 1/2, Indian Point 2/3, Peach Bottom 2/3 , Prairie Island 1/2, Duane Arnold, Cooper, Arkansas 1, Calvert Cliffs 1, Cook 1, Hatch 1 , Fitzpatrick, Three Mile Island 1, Brunswick 2, Trojan, Milestone 2
: 17. Has there been an operating U.S. reactor site that has experienced exceedance of. its. seismic design basis during an earthquake?.
The August 2011 earthquake at North Anna plant in Virgin ia was the first instance of an operating reactor in the United States where recorded ground motion exceeded its design basis in some frequency range. The plant shut down safely, and extensive inspections showed that there was no discernable damage to safety systems. After thorough review of the inspection information, NRC authorized the restart of North Anna in November 2011 . In 1986, earthquake motions at the Perry plant in Ohio exceeded its SSE in limited frequencies during construction, but the plant was found
acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In 1979, the V.C. Summer plant in South Carolina also exceeded its SSE while under construction, but was found acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In all of these cases, the exceedance of ground motion by itself was not an indicator of whether the plant's design limits were exceeded. Also, the plants had much higher capacity than the design basis. As expected , there was no damage to these plants from the earthquakes.
: 18. Why isn't the NRC immediately shutting down priority 1 plants/plants with higher seismic hazards?
The. prioritization is. not a risk ranking - . more analysis is needed to. determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk. The NRC continues to have confidence, based on our understanding of both reactor design and construction and the results of the plants' seismic "walkdowns," that plants can operate safely while more analyses are done. Nuclear power plant manufacturing and construction methods typically result in a plant having the capacity to withstand earthquakes larger than their design basis earthquake. This is because nuclear power plants are designed to withstand the force of different internal and external events. Many of these events create larger forces on a plant than an earthquake. Plants examined this capacity and demonstrated their safety systems can still perform properly after seismic hazards. larger than those the plant was designed to withstand. The. NRC is satisfied the systems will perform their safety functions at the higher seismic hazard levels, and that the plant can continue operating. NRC staff's initial review of an industry screening analysis and the interim evaluations provided confidence. that none of the plants showed a preliminary change in risk that would cause concern. Consequently, interim actions were not necessary to ensure the systems can function.
In addition to the design margins and interim actions, all plants recently underwent detailed seismic walkdowns. These walkdowns identified and addressed degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions through the corrective action program, and verified the adequacy of the. monitoring and maintenance procedures. NRC reviewed licensee actions to:
* verify the plant configuration with the current seismic licensing basis;
* address degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed seismic conditions; and
* verify the adequacy of monitoring and maintenance programs for protective features.
The results of these walkdowns provide additional confidence that plants can continue to operate safely while longer-term risk assessments progress.
: 19. How would you characterize the reevaluated hazards of the western sites. in comparison to the CEUS sites? How much has the "needle moved" with regard to the reevlauated WUS hazards?
: 20. There. are many more earthquakes and active faults in the WUS than in the CEUS, and WUS plants have been designed to withstand. these higher seismic. hazards. Seismic hazards changed. for WUS plants similar to the way hazards changed for CEUS plants. For Palo Verde, the licensee reports that the reevaluated seismic hazard is smaller than the design basis SSE for the plant. For Diablo Canyon and Columbia, the reevaluated hazards can be up to about 2.5x the SSE, which is comparable to some CEUS Group 2 plants. Are there seismic monitors on site?
Yes. The NRC requires nuclear power plants to maintain operating seismic monitors on site.
: 21. Are there seismic trips installed on US plants?
As required by their Technical Specifications, Diablo Canyon has an installed seismic trip. No other US operating nuclear plant has installed seismic trips ,
: 22. How does the U.S approach and timelines for response to seismic Fukushima issues align with other countries?
: 23. How will we use the information from risk evaluations to make regulatory decisions on plant modifications or any necessary changes to plant licensing bases?
Once the SPRA analyses are completed, the NRC wi ll use these results along with other available risk information to determine if additional regulatory actions are needed to provide additional protection against the updated seismic hazards. The NRC staff expects that the results of the SPRA analyses will provide a transparent basis to support backfit decisions for. potential safety enhancements.
: 1. Why is Diablo Canyon safe to operate today?
In support of the requested interim evaluation for Diablo Canyon, PG&E provided a comparison of the reevaluated GMRS to ground motions based on the 1988 Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP). As part of the LTSP, PG&E determined that structures, systems and components at Diablo Canyon can safely withstand ground motions that are at least 1.35 times larger than the LTSP median ground motion.
The NRC staff had previously reviewed the LTSP analyses and determined they were acceptable. Although the reevaluated GMRS exceeds Diablo. Canyon's. SSE, these ground motions do not exceed the minimum 1.35 ''factor of safety" in Diablo Canyon's design. After reviewing this information, NRC determined that the DCPP remains safe to operate while additional seismic risk evaluations are being
conducted. Diablo Canyon has been screened-in as a priority Group 1 plant and a detailed risk evaluation is expected to be submitted to the NRC by June 30, 2017.
: 2. Have seismic hazards been increasing or decreasing when new analyses are done at DCPP?
In 2011, information from the Shoreline and other faults was used in deterministic analyses of seismic hazard at DCPP, which showed ground motions were bounded by the previous Hosgri design-basis and LTSP ground motions .. PG&E updated these deterministic analyses with new information (AB 1632) in 2014. The 2014 seismic hazards were higher than calculated in 2011, but still bounded by Hosgri and LTSP. The latest probabilistic. analyses. are even higher than calculated in 2014, and slightly exceed the Hosgri ground motions at some low (1 .5 Hz) and high (>25 Hz) frequencies. Nevertheless, DCPP has a well-established margin in its design that can cope with such small increases in seismic hazard above the plant's design basis.
The science of seismic hazards analysis have advanced considerably since Diablo Canyon was first designed. The 2015 analyses use currently available science, along with current NRC regulations and guidance, to characterize potential seismic hazards at this site. The 2015 analyses now consider, for example, the likelihood that earthquakes could occur on seismic sources and the possibility that slip on one fault might trigger slip on nearby faults. These considerations appear to contribute to the observed increase in calculated seismic. hazard for the DCPP site.
: 3. What is the impact of this new information on seismic design and licensing of DCPP? Has the licensee entered this new information into the corrective action program and performed an operability evaluation? Needs to be updated As stated in the March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter, the seismic hazard reevaluations conducted in Phase 1 do not revise the design basis of the plant. Based upon the results of Phase 1, the. NRC staff will determine whether additional regulatory actions are necessary (e.g., update the design basis and SSCs important to safety) to provide additional protection against the updated hazards.
In their March 2015 submittal, PG&E provided an interim evaluation that shows the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazards. This interim evaluation documents the specific seismic design characteristics of the DCPP , and summarizes analyses that demonstrate the plant has a sufficient design margin to safely cope with the reevaluated hazards. The March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter considered the requested seismic hazard reevaluations to be outside the design basis of the plant, and the reevaluations were not expected to initiate an additional operability evaluation.
: 4. How will the AB 1632 seismic report be coordinated with the 50.54(f) required submittal in March 2015? What does. Diablo's submitted reevaluated hazard
Much of the new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling from the AB 1632 report was used to develop the March 2015 submittal. To consider how this new information affects seismic hazard, PG&E had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) using a very detailed, multi-year process. This process, from the Senior Seismic Hazards Analysis Committee (SSHAC, NUREG/CR-6372), evaluates the center, body and range of available information to rigorously calculate seismic hazards at a site.
(If asked what things the plant has done since Fukushima : It is important to note that OCPP is an industry leader in implementing FLEX which was a post-Fukushima industry initiative to have extra equipment available remotely in the event of a beyond design basis event).
: 6. Why didn't the NRC discover the length of the faults when it did its seismic review of. the Shoreline fault in 2011 prior to issuing the AIL?.
California Assembly Bill 1632 (Blakeslee, Chapter 722, Statutes of 2006) directs the California Energy Commission to assess the potential vulnerability of California's largest base-load power plants, Oiablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, to a major disruption due to a seismic event or plant aging; to assess the impacts of such a disruption on system reliability, public safety, and the economy; to assess the costs and impacts from nuclear waste accumulating at these plants; and to evaluate other major issues related to the future role of these plants in the state's energy portfolio. The licensee has used the most state-of-the-art 20 and 30 geophysical mapping techniques, which are commonly used in offshore petroleum resource exploration. These techniques provide higher-resolution data than what was available to characterize the Shoreline Fault in the 2011 report.
The NRG has requested licensees of operating nuclear power reactors to submit a seismic hazard reevaluation using up-to-date methodologies and analyses which is due for OCPP in March 2015.
: 7. There is high public interest in the reevaluated seismic hazard at Oiablo Canyon.
How have we ensured that this complicated topic is clearly communicated to the public surrounding the plant?
Sent: l May 2015 18:49:27 +0000 To:Proffitt, Andrew
RE: Diablo Public Meeting It was a straight forward meeting . . Great meeting for staff technical exchange and understanding of the submittal. Diablo Seismic analysis is at least a decade ahead of everyone else in the fleet.
-Nick From: Proffitt, Andrew Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 2:38 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Diablo Public Meeting Any key insights or take-aways from the Diablo public meeting earlier this week?.
J. Andrew Proffitt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical. Assistant NRR/JLD (301) 415-1418
Sent:29 May 2015 17:26:55 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie
RE: FYI. ... FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Call or send an email to Diane and Stephanie to schedule some SRB time to review the letter and the request. I'll review the MS Order Alignment Section and back revisions.
From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:19 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: FYl....FW: Proposed 2. 1 Seismic Task Tracker more interest from management ahhh!
Have you heard from Diane on this and if they are planning to engage the SRB? If you haven't heard from her, I'll follow up with her early next week.
Thanks From:. Difrancesco, Nicholas.
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:07 PM To: Vega, Frankie
FYI.. .. FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker FYI .. only your letter made the cut.
Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega) (Interest NRR/ET Commission)
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:06 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Proffitt, Andrew
RE: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Let us go with the Diablo Canyon one only for now. The August dates are too far out for now.
Thx From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 10: 12 AM To: Shams, Mohamed Cc: Proffitt, Andrew
Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker
: Mohamed, If you approve, I propose the following be added to the action tracker.
Issue SPRA Relief or Alternatives Letter (August 30) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR ET)
Issue. HF Endorsement Letter (August 30). [Owner:Wyman] (Interest NRR. ET)
Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega] (Interest NRR/ ET Commission)
Watts Bar 2 JLD OL Appendix Input (June 5) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR/ET Commission)
: Thanks, Nick From :. Shams, Mohamed .
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:55 AM To: Uribe, Juan; NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution
RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Juan - thanks very much for the background. That was very helpful.
All - I spoke with Andrew and he said just send him an email with the action and he will update the tracker. That is what other branches do. The description Juan had below is perfect to defining the type of information to send to tracker.
Thx Mohamed From :. Uribe, Juan Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:33 AM To: Shams, Mohamed
RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Mo, My $0.02 on this for background purposes was that this table (if it's the one I think it is) and the items within were added and maintained by the previous TA Billy Jessup. To my knowledge, he was. the only one who updated/maintained the. list so that the rest of the division wasn't trying to access and modify it. It was basically his own activity tracker that he then used to keep the directors up to speed. Your item #1 below suggests we may need to start doing it ourselves?
My understanding is that he fed the list based on the discussions from Monday mornings between BCs and JLD management as well as other meetings he attended within the Division and LTI ET. He would then do the rounds with his list asking for updates to prepare for the following Monday. It basically captured high level items that had a divisional impact. Below is a excerpt from one of the TA docs that details what the tracker (again , if it's the one Im thinking it is) is for:
o  Focus is primarily on the JLD Task Tracker ( jld/Lists/Tasks/ All ltems.aspx)
* The Task Tracker is used to maintain awareness of due dates for high-level actions and activities in the division including controlled correspondence, EDO and Commission-level information requests, assistance to internal and external stakeholders (i.e., presentation
requests), meeting preparations, and other items added at the request of JLD management.
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:14 AM To: NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution
REQUEST - Update Task Tracker All - In the management meeting on Monday mornings, we go over the task tracker assessing the status of upcoming tasks for the division. I have noticed, and was also told, that our branch does not have any tasks on the list. Or at a minimum, our tasks are not up-to-date. I don't know to what degree you are aware of that task tracker and have updated it in the past. I also don't know the threshold of the tasks that go on the tracker-although I have a feel tor it. Two request: (1 ) please start/continue to update the tracker with our tasks, and (2) if you need clarification on the type of tasks to add to the list, please reach out to Andrew Proffitt. The examples that come to my mind that should have been tracked include: COMSECY on flooding action plan , WUS screening letter, VY 2.1/2.3/9.3 closure letter, and IA extension letter. No worries .. .everything was tracked regardless.
Many thanks, Mohamed
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:l4 May 2015 18:24:29 +0000 To:Vega, Frankie Cc: Hill ,. Brittain
References fo r Di ablo Letter Prep on Expedited Approach Response
: Frankie, To start the Diablo Letter and confirm technical assignment, I think we general ly need the following references. We probably should handle Palo Verde separately (in a screening letter).
* NRC response letter to licensees related to expedited approach commitment change (December 15, 2014)
* Licensee Integrated Plan (due February 28, 2013) (report page 8 has a statement about will enter reevaluated hazard into CAPs If warranted - designed to CLB)
* NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for WUS Licensees (May 13, 2015)
Reference and Background from Britt:
NRC's. review of the LTSP, and conclusion of its acceptability, are documented in the Diablo Canyon SER rev 34 (1991), which is publically available in ADAMS as ML14279A130 . SSER34 documents NRC staff's thorough review of the LTSP , which includes the margins assessment cited by PG&E in their March 2015 submittal.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of. Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Sent: 15 May 2015 2 1:02:25 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph;OGCMailCenter Resource Cc:Roth(OGC), David;Uttal, Susan
Thanks ! RE: 'rn:TO' - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - ~ Work Product Thank you ! Have a great weekend.
-Nick From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:02 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan
RE ~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E -
OUO Work Product
: Nick, Yosef Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301-4 15-1474 14eTleE. Tliis Cll mil u::c:l a: 19 atl!iel 11 ;;e11te 1118)' BBJiil8iJii iiOPfidortiil:I &deg;Uc may qj 02
                                                                                                        + gr Attmne~, Wmk -
P1 eeJtsot Jtt&lc: ial. Bo ::ct disclose outside fJfil8 ooitl 1oat 60111111issio11 app1ova1.
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 2:37 PM To: OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan
~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - OUO Work Product OUO        VVOIR PIOOOCt
: OGC, Don't think this needs review. However, the response below is to Ms. Rochelle Becker, Executive Director, Alliance. for Nuclear Responsibility. Her concerns relate in part to the fidelity of the Diablo Canyon SSHAC and engineering methods.
The propose response is fact based, consistent with the public meeting, and our public staff review plan.
: Thanks, Nick 01::10  Wrnk f'1odott From : Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May. 14, 2015 1:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
RE: Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E One small clarification in green. Rest looks good.
Britt From : Burnell, Scott Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:42 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
. RE: Comments on Draft Response? :::::: Written concerns - April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Minor grammar tweak below.
From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:35 PM To: Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva
Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Britt, Lauren ,
Ms. Becker, Thank you for the public comment related to the April 28, 2015, webcast. The staff is aware and following the California Public Utilities Commission's Independent Peer Review Panel activities. The staff review for the Diablo Canyon Seismic Hazard Screening Report is ongoing in support of Near-Term Task Force - Recommendation 2.1: Seismic. We are independently reviewing PG&E's probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which was developed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee results and process. As you may be aware, on May 13, 2015, NRG placed Diablo Canyon into the highest priority group for the reevaluated Seismic
Hazard review along with 11 other reactor sites. For awareness, I have placed our emails in NRC agency document access and management system (ADAMS) as a public record.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards, Nick DiFrancesco Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation. Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115 Non Responsive
Sent:24 Apr 2015 14:32:36 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Stieve, Alice Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Hill, Brittain
Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Attachments:SSC SSH AC Documentation of PPRP-TT-Team lnteraction.pdf Cliff, Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this. is. the missing piece. They have this one file on the. SSC in the.
reading room.
Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<>; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High
: Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PPRP-TI correspondence and interactions on the source model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
: Thanks, Cliff From: Dif rancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos
<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry
DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team
: Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.
Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.
DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team
Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website .
: Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar
DCPP information on Certrec
: Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is. how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
* Login to
* Click on " Inspections"
* Set status to "In Progress" and Plant te. "Diablo Canyon"
* Click "Search" button.
* Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
* Click on the "NRC Requests" tab
* Click on what you would like to see.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell  j(b)(GJ              I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:7 Apr2015 19:13:56 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Agreed, I spoke with Kamal and Yong, they have the same concern .
Not worried about this issue.. the technical staff will work it out. The seismic guys are worried the hazard could move.
From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:49 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Why are we still going after these folks for+/- 1 to 2% from the SSE? Is that making sense to you?
From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:57 AM To: Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Li, Yong
Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter
: Folks, Any additional comments? I intend to follow-up with the. licensee today.
The licensee stated that they did not pass the. 0.2 g licensing basis SSE around 3 Hz. Received a staff comment that you get a different answering depending on how you transform the. SSE from a log plot to a linear plot.
: Thanks, Nick From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 7:07 AM To: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Frankie - it's not clear if APS intends to screen-out based on IPEEE, following the process outlined in the SPID. Please emphasize to APS that the screening process allows for screen-out based on IPEEE. results, provided the IPEEE analyses meet the criteria outlined in the.
SPID. Although "background information" on IPEEE appears useful, APS should focus on addressing the IPEEE acceptability criteria if they wish to use these analyses in screening decisions.
Thanks-Britt From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 8:18 AM To: Jackson, Diane;. Shams, Mohamed; Hill, Brittain;. Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Hi all; Nick and I met with APS (licensee for Palo Verde) and discussed details on the supplemental letter they are planning to submit next week regarding their seismic hazard reevaluation. Also, a preliminary agenda for the public kick-off meeting next month was discussed. Regarding the supplement, I've provided a short summary of the information APS is planning to submit to provide additional clarity for the staff's review:
: 1. APS will be adding a graph overlaying the .2g (licensing basis). IPEEE and .25g (design basis) spectral responses all together. This would add some clarity on the plant's margin.
: 2. APS will provide additional background information on their IPEEE curve. This will document the basis for selecting .3g instead of .5g PGA. The 841h percentile and median curves will be provided.
: 3. APS will provide a short discussion on why the ESEP will not add additional value to their seismic evaluation.
: 4. APS will clarify and provide additional background , referencing FSAR information, on the licensing (.20g) and design (.25g) basis responses.
: 5. Regarding PPRP discussions (comments and their resolutions) . APS belief this information was provided as part of the SSHAC report. APS committed to verify this and will get back to us. APS agreed that having this information will greatly help the staffs review.
APS intends to submit this letter by April 8, 2015. Nick is planning to have one additional call before this submittal to make sure they'll provide the information the staff is requesting .
Please let us know if something is missing so we can communicate it to APS before the subm ittal.
Frankie G. Vega, P.E.
Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 30l -4 15-1617 Location: 0 -13H1 0
DiFrancesco, Nicholas.
From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: l Apr 2015 12:41:54 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane
RE: publ icall y available PV SSHAC
: Diane, I spoke with the licensee, the Palo Verde SSHAC is effectively decontrolled (e.g. printing and sending are ok). Licensee stated that the eRoom was sending the files due to the size. Only restriction would be purge copies when the review is completed . If the staff assessment relies on the SSHAC we may need to look at docketing information. The licensee also understands it is subject to FOIA.
- Nick From: Jackson, Diane .
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:17 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
publically available PV SSHAC Nick -
The PV reviewers expressed the concern about the PV SSHAC reports not be public. They are allowed to down load and print it right? They 9at least one reviewers) believes it will take them more time , if they have to write questions to identify what needs to be on the docket.
I'd like to discuss further. Any chance PV is going to change their mind on the public vs non public?
Diane 9>iane J.adLHm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)
Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 D3; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One Mission
Sent:28 Apr 20 15 20:08:36 +0000 To:Ake, Jon
FW: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. l(b)(6)                    IJ Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:59 PM To: DiPrancesco, Nicholas
RE: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Nicholas Defrancesco US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DORL/LPLA (30 I ) 415-11 15 njd2 28 April 2015 Hello, Nicholas:
As a Ph.D. physical scientist, I note that today's PG&E presentation provided a large body of technical information regarding the latest update regarding DCPP seismic safety. I appreciate that as a consequence of how earthquake energy is sttongly attenuated by the distance between the earthquake rupture and a measurement point, the earthquake forces seen by the compact DCPP site are dominated by the small section of the eanhquake rupture closest to the plant.
Today's data continue to confirm that DCPP can safely withstand any earthquake in the region near DCPP with a substantial safety margin. Since I have a schedule conflict that will likely prevent my parlicipation in the public question and answer period, I'm requesting that you ask the NRC staff attending this meeting to confirm my summary.
(Please confinn receipt of this message.)
Sincerely 5
Gene Nelson, Ph.D. Physical Science Faculty, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA ..      r_)_(_l - - - - ' cell
Soenen, Philippe R From:Soenen, Philippe R Sent: 1 Jun 2015 20:15:29 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford ;Jackson, Diane
FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties Attachments:June 2015 DCPP RAJ.DOCX I
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 4:14 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Difrancesco, Nicholas
FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6J                    I
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Soenen, Philippe R Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:33 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Jahangir, Nozar; Ferre, Kent S; thompson@lettisci .com ; Abrahamson, Norman; Cc:; Strickland, Jearl
Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:00 AM-10:30 AM UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code: (b)( 6l
: All, This phone call is proposed to discuss the advanced draft RAI related to geophysical site properties. The meeting is proposed. for Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 1000 to 1030 Pacific Time. Please call in to Bridge line: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6)        l lf this date or time. does not work please propose any alternative.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell f b)(6J          I
PG&E is committed to. protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
June XX, 2015 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424
REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFO NEAR~ERMTASKFORCERECOM RE-EVALUATIONS RELAT                  0 SITE POWER PLANT (TAC NO                  5275 AND By letter dated March 11 , 20151, tot                                            mission (NRC), Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for N,...,.._"                      ic Hazard an      creening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federa                                  ection 50.54(f), Response for Information Regarding Recommen
* n 2.1                              erm Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ic
* Acciden ~~u1ablo Can                        Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluatiCJP18lQ                    luation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical app*~*~........
ro ed for Diablo Canyon and has determined co      te its review. Enclosed is a request for additional sponse evaluation . As discussed with your staff on June to the RAI would be provided no later than July 30, 1
The letter can be found under Agen cywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) No.
If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA/
ior Project Manager
: 1. Request for Additional Information
: 2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv 1
                                                  -. 2. -.
If you have any questions related to the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-11 15 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA!
ior Project Manager
: 1. Request for Additional Information cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv RidsNrrDorllpl4-2        RidsNrrOd NDiFrancesco, NRR      Slingam, NRR RidsNrrPM RidsRgn2MailCenter ADAMS Ac ee                                                    *via mail NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA*      NRO/DSEA/RGS1
* NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC NAME                              Slent                  DJackson                  MShams DATE OFFICE    OGG                    NRR/JLD/JHMB/PM NAME                              NDiFrancesco DATE OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and M agement System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRC staff requested that                  sees submit site specific hazard curves that capture. the variability in soil depth (including. d      to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities , layer thicknesses, damping,            train de      ent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seis            closur      f the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be dev                r ab        range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation o                                  qu By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accessio Electric Power Research Institute [EPR I] Final Draft Re Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and lmple          tation De using the SPID guidance.
Regarding the development of site. a seismic hazard reevaluations, Seer As lmlM~oil        r rock uncertainties should be. incorporated into site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard curves. The control-point elevation hazard curves should By lette                            . (ADAMS Accession No. ML15071A046), the licensee for the Diablo Ca                    nt (      P) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empir                  which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to                he site amplification rather than analytical models." While the staff considers the em            te response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach ,
the method as imple nted by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data. In addition, the. site.term developed by the licensee using the empirical approach shows a significant amount of deviation in the negative direction over an important frequency range from the NGA-West2 ground motion models for a Vs3o=760 m/s site.
Enclosure. l
Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 1O of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a supplemental response to the March 2015 seismic hazard reevaluation that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain levels produced by the scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) the control point elevation. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa c rections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or            rock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response as a figure and a table control point      mic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertai      hrough        azard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.
Enclosure 1
Sent:20 Mar 2015 17 :47: l 7 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Wbaley, Sheena;Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea;Bowen, Jeremy
FW: PG&E Drop-in Attendees on March 26 FYl. .. Attendees. Also, Philippe meant Thursday March 26. DC plans to cover a number of topics regarding their submittal and next steps with R2. 1 activities.
-Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 12:28 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
PG&E Drop-in Attendees
: Nick, The following are the people from PG&E that w ill be present for the drop-in on 3/28:
Jearl Strickland - Director, Technical Services Nazar Jahangir - Manager, Nuclear Seismic Engineering Norm Abrahamson - Chief Geosciences Consu ltant Bill Horstman - Senior Consulting Engineer All of these individuals are PG&E employees. I will be providing t hese individuals your contact information to contact you once they are down in the lobby on 3/28.
: Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Officf - 805 545 6984 Cell (bJ( 5 l        ]
PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Information (pages 948-960/1000) is outside of the scope of the FOIA request. The information concern licensee press release - not the NRC's for review reevaluated hazard.
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:lO Mar 2015 20:01:43 +0000 To:Li, Yong;Manoly, Karnal;Oesterle, Eric;Lingarn, Siva
FW: PG&E Summary Sheet Attachments:Final Fact sheet - March 12, 2015 NRC Updates.pdf, News Release_Alt.docx Importance:High FYI.. Attachment l may be of interest.
From: Uselding, Lara Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 12:53 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Importance: High Lara Uselding NRC Region 4 Public Affairs 817-200-1519 From : Hipschman, Thomas Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 03:23 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Maier, Bill
FW: Pending Press Release FYI From: Jones, Thomas P. []
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:04 PM To: Hipschman, Thomas Cc: Baldwin, Thomas (DCPP)
Pending Press Release Importance: High Good Morning Tom, Please find attached the press release PG&E intends to issue today at 3PM local time regarding completing the March 12 hazard updates for the NRC. We offer some highlights about plant safety and will make t he filing this week. I have also attached a small fact sheet we will be using to help explain some of these complex topics.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Regards, Tom Jones
Director, Government Relations Pacific Gas & Electric Company Office: 805 595 6340 6
Mobile1...(b-J(- l_ _ _ __.
PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Quick Facts on                    Seismic & Flooding Hazards Re-evaluation
~e-evaluations :
New and extensive analyses performed at the direction. of the Nuclear Regulatory
* Performed at                    Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Diablo Canyon Power Plant can. safely withstand direction of Nuclear              extreme natural events, including potential earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding . .
Regulatory Commission (NRC)                  The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts
* Continue to show that earthquakes, large waves and flood ing could have on the facility.
Diablo Canyon can w ithstand                        Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation earthquakes, tsunamis and                      Represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously flooding                          performed .
* Performed with                  Using the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent experts              independent seismic experts publically reanalyzed existing and new seismic using latest scientific          information. including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies. to re-methodologies and                evaluate. how earthquakes could. potentially impact the facility. The. probability of site-specific                    earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults was also determined.
information Key Results:
* NRC will independently
* Confirms plant's design can withstand earthquakes from all regional fau lts . .
* 0.0001 annual chance of an earthquake producing ground motions of .8g.
                                      * .8g does not exceed the robust seismic. design. margin of the plant.
* The plant has at least 35% design margin beyond .8g (left graph).
* A minor exceedance (approx. 7%) in the Hosgri earthquake design in a specific, low frequency range (1 .33 Hz) that does not impact safety (right graph).
* No safety structures, systems and components required for safe shutdown are sensitive to ground motions at a frequency below 2.7 Hz. .
rr "'
    .I "                                                                **
I i **                                                                i Comparison of Ground Motion Response Spectrum                    Comparison of GMRS and. 1977 Hosgri (GMRS) and Long Term Seismic Program Seismic                      Design Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Margins Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Power Plant                    Power Plant March 2015
Tsunami/Flooding Hazard Re-evaluation Used the latest NRC guidance, methodologies and independent expertise to determine the maximum waves and rainfall that could impact the site.
Key Results:
* Plant continues to be safe from tsunamis, including those generated from underwater landslides and earthquakes.
* Design can withstand expected storm flooding.
* Measures were identified - and have already been implemented -- to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall.
What's Next?
PG&E will submit the re-evaluations to the NRC for independent review on March 12, 2015.
The NRC will later provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk assessment that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.
The NRC will also review the flooding re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.
March 2015
March 9, 2015 NEW ANALYSES SHOW DIABLO CANYON SAFE FROM EXTREME NATURAL EVENTS Re-evaluations Demonstrate Earthquake, Flooding and Tsunami Safety AVILA BEACH, Calif. - New and extensive analyses performed at the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) can safely withstand extreme natural events, including potential ea1t hquakes, tsunamis and flooding ..
The new analyses, known as hazard re-evaluations, will be submitted to the NRC this week for independent review. The agency called on all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perfonn s uch work fo llowing the events that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan.
"Safety is and always will be the top priority for PG&E and Diablo Canyon. That's why seismic, flooding and tsunami safety was at the forefront in the design of the facility. These. updated findings are the.
culmination of years of study and analysis, and further confirm the safety of the plant's design," said Ed Halpin, PG&E's Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.
The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts that earthquakes, large waves and flooding could have on the Diablo Canyon facility .
T he updated seismic assessment represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously performed. Prior evaluations dete1mined the ground shaking from an earthquake on a pa1ticular fault in the region, based on historical records and geological evidence, and then compared this information against structures, systems and components at the faci Uty to ensure they could withstand seismic ground shaking ..
Us ing the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent seismic experts publicaJly re-evaluated existing and new seismic informati on, including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies recently performed near. Diablo. Canyon, to re-evaluate how. earthquakes could potentially impact the faci lity. This process included examining the probabi lity of earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults.
The result is a more thorough assessment of the seismic hazard, providing additional confirmation that the plant is seismically safe.
The NRC will review the re-evaluation in order to provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk evaluation that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.
"The updated seismic source model for Diablo Canyon incorporates an extensive body of new onshore and offshore data a nd emerging new scientific concepts to characte rize earthquake sources. For example, it is the first earthquake model developed for a nuclear site that allows for multi-fault linked ruptures to produce large maximum earthquakes. Through the extensive use of experts in the fi eld of seismic geology and independent peer review, the model was developed to capture. the full range of possibilities regardjng the location, size and frequency of large magnitude eruthquakes in the vicinity of Diab lo Canyon. In my
opinion, the model developed for Diablo Canyon will set the standard for how future eaithquake source models are developed," said Bill Lettis, who serves as one the key technical leads for the SSHAC process .
PG&E's flooding and tsunami hazard update involved the use of the latest NRC guidance and methodologies to determine the maximum potential waves and rainfall that could impact Diablo Canyon.
The re-evaluation, ut ilizing independent expertise, detenni_ned that the plant's key safety systems and components continue to be safe from tsunamjs, including those generated from underwater landslides and eaithquakes.
The plant's design is also deemed appropriate to withstand expected storm flooding. In addition, measures were identified and implemented to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall and a quick build-up of water in some plant locations that greatly exceeds any known precipitation event recorded in the site's history. The NRC will review the re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.
"These important updates. provide an in depth look at the seismic, tsunami and flooding hazards in our region, and most importantly, demonstrate the plant's design is safe. Our work in these areas, however, will never cea<;e. Our commitment to safe operations and protecting public health and safety will continue to be reflected in our ongoing study and evaluation of the. areas. Our customers expect no less," said PG&E's Halpin.
NR C Hazards Assessment Background As part of its response to the Fukushima event in Japan in 2011 , the NRC directed all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perform updated assessments of the seis mic and flooding hazards for their facilities. Plants located in the eastern and Central U.S. completed such analyses and provided them to the NRC in 2014. Western plants, including Diablo Canyon, were directed to complete and submit their assessments by March 20 15.
About Diablo Canyon Power Plant Diablo Canyon Power Plant is a nuclear power facility owned and operated by PG&E. Its two units together produce approximately 2,300 net megawatts of carbon-free power. It provides nearly 10 percent of all electricity generated in California, and enough energy to meet the needs of more than three mjJlion Northern and Central Californians. Diablo Canyon has a $920 million annual local economic impact and is the largest p1ivate employer in San Luis Obispo County.
About PG &E Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (N YSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 16 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and
Sent:8 May 2015 13:01:42 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Shams, Mohamed
FW: Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity di scussion.
FYI. ..
From : Jahangir, Nozar []
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 6:44 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl
Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity discussion Nick; In the Diablo Canyon public meeting on April 28th, we stated that there will be an industry expert panel meeting, sponsored by PEER, on the topic of "Directivity" that the staff may be interested in participating. This was an area that the SSC SSHAC requested Diablo Canyon to provide additional documentation and PG&E made a commitment in our March 11 submittal to provide such documentation to the NRC once we. have greater clarity on the approach.
This. is a link to the recently posted public announcement by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) regarding the expert panel discussion on treatment of "Directivity" in Ground Motion models. PG&E will be an observer. in the proceedings.
http ://
Thanks Nazar Jahangir P.E.
Manager, Technical Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering S-'i -
(cell )
nx.1 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.
To learn more, please visit
Sent:25 Mar 2015 21 :20:08 +0000 To:Markley, Michael Cc:Bowen, Jeremy;Shams, Mohamed
RE: Did you notice. the PG&E drop-in ?
Mike, Thank you for the recommendation and support. The PG&E drop-in is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The level-high topics are consistent with discussions allowed by COM-203. I will prepare a summary as appropriate.
I have advised my management and the licensee that technical discussions are inappropriate. At present, we are working to have a public meeting discussing technical issues with PG&E on April 28, 2015, to better understand their seismic analyses and assumptions. Our current target is to notice the meeting around April 2 following confirmation of the agenda topics with staff and the licensee.
Very respectfully, Nick Sr. Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 25,. 2015 11:14. AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Did you notice the PG&E drop-in?
Nick, I did not hear back from you on the drop-in tomorrow. It would be better to notice it now and take your beating on not meeting the 10-day noticing requirement, than to have to answer all the stakeholder inquiries and accusations.
Michael T. Markley, Chief Plant Licensing Branch IV-1 (LPL4-1)
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 301-415-5723 (Office) l<bl(6l        ~ (Blackberry)
What information is NRC expecting in the. March 12,. 2015 WUS plant submittals?
NRC expects that the March 12, 2015 submittals will contain substantially more information than was submitted for CEUS plants in March 2014. This is because each of the WUS plants had to develop site-specific source models and ground-motion models, using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) approach. In contrast, the CEUS plants all used a common set of models (see Attachment 3). In addition to the information that was included for the CEUS plants, NRC expects that the important details of the site-specific SS HAC studies will be included in the March 12, 2015 submittals. NRC also expects that the complete SSHAC study report will be available for the NRC staff to review, as needed.
If the reevaluated hazard exceeded the plant's seismic design basis, NRC expects the WUS plants to follow the same approach as used for CEUS plants and also submit an interim evaluation of the plant's. capacity to. withstand the higher ground motions. Because nuclear power plants generally have significant margin beyond their design capacity to withstand earthquake motions, the interim evaluation uses the actual capacities and new hazard information to see if the preliminary understanding of seismic risk is still within acceptable limits while the plant does more detailed evaluations.
Will NRC conduct a screening and prioritization review for western United States (WUS) plant submittals?
Yes. NRC staff will conduct a screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations after the complete hazard reports are submitted. This review will likely take two months to accomplish, because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. If the reevaluated hazard is within the plant's design basis, the NRC staff will need to determine if sufficient information is available to support that conclusion. However, if the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds the plant's design basis, NRC will need to determine:
(1)      if the plant's interim evaluations and actions demonstrate the plant can continue to operate safely at the reevaluated hazard level, while longer-term risk assessments are ongoing.
(2)      the priority for WUS plants to complete the additional risk evaluations (3)      the schedule for completion of the expedited approach and seismic risk evaluation.
NRC's review of the interim evaluations. and actions will determined if there is an immediate safety concern that warrants immediate regulatory action for WUS plants. The NRC's longer-term review will examine in detail licensees' reevaluated hazard submittals and related seismic risk assessments.
Will NRC prioritize WUS plants for completion of seismic risk assessments?
Yes. As part of the initial review, WUS plants that have "screen in". for more detailed risk assessments will be prioritized to ensure the plants of most interest are reviewed first. This prioritization is not a risk ranking - more analysis is needed to determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk . Using the same approach as for the CEUS plants, the NRC staff will consider several factors in prioritizing (or screening) the WUS risk assessments:
(1)      the extent to which the reevaluated hazard exceeds the current design basis ;
(2)      the site's overall seismic hazard. based on an examination of the reevaluation; and (3)      previous estimates of plant capacity (e.g ., IPEEE insights).
Does NRC expect to review the WUS submittals the same way as the CEUS submittals?
Compared to the CEUS submittals, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much longer and contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) , using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before the seismic hazard reevaluations were submitted.
After the screening and prioritization review is completed, NRC staff will conduct a thorough review of the WUS seismic hazard reevaluations. To review each of these site-specific hazard reevaluations, the NRC staff will need to examine important details of each plant-specific source characterization and ground motion model. The NRC staff expects to conduct confirmatory analyses of key parts of these models, to determine if the reevaluated seismic hazards are reasonable. In addition to examining the detailed technical information that supports the hazard reevaluation , the NRC staff also will review the lengthy documentation about the SSHAC process that licensees used to develop the source characterization and ground motion models.
Will NRC. produce its. own version of the WUS plant's reevaluated seismic hazard?
To support the initial review of CEUS plant submittals, the NRC developed a computer model that could calculate seismic hazards for each CEUS plant. These calculations were possible because all the CEUS plants used the same seismic hazard model, and the model was developed several years before the CEUS hazard reevaluations were submitted.
However, the WUS plants completed their site-specific hazard analyses less than a year before the final reports were submitted to NRC, and each plant used different types of seismic hazard models. The NRC staff determined that they could conduct an appropriate, risk-informed review of the WUS hazard reevaluations without expending considerable resources to develop three new, site-specific computer models. The NRC staff expects to do site-specific confirmatory analyses on key parts of the hazard analyses, including independent evaluations of the earthquake source models, ground motion models, and site response models.
Will WUS plants have to do additional risk assessments if their reevaluated hazard is larger than the plant's safe shutdown earthquake?
Yes , the same criteria used for CEUS plants applies to WUS plants for determining if additional risk assessments are needed. WUS plants that screen-in for the risk assessments will need to complete the expedited approach (see question #4) and either a seismic margins assessment or a probabilistic risk assessment. Plants that screen-out from the risk assessment might still meet the criteria for conducting focused-scope evaluations of low frequency exceedances, high frequency exceedances, or spent fuel pool performance. The need for conducting additional analyses will be determined during NRC's screening and prioritization review.
Sent:5 May 2015 14:49:05 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed Cc:Jackson, Diane;Hill. B1ittain
Awareness of OGC. NLO on WUS Seismic. Reevaluation Letter Attachments:WUS Seismic Reevaluations Letter 4-2015 LSC.docx Mohamed, Awareness only. We continue to make progress on concurrences for the WUS letter. The letter will go to DORL and JLD senior management COB today.
Thanks, Nick From: Clark, Sheldon Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:07 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Spencer, Mary; Biggins, James
WUS Seismic Reevaluation Letter Nick, (b)(5)
Sheldon L. Sheldon Clark Attorney Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-2189
Page 135 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
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Page 137 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
Page 138 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301-415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M, Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
: ML15113B344                                                *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM      NRR/JLD/ LA    NRR/JLD/HMB/BC      NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC      NRR/ DORUO NAME        NDiFrancesco        Slent          MShams              DJackson              Llund DATE        04/22/ 15              I / 15            I / 15              I / 15                I /1 5 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D          OGC            NRR/JLD/D          NRR/. D NAME        SFlanders            BHarris        JDavis              WDean DATE          I / 15.            I ./15.        . I / 15            . I . / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations (b)(5)
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites (b)(S)
Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10,. 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:4 May 2015 18:34:12 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane Cc:Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea
FYI: POP JLD Status (05.05.15).docx Attachments: POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx
: Diane, POP for DEDO brief tomorrow for awareness.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 2:29 PM To: Bowen, Jeremy Cc: Shams, Mohamed
One Change --- POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx
: Jeremy, One change from the current plan for Diablo Canyon. Technical staff is pushing to provide additional basis documenting the decision that no ESEP is needed for Diablo. We have a letter template from last year that I plan to use {letter. dated December 15. 201 4).
: Thanks, Nick
Update NRR ET on status of J LD activities EXPECTED OUTCOMES Provide current status and address any questions Outside of Scope
* wus o Screening & prioritization letter - targeting 05/12/15 o All 3 plants screen in for sPRA; no immediate safety issues o Columbia & Diablo Canyon - Group 1
* sPRA due 06/30/17
* Diablo Canyon - Separate letter on no ESEP; LTSP provides safety basis
* Public Meetings o Diablo Canyon (04/28/ 15 o Columbia (96/04/ 15) o Palo Verde - Group 3
* sPRA due 12/31 /20 Non Responsive
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.
March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID gu idance.
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.
For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and. will response under a seperate letter.
SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRC staffs initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., >10 Hz). The frequency range 1- 10 Hz is the focus for 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations
                                                      -. 3 -.
this portion of the risk evaluation, as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other. frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations.
* If the GMRS, in the. 1-10 Hz range, is greater than the. existing SSE, then the. plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.
In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions .. Similarly, if. the. GMRS. exceeds. the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the. possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the. SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed.
In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during. the NRG screening. and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations .. Palo Verde has been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in,. the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach, if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e. ,. spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).
5 Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals , plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10. Hz range; (2). the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as. well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally. higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-10 Hz. range is relatively small, and the maximum. ground motion in. the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Based on these criteria, Palo Verde is prioritized as a Group 3 plant. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on. the staffs screening review the licensee. for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than. January 31 , 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRG staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
2015. and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur. as soon. as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18. months ..
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at .,
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/ encls: Listserv
ML15113B344                                                      *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM        NRR/JLD/ LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC    NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC          NRR/ DORUO NAME        NDiFrancesco          Slent            MShams              DJackson                Llund DATE        04/22/ 15                I / 15            I / 15            I / 15                    I /15 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D            OGC              NRR/JLD/D          NRR/. D JDavis (MFranovich NAME        SFlanders            SCI ark for)
WDean DATE          I  /1 5          05/04/15            I / 15            I  / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRG review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
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Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 andNPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
Sent:5 May 2015 16:04: 18 +0000 To:Hill, Brittain Cc:Jackson, Diane
Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Attachments: Western US Screening and Prioritization letter.docx
: Britt, Still working on the letter. However, I think that. I have resolved the primary comments supporting DSEA concurrence .
: 1. ESEP. assessment tor DC and PV will be a separate letter
: 2. GMRS agreement will come late 2015 trom the NRC.
: 3. Most editorial changes have been incorporated
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:58 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas
Western US Screening and Prioritization letter
The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) , Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1
the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.
To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.
Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.
1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.
2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.
3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.
The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.
March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID guidance.
4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.
In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .
The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.
For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde sites, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and will respond under. a seperate letter.
SCREENING PROCESS As described in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were to be conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results , which were the focus of the NRC staff's initial screening and prioritization review.
Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over. frequency. The ability of the equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected 4
Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations, explaining each o f the evaluations that are part of the overall seismic reevaluation.
                                                      -. 3 -.
significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1o Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is the focus for this portion of the. risk evaluation , as this range has the. greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.
In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant (i.e., the plant screens in for further evaluation). Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:
* If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations ..
* If the GMRS, in the 1- 1O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency. and spent fuel pool. evaluations.
In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds. the SSE below 2.5 Hz,. the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific. range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope. evaluations (i.e.,
spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .
CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed ..
In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.
Accordingly, during the NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the. plant. As. such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations.. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to. the licensee .. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach , if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo 5
Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).
Verde needs to. complete limited-scope evaluations. (i.e., spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).
PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization. review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design basis ground motion estimates.
To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..
Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in. the 1-10 Hz range is also not high. As described above, Palo Verde has conditionally screened in; based on current information Palo Verde has been assigned to prioritization Group 3. Given the limited level. of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including. Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.
NEXT STEPS Based on the staff's screening review the licensee for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 31, 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance. with. the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.
The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has 6
Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.
7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.
conducted. a number of public meetings on. the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and. spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected. that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's. calculated hazard. As such .. the NRC staff. will continue. its review of the submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months ..
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic.
Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
conducted a number of public meetings on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.
This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard . . As. such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at
Sincerely, William M. Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Glossary of Evaluations
: 2. Screening and Prioritization Results
: 3. List of Licensee March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
: 4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:
PUBLIC                                RidsNrrOd                            AKock, NRO LPL4-1 R/F                            RidsNsirOd                          DJackson, NRO LPL4-2 R/F                            RidsOeMailCenter                    RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNroOd                            RidsOgcMailCenter                    RidsNrrPMColumbla RidsNrrDorl                          MMarkley, NRA                        RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsNrrDorllpl4-1                    MKhanna, NRR                          RidsOgcRp Resource RidsNrrDorllpl4-2                    MShams, NRR                          RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource NDiFrancesco, NRR                    RidsEdoMailCenler Resource ADAMS Accessi on No.: Ml151138344                                                            *via email OFFICE      NRR/JLD/PMB/PM        NRR/JLD/LA      NRR/JLD/HMB/BC          NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC          NRR/DORUD NAME        NDiFrancesco.        SLent            MShams                  DJackson                  Llund DATE        04/22/15              04/24/15        04/23/15                . . /. / 15.                  . I. / 15 OFFICE      NRO/DSEA/D            OGC              NRR/J LD/D              NRR/ D NAME        SFlanders            SClark          JDavis IMFranovich forl  WDean DATE          I / 15            05/04/15            I /15                    I / 15 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing . The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.
Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.
Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.
Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seismic Risk              Limited-scope Evaluations.
Expedited Screening                      Evaluation          High            Low        Spent Fuel Plant Name                              Approach Result                      (Prioritization  Frequency      Frequency          Pool Evaluation Group)        Evaluation      Evaluation      Evaluation Columbia Generating Station              In            x                1              x                                x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2                              In            x                1              x                                x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating        Conditional x                3              x                                x Station, Units 1, 2, and 3                in Enclosure 2
March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility                            Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)
Columbia Generating Station                  March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2  March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units  March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3                                  April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)
Enclosure 3
LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:5 May 201521 :18:36 +0000 To:Jackson, Di ane Cc: Hill , Brittain
Working Version of WUS Seismic Screening Letter Attachments:Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Rev l 5-5-15 5pm.docx
: Diane, For awareness, attached is the working version of the letter .. This. includes incorporating limited OGC comments. There was one OGG comment regarding providing additional background that I maintained for consideration and discussion. Still considering a small update to support transition to the. interim evaluations section.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott
Press Release on WUS Seismic Screening Letter
: Scott, We. briefed the DEDO, NRR, and R-IV management on the content of the. WUS Screening letter during the JLD status weekly. Mentioned that we are working towards a press release. We received no realignment on the letter or communication plan approach.
View ADAMS P8 Properties ML151138344 Open ADAMS P8 Document (Screening and Prioritization Results for the Western United States Sites Regarding Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Seismic Hazard Re-Evaluations for Recommendation 2.1 of the. NTTF Review)
Current working towards issuance on Tuesday May 12 (that can always slip with NRR/ET review) . . Happy to. support a limited accuracy review as needed ..
Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Communication Plan Timeline (ADAMS ML14083A619)
Date                      Activity (responsible organization)
SignitJ.cant Historic Actions Completed (2/20/14} Issued letter to all licensees Re: Operability, Reportability, Interim Evaluation and Actions (ML14030A046)
Completed (5/9/14)        Issued Central and Eastern US (CEUS) Seismic Screening Letter (ML14111A147)
WUS Seismic Hazard Screening Review Completed (3/12/15)        NRC Receipt of WUS Hazard Reports (JLD/licensees)
Completed (3/30/15)        NRC/NEI Seismic Public Meeting w/ Discussion of WUS Review Process Completed (4/15/15)        Target for public meeting notice of April 28 Diablo Seismic Meeting (JLD-DiFrancesco)
Completed 4/27/15          Public availability of NRC and licensee slides for April 28 meeting (JLD -
Completed 4/28/15          Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on 2.1 Seismic (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee)
Completed 4/29/15          Complete WUS screening & prioritization technical review (NRO/DSEA) 5/7/2015                  Distribute WUS screening & prioritization letter to R-IV, OPA, OCA, OEDO (NRR/JLD liaison team) 5/11/2015                  Notice to states, congressional, licensee issuance, and NGOs of pending issuance (RSLO, OCA, JLD) 5/12/2015.                Issue WUS screening & prioritization letter licensees including review of interim evaluation and actions (NRR/JLD)
Issue Press Release on prioritization review (OPA) 6/4/15                    Columbia Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/9/15                    Palo Verde Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/23/15                    Diablo End of Cycle Meeting and Open House (R-IV)
Late.Summer                Columbia End of Cycle Meeting (R-IV)
Continuing                Staff assessment of the reevaluated seismic hazard (NRO/DSEA, NRR/JLD)
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:20 May 201 5 15:26:48 +0000 To:Rosenberg, Stacey Cc:Laur, Steven;Han-ison , Donnie;Shams, Mohamed;Jackson, Diane
Awareness of Public Meeting Slides on SPRA Relief and Working Letter Outline Attachments:R2. l Seismic - May 21 2015 Public Meeting Rev 7.pptx, SPRA Relief Letter for Group 2 and Group 3 Sites.docx
: Stacey, As mentioned in the May 4 NRR/DRA brief. The staff is moving forward to provide relief to certain priority Group 2 and Group 3 sites from completing an SPRA. The May 21 public meeting. tomorrow. (Attachment 1 ). is. a step, along the way. were we consider. external.
stakeholder insights. Following the May 21 public meeting we will have one additional public meeting to consider stakeholder input. NRR ET has asked us to target August 2015 (Attachment 2) for issue of the letter response to licensee. The working draft contains my initial outline. I plan seek NRR/DRA concurrence sometime this summer and communicate awareness of SPRA activities.
Steve, Donnie, During an NEI call this morning the technical background about ice condensers containment failure probability. Tomorrow I expect an industry question on this topic.
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
Sincerely, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115
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                                                  -OJ U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION O"
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w Protecting People and the Environment        01 I
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                                                  --0 NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic                            -
3 0
May 21 , 2015.                    r_.
Andrea Kock, Diane Jackson,                    0
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Mohamed Shams, Nick DiFrancesco                --CX>
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office of New Reactors
U.S.NRC llNTTllD STATES NUCLl!AI\ IU!CllUTORY COMMISSION Proucnng People and tlu Environment Today's Agenda NRC
* Discussion of SPRA for Groups 2 and 3
* Development of Guidance fair Proposed Rulemaking Related to Mitigation Strategies
* Public Questions or Comments NEI
* Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation l)evelopment
* High Frequency Guidance Updates
* Public Questions or Comments NRC
* Key Messages I Actions SPRA - Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessmen1t          2
U.S.NRC llNlTl!D ~TATES h'UCLEAI\ IU!CUl.ATORY COMMISSION Protecting People aruJ the Environment Assessment of SPRAs for Group 2 and Group 3 plants Diane ,Jackson 3
Seismic 2.1 Process Ensures Clarity, Consistency, and Risk-Informed Regulatory Decisions PHASE 1 INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE 1                  STAGE 2                    PHASE 2 DECISION-MAKING Interact with Industry on Hazard and Risk Evaluation Guidance NRC makes Regulatory Decisions, as needed Screened-in plants complete CEUS Licensees submit      Expedited Interim Evaluation
* Safety Enhancements Site Response (9/2013 &    CEUS:12/2014 ; WUS:1/2016
* Backfit Analysis 3/2014)              and Risk Evaluation
* Modify Plant License (Group. 1: 201 7)
NRC review Seismic Risk Evaluation, as needed L-----------------------------
U.S.NRC UNITED ~"TATES NUCLEAR Rl!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Pl'Otecting PeQJJle and tJu Environment R2.1 Seismic lnforn1ation Needs for Regulatory Decisions
* 50.54(f) letter gathers information to support regulatory decision to modify, revoke or suspend license
* SPRA are an important tool to identify safety enhancements and assess plant capacity
* May 9, 2014, letter discusse~j that SPRAs for some Group 3 plants with limited exceedanices may not be needed to make regulatory 50.54(f) decision
* Presently the staff is evaluating 50.54(f) responses and available information to sup~,ort potential SPRA relief for some Group 2 and Group 3 1plants 5
U.S.NRC UmTllD STATES 1''\JCLEAR IU!CUl..ATORY COM MISSION Prot"'cnng P"'opl"' an.d tlu Ett vironmen t Available Information Supporting Limited SPRA Relie1f
* R2.1 seismic reevaluated hazard I interim actions
* R2.3 walkdown review:s and inspections
* Gl-199, CEUS seismic hazard insights
* IPEEE seismic plant Ccipacity insights
* Expedited Approach Eivaluations 6
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Proucting Pet>ple 1uul the Environment Evaluation Approach for SPRA Relief
* Staff built on Gl-199, IF>EEE, and reevaluated hazard risk insights for its review
* Considered exceedanc:e above SSE, hazard peak, area between curves between 1 to 10 Hz, and reactor design
* Assessed if SPRA safe~ty insights would likely identified plant specific enhances 7
U.S.NRC Ul'o'l'l'ED ~,.ATES NUCLEAR RllCUl..ATORY COMMISSION A-otectmg PeQJJle an.d tlu En.viron.m en.t SPRA Relief Letter. and Target Timeline
* Engagement of stakeholder planned today and as part of next R2.1 Se~ismic public meeting
* May - June 2015 - Sta.ff is continuing to develop inputs and as~;ess decisions
* Late Summer - Letter Issuance
  - Documents staff decisic>n providing SPRA relief for potential some Group 2 and Group 3 plants
  - Limited Scope Evaluati<)ns are expected from licensees provided SPFtA relief 8
U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CU1..ATORY OOMJ\t!SSION Protecting Peqple and the Environm ent NRC Guidance Development for Proposed Rule on Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events (MBDBE)
Incorporating Reevaluated Seismic Hazard 9
U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR lll!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the En vironment Overview of Topics for Discussion
* Background on propose of MBDBE rule and guidance
* Scope of proposed rule
* Reasonable Protectiion
* Deployment and interactions
* Use of existing engineering insights 10
U.S.NRC Ul'o1TED STATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CU1..ATORY OOM1'fiSSION Protecting People and the Environment Guidance Development
* Agency priority to support MBDBE proposed rulemaking (i.e. proposed 10 CFR 50.155)
* Proposed rulemaking extends Mitigation Strategies to met the reevaluated hazard level
* Draft Regulatory Guide [)G-1301 under development to support issuance for public comment by early Augu~>t
* Guidance to address scc)pe and performance requirements
* Draft DG 1301 -                                      ADAM~) No. ML15072A171.
U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Proposed Rule Scope
* All phases of FLEX equipment, including portable and installed
* FLEX equipment must perform its intended function
* Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard 12
U.S.NRC UKITllD STATES NUCLEAR RECULATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and tlu En vironment Reasonable Protection - Equipment
* Equipment must ren1ain functional
  - Components retain                          c~oolant or fuel
  - Structures allow access for deployment
  - Supporting equipment remains functional
* Evaluation of equiprnent for robustness at the reevaluated seis,mic hazard
  - Analysis, testing, earthquake_experience, and generic test data.
U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAJ\ RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Reasonable Protection - Buildings
* Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard
  - Inelastic deformatior1 is permitted so long as strategy can be implemented
  - Deformation limit co111mensurate with intended function 14
U.S.NRC UNITED~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY OOM MlSSION Protecnng People and the Environment Deployment and Interactions
* Secure and protect, equipment and strategies from seismic interactions
* Seismically induced flooding
* Feasible deployment routes
  - Potential soil liquefac:tion or non-safety building failures
  - Confirm access throLJgh robust structures 15
U.S.NRC U1'Tl'ED ~,.ATES 1''\JCLl!AR R&#xa3;CUl..ATORY COMMJSSION Pw>tecting People and the Environment Existing Engineering Framework
* IPEEE A-46, capacity cind risk insights
* R2.1 Seismic ESEP interim evaluation -
capacity insights
* Seismic probabilistic ri~;k assessment -
capacities and risk insi!~hts
* Industry codes and standards (e.g. ASCE 43-05)
ESEP - Expedited Seismic Ev;aluation Process ASCE -American Society of C:ivil Engineers              16
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1''\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:
JLD_ 17
U.S.NRC l!NtTBD STATES NUCLEAR R&#xa3;CUl..ATORY OOMAUSSION Proucnng People and the Environment Key Messages and Next Steps 18
U.S.NRC UNITllD STATES NUCLEAR RJ!CULATORY COM MISSION Protecnng People and the Environment NTTF 2.1 . Seismic Next Steps
* Discussion of dates for r1ext meeting (late June)
* Interaction on guidance *for proposed rulemaking (June - August 2015)
* Discuss and finalize SRf)A decision for Groups 2 and 3 (August 2015)
* Finalize high-frequency fevaluation implementing guidance (June/July 2015)
* Spent fuel pool evaluatic>n implementing Guidance (Summer/Fall 2015) 19
U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1''\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:
JLD_ 20
ProkctinK People and the Enviromnent Backup Slides 21
jinformation (pages 52-61/ 1000) is available from ADAMS ML151138344.
The Power Reactor Licensees and Holder of Construction Permits in Deferred Status on the Enclosed List UBJECT:        SUSPENSION OF SEISMIC RISK EVALUTION INFORMATION REQUES PURSUANT TO TITLE 10 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATI N
                              .54(f). REGARDING SEISMIC HAZARD RE-EVALUATIONS FO ,
W~ O~
N I          FR      THE F K HI A DAI- HI A IDEN fie purpose of tfits letter is to inform enc ose lcensees tflat certain Group 2 a Group 3 sit ay suspend respondin to the seismic risk evaluation information r; uest based on a revie avajlable inf      *o [This letter discussions the analysis approach of this decisions and expectations for completion of limit-scope evaluation (i.e. spent fuel pool , high-frequency, and/or low frequency evaluations).] Does not provide relief from other licensing requirements for risk-informed technical specifications or plant licensing.]
BACRGROONll On Marcfl 12, 2012, the NRC issued a request for information pursuant to Title 10 of the Cod of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (1 OCFR), Section 50.54(f) (hereafter referred to as the 50.54 etter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System {ADAMS) Accession No L12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning, in part, th ismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine whethe icenses should be modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section o
* nclosure 1 indicated that licensees and ns          i n rm* h Id r h            r vi        i mi azaro Evaluation and Screenin re          . The 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to the re-evaluated seismic hazard.
By (five] letters NRC completed its screening and prioritization review which places 34 reactor sites into three review groups based on relative priority and resource constraints to complete seismic risk evaluations.
Previously, in accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations. If the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS), in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant complete an Expedited Approach, screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, committed to conduct high frequency, and a spent fuel pool evaluation.
The seismic screening letters dated in 2014 and 2015 also discussed that relief from the request was under consideration for some Group 3 sites. Based on further review, the staff found it prudent to also review Group 2 sites .. In total the staff identified that seismic risk evaluations for approximately (12.5] sites are not required [footnote Hatch unit CLB difference] to complete regulatory decision making. [This letter discussion the rationale].
AVAILIBLE INFORMATION The NRC staff as part of. its 50 .54(f) request sought information to support regulatory decisions related to the seismic reevaluated hazard for operating reactor sites. The 50.54(f) letter discusses that this information would be used in Phase 2 decisions. Although seismic risk evaluations are an important tool to. assess plant satety and ruggedness. Based on the. staff review of licensee hazard, risk insights, and plant design, substantial safety benefits are not expected for a number of previously screened Group 2 and Group 3 review sites. The NRC staff in coming to this decision considered , the reevaluated hazard screening reports,. Gl-199 risk insights, R2.1 hazard updates, probabilistic risk assessment guidance and standards, and 10 CFR 50.109 backfit criteria.
EVALUATION PROCESS AND ANALYSIS  , documents plants identified in Group 2 and Group 3 where low to moderate seismic hazard exceedance and risk insights provided sufficient safety basis to not require a seismic risk evaluation. In otherwords, the seismic hazard was. reasonable small to. not require plant specific improvements.
The staff found that Calvert Cliffs , Units 1 and 2, GMRS hazard slightly exceedance. the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and previous seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) found plant risk to be very low.
The staff found that Cooper, Perry, Seabrook, and Three Mile Island, Unit 1, hazard slightly exceeded the SSE, and previously risk evaluations demonstrated plant risk to be low.
The staff found that Davis-Besse, Wolf Creek, Point Beach, Fermi , and LaSalle, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates. are low.
The staff found that Hatch Unit 2 and Monticello, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates are moderate.
: ML151138344                                                  *via email OFFICE    NRR/JLD/PMB/PM      NAR/JLD/ LA  NRR/JLD/ HMB/BC        NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC      NRR/DOAUD NAME      NDiFrancesco        Slent        MShams                  DJackson              Llund DATE OFFICE    NRO/DSEA/D          OGG          NRR/JLDID              NRR/D NAME      SFlanders                        JDavis                  WDean DATE RidsNrrPMSalem RidsNrrPMSeabrook RidsNrrPMSequoyah RidsNrrPMShearonHarris RidsNrrPMSummer RidsNrrPMSurry RidsNrrPMSusquehanna RidsNrrPMThreeMilelsland RidsNrrPMTurkeyPoint RidsNrrPMVogtle RidsNrrPMWaterford RidsNrrPMWattsBar1 RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 RidsNrrPMWolfCreek RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn 1MailCenter Resource RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource.
PUBLIC RidsNroOd RidsNrrOd RidsNsirOd.
MMarkley, NRR MKhanna, NRR MShams, NRR NDiFrancesco, NRR AKock, NAO DJackson, NRO RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNrrPMColumbia RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource
Glossary of Evaluation
  ?G'Sociat          Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations ntenm Evaluat on or Actions - An immediate licensee an(j NBC review of the re-evaluat azard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluation e ongoing. The staff has completed Its review and concluded that, based on the licensees nterim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continu operations. Interim evaluatio s and actions are rovided In Section 5.0 "Interim Actions " of th .
h - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed in December 2014 f CEUS plants and by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds r.urrent design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks a he systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditi fa station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate hea ink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to contin ith a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance th~
~ismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedite .....__~
~proach guidance document is found in the A enc
* e Documents Access and Mana emen S stem under Accession No. ML13102A142 comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amena a plant's esign or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provid nformation to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this infonnation in conju~
ith the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulato ctions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins AnalY,sis o
      * *
* s e      gewndi;m*n~auml.llliunal!ll*~U21.:IDitJWfB~~
Enclosure 1
Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from. the Fukusnima Dai-lchi Acciden1 Seismic Screening UDdated Based on Review of Available lnformatio Umited-scooe Evaluation!i
                                                                                  ~ ~
                                                                  *Evaluatio Plant Name                      ~ee~~                                                      ~~~J~~::,pm esu    D;~~~zatio              nc 0        al en a
Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2i              Ou Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 and ~        Du Coooer Nuclear Station                                  Ou ,                                                            ~
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Unit 1]              Out                          ~                                ~
EdWin I. Ratcfi Nuclear Plant. Unit 2 1                  QYj                                            I
=ermi, Unit 2!                                        Ou                            1 LaSalle Countv Station. Units 1 and 2!                Ou                              I Monticello Nuclear Generatina Plan~                    :o u                                                            ~
Dvster Creek Nuclear Generatina Statiori              bu '                                            I>              ~
Palo Verde Nuclear Station Units 1. 2, and 3            Ou                                            )              ~
Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1J                      Du i>oint Beach Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2              Pu                                                              ~
Seabrook, Unit 11                                      Pu
~auovah Nuclear Plant.. Units 1 and 2                  'O
                                                        . u,                            '
jfhree Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 11            Pu Wolf Creek Generatina Station Unit 1l                  Ou Enclosure 2
arch 2015 Re-evatuated Seismic Hazard and Screening Repo dwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and Salle Coun  Station, Units 1 and rch 27 2014 ML14092A413 Station Unit 1          rch 31 2014 ML14097A020 Enclosure 3
DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 13 May 2015 18:34:49 +0000 To:Witt, Kevin;Yale ntin, Milton Cc: Bowman, Gregory;Shams, Mohamed
Comment Re: SFP Commitments to Commission Attachments:20 l 3-0030comscy. pdf We need to confirm with the technical experts but, l think the only plant we need to understand better is Columbia.
DC and Palo Verde general appear to be within their CLB.
Might be a good item to consider as we develop the SPF evaluation implementing details.
-----Original Message-----
From: Witt. Kevin Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:15 PM To: Valentin, Milton Cc: Bowman. Gregory; Difrancesco, Nicholas
Commitments to Commission Hi Milton, since we were talking about commitments this morning, 1 was just reminded of one. ln the expedited transfer paper (attached- footnote on pg 10), we committed to go back and verify that the western US Plants SFPs are bounded by this analysis when we gain sufficient information about seismic hazards. We may be able to utilize the work that JHMB is doing on the SFP seis mic hazard reevaluations to close this item out.
Ol'FICIAL USE ONLY        SENSI I IVE IN I ERNAL INFoRMAllON March XX, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO:              Chairman Burns Commissioner Svinicki Commissioner Ostendorff Commissioner Baran FROM:                      Michael R. Johnson Deputy Executive. Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs Office of the Executive Director for Operations
As stated cc : SECY OGC OCA OPA CFO Ol'l'lelAL t:l!I! 014L I  !1!14SITI OI!! ii"l!!l'\14AL 114FORMA I ION
                *via email OFFICE    NRR/JLD          NRR/JLD/JPSB:BC OEDO/TCCM                DEDR NAME      LKGibson*        GBowman*.              MDudek            MJohnson.
DATE      3/ 12/15        3/ 12/15 OFFICIAL USE ONLY          SENSI I Iv E IN I ERNAL IHFORIOIM'IOl4
                                                          -2 (6) On March 12, 2015, the NRC staff received the seismic hazard reevaluation reports for the. plants in the Western United States (Columbia Generating Station; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3). Along with their submittals, licensees whose reevaluated seismic hazard is higher than their design basis are expected to provide an interim evaluation to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing. The NRC staff will review the licensee submittals and establish a prioritization schedule for the seismic risk evaluations for those plants where the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds that in the facility's design basis . The staff will also review the licensee's interim evaluation and actions,. if applicable .. This review, which will be documented in a letter. will likely take between 30-60 days to accomplish. With the submittal of these report, seismic hazard reevaluation have been submitted for all plants.
Outside of Scope 8FFl81AI:: l:ISE Q~lb>f  Gli~Usll'l'/li IHl'liRHP:b l~IFQRU 0 TIQH
8FFl81AL    ~SE  8HLV      SEHSl"flVE lftifEfilHAL lt4F8filMAll8H I
    &sect;.~~r-~~**    Regulator}'' A~t.i~_n i        '
ComJ?I~~~~-              r:'!~~!:.~!l~st,cfrie'    Future Milestones Tier 1 NRG to document review of Expedited Approach. for GEUS by RFI issued                                        December 31, 2015 March 12, 2012 NRG to issue seismic NRG to issue review Seismic Hazard Reevaluation                                        hazard staff assessments Licensees for Western U.S.                                  letters on Expedited NTTF 2.1      Request for Information                                          for GEUS licensees by facilities submitted site                              Approach for GEUS by (RFI)                                                      September.30, 2015 seismic hazard                                        February 28, 2016 reevaluations by March 12, 2015                                      Licensee(s) for Western U.S. facilities to submit Expedited Approach by January 31 , 2016 Non Responsive Enclosure 2 QFFIGhl:b l!ISi: 8ttl'/    8EHSl'flV! IH'l'! .. HAL 1m*onlUIA I ION
Sent:20 May 2015 19:43: 18 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon;Stephanie Devlin;Heeszel, David
Palo Verde questions Attachments:Questions for PVNGS.docx Attached are my draft questions based on their use of GMM.
They supersede couple of my questions send to you 10 days ago.
Provide more rational for the choice of subset of GMPEs for PVNGS. What is the reason for deviation from approach chosen by DCPP? What is the reason for not using Idriss and Zhao GMPEs for Greater Arizona sources (Table EX-2)?
Section justifies use of Zhao models for California and they are used for Diablo. In mean time Table 5.5.1-1 (p.5-46) says that Zhao tectonics and attenuation are not relevant to California/West Arizona. DCPP. and PVNGS seem to contradict each other's ..
Section 6.2.2 is including Bindi 2014 model, but limits its use to M=7 because of magnitude scaling which is different from others (Fig. 6.2.2-1) 1.50                                      -~----~--~*                1 1.00 T = 0.2 SS Rx = S 0.70 El
<( 0.50 en CL
* ASK14
* AS814 l.
* Bi14 BSSAt4
* C814 en~
0.20 5.0        5.5        6.0        6.5        7.0        7.5  8.0 M
In mean time for DCPP the use of different scaling (strong saturation) by Zhao is considered to be useful representing alternative approach.
It looks like when alternative scaling results in lower GM it is acceptable to Tl team, but when it results in higher GM it is not acceptable.
Page 6-6 states:
                "Based on the evaluation of the candidate GMPEs for application to earthquakes in California and Mexico recorded in central Arizona given in Kishida et al. (2014), the Tl Team judged that the. NGA-West2 GMPEs are suitable for estimating path terms. for the paths from California and Mexico to central Arizona."
In mean time existing publications Phillips (2013) demonstrate higher Q for Arizona (also Fig. 5.5, p.107).
Kishida et al. ,. 2014 report states. (Abstract):
"The comparison showed that overall the recorded 5% damped response spectral ordinates were. over predicted by the NGA-West2 models by a range of 0-0.35 natural log units for events occurring in Central California, and by a range of 0.2-0.7 natural log units for events occurring in Southern California and the Gulf of California."
This conclusion looks inconsistent with:
: 1. Arizona Q at least same or higher than that of California
: 2. Kappa same or lower than that of California This conclusion is based on comparisons with records from mostly small. magnitude events (Table 2.2, p.6) and data having extremely limited frequency range of 0.5 to 8 Hz (may be actually up to 5 Hz). Figure 2.18 (p.19) confirms that
(/) 150 ---...--.---.................--.--.-...-.-.........-n--.....-........~~
~@ 100    ------------- ... -... -                      Arizona Events
                                            \ --- NGA-West2 Events
0 '--~~-L..U-1..LU.__;:=.........1....1....:..u..u....-..1.-..1-1...i..:iu.u.i 0.1                        1                        10                    100 Period (s)
Are there any consideration of basin effect in applying GMPEs for Arizona considering that basin effect in NGA-West2 relations depends upon the depth to Vs=1km/s or 2.5 km/s?
Use of such a subset of data actually questions estimates of kappa.
Fig. 4.17-4.37 also don't look convincing.
Sent: 10 Apr 20 15 21 :24:07 +0000 To:John Stamatakos;Stirewalt, Gerry;PJaza-Toledo, Meralis;Miriam R. Juckett Cc:Ake, Jon;Hill, Brittain;Munson. Clifford;lisa.;Li, Yong
RE: Monday Diablo Meeting That is very good.
From: John Stamatakos [].
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:01 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stirewalt, Gerry; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Miriam R. Juckett Cc: Ake, Jon; Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford;; Li, Yong
Monday Diablo Meeting
: Vlad, For Monday, I can walk everyone through the draft summary report we have on the seismic imagining data and searchable image table.
John Dr. John Stamatakos Direct or ofTechnical Programs Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)
Southwest Research Institute 1801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-0290
IInformation (pages 282-283/1000) is .. ... ..... .
Graizer, Vladimir From:Graizer, Vladimir Sent:28 May 2015 13:53:52 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane;Munson , Clifford Cc:John Stamatakos;Ake, Jon;Plaza-Toledo, Merali s;Giacinto, Joseph ;Stovall, Scott;H111, Britlain;Li, Yong
RE: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Diane and Cliff, I don't know if it is considered an RAI, but as I mentioned at one of the Diablo meetings I need the following info:
Section 8.4.1 of the SWUS report discusses evaluation of median base models and their range.
Please provide Excel files of the plots shown on Figures 8.4-17 and 8.4-18 showing comparisons of hazard curves for frequencies of 5 and 0.5 Hz.
In addition, please provide similar files for the frequencies of 1O and 1 Hz.
Vladimir Graizer, Ph.D.
Seismologist Office of New Reactors Mail Stop: T-7F3 Washington, DC 20555-0001 From: Jackson,. Diane Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:43 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos; Ake, Jon; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Giacinto, Joseph; Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong
FYI: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Nick sent a reminder.
Diane From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9: 16 AM To: Philippe Soenen (; Jahangir, Nozar Cc: Michael Richardson (; Strickland, Jearl; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie
Reminder on Diablo Information Request Philippe , et, al Just a reminder that the staff is interested in the following references to support NRC review:
: 1) Benchmark files for SWUS-DCPP median ground motion models.
: 2) ESTA 27 and 28 recordings of Parkfield and San Simeon earthquakes
: a. Time histories
: b. Response spectra
: c. Response spectra adjusted for Vs30
: 3) Engineering reports describing development of velocity profiles for stations ESTA 27. and 28.
: 4) Paper describing WAACY Magnitude PDF by Wooddell and others.
Please let me know when the references will be available.
: Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 18:29:27 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane
Columbia GMM codes Attachments:ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_yeskappa.pdf, ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_nokappa.pdf Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both files are for a single fault at 8 magnitudes from 5(fault1 )-8(fault8). In this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with 1Okm away that comes to the surface.
The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the. weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are. the mean+/ -sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.
The next step is to get a set of. scenario. earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard.
Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.
: Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
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                                                                                            .: ..~
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CJ) 0.01 v */
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I: i
:i .
0.001 ------.-----.--.--.--.-.,...,......;--......----.---r--T...............-----,..----.-
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1                                          -*      .- *- *      -**-. . . . .
: 0. 1 I
                                                                                                          . *J- * - * - *-
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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 Mar 2015 20:17:38 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Graizer, Vladimir
Columbia GMM Implementation Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx Attached is a brief PowerPoint detailing the implementation of the Columbia GMM. I focused primarily on Appendix 02 of the SSHAC report and so am not intimately familiar with the technical bases used to develop the GMM. Let me know if you have any questions I may be able to answer.
Please forward to anyone who may have a use or need for this.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Hanford SSHAC Ground Motion Mod~1s and ~J11pleni.~ntation 43N 50      100
                - = - = - - Kilometers 122'W t20W        118W
Hanford Ground Motion Model
* Defined at 20 Periods
* Divided into two pieces
  - GMM for background and fault sources (crustal model)
  - GMM for subduction sources (subduction model)
* Independent Logic Trees
* Single Sigma Logic Tree
  - Different parameters use~d for crustal and subduction earthquakes
* V530 is 760 m/s throughout
Crustal Model (189 branches)
Backbone Vs-K Adj ustment  Inherent Uncertainty in      Host-to-Target GMPE        Factors      Backbone Adjustments          Uncertainty Factors Vs K-7                    I
[~ln (Y) M )9    (0.0625)
[~ln {Y} M) 8    (0.0625)
Vs K-6
{0.136)          [~ln { Y) IMh  (0.0625) x1.3 Vs K-5
[61n (Y) IM) 6 (0.0625)            (0.3}
CY14                    [flln(Y) I M] 5    (0.50)          xl.O (1.0)  (0.222)                                              (0.6)
[61 n(Y) IM] 4    (0.0625)
Vs K-3 x0.8 (0.198)            [61n (Y) IMh (0.0625)
Vs K-2
[~ln (Y)  IMh    {0.0625)
[~ln(Y )  IM]1  (0.0625)
Backbone Model
* Modification of Chiou and Youngs, 2014
* Can be broken into "'10 subcomponents Some parameters fall out b/c not considered by this PSHA
* E.g. directivity component
* Included in software for completeness
* Necessary Inputs Frequency (f)
Magnitude (m)
  - Rupture Distance (RRuP)
Joyner-Boore Distance (RJs)
Fault Dip (6)
Reverse Faulting Flag (FRv)
Normal Faulting Flag (FNM) (I should remove this)
Depth to top of rupture (ZroR)
Subsequent Adjustment Factors
* V5-kappa factors
  - Table lookup
* Period Dependent Uncertainty
  - Required Inputs
* Hanging Wall Factor (FHw)
          - Depends on Rx and fault type
* Joyner-Boore Distance (RJ8 )
* Dip (6)
* Rx
* Magnitude (M)
* Host-to-Target Uncertaint\l
  - Constant
Implementation in SSC
* Crustal Earthquakes
* Same GMM used for fault sources and background sources All earthquakes are          considerE~d      faults
* Yakima Fold and Thrust treated Discretely
* Zones treated generally
            - Randomly Distributed
            - Sometimes randomly oriented
            - All Boundaries are Leaky Need to consider fault type
* Sources have styles of faulting and dips associated with them
            -  Necessary to calculate the parameters Rx and      Ztor
* Fault scaling relations. become important particularly for determining ztor
            - Calculate width based on scaling relations and determine ~or
                  >> If Ztor <0 then this realization is not considered in PSHA
Subduction Model (72 branches)
Scaling on Epistemic    Host-to-Target Backbone    Magnitude          An elastic Uncertainty in Vs Adjustment GMPE          Scal ing      Attenuation Med ian        Factor*
[~Cl]med    + 0.2                                Vs factor-4 0.5 05      x1 .62 (0.335)
(0.2)            ( 0.4 )      (0.2)
Vs factor-3 Back-arc      [6C1]med                          x1 .0            (0.165)
{1.0)          (0.6)                        ( 0.6)
V5 factor-2
[tiCl]med - 0.2          05      x0 .62            (0.335)
(0.2)              ( 0.6)    ( 0.2)
V5 factor-1
Implemented Within GMPE (0.165)
Backbone Model
* Modification of BC Hydro Model.
* Broken into "'9 subcomponents
* Necessary inputs Freq uency (f)
Moment Magnitude (M)
Foca l Dept h (Zh) fo r Interface event s Depth w ithin slab for lntras lab events Eve nt type fl ag (Fevent)
* lnterplate
* lntraslab R
* Rupture for lnterplate
* Hypocentre for lntraslab
* Site correction term means that PGA callculation must be done for hypothetical case where V530=1,000 m/s Time co nsuming circular loop
* Requires calculating much of logic t ree for IPGA at 1000 m/s prior to calcu lating SA at desired frequency.
Implementation in SSC
* Reads as if interplate  e~arthquakes are (semi)finite (Rrup)
* lntraplate are point(ish) sources (Rhyp)
* Logic tree is primarily <<3 lookup exercise
* Despite simpler form -- more difficult to implement due to correction factors w/in backbone
Sigma (6 branches)
I Distri but ion I Sigma Model High Normal (0.2)
Cent ral (0.6)
Mixture Model Low
CY2 -CY1 a == a-1 +            [ mir1(max(M, 5), 7) - 5]
* Same tree used for both crustal and subduction earthquak~~s
  - Normal Model Uses Table Lookup
  - Mixture Model Uses CcJnditional Probability and table lookup
* Need to call integration subroutine 6 times for one realization P(z > z) =WMixl    1
                      - ffi (  z- /1)
Potential Sirr1plifications?
* All ruptures reach a specific depth_(Ztor=constant)?.
* Ignore hanging wall effect*!>
* Constant Dip?
* Rrup=RJs=RHYP ?=Rx?
  - All could be implemented t::>n SSC side
* Full GMM logic tree is coded
          - Decide which, if any simplifications to apply later
* Need a definitive answer 01n the level of granularity necessary
  - Only interested in Median SA and sigma?
* Computationally cleaner
Implementation So Far
* Fortran90 - need to consicler that most of Roland's codes are in C
* Models coded as indepenclent subroutines
  - With dependencies (mostlv lookup)
* Sigma developed as well
  - With dependencies
* Simple wrapper programs have been developed for testing
  - Comparisons to Chapter 9 in SSHAC report look reasonable
* No digital testing files for comparison
* Currently~ only output is. ~;A and sigma.
  - Not individual branches
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 May 2015 19:46:45 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
Columbia GMM without host to target uncertainty.
Attachments:no_htu_yeskappa.pdf, no_htu_nokappa.pdf Attached are two pdfs containing plots for the Columbia GMM without the host to target uncertainty. nokappa does not contain the Vs-kappa correction, and yeskappa does. The faulting parameters and magnitudes are the same as the plots sent last week and the size of the dots corresponds to that branches relative weight in calculating the mean. There are nine branches for the nokappa realization and 63 for the yeskappa. The results. appear to be approximately 7% lower than for the case that includes the host-to-target uncertainty correction .
- -David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office : T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
(f) 0.0001 1e -os--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1            1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(j) 0.001 1 e-os--~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~....-~~~....-~~~......+--
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
0.001 1e-os---~---..~---------.......-...-.-~~--~--..----.....-.-....-~~-----------. . . . . .-----
0.1                      1                        10                              100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.0001 -+--- - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
0.1                1                10              100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-
o.1          1                  10        100 Frequency (Hz)
fault1 10 1                            .    .        .
* t__
0.1 0.01 0.001
0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                            100 Frequency (Hz)
fault2 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
              ;r;--~~~~-~~~~===j 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1    1                10        100 Frequency (Hz)
fault3 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-09j_~----r~-r---,--..,..--,---i--r-r.f-~~.,.-----r-----r----r---,--,--r--i-r~~-r------r-----r----r--r-r-~
1 00 0.1                            1                                    10 Frequency (Hz)
fault4 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
(f) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e- 09 0.1 1                10 100 Frequency (Hz)
faults 10 1
0.1 0.01 0.001
Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e- 06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1                10 100 Frequency (Hz)
fault6 10 1
0.1                        .. . .. . .. . ...... . ... ... .. . .. .
0.01                            * **
<l: 0.0001 (f) 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                                        100 Frequency (Hz)
10 1
0.1                        * ** ;****: .... . ... .. ... ... .
                                      +* *
* 0.001
* O>
<(  0.0001
1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1                10                                  100 Frequency (Hz)
fault8 10 1                                                ,_ . - :* - . _ ;, - ;
0.1 0.01
0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1                        1                10                                              100 Frequency (Hz)
Information (pages 332/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:26:34 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane
Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I. can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.
David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent:2 Apr 2015. 12:09:41 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Seber, Dogan;Li, Yong; Walsh, Lisa;Stovall, Scott Cc:'Miriam R. Juckett' Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07 A04-15p.
Discussion of CGS GMPEs Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation. Call in and presentation attached Bridge line phone number: 888-71 1-9770 Participant passcode1(b)(6) I
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12: 13:54 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa
RE: CGS GMPE Codes Hi Lisa, I'll be going through the logic tree approach and how I have currently implemented it. I imagine.
that much of the discussion will be around simplifications that we can make that will help our review be more efficient. I would skim Chapter 9 of the report and (maybe) familiarize yourself with Appendix D2 . . I haven't given the code to Cliff or Dogan yet, so I don't want to put the cart before the horse in terms of handing them around.
-- David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:58 AM To: Heeszel, David
CGS GMPE Codes Hi David, Dogan just mentioned that you are going to present the Columbia GMPEs and implementation along with the codes you have developed for confirmatory analysis on Thursday. He forwarded me the appointment and I plan to attend, but I just thought I would check in with you. I am planning on reading through the SSHAC report over the next few days. Would I be able to look at the codes you developed from the SSHAC report before the meeting (and/or would that be useful)?
Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph .D.
Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612
PGA Weighted VS-kappa I      Backb~ne  I  Log(SA)
Frequency  SA (code)    Weight  SA (Branch*                  Uncertainty  B kb branch          Branch      ac one code) 2.60E-01
                      - 3.44E-03    8.94E-04        1
                                                                                -5.3100 100                                                              1 100    1.72E-01    3.44E-03    5.92E-04        1              2        -5.3100 100    1.38E-01    3.44E-03    4.75E-04        1              3        -5.3100 100    3.25E-01    3.44E-03    1.12E-03        1              4        -5.3100 100    2.12E-01    2.75E-02    5.83E-03        1              5        -5.3100 100    1.81 E-01  3.44E-03    6.23E-04        1              6        -5.3100 100    3.32E-01    3.44E-03    1.14E-03        1              7        -5.3100 100    1.35E-01    3.44E-03    4.64E-04        1              8        -5.3100 100    2.47E-01    3.44E-03    8.50E-04        1              9        -5.3100 100    1.63E-01    8.50E-03    1.39E-03        2              1        -5.3100 100    1.08E-01    8.50E-03    9.18E-04        2    I          2        -5.3100 100    8.64E-02    8.50E-03    7.34E-04        2    I          3        -5.3100 100    2.04E-01    8.50E-03    1.73E-03        2    I          4        -5.3100 100    1.33E-01    6.SOE-02    9.04E-03        2    I          5        -5.3100 100    1.13E-01    8.50E-03    9.61 E-04        2              6        -5.3100 100    2.08E-01    8.50E-03    1.77E-03        2    I          7        -5.3100 100    8.46E-02    8.50E-03    7.19E-04        2              8        -5.3100 100    1.55E-01    8.50E-03    1.32E-03        2              9        -5.3100 100    8.14E-02    1.24E-02    1.01E-03        3    I          1        -5.3100 100    5.37E-02    1.24E-02    6.66E-04        3              2        -5.3100 100    4.30E-02    1.24E-02    5.33E-04        3              3        -5.3100 100    1.02E-01    1.24E-02    1.26E-03        3              4        -5.3100 100    6.61 E-02  9.90E-02    6.54E-03        3              5        -5.3100 100    5.65E-02    1.24E-02    7.01 E-04        3              6        -5.3100 100    1.04E-01    1.24E-02    1.29E-03        3              7        -5.3100 100    4.21 E-02  1.24E-02    5.22E-04        3              8        -5.3100 100    7.73E-02    1.24 E-02  9.59E-04        3              9        -5.3100 100    4.23E-02
            -  --      1.39E-02
                      ---        - 5.88E-04
                                    - - - -> - 4          .....      1        -5.3100 1-----
100    2.79E-02    1.39E-02    3.88E-04        4              2        -5.3100 100    2.23E-02    1.39E-02    3.1OE-04        4              3        -5.3100 100    5.27E-02    1.39E-02    7.33E-04        4              4        -5.3100 100    3.43E-02    1.1 1E-01  3.81 E-03        4              5        -5.3100
-    100    2.94E-02    1.39E-02    4.09E-04
                                                -    4              6
                                                                          -    -5.3100 100    5.39E-02    1.39E-02    7.49E-04        4              7        -5.3100 100    2.19E-02    1.39E-02    3.04E-04        4              8        -5.3100 100    4.01 E-02  1.39E-02    5.57E-04        4              9        -5.3100 100
          - 1.46E-03    1.24E-02    1.81E-05        5              1        -5.3100 100    9.62E-04    1.24E-02    1.19E-05        5              2        -5.3100 100    7.71 E-04  1.24E-02    9.56E-06        5              3        -5.3100 100    1.82E-03    1.24E-02    2.26E-05        5              4        -5.3100 100    1.18E-03    9.90E-02    1.17E-04        5              5        -5.3100 100    1.01 E-03  1.24E-02    1.25E-05        5              6        -5.3100 100    1.86E-03    1.24E-02    2.31 E-05        5              7        -5.3100 100    7.55E-04    1.24E-02    9.36E-06        5              8        -5.3100 100      1.38E-03  1.24E-02    1.71 E-05        5    I          9        -5.3100 100    7.57E-07    8.50E-03    6.43E-09        6    I          1        -5.3100 100    5.00E-07    8.50E-03    4.25E-09        6    I          2        -5.3100 100    4.00E-07    8.50E-03    3.40E-09        6              3        -5.3100 Page l
PGA 100  9.45E-07  8.50E-03 8.03E-09    6 4 -5.3100 100  6.15E-07  6.80E-02 4.18E-08    6 5 -5.3100 100  5.26E-07  8.50E-03 4.47E-09    6 6 -5.3100 100  9.65E-07  8.50E-03 8.20E-09    6 7 -5.3100 100  3.92E-07  8.50E-03 3.33E-09    6 8 -5.3100
- 100 100 100
      - 7.19E-07 1.20E-13 7.90E-14
                - 8.50E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 6.11 E-09 4.13E-16 2.72E-16
                                      - 6 7
7 9
1 2
                                            -5.3100 100  6.33E-14  3.44E-03 2.18E-16    7 3 -5.3100 100  1.49E-13  3.44E-03 5.13E- 16  7 4 -5.3100 100  9.73E-14  2.75E-02 2.68E-15    7 5 -5.3100 100  8.32E-14  3.44E-03 2.86E-16    7 6 -5.3100 100  1.53E-13  3.44E-03 5.26E-16    7 7 -5.3100 100  6.20E-14  3.44E-03 2.13E-16    7 8 -5 .3100 100  1.14E-13  3.44E-03 3.92E-16    7 9 -5.3100 Weighted 5.21E-02 Mean SA Page2
PGA Backbone                        SA*VSK +              Weighted I VS-Kappa                Backbone SA *Vs                    SA Uncertainty                    Backbone.                  SA Correction              kappa Correction                (Branch)
Correction                    J:!_ncertainty            ~ranch)_
                      -    -1.8054
                                      -      -1.3424    2.61 E-01  8.99E-04    1 0.340      0.4630 0.340      0.0471        -1.8054          -1.7583    1.72E-01  5.93E-04    2 0.340      -0.1740        -1 .8054        -1 .9794  1.38E-01  4.75E-04    3 0.340      0.6840        -1.8054          -1.1214    3.26E-01  1.12E-03    4 0.340      0.2550        -1.8054          -1.5504    2.12E-01  5.83E-03    5 0.340      0.0984        -1.8054          -1.7070    1.81 E-01  6.24E-04    6 0.340      0.7050        -1.8054          -1 .1004  3.33E-01  1.14E-03    7 0.340      -0.1950        -1.8054          -2.0004    1.35E-01  4.65E-04    8 0.340      0.4120        -1.8054          -1.3934    2.48E-01  8.54E-04    9 0.428      0.4630        -2.2727          -1 .8097  1.64E-01  1.39E-03    10 0.428      0.0471        -2.2727          -2.2256    1.08E-01  9.18E-04    11 0.428      -0.1740        -2.2727          -2.4467    8.66E-02  7.36E-04    12 0.428      0.6840        -2.2727          -1.5887    2.04E-01  1.74E-03    13 0.428      0.2550        -2.2727          -2.0177    1.33E-01  9.04E-03    14 0.428      0.0984        -2.2727          -2.1743    1.14E-01  9.66E-04    15 0.428      0.7050        -2.2727          -1.5677    2.09E-01  1.77E-03    16 0.428      -0.1950        -2.2727          -2.4677    8.48E-02  7.21E-04  I 17 0.428      0.4120        -2.2727          -1.8607    1.56E-01  1.32E-03    18 0.560      0.4630        -2.9736          -2.5106    8.12E-02  1.01 E-03  19 0.560      0.0471        -2.9736          -2.9265    5.36E-02  6.64E-04    20 0.560      -0.1740        -2.9736          -3.1476    4.30E-02  5.33E-04  I 21 0.560      0.6840        -2.9736          -2.2896    1.01 E-01  1.26E-03    22 0.560      0.2550        -2.9736          -2.7186    6.60E-02  6.53E-03    23 0.560      0.0984        -2.9736          -2.8752    5.64E-02  6.99E-04    24 0.560      0.7050        -2.9736          -2.2686    1.03E-01  1.28E-03    25 0.560      -0.1950        -2.9736          -3.1686    4.21 E-02  5.22E-04    26 0.560      0.4120        -2.9736          -2.5616    7.72E-02  9.57E-04    27
                            -3.6267                                            28 0.683
      -    -0.4630
                  -                    - - --4.23E-02
                                                          ---      5.88E-04
                                                                  -3.88E-04 0.683      0.0471        -3.6267          -3.5796    2.79E-02            I 29 0.683      -0.1740        -3.6267          -3.8007    2.24E-02  3.11 E-04 I 30 0.683      0.6840        -3.6267          -2.9427    5.27E-02  7.33E-04  I 31 0.683      0.2550        -3.6267          -3.3717    3.43E-02  3.81 E-03  32 0.683      0.0984
                      -    -3.6267
                                      - -3.5283        2.94E-02  4.08E-04  ] 33 0.683      0.7050        -3.6267          -2.9217    5.38E-02  7.48E-04    34 0.683      -0.1950        -3.6267          -3.8217    2.19E-02  3.04E-04    35 0.683      0.4120        -3.6267          -3.2147    4.02E-02  5.58E  36 1.320      0.4630
                      -      ----*-f-
                            -7.0092          -6.5462    1.44E-03  1.78E-05    37 1.320      0.0471        -7.0092          -6.9621    9.47E-04  1.17E-05    38 1.320      -0.1740        -7.0092          -7.1832    7.59E-04  9.41 E-06  39 1.320      0.6840        -7.0092          -6.3252    1.79E-03  2.22E-05    40 1.320      0.2550        -7.0092          -6.7542    1.17E-03  1.15E-04    41 1.320      0.0984        -7.0092          -6.9108    9.97E-04  1.24E-05    42 1.320      0.7050        -7.0092          -6.3042    1.83E-03  2.27E-05    43 1.320      -0.1950        -7.0092          -7.2042    7.43E-04  9.22E-06  1 44 1.320      0.4120        -7.0092          -6.5972    1.36E-03  1.69E-05    45 2.740      0.4630        -14.5494        -14.0864    7.63E-07  6.48E-09    46 2.740      0.0471        -14.5494        -14.5023    5.03E-07  4.28E-09    47 2.740      -0.1740        -14.5494        -14.7234    4.03E-07  3.43E-09    48 Page 3
PGA 2.740    0.6840    -14.5494  -l 3.86~m51 E-07            8.09E-09  49 2.740    0.2550    -14.5494  -14.2944      6.19E-07      4.21E-08  50 2.740    0.0984    -14.5494  -14.4510      5.30E-07      4.50E-09  51 2.740    0.7050    -14.5494 I -13.8444 _9.72E-07          8.26E-09  52 2.740  -0. 1950    -14.5494 I -14.7444      3 .95E-07    3.36E-09  53 2.740    0.4 120
                    -  -14.5494  -14.1374      7.25E-07                54 6.16E-09 5.690 5.690
. _5.690 0.4630 0.0471
            -0. 1740 t-
                                            -  1.20E-13
                                  -30.1668 .... 7.92E-14
                                  -30.3879      6.35E-14 4.13E-16 2.72E-16 2.18E-16 55 56 57
,__ 5.690  0.6 840  t-
                        -30.2139  -29.5299      1.50E-13      5.15E-16  58 5.690  0.2550      -30.2139  -29.9589      9.75E-14  f.-
2.68E-15  59 5.690  0.0984      -30.2139  -30.1 155    8.34E-14      2.87E-16  60 5.690    0.7050    -30.2139  -29.5089      1.53E-13  ~
5.26E-16  61 5.690  -0. 1950    -30.2139  -30.4089      6.22E-14      2.14E-16  62 5.690    0.4 120    -30.2139  -29.8019      1.14E-13      3.92EOJ1j  63 Weighted        5 .21 E-02 Mean SA Page4
PGA 5.0000 0 .0000 61  -  Log(SA) Backbone
-10.0000 +-- - - - - -- -- t- - - -              -  VS-Kappa Correction Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction
-20.0000    -- - -- - - - - - --1-- -
                                                  -  SA *vsK +. Backbone
-25.0000    + - - - - - - - - -- - -*- -              Uncertainty
-30.0000    + - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii.,,.,._
-35.0000 .....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
l.OOE+OO l.OOE-02 l.OOE-04 1.00E-06
                                                    -  SA (Branch) 1.00E--08
                                                    -  Weighted SA (Branch) l.OOE-10 l.OOE-12 l.OOE-14 Page5
PGA Page 6
PGA Page 7
0.1 Hz Weighted                Backbone VS-kappa                  Log(SA}      VS-Kappa Frequency    SA      Weight      SA                  Uncertainty branch                Backbone      Correction (Branch}                  Branch 0.1 2.80E-04  3.44E-03  9.63E-07            1            1  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 5. 19E-05  3.44E-03  1.79E-07            1            2  -1.11E+01      8.54E-01
--    0.1 9.15E-05  3.44E-03  3.15E-07
                                              -      1
                                                      ---      -3  -1.11 E+01
                                                                                *-  8.54E-01 0.1 1.59E-04  3.44E-03  5.47E-07            1            4  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 1.20E-04  2.75E-02  3.30E-06            1            5  -1.11E+01      8.54E-01 0.1 1.80E-04  3.44E-03  6.19E-07            1            6  -1. 11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 2.66E-04  3.44E-03  9.15E-07            1            7  -1.11 E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 5.47E-05  3.44E-03  1.88E-07            1            8  -1 .11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 8.06E-05  3.44E-03  2.77E-07            1            9  -1. 11E+01    8.54E-01 0.1 2.47E-04  8.50E-03  2.10E-06            2            1  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 4.58E-05  8.50E-03  3.89E-07            2            2  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 8.08E-05  8.50E-03  6.87E-07            2            3  -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 1.40E-04  8.50E-03  1.19E-06            2          4    -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 1.06E-04  6.80E-02  7.21 E-06            2            5  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 1.59E-04  8.50E-03  1.35E-06            2            6  -1 .11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 2.35E-04  8.50E-03  2.00E-06            2            7  -1.11E+01      8.65E-01 0.1 4.83E-05  8.50E-03  4.1 1 E-07          2            8  -1.11E+0 1    8.65E-01 0.1 7.12E-05  8.50E-03  6.05E-07            2          9    -1.11 E+01    8.65E-01 0.1 2.20E-04  1.24E-02  2.73E-06            3            1  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 4.08E-05  1.24E-02  5.06E-07            3            2  -1 .11E+01    8.75E-01 0.1 7.21 E-05  1.24E-02  8.94E-07            3            3  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 1.25E-04  1.24E-02  1.55E-06            3          4    -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 9.49E-05  9.90E-02  9.40E-06            3            5  -1 .11 E+01    8.75E-01 0.1 1.42E-04  1.24E-02  1.76E-06            3            6  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01
--    0.1 2.09E~4    1.24E-02  2.59E-o6
                                              -      3
                                                        --      7  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 4.30E-05  1.24E-02  5.33E-07            3          8    -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 6.35E-05  1.24E-02  7.87E-07            3            9  -1.11E+01      8.75E-01 0.1 2.02E-04  1.39E-02  2.81E-06            4            1  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01
--    0.1 3.74E.:-05 1.39E-02  5.20E-0-7
                                              -      4
                                                        --      2
                                                                  -  -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 6.61 E-05  1.39E-02  9.19E-07
                                                  -- 4          3    -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 1.14E-04  1.39E-02  1.58E-06            4          4    -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 8.70E-05  1.11E-01  9.66E-06            4            5  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01
--    0.1 1.30E-04  1.39E-o2  1.81 E-06
                                              -      4
                                                        --      6  -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01 0.1 1.92E-04  1.39E-02  2.67E-06            4            7  -1.11E+01      8.83E-01 0.1 3.95E-05  1.39E-02  5.49E-07            4          8    -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01
--    0.1 5.82E-05  1.39E-02  8.09E-07
                                              -      4
                                                      ----      9-  -1.11 E+01    8.83E-01
--                    1.24E-02 0.1 1.76E-04              2.18E-06            5            1  -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 3.27E-05  1.24E-02  4.05E-07            5            2  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 5.76E-05  1.24E-02  7.14E-07            5            3  -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 9.99E-05  1.24E-02  1.24E-06            5          4    -1.11 E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 7.59E-05  9.90E-02  7.51 E-06            5            5  -1 .11E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 1.13E-04  1.24E-02  1.40E-06            5            6  -1. 11E+01    8.95E-01 0.1 1.67E-04  1.24E-02  2.07E-06            5            7  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 3.44E-05  1.24E-02  4.27E-07            5            8  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 5.08E-05  1.24E-02  6.30E-07            5            9  -1.11E+01      8.95E-01 0.1 1.66E-04  8.50E-03  1.41 E-06          6            1  -1.11E+01      9.01E-01 0.1 3.08E-05  8.50E-03  2.62E-07            6            2  -1.11 E+01    9.0 1E-01 Page 8
0.1 Hz 0.1 5.43E-05  8.50E-03  4.62E-07        6    3  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 9.41 E-05  8.SOE-03  8.00E-07        6    4  -1. 11E+01  9.01 E-01 0.1 7.15E-05  6.80E-02  4.86E-06        6    5  -1.11 E+01  9.01E-01 0.1 1.07E-04  8.50E-03  9ToE-07          6    6  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 1.58E-04  8.SOE-03  1.34E-06        6    7  -1.11 E+01  9.0 1E-01 0.1 3.24E-05  8.SOE-03  2.75E-07        6    8  -1.11E+01  9.01 E-01
-- 0.1 4.79E-05  8.SOE-03  4.07E-07
                                        -    6
                                              -- 9
                                                  - -1.11 E+01  9.01E-Of 0.1 1.60E-04  3.44E-03  5.50E-07        7    1  -1 .11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 2.97E-05  3.44E-03  1.02E-07        7    2  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 5.24E-05  3.44E-03  1.80E-07        7    3  -1. 11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 9.07E-05  3.44E-03  3.12E-07        7    4  -1.11 E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 6.89E-05  2.75E-02  1.89E-06        7    5  -1 .11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 1.03E-04  3.44E-03  3.54E-07        7    6  -1. 11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 1.52E-04  3.44E-03  5.23E-07        7    7  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 3.13E-05  3.44E-03  1.08E-07        7    8  -1.11E+01  9.04E-01 0.1 4.61 E-05  3.44E-03  1.59E-07        7    9  -1.11 E+01  9.04E-01 Weighted 9.67E-05 Mean SA Page 9
0.1 Hz Backbone Backbone                    SA*VSK +
SA *Vs-                                  Weighted Uncertainty                  Backbone SA (Branch) kappa                                SA (Branch)
Correction                  Uncertainty Correction 1.32E+OO      -9.4794        -8.1594    2.86E-04      9.84E-07  1 2.00
    -3.69E-01    -9.4794        -9.8484    5.28E-05      1.82E-07  2
-    1.99E-01    -9.4794
                            - -9.2804    - 9.32E-05
                                                      - 3.21      -
E-07  3 7.49E-01    -9.4794        -8.7304    1.62E-04      5.56E-07  4    0.00 4.74E-01    -9.4794        -9.0054    1.23E-04      3.38E-06  5 8.76E-01    -9.4794        -8.6034    1.83E-04      6.31 E-07  6  -2.00 1.26E+OO      -9.4794        -8.2194    2.69E-04      9.27E-07  7
    -3.16E-01    -9.4794        -9.7954    5.57E-05      1.92E-07  8  -4.00 7.25E-02    -9.4794        -9.4069    8.22E-05      2.83E-07  9 1.32E+OO      -9.6015        -8.2815    2.53E-04      2.15E-06  10  -6.00
    -3.69E-01    -9.6015        -9.9705    4.68E-05      3.97E-07  11 1.99E-01    -9.6015        -9.4025    8.25E-05      7.01 E-07 12
                                                                        -8.00 7.49E-01    -9.6015        -8.8525    1.43E-04      1.22E-06  13 4.74E-01    -9.6015        -9.1275    1.09E-04      7.39E-06  14
                                                                      -10.00 8.76E-01    -9.6015        -8.7255    1.62E-04      1.38E-06  15 1.26E+OO      -9.6015        -8.3415    2.38E-04      2.03E-06  16
    -3.16E-01    -9.6015        -9.9175    4.93E-05      4.19E-07  17 -12.00 7.25E-02    -9.6015        -9.5290    7.27E-05      6.18E-07  18 l.OOE 1.32E+OO      -9.7125        -8.3925    2.27E-04      2.81 E-06 19
    -3.69E-01    -9.7125      -10.0815    4.18E-05      5.19E-07  20 1.99E-01    -9.7125        -9.5135    7.38E-05      9.16E-07  21  1.00E 7.49E-01    -9.7125        -8.9635    1.28E-04      1.59E-06  22 4.74E-0 1    -9.7 125      -9.2385    9.72E-05      9.63E-06  23  1.00E 8.76E-01    -9.7125        -8.8365    1.45E-04      1.80E-06  24 1.26E+oo      -9.7125        -8.4525    2.13E-04      2.65E-06  25  1.00E
    -3.16E-0 1    -9.7125      -10.0285    4.41 E-05    5.47E-07  26 7.25E-02    -9.7125        -9.6400    6.51E-05      8.07E-07  27  1.00E 1.32E+OO      -9.8013        -8.4813    2.07E-04      2.88E-06  28
    -3.69E-01    -9.8013      -10.1703    3.83E-05      5.32E-07  29  l.OOE 1.99E-01    -9.8013        -9.6023    6.76E-05      9.39E-07  30 7.49E-01    -9.8013        -9.0523    1.1 7E-04    1.63E-06  31 l.OOE 4.74E-01    -9.8013        -9.3273    8.90E-05      9.87E-06  32 8~76*E:o 1  -9.8013        -8.9253    1.33E-04      1.85E-06  33 1.26E+OO      -9.8013        -8.5413    1.95E-04      2.71E-06  34  l.OOE
    -3.16E-01    -9.8013                  4.04E-05      5.61 E-07 35 7.25E-02    -9.8013 -
                            - -10.1173
                                          - 5.95E            -
-                          -            -            - 8.28E 36 1.32E+OO      -9.9345        -8.6145    1.81 E-04    2.25E-06  37
    -3.69E-01    -9.9345      -10.3035    3.35E-05      4 .16E-07 38 1.99E-01    -9.9345        -9.7355    5.91 E-05    7.33E-07  39 7.49E-01    -9.9345        -9.1855    1.03E-04      1.27E-06  40 4.74E-01    -9.9345        -9.4605    7.79E-05      7.71E-06  41 8.76E-01    -9.9345        -9.0585    1.16E-04      1.44E-06  42 1.26E+OO      -9.9345        -8.6745    1.71E-04      2.12E-06  43
    -3.16E-01    -9.9345      -10.2505    3.53E-05      4.38E-07  44 7.25E-02    -9.9345        -9.8620    5.21 E-05    6.46E-07  45 1.32E+OO    -10.001 1      -8.6811    1.70E-04      1.44E-06  46
    -3.69E-01    -10.0011      -10.3701    3.14E-05      2.67E-07  47 Page 10
0.1 Hz 1.99E-01    -10.001 _1 _ _-.c...
9 .-"-
1 _ _5_.5_3_E_-0_5-+- 4.70E-07    48 7.49E-01    -10.0011      -9.2521      9.59E-05        8.15E-07    49
4.74E-01    -10.0011      -9.5271      7.29E-05        4.95E-06    50 8.76E-01    -10.0011      -9.1251      1.09E-04 I      9.26E-07    51 1.26E+OO    -10.0011      -8.7411      1.60E-04        1.36E-06    52
  -3.16E-01    -10.0011      -10.3171      3.31E-05        2.81 E-07    53 7.25E-02    -10.0011      -9.9286      4.88E-05        4.14E-07    54 1.32E+OO    -10.0344      -8.7144      1.64E-04        5.65E-07    55
  -3.69E-01    -10.0344 - -10.4034          3.03E-05        1.04E  56 i.-_1_.9:...:..
9E-O1 -10.0344 -    -9.8354      5.35E-05        1.84E-07    57 7.49E-01    -10.0344      -9.2854      9.28E-05        3.19E-07
                                                                          - 58 f--
4.74E-01    -10.0344      -9.5604      7.05E-05        1.94E    59 8.76E-01    -10.0344      -9.1584      1.05E-04        3.62E-07    60 1.26E+OO    -10.0344      -8.7744      1.55E-04        5.32E-07    61
  -3.16E-01    -10.0344      -10.3504      3.20E-05        1.10E-07    62 7.25E-02    -10.0344      -9.9619      4.72E-05        1.62E-07    63 Weighted 9.90E-05 Mean SA Page 11
0.1 Hz 21    41    61  -    Log(SA) Backbone
                      -    VS-Kappa Correction
                      -    Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction
                      -    SA*VSK +Backbone Uncertainty
:+oo 21    41  61
                        -    SA (Branch)
:-04                    -    Weighted SA (Branch)
:-07 Page 12
Sheet3 0.1 2.80E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  1 0.1 5.19E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  2 0.1 9.15E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  3 0.1 1.59E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  4 0.1 1.20E-04  2.75E-02  0.649E+OO  5 0.1 1.80E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  6 0.1 2.66E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  7 0.1 5.47E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO  8 0.1 8.06E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 1 9 0.1 2.47E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 1 0.1 4.58E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 2 0.1 8.08E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 3 0.1 1.40E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 4 0.1 1.06E-04  6.80E-02  0.649E+OO 2 5 0.1 1.59E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 6 0.1 2.35E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 2 7 0.1 4.83E-05  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 2 8 0.1 7.12E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 2 9 0.1 2.20E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 1 0.1 4.08E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 2 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 3 0.1 1.25E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 4 0.1 9.49E-05  9.90E-02  0.649E+OO 3 5 0.1 1.42E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 6 0.1 2.09E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 7 0.1 4.30E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 8 0.1 6.35E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 3 9 0.1 2.02E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 1 0.1 3.74E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 2 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 3 0.1 1.14E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 4 0.1 8.70E-05  1.11 E-01 0.649E+OO 4 5 0.1 1.30E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 6 0.1 1.92E-04  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 7 0.1 3.95E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 8 0.1 5.82E-05  1.39E-02  0.649E+OO 4 9 0.1 1.76E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 1 0.1 3.27E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 2 0.1 5.76E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 3 0.1 9.99E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 4 0.1 7.59E-05  9.90E-02  0.649E+OO 5 5 0.1 1.13E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 6 0.1 1.67E-04  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 7 0.1 3.44E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 8 0.1 5.08E-05  1.24E-02  0.649E+OO 5 9 0.1 1.66E-04  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 1 0.1 3.08E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 2 0.1 5.43E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 3 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 4 0.1 7.1SE-05  6.80E-02  0.649E+OO 6 5 0.1 1.07E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 6 Page 13
Sheet3 0.1 1.58E-04  8.50E-03  0.649E+OO 6 7 0.1 3.24E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 8 0.1 4.79E-05  8.SOE-03  0.649E+OO 6 9 0.1 1.60E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 1 0.1 2.97E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 2 0.1 5.24E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 3 0.1 9.07E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 4 0.1 6.89E-05  2. 75E-02 0.649E+OO 7 5 0.1 1.03E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 6 0.1 1.52E-04  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 7 0.1 3.13E-05  3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 8 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03  0.649E+OO 7 9 Page 14
Sheet3 1 2-0.111E+02  0.854E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.854E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.854E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.854E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.865E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.865E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.865E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.875E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.875E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.875E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.875E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.875E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.883E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.1 11E+02  0.883E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.883E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.883E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.895E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.895E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.895E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.1 11 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.895E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.901E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02  0.901E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.901E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02  0.901E+OO 0.876E+OO Page 15
Sheet3 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.901 E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  -0.369E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO  0.199E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO  0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02  0.904E+OO  0.725E-01 Page 16
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:8 May 2015 15: 16:30 +0000 To:Weaver , Thomas
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Sure.
From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015.11:11 AM To:. Heeszel,. David
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Does Monday at 1 PM work for you?
From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:05 AM To: Weaver, Thomas
RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi Thomas, Sure. My schedule is pretty open, but I plan to be out on Friday. Perhaps before or after one of the WUS site meetings?
--David From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:01 AM To: Heeszel, David
Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi David, If. possible , I would like to work with you on developing some conditional mean spectra that we can use for Columbia Generating Station site response analyses. Let me know if you have some time next week when you are available to discuss .
: Regards, Thomas
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:! May 2015 14:44:11 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
RE: Columbia GMPEs Hi. Dogan, I need to make a few modifications - specifically to how the sigma model operates, but it should be useable for the purpose you want. Cliff. also wants me. to simplify it to the branch level, which I am working on as well. I'll try and have an updated version on Monday.
--David From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 10:26 AM To: Heeszel, David
Columbia GMPEs Hi. David, I need to make some comparisons of the Columbia GMPE models. against some of the NGA-West 2 models. Is your Columbia GMPE code, you mentioned a while back, ready to be used by others? I need to make simple comparisons such as g vs distance given M. Please let me. know if I can use. your code. for this. purpose.
Dogan Seber, PhD Senior Geophysicist Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
~  301-415-0212
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12:08:07 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa
RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Thanks, that was on my list for this morning.
--David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:54 PM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;
RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Bridge line phone nu ~- 711-9770 Participant passcode~
<<Message: FW: Conference Details {APR 02, 2015--11:00 AM ET--Conf# 3279869) >>
-----Original Appointment-----
From:. Heeszel,. David .
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:40 AM To: Heeszel, David; Walsh, Lisa; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;
FW: Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-15p
-----Original Appointment-----
From:. Heeszel,. David .
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:11 AM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong
Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-1 Sp We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation.
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:2 Apr 2015 14:55:33 +0000 To:Devlin-Gill , Stephanie;Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon ;Hill, Brittain Cc:Miriam R.Juckett(;John Stamatakos
Palo Verde Catalog Attachments:PVNGS_independent_evenL_catalog.xlsx Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. The other columns should be relatively self explanatory.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC,. NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail.Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Year Month Day Hour Min. Sec. lat. long. Depth 1852 11    29  20  0    0    32.5  -115    9.9 1856 9    21  7    30  0    33.1  -116.7  9.9 1870 3    11  10  20  0    34.55  -112.47  0 1870 8    12  0    0    0    34.55  -112.47  0 1871 2    7  15  8    2    34.1  -112.44  0 1872 5    3  1    0    0    33    -115    9.9 1875 1    21  19  45  0    33.65  -114.S  0 1875 11    2  9    0    0    32.38  -114.6  0 1875 11    15  22  30  0    32.5  -115.5  9.9 1880 12    19  23  35  0    34    -117    9.9 1885 9    13  12  34  0    33.3  -116.9  9.9 1887 5    30  14  0    0    31.71  -110.07  0 1887 11    11  0    0    0    32    -110.58  0 1888 7    25  0    0    0    31.71  -110.07  0 1888 11    25  0    0    0    32.22  -110.97  0 1889 2    7  5    20  0    34.1  -116.7  9.9 1890 2    9  12  6    0    33.4  -116.3  9.9 1891 4    26  20  0    0    35.18  -114.52  0 1891 7    30  14  10  0    32    -115    9.9 1892 2    2  0    30  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1892 2    24  7    20  0    32.55  -115.63  9.9 1893 6    5  6    40  0    31.71  -110.07  0 1894 10    23  23  3    0    32.8  -116.8  9.9 1899 9    20  0    0    0    35.19  -114.06  0 1899 10    6  23  30  0    31.71  -110.07  0 1899 12    25  12  25  0    33.8  -117    9.9 1903 1    24  5    0    0    31.5  -115    9.9 1906 1    25  13  32  30  35.540 -111.870 0 1906 4    19  0    30  0    32.9  -115.S  9.9 1910 4    11  7    57  0    33.5  -116.5  9.9 1910 9    24  4    5    0    35.690 -111.670 0 1912 8    18  21  12  0    35.320 -111.710 0 1913 12    6  0    15  0    35.25  -112.17  0 1915 6    23  3    59  0    32.8  -115.S  9.9 1915 6    27  8    30  0    33.4  -111.8  0 1915 11    21  0    13  0    32    -115    9.9 1916 3    30  5    20  0    31.34  -110.94  0 1916 9    30  2    11  0    33.2  -116.1  9.9 1917 5    28  6    6    0    32.8  -115.3  9.9 1918 4    20  8    45  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1918 4    21  22  32  0    33.8  -117    9.9 1918 5    1  4    32  0    32.6  -115.4  9.9 1919 5    23  11  5    0    35.19  -111.65  0 1919 10    1  19  30  0    32.6  -115    9.9 1920 1    1  2    35  0    33.2  -116.7  9.9 1921 4    6  21  7    0    34.9  -110.16  0 1921 9    8  19  24  0    32.4  -115.S  9.9
1922 6  16 21 1  0      32.7  -114.7  0 1922 6  17 23 42 0      33.38  -110.86  0 1923 9  28 0  0  0      35.19  -111.65  0 1923 9  30 18 27 0      34 .2  -111.5  0 1923 11 7  23 57 0      32.5  -115.5  9.9 1926 4  3  20 8  0      34    -116    9.9 1927 1  1  8  16 0      32.5  -115.5  9.9 1927 2  11 3  40 0      31.54  -110.75  0 1928 10 2  19 1  0      33.6  -116.7  9.9 1929 9  26 20 0  22.7  34.83  -116.52  9.9 1930 1  16 0  24 0      34.2  -116.9  9.9 1930 2  26 2  30 0      33    -115.S  9.9 1930 7  16 19 0  0      34.2  -112.5  0 1931 4  17 12 38 0      34.53  -110.05  0 1931 7  28 8  35 0      34.7  -112    0 1932 3  23 0  20 6.5    35.795 -115.932 6 1932 5  20 20 22 49.84  34.995 -115.841 6 1932 6  27 10 7  21 .22 31.53  -116.091 6 1933 11 27 0  0  0      34.42  -112.91  0 1933 11 28 20 10 55.89  35.697 -116.072 6 1934 1  11 7  15 0      31.91  -109.82  0 1934 3  12 0  0  0      35.1  -110.9  0 1934 4  13 10 55 11.69  35.123 -116.233 6 1934 5  14 13 14 0      31    -114.5  0 1934 11 25 8  18 29.19  31.501 -116.074 6 1934 12 25 12 20 0      36.95  -112.5  0 1934 12 31 18 45 43.92  32.18  -115.175 6 1935 1  1  1  12 43.43  31    -114    6 1935 1  1  8  50 0      36.05  -112.14  0 1935 1  2  7  30 0      32.67  -114.14  0 1935 1  9  0  58 44.08  33.486 -115.167 6 1935 10 24 14 48 7.51  34.106 -116.699 6 1935 11 4  3  55 54.71  33.507 -116.667 6 1935 12 5  21 25 0      36.95  -112.5  0 1935 12 20 7  45 31.86  32.811 -115.296 6 1936 1  12 0  0  0      36.05  -112.14  0 1936 1  30 17 13 53.26  32.842 -114.82  6 1936 2  25 6  30 0      35.19  -114.06  0 1936 9  9  2  48 6.89  34.889 -116.049 6 1936 10 13 20 39 54.87  35.374 -115.772 6 1937 2  27 1  29 17.57  31.78  *116.599 6 1937 3  25 16 49 2.18  33.4  -116.25  6 1937 4  8  12 0  0      35.71  -109.54  0 1937 7  20 22 49 0      35.33  -112.88  0 1937 7  21 23 55 0      33.46  -112.07  0 1937 11 12 1  38 58.31  35.913 -115.274 6 1937 12 4  0  54 47.73  35.5  -113    6 1937 12 17 23 30 0      35.19  -111.65  0 1938 6  6  2  42 41.93  32.273 -115.191 6
1938 7  21 15 34 23.02 34.616 -115.938 6 1938 7  24 3  5  0.41  33.45  -115.065 6 1938 8  18 7  39 44.47 34.818 -116.047 6 1938 9  17 17 20 18    33.2  -108.6  0 1938 9  18 23 30 0    32.72  -109.1  0 1938 9  18 23 45 0    32.27  -109.23  0 1938 9  24 18 0  0    32.62  -109.97  0 1938 9  29 23 32 0    33.05  -109.3  0 1938 12 28 22 7  12    33.05  -109.3  0 1939 3  9  13 30 0    36.1  -112.1  0 1939 3  22 19 16 33.16 34.641 -115.671 6 1939 5  4  20 44 0    35.97  -114.82  9.9 1939 6  4  1  19 12    32.75  -109.1  0 1939 6  4  5  0  0    33.05  -109.3  0 1940 5  5  9  38 27.41 35.456 -115.29  6 1940 5  18 5  3  59.66 34.089 -116.282 6 1940 5  19 4  36 40.5  32.844 -115.381 6 1940 5  19 18 6  0    32.67  -114.14  0 1940 6  4  10 35 8.12  32.966 -116.315 6 1940 6  4  23 33 0.33  33.096 -114.7  6 1940 7  7  18 42 55.8  31.454 -115.133 6 1940 10 16 13 25 0    35.19  -111.65  0 1940 12 7  22 16 27    31.667 -115.083 9.9 1940 12 7  22 17 0    31.069 -114.853 6 1941 3  21 0  0  0    35.9  -114.6  0 1941 5  21 16 25 0    35.9  -114.6  0 1941 9  3  21 25 0    36    -114.7  0 1942 1  8  2  42 0    35.19  -111.65  0 1942 3  3  1  3  25.85 34.001 -115.847 6 1942 3  31 0  29 30.33 35.545 -115.891 6 1942 5  23 15 47 33.78 32.995 -116.25  6 1942 9  9  5  15 0    36    -114.7  0 1942 11 9  20 34 25.57 34.858 -116.092 6 1943 7  1  16 19 16.01 35.807 -115.955 6 1943 8  18 0  30 15.14 35.781 -116    6 1943 8  29 3  45 14.31 34.268 -116.968 6 1943 12 21 9  0  0    35.19  -111.65  0 1943 12 22 15 50 28.6  34.37  -115.819 6 1944 1  31 4  24 58    36.9  -112.5  0 1944 6  12 11 16 35.81 34.002 -116.699 6 1944 9  30 0  54 8.88  36.106 *114.701 6 1944 10 28 4  1  35.77 31.163 -115.739 6 1945 1  7  22 25 32    36.5  -111.8  0 1945 3  20 21 55 7    34.25  -116.167 9.9 1945 3  31 18 50 45    31    -114    0 1945 4  22 9  45 48    31.5  -114    9.9 1945 4  22 22 14 0.12  32    -114.5  6 1945 5  11 23 32 55.69 30.884 -115.897 6 1945 5  12 7  33 0    31.6  -115.6  9.9
1945 8  15 17 56 18.39 33.082 -115.631 6 1946 6  4  12 5  26.66 33.986 -115.704 6 1946 7  18 14 27 57.99 34.502 -115.915 6 1946 9  28 7  19 10.42 33.935 -116.867 12.8 1946 11 26 22 49 0    36.1  -114    0 1947 4  6  8  10 54.29 31.5  -115    6 1947 4  10 15 58 5.11  34.983 -116.531 6 1947 4  10 17 29 27    34.967 -115.55  6 1947 5  14 21 45 31.77 34.75  -114.5  6 1947 6  21 8  9  37    32    -115.5  9.9 1947 7  24 22 10 46.82 33.994 -116.481 6 1947 10 27 4  15 40    35.75  -111.48  0 1948 1  24 2  57 0    36.1  -111.5  0 1948 8  8  23 20 0    36.8  -112.l  0 1948 12 3  18 45 0    35.03  -110.7  0 1948 12 4  23 43 16.41 33.983 -116.331 6 1949 3  3  5  59 34    31    -113    0 1949 5  2  11 25 46.9  34    -115.696 6 1949 5  3  21 10 19.9  34.566 -115.447 6 1949 6  26 1  35 24    32.1  -113.9  0 1949 11 4  20 42 38.77 32.127 -116.75  6 1950 1  17 0  53 0    35.71  -109.54  0 1950 2  2  10 37 24    32    -113    0 1950 2  3  15 51 50.28 30.5  -114.5  6 1950 7  29 14 36 31.93 33.088 -115.664 6 1950 9  5  19 19 56.77 33.726 -116.697 6.4 1951 1  24 7  16 52.62 32.622 -115.119 6 1951 2  15 10 48 0.22  33.482 -116.601 3.4 1951 3  5  23 0  0    36.95  -112.5  0 1951 4  12 6  20 10    32    -113    0 1952 2  8  8  59 5.5  36    -114.7  0 1952 5  24 4  15 12.84 36.156 -114.461 6 1952 5  25 13 6  36    36    -115    6 1952 10 22 19 46 36    32    -113.S  0 1953 5  18 7  3  1.57  36.022 -113.784 6 1953 6  14 4  17 26.7  32.892 -115.504 6 1953 6  14 4  30 1.76  33.567 -115.251 6 1953 10 8  20 19 46    34.66  -111.01  0 1953 10 10 18 49 6    31.8  -116.1  9.9 1954 2  1  4  31 48.85 32195  -114.352 6 1954 2  1  13 5  10.16 31.719 *114.011 6 1954 3  19 9  54 27.83 33.298 -116.081 6 1954 5  31 8  6  24    31.6  -115.2  9.9 1955 1  28 12 10 18.08 33.748 -115.327 6 1955 4  25 10 43 7.42  32.466 -114.989 6 1955 12 17 6  7  27.9  32.955 -115.472 6 1956 1  3  14 24 1    32.383 -116    9.9 1956 1  9  12 56 59.66 35.624 -115.865 6 1956 2  9  14 32 41.91 31.832 -116.231 6
1956 2  15 1  20 35.27  31.149  -115.485 6 1956 3  16 20 29 33.73  34.289  -116.775 2.7 1957 4  25 21 57 36.9  33.119  -115.681 6 1957 7  5  0  58 0      32      -114    9.9 1957 9  22 16 3  47.97  33.884  -114.92  6 1958 3  15 8  34 4      32.5    -113.5  9.9 1958 6  12 22 1  4.46  34.816  -116.025 6 1958 8  18 6  0  52    30.5    -114    0 1958 9  18 6  3  0      31.4    -109.85  0 1958 12 1  3  21 17.62  32.216  -115.754 6 1959 2  11 14 1  0      35.19  -111.65  0 1959 6  14 6  13 37. 14 31.335  -116.093 6 1959 7  21 12 39 0      36.8    -112.37  0 1959 10 13 8  15 0      35.5    -111.5  0 1960 1  23 3  11 43.76  35.4 19 -116.288 6 1960 6  3  21 38 0.06  31.5    -114    6 1961 2  9  17 50 44.41  31.579  -115.478 6 1961 9  12 19 18 49.21  32.742  -115.57  6 1962 2  15 7  12 42.9  36.9    -112.4  26 1962 3  7  19 57 37.5  32.29  -109.77  0 1962 5  9  16 39 6.1    32.06  -110.32  0 1962 5  27 1  45 40.74  32.258  -115.769 6 1962 8  6  13 59 58.72  34.613  -115.753 6 1962 8  10 2  29 55.83  35.007  -115.649 6 1962 8  20 10 43 13.7  31      -114    6 1962 10 29 2  42 53.71  34.349  -116.866 6 1963 1  27 3  0  38.98  31.564  -115.834 6 1963 3  25 9  28 43.94  35.962  -114.861 6 1963 5  10 23 49 50.5  35.04  -113.82  0 1963 5  19 22 55 21.7  35.46  -114.21  0 1963 6  11 15 23 41 .67 31.973  -116.252 6 1963 6  20 14 59 42.6  30.2    -114.1  14 1963 6  29 3  3  50    34.81  -114.54  0 1963 9  11 11 59 41    33.2    -110.7  33 1963 9  23 14 41 52.79  33.704  -116.938 10.7 1963 10 20 13 29 32.64  31.685  -115.387 6 1963 11 2  8  47 43    32.4    -113.7  14 1963 11 18 14 38 28.9  29.9    -113.6  14 1963 11 23 10 53 18.4  30.4    -113.5  14 1964 1  17 17 8  24.4  31      -114    6 1964 2  3  8  43 36    31.5    -114.2  9.9 1964 4  16 4  16 26.7  30.5    -114.4  33 1964 4  16 4  56 47    31.8    -113.7  9.9 1964 4  16 6  45 43.9  32.5    -113.2  33 1964 8  21 19 41 37.5  30.6    -113.8  15 1964 8  22 3  3  20.7  31.5    -114.3  15 1964 9  6  18 51 18.6  34.2    -114    15 1964 9  23 18 9  36.16  36.135  -114.657 6 1964 12 20 21 56 6.2    35.959  -114.655 6
1965 1  9  20 37 11.83  32.037 -114.549 6 1965 2  16 12 24 35.9  30.7  -113.2  33 1965 3  13 8  46 56.8  32.2  -111.4  0 1965 5  3  3  30 48.81  36.483 -114.382 6 1965 5  15 6  25 1.5    35.9  -114.8  5 1965 6  7  14 28 1.3    36.1  -112.2  15 1965 6  17 22 58 20.9  31.7  -113.3  10 1965 7  1  2  43 1.4    30.9  -113.7  33 1965 7  9  1  26 54.6  30.6  -113.5  33 1965 9  13 8  47 6.5    31    -114.4  33 1965 9  23 10 35 58.7  30.4  -113.7  33 1965 9  25 17 43 43.33  34.714 -116.432 6 1965 10 14 17 47 35.3  31    -113    33 1965 10 17 9  45 18.78  33.99  -116.761 13 1965 11 26 13 57 2.6    31.8  -112.7  33 1966 1  11 10 25 12.2  31.1  -114.3  33 1966 1  22 12 16 35.1  36.57  -111.99  0 1966 2  24 8  24 53.47  31.919 -114.619 6 1966 3  29 22 56 17.15  33.728 -115.363 6 1966 3  31 0  56 39.3  29.9  -111.8  33 1966 4  3  19 44 38    30.7  -113.7  33 1966 4  13 9  36 15.3  36.7  -112.9  0 1966 4  28 0  42 57.4  35.6  -113    20 1966 5  2  14 59 13.1  36.4  -112.5  0 1966 5  3  5  28 11.1  31.5  -113.8  33 1966 5  26 20 33 22.69  31.544 -115.72  6 1966 6  14 10 45 17.1  36.4  -113.3  0 1966 6  17 20 12 23.9  36.6  -113.5  0 1966 6  24 22 59 56.2  31.5  -114.1  33 1966 7  23 22 55 59.1 1 35.47  -114.595 6 1966 8  7  17 36 26.7  31.8  -114.S  9.9 1966 8  10 13 24 51.1  30.8  -114.5  33 1966 8  10 17 45 37.97  30.328 -114.561 6 1966 8  16 4  43 21.4  30.1  -113.7  11 1966 9  28 12 so 26.7  30.4  -113.9  33 1966 10 1  19 23 11    30    -114.2  32 1966 10 3  16 3  50.9  35.8  -111.6  34 1966 10 30 22 20 6.8    30.8  -113.S  30 1966 11 5  5  18 14.89  31.573 -115.615 6 1966 11 9  14 11 30.66  36.092 -115.065 6 1966 12 1  9  20 40.9  36.2  *113.9  26 1966 12 8  7  23 5.1    30.6  -114.2  14 1967 3  2  6  29 24.4  34.475 -110.964 14 1967 3  10 13 5  17.9  30.333 -114.486 33 1967 3  28 3  48 59.1  35.45  -111.73  5 1967 4  1  15 39 49.9  30.781 -114.03  33 1967 4  26 7  18 22.5  31.14  -114.547 33 1967 5  1  19 48 7.1    34.457 -112.864 26 1967 5  4  22 34 48.5  30.416 -114.403 33
1967 5  21 14 42 34.06  33.552 -116.632 8.4 1967 5  21 18 0  5.1    34.29  -110.57  11 1967 5  26 7  48 43    36.42  -111.56  11 1967 6  14 23 11 53.3  35.28  -112.24  28 1967 8  7  16 40 32.1  36.4  -112.6  0 1967 9  4  23 27 44.7  36.2  -111.7  0 1967 9  21 0  1  52.74  31.301 -115.826 6 1967 10 13 1  19 3.5    30.4  -113.7  33 1967 11 1  16 55 43.3  30.7  -113.4  33 1967 12 5  11 9  37.4  30.8  -114.1  33 1967 12 5  13 15 31 .8  30.2  -114.2  33 1967 12 5  18 12 13.9  31.1  -113.S  33 1968 4  9  2  28 58.39  33.18  -116.103 10 1968 6  20 19 28 51    31.285 -113.529 33 1968 9  3  13 51 36.8  30.847 -113.57  33 1968 12 1  19 16 32.9  31.108 -113.083 33 1969 1  23 23 1  0.44  33.892 -116.049 6 1969 2  2  19 3  38.3  31.588 -113.451 33 1969 2  10 2  57 35.7  30.818 -112.691 33 1969 2  10 6  58 39.7  29.899 -112.95  33 1969 2  10 20 41 30.5  30.291 -112.669 33 1969 3  9  2  53 19.9  30.866 -114.22  33 1969 3  9  3  21 58.3  31.731 -113.89  33 1969 3  21 3  7  31.9  31.3  -114.7  9.9 1969 3  22 7  25 35.6  31.4  -114.1  9.9 1969 5  27 16 17 39.37  35.337 -116.046 6 1969 6  10 3  41 31.5  31.436 -116.301 6 1969 7  31 22 36 2.32  34.467 -114.974 6 1969 9  10 1  7  24.2  31.031 -113.632 33 1969 9  10 2  42 1.5    30.431 -113.843 33 1969 12 25 12 49 10.1  33.4  -110.6  15 1970 1  19 7  16 21    31.497 -115.974 10 1970 4  25 8  25 50.1  36.019 -114.734 5 1970 4  28 7  0  36.22  32.175 -114.676 6 1970 8  6  20 2  24.3  33.199 -115.033 7.6 1970 8  19 2  55 23.31  32.015 -114.525 6 1970 9  3  23 8  28.95  34.642 -115.817 6 1970 9  25 21 24 21 .77 34.737 -115.93  6 1970 10 4  7  21 18.4  29.965 -113.887 33 1970 10 4  17 39 45.4  30.629 -113.645 33 1970 10 12 20 5  34.5  30.072 *113.384 33 1970 11 24 16 47 56    36.357 -112.273 6 1970 12 3  3  47 24.6  35.874 -111.906 5 1970 12 14 19 14 19.15  34.33  -115.706 6 1970 12 18 9  18 33.4  35.99  -114.771 7 1970 12 28 1  13 8.01  33.813 -115.228 6 1971 5  1  3  11 19.9  36.518 -113.375 5 1971 5  6  22 32 36.4  36.45  -114.467 5 1971 5  23 21 31 51.6  35.02  -113.89  0
1971 9  30 22 46 10.87 32.983  -115.804 6 1971 11 4  2  18 58.7  35.2    -112.2  5 1971 11 30 4  21 57.3  31.233  -115.393 8 1971 12 15 12 58 14.5  36.791  -111.824 5 1972 2  20 6  8  17.9  29.895  -113.532 33 1972 4  20 13 28 16.3  35.31  -111.64  5 1972 8  2  13 6  15.6  31.539  -114.425 33 1972 8  3  22 36 2.94  31.818  -114.586 6 1972 9  4  6  8  19.5  30.908  -113.186 33 1972 9  4  23 55 56    30.353  -113.277 33 1972 10 28 13 22 37.89 31.763  -114.508 6 1973 4  19 16 59 42.7  34.3    -112.62  0 1973 7  23 20 37 46.1  30.751  -113.468 33 1973 7  24 1  46 5.8  31.124  -113.33  33 1973 10 10 17 20 19.2  30.203  -113.287 33 1973 10 16 14 53 52.4  31.6    -115.833 8 1973 11 20 19 1  4.44  33.959  -115.495 8 1973 12 26 6  18 16.6  36.081  -114.639 5 1974 3  14 20 59 57.2  34.24  -112.7  0 1974 3  23 17 36 47    30.346  -113.833 33 1974 5  8  19 27 35.72 31 .768 -114.562 6 1974 6  4  21 58 41.86 34.597  -112.901 6 1974 6  11 4  55 6.51  35.783  -115.645 6 1974 6  30 8  44 29.76 30.619  -114.451 6 1974 9  5  21 41 5.84  31.789  -114.031 6 1974 9  5  22 3  22.46 31.654  -114.629 1.51 1974 10 4  18 59 58.4  34.54  -113.02  17 1974 10 16 23 49 39.3  31.499  -114.468 8 1974 11 16 7  38 59.43 30.588  -113.814 6 1974 11 16 7  39 9.32  31.163  -114.364 8 1974 11 22 16 25 49.6  31.18  -115.241 33 1974 12 24 5  47 20.7  33.9    -111.9  4 1975 1  23 17 2  30.14 32.964  -115.508 13.9 1975 3  26 4  30 54.7  36.1    -115.7  11 1975 4  9  6  54 26.1  34.596  -113.135 6 1975 4  13 19 8  48.06 35.401  -116.438 13 1975 4  28 0  17 49.7  31.998  -114.792 10 1975 4  28 2  37 58.09 31.632  -114.268 6 1975 4  29 17 35 32.72 35.598  -116.297 6 1975 5  5  16 56 49.76 31.505  -114.622 6 1975 6  1  1  38 48.74 34.521  *116.481 9.9 1975 7  17 18 24 46.1  31.883  -115.807 10 1975 8  1  11 42 12.6  33.65  -116.75  5 1975 9  8  22 25 23.4  32.55  -114.33  0 1975 11 5  12 23 15.5  34.538  -115.808 5.2 1975 11 15 7  43 48.3  34.3    -116.33  5 1975 12 3  10 12 22.8  32.83  -108.663 27 1976 2  4  0  4  58    34.66  -112.5  10 1976 2  28 20 53 58.5  35.91  -111.79  5
1976 7  19 20 7  39    30.748  -113.502 33 1976 7  30 23 18 49.64  33.492  -113.245 6 1976 8  9  21 43 2.9    35.54  -111.68  5 1976 10 4  14 48 39    36.026  -114.735 5 1976 10 19 5  39 5.2    30.277  -112.96  33 1976 10 21 14 58 18    30.592  -113.204 33 1976 11 4  10 41 37.87  33.124  -115.61  11 1976 11 10 16 36 9.71  33.871  -113.702 3 1976 12 4  23 18 58.2  33.457  -114.478 6 1976 12 7  12 59 56.3  31.983  -114.783 8 1976 12 15 17 50 20.4  29.947  -113.364 33 1976 12 23 21 5  22.55  34.573  -114.372 0 1977 1  10 21 51 59.29  32.77  -114.711 6 1977 2  26 9  44 0.32  31.238  -113.899 6 1977 2  26 23 25 37.19  31.209  -114.212 6 1977 3  17 19 11 11.93  35.212  -112.925 0 1977 3  24 6  24 14.63  34.689  -115.717 0 1977 4  27 21 48 17.79  34.684  -113.724 3 1977 4  29 18 59 35.67  34.877  -113.067 6 1977 5  25 22 36 32.12  32.253  -112.643 8 1977 6  1  19 12 9.76  35.051  -113.52  0 1977 6  14 19 3  39. 11 34.859  -113.01  0 1977 7  13 22 10 51. 12 34.682  -112.934 0 1977 7  19 18 47 1.84  36.076  -114.463 6 1977 7  20 4  7  55.98  36.61  -114.635 6 1977 8  6  3  16 39.67  30.269  -113.603 6 1977 9  2  12 40 56.15  36.551  -113.779 0 1977 9  2  18 51 41.65  34.793  -113.479 0 1977 9  12 19 2  9.34  34.81 9 -113.138 0 1977 10 4  14 51 32.69  31.183  -114.097 6 1977 10 4  17 7  55.39  31.365  -114.413 6 1977 10 13 22 28 19.81  32.277  -112.522 0 1977 10 30 5  30 13.3  32.88  -115.5  4 1977 11 10 14 30 0      33.01  -113.35  0 1977 12 23 11 0  4.33  35.366  -113.978 0 1978 1  10 17 37 14.47  34.932  -113.186 0 1978 1  23 22 37 10.42  34.919  -113.336 0 1978 1  25 19 5  38.24  34.951  -113.055 0 1978 2  6  22 39 5.48  33.048  -113.946 21.2 1978 2  14 18 49 28.37  32147  -112.553 6 1978 2  14 20 49 23.03  34.304  *112.876 0 1978 2  17 10 13 43.24  35.834  -115.787 6 1978 3  14 23 43 11.52  32.011  -112.756 6 1978 3  29 21 56 49.44  34.602  -113.303 0 1978 4  4  2  14 10.2  30.275  -113.403 33 1978 4  5  18 42 17.23  32.136  -112.624 0 1978 5  5  21 3  15.8  32.211  -115.303 6 1978 7  10 21 40 17.6  30.704  -114.002 15 1978 7  17 14 46 13.14  35.538  -116.271 13.3
1978 9  23 14 28 41.09  36.431 -115.156 6 1978 10 21 3  19 1.96  31.341 -113.874 6 1978 11 17 23 28 12.52  31.972 -112.615 6 1978 11 29 14 37 40.3  30.177 -113.956 15 1978 12 10 13 35 8.48  36.102 -114.407 6 1979 1  6  22 32 13.39  35.439 -114.524 6 1979 1  22 18 7  1.45  34    -113    0 1979 3  15 20 50 33.46  34.805 -113.302 0 1979 3  15 21 7  16.53  34.327 -116.445 2.5 1979 4  7  16 20 17.27  32.202 -112.346 6 1979 4  15 2  59 56.21  31.393 -114.408 6 1979 6  24 22 26 19.93  31.805 -112.523 6 1979 7  3  3  52 48.29  32    -114.589 6 1979 7  3  10 48 6.38  31.472 -114.681 6 1979 8  9  9  3  10.21  32.105 -114.698 6 1979 8  31 7  51 38.21  32.3  -114.605 10 1979 10 7  7  45 3.37  32.096 -114.677 6 1979 10 15 23 16 53.44  32.614 -115.318 12.3 1979 10 21 19 46 58.18  32.019 -114.596 15 1979 11 14 21 9  9.79  31.348 -112.589 6 1979 11 21 16 50 5.08  36.907 -112.852 7 1980 1  8  1  21 24.36  32.237 -114.391 6 1980 2  13 16 58 50.13  31.127 -113.79  10 1980 2  22 13 12 41.3  31    -113    6 1980 2  25 10 47 38.41  33.475 -116.5  19.4 1980 3  18 11 29 47.81  31    -112.714 6 1980 3  18 12 25 35.3  30.169 -113.966 15 1980 3  18 12 50 27.1  30    -113    6 1980 3  28 22 11 50.07  36.379 -114.161 6 1980 4  29 18 25 10.1 1 36.927 -113.491 7 1980 5  15 9  14 12    31.23  -113.769 15 1980 6  1  8  40 27.5  35.391 -111.986 5 1980 6  10 22 40 25.04  32.296 -112.439 6 1980 7  14 11 46 12.6  36.5  -112.33  13 1980 7  27 4  21 32.64  31.048 -113.428 6 1980 8  7  12 38 46.34  35.514 -113.623 6 1980 8  29 8  57 55.2  30.211 -113.212 15 1980 9  1  11 34 55.7  31.176 -113.194 15 1980 9  18 8  55 34    31.299 -113.893 6 1980 10 29 14 53 35.5  29951  -114.072 15 1980 10 30 16 37 48.28  32.295 *112.463 6 1980 11 8  6  4  42.4  31.039 -113.686 15 1980 11 9  7  29 2.6    30.431 -113.789 15 1980 12 11 17 54 6.86  34.719 -113.403 6 1981 1  12 8  59 13.2  35.658 -113.469 5 1981 2  15 21 16 46.64  30.644 -113.937 6 1981 3  13 0  9  6.6    35.948 -114.799 2 1981 3  18 11 45 43.37  30.762 -113.81  6 1981 4  6  18 21 37.38  34.555 -113.1  0
1981 4  9  22 58 49.91  31.648 -112.714 6 1981 5  7  1  38 17.8  32.202 -108.898 5 1981 8  28 6  44 36.29  31.968 -113.587 6 1981 10 29 19 31 1.16  31.688 -113.254 10 1981 11 16 4  32 48.97  36.961 -112.527 0.85 1981 12 20 3  6  21.59  30.937 -113.914 10 1982 1  3  4  2  17.92  33.053 -114.826 6 1982 6  9  2  21 12.44  34.377 -115.732 2.8 1982 6  15 23 49 21 .16 33.555 -116.667 11.6 1982 7  31 6  42 19.31  35.47  -116.298 6 1982 10 21 15 17 15.05  31.407 -114.374 6 1982 10 22 19 2  47.94  33.385 -114.523 6 1982 11 1  23 14 21.8  36.033 -114.375 5 1982 11 4  23 3  37.16  36.133 -115.072 6 1982 11 19 20 57 34.67  36.027 -112.006 5 1982 11 27 23 38 18.41  35.943 -114.317 6 1982 12 7  9  43 49.61  36.023 -114.826 5 1983 1  1  22 29 30.68  32.686 -114.06  6 1983 2  12 4  4  8.42  34    -114    6 1983 2  23 11 10 20.87  35.973 -114.711 5 1983 4  9  0  45 26.03  36.394 -114.758 6 1983 4  17 6  3  30.93  30.39  -114.048 10 1983 5  17 21 55 58.9  35    -114.5  0 1983 6  10 1  22 31.96  36.179 -114.071 6 1983 6  18 11 9  34.05  31.575 -114.74  0.5 1983 7  14 18 59 22.82  34.62  -113.15  0 1983 7  19 18 43 23.02  31.3  -114.559 6 1983 7  23 12 48 7.3    30.856 -113.814 10 1983 8  31 8  10 8.74  36.135 -112.037 5 1983 11 3  18 26 23.56  36.483 -114.56  5 1983 12 3  21 1  10.61  32.322 -113.782 6 1984 2  11 19 30 1      35.93  -115.81  6 1984 3  7  3  32 36.68  34.569 -115.917 6 1984 4  3  14 34 32.52  36.132 -114.804 6 1984 4  22 9  49 56.38  31.787 -114.007 6 1984 4  22 10 41 10.95  35.488 -116.295 6 1984 5  5  21 56 47.3  36.1  -115.69  6 1984 6  20 13 37 18.31  36.049 -114.801 6 1984 6  30 3  30 2 .59  30.074 -114.123 10 1984 7  5  1  12 28.45  31.52  -114.39  6 1984 7  7  18 14 59.06  32.462 *114.008 6 1984 7  18 14 29 31.82  36.216 -111.844 5 1984 9  5  12 37 5.03  31.078 -113.746 10 1984 9  6  20 34 25.49  30.614 -113.966 10 1984 9  22 17 59 55.04  32.435 -113.978 0 1984 12 4  20 53 8.62  36.042 -115.089 6 1985 1  21 4  18 15.98  35.917 -115.753 6 1985 1  29 5  37 54    35.3  -111.4  0 1985 1  30 13 47 16.42  34.75  -112.137 5
1985 3  30 18 34 57.57  32.466 -113.878 6 1985 5  8  23 40 21 .75 31.942 -115.873 18.4 1985 7  6  10 34 44.2  31.108 -114.277 6 1985 7  6  11 11 31 .85 32.288 -114.714 6 1985 7  16 17 57 50.9  34.54  -116.84  9.9 1985 7  23 20 16 44.91  36.01  -114.638 6 1985 8  7  21 28 44.28  35.491 -116.271 6 1985 10 4  8  3  44.97  35.898 -115.173 6 1985 10 11 0  16 26.48  35.657 -116.224 6 1985 11 16 12 6  48.31  36.088 -114.653 5 1986 1  19 19 35 0.1    32.55  -114.1  0 1986 3  24 17 29 57.34  32.446 -113.893 6 1986 4  27 16 14 29.1  30.518 -113.885 10 1986 7  8  9  20 44.35  34.007 -116.607 10.8 1986 8  6  5  31 7.9    36.8  -112.345 0.06 1986 8  22 14 43 58.55  36.245 -114.359 13.05 1987 1  26 12 44 27.72  35.854 -115.031 5 1987 2  7  3  45 14.5  32.373 -115.307 10.3 1987 2  25 13 52 27.2  31.45  -114.72  6 1987 3  15 19 25 38.66  31.355 -113.006 5 1987 4  15 7  16 10.8  34.64  -111.21  10 1987 6  21 9  44 7.2    30.88  -113.88  6 1987 9  9  4  20 10.3  31.48  -114.31  6 1987 9  20 0  0  0      36.17  -113.16  0 1987 9  20 11 24 33.02  34.853 -113.732 5 1987 10 1  20 20 8.1    36.423 -114.656 29.07 1987 11 16 5  52 43.36  30.049 -114.405 10 1987 11 17 23 44 24.91  30.641 -114.559 12 1987 11 24 13 15 56.29  33.014 -115.834 5.5 1988 1  25 13 17 12.31  31.834 -115.865 6 1988 2  12 5  23 56.47  30.105 -113.896 10 1988 2  14 7  39 49    35.59  -111.63  13 1988 2  23 0  48 25.3  35.912 -114.947 5 1988 4  20 9  59 1.01  30.538 -114.139 8 1988 4  28 6  16 7.85  35.585 -116.288 6 1988 5  4  18 53 33.54  35.974 -114.995 0 1988 5  22 19 22 45.77  36.925 -112.995 0.3 1 1988 5  28 10 51 13.97  35.933 -114.896 5 1988 7  4  10 56 54.54  35.918 -114.916 5 1988 7  15 0  38 9.59  36.374 -110.448 5 1988 9  7  1  17 40    36.01  *112.14  12 1988 9  10 20 59 3.86  34.249 -115.705 6 1988 12 16 5  53 4.77  33.986 -116.683 8.7 1988 12 29 18 18 57.4  36.896 -112.952 1.37 1988 12 30 19 55 55.09  35.983 -114.8  5 1989 1  9  5  8  8.46  36.3  -115.1  7 1989 2  1  0  32 40.37  35.775 -115.419 6 1989 2  4  12 26 58.08  36.788 -112.954 0.89 1989 2  5  21 51 12.79  32.494 -114.626 1
1989 2  7  1  48 12.03  32.167  -114.534 6 1989 3  5  0  40 30.84  35.952  -112.257 5 1989 3  12 6  30 19.49  36.976  -112.907 3.96 1989 4  6  16 10 4.09  36.046  -114.661 5 1989 4  18 10 45 47.66  34.669  -110.925 5 1989 6  21 19 42 23.38  30.959  -114.126 11.86 1989 6  22 21 6  1.84  30.395  -114.262 10 1989 7  17 20 10 22.25  34.038  -110.946 5 1989 8  2  20 59 9.39  35.627  -116.265 6 1989 8  24 22 44 10.92  35.62  -115.644 6 1989 9  6  12 36 55    34.87  -110.99  20 1989 9  6  18 26 52    36.03  -112.37  10 1989 9  19 9  46 0.79  36.663  -112.407 5 1989 9  21 9  33 58.95  33.57  -114.458 6 1989 10 29 9  8  30    35.886  -114.862 5 1989 11 12 0  14 39.69  30.871  -114.015 10 1989 11 28 18 37 32    36.1    -112.2  10 1990 1  13 5  47 33.52  30.222  -114.44  10 1990 1  27 6  28 52.07  30.121  -113.73  10 1990 6  14 23 28 48.92  31.566  -114.483 5.74 1990 7  23 6  51 11.47  30.248  -114.458 10 1990 8  14 15 7  2.76  32.07  -113.124 5 1990 10 14 6  17 2.8    30.618  -114.51  8 1990 10 17 11 48 23.5  36.53  -111.13  3 1990 11 11 12 32 16.83  30.768  -114.52  3 1991 2  18 12 51 21.78  30.973  -113.258 10 1991 2  20 0  56 55.72  29.874  -113.592 10 1991 4  26 13 8  20.64  36.627  -112.345 10 1991 4  29 13 4  37.35  32.088  -114.664 6 1991 7  4  7  51 22.5  30. 151 -113.598 10 1991 7  4  11 20 30.56  30.446  -113.857 10 1991 8  22 15 7  13.55  30.777  -114.722 5 1991 8  22 16 41 1      36      -112.13  2 1991 9  10 4  21 4.31  30.46  -114.367 7 1991 11 13 21 37 27.03  34.644  -112.36  5 1991 12 3  17 54 35.81  31.703  -115.91  5 1991 12 25 8  44 14.93  30.551  -114.184 11.77 1991 12 25 20 30 7.88  31.288  -114.039 15.93 1992 1  23 7  55 28.79  35.625  -116.277 6 1992 2  17 5  43 40.54  30.808  -113.314 6 1992 2  24 17 15 20.79  35.953  *112.221 5 1992 3  6  16 19 0.88  36.553  -114.883 6 1992 3  13 11 20 2.87  35.516  -113.584 6 1992 3  14 5  13 31 .64 35.96  -112.355 5 1992 3  15 0  17 47.16  30.82  -114.677 8 1992 4  6  11 25 1.93  31.062  -114.009 6 1992 4  7  0  39 9. 19  35.447  -113.226 5 1992 5  6  1  41 1.27  36.346  -112.043 5 1992 5  20 21 46 5.2    36.02  -112.17  9
1992 5  26 6  0  15.2  31.691 -114.272  6 1992 5  26 6  24 23.95  30.207 -114.294  6 1992 5  27 10 56 54.31  30.837 -114.657  8 1992 6  28 11 57 33.98  34.203
* 116.431 2.8 1992 7  5  18 17 29.97  35.982 -112.219  5 1992 7  13 9  56 13.16  35.345 -114.654  18 1992 8  28 10 14 44.5 1 36.057 -114.938  3 .87 1992 8  30 1  17 45.02  30.144 *114.195  10 1992 9  20 4  44 24.5  30.607 -114.377  8 1992 10 18 4  52 47.01  30.801 -114.661  7.77 1992 12 4  18 15 54.73  36.444 -114.021  5 1992 12 7  9  4  53.49  30.586 -114.216  15.99 1992 12 10 19 15 42.64  31.875 -114.718  8 1992 12 20 3  12 56.79  30.902 -114.208  1.63 1993 1  21 20 42 53.89  36.384 -114.97  6 1993 2  4  6  18 18.06  35.964 -112.225  5 1993 2  4  11 4  25.21  36.08  -115.045  10.23 1993 3  7  8  53 27.95  31.164 -114.242  10 1993 3  19 21 1  46.28  36.398 -114.828  0 1993 4  1  18 34 13.87  36.383 -114.704  13.16 1993 4  15 1  24 58.96  31.376 -114.297  17.28 1993 4  29 8  21 0.81  35.611 -112.112  10 1993 5  2  11 5  1.57  30.485 -114.043  3.03 1993 5  12 7  23 56.11  36.203 -113      5 1993 5  12 7  24 4.1    36.203 -114.013  5 1993 6  13 12 9  33.48  31.482 -114.411  20.03 1993 6  27 13 20 9.5    36.73  -113.03  10 1993 7  8  2  5  20.94  30.25  -114.174  8 1993 7  9  11 25 6.99  31.387 -114.36  15.83 1993 7  12 3  37 47.2  36.75  -113.01  10 1993 7  18 11 37 35.4  34.77  -111.04  10 1993 8  16 14 9  49.68  30.718 -112.858  6 1993 8  16 14 10 7.12  31.352 -114.332  14.86 1993 9  5  13 36 9.59  30.261 -114.729  10 1993 9  8  1  1  44.07  35.951 -115.711  6 1993 10 18 11 54 54.7  36.74  -113      10 1993 11 3  12 14 27.31  35.925 -115.72  6 1993 11 25 2  46 35.31  35.833 -115.781  0 1994 2  3  12 47 17.13  31.793 -114.68  14.38 1994 2  20 15 42 56.71  30.576 *114.053  8 1994 2  25 19 16 10.78  31.458 -114.385  15.57 1994 3  23 2  59 16.17  31.806 -116.128  22.5 1994 3  25 6  41 49.2  36.14  *112.2    10 1994 4  1  17 17 33.86  34.936 *112.707  5 1994 4  24 8  41 33.7  36.71  -113.04  10 1994 5  19 6  0  43.86  30.45
* 114.017 8.39 1994 6  17 13 43 10.12  30.658 -114.542  1.35 1994 7  4  7  2  15.05  31.655 -113.48  10 1994 7  17 23 41 37.41  30.573 -114.349  3.82
1994 7  21 13 51 23.74 30.174  -114.524 20.15 1994 8  8  21 17 8.37  30.511  -114.373 35.09 1994 9  4  16 43 22.35 30.195  -114.556 30.72 1994 9  19 3  53 8.76  31.519  -114.438 36.7 1994 9  29 11 21 24.58 35.464  -111.992 5 1994 10 3  14 0  48.63 32.066  -114.948 10 1994 10 29 22 27 52.19 36.081  -114.119 5 1994 11 25 8  17 26.41 31.497  -114.421 15.89 1994 11 27 11 10 53.46 36.332  -113.597 5 1994 12 13 18 42 59.73 30.593  -113.878 31 .77 1994 12 23 4  9  58.41 30.209  -114.638 10.59 1995 1  1  14 59 43.41 36.047  -114.827 4.42 1995 1  11 4  51 27.06 32.43  -115.23  12 1995 2  6  14 28 21.2  35.07  -111.63  10 1995 3  7  21 56 14.9  36.78  -113.01  10 1995 3  7  22 33 19.36 36.602  -113.418 5 1995 3  21 9  43 21.12 30.404  -114.145 13.83 1995 3  26 14 32 6.41  31 .265 -114.351 35.21 1995 4  16 8  23 45.7  36.05  -112.16  10 1995 5  7  11 3  32.85 33.911  -116.285 10.5 1995 6  12 18 51 58.66 32.085  -114.61  19.66 1995 6  17 19 42 56.93 31.454  -114.337 14.47 1995 6  20 16 21 16.09 36.391  -114.525 0 1995 8  2  18 24 27.32 30.513  -113.818 13.2 1995 8  2  18 26 58.46 30.912  -114.23  8 1995 8  2  18 32 11.7  30.318  -114.214 32.87 1995 9  22 2  42 55.8  36.137  -114.16  2.56 1995 10 26 4  4  37.03 30.593  -113.854 8 1995 11 1  18 54 37.58 31.029  -113.903 11.72 1995 12 6  3  27 31.89 31.515  -114.388 15.57 1995 12 27 22 25 13.26 36.196  -114.48  5 1996 1  2  1  44 48.86 30.767  -114.414 10.47 1996 1  31 22 59 56.24 35.919  -114.679 5 1996 2  8  22 58 26.72 30.883  -114.187 3 1996 2  15 22 41 37.87 36.793  -113.973 0.14 1996 3  13 5  43 53.25 36.917  -112.423 1.13 1996 3  15 9  17 33.71 30.811  -114.197 2 1996 3  31 22 43 13.68 32.034  -113.032 6 1996 4  26 4  4  1.1  36.54  -112.37  10 1996 5  1  23 10 54.32 31.286  -114.406 10 1996 5  1  23 13 3.46  30.98  -114.277 13 1996 6  6  2  30 36.97 30.207  -114.598 9 1996 6  14 19 23 0.48  32.051  -114.709 6 1996 9  12 21 19 13.74 36.833  -113.763 7.31 1996 10 8  4  13 19.26 31.018  -113.097 4 1996 10 22 4  15 12.33 36.17  -115.166 6.52 1996 11 17 2  37 53.82 35.746  -115.75  0 1997 1  22 1  5  54.4  36.76  -113.03  3 1997 2  2  2  26 0.01  30.251  -114.316 10.79
1997 2  5  8  23 5.58  30.435 -114.654 10 1997 2  5  10 21 36.95 30.596 -114.326 10 1997 2  9  16 15 24.9  34.77  -111.06  10 1997 3  31 7  34 48.91 35.534 -111.993 5 1997 4  22 0  44 29.13 30.419 -113.989 13.01 1997 4  29 20 4  49.94 30.118 -114.276 15 1997 5  28 4  26 20.1  36.73  -113.05  10 1997 6  8  14 29 59.7  36.09  -112.28  10 1997 6  19 11 21 49.53 31.246 -115.491 6 1997 7  3  0  24 0.48  36.078 -114.772 0 1997 7  9  19 29 19.6  36.79  -112.98  10 1997 7  10 10 34 42.1  36.44  -112.42  10 1997 7  19 9  59 22.9  34.52  -112.86  10 1997 7  19 11 43 57.7  36.082 -114.622 5.88 1997 7  26 3  14 55.75 33.402 -116.348 11 .6 1997 7  31 7  30 1.2  36.7  -113.01  10 1997 8  26 6  52 20    36.2  -111.88  10 1997 10 15 11 7  49.6  36.74  -112.98  10 1997 12 20 2  5  52.2  36.341 -115.253 8.93 1998 1  5  5  23 48.5  35.54  -112.07  10 1998 1  6  8  36 46.63 34.916 -110.495 5 1998 1  16 8  35 30.6  36.5  -112.4  10 1998 2  3  6  26 31.64 30.868 -114.09  8 1998 2  18 14 29 32.65 31.854 -115.771 6 1998 2  22 10 15 9.4  36.49  -112.38  10 1998 2  24 11 31 48.78 31.235 -115.601 12 1998 4  8  12 2  57.16 30.372 -114.483 9.52 1998 4  13 14 31 11.5  34.26  -110.12  10 1998 4  24 1  27 8.54  31.756 -114.263 10 1998 5  15 12 48 16.1  36.71  -113.01  10 1998 6  8  18 49 2 .98 31.968 -114.546 8 1998 6  15 12 56 13.44 31.329 -114.247 2.03 1998 8  22 23 20 28.78 36.281 -113.984 5 1998 10 18 7  13 10.65 36.033 -111.091 5 1998 10 27 1  8  40.33 34.321 -116.842 6 1998 10 31 22 38 6.26  30.443 -114.491 8 1998 11 6  17 15 3.24  31.552 -114.722 6 1998 11 8  0  24 18.21 36.216 -112.47  5 1998 11 17 0  6  27.41 36.8  -114.08  1.49 1998 12 7  20 32 45.29 36.793 -114.053 0.45 1998 12 14 21 40 37.47 36.293 *115.32  5 1999 1  5  23 24 0.32  36.822 -114.026 1.19 1999 2  10 5  9  46.65 36.551 -113.518 5 1999 2  11 6  37 36.16 35.634 -111.575 5 1999 2  24 21 9  52    35.81  -113.3  0 1999 3  2  19 8  22.28 36.458 -114.515 5 1999 3  17 18 29 43.68 30.338 -113.931 10 1999 3  17 20 4  59.32 30.393 -114.505 3.37 1999 3  29 6  47 38.19 30.503 -113.466 10
1999 3  30 21 41 13.12 36.814 -114.043 1.34 1999 5  5  19 4  40.85 36.794 -114.063 1.35 1999 5  14 7  54 2.98  34.066 -116.369 2.3 1999 6  1  12 40 5.01  35.904 -115.79  6 1999 6  1  15 18 2.46  32.411 -115.226 3.3 1999 6  11 8  57 25.62 31.725 -114.558 29.99 1999 8  2  17 59 58.73 36.02  -114.947 6 1999 8  3  9  37 25.08 31.322 -114.301 6.21 1999 8  24 13 4  7.39  31.986 -114.692 6 1999 9  10 7  6  2.72  31.379 -114.334 6 1999 10 1  18 38 23.82 31.681 -114.043 13 1999 10 8  21 26 41    33.28  -114.68  6.1 1999 10 8  21 34 14    33.03  -114.75  5.7 1999 10 16 9  46 43.96 34.596 -116.269 1.2 1999 10 16 9  47 43.59 33.23  -115.654 6.7 1999 10 16 17 15 9.17  30.751 -110.749 5 1999 11 29 15 14 49.12 30.13  -114.399 5 1999 12 6  14 20 3.26  35.049 -111.469 5 1999 12 7  19 25 21.68 36.852 -113.962 1.31 2000 2  22 3  31 37.8  35.77  -113.16  0 2000 3  28 4  45 20.49 36.512 -113.51  5 2000 4  12 15 57 0    36.24  -112.33  14 2000 5  2  6  45 45    32.111 -115.119 5 2000 5  4  6  48 0    36.09  -111.51  12 2000 5  4  7  42 15.98 36.632 -113.055 5 2000 6  2  17 51 14.27 31.113 -114.338 5 2000 6  12 18 13 22.49 30.464 -113.993 2.53 2000 6  23 20 10 42.73 35.509 -116.264 6 2000 8  8  3  18 2.42  30.75  -114.138 13.83 2000 8  8  3  18 9.32  32.448 -113.474 5 2000 8  25 15 23 16.96 29.932 -113.392 10 2000 10 31 21 56 39.69 36.456 -114.307 0 2000 12 1  0  1  9.1  36.051 -114.98  6 2001 1  16 7  26 35.21 30.391 -113.852 0.3 1 2001 1  17 1  26 32.85 31.812 -114.705 6 2001 1  17 4  13 3.67  32.448 -113.719 6 2001 1  17 9  33 27.88 31.867 -114.316 19.95 2001 2  4  3  29 2.65  36.143 -115.346 0 2001 5  17 10 15 32.31 30.807 -114.027 9.84 2001 7  12 20 9  1.7  31.392 -114.358 15.52 2001 9  9  6  30 30.1  30.224 *114.61  7 2001 10 23 7  19 42.4  31.697 -114.703 5 2001 10 31 7  56 16.36 33.511 -116.502 15.6 2001 11 28 16 24 0.74  30.331 -113.547 10 2001 12 6  12 58 16.03 30.639 -114.436 4 2001 12 8  23 36 10.14 32.059 -115.036 0.6 2002 2  11 23 34 24.91 30.565 -113.889 13 2002 3  3  0  9  0.64  35.422 -116.454 6.8 2002 3  3  15 20 56.14 35.618 -116.251 7
2002 3  27 11 18 5.92  30.216 -114.011 10 2002 4  15 6  53 20.5  36.79  -112.46  15 2002 5  25 0  5  17.71  35.589 -116.31  7 2002 7  7  5  37 38.98  36.486 -113.55  5 2002 8  30 5  16 12.98  31.863 -114.265 5 2002 9  13 11 42 17.29  30.216 -114.573 15 2002 10 29 14 16 54.08  34.803 -116.266 4.6 2002 12 10 21 4  0.5    32.25  -115.788 10.9 2003 1  11 15 40 37.1  31.248 -114.238 5 2003 2  7  10 34 4 .83  31.628 -115.511 7.6 2003 2  22 12 19 10.53  34.31  -116.846 3.6 2003 3  17 6  28 41.3  31.851 -114.654 6 2003 3  25 21 11 34.89  36.766 -112.982 4.68 2003 6  8  19 14 48    31.92  -114.427 8 2003 6  11 0  56 15    31.917 -114.724 5 2003 8  10 0  33 23.52  35.066 -113.37  5 2003 9  8  18 13 24.7  31.324 -114.169 6 2003 9  9  23 7  21 .35 30.155 -114.114 10 2003 9  9  23 41 52.8  30.159 -114.49  10 2003 9  10 11 26 44.55  30.641 -113.544 10 2003 9  17 18 1  36.93  35.939 -114.698 3.65 2003 10 24 18 18 53.92  35.939 -114.727 0 2003 11 1  2  43 29.3  30.661 -114.201 7 2003 11 15 12 54 11.3  32.496 -114.689 6 2003 11 18 19 35 45    32.183 -114.598 13 2003 12 4  16 0  52    31.964 -114.495 16 2003 12 12 2  55 18.1  30.808 -114.471 5 2003 12 21 16 8  57    33.62  -109.78  0 2003 12 21 21 28 22    33.8  -109.07  0 2004 1  13 7  58 53.3  31.058 -114.145 7 2004 1  17 9  47 21.7  30.78  -114.33  11 .3 2004 1  26 7  14 23.8  31.67  -114.456 7 2004 3  5  8  28 0      34.98  -109.99  24 2004 3  12 8  37 26.21  33.227 -109.557 5 2004 3  15 17 19 12.6  30.689 -114.697 4 2004 3  16 4  6  3.6    30.75  -114.225 5 2004 3  30 1  40 23.1  30.201 -114.193 8.1 2004 5  14 10 58 1.67  36.05  -114.123 0 2004 5  14 14 9  36.7  31.528 -114.311 4 2004 6  27 5  0  0      36.21  -111.57  16 2004 8  12 14 44 30    30.546 *114.45  4 2004 8  20 6  33 2.7    30.147 -114.15  7.5 2004 8  26 0  16 14.6  30.646 -113.901 6 2004 10 18 16 47 14.3  30.309 -114.574 6 2005 2  24 8  58 54.1  30.63  -114.256 8 2005 3  2  11 12 57.42  34.715 -110.97  5 2005 3  15 0  21 7.29  36.911 -112.546 22.75 2005 4  20 19 3  25    31.931 -114.745 12 2005 4  25 22 59 39.6  30.059 -114.46  8
2005 4  27 0  32 59.02 30.253  -114.132 10 2005 6  8  4  32 33.1  36.832  -113.564 2.29 2005 6  12 15 41 46.33 33.538  -116.567 14.1 2005 6  16 20 53 25.68 34 .061 -117.007 14.2 2005 7  12 23 32 41.38 36.959  -112.352 9.03 2005 9  2  1  27 19.5  33.143  -115.634 5.6 2005 10 31 13 41 33.62 30.517  -113.109 10 2005 11 8  4  11 59.5  30.715  -114.236 12 2005 11 20 8  45 36.39 36.185  -113.854 5 2005 11 25 12 32 53.6  31.288  -114.272 6 2005 12 16 8  17 1.41  30.177  -114.063 10 2006 1  20 20 1  15.5  30.5    -114.549 5 2006 2  5  11 36 55.89 36.988  -112.861 12.01 2006 2  23 1  22 2.2  30.618  -114.195 5 .3 2006 5  1  21 4  42.6  30.199  -114.332 10 2006 5  24 4  20 26.01 32.307  -115.228 6 2006 6  21 1  45 8 .9  31.536  -114.481 15 2006 7  9  17 43 33    34.743  -112.707 1 2006 7  23 15 24 20.1  31.895  -114.565 15 2006 11 15 7  4  2.3  30.69  -114.338 4 2007 1  4  19 4  43.7  30.97  -114.583 4 2007 1  18 6  21 6.42  30.493  -114.086 10 2007 1  19 17 34 27.58 36.283  -115.431 16 2007 1  24 12 27 25.6  30.546  -114.664 10 2007 5  22 20 55 19.8  31.364  -114.167 12 2007 6  25 14 52 28    33.73  -111.14  7 2007 7  4  18 30 28    36.104  -111.073 8 2007 7  5  1  38 32.4  30.551  -114.6  4 2007 7  5  4  37 29    31.053  -114.351 6 2007 7  26 2  37 24.5  31.532  -114.324 4 2007 8  28 13 52 27.32 30.315  -113.983 10 2007 9  8  7  15 40.59 33.697  -108.811 5 2007 9  15 5  26 24.33 33.401  -108.835 5 2007 9  21 0  58 0.4  31.284  -114.215 8 2007 9  28 0  23 22.28 35.773  -115.805 5.4 2007 10 5  6  28 12.7  31.588  -114.41  12 2007 10 25 20 35 29.5  31.712  -114.505 13 2007 10 29 2  2  16.8  30.505  -114.159 6 2007 10 29 22 21 11.9  31.47  -114.311 9 2007 12 5  0  22 41    36.428  -113.127 13 2007 12 27 0  13 20    36.53  *112.258 23 2008 1  10 11 26 15.97 30.917  -113.892 10 2008 1  12 12 50 20.44 30.445  -113.901 10 2008 1  17 22 0  13    35.02  -113.914 1 2008 1  29 14 46 6.3  31.339  -114.449 9 2008 2  9  7  12 4.5  32.36  -115.277 6 2008 2  19 20 41 28.35 30.01  -114.014 10 2008 3  27 1  7  13.78 36.465  -113.581 5 2008 4  7  21 32 5    34.704  -111.181 2
2008 5  14 1  7  40.88  30.569 -113.744 10 2008 5  14 16 9  52.93  30.25  -114.3  10 2008 5  17 19 8  55.3  31.912 -114.745 9 2008 6  4  23 32 35    36.443 -112.492 13 2008 7  8  17 51 5.16  36.62  -114.563 6 2008 9  3  23 44 17.03  34.615 -112.897 6 2008 10 1  23 49 18    35.925 -112.073 15 2008 10 8  9  31 41.04  30.279 -113.305 10 2008 10 19 19 51 14    35.479 -111.764 11 2008 10 26 19 47 48.35  36.235 -114.554 10.79 2008 11 5  6  17 40.6  31.813 -114.658 8 2008 11 13 7  48 45.42  29.98  -114.21  5 2008 11 19 15 35 39.2  30.564 -114.354 4 2008 11 20 19 23 0.1    32.329 -115.332 6 2008 12 4  2  4  36.9  36.044 -114.832 5.99 2008 12 6  4  18 42.8  34.813 -116.419 7 2008 12 11 3  41 55.68  30.335 -113.797 10 2008 12 30 11 44 12.97  30.107 -113.222 10 2009 2  24 7  10 30.6  30.104 -114.349 14 2009 2  24 7  17 35.7  30.456 -114.099 15 2009 2  27 15 10 1.4    36.352 -115.073 8.4 2009 3  24 11 55 43.9  33.317 -115.728 6 2009 4  28 0  59 53.5  30.571 -114.578 4 2009 5  9  6  7  31 .97 34.213 -112.141 5 2009 5  11 22 35 49.8  31.711 -114.539 5 2009 5  14 4  23 27.2  30.852 -114.083 14.1 2009 9  3  15 54 6.8    31.232 -114.344 10 2009 9  4  11 47 54    36.647 -112.956 5 2009 10 7  16 35 5.5    30.212 -114.39  5 2009 10 8  3  47 45.1  30.542 -114.32  5 2009 10 8  6  1  0.3    30.278 -113.745 6.3 2009 10 9  22 13 54.18  35.963 -114.546 10.93 2009 10 16 10 27 10.7  29.991 -114.081 4 2009 10 31 3  17 31.9  35.358 -111.578 6.38 2009 11 3  23 39 42    36.713 -113.046 16 2009 11 16 6  55 46    36.833 -112.352 21 2009 11 21 20 45 46    36.877 -111.9  8 2009 11 28 5  23 15.7  30.912 -114.478 6 2010 1  27 20 33 31    36.581 -111.471 7 2010 2  19 23 30 17    31.402 -114.39  12 2010 2  20 1  12 48.7  31.673 *114.094 15 2010 2  21 1  12 9.5    31.837 -114.521 10 2010 3  2  0  51 39    36.564 -113.272 12 2010 3  13 20 55 8      30.62  -114.557 3 2010 3  18 18 40 41.97  35.019 -111.609 5 2010 3  21 17 40 6.08  36.61  -113.318 10 2010 3  30 9  14 10.46  31.276 -114.049 10 2010 4  4  22 40 41.7  32.216 -115.3  10 2010 5  3  0  59 24.24  31.539 -114.726 10
2010 5  24 7  27 7.76  33.298 -109.231 5 2010 5  29 15 31 54    36.463 -113.259 6.72 2010 6  15 4  26 58.4  32.7  -115.921 5 2010 6  18 15 7  33.65 31.716 -114.716 10 2010 6  25 10 30 34.12 33.61  -111.196 5 2010 7  3  7  34 46.28 30.731 -114.028 6 2010 7  7  23 53 33.5  33.421 -116.489 14 2010 7  27 12 22 31    35.889 -111.394 18.28 2010 8  9  23 55 47.4  31.01  -114.001 8 2010 8  10 22 47 47.1  30.365 -114.365 4 2010 8  11 17 23 2.1  30.617 -114.11  4 2010 9  8  3  58 8.45  30.435 -113.63  10 2010 9  15 7  50 2 .4  30.069 -113.802 10 2010 9  25 16 49 26.3  31.23  -115.65  5 2010 9  26 22 20 30.64 33.696 -111.147 5 2010 10 13 18 20 47.34 31.54  -114.347 10 2010 10 19 1  27 55    36.855 -113.022 9.8 2010 10 20 23 1  54.8  31.395 -116.026 8 2010 11 6  20 39 5    36.969 -112.874 12.24 2010 11 11 3  23 38    36.463 -113.495 7.39 2010 11 24 14 58 20    36.818 -111.791 5.8 2011 1  16 11 55 48.81 31.474 -114.293 10 2011 1  17 21 2  24.7  31.725 -114.624 10 2011 1  23 12 16 47.19 34.837 -112.087 5 2011 1  26 10 51 36    36.098 -112.074 6.9 2011 3  18 19 54 46.74 34.827 -112.092 15 2011 3  20 21 28 16    36.077 -111.908 7.55 2011 4  7  13 40 57.9  31.233 -115.62  5 2011 5  26 19 46 30.3  30.822 -113.934 10 2011 6  16 0  0  0    35.872 -112.191 8.96 2011 6  21 0  0  0    35.055 -111.554 16.2 2011 7  8  3  44 3.04  36.288 -112.181 2.7 2011 7  18 0  0  0    36.603 -113.769 1.7 2011 7  18 9  6  54.13 36.891 -113.555 6 2011 7  29 0  0  0    34.9  -112.032 3.6 2011 8  31 0  0  0    35.784 -113.226 7 2011 9  17 2  8  39.5  31.385 -114.311 8 2011 10 11 10 12 2.38  34.72  -116.028 7.56 2011 10 13 0  0  0    35.666 -111.414 3.6 2011 10 14 16 15 46.5  31.304 -114.245 10 2011 10 20 3  45 49.2  30.622 *114.038 8 2011 10 25 18 20 24.6  34.871 -112.518 5 2011 11 3  0  0  0    35.842 -113.216 6.88 2011 11 12 23 3  46.33 36.014 -114.818 6 2011 12 13 0  0  0    36.764 -113.017 8 .2 2011 12 14 18 34 47    36.666 -113.794 0.3 2011 12 23 12 32 37.6  30.451 -114.011 10 2012 1  8  19 11 12.21 34.826 -110.942 5 2012 1  19 1  38 55.6  30.887 -114.171 8
2012  2  26 0  0  0    34.898  -110.965 2 2012  3  20 14 18 52.8  31.288  -114.258 4 2012  3  21 1  18 22.5  31.084  -114.392 12 2012  3  26 3  42 43.1  31.517  -114.319 7 2012  4  22 0  0  0    34.894  -110.961 3.65 2012  6  1  5  24 34.1  30.452  -114.066 10 2012  6  25 0  0  0    35.025  -112.546 1.85 2012  7  19 5  8  39.3  31.428  -114.295 8 2012  7  24 21 39 24    30.56  -114.216 7 2012  8  25 9  28 26    31.339  -114.306 5 2012  8  26 20 57 58.2  33.02  -115.55  9 2012  8  26 21 17 26.72 34.175  -115.608 8.9 2012  8  27 5  23 19.1  30.658  -114.063 10 2012  8  28 11 36 52.97 30.026  -114.213 10 2012  9  25 16 3  33.46 36.486  -114.879 13.3 2012  10 8  0  0  0    33.431  -109.28  5 2012  10 11 21 26 49.76 36.431  -114.432 0 2012  10 17 0  0  0    35.748  -113.088 4.9 20 12 10 30 9  20 57.6  31.24  -114.298 15 2012  11 13 0  19 16.49 35.511  -116.246 0 2012  12 11 0  0  0    35.61 9 -113.154 10
M ag Mag Type Source    Catalog  Priority Zone Mag Sigma Mw    E(M) 6.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.5  6.33 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33 5    MMI      AZGS      AZG S    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6    MMI      AEIC      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        2    0.5      4.33  4.33 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    5        6    0.5      4.33  4.33 6.2  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.2  6.03 5.9  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.9  5.73 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 7    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5.67  5.67 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3.67  3.67 5.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.6  5.43 6.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.8  6.63 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        7    0.5      3    3.00 6    Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6    5.83 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 7.3  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      7.3  7.13 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4 .33 4.33 6.1  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.1  5.93 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    4        7    0.5      3.67  3.67 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6.7  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.7  6.53 6.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        5    0.3      6.6  6.43 6.2  Ms      AEIC      AEIC    2        3    0.3      6.2  6.03 6.2  Mw      Toppozada  Unif ied 1        1    0.3      6.2  6.03 5.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.8  5.63 6    Ms      AEIC      AEIC    2        3    0.3      6    5.83 6.2  Ms      AEIC      AZGS    2        3    0.3      6.2  6.03 5    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      4.33  4.33 6    Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6    5.83 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3    3.00 6.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.6  6.43 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5.7  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.7  5.53 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33 4    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3.67  3.67 6.8  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      6.8  6.63 5.6  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.6  5.43 3    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      3    3.00 5.9  Mw      Toppoza da Unified  1        1    0.3      5.9  5.73 5    Mw      CDMG      Unified  1        1    0.3      5    4.83 6    MMI      AZGS      AZGS    2        3    0.5      5    5.00 5.5  Mw      Toppozada  Unified  1        1    0.3      5.5  5.33
5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.8  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8  5.63 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5.1  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 1 0.3 5.1  4.93 5.5  Mw  Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5  5.33 5    Mw  COMG      Unified 1 1 0.3 5    4.83 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 4.46 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.46 4.39 3.78 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.78 3.71 4.7  Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7  4.63 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 2.96 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3    3.00 3.58 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.58 3.51 5.5  ML  CDMG      AZGS    5 4 0.2 5.5  5.43 5.07 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 5 0.2 5.07 5.00 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.46 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 6.46 6.39 3.93 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 3.93 3.86 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 2 0.5 5    5.00 3.11 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.84 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.84 4.77 4.79 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.79 4.72 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.25 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.25 5.18 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.79 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.79 3.72 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 2.78 h  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.78 2.71 3.22 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.85 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.02 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 6.02 5.95 6    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.58 ML  Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.58 3.51 3.63 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.2 3.63 3.56 4    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.88 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.88 4.8 1
3.32 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.32 3 .25 3.72 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.72 3.65 4.54 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.54 4.47 5.5  M  AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.2 5.5  5.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5  Md  NMBMG  AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 5    5.00 3.83 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 4.69 Mw  Deng    Unified 1 7 0.2 4.69 4.62 4.5  Md  NMBMG  AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.47 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 5.29 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.29 5.22 6.89 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.89 6.82 4.5  ML  CDMG    AZGS    4 2 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5    4.93 3.47 I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 4.84 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.84 4.77 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5  5.43 6.05 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 5 0.2 6.05 5.98 4    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 3    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 3    3.00 3    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3    3.00 4.78 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.78 4.71 3.28 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.28 3.21 4.83 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.11 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.11 4.04 3    I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3    2.93 3.62 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.62 3.55 5.26 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.26 5.19 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.08 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.08 5.01 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.22 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.22 5.15 3.34 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.34 3.27 4.7  Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7  4.63 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.86 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 5.3  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.3  5.23 4.39 I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.2 4.39 4.32 5.15 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 5 0.2 5.15 5.08 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2  5.13
5.78 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.78 5.71 4.65 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.5  Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5  5.43 4.83 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.85 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.48 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.48 6.41 3.81 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.81 3.74 3.4  I  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.4  3.33 4.8  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.8  4.73 5.28 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.28 5.21 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.96 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.96 5.89 4.5  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5.69 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.69 5.62 3.53 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.53 3.46 4.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 5.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.66 5.59 7    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 4.2  Unk NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.16 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.16 4.09 5.41 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.41 5.34 4.72 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 5.97 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.97 5.90 4.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5  Unk NE I    ANSS    3 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    MMI AE IC  AZGS    4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.72 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 7 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.67 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.67 3.60 5.1  Ml  AZGS    AZGS    5 4 0.2 5.1  5.03 3.7  I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 5.46 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.46 5.39 4.76 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 2 0.2 4.76 4.69 5    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5    Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5    4.93 566  Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 6 0.2 5.66 5.59 5.35 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 6 0.2 5.35 5.28 6.37 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.37 6.30 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2  5.13 4.31 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 4.31 4.24 4.85 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 5.24 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.24 5.17 4.7  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7  4.63 3.03 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.03 2.96 6.76 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.76 6.69
6.52 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 5 0.2 6.55  6.48 4.65 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65  4.58 5.17 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.17  5.10 4.7  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 3.64 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.64  3.57 4.9  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 3 0.2 4.9  4.83 3.26 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.26  3.19 5.25 Unk NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.25  5.18 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33  4.33 5.76 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.76  5.69 5    MMI AZGS      AZGS    2 3 0.5 4.33  4.33 4.82 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 5 0.2 4.82  4.75 5.75 ML  Brumbaugh AZGS    2 3 0.2 5.75  5.68 2008 5    ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 5    4.93 3.38 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.38  3.3 1 4.74 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.74  4.67 4.74 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74  4.67 4.71 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71  4.64 4.5  ML  uuss      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.5  4.43 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 5.07 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.07  5.00 2.96 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96  2.89 3.01 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.01  2.94 4.9  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.9  4.83 4.94 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.94  4.87 4.86 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86  4.79 4.78 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 7 0.2 4.78  4.7 1 2.7  ML  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.7  2.63 2.9  ML  AEIC      AZGS    4 7 0.2 2.9  2.83 5.6  Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.6  5.53 4.5  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 2.7  ML  AEIC      AZGS    4 2 0.2 2.7  2.63 4.2  Mb  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.2  4.13 5.27 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.2 5.27  5.20 4.96 Mw  SCSN      Unified 1 1 0.2 4 .96 4.89 4.7  Mb  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.7  4.63 5.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.9  5.83 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.5  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 5    4.93 4.2  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.7  Mw  CDMG      Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 4.1  Mb  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.1  4.03 4.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.7  4.63 5.73 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 4 0.2 5.73  5.66 3.3  Mb  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 4.41 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.2 4.41  4.34 3.61 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.2 3.61  3.54
4    h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.2 4    3.93 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.4  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.03 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.2 4.03 3.96 3.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.8  3.73 3.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 5.11 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 5.11 5.04 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.92 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.92 4.85 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 4.4  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 2.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.7  2.63 4.33 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 4.33 4.26 3.11 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 3.3  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 3.5  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.5  3.43 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.74 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 3.3  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.3  3.23 3.5  M  uuss    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.5  3.43 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 3.76 Ml  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.76 3.69 6.3  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 6 0.2 6.3  6.23 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.3  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4    3.93 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.4  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.6  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.6  4.53 4.72 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.28 Ml  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.28 3.21 3.7  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.7  3.63 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 3.9  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 2.8  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.8  2.73 4.5  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 3.8  Mb  NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.8  3.73 5    Unk NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93
4.66 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 3.8  Mb  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.8  3.73 3    Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93 3.2  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3.2  3.13 4    Ml  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4    3.93 4.6  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 4.6  4.53 4.97 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.97 4.90 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.1  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.1  4.03 6.58 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 6.58 6.51 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.71 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.5  4.43 4.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.8  4.73 3.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 3.9  3.83 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 5.2  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.2  5.13 5.5  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 4 0.2 5.5  5.43 3.22 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.89 Mw  SCSN    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.89 4.82 2.96 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.3  4.23 4.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4.2  4.13 4.4  Mb  AEIC    AZG S  2 3 0.2 4.4  4.33 4.9  Mw  CDMG    Unified 1 5 0.2 4.9  4.83 3    Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3    2.93 3.1  h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 3.1  3.03 2.75 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.75 2.68 3.02 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.2 3.02 2.95 3.23 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.23 3.16 2.87 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.87 2.80 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 4    3.93 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5    4.93 5.2  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.2 5.2  5. 13 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93 2.8  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.8  2.73 3.83 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 3.7  Mb  NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 3.7  3.63 2.94 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.2 2.94 2.87 2.9  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.2 2.9  2.83 2.8  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.2 2.8  2.73 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2 3    2.93
4.99 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.2  4.99 4.92 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.2  3    2.93 4.7  Mw  COMG    Unified 1 5 0.2  4.7  4.63 3    Unk  NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.2  3    2.93 5.4  Ms  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.5  5.48 3.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.1  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 6 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.63 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.63 3.61 3.9  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4    h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  4    3.98 4.5  mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.5  4.48 5    Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 4.1  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0. 1 4.1  4.08 4.7  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 4.86 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.86 4.84 2.9  Mc  Cl      ANSS    3 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.1  Unk  NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.1  mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.1  4.08 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 2.8  h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.21 h    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.53 I    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.53 3.51 3.26 h    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.26 3.24 3.27 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.27 3.25 3.3  ML  Cl      ANSS    3 6 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.9  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.9  Mc  Cl      ANSS    3 4 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.16 I    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.16 4.14 4.1  Ml  Cl      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 4.9  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 5 0.1  4.9  4.88 3    ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.76 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.76 4.74 3.4  Unk  PAS      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.7  d    SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  d    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 5.13 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.13 5.1 1 3.34 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.12 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.12 3.10 2.97 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.97 2.95 4.97 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 5.25 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.25 5.23 4.88 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.01 h    SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.01 2.99 4.88 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 3.9  Unk  NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 5    M    AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.1  5    4.98 3    M    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98
4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.02 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.02 3.00 2.9  Ml  AEIC    AZG S  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3    Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 4.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 5.07 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.07 5.05 3.78 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.78 3.76 2.9  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 5.79 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.79 5.77 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.05 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0. 1 3.05 3.03 3.16 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.16 3.14 3.11 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.11 3.09 3.02 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.02 3.00 2.73 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.73 2.71 3.06 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 3.2  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.84 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.84 2.82 3.05 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.05 3.03 3.09 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.09 3.07 3.34 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.45 I  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.45 3.43 3.97 I  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.97 3.95 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.97 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.97 2.95 4.08 I  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.08 4.06 3.21 h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.14 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.14 3.12 4.68 Mw  NEIC    Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.68 4.66 4    MMI AZGS    AZGS    2 3 0.5  3.67 3.67 3    h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 3    h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.8  h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.9  h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.95 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.95 2.93 2.8  h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.01 h  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.01 2.99 5.31 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.31 5.29 4    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.84 I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.84 3.82
2.78 Mh  Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.78 2.76 3.03 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.03 3.01 3.26 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.26 3.24 5.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.46 5.44 3.41 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.41 3.39 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.15 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.15 3 .13 3    h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3    2.98 5.51 Mw  GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.51 5.49 3.21 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 2.8  h  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.21 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 3.25 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.25 3.23 3.24 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0. 1 3.24 3.22 2.99 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.99 2.97 2.8  I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.1  I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 6.51 Mw  GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.51 6.49 2.85 h  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.49 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.49 3.47 2.7  Mc  uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.08 I  SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.08 3.06 3.98 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.98 3.96 3.45 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.45 3.43 5.32 Mw  ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.32 5.30 4.39 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.39 4.37 4.8  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 4.22 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.22 4.20 2.9  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.7  Mc  uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.6  Unk NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0. 1 2.8  2.78 2.8  Ml  AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.27 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.27 3.25 2.98 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.98 2.96 5    Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.53 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.53 3.51 4.4  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.38 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.38 3.36 4.3  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.6  Mb  NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 2.7  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.5  Unk NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.02 I  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.02 3.00 3.2  Unk NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.14 h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.14 3.12 2.8  h  SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78
2.9  n  SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.2  Unk NEI    ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  h  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0. 1 2.8  2.78 4.9  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 2.71 Mc  uu      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.71 2.69 4.5  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 2.98 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.98 2.96 2.73 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.73 2.71 4.77 Mw  ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.77 4.75 3.16 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.16 3.14 3.22 c  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.22 3.20 3.05 c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.05 3.03 3.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.79 2.77 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.12 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.12 3.10 3.7  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.79 c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.85 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.9  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.79 h  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.79 2.77 4.6  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3.09 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.09 3.07 2.85 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 2.85 h  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.06 c  SCSN_le SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 3.25 I  SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.25 3.23 4.3  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.3  Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.3  Unk NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.71 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.71 2.69 3.2  Unk PAS    ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.2  3.18 3    I  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0. 1 3    2.98 2.75 c  SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.12 h  SCSN_re SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.12 3.10 2.7  c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.2  Unk PAS    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.7  Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.4  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0. 1 4.4  4.38 2.81 c  SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.81 2.79 3.3  c  SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.8  Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 5    Mb  NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 2.75 c  SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.75 2.73 2.92 Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.92 2.90 3.04 Mc  Cl      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.04 3.02 2.7  ML  AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3    Unk NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98
3.54 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.54 3 .52 5.49 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.49 5.47 4.72 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  4.72 4.70 3.07 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.07 3.05 5.17 Mw    NEIC      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.17 5.15 3.45 I      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3.45 3.43 3.04 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.04 3.02 2.77 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 3.68 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.68 3.66 3.1  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.64 c      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.64 3.62 5    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5    4.98 6.02 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.02 6.00 2.85 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.85 2.83 3    Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 2.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.48 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.48 5.46 3    Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3    2.98 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    Unk    PAS      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3    2.98 3.3  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 6.5  Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  6.5  6.48 5.49 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5.49 5.47 5.3  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.3  5.28 2.9  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.9  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0. 1 3.9  3.88 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.69 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.69 3.67 3    Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 3.74 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.74 3.72 3.2  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.3  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.1  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3    2.98 5    Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  5    4.98 3.61 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.61 3.59 2.7  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.6  Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  Mc    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.01 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.01 2.99 3.42 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.42 3.40
3.27 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.27 3 .25 4    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  4    3.98 3.44 Mc    uu      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.44 3.42 2.7  Unk    NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.5  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 4.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.01 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.01 2.99 2.72 c      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.72 2.70 3.2  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.7  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.22 c      SCSN_re SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.22 3.20 2.8  Unk    NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.5  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3    Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 4.2  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  5 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.4  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.9  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.2  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.6  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 3.9  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.8  h      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.5  Mb    NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 2.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3    2.98 3.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.5  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 5.37 Mw    ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  5.37 5.35 3.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.36 I      SCSN_le SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.36 3.34 3.33 d      SCSN_re SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.33 3.31 3    Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.77 d      SCSN_re SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 3.02 d      SCSN_re SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.02 3.00 4.2  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.27 h      SCSN_le SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.27 3.25 3.4  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.9  Unk    NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.1  Ml    AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08
3.26 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.26 3.24 2.85 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.9  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 7.28 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0. 1 7.28 7.26 4    Mb    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  4    3.98 2.85 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 2.71 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.71 2.69 4.2  Unk    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.4  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.5  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.9  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3    d      SCSN_re  SCSN    3 7 0.1  3    2.98 3.6  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.7  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.91 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.91 2.89 3.11 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.11 3.09 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 5.5  Mb    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  5.61 5.59 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 2.9  b      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.5  Unk    NEI      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 5    MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.43 d      SCSN_re  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.43 3.41 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 4.2  4.18 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.83 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.83 3.81 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.34 ML    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.34 3.32 3.9  Mc    NN        ANSS    3 2 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.1  MO_res RESN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 36  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.6  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 4.97 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 2.7  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.3  Unk    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98
2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48 3.6  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.7  3.68 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3.3  3.28 3    Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3    2.98 5.21 Mw    GlobalCMT  Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 3.6  Unk    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.6  3.58 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.6  3.58 3.5  Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.5  3.48 4    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.1  4.08 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 3.67 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.67 3.65 4.57 Mw    NEIC      Unified 1 1 0.1 4.57 4.55 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 3    2.98 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.8  2.78 3.1  Unk    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.1  3.08 4.4  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48 4.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.3  4.28 4.1  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 4.1  4.08 4.71 Mw    Berk_MT_TO Unified 1 1 0.1 4.71 4.69 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3    2.98 4    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.1  4.08 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 5.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 5.2  5.18 2.75 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.4  4.38 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.2  4.18 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1 3.8  3.78 2.8  ML    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 2.8  2.78 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.5  3.48 3.4  ML    NEI        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.4  3.38 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.8  3.78 2.71 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 2.87 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.1  3.08 3    h      SCSN_re    SCSN    4 3 0.1 3    2.98 2.7  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.7  2.68 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.8  3.78 3.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 3.3  3.28 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 2.9  2.88 2.87 c      SCSN_le    SCSN    2 6 0.1 2.87 2.85 2.72 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1 2.72 2.70 4.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.7  4.68 3.71 Mc    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1 3.71 3.69 2.86 Mc    NN        ANSS    3 2 0.1 2.86 2.84 3.6  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1 3.6  3.58 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1 4.5  4.48
3.6  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4    MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 2.8  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.7  Ml      NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.1  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.2  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.3  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.9  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.75 I      SCSN_le SCSN    4 5 0.1  4.75 4.73 2.7  Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.2  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.85 Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0. 1 2.85 2.83 4.85 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.85 4.83 2.9  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3    Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.77 Mc      NN      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.77 2.75 2.7  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.9  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.5  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.7  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.81 Mw      SCSN    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.81 4.79 2.8  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.76 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 5 0.1  4.76 4.74 3.8  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.2  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.5  MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.1  Ml      AE IC  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.8  MD_ res RESNOM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.4  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.3  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3.3  3.28 3.4  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 4.78 Mw      ANSS    Unified 1 1 0.1  4.78 4.76 3.2  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.08 I      SCSN_le SCSN    2 6 0.1  3.08 3.06 3.3  Ml      NE I    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.8  Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.97 Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.97 2.95 2.9  ML      NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.18 Mc      uu      ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.18 3.16 3.1  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.9  Ml      NEI    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.87 Ml      AEIC    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.87 2.85 3    Ml      NEI    ANSS    2 7 0.1  3    2.98 4.3  Mb      NEI    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.1  MD_res  RESNOM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4.4  Mb      NE I    ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38
2.83 Mc    uu        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.83 2.81 2.91 Mc    uu        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.91 2.89 4.89 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.89 4.87 3.25 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.25 3.23 4.97 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.75 Mc    Cl        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.75 2.73 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 5.13 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 6 0.1  5.13 5.1 1 3.2  I      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  Mb    Cl        AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  Mb    Cl        AZGS    4 2 0.1  2.7  2.68 7.12 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  7.12 7.10 4.65 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.65 4.63 4.5  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.2  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.3  3.28 2.7  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.73 Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.73 2.71 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3    Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.1  Ml    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.73 Mw    SCSN_MT  Unified 1 1 0.1  4.73 4.71 3.2  Ml    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.06 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.06 3.04 4.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.5  4.48 3.5  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 4.4  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 2.72 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.72 2.70 3    Ml    PAS      ANSS    2 7 0. 1 3    2.98 4.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.4  4.38 4.38 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 6 0.1  4.38 4.36 3.21 c      SCSN_le  SCSN    4 3 0.1  3.21 3.19 4.2  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.53 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  3.53 3.51 3.3  MD_res RESN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 5.02 Mw    SCSN_MT  Unified 1 1 0.1  5.02 5.00 4.2  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 5.74 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.74 5.72 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.23 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.23 3.21 2.71 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.71 2.69
4.7  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.7  4.68 3    ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 2.72 I      SCSN_le    SCSN    2 2 0.1  2.72 2.70 3.5  ML    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 4.73 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.73 4.7 1 4.88 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.88 4.86 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.97 Mw    ANSS      Unified 1 1 0.1  4.97 4.95 5.19 Mw    GlobalCMT  Unified 1 1 0.1  5.19 5.17 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.96 ML    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.96 2.94 3.3  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0. 1 3.4  3.38 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3    ML    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.8  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 4.2  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 3.7  Mb    NEI        ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.73 ML    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.73 2.71 2.9  Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  5 2 0.1  3.1  3.08 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3    2.98 3    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.2  Ml    Eagar 2007 AZGS    2 3 0.1  4.2  4.18 3.6  Ml    Eagar2007  AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 4.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.2  4.18 4    MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.4  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0. 1 3.4  3.38 2.8  Ml    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.4  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3    2.98 2.78 Ml    NN        ANSS    2 7 0.1  2.78 2.76 2.8  MD_res RESN OM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.8  ML    AEIC      AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3 .88 4.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.9  MD_res RESN OM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 5.1  Mb    NEI        AZGS    2 3 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.51 ML    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.51 3.49 2.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.5  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58
5.1  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 2.7  Mc    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.21 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.21 5.19 4.87 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  4.87 4.85 2.88 Ml    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.88 2.86 5.15 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.15 5.13 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.2  Ml    NEI      AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.8  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.9  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.1  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  Ml    uu        AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.9  MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0. 1 4    3.98 5.1  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  5.1  5.08 5.29 Mw    GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1  5.29 5.27 3.7  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.2  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 3    MD_res RE SN OM  RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 4.8  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 2.85 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    3 7 0.1  2.85 2.83 3.5  MO_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.7  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 2.9  ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.3  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.6  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  2.9  2.88 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.6  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.9  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0. 1 2.9  2.88 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.22 I      SCSN_le  SCSN    2 2 0.1  3.22 3.20 3.1  ML    ECX      ANSS    3 6 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.1  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 3.3  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.8  MD_res RESN OM  RESNOM  2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.5  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 3    ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.8  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.9  Ml    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.4  ML    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 3.9  MD_res RESNOM    RESNOM  2 4 0.1  4    3.98 5.14 Mw    UC3      UCERF3  1 1 0.1  5.14 5.12 3.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS    3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 3.7  Mw    NEI      ANSS    3 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.8  Ml    ASU_TA    AZGS    2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78
3.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 4.8  Mw    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 2.7  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  Ml    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.5  h      SCSN_re  SCSN  3 7 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.8  I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  ML    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.6  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.9  ML    ASU_TA  AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.76 Ml    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.76 3.74 2.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  Ml    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 4.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.3  4.28 4.98 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  4.98 4.96 2.95 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  2.95 2.93 5.13 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.13 5.11 3.7  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3    Ml    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  3    2.98 4.8  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 4.5  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 2.88 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  2.88 2.86 4.96 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  4.96 4.94 3.9  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4    3.98 3.1  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 4.1  Ml    ECX      ANSS  3 6 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3    2.98 3    ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.4  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.5  3.48 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 4.7  MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.85 ML    NN      ANSS  2 7 0.1  3.85 3.83 4.9  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 5    4.98 2.9  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.3  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.4  3.38 2.8  MO    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0. 1 2.8  2.78 4    MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.9  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 4.6  Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4.6  4.58 7.19 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  7.19 7.17 3.1  ML    PAS      ANSS  3 6 0.1  3.1  3.08
3.6  Mw    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 5.8  Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.8  5.78 2.93 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  2 6 0.1  2.93 2.91 3.1  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.34 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 4 0.1  3.34 3.32 5.54 Mw    UC3      UCERF3 1 1 0.1  5.54 5.52 3.1  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.6  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.6  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.7  3.68 3.5  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.6  3.58 4    Mb    NEI      ANSS  3 4 0.1  4    3.98 5.1  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  5.2  5.18 4.9  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 5 0.1  5    4.98 2.8  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.48 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  2 6 0.1  3.48 3.46 3.06 ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.06 3.04 4.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 5 0.1  4.8  4.78 3.2  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 2.8  ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3    ML    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  3    2.98 3.35 I      SCSN_le  SCSN  4 4 0.1  3.35 3.33 3.2  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 4 6 0.1  3.3  3.28 3.6  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.6  3.58 2.7  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.7  ML    NEI      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.7  3.68 2.9  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.9  2.88 5    MO_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 5 0.1  5.1  5.08 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 2.79 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.7  MO    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.7  2.68 3.1  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 2.97 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0. 1 2.97 2.95 2.83 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  4 3 0.1  2.83 2.8 1 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 2.7  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.44 ML    Cl      ANSS  3 2 0.1  3.44 3.42 2.8  MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.8  2.78 3.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.9  3.88 3.7  MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1  3.8  3.78 3.5  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.5  3.48 2.79 MD    AEIC    AZGS  2 3 0.1  2.79 2.77 2.71 I      SCSN_re  SCSN  3 7 0.1  2.71 2.69 3.1  ML    uu      AZGS  2 3 0.1  3.1  3.08 3.4  Mc    SLC      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.4  3.38 4.8  MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.9  4.88 3.2  ML    NEI      ANSS  3 3 0.1  3.2  3.18 4    MD_res RESNOM  RESNOM 2 4 0.1  4.1  4.08
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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:20:20 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc:Graizer, Vlad imir;M unson, Cl ifford ;Ake, .Jon;John Stamatkos
RE: Palo Verde public meeting in mid-J une?
I plan to be out the 22-26th, but am available otherwise.
-----Original Message-----
Frorn: Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 11:17 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Graizer. Vladimir; Munson. Clifford; Ake. Jon; John Stamatkos
Palo Verde public meetjng in mid-June?
Cao the Palo Verde team support a APS public meeting in mid-June?
1 have no vacation plans yet so l guess l am open in June. What about the rest of you? Of course Vlad is in CA for the week. Maybe he will check his email.
-----Original Messagc-----
From: Devl in-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, April 20. 2015 I J :10 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Heeszel, David
FW: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie
Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.
Any preferences or li mitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.
: Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday. April 16,. 2015 10:07 AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega,. Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed
P lanning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates Cliff.
I am out PM today and Friday.
PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRC Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a l icensing call with PG&E Friday at lpm to discuss NRC technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communi cate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs. single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to e mai l a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice.. Please let us know a couple. of focus areas by noon Friday.
PV Meeting Date Coord ination.
The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As. f recall,. I thought we. had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Wo rking Group. Let me know. if I can propose any dates in the. 2nd and 3rd week of June.
T hanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division<> I Tel: (301) 415 -1115
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:24 Mar 2015 18:07:16 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: Pal o Verde Is this in addition to or a replacement for the meeting already scheduled for 3:30?
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:05 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David
Palo Verde When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:00 PM-3:30 PM {UTC-05:00) Eastern nme (US & Canada).
Where: HQ-TWFN-07CO 1- 15p Can we meet at 3PM for a short meeting?
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15:01:01 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Hill, Brittain;Ake, Jon;Li, Yong;John Starnatkos;Miriam R. Juckett (
RE: PY topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site .
-- David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15: 18:24 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice
RE: PV topics Here From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:18.AM To: Heeszel, David
RE: PV topics What file?
From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:01 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
RE: PV topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site.
--David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (
PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 11 May. 2015 14:56:25 +0000.
To:Devlin-GiU, Stephanie;Jackson, Diane Cc:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford
RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation I will do the same for Ch . 9.
-- David From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:09 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford
RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation.
Ok, I'll cover the SWUS Chp 5 as it applies to PVNGS next Tuesday.
When Vlad returns, we should probably also make sure he's knows to attend the Tuesday PVNGS meeting, since it wil l be of interest to him.
stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7Dl0 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Jackson, Diane Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 9:41 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford
FW: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation Stephanie and David -
Cliff and I were discussing status of the PV review, and continuing to splice it up into reasonable chunks. Vlad is out this week.
For next Tuesday (not tomorrow),
Stephanie review and prepare slides for SWUS GMC SSHAC Report Ch5. For Ch5 some of the subsections are only applicable to DCPP so Stephanie can skip those (there aren't too many).
David the same for Ch9.
If you have questions on technical direction and level of detail, see the good Dr. Munson. Also, let me know if you think your workload will /will not support and we can look at workload and timelines.
Thanks - Diane
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:31Mar2015 17:33:05 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford
RE: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HfD
-. Appendix. F)
Is there any way we can also request the peer review comments and the Tl teams response from the workshops? I can't find them in the SSHAC report.
-- David From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:32 PM To: Heeszel, David; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos
FW: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID -
Appendix F)
From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:31 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane
Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID - Appendix F)
: Nick, There are five electronic attachments listed in the Palo Verde SSHAC Appendix F (page F-57),
which is the. very important Hazard Input Document. We need these electronic files to be able.
to perform our sensitivity studies for the PV hazard. Please have the licensee put these in the electronic reading room as soon as possible.
: Thanks, Cliff These attachments were released in interim response #1 HID Attachments Attachment A: Areal Source Coordinates (electronic attachment)
Attachment B: Fault Source Coordinates (electronic attachment).
Attachment C: UCERF3.3 Rupture Sets (electronic attachment)
Attachment D: ABSMOOTH Output (electronic attachment)
Attachment E: SWUS GMC Regions for Fault Sources (electronic attachment)
I *1tl . ~,"'"u!  ln\, rn.1llv,..,1. fn<
COVER SHEET Revision 0 Page 1of18 CALCULATION TITLE              Adjustment Factors from Reference Rock to Palo Verde Rock Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Hazard PROJECTNAME: _E~v~            a~lu~a~
PROJECT No.: _1;;...;:0c.;;.
6-    - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -
Prepared by:                            Gabriel Toro[    ~
Date:          2/ 27 / 15' Verlrled by:                      Robin McGuire{    (2iL./Ji.A~ IV      Date:      2 *'2(11<
(Name/ Signature of Verlller)
Approved by:                  &#xa3;*s.s ~"'* ''~ I            fZ.,-J/.~          Date:    2./t1/*r (Name/Signature of Project Manager or Vice President)
Optlonal Cllent Approval:                                                            Date:
(Name/ Signature)
LCIFORM.QAP-3*38.02 (04.04.2014)
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION LCI Lt'lti.' illll*ul nl' lnt.-m.11il'll\.1l, In<.
r*c l ' , 1*;. t        I,. I REVISION LOG Revision O Page 2of18 Calculation Revision Status Impacted Document Rev. No.                    Date                                      Description No.
0                2/27/15                Initial Issue Text Revision. History Page No ..                                    Rev. No ..                Page No.            Rev. No.
1-18                                        0 Attachment Revision History Attachment                          Page No.                  Rev. No.        Attachment      Page No.        Rev. No.
No ..                                                                      No.
A                            A1-A2                      0 B                            81-BS                    0 LCIFORM.QAP-3-38.03 (04.04.2014)
SHEET            Page 3of18 VERIFICATION METHOD 1:81 Step-by-Step Method      D Alternate Calculation Item      Parameter                                                      Yes      No      N/ A 1          Purpose Is clearly stated and Calculation satisfies the        x Purpose.
2        Methodology Is appropriate and properly applied.                x 3        Assumptions are reasonable, adequately described, and            x based upon sound geotechnlcal principles and practices.
4          Input received via signed communications from                                      x authorized signatories and correctly Incorporated Into the Calculation.
5        Software Is properly Identified; Is appropriate for this                            x application; and validation Is referenced, or Included, and acceptable.
6        Calculation Is complete, accurate (I.e., equations are          x correct, Input to equations is correct, and math Is correct),
adequate, and leads logically to Results and Conclusions; or Is verified via Altemate Calculation.
7          Results and Conclusions are accurate, acceptable, and          x reasonable compared to the Input and Assumptions.
8          References are valld for Intended use.                          x 9        Appendices are complete, accurate, and support text.            x Comments: (use addltlonal pages as necessary)
Verifier:              Robin McGuire/      f2R-- V1A.x;,"I._
(Nome/ Signature)                              (Date)
LClfORM.QAP-3*38.04 (04.04.2014)
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI l cttJ.;&#xa5;';,,,.1111111:> lott>m>t10n.1I, 1.,.-
PROJECT CALCULATION                                  Rev.O Page 4of18 I            '  *~    ~*  t Table of Contents Section                                                                                                                            Page Purpose .........*....................*.......*................... *.......*...........................*.......................*............ 5 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 Assumptions.....*............*...........................*.................*............*....*........................................* 6 Inputs ...........................................................*.....................................*.........................*.......... 6 Software ..........................................*...................................*...................*..........*.........*.......... 7 Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Results and Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10 References.............................................................................................................................. 17 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX A (PROPRIETARY} ...................................................................................................Al APPENDIX B. Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics ................................................... Bl List of Tables Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination) ....*.*...*.....*........*.....*......*...........*..*.... *.......***..*....*..........*....*........*............... *... 14 List of Figures Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS. A depth of 0.corresponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15} and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles ............ 8 Figure 2. Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor ........................................................... 13
PC No. PV001 - PC-02 LCI l.etn&#xa5;n*t1l10nb lnwmahollJI, 1,,.
            \            -.. ,,_,-
PROJECT CALCULATION                        Rev. O Page S of 18 Adjustment Factors.from Ref erence Rock to Palo Verde Rock
: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to develop adjustment fac tors to convert ground motions from the reference rock associated with the South Western US Ground Motion Project (the SWUS project) GMPEs to the rock conditions at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).
These factors , which are given in Fourier-amplitude space, will be converted later to factors in spectra l-acceleration space, and these in turn will be used to conve1t the amplitudes pred icted by the SWUS GMPEs to Palo Verde rock ..
: 2. METHODOLOGY The following inputs are required to convert SWUS ground motions on Reference Rock (the host) to ground motions on PVNGS bedrock (the target) using Vs-kappa 1 adjustments.
Calculation of the SWUS rock to Palo Verde rock requires the fo llowing inputs:
: 1.      Host Vs and density profile, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
: 2.      Host kappa value, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
: 3.      Target Vs and density profile, developed by LCI (Ref. 2). This is the. profile below PVNGS bedrock, and extending to deep basement.
: 4.      Target PVNGS bedrock kappa value (and its uncertainty), specified by the SWUS project (Ref. I)..
These quantities are used to calculate host and target Vs-kappa filters in the frequency domain.
Each fi lter consists of two parts. The fi rst part accounts for impedance differences and can be calcu lated using the Quarter-wavelength approach (see Refs. 3-5) and affects a ll frequencies. The second filter accounts for the differences in kappa. It bas an exponential form and affects mainly the high frequencies. The net adjustment factor (in Fourier-amplitude space) is the ratio of the target filter divided by the host filter. Multiple values of this factor wil1 be calculated, to account for uncertainty in the inputs. This approach has. been used in a number of studies (e.g., Refs. 8-1 0 and 14).
The result from this calculation consist of multiple values of the adjustment factor (in terms of Fourier amplitude) as a function of frequency (with associated weights), given in tabular form.
1 Vs is the shear-wave velocity; kappa is a quantity that represents the anelastic attenuation in the upper crust. ln the nomenclature of Anderson and Hough (1984) (Ref. 7), the kappa used in this calculation corresponds to kappa-zero, as it captures attenuation effects in the upper crust, rather than whole-path attenuation.
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI I ~ltl*~n*-ullianh lntematlOll<ll, Inc.
                !                    A' r-PROJECT CALCULATION              Rev.O Page 6of 18
: 3. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions are made in this calculation:
Assumption                                              Rationale The input data provided by the SWUS                      These data were developed under a project (Host Vs and density profile, host              SSHAC Level 3 process kappa. target kappa and its uncertainty) are correct.
The site-specific deep profile (thickness, Vs,          These data were developed, documented, and density for each layer beneath soil) is.            and reviewed by LCI. (Ref. 2), using site-correct.                                                specific data (recently acquired and from UFSAR). Good agreement with shallow portion of Warren (1969; Ref. 15) profile.
The basement portion of the deep profile                Model based on regional data and used (from Warren ( 1969)) is correct.                        for earthquake locations (see Lockridge et al. , Ref. 12).
The. guidance provided by the EPRI SPID                  This document has been extensively document (Ref. 11) regarding uncertainty                reviewed and accepted by the NRC.
ranges is correct.
The. Qua11er Wave Length (QWL) approach                  Approach is well documented in the is adequate for the adjustment of GM PEs.                literature and has been used for regional and NPP studies (e.g., Refs. 8-10 and 14)
The. Gardner et al (1974) equation for                  Relation is widely used (see Bracher, density as a function of Vp is correct.                  1995; Ref. 6).
: 4. INPUTS Input                                        Source Host profile (thickness, Vs, and              SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. I and its attached Excel density for each layer) and host              file WUS_VsProfile-10272014.xls) kappa (0.041 s)
Target (PVNGS) kappa and                      SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. 1) associated uncertainty
* median 0.033s
* 0'1 n=0.5
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                    Rev.O Page 7. of.18.
Deep PVNGS profile (thickness,              LCI (Ref. 2; volcanics and upper basement; used the Vs, and density for each layer)            thickness of the volcanics derived from the elevation column because it is more reliable) and Warren(! 969; Ref. 15; lower basement)
Equation for density as a                  Gardner et al (1974; Ref. 12).
function of Vp (used only for lower basement of PVNGS profile).
: 6. CALCULATIONS All calculations are performed in spreadsheet Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A),
as described below.
Sheet Deep_Projlle_Summary tabulates the base-case deep profile (as generated from Refs. 2 and 15), converts it to metric units, generates the Lower Bound (LB), Median, and Upper Bound (UB) profiles, and generates. graphs. Following the. EPRI SPID (Ref. 11 ), cr1nvs is given a value of 0.35 for the upper two layers (applicable to sites with limited geophysical information). cr1nvs is set to 0 for the lower basement, just as Ref. 11 sets the CEUS basement Vs to 9200 ft/s (without uncertainty). Also, following Ref. 11, the. UB. Vs. values are. not allowed to exceed the lower basement Vs. Uncertainty in the thickness of the volcanics is taken from LCI (Ref. 2).
Uncertainty in the thickness of the upper basement is taken as 10 percent. The UB and LB profiles are constructed by pairing 90-th percentile Vs with 10% thickness in order to maximize the variation in travel time (in a manner similar. to what is done in Ref.. 11 ). The three resulting Vs profiles are shown in Figure I.
PC No. PV001- PC-02 LCI l"~?l"-ulltlnb lntcnJiJholl<!I, Inc I                  _1.;-,.
PROJ ECT CALCULATION                    Rev. O Page 8of18 Vs (m/s) 0      1000            2000            3000      4000 0        - ,.. ... . ,    I I    ,1 I -1 I
                                                          . l 500                            I-"'
I l ..
I l:!Q. 1000
                                                ~                    L
                                                                        -I n;                                                I
                        ~    1500                              -
                      ~                                                L. 1 0
                      ..c E                                                    I 0
                      ~                                                    I
                      .[                                                    I of 2000                  T                          1 Q.
QI              -  UBProfile                        I 0
                                      -  Base Case Profile                I
                                                                            ... I I
                                      -  LB Profile 2500 Warren (1969}
SWUS Reference Profile 1 :              I I
3000 Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for PVNGS. A depth of 0 corr esponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils).
Also shown ar e the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiJes.
Sheet Lockridge_et_al lists. the Warren ( 1969; Ref. l 5) profile and contains tables used for plotting it.
Sheet Density_Bsmnt documents the calculation of density for those basement layers for which no density. is provided in Ref. 2, using an equation. from Ref. 12 ..
Sheet HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760 contains information about the host profi le received from SWUS (Ref. 1) and a few calculations to extract information from them.
PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                  Rev.O Page 9of1 8
* Columns A-Y contains information about the host profile received from SWUS (Vs vs.
depth, density vs. depth, and adjustment factors).
* Columns Z-AC contain profile information in the form (thickness, Vs, density) extracted from columns A-Y.
* Columns. N-0 contain amplification factors for this profile (calculated by SWUS (Ref. 1) using the QWL approach). These adjustment factors are relative to the source (characterized by Vs=3500 mis and density 2.7 gr/cc).
Sheet Amplif'_Calcs_Ref_Pro.file contains. the calculation of the impedance. Z (see Refs. 3-5) for the reference SWUS (Ref. 1) profile.
* Columns A-C contain the profile data (from HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
* Columns H-J (step I) calculate travel time and integrated density to the bottom of each layer~ as the. first step in the calculation of the impedance (see. Eqs. 16-1 8 of Ref. 4 for the equations used; equations are reproduced in same columns).
* Columns L-R (step 2) interpolate the travel time and integrated density linearly to a finer depth scale. Interpolation is done using a user-defined function. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet. These interpolated values are then used to calculate the assoc iated frequency l/(4*travel time), time-averaged. Vs. (beta_bar), average density (rho_ bar), and impedance (beta_bar* rho_bar).
* Columns T-U (step 3) interpolate the impedance vs. frequency values to a fine frequency scale (0.1 to 100 Hz, 30 frequencies per decade), which will be the same frequency sampling to be used for all profiles. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet.
* Columns W-X use the impedance to calculate the adjustment factor with respect to the source (Vs=3500 mis, density=2.7 gr/cc). These values are compared to those calculated independently by SWUS (Ref. I) and provided in sheet HostVsProfile_ V.d0_760 (see graphical comparison on same columns), obtaining a very. close agreement .. This comparison serves as an additional check for the calculation of impedance vs. frequency used in this calculation document.
Sheets Amplif_Calcs_ *_PV_Pro,file (where* takes the values of LB, Median, and UB) contain the calculation of the impedance Z for the three PVNGS deep profiles and the calculation of their associated impedance factors.
* Columns A-C contain the profile data (from Deep_Profile_Summary) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI L..-111.;?m-*uhont'l lnwm 1hon.JI, In.;
PROJECT CALCULATION                  Rev.O Page 10of18 t                    *~* r
* Columns H-U contain the various steps in the calculation of impedance Z as a function of frequency. These calculations are similar to the ones performed in Columns H-U in Amplif_Calcs_Ref_Profile..
* Column W calculates the adjustment factor associated with impedance effects (sqrt(Z_ Ref/Z_PVNGS)) vs .. frequency, using the impedance. Z calculated in. this sheet and in Amplif_ Calcs_Ref_Profile.
* Columns Y-AB introduce the effect of kappa differences between the Host (0.04 ls) and the target, considering the LB (10%), median (50%), and UB (90%) values of the latter).
Sheet Summary tabulates all nine profiles from columns Y-AB of Amplif_ Calcs_ *_PV_Profile, calculates their weights, and computes their summary statistics.
: 7. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The calculated adjustment factors account for differences in impedance and kappa between the Host SWUS (Ref. 1) Reference Profile and the Target PVNGS rock profile, and can be used for the calculation of adjustment factors to convert SWUS spectral accelerations to PVNGS rock.
These factors (in Fourier amplitude space) are given in tbe Summary Sheet of Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A). They are also. given in Table 1 below and in stand-alone file Adjustment_Factors.csv (see Appendix A for a description of electronic fi les).
As part of the review of Ref.2, one interpretation was revised, resulting in a change in thickness of the volcanic unit (top of deep profile). from 878 ft to 808 ft. The effect of th is change is.
evaluated in Appendix B. The change in the adjustment factor is small (~2 percent at a few frequencies) and would reduce ground motions (therefore ignoring the change is conservative).
As a result, the adjustment factors based on the original volcanic unit thickness (Table 1 and file Adjustment_Factors.csv) are maintained ..
It is important to note the following when interpreting and using these results.
: 1. Although these adjustment factors become very large at high frequencies (as a result of the kappa adjustments), the SWUS (Ref. 1) rock motions have zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.
: 2. Results are tabulated to l 00 Hz, but the exponential model for kappa effects (which can produce very high adjustment factors at these high frequencies) may not be applicable.
Based on seismological principles, one expects the product of these adjustment factors and the Fourier amplitudes of the SWUS (Ref. 1) motions to produce a spectral-shape falloff beyond approximately 10 Hz that is roughly linear in log-amplitude vs. frequency space (see Ref. 7), possibly becoming steeper at higher frequencies. If there are appreciable differences from this anticipated fa lloff (e.g., shapes that do not reach a peak, bimodal shapes with an extra peak beyond 20 Hz), it is appropriate to truncate or flatten these adjustment factors at some appropriate frequency to remove these unphysical shapes. Because it is difficult to anticipate whether these effects will occur, and at what frequencies, the adjustment factors are provided as calculated, but with the understand ing that they may need some modifications at high frequencies. The task to truncate or flatten
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI 11111< ()ln..,,hllnb lnl\'m 1t10rlJI, Inc
      \"        I.                .;
PROJECT CALCULATION                Rev.O Page 11 of 18 them (if needed) is left to the analyst that converts these adjustment factors to spectral-acceleration factors.
: 3. For frequenc ies below 0.1 Hz, it is appropriate to assume that the adjustment factor is equal to the factor at 0.1 Hz.
The nine calculated adjustment factors are shown in Figure 2 and given in Table 1; the associated summary statistics are given in Figure 2 .
PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                                    Rev.O Page 12of18 10                          I  I                                                                ,. I
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I1 10
                                                                                                    ~                100 Frequency (Hz)
          -    LB. Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                          -          LB. Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
          -    LB. Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                          -          Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
          -    Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)                  -          Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
          -    UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                          -          UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)
Figure 2. Adjustment Factors
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                          Rev.O Page 13 of18 10                                                                                          2 j        +t t                t t      t:                l+
                    -    Logarithmic mean AF logarithmic sigma (right Y axis)
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  ..,I.I QI a.
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                                                                    ,/                                0.6  ~
                                                                ~~T t;
::J                                                        I
  <                                                                                                  0.4 y
                    - -- /
0 .2
                /                    11 I I                  I    11 0.1                                                                                          0 0.1                        1                            10                          100 Frequency {Hz)
Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor
PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI lct11.;f"nsi1llanb ln1l'maho11<1l, l1"K"
              '              ,_,    ,  f PROJECT CALCULATION                    Rev. O Page 14of18 Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination)
SWUS t o PVNGS Adjustment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB        LB              M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile,  Profile,  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile,            M edian      UB      Profile,  M edian      UB          LB    M edian    UB Frequency        LB kappa              kappa    kappa    LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hzi            (0.09)              (0.12)    (0.09)    (0.12)    (0.16)    (0.12)      (0.0 9).  (0.12)    (0.09).
0.1000            1.0136              1.0086    0.9993    0.8916    0.8873    0.8790      0.8598    0.8556    0.8477 0.1080            1.0218              1.0165    1.0063    0.8871    0.8824    0.8736      0.8528    0.8483    0.8398 0.1166            1.0313              1.0255    1.0144    0.8821    0.8771    0.8676      0.8451    0.8403. 0.8312 0.1259            1.0424              1.0360    1.0240    0.8766    0.8712    0.8611      0.8367    0.8316    0.8219 0.1359            1.0574              1.0504    1.0372    0.8721    0.8663    0.8554      0.8291    0.8236    0.8132 0.1468            1.0768              1.0691    1.0546    0.8684    0.8622    0.8505      0.8219    0.8160    0.8050 0.1585            1.0999              1.0914    1.0754    0.8643    0.8576    0.8451      0.8140    0.8077    0.7959 0.1711            1.1279              1.1185    1.1009    0.8597    0.8526    0.8391      0.8054    0.7987    0.7861 0.1848            1.1660              1.1555    1.1358    0.8571    0.8493    0.8349      0.7981    0.7910    0.7775 0.1995            1.1927              1.1811    1.1594    0.8549    0.8466    0.8310      0.7910    0.7833. 0.7689 0.2154            1.1895              1.1770    1.1536    0.8524    0.8435    0.8268      0.7830    0.7748    0.7594 0.2326            1.1852              1.1718    1.1467    0.8496    0.8400    0.8220      0.7742    0.7654    0.7491 0.2512            1.1856              1.1711    1.1441    0.8501    0.8397    0.8203      0.7678    0.7584    0.7409 0.2712            1.1867              1.1710    1.14 19    0.8511    0.8398    0.8189      0.7612    0.7511    0.7324 0.2929            1.1878              1.1709    1.1395    0.8522    0.8400    0.8175      0.7538    0.7431    0.7231 0.3162            1.1890              1.1707    1.1368    0.8533    0.8402    0.8159      0.7456    0.7341    0.7128 0.3415            1.1950              1.1752    1.1385    0.8580    0.8438    0.8174      0.7393    0.7271    0.7043 0.3687            1.2037              1.1821    1.1423    0.8578    0.8425    0.8141      0.7334    0.7203    0.6960 0.3981            1.2136              1.1902    1.1469    0.8537    0.8372    0.8068      0.7268    0.7128    0.6869 0.4299            1.2251              1.1996    1.1526    0.8490    0.8313    0.7987      0.7193    0.7043    0.6768 0.4642            1.2429              1.2149    1.1636    0.8464    0.8274    0.7924      0.7133    0.6973    0.6678 0.5012            1.2688              1.2380    1.1817    0.8466    0.8260    0.7884      0.7092    0.6920    0.6605 0.5412            1.3013              1.2673    1.2051    0.8474    0.8252    0.7847      0.7046    0.6861    0.6525 0.5843            1.3476              1.3096    1.2403    0.8521    0.8281    0.7843      0.7014    0.6816    0.6455 0.6310            1.4077              1.3648    1.2871    0.8586    0.8325    0.7851      0.6987    0.6774    0.6388 0.6813            1.4269              1.3801    1.2954    0.8659    0.8375    0.7861      0.6956    0.6728    0.6315 0.7356            1.4146              1.3645    1.2744    0.8755    0.8445    0.7887      0.6931    0.6686. 0.6244 0.7943            1.4047              1.3511    1.2549    0.8901    0.8561    0.7952      0.6929    0.6665    0.6191 0.8577            1.3940              1.3366    1.2342    0.9073    0.8699    0.8033      0.6928    0.6643    0.6134 0.9261            1.3821              1.3207    1.2118    0.9275    0.8863    0.8132      0.6926    0.6619    0.6073 1.0000            1.3731              1.3074    1.1914    0.9546    0.9089    0.8283      0.6943    0.6611    0.6024 1.0798            1.3666              1.2962    1.1724    0.9900    0.9390    0.8494      0.6980    0.6620    0.5988 1.1659            1.3594              1.2839    1.1520    1.0338    0.9764    0.8762      0.7019    0.6629    0.5948 1.2589            1.3512              1.2703    1.1300    1.0758    1.0114    0.8998      0.7062    0.6639. 0.5906
PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                      Rev. O Page 15of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB      LB                M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile, Profile~  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median      UB    Profile,  Median        UB          LB    Median      UB Frequency  LB kappa  kappa    kappa  LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hz)    (0.09)    (0.12)  (0 .09)  (0.12)    (0.16)    (0 .12)    (0 .0 9)  (0.12)  (0.09) 1.3594    1.3483    1.2614  1.1117    1.0777    1.0082    0.8886      0.7142    0.6681    0.5888 1.4678    1.3478    1.2543  1.0943    1.0773    1.0026    0.8747      0.7246    0.6743    0.5883 1.5849    1.3471    1.2464  1.0757    1.0767    0.9963    0.8598      0.7364    0.6813    0.5880 1.7113    1.3460    1.2378  1.0557    1.0759    0.9894    0.8439      0.7496    0.6893    0.5879 1.8478    1.3446    1.2282  1.0344    1.0748    0.9817    0.8268      0.7645    0.6984    0.5882 1.9953    1.3435. 1.2184  1.0121. 1.0739    0.9739    0.8090      0.7821    0.7093    0.5892 2.1544    1.3435    1.2089  0.9895    1.0739    0.9663    0.7909      0.8033    0.7228    0.5916 2.3263    1.3431    1.1984  0.9654    1.0735    0.9579    0.7716      0.8280    0.7387    0.5951 2.5119    1.3424    1.1869  0.9398    1.0730    0.9487    0.7512      0.8522    0.7535    0.5966 2.7123    1.3421    1.1751  0.9132    1 .0728    0.9392    0.7300      0.8575    0.7508    0.5835 2.9286    1.3413    1.1620  0.8851    1.0721    0.9288    0.7075      0.8570    0.7424    0.5655 3.1623    1.3399    1.1476  0.8553    1.0710    0.9173    0.6837      0.8561    0.7332    0.5465 3.4145    1.3419    1.1351  0.8264    1 .0726    0.9073    0.6606      0.8573    0.7252    0.5280 3.6869    1.3434    1.1213  0.7960    1.0738    0.8963    0.6362      0.8583    0.7164    0.5086 3.9811    1.3451    1.1067  0.7644    1.0751    0.8846    0.6110      0.8594    0.7070    0.4884 4.2987    1.3525. 1.0956  0.7347. 1.0811    0.8757    0.5873      0.8641    0.7000    0.4694 4.6416    1.3605    1.0837  0.7040    1.0874    0.8662    0.5627      0.8692    0.6924    0.4498 5.0119    1.3751    1.0756  0.6751    1.0991    0.8598    0.5396      0.8785    0.6872    0.4313 5.4117    1.3923    1.0680  0.6458    1.1129    0.8536    0.5162      0.8895    0.6823    0.4126 5.8434    1.4148    1.0625  0.6173    1.1309    0.8493    0.4934      0.9039    0.6788    0.3944 6.3096    1.4430    1.0592  0.5892    1.1534    0.8466    0.4710      0.9219    0.6767    0.3765 6.8129    1.4746    1.0560  0.5606    1.1787    0.8441    0.4481      0.9421    0.6747    0.3582 7.3564    1.5156. 1.0569  0.5334. 1.2114    0.8448    0.4264      0.9683    0.6752    0.3408 7.9433    1.5606    1.0574  0.5054    1.2474    0.8452    0.4039      0.9971    0.6756    0.3229 8.5770    1.6136    1.0599  0.4776    1.2898    0.8472    0.3817      1.0310    0.6772    0.3051 9.2612    1.6782    1.0659  0.4507    1.3414    0.8520    0.3603      1.0722    0.6810    0.2880 10.0000    1.7503    1.0722  0.4233    1.3990    0.8570    0.3383      1.1183    0.6850    0.2704 10.7978    1.8346    1.0808  0.3962    1.4664    0.8639    0.3167      1.1721    0.6905    0.2531 11.6591    1.9374    1.0941  0.3702    1.5486    0.8746    0.2959      1.2378    0.6990    0.2365 12.5893. 2.0549    1.1088  0.3441. 1.6425. 0.8863    0.2750      1.3129    0.7084    0.2199 13.5936    2.1894    1.1246  0.3179    1.7500    0.8989    0.2541      1.3988    0.7185    0.2031 14.6780    2.3499    1.1446  0.2926    1.8783    0.9149    0.2338      1.5014    0.7313    0.1869 15.8489    2.5422    1.1692  0.2680    2.0321    0.9346    0.2142      1.6243    0.7470    0.1712 17.1133    2.7672    1.1962  0.2438    2.2119    0.9562    0.1949      1.7680    0.7643    0.1558 18.4785    3.0319    1.2258  0.2201    2.4235    0.9798    0.1759      1.9371    0.7832    0.1406
PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                      Rev.O Page 16of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)
LB      LB                M edian    M edian        UB        UB      UB Profile, Profi le~  Median    Profile,  Profile,    Profile,  Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median      UB      Profile,  Median        UB          LB    Median      UB Frequency  LB kappa    kappa    kappa    LB kappa    kappa      kappa      kappa      kappa    kappa (Hz}      (0.09}    (0.12)  (0.09}    (0.12)    (0.16)    (0.12)      (0.0 9)    (0.12)  (0.0 9) 19.9526    3.3536    1.2614  0.1975    2.6806    1.0083    0.1578      2.1427    0.8059    0.1262 21.5443    3.7485    1.3041  0.1761    2.9963    1.0424    0.1407      2.3950    0.8332    0.1125 23.2631    4.2270    1.3518  0.1556    3.3787    1.0805    0.1244      2.7006    0.8637    0.0994 25.1189    4.8118    1.4050  0.1361    3.8461    1.1231    0.1088      3.0743    0.8977    0.0869 27.1227    5.5426    1.4671  0.1179    4.4303    1.1727    0.0943      3.5412    0.9373    0.0754 29.2864    6.4784    1.5422  0.1014    5.1783    1.2327    0.0811      4.1391    0.9853    0.0648 31.6228    7.6667    1.6277  0.0861    6.1281    1.3010    0.0688      4.8983    1.0399  0.0550 34.1455    9.1952    1.7252  0.0722    7.3499    1.3789    0.0577      5.8748    1.1022  0.0461 36.8695  11.1888    1.8369  0.0597    8.9434    1.4682    0.0477      7.1486    1.1736  0.0381 39.8107  13.8284. 1.9655  0.0486    11.0533    1.5710    0.0388      8.8350    1.2557  0.0310 42.9866  17.3805    2.1143  0.0389    13.8925    1.6900    0.0311    11.1045    1.3508    0.0249 46.4159  22.2896    2.2920  0.0307    17.8164    1.8320    0.0245    14.2409    1.4644  0.0196 50.1187  29.2648. 2.5099  0.0238    23.3918    2.0062    0.0190    18.6974    1.6036  0.0152 54.1170  39.2659    2.7684  0.0181    31.3858    2.2128    0.0145    25.0872    1.7687    0.0116 58.4341  53.9344    3.0774  0.0135    43.1106    2.4598    0.0108    34.4589    1.9662    0.0086 63.0957  75.9811    3.4500  0.0098    60.7328    2.7576    0.0078    48.5447    2.2042    0.0063 68.1292  110.005. 3.9029  0.0069    87.9283    3.1197    0.0055    70.2824    2.4936    0.0044 73.5642  164.031    4.4589  0.0048    131.113    3.5641    0.0038    104.800    2.8488    0.0031 79.4328  252.802    5.1544  0.0032    202.069    4.1200    0.0026    161.517    3.2932    0.0020 85.7696  404.226. 6.0417  0.0021    323.104    4.8292    0.0017    258.262    3.8601    0.0013 92.6119  671.328    7.1753  0.0013    536.603    5.7353    0.0010    428.915    4.5843    0.0008 100.000  1160.96    8.6394  0.0008    927.980    6.9056    0.0006    741.749    5.5197    0.0005
PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION                Rev. O Page 17 of18
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9.. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Electronic fi les are provided in a DVD. (PROPRIETARY)
APPENDIX B: Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics
PROJECT CALCULATION            PC No. PV001-PC-02 Revision 0 L. tti.-
* J'nsuh.1ntii lnlern.>, Inc    APPENDIX A                  PageA2 of A2 PROPRIETARY Electronic files included in this appendix are provided on a DVD-ROM disc that contains multiple files developed as part of this calculation. This disc is labeled: 'PVOOl-PC-02-RevO' PROPRJETARY A complete list of data directories and associated files are contained in the text file named file_ list_ a_ 02262015. txt, located in a separate folder named 'App_ A_ file_ list'.
PROJECT CALCULATION                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B                      Page 81 of BS APPENDIX B. CALCULATIONS FOR 808 FT THICKNESS OF VOLCANICS The calculations presented here follow the same steps documented in Section 6 above and are performed in file Calc_ Adjustment_Factors_ 808ft.xlsm (contained in Appendix A). The on ly difference between the. two sets of calculations is that the thickness. of the volcanics has. been changed from 878 ft to 808 ft (see sheet Deep_Projile_Summary).
Figures B-1 through B-3 show the Vs profiles considered, individual adjustment factors, and logarithmic-mean adjustment factors. These can be compared to Figures 1-3 ..
An additional sheet in Calc_ Adjustrnent_Factors_ 808ft .xlsm (sheet Compare_878ft) compares the results obtained with the 808-ft thickness to those obtained earlier with the 878- ft thickness.
The differences observed are. small and are much smaller than the. the uncertainty in the adjustment factors (see Figure B-4). The maximum change in the logarithmic-mean adjustment factor is a reduction of two percent, and the change is much smaller at most frequencies. Given the size of this change, and given that ignoring this change is conservative, it is concluded that the change. can be ignored and the values in Table I and in fi le Adjustment_Factors.csv can be used.
PROJECT CALCULATION                      PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI                                                  APPENDIX B                        Page 82 of BS Vs (m/s) 0 0
1000 I
2000            3000        4000 I
I    II              I I
I 1
I 500 I "'
I l ....
Qi                                              I
                    ~    1000                                      l -
                    ~                                                  I
Ri                                                    I
                  ...."'0                                              I t
0 1500                                          ~
                  .ll E                                                    I 0
I I      .- -
2000  ~-
J-      -                  I            -
cu                  UB Profile 0
                                -      Base Case Profile                ; I
                                                                          ... I
                                -      LB Profile 2500                                                I
                                -  -  Warren (1969)                        I I
                                -  -  SWUS Reference Profile I
I 3000 Figure B-1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS, after modifying thickness of volcanics, A depth of 0 corresponds to.
the bottom of the sh allow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles.
PROJECT CALCULATION                                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI                                                  APPENDIX B                                        Page 83 of BS 10                                                                            I                          I I                    ..L                          -1,
                                                                                      -                  r,~        ,I.
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  ...."'c u..                                                                                                        I QI                                                                      .... ~~ 1"-~I
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:J                                                                            "" ~ ~~
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0.1                                I                                  I  1
0.1                            1                                            10                        100 Frequency (Hz)
            -    LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                -              LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
            -    LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)                -              Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
            -    Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)        -              Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
            -    UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)                -              UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)
Figure B-2. Adjustment factors after modifying thickness of volcanics.
PROJECT CALCULATION                            PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.o LCI                                                    APPENDIX B                              Page 84 of BS 10                                                                                                2
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                    -    Logarithmic mean AF                                                                  1.8 l
                    ~ loga rithmic        sigma (right Y axis)        1~c-E I                                  I->- -+                -  I-+-        1.6
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  !tJ                                                                                          -
  <t                                                                  ~                                      0.4 0.1
                    -  -r      ,- '-' '
                                                            ~[_,(            +
10                        100 0.2 0
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-3. Swnmary statistics of the adjustment factor after modifying thickness of volcanics
PROJECT CALCULATION                    PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B                      Page BS of BS Change in Adjustment Factor as a Result of Modifying Thickness of Volcanics 30%
I    ' '        ~
I 20%
                      ,      _, /
10%    I u..
  *=Gi 11.0 c
  .s:. 0%
u c
    ...u Q,I Q.
                                    '  \    ,.,
10                            100 Frequency {Hz)
              -  LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)            -    LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
              - - LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)            -    Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)
              -  Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16)    -    Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)
              -  UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09)            -    UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)
              -  UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)            -    Logarithmic mean AF
                  -1 sigma                                      + 1 sigma Figu re B-4. Change in logarithmic-mean adj ustment factor (thick blue line) as a result of modifying thickness of volcanjcs.
Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:? May 2015 20:01:54 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan
Vs-kappa corTection paper Attachments: Reference 7 .21. pdf Attached is the Vs-kappa correction from PVNGS.
--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066
Sent: 12 Feb 20 15 20:0 l :46 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon Cc:Jackson, Diane
ACTJON: SSHAC Review Guidance lmportance:High Amigos-I've taken the risk of putting together some guidance on how the WUS teams can approach review of the SSHACs. I've focused on what I think are the. key questions. we'd want the teams to answer as the goals of their reviews, so that we'd have a good, traceable basis for concluding the SSHAC process was acceptable/unacceptable. Certainly, I don't think that every team would necessarily have to address every sub-question, but have tried to identify 7 basic yet distinct areas that appear intrinsic to a good SSHAC process.
I've pulled these 7 areas from various statements and concepts in NUREG/CR-6372 (SSHAC), NUREG-2117 (Implementing SSHAC), and NUREG-1563 (BTP on Expert Elicitation). I'm intentionally avoiding the use of anything that reads like Acceptance Criteria/Review Methods, as I appreciate the sensitivities that the scope isn't a licensing review ...
I would appreciate your thoughts on this approach for guiding the teams in their upcoming reviews. I've run it past Diane as a straw man, and she didn't barf. If you think this is on the right track, please add/edit the attached. If you think this is nuts, or want to work on an alternative approach, let's talk on Tues/Wed. I'll be out on AL from Thurs 2/19 through 3/5, and would like to get your initial feedback before I split for sunnier climes.
Thanks-Britt Brittain E. Hill, Ph.D.
Sr. Technical Advisor US Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS T7-F03, NRO/DSEA Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ph + 1 1301' 41 5-6588* Er +1 (301 ) 415-5399; 5
Mobile_(bJ( l                j email:
Sent:3 Jun 2015 l 7:32:37 +0000 To:Walsh,      Lisa
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Lisa - this. looks good and is a handy reference - the changes make the data comparisons clear. Seems appropriate to send to group, but I don't see a need for using at tomorrow's meeting (we're not doing evaluations/comparisons with PSHA bases yet).
Thanks-Britt From : Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:23 PM To: Hill, Brittain
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi. Britt, Here is an updated version. Do you see. any additional changes I should make? . Should I send this version to the rest of the group?
* Magnitude threshold to. only display events greater than and equal to 1.85 as they used in the SSHAC . .
* lluminated pre- and post- the licensee's catalog Lisa From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:32 AM To: Walsh, Lisa
RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi Lisa - nice map - are you running Arc for this, or GMT?
Before showing this at a public meeting , I'd suggest truncating the USGS catalog to same M threshold as the SSHAC (2?). By plotting all USGS quakes, the map gives the impression that lots of. earthquakes are missing from the SSHAC database (i.e., not considered in the PSHA).
From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:19 AM To: Seber, Dogan; St irewalt, Gerry; Weaver, Thomas Cc: Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford; Li, Yong; Chokshi, Nilesh; John Stamatkos; Jackson, Diane; Karas, Rebecca
Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi CGS Team,
Attached is a map I compiled with seismicity out beyond the 200 mi radius from the. site and info provided in the SSHAC by the licensee. This might be a useful resource for the public meeting tomorrow.
Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph.D ..
Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612
Sent:21May201521:40:13 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie;JacksonFD    .....,.
ian= e_ _ _ _ _ __,
Cc:DiFrancesco, Nicholas (bl(5 l
Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Someone who knows the details of. what Diablo is relying on for FLEX need to confirm that the 1988 LTSP analyses have indeed evaluated the. SSCs Diablo currently relies on for shutdown path. Unless. this.
is clear, issue needs to be resolved with SRB discussion. etc .. Absent that confirmation, it is premature to conclude that.the 1988 LTSP. margins assessment encompasses the 2015 shutdown path that includes FLEX. Diablo didnt address FLEX SSCs in submittal.
Working from blakberry- very hard to edit files!
Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6)          I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04: 16 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
RE: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; I'm not aware if the SRB has. discussed this issue yet. I will confirm.
Thanks Frankie From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4: 12 PM To: Vega, Frankie Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Hi Frankie - has the issue of Diablo meeting the ESEP requirements been discussed by the SRB? Have they determined that all FLEX is covered by LTSP analyses? Please confirm.
Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6)          I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04:02 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas
Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; Hope you are doing well. I've attached the draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon. This letter follows a very similar format to the letter we sent last year to several CEUS licensee also requesting ESEP relief (Based on their previous IPEEE evaluations). I'm sending this draft letter to you first since It mostly references Diablo's LTSP which you are very familiar with. Please review and feel free to make any necessary changes. I'm also planning to share this with the mitigation strategies technical reviewers. just as we did with the other ESEP relief letter I mentioned above.
If you have questions please let me. know.
Frankie G. Vega, P.E.
Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 301-415-1617 Location: 0 -13Hl2
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:26 May. 2015 14:54:41 +0000.
To:Ake, Jon ;John Starnatkos
l st Draft - Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Publi c Meeting Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft l).docx Britt is out this week. Here is what I cobbled together so far. Would appreciate your comments and input. I am working on the site response question on Vs-kappa corrections.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015.19:04:03 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott
Boore paper on adjusting from vs30=760 to 3000 You may already have this paper. notes/Adjusting PSA amplitudes to Vs30 3000.v02.pdf
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:21May.2015 19:42: 17 +0000.
To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:Jackson, Diane;Seber, Dogan ;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Stirewalt, Gerry;Wal sh, Lisa;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Kock, Andrea
Columbia Topics for 6/4 meeting.
Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for CGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx These are ready to go.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent: 19 May. 2015 13:21: 14 +0000.
To:Seber, Dogan Cc:Jackson, Diane
Columbia Topics for Public Meeting
: Dogan, When you get a chance would you please forward your topics/questions for the Columbia public meeting to Britt, Jon, and me. Diane suggested that we discuss during the Thursday meeting so that we can get them over to JLD by the end of the week.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 May 2015 20:47:43 +0000 To:Weaver, Thomas;Stovall , Scott;Ake, Jon.
Cc: Heeszel, David
Confirm Hanford Vs-Kappa correction
: Thomas, David has programed the Hanford GMM both with and without the vs-kappa correction. If you give him some scenario events similar to the ones used by Hanford, you could try to replicate the Vs-kappa corrections in Figure 9.38. This would be useful to make sure we understand each of the steps in preparation for the meeting next week.
Let's talk tomorrow after the Columbia. meeting.
: Thanks, Cliff
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 201516:25: 16 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott Cc:Graizer, Vladimir
dcpp median gmm I finished the swus-dcpp gmm this morning. Below are median gm results for a scenario event on one of the local faults which we can use for the analytical site response. Solid line is the weighted average of the 31 median models. There are 21 frequencies between 0.1 and 100. Benchmarking to come.
DCPP Median Ground Motion 2.0 ....------------------------------_.__________________
1.8 x
1.6                                          x x
x      x  ~
x 1.4                                    x x x    x x          )C x M  3E      x x        x      x
                                              ~ x  ~  x    x x      x 1.2                                          )rt xx x        ~
1.0 x x x
x x
x x
x en                                                          x    ~
x                ~
* x x    x x x
x x
x  ~              x      x x                  x    x ~
0.6                                        )C x
* x x    x x x  )(
x x                          x x              x                M x                  x 0.4
x x                    *x  x
x 0.2            x          ~
x 0.1                1                      10 frequency (Hz)
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:28 May 2015 13:57:39 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nichol as;Jackson, Diane
DCPP RAI - Draft 2 Attachments:DCPP RAJ (draft 2).docx Some modifications.
May 27, 2015.
To the Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List
By letter dated March 15, 2015,. to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) , Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for NRG review the Seismic Hazard and Screening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f) , Response for Information Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term. Task Force. Review. of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluation report is an evaluation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical approach.
The NRG staff has reviewed the information provided for Diablo Canyon and has determined that additional information is required to complete its review .. Enclosed is. a request for additional information (RAI) related to the site response evaluation. As discussed with your staff on XXXX YY, 2015, it was agreed that a response to the RAI would be provided no later than XXXXX YY, 2015.
If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at
Sincerely, IRA/
Nicholas J. DiFrancesco, Senior Project Manager Hazards Management Branch.
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
: 1. Request for Additional Information
: 2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv
ML14268A516                                    *via mail OFFICE    NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM          NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA*    NRR/ DORULPL2-2/PM*  NRR/DORULPL2- 1/ PM*
NAME      NDiFrancesco              Slent                MBarillas            SWilliams DATE      09/29/14                  09/29/14            10/15/14            09/30/14 OFFICE    NRR/DORULPL2-1 /PM*      NRO/DSEA/RGS1
* NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC      NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM NAME      RHall (w/comments)      DJackson            SWhalev.            NDiFrancesco DATE      09/30/14                  10/15/14            10/23/14            10/23/14 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRG staff requested that licensees submit site specific hazard curves that capture the variability in soil depth (including depth to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities, layer thicknesses, damping, and strain dependent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seismic" Enclosure 1 of the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be developed over a broad range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation of seismic core damage frequency." .
By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12319A074), "Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Final Draft Report 1025287, 'Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID),' the NRG staff endorsed using the SPID guidance.
Regarding the development of site amplification curves for the NTTF Recommendation 2.1 seismic hazard reevaluations, Section 2 of the SPID states:
Site amplification factors should be calculated as described in Section 2.4. As discussed in that section , multiple models of site amplification factors (and associated. uncertainties) should be developed, indicating the log-mean and log-standard deviation of control-point motion divided by input rock motion, for various spectral frequencies.
The SPID further recommends that the soil and/or rock uncertainties should be incorporated into the seismic hazard calculations via the site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard integral to develop control-point hazard curves .. The control-point elevation hazard curves should then be used to calculate the GMRS.
By letters dated March 15, 2015, the. licensee for the Diablo. Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empirical approach , which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to "constrain the site amplification rather than analytical models." While. the staff considers the empirical site response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach, the method as implemented by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data.
Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a revised March 2015 Enclosure1
seismic hazard reevaluation submittal that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain produced by the. scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) control. point elevation .. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa corrections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or baserock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response, in table form, control point seismic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertainties through the hazard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.
List of Addressees H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy Progress, Inc.
Docket No. 50-261 License No. DPR-23 Mr. William R. Gideon, Vice President H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 3581 West Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550 Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Docket Nos. 50-269 , 50-270 and 50-287 License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55 Mr. Scott Batson Vice President, Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 7800 Rochester Highway Seneca, SC 29672-0752 Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Docket No. 50-395 License No. NPF-12 Mr. Thomas D. Gatlin, Vice President Nuclear Operations South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Post Office Box 88, Mail Code 800 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Enclosure 2
Sent:23 Apr 2015 19:34:30 +0000 To:Ake. Jon;John Stamatkos
DCPP Scenario events
Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:30 Apr 2015 19:28:09 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott;Ake, Jon.
Cc: Graizer, Vladimir
DCPP Scenario Worksheet Attachments:scenario-spreadsheet.csv, scenario-spreadsheet.xlsx, Scott and Jon, I developed 5 scenario events each at 3 levels (16, 50, 84). So there are a total of 15 events.
saved the spreadsheet in three formats - hopefully one of them will work for you.
Here are the parameters Mag      7.5      6.5. 6.8    6.0    8.0 Ztor      1        1      1      1        1 Rrup      5.1      1.2    9.2    5.1    5.1 Rjb      . 3.7 . . 0.6 . o.n  . 3.7    . 3.7.
Dip        85      90    60      85      85 Width      15      12    15      12      15 Rx . 5.      . 0.6 . 10    5      5 F          SS      SS    REV SS        SS I tried to get a sufficient range of SA values yet still keep this. somewhat realistic. Let me know if you want me to add another scenario .
: Thanks, Cliff
Sheetl freq          S1 -L      S1-M      S1 -H      S2-L      S2-M        S2-H 0.1    0.0135928 0.02323223 0.03970752 0.00589409 0.01020574 0.01767144 0.133333  0.02126067 0.03630149 0.06198292 0.01001215 0.01731891 0.02995808 0.2  0.02409332  0.0411381 0.07024117 0.01871057 0.03236535 0.05598526 0.25  0.04022888 0.06862008 0.11704813 0.02539436 0.04388301 0.07583252 0.333333  0.05301979 0.09043807 0.15426398 0.03797482    0.0656228  0.1134002 0.5  0.09164862 0.15601652 0.26559216 0.06757365 0.11653808 0.20098255 0.666666  0.14167118 0.24093055 0.40973422 0.09803317 0.16889984 0.29099493 1  0.21814579 0.37024451 0.62839165 0.17031874 0.29285324 0.50354425 1.333333  0.27242788  0.4614501 0.78162409 0.22171708 0.38084868 0.65419282 2  0.36417754 0.61501182 1.03861304 0.32708952 0.56016641 0.95932883 2.5  0.40726873 0.68640871 1.15686986 0.39553462 0.67670695 1.15775528 3.333333  0.47517616 0.79925945 1.34437649 0.48466229 0.82753578    1.41297 45 4  0.58357937 0.98061553 1.64777384 0.57464538 0.98019656    1.6719621 5  0.65999943 1.10681187 1.85611147 0.60995261 1.03938167 1.77114457 6.666667  0.67182266 1.12326444 1.87805962 0.64599653 1.09750438 1.86458565 10  0.58402362 0.97256939 1.61961123    0.5758048 0.97532302 1.65204421 13.33333  0.53894264 0.89480798 1.48565221 0.50718422 0.85737405 1.44935555 20  0.40332911 0.66764251 1.10516825 0.41862939 0.70626183 1.19152113 33.33333  0.32281427 0.53169879 0.87574691 0.33913793 0.56986923 0.95757774 50  0.30574949  0.5030885 0.82779547 0.31006683 0.52049895 0.8737 4438 100  0.29870653 0.49002754 0.80388932 0.29220525 0.48904596 0.81848615 Page I
$3-L        $3-M        $3-H        $4-L      $4-M        S4-H        S5-L 0.00451818 0.00776098 0.01333122 0.001 41504 0.00247976 0.00434558 0.02435431 0.007 45782 0.01279767 0.02196089 0.00251936 0.00441057 0.00772146 0.03666668 0.01214696 0.02084426 0.03576889 0.00523621 0.00916689 0.01604823 0.03245563 0.0180192 0.03089016 0.05295474 0.00736962 0.01288889 0.02254167      0.0597338 0.02837656    0.0486457 0.08339292 0.01202286 0.02102705 0.03677468 0.07387252 0.05878505 0.10057337 0.17206762 0.02361384 0.04125751 0.07208407 0.12573558 0.09098823 0.15551313 0.26579629    0.0361113 0.06309275 0.11023405 0.20049557 0.1565745 0.26707565 0.45556206 0.06559398 0.11437516 0.19943411 0.29220897 0.22743113    0.387551 0.66040116 0.09763834 0.17008022    0.2962697    0.3556664 0.32907062    0.5590687 0.94981988 0.15350101 0.26685545 0.46391768 0.44779938 0.3932533 0.66677586    1.1305437 0.19326401 0.33564605 0.58292422 0.47353872 0.48875519 0.82704718 1.39948801 0.25366551 0.43966651      0.7620533 0.53575002 0.55287124 0.93460608 1.5799131 1 0.29240918 0.50681909 0.87844571 0.68431228 0.64332396 1.08533984 1.83105655 0.32928307 0.57016043 0.98724454 0.77468653 0.65070698 1.09560218 1.84467692 0.36299417 0.62727609 1.08397137 0. 78104157 0.61 103827 1.02470454 1.71841837 0.33126088 0.57072428    0.9832921 0.66341963 0.52224613 0.87317761 1.45992302 0.29304614 0.50438006      0.8681201 0.62851214 0.41903824 0.69851887 1.16440113 0.23611794 0.40558539 0.69668365 0.45284468 0.32035244 0.53188205 0.88308526 0.18941057 0.32438043 0.55552688 0.36316698 0.29310184 0.48615141 0.80635179 0.16916332 0.28970543 0.49614323      0.3506405 0 .28652044 0.47381165 o. 78353042 0.16295276    0.2782334 0.47506912 0.34416697 Page2
Sheetl S5-M        S5-H 0.04162532 0.07114419 0.06260646    0.1068973 0.05541631 0.09462047 0.10189042 0.17379874 0.12600743 0.21493612 0.21404391 0.36437413 0.34096921 0.57986317 0.49594707 0.84173833 0.60244309 1.02044411
: o. 75622982 1.27709765 0.79809982 1.34511351 0.90114634 1.51575306 1.14988171 1.93219967 1.29914089 2.17864514 1.30587471 2.18337773 1.10478686 1.83979184 1.04352046 1.73255995 0.7496071 1.24084665 0.59816267    0.9852178 0.5769534 0.94933477 0.5646053    0.926234 Page 3
Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015 17:55:32 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott
dcpp site response See Section 9.3 in the Hanford SSHAC - this is what I was thinking we could do for DCPP.
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 Apr 20 1517:21:46 +0000 To:HiJl, Brittain
: Britt, Would you make an unlocked version of the SSC like you did for the GMC?
: Thanks, Cliff
Sheetl freq          host AF      target27 AF target28 AF target27/host target28/host 0.1        1.137        1.132      1.138 0.99560246 1.00087951 0.13333          1.181        1.173      1.182 0.99322608 1.0008467 4 0.2        1.262        1.249      1.263 0.98969889 1.00079239 0.25        1.311        1.294      1.312  0.9870328 1.00076278 0.3333          1.38        1.356      1.382  0.9826087 1.00144928 0.5        1.488        1.449      1.491 0.97379032 1.00201613 0.6666          1.578        1.52.2      1.583 0.96451204 1.00316857 1        1.732        1.635        1.74 0.94399538 1.00461894 1.3333          1.875          1.73      1.886 0.92266667 1.00586667 2        2.135        1.893      2.154 0.88665105    1.0088993 2.5        2.292        2.019          2.3 0.88089005    1.0034904 3.3333          2.48        2.215      2.407 0.89314516 0.97056452 4        2.593        2.348      2.428 0.90551485 0.93636714 5        2.724        2.535      2.431 0.93061674 0.89243759 6.66667          2.88        2.765      2.455 0.96006944 0.85243056 10        3.104        3.161      2.577  1.0183634 0.83021907 13.3333          3.266        3.462      2.828 1.06001225      0.865891 20        3.514        3.671      3.136 1.04467843 0.89243028 33.3333          3.808        3.799      3.267 0.99763655 0.85793067 50        3.996        3.854      3.314 0.96446446 0.82932933 100          4.147        3.895      3.358 0.93923318 0.80974198 Page I
DCPP Mediar1 Ground Motion 2.0 _..,.--~------------..............--~~........--.......----...............~~--.......---......._._.............._
                                                                        ....... \
I            \
I                \
1.6                                                          I                    \
I                        ~
I                            \
I                  ~          \
1.4                                                    I x                x              \
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I x                  ~        x        \
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1.2                                                / X )I.      ~
                                                                    ~          x~        XX          \
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                                                                    )(          ~        x    ~          \
<( 1.0
Cf)                                                                                                              \
0.8 x
0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1                            1                                              10                                              100 frequency (Hz)
Information (pages 503/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:4 May 2015 17:44:31 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir
dcpp-scenario.pptx Attachments:dcpp-scenario.pptx Slide with one of the scenario SA for DCPP.
Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:23 Apr 2015.18:56: 12 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir Cc:Ake, Jon ;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Jackson, Di ane
Diablo GMM for Local Sources Presentation Attachments:Diablo GMM_Local.pptx
: Vlad, Attached are a few slides for Monday.
: Thanks, Cliff
SWUS GMM for DCPP April 2:3, 2015
SWUS GMM Notation Table 1-1: Notation used in HID, Part II: DCPP.
T                  Period (seconds)
M                  Moment magnitude NML                Normal sources (-120 ~rakes -60)
REV                Reverse sources, including Reverse-Oblique (REV-OBL); (30 s rakes 150)
SS                  Strike-slip sources, including Normal-Oblique; (-180 s rake< -120, -60
                    < rake < 30, and 150 < rake s 180)
FNML                style of faulting (FNML=1 for NML, 0 otherwise)
FRv                style of faulting (FRv=1 for REV , 0 otherwise)
ZroR                Depth to top of rupture (km)
Dip                Fault dip (degrees) w                  Down-dip rupture width (km)
L                  Rupture length (km)
RRuP                Rupture distance (km)
Ris                Joyner-Boore distance (km)
Rx                  Horizontal distance from top of rupture measured perpendicular to strike (km)
Rv                  Horizontal distance from center of rupture measured parallel to strike (km) f Hw              Hanging Wall factor (155                Total sigma
SWUS GMM Distance Notations Reverse or normal faulting, hanging-wall site Strike-slip faulting Rx (positive)
: Rx= Rib (positive) :
l(                  )!
I Surface                                            Surface Site Dip Width Fault Rrup =Closest distance to rupturing fault plane (slant distance)
Rjb =Closest horizontal distance to vertical projection of the rupture Rx = Closest horizontal distance to top of rupture
SWUS          Gl\~C    - DCPP
* DCPP. median. ground motion models separated into two.
  - Nearby faults
  - Distant faults
* Up to 31 Common form median models for nearby faults
  - Hosgri rupture model
  - Outward-Vergent rupture model
  - Southwest-Vergent rupture n1odel
  - Northeast-Vergent rupture rr1odel
  - Irish Hills-Estero Bay {IHEB) Source Zone
* Five NGA-West 2 GMPEs (+ 3 additional epistemic for each=
15 total models) used for distant sources
Logic Tree for Median at DCPP-Nearbv Faults
                'J.ourcf' Mf'n le          hS4!- M~d fl                      llrutiv1tv (h            for ( r>'11m0fl f !Jlll'm                                    Arl111i h 1 ''
: u o 1s11        tr !V:\ UI
                                                          -. ~ fo  oas1    Ht'l.'4111                            1 of 5 HW models tfl lf *I
H'Wl (                                assigned to each llN3 [ . 1 Example for PGA                                                                                                    base model branch 1-f~ l ll ll!Nl (ll H n 5 (lJ f Ji ll~
( 1111 111 tll f Ulll                              llvvS I l
1r v2 1 H..,. J llJ "t f;~ C t>tll 1 0
HN't (l}
tr.H U)
U2 [0020)        l lW!i [ l]
Al                                        a23(oou1          lfAi 4(1) 1111f \                                  tl.2."1 [0024)
* II ~3 (1) a2s coon1        l f:l'Y l( JJ
                                                          ~16 ( 00?41 1227 (0011) 1 28 (0041 )
ll JVS (tl trNZ(l)
I M 'l l ll I No directivity adjustment I
ltl '>(OOU)      11.Nl (l]
tl'.30 [1) 019)  11# 4 ll)
O~ llO    02iJ  1-tWl ( l)
R11 trncd l oo1moo ronn 0
                                                                                                      ''&deg;1  110 11
Base Model The functional form of the DCPP ba se model GMPEs is given in Eq. 2-1:
2                        2 Ln (SABASE (M ,RRuP, ZT0 R, F ,T)) =a0 (T)-a (T)RRUP + ai (T)ZroR +a10 (T)FRv
                              +(a4 (T) +a5 (T)(M - 5)) In (~R~uP +a:(T) ) - a9 (T)FNML
                                  -a1(T) +a 2 (T)(M -5.5)        for M < 5.5 a1(T)(M - 6.5)          for5.5 < M < 6.5 a3(T)(M -6.5)              for M > 6.5 (Eq. 2-1)
Each of 31 models has 9 coefficients which are unique for each period Some. periods do. not use all 31 models Coefficient a9 is different for each period but same for all 31 models
Base Model Coefficients for f=lO Hz Weight ID      ao.          a1        a2          a3        a4        a5        a6          a7      as        alO        HW branch (T=0.1s)
Model 1      1.37939 0.208505      1.22538 -0.20679 -1.07715. 0.221829          5.79698. 0.110195 0.108741 0.046582            3 0.213802 Model 2      2.08907 -0.03872 0.288456 -0.29772 -1.50424 0.285801                6.32318 0.073587 0.212603 0.321285              4 0.026091 Model 3            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Table 2-1: Period dependent a, coefficients for F.....
Model 4      1.42017 0.229463      1.26391 -0.18665 -1.01908 0.158087          5.54758 0.097386 0.164283      0.40946        5 0.045412 Model 5            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Model 6. 2.1 1812 0.018214.        0.601    -0.2412. -1.43939 0.229396      6.44111 0.099093 0.109868 0.187477              2 0.090946                    Period (sec)      ...
Model 7. 1.41537 -0.15843. 0.184346 -0.34334. -1 .35195 0.248723            4.83625 0.043879 0.156605 0.283496              3 0.106704                        0.01        0.132 Model 8            0          0          0          0          0          0          0.      0          0          0        0          0                      O.G2        0.132 Model 9            0          0          0          0          0          0          0.      0          0          0        0          0                      0.03        0.132 Model 10            0          0          0                                0          0        0          0          0                                          0.05        0.132 0          0                                                              0          0                ---o:n7r:;      n 132 Model 11            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 Model 12            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0 c      0.1        0.132 D 0.1:.      0.132 Model 13 Model 14 Model 15 1.71824 -0.12097 0.045631 -0.41779 -1.52157 0.365292 1.70842 -0.06499. 0.933162 -0.38424. -1 .33162 0.272438 1.35801 0.227881. 0.80121 -0.07749. -0.98918            0.17225 4.77083 0.078932 0.322164 0.070163 5.4551 7 0.032357 0.279844 0.026501 5.81514 0.150695 0.109848 0.582348 1 0.021841 5 0.025405 5 0.033783
                                                                                                                                                              -    0.2 0.25 0.3
                                                                                                                                                                            - 0.122 0.113 0.104 Model 16  0.135637      0.55761 0.680404 -0.02608 -0.46462 0.206783            3.94907. 0.156003 O.Q13575 0.291355            2 0.023577                        0.4        0.095 Model 17      2.5824 -0.08858 0.070521 -0.46784 -1.82498. 0.330311              7.36546. 0.04215 0 .176967 0.092855            2 0.070407                        o.s        0.095 0.75        0.086 Model 18    1.29169 0.160183 0.256293 0.000711 -1.14381 0.158694                5.98039 0.044523 -0.02714 0.395977              4 0.039704 1        0.077 Model 19            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0                      1.5        0.068 Model 20    1.13328 -0.01714 0.917788 -0.10739 - 1.00981 0.120088              5.50958 0.137317 0.049162 0.265754              3 0.038353                          2        0.058 Model 21            0          0          0          0          0          0          0        0          0          0        0          0                        3        0.039 Model 22    1.83279. -0.18253      0.87006. -0.30695 -1 .42278 0.358787        5.59443 0.083036 0.262303 -0.10329              5 0.014387.                        4        0.020 Model 23    1.72167 0.036879. 0.069845 -0.38891. -1.44441 0.360783              4.97423 0.111618 0.331344 0.047177              4 0.015225                          5        0.000 Model 24    1.48175 0.160589      1.03484 -0.19933      -1.0126 0.130542      6.03483 0.063056 0.096106 0.269177              3 0.013056                        7.5        0.000 10        0.000 Model 25      1.2764 0.148104        1.1556 -0.29942 -1.09622 0.264494          4.31646. 0.16418    0.31363 0.031954          1    0.02341 Model 26    1.69432 0.364288 0.512214 -0.08895 -1.141 72 0.219346              6.92161 0.168786 0.183995 0.120731              5 0.026731 Model 27  0.997811 -0.01465 0.810009 -0.02759 -1.02663 0.176784                4.90505 0.028728 0.007867 0.261264              2 0.018086 Model 28    1.67589 0.240931        0.3965 -0.12191 -1.23775 0.180479          6.61248 0.130284 0.073181 0.315853              3 0.088166 Model 29    0.44296 0.248235 0.446781 0.209578 -0.71921 0.089693                5.0781 0.108356 -0.06265      0.39772        1 0.030853 Model 30  -0.09241 0.111952 0.391203 -0.05354 -0.61128 0.125671                2.84165 0.131 171 0.028781 0.323736            4 0.009617 Model 31    1.03204 0.190696. 0.640938 -0.10285. -0.96101 0.107609              5.67792 0.154048 0.050723 0.282794              1 0.024445 sum.
Hanging Wall Effect Iit Rx is positive I (Eq. 2-2a) where (Eq . 2-2 b)
(Eq . 2-2 c)
Hanging Wall Coefficients Table 2-2: Coefficients for HW Factor Model.
Period              Model-dependent Cl Coefficients        Coefficients held Constant (sec)                                                          for all five models Model        Model    Model    Model  Model    C2          C3        C4 HWl          HW2      HW3      HW4    HWS 0 .01      0 .868      0 .982  1.038    1.095  1.209  0.2160      2 .0289  0.1675 0 .02      0.867        0 .987  1.046    1.106  1.226  0.2172      2.0260    0.1666 0 .03      0.856        0 .997  1 .067    1.138  1.278  0.2178      2 .0163  0 .1670 0.05      0.840        1.027    1.121    1.215  1.402  0.2199      1.9870    0.1699 0 .075      0.857        1.041    1.133    1.226  1.410  0.2218      1.9906    0.1817 0.1      0.848        1.040    1 .135    1.231  1.422  0.2213      1.9974    0 .1717 0 .15      0.868        1.009    1.080    1.150  1.292  0.2169      2.0162    0 .1814 0.2      0.850        1.005    1 .082    1.160  1.315  0 .2131      1.9746    0 .1834 0 .25      0.868        0 .985  1.044    1.102  1.219  0.1988      1.9931    0 .1767 0 .3      0 .839      0 .974  1.041    1 .108  1.242  0.2019      2.0179    0 .1658 0 .4      0.780        0 .934  1 .011    1 .089  1.243  0.2090      2.0249    0.1624 0 .5      0.741        0 .902  0.982    1 .063  1.223  0.2053      2.0041    0 .1719 0 .75      0.613        0 .869  0.997    1.125  1 .380 0.1713      1.8697    0 .1866 1      0 .621      0 .788  0 .872    0 .955  1.123  0.1571      1.8526    0 .3143 1.5      0.506        0 .662  0.740    0 .818  0.974  0 .1559      1.8336    0 .3195 2      0.391        0.537    0.609    0.682  0.828  0.1559      1.7996    0.3246 3      0.128        0 .245  0 .304    0 .362  0.480  0.1616      1.6740    0 .3314 4          0        0 .034  0 .088    0.138  0.231  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 5          0            0        0        0    0.040  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 7.5          0            0        0        0      0  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314 10          0            0        0        0      0  0.1616      1.6740    0.3314
DCPP Median Ground Motion Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3 TECHNICAL REPORT - Rev. 2 2.5    DCPP Ground Motion for the Median The DCPP ground motion model for the median from REV and SS sources is given by ln(SA(g)) =Ln ( SABASE (J\tl. RRUP' ZTOR' F. T) )
            + f HWO\!f.,Dip fV,Rx.RJB ,RRUP,ZroR )                                        (Eq. 2-3)
foJR ss(M ,R,o.,,, R ,R                or SS events
                                          ,RY, W,L.D;p) for REV events I No directivity      J The DCPP ground motion model for the median from NML sources is given by In( SA(g)) = Ln (SABASE ( M. RRUP, ZTOR, F. T))
(Eq. 2-4)
            + f HW ( M ' Dip. ff ' Rx . RJB . RRUP' ZTOR )
Results for f=l and 10 Hz 2.0 --+-'-__.__....................__.__..........................__..........................__.................................................................__.__...........-+-
1.8 1.6                                                                                                                                                                                  Parameter Value O> 1.4
Cf) 1.2 f=l Hz Mag      8.1 c 1.0 co
* 2.0 km i5 0.8                                                                                                                                                                                    ZroR Q)
* E o.6          *                          *                                *
* RRUP      10.2 km 0.4        - - .!. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - .. - - - -                                                          -*-~ !_ _                    . - - - - -
                                                                                                                  *                                    * **
* RJB      10.0 km 0.0 ---..-.-.......................-.-.......................-.-.......................-        .......................-.-..-............- - --....-.--
0                                                    10                                                20                                                      30 median model no.
Dip      85 2.0 ............-    ...................................__............_ _ _........................._____.__.......................__..._._..........._ _
* Width    15.0 km 1.8 1.6                f=lO Hz                                                                                                                                                        Rx        10.0 km O> 1.4
Cf) 1.2
* F        SS c 1.0          *                                                            *
* co              ----- -.- ---------~ - ~ ----------------
i5 0.8                        *
* Q)
E o.6                                              *                                                *                                    *                        **
0.4                                                                                                          *                                                      **
0.2 0.0 -t--.--.-..-....-.-....,........,-.....-................,........,.-.-.......................-.-..-..,........,.......,........,-.....-.......................- -
0                                                  10                                                20                                                      30 median model no.
Total Sigma Model Partially Non-Ergodic
: 3. Total Sigma Model for DCPP 3 .1    Structure of the Logic Tree Model                    Epistemic            Directivity        Aleatory U ncerta inty        Adjustment      Distribution Form H igh (95% percentile)  Yes- C entral      Mixture Model 0 .3              0.0                08        ~
M-Dependent Central 10                          0 .55 Accounts for heavy tails Low (5*.4 ercentile)    No                Normal 0 15                1.0                0 .2 (See Eq. 3-1 )            (Set? Tobie J 1)                        (See Eq 3-l)
Figur e 3-1: Logic Tree for Total Sigma at DCPP.
Total Sigma Model 3 .2    DCPP Total Sigma Model The fol lowing values are provided obtain the total sigma as a function o f Magnitude, O$$(M), for hazard calculations using:
( M-5)  (              )
CT1+--*        Uz-U1                        fo1*M < 7.0 CTss(M) =              2                                                                      (Eq. 3-1) fCTz                                          forM    ~  7.0 The period-dependent values of 0'1 and            a 2 are listed in Table 3-1:                                  For M=8.1 T~ble 3-1 : Epistemic Distribution for      O'ss  for DCPP.                                                ass (low) 0.434 (0.15)
Period (sec)
Low Branch                Cen tral Branch            High Branch        ass (central)= 0.592 (0.55)
                                                  <n                        en 0.01 CH 0.456            0.390 CH 0.576        0.495 CH 0.699 02 0.614      ass (high) = 0.629 (0.30) 0.02        0.457            0.394        0.577        0.498      0.699      0 .614 0.03        0.458            0.396        0.577        0.499      0.700      0.615 0 .05        0 .460          0 .402      0 .578      0 .504      0.700      0.616 0.075        0.4 6 1          0.407        0.578        0.507      0.701      0.617 0 .1        0.462            0.411        0.579        0.510      0.702      0.618 0.1 5        0.464            0.41 6      0.580        0.514      0.703      0.620 0.2        0.465            0.4 19      0.58 1      0.51 7      0.703      0.621 0.25        0.465            0 .422      0.581        0.519      0.704      0.622 0.3        0.466            0.424        0.581        0.520      0.704      0.623 0 .4        0 .466          0.427        0.582        0 .522      0 .704    0 .625 0.5        0.467            0.429        0.582        0.524      0.705      0.626 0.7"        ..... --        v.4.:SL      u.::>o.,    U.::>.L I  v. --      """8 c    1        0.468            0.434        0.583        0.529      0.706      0.629 ... 1 1.:>        -    A _...,
n  .d'.:t7  O'i~d        n  <;.'.:t1 ~
v:031 2        0.469            0.439        0.584        0.532      0.707      0.632 3          0.470            0.441        0.585        0.534      0.707      0 .633 4          0.470            0.441        0.585        0.534      0.707      0.634 5        0.470            0.441        0 .585      0 .535      0.707      0.634 7.5        0.471            0.442        0.585        0.535      0.708      0.635 10        0.471            0.442        0.586        0.536      0.708      0.635
To Do List
* Program more periods
* Validate results for a fE~w examples
* Implement with Roland's codes
* Run PSHA for major ne~arby sources
* Distant sources
  - NGA West 2 GMPEs already part of Roland's codes}}

Latest revision as of 01:45, 25 February 2020

FOIA/PA-2015-0294 - Resp 2 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed. Part 1 of 8
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde, Columbia, Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/2016
Download: ML16054A008 (426)


Sent:l7 Apr2015 19:55:15 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford


Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Attachments: Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Cliff-Here is a shot at adding some additional language to 2 of the questions.

We can discuss Monday-Jon

Sent:28 May 2015 19: 10:07 +0000 To:Brock, Kathryn;Thornas, Brian


FW: ATTeJ~4!! t -C:LH!.ln' -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments FYl-

1. have. not been asked to support yet, but the potential exists (unfortunately).

Jon From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:41 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford Cc: Lingam, Siva; Wilson, George; Lund, Louise


FW: Ai IORIQEY -CdENt --Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments Andrea, Scott, Heads-up. It is likely that you and/or your will soon receive requests to support the hearings.

Mike From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:53 AM To: Wentzel, Michael; Cook, Christopher; Hill, Brittain; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Dozier, Jerry; Oesterle, Eric; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Bamford, Peter; Markley, Michael; Manoly, Kamal; Li, Yong Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Young, Mitzi; Straus, Daniel; Kanatas, Catherine; Mizuno, Beth; Wachutka, Jeremy; Uttal, Susan


Affe"'l41! 1 eetrn I -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments

All, The Atomic Safety & Licensing Board is planning on holding oral arguments for several pending Diablo Canyon contentions, including:
1) License renewal contentions A and B - analysis of alternatives to license renewal
2) License renewal contentions C and D - SAMA contentions
3) The de facto license amendment issues referred by the Commission to the Board in CLl-15-14 The Board plans on holding the arguments all together, one after the other. The proposed dates are July 8, 9, or 10. It is possible all the arguments will only take one day, but they may take more. than one day. The Board is considering either holding the. arguments here in Rockville or in San Luis Obispo.

We are looking. for Staff support, both in preparing for. arguments, as well. as. Staff members who are able to attend the argument. Please note that not everyone on this list needs to be available to attend the argument. If we end up going to San Luis Obispo, we will probably only bring a limited number of Staff to support.

What is your availability on July a. 9, and 10, and what is your availability regarding Rockville vs ..

San Luis Obispo?

Sincerely, Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -415-1474 0

N&*l&&i. l"lstie e: ::ail a: :8 etR) 8MH~Ji"8Rt8 ,._8)' HRl8iR 08Rfi"8Rli81 °M8FR8)' *Iii Al is tli5Ri)' ' 0 ' wrk Plddbtt 111are11a1. OU 1101 dlsclose outside 141"18 n itl wot 8011:: : :ieeie:: etf51ue s 81:

Sent:22 May 2015 20:07:34 +0000 Tol(bJ( 5l I


FW: Code Attachments:Point Source jjj From:. Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 I :0 I PM To: Ake, Jon


RE: Code Jon, Auached is a GU1 version. J can send a non-GUI version if yo u would like. There is a draft user manual included with the files I am sending. Call if you have any questions.


Original Message-----

From: Ake, Jon Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 11 :58 AM To: Weaver, Thomas


Code Thomas-Do you have a matlab script for producing an FAS with Boore's simple seismological model? Including which units for inputs?

ls so can you shoot me a copy?

Thx Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)

User Manual: NRC Seismologic Model Software by The SGSEB Three Stooges Thomas Weaver, Scott Stovall & .Jon Ake Scptembrr 14, 2012

Contents 1 U sing NRC Seismologic Model Software 1 1.1 File . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Worksheets . . . . . 1 1.2.1 Project Information 1 1.2.2 Input .. 1 Earthquake l\fagnitude 2 Somce to Site Distance 2 Frequency Range . 3 Response Spcctruru 3 Source Parameters . . . 3 Geometrical Spreading 3 Site Amplification 4 Diminution . . . . 5 Seismic Attenuation 5 Somcc Duration 6 Pat h Duration .. 6 1.2.3 P at.h and Site Effects Graphs 7 1.2.4 Simulated Time Histories 7 1.3 Calculate 8 1.4 Results . 8 1.5 Help 8 2 Point Source Model 9 3 Random Vibration Theor y 10 4 Time History Simulation 11 A NRC SMS Validation 12

List of Figures 1.1 Input worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Geometrical s preading: eastern North America. 4 1.3 Generic site amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4 Three segm ent at tenuation function and associated input for NRC SMS . 6 1.5 P ath duratiou for eastern Nort h America from 13oore (2005). . . .. . . 7 ii

Chapter 1 Using NRC Seismologic Model Software The NRC Seismologic Model Software (NRC SMS) is based on the work published by Boore (2003) on the simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method. In addition, SMSIM, the DOS based Fortran program developed by Boore (2005) was used to assist in development of NRC SlVIS.

NRC SMS uses a menu and toolbar structure to navigate through the program as you input and view data used for computing Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) and structural response spectra (RS), calculate FAS and RS, and view results from calculations. Each menu option is decribecl below.

1.1 File The File menu contains options for opening a previously created *.mat fi le, saving your input and results as a *.mat file. or exporting your input and results to a text file (* .txt) or Excel fi le (*.xis).

Corresponding buttons are located in the toolbar for opening and saving *.mat files.

1.2 Worksheets The Worksheets menu is used to access worksheets for inputing project d<~ta, data required for calculation of Fourier amplitude and response spectra, and data required to calculate simulated time histories. In addition, this menu option allows you to see t he path and site effects functions that will be used for calculating the FAS based on the input you have provided.

1.2.1 Proj ect Information The Project Information worksheet allows you to document important project details such as the project name, project identificat ion, and additional information you find useful for identifying the associated calculations.

1.2.2 Input The Input worksheet is used to define parameters required for calculatiug Fourier amplitude and response spectra. This worksheet is shown in Figure 1.1. The Input worksheet is divided into 1

11 sections such as Earthquake Magnitude, Somce to Site Distance, Frequency Range, etc. Input parameters for each of these sections are d iscussed below.

) ffRC SMS_v01 file Woricsheets< ResU.IS Helo

..J .... - -, ~


E.arthqu.ake M.agnitude- - - Source Seismic Attenu.atio Minimum f6o Spectral Shape j&ngla Comet - Brune j100

J No of Line Segments-n 1.1ax1mum. l"""6.'Q Stress Drop* bars Frequency Slope Altenuation No of Magnitudes: 11 Densrtr. ~ gk c r1 IT1 I -2.03 ITs6 Velocity, Vs: 136 kmls 11  !"02 r- Source to Site Dlstance>-- - 12: r-°-6 Minimum: l10 km Geometrical Spreading1- - - - - - 12: !To' lo:92 l8a j1o km No of IJne Segmer¥s ~

Maximum Seismic Velocity f'35 kmls Number of Distances. 11 lower Sour°' IDS<:!! ~ tance

":lower, n Source Duration lr (loo)

Frequency R.ange 1 1 Duration Weight, w_a f1o Minimum Jo:o1 H;,; 3 70 130 0.5000 0

Duration Weight, w_b lO Maximum: j100 Hz Path Duration Response Spectrum Site Ampflfic.atlon No. of l ine Segmems l4 r Calculate Response Spectrum Osc~lator Correction*

IGenenc Hard Rock  ::J jeoore and Joyner (1984)  ::J Dinlnutlon 0

10 0

0 Damping I 0.05 Type of Fiher jkappa J 70 9.6000 kappa. J 0.006 sec 130 7.8000 fmax lsQ.O Hz Slope of last Segment J004 Figure 1.1: Input worksheet used to define parameters required for calculating four ier amplitude and response spectra Earthquake Magnitude Earthquake !\.fangitude allows you to calculate FAS and RS for a range of earthquake magnitudes.

FAS and RS are calculated at the minimum magnitude when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 1. When the number of magnit udes is set equal to 2, FAS and RS will be calculated at the specified minimum and maximum magnitudes. FAS and RS will be calculated at evenly spaced magnitudes when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 3 or greater. Thus, if the minimum magnitude is 5, t he maximum magnit ude is 7 and the number of magnitudes is 3>FAS and RS will be calculated for magnitudes of 5, 6, aud 7. Sour ce to Site Distance Similar to Earthquake Maguit uclc, FAS aud RS can be obtained for a rauge of Source to Site Distances.

2 Frequency Range Frequency Range is used to define the minimum and maximum frequency for which FAS and RS are calculated. FAS and RS values are caclutcd at 340 points per log cycle. \i\Then the mi nimum frequency is set equal to 0.1 and the maximum frequency is set equal to 100, FAS an RS will be calculaLcd at 1020 points. R esponse Spe ctrum Calculation of a response spectrum is optional and consists of three parts. the option checkbox, the oscillator correction option, and the decimal damping value, ( (typically 0.05 for 5% damping). If you desire to obtain a response spectrum, the checkbox for "Calculate Response Spectrum" must be checked. The response spectrum or spectra will then be calculated for each magnitude and source to site d istance specified using ra.nclom vibration theory (RVT).

  • w hen using RVT to compute response spectra, a shaking duration value, Trms, is used to compute the root mean square (rms) spectral accelcratiou values. T herms duration is equal to the gTotmd motion duration plus a corrected oscillator duration as expressed in Equation 1.1.

/ 'n )

Trms = Tgm +To ( 'Yn

+a (1.1)

W here T,9111 is the ground motion duration, T 0 is the oscillator duration with T 0 = 1/(21Tf r(),

/ = T9 m/T0 , and n and a arc constants. The values used for the constants n and a determined based on the oscillator correction option chosen. When choosing the Boore and Joyner {1994) correction n = 3 and a = 1/3. If the Liu and Pezeshk (1999) oscillator correction is chosen, n = 2 and


112 a= [271" (i - mom2 (1.2) where mo, m1 and m2 are moments of the squared spectral amplitude. Additional details on RVT are provided in Chapter 3. Source Paramete rs The Source Parameters section allows you to specify the type of spectral shape to be used in calculating the FAS (e.g. single corner model or two corner model), the stress drop for the single corner model, source density, and source shear wave velocity. When selecting a two corner model, the earthquake magnitude is soley used to determine the corner frequencies. Additional details on each spectra.I shape are provided in Chapter 2. Geometrical Spreading The Geometrical Spreading section defines the function we use for describiug how wave amplitude decreases with distance from the source. The funct ion may consist of multiple segments as shown in Equation 1.3.


(~ti R$R2 Z(R2) (!ff f 2 R2 $ R $ R3 Z(R) = (1.3)

Z(f4) ('Ji r; f4 ~ R.

In eastern North America, Atkinson and Boore (1995) and Frankel ct, al. (1996) suggest us-ing the three segment, function shown in Figure 1.2. To implement t,he eastern North America geometrical spreading relation.ship, we enter a value of 3 for the number of line segments. The values Ri, R2, RJ, nlo n2 and n3 for Equation 1.3 which correspond to the line segments shown in Figure 1.2 are 1 km, 70 km, 130 km, 1, 0, 0.5, respectively.

0.1 O>


"O co (I)

0. 0.03 Cf) ro

.g 0.02 (i) 1/70 E

0 (I)

(9 0.01 1/70 (130/R)o.s 10 20 30 100 200 300 Distance (km)

Figure 1.2: Geometrical spreading function for eastern North America (Boore 2003).

1.2.2. 7 Site A mplification The Site Amplification section requires you to select a site amplification function used t o quantify site effects. The options consist of "Generic Hard Rock" , "Generic Soft Rock", "No Amplification",

and "User Defined". The "Generic Hard Rock" and *'Generic Soft Rock" amplification functions are shown in Figures 1.3. \i\lhen "No Amplification" is selected, the amplification value is 1 at all frequencies. When selecting "User Defined" , you will be prompted to select a *.mat file that contains data used to define the amplification function. This file must have frequency values in column 1 and amplification values in column 2. o headings should be placed above the frequency and ampflication values.


- Generic Soft Rock

- Generic Hard Rock 4




~ 3 Q.


<t 2

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 1.3: Generic site amplification. Dim inution You have two options for implementing the diminution function (high frequency filter). The first option is to utilize kappa, " and the second option is to use a !max filter. Equatious that define the diminution function are provided below.

D(J) = exp( - rr1~J) (1.4)

D(f) = [l + (f I !max)8r 112 (1.5)

A "'value of 0.04 has been used for coastal California sites (Boore and J oyner 1997, RC 2012),

and a value of 0.006 may be appropriate for sites in eastern North America. Seismic Attenuation Attenuation can be modeled as a three segment piecewise function . An example of this three seg-ment fw1ction is shown in Figure 1.4 along with the corresponding frequency, slope, and attenuation values that are used to define the function in NRC SMS. Often, sufficient data is only available to define the third segment (slope 2 segment) of the function. For this case, a single function is used to define t he attenuation relationship.

A single attenuation function is implemented in NRC SMS by selecting a value of 1 for t he number of segments in the drop down menu. Boore {2003) plotted a number of attenuation functions for the slope 2 segment and two of these functions are provided in Equation 1.6. These two equation were obtained t hrough best fit equations to the data presented by Boore (2003). vVhen implementing a function shown in Equation 1.6, the number of line segments is chosen to be 1, Lrl = 1 Hz, the slope is equal to the exponent (e.g. slope = 0.45) and Q is equal to t he coefficient (e.g. Q = 180).


1430J0*35 Central U.S. (Boore 2003)

Q(f) = 180/0.45 California (1.6)

{ 208!0.78 California (Boore 2003) 103 111 ft2 a {fr1, Qr1)

Seilmlc Attenuation No of L!ne Segmerts 133 FiequeACy Slope Atl&!Klatlofl 102 r1 ro;- I -2 03 [2a6 11 l"0"2

                            • -........ 12 ros

,\ a~ lo92 ITs

\ Setsmic Velocity 135' km's 101 10*2 10* 1 10° 101 102 Freq Figure 1.4: Three segment attenuation funct ion and associated input for NRC Sl\1S. Source Duration The source duration is a fw1ction of the corner frequency or corner frequencies , depending on the point source model used. Equation 1.7 is used to calculate the source duration. For the single corner model, Wa = 1 and la is the corner frequency. When Wa = 1. Wb = 0.

(1.7) 1.2.2 .11 P ath Duration The path duration can be modeled using a multi segmented line. For eastern North America, Boore has used a path duration function with four segments as shown in Figure 1.5. A single path duration begining at the source location having a slope of 0.05 is generally considered appropriate 6

for sources in California. Given a. single segment, the number of line segments is set equal to 1 a.nd an initial source to site distance and duration of 0 is input into the first row of the table.



10 Q)


c Path Duration 0



No of line Segments r-4

I SMu*S..Ollirce hfl!Ju'.....

0 - - --.-;;c.r. C-)

5 0 0 10 0 70 96000 130 7 8000 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Distance (km)

Figure 1.5: Path duration for east ern North America from Boore (2005).

1.2.3 Path and Site Effects Graphs The Path and Site Effects \iVorksheet shows plots of the geometrical spreading funct ion, site am-plificat ion function, diminution function and seismic attenuation function used in calculating the FAS. These plots updated as changes to the Input Worksheet are made.

1.2.4 Simulated T ime Histories The Simulated Time Histories vVorksheet is currently not functional. Upon implementation, this worksheet will be used t o provide input for developing time histories that spectrally ma tch a given FAS.


1.3 Calculate The Calculate menu option is used to initiate calculation of FAS and RS as well as simulated time histories.

1.4 Results The Results menu option is used to view FAS and RS or simulated time histories which have been calculated.

1.5 Help The Help menu option provides access to this user manual.


Chapter 2 Point Source Model 9

Chapter 3 Random Vibration Theory 10

Chapter 4 Time History Simulation 11

Appendix A NRC SMS Validation 12

MATLAB 5. 0 MAT-file, Platform : PCWIN, Created on : Fri Jan 04 12 :03 :27 2013 OMCixilc " O' d" CJD

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Sent:22 May 201520:07:14 +0000 To:Heeszel, David;Seber, Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane.


RE: Columbia GMM codes Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday. May 22, 2015 2:29 PM To: Seber, Dogan: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Columbia GMM codes Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both fi les are for a single fau lt at 8 mag11itudes from 5(fault 1)-8(fault8). ln this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with lOkm away that comes to the surface.

The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are the mean+/-sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.

The next step is to get a set of scenario earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard. Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.

Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T -7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:32: l 8 +0000 To:Heeszel, David


Re: Columbia Ground Motion Model Thanks David looking forward to looking at it next week Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)

From : Heeszel, David Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:26 PM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.

Cheers, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:3 Jun 2015 21:53:57 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan;Jackson, Diane;Munson, Clifford


RE: Columbia Seismic. Public Meeting Slides l agree. We should gently suggest the SSHAC discussion be very brief.

From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:41 PM To: Jackson. Diane; Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon


FW: Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides Quickly went over the slides. In SSC, Focus #2 is missing(!?). IL is to me more important to discuss #2 than fault slip rates (# 1). I wonder why they chose to not prepare slides for that. Also, can we tell them to skip SSHAC slides to save some time for more meaningful discussions on technical topics. There are about 20 slides discussing what SSHAC process is.

Original Message-----

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday. June03, 20 15 1:01 PM To: Munson. Clifford; Seber, Dogan; Jackson, Diane Cc: Vega, Frankie; Cho, Esther; Ake, Jon; Shams, Mohamed; Singal. Balwant; Alexander, Ryan; Maier, Bill; Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Burnell, Scott; Walsh, Lisa; Kock, Andrea; Monarque, Stephen


Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides

Folks, CGS Seismic Slides. For awareness, the State of Washington and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board plan lo listen to the meeting or attend.

Interim action adds information about Flex Strategy.

Esther, Please add to public ADAMS.
Thanks, Nick

Original Message-----

From: Williams, Lisa L. [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:54 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Rich Rogalski


Meeting slides Nick.

Here is Energy Northwest's presentation. I have made 20 copies of the slides (2 per page) that ram bring1ng with me for handouts. Lisa

Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:22:26 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Vega, Frankie


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates I will be on travel the 16-18.


From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie


Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.

Any preferences or limitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent:.Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:07. AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed


Planning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates

Cliff, I am out PM today and Friday.

PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRG Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a licensing call with PG&E Friday at 1pm to discuss NRG technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communicate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs.

single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to email a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice. Please let us know a couple of focus areas by noon Friday.

PV Meeting Date Coordination The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As I recall, I thought we had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Working Group. Let me know if I can propose any dates in the 2 nd and 3 rd week of June.

Thanks, Nick Senic',i Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

Sent:l3Apr201513:59:10+0000 To:Munson, Clifford


RE: Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP Cliff-Looks good Jon From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 3:09 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Ake, Jon


Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP

Vlad, Here is my slide set for overview of SWUS GMC.


Sent:2 Apr2015 17:03:24 +0000 To:Heeszel, David


RE: Palo Verde Catalog Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:56 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; Munson,. Clifford; Ake,. Jon; Hill, Brittain Cc: Miriam R.. Juckett (; John Stamatakos


Palo Verde Catalog Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. T he other columns should be relatively self explanatory.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:28 Apr 2015 13:44:04 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Thanks Alice-1hadn't seen this yet Jon From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:43 AM To: John Stamatkos; Li, Yong; Ake, Jon; Graizer, Vladimir


FW: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team You may already have through others but you were not on distribution so I am sending.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 10:33 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Stieve, Alice Cc: Jackson, Diane; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Hill, Brittain


Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Cliff. Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this is the missing piece. They have this one file on the SSC in the reading room.

Thanks, Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 20154:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High

Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the. information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PP RP-Tl correspondence and interactions on the source. model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
Thanks, Cliff

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain;. Seber, Dogan;. Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt,. Gerry


DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team

Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.

Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.

DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website.

Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar


DCPP information on Certrec

Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
  • Login to
  • Click on "Inspections"
  • Set status to "In Progress" and Plant to "Diablo Canyon"
  • Click "Search" button .
  • Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
  • Click on t he "NRC Requests" tab
  • Click on what you would like to see.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell - j<bJ(6) I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 19:24:02 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (;Alice Stieve (Al;Heeszel, David; Vladim ir Graizer (;Heeszel, David; Yong Li ( );Jackson, Diane


PVNGS - Focus Area Topics for June-9 Public Meeting Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for PYNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx Attached are the edited questions from our meeting today. Attachment was released in full in interim response #1 stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7D10 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

Devlin-Gill,. Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:20 May 2015 17: 16:56 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Stieve, Alice;Munson,. Clifford ;Heeszel,. David ;Ake. Jon ;John Stamatkos;'Miriam R. Juckett (mjuckett@swri .org)';Hill, Brittain;Li , Yong


PVNGS Public Meeting Questions Palo Verd e team, For furth er discussion, below are t he edited questions about the areal zones:

Because the PVNGS host zones, SBA and East, contribute significantly to the hazard at the PVNGS site, the NRC staff is interested in hearing discussion, beyond what is presented in the PVNGS SSC SSHAC report, on the following topics regarding areal sources. Please discuss. the rational and analyses used for:

a. Choosing to model the spatial variation of recurrence rate per unit area using variable, but continuous and relatively smooth seismicity. Please also discuss the rationale for not considering the use of uniform spatial recurrence rates in the.

SSC areal sources. Although text in SSC Section mentions that uniform rates are often inappropriate, the text does not elaborate on conditions where uniform rates might be appropriate or if such conditions occur for the SSC. areal sources. Additionally, please discuss this in the context of the previously completed PVNGS SSC SSHAC 2, since decisions made for that model led to the use of the constant rate model for the areal sources , and what information informed the recent SSC SSHAC 3 to not use the constant rate model for any of the areal sources.

b. Not using a "floor" during the smoothing analysis of recurrence parameters . . Please also discuss this in the context of the. PVNGS host zones and the WEST and GULF zones, which all show in SSC Figures 9-30 through 9-33 cells of zero rate(M>5.0)/deg2/yr.
c. Not using earthquakes lower than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters for the Eastern source zones, as shown in SSC Table 9-4. Please discuss this in the context of there being so few events within the host zones that have magnitudes greater than to equal to M4.67 and inclusion of earthquakes lower than M4.67 despite the earthquake record below M4.67 not be complete.

I also updated the file on SharePoint: (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301.


From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:38 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I added 2 questions, attached. I also updated the fi le on SharePoint:

http: II epm .nrc.govI environ mental/illtq/wus-sshac/Shared%20 Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:47 PM To: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I. have. more observation/questions. that I can present tomorrow.

From: Stieve, Alice .

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:43 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow Palo Verde SharePoint FOLDER: Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens. My draft focus areas file is in that folder.

The attached file are Vlad's draft topics.

From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Monday,. May 18, 2015 1:02 PM To: Stieve,. Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David;. Ake, Jon;. John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow

Alice, Can you send us the link to the topics/questions you've developed for the public meeting.
Thanks, Cliff From : Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 10:22 AM

To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


PV team meeting tomorrow I will not be at work all day tomorrow, therefore, I will not be at the PV team meeting_Don't cry. You will just have to carry on without me.@. Let me know what happens.

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: 13 May 2015 15:44:07 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (Clifford.Munson

Cc:Alice Stieve (;Heeszel, David


PVNGS Request

Cliff, Please review and forward the following request on to JLD for Palo Verde:

For the staff to preform confirmatory analysis, please have the licensee send the NRC the PVNGS composite earthquake catalog prior to the declustering analysis, meaning t he catalog with 1,941 events in it as mentioned in "Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Source Characterization" report on page 6-7 and 6-10. The staff requests the catalog be provided in the tabular fo r m.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 18: 15:50 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Alice Stieve (


RE: latest version Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx

Cliff, OK. Alice and I spoke, we'll have a computer & laptop.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S.NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Munson,. Clifford .

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:39 PM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie


latest version Stephanie, I made edits to the first draft. Let's use this one for the meeting discussion. Alice is getting a projector and laptop?

Thanks, Cliff

Focus Area Questions!Topics for Palo Verde Public Meeting 5/9 In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.

Seismic Source Characterization

1. Provide additional detail on the PPRP and Tl interaction documentation for the SSC model, specifically . .. .... TBD .... I am working through that documentation this week (April 27).
2. Clarify how uncertainty derived from the difference in cumulative slip rates on Quaternary faults in AZ in comparison to the geodetic slip rates in southern AZ were evaluated and incorporated into model.
3. Clarify how uncertainty of the potential for the existence of unknown Quaternary faults in Southern Basin and Range province were evaluated and captured in model , in particular in the area W and NW of the PV site, and outside the geologic mapping project area.

4.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide. additional detail on the. involvement of. the PPRP. in the field review of the Quaternary geology mapping project of the PV site area and vicinity 5.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional. detail regarding verification and characterization of the 3 faults of interest in the site vicinity (Sand Tank, unnamed fault (Gilbert), unnamed fault (Pearthree)).

6.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional detail regarding the very simplistic geologic cross section of the PV site to rule out existence of unnamed fault (Pearthree) .

7. Geologic mapping project. Provide additional details regarding stratigraphic correlation of Quaternary units in the site area and vicinity, in particular the stand alone river terrace unit (Qorh) mismatch with the Qi1 alluvial fan surface.
8. Regarding information in PVNGS SSC Table 9-4, because the Eastern sources have so few events at M~4.67, please discuss how and why the Tl team chose to not use the events. lower. than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters. Also, please justify not using a "floor" during the recurrence parameters analysis.
9. Please talk about the SSHAC presentations, discussions, and/or analyses that led the Tl team to. use variable, continuous , and relatively. smooth seismicity when determining recurrence parameters for host zones, as opposed to constant rate values, particularly since there are so few recorded events in the PVNGS host zones.

Ground Motion Characterization Site Response

"O A>

cc CD



Palo Verde Nuclear I


<D 0

0 0

Generating Station Site Response Evaluation Section 2.3 of the "Seismlic Hazard and Screening Report for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units1, 2, and 3, March 2015" 1

Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting on June-9 SITE RESPONSE Provide additional detail regarding the Vs-kappa adjustment factors.

Specifically, provide the bases for

- the host Vs profile,

- the target deep Vs profile (including the use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 to develop the upper and lower profiles),

- the target kappa value used for the kappa adjustments and whether the input FAS were corrected to the site kappa of 0.033 sec or a lower baserock kappa value,

- use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5 to determine the upper and lower site kappa values,

- the scenario events (magnitudes and distances) used to develop the input spectra for the Vs-kappa adjustment factors,

- not including the Vs-kappa adjustment factors as additional epistemic uncertainty on the median GM 1\11s instead of capturing this variability as part of the variability in the site amplification functions.


Description of Subsurface Material

  • Subsurface at PVNGS consists of about 350 ft of basin sediments overlyi11g bedrock, with a crystalline basement co1mplex at a depth of about 1,200 feet below the grcJund surface.
  • Basin sediments: stratigraphic subdivisions of sands, gravels, clays, silts, and fanglomerate.
  • Bedrock: Miocene volcanic and interbedded sedimentary rocks.
  • Materials are divided into 2 site profiles, a shallow site profile and deep site profile, that are separated at the bottorr1 of the basin sediments.


Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Shallow Site Profile:

  • UFSAR and PSAR lithologic descriptions and natural gamma logs
  • Control point elevation is defined at the ground surface
  • Vs values are estimated from suspension logs, downhole and crosshole surveys from the UFSAR and Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) surveys.
  • Epistemic uncertainty (alnVs) was e*stimated for shear wave velocities in the base-case (BC) profile from the different measurements that were used to develop best-estimate valu es 1
  • Upper-range (UR) and lower-range (LR) profiles were. developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile by exp(1.28*alnVs), following guidance in the SPID to achieve 10th and 90th percentile values.
  • Note. that the UR profile does not include a lithologic layer of fanglomerate to account for its possible non-existence.


DISTANCE 8E1WEEN B~NGS RELATIVE TO Ul-81 \fcell Figure 35: Composite shallow profile 0 1111!> 2390 Figure 34: Depth Unit contact Uthologlc Description U1 -B1 U2-B1 U3-B1 (ft) (deptlllelev.)

(tleV. 1&3") (tlev. 15'1 (*ltv. t501 Sh allow profi le 0 boring logs from I *SANO yellow to red to brown ~ wrtll trwn lne~lar becls or Slit clayey-sin and S11ty-clay beneath each of

.. the three 60 880 reactors 80 850 100 II

  • CLAY yetlOw to red to brown olayey.sll! and Silty-clay w<th lenses Of fine-grained sand and silty-sand 120 820

...J 140 w 800



<( 15917114 w Ill SANO brown, uody..ilt sflty &and and &allC1f..cloy en 1661788 z<( 780 tv - CLAY blown. S1lty-clay. ctayey-s.n low to med plaSilclty 190 noncalcaleous to SbghlJy c:elear~ very sbn to hard w

~ 750 16817157 g v. SAND brown to red-brown 111ty sand 111ndy*Slll and cteyey sand vecy &I fl to hard nonptnbc to ION plashc1ly

~ 'l<Y5/748 paraco11lorm11y


11/fJ >- V1 - CLAY yeltON to red-brown. S<l!y-clay very stdf to haJd distinct

..J 220 <

w LmfOLOGIC UNITS uppe1 cori8cl stigttly to hlgl'fy calcareous med lo h91 plasbelly er 230l723 ..J SA"I> no () VII* SANO uody-MI and silty 111nd btoWn non1)lHllC

!z II Ill CIAY SAl<O 2-<<>

700 2371715 w

Q 0

~ IV cu.*

260 0:

w Gj VIII Cl..AY ~ebv to red-Crown. llify*cley c:la~ey-9111, Ancly-...1,

..J v 5""111 880 > silly-sand sandy.clay, ctayey.gand calcareous verystl!f 10 hard, w 280 high plalbcty VI CIAY 0

..J VII IAl<D 300 <

\Ill Ct.AV a.

640 3111642 IX ..... ;o 320 IX

  • IX - SANO llrlJwn 10 re<J.brown, $11nd. silty-sand and Clayiry-sand x FAIOGl.OM£~4Tt oc:c:asional (jfavel Cla&tli 6Ubaf1glllar to subroooded dense to very 620 dense Vf!fY S11n to hard 340 GENERALIZED UTHll.OGJC DESCRIPTIONS 341/612 ------~----------~~---..----~-----~-~-~----------

u nc0n form *iY D&o'° oay...., .....,_ .. _ .. 600 X

  • FANGLOMERATE brown to gay rroderately 10 wel cemened 1/0tcanic e1asts c:lenved from und<<lying bedtock in a matnl< of sand DCUIY-SAOfD_...., ...........

580 soil and occaitiooaJfy tlAlaoeous sand. el!M!1to11 of ~contact D Cl>* . ., . . ,,; - *


and thlckne!.6 ol tnt vary ectoss the site D fA.HGt.Olll£'tATE. ,.. "'""' IO 560 3951558 major uncontorm11y 0-run ... cv.v..-.. _.,......_

D ___


  • BEDROCK see deep prolile ll(µe IHlUll.A*-DFlOWlllt(CCIASo... '1.CW\


Saod Clay DNClUCTE---- ~FanglOmerale LITHOt..OGIC UNIT 5

Dynamic properties of shallow site profile (base case profile)

Base Strati- l:nit Sigma ~ oma sigma

~nemlized Lanr . graphic

{;nit lithology D eprh (ft)

Thickness (ft)

" *eight (pd)

Depth (ft)

Case Ys y .,


, .., (ln)


(ft/s) 1 I Sand 0 21 110 0.0 101 7 0.070 0.13 2 I Sand 21 14 120 3 ~2 1041 0.0&8 0.19 3 I Sand 35 10 120 5A U50 0.075 0.17 4 I Sand 45 7 120 6.9 1181 0.063 0.15 5 II Clay 52 60 1151 8.0 1208 0.087 0.15 6 II Clav 112 25 12Sl 3.5 1293 0.073 0.15 7 II Clav 137 22 125 1 4.3 1391 0.073 0.15 8 m Sand 159 8 126* 5.0 1431 0.055 0.15 9 I\' Clay 167 19 ns 1 8.0 1+46 0.049 0.15 10 \ ...

Sand 186 19 126-' 2.0 1459 0.050 0.15 11 VI Clay 205 5 125t 5.0 1510 0.103 0.15 12 VI Clay 210 20 1251 1.8 1742 0.145 0.15 13 vn Sand 230 8 126- 2 .0 1829 0.160 0.15 14 VIII Clay ns 52 1251 LO 2094 0.127 0.15 15 \Till Clay 290 21 125 1 15.9 1094 0.127 0.15 16 IX Sand 311 30 130 17.0 2094 0.127 0.15 17 x Fane:lomerate 341 86 140 60.0 3262 0.176 0.15 A.ndesite Bed- ~A1 XI basal flow 427 140 83 4485 N'A1 NA 3

rock brecc1a/mff Notes:

1 125 pcf is the a\*erage urut weight of all day unrts. The unit weights for all clay ooits are averaged for the sake of simplicity ill me ~te response analysis.

'11 _6 pcfis. the average urut \\'eight of Sand {;ruts Ill\'. and VIl. The average is used fur the sake of simplicity in the site response an.alyill.

3In the site response analysis for shallow profile, Unit XI 1s cons.idered as die half space.. 6

Vs ( tt/scc) Layer depths, thicknesses, and 0 1000 2000 3000 400Cl shear wave velocities (Vs) for lower-range (LR), base-case (BC),

- LR

- BC and upper-range (UR) profiles for so


the shallow site profile at PVNGS.

100 Depth Tlt:ickness ,.-:s (ft/~et)


'" (ft) (ft) LR BC ml 1 0 21 929 1017 1113 bO l 21 15 ~BO ]041 1165

35 ro 1046 ] 150 1266 200 4 4 )- 7 1 0.~0 lUtl 12,80

- ) 52 60 1081 ]208 1351

.c Q.



6 112 25 117S ]293 1419 250 7 137 2'.! 12~6 ]391 t5Q8 s 159 8 1334 ~4"?

..:>- 1536 9 167 19 1359 l446 1540 300 10 186 19 1359 ]459 1555 11 205 5, l324 ]j1[ 0 1723 3SO 12 210 20 1448 ]74~ 2098 13 2]1] 8 i4gg ].829 2245 14 2:1S 52 1780 2094 2462 400 1.5 290 21 L S~O 2094 2462 16 311 30 1550 2094 2462 4.'.>0 17 341 86 2603 32:62 NI~

ED lhts H 81 bonnvs

@) LCIS.2~

- SASW "'-1*7 bear \Vave Velocity (ft/ ec) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 50(

0 100 200 300 0 1.000 2.000 II l 1 1

i I I I '

400 .._~~~~~~~......_~~~~~---'-_... __~~~............. o 250 500 m 2

£Q. 500


Figure 1. Locations of SASW lines SASW-LCl-1 through SASW -LCl-7 (shown m red as lines 1-7) at the PVNGS site.

Q 600 A WArray 200 700 - L Cl l

- - L 12 800 - L 13

- L C14 250

- L CIS 900 - L 16

- - L CI 7

.._,_._._.._._.___._.__._.__._._..._._..__._,__._'-'-'___._.~ 300 1000 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 hear Wave Velocity (m/ ec)

Figure 4.1 Companson of the Seven. hear Wave Velocity Profi lcs Determined ai lhe Palo 8 Verde NPP Site

PVNGS Borehole PALO VERDE BOREHOLE B-2 Receiver to Receiver Vs and VPAnalysis

  • Drill and. log 2 boreholes. (one deep[B-2, 423. 50 ft], one shallow [B-1, 45. ft]) at the site, collec downhole geophysical data from the deep 100 borehole, and preparation of each borehole for installation of borehole seismometer 150 equipment.
  • P-S Su spension Logging
  • Induction/Natural Gamma g 200 J:
  • Caliper/Natural Gamma Ii:w
  • Acoustic Televiewer/Boring Deviation c 250 i

411250 300


-=- m" 0 80 0  :!ID No\OQ ~,. FIPS ~202 fl

~ 201~ GOOQ18 Elflll -.ef!illgia LCl*B-1 450 .L...~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~-..1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (ft/s)

Fi gure 1. Locations of boreholes LCl*B*1 and LCl*B*2 at the PVNGS site. Note: north arrow shows 9

true north. as opposed to "plant north."

Figure 5. Boring LC l-B-2, Suspension R1-R2 P- and Swwave velocities

Geologic cross-section showing the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the PVNGS site 0 SCRJPTION E 6AS.En&an Ua!I""'~

I ......_ ,,., * * *Onln!!~


  • 10

Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Deep Site Profile:

  • Developed from data presented in the UFSAR and Geological Society of America Bulletin A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona (Warren, 1969)
  • No borings underneath the. three units that reach the top of the basement complex, so the upper. contact is estimated using a. geologic cross-section from the UFSAR that shows.

the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the si1te

  • Control point elevation for this. profile is defined at the bottom of the shallow site profile.
  • Vs values were estimated from suspension (LCI,. 2015f) for bedrock. Vs for the basement complex was determined using typical seisn1ic wave velocities for granodiorite.
  • Uncertainty in the thickness of each layer vi1as accounted for in the LR and UR deep site profiles.
  • For the volcanics, this uncertainty was determined from boring logs as described in LCI (LCI, 2015d). For the upper basement layers, this uncertainty was taken as 10 percent of each respective mean thickness.
  • Consistent with SPI D:

- UR and LR Vs values were developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile value by exp(1.28*alnVs), respectively, like for the shallow site profile

- Epistemic uncertainty was estimated for Vs in the BC profile using a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 as

- The LR and UR profiles were constructed by pairing 90th percentile Vs with 10th percentile thickness (and vice versa) in order to maximize the varia1tion in travel time 11

Dynamic properties of deep site profile (base case profile) 1 e. source: T able 16 from LCI (LCI . ?Ol )-d)

T a ble 5~ . D1ynallllc properaes of d eep sire pro fil Depth rmt ~!Jean  :\Jean Vs Poisson's Elevatiou

~1ea11 Sigma, to top weight Vs Vp Sigma Ratio Thickness Tbicklless Strat. Gt'neraUzed of layer unit lithology Range +, Range -,

Mean, Top Sigma ,

(ft) (pct) (ft/sec) (ft/sec) (lo) Top Top (ft) (ft)

(ft msl) Top (ft) 3 (ft msl) (ft msl)

Andesirel XI basa lt/ flow 395 140 4485 9863 0.35 0.370 558 83 641 475 808 145 breccia/ ruff Weathered granodiorire/

~'II 1203 1461 5438 10786 0.35 0.330 -250 NIA NIA NIA 20 10 mera-granice (top)

Weathered granodioritel xn mera-granire 1223 152 1 7343 12632 0.35 0.245 -270 NIA NIA NA 20 10 (middle)

Wearhered g:ranodio1ite/

xn mera-grnnire 1243 157 1

9248 14477 0.35 0.155 -290 NIA NIA NIA 20 10 (bonom)


xn mera-~anire 1263 171 2 10200 15400 0.35 0. 109 -310 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Notes:

1 Unir weight for the weathered basement complex is deremlined from Vp.

1 Unit weight for wnveathered basement complex is detemiiued from Wan-en (WatTen. 1969).

3 Sigma rop is only calculated for Andesite XI for use in shallow site profile site response calculations. Sigma is calculated using rop elevation contact of bedrock from Units 1-3 Bl boreholes (Figure 34).


Vr, (m /'>)

PVNGS deep site 0




.,. -, ,. :1 I

2000 3000 4 000 I ,,

.. - *~ ,_ - - ......... ..

profile 500 -

I 1 I-Lowtr R:mgt P rofilt (low n locidts. thil'ker layers. bas~:ise density):

m ight = 0.3 Desc:riptton Tbicbiess (m) Vs (m s)

I l ..

I QI Vokanic bedrock sequen~ 324.2 873_4 t6:

Basement (shallow; weafherul top) 10_ 0 l ,059_0 ~ 1000 - l -

Basement (shallov.r: wealhered middle) 10_0 1.430_0 Q.

3 . I Basement (shallow: weathered bottom) 10.0 l.800_9 0 Basement (shallow) 1.784.2 1.986-3 t1I I

Basemeru (deep) 12.560_0 3.680.0 ..."'


0 . I I

B:iw Case Profilt (mt dfan Ynlues :ill par:unerers): ~ 1500 - L weiebt =OA :t: 1 0

Description Thickness (m) Vs (m s) .D

\'olcanic bedrotl: ~ 267.6 1.367.0 E I 0

Basement (shallow; weathered top) l.657.5

..c I 6.1 Basement (shallow; vteatheted middle)

Basement (shallow~ weathered bottom)

B~t (shallow) 6.1 6.1 1,581.7 2.238_1 1.818..8 3,109.0

-.z E


2000 .


Basement (dttp) 10.0000 3.680.0 0 QI UR Prctile I

t:pper Range Profile (high , *elocitlts, rhiwter layers. b.-se cue density):

wei_ebt = 0.3 Description Ttucl.."ness (m ) Vs (m s)

. Base Case Prof ile LR Prctil e I


\'olcanic bedrock sequence 211.0 2. 139.6 2500 - I Basement (shallow; weathered top)

Basement (sh3.llow; weathered middle) 2.2 2.'.!

2.5943 3.503.1

- Warr en (1969) I I

Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)

Basement (shallow)

Basement (deep) 1.379.3 17,.i40.0 3.680.0 3.680 0 3.680.0

- S'NUS Re fere nce Profile I

I 13 3000 .

PVNGS Shear Modulus & Damping Curves Table . ~gradation CW\"eS for each stratigraphic unit at PVNGS. Source: Table 14 from LCI (I.CI 2015d' -

Degrndatlon DtgradatioJl Strntignapbic Gtnendized Depth Thickness Layer Curns Cw.t~

Cnit lithol~- (ft) (ft}

(..\lterna ch'e n l..Uternntin 2)

EPRI Soil Peninsular Cun-es 1 I Sand 0 21 0-20 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Sou Peninsular Cun;~

2 I Sand 21 14 20-50 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Soil Peni.nsular Curves 3 I Sand 35 10 20-50 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Sou Peninsular Curves 4 I Sand 45 7 20-50 ft 0-50 ft

  • Shallow profile Vucetic and Dobry Vuce-tic and Dobry 5 n Clay 52 60

( 1991)-PI=30 (1991}Pl=30 alternative were given Vucetic and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 6 II Clay 112 25 (1991)-PI=JO (1991)-Pl=30 equal weights

\*ocellc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 7 II Clay 137 22 (1991)-Pl=30 (1991)-PI=30

  • Deep profile linear EPRI Soil Peninsular Cw.-es 8 m Sand 159 8 120-250 ft 51-500 ft I\" Vucetic and Dobry Vucrtic and Dobry 9 Clay 167 19 (1991 )-PI=30 (1991}Pl=30 EPRI Soil Peninsular Curves 10 \ Sand 186 19 120-250 ft 51-500 ft

\"ucebc and Dobry Vucettc and Dobry 11 VI Oay 205 5 (1991)-PI=JO (199l}Pl=30

\"ucetic and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 12 VI Clay 210 20 (1991)-PI=30 (199l}PI=30 EPRI Soil Peninsulnr Cw...-es 13 VII Sand 230 8 120-250 ft 51-500 ft Vucebc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobty u VIII aay 238 51 099l)-PI=30 (1991)-PI=30 Vucellc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 15 \'III Clay 290 21 0991)-Pl=30 (1991)-Pl=30 EPRI Soil Peninsular Cun:es 16 IX Sand 311 30 150-500 ft 51-500 ft EPRI Soil Peninsular Cwve!. 14 17 x Fanglomernte 3-U 86 250-500 ft 51-500 ft

10 .' I I

~ - ~

i t, Z-  !--+-


I' PVNGS Kappa e



.~* i-,.... ~



~l~ ~

j I



'= f= 1~*~

  • = -




  • Adjustment factors were developed to convert ti .


ground motions. from the reference rock associated l

"'.... I l with the GMPEs from the SWUS. GMC to site specific ~

....  ?


- lJ;,?I rock conditions at PVNGS corresponding to the deep site profile ..

if c

0 1 I I I ~ Ti .,.. __


. I I: __...

__, /~

  • Vs-kappa adjustments consist of 2 parts.




.._~I r


  • L
  • ~

... - ~ -



1. Accou nt for impedance differences, calculated using

.-c r

...... """ "' "I" the Quarter-wavelength approach (Boore and Joyner, cu



' ' ','-- ~ ~

lo.. I



1997; Boore, 2003, 2013} and affects all frequencies. * - - 1~~ - ,_ ..... k


2. Account for the differences in kappa (kappa-zero ). It <


I has an exponential fo rm and affects mainly the high frequencies.

  • Host kappa value fo r SWUS GMPEs is 0.041 sec and 0.1 the target kappa value at PVNGS is 0.033 sec with a 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5.
  • BC, LR, and UR target kappas were combined with - LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.11) each of the BC, LR, and UR deep site profiles to get 9 sets of adjustment factors applied to the {BC, LR, UR} LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12) kappa alternatives and Vs profile alternatives.

- Medi.1n Profile, Medi an kappa {0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12}

  • Although some of these adjustment factors become very large at HF, the SWUS GMC rock motions have UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile. Median kappa (O.U) zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here. Net factors to convert ground motions from SWUS reference rock to PVNGS rock cond ffi ons.

PVNGS Randomizcition of Vs Profiles

  • Shear wave velocity in each layE~r. SPID (EPRI, 2013) guidance was followed - shear wave velocities were truncated to +/-2 alnVs. USGS site class "A" pararr1eters, for hard rock.
  • Material properties. SPID guidance was followed and realizations were. truncated at +/-2 aln for both G/Gmax and. damping curves.
  • Profile layer depths and thicknesses. Depth to the top of each layer was modeled using a Norrnal distribution, each realization of depth to the top of a given layer was limited to +/-2a.
  • Depth to bedrock was modeled using a Normal distribution, each realization of depth to the top c,f bedrock was limited to +/-2a.
  • 60 random velocity profiles were generated for each combination of profile (BC, LR, and UR), material model (EPRI or Peninsular values), input spectrum, and set of adjustment factors.


PVNGS Input Spectra

  • Obtained using reference-rock hazard for PVNGS
  • Following guidance from the SPID, HF (5 and. 10 Hz) and. LF (1. and 2.5 Hz) spectra at mean annual frequencies of exceedence (MAFEs) of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 were scaled to 11 different PGA amplitudes between 0.01 g and 1.5 g for a total of 22 input control motions.
  • Input response spectra were converted to Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) using IRVT, which requires an estimate of ground motion duration for each input control motion, which was calculated according to the method in Rathje et al. (2005) .

Table 8. Deaggregated magnitudes and distances for reference rock and associated durations. Source:

LCI (LCL 2015a).

\lotion ~Ia2nitude (l\1w) Di tance (km) Duration ( ec) 104 Lff~V Freq. 7.5 210 26.3 104 High Freq. 6. 1 18 4 .06 I 0-5 Low Freq. 7.6 200 27.7 10-5 High Freq. 6.2 8.0 3.94 10-6 Low Freq. 6.8 8.0 .46 10-6 High Freq . 6.4 6.0 4 .76 17

PVNGS Site Response Methodology

  • RVT. was used to perform the site response analyses, consistent with SPID.
  • For the BC, LR, and UR shallow site profiles, site amplification factors (SAF) are developed for seven spectral frequencies (0.5 Hz SA, 1.0 Hz SA, 2.5 Hz SA, 5.0 Hz SA, 10 Hz SA, 20 Hz SA, and 100 Hz SA or PGA) over the range of spectral amplitudes represented by the input contnol motions (refer to Section 2.3.4). Each set of SAF incorporates the various types of variability in profile and material properties and uncertainty in kappa and deep shear wave vellocities as represented by the nine sets of adjustment factors.
  • To include the deep site profile effect on SAF, the IRVT-derived input FAS was multiplied. by the set of Vs-kappa adjustment factors prior to using that input spectrum to drive the shallow site profile.


PVNGS Amplification Function BC. 10-4 BC 10-5 J

10' 10' 10 1 -

1cr' 10 * - -10* 10' ti/

10' 10 ' to* 10' 10 1

10' 10' to' 10' UT Frequency. (Hz) Frequenc~ (Hz)

Frequency, (Hz) Freqa>>ney (Hz]

Fi~ -He. PVNGS BC mr£l<< r6ponsc spectra mid SAF for 10* HF input motion ming the EPRI soil 1

Fi:ur~ -Ha. PVNGS BC s.udaa ~spectra and SAf for 10-4 HF i.npuc molion 11$Uig the EPRl soil marerial olOdel and a SUlgle re~ rock ro local rock adjustmen1 fuoc.tion. Green Imes are ~ for mataial model and 1 sin.git refet-mce rock ro loc&l rock adj11stmeo1 function.. Green are spectra for 60 indi\idual randomiud profiles Median (blade solid line) and :::lo1o (blaclc dashed linH) ~e abo 60 1.0dmdual randomized profiles. M~an (blad: sohd lio.e) and =loi. (black dashed 11.0es) ~ also shown. Souru: Figure 46 from LCI (l..CI.1015d).

shown. SoutN: F1gur-e 48 fromlCI (l..CL ::WlSd).

10' 10' 10' 10' 810' '

~; I J 10 '


10 1

10 ' --~ -;o* --"i°o' l(f' 10 ' 10' - -,o* --,rf F~(IUJ Fniquency. (Hz) 1 Figure 4lb. PVNGS BC~ r~nse spectra and SAF for 10-4 LF mput motion using !he EPRI soi.I f iptt 41d. PVNGS BC surfuce response spectta. aod SAF for 10* l.F 111put motton usuig ~ EPRI soil matenal modtl and a slQ!le re~ rock to local rod: adju5tmrnt function. Gtttn Imes are spectra for matmal model. and a smgle reftteoce rock to local rocl.: ad~llllttlt fimctton. Grett ~ are ~1A' for 60 111dmdual nmdoouz.ed pr-ofiles. Median (black sohd hne) and +/-loi. (blad: dashed lines) are also 60 1.odm.dual rmdomu.ed profiles. '.\ledian (black sohd !me) and "'lo11 {black dashed hoes) ~also shown. Soun:e: Figure 47 from LCI (I.CI. 2015d) shown. Source: Figure 49 from LCI (l..Cl.1015d)

PVNGS BC median amplification 2.5 -- . . -l -+- PGA

- .20Hz factors c nl

~ 1.5

~ . "W:I*-

~ -- ~~



-*-S H_z 2.5 Hz 1

1 Hz

- 0 .5 Hz 0.5 II -,.....~

0 II .


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 SpectraJ acceleration, (g) 0.6 0.5 " .. ,.~ c _c

- I ~~ u. -+-PGA

~ l l 'I ~~ I * ~~ ,...,.



. . .20Hz

"- *r J" ,_J - ~~ , ~I

'!"!' . -. ~ ~~

1 "" .... ~

-i - 10Hz l -, "', ** ~ - ~S Hz 2.5 Hz 1 Hz

[J I . -

0.1 ~ ~

- 0.5 Hz 0

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 20 Spectral aueleration, (g)

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:2 Jun 2015 17:35:50 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Munson , Clifford;Ake, Jon;Heeszel,. David ;Stieve ~ Alice;John Stamatkos;Weaver, Thomas;Stovall, Scott;Hill , Brittain;Chokshi , Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong;Jackson, Diane;Miriam Juckett (mjuckett@


RE: PVNGS: Site Response Attachments:PVNGS Site Response - SDG.pptx.

Site response overview slides attached.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 11:57 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Munson,. Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas;. Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (


RE: PVNGS: Site Response I put together few slides about GMRS and can show them .

From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:07 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas; Stovall, Scott; Hill,. Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh.

Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (


PVNGS: Site Response Palo Verde Team, I put together a few slides on the PV site response to generate discussion at today's meeting. I know there has been ongoing work by others regarding PV site response, please come prepared to discuss your work and knowledge of the PV site response with the whole team.

Tuesday, June 2 (TODAY), 2:30PM ET TWFN -07A03 Phone: (877) 927-0419 Passcode l (b)(6) j#

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

TSCHILTZ, Michael From:TSCHILTZ, Michael Sent:29 Apr2015 19:14:30 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:MAUER, Andrew


DIABLO CANYON MEETING Nick in the staff slide presentation for the. subject meeting.. specifically, slide 15 shows l date for Group 1 SPRAs ... as has been discussed with NRC upper management our understanding is that Diablo (if it is in group 1) will be given the. same amount of time as others. to. complete SPRA which pushes it out beyond the date shown on the slide .... . was this just an oversight or is t his an issue t hat needs further discussion?


Mike Tschiltz.

Director,. Risk Assessment Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8083.

M f{b){6) I E:


  • essage transmission contains information.from the Nuclear Energy. Institute, Inc. The.information is intended solely.for the addressee.and its.use
  • not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient,. you have received
  • ion m error, and any.

review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution o mmunication is strict u ave received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender Immediately by telephone or by elect delete the orig/no/ message. IRS Circular 230 disdosure:

Ta ensure compliance with requirements im as other raxlng authorities, we inform you

  • contained in this communication (includi is nor intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, far the purpose of (i} avai m y taxpayer or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending ta another porty any transaction or matter addressed herein.

Sent through www.lntermedia .com DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 15:12:36 +0000 To:Gibson , Lauren


FW: PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Attachments:NRC Public Meeting 4-28 Seismic Final.pdf FYI. ... slide 54 has a summary of licensee and regulatory actions.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:42 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; 'John Stamatakos <> ('; Hill, Brittain; Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Walker, Wayne; Alexander, Ryan; Moreno, Angel; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Maier, Bill; Roth(OGC), David; Lindell, Joseph; Uttal, Susan; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Hipschman, Thomas; Wyman, Stephen


PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Folks, Attached are the. PG&E slides in support of the Tuesday public meeting. NRG slides. will be available tomorrow morning.

Please forward to those I may have. missed.

Thanks, Nick From: Jahangir, Nozar []

Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:58 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl


Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Philippe; Attached is the DCPP presentation for the subject meeting. I will also take 30 hardcopies with me, as well. I w ill be travelling on Monday and will be in Rockville on Monday night.

We also need the Web access number and passcode for Techn ical PG&E staff that w ill be calling in support of the presentation.

Thanks Nozar Juhangir P.E.

Manager, Techni cal Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering 805-545-6512 l<b)(6) I(cell)

nx jl From: Difrancesco, Nicholas [1]

Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:33 AM To: Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Jahangir, Nozar;. Vega, Frankie; Shams,. Mohamed; Jackson, Diane


NRC Technical Focus Areas for Support of Public Meeting on April 28 Mr. Soenen ,

In support of the public meeting scheduled for April 28, 2015, the NRG staff would like to gain additional technical understanding in several areas to support productive public meeting discussions. In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.

Seismic Source Characterization

1. Summarize the key data used to constrain the slip rate of the Hosgri fault, including associated uncertainties.
2. Clarify how elements of the thrust/reverse interpretation for the San Luis Range Thrust are incorporated into the SSC.
3. Clarify how the rupture models are derived from the fault source geometry models.
4. Summarize the methodology used to define the equivalent Poisson rates.

Ground Motion Characterization

1. Provide additional detail on the criteria used for the selection of the candidate ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for development of the common form median ground motion models for DCPP. Specifically, please elaborate on the basis for including GMPEs based on datasets other than NGA-West2.
2. Provide additional detail on development of the common functional form used to fit the candidate GMPEs. Specifically, please discuss how model parameters such as depth to Vs=1 km/sand 2.5 km/s (which are present in some of the candidate GMPEs) are accounted for in the functional form.
3. Provide additional detail on the approach for weighting the selected common form models as well as the criteria used to verify the physicality of the final models.
4. Provide additional detail on how the continuous distribution for total sigma (crss) was developed by combining the between-event and within-event aleatory variabilities.

Site Response

1. Section of the 50.54(f) submittal states that shear modulus and damping curves are not directly applicable to DCPP since analytical modeling is not used and that non-linear site effects are implicitly included in the empirical GMPEs for Vs30=760 m/s. However, the NGA-West2 database has a limited amount of data for sites with Vs30 near 760 m/s and for earthquakes with magnitudes and source-to-site distances similar to those dominating the hazard for DCPP. Please provide additional information on how these limitations in the NGA-West2 database are accounted for in the site response model for DCPP.
2. Section 2.3.6 of the 50.54(f) submittal describes the development of the site term for DCPP. For the calculations of between-event residuals, provide additional information on the criteria used to determine the appropriate distance range(+ and - Rrup) to the sample station. Please discuss the sensitivity of this distance range on between-event residual values. Please provide an example calculation that uses site-specific values to determine the values for $ s2s, including the epistemic uncertainty in the site term .

Please let me know if you have any questions on the above focus areas.

Thanks, Nick Di f rancesco Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit


  • The NRC's first assessment of the Shoreline fault was detailed in RIL 09-
  • The NRG staff issued a request for 0


_.. :J I

0 -

001 and was based on information available at the time. The NRC found the Shoreline fault's maximum additional information to all nuclear power plants on March 12, 2012, to


_.. PJ

-CJ)* :J 6"

predicted shaking is less than what initiate several actions as a result of PJ -

NRC REvlEW OF S EISMIC < "O the plant was previously analyzed for. lessons learned from the Fukushima ~. PJ

-co Dai-ichi accident in Japan: HAZ'ARDATTHE DIABLO C,AJ\J'V PJ CD AIL 12-001 RIL 12-01 , "Confirmatory Analysis of Seismic Hazard at the Diablo Canyon

- Conduct "walkdowns" of all nuclear power plants to verify flooding and PONERPLANT -Q:

CD ~

0 CJ) 0


Power Plant from the Shoreline Fault seismic protection features -

CD _..

I Zone," updates the NRC's evaluation "O (JI

- Reevaluate flooding and seismic c: ~

based on information PG&E provided 0-0 hazard and design using present day =o in January 2011 , as well as a staff visit to Diablo Canyon. methods and guidance 0o



  • The NRC continues to conclude that ground shaking from the Shoreline fault's earthquake scenarios are less
  • The DCPP seismic hazard reevaluation, submitted in March 2015,. assesses all known faults in the area (i.e., not limited c:



CD than the HE and LTSP ground motion to just the Shoreline fault) using a 0 levels for which the plant was process similar to what is done for siting  : :;

previously evaluated and new reactors. The licensee reported that CD demonstrated to have reasonable the ground shaking from the known CJ)


assurance of satety fault's earthquake scenario exceeds the 0 "O

Double Design Earthquake in the CD

~ 10 1- 1OHz range and that there was reasonable assurance that the plant This brochure provides an overview o the NRC's review of the Shoreline fau 0

§ i u

-~**-- could achieve sate shutdown at the higher level. The NRC is currently zone. near Diablo Canyon . . It also ,,

CD evaluating the licensee's report places the Shoreline fault review in 0 context with the NRC's request that al )>

j '° ..,

l ..

  • The NRC performed a screening and prioritization review of this report and determirn~rl th::it niabln r.anyon screens U.S. nuclear power plants reanalyze seismic hazards based on lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi

.0 CD c:



accident in Japan.

in to do n me '"' 'l 'l r.-J *e seismic -i probablis ; rii a~ 3: mf .ts is due  ::;

(Prepared April 2015) CD Com parison of Hosgri and L TSP - - - - -* ua$0V VI I (he licensee's Spectra to NRC Deterministic reported interin actions, the NRC "O For additional information contact th PJ Evaluation Results determined that the plant is safe to <O operate while the further analysis is Office of Public Affairs. Phone~ (30 CD CJ) being completed. 415-8200 or email:

DIABLO CANYON POWER - Hosgri Earthquake (HE} ground SHORELINE FAULT motion level,. which is based on an PLANT SEISMIC earthquake from the Hosgri fault, BACKGROUND which was discovered in 1971 .

);;>. The HE ground motion level is

  • Nuclear power plant designs 0.75g peak ground acceleration consider earthquake effects by anchored at 100 Hz based on a providing margins against ground 7.5 magnitude earthquake 5 motion levels at the plant site. kilometers from the site

- The ground motion levels show >- Diablo Canyon's design was how much energy (measured in modified so that sufficient

'g,' or percent of Earth's gravity) is equipment survives the. HE to transmitted at different shaking safely shutdown the plant and frequencies keep the nuclear fuel cool Designers use ground motion

  • Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP}

levels to analyze how structures and equipment respond during an - The plant's original license earthquake required seismic reevaluation in 1O years

  • Diablo Canyon is licensed to three earthquake. ground motions (most The LTSP was initiated to meet plants have two) this license condition

- Design Earthquake (DE) ground - The LTSP spectrum has been

  • In November of 2008 , plant owner Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) motion is the biggest earthquake used to evaluate seismic margins informed the NRG it had identified a the plant is allowed to continue previously unknown fault during operating through collaborative research. with the U.S.

);;>. The DE ground motion level is Geological Survey (USGS}

0.2g anchored at 100 Hz

  • The Shoreline fault is approximately Double Design Earthquake (ODE) , 600. meters from the reactor and 300 ground motion is the shaking level meters offshore at. which all safety related
  • The NRC's first assessment of the equipment must remain functional Shoreline fault was detailed in Research Information Letter (R IL)

~ The ODE ground motion level is09-001 .. "Preliminary Deterministic double the amplitude of the DE Analysis of Seismic Hazard at Diablo (0.4g peak ground acceleration. 00 Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from anchored at 100 Hz) DI 10 100 f rfqUen<)' (H 7) Newly Identified 'Shoreline. Fault""

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 12:45 :57 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane


FYT: Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Attachments:diablo canyon brochure revision 6.docx Fyi. . .

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:34 AM To: Gibson, Lauren Cc: Hill, Brittain; Vega, Frankie


Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Lauren ,

Britt Hill had a new graphic with additional curves on it. We will probably need to add the GMRS and consider incorporation of the LSTP margin assessment.

Scott Flanders, Mohamed Shams, Yong Li , and Kamal Manoly are planning to travel for the end-of-cycle meeting June 24. Ahead of the meeting we should share with them for comment.

SPRA report will be due June 2017.

Thanks, Nick From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:21 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


FW: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo canyon seismic brochure

Nick, Have you been able to look at this yet? I think the time has come.
Thanks, Lauren From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 4:56 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure

Nick, I took the liberty of updating this brochure as if the screening and prioritization review were already completed . All that's needed is to put in the due date for SPRA. There seems to be

quite a large number of people to coordinate with in this: your branch , DORL, Region 4, and NRO, so it should probably go into circulation for comment soon . We don't want to get ahead of the screening and prioritization , but I want to be ready to go so we can use this tool as soon as the initial review is completed.

When do you think I should send it to the others? I thought you should get the first crack at it.

Thanks, Lauren From: Uselding, Lara .

Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:32 AM To: Bowman, Gregory Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Great news Greg , thanks and we appreciate the support.

Lara From : Bowman, Gregory Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 7:29 AM To: Uselding, Lara Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure

Lara, Lauren will take the lead for helping out with preparing for the meeting and pulling together the communication tools to support it. She'll coordinate with NRO , JHMB, DORL, and Region IV on that. I asked her to get in touch with you to discuss specifics, including timing of the meeting, so.

you should be hearing from her shortly.

Greg From: Sebrosky, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 6:53 AM To: Bowman, Gregory; Gibson, Lauren; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Lingam, Siva; Markley, Michael; Oesterle, Eric; Jackson, Diane Cc: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena


question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Greg, Lauren , Nick, Mike, Siva, Eric, and Diane, The purpose of this email is to inform you of a request from RIV regarding possibly updating the attached brochure that we used in the past to communicate Diablo Canyon seismic issues. The inquiry for possibly updating the brochure can be found in the email below. A second purpose is to provide a proposal for updating the brochure that would involve JLD, NRO and RIV resources. Any insights you might have on the best way of updating the brochure (if it is

deemed appropriate to do so) based on the information below on how the brochure was put together would be helpful.

The attached brochure was developed by me as the Diablo PM with help from Annie Kammerer, Cliff Munson, Chris Cook, RIV staff (including Neil O'Keefe, Christie Hale, Megan Williams and Lara Uselding), and the JLD (Barry Miller). It was. part of a broader effort to communicate seismic information to the public at a Fall 2012 public meeting. Barry, Annie, and Chris, all had poster boards that they developed along with the attached brochure and they attended the Fall 2012 public meeting. The. brochure and several poster boards from the Fall 2012 meeting are still available on the RIV sharepoint link (see

From my perspective, I understand the request below is limited to updating the attached brochure, I just wanted to give everyone that was not involved with the Fall 2012 public meeting an idea of how the seismic communication tools were developed (it was truly a team effort). For what it is worth my suggestion to update the brochure would include the following (the 4 megabyte word file is available on the RIV sharepoint link):

  • Me or Lauren Gibson work with Megan Williams to take a first crack at updating the brochure based on the Diablo's March 2015 seismic reevaluation information o Megan has the technical background on Diablo seismic issues and is an outstanding source of information
  • Have the revised brochure. reviewed for technical. content by Nick DiFrancesco (JLD seismic reevaluation lead PM) , Diane Jackson (NRO seismic branch chief - Diane can determine which NRO staff, if any, need to review the updated brochure for technical content) and RIV projects staff o Revise the brochure as appropriate based on comments from JLD, NRO, and RIV projects staff Please let me know if you have any questions about the above and feedback on the proposal if it is determined that updating the brochure is appropriate.
Thanks, Joe Sebrosky Senior Project Manager:

Japan Lessons-Learned Division Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-1132 From: OPA4 Resource Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 5:34 PM To: Gibson, Lauren; Sebrosky, Joseph Cc: Burnell, Scott


Hello Lauren and Joe-

Back in 2012 when we issued the RIL, we handed out the attached brochure. I forget who there at HQ put it together but it's been a super handy resource to pass out to public and the media. I thought it would be useful if we update it with 1) verbiage once the March submittals come 2)any necessary updates and take. it with. us this year to our meeting. Can you assist with this or point me to right person to work with?

I am no longer pursuing a video so this would provide a helpful overview of Oiablo Canyon seismic..

Thanks, Lara Uselding

Sent:24 Apr 2015 18:39:46 +0000 To:Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne;Uselding, Lara;Maier, Bill


FYI: Draft of WUS Screening and Pdoritization Letter Attachments: Redline~ Western US Screening and Prio1itization letter.docx, lnfo POP Western US Screening Letter rev5.docx

Folks, Current WUS seismic screening letter. Beginning management review in NRR and NRO. It generally mirrors the CEUS screening letter from May 9, 2014.

Attached is the current POP that will be updated for senior management briefings. I plan to schedule in the near future a NRR ET and include the R-IV management brief.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:08 PM To: Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Cho, Esther Cc: Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford; Vega, Frankie; Burnell, Scott; Lent, Susan


~ Draft of WUS Screening and PrioritizatiOll Letter ~le'Q)

Folks, Attached is the WUS Screening and Priorization Letter. Along with Frankie's and technical staff efforts the letter is ready for management review.

Attachment 2 - redline markup shows changes from the CEUS May 9, 2014 letter.

Items for Management Awareness :

  • Discusses acceptability of Oiablo Canyon and Palo Verde interim actions in lieu of ESEP
  • Discusses limited scope evaluation schedule for Group 1 WUS Sites only
  • No discussion of SPRA schedule relaxation (suggest to discuss with licensees when results are communicated)

Attachment 4 - Current Management POP and Communication Plan Timeline

Esther, Attachment 1 is ready for ADAMS add.
Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRG would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRG provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1 : Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach) . The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

I The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

I The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRG staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the. endorsed SPID guidance . .

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50.54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations including estimated seismic risk. Additionally, the. submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRG staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic. margins.

supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The licensees for Diablo. Canyon and Palo. Verde provided interim evaluations in lieu. of completing of the Expedited Approach . These licensees have demonstrated seismic margins that met the intent of the Expedited Approach review.

For Columbia, the interim evaluation provided in March 2015 is a first step in assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term, by January 2016,.

Columbia will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate. and identify reinforcements,. if necessary, for certain equipment to ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic ground motion.

SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRG staff's initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake. (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This results in a curve of ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRG staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-10 Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations

-. 3 -.

ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1O Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is. the focus for this portion of the risk evaluation , as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further. seismic risk evaluations.
  • If the GMRS, in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the. Interim Evaluation) .. Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.

In addition,. if the. GMRS meets the. low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID ,. and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above. 10. Hz, then the. licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible. to that specific range of ground motion. . provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 and by letter dated February 20, 2014, the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the. 30-day review period under certain circumstances .. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be. needed. In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models. and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during the. NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo. Verde additional time and interactions. will be. required to better understandthe. seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional evaluations . . Palo Verde has. been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority 5

Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

for further evaluations and establish. schedule. for an Expedited Approach, if. necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e., spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three. groups6 , which (i) reflects the. relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing. and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the. new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS). to the. SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to. the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in the 1-10 Hz range that are generally higher in absolute magnitude. Group 1 plants including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June 30, 2017.

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance in the. 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After. further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on the. staffs screening review the licensee for Columbia should. finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 2016. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders to assess acceptable alternatives for conducting these evaluations. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations. The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

can. complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1. plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic. hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such, the NRG staff will continue its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review . . The. staff has. placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations.

Initial interactions. with licensees. will occur as soon as. practicable. The NRG staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic. hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv

NAME NDiFrancesco Sl ent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/15 I /15 I /15 I /15 I /15 OFFICE NRO/ DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/ D NAME SFlanders BHarris JDavis WDean DATE I /1 5 I. /15 . I. /15 I .. /15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under No. Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seism ic Risk Limited-scope Evaluations.

Expedited Screening Evaluation High Low Spent Fuel Plant Name Approach Result (Prioritization Frequency Frequency Pool Evaluation Group) Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Columbia Generating Station In x 1 x x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 In 1 x x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional Station , Units. 1, 2, and 3 3 x x in Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 1O.. 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:2 1 May 201 52 1:14:05 +0000 To:Burnell , Scott;Maier, Bill ;Uselding, Lara;Moreno, Angel Cc:Alexander, Ryan;Walker, Wayne;Lingam, Siva;Vega, Franki e;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed;Hipschman, Thomas;Markley, Michael;Hill, Brittain


FYI: Future Issuance of Diablo Canyon R2. l Seismic Meeting Summary Attachments:Summary of April 28th Meeting with PGE_5.docx Meeting summary is publicly available as Folks, ML15125A186.

FYI: The following meeting summary will be issued regarding the April 28 - Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic public meeting COB Wednesday May 27, 2015. The summary closes two public comments received related to the webcast.

Open ADAMS P8 Document (Summary of April 28, 2015, Category 1 Public Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Discuss Diablo Canyon's Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Associated with Implementation of Japan Lessons-Learned Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1, Seismic)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

DiFrancesco. Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 19 May 2015 19:05:51 +0000 To:'Gene Nelson, Ph.D.'

Cc: Vega, Frankie


Incorporation of Public Comment Or. Nelson, Appreciate the public comment. Apologizes in the delay in response, the staff has received a number of public comments for review as part of the meeting. Below is the staff summary of your comment:

The staff received a comment from Dr. Gene Nelson (Californians for Green Nuclear Power) via email during the meeting. The NRG staff inadvertently missed the opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Nelson's. comment during the meeting. According to Dr.

Nelson, Diablo Canyon has favorable site conditions, which attenuate or dissipate earthquake energy over relatively short distances. Due to this favorable condition , the primary earthquake forces seen by the plant would be dominated by nearby earthquake sources and energy transmitted to the plant would be dominated by the small section of the earthquake rupture closest to the plant. Dr. Nelson stated that when considering the information presented at the meeting of overall plant ruggedness and the seismic hazard insights discussed above, Diablo Canyon continues to operate safely.

Please let Frankie and I know if you have proposed correction by May 21 , 2015.

Thanks, Nick

Original Message-----

From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. [mailtol(bl( l 5

h Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 7:39 PM To: DiFrancesco , Nicholas


Reminder: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. is still awaiting the summary of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP Importance: High

Dear Nicholas:

I'm still awaiting the summary for my review of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP that documents my participation in the meeting. Do you know when I will be able to review that document?

You may also be interested in the 231 pages of submissions as of 11 May 2015 to the California Energy Commission (CEC) docket 15-IEPR-12 regarding Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I wrote or assembled about 99% of the written exhibits. Upon request, I'll email you a 5-page summary of those exhibits .

Thanks! Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San Luis Obispo, CA

>Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08 :55:27 -0700

>To: "DiFrancesco, Nicholas" <>

>From: "Gene Nelson, Ph.D." 1<0 ><6 > ~

>Subft(t* Examnle DCPP N11f lear Safety Discussions by Gene Nelson, Ph.D.

>Beet >><5) _

>Nicholas DeFrancesco

>US Nuclear Regulatory Commission


>(301) 415-1 115


>30 April 2015

>I appreciate your telephone call to me yesterday regarding my not being

>a telephonic participant in the NRC DCPP seismic safety review on 28

>April 2015. I look forward to reviewing a draft of my contributions to

>the 28 April 2015 DCPP seismic safety review in the upcoming NRC


>I sincerely hope there will be more effort focused on public outreach

>to help interested non-expert participants understand future NRC

>reviews of DCPP safety. As a physical sciences professor at Cuesta

>College - and recently an engineering professor at California .

>Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, I recognize the

>importance of public outreach. As a consequence, I have provided

>citizen testimony at NRC field hearings, Diablo Canyon Independent

>Safety Committee hearings, California Coastal Commission hearings,

>California State Water Resources Control Board hearings, and California

>Energy Commission hearings. A Google search of both phrases "Diablo.

>Canyon Power Plant" and "Gene Nelson" shows 19 results, "DCPP" and

>"Gene Nelson" shows 13 results, and "CGNP" and "Gene Nelson" showed 12


>As an example of my outreach, please see my current exchange with Rod

>Deyo, Ph.D. in the attachment. His Ph.D. is in mathematics.

> Rod and I both graduated from

>Harvey. Mudd College. in 1973.

>I'm interested in your perspectives.

>Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San

>Luis Obispo, CA1<0><6 > !cell

Sent:24 Apr 2015 20:01:37 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph


Many thanks! RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides

Yosef, Have a good weekend. Appreciate the prompt review.

Sincerely, Nick From : Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 3:59 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Nick.

Yosef. Lindell.

Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -4 15-1474 MOTI C E

  • This iWil il illi'Q ilRf i\tiil6RQ2ifilt8 M!!i)' Hfill!iifil 88FlfiieF1tieJ ;0 :M9Ff19) elie1 :t er 1914101I :CJ Wo:lc P1ee~et  :::11te1 i11l. Qu ::ct aisclosc oatsiac tJAS :: itlibal 80111111issia11 app1oeal.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:31 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Vega, Frankie; Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan; Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane


For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Scott, Lara, OGG, Current working draft of slides. Let me know if have questions with messages. I plan to start processing for public release about 9:30 am Monday.

OGG, I don't see items that should impact ongoing hearings. - content relates to NTTF 2.1 Seismic.

only. Mostly from information from the public domain.

Thanks, Nick

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 12:58 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Jackson, Diane; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


Comments on DCPP slides

Folks, I added a slide 16 based on the bullets below. Written to avoid getting ahead of senior management and public affairs.

Proposed Bullets are:

Forthcoming Seismic Screening Letter

  • Issuance of letter for WUS sites in - 2 weeks
  • Diablo Canyon has screened-in for further risk evaluations and is a review priority
  • No immediate safety issues identified
  • Information supports safety assurance allowing additional time to complete the seismic risk evaluation
Thanks, Nick From: Kock, Andrea Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 11:56 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


RE: For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Slides look good to me. I would be sure to clarify a few things in your talking points if you have not already:

(1) Where are we in the process for Diablo- they screened themselves in and we are evaluating their hazard (2) They submitted an interim evaluation and based on this and other. information we. have, there is no immediate safety issue. This information provide additional safety assurance for us to take additional time to evaluate their risk evaluation and determine what regulatory actions. are needed if any Andrea Kock, Deputy Director, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD 301-415-2368

From: Jackson, Diane Sent:. Friday, April 24, 2015 8:56 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Good morning all - Please find attached, for your review and comment, the staff introductory slides. Right now, I am giving these.

Mohamed and Nick, your review and comment are requested as well. Once we have comments back, then we can send to the licensee.

I am also thinking on additional/alternative context. We don't want this part to be too long. The talking points are not updated. I will be working on them today. If you want to add bullets or ideas as suggestions for me to work into the slide message, please add them .

Diane fi>imie ~cm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)

Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 03; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One M ission

Sent:23 Apr 2015 13:50:37 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed ;Manoly, Kamal;Li, Yong;Walker, Wayne;Lingarn, Siva;Uselding, Lara;Alexander, Ryan;Roth(OGC),

David;Lindell , Joseph ;Uttal, Susan;Moreno, Angel Cc:Kock, Andrea;Flanders, Scott;Bowen, Jeremy;MarkJey, Michael ;Rivera-Lugo, Richard;Hayes, Barbara;Hill, Brittain;NTTF R2.1_2.3 CAL Resource Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07C01- 15p


Prep meeting for Diablo Canyon Webcast (888-817-9392 PCl(bl( 5l I)

Attachments: PG&E Email.docx, 4 15 Public Notice.pdf, Potential Q As for April 3020 15 COM_BEH.DOCX


Prep Meeting to support Diablo Canyon Webcast on April 28 (888-817-9392 PC:l(bl( 5J ~


  • a:-*I~rs=-:?

I Agenda:

1. Meeting Notice Agenda -
a. Bridgeline Setup
i. 1 assisted bridgeline - queue for one question or comment ii. 1 open bridgeline for.licensee and R-IV
b. Attached Agenda
c. NRC Planned. Introduction to 2.1 and DC Seismic. Hazard Reviews
2. NRC Technical Questions (PGE Email to be Public April 23, 2015)
3. Public.Availability of Slides on Monday April 27, 2015
d. Licensee Slides to NRC Sunday April 26, 2015.
e. Slides to OCA and RSLO (Angel and Maier) - April 27.
4. Awareness of Open Contentions [OGC]
f. Content ion related t o SSHAC
g. Contention CLB.
h. Contention related to renewal
5. Discussion of Roles and Responsibility for Public Questions ITopics Primary Responsibility

Current Licensing and Design Basis, M. Markley, [B . Hill Y. Li], N.

USFAR DiFrancesco Inspection or Compliance M . Markley or R-IV over bridgeline Renewal NA - No renewal staff General R2. l Proces Questions N. DiFrancesco or DSEA Sei mic Que tion C. Munson, J Ake, B Hi ll Off Topic Questions N. Difrancesco

Thanks, Nick

April 22, 2015 Potential Commission Q&As April 30, 2015, Update on NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic

1. Are there plants that exceed 2X SSE? Why does the expedited approach only consider ground motions up to two times higher than the plant's design?

Yes, there are several plants that exceed their Safe Shutdown Earthquake by more than two times.

If. a re-evaluated seismic hazard is greater than the plant's design basis, completion of the expedited approach provided additional confidence that a plant can cope with the higher hazard. This information builds on the interim evaluations that were submitted to NRC in March 2014, which. showed that the plants were very unlikely. to experience core-damage at the higher hazard levels. T he expedited approach is designed to show that important equipment used to safely shut-down a plant will function as intended if a large earthquake occurs .. The expedited. approaches were completed by licensees in December 2014, and the NRC staff is reviewing these submittals. In general, licensees used a simplified method to analyze how safe shut-down equipment responds to the. re-evaluated ground motions. This method scales the plant's original engineering analyses to a higher level of ground motion, up to two times the plant's design basis. By using this scaling method, licensees could promptly determine if important safe-shutdown equipment is safe or needs additional modification .

If a plant's re-evaluated hazard exceeds two times its design basis, the plant is categorized as either. Priority Group 1 or Group 2 for completion, of a seismic probabilistic risk assessment. For these risk assessments, licensees will use detailed engineering models that are based directly on the re-evaluated levels of ground motion for the plant. However, the first of these detailed risk assessments aren't expected until June, 2017. T he NRC determined that the simplified method used in the expedited approach was appropriate, because it provided near-term information on the. functionality of important safety equipment at a higher hazard level years before the longer-term risk assessments could be completed.

2. If ESEP assures safety, what additional insights do we need from a PRA? How many sites provided modifications in the ESEP submittals? Does that give us insights regarding which sites need to do PRAs?

The longer-term seismic risk evaluations provide the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend design or licensing basis or make additional satety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in

conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. In contrast, the ESEP analyses provide an important intermediate step in demonstrating plant safety for the re-evaluated seismic hazard.

The interim analyses provided an overall plant-level assessment of seismic safety.

The ESEP analyses give a more focused assessment of the ability of safe-shutdown equipment to withstand the higher seismic hazards. Although some plant modifications have resulted from the ESEP analyses, the NRG staff does not expect the results of these analyses to modify the need for plants to conduct a seismic PRA.

3. How does ESSP relate to the mitigation strategies rule? How can licensees leverage work on the ESEP for the purposes of mitigation strategies?
4. What are the staff's views on R2.2?. May just. ask what is your personal view.

The staff will use the ongoing 2.1 activities and insight gained to inform our decision on augmenting the current regulatory process with a periodic review of external hazards. Recommendation 2.2 is a Tier 3 activity and a future decision.

5. How many plants need to do additional risk evaluations in response to the newly calculated seismic hazards? Update to indicate that the staff is working with industry to further. refine. which plants. will require. a PRA consistent with our May 9 2013 letter.

Based on the results of the NRC staffs review of the March 31, 2014 submittals, at least 20 CEUS sites will need to conduct the detailed seismic risk evaluations (either the seismic probabilistic risk assessment or the seismic margins analysis) during the next several years MAY 2014 Letter Count:

10. plants screened into priority Group 1,
11. plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in ,

22.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 13.5 plants that conditionally screened in.

16.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations Updated as of September 2014 1O plants screened into priority Group 1, 11 plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in, 13.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 2.5 plants that conditionally screened in.

24.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations 1 deferred - Vermont Yankee (permanent shutdown in 4 th quarter 2014)

We will determine where the remaining conditional sites will screen very soon.

6. How can we be sure that the information provided in 2014 on seismic hazards remains applicable when PRAs are submitted close to 2020?

The information submitted to the NRG in March of 2014 was a request for information [(50.54(f) request)] linked to Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 .. These reevaluations provide the current site-specific seismic hazard information to the NRG. The NRG staff will review and issue assessments on the licensee's.

reevaluated seismic hazard by the mid-year 2015. Priority Group 1 plants are performing risk evaluations, which. are due. in June of 201 7 . . Risk evaluations. for Group 2 plants are due at the end of 2019 and Group 3 evaluations, if needed, are due at the end of 2020. The staff will also review the insights gained from Recommendation 2 activities inform our decision on Recommendation 2.2 to determine if licensees need to confirm seismic hazard information on a periodic basis . .

7. Since the hazard information is always changing, what regulatory assurance do licensees have that the hazard they are using for their PRAs will be acceptable?

NRG understands that the seismic PRAs are. complex investigations that will take.

licensees several years to complete, and that the reevaluated seismic hazards are an intrinsic part of these analyses. Late last year, the NRG staff informed licensees that if there were no outstanding questions {i.e., RAls) on their March 2014 submittals, the licensees should move forward with using their seismic hazards in their PRA calculations. The staff is beginning to make final review determinations on the March 2014 seismic hazard submittals, with Group l plants having highest priority for completion. The staff expects that these review determinations will be completed in late 2015.

8. Will the schedule for review of the WUS allow PRAs to be completed on time?

The NRG staff will use the same approach as for CEUS plants and will communicate to W US licensees as soon as practicable about using their March 2015 seismic hazards in their seismic PRAs. If a WUS plant screen-in as priority Group 1, the plant will need to complete the seismic PRA no later than June 2017. Licensees for both the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Columbia Generating Station have seismic PRA programs ongoing, and have not indicated that they would be unable to meet completion deadlines.

9. Why are plants in the western United States (WUS) on a different and longer schedule than plants in the central and eastern United States?

The Columbia, Diablo Canyon , and Palo Verde plants required additional time to develop an updated, site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis due to the West Coast's complex seismic features. In developing probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, CEUS sites were able to use the same recently developed seismic source model and a common ground motion model (see Attachment 3). As a result, CEUS plants needed less time to. complete their seismic hazard re-evaluations. West Coast

site-specific seismic sources and ground motion models involve a Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) study, as described in NUREG/CR-6372, "Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis : Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts." The SSHAC is a group of independent seismic experts who were convened in the 1990's to develop guidance on the conduct of major seismic studies, and ensure that seismic activities are conducted properly and documented completely.

The SSHAC process is independent of the NRC's seismic experts. The NRC must approve any studies, models, methodologies, analyses etc. used by nuclear power plants if they form the. basis for safety assessments and where the. NRG needs to make regulatory decisions affecting their operating license. Further, although the NRC does carefully consider comments and recommendations from the SSHAC, as an independent regulatory body, NRC is not held to any decisions made by the SSHAC.

10. Will the staff complete it's review of the WUS reevaluated hazards in time to support implementation of mitigative strategies? Why or why not?
11. The CEUS screening process was completed in 30 days. Why is screening for the WUS taking longer?

The screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations will likely take 30- 60 days to accomplish , because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. Compared to the CEUS submittals, the WUS submittals contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, the WUS submittals are much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before. the seismic hazard reevaluations. were.


12. The staff sent a CA note to the Commission this. fall indicating. that the SFP evaluations would continue to be conducted. Why is this evaluation needed given the extent of previous study in this area and the findings from the recent RES. scoping study?

As discussed in the CA note, the planned SFP evaluation provides an additional plant-specific, systematic, and traceable investigation of the significance of the newly evaluated seismic hazard. The staff concluded that available risk insights were insufficient to support modification or elimination of the SFP evaluation, in large part because it was not possible to relate plant-specific changes in seismic hazard to changes in SFP risk. As a result of the SFP evaluation, licensees are expected to confirm the applicability of available generic analyses to their plant-specific conditions, and enhance the technical basis used by NRC for decisions on the seismic safety of SFP storage systems.

13. Why didn't the CEUS licensee's submit new SCDF numbers? How can the industry say that nobody is above 10-4/year? What does 10"4/year mean for plant safety?

Seismic core damage frequency (SCDF) is a numerical estimate of risk and provides a representative indication of plant safety. The March 12, 2012, 50.54(f) requested information stated that plant's where the re-evaluated hazard exceeds the design basis should submit and interim evaluation or actions. To support plant responses to the 50.54(f) request, industry independently assessed SCDF for all of the CEUS plants and provided the results to NRC in a March 12, 2014 letter. This assessment is similar to the NRC's preliminary seismic risk assessments for Gl-199. The 4

10* /year value demonstrates that current understandings of seismic hazard do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety, and that plants should continue to operate while more rigorous risk evaluations are completed.

The CEUS licensees, as part of the March 31 , 2014, submittals, confirmed that the industry conclusions for their facility are accurate. The NRC reviewed this information as part of the staffs assessment of licensee interim actions and evaluations, and agrees that the re-evaluated seismic hazards do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety.

14. Do we have similar risk information for WUS as was submitted for the CEUS (as indicated in #13) interim evaluation to demonstrate that WUS plants are safe while risk evaluations are completed?

The March 2015 WUS submittals included interim evaluations for the Diablo Canyon and Columbia plants. Diablo Canyon used the results of previously completed seismic margin analyses to show that the plant was. designed with sufficient margin to cope with the higher seismic hazard levels. Similar to CEUS plants, Columbia used updated core-damage frequency calculations to demonstrate the plant could cope with the higher seismic hazard. The Palo Verde submittal did not identify seismic hazard exceedances with the plant's design basis, and provided additional information showing the reevaluated seismic hazard did not exceed a 1.25 factor of safety above the plant's SSE. For all 3 WUS plants, the NRC staff believes that sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that these plants are safe to operate while additional risk evaluations are completed.

15. What is the likelihood of the design basis earthquake or "SSE" ground motions being exceeded over the life of a nuclear plant?

The ground motion response spectra forming the seismic design bases at U.S.

nuclear plants are called the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) . SSEs for operating nuclear power plants were established many years ago. Today's understanding of seismic hazard tells us there is some likelihood that a plant's SSE may be. exceeded by an earthquake ground motion. However, each plant was designed differently according to different licensing SSEs. Therefore, the likelihood of exceedance is plant specific. Meanwh ile, systems, structures and components typically have margin, meaning that they often can withstand shaking levels that are above the plant's design basis.

16. SEP Plants and Enhancements Background URI 156 - Systematic Evaluation Program, considered the review of 51 plants receiving operating licenses before 1976. A sample review of 1O of the older plants were completed as a part of SEP effort. Several of the 137 SEP identified issues were subsumed into A-46 and IPEEE. Standard review plan before 1975.

10 SEP Plants Operating Units Palisades, Ginna, Oyster Creek, Dresden 2, Units in Decommissioning Milestone Unit 1, Yankee Rowe, Haddam Neck, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, and San Onofre Ginna, SONG-1, and Yankee Rowe identified for plant enhancements 41 Non-SEP Plants Vermont Yankee, Maine Yankee, Kewaunee, Fort Calhoun, Zion 1/2, Browns Ferry 1/2, Indian Point 2/3, Peach Bottom 2/3 , Prairie Island 1/2, Duane Arnold, Cooper, Arkansas 1, Calvert Cliffs 1, Cook 1, Hatch 1 , Fitzpatrick, Three Mile Island 1, Brunswick 2, Trojan, Milestone 2

17. Has there been an operating U.S. reactor site that has experienced exceedance of. its. seismic design basis during an earthquake?.

The August 2011 earthquake at North Anna plant in Virgin ia was the first instance of an operating reactor in the United States where recorded ground motion exceeded its design basis in some frequency range. The plant shut down safely, and extensive inspections showed that there was no discernable damage to safety systems. After thorough review of the inspection information, NRC authorized the restart of North Anna in November 2011 . In 1986, earthquake motions at the Perry plant in Ohio exceeded its SSE in limited frequencies during construction, but the plant was found

acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In 1979, the V.C. Summer plant in South Carolina also exceeded its SSE while under construction, but was found acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In all of these cases, the exceedance of ground motion by itself was not an indicator of whether the plant's design limits were exceeded. Also, the plants had much higher capacity than the design basis. As expected , there was no damage to these plants from the earthquakes.

18. Why isn't the NRC immediately shutting down priority 1 plants/plants with higher seismic hazards?

The. prioritization is. not a risk ranking - . more analysis is needed to. determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk. The NRC continues to have confidence, based on our understanding of both reactor design and construction and the results of the plants' seismic "walkdowns," that plants can operate safely while more analyses are done. Nuclear power plant manufacturing and construction methods typically result in a plant having the capacity to withstand earthquakes larger than their design basis earthquake. This is because nuclear power plants are designed to withstand the force of different internal and external events. Many of these events create larger forces on a plant than an earthquake. Plants examined this capacity and demonstrated their safety systems can still perform properly after seismic hazards. larger than those the plant was designed to withstand. The. NRC is satisfied the systems will perform their safety functions at the higher seismic hazard levels, and that the plant can continue operating. NRC staff's initial review of an industry screening analysis and the interim evaluations provided confidence. that none of the plants showed a preliminary change in risk that would cause concern. Consequently, interim actions were not necessary to ensure the systems can function.

In addition to the design margins and interim actions, all plants recently underwent detailed seismic walkdowns. These walkdowns identified and addressed degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions through the corrective action program, and verified the adequacy of the. monitoring and maintenance procedures. NRC reviewed licensee actions to:

  • verify the plant configuration with the current seismic licensing basis;
  • address degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed seismic conditions; and
  • verify the adequacy of monitoring and maintenance programs for protective features.

The results of these walkdowns provide additional confidence that plants can continue to operate safely while longer-term risk assessments progress.

19. How would you characterize the reevaluated hazards of the western sites. in comparison to the CEUS sites? How much has the "needle moved" with regard to the reevlauated WUS hazards?
20. There. are many more earthquakes and active faults in the WUS than in the CEUS, and WUS plants have been designed to withstand. these higher seismic. hazards. Seismic hazards changed. for WUS plants similar to the way hazards changed for CEUS plants. For Palo Verde, the licensee reports that the reevaluated seismic hazard is smaller than the design basis SSE for the plant. For Diablo Canyon and Columbia, the reevaluated hazards can be up to about 2.5x the SSE, which is comparable to some CEUS Group 2 plants. Are there seismic monitors on site?

Yes. The NRC requires nuclear power plants to maintain operating seismic monitors on site.

21. Are there seismic trips installed on US plants?

As required by their Technical Specifications, Diablo Canyon has an installed seismic trip. No other US operating nuclear plant has installed seismic trips ,

22. How does the U.S approach and timelines for response to seismic Fukushima issues align with other countries?
23. How will we use the information from risk evaluations to make regulatory decisions on plant modifications or any necessary changes to plant licensing bases?

Once the SPRA analyses are completed, the NRC wi ll use these results along with other available risk information to determine if additional regulatory actions are needed to provide additional protection against the updated seismic hazards. The NRC staff expects that the results of the SPRA analyses will provide a transparent basis to support backfit decisions for. potential safety enhancements.


1. Why is Diablo Canyon safe to operate today?

In support of the requested interim evaluation for Diablo Canyon, PG&E provided a comparison of the reevaluated GMRS to ground motions based on the 1988 Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP). As part of the LTSP, PG&E determined that structures, systems and components at Diablo Canyon can safely withstand ground motions that are at least 1.35 times larger than the LTSP median ground motion.

The NRC staff had previously reviewed the LTSP analyses and determined they were acceptable. Although the reevaluated GMRS exceeds Diablo. Canyon's. SSE, these ground motions do not exceed the minimum 1.35 factor of safety" in Diablo Canyon's design. After reviewing this information, NRC determined that the DCPP remains safe to operate while additional seismic risk evaluations are being

conducted. Diablo Canyon has been screened-in as a priority Group 1 plant and a detailed risk evaluation is expected to be submitted to the NRC by June 30, 2017.

2. Have seismic hazards been increasing or decreasing when new analyses are done at DCPP?

In 2011, information from the Shoreline and other faults was used in deterministic analyses of seismic hazard at DCPP, which showed ground motions were bounded by the previous Hosgri design-basis and LTSP ground motions .. PG&E updated these deterministic analyses with new information (AB 1632) in 2014. The 2014 seismic hazards were higher than calculated in 2011, but still bounded by Hosgri and LTSP. The latest probabilistic. analyses. are even higher than calculated in 2014, and slightly exceed the Hosgri ground motions at some low (1 .5 Hz) and high (>25 Hz) frequencies. Nevertheless, DCPP has a well-established margin in its design that can cope with such small increases in seismic hazard above the plant's design basis.

The science of seismic hazards analysis have advanced considerably since Diablo Canyon was first designed. The 2015 analyses use currently available science, along with current NRC regulations and guidance, to characterize potential seismic hazards at this site. The 2015 analyses now consider, for example, the likelihood that earthquakes could occur on seismic sources and the possibility that slip on one fault might trigger slip on nearby faults. These considerations appear to contribute to the observed increase in calculated seismic. hazard for the DCPP site.

3. What is the impact of this new information on seismic design and licensing of DCPP? Has the licensee entered this new information into the corrective action program and performed an operability evaluation? Needs to be updated As stated in the March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter, the seismic hazard reevaluations conducted in Phase 1 do not revise the design basis of the plant. Based upon the results of Phase 1, the. NRC staff will determine whether additional regulatory actions are necessary (e.g., update the design basis and SSCs important to safety) to provide additional protection against the updated hazards.

In their March 2015 submittal, PG&E provided an interim evaluation that shows the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazards. This interim evaluation documents the specific seismic design characteristics of the DCPP , and summarizes analyses that demonstrate the plant has a sufficient design margin to safely cope with the reevaluated hazards. The March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter considered the requested seismic hazard reevaluations to be outside the design basis of the plant, and the reevaluations were not expected to initiate an additional operability evaluation.

4. How will the AB 1632 seismic report be coordinated with the 50.54(f) required submittal in March 2015? What does. Diablo's submitted reevaluated hazard


Much of the new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling from the AB 1632 report was used to develop the March 2015 submittal. To consider how this new information affects seismic hazard, PG&E had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) using a very detailed, multi-year process. This process, from the Senior Seismic Hazards Analysis Committee (SSHAC, NUREG/CR-6372), evaluates the center, body and range of available information to rigorously calculate seismic hazards at a site.

(If asked what things the plant has done since Fukushima : It is important to note that OCPP is an industry leader in implementing FLEX which was a post-Fukushima industry initiative to have extra equipment available remotely in the event of a beyond design basis event).


6. Why didn't the NRC discover the length of the faults when it did its seismic review of. the Shoreline fault in 2011 prior to issuing the AIL?.

California Assembly Bill 1632 (Blakeslee, Chapter 722, Statutes of 2006) directs the California Energy Commission to assess the potential vulnerability of California's largest base-load power plants, Oiablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, to a major disruption due to a seismic event or plant aging; to assess the impacts of such a disruption on system reliability, public safety, and the economy; to assess the costs and impacts from nuclear waste accumulating at these plants; and to evaluate other major issues related to the future role of these plants in the state's energy portfolio. The licensee has used the most state-of-the-art 20 and 30 geophysical mapping techniques, which are commonly used in offshore petroleum resource exploration. These techniques provide higher-resolution data than what was available to characterize the Shoreline Fault in the 2011 report.

The NRG has requested licensees of operating nuclear power reactors to submit a seismic hazard reevaluation using up-to-date methodologies and analyses which is due for OCPP in March 2015.

7. There is high public interest in the reevaluated seismic hazard at Oiablo Canyon.

How have we ensured that this complicated topic is clearly communicated to the public surrounding the plant?

Sent: l May 2015 18:49:27 +0000 To:Proffitt, Andrew


RE: Diablo Public Meeting It was a straight forward meeting . . Great meeting for staff technical exchange and understanding of the submittal. Diablo Seismic analysis is at least a decade ahead of everyone else in the fleet.

-Nick From: Proffitt, Andrew Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 2:38 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Diablo Public Meeting Any key insights or take-aways from the Diablo public meeting earlier this week?.

J. Andrew Proffitt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical. Assistant NRR/JLD (301) 415-1418

Sent:29 May 2015 17:26:55 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie


RE: FYI. ... FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Call or send an email to Diane and Stephanie to schedule some SRB time to review the letter and the request. I'll review the MS Order Alignment Section and back revisions.

From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:19 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: FYl....FW: Proposed 2. 1 Seismic Task Tracker more interest from management ahhh!

Have you heard from Diane on this and if they are planning to engage the SRB? If you haven't heard from her, I'll follow up with her early next week.

Thanks From:. Difrancesco, Nicholas.

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:07 PM To: Vega, Frankie


FYI.. .. FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker FYI .. only your letter made the cut.

Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega) (Interest NRR/ET Commission)

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:06 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Proffitt, Andrew


RE: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Let us go with the Diablo Canyon one only for now. The August dates are too far out for now.

Thx From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 10: 12 AM To: Shams, Mohamed Cc: Proffitt, Andrew


Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker

Mohamed, If you approve, I propose the following be added to the action tracker.

Issue SPRA Relief or Alternatives Letter (August 30) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR ET)

Issue. HF Endorsement Letter (August 30). [Owner:Wyman] (Interest NRR. ET)

Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega] (Interest NRR/ ET Commission)

Watts Bar 2 JLD OL Appendix Input (June 5) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR/ET Commission)

Thanks, Nick From :. Shams, Mohamed .

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:55 AM To: Uribe, Juan; NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution


RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Juan - thanks very much for the background. That was very helpful.

All - I spoke with Andrew and he said just send him an email with the action and he will update the tracker. That is what other branches do. The description Juan had below is perfect to defining the type of information to send to tracker.

Thx Mohamed From :. Uribe, Juan Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:33 AM To: Shams, Mohamed


RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Mo, My $0.02 on this for background purposes was that this table (if it's the one I think it is) and the items within were added and maintained by the previous TA Billy Jessup. To my knowledge, he was. the only one who updated/maintained the. list so that the rest of the division wasn't trying to access and modify it. It was basically his own activity tracker that he then used to keep the directors up to speed. Your item #1 below suggests we may need to start doing it ourselves?

My understanding is that he fed the list based on the discussions from Monday mornings between BCs and JLD management as well as other meetings he attended within the Division and LTI ET. He would then do the rounds with his list asking for updates to prepare for the following Monday. It basically captured high level items that had a divisional impact. Below is a excerpt from one of the TA docs that details what the tracker (again , if it's the one Im thinking it is) is for:

o Focus is primarily on the JLD Task Tracker ( jld/Lists/Tasks/ All ltems.aspx)

  • The Task Tracker is used to maintain awareness of due dates for high-level actions and activities in the division including controlled correspondence, EDO and Commission-level information requests, assistance to internal and external stakeholders (i.e., presentation

requests), meeting preparations, and other items added at the request of JLD management.

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:14 AM To: NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution


REQUEST - Update Task Tracker All - In the management meeting on Monday mornings, we go over the task tracker assessing the status of upcoming tasks for the division. I have noticed, and was also told, that our branch does not have any tasks on the list. Or at a minimum, our tasks are not up-to-date. I don't know to what degree you are aware of that task tracker and have updated it in the past. I also don't know the threshold of the tasks that go on the tracker-although I have a feel tor it. Two request: (1 ) please start/continue to update the tracker with our tasks, and (2) if you need clarification on the type of tasks to add to the list, please reach out to Andrew Proffitt. The examples that come to my mind that should have been tracked include: COMSECY on flooding action plan , WUS screening letter, VY 2.1/2.3/9.3 closure letter, and IA extension letter. No worries .. .everything was tracked regardless.

Many thanks, Mohamed

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:l4 May 2015 18:24:29 +0000 To:Vega, Frankie Cc: Hill ,. Brittain


References fo r Di ablo Letter Prep on Expedited Approach Response

Frankie, To start the Diablo Letter and confirm technical assignment, I think we general ly need the following references. We probably should handle Palo Verde separately (in a screening letter).
  • NRC response letter to licensees related to expedited approach commitment change (December 15, 2014)
  • Licensee Integrated Plan (due February 28, 2013) (report page 8 has a statement about will enter reevaluated hazard into CAPs If warranted - designed to CLB)
  • NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for WUS Licensees (May 13, 2015)

Reference and Background from Britt:

NRC's. review of the LTSP, and conclusion of its acceptability, are documented in the Diablo Canyon SER rev 34 (1991), which is publically available in ADAMS as ML14279A130 . SSER34 documents NRC staff's thorough review of the LTSP , which includes the margins assessment cited by PG&E in their March 2015 submittal.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of. Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Sent: 15 May 2015 2 1:02:25 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph;OGCMailCenter Resource Cc:Roth(OGC), David;Uttal, Susan


Thanks ! RE: 'rn:TO' - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - ~ Work Product Thank you ! Have a great weekend.

-Nick From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:02 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan


RE ~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E -

OUO Work Product

Nick, Yosef Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301-4 15-1474 14eTleE. Tliis Cll mil u::c:l a: 19 atl!iel 11 ;;e11te 1118)' BBJiil8iJii iiOPfidortiil:I °Uc may qj 02

+ gr Attmne~, Wmk -

P1 eeJtsot Jtt&lc: ial. Bo ::ct disclose outside fJfil8 ooitl 1oat 60111111issio11 app1ova1.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 2:37 PM To: OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan


~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - OUO Work Product OUO VVOIR PIOOOCt

OGC, Don't think this needs review. However, the response below is to Ms. Rochelle Becker, Executive Director, Alliance. for Nuclear Responsibility. Her concerns relate in part to the fidelity of the Diablo Canyon SSHAC and engineering methods.

The propose response is fact based, consistent with the public meeting, and our public staff review plan.

Thanks, Nick 01::10 Wrnk f'1odott From : Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May. 14, 2015 1:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


RE: Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E One small clarification in green. Rest looks good.

Britt From : Burnell, Scott Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:42 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


. RE: Comments on Draft Response? :::::: Written concerns - April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Minor grammar tweak below.

From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:35 PM To: Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Britt, Lauren ,


Ms. Becker, Thank you for the public comment related to the April 28, 2015, webcast. The staff is aware and following the California Public Utilities Commission's Independent Peer Review Panel activities. The staff review for the Diablo Canyon Seismic Hazard Screening Report is ongoing in support of Near-Term Task Force - Recommendation 2.1: Seismic. We are independently reviewing PG&E's probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which was developed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee results and process. As you may be aware, on May 13, 2015, NRG placed Diablo Canyon into the highest priority group for the reevaluated Seismic

Hazard review along with 11 other reactor sites. For awareness, I have placed our emails in NRC agency document access and management system (ADAMS) as a public record.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards, Nick DiFrancesco Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation. Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115 Non Responsive

Sent:24 Apr 2015 14:32:36 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Stieve, Alice Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Hill, Brittain


Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Attachments:SSC SSH AC Documentation of PPRP-TT-Team lnteraction.pdf Cliff, Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this. is. the missing piece. They have this one file on the. SSC in the.

reading room.


Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<>; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High

Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PPRP-TI correspondence and interactions on the source model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
Thanks, Cliff From: Dif rancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team

Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.

Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.

DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team

Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website .

Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar


DCPP information on Certrec

Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is. how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
  • Login to
  • Click on " Inspections"
  • Set status to "In Progress" and Plant te. "Diablo Canyon"
  • Click "Search" button.
  • Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
  • Click on the "NRC Requests" tab
  • Click on what you would like to see.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell j(b)(GJ I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:7 Apr2015 19:13:56 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Agreed, I spoke with Kamal and Yong, they have the same concern .

Not worried about this issue.. the technical staff will work it out. The seismic guys are worried the hazard could move.

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:49 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Why are we still going after these folks for+/- 1 to 2% from the SSE? Is that making sense to you?

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:57 AM To: Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Li, Yong


Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter

Folks, Any additional comments? I intend to follow-up with the. licensee today.

The licensee stated that they did not pass the. 0.2 g licensing basis SSE around 3 Hz. Received a staff comment that you get a different answering depending on how you transform the. SSE from a log plot to a linear plot.

Thanks, Nick From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 7:07 AM To: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Frankie - it's not clear if APS intends to screen-out based on IPEEE, following the process outlined in the SPID. Please emphasize to APS that the screening process allows for screen-out based on IPEEE. results, provided the IPEEE analyses meet the criteria outlined in the.

SPID. Although "background information" on IPEEE appears useful, APS should focus on addressing the IPEEE acceptability criteria if they wish to use these analyses in screening decisions.

Thanks-Britt From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 8:18 AM To: Jackson, Diane;. Shams, Mohamed; Hill, Brittain;. Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Hi all; Nick and I met with APS (licensee for Palo Verde) and discussed details on the supplemental letter they are planning to submit next week regarding their seismic hazard reevaluation. Also, a preliminary agenda for the public kick-off meeting next month was discussed. Regarding the supplement, I've provided a short summary of the information APS is planning to submit to provide additional clarity for the staff's review:

1. APS will be adding a graph overlaying the .2g (licensing basis). IPEEE and .25g (design basis) spectral responses all together. This would add some clarity on the plant's margin.
2. APS will provide additional background information on their IPEEE curve. This will document the basis for selecting .3g instead of .5g PGA. The 841h percentile and median curves will be provided.
3. APS will provide a short discussion on why the ESEP will not add additional value to their seismic evaluation.
4. APS will clarify and provide additional background , referencing FSAR information, on the licensing (.20g) and design (.25g) basis responses.
5. Regarding PPRP discussions (comments and their resolutions) . APS belief this information was provided as part of the SSHAC report. APS committed to verify this and will get back to us. APS agreed that having this information will greatly help the staffs review.

APS intends to submit this letter by April 8, 2015. Nick is planning to have one additional call before this submittal to make sure they'll provide the information the staff is requesting .

Please let us know if something is missing so we can communicate it to APS before the subm ittal.


Frankie G. Vega, P.E.

Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 30l -4 15-1617 Location: 0 -13H1 0

DiFrancesco, Nicholas.

From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: l Apr 2015 12:41:54 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane


RE: publ icall y available PV SSHAC

Diane, I spoke with the licensee, the Palo Verde SSHAC is effectively decontrolled (e.g. printing and sending are ok). Licensee stated that the eRoom was sending the files due to the size. Only restriction would be purge copies when the review is completed . If the staff assessment relies on the SSHAC we may need to look at docketing information. The licensee also understands it is subject to FOIA.

- Nick From: Jackson, Diane .

Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:17 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


publically available PV SSHAC Nick -

The PV reviewers expressed the concern about the PV SSHAC reports not be public. They are allowed to down load and print it right? They 9at least one reviewers) believes it will take them more time , if they have to write questions to identify what needs to be on the docket.

I'd like to discuss further. Any chance PV is going to change their mind on the public vs non public?

Diane 9>iane J.adLHm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)

Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 D3; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One Mission

Sent:28 Apr 20 15 20:08:36 +0000 To:Ake, Jon


FW: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. l(b)(6) IJ Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:59 PM To: DiPrancesco, Nicholas


RE: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Nicholas Defrancesco US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DORL/LPLA (30 I ) 415-11 15 njd2 28 April 2015 Hello, Nicholas:

As a Ph.D. physical scientist, I note that today's PG&E presentation provided a large body of technical information regarding the latest update regarding DCPP seismic safety. I appreciate that as a consequence of how earthquake energy is sttongly attenuated by the distance between the earthquake rupture and a measurement point, the earthquake forces seen by the compact DCPP site are dominated by the small section of the eanhquake rupture closest to the plant.

Today's data continue to confirm that DCPP can safely withstand any earthquake in the region near DCPP with a substantial safety margin. Since I have a schedule conflict that will likely prevent my parlicipation in the public question and answer period, I'm requesting that you ask the NRC staff attending this meeting to confirm my summary.

(Please confinn receipt of this message.)

Sincerely 5

Gene Nelson, Ph.D. Physical Science Faculty, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA .. r_)_(_l - - - - ' cell

Soenen, Philippe R From:Soenen, Philippe R Sent: 1 Jun 2015 20:15:29 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford ;Jackson, Diane


FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties Attachments:June 2015 DCPP RAJ.DOCX I

Original Appointment-----

From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 4:14 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Difrancesco, Nicholas


FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6J I

Original Appointment-----

From: Soenen, Philippe R Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:33 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Jahangir, Nozar; Ferre, Kent S; thompson@lettisci .com ; Abrahamson, Norman; Cc:; Strickland, Jearl


Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:00 AM-10:30 AM UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code: (b)( 6l

All, This phone call is proposed to discuss the advanced draft RAI related to geophysical site properties. The meeting is proposed. for Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 1000 to 1030 Pacific Time. Please call in to Bridge line: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6) l lf this date or time. does not work please propose any alternative.
Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell f b)(6J I

PG&E is committed to. protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

June XX, 2015 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFO NEAR~ERMTASKFORCERECOM RE-EVALUATIONS RELAT 0 SITE POWER PLANT (TAC NO 5275 AND By letter dated March 11 , 20151, tot mission (NRC), Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for N,...,.._" ic Hazard an creening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federa ection 50.54(f), Response for Information Regarding Recommen

  • n 2.1 erm Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ic
  • Acciden ~~u1ablo Can Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluatiCJP18lQ luation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical app*~*~........

ro ed for Diablo Canyon and has determined co te its review. Enclosed is a request for additional sponse evaluation . As discussed with your staff on June to the RAI would be provided no later than July 30, 1

The letter can be found under Agen cywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) No.


If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA/

ior Project Manager


1. Request for Additional Information
2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv 1

-. 2. -.

If you have any questions related to the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-11 15 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA!

ior Project Manager


1. Request for Additional Information cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv RidsNrrDorllpl4-2 RidsNrrOd NDiFrancesco, NRR Slingam, NRR RidsNrrPM RidsRgn2MailCenter ADAMS Ac ee *via mail NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA* NRO/DSEA/RGS1

REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and M agement System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRC staff requested that sees submit site specific hazard curves that capture. the variability in soil depth (including. d to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities , layer thicknesses, damping, train de ent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seis closur f the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be dev r ab range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation o qu By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accessio Electric Power Research Institute [EPR I] Final Draft Re Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and lmple tation De using the SPID guidance.

Regarding the development of site. a seismic hazard reevaluations, Seer As lmlM~oil r rock uncertainties should be. incorporated into site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard curves. The control-point elevation hazard curves should By lette . (ADAMS Accession No. ML15071A046), the licensee for the Diablo Ca nt ( P) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empir which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to he site amplification rather than analytical models." While the staff considers the em te response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach ,

the method as imple nted by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data. In addition, the. site.term developed by the licensee using the empirical approach shows a significant amount of deviation in the negative direction over an important frequency range from the NGA-West2 ground motion models for a Vs3o=760 m/s site.

Enclosure. l

Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 1O of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a supplemental response to the March 2015 seismic hazard reevaluation that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain levels produced by the scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) the control point elevation. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa c rections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or rock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response as a figure and a table control point mic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertai hrough azard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.

Enclosure 1

Sent:20 Mar 2015 17 :47: l 7 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Wbaley, Sheena;Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea;Bowen, Jeremy


FW: PG&E Drop-in Attendees on March 26 FYl. .. Attendees. Also, Philippe meant Thursday March 26. DC plans to cover a number of topics regarding their submittal and next steps with R2. 1 activities.

-Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R [2]

Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 12:28 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


PG&E Drop-in Attendees

Nick, The following are the people from PG&E that w ill be present for the drop-in on 3/28:

Jearl Strickland - Director, Technical Services Nazar Jahangir - Manager, Nuclear Seismic Engineering Norm Abrahamson - Chief Geosciences Consu ltant Bill Horstman - Senior Consulting Engineer All of these individuals are PG&E employees. I will be providing t hese individuals your contact information to contact you once they are down in the lobby on 3/28.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Officf - 805 545 6984 Cell (bJ( 5 l ]

PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Information (pages 948-960/1000) is outside of the scope of the FOIA request. The information concern licensee press release - not the NRC's for review reevaluated hazard.

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:lO Mar 2015 20:01:43 +0000 To:Li, Yong;Manoly, Karnal;Oesterle, Eric;Lingarn, Siva


FW: PG&E Summary Sheet Attachments:Final Fact sheet - March 12, 2015 NRC Updates.pdf, News Release_Alt.docx Importance:High FYI.. Attachment l may be of interest.

From: Uselding, Lara Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 12:53 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Importance: High Lara Uselding NRC Region 4 Public Affairs 817-200-1519 From : Hipschman, Thomas Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 03:23 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Maier, Bill


FW: Pending Press Release FYI From: Jones, Thomas P. []

Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:04 PM To: Hipschman, Thomas Cc: Baldwin, Thomas (DCPP)


Pending Press Release Importance: High Good Morning Tom, Please find attached the press release PG&E intends to issue today at 3PM local time regarding completing the March 12 hazard updates for the NRC. We offer some highlights about plant safety and will make t he filing this week. I have also attached a small fact sheet we will be using to help explain some of these complex topics.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Regards, Tom Jones

Director, Government Relations Pacific Gas & Electric Company Office: 805 595 6340 6

Mobile1...(b-J(- l_ _ _ __.

PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Quick Facts on Seismic & Flooding Hazards Re-evaluation

~e-evaluations :

New and extensive analyses performed at the direction. of the Nuclear Regulatory

  • Performed at Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Diablo Canyon Power Plant can. safely withstand direction of Nuclear extreme natural events, including potential earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding . .

Regulatory Commission (NRC) The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts

  • Continue to show that earthquakes, large waves and flood ing could have on the facility.

Diablo Canyon can w ithstand Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation earthquakes, tsunamis and Represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously flooding performed .

  • Performed with Using the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent experts independent seismic experts publically reanalyzed existing and new seismic using latest scientific information. including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies. to re-methodologies and evaluate. how earthquakes could. potentially impact the facility. The. probability of site-specific earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults was also determined.

information Key Results:

  • NRC will independently
  • Confirms plant's design can withstand earthquakes from all regional fau lts . .


  • 0.0001 annual chance of an earthquake producing ground motions of .8g.
  • .8g does not exceed the robust seismic. design. margin of the plant.
  • The plant has at least 35% design margin beyond .8g (left graph).
  • A minor exceedance (approx. 7%) in the Hosgri earthquake design in a specific, low frequency range (1 .33 Hz) that does not impact safety (right graph).
  • No safety structures, systems and components required for safe shutdown are sensitive to ground motions at a frequency below 2.7 Hz. .

rr "'

.I " **

I i ** i Comparison of Ground Motion Response Spectrum Comparison of GMRS and. 1977 Hosgri (GMRS) and Long Term Seismic Program Seismic Design Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Margins Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Power Plant Power Plant March 2015

Tsunami/Flooding Hazard Re-evaluation Used the latest NRC guidance, methodologies and independent expertise to determine the maximum waves and rainfall that could impact the site.

Key Results:

  • Plant continues to be safe from tsunamis, including those generated from underwater landslides and earthquakes.
  • Design can withstand expected storm flooding.
  • Measures were identified - and have already been implemented -- to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall.

What's Next?

PG&E will submit the re-evaluations to the NRC for independent review on March 12, 2015.

The NRC will later provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk assessment that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.

The NRC will also review the flooding re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.

March 2015

March 9, 2015 NEW ANALYSES SHOW DIABLO CANYON SAFE FROM EXTREME NATURAL EVENTS Re-evaluations Demonstrate Earthquake, Flooding and Tsunami Safety AVILA BEACH, Calif. - New and extensive analyses performed at the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) can safely withstand extreme natural events, including potential ea1t hquakes, tsunamis and flooding ..

The new analyses, known as hazard re-evaluations, will be submitted to the NRC this week for independent review. The agency called on all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perfonn s uch work fo llowing the events that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan.

"Safety is and always will be the top priority for PG&E and Diablo Canyon. That's why seismic, flooding and tsunami safety was at the forefront in the design of the facility. These. updated findings are the.

culmination of years of study and analysis, and further confirm the safety of the plant's design," said Ed Halpin, PG&E's Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.

The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts that earthquakes, large waves and flooding could have on the Diablo Canyon facility .

T he updated seismic assessment represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously performed. Prior evaluations dete1mined the ground shaking from an earthquake on a pa1ticular fault in the region, based on historical records and geological evidence, and then compared this information against structures, systems and components at the faci Uty to ensure they could withstand seismic ground shaking ..

Us ing the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent seismic experts publicaJly re-evaluated existing and new seismic informati on, including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies recently performed near. Diablo. Canyon, to re-evaluate how. earthquakes could potentially impact the faci lity. This process included examining the probabi lity of earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults.

The result is a more thorough assessment of the seismic hazard, providing additional confirmation that the plant is seismically safe.

The NRC will review the re-evaluation in order to provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk evaluation that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.

"The updated seismic source model for Diablo Canyon incorporates an extensive body of new onshore and offshore data a nd emerging new scientific concepts to characte rize earthquake sources. For example, it is the first earthquake model developed for a nuclear site that allows for multi-fault linked ruptures to produce large maximum earthquakes. Through the extensive use of experts in the fi eld of seismic geology and independent peer review, the model was developed to capture. the full range of possibilities regardjng the location, size and frequency of large magnitude eruthquakes in the vicinity of Diab lo Canyon. In my

opinion, the model developed for Diablo Canyon will set the standard for how future eaithquake source models are developed," said Bill Lettis, who serves as one the key technical leads for the SSHAC process .

PG&E's flooding and tsunami hazard update involved the use of the latest NRC guidance and methodologies to determine the maximum potential waves and rainfall that could impact Diablo Canyon.

The re-evaluation, ut ilizing independent expertise, detenni_ned that the plant's key safety systems and components continue to be safe from tsunamjs, including those generated from underwater landslides and eaithquakes.

The plant's design is also deemed appropriate to withstand expected storm flooding. In addition, measures were identified and implemented to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall and a quick build-up of water in some plant locations that greatly exceeds any known precipitation event recorded in the site's history. The NRC will review the re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.

"These important updates. provide an in depth look at the seismic, tsunami and flooding hazards in our region, and most importantly, demonstrate the plant's design is safe. Our work in these areas, however, will never cea<;e. Our commitment to safe operations and protecting public health and safety will continue to be reflected in our ongoing study and evaluation of the. areas. Our customers expect no less," said PG&E's Halpin.

NR C Hazards Assessment Background As part of its response to the Fukushima event in Japan in 2011 , the NRC directed all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perform updated assessments of the seis mic and flooding hazards for their facilities. Plants located in the eastern and Central U.S. completed such analyses and provided them to the NRC in 2014. Western plants, including Diablo Canyon, were directed to complete and submit their assessments by March 20 15.

About Diablo Canyon Power Plant Diablo Canyon Power Plant is a nuclear power facility owned and operated by PG&E. Its two units together produce approximately 2,300 net megawatts of carbon-free power. It provides nearly 10 percent of all electricity generated in California, and enough energy to meet the needs of more than three mjJlion Northern and Central Californians. Diablo Canyon has a $920 million annual local economic impact and is the largest p1ivate employer in San Luis Obispo County.

About PG &E Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (N YSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 16 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and

Sent:8 May 2015 13:01:42 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Shams, Mohamed


FW: Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity di scussion.

FYI. ..

From : Jahangir, Nozar [3]

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 6:44 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl


Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity discussion Nick; In the Diablo Canyon public meeting on April 28th, we stated that there will be an industry expert panel meeting, sponsored by PEER, on the topic of "Directivity" that the staff may be interested in participating. This was an area that the SSC SSHAC requested Diablo Canyon to provide additional documentation and PG&E made a commitment in our March 11 submittal to provide such documentation to the NRC once we. have greater clarity on the approach.

This. is a link to the recently posted public announcement by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) regarding the expert panel discussion on treatment of "Directivity" in Ground Motion models. PG&E will be an observer. in the proceedings.

http ://

Thanks Nazar Jahangir P.E.

Manager, Technical Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering S-'i -

(cell )

nx.1 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Sent:25 Mar 2015 21 :20:08 +0000 To:Markley, Michael Cc:Bowen, Jeremy;Shams, Mohamed


RE: Did you notice. the PG&E drop-in ?

Mike, Thank you for the recommendation and support. The PG&E drop-in is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The level-high topics are consistent with discussions allowed by COM-203. I will prepare a summary as appropriate.

I have advised my management and the licensee that technical discussions are inappropriate. At present, we are working to have a public meeting discussing technical issues with PG&E on April 28, 2015, to better understand their seismic analyses and assumptions. Our current target is to notice the meeting around April 2 following confirmation of the agenda topics with staff and the licensee.

Very respectfully, Nick Sr. Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 25,. 2015 11:14. AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Did you notice the PG&E drop-in?

Nick, I did not hear back from you on the drop-in tomorrow. It would be better to notice it now and take your beating on not meeting the 10-day noticing requirement, than to have to answer all the stakeholder inquiries and accusations.

Michael T. Markley, Chief Plant Licensing Branch IV-1 (LPL4-1)

Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 301-415-5723 (Office) l<bl(6l ~ (Blackberry)


What information is NRC expecting in the. March 12,. 2015 WUS plant submittals?

NRC expects that the March 12, 2015 submittals will contain substantially more information than was submitted for CEUS plants in March 2014. This is because each of the WUS plants had to develop site-specific source models and ground-motion models, using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) approach. In contrast, the CEUS plants all used a common set of models (see Attachment 3). In addition to the information that was included for the CEUS plants, NRC expects that the important details of the site-specific SS HAC studies will be included in the March 12, 2015 submittals. NRC also expects that the complete SSHAC study report will be available for the NRC staff to review, as needed.

If the reevaluated hazard exceeded the plant's seismic design basis, NRC expects the WUS plants to follow the same approach as used for CEUS plants and also submit an interim evaluation of the plant's. capacity to. withstand the higher ground motions. Because nuclear power plants generally have significant margin beyond their design capacity to withstand earthquake motions, the interim evaluation uses the actual capacities and new hazard information to see if the preliminary understanding of seismic risk is still within acceptable limits while the plant does more detailed evaluations.

Will NRC conduct a screening and prioritization review for western United States (WUS) plant submittals?

Yes. NRC staff will conduct a screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations after the complete hazard reports are submitted. This review will likely take two months to accomplish, because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. If the reevaluated hazard is within the plant's design basis, the NRC staff will need to determine if sufficient information is available to support that conclusion. However, if the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds the plant's design basis, NRC will need to determine:

(1) if the plant's interim evaluations and actions demonstrate the plant can continue to operate safely at the reevaluated hazard level, while longer-term risk assessments are ongoing.

(2) the priority for WUS plants to complete the additional risk evaluations (3) the schedule for completion of the expedited approach and seismic risk evaluation.

NRC's review of the interim evaluations. and actions will determined if there is an immediate safety concern that warrants immediate regulatory action for WUS plants. The NRC's longer-term review will examine in detail licensees' reevaluated hazard submittals and related seismic risk assessments.

Will NRC prioritize WUS plants for completion of seismic risk assessments?

Yes. As part of the initial review, WUS plants that have "screen in". for more detailed risk assessments will be prioritized to ensure the plants of most interest are reviewed first. This prioritization is not a risk ranking - more analysis is needed to determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk . Using the same approach as for the CEUS plants, the NRC staff will consider several factors in prioritizing (or screening) the WUS risk assessments:

(1) the extent to which the reevaluated hazard exceeds the current design basis ;

(2) the site's overall seismic hazard. based on an examination of the reevaluation; and (3) previous estimates of plant capacity (e.g ., IPEEE insights).

Does NRC expect to review the WUS submittals the same way as the CEUS submittals?

Compared to the CEUS submittals, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much longer and contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) , using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before the seismic hazard reevaluations were submitted.

After the screening and prioritization review is completed, NRC staff will conduct a thorough review of the WUS seismic hazard reevaluations. To review each of these site-specific hazard reevaluations, the NRC staff will need to examine important details of each plant-specific source characterization and ground motion model. The NRC staff expects to conduct confirmatory analyses of key parts of these models, to determine if the reevaluated seismic hazards are reasonable. In addition to examining the detailed technical information that supports the hazard reevaluation , the NRC staff also will review the lengthy documentation about the SSHAC process that licensees used to develop the source characterization and ground motion models.

Will NRC. produce its. own version of the WUS plant's reevaluated seismic hazard?

To support the initial review of CEUS plant submittals, the NRC developed a computer model that could calculate seismic hazards for each CEUS plant. These calculations were possible because all the CEUS plants used the same seismic hazard model, and the model was developed several years before the CEUS hazard reevaluations were submitted.

However, the WUS plants completed their site-specific hazard analyses less than a year before the final reports were submitted to NRC, and each plant used different types of seismic hazard models. The NRC staff determined that they could conduct an appropriate, risk-informed review of the WUS hazard reevaluations without expending considerable resources to develop three new, site-specific computer models. The NRC staff expects to do site-specific confirmatory analyses on key parts of the hazard analyses, including independent evaluations of the earthquake source models, ground motion models, and site response models.

Will WUS plants have to do additional risk assessments if their reevaluated hazard is larger than the plant's safe shutdown earthquake?

Yes , the same criteria used for CEUS plants applies to WUS plants for determining if additional risk assessments are needed. WUS plants that screen-in for the risk assessments will need to complete the expedited approach (see question #4) and either a seismic margins assessment or a probabilistic risk assessment. Plants that screen-out from the risk assessment might still meet the criteria for conducting focused-scope evaluations of low frequency exceedances, high frequency exceedances, or spent fuel pool performance. The need for conducting additional analyses will be determined during NRC's screening and prioritization review.

Sent:5 May 2015 14:49:05 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed Cc:Jackson, Diane;Hill. B1ittain


Awareness of OGC. NLO on WUS Seismic. Reevaluation Letter Attachments:WUS Seismic Reevaluations Letter 4-2015 LSC.docx Mohamed, Awareness only. We continue to make progress on concurrences for the WUS letter. The letter will go to DORL and JLD senior management COB today.

Thanks, Nick From: Clark, Sheldon Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:07 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Spencer, Mary; Biggins, James


WUS Seismic Reevaluation Letter Nick, (b)(5)

Sheldon L. Sheldon Clark Attorney Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-2189

Page 135 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

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Page 137 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Page 138 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act


If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301-415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M, Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
ML15113B344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC NRR/ DORUO NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/ 15 I / 15 I / 15 I / 15 I /1 5 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/. D NAME SFlanders BHarris JDavis WDean DATE I / 15. I ./15. . I / 15 . I . / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations (b)(5)

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites (b)(S)

Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10,. 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:4 May 2015 18:34:12 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane Cc:Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea


FYI: POP JLD Status (05.05.15).docx Attachments: POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx

Diane, POP for DEDO brief tomorrow for awareness.
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 2:29 PM To: Bowen, Jeremy Cc: Shams, Mohamed


One Change --- POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx

Jeremy, One change from the current plan for Diablo Canyon. Technical staff is pushing to provide additional basis documenting the decision that no ESEP is needed for Diablo. We have a letter template from last year that I plan to use {letter. dated December 15. 201 4).
Thanks, Nick


Update NRR ET on status of J LD activities EXPECTED OUTCOMES Provide current status and address any questions Outside of Scope

  • wus o Screening & prioritization letter - targeting 05/12/15 o All 3 plants screen in for sPRA; no immediate safety issues o Columbia & Diablo Canyon - Group 1
  • sPRA due 06/30/17
  • Diablo Canyon - Separate letter on no ESEP; LTSP provides safety basis
  • Public Meetings o Diablo Canyon (04/28/ 15 o Columbia (96/04/ 15) o Palo Verde - Group 3
  • sPRA due 12/31 /20 Non Responsive

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.

March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID gu idance.

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.

For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and. will response under a seperate letter.

SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRC staffs initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., >10 Hz). The frequency range 1- 10 Hz is the focus for 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations

-. 3 -.

this portion of the risk evaluation, as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other. frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations.
  • If the GMRS, in the. 1-10 Hz range, is greater than the. existing SSE, then the. plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.

In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions .. Similarly, if. the. GMRS. exceeds. the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the. possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the. SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed.

In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during. the NRG screening. and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations .. Palo Verde has been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in,. the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach, if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e. ,. spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).

5 Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals , plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10. Hz range; (2). the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as. well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally. higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-10 Hz. range is relatively small, and the maximum. ground motion in. the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Based on these criteria, Palo Verde is prioritized as a Group 3 plant. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on. the staffs screening review the licensee. for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than. January 31 , 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRG staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

2015. and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur. as soon. as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18. months ..

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at .,

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/ encls: Listserv

ML15113B344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC NRR/ DORUO NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/ 15 I / 15 I / 15 I / 15 I /15 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/. D JDavis (MFranovich NAME SFlanders SCI ark for)

WDean DATE I /1 5 05/04/15 I / 15 I / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRG review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

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Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 andNPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

Sent:5 May 2015 16:04: 18 +0000 To:Hill, Brittain Cc:Jackson, Diane


Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Attachments: Western US Screening and Prioritization letter.docx

Britt, Still working on the letter. However, I think that. I have resolved the primary comments supporting DSEA concurrence .
1. ESEP. assessment tor DC and PV will be a separate letter
2. GMRS agreement will come late 2015 trom the NRC.
3. Most editorial changes have been incorporated
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:58 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Western US Screening and Prioritization letter

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) , Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.

March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID guidance.

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.

For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde sites, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and will respond under. a seperate letter.

SCREENING PROCESS As described in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were to be conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results , which were the focus of the NRC staff's initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over. frequency. The ability of the equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations, explaining each o f the evaluations that are part of the overall seismic reevaluation.

-. 3 -.

significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1o Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is the focus for this portion of the. risk evaluation , as this range has the. greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant (i.e., the plant screens in for further evaluation). Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations ..
  • If the GMRS, in the 1- 1O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency. and spent fuel pool. evaluations.

In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds. the SSE below 2.5 Hz,. the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific. range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope. evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed ..

In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during the NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the. plant. As. such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations.. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to. the licensee .. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach , if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo 5

Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

Verde needs to. complete limited-scope evaluations. (i.e., spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization. review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in. the 1-10 Hz range is also not high. As described above, Palo Verde has conditionally screened in; based on current information Palo Verde has been assigned to prioritization Group 3. Given the limited level. of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including. Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on the staff's screening review the licensee for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 31, 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance. with. the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

conducted. a number of public meetings on. the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and. spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected. that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's. calculated hazard. As such .. the NRC staff. will continue. its review of the submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months ..

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic.

Hazard Submittals

4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv

conducted a number of public meetings on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard . . As. such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensee March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RidsNrrOd AKock, NRO LPL4-1 R/F RidsNsirOd DJackson, NRO LPL4-2 R/F RidsOeMailCenter RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNroOd RidsOgcMailCenter RidsNrrPMColumbla RidsNrrDorl MMarkley, NRA RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsNrrDorllpl4-1 MKhanna, NRR RidsOgcRp Resource RidsNrrDorllpl4-2 MShams, NRR RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource NDiFrancesco, NRR RidsEdoMailCenler Resource ADAMS Accessi on No.: Ml151138344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC NRR/DORUD NAME NDiFrancesco. SLent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/15 04/24/15 04/23/15 . . /. / 15. . I. / 15 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/J LD/D NRR/ D NAME SFlanders SClark JDavis IMFranovich forl WDean DATE I / 15 05/04/15 I /15 I / 15 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing . The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seismic Risk Limited-scope Evaluations.

Expedited Screening Evaluation High Low Spent Fuel Plant Name Approach Result (Prioritization Frequency Frequency Pool Evaluation Group) Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Columbia Generating Station In x 1 x x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 In x 1 x x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional x 3 x x Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 in Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:5 May 201521 :18:36 +0000 To:Jackson, Di ane Cc: Hill , Brittain


Working Version of WUS Seismic Screening Letter Attachments:Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Rev l 5-5-15 5pm.docx

Diane, For awareness, attached is the working version of the letter .. This. includes incorporating limited OGC comments. There was one OGG comment regarding providing additional background that I maintained for consideration and discussion. Still considering a small update to support transition to the. interim evaluations section.
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott


Press Release on WUS Seismic Screening Letter

Scott, We. briefed the DEDO, NRR, and R-IV management on the content of the. WUS Screening letter during the JLD status weekly. Mentioned that we are working towards a press release. We received no realignment on the letter or communication plan approach.

View ADAMS P8 Properties ML151138344 Open ADAMS P8 Document (Screening and Prioritization Results for the Western United States Sites Regarding Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Seismic Hazard Re-Evaluations for Recommendation 2.1 of the. NTTF Review)

Current working towards issuance on Tuesday May 12 (that can always slip with NRR/ET review) . . Happy to. support a limited accuracy review as needed ..

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Communication Plan Timeline (ADAMS ML14083A619)

Date Activity (responsible organization)

SignitJ.cant Historic Actions Completed (2/20/14} Issued letter to all licensees Re: Operability, Reportability, Interim Evaluation and Actions (ML14030A046)

Completed (5/9/14) Issued Central and Eastern US (CEUS) Seismic Screening Letter (ML14111A147)

WUS Seismic Hazard Screening Review Completed (3/12/15) NRC Receipt of WUS Hazard Reports (JLD/licensees)

Completed (3/30/15) NRC/NEI Seismic Public Meeting w/ Discussion of WUS Review Process Completed (4/15/15) Target for public meeting notice of April 28 Diablo Seismic Meeting (JLD-DiFrancesco)

Completed 4/27/15 Public availability of NRC and licensee slides for April 28 meeting (JLD -


Completed 4/28/15 Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on 2.1 Seismic (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee)

Completed 4/29/15 Complete WUS screening & prioritization technical review (NRO/DSEA) 5/7/2015 Distribute WUS screening & prioritization letter to R-IV, OPA, OCA, OEDO (NRR/JLD liaison team) 5/11/2015 Notice to states, congressional, licensee issuance, and NGOs of pending issuance (RSLO, OCA, JLD) 5/12/2015. Issue WUS screening & prioritization letter licensees including review of interim evaluation and actions (NRR/JLD)

Issue Press Release on prioritization review (OPA) 6/4/15 Columbia Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/9/15 Palo Verde Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/23/15 Diablo End of Cycle Meeting and Open House (R-IV)

Late.Summer Columbia End of Cycle Meeting (R-IV)

Continuing Staff assessment of the reevaluated seismic hazard (NRO/DSEA, NRR/JLD)



DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:20 May 201 5 15:26:48 +0000 To:Rosenberg, Stacey Cc:Laur, Steven;Han-ison , Donnie;Shams, Mohamed;Jackson, Diane


Awareness of Public Meeting Slides on SPRA Relief and Working Letter Outline Attachments:R2. l Seismic - May 21 2015 Public Meeting Rev 7.pptx, SPRA Relief Letter for Group 2 and Group 3 Sites.docx

Stacey, As mentioned in the May 4 NRR/DRA brief. The staff is moving forward to provide relief to certain priority Group 2 and Group 3 sites from completing an SPRA. The May 21 public meeting. tomorrow. (Attachment 1 ). is. a step, along the way. were we consider. external.

stakeholder insights. Following the May 21 public meeting we will have one additional public meeting to consider stakeholder input. NRR ET has asked us to target August 2015 (Attachment 2) for issue of the letter response to licensee. The working draft contains my initial outline. I plan seek NRR/DRA concurrence sometime this summer and communicate awareness of SPRA activities.

Steve, Donnie, During an NEI call this morning the technical background about ice condensers containment failure probability. Tomorrow I expect an industry question on this topic.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

J 0



J "O

co OJ CD


w Protecting People and the Environment 01 I

0 0

--0 NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic -

3 0







May 21 , 2015. r_.



Andrea Kock, Diane Jackson, 0


en I\)

Mohamed Shams, Nick DiFrancesco --CX>

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office of New Reactors

U.S.NRC llNTTllD STATES NUCLl!AI\ IU!CllUTORY COMMISSION Proucnng People and tlu Environment Today's Agenda NRC

  • Discussion of SPRA for Groups 2 and 3
  • Development of Guidance fair Proposed Rulemaking Related to Mitigation Strategies
  • Public Questions or Comments NEI
  • Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation l)evelopment
  • High Frequency Guidance Updates
  • Public Questions or Comments NRC
  • Key Messages I Actions SPRA - Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessmen1t 2

U.S.NRC llNlTl!D ~TATES h'UCLEAI\ IU!CUl.ATORY COMMISSION Protecting People aruJ the Environment Assessment of SPRAs for Group 2 and Group 3 plants Diane ,Jackson 3

Seismic 2.1 Process Ensures Clarity, Consistency, and Risk-Informed Regulatory Decisions PHASE 1 INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE 1 STAGE 2 PHASE 2 DECISION-MAKING Interact with Industry on Hazard and Risk Evaluation Guidance NRC makes Regulatory Decisions, as needed Screened-in plants complete CEUS Licensees submit Expedited Interim Evaluation

  • Safety Enhancements Site Response (9/2013 & CEUS:12/2014 ; WUS:1/2016
  • Backfit Analysis 3/2014) and Risk Evaluation
  • Modify Plant License (Group. 1: 201 7)

NRC review Seismic Risk Evaluation, as needed L-----------------------------


U.S.NRC UNITED ~"TATES NUCLEAR Rl!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Pl'Otecting PeQJJle and tJu Environment R2.1 Seismic lnforn1ation Needs for Regulatory Decisions

  • 50.54(f) letter gathers information to support regulatory decision to modify, revoke or suspend license
  • SPRA are an important tool to identify safety enhancements and assess plant capacity
  • May 9, 2014, letter discusse~j that SPRAs for some Group 3 plants with limited exceedanices may not be needed to make regulatory 50.54(f) decision
  • Presently the staff is evaluating 50.54(f) responses and available information to sup~,ort potential SPRA relief for some Group 2 and Group 3 1plants 5

U.S.NRC UmTllD STATES 1\JCLEAR IU!CUl..ATORY COM MISSION Prot"'cnng P"'opl"' an.d tlu Ett vironmen t Available Information Supporting Limited SPRA Relie1f

  • R2.1 seismic reevaluated hazard I interim actions
  • R2.3 walkdown review:s and inspections
  • Gl-199, CEUS seismic hazard insights
  • IPEEE seismic plant Ccipacity insights
  • Expedited Approach Eivaluations 6

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Proucting Pet>ple 1uul the Environment Evaluation Approach for SPRA Relief

  • Staff built on Gl-199, IF>EEE, and reevaluated hazard risk insights for its review
  • Considered exceedanc:e above SSE, hazard peak, area between curves between 1 to 10 Hz, and reactor design
  • Assessed if SPRA safe~ty insights would likely identified plant specific enhances 7

U.S.NRC Ul'o'l'l'ED ~,.ATES NUCLEAR RllCUl..ATORY COMMISSION A-otectmg PeQJJle an.d tlu En.viron.m en.t SPRA Relief Letter. and Target Timeline

  • Engagement of stakeholder planned today and as part of next R2.1 Se~ismic public meeting
  • May - June 2015 - Sta.ff is continuing to develop inputs and as~;ess decisions
  • Late Summer - Letter Issuance

- Documents staff decisic>n providing SPRA relief for potential some Group 2 and Group 3 plants

- Limited Scope Evaluati<)ns are expected from licensees provided SPFtA relief 8

U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAR R£CU1..ATORY OOMJ\t!SSION Protecting Peqple and the Environm ent NRC Guidance Development for Proposed Rule on Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events (MBDBE)

Incorporating Reevaluated Seismic Hazard 9

U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR lll!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the En vironment Overview of Topics for Discussion

  • Background on propose of MBDBE rule and guidance
  • Scope of proposed rule
  • Reasonable Protectiion
  • Deployment and interactions
  • Use of existing engineering insights 10

U.S.NRC Ul'o1TED STATES NUCLEAR R£CU1..ATORY OOM1'fiSSION Protecting People and the Environment Guidance Development

  • Proposed rulemaking extends Mitigation Strategies to met the reevaluated hazard level
  • Draft Regulatory Guide [)G-1301 under development to support issuance for public comment by early Augu~>t
  • Guidance to address scc)pe and performance requirements


U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Proposed Rule Scope

  • All phases of FLEX equipment, including portable and installed
  • FLEX equipment must perform its intended function
  • Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard 12

U.S.NRC UKITllD STATES NUCLEAR RECULATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and tlu En vironment Reasonable Protection - Equipment

  • Equipment must ren1ain functional

- Components retain c~oolant or fuel

- Structures allow access for deployment

- Supporting equipment remains functional

  • Evaluation of equiprnent for robustness at the reevaluated seis,mic hazard

- Analysis, testing, earthquake_experience, and generic test data.


U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAJ\ RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Reasonable Protection - Buildings

  • Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard

- Inelastic deformatior1 is permitted so long as strategy can be implemented

- Deformation limit co111mensurate with intended function 14

U.S.NRC UNITED~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY OOM MlSSION Protecnng People and the Environment Deployment and Interactions

  • Secure and protect, equipment and strategies from seismic interactions
  • Seismically induced flooding
  • Feasible deployment routes

- Potential soil liquefac:tion or non-safety building failures

- Confirm access throLJgh robust structures 15

U.S.NRC U1'Tl'ED ~,.ATES 1\JCLl!AR R£CUl..ATORY COMMJSSION Pw>tecting People and the Environment Existing Engineering Framework

  • IPEEE A-46, capacity cind risk insights
  • R2.1 Seismic ESEP interim evaluation -

capacity insights

  • Seismic probabilistic ri~;k assessment -

capacities and risk insi!~hts

ESEP - Expedited Seismic Ev;aluation Process ASCE -American Society of C:ivil Engineers 16

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:

JLD_ 17

U.S.NRC l!NtTBD STATES NUCLEAR R£CUl..ATORY OOMAUSSION Proucnng People and the Environment Key Messages and Next Steps 18

U.S.NRC UNITllD STATES NUCLEAR RJ!CULATORY COM MISSION Protecnng People and the Environment NTTF 2.1 . Seismic Next Steps

  • Discussion of dates for r1ext meeting (late June)
  • Interaction on guidance *for proposed rulemaking (June - August 2015)
  • Discuss and finalize SRf)A decision for Groups 2 and 3 (August 2015)
  • Finalize high-frequency fevaluation implementing guidance (June/July 2015)
  • Spent fuel pool evaluatic>n implementing Guidance (Summer/Fall 2015) 19

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:

JLD_ 20


ProkctinK People and the Enviromnent Backup Slides 21

jinformation (pages 52-61/ 1000) is available from ADAMS ML151138344.

The Power Reactor Licensees and Holder of Construction Permits in Deferred Status on the Enclosed List UBJECT: SUSPENSION OF SEISMIC RISK EVALUTION INFORMATION REQUES PURSUANT TO TITLE 10 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATI N




W~ O~

N I FR THE F K HI A DAI- HI A IDEN fie purpose of tfits letter is to inform enc ose lcensees tflat certain Group 2 a Group 3 sit ay suspend respondin to the seismic risk evaluation information r; uest based on a revie avajlable inf *o [This letter discussions the analysis approach of this decisions and expectations for completion of limit-scope evaluation (i.e. spent fuel pool , high-frequency, and/or low frequency evaluations).] Does not provide relief from other licensing requirements for risk-informed technical specifications or plant licensing.]

BACRGROONll On Marcfl 12, 2012, the NRC issued a request for information pursuant to Title 10 of the Cod of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (1 OCFR), Section 50.54(f) (hereafter referred to as the 50.54 etter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System {ADAMS) Accession No L12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning, in part, th ismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine whethe icenses should be modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section o

  • nclosure 1 indicated that licensees and ns i n rm* h Id r h r vi i mi azaro Evaluation and Screenin re . The 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to the re-evaluated seismic hazard.

By (five] letters NRC completed its screening and prioritization review which places 34 reactor sites into three review groups based on relative priority and resource constraints to complete seismic risk evaluations.

Previously, in accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations. If the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS), in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant complete an Expedited Approach, screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, committed to conduct high frequency, and a spent fuel pool evaluation.

The seismic screening letters dated in 2014 and 2015 also discussed that relief from the request was under consideration for some Group 3 sites. Based on further review, the staff found it prudent to also review Group 2 sites .. In total the staff identified that seismic risk evaluations for approximately (12.5] sites are not required [footnote Hatch unit CLB difference] to complete regulatory decision making. [This letter discussion the rationale].

AVAILIBLE INFORMATION The NRC staff as part of. its 50 .54(f) request sought information to support regulatory decisions related to the seismic reevaluated hazard for operating reactor sites. The 50.54(f) letter discusses that this information would be used in Phase 2 decisions. Although seismic risk evaluations are an important tool to. assess plant satety and ruggedness. Based on the. staff review of licensee hazard, risk insights, and plant design, substantial safety benefits are not expected for a number of previously screened Group 2 and Group 3 review sites. The NRC staff in coming to this decision considered , the reevaluated hazard screening reports,. Gl-199 risk insights, R2.1 hazard updates, probabilistic risk assessment guidance and standards, and 10 CFR 50.109 backfit criteria.

EVALUATION PROCESS AND ANALYSIS , documents plants identified in Group 2 and Group 3 where low to moderate seismic hazard exceedance and risk insights provided sufficient safety basis to not require a seismic risk evaluation. In otherwords, the seismic hazard was. reasonable small to. not require plant specific improvements.

The staff found that Calvert Cliffs , Units 1 and 2, GMRS hazard slightly exceedance. the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and previous seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) found plant risk to be very low.

The staff found that Cooper, Perry, Seabrook, and Three Mile Island, Unit 1, hazard slightly exceeded the SSE, and previously risk evaluations demonstrated plant risk to be low.

The staff found that Davis-Besse, Wolf Creek, Point Beach, Fermi , and LaSalle, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates. are low.

The staff found that Hatch Unit 2 and Monticello, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates are moderate.


ML151138344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NAR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/ HMB/BC NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC NRR/DOAUD NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGG NRR/JLDID NRR/D NAME SFlanders JDavis WDean DATE RidsNrrPMSalem RidsNrrPMSeabrook RidsNrrPMSequoyah RidsNrrPMShearonHarris RidsNrrPMSummer RidsNrrPMSurry RidsNrrPMSusquehanna RidsNrrPMThreeMilelsland RidsNrrPMTurkeyPoint RidsNrrPMVogtle RidsNrrPMWaterford RidsNrrPMWattsBar1 RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 RidsNrrPMWolfCreek RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn 1MailCenter Resource RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource.

PUBLIC RidsNroOd RidsNrrOd RidsNsirOd.

MMarkley, NRR MKhanna, NRR MShams, NRR NDiFrancesco, NRR AKock, NAO DJackson, NRO RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNrrPMColumbia RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource

Glossary of Evaluation

?G'Sociat Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations ntenm Evaluat on or Actions - An immediate licensee an(j NBC review of the re-evaluat azard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluation e ongoing. The staff has completed Its review and concluded that, based on the licensees nterim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continu operations. Interim evaluatio s and actions are rovided In Section 5.0 "Interim Actions " of th .

h - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed in December 2014 f CEUS plants and by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds r.urrent design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks a he systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditi fa station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate hea ink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to contin ith a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance th~

~ismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedite .....__~

~proach guidance document is found in the A enc

  • e Documents Access and Mana emen S stem under Accession No. ML13102A142 comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amena a plant's esign or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provid nformation to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this infonnation in conju~

ith the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulato ctions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins AnalY,sis o

  • *
  • s e gewndi;m*n~auml.llliunal!ll*~U21.:IDitJWfB~~

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from. the Fukusnima Dai-lchi Acciden1 Seismic Screening UDdated Based on Review of Available lnformatio Umited-scooe Evaluation!i


~ ~

  • Evaluatio Plant Name ~ee~~ ~~~J~~::,pm esu D;~~~zatio nc 0 al en a

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2i Ou Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 and ~ Du Coooer Nuclear Station Ou , ~

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Unit 1] Out ~ ~

EdWin I. Ratcfi Nuclear Plant. Unit 2 1 QYj I

=ermi, Unit 2! Ou 1 LaSalle Countv Station. Units 1 and 2! Ou I Monticello Nuclear Generatina Plan~ :o u ~

Dvster Creek Nuclear Generatina Statiori bu ' I> ~

Palo Verde Nuclear Station Units 1. 2, and 3 Ou ) ~

Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1J Du i>oint Beach Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2 Pu ~

Seabrook, Unit 11 Pu

~auovah Nuclear Plant.. Units 1 and 2 'O

. u, '

jfhree Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 11 Pu Wolf Creek Generatina Station Unit 1l Ou Enclosure 2

arch 2015 Re-evatuated Seismic Hazard and Screening Repo dwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and Salle Coun Station, Units 1 and rch 27 2014 ML14092A413 Station Unit 1 rch 31 2014 ML14097A020 Enclosure 3


DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 13 May 2015 18:34:49 +0000 To:Witt, Kevin;Yale ntin, Milton Cc: Bowman, Gregory;Shams, Mohamed


Comment Re: SFP Commitments to Commission Attachments:20 l 3-0030comscy. pdf We need to confirm with the technical experts but, l think the only plant we need to understand better is Columbia.

DC and Palo Verde general appear to be within their CLB.

Might be a good item to consider as we develop the SPF evaluation implementing details.


Original Message-----

From: Witt. Kevin Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:15 PM To: Valentin, Milton Cc: Bowman. Gregory; Difrancesco, Nicholas


Commitments to Commission Hi Milton, since we were talking about commitments this morning, 1 was just reminded of one. ln the expedited transfer paper (attached- footnote on pg 10), we committed to go back and verify that the western US Plants SFPs are bounded by this analysis when we gain sufficient information about seismic hazards. We may be able to utilize the work that JHMB is doing on the SFP seis mic hazard reevaluations to close this item out.


Ol'FICIAL USE ONLY SENSI I IVE IN I ERNAL INFoRMAllON March XX, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Burns Commissioner Svinicki Commissioner Ostendorff Commissioner Baran FROM: Michael R. Johnson Deputy Executive. Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs Office of the Executive Director for Operations




As stated cc : SECY OGC OCA OPA CFO Ol'l'lelAL t:l!I! 014L I !1!14SITI OI!! ii"l!!l'\14AL 114FORMA I ION

  • via email OFFICE NRR/JLD NRR/JLD/JPSB:BC OEDO/TCCM DEDR NAME LKGibson* GBowman*. MDudek MJohnson.


-2 (6) On March 12, 2015, the NRC staff received the seismic hazard reevaluation reports for the. plants in the Western United States (Columbia Generating Station; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3). Along with their submittals, licensees whose reevaluated seismic hazard is higher than their design basis are expected to provide an interim evaluation to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing. The NRC staff will review the licensee submittals and establish a prioritization schedule for the seismic risk evaluations for those plants where the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds that in the facility's design basis . The staff will also review the licensee's interim evaluation and actions,. if applicable .. This review, which will be documented in a letter. will likely take between 30-60 days to accomplish. With the submittal of these report, seismic hazard reevaluation have been submitted for all plants.

Outside of Scope 8FFl81AI:: l:ISE Q~lb>f Gli~Usll'l'/li IHl'liRHP:b l~IFQRU 0 TIQH

8FFl81AL ~SE 8HLV SEHSl"flVE lftifEfilHAL lt4F8filMAll8H I

§.~~r-~~** Regulator} A~t.i~_n i '

ComJ?I~~~~- r:'!~~!:.~!l~st,cfrie' Future Milestones Tier 1 NRG to document review of Expedited Approach. for GEUS by RFI issued December 31, 2015 March 12, 2012 NRG to issue seismic NRG to issue review Seismic Hazard Reevaluation hazard staff assessments Licensees for Western U.S. letters on Expedited NTTF 2.1 Request for Information for GEUS licensees by facilities submitted site Approach for GEUS by (RFI) September.30, 2015 seismic hazard February 28, 2016 reevaluations by March 12, 2015 Licensee(s) for Western U.S. facilities to submit Expedited Approach by January 31 , 2016 Non Responsive Enclosure 2 QFFIGhl:b l!ISi: 8ttl'/ 8EHSl'flV! IH'l'! .. HAL 1m*onlUIA I ION

Sent:20 May 2015 19:43: 18 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon;Stephanie Devlin;Heeszel, David


Palo Verde questions Attachments:Questions for PVNGS.docx Attached are my draft questions based on their use of GMM.

They supersede couple of my questions send to you 10 days ago.

Provide more rational for the choice of subset of GMPEs for PVNGS. What is the reason for deviation from approach chosen by DCPP? What is the reason for not using Idriss and Zhao GMPEs for Greater Arizona sources (Table EX-2)?

Section justifies use of Zhao models for California and they are used for Diablo. In mean time Table 5.5.1-1 (p.5-46) says that Zhao tectonics and attenuation are not relevant to California/West Arizona. DCPP. and PVNGS seem to contradict each other's ..

Section 6.2.2 is including Bindi 2014 model, but limits its use to M=7 because of magnitude scaling which is different from others (Fig. 6.2.2-1) 1.50 -~----~--~* 1 1.00 T = 0.2 SS Rx = S 0.70 El

<( 0.50 en CL

  • ASK14
  • AS814 l.


  • Bi14 BSSAt4
  • C814 en~

0.20 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 M

In mean time for DCPP the use of different scaling (strong saturation) by Zhao is considered to be useful representing alternative approach.

It looks like when alternative scaling results in lower GM it is acceptable to Tl team, but when it results in higher GM it is not acceptable.

Page 6-6 states:

"Based on the evaluation of the candidate GMPEs for application to earthquakes in California and Mexico recorded in central Arizona given in Kishida et al. (2014), the Tl Team judged that the. NGA-West2 GMPEs are suitable for estimating path terms. for the paths from California and Mexico to central Arizona."

In mean time existing publications Phillips (2013) demonstrate higher Q for Arizona (also Fig. 5.5, p.107).

Kishida et al. ,. 2014 report states. (Abstract):

"The comparison showed that overall the recorded 5% damped response spectral ordinates were. over predicted by the NGA-West2 models by a range of 0-0.35 natural log units for events occurring in Central California, and by a range of 0.2-0.7 natural log units for events occurring in Southern California and the Gulf of California."

This conclusion looks inconsistent with:

1. Arizona Q at least same or higher than that of California
2. Kappa same or lower than that of California This conclusion is based on comparisons with records from mostly small. magnitude events (Table 2.2, p.6) and data having extremely limited frequency range of 0.5 to 8 Hz (may be actually up to 5 Hz). Figure 2.18 (p.19) confirms that

(/) 150 ---...--.---.................--.--.-...-.-.........-n--.....-........~~

~@ 100 ------------- ... -... - Arizona Events

\ --- NGA-West2 Events



0 '--~~-L..U-1..LU.__;:=.........1....1....:..u..u....-..1.-..1-1...i..:iu.u.i 0.1 1 10 100 Period (s)

Are there any consideration of basin effect in applying GMPEs for Arizona considering that basin effect in NGA-West2 relations depends upon the depth to Vs=1km/s or 2.5 km/s?

Use of such a subset of data actually questions estimates of kappa.

Fig. 4.17-4.37 also don't look convincing.

Sent: 10 Apr 20 15 21 :24:07 +0000 To:John Stamatakos;Stirewalt, Gerry;PJaza-Toledo, Meralis;Miriam R. Juckett Cc:Ake, Jon;Hill, Brittain;Munson. Clifford;lisa.;Li, Yong


RE: Monday Diablo Meeting That is very good.


From: John Stamatakos [].

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:01 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stirewalt, Gerry; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Miriam R. Juckett Cc: Ake, Jon; Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford;; Li, Yong


Monday Diablo Meeting

Vlad, For Monday, I can walk everyone through the draft summary report we have on the seismic imagining data and searchable image table.

John Dr. John Stamatakos Direct or ofTechnical Programs Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)

Southwest Research Institute 1801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-0290

IInformation (pages 282-283/1000) is .. ... ..... .

Graizer, Vladimir From:Graizer, Vladimir Sent:28 May 2015 13:53:52 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane;Munson , Clifford Cc:John Stamatakos;Ake, Jon;Plaza-Toledo, Merali s;Giacinto, Joseph ;Stovall, Scott;H111, Britlain;Li, Yong


RE: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Diane and Cliff, I don't know if it is considered an RAI, but as I mentioned at one of the Diablo meetings I need the following info:

Section 8.4.1 of the SWUS report discusses evaluation of median base models and their range.

Please provide Excel files of the plots shown on Figures 8.4-17 and 8.4-18 showing comparisons of hazard curves for frequencies of 5 and 0.5 Hz.

In addition, please provide similar files for the frequencies of 1O and 1 Hz.

Vladimir Graizer, Ph.D.

Seismologist Office of New Reactors Mail Stop: T-7F3 Washington, DC 20555-0001 From: Jackson,. Diane Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:43 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos; Ake, Jon; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Giacinto, Joseph; Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


FYI: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Nick sent a reminder.

Diane From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9: 16 AM To: Philippe Soenen (; Jahangir, Nozar Cc: Michael Richardson (; Strickland, Jearl; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie


Reminder on Diablo Information Request Philippe , et, al Just a reminder that the staff is interested in the following references to support NRC review:

1) Benchmark files for SWUS-DCPP median ground motion models.
2) ESTA 27 and 28 recordings of Parkfield and San Simeon earthquakes
a. Time histories
b. Response spectra
c. Response spectra adjusted for Vs30
3) Engineering reports describing development of velocity profiles for stations ESTA 27. and 28.
4) Paper describing WAACY Magnitude PDF by Wooddell and others.

Please let me know when the references will be available.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 18:29:27 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane


Columbia GMM codes Attachments:ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_yeskappa.pdf, ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_nokappa.pdf Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both files are for a single fault at 8 magnitudes from 5(fault1 )-8(fault8). In this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with 1Okm away that comes to the surface.

The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the. weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are. the mean+/ -sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.

The next step is to get a set of. scenario. earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard.

Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.

Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066




0. 001 ;--____,....--,....-r--T'"...,.....,.....,........--____,....----..-.....,--,...........,....,.-----r----..-......--.-...,....,......--

0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1


0. 1


(j) 0.0 1 0 .00 1 ~----~...,.....,........,....,...;-----.-----..--.,.....-r-.,......,....,..,...;----.----.----...-~......,...,.-t-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



CJ) 0.001 ~----.---.--.,......,.........,....,.....--~""T""""""T'"...........,.......,...,...,.._.,....----.__,........,....,.....,....-r-t-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault4 1

., .,. ,. __. . - * - *1 * --- .


..._... ___,,____.__ i i -=' *-:--. *-' *-*- *

0. 1 i ' '

t *

<( .. " .:

(j) /

0.0 1 0 .001 -------.---.-...,.....,....,...,....,...;-----.-----..--...--.-.,.............,...;---.....----.----.-..,........,.............. 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault5 1



0. 1 .. . . .. ... . .

<( / I (j)

/ I

.I 0.0 1 I

I ,,

0.001 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



(j) 0.001 ~----.---.--.,......,.........,.....,....,-~""T""""""T'"...................,...,...;--.,....----,.__,........,....,....,....,....-r 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



.,.,,,.. . - - - * ~ * :- * -r* --.

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  • I t I I
  • I I ' - *- * -*

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0. 1 ~ * . . . , .. t I I

<( . .. . , ~ ' . ~

  • I (j) 0.01 0 .00 1 ~-----.---r-...,......,.......,.......;-----.-----..--.,.....-r-.,.....,....,..,...;---.....----.----...-...,.....,.....,.....,...,...i 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

faults 0.001 ~-----.---.-...,.....,........,....,...;-----.-----..--.........,...."!'""T'""l"",...;---.....---.----.-..,........,.............. 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



CJ) 0.01 ---~f-l------l-I-- , - - -t-I* *

.i .

0.001 ------.---.--.--.-........-'T'1--.....----r---r--l""""l""°T'"'l'-----r-

  • -.,........,.....,....,....,'T"'l-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1 -,:1- - - - - - 1 0 .1 -+------.e---1~...-.~-f--'-~--l--l---i----1'-----I-

.. t . . . . . . ... . .

<(  : .

(j) 0.01 -~--- - - + - - - - - - + - --1-- -

1 i jI j 0.001 --t-"----r---.---r"""T""'T""T..........-------r----r-..............."""T""T'"T'"T--+--,_;......,.....-r""P""r'".,..+-

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault3 10 1

- -- . I I

. ,..- I

  • A' I O>

..._... /


,, ./

0. 1 v *, .. . .. . . ... ......







. . ... I. ..I I


. / . .*

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.I .I 0.001 '

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




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CJ) 0.01 v */




. . . .. .. .. j*

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i .

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0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

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<( 0. 1

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0.1 ,,. *""


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  • I



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  • I 0.01 .. a a a 0.001 ~----.----r-...........,..."'T""'l'""'!"'-----.-----.--r--r-...,.....,....,.,...;------.----.--.-..,....,......--

0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 Mar 2015 20:17:38 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Graizer, Vladimir


Columbia GMM Implementation Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx Attached is a brief PowerPoint detailing the implementation of the Columbia GMM. I focused primarily on Appendix 02 of the SSHAC report and so am not intimately familiar with the technical bases used to develop the GMM. Let me know if you have any questions I may be able to answer.

Please forward to anyone who may have a use or need for this.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Hanford SSHAC Ground Motion Mod~1s and ~J11pleni.~ntation 43N 50 100

- = - = - - Kilometers 122'W t20W 118W

Hanford Ground Motion Model

  • Defined at 20 Periods
  • Divided into two pieces

- GMM for background and fault sources (crustal model)

- GMM for subduction sources (subduction model)

  • Independent Logic Trees
  • Single Sigma Logic Tree

- Different parameters use~d for crustal and subduction earthquakes

  • V530 is 760 m/s throughout

Crustal Model (189 branches)

Backbone Vs-K Adj ustment Inherent Uncertainty in Host-to-Target GMPE Factors Backbone Adjustments Uncertainty Factors Vs K-7 I

[~ln (Y) M )9 (0.0625)



[~ln {Y} M) 8 (0.0625)

Vs K-6

{0.136) [~ln { Y) IMh (0.0625) x1.3 Vs K-5

[61n (Y) IM) 6 (0.0625) (0.3}


CY14 [flln(Y) I M] 5 (0.50) xl.O (1.0) (0.222) (0.6)

[61 n(Y) IM] 4 (0.0625)

Vs K-3 x0.8 (0.198) [61n (Y) IMh (0.0625)


Vs K-2

[~ln (Y) IMh {0.0625)

[~ln(Y ) IM]1 (0.0625)


Backbone Model

  • Modification of Chiou and Youngs, 2014
  • Can be broken into "'10 subcomponents Some parameters fall out b/c not considered by this PSHA
  • E.g. directivity component
  • Included in software for completeness
  • Necessary Inputs Frequency (f)

Magnitude (m)

- Rupture Distance (RRuP)

Joyner-Boore Distance (RJs)

Fault Dip (6)

Reverse Faulting Flag (FRv)

Normal Faulting Flag (FNM) (I should remove this)

Depth to top of rupture (ZroR)

Subsequent Adjustment Factors

  • V5-kappa factors

- Table lookup

  • Period Dependent Uncertainty

- Required Inputs

  • Hanging Wall Factor (FHw)

- Depends on Rx and fault type

  • Joyner-Boore Distance (RJ8 )
  • Dip (6)
  • Rx
  • Magnitude (M)
  • Host-to-Target Uncertaint\l

- Constant

Implementation in SSC

  • Same GMM used for fault sources and background sources All earthquakes are considerE~d faults
  • Yakima Fold and Thrust treated Discretely
  • Zones treated generally

- Randomly Distributed

- Sometimes randomly oriented

- All Boundaries are Leaky Need to consider fault type

  • Sources have styles of faulting and dips associated with them

- Necessary to calculate the parameters Rx and Ztor

  • Fault scaling relations. become important particularly for determining ztor

- Calculate width based on scaling relations and determine ~or

>> If Ztor <0 then this realization is not considered in PSHA

Subduction Model (72 branches)

Scaling on Epistemic Host-to-Target Backbone Magnitude An elastic Uncertainty in Vs Adjustment GMPE Scal ing Attenuation Med ian Factor*


[~Cl]med + 0.2 Vs factor-4 0.5 05 x1 .62 (0.335)

(0.2) ( 0.4 ) (0.2)

Vs factor-3 Back-arc [6C1]med x1 .0 (0.165)

{1.0) (0.6) ( 0.6)

V5 factor-2

[tiCl]med - 0.2 05 x0 .62 (0.335)

(0.2) ( 0.6) ( 0.2)

V5 factor-1


Implemented Within GMPE (0.165)

Backbone Model

  • Modification of BC Hydro Model.
  • Broken into "'9 subcomponents
  • Necessary inputs Freq uency (f)

Moment Magnitude (M)

Foca l Dept h (Zh) fo r Interface event s Depth w ithin slab for lntras lab events Eve nt type fl ag (Fevent)

  • lnterplate
  • lntraslab R
  • Rupture for lnterplate
  • Hypocentre for lntraslab
  • Site correction term means that PGA callculation must be done for hypothetical case where V530=1,000 m/s Time co nsuming circular loop
  • Requires calculating much of logic t ree for IPGA at 1000 m/s prior to calcu lating SA at desired frequency.

Implementation in SSC

  • Reads as if interplate e~arthquakes are (semi)finite (Rrup)
  • lntraplate are point(ish) sources (Rhyp)
  • Logic tree is primarily <<3 lookup exercise
  • Despite simpler form -- more difficult to implement due to correction factors w/in backbone

Sigma (6 branches)

I Distri but ion I Sigma Model High Normal (0.2)


Cent ral (0.6)

Mixture Model Low



CY2 -CY1 a == a-1 + [ mir1(max(M, 5), 7) - 5]


  • Same tree used for both crustal and subduction earthquak~~s

- Normal Model Uses Table Lookup

- Mixture Model Uses CcJnditional Probability and table lookup

  • Need to call integration subroutine 6 times for one realization P(z > z) =WMixl 1

- ffi ( z- /1)


Potential Sirr1plifications?

  • All ruptures reach a specific depth_(Ztor=constant)?.
  • Ignore hanging wall effect*!>
  • Constant Dip?
  • Rrup=RJs=RHYP ?=Rx?

- All could be implemented t::>n SSC side

  • Full GMM logic tree is coded

- Decide which, if any simplifications to apply later

  • Need a definitive answer 01n the level of granularity necessary

- Only interested in Median SA and sigma?

  • Computationally cleaner

Implementation So Far

  • Fortran90 - need to consicler that most of Roland's codes are in C
  • Models coded as indepenclent subroutines

- With dependencies (mostlv lookup)

  • Sigma developed as well

- With dependencies

  • Simple wrapper programs have been developed for testing

- Comparisons to Chapter 9 in SSHAC report look reasonable

  • No digital testing files for comparison
  • Currently~ only output is. ~;A and sigma.

- Not individual branches

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 May 2015 19:46:45 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


Columbia GMM without host to target uncertainty.

Attachments:no_htu_yeskappa.pdf, no_htu_nokappa.pdf Attached are two pdfs containing plots for the Columbia GMM without the host to target uncertainty. nokappa does not contain the Vs-kappa correction, and yeskappa does. The faulting parameters and magnitudes are the same as the plots sent last week and the size of the dots corresponds to that branches relative weight in calculating the mean. There are nine branches for the nokappa realization and 63 for the yeskappa. The results. appear to be approximately 7% lower than for the case that includes the host-to-target uncertainty correction .

- -David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office : T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066




(f) 0.0001 1e -os--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(j) 0.001 1 e-os--~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~....-~~~....-~~~......+--

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




0.001 1e-os---~---..~---------.......-...-.-~~--~--..----.....-.-....-~~-----------. . . . . .-----

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.0001 -+--- - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault1 10 1 . . .

  • t__

0.1 0.01 0.001




0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1

0.1 0.01 0.001








r;--~~~~-~~~~===j 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault3 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-09j_~----r~-r---,--..,..--,---i--r-r.f-~~.,.-----r-----r----r---,--,--r--i-r~~-r------r-----r----r--r-r-~

1 00 0.1 1 10 Frequency (Hz)

fault4 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



(f) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

faults 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e- 06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault6 10 1

0.1 .. . .. . .. . ...... . ... ... .. . .. .

0.01 * **



<l: 0.0001 (f) 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)


10 1

0.1 * ** ;****: .... . ... .. ... ... .


+* *

  • 0.001
  • O>

<( 0.0001


1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault8 10 1 ,_ . - :* - . _ ;, - ;

0.1 0.01






0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Information (pages 332/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:26:34 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane


Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I. can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.


David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:2 Apr 2015. 12:09:41 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Seber, Dogan;Li, Yong; Walsh, Lisa;Stovall, Scott Cc:'Miriam R. Juckett' Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07 A04-15p.


Discussion of CGS GMPEs Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation. Call in and presentation attached Bridge line phone number: 888-71 1-9770 Participant passcode1(b)(6) I

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12: 13:54 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: CGS GMPE Codes Hi Lisa, I'll be going through the logic tree approach and how I have currently implemented it. I imagine.

that much of the discussion will be around simplifications that we can make that will help our review be more efficient. I would skim Chapter 9 of the report and (maybe) familiarize yourself with Appendix D2 . . I haven't given the code to Cliff or Dogan yet, so I don't want to put the cart before the horse in terms of handing them around.

-- David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:58 AM To: Heeszel, David


CGS GMPE Codes Hi David, Dogan just mentioned that you are going to present the Columbia GMPEs and implementation along with the codes you have developed for confirmatory analysis on Thursday. He forwarded me the appointment and I plan to attend, but I just thought I would check in with you. I am planning on reading through the SSHAC report over the next few days. Would I be able to look at the codes you developed from the SSHAC report before the meeting (and/or would that be useful)?

Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph .D.

Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612

PGA Weighted VS-kappa I Backb~ne I Log(SA)

Frequency SA (code) Weight SA (Branch* Uncertainty B kb branch Branch ac one code) 2.60E-01

- 3.44E-03 8.94E-04 1

-5.3100 100 1 100 1.72E-01 3.44E-03 5.92E-04 1 2 -5.3100 100 1.38E-01 3.44E-03 4.75E-04 1 3 -5.3100 100 3.25E-01 3.44E-03 1.12E-03 1 4 -5.3100 100 2.12E-01 2.75E-02 5.83E-03 1 5 -5.3100 100 1.81 E-01 3.44E-03 6.23E-04 1 6 -5.3100 100 3.32E-01 3.44E-03 1.14E-03 1 7 -5.3100 100 1.35E-01 3.44E-03 4.64E-04 1 8 -5.3100 100 2.47E-01 3.44E-03 8.50E-04 1 9 -5.3100 100 1.63E-01 8.50E-03 1.39E-03 2 1 -5.3100 100 1.08E-01 8.50E-03 9.18E-04 2 I 2 -5.3100 100 8.64E-02 8.50E-03 7.34E-04 2 I 3 -5.3100 100 2.04E-01 8.50E-03 1.73E-03 2 I 4 -5.3100 100 1.33E-01 6.SOE-02 9.04E-03 2 I 5 -5.3100 100 1.13E-01 8.50E-03 9.61 E-04 2 6 -5.3100 100 2.08E-01 8.50E-03 1.77E-03 2 I 7 -5.3100 100 8.46E-02 8.50E-03 7.19E-04 2 8 -5.3100 100 1.55E-01 8.50E-03 1.32E-03 2 9 -5.3100 100 8.14E-02 1.24E-02 1.01E-03 3 I 1 -5.3100 100 5.37E-02 1.24E-02 6.66E-04 3 2 -5.3100 100 4.30E-02 1.24E-02 5.33E-04 3 3 -5.3100 100 1.02E-01 1.24E-02 1.26E-03 3 4 -5.3100 100 6.61 E-02 9.90E-02 6.54E-03 3 5 -5.3100 100 5.65E-02 1.24E-02 7.01 E-04 3 6 -5.3100 100 1.04E-01 1.24E-02 1.29E-03 3 7 -5.3100 100 4.21 E-02 1.24E-02 5.22E-04 3 8 -5.3100 100 7.73E-02 1.24 E-02 9.59E-04 3 9 -5.3100 100 4.23E-02

- -- 1.39E-02

--- - 5.88E-04

- - - -> - 4 ..... 1 -5.3100 1-----

100 2.79E-02 1.39E-02 3.88E-04 4 2 -5.3100 100 2.23E-02 1.39E-02 3.1OE-04 4 3 -5.3100 100 5.27E-02 1.39E-02 7.33E-04 4 4 -5.3100 100 3.43E-02 1.1 1E-01 3.81 E-03 4 5 -5.3100

- 100 2.94E-02 1.39E-02 4.09E-04

- 4 6

- -5.3100 100 5.39E-02 1.39E-02 7.49E-04 4 7 -5.3100 100 2.19E-02 1.39E-02 3.04E-04 4 8 -5.3100 100 4.01 E-02 1.39E-02 5.57E-04 4 9 -5.3100 100

- 1.46E-03 1.24E-02 1.81E-05 5 1 -5.3100 100 9.62E-04 1.24E-02 1.19E-05 5 2 -5.3100 100 7.71 E-04 1.24E-02 9.56E-06 5 3 -5.3100 100 1.82E-03 1.24E-02 2.26E-05 5 4 -5.3100 100 1.18E-03 9.90E-02 1.17E-04 5 5 -5.3100 100 1.01 E-03 1.24E-02 1.25E-05 5 6 -5.3100 100 1.86E-03 1.24E-02 2.31 E-05 5 7 -5.3100 100 7.55E-04 1.24E-02 9.36E-06 5 8 -5.3100 100 1.38E-03 1.24E-02 1.71 E-05 5 I 9 -5.3100 100 7.57E-07 8.50E-03 6.43E-09 6 I 1 -5.3100 100 5.00E-07 8.50E-03 4.25E-09 6 I 2 -5.3100 100 4.00E-07 8.50E-03 3.40E-09 6 3 -5.3100 Page l

PGA 100 9.45E-07 8.50E-03 8.03E-09 6 4 -5.3100 100 6.15E-07 6.80E-02 4.18E-08 6 5 -5.3100 100 5.26E-07 8.50E-03 4.47E-09 6 6 -5.3100 100 9.65E-07 8.50E-03 8.20E-09 6 7 -5.3100 100 3.92E-07 8.50E-03 3.33E-09 6 8 -5.3100

- 100 100 100

- 7.19E-07 1.20E-13 7.90E-14

- 8.50E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 6.11 E-09 4.13E-16 2.72E-16

- 6 7

7 9

1 2



-5.3100 100 6.33E-14 3.44E-03 2.18E-16 7 3 -5.3100 100 1.49E-13 3.44E-03 5.13E- 16 7 4 -5.3100 100 9.73E-14 2.75E-02 2.68E-15 7 5 -5.3100 100 8.32E-14 3.44E-03 2.86E-16 7 6 -5.3100 100 1.53E-13 3.44E-03 5.26E-16 7 7 -5.3100 100 6.20E-14 3.44E-03 2.13E-16 7 8 -5 .3100 100 1.14E-13 3.44E-03 3.92E-16 7 9 -5.3100 Weighted 5.21E-02 Mean SA Page2

PGA Backbone SA*VSK + Weighted I VS-Kappa Backbone SA *Vs SA Uncertainty Backbone. SA Correction kappa Correction (Branch)

Correction J:!_ncertainty ~ranch)_

- -1.8054

- -1.3424 2.61 E-01 8.99E-04 1 0.340 0.4630 0.340 0.0471 -1.8054 -1.7583 1.72E-01 5.93E-04 2 0.340 -0.1740 -1 .8054 -1 .9794 1.38E-01 4.75E-04 3 0.340 0.6840 -1.8054 -1.1214 3.26E-01 1.12E-03 4 0.340 0.2550 -1.8054 -1.5504 2.12E-01 5.83E-03 5 0.340 0.0984 -1.8054 -1.7070 1.81 E-01 6.24E-04 6 0.340 0.7050 -1.8054 -1 .1004 3.33E-01 1.14E-03 7 0.340 -0.1950 -1.8054 -2.0004 1.35E-01 4.65E-04 8 0.340 0.4120 -1.8054 -1.3934 2.48E-01 8.54E-04 9 0.428 0.4630 -2.2727 -1 .8097 1.64E-01 1.39E-03 10 0.428 0.0471 -2.2727 -2.2256 1.08E-01 9.18E-04 11 0.428 -0.1740 -2.2727 -2.4467 8.66E-02 7.36E-04 12 0.428 0.6840 -2.2727 -1.5887 2.04E-01 1.74E-03 13 0.428 0.2550 -2.2727 -2.0177 1.33E-01 9.04E-03 14 0.428 0.0984 -2.2727 -2.1743 1.14E-01 9.66E-04 15 0.428 0.7050 -2.2727 -1.5677 2.09E-01 1.77E-03 16 0.428 -0.1950 -2.2727 -2.4677 8.48E-02 7.21E-04 I 17 0.428 0.4120 -2.2727 -1.8607 1.56E-01 1.32E-03 18 0.560 0.4630 -2.9736 -2.5106 8.12E-02 1.01 E-03 19 0.560 0.0471 -2.9736 -2.9265 5.36E-02 6.64E-04 20 0.560 -0.1740 -2.9736 -3.1476 4.30E-02 5.33E-04 I 21 0.560 0.6840 -2.9736 -2.2896 1.01 E-01 1.26E-03 22 0.560 0.2550 -2.9736 -2.7186 6.60E-02 6.53E-03 23 0.560 0.0984 -2.9736 -2.8752 5.64E-02 6.99E-04 24 0.560 0.7050 -2.9736 -2.2686 1.03E-01 1.28E-03 25 0.560 -0.1950 -2.9736 -3.1686 4.21 E-02 5.22E-04 26 0.560 0.4120 -2.9736 -2.5616 7.72E-02 9.57E-04 27

-3.6267 28 0.683

- -0.4630

- - - --4.23E-02


--- 5.88E-04

-3.88E-04 0.683 0.0471 -3.6267 -3.5796 2.79E-02 I 29 0.683 -0.1740 -3.6267 -3.8007 2.24E-02 3.11 E-04 I 30 0.683 0.6840 -3.6267 -2.9427 5.27E-02 7.33E-04 I 31 0.683 0.2550 -3.6267 -3.3717 3.43E-02 3.81 E-03 32 0.683 0.0984

- -3.6267

- -3.5283 2.94E-02 4.08E-04 ] 33 0.683 0.7050 -3.6267 -2.9217 5.38E-02 7.48E-04 34 0.683 -0.1950 -3.6267 -3.8217 2.19E-02 3.04E-04 35 0.683 0.4120 -3.6267 -3.2147 4.02E-02 5.58E 36 1.320 0.4630

- ----*-f-

-7.0092 -6.5462 1.44E-03 1.78E-05 37 1.320 0.0471 -7.0092 -6.9621 9.47E-04 1.17E-05 38 1.320 -0.1740 -7.0092 -7.1832 7.59E-04 9.41 E-06 39 1.320 0.6840 -7.0092 -6.3252 1.79E-03 2.22E-05 40 1.320 0.2550 -7.0092 -6.7542 1.17E-03 1.15E-04 41 1.320 0.0984 -7.0092 -6.9108 9.97E-04 1.24E-05 42 1.320 0.7050 -7.0092 -6.3042 1.83E-03 2.27E-05 43 1.320 -0.1950 -7.0092 -7.2042 7.43E-04 9.22E-06 1 44 1.320 0.4120 -7.0092 -6.5972 1.36E-03 1.69E-05 45 2.740 0.4630 -14.5494 -14.0864 7.63E-07 6.48E-09 46 2.740 0.0471 -14.5494 -14.5023 5.03E-07 4.28E-09 47 2.740 -0.1740 -14.5494 -14.7234 4.03E-07 3.43E-09 48 Page 3

PGA 2.740 0.6840 -14.5494 -l 3.86~m51 E-07 8.09E-09 49 2.740 0.2550 -14.5494 -14.2944 6.19E-07 4.21E-08 50 2.740 0.0984 -14.5494 -14.4510 5.30E-07 4.50E-09 51 2.740 0.7050 -14.5494 I -13.8444 _9.72E-07 8.26E-09 52 2.740 -0. 1950 -14.5494 I -14.7444 3 .95E-07 3.36E-09 53 2.740 0.4 120

- -14.5494 -14.1374 7.25E-07 54 6.16E-09 5.690 5.690

. _5.690 0.4630 0.0471

-0. 1740 t-





- 1.20E-13

-30.1668 .... 7.92E-14

-30.3879 6.35E-14 4.13E-16 2.72E-16 2.18E-16 55 56 57

,__ 5.690 0.6 840 t-

-30.2139 -29.5299 1.50E-13 5.15E-16 58 5.690 0.2550 -30.2139 -29.9589 9.75E-14 f.-

2.68E-15 59 5.690 0.0984 -30.2139 -30.1 155 8.34E-14 2.87E-16 60 5.690 0.7050 -30.2139 -29.5089 1.53E-13 ~

5.26E-16 61 5.690 -0. 1950 -30.2139 -30.4089 6.22E-14 2.14E-16 62 5.690 0.4 120 -30.2139 -29.8019 1.14E-13 3.92EOJ1j 63 Weighted 5 .21 E-02 Mean SA Page4

PGA 5.0000 0 .0000 61 - Log(SA) Backbone


-10.0000 +-- - - - - -- -- t- - - - - VS-Kappa Correction Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction

-20.0000 -- - -- - - - - - --1-- -

- SA *vsK +. Backbone

-25.0000 + - - - - - - - - -- - -*- - Uncertainty

-30.0000 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii.,,.,._

-35.0000 .....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

l.OOE+OO l.OOE-02 l.OOE-04 1.00E-06

- SA (Branch) 1.00E--08

- Weighted SA (Branch) l.OOE-10 l.OOE-12 l.OOE-14 Page5

PGA Page 6

PGA Page 7

0.1 Hz Weighted Backbone VS-kappa Log(SA} VS-Kappa Frequency SA Weight SA Uncertainty branch Backbone Correction (Branch} Branch 0.1 2.80E-04 3.44E-03 9.63E-07 1 1 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 5. 19E-05 3.44E-03 1.79E-07 1 2 -1.11E+01 8.54E-01

-- 0.1 9.15E-05 3.44E-03 3.15E-07

- 1

--- -3 -1.11 E+01

  • - 8.54E-01 0.1 1.59E-04 3.44E-03 5.47E-07 1 4 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 1.20E-04 2.75E-02 3.30E-06 1 5 -1.11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 1.80E-04 3.44E-03 6.19E-07 1 6 -1. 11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 2.66E-04 3.44E-03 9.15E-07 1 7 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 5.47E-05 3.44E-03 1.88E-07 1 8 -1 .11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 8.06E-05 3.44E-03 2.77E-07 1 9 -1. 11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 2.47E-04 8.50E-03 2.10E-06 2 1 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 4.58E-05 8.50E-03 3.89E-07 2 2 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 8.08E-05 8.50E-03 6.87E-07 2 3 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.40E-04 8.50E-03 1.19E-06 2 4 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.06E-04 6.80E-02 7.21 E-06 2 5 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.59E-04 8.50E-03 1.35E-06 2 6 -1 .11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 2.35E-04 8.50E-03 2.00E-06 2 7 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 4.83E-05 8.50E-03 4.1 1 E-07 2 8 -1.11E+0 1 8.65E-01 0.1 7.12E-05 8.50E-03 6.05E-07 2 9 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 2.20E-04 1.24E-02 2.73E-06 3 1 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 4.08E-05 1.24E-02 5.06E-07 3 2 -1 .11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02 8.94E-07 3 3 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 1.25E-04 1.24E-02 1.55E-06 3 4 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 9.49E-05 9.90E-02 9.40E-06 3 5 -1 .11 E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 1.42E-04 1.24E-02 1.76E-06 3 6 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01

-- 0.1 2.09E~4 1.24E-02 2.59E-o6

- 3

-- 7 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 4.30E-05 1.24E-02 5.33E-07 3 8 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 6.35E-05 1.24E-02 7.87E-07 3 9 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 2.02E-04 1.39E-02 2.81E-06 4 1 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 3.74E.:-05 1.39E-02 5.20E-0-7

- 4

-- 2

- -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02 9.19E-07

-- 4 3 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 1.14E-04 1.39E-02 1.58E-06 4 4 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 8.70E-05 1.11E-01 9.66E-06 4 5 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 1.30E-04 1.39E-o2 1.81 E-06

- 4

-- 6 -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 1.92E-04 1.39E-02 2.67E-06 4 7 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 3.95E-05 1.39E-02 5.49E-07 4 8 -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 5.82E-05 1.39E-02 8.09E-07

- 4

9- -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01

-- 1.24E-02 0.1 1.76E-04 2.18E-06 5 1 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 3.27E-05 1.24E-02 4.05E-07 5 2 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 5.76E-05 1.24E-02 7.14E-07 5 3 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 9.99E-05 1.24E-02 1.24E-06 5 4 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 7.59E-05 9.90E-02 7.51 E-06 5 5 -1 .11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.13E-04 1.24E-02 1.40E-06 5 6 -1. 11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.67E-04 1.24E-02 2.07E-06 5 7 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 3.44E-05 1.24E-02 4.27E-07 5 8 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 5.08E-05 1.24E-02 6.30E-07 5 9 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.66E-04 8.50E-03 1.41 E-06 6 1 -1.11E+01 9.01E-01 0.1 3.08E-05 8.50E-03 2.62E-07 6 2 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 Page 8

0.1 Hz 0.1 5.43E-05 8.50E-03 4.62E-07 6 3 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.SOE-03 8.00E-07 6 4 -1. 11E+01 9.01 E-01 0.1 7.15E-05 6.80E-02 4.86E-06 6 5 -1.11 E+01 9.01E-01 0.1 1.07E-04 8.50E-03 9ToE-07 6 6 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 1.58E-04 8.SOE-03 1.34E-06 6 7 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 3.24E-05 8.SOE-03 2.75E-07 6 8 -1.11E+01 9.01 E-01

-- 0.1 4.79E-05 8.SOE-03 4.07E-07

- 6

-- 9

- -1.11 E+01 9.01E-Of 0.1 1.60E-04 3.44E-03 5.50E-07 7 1 -1 .11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 2.97E-05 3.44E-03 1.02E-07 7 2 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 5.24E-05 3.44E-03 1.80E-07 7 3 -1. 11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 9.07E-05 3.44E-03 3.12E-07 7 4 -1.11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 6.89E-05 2.75E-02 1.89E-06 7 5 -1 .11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 1.03E-04 3.44E-03 3.54E-07 7 6 -1. 11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 1.52E-04 3.44E-03 5.23E-07 7 7 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 3.13E-05 3.44E-03 1.08E-07 7 8 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03 1.59E-07 7 9 -1.11 E+01 9.04E-01 Weighted 9.67E-05 Mean SA Page 9

0.1 Hz Backbone Backbone SA*VSK +

SA *Vs- Weighted Uncertainty Backbone SA (Branch) kappa SA (Branch)

Correction Uncertainty Correction 1.32E+OO -9.4794 -8.1594 2.86E-04 9.84E-07 1 2.00

-3.69E-01 -9.4794 -9.8484 5.28E-05 1.82E-07 2

- 1.99E-01 -9.4794

- -9.2804 - 9.32E-05

- 3.21 -

E-07 3 7.49E-01 -9.4794 -8.7304 1.62E-04 5.56E-07 4 0.00 4.74E-01 -9.4794 -9.0054 1.23E-04 3.38E-06 5 8.76E-01 -9.4794 -8.6034 1.83E-04 6.31 E-07 6 -2.00 1.26E+OO -9.4794 -8.2194 2.69E-04 9.27E-07 7

-3.16E-01 -9.4794 -9.7954 5.57E-05 1.92E-07 8 -4.00 7.25E-02 -9.4794 -9.4069 8.22E-05 2.83E-07 9 1.32E+OO -9.6015 -8.2815 2.53E-04 2.15E-06 10 -6.00

-3.69E-01 -9.6015 -9.9705 4.68E-05 3.97E-07 11 1.99E-01 -9.6015 -9.4025 8.25E-05 7.01 E-07 12

-8.00 7.49E-01 -9.6015 -8.8525 1.43E-04 1.22E-06 13 4.74E-01 -9.6015 -9.1275 1.09E-04 7.39E-06 14

-10.00 8.76E-01 -9.6015 -8.7255 1.62E-04 1.38E-06 15 1.26E+OO -9.6015 -8.3415 2.38E-04 2.03E-06 16

-3.16E-01 -9.6015 -9.9175 4.93E-05 4.19E-07 17 -12.00 7.25E-02 -9.6015 -9.5290 7.27E-05 6.18E-07 18 l.OOE 1.32E+OO -9.7125 -8.3925 2.27E-04 2.81 E-06 19

-3.69E-01 -9.7125 -10.0815 4.18E-05 5.19E-07 20 1.99E-01 -9.7125 -9.5135 7.38E-05 9.16E-07 21 1.00E 7.49E-01 -9.7125 -8.9635 1.28E-04 1.59E-06 22 4.74E-0 1 -9.7 125 -9.2385 9.72E-05 9.63E-06 23 1.00E 8.76E-01 -9.7125 -8.8365 1.45E-04 1.80E-06 24 1.26E+oo -9.7125 -8.4525 2.13E-04 2.65E-06 25 1.00E

-3.16E-0 1 -9.7125 -10.0285 4.41 E-05 5.47E-07 26 7.25E-02 -9.7125 -9.6400 6.51E-05 8.07E-07 27 1.00E 1.32E+OO -9.8013 -8.4813 2.07E-04 2.88E-06 28

-3.69E-01 -9.8013 -10.1703 3.83E-05 5.32E-07 29 l.OOE 1.99E-01 -9.8013 -9.6023 6.76E-05 9.39E-07 30 7.49E-01 -9.8013 -9.0523 1.1 7E-04 1.63E-06 31 l.OOE 4.74E-01 -9.8013 -9.3273 8.90E-05 9.87E-06 32 8~76*E:o 1 -9.8013 -8.9253 1.33E-04 1.85E-06 33 1.26E+OO -9.8013 -8.5413 1.95E-04 2.71E-06 34 l.OOE

-3.16E-01 -9.8013 4.04E-05 5.61 E-07 35 7.25E-02 -9.8013 -

- -10.1173


- 5.95E -

- - - - 8.28E 36 1.32E+OO -9.9345 -8.6145 1.81 E-04 2.25E-06 37

-3.69E-01 -9.9345 -10.3035 3.35E-05 4 .16E-07 38 1.99E-01 -9.9345 -9.7355 5.91 E-05 7.33E-07 39 7.49E-01 -9.9345 -9.1855 1.03E-04 1.27E-06 40 4.74E-01 -9.9345 -9.4605 7.79E-05 7.71E-06 41 8.76E-01 -9.9345 -9.0585 1.16E-04 1.44E-06 42 1.26E+OO -9.9345 -8.6745 1.71E-04 2.12E-06 43

-3.16E-01 -9.9345 -10.2505 3.53E-05 4.38E-07 44 7.25E-02 -9.9345 -9.8620 5.21 E-05 6.46E-07 45 1.32E+OO -10.001 1 -8.6811 1.70E-04 1.44E-06 46

-3.69E-01 -10.0011 -10.3701 3.14E-05 2.67E-07 47 Page 10

0.1 Hz 1.99E-01 -10.001 _1 _ _-.c...

9 .-"-



1 _ _5_.5_3_E_-0_5-+- 4.70E-07 48 7.49E-01 -10.0011 -9.2521 9.59E-05 8.15E-07 49


4.74E-01 -10.0011 -9.5271 7.29E-05 4.95E-06 50 8.76E-01 -10.0011 -9.1251 1.09E-04 I 9.26E-07 51 1.26E+OO -10.0011 -8.7411 1.60E-04 1.36E-06 52

-3.16E-01 -10.0011 -10.3171 3.31E-05 2.81 E-07 53 7.25E-02 -10.0011 -9.9286 4.88E-05 4.14E-07 54 1.32E+OO -10.0344 -8.7144 1.64E-04 5.65E-07 55

-3.69E-01 -10.0344 - -10.4034 3.03E-05 1.04E 56 i.-_1_.9:...:..

9E-O1 -10.0344 - -9.8354 5.35E-05 1.84E-07 57 7.49E-01 -10.0344 -9.2854 9.28E-05 3.19E-07

- 58 f--

4.74E-01 -10.0344 -9.5604 7.05E-05 1.94E 59 8.76E-01 -10.0344 -9.1584 1.05E-04 3.62E-07 60 1.26E+OO -10.0344 -8.7744 1.55E-04 5.32E-07 61

-3.16E-01 -10.0344 -10.3504 3.20E-05 1.10E-07 62 7.25E-02 -10.0344 -9.9619 4.72E-05 1.62E-07 63 Weighted 9.90E-05 Mean SA Page 11

0.1 Hz 21 41 61 - Log(SA) Backbone

- VS-Kappa Correction

- Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction

- SA*VSK +Backbone Uncertainty

+oo 21 41 61

- SA (Branch)

-04 - Weighted SA (Branch)
-07 Page 12

Sheet3 0.1 2.80E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 1 0.1 5.19E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 2 0.1 9.15E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 3 0.1 1.59E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 4 0.1 1.20E-04 2.75E-02 0.649E+OO 5 0.1 1.80E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 6 0.1 2.66E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 0.1 5.47E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 8 0.1 8.06E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 1 9 0.1 2.47E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 1 0.1 4.58E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 2 0.1 8.08E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 3 0.1 1.40E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 4 0.1 1.06E-04 6.80E-02 0.649E+OO 2 5 0.1 1.59E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 6 0.1 2.35E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 2 7 0.1 4.83E-05 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 2 8 0.1 7.12E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 9 0.1 2.20E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 1 0.1 4.08E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 2 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 3 0.1 1.25E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 4 0.1 9.49E-05 9.90E-02 0.649E+OO 3 5 0.1 1.42E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 6 0.1 2.09E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 7 0.1 4.30E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 8 0.1 6.35E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 9 0.1 2.02E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 1 0.1 3.74E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 2 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 3 0.1 1.14E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 4 0.1 8.70E-05 1.11 E-01 0.649E+OO 4 5 0.1 1.30E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 6 0.1 1.92E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 7 0.1 3.95E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 8 0.1 5.82E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 9 0.1 1.76E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 1 0.1 3.27E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 2 0.1 5.76E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 3 0.1 9.99E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 4 0.1 7.59E-05 9.90E-02 0.649E+OO 5 5 0.1 1.13E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 6 0.1 1.67E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 7 0.1 3.44E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 8 0.1 5.08E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 9 0.1 1.66E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 1 0.1 3.08E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 2 0.1 5.43E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 3 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 4 0.1 7.1SE-05 6.80E-02 0.649E+OO 6 5 0.1 1.07E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 6 Page 13

Sheet3 0.1 1.58E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 7 0.1 3.24E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 8 0.1 4.79E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 9 0.1 1.60E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 1 0.1 2.97E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 2 0.1 5.24E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 3 0.1 9.07E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 4 0.1 6.89E-05 2. 75E-02 0.649E+OO 7 5 0.1 1.03E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 6 0.1 1.52E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 7 0.1 3.13E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 8 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 9 Page 14

Sheet3 1 2-0.111E+02 0.854E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.854E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.854E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.865E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.875E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.875E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.875E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.875E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.883E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.1 11E+02 0.883E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.883E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.895E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.895E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.895E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.1 11 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.901E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.901E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.901E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.901E+OO 0.876E+OO Page 15

Sheet3 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.725E-01 Page 16

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:8 May 2015 15: 16:30 +0000 To:Weaver , Thomas


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Sure.

From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015.11:11 AM To:. Heeszel,. David


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Does Monday at 1 PM work for you?

From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:05 AM To: Weaver, Thomas


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi Thomas, Sure. My schedule is pretty open, but I plan to be out on Friday. Perhaps before or after one of the WUS site meetings?

--David From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:01 AM To: Heeszel, David


Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi David, If. possible , I would like to work with you on developing some conditional mean spectra that we can use for Columbia Generating Station site response analyses. Let me know if you have some time next week when you are available to discuss .

Regards, Thomas

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:! May 2015 14:44:11 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


RE: Columbia GMPEs Hi. Dogan, I need to make a few modifications - specifically to how the sigma model operates, but it should be useable for the purpose you want. Cliff. also wants me. to simplify it to the branch level, which I am working on as well. I'll try and have an updated version on Monday.

--David From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 10:26 AM To: Heeszel, David


Columbia GMPEs Hi. David, I need to make some comparisons of the Columbia GMPE models. against some of the NGA-West 2 models. Is your Columbia GMPE code, you mentioned a while back, ready to be used by others? I need to make simple comparisons such as g vs distance given M. Please let me. know if I can use. your code. for this. purpose.


Dogan Seber, PhD Senior Geophysicist Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

~ 301-415-0212

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12:08:07 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Thanks, that was on my list for this morning.

--David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:54 PM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;


RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Bridge line phone nu ~- 711-9770 Participant passcode~

<<Message: FW: Conference Details {APR 02, 2015--11:00 AM ET--Conf# 3279869) >>

Original Appointment-----

From:. Heeszel,. David .

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:40 AM To: Heeszel, David; Walsh, Lisa; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;


FW: Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-15p

Original Appointment-----

From:. Heeszel,. David .

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:11 AM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong


Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-1 Sp We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation.

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:2 Apr 2015 14:55:33 +0000 To:Devlin-Gill , Stephanie;Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon ;Hill, Brittain Cc:Miriam R.Juckett(;John Stamatakos


Palo Verde Catalog Attachments:PVNGS_independent_evenL_catalog.xlsx Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. The other columns should be relatively self explanatory.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC,. NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail.Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Year Month Day Hour Min. Sec. lat. long. Depth 1852 11 29 20 0 0 32.5 -115 9.9 1856 9 21 7 30 0 33.1 -116.7 9.9 1870 3 11 10 20 0 34.55 -112.47 0 1870 8 12 0 0 0 34.55 -112.47 0 1871 2 7 15 8 2 34.1 -112.44 0 1872 5 3 1 0 0 33 -115 9.9 1875 1 21 19 45 0 33.65 -114.S 0 1875 11 2 9 0 0 32.38 -114.6 0 1875 11 15 22 30 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1880 12 19 23 35 0 34 -117 9.9 1885 9 13 12 34 0 33.3 -116.9 9.9 1887 5 30 14 0 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1887 11 11 0 0 0 32 -110.58 0 1888 7 25 0 0 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1888 11 25 0 0 0 32.22 -110.97 0 1889 2 7 5 20 0 34.1 -116.7 9.9 1890 2 9 12 6 0 33.4 -116.3 9.9 1891 4 26 20 0 0 35.18 -114.52 0 1891 7 30 14 10 0 32 -115 9.9 1892 2 2 0 30 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1892 2 24 7 20 0 32.55 -115.63 9.9 1893 6 5 6 40 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1894 10 23 23 3 0 32.8 -116.8 9.9 1899 9 20 0 0 0 35.19 -114.06 0 1899 10 6 23 30 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1899 12 25 12 25 0 33.8 -117 9.9 1903 1 24 5 0 0 31.5 -115 9.9 1906 1 25 13 32 30 35.540 -111.870 0 1906 4 19 0 30 0 32.9 -115.S 9.9 1910 4 11 7 57 0 33.5 -116.5 9.9 1910 9 24 4 5 0 35.690 -111.670 0 1912 8 18 21 12 0 35.320 -111.710 0 1913 12 6 0 15 0 35.25 -112.17 0 1915 6 23 3 59 0 32.8 -115.S 9.9 1915 6 27 8 30 0 33.4 -111.8 0 1915 11 21 0 13 0 32 -115 9.9 1916 3 30 5 20 0 31.34 -110.94 0 1916 9 30 2 11 0 33.2 -116.1 9.9 1917 5 28 6 6 0 32.8 -115.3 9.9 1918 4 20 8 45 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1918 4 21 22 32 0 33.8 -117 9.9 1918 5 1 4 32 0 32.6 -115.4 9.9 1919 5 23 11 5 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1919 10 1 19 30 0 32.6 -115 9.9 1920 1 1 2 35 0 33.2 -116.7 9.9 1921 4 6 21 7 0 34.9 -110.16 0 1921 9 8 19 24 0 32.4 -115.S 9.9

1922 6 16 21 1 0 32.7 -114.7 0 1922 6 17 23 42 0 33.38 -110.86 0 1923 9 28 0 0 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1923 9 30 18 27 0 34 .2 -111.5 0 1923 11 7 23 57 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1926 4 3 20 8 0 34 -116 9.9 1927 1 1 8 16 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1927 2 11 3 40 0 31.54 -110.75 0 1928 10 2 19 1 0 33.6 -116.7 9.9 1929 9 26 20 0 22.7 34.83 -116.52 9.9 1930 1 16 0 24 0 34.2 -116.9 9.9 1930 2 26 2 30 0 33 -115.S 9.9 1930 7 16 19 0 0 34.2 -112.5 0 1931 4 17 12 38 0 34.53 -110.05 0 1931 7 28 8 35 0 34.7 -112 0 1932 3 23 0 20 6.5 35.795 -115.932 6 1932 5 20 20 22 49.84 34.995 -115.841 6 1932 6 27 10 7 21 .22 31.53 -116.091 6 1933 11 27 0 0 0 34.42 -112.91 0 1933 11 28 20 10 55.89 35.697 -116.072 6 1934 1 11 7 15 0 31.91 -109.82 0 1934 3 12 0 0 0 35.1 -110.9 0 1934 4 13 10 55 11.69 35.123 -116.233 6 1934 5 14 13 14 0 31 -114.5 0 1934 11 25 8 18 29.19 31.501 -116.074 6 1934 12 25 12 20 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1934 12 31 18 45 43.92 32.18 -115.175 6 1935 1 1 1 12 43.43 31 -114 6 1935 1 1 8 50 0 36.05 -112.14 0 1935 1 2 7 30 0 32.67 -114.14 0 1935 1 9 0 58 44.08 33.486 -115.167 6 1935 10 24 14 48 7.51 34.106 -116.699 6 1935 11 4 3 55 54.71 33.507 -116.667 6 1935 12 5 21 25 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1935 12 20 7 45 31.86 32.811 -115.296 6 1936 1 12 0 0 0 36.05 -112.14 0 1936 1 30 17 13 53.26 32.842 -114.82 6 1936 2 25 6 30 0 35.19 -114.06 0 1936 9 9 2 48 6.89 34.889 -116.049 6 1936 10 13 20 39 54.87 35.374 -115.772 6 1937 2 27 1 29 17.57 31.78 *116.599 6 1937 3 25 16 49 2.18 33.4 -116.25 6 1937 4 8 12 0 0 35.71 -109.54 0 1937 7 20 22 49 0 35.33 -112.88 0 1937 7 21 23 55 0 33.46 -112.07 0 1937 11 12 1 38 58.31 35.913 -115.274 6 1937 12 4 0 54 47.73 35.5 -113 6 1937 12 17 23 30 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1938 6 6 2 42 41.93 32.273 -115.191 6

1938 7 21 15 34 23.02 34.616 -115.938 6 1938 7 24 3 5 0.41 33.45 -115.065 6 1938 8 18 7 39 44.47 34.818 -116.047 6 1938 9 17 17 20 18 33.2 -108.6 0 1938 9 18 23 30 0 32.72 -109.1 0 1938 9 18 23 45 0 32.27 -109.23 0 1938 9 24 18 0 0 32.62 -109.97 0 1938 9 29 23 32 0 33.05 -109.3 0 1938 12 28 22 7 12 33.05 -109.3 0 1939 3 9 13 30 0 36.1 -112.1 0 1939 3 22 19 16 33.16 34.641 -115.671 6 1939 5 4 20 44 0 35.97 -114.82 9.9 1939 6 4 1 19 12 32.75 -109.1 0 1939 6 4 5 0 0 33.05 -109.3 0 1940 5 5 9 38 27.41 35.456 -115.29 6 1940 5 18 5 3 59.66 34.089 -116.282 6 1940 5 19 4 36 40.5 32.844 -115.381 6 1940 5 19 18 6 0 32.67 -114.14 0 1940 6 4 10 35 8.12 32.966 -116.315 6 1940 6 4 23 33 0.33 33.096 -114.7 6 1940 7 7 18 42 55.8 31.454 -115.133 6 1940 10 16 13 25 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1940 12 7 22 16 27 31.667 -115.083 9.9 1940 12 7 22 17 0 31.069 -114.853 6 1941 3 21 0 0 0 35.9 -114.6 0 1941 5 21 16 25 0 35.9 -114.6 0 1941 9 3 21 25 0 36 -114.7 0 1942 1 8 2 42 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1942 3 3 1 3 25.85 34.001 -115.847 6 1942 3 31 0 29 30.33 35.545 -115.891 6 1942 5 23 15 47 33.78 32.995 -116.25 6 1942 9 9 5 15 0 36 -114.7 0 1942 11 9 20 34 25.57 34.858 -116.092 6 1943 7 1 16 19 16.01 35.807 -115.955 6 1943 8 18 0 30 15.14 35.781 -116 6 1943 8 29 3 45 14.31 34.268 -116.968 6 1943 12 21 9 0 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1943 12 22 15 50 28.6 34.37 -115.819 6 1944 1 31 4 24 58 36.9 -112.5 0 1944 6 12 11 16 35.81 34.002 -116.699 6 1944 9 30 0 54 8.88 36.106 *114.701 6 1944 10 28 4 1 35.77 31.163 -115.739 6 1945 1 7 22 25 32 36.5 -111.8 0 1945 3 20 21 55 7 34.25 -116.167 9.9 1945 3 31 18 50 45 31 -114 0 1945 4 22 9 45 48 31.5 -114 9.9 1945 4 22 22 14 0.12 32 -114.5 6 1945 5 11 23 32 55.69 30.884 -115.897 6 1945 5 12 7 33 0 31.6 -115.6 9.9

1945 8 15 17 56 18.39 33.082 -115.631 6 1946 6 4 12 5 26.66 33.986 -115.704 6 1946 7 18 14 27 57.99 34.502 -115.915 6 1946 9 28 7 19 10.42 33.935 -116.867 12.8 1946 11 26 22 49 0 36.1 -114 0 1947 4 6 8 10 54.29 31.5 -115 6 1947 4 10 15 58 5.11 34.983 -116.531 6 1947 4 10 17 29 27 34.967 -115.55 6 1947 5 14 21 45 31.77 34.75 -114.5 6 1947 6 21 8 9 37 32 -115.5 9.9 1947 7 24 22 10 46.82 33.994 -116.481 6 1947 10 27 4 15 40 35.75 -111.48 0 1948 1 24 2 57 0 36.1 -111.5 0 1948 8 8 23 20 0 36.8 -112.l 0 1948 12 3 18 45 0 35.03 -110.7 0 1948 12 4 23 43 16.41 33.983 -116.331 6 1949 3 3 5 59 34 31 -113 0 1949 5 2 11 25 46.9 34 -115.696 6 1949 5 3 21 10 19.9 34.566 -115.447 6 1949 6 26 1 35 24 32.1 -113.9 0 1949 11 4 20 42 38.77 32.127 -116.75 6 1950 1 17 0 53 0 35.71 -109.54 0 1950 2 2 10 37 24 32 -113 0 1950 2 3 15 51 50.28 30.5 -114.5 6 1950 7 29 14 36 31.93 33.088 -115.664 6 1950 9 5 19 19 56.77 33.726 -116.697 6.4 1951 1 24 7 16 52.62 32.622 -115.119 6 1951 2 15 10 48 0.22 33.482 -116.601 3.4 1951 3 5 23 0 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1951 4 12 6 20 10 32 -113 0 1952 2 8 8 59 5.5 36 -114.7 0 1952 5 24 4 15 12.84 36.156 -114.461 6 1952 5 25 13 6 36 36 -115 6 1952 10 22 19 46 36 32 -113.S 0 1953 5 18 7 3 1.57 36.022 -113.784 6 1953 6 14 4 17 26.7 32.892 -115.504 6 1953 6 14 4 30 1.76 33.567 -115.251 6 1953 10 8 20 19 46 34.66 -111.01 0 1953 10 10 18 49 6 31.8 -116.1 9.9 1954 2 1 4 31 48.85 32195 -114.352 6 1954 2 1 13 5 10.16 31.719 *114.011 6 1954 3 19 9 54 27.83 33.298 -116.081 6 1954 5 31 8 6 24 31.6 -115.2 9.9 1955 1 28 12 10 18.08 33.748 -115.327 6 1955 4 25 10 43 7.42 32.466 -114.989 6 1955 12 17 6 7 27.9 32.955 -115.472 6 1956 1 3 14 24 1 32.383 -116 9.9 1956 1 9 12 56 59.66 35.624 -115.865 6 1956 2 9 14 32 41.91 31.832 -116.231 6

1956 2 15 1 20 35.27 31.149 -115.485 6 1956 3 16 20 29 33.73 34.289 -116.775 2.7 1957 4 25 21 57 36.9 33.119 -115.681 6 1957 7 5 0 58 0 32 -114 9.9 1957 9 22 16 3 47.97 33.884 -114.92 6 1958 3 15 8 34 4 32.5 -113.5 9.9 1958 6 12 22 1 4.46 34.816 -116.025 6 1958 8 18 6 0 52 30.5 -114 0 1958 9 18 6 3 0 31.4 -109.85 0 1958 12 1 3 21 17.62 32.216 -115.754 6 1959 2 11 14 1 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1959 6 14 6 13 37. 14 31.335 -116.093 6 1959 7 21 12 39 0 36.8 -112.37 0 1959 10 13 8 15 0 35.5 -111.5 0 1960 1 23 3 11 43.76 35.4 19 -116.288 6 1960 6 3 21 38 0.06 31.5 -114 6 1961 2 9 17 50 44.41 31.579 -115.478 6 1961 9 12 19 18 49.21 32.742 -115.57 6 1962 2 15 7 12 42.9 36.9 -112.4 26 1962 3 7 19 57 37.5 32.29 -109.77 0 1962 5 9 16 39 6.1 32.06 -110.32 0 1962 5 27 1 45 40.74 32.258 -115.769 6 1962 8 6 13 59 58.72 34.613 -115.753 6 1962 8 10 2 29 55.83 35.007 -115.649 6 1962 8 20 10 43 13.7 31 -114 6 1962 10 29 2 42 53.71 34.349 -116.866 6 1963 1 27 3 0 38.98 31.564 -115.834 6 1963 3 25 9 28 43.94 35.962 -114.861 6 1963 5 10 23 49 50.5 35.04 -113.82 0 1963 5 19 22 55 21.7 35.46 -114.21 0 1963 6 11 15 23 41 .67 31.973 -116.252 6 1963 6 20 14 59 42.6 30.2 -114.1 14 1963 6 29 3 3 50 34.81 -114.54 0 1963 9 11 11 59 41 33.2 -110.7 33 1963 9 23 14 41 52.79 33.704 -116.938 10.7 1963 10 20 13 29 32.64 31.685 -115.387 6 1963 11 2 8 47 43 32.4 -113.7 14 1963 11 18 14 38 28.9 29.9 -113.6 14 1963 11 23 10 53 18.4 30.4 -113.5 14 1964 1 17 17 8 24.4 31 -114 6 1964 2 3 8 43 36 31.5 -114.2 9.9 1964 4 16 4 16 26.7 30.5 -114.4 33 1964 4 16 4 56 47 31.8 -113.7 9.9 1964 4 16 6 45 43.9 32.5 -113.2 33 1964 8 21 19 41 37.5 30.6 -113.8 15 1964 8 22 3 3 20.7 31.5 -114.3 15 1964 9 6 18 51 18.6 34.2 -114 15 1964 9 23 18 9 36.16 36.135 -114.657 6 1964 12 20 21 56 6.2 35.959 -114.655 6

1965 1 9 20 37 11.83 32.037 -114.549 6 1965 2 16 12 24 35.9 30.7 -113.2 33 1965 3 13 8 46 56.8 32.2 -111.4 0 1965 5 3 3 30 48.81 36.483 -114.382 6 1965 5 15 6 25 1.5 35.9 -114.8 5 1965 6 7 14 28 1.3 36.1 -112.2 15 1965 6 17 22 58 20.9 31.7 -113.3 10 1965 7 1 2 43 1.4 30.9 -113.7 33 1965 7 9 1 26 54.6 30.6 -113.5 33 1965 9 13 8 47 6.5 31 -114.4 33 1965 9 23 10 35 58.7 30.4 -113.7 33 1965 9 25 17 43 43.33 34.714 -116.432 6 1965 10 14 17 47 35.3 31 -113 33 1965 10 17 9 45 18.78 33.99 -116.761 13 1965 11 26 13 57 2.6 31.8 -112.7 33 1966 1 11 10 25 12.2 31.1 -114.3 33 1966 1 22 12 16 35.1 36.57 -111.99 0 1966 2 24 8 24 53.47 31.919 -114.619 6 1966 3 29 22 56 17.15 33.728 -115.363 6 1966 3 31 0 56 39.3 29.9 -111.8 33 1966 4 3 19 44 38 30.7 -113.7 33 1966 4 13 9 36 15.3 36.7 -112.9 0 1966 4 28 0 42 57.4 35.6 -113 20 1966 5 2 14 59 13.1 36.4 -112.5 0 1966 5 3 5 28 11.1 31.5 -113.8 33 1966 5 26 20 33 22.69 31.544 -115.72 6 1966 6 14 10 45 17.1 36.4 -113.3 0 1966 6 17 20 12 23.9 36.6 -113.5 0 1966 6 24 22 59 56.2 31.5 -114.1 33 1966 7 23 22 55 59.1 1 35.47 -114.595 6 1966 8 7 17 36 26.7 31.8 -114.S 9.9 1966 8 10 13 24 51.1 30.8 -114.5 33 1966 8 10 17 45 37.97 30.328 -114.561 6 1966 8 16 4 43 21.4 30.1 -113.7 11 1966 9 28 12 so 26.7 30.4 -113.9 33 1966 10 1 19 23 11 30 -114.2 32 1966 10 3 16 3 50.9 35.8 -111.6 34 1966 10 30 22 20 6.8 30.8 -113.S 30 1966 11 5 5 18 14.89 31.573 -115.615 6 1966 11 9 14 11 30.66 36.092 -115.065 6 1966 12 1 9 20 40.9 36.2 *113.9 26 1966 12 8 7 23 5.1 30.6 -114.2 14 1967 3 2 6 29 24.4 34.475 -110.964 14 1967 3 10 13 5 17.9 30.333 -114.486 33 1967 3 28 3 48 59.1 35.45 -111.73 5 1967 4 1 15 39 49.9 30.781 -114.03 33 1967 4 26 7 18 22.5 31.14 -114.547 33 1967 5 1 19 48 7.1 34.457 -112.864 26 1967 5 4 22 34 48.5 30.416 -114.403 33

1967 5 21 14 42 34.06 33.552 -116.632 8.4 1967 5 21 18 0 5.1 34.29 -110.57 11 1967 5 26 7 48 43 36.42 -111.56 11 1967 6 14 23 11 53.3 35.28 -112.24 28 1967 8 7 16 40 32.1 36.4 -112.6 0 1967 9 4 23 27 44.7 36.2 -111.7 0 1967 9 21 0 1 52.74 31.301 -115.826 6 1967 10 13 1 19 3.5 30.4 -113.7 33 1967 11 1 16 55 43.3 30.7 -113.4 33 1967 12 5 11 9 37.4 30.8 -114.1 33 1967 12 5 13 15 31 .8 30.2 -114.2 33 1967 12 5 18 12 13.9 31.1 -113.S 33 1968 4 9 2 28 58.39 33.18 -116.103 10 1968 6 20 19 28 51 31.285 -113.529 33 1968 9 3 13 51 36.8 30.847 -113.57 33 1968 12 1 19 16 32.9 31.108 -113.083 33 1969 1 23 23 1 0.44 33.892 -116.049 6 1969 2 2 19 3 38.3 31.588 -113.451 33 1969 2 10 2 57 35.7 30.818 -112.691 33 1969 2 10 6 58 39.7 29.899 -112.95 33 1969 2 10 20 41 30.5 30.291 -112.669 33 1969 3 9 2 53 19.9 30.866 -114.22 33 1969 3 9 3 21 58.3 31.731 -113.89 33 1969 3 21 3 7 31.9 31.3 -114.7 9.9 1969 3 22 7 25 35.6 31.4 -114.1 9.9 1969 5 27 16 17 39.37 35.337 -116.046 6 1969 6 10 3 41 31.5 31.436 -116.301 6 1969 7 31 22 36 2.32 34.467 -114.974 6 1969 9 10 1 7 24.2 31.031 -113.632 33 1969 9 10 2 42 1.5 30.431 -113.843 33 1969 12 25 12 49 10.1 33.4 -110.6 15 1970 1 19 7 16 21 31.497 -115.974 10 1970 4 25 8 25 50.1 36.019 -114.734 5 1970 4 28 7 0 36.22 32.175 -114.676 6 1970 8 6 20 2 24.3 33.199 -115.033 7.6 1970 8 19 2 55 23.31 32.015 -114.525 6 1970 9 3 23 8 28.95 34.642 -115.817 6 1970 9 25 21 24 21 .77 34.737 -115.93 6 1970 10 4 7 21 18.4 29.965 -113.887 33 1970 10 4 17 39 45.4 30.629 -113.645 33 1970 10 12 20 5 34.5 30.072 *113.384 33 1970 11 24 16 47 56 36.357 -112.273 6 1970 12 3 3 47 24.6 35.874 -111.906 5 1970 12 14 19 14 19.15 34.33 -115.706 6 1970 12 18 9 18 33.4 35.99 -114.771 7 1970 12 28 1 13 8.01 33.813 -115.228 6 1971 5 1 3 11 19.9 36.518 -113.375 5 1971 5 6 22 32 36.4 36.45 -114.467 5 1971 5 23 21 31 51.6 35.02 -113.89 0

1971 9 30 22 46 10.87 32.983 -115.804 6 1971 11 4 2 18 58.7 35.2 -112.2 5 1971 11 30 4 21 57.3 31.233 -115.393 8 1971 12 15 12 58 14.5 36.791 -111.824 5 1972 2 20 6 8 17.9 29.895 -113.532 33 1972 4 20 13 28 16.3 35.31 -111.64 5 1972 8 2 13 6 15.6 31.539 -114.425 33 1972 8 3 22 36 2.94 31.818 -114.586 6 1972 9 4 6 8 19.5 30.908 -113.186 33 1972 9 4 23 55 56 30.353 -113.277 33 1972 10 28 13 22 37.89 31.763 -114.508 6 1973 4 19 16 59 42.7 34.3 -112.62 0 1973 7 23 20 37 46.1 30.751 -113.468 33 1973 7 24 1 46 5.8 31.124 -113.33 33 1973 10 10 17 20 19.2 30.203 -113.287 33 1973 10 16 14 53 52.4 31.6 -115.833 8 1973 11 20 19 1 4.44 33.959 -115.495 8 1973 12 26 6 18 16.6 36.081 -114.639 5 1974 3 14 20 59 57.2 34.24 -112.7 0 1974 3 23 17 36 47 30.346 -113.833 33 1974 5 8 19 27 35.72 31 .768 -114.562 6 1974 6 4 21 58 41.86 34.597 -112.901 6 1974 6 11 4 55 6.51 35.783 -115.645 6 1974 6 30 8 44 29.76 30.619 -114.451 6 1974 9 5 21 41 5.84 31.789 -114.031 6 1974 9 5 22 3 22.46 31.654 -114.629 1.51 1974 10 4 18 59 58.4 34.54 -113.02 17 1974 10 16 23 49 39.3 31.499 -114.468 8 1974 11 16 7 38 59.43 30.588 -113.814 6 1974 11 16 7 39 9.32 31.163 -114.364 8 1974 11 22 16 25 49.6 31.18 -115.241 33 1974 12 24 5 47 20.7 33.9 -111.9 4 1975 1 23 17 2 30.14 32.964 -115.508 13.9 1975 3 26 4 30 54.7 36.1 -115.7 11 1975 4 9 6 54 26.1 34.596 -113.135 6 1975 4 13 19 8 48.06 35.401 -116.438 13 1975 4 28 0 17 49.7 31.998 -114.792 10 1975 4 28 2 37 58.09 31.632 -114.268 6 1975 4 29 17 35 32.72 35.598 -116.297 6 1975 5 5 16 56 49.76 31.505 -114.622 6 1975 6 1 1 38 48.74 34.521 *116.481 9.9 1975 7 17 18 24 46.1 31.883 -115.807 10 1975 8 1 11 42 12.6 33.65 -116.75 5 1975 9 8 22 25 23.4 32.55 -114.33 0 1975 11 5 12 23 15.5 34.538 -115.808 5.2 1975 11 15 7 43 48.3 34.3 -116.33 5 1975 12 3 10 12 22.8 32.83 -108.663 27 1976 2 4 0 4 58 34.66 -112.5 10 1976 2 28 20 53 58.5 35.91 -111.79 5

1976 7 19 20 7 39 30.748 -113.502 33 1976 7 30 23 18 49.64 33.492 -113.245 6 1976 8 9 21 43 2.9 35.54 -111.68 5 1976 10 4 14 48 39 36.026 -114.735 5 1976 10 19 5 39 5.2 30.277 -112.96 33 1976 10 21 14 58 18 30.592 -113.204 33 1976 11 4 10 41 37.87 33.124 -115.61 11 1976 11 10 16 36 9.71 33.871 -113.702 3 1976 12 4 23 18 58.2 33.457 -114.478 6 1976 12 7 12 59 56.3 31.983 -114.783 8 1976 12 15 17 50 20.4 29.947 -113.364 33 1976 12 23 21 5 22.55 34.573 -114.372 0 1977 1 10 21 51 59.29 32.77 -114.711 6 1977 2 26 9 44 0.32 31.238 -113.899 6 1977 2 26 23 25 37.19 31.209 -114.212 6 1977 3 17 19 11 11.93 35.212 -112.925 0 1977 3 24 6 24 14.63 34.689 -115.717 0 1977 4 27 21 48 17.79 34.684 -113.724 3 1977 4 29 18 59 35.67 34.877 -113.067 6 1977 5 25 22 36 32.12 32.253 -112.643 8 1977 6 1 19 12 9.76 35.051 -113.52 0 1977 6 14 19 3 39. 11 34.859 -113.01 0 1977 7 13 22 10 51. 12 34.682 -112.934 0 1977 7 19 18 47 1.84 36.076 -114.463 6 1977 7 20 4 7 55.98 36.61 -114.635 6 1977 8 6 3 16 39.67 30.269 -113.603 6 1977 9 2 12 40 56.15 36.551 -113.779 0 1977 9 2 18 51 41.65 34.793 -113.479 0 1977 9 12 19 2 9.34 34.81 9 -113.138 0 1977 10 4 14 51 32.69 31.183 -114.097 6 1977 10 4 17 7 55.39 31.365 -114.413 6 1977 10 13 22 28 19.81 32.277 -112.522 0 1977 10 30 5 30 13.3 32.88 -115.5 4 1977 11 10 14 30 0 33.01 -113.35 0 1977 12 23 11 0 4.33 35.366 -113.978 0 1978 1 10 17 37 14.47 34.932 -113.186 0 1978 1 23 22 37 10.42 34.919 -113.336 0 1978 1 25 19 5 38.24 34.951 -113.055 0 1978 2 6 22 39 5.48 33.048 -113.946 21.2 1978 2 14 18 49 28.37 32147 -112.553 6 1978 2 14 20 49 23.03 34.304 *112.876 0 1978 2 17 10 13 43.24 35.834 -115.787 6 1978 3 14 23 43 11.52 32.011 -112.756 6 1978 3 29 21 56 49.44 34.602 -113.303 0 1978 4 4 2 14 10.2 30.275 -113.403 33 1978 4 5 18 42 17.23 32.136 -112.624 0 1978 5 5 21 3 15.8 32.211 -115.303 6 1978 7 10 21 40 17.6 30.704 -114.002 15 1978 7 17 14 46 13.14 35.538 -116.271 13.3

1978 9 23 14 28 41.09 36.431 -115.156 6 1978 10 21 3 19 1.96 31.341 -113.874 6 1978 11 17 23 28 12.52 31.972 -112.615 6 1978 11 29 14 37 40.3 30.177 -113.956 15 1978 12 10 13 35 8.48 36.102 -114.407 6 1979 1 6 22 32 13.39 35.439 -114.524 6 1979 1 22 18 7 1.45 34 -113 0 1979 3 15 20 50 33.46 34.805 -113.302 0 1979 3 15 21 7 16.53 34.327 -116.445 2.5 1979 4 7 16 20 17.27 32.202 -112.346 6 1979 4 15 2 59 56.21 31.393 -114.408 6 1979 6 24 22 26 19.93 31.805 -112.523 6 1979 7 3 3 52 48.29 32 -114.589 6 1979 7 3 10 48 6.38 31.472 -114.681 6 1979 8 9 9 3 10.21 32.105 -114.698 6 1979 8 31 7 51 38.21 32.3 -114.605 10 1979 10 7 7 45 3.37 32.096 -114.677 6 1979 10 15 23 16 53.44 32.614 -115.318 12.3 1979 10 21 19 46 58.18 32.019 -114.596 15 1979 11 14 21 9 9.79 31.348 -112.589 6 1979 11 21 16 50 5.08 36.907 -112.852 7 1980 1 8 1 21 24.36 32.237 -114.391 6 1980 2 13 16 58 50.13 31.127 -113.79 10 1980 2 22 13 12 41.3 31 -113 6 1980 2 25 10 47 38.41 33.475 -116.5 19.4 1980 3 18 11 29 47.81 31 -112.714 6 1980 3 18 12 25 35.3 30.169 -113.966 15 1980 3 18 12 50 27.1 30 -113 6 1980 3 28 22 11 50.07 36.379 -114.161 6 1980 4 29 18 25 10.1 1 36.927 -113.491 7 1980 5 15 9 14 12 31.23 -113.769 15 1980 6 1 8 40 27.5 35.391 -111.986 5 1980 6 10 22 40 25.04 32.296 -112.439 6 1980 7 14 11 46 12.6 36.5 -112.33 13 1980 7 27 4 21 32.64 31.048 -113.428 6 1980 8 7 12 38 46.34 35.514 -113.623 6 1980 8 29 8 57 55.2 30.211 -113.212 15 1980 9 1 11 34 55.7 31.176 -113.194 15 1980 9 18 8 55 34 31.299 -113.893 6 1980 10 29 14 53 35.5 29951 -114.072 15 1980 10 30 16 37 48.28 32.295 *112.463 6 1980 11 8 6 4 42.4 31.039 -113.686 15 1980 11 9 7 29 2.6 30.431 -113.789 15 1980 12 11 17 54 6.86 34.719 -113.403 6 1981 1 12 8 59 13.2 35.658 -113.469 5 1981 2 15 21 16 46.64 30.644 -113.937 6 1981 3 13 0 9 6.6 35.948 -114.799 2 1981 3 18 11 45 43.37 30.762 -113.81 6 1981 4 6 18 21 37.38 34.555 -113.1 0

1981 4 9 22 58 49.91 31.648 -112.714 6 1981 5 7 1 38 17.8 32.202 -108.898 5 1981 8 28 6 44 36.29 31.968 -113.587 6 1981 10 29 19 31 1.16 31.688 -113.254 10 1981 11 16 4 32 48.97 36.961 -112.527 0.85 1981 12 20 3 6 21.59 30.937 -113.914 10 1982 1 3 4 2 17.92 33.053 -114.826 6 1982 6 9 2 21 12.44 34.377 -115.732 2.8 1982 6 15 23 49 21 .16 33.555 -116.667 11.6 1982 7 31 6 42 19.31 35.47 -116.298 6 1982 10 21 15 17 15.05 31.407 -114.374 6 1982 10 22 19 2 47.94 33.385 -114.523 6 1982 11 1 23 14 21.8 36.033 -114.375 5 1982 11 4 23 3 37.16 36.133 -115.072 6 1982 11 19 20 57 34.67 36.027 -112.006 5 1982 11 27 23 38 18.41 35.943 -114.317 6 1982 12 7 9 43 49.61 36.023 -114.826 5 1983 1 1 22 29 30.68 32.686 -114.06 6 1983 2 12 4 4 8.42 34 -114 6 1983 2 23 11 10 20.87 35.973 -114.711 5 1983 4 9 0 45 26.03 36.394 -114.758 6 1983 4 17 6 3 30.93 30.39 -114.048 10 1983 5 17 21 55 58.9 35 -114.5 0 1983 6 10 1 22 31.96 36.179 -114.071 6 1983 6 18 11 9 34.05 31.575 -114.74 0.5 1983 7 14 18 59 22.82 34.62 -113.15 0 1983 7 19 18 43 23.02 31.3 -114.559 6 1983 7 23 12 48 7.3 30.856 -113.814 10 1983 8 31 8 10 8.74 36.135 -112.037 5 1983 11 3 18 26 23.56 36.483 -114.56 5 1983 12 3 21 1 10.61 32.322 -113.782 6 1984 2 11 19 30 1 35.93 -115.81 6 1984 3 7 3 32 36.68 34.569 -115.917 6 1984 4 3 14 34 32.52 36.132 -114.804 6 1984 4 22 9 49 56.38 31.787 -114.007 6 1984 4 22 10 41 10.95 35.488 -116.295 6 1984 5 5 21 56 47.3 36.1 -115.69 6 1984 6 20 13 37 18.31 36.049 -114.801 6 1984 6 30 3 30 2 .59 30.074 -114.123 10 1984 7 5 1 12 28.45 31.52 -114.39 6 1984 7 7 18 14 59.06 32.462 *114.008 6 1984 7 18 14 29 31.82 36.216 -111.844 5 1984 9 5 12 37 5.03 31.078 -113.746 10 1984 9 6 20 34 25.49 30.614 -113.966 10 1984 9 22 17 59 55.04 32.435 -113.978 0 1984 12 4 20 53 8.62 36.042 -115.089 6 1985 1 21 4 18 15.98 35.917 -115.753 6 1985 1 29 5 37 54 35.3 -111.4 0 1985 1 30 13 47 16.42 34.75 -112.137 5

1985 3 30 18 34 57.57 32.466 -113.878 6 1985 5 8 23 40 21 .75 31.942 -115.873 18.4 1985 7 6 10 34 44.2 31.108 -114.277 6 1985 7 6 11 11 31 .85 32.288 -114.714 6 1985 7 16 17 57 50.9 34.54 -116.84 9.9 1985 7 23 20 16 44.91 36.01 -114.638 6 1985 8 7 21 28 44.28 35.491 -116.271 6 1985 10 4 8 3 44.97 35.898 -115.173 6 1985 10 11 0 16 26.48 35.657 -116.224 6 1985 11 16 12 6 48.31 36.088 -114.653 5 1986 1 19 19 35 0.1 32.55 -114.1 0 1986 3 24 17 29 57.34 32.446 -113.893 6 1986 4 27 16 14 29.1 30.518 -113.885 10 1986 7 8 9 20 44.35 34.007 -116.607 10.8 1986 8 6 5 31 7.9 36.8 -112.345 0.06 1986 8 22 14 43 58.55 36.245 -114.359 13.05 1987 1 26 12 44 27.72 35.854 -115.031 5 1987 2 7 3 45 14.5 32.373 -115.307 10.3 1987 2 25 13 52 27.2 31.45 -114.72 6 1987 3 15 19 25 38.66 31.355 -113.006 5 1987 4 15 7 16 10.8 34.64 -111.21 10 1987 6 21 9 44 7.2 30.88 -113.88 6 1987 9 9 4 20 10.3 31.48 -114.31 6 1987 9 20 0 0 0 36.17 -113.16 0 1987 9 20 11 24 33.02 34.853 -113.732 5 1987 10 1 20 20 8.1 36.423 -114.656 29.07 1987 11 16 5 52 43.36 30.049 -114.405 10 1987 11 17 23 44 24.91 30.641 -114.559 12 1987 11 24 13 15 56.29 33.014 -115.834 5.5 1988 1 25 13 17 12.31 31.834 -115.865 6 1988 2 12 5 23 56.47 30.105 -113.896 10 1988 2 14 7 39 49 35.59 -111.63 13 1988 2 23 0 48 25.3 35.912 -114.947 5 1988 4 20 9 59 1.01 30.538 -114.139 8 1988 4 28 6 16 7.85 35.585 -116.288 6 1988 5 4 18 53 33.54 35.974 -114.995 0 1988 5 22 19 22 45.77 36.925 -112.995 0.3 1 1988 5 28 10 51 13.97 35.933 -114.896 5 1988 7 4 10 56 54.54 35.918 -114.916 5 1988 7 15 0 38 9.59 36.374 -110.448 5 1988 9 7 1 17 40 36.01 *112.14 12 1988 9 10 20 59 3.86 34.249 -115.705 6 1988 12 16 5 53 4.77 33.986 -116.683 8.7 1988 12 29 18 18 57.4 36.896 -112.952 1.37 1988 12 30 19 55 55.09 35.983 -114.8 5 1989 1 9 5 8 8.46 36.3 -115.1 7 1989 2 1 0 32 40.37 35.775 -115.419 6 1989 2 4 12 26 58.08 36.788 -112.954 0.89 1989 2 5 21 51 12.79 32.494 -114.626 1

1989 2 7 1 48 12.03 32.167 -114.534 6 1989 3 5 0 40 30.84 35.952 -112.257 5 1989 3 12 6 30 19.49 36.976 -112.907 3.96 1989 4 6 16 10 4.09 36.046 -114.661 5 1989 4 18 10 45 47.66 34.669 -110.925 5 1989 6 21 19 42 23.38 30.959 -114.126 11.86 1989 6 22 21 6 1.84 30.395 -114.262 10 1989 7 17 20 10 22.25 34.038 -110.946 5 1989 8 2 20 59 9.39 35.627 -116.265 6 1989 8 24 22 44 10.92 35.62 -115.644 6 1989 9 6 12 36 55 34.87 -110.99 20 1989 9 6 18 26 52 36.03 -112.37 10 1989 9 19 9 46 0.79 36.663 -112.407 5 1989 9 21 9 33 58.95 33.57 -114.458 6 1989 10 29 9 8 30 35.886 -114.862 5 1989 11 12 0 14 39.69 30.871 -114.015 10 1989 11 28 18 37 32 36.1 -112.2 10 1990 1 13 5 47 33.52 30.222 -114.44 10 1990 1 27 6 28 52.07 30.121 -113.73 10 1990 6 14 23 28 48.92 31.566 -114.483 5.74 1990 7 23 6 51 11.47 30.248 -114.458 10 1990 8 14 15 7 2.76 32.07 -113.124 5 1990 10 14 6 17 2.8 30.618 -114.51 8 1990 10 17 11 48 23.5 36.53 -111.13 3 1990 11 11 12 32 16.83 30.768 -114.52 3 1991 2 18 12 51 21.78 30.973 -113.258 10 1991 2 20 0 56 55.72 29.874 -113.592 10 1991 4 26 13 8 20.64 36.627 -112.345 10 1991 4 29 13 4 37.35 32.088 -114.664 6 1991 7 4 7 51 22.5 30. 151 -113.598 10 1991 7 4 11 20 30.56 30.446 -113.857 10 1991 8 22 15 7 13.55 30.777 -114.722 5 1991 8 22 16 41 1 36 -112.13 2 1991 9 10 4 21 4.31 30.46 -114.367 7 1991 11 13 21 37 27.03 34.644 -112.36 5 1991 12 3 17 54 35.81 31.703 -115.91 5 1991 12 25 8 44 14.93 30.551 -114.184 11.77 1991 12 25 20 30 7.88 31.288 -114.039 15.93 1992 1 23 7 55 28.79 35.625 -116.277 6 1992 2 17 5 43 40.54 30.808 -113.314 6 1992 2 24 17 15 20.79 35.953 *112.221 5 1992 3 6 16 19 0.88 36.553 -114.883 6 1992 3 13 11 20 2.87 35.516 -113.584 6 1992 3 14 5 13 31 .64 35.96 -112.355 5 1992 3 15 0 17 47.16 30.82 -114.677 8 1992 4 6 11 25 1.93 31.062 -114.009 6 1992 4 7 0 39 9. 19 35.447 -113.226 5 1992 5 6 1 41 1.27 36.346 -112.043 5 1992 5 20 21 46 5.2 36.02 -112.17 9

1992 5 26 6 0 15.2 31.691 -114.272 6 1992 5 26 6 24 23.95 30.207 -114.294 6 1992 5 27 10 56 54.31 30.837 -114.657 8 1992 6 28 11 57 33.98 34.203

  • 116.431 2.8 1992 7 5 18 17 29.97 35.982 -112.219 5 1992 7 13 9 56 13.16 35.345 -114.654 18 1992 8 28 10 14 44.5 1 36.057 -114.938 3 .87 1992 8 30 1 17 45.02 30.144 *114.195 10 1992 9 20 4 44 24.5 30.607 -114.377 8 1992 10 18 4 52 47.01 30.801 -114.661 7.77 1992 12 4 18 15 54.73 36.444 -114.021 5 1992 12 7 9 4 53.49 30.586 -114.216 15.99 1992 12 10 19 15 42.64 31.875 -114.718 8 1992 12 20 3 12 56.79 30.902 -114.208 1.63 1993 1 21 20 42 53.89 36.384 -114.97 6 1993 2 4 6 18 18.06 35.964 -112.225 5 1993 2 4 11 4 25.21 36.08 -115.045 10.23 1993 3 7 8 53 27.95 31.164 -114.242 10 1993 3 19 21 1 46.28 36.398 -114.828 0 1993 4 1 18 34 13.87 36.383 -114.704 13.16 1993 4 15 1 24 58.96 31.376 -114.297 17.28 1993 4 29 8 21 0.81 35.611 -112.112 10 1993 5 2 11 5 1.57 30.485 -114.043 3.03 1993 5 12 7 23 56.11 36.203 -113 5 1993 5 12 7 24 4.1 36.203 -114.013 5 1993 6 13 12 9 33.48 31.482 -114.411 20.03 1993 6 27 13 20 9.5 36.73 -113.03 10 1993 7 8 2 5 20.94 30.25 -114.174 8 1993 7 9 11 25 6.99 31.387 -114.36 15.83 1993 7 12 3 37 47.2 36.75 -113.01 10 1993 7 18 11 37 35.4 34.77 -111.04 10 1993 8 16 14 9 49.68 30.718 -112.858 6 1993 8 16 14 10 7.12 31.352 -114.332 14.86 1993 9 5 13 36 9.59 30.261 -114.729 10 1993 9 8 1 1 44.07 35.951 -115.711 6 1993 10 18 11 54 54.7 36.74 -113 10 1993 11 3 12 14 27.31 35.925 -115.72 6 1993 11 25 2 46 35.31 35.833 -115.781 0 1994 2 3 12 47 17.13 31.793 -114.68 14.38 1994 2 20 15 42 56.71 30.576 *114.053 8 1994 2 25 19 16 10.78 31.458 -114.385 15.57 1994 3 23 2 59 16.17 31.806 -116.128 22.5 1994 3 25 6 41 49.2 36.14 *112.2 10 1994 4 1 17 17 33.86 34.936 *112.707 5 1994 4 24 8 41 33.7 36.71 -113.04 10 1994 5 19 6 0 43.86 30.45
  • 114.017 8.39 1994 6 17 13 43 10.12 30.658 -114.542 1.35 1994 7 4 7 2 15.05 31.655 -113.48 10 1994 7 17 23 41 37.41 30.573 -114.349 3.82

1994 7 21 13 51 23.74 30.174 -114.524 20.15 1994 8 8 21 17 8.37 30.511 -114.373 35.09 1994 9 4 16 43 22.35 30.195 -114.556 30.72 1994 9 19 3 53 8.76 31.519 -114.438 36.7 1994 9 29 11 21 24.58 35.464 -111.992 5 1994 10 3 14 0 48.63 32.066 -114.948 10 1994 10 29 22 27 52.19 36.081 -114.119 5 1994 11 25 8 17 26.41 31.497 -114.421 15.89 1994 11 27 11 10 53.46 36.332 -113.597 5 1994 12 13 18 42 59.73 30.593 -113.878 31 .77 1994 12 23 4 9 58.41 30.209 -114.638 10.59 1995 1 1 14 59 43.41 36.047 -114.827 4.42 1995 1 11 4 51 27.06 32.43 -115.23 12 1995 2 6 14 28 21.2 35.07 -111.63 10 1995 3 7 21 56 14.9 36.78 -113.01 10 1995 3 7 22 33 19.36 36.602 -113.418 5 1995 3 21 9 43 21.12 30.404 -114.145 13.83 1995 3 26 14 32 6.41 31 .265 -114.351 35.21 1995 4 16 8 23 45.7 36.05 -112.16 10 1995 5 7 11 3 32.85 33.911 -116.285 10.5 1995 6 12 18 51 58.66 32.085 -114.61 19.66 1995 6 17 19 42 56.93 31.454 -114.337 14.47 1995 6 20 16 21 16.09 36.391 -114.525 0 1995 8 2 18 24 27.32 30.513 -113.818 13.2 1995 8 2 18 26 58.46 30.912 -114.23 8 1995 8 2 18 32 11.7 30.318 -114.214 32.87 1995 9 22 2 42 55.8 36.137 -114.16 2.56 1995 10 26 4 4 37.03 30.593 -113.854 8 1995 11 1 18 54 37.58 31.029 -113.903 11.72 1995 12 6 3 27 31.89 31.515 -114.388 15.57 1995 12 27 22 25 13.26 36.196 -114.48 5 1996 1 2 1 44 48.86 30.767 -114.414 10.47 1996 1 31 22 59 56.24 35.919 -114.679 5 1996 2 8 22 58 26.72 30.883 -114.187 3 1996 2 15 22 41 37.87 36.793 -113.973 0.14 1996 3 13 5 43 53.25 36.917 -112.423 1.13 1996 3 15 9 17 33.71 30.811 -114.197 2 1996 3 31 22 43 13.68 32.034 -113.032 6 1996 4 26 4 4 1.1 36.54 -112.37 10 1996 5 1 23 10 54.32 31.286 -114.406 10 1996 5 1 23 13 3.46 30.98 -114.277 13 1996 6 6 2 30 36.97 30.207 -114.598 9 1996 6 14 19 23 0.48 32.051 -114.709 6 1996 9 12 21 19 13.74 36.833 -113.763 7.31 1996 10 8 4 13 19.26 31.018 -113.097 4 1996 10 22 4 15 12.33 36.17 -115.166 6.52 1996 11 17 2 37 53.82 35.746 -115.75 0 1997 1 22 1 5 54.4 36.76 -113.03 3 1997 2 2 2 26 0.01 30.251 -114.316 10.79

1997 2 5 8 23 5.58 30.435 -114.654 10 1997 2 5 10 21 36.95 30.596 -114.326 10 1997 2 9 16 15 24.9 34.77 -111.06 10 1997 3 31 7 34 48.91 35.534 -111.993 5 1997 4 22 0 44 29.13 30.419 -113.989 13.01 1997 4 29 20 4 49.94 30.118 -114.276 15 1997 5 28 4 26 20.1 36.73 -113.05 10 1997 6 8 14 29 59.7 36.09 -112.28 10 1997 6 19 11 21 49.53 31.246 -115.491 6 1997 7 3 0 24 0.48 36.078 -114.772 0 1997 7 9 19 29 19.6 36.79 -112.98 10 1997 7 10 10 34 42.1 36.44 -112.42 10 1997 7 19 9 59 22.9 34.52 -112.86 10 1997 7 19 11 43 57.7 36.082 -114.622 5.88 1997 7 26 3 14 55.75 33.402 -116.348 11 .6 1997 7 31 7 30 1.2 36.7 -113.01 10 1997 8 26 6 52 20 36.2 -111.88 10 1997 10 15 11 7 49.6 36.74 -112.98 10 1997 12 20 2 5 52.2 36.341 -115.253 8.93 1998 1 5 5 23 48.5 35.54 -112.07 10 1998 1 6 8 36 46.63 34.916 -110.495 5 1998 1 16 8 35 30.6 36.5 -112.4 10 1998 2 3 6 26 31.64 30.868 -114.09 8 1998 2 18 14 29 32.65 31.854 -115.771 6 1998 2 22 10 15 9.4 36.49 -112.38 10 1998 2 24 11 31 48.78 31.235 -115.601 12 1998 4 8 12 2 57.16 30.372 -114.483 9.52 1998 4 13 14 31 11.5 34.26 -110.12 10 1998 4 24 1 27 8.54 31.756 -114.263 10 1998 5 15 12 48 16.1 36.71 -113.01 10 1998 6 8 18 49 2 .98 31.968 -114.546 8 1998 6 15 12 56 13.44 31.329 -114.247 2.03 1998 8 22 23 20 28.78 36.281 -113.984 5 1998 10 18 7 13 10.65 36.033 -111.091 5 1998 10 27 1 8 40.33 34.321 -116.842 6 1998 10 31 22 38 6.26 30.443 -114.491 8 1998 11 6 17 15 3.24 31.552 -114.722 6 1998 11 8 0 24 18.21 36.216 -112.47 5 1998 11 17 0 6 27.41 36.8 -114.08 1.49 1998 12 7 20 32 45.29 36.793 -114.053 0.45 1998 12 14 21 40 37.47 36.293 *115.32 5 1999 1 5 23 24 0.32 36.822 -114.026 1.19 1999 2 10 5 9 46.65 36.551 -113.518 5 1999 2 11 6 37 36.16 35.634 -111.575 5 1999 2 24 21 9 52 35.81 -113.3 0 1999 3 2 19 8 22.28 36.458 -114.515 5 1999 3 17 18 29 43.68 30.338 -113.931 10 1999 3 17 20 4 59.32 30.393 -114.505 3.37 1999 3 29 6 47 38.19 30.503 -113.466 10

1999 3 30 21 41 13.12 36.814 -114.043 1.34 1999 5 5 19 4 40.85 36.794 -114.063 1.35 1999 5 14 7 54 2.98 34.066 -116.369 2.3 1999 6 1 12 40 5.01 35.904 -115.79 6 1999 6 1 15 18 2.46 32.411 -115.226 3.3 1999 6 11 8 57 25.62 31.725 -114.558 29.99 1999 8 2 17 59 58.73 36.02 -114.947 6 1999 8 3 9 37 25.08 31.322 -114.301 6.21 1999 8 24 13 4 7.39 31.986 -114.692 6 1999 9 10 7 6 2.72 31.379 -114.334 6 1999 10 1 18 38 23.82 31.681 -114.043 13 1999 10 8 21 26 41 33.28 -114.68 6.1 1999 10 8 21 34 14 33.03 -114.75 5.7 1999 10 16 9 46 43.96 34.596 -116.269 1.2 1999 10 16 9 47 43.59 33.23 -115.654 6.7 1999 10 16 17 15 9.17 30.751 -110.749 5 1999 11 29 15 14 49.12 30.13 -114.399 5 1999 12 6 14 20 3.26 35.049 -111.469 5 1999 12 7 19 25 21.68 36.852 -113.962 1.31 2000 2 22 3 31 37.8 35.77 -113.16 0 2000 3 28 4 45 20.49 36.512 -113.51 5 2000 4 12 15 57 0 36.24 -112.33 14 2000 5 2 6 45 45 32.111 -115.119 5 2000 5 4 6 48 0 36.09 -111.51 12 2000 5 4 7 42 15.98 36.632 -113.055 5 2000 6 2 17 51 14.27 31.113 -114.338 5 2000 6 12 18 13 22.49 30.464 -113.993 2.53 2000 6 23 20 10 42.73 35.509 -116.264 6 2000 8 8 3 18 2.42 30.75 -114.138 13.83 2000 8 8 3 18 9.32 32.448 -113.474 5 2000 8 25 15 23 16.96 29.932 -113.392 10 2000 10 31 21 56 39.69 36.456 -114.307 0 2000 12 1 0 1 9.1 36.051 -114.98 6 2001 1 16 7 26 35.21 30.391 -113.852 0.3 1 2001 1 17 1 26 32.85 31.812 -114.705 6 2001 1 17 4 13 3.67 32.448 -113.719 6 2001 1 17 9 33 27.88 31.867 -114.316 19.95 2001 2 4 3 29 2.65 36.143 -115.346 0 2001 5 17 10 15 32.31 30.807 -114.027 9.84 2001 7 12 20 9 1.7 31.392 -114.358 15.52 2001 9 9 6 30 30.1 30.224 *114.61 7 2001 10 23 7 19 42.4 31.697 -114.703 5 2001 10 31 7 56 16.36 33.511 -116.502 15.6 2001 11 28 16 24 0.74 30.331 -113.547 10 2001 12 6 12 58 16.03 30.639 -114.436 4 2001 12 8 23 36 10.14 32.059 -115.036 0.6 2002 2 11 23 34 24.91 30.565 -113.889 13 2002 3 3 0 9 0.64 35.422 -116.454 6.8 2002 3 3 15 20 56.14 35.618 -116.251 7

2002 3 27 11 18 5.92 30.216 -114.011 10 2002 4 15 6 53 20.5 36.79 -112.46 15 2002 5 25 0 5 17.71 35.589 -116.31 7 2002 7 7 5 37 38.98 36.486 -113.55 5 2002 8 30 5 16 12.98 31.863 -114.265 5 2002 9 13 11 42 17.29 30.216 -114.573 15 2002 10 29 14 16 54.08 34.803 -116.266 4.6 2002 12 10 21 4 0.5 32.25 -115.788 10.9 2003 1 11 15 40 37.1 31.248 -114.238 5 2003 2 7 10 34 4 .83 31.628 -115.511 7.6 2003 2 22 12 19 10.53 34.31 -116.846 3.6 2003 3 17 6 28 41.3 31.851 -114.654 6 2003 3 25 21 11 34.89 36.766 -112.982 4.68 2003 6 8 19 14 48 31.92 -114.427 8 2003 6 11 0 56 15 31.917 -114.724 5 2003 8 10 0 33 23.52 35.066 -113.37 5 2003 9 8 18 13 24.7 31.324 -114.169 6 2003 9 9 23 7 21 .35 30.155 -114.114 10 2003 9 9 23 41 52.8 30.159 -114.49 10 2003 9 10 11 26 44.55 30.641 -113.544 10 2003 9 17 18 1 36.93 35.939 -114.698 3.65 2003 10 24 18 18 53.92 35.939 -114.727 0 2003 11 1 2 43 29.3 30.661 -114.201 7 2003 11 15 12 54 11.3 32.496 -114.689 6 2003 11 18 19 35 45 32.183 -114.598 13 2003 12 4 16 0 52 31.964 -114.495 16 2003 12 12 2 55 18.1 30.808 -114.471 5 2003 12 21 16 8 57 33.62 -109.78 0 2003 12 21 21 28 22 33.8 -109.07 0 2004 1 13 7 58 53.3 31.058 -114.145 7 2004 1 17 9 47 21.7 30.78 -114.33 11 .3 2004 1 26 7 14 23.8 31.67 -114.456 7 2004 3 5 8 28 0 34.98 -109.99 24 2004 3 12 8 37 26.21 33.227 -109.557 5 2004 3 15 17 19 12.6 30.689 -114.697 4 2004 3 16 4 6 3.6 30.75 -114.225 5 2004 3 30 1 40 23.1 30.201 -114.193 8.1 2004 5 14 10 58 1.67 36.05 -114.123 0 2004 5 14 14 9 36.7 31.528 -114.311 4 2004 6 27 5 0 0 36.21 -111.57 16 2004 8 12 14 44 30 30.546 *114.45 4 2004 8 20 6 33 2.7 30.147 -114.15 7.5 2004 8 26 0 16 14.6 30.646 -113.901 6 2004 10 18 16 47 14.3 30.309 -114.574 6 2005 2 24 8 58 54.1 30.63 -114.256 8 2005 3 2 11 12 57.42 34.715 -110.97 5 2005 3 15 0 21 7.29 36.911 -112.546 22.75 2005 4 20 19 3 25 31.931 -114.745 12 2005 4 25 22 59 39.6 30.059 -114.46 8

2005 4 27 0 32 59.02 30.253 -114.132 10 2005 6 8 4 32 33.1 36.832 -113.564 2.29 2005 6 12 15 41 46.33 33.538 -116.567 14.1 2005 6 16 20 53 25.68 34 .061 -117.007 14.2 2005 7 12 23 32 41.38 36.959 -112.352 9.03 2005 9 2 1 27 19.5 33.143 -115.634 5.6 2005 10 31 13 41 33.62 30.517 -113.109 10 2005 11 8 4 11 59.5 30.715 -114.236 12 2005 11 20 8 45 36.39 36.185 -113.854 5 2005 11 25 12 32 53.6 31.288 -114.272 6 2005 12 16 8 17 1.41 30.177 -114.063 10 2006 1 20 20 1 15.5 30.5 -114.549 5 2006 2 5 11 36 55.89 36.988 -112.861 12.01 2006 2 23 1 22 2.2 30.618 -114.195 5 .3 2006 5 1 21 4 42.6 30.199 -114.332 10 2006 5 24 4 20 26.01 32.307 -115.228 6 2006 6 21 1 45 8 .9 31.536 -114.481 15 2006 7 9 17 43 33 34.743 -112.707 1 2006 7 23 15 24 20.1 31.895 -114.565 15 2006 11 15 7 4 2.3 30.69 -114.338 4 2007 1 4 19 4 43.7 30.97 -114.583 4 2007 1 18 6 21 6.42 30.493 -114.086 10 2007 1 19 17 34 27.58 36.283 -115.431 16 2007 1 24 12 27 25.6 30.546 -114.664 10 2007 5 22 20 55 19.8 31.364 -114.167 12 2007 6 25 14 52 28 33.73 -111.14 7 2007 7 4 18 30 28 36.104 -111.073 8 2007 7 5 1 38 32.4 30.551 -114.6 4 2007 7 5 4 37 29 31.053 -114.351 6 2007 7 26 2 37 24.5 31.532 -114.324 4 2007 8 28 13 52 27.32 30.315 -113.983 10 2007 9 8 7 15 40.59 33.697 -108.811 5 2007 9 15 5 26 24.33 33.401 -108.835 5 2007 9 21 0 58 0.4 31.284 -114.215 8 2007 9 28 0 23 22.28 35.773 -115.805 5.4 2007 10 5 6 28 12.7 31.588 -114.41 12 2007 10 25 20 35 29.5 31.712 -114.505 13 2007 10 29 2 2 16.8 30.505 -114.159 6 2007 10 29 22 21 11.9 31.47 -114.311 9 2007 12 5 0 22 41 36.428 -113.127 13 2007 12 27 0 13 20 36.53 *112.258 23 2008 1 10 11 26 15.97 30.917 -113.892 10 2008 1 12 12 50 20.44 30.445 -113.901 10 2008 1 17 22 0 13 35.02 -113.914 1 2008 1 29 14 46 6.3 31.339 -114.449 9 2008 2 9 7 12 4.5 32.36 -115.277 6 2008 2 19 20 41 28.35 30.01 -114.014 10 2008 3 27 1 7 13.78 36.465 -113.581 5 2008 4 7 21 32 5 34.704 -111.181 2

2008 5 14 1 7 40.88 30.569 -113.744 10 2008 5 14 16 9 52.93 30.25 -114.3 10 2008 5 17 19 8 55.3 31.912 -114.745 9 2008 6 4 23 32 35 36.443 -112.492 13 2008 7 8 17 51 5.16 36.62 -114.563 6 2008 9 3 23 44 17.03 34.615 -112.897 6 2008 10 1 23 49 18 35.925 -112.073 15 2008 10 8 9 31 41.04 30.279 -113.305 10 2008 10 19 19 51 14 35.479 -111.764 11 2008 10 26 19 47 48.35 36.235 -114.554 10.79 2008 11 5 6 17 40.6 31.813 -114.658 8 2008 11 13 7 48 45.42 29.98 -114.21 5 2008 11 19 15 35 39.2 30.564 -114.354 4 2008 11 20 19 23 0.1 32.329 -115.332 6 2008 12 4 2 4 36.9 36.044 -114.832 5.99 2008 12 6 4 18 42.8 34.813 -116.419 7 2008 12 11 3 41 55.68 30.335 -113.797 10 2008 12 30 11 44 12.97 30.107 -113.222 10 2009 2 24 7 10 30.6 30.104 -114.349 14 2009 2 24 7 17 35.7 30.456 -114.099 15 2009 2 27 15 10 1.4 36.352 -115.073 8.4 2009 3 24 11 55 43.9 33.317 -115.728 6 2009 4 28 0 59 53.5 30.571 -114.578 4 2009 5 9 6 7 31 .97 34.213 -112.141 5 2009 5 11 22 35 49.8 31.711 -114.539 5 2009 5 14 4 23 27.2 30.852 -114.083 14.1 2009 9 3 15 54 6.8 31.232 -114.344 10 2009 9 4 11 47 54 36.647 -112.956 5 2009 10 7 16 35 5.5 30.212 -114.39 5 2009 10 8 3 47 45.1 30.542 -114.32 5 2009 10 8 6 1 0.3 30.278 -113.745 6.3 2009 10 9 22 13 54.18 35.963 -114.546 10.93 2009 10 16 10 27 10.7 29.991 -114.081 4 2009 10 31 3 17 31.9 35.358 -111.578 6.38 2009 11 3 23 39 42 36.713 -113.046 16 2009 11 16 6 55 46 36.833 -112.352 21 2009 11 21 20 45 46 36.877 -111.9 8 2009 11 28 5 23 15.7 30.912 -114.478 6 2010 1 27 20 33 31 36.581 -111.471 7 2010 2 19 23 30 17 31.402 -114.39 12 2010 2 20 1 12 48.7 31.673 *114.094 15 2010 2 21 1 12 9.5 31.837 -114.521 10 2010 3 2 0 51 39 36.564 -113.272 12 2010 3 13 20 55 8 30.62 -114.557 3 2010 3 18 18 40 41.97 35.019 -111.609 5 2010 3 21 17 40 6.08 36.61 -113.318 10 2010 3 30 9 14 10.46 31.276 -114.049 10 2010 4 4 22 40 41.7 32.216 -115.3 10 2010 5 3 0 59 24.24 31.539 -114.726 10

2010 5 24 7 27 7.76 33.298 -109.231 5 2010 5 29 15 31 54 36.463 -113.259 6.72 2010 6 15 4 26 58.4 32.7 -115.921 5 2010 6 18 15 7 33.65 31.716 -114.716 10 2010 6 25 10 30 34.12 33.61 -111.196 5 2010 7 3 7 34 46.28 30.731 -114.028 6 2010 7 7 23 53 33.5 33.421 -116.489 14 2010 7 27 12 22 31 35.889 -111.394 18.28 2010 8 9 23 55 47.4 31.01 -114.001 8 2010 8 10 22 47 47.1 30.365 -114.365 4 2010 8 11 17 23 2.1 30.617 -114.11 4 2010 9 8 3 58 8.45 30.435 -113.63 10 2010 9 15 7 50 2 .4 30.069 -113.802 10 2010 9 25 16 49 26.3 31.23 -115.65 5 2010 9 26 22 20 30.64 33.696 -111.147 5 2010 10 13 18 20 47.34 31.54 -114.347 10 2010 10 19 1 27 55 36.855 -113.022 9.8 2010 10 20 23 1 54.8 31.395 -116.026 8 2010 11 6 20 39 5 36.969 -112.874 12.24 2010 11 11 3 23 38 36.463 -113.495 7.39 2010 11 24 14 58 20 36.818 -111.791 5.8 2011 1 16 11 55 48.81 31.474 -114.293 10 2011 1 17 21 2 24.7 31.725 -114.624 10 2011 1 23 12 16 47.19 34.837 -112.087 5 2011 1 26 10 51 36 36.098 -112.074 6.9 2011 3 18 19 54 46.74 34.827 -112.092 15 2011 3 20 21 28 16 36.077 -111.908 7.55 2011 4 7 13 40 57.9 31.233 -115.62 5 2011 5 26 19 46 30.3 30.822 -113.934 10 2011 6 16 0 0 0 35.872 -112.191 8.96 2011 6 21 0 0 0 35.055 -111.554 16.2 2011 7 8 3 44 3.04 36.288 -112.181 2.7 2011 7 18 0 0 0 36.603 -113.769 1.7 2011 7 18 9 6 54.13 36.891 -113.555 6 2011 7 29 0 0 0 34.9 -112.032 3.6 2011 8 31 0 0 0 35.784 -113.226 7 2011 9 17 2 8 39.5 31.385 -114.311 8 2011 10 11 10 12 2.38 34.72 -116.028 7.56 2011 10 13 0 0 0 35.666 -111.414 3.6 2011 10 14 16 15 46.5 31.304 -114.245 10 2011 10 20 3 45 49.2 30.622 *114.038 8 2011 10 25 18 20 24.6 34.871 -112.518 5 2011 11 3 0 0 0 35.842 -113.216 6.88 2011 11 12 23 3 46.33 36.014 -114.818 6 2011 12 13 0 0 0 36.764 -113.017 8 .2 2011 12 14 18 34 47 36.666 -113.794 0.3 2011 12 23 12 32 37.6 30.451 -114.011 10 2012 1 8 19 11 12.21 34.826 -110.942 5 2012 1 19 1 38 55.6 30.887 -114.171 8

2012 2 26 0 0 0 34.898 -110.965 2 2012 3 20 14 18 52.8 31.288 -114.258 4 2012 3 21 1 18 22.5 31.084 -114.392 12 2012 3 26 3 42 43.1 31.517 -114.319 7 2012 4 22 0 0 0 34.894 -110.961 3.65 2012 6 1 5 24 34.1 30.452 -114.066 10 2012 6 25 0 0 0 35.025 -112.546 1.85 2012 7 19 5 8 39.3 31.428 -114.295 8 2012 7 24 21 39 24 30.56 -114.216 7 2012 8 25 9 28 26 31.339 -114.306 5 2012 8 26 20 57 58.2 33.02 -115.55 9 2012 8 26 21 17 26.72 34.175 -115.608 8.9 2012 8 27 5 23 19.1 30.658 -114.063 10 2012 8 28 11 36 52.97 30.026 -114.213 10 2012 9 25 16 3 33.46 36.486 -114.879 13.3 2012 10 8 0 0 0 33.431 -109.28 5 2012 10 11 21 26 49.76 36.431 -114.432 0 2012 10 17 0 0 0 35.748 -113.088 4.9 20 12 10 30 9 20 57.6 31.24 -114.298 15 2012 11 13 0 19 16.49 35.511 -116.246 0 2012 12 11 0 0 0 35.61 9 -113.154 10

M ag Mag Type Source Catalog Priority Zone Mag Sigma Mw E(M) 6.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.5 6.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5 MMI AZGS AZG S 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 5 6 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.2 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.2 6.03 5.9 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.9 5.73 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 7 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.6 5.43 6.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.8 6.63 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3 3.00 6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6 5.83 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 7.3 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 7.3 7.13 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4 .33 4.33 6.1 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.1 5.93 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.7 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.7 6.53 6.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 5 0.3 6.6 6.43 6.2 Ms AEIC AEIC 2 3 0.3 6.2 6.03 6.2 Mw Toppozada Unif ied 1 1 0.3 6.2 6.03 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 6 Ms AEIC AEIC 2 3 0.3 6 5.83 6.2 Ms AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.3 6.2 6.03 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6 5.83 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 6.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.6 6.43 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5.7 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.7 5.53 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 6.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.8 6.63 5.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.6 5.43 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 5.9 Mw Toppoza da Unified 1 1 0.3 5.9 5.73 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5 4.83 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33

5 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.1 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5.1 4.93 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5 Mw COMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5 4.83 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4.46 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.46 4.39 3.78 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.78 3.71 4.7 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7 4.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 2.96 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 3.58 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.58 3.51 5.5 ML CDMG AZGS 5 4 0.2 5.5 5.43 5.07 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 5.07 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.46 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.46 6.39 3.93 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 3.93 3.86 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 5 5.00 3.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.84 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.84 4.77 4.79 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.79 4.72 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.25 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.25 5.18 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.79 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.79 3.72 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 2.78 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.78 2.71 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.85 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.02 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.02 5.95 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.58 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.58 3.51 3.63 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.2 3.63 3.56 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.88 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.88 4.8 1

3.32 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.32 3 .25 3.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.72 3.65 4.54 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.54 4.47 5.5 M AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.2 5.5 5.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5 Md NMBMG AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 3.83 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 4.69 Mw Deng Unified 1 7 0.2 4.69 4.62 4.5 Md NMBMG AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.47 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 5.29 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.29 5.22 6.89 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.89 6.82 4.5 ML CDMG AZGS 4 2 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5 4.93 3.47 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 4.84 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.84 4.77 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5 5.43 6.05 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 5 0.2 6.05 5.98 4 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 3 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3 3.00 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.78 4.71 3.28 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.28 3.21 4.83 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.11 4.04 3 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3 2.93 3.62 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.62 3.55 5.26 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.26 5.19 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.08 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.08 5.01 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.22 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.22 5.15 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.34 3.27 4.7 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7 4.63 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.86 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 5.3 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.3 5.23 4.39 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.2 4.39 4.32 5.15 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 5 0.2 5.15 5.08 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2 5.13

5.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.78 5.71 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5 5.43 4.83 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.85 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.48 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.48 6.41 3.81 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.81 3.74 3.4 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.4 3.33 4.8 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 4.8 4.73 5.28 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.28 5.21 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.96 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.96 5.89 4.5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5.69 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.69 5.62 3.53 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.53 3.46 4.3 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 5.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.66 5.59 7 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 4.2 Unk NE I AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.16 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.16 4.09 5.41 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.41 5.34 4.72 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 5.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.97 5.90 4.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5 Unk NE I ANSS 3 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.72 Mw SCSN Unified 1 7 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.67 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.67 3.60 5.1 Ml AZGS AZGS 5 4 0.2 5.1 5.03 3.7 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 5.46 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.46 5.39 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 2 0.2 4.76 4.69 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5 4.93 566 Mw ANSS Unified 1 6 0.2 5.66 5.59 5.35 Mw SCSN Unified 1 6 0.2 5.35 5.28 6.37 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.37 6.30 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2 5.13 4.31 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.31 4.24 4.85 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 5.24 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.24 5.17 4.7 Mw COMG Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7 4.63 3.03 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.03 2.96 6.76 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 6.76 6.69

6.52 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 5 0.2 6.55 6.48 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.17 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.17 5.10 4.7 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 3.64 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.64 3.57 4.9 Mw CDMG Unified 1 3 0.2 4.9 4.83 3.26 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.26 3.19 5.25 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.25 5.18 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.76 5.69 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.82 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.82 4.75 5.75 ML Brumbaugh AZGS 2 3 0.2 5.75 5.68 2008 5 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 5 4.93 3.38 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.38 3.3 1 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 4 0.2 4.74 4.67 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 4.71 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.5 ML uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 5.07 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.07 5.00 2.96 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 3.01 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.01 2.94 4.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.9 4.83 4.94 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.94 4.87 4.86 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 7 0.2 4.78 4.7 1 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.7 2.63 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 4 7 0.2 2.9 2.83 5.6 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 5.6 5.53 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 4 2 0.2 2.7 2.63 4.2 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.2 4.13 5.27 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.27 5.20 4.96 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4 .96 4.89 4.7 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.7 4.63 5.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.9 5.83 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.5 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5 4.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.7 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 4.1 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.1 4.03 4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 5.73 Mw ANSS Unified 1 4 0.2 5.73 5.66 3.3 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 4.41 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 4.41 4.34 3.61 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.61 3.54

4 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.2 4 3.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.4 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.03 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 4.03 3.96 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.8 3.73 3.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 5.11 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.11 5.04 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.92 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.92 4.85 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 4.4 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.7 2.63 4.33 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 4.33 4.26 3.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 3.3 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 3.5 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.5 3.43 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 3.3 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 3.5 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.5 3.43 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 3.76 Ml Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.76 3.69 6.3 Mw COMG Unified 1 6 0.2 6.3 6.23 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4 3.93 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.4 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.6 4.53 4.72 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.28 Ml Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.28 3.21 3.7 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 3.9 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 2.8 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.8 2.73 4.5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 3.8 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.8 3.73 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93

4.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 3.8 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.8 3.73 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.2 3.13 4 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4 3.93 4.6 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.6 4.53 4.97 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.97 4.90 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 6.58 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.58 6.51 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.71 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.8 4.73 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.2 5.13 5.5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.5 5.43 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.89 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.89 4.82 2.96 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.4 Mb AEIC AZG S 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.9 Mw CDMG Unified 1 5 0.2 4.9 4.83 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3 2.93 3.1 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 3.1 3.03 2.75 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.75 2.68 3.02 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 3.02 2.95 3.23 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.23 3.16 2.87 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.87 2.80 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4 3.93 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 5.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.2 5. 13 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 2.8 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.8 2.73 3.83 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.7 3.63 2.94 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.94 2.87 2.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 2.8 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 2.8 2.73 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93

4.99 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.99 4.92 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 4.7 Mw COMG Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7 4.63 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 5.4 Ms NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.5 5.48 3.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 6 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.63 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.63 3.61 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 4 3.98 4.5 mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.5 4.48 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0. 1 4.1 4.08 4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 4.86 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.86 4.84 2.9 Mc Cl ANSS 3 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.1 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.1 mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.53 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.53 3.51 3.26 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.26 3.24 3.27 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.27 3.25 3.3 ML Cl ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.9 Mc Cl ANSS 3 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.16 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.16 4.14 4.1 Ml Cl ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 5 0.1 4.9 4.88 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.76 4.74 3.4 Unk PAS ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.7 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 d SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 5.13 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.13 5.1 1 3.34 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.12 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.12 3.10 2.97 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.97 2.95 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 5.25 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.25 5.23 4.88 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.01 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.01 2.99 4.88 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 3.9 Unk NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 5 M AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 5 4.98 3 M AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98

4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.02 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.02 3.00 2.9 Ml AEIC AZG S 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 5.07 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.07 5.05 3.78 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.78 3.76 2.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 5.79 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.79 5.77 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.05 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 3.05 3.03 3.16 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.16 3.14 3.11 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.11 3.09 3.02 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.02 3.00 2.73 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.73 2.71 3.06 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 3.2 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.84 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.84 2.82 3.05 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.05 3.03 3.09 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.09 3.07 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.45 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.45 3.43 3.97 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.97 3.95 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.97 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.97 2.95 4.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.08 4.06 3.21 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.14 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.14 3.12 4.68 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.68 4.66 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.9 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.95 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.95 2.93 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.01 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.01 2.99 5.31 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.31 5.29 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.84 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.84 3.82

2.78 Mh Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.78 2.76 3.03 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.03 3.01 3.26 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.26 3.24 5.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.46 5.44 3.41 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.41 3.39 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.15 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.15 3 .13 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 5.51 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.51 5.49 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.25 3.23 3.24 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 3.24 3.22 2.99 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.99 2.97 2.8 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.1 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 6.51 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.51 6.49 2.85 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.49 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.49 3.47 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.08 3.06 3.98 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.98 3.96 3.45 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.45 3.43 5.32 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.32 5.30 4.39 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.39 4.37 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 4.22 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.22 4.20 2.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.6 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0. 1 2.8 2.78 2.8 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.27 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.27 3.25 2.98 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.98 2.96 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.53 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.53 3.51 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.38 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.38 3.36 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.02 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.02 3.00 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.14 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.14 3.12 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78

2.9 n SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 2.8 2.78 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 2.71 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 2.98 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.98 2.96 2.73 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.73 2.71 4.77 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.77 4.75 3.16 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.16 3.14 3.22 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.22 3.20 3.05 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.05 3.03 3.3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.79 2.77 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.12 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.12 3.10 3.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.85 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.9 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.79 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.79 2.77 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3.09 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.09 3.07 2.85 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 2.85 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.06 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.25 3.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.71 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 3.2 Unk PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.2 3.18 3 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0. 1 3 2.98 2.75 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.12 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.12 3.10 2.7 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.2 Unk PAS ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.7 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0. 1 4.4 4.38 2.81 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.81 2.79 3.3 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 2.75 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.75 2.73 2.92 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.92 2.90 3.04 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.04 3.02 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98

3.54 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.54 3 .52 5.49 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.49 5.47 4.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.72 4.70 3.07 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.07 3.05 5.17 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 5.17 5.15 3.45 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.45 3.43 3.04 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.04 3.02 2.77 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 3.68 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.68 3.66 3.1 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 Unk PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.64 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.64 3.62 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 6.02 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.02 6.00 2.85 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.85 2.83 3 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.48 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.48 5.46 3 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 3.3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 6.5 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.5 6.48 5.49 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.49 5.47 5.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.3 5.28 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.9 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0. 1 3.9 3.88 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.69 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.69 3.67 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 3.74 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.74 3.72 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3 2.98 5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5 4.98 3.61 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.61 3.59 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.6 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.01 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.01 2.99 3.42 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.42 3.40

3.27 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.27 3 .25 4 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4 3.98 3.44 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.44 3.42 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.01 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.01 2.99 2.72 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.72 2.70 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.7 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.22 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.22 3.20 2.8 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 5 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3 2.98 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 5.37 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.37 5.35 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.36 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.36 3.34 3.33 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.33 3.31 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.77 d SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 3.02 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.02 3.00 4.2 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.27 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.27 3.25 3.4 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.1 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08

3.26 d SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.26 3.24 2.85 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.9 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 7.28 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0. 1 7.28 7.26 4 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4 3.98 2.85 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 2.71 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.71 2.69 4.2 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.4 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3 d SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3 2.98 3.6 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.91 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.91 2.89 3.11 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.11 3.09 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 5.5 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 5.61 5.59 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.9 b SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.5 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.43 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.43 3.41 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 4.2 4.18 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.83 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.83 3.81 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.34 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.9 Mc NN ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.1 MO_res RESN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 36 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.6 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98

2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.6 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 5.21 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 3.6 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.67 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.67 3.65 4.57 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.57 4.55 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.1 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.4 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.71 Mw Berk_MT_TO Unified 1 1 0.1 4.71 4.69 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3 2.98 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 5.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.2 5.18 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.8 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.4 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.71 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 2.87 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.87 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.87 2.85 2.72 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.72 2.70 4.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 3.71 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.71 3.69 2.86 Mc NN ANSS 3 2 0.1 2.86 2.84 3.6 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48

3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.8 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.7 Ml NE I AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.9 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.75 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 5 0.1 4.75 4.73 2.7 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.2 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.85 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0. 1 2.85 2.83 4.85 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.85 4.83 2.9 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.77 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 2.7 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.9 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.5 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.81 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.1 4.81 4.79 2.8 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 5 0.1 4.76 4.74 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.2 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.5 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.1 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.8 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.3 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3.3 3.28 3.4 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.78 4.76 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.08 3.06 3.3 Ml NE I AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.8 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.97 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.97 2.95 2.9 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.18 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.18 3.16 3.1 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.87 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3 Ml NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.4 Mb NE I ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38

2.83 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.83 2.81 2.91 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.91 2.89 4.89 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.89 4.87 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.25 3.23 4.97 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.75 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 5.13 Mw ANSS Unified 1 6 0.1 5.13 5.1 1 3.2 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 Mb Cl AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 Mb Cl AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 7.12 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 7.12 7.10 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.65 4.63 4.5 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.2 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.7 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.73 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.73 2.71 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.73 Mw SCSN_MT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.73 4.71 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.06 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.06 3.04 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.5 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 2.72 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.72 2.70 3 Ml PAS ANSS 2 7 0. 1 3 2.98 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.38 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 4.38 4.36 3.21 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.53 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.53 3.51 3.3 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 5.02 Mw SCSN_MT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.02 5.00 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 5.74 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.74 5.72 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.23 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.23 3.21 2.71 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.71 2.69

4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.72 2.70 3.5 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.73 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.73 4.7 1 4.88 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 5.19 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.19 5.17 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.96 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.96 2.94 3.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0. 1 3.4 3.38 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.2 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.73 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.73 2.71 2.9 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 5 2 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3 2.98 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.2 Ml Eagar 2007 AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.6 Ml Eagar2007 AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.4 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3.4 3.38 2.8 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.78 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.78 2.76 2.8 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3 .88 4.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.9 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 5.1 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.51 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.51 3.49 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58

5.1 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.21 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 4.87 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.87 4.85 2.88 Ml uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.88 2.86 5.15 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.15 5.13 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.2 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.1 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 Ml uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 4 3.98 5.1 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 5.29 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.29 5.27 3.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.2 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 4.8 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 2.85 I SCSN_le SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.9 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.3 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 Mw NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.9 Ml NEI ANSS 3 3 0. 1 2.9 2.88 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.22 3.20 3.1 ML ECX ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.8 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.5 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.9 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.4 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 5.14 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.14 5.12 3.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.7 Mw NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78

3.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.8 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 2.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.5 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.8 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.6 ML NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.9 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.76 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.76 3.74 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.98 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 4.98 4.96 2.95 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.95 2.93 5.13 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.13 5.11 3.7 ML NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 4.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 4.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 2.88 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.88 2.86 4.96 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 4.96 4.94 3.9 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.1 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.1 Ml ECX ANSS 3 6 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 3 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.85 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.85 3.83 4.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 5 4.98 2.9 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.8 MO AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.8 2.78 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 7.19 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 7.19 7.17 3.1 ML PAS ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.1 3.08

3.6 Mw NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.8 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.8 5.78 2.93 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.93 2.91 3.1 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.34 3.32 5.54 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.54 5.52 3.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.6 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 5.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.2 5.18 4.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 5 4.98 2.8 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.48 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.48 3.46 3.06 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 4.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.2 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.35 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.35 3.33 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.6 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.9 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.79 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.7 MO AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.1 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.97 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.97 2.95 2.83 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.83 2.8 1 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.44 ML Cl ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.44 3.42 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.5 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.79 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.71 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.71 2.69 3.1 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.4 Mc SLC ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 4.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 3.2 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08

2.95 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.95 2.93 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.7 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.2 Mc UNM ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 5.46 Mw CMT UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.46 5.44 3.9 Ml PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.9 3.88 5.4 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.61 5.59 4.2 Mc NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.59 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.59 3.57 4.1 Ml AZGS-USGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.1 ML REN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 ML AZGS-USGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2 .88 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.94 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.94 2.92 2.72 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.72 2.70


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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:20:20 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc:Graizer, Vlad imir;M unson, Cl ifford ;Ake, .Jon;John Stamatkos


RE: Palo Verde public meeting in mid-J une?

I plan to be out the 22-26th, but am available otherwise.


Original Message-----

Frorn: Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 11:17 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Graizer. Vladimir; Munson. Clifford; Ake. Jon; John Stamatkos


Palo Verde public meetjng in mid-June?

Cao the Palo Verde team support a APS public meeting in mid-June?

1 have no vacation plans yet so l guess l am open in June. What about the rest of you? Of course Vlad is in CA for the week. Maybe he will check his email.

Original Messagc-----

From: Devl in-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, April 20. 2015 I J :10 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Heeszel, David


FW: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie


Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.

Any preferences or li mitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday. April 16,. 2015 10:07 AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega,. Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed


P lanning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates Cliff.

I am out PM today and Friday.

PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRC Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a l icensing call with PG&E Friday at lpm to discuss NRC technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communi cate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs. single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to e mai l a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice.. Please let us know a couple. of focus areas by noon Friday.

PV Meeting Date Coord ination.

The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As. f recall,. I thought we. had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Wo rking Group. Let me know. if I can propose any dates in the. 2nd and 3rd week of June.

T hanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division<> I Tel: (301) 415 -1115

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:24 Mar 2015 18:07:16 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: Pal o Verde Is this in addition to or a replacement for the meeting already scheduled for 3:30?


Original Appointment-----

From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:05 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David


Palo Verde When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:00 PM-3:30 PM {UTC-05:00) Eastern nme (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07CO 1- 15p Can we meet at 3PM for a short meeting?

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15:01:01 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Hill, Brittain;Ake, Jon;Li, Yong;John Starnatkos;Miriam R. Juckett (


RE: PY topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site .

-- David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15: 18:24 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: PV topics Here From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:18.AM To: Heeszel, David


RE: PV topics What file?

From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:01 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


RE: PV topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site.

--David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 11 May. 2015 14:56:25 +0000.

To:Devlin-GiU, Stephanie;Jackson, Diane Cc:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford


RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation I will do the same for Ch . 9.

-- David From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:09 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford


RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation.

Ok, I'll cover the SWUS Chp 5 as it applies to PVNGS next Tuesday.

When Vlad returns, we should probably also make sure he's knows to attend the Tuesday PVNGS meeting, since it wil l be of interest to him.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7Dl0 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Jackson, Diane Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 9:41 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford


FW: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation Stephanie and David -

Cliff and I were discussing status of the PV review, and continuing to splice it up into reasonable chunks. Vlad is out this week.

For next Tuesday (not tomorrow),

Stephanie review and prepare slides for SWUS GMC SSHAC Report Ch5. For Ch5 some of the subsections are only applicable to DCPP so Stephanie can skip those (there aren't too many).

David the same for Ch9.

If you have questions on technical direction and level of detail, see the good Dr. Munson. Also, let me know if you think your workload will /will not support and we can look at workload and timelines.

Thanks - Diane

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:31Mar2015 17:33:05 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford


RE: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HfD

-. Appendix. F)

Is there any way we can also request the peer review comments and the Tl teams response from the workshops? I can't find them in the SSHAC report.

-- David From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:32 PM To: Heeszel, David; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos


FW: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID -

Appendix F)


From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:31 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID - Appendix F)

Nick, There are five electronic attachments listed in the Palo Verde SSHAC Appendix F (page F-57),

which is the. very important Hazard Input Document. We need these electronic files to be able.

to perform our sensitivity studies for the PV hazard. Please have the licensee put these in the electronic reading room as soon as possible.

Thanks, Cliff These attachments were released in interim response #1 HID Attachments Attachment A: Areal Source Coordinates (electronic attachment)

Attachment B: Fault Source Coordinates (electronic attachment).

Attachment C: UCERF3.3 Rupture Sets (electronic attachment)

Attachment D: ABSMOOTH Output (electronic attachment)

Attachment E: SWUS GMC Regions for Fault Sources (electronic attachment)


I *1tl . ~,"'"u! ln\, rn.1llv,..,1. fn<

COVER SHEET Revision 0 Page 1of18 CALCULATION TITLE Adjustment Factors from Reference Rock to Palo Verde Rock Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Hazard PROJECTNAME: _E~v~ a~lu~a~


PROJECT No.: _1;;...;:0c.;;.


6- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -

Prepared by: Gabriel Toro[ ~


Date: 2/ 27 / 15' Verlrled by: Robin McGuire{ (2iL./Ji.A~ IV Date: 2 *'2(11<

(Name/ Signature of Verlller)

Approved by: £*s.s ~"'* ~ I fZ.,-J/.~ Date: 2./t1/*r (Name/Signature of Project Manager or Vice President)

Optlonal Cllent Approval: Date:

(Name/ Signature)

LCIFORM.QAP-3*38.02 (04.04.2014)

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION LCI Lt'lti.' illll*ul nl' lnt.-m.11il'll\.1l, In<.

r*c l ' , 1*;. t I,. I REVISION LOG Revision O Page 2of18 Calculation Revision Status Impacted Document Rev. No. Date Description No.

0 2/27/15 Initial Issue Text Revision. History Page No .. Rev. No .. Page No. Rev. No.

1-18 0 Attachment Revision History Attachment Page No. Rev. No. Attachment Page No. Rev. No.

No .. No.

A A1-A2 0 B 81-BS 0 LCIFORM.QAP-3-38.03 (04.04.2014)



SHEET Page 3of18 VERIFICATION METHOD 1:81 Step-by-Step Method D Alternate Calculation Item Parameter Yes No N/ A 1 Purpose Is clearly stated and Calculation satisfies the x Purpose.

2 Methodology Is appropriate and properly applied. x 3 Assumptions are reasonable, adequately described, and x based upon sound geotechnlcal principles and practices.

4 Input received via signed communications from x authorized signatories and correctly Incorporated Into the Calculation.

5 Software Is properly Identified; Is appropriate for this x application; and validation Is referenced, or Included, and acceptable.

6 Calculation Is complete, accurate (I.e., equations are x correct, Input to equations is correct, and math Is correct),

adequate, and leads logically to Results and Conclusions; or Is verified via Altemate Calculation.

7 Results and Conclusions are accurate, acceptable, and x reasonable compared to the Input and Assumptions.

8 References are valld for Intended use. x 9 Appendices are complete, accurate, and support text. x Comments: (use addltlonal pages as necessary)

Verifier: Robin McGuire/ f2R-- V1A.x;,"I._

(Nome/ Signature) (Date)

LClfORM.QAP-3*38.04 (04.04.2014)

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI l cttJ.;¥';,,,.1111111:> lott>m>t10n.1I, 1.,.-

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 4of18 I ' *~ ~* t Table of Contents Section Page Purpose .........*....................*.......*................... *.......*...........................*.......................*............ 5 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 Assumptions.....*............*...........................*.................*............*....*........................................* 6 Inputs ...........................................................*.....................................*.........................*.......... 6 Software ..........................................*...................................*...................*..........*.........*.......... 7 Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Results and Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10 References.............................................................................................................................. 17 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX A (PROPRIETARY} ...................................................................................................Al APPENDIX B. Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics ................................................... Bl List of Tables Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination) ....*.*...*.....*........*.....*......*...........*..*.... *.......***..*....*..........*....*........*............... *... 14 List of Figures Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS. A depth of 0.corresponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15} and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles ............ 8 Figure 2. Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor ........................................................... 13

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 LCI l.etn¥n*t1l10nb lnwmahollJI, 1,,.

\ -.. ,,_,-

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page S of 18 Adjustment Factors.from Ref erence Rock to Palo Verde Rock

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to develop adjustment fac tors to convert ground motions from the reference rock associated with the South Western US Ground Motion Project (the SWUS project) GMPEs to the rock conditions at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).

These factors , which are given in Fourier-amplitude space, will be converted later to factors in spectra l-acceleration space, and these in turn will be used to conve1t the amplitudes pred icted by the SWUS GMPEs to Palo Verde rock ..

2. METHODOLOGY The following inputs are required to convert SWUS ground motions on Reference Rock (the host) to ground motions on PVNGS bedrock (the target) using Vs-kappa 1 adjustments.

Calculation of the SWUS rock to Palo Verde rock requires the fo llowing inputs:

1. Host Vs and density profile, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
2. Host kappa value, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
3. Target Vs and density profile, developed by LCI (Ref. 2). This is the. profile below PVNGS bedrock, and extending to deep basement.
4. Target PVNGS bedrock kappa value (and its uncertainty), specified by the SWUS project (Ref. I)..

These quantities are used to calculate host and target Vs-kappa filters in the frequency domain.

Each fi lter consists of two parts. The fi rst part accounts for impedance differences and can be calcu lated using the Quarter-wavelength approach (see Refs. 3-5) and affects a ll frequencies. The second filter accounts for the differences in kappa. It bas an exponential form and affects mainly the high frequencies. The net adjustment factor (in Fourier-amplitude space) is the ratio of the target filter divided by the host filter. Multiple values of this factor wil1 be calculated, to account for uncertainty in the inputs. This approach has. been used in a number of studies (e.g., Refs. 8-1 0 and 14).

The result from this calculation consist of multiple values of the adjustment factor (in terms of Fourier amplitude) as a function of frequency (with associated weights), given in tabular form.

1 Vs is the shear-wave velocity; kappa is a quantity that represents the anelastic attenuation in the upper crust. ln the nomenclature of Anderson and Hough (1984) (Ref. 7), the kappa used in this calculation corresponds to kappa-zero, as it captures attenuation effects in the upper crust, rather than whole-path attenuation.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI I ~ltl*~n*-ullianh lntematlOll<ll, Inc.

! A' r-PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 6of 18

3. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions are made in this calculation:

Assumption Rationale The input data provided by the SWUS These data were developed under a project (Host Vs and density profile, host SSHAC Level 3 process kappa. target kappa and its uncertainty) are correct.

The site-specific deep profile (thickness, Vs, These data were developed, documented, and density for each layer beneath soil) is. and reviewed by LCI. (Ref. 2), using site-correct. specific data (recently acquired and from UFSAR). Good agreement with shallow portion of Warren (1969; Ref. 15) profile.

The basement portion of the deep profile Model based on regional data and used (from Warren ( 1969)) is correct. for earthquake locations (see Lockridge et al. , Ref. 12).

The. guidance provided by the EPRI SPID This document has been extensively document (Ref. 11) regarding uncertainty reviewed and accepted by the NRC.

ranges is correct.

The. Qua11er Wave Length (QWL) approach Approach is well documented in the is adequate for the adjustment of GM PEs. literature and has been used for regional and NPP studies (e.g., Refs. 8-10 and 14)

The. Gardner et al (1974) equation for Relation is widely used (see Bracher, density as a function of Vp is correct. 1995; Ref. 6).

4. INPUTS Input Source Host profile (thickness, Vs, and SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. I and its attached Excel density for each layer) and host file WUS_VsProfile-10272014.xls) kappa (0.041 s)

Target (PVNGS) kappa and SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. 1) associated uncertainty

  • median 0.033s
  • 0'1 n=0.5

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 7. of.18.

Deep PVNGS profile (thickness, LCI (Ref. 2; volcanics and upper basement; used the Vs, and density for each layer) thickness of the volcanics derived from the elevation column because it is more reliable) and Warren(! 969; Ref. 15; lower basement)

Equation for density as a Gardner et al (1974; Ref. 12).

function of Vp (used only for lower basement of PVNGS profile).

6. CALCULATIONS All calculations are performed in spreadsheet Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A),

as described below.

Sheet Deep_Projlle_Summary tabulates the base-case deep profile (as generated from Refs. 2 and 15), converts it to metric units, generates the Lower Bound (LB), Median, and Upper Bound (UB) profiles, and generates. graphs. Following the. EPRI SPID (Ref. 11 ), cr1nvs is given a value of 0.35 for the upper two layers (applicable to sites with limited geophysical information). cr1nvs is set to 0 for the lower basement, just as Ref. 11 sets the CEUS basement Vs to 9200 ft/s (without uncertainty). Also, following Ref. 11, the. UB. Vs. values are. not allowed to exceed the lower basement Vs. Uncertainty in the thickness of the volcanics is taken from LCI (Ref. 2).

Uncertainty in the thickness of the upper basement is taken as 10 percent. The UB and LB profiles are constructed by pairing 90-th percentile Vs with 10% thickness in order to maximize the variation in travel time (in a manner similar. to what is done in Ref.. 11 ). The three resulting Vs profiles are shown in Figure I.

PC No. PV001- PC-02 LCI l"~?l"-ulltlnb lntcnJiJholl<!I, Inc I _1.;-,.

PROJ ECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 8of18 Vs (m/s) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 - ,.. ... . , I I ,1 I -1 I

. l 500 I-"'


I l ..

I l:!Q. 1000



~ L

-I n; I



~ 1500 -


~ L. 1 0

..c E I 0

~ I

.[ I of 2000 T 1 Q.

QI - UBProfile I 0

- Base Case Profile I

... I I

- LB Profile 2500 Warren (1969}

SWUS Reference Profile 1 : I I

3000 Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for PVNGS. A depth of 0 corr esponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils).

Also shown ar e the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiJes.

Sheet Lockridge_et_al lists. the Warren ( 1969; Ref. l 5) profile and contains tables used for plotting it.

Sheet Density_Bsmnt documents the calculation of density for those basement layers for which no density. is provided in Ref. 2, using an equation. from Ref. 12 ..

Sheet HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760 contains information about the host profi le received from SWUS (Ref. 1) and a few calculations to extract information from them.

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 9of1 8

  • Columns A-Y contains information about the host profile received from SWUS (Vs vs.

depth, density vs. depth, and adjustment factors).

  • Columns Z-AC contain profile information in the form (thickness, Vs, density) extracted from columns A-Y.
  • Columns. N-0 contain amplification factors for this profile (calculated by SWUS (Ref. 1) using the QWL approach). These adjustment factors are relative to the source (characterized by Vs=3500 mis and density 2.7 gr/cc).

Sheet Amplif'_Calcs_Ref_Pro.file contains. the calculation of the impedance. Z (see Refs. 3-5) for the reference SWUS (Ref. 1) profile.

  • Columns A-C contain the profile data (from HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
  • Columns H-J (step I) calculate travel time and integrated density to the bottom of each layer~ as the. first step in the calculation of the impedance (see. Eqs. 16-1 8 of Ref. 4 for the equations used; equations are reproduced in same columns).
  • Columns L-R (step 2) interpolate the travel time and integrated density linearly to a finer depth scale. Interpolation is done using a user-defined function. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet. These interpolated values are then used to calculate the assoc iated frequency l/(4*travel time), time-averaged. Vs. (beta_bar), average density (rho_ bar), and impedance (beta_bar* rho_bar).
  • Columns T-U (step 3) interpolate the impedance vs. frequency values to a fine frequency scale (0.1 to 100 Hz, 30 frequencies per decade), which will be the same frequency sampling to be used for all profiles. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet.
  • Columns W-X use the impedance to calculate the adjustment factor with respect to the source (Vs=3500 mis, density=2.7 gr/cc). These values are compared to those calculated independently by SWUS (Ref. I) and provided in sheet HostVsProfile_ V.d0_760 (see graphical comparison on same columns), obtaining a very. close agreement .. This comparison serves as an additional check for the calculation of impedance vs. frequency used in this calculation document.

Sheets Amplif_Calcs_ *_PV_Pro,file (where* takes the values of LB, Median, and UB) contain the calculation of the impedance Z for the three PVNGS deep profiles and the calculation of their associated impedance factors.

  • Columns A-C contain the profile data (from Deep_Profile_Summary) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI L..-111.;?m-*uhont'l lnwm 1hon.JI, In.;

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 10of18 t *~* r

  • Columns H-U contain the various steps in the calculation of impedance Z as a function of frequency. These calculations are similar to the ones performed in Columns H-U in Amplif_Calcs_Ref_Profile..
  • Column W calculates the adjustment factor associated with impedance effects (sqrt(Z_ Ref/Z_PVNGS)) vs .. frequency, using the impedance. Z calculated in. this sheet and in Amplif_ Calcs_Ref_Profile.
  • Columns Y-AB introduce the effect of kappa differences between the Host (0.04 ls) and the target, considering the LB (10%), median (50%), and UB (90%) values of the latter).

Sheet Summary tabulates all nine profiles from columns Y-AB of Amplif_ Calcs_ *_PV_Profile, calculates their weights, and computes their summary statistics.

7. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The calculated adjustment factors account for differences in impedance and kappa between the Host SWUS (Ref. 1) Reference Profile and the Target PVNGS rock profile, and can be used for the calculation of adjustment factors to convert SWUS spectral accelerations to PVNGS rock.

These factors (in Fourier amplitude space) are given in tbe Summary Sheet of Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A). They are also. given in Table 1 below and in stand-alone file Adjustment_Factors.csv (see Appendix A for a description of electronic fi les).

As part of the review of Ref.2, one interpretation was revised, resulting in a change in thickness of the volcanic unit (top of deep profile). from 878 ft to 808 ft. The effect of th is change is.

evaluated in Appendix B. The change in the adjustment factor is small (~2 percent at a few frequencies) and would reduce ground motions (therefore ignoring the change is conservative).

As a result, the adjustment factors based on the original volcanic unit thickness (Table 1 and file Adjustment_Factors.csv) are maintained ..

It is important to note the following when interpreting and using these results.

1. Although these adjustment factors become very large at high frequencies (as a result of the kappa adjustments), the SWUS (Ref. 1) rock motions have zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.
2. Results are tabulated to l 00 Hz, but the exponential model for kappa effects (which can produce very high adjustment factors at these high frequencies) may not be applicable.

Based on seismological principles, one expects the product of these adjustment factors and the Fourier amplitudes of the SWUS (Ref. 1) motions to produce a spectral-shape falloff beyond approximately 10 Hz that is roughly linear in log-amplitude vs. frequency space (see Ref. 7), possibly becoming steeper at higher frequencies. If there are appreciable differences from this anticipated fa lloff (e.g., shapes that do not reach a peak, bimodal shapes with an extra peak beyond 20 Hz), it is appropriate to truncate or flatten these adjustment factors at some appropriate frequency to remove these unphysical shapes. Because it is difficult to anticipate whether these effects will occur, and at what frequencies, the adjustment factors are provided as calculated, but with the understand ing that they may need some modifications at high frequencies. The task to truncate or flatten

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI 11111< ()ln..,,hllnb lnl\'m 1t10rlJI, Inc

\" I. .;

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 11 of 18 them (if needed) is left to the analyst that converts these adjustment factors to spectral-acceleration factors.

3. For frequenc ies below 0.1 Hz, it is appropriate to assume that the adjustment factor is equal to the factor at 0.1 Hz.

The nine calculated adjustment factors are shown in Figure 2 and given in Table 1; the associated summary statistics are given in Figure 2 .

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 12of18 10 I I ,. I

- -~-/

I I I i i ,_


- I

-**- .J n 1--

'-/J lt)l 1 E


'II 7 ~;


u C1I c.

...C1I V)

s 1: ~


0 u.


0 1 -- I I






_j.. ~I


.- I

- "/ ,., /



i u .........

u. i-..... ' '... ~'

c: i"' ... ~ f'I~




...... l "" ~





t t ,_ t +- .... 1--

0.1 0.1 I I 1

I1 10

~ 100 Frequency (Hz)

- LB. Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB. Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- LB. Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)

Figure 2. Adjustment Factors

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 13 of18 10 2 j +t t t t t: l+

- Logarithmic mean AF logarithmic sigma (right Y axis)


i/ 1.8 I



11 I I


..,I.I QI a.

II) 11 I 1.4 ~

I.I IU c.

I II) i,~


J 0

1.2 E


""'c J 0

1 1 *~


...0 I I I I ~ t l _Y( *:;


- c QI ti --!-<

IU I I I I I 0 .8 'E

""' I I I I IU "O

c c QI E I I

,/ 0.6 ~


~~T t;


< 0.4 y


- -- /



0 .2

/ 11 I I I 11 0.1 0 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency {Hz)

Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI lct11.;f"nsi1llanb ln1l'maho11<1l, l1"K"

' ,_, , f PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 14of18 Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination)

SWUS t o PVNGS Adjustment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profile, Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, M edian UB Profile, M edian UB LB M edian UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hzi (0.09) (0.12) (0.09) (0.12) (0.16) (0.12) (0.0 9). (0.12) (0.09).

0.1000 1.0136 1.0086 0.9993 0.8916 0.8873 0.8790 0.8598 0.8556 0.8477 0.1080 1.0218 1.0165 1.0063 0.8871 0.8824 0.8736 0.8528 0.8483 0.8398 0.1166 1.0313 1.0255 1.0144 0.8821 0.8771 0.8676 0.8451 0.8403. 0.8312 0.1259 1.0424 1.0360 1.0240 0.8766 0.8712 0.8611 0.8367 0.8316 0.8219 0.1359 1.0574 1.0504 1.0372 0.8721 0.8663 0.8554 0.8291 0.8236 0.8132 0.1468 1.0768 1.0691 1.0546 0.8684 0.8622 0.8505 0.8219 0.8160 0.8050 0.1585 1.0999 1.0914 1.0754 0.8643 0.8576 0.8451 0.8140 0.8077 0.7959 0.1711 1.1279 1.1185 1.1009 0.8597 0.8526 0.8391 0.8054 0.7987 0.7861 0.1848 1.1660 1.1555 1.1358 0.8571 0.8493 0.8349 0.7981 0.7910 0.7775 0.1995 1.1927 1.1811 1.1594 0.8549 0.8466 0.8310 0.7910 0.7833. 0.7689 0.2154 1.1895 1.1770 1.1536 0.8524 0.8435 0.8268 0.7830 0.7748 0.7594 0.2326 1.1852 1.1718 1.1467 0.8496 0.8400 0.8220 0.7742 0.7654 0.7491 0.2512 1.1856 1.1711 1.1441 0.8501 0.8397 0.8203 0.7678 0.7584 0.7409 0.2712 1.1867 1.1710 1.14 19 0.8511 0.8398 0.8189 0.7612 0.7511 0.7324 0.2929 1.1878 1.1709 1.1395 0.8522 0.8400 0.8175 0.7538 0.7431 0.7231 0.3162 1.1890 1.1707 1.1368 0.8533 0.8402 0.8159 0.7456 0.7341 0.7128 0.3415 1.1950 1.1752 1.1385 0.8580 0.8438 0.8174 0.7393 0.7271 0.7043 0.3687 1.2037 1.1821 1.1423 0.8578 0.8425 0.8141 0.7334 0.7203 0.6960 0.3981 1.2136 1.1902 1.1469 0.8537 0.8372 0.8068 0.7268 0.7128 0.6869 0.4299 1.2251 1.1996 1.1526 0.8490 0.8313 0.7987 0.7193 0.7043 0.6768 0.4642 1.2429 1.2149 1.1636 0.8464 0.8274 0.7924 0.7133 0.6973 0.6678 0.5012 1.2688 1.2380 1.1817 0.8466 0.8260 0.7884 0.7092 0.6920 0.6605 0.5412 1.3013 1.2673 1.2051 0.8474 0.8252 0.7847 0.7046 0.6861 0.6525 0.5843 1.3476 1.3096 1.2403 0.8521 0.8281 0.7843 0.7014 0.6816 0.6455 0.6310 1.4077 1.3648 1.2871 0.8586 0.8325 0.7851 0.6987 0.6774 0.6388 0.6813 1.4269 1.3801 1.2954 0.8659 0.8375 0.7861 0.6956 0.6728 0.6315 0.7356 1.4146 1.3645 1.2744 0.8755 0.8445 0.7887 0.6931 0.6686. 0.6244 0.7943 1.4047 1.3511 1.2549 0.8901 0.8561 0.7952 0.6929 0.6665 0.6191 0.8577 1.3940 1.3366 1.2342 0.9073 0.8699 0.8033 0.6928 0.6643 0.6134 0.9261 1.3821 1.3207 1.2118 0.9275 0.8863 0.8132 0.6926 0.6619 0.6073 1.0000 1.3731 1.3074 1.1914 0.9546 0.9089 0.8283 0.6943 0.6611 0.6024 1.0798 1.3666 1.2962 1.1724 0.9900 0.9390 0.8494 0.6980 0.6620 0.5988 1.1659 1.3594 1.2839 1.1520 1.0338 0.9764 0.8762 0.7019 0.6629 0.5948 1.2589 1.3512 1.2703 1.1300 1.0758 1.0114 0.8998 0.7062 0.6639. 0.5906

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 15of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profile~ Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median UB Profile, Median UB LB Median UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hz) (0.09) (0.12) (0 .09) (0.12) (0.16) (0 .12) (0 .0 9) (0.12) (0.09) 1.3594 1.3483 1.2614 1.1117 1.0777 1.0082 0.8886 0.7142 0.6681 0.5888 1.4678 1.3478 1.2543 1.0943 1.0773 1.0026 0.8747 0.7246 0.6743 0.5883 1.5849 1.3471 1.2464 1.0757 1.0767 0.9963 0.8598 0.7364 0.6813 0.5880 1.7113 1.3460 1.2378 1.0557 1.0759 0.9894 0.8439 0.7496 0.6893 0.5879 1.8478 1.3446 1.2282 1.0344 1.0748 0.9817 0.8268 0.7645 0.6984 0.5882 1.9953 1.3435. 1.2184 1.0121. 1.0739 0.9739 0.8090 0.7821 0.7093 0.5892 2.1544 1.3435 1.2089 0.9895 1.0739 0.9663 0.7909 0.8033 0.7228 0.5916 2.3263 1.3431 1.1984 0.9654 1.0735 0.9579 0.7716 0.8280 0.7387 0.5951 2.5119 1.3424 1.1869 0.9398 1.0730 0.9487 0.7512 0.8522 0.7535 0.5966 2.7123 1.3421 1.1751 0.9132 1 .0728 0.9392 0.7300 0.8575 0.7508 0.5835 2.9286 1.3413 1.1620 0.8851 1.0721 0.9288 0.7075 0.8570 0.7424 0.5655 3.1623 1.3399 1.1476 0.8553 1.0710 0.9173 0.6837 0.8561 0.7332 0.5465 3.4145 1.3419 1.1351 0.8264 1 .0726 0.9073 0.6606 0.8573 0.7252 0.5280 3.6869 1.3434 1.1213 0.7960 1.0738 0.8963 0.6362 0.8583 0.7164 0.5086 3.9811 1.3451 1.1067 0.7644 1.0751 0.8846 0.6110 0.8594 0.7070 0.4884 4.2987 1.3525. 1.0956 0.7347. 1.0811 0.8757 0.5873 0.8641 0.7000 0.4694 4.6416 1.3605 1.0837 0.7040 1.0874 0.8662 0.5627 0.8692 0.6924 0.4498 5.0119 1.3751 1.0756 0.6751 1.0991 0.8598 0.5396 0.8785 0.6872 0.4313 5.4117 1.3923 1.0680 0.6458 1.1129 0.8536 0.5162 0.8895 0.6823 0.4126 5.8434 1.4148 1.0625 0.6173 1.1309 0.8493 0.4934 0.9039 0.6788 0.3944 6.3096 1.4430 1.0592 0.5892 1.1534 0.8466 0.4710 0.9219 0.6767 0.3765 6.8129 1.4746 1.0560 0.5606 1.1787 0.8441 0.4481 0.9421 0.6747 0.3582 7.3564 1.5156. 1.0569 0.5334. 1.2114 0.8448 0.4264 0.9683 0.6752 0.3408 7.9433 1.5606 1.0574 0.5054 1.2474 0.8452 0.4039 0.9971 0.6756 0.3229 8.5770 1.6136 1.0599 0.4776 1.2898 0.8472 0.3817 1.0310 0.6772 0.3051 9.2612 1.6782 1.0659 0.4507 1.3414 0.8520 0.3603 1.0722 0.6810 0.2880 10.0000 1.7503 1.0722 0.4233 1.3990 0.8570 0.3383 1.1183 0.6850 0.2704 10.7978 1.8346 1.0808 0.3962 1.4664 0.8639 0.3167 1.1721 0.6905 0.2531 11.6591 1.9374 1.0941 0.3702 1.5486 0.8746 0.2959 1.2378 0.6990 0.2365 12.5893. 2.0549 1.1088 0.3441. 1.6425. 0.8863 0.2750 1.3129 0.7084 0.2199 13.5936 2.1894 1.1246 0.3179 1.7500 0.8989 0.2541 1.3988 0.7185 0.2031 14.6780 2.3499 1.1446 0.2926 1.8783 0.9149 0.2338 1.5014 0.7313 0.1869 15.8489 2.5422 1.1692 0.2680 2.0321 0.9346 0.2142 1.6243 0.7470 0.1712 17.1133 2.7672 1.1962 0.2438 2.2119 0.9562 0.1949 1.7680 0.7643 0.1558 18.4785 3.0319 1.2258 0.2201 2.4235 0.9798 0.1759 1.9371 0.7832 0.1406

PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 16of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profi le~ Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median UB Profile, Median UB LB Median UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hz} (0.09} (0.12) (0.09} (0.12) (0.16) (0.12) (0.0 9) (0.12) (0.0 9) 19.9526 3.3536 1.2614 0.1975 2.6806 1.0083 0.1578 2.1427 0.8059 0.1262 21.5443 3.7485 1.3041 0.1761 2.9963 1.0424 0.1407 2.3950 0.8332 0.1125 23.2631 4.2270 1.3518 0.1556 3.3787 1.0805 0.1244 2.7006 0.8637 0.0994 25.1189 4.8118 1.4050 0.1361 3.8461 1.1231 0.1088 3.0743 0.8977 0.0869 27.1227 5.5426 1.4671 0.1179 4.4303 1.1727 0.0943 3.5412 0.9373 0.0754 29.2864 6.4784 1.5422 0.1014 5.1783 1.2327 0.0811 4.1391 0.9853 0.0648 31.6228 7.6667 1.6277 0.0861 6.1281 1.3010 0.0688 4.8983 1.0399 0.0550 34.1455 9.1952 1.7252 0.0722 7.3499 1.3789 0.0577 5.8748 1.1022 0.0461 36.8695 11.1888 1.8369 0.0597 8.9434 1.4682 0.0477 7.1486 1.1736 0.0381 39.8107 13.8284. 1.9655 0.0486 11.0533 1.5710 0.0388 8.8350 1.2557 0.0310 42.9866 17.3805 2.1143 0.0389 13.8925 1.6900 0.0311 11.1045 1.3508 0.0249 46.4159 22.2896 2.2920 0.0307 17.8164 1.8320 0.0245 14.2409 1.4644 0.0196 50.1187 29.2648. 2.5099 0.0238 23.3918 2.0062 0.0190 18.6974 1.6036 0.0152 54.1170 39.2659 2.7684 0.0181 31.3858 2.2128 0.0145 25.0872 1.7687 0.0116 58.4341 53.9344 3.0774 0.0135 43.1106 2.4598 0.0108 34.4589 1.9662 0.0086 63.0957 75.9811 3.4500 0.0098 60.7328 2.7576 0.0078 48.5447 2.2042 0.0063 68.1292 110.005. 3.9029 0.0069 87.9283 3.1197 0.0055 70.2824 2.4936 0.0044 73.5642 164.031 4.4589 0.0048 131.113 3.5641 0.0038 104.800 2.8488 0.0031 79.4328 252.802 5.1544 0.0032 202.069 4.1200 0.0026 161.517 3.2932 0.0020 85.7696 404.226. 6.0417 0.0021 323.104 4.8292 0.0017 258.262 3.8601 0.0013 92.6119 671.328 7.1753 0.0013 536.603 5.7353 0.0010 428.915 4.5843 0.0008 100.000 1160.96 8.6394 0.0008 927.980 6.9056 0.0006 741.749 5.5197 0.0005

PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 17 of18

1. GeoPentech. (2015). Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3- Technical Report Rev.I, February 2015.
2. Lettis Consultants International (2015). Development of site profile and amplifications for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, PYOOl-PC-04-RevO.
3. Boore, D.M., and Joyner, W.B. (1997). Site amplifications for generic rock sites, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (2), 327-341.
4. Boore, D. M. (2003). Simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method, Pure.

and Applied Geophysics v.160, 635-675.

5. Boore, D. M. (2013). The Uses and Limitations oftbe Square-Root-Impedance Method for. Computing Site. Amplifi cation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,.

I 03(4), 2356-2368.

6. Brocher, T. M. (2005). Empirical relations between elastic wavespeeds.and density in the Earth's crust. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95(6), 208 1-2092.
7. Anderson, J. G., and Hough, S. E. (1984). A model. for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequencies. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 74(5), 1969-1993.
8. Al Atik, L., Kottke, A., Abrahamson, N., and Hollenback, J. (2014). Kappa (K) Scaling of Ground-Motion Prediction Equations Using an Inverse Random Vibration Theory Approach. Bulletin of the. Seismological Society of America, 104( I), 336-346.
9. Biro, Y., and Renault, P. (2012). Importance and impact of host-to-target conversions for ground motion prediction equations in PSHA. In Proc. of the 15th World Conference on.

Earthquake Engineering (pp. 24-28).

10. Cotton, F., Scherbaum, F ., Bommer, J. J., and Bungum, H. (2006). Criteria for selecting and adjusting ground-motion models for specific target regions: Application to central Europe and rock sites. Journal of Seismology, 10(2), 137-156.
11. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (2013). Seismic Evaluation Guidance:

Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task. Force Recommendation 2. J: Se i smic~ E PRl Report J025287, Palo Alto, Calif.

12. Gardn er~ G. H.F., L. W. Gardner, and A .. R. Gregory (1974) .. Formation velocity and density- the diagnostic basics for stratigraphic traps. Geophysics 39, 770-780.
13. Lockridge. I. S. , Fouch, M. J.,.& A1Towsmith,.J. R. (2012). Seismicity within Arizona during the Deployment of the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(4), 1850-1863.
14. Rodriguez-Marek, A., Rathje, E. M., Bommer, J. J. , Scherbaum, F ., and Stafford, P. J.

(2014). Application of Single-Station Sigma and Site-Response Characterization in a Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Analysis for a New Nuclear Site. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 18of18

15. Wan*en, D. H. (1969). A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 80(2), 257-282.

9.. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Electronic fi les are provided in a DVD. (PROPRIETARY)

APPENDIX B: Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics


PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Revision 0 L. tti.-

  • J'nsuh.1ntii lnlern.>, Inc APPENDIX A PageA2 of A2 PROPRIETARY Electronic files included in this appendix are provided on a DVD-ROM disc that contains multiple files developed as part of this calculation. This disc is labeled: 'PVOOl-PC-02-RevO' PROPRJETARY A complete list of data directories and associated files are contained in the text file named file_ list_ a_ 02262015. txt, located in a separate folder named 'App_ A_ file_ list'.

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B Page 81 of BS APPENDIX B. CALCULATIONS FOR 808 FT THICKNESS OF VOLCANICS The calculations presented here follow the same steps documented in Section 6 above and are performed in file Calc_ Adjustment_Factors_ 808ft.xlsm (contained in Appendix A). The on ly difference between the. two sets of calculations is that the thickness. of the volcanics has. been changed from 878 ft to 808 ft (see sheet Deep_Projile_Summary).

Figures B-1 through B-3 show the Vs profiles considered, individual adjustment factors, and logarithmic-mean adjustment factors. These can be compared to Figures 1-3 ..

An additional sheet in Calc_ Adjustrnent_Factors_ 808ft .xlsm (sheet Compare_878ft) compares the results obtained with the 808-ft thickness to those obtained earlier with the 878- ft thickness.

The differences observed are. small and are much smaller than the. the uncertainty in the adjustment factors (see Figure B-4). The maximum change in the logarithmic-mean adjustment factor is a reduction of two percent, and the change is much smaller at most frequencies. Given the size of this change, and given that ignoring this change is conservative, it is concluded that the change. can be ignored and the values in Table I and in fi le Adjustment_Factors.csv can be used.

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI APPENDIX B Page 82 of BS Vs (m/s) 0 0

1000 I

2000 3000 4000 I


I 1

I 500 I "'

I l ....

Qi I

~ 1000 l -


~ I


Ri I


...."'0 I t


0 1500 ~


.ll E I 0


I I .- -


2000 ~-

J- - I -

cu UB Profile 0

- Base Case Profile  ; I

... I

- LB Profile 2500 I

- - Warren (1969) I I

- - SWUS Reference Profile I

I 3000 Figure B-1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS, after modifying thickness of volcanics, A depth of 0 corresponds to.

the bottom of the sh allow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles.


- r,~ ,I.



Ii ~


J ti hl/J'


w ~~-



.... - -t- ..+- I- ,_

-- - r.--- ~


J __J- ~-


0 u..


....v 0

1 ~-- I I


  • ~

. """' ~ ~



,_ -L-l





i. . . .'r.....' '.... .... ,

...."'c u.. I QI .... ~~ 1"-~I

....E  !"I~

0 Ill
J "" ~ ~~

"'- '\.

0.1 I I 1


0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

- LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)

Figure B-2. Adjustment factors after modifying thickness of volcanics.


-- I I I II I i ' i I I


  • -*-+- - 1- 1~

- Logarithmic mean AF 1.8 l


~ loga rithmic sigma (right Y axis) 1~c-E I I->- -+ - I-+- 1.6

I ti QI 1.4 -;-

u Q.


- ro

....QI - + Q.


~/ -...

I 1.2 c 0

u.. c:

0 c J ~

.£. 0

u 1


--- I 'I I

+- ~ .



"  ! 1 0

0.8 "C ro QI

...c u.. -+ +.

ro l

+ "C c


...E - - - 0.6 ...

ro l




!tJ -


<t ~ 0.4 0.1



- -r ,- '-' '


~[_,( +

10 100 0.2 0

Frequency (Hz)

Figure B-3. Swnmary statistics of the adjustment factor after modifying thickness of volcanics

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B Page BS of BS Change in Adjustment Factor as a Result of Modifying Thickness of Volcanics 30%

I ' ' ~

I 20%

, _, /

10% I u..

  • =Gi 11.0 c


.s:. 0%

u c


...u Q,I Q.







' \ ,.,



10 100 Frequency {Hz)

- LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- - LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Logarithmic mean AF

-1 sigma + 1 sigma Figu re B-4. Change in logarithmic-mean adj ustment factor (thick blue line) as a result of modifying thickness of volcanjcs.

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:? May 2015 20:01:54 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


Vs-kappa corTection paper Attachments: Reference 7 .21. pdf Attached is the Vs-kappa correction from PVNGS.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent: 12 Feb 20 15 20:0 l :46 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon Cc:Jackson, Diane


ACTJON: SSHAC Review Guidance lmportance:High Amigos-I've taken the risk of putting together some guidance on how the WUS teams can approach review of the SSHACs. I've focused on what I think are the. key questions. we'd want the teams to answer as the goals of their reviews, so that we'd have a good, traceable basis for concluding the SSHAC process was acceptable/unacceptable. Certainly, I don't think that every team would necessarily have to address every sub-question, but have tried to identify 7 basic yet distinct areas that appear intrinsic to a good SSHAC process.

I've pulled these 7 areas from various statements and concepts in NUREG/CR-6372 (SSHAC), NUREG-2117 (Implementing SSHAC), and NUREG-1563 (BTP on Expert Elicitation). I'm intentionally avoiding the use of anything that reads like Acceptance Criteria/Review Methods, as I appreciate the sensitivities that the scope isn't a licensing review ...

I would appreciate your thoughts on this approach for guiding the teams in their upcoming reviews. I've run it past Diane as a straw man, and she didn't barf. If you think this is on the right track, please add/edit the attached. If you think this is nuts, or want to work on an alternative approach, let's talk on Tues/Wed. I'll be out on AL from Thurs 2/19 through 3/5, and would like to get your initial feedback before I split for sunnier climes.

Thanks-Britt Brittain E. Hill, Ph.D.

Sr. Technical Advisor US Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS T7-F03, NRO/DSEA Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ph + 1 1301' 41 5-6588* Er +1 (301 ) 415-5399; 5

Mobile_(bJ( l j email:

Sent:3 Jun 2015 l 7:32:37 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Lisa - this. looks good and is a handy reference - the changes make the data comparisons clear. Seems appropriate to send to group, but I don't see a need for using at tomorrow's meeting (we're not doing evaluations/comparisons with PSHA bases yet).

Thanks-Britt From : Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:23 PM To: Hill, Brittain


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi. Britt, Here is an updated version. Do you see. any additional changes I should make? . Should I send this version to the rest of the group?


  • Magnitude threshold to. only display events greater than and equal to 1.85 as they used in the SSHAC . .
  • lluminated pre- and post- the licensee's catalog Lisa From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:32 AM To: Walsh, Lisa


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi Lisa - nice map - are you running Arc for this, or GMT?

Before showing this at a public meeting , I'd suggest truncating the USGS catalog to same M threshold as the SSHAC (2?). By plotting all USGS quakes, the map gives the impression that lots of. earthquakes are missing from the SSHAC database (i.e., not considered in the PSHA).

From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:19 AM To: Seber, Dogan; St irewalt, Gerry; Weaver, Thomas Cc: Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford; Li, Yong; Chokshi, Nilesh; John Stamatkos; Jackson, Diane; Karas, Rebecca


Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi CGS Team,

Attached is a map I compiled with seismicity out beyond the 200 mi radius from the. site and info provided in the SSHAC by the licensee. This might be a useful resource for the public meeting tomorrow.

Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph.D ..

Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612

Sent:21May201521:40:13 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie;JacksonFD .....,.

ian= e_ _ _ _ _ __,

Cc:DiFrancesco, Nicholas (bl(5 l


Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Someone who knows the details of. what Diablo is relying on for FLEX need to confirm that the 1988 LTSP analyses have indeed evaluated the. SSCs Diablo currently relies on for shutdown path. Unless. this.

is clear, issue needs to be resolved with SRB discussion. etc .. Absent that confirmation, it is premature to conclude that.the 1988 LTSP. margins assessment encompasses the 2015 shutdown path that includes FLEX. Diablo didnt address FLEX SSCs in submittal.

Working from blakberry- very hard to edit files!

Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6) I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04: 16 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; I'm not aware if the SRB has. discussed this issue yet. I will confirm.

Thanks Frankie From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4: 12 PM To: Vega, Frankie Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Hi Frankie - has the issue of Diablo meeting the ESEP requirements been discussed by the SRB? Have they determined that all FLEX is covered by LTSP analyses? Please confirm.

Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6) I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04:02 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; Hope you are doing well. I've attached the draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon. This letter follows a very similar format to the letter we sent last year to several CEUS licensee also requesting ESEP relief (Based on their previous IPEEE evaluations). I'm sending this draft letter to you first since It mostly references Diablo's LTSP which you are very familiar with. Please review and feel free to make any necessary changes. I'm also planning to share this with the mitigation strategies technical reviewers. just as we did with the other ESEP relief letter I mentioned above.

If you have questions please let me. know.



Frankie G. Vega, P.E.

Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 301-415-1617 Location: 0 -13Hl2

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:26 May. 2015 14:54:41 +0000.

To:Ake, Jon ;John Starnatkos


l st Draft - Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Publi c Meeting Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft l).docx Britt is out this week. Here is what I cobbled together so far. Would appreciate your comments and input. I am working on the site response question on Vs-kappa corrections.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015.19:04:03 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott


Boore paper on adjusting from vs30=760 to 3000 You may already have this paper. notes/Adjusting PSA amplitudes to Vs30 3000.v02.pdf

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:21May.2015 19:42: 17 +0000.

To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:Jackson, Diane;Seber, Dogan ;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Stirewalt, Gerry;Wal sh, Lisa;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Kock, Andrea


Columbia Topics for 6/4 meeting.

Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for CGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx These are ready to go.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent: 19 May. 2015 13:21: 14 +0000.

To:Seber, Dogan Cc:Jackson, Diane


Columbia Topics for Public Meeting

Dogan, When you get a chance would you please forward your topics/questions for the Columbia public meeting to Britt, Jon, and me. Diane suggested that we discuss during the Thursday meeting so that we can get them over to JLD by the end of the week.
Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 May 2015 20:47:43 +0000 To:Weaver, Thomas;Stovall , Scott;Ake, Jon.

Cc: Heeszel, David


Confirm Hanford Vs-Kappa correction

Thomas, David has programed the Hanford GMM both with and without the vs-kappa correction. If you give him some scenario events similar to the ones used by Hanford, you could try to replicate the Vs-kappa corrections in Figure 9.38. This would be useful to make sure we understand each of the steps in preparation for the meeting next week.

Let's talk tomorrow after the Columbia. meeting.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 201516:25: 16 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott Cc:Graizer, Vladimir


dcpp median gmm I finished the swus-dcpp gmm this morning. Below are median gm results for a scenario event on one of the local faults which we can use for the analytical site response. Solid line is the weighted average of the 31 median models. There are 21 frequencies between 0.1 and 100. Benchmarking to come.


DCPP Median Ground Motion 2.0 ....------------------------------_.__________________

1.8 x

1.6 x x

x x ~

x 1.4 x x x x x )C x M 3E x x x x

~ x ~ x x x x 1.2 )rt xx x ~



1.0 x x x


x x

x x

x en x ~

x ~



  • x x x x x

x x

x ~ x x x x x ~

0.6 )C x


  • x x x x x )(

x x x x x M x x 0.4



x x *x x


x 0.2 x ~

x 0.1 1 10 frequency (Hz)

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:28 May 2015 13:57:39 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nichol as;Jackson, Diane


DCPP RAI - Draft 2 Attachments:DCPP RAJ (draft 2).docx Some modifications.


May 27, 2015.

To the Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



By letter dated March 15, 2015,. to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) , Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for NRG review the Seismic Hazard and Screening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f) , Response for Information Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term. Task Force. Review. of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluation report is an evaluation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical approach.

The NRG staff has reviewed the information provided for Diablo Canyon and has determined that additional information is required to complete its review .. Enclosed is. a request for additional information (RAI) related to the site response evaluation. As discussed with your staff on XXXX YY, 2015, it was agreed that a response to the RAI would be provided no later than XXXXX YY, 2015.

If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA/

Nicholas J. DiFrancesco, Senior Project Manager Hazards Management Branch.

Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Request for Additional Information
2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv


NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MBarillas SWilliams DATE 09/29/14 09/29/14 10/15/14 09/30/14 OFFICE NRR/DORULPL2-1 /PM* NRO/DSEA/RGS1

  • NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM NAME RHall (w/comments) DJackson SWhalev. NDiFrancesco DATE 09/30/14 10/15/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRG staff requested that licensees submit site specific hazard curves that capture the variability in soil depth (including depth to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities, layer thicknesses, damping, and strain dependent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seismic" Enclosure 1 of the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be developed over a broad range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation of seismic core damage frequency." .

By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12319A074), "Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Final Draft Report 1025287, 'Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID),' the NRG staff endorsed using the SPID guidance.

Regarding the development of site amplification curves for the NTTF Recommendation 2.1 seismic hazard reevaluations, Section 2 of the SPID states:

Site amplification factors should be calculated as described in Section 2.4. As discussed in that section , multiple models of site amplification factors (and associated. uncertainties) should be developed, indicating the log-mean and log-standard deviation of control-point motion divided by input rock motion, for various spectral frequencies.

The SPID further recommends that the soil and/or rock uncertainties should be incorporated into the seismic hazard calculations via the site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard integral to develop control-point hazard curves .. The control-point elevation hazard curves should then be used to calculate the GMRS.

By letters dated March 15, 2015, the. licensee for the Diablo. Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empirical approach , which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to "constrain the site amplification rather than analytical models." While. the staff considers the empirical site response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach, the method as implemented by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data.

Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a revised March 2015 Enclosure1

seismic hazard reevaluation submittal that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain produced by the. scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) control. point elevation .. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa corrections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or baserock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response, in table form, control point seismic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertainties through the hazard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.

List of Addressees H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy Progress, Inc.

Docket No. 50-261 License No. DPR-23 Mr. William R. Gideon, Vice President H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 3581 West Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550 Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Docket Nos. 50-269 , 50-270 and 50-287 License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55 Mr. Scott Batson Vice President, Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 7800 Rochester Highway Seneca, SC 29672-0752 Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Docket No. 50-395 License No. NPF-12 Mr. Thomas D. Gatlin, Vice President Nuclear Operations South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Post Office Box 88, Mail Code 800 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Enclosure 2

Sent:23 Apr 2015 19:34:30 +0000 To:Ake. Jon;John Stamatkos


DCPP Scenario events

Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:30 Apr 2015 19:28:09 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott;Ake, Jon.

Cc: Graizer, Vladimir


DCPP Scenario Worksheet Attachments:scenario-spreadsheet.csv, scenario-spreadsheet.xlsx, Scott and Jon, I developed 5 scenario events each at 3 levels (16, 50, 84). So there are a total of 15 events.

saved the spreadsheet in three formats - hopefully one of them will work for you.

Here are the parameters Mag 7.5 6.5. 6.8 6.0 8.0 Ztor 1 1 1 1 1 Rrup 5.1 1.2 9.2 5.1 5.1 Rjb . 3.7 . . 0.6 . o.n . 3.7 . 3.7.

Dip 85 90 60 85 85 Width 15 12 15 12 15 Rx . 5. . 0.6 . 10 5 5 F SS SS REV SS SS I tried to get a sufficient range of SA values yet still keep this. somewhat realistic. Let me know if you want me to add another scenario .

Thanks, Cliff

Sheetl freq S1 -L S1-M S1 -H S2-L S2-M S2-H 0.1 0.0135928 0.02323223 0.03970752 0.00589409 0.01020574 0.01767144 0.133333 0.02126067 0.03630149 0.06198292 0.01001215 0.01731891 0.02995808 0.2 0.02409332 0.0411381 0.07024117 0.01871057 0.03236535 0.05598526 0.25 0.04022888 0.06862008 0.11704813 0.02539436 0.04388301 0.07583252 0.333333 0.05301979 0.09043807 0.15426398 0.03797482 0.0656228 0.1134002 0.5 0.09164862 0.15601652 0.26559216 0.06757365 0.11653808 0.20098255 0.666666 0.14167118 0.24093055 0.40973422 0.09803317 0.16889984 0.29099493 1 0.21814579 0.37024451 0.62839165 0.17031874 0.29285324 0.50354425 1.333333 0.27242788 0.4614501 0.78162409 0.22171708 0.38084868 0.65419282 2 0.36417754 0.61501182 1.03861304 0.32708952 0.56016641 0.95932883 2.5 0.40726873 0.68640871 1.15686986 0.39553462 0.67670695 1.15775528 3.333333 0.47517616 0.79925945 1.34437649 0.48466229 0.82753578 1.41297 45 4 0.58357937 0.98061553 1.64777384 0.57464538 0.98019656 1.6719621 5 0.65999943 1.10681187 1.85611147 0.60995261 1.03938167 1.77114457 6.666667 0.67182266 1.12326444 1.87805962 0.64599653 1.09750438 1.86458565 10 0.58402362 0.97256939 1.61961123 0.5758048 0.97532302 1.65204421 13.33333 0.53894264 0.89480798 1.48565221 0.50718422 0.85737405 1.44935555 20 0.40332911 0.66764251 1.10516825 0.41862939 0.70626183 1.19152113 33.33333 0.32281427 0.53169879 0.87574691 0.33913793 0.56986923 0.95757774 50 0.30574949 0.5030885 0.82779547 0.31006683 0.52049895 0.8737 4438 100 0.29870653 0.49002754 0.80388932 0.29220525 0.48904596 0.81848615 Page I


$3-L $3-M $3-H $4-L $4-M S4-H S5-L 0.00451818 0.00776098 0.01333122 0.001 41504 0.00247976 0.00434558 0.02435431 0.007 45782 0.01279767 0.02196089 0.00251936 0.00441057 0.00772146 0.03666668 0.01214696 0.02084426 0.03576889 0.00523621 0.00916689 0.01604823 0.03245563 0.0180192 0.03089016 0.05295474 0.00736962 0.01288889 0.02254167 0.0597338 0.02837656 0.0486457 0.08339292 0.01202286 0.02102705 0.03677468 0.07387252 0.05878505 0.10057337 0.17206762 0.02361384 0.04125751 0.07208407 0.12573558 0.09098823 0.15551313 0.26579629 0.0361113 0.06309275 0.11023405 0.20049557 0.1565745 0.26707565 0.45556206 0.06559398 0.11437516 0.19943411 0.29220897 0.22743113 0.387551 0.66040116 0.09763834 0.17008022 0.2962697 0.3556664 0.32907062 0.5590687 0.94981988 0.15350101 0.26685545 0.46391768 0.44779938 0.3932533 0.66677586 1.1305437 0.19326401 0.33564605 0.58292422 0.47353872 0.48875519 0.82704718 1.39948801 0.25366551 0.43966651 0.7620533 0.53575002 0.55287124 0.93460608 1.5799131 1 0.29240918 0.50681909 0.87844571 0.68431228 0.64332396 1.08533984 1.83105655 0.32928307 0.57016043 0.98724454 0.77468653 0.65070698 1.09560218 1.84467692 0.36299417 0.62727609 1.08397137 0. 78104157 0.61 103827 1.02470454 1.71841837 0.33126088 0.57072428 0.9832921 0.66341963 0.52224613 0.87317761 1.45992302 0.29304614 0.50438006 0.8681201 0.62851214 0.41903824 0.69851887 1.16440113 0.23611794 0.40558539 0.69668365 0.45284468 0.32035244 0.53188205 0.88308526 0.18941057 0.32438043 0.55552688 0.36316698 0.29310184 0.48615141 0.80635179 0.16916332 0.28970543 0.49614323 0.3506405 0 .28652044 0.47381165 o. 78353042 0.16295276 0.2782334 0.47506912 0.34416697 Page2

Sheetl S5-M S5-H 0.04162532 0.07114419 0.06260646 0.1068973 0.05541631 0.09462047 0.10189042 0.17379874 0.12600743 0.21493612 0.21404391 0.36437413 0.34096921 0.57986317 0.49594707 0.84173833 0.60244309 1.02044411

o. 75622982 1.27709765 0.79809982 1.34511351 0.90114634 1.51575306 1.14988171 1.93219967 1.29914089 2.17864514 1.30587471 2.18337773 1.10478686 1.83979184 1.04352046 1.73255995 0.7496071 1.24084665 0.59816267 0.9852178 0.5769534 0.94933477 0.5646053 0.926234 Page 3

Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015 17:55:32 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott


dcpp site response See Section 9.3 in the Hanford SSHAC - this is what I was thinking we could do for DCPP.

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 Apr 20 1517:21:46 +0000 To:HiJl, Brittain



Britt, Would you make an unlocked version of the SSC like you did for the GMC?
Thanks, Cliff

Sheetl freq host AF target27 AF target28 AF target27/host target28/host 0.1 1.137 1.132 1.138 0.99560246 1.00087951 0.13333 1.181 1.173 1.182 0.99322608 1.0008467 4 0.2 1.262 1.249 1.263 0.98969889 1.00079239 0.25 1.311 1.294 1.312 0.9870328 1.00076278 0.3333 1.38 1.356 1.382 0.9826087 1.00144928 0.5 1.488 1.449 1.491 0.97379032 1.00201613 0.6666 1.578 1.52.2 1.583 0.96451204 1.00316857 1 1.732 1.635 1.74 0.94399538 1.00461894 1.3333 1.875 1.73 1.886 0.92266667 1.00586667 2 2.135 1.893 2.154 0.88665105 1.0088993 2.5 2.292 2.019 2.3 0.88089005 1.0034904 3.3333 2.48 2.215 2.407 0.89314516 0.97056452 4 2.593 2.348 2.428 0.90551485 0.93636714 5 2.724 2.535 2.431 0.93061674 0.89243759 6.66667 2.88 2.765 2.455 0.96006944 0.85243056 10 3.104 3.161 2.577 1.0183634 0.83021907 13.3333 3.266 3.462 2.828 1.06001225 0.865891 20 3.514 3.671 3.136 1.04467843 0.89243028 33.3333 3.808 3.799 3.267 0.99763655 0.85793067 50 3.996 3.854 3.314 0.96446446 0.82932933 100 4.147 3.895 3.358 0.93923318 0.80974198 Page I

DCPP Mediar1 Ground Motion 2.0 _..,.--~------------..............--~~........--.......----...............~~--.......---......._._.............._


....... \

I \

I \

1.6 I \

I ~

I \

I ~ \

1.4 I x x \

>', Ix \

I x ~ x \

I x \

1.2 / X )I. ~

~ x~ XX \

x >:I~ ~ ~


)( ~ x ~ \





<( 1.0


Cf) \


0.8 x

0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 1 10 100 frequency (Hz)

Information (pages 503/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:4 May 2015 17:44:31 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir


dcpp-scenario.pptx Attachments:dcpp-scenario.pptx Slide with one of the scenario SA for DCPP.


Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:23 Apr 2015.18:56: 12 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir Cc:Ake, Jon ;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Jackson, Di ane


Diablo GMM for Local Sources Presentation Attachments:Diablo GMM_Local.pptx

Vlad, Attached are a few slides for Monday.
Thanks, Cliff

SWUS GMM for DCPP April 2:3, 2015

SWUS GMM Notation Table 1-1: Notation used in HID, Part II: DCPP.

T Period (seconds)

M Moment magnitude NML Normal sources (-120 ~rakes -60)

REV Reverse sources, including Reverse-Oblique (REV-OBL); (30 s rakes 150)

SS Strike-slip sources, including Normal-Oblique; (-180 s rake< -120, -60

< rake < 30, and 150 < rake s 180)

FNML style of faulting (FNML=1 for NML, 0 otherwise)

FRv style of faulting (FRv=1 for REV , 0 otherwise)

ZroR Depth to top of rupture (km)

Dip Fault dip (degrees) w Down-dip rupture width (km)

L Rupture length (km)

RRuP Rupture distance (km)

Ris Joyner-Boore distance (km)

Rx Horizontal distance from top of rupture measured perpendicular to strike (km)

Rv Horizontal distance from center of rupture measured parallel to strike (km) f Hw Hanging Wall factor (155 Total sigma

SWUS GMM Distance Notations Reverse or normal faulting, hanging-wall site Strike-slip faulting Rx (positive)

Rx= Rib (positive) :

l( )!

I Surface Surface Site Dip Width Fault Rrup =Closest distance to rupturing fault plane (slant distance)

Rjb =Closest horizontal distance to vertical projection of the rupture Rx = Closest horizontal distance to top of rupture


  • DCPP. median. ground motion models separated into two.


- Nearby faults

- Distant faults

  • Up to 31 Common form median models for nearby faults

- Hosgri rupture model

- Outward-Vergent rupture model

- Southwest-Vergent rupture n1odel

- Northeast-Vergent rupture rr1odel

- Irish Hills-Estero Bay {IHEB) Source Zone

  • Five NGA-West 2 GMPEs (+ 3 additional epistemic for each=

15 total models) used for distant sources

Logic Tree for Median at DCPP-Nearbv Faults

'J.ourcf' Mf'n le hS4!- M~d fl llrutiv1tv (h for ( r>'11m0fl f !Jlll'm Arl111i h 1

u o 1s11 tr !V:\ UI

-. ~ fo oas1 Ht'l.'4111 1 of 5 HW models tfl lf *I


H'Wl ( assigned to each llN3 [ . 1 Example for PGA base model branch 1-f~ l ll ll!Nl (ll H n 5 (lJ f Ji ll~

( 1111 111 tll f Ulll llvvS I l

1r v2 1 H..,. J llJ "t f;~ C t>tll 1 0

HN't (l}

tr.H U)

U2 [0020) l lW!i [ l]

Al a23(oou1 lfAi 4(1) 1111f \ tl.2."1 [0024)

  • II ~3 (1) a2s coon1 l f:l'Y l( JJ

~16 ( 00?41 1227 (0011) 1 28 (0041 )

ll JVS (tl trNZ(l)

I M 'l l ll I No directivity adjustment I

ltl '>(OOU) 11.Nl (l]

tl'.30 [1) 019) 11# 4 ll)

O~ llO 02iJ 1-tWl ( l)

R11 trncd l oo1moo ronn 0

°1 110 11

Base Model The functional form of the DCPP ba se model GMPEs is given in Eq. 2-1:

2 2 Ln (SABASE (M ,RRuP, ZT0 R, F ,T)) =a0 (T)-a (T)RRUP + ai (T)ZroR +a10 (T)FRv

+(a4 (T) +a5 (T)(M - 5)) In (~R~uP +a:(T) ) - a9 (T)FNML


-a1(T) +a 2 (T)(M -5.5) for M < 5.5 a1(T)(M - 6.5) for5.5 < M < 6.5 a3(T)(M -6.5) for M > 6.5 (Eq. 2-1)

Each of 31 models has 9 coefficients which are unique for each period Some. periods do. not use all 31 models Coefficient a9 is different for each period but same for all 31 models

Base Model Coefficients for f=lO Hz Weight ID ao. a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 as alO HW branch (T=0.1s)

Model 1 1.37939 0.208505 1.22538 -0.20679 -1.07715. 0.221829 5.79698. 0.110195 0.108741 0.046582 3 0.213802 Model 2 2.08907 -0.03872 0.288456 -0.29772 -1.50424 0.285801 6.32318 0.073587 0.212603 0.321285 4 0.026091 Model 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 2-1: Period dependent a, coefficients for F.....

Model 4 1.42017 0.229463 1.26391 -0.18665 -1.01908 0.158087 5.54758 0.097386 0.164283 0.40946 5 0.045412 Model 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Model 6. 2.1 1812 0.018214. 0.601 -0.2412. -1.43939 0.229396 6.44111 0.099093 0.109868 0.187477 2 0.090946 Period (sec) ...

Model 7. 1.41537 -0.15843. 0.184346 -0.34334. -1 .35195 0.248723 4.83625 0.043879 0.156605 0.283496 3 0.106704 0.01 0.132 Model 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 O.G2 0.132 Model 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.132 Model 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.132 0 0 0 0 ---o:n7r:; n 132 Model 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Model 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.1 0.132 D 0.1:. 0.132 Model 13 Model 14 Model 15 1.71824 -0.12097 0.045631 -0.41779 -1.52157 0.365292 1.70842 -0.06499. 0.933162 -0.38424. -1 .33162 0.272438 1.35801 0.227881. 0.80121 -0.07749. -0.98918 0.17225 4.77083 0.078932 0.322164 0.070163 5.4551 7 0.032357 0.279844 0.026501 5.81514 0.150695 0.109848 0.582348 1 0.021841 5 0.025405 5 0.033783

- 0.2 0.25 0.3

- 0.122 0.113 0.104 Model 16 0.135637 0.55761 0.680404 -0.02608 -0.46462 0.206783 3.94907. 0.156003 O.Q13575 0.291355 2 0.023577 0.4 0.095 Model 17 2.5824 -0.08858 0.070521 -0.46784 -1.82498. 0.330311 7.36546. 0.04215 0 .176967 0.092855 2 0.070407 o.s 0.095 0.75 0.086 Model 18 1.29169 0.160183 0.256293 0.000711 -1.14381 0.158694 5.98039 0.044523 -0.02714 0.395977 4 0.039704 1 0.077 Model 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0.068 Model 20 1.13328 -0.01714 0.917788 -0.10739 - 1.00981 0.120088 5.50958 0.137317 0.049162 0.265754 3 0.038353 2 0.058 Model 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.039 Model 22 1.83279. -0.18253 0.87006. -0.30695 -1 .42278 0.358787 5.59443 0.083036 0.262303 -0.10329 5 0.014387. 4 0.020 Model 23 1.72167 0.036879. 0.069845 -0.38891. -1.44441 0.360783 4.97423 0.111618 0.331344 0.047177 4 0.015225 5 0.000 Model 24 1.48175 0.160589 1.03484 -0.19933 -1.0126 0.130542 6.03483 0.063056 0.096106 0.269177 3 0.013056 7.5 0.000 10 0.000 Model 25 1.2764 0.148104 1.1556 -0.29942 -1.09622 0.264494 4.31646. 0.16418 0.31363 0.031954 1 0.02341 Model 26 1.69432 0.364288 0.512214 -0.08895 -1.141 72 0.219346 6.92161 0.168786 0.183995 0.120731 5 0.026731 Model 27 0.997811 -0.01465 0.810009 -0.02759 -1.02663 0.176784 4.90505 0.028728 0.007867 0.261264 2 0.018086 Model 28 1.67589 0.240931 0.3965 -0.12191 -1.23775 0.180479 6.61248 0.130284 0.073181 0.315853 3 0.088166 Model 29 0.44296 0.248235 0.446781 0.209578 -0.71921 0.089693 5.0781 0.108356 -0.06265 0.39772 1 0.030853 Model 30 -0.09241 0.111952 0.391203 -0.05354 -0.61128 0.125671 2.84165 0.131 171 0.028781 0.323736 4 0.009617 Model 31 1.03204 0.190696. 0.640938 -0.10285. -0.96101 0.107609 5.67792 0.154048 0.050723 0.282794 1 0.024445 sum.

Hanging Wall Effect Iit Rx is positive I (Eq. 2-2a) where (Eq . 2-2 b)

(Eq . 2-2 c)

Hanging Wall Coefficients Table 2-2: Coefficients for HW Factor Model.

Period Model-dependent Cl Coefficients Coefficients held Constant (sec) for all five models Model Model Model Model Model C2 C3 C4 HWl HW2 HW3 HW4 HWS 0 .01 0 .868 0 .982 1.038 1.095 1.209 0.2160 2 .0289 0.1675 0 .02 0.867 0 .987 1.046 1.106 1.226 0.2172 2.0260 0.1666 0 .03 0.856 0 .997 1 .067 1.138 1.278 0.2178 2 .0163 0 .1670 0.05 0.840 1.027 1.121 1.215 1.402 0.2199 1.9870 0.1699 0 .075 0.857 1.041 1.133 1.226 1.410 0.2218 1.9906 0.1817 0.1 0.848 1.040 1 .135 1.231 1.422 0.2213 1.9974 0 .1717 0 .15 0.868 1.009 1.080 1.150 1.292 0.2169 2.0162 0 .1814 0.2 0.850 1.005 1 .082 1.160 1.315 0 .2131 1.9746 0 .1834 0 .25 0.868 0 .985 1.044 1.102 1.219 0.1988 1.9931 0 .1767 0 .3 0 .839 0 .974 1.041 1 .108 1.242 0.2019 2.0179 0 .1658 0 .4 0.780 0 .934 1 .011 1 .089 1.243 0.2090 2.0249 0.1624 0 .5 0.741 0 .902 0.982 1 .063 1.223 0.2053 2.0041 0 .1719 0 .75 0.613 0 .869 0.997 1.125 1 .380 0.1713 1.8697 0 .1866 1 0 .621 0 .788 0 .872 0 .955 1.123 0.1571 1.8526 0 .3143 1.5 0.506 0 .662 0.740 0 .818 0.974 0 .1559 1.8336 0 .3195 2 0.391 0.537 0.609 0.682 0.828 0.1559 1.7996 0.3246 3 0.128 0 .245 0 .304 0 .362 0.480 0.1616 1.6740 0 .3314 4 0 0 .034 0 .088 0.138 0.231 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 5 0 0 0 0 0.040 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314

DCPP Median Ground Motion Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3 TECHNICAL REPORT - Rev. 2 2.5 DCPP Ground Motion for the Median The DCPP ground motion model for the median from REV and SS sources is given by ln(SA(g)) =Ln ( SABASE (J\tl. RRUP' ZTOR' F. T) )

+ f HWO\!f.,Dip fV,Rx.RJB ,RRUP,ZroR ) (Eq. 2-3)


foJR ss(M ,R,o.,,, R ,R or SS events

,RY, W,L.D;p) for REV events I No directivity J The DCPP ground motion model for the median from NML sources is given by In( SA(g)) = Ln (SABASE ( M. RRUP, ZTOR, F. T))

(Eq. 2-4)

+ f HW ( M ' Dip. ff ' Rx . RJB . RRUP' ZTOR )

Results for f=l and 10 Hz 2.0 --+-'-__.__....................__.__..........................__..........................__.................................................................__.__...........-+-

1.8 1.6 Parameter Value O> 1.4


Cf) 1.2 f=l Hz Mag 8.1 c 1.0 co

  • 2.0 km i5 0.8 ZroR Q)
  • E o.6 * * *
  • RRUP 10.2 km 0.4 - - .!. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - .. - - - - -*-~ !_ _ . - - - - -


  • * **
  • RJB 10.0 km 0.0 ---..-.-.......................-.-.......................-.-.......................- .......................-.-..-............- - --....-.--

0 10 20 30 median model no.

Dip 85 2.0 ............- ...................................__............_ _ _........................._____.__.......................__..._._..........._ _

  • Width 15.0 km 1.8 1.6 f=lO Hz Rx 10.0 km O> 1.4


Cf) 1.2

  • F SS c 1.0 * *
  • co ----- -.- ---------~ - ~ ----------------

i5 0.8 *

  • Q)

E o.6 * * * **

0.4 * **

0.2 0.0 -t--.--.-..-....-.-....,........,-.....-................,........,.-.-.......................-.-..-..,........,.......,........,-.....-.......................- -

0 10 20 30 median model no.

Total Sigma Model Partially Non-Ergodic

3. Total Sigma Model for DCPP 3 .1 Structure of the Logic Tree Model Epistemic Directivity Aleatory U ncerta inty Adjustment Distribution Form H igh (95% percentile) Yes- C entral Mixture Model 0 .3 0.0 08 ~

M-Dependent Central 10 0 .55 Accounts for heavy tails Low (5*.4 ercentile) No Normal 0 15 1.0 0 .2 (See Eq. 3-1 ) (Set? Tobie J 1) (See Eq 3-l)

Figur e 3-1: Logic Tree for Total Sigma at DCPP.

Total Sigma Model 3 .2 DCPP Total Sigma Model The fol lowing values are provided obtain the total sigma as a function o f Magnitude, O$$(M), for hazard calculations using:

( M-5) ( )

CT1+--* Uz-U1 fo1*M < 7.0 CTss(M) = 2 (Eq. 3-1) fCTz forM ~ 7.0 The period-dependent values of 0'1 and a 2 are listed in Table 3-1: For M=8.1 T~ble 3-1 : Epistemic Distribution for O'ss for DCPP. ass (low) 0.434 (0.15)

Period (sec)

Low Branch Cen tral Branch High Branch ass (central)= 0.592 (0.55)

<n en 0.01 CH 0.456 0.390 CH 0.576 0.495 CH 0.699 02 0.614 ass (high) = 0.629 (0.30) 0.02 0.457 0.394 0.577 0.498 0.699 0 .614 0.03 0.458 0.396 0.577 0.499 0.700 0.615 0 .05 0 .460 0 .402 0 .578 0 .504 0.700 0.616 0.075 0.4 6 1 0.407 0.578 0.507 0.701 0.617 0 .1 0.462 0.411 0.579 0.510 0.702 0.618 0.1 5 0.464 0.41 6 0.580 0.514 0.703 0.620 0.2 0.465 0.4 19 0.58 1 0.51 7 0.703 0.621 0.25 0.465 0 .422 0.581 0.519 0.704 0.622 0.3 0.466 0.424 0.581 0.520 0.704 0.623 0 .4 0 .466 0.427 0.582 0 .522 0 .704 0 .625 0.5 0.467 0.429 0.582 0.524 0.705 0.626 0.7" ..... -- v.4.:SL u.::>o., U.::>.L I v. -- """8 c 1 0.468 0.434 0.583 0.529 0.706 0.629 ... 1 1.:> - A _...,

n .d'.:t7 O'i~d n <;.'.:t1 ~

v:031 2 0.469 0.439 0.584 0.532 0.707 0.632 3 0.470 0.441 0.585 0.534 0.707 0 .633 4 0.470 0.441 0.585 0.534 0.707 0.634 5 0.470 0.441 0 .585 0 .535 0.707 0.634 7.5 0.471 0.442 0.585 0.535 0.708 0.635 10 0.471 0.442 0.586 0.536 0.708 0.635

To Do List

  • Program more periods
  • Validate results for a fE~w examples
  • Implement with Roland's codes
  • Run PSHA for major ne~arby sources
  • Distant sources

- NGA West 2 GMPEs already part of Roland's codes

Sent:l7 Apr2015 19:55:15 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford


Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Attachments: Focus Area Questions for DCPP Public Meeting_jpa.docx Cliff-Here is a shot at adding some additional language to 2 of the questions.

We can discuss Monday-Jon

Sent:28 May 2015 19: 10:07 +0000 To:Brock, Kathryn;Thornas, Brian


FW: ATTeJ~4!! t -C:LH!.ln' -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments FYl-

1. have. not been asked to support yet, but the potential exists (unfortunately).

Jon From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:41 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford Cc: Lingam, Siva; Wilson, George; Lund, Louise


FW: Ai IORIQEY -CdENt --Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments Andrea, Scott, Heads-up. It is likely that you and/or your will soon receive requests to support the hearings.

Mike From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:53 AM To: Wentzel, Michael; Cook, Christopher; Hill, Brittain; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Dozier, Jerry; Oesterle, Eric; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Bamford, Peter; Markley, Michael; Manoly, Kamal; Li, Yong Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Young, Mitzi; Straus, Daniel; Kanatas, Catherine; Mizuno, Beth; Wachutka, Jeremy; Uttal, Susan


Affe"'l41! 1 eetrn I -- Availability to support Diablo Canyon Oral Arguments

All, The Atomic Safety & Licensing Board is planning on holding oral arguments for several pending Diablo Canyon contentions, including:
1) License renewal contentions A and B - analysis of alternatives to license renewal
2) License renewal contentions C and D - SAMA contentions
3) The de facto license amendment issues referred by the Commission to the Board in CLl-15-14 The Board plans on holding the arguments all together, one after the other. The proposed dates are July 8, 9, or 10. It is possible all the arguments will only take one day, but they may take more. than one day. The Board is considering either holding the. arguments here in Rockville or in San Luis Obispo.

We are looking. for Staff support, both in preparing for. arguments, as well. as. Staff members who are able to attend the argument. Please note that not everyone on this list needs to be available to attend the argument. If we end up going to San Luis Obispo, we will probably only bring a limited number of Staff to support.

What is your availability on July a. 9, and 10, and what is your availability regarding Rockville vs ..

San Luis Obispo?

Sincerely, Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -415-1474 0

N&*l&&i. l"lstie e: ::ail a: :8 etR) 8MH~Ji"8Rt8 ,._8)' HRl8iR 08Rfi"8Rli81 °M8FR8)' *Iii Al is tli5Ri)' ' 0 ' wrk Plddbtt 111are11a1. OU 1101 dlsclose outside 141"18 n itl wot 8011:: : :ieeie:: etf51ue s 81:

Sent:22 May 2015 20:07:34 +0000 Tol(bJ( 5l I


FW: Code Attachments:Point Source jjj From:. Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 I :0 I PM To: Ake, Jon


RE: Code Jon, Auached is a GU1 version. J can send a non-GUI version if yo u would like. There is a draft user manual included with the files I am sending. Call if you have any questions.


Original Message-----

From: Ake, Jon Sent: Friday, May 22. 2015 11 :58 AM To: Weaver, Thomas


Code Thomas-Do you have a matlab script for producing an FAS with Boore's simple seismological model? Including which units for inputs?

ls so can you shoot me a copy?

Thx Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)

User Manual: NRC Seismologic Model Software by The SGSEB Three Stooges Thomas Weaver, Scott Stovall & .Jon Ake Scptembrr 14, 2012

Contents 1 U sing NRC Seismologic Model Software 1 1.1 File . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Worksheets . . . . . 1 1.2.1 Project Information 1 1.2.2 Input .. 1 Earthquake l\fagnitude 2 Somce to Site Distance 2 Frequency Range . 3 Response Spcctruru 3 Source Parameters . . . 3 Geometrical Spreading 3 Site Amplification 4 Diminution . . . . 5 Seismic Attenuation 5 Somcc Duration 6 Pat h Duration .. 6 1.2.3 P at.h and Site Effects Graphs 7 1.2.4 Simulated Time Histories 7 1.3 Calculate 8 1.4 Results . 8 1.5 Help 8 2 Point Source Model 9 3 Random Vibration Theor y 10 4 Time History Simulation 11 A NRC SMS Validation 12

List of Figures 1.1 Input worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Geometrical s preading: eastern North America. 4 1.3 Generic site amplification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4 Three segm ent at tenuation function and associated input for NRC SMS . 6 1.5 P ath duratiou for eastern Nort h America from 13oore (2005). . . .. . . 7 ii

Chapter 1 Using NRC Seismologic Model Software The NRC Seismologic Model Software (NRC SMS) is based on the work published by Boore (2003) on the simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method. In addition, SMSIM, the DOS based Fortran program developed by Boore (2005) was used to assist in development of NRC SlVIS.

NRC SMS uses a menu and toolbar structure to navigate through the program as you input and view data used for computing Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) and structural response spectra (RS), calculate FAS and RS, and view results from calculations. Each menu option is decribecl below.

1.1 File The File menu contains options for opening a previously created *.mat fi le, saving your input and results as a *.mat file. or exporting your input and results to a text file (* .txt) or Excel fi le (*.xis).

Corresponding buttons are located in the toolbar for opening and saving *.mat files.

1.2 Worksheets The Worksheets menu is used to access worksheets for inputing project d<~ta, data required for calculation of Fourier amplitude and response spectra, and data required to calculate simulated time histories. In addition, this menu option allows you to see t he path and site effects functions that will be used for calculating the FAS based on the input you have provided.

1.2.1 Proj ect Information The Project Information worksheet allows you to document important project details such as the project name, project identificat ion, and additional information you find useful for identifying the associated calculations.

1.2.2 Input The Input worksheet is used to define parameters required for calculatiug Fourier amplitude and response spectra. This worksheet is shown in Figure 1.1. The Input worksheet is divided into 1

11 sections such as Earthquake Magnitude, Somce to Site Distance, Frequency Range, etc. Input parameters for each of these sections are d iscussed below.

) ffRC SMS_v01 file Woricsheets< ResU.IS Helo

..J .... - -, ~


E.arthqu.ake M.agnitude- - - Source Seismic Attenu.atio Minimum f6o Spectral Shape j&ngla Comet - Brune j100

J No of Line Segments-n 1.1ax1mum. l"""6.'Q Stress Drop* bars Frequency Slope Altenuation No of Magnitudes: 11 Densrtr. ~ gk c r1 IT1 I -2.03 ITs6 Velocity, Vs: 136 kmls 11  !"02 r- Source to Site Dlstance>-- - 12: r-°-6 Minimum: l10 km Geometrical Spreading1- - - - - - 12: !To' lo:92 l8a j1o km No of IJne Segmer¥s ~

Maximum Seismic Velocity f'35 kmls Number of Distances. 11 lower Sour°' IDS<:!! ~ tance

":lower, n Source Duration lr (loo)

Frequency R.ange 1 1 Duration Weight, w_a f1o Minimum Jo:o1 H;,; 3 70 130 0.5000 0

Duration Weight, w_b lO Maximum: j100 Hz Path Duration Response Spectrum Site Ampflfic.atlon No. of l ine Segmems l4 r Calculate Response Spectrum Osc~lator Correction*

IGenenc Hard Rock  ::J jeoore and Joyner (1984)  ::J Dinlnutlon 0

10 0

0 Damping I 0.05 Type of Fiher jkappa J 70 9.6000 kappa. J 0.006 sec 130 7.8000 fmax lsQ.O Hz Slope of last Segment J004 Figure 1.1: Input worksheet used to define parameters required for calculating four ier amplitude and response spectra Earthquake Magnitude Earthquake !\.fangitude allows you to calculate FAS and RS for a range of earthquake magnitudes.

FAS and RS are calculated at the minimum magnitude when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 1. When the number of magnit udes is set equal to 2, FAS and RS will be calculated at the specified minimum and maximum magnitudes. FAS and RS will be calculated at evenly spaced magnitudes when the number of magnitudes is set equal to 3 or greater. Thus, if the minimum magnitude is 5, t he maximum magnit ude is 7 and the number of magnitudes is 3>FAS and RS will be calculated for magnitudes of 5, 6, aud 7. Sour ce to Site Distance Similar to Earthquake Maguit uclc, FAS aud RS can be obtained for a rauge of Source to Site Distances.

2 Frequency Range Frequency Range is used to define the minimum and maximum frequency for which FAS and RS are calculated. FAS and RS values are caclutcd at 340 points per log cycle. \i\Then the mi nimum frequency is set equal to 0.1 and the maximum frequency is set equal to 100, FAS an RS will be calculaLcd at 1020 points. R esponse Spe ctrum Calculation of a response spectrum is optional and consists of three parts. the option checkbox, the oscillator correction option, and the decimal damping value, ( (typically 0.05 for 5% damping). If you desire to obtain a response spectrum, the checkbox for "Calculate Response Spectrum" must be checked. The response spectrum or spectra will then be calculated for each magnitude and source to site d istance specified using ra.nclom vibration theory (RVT).

  • w hen using RVT to compute response spectra, a shaking duration value, Trms, is used to compute the root mean square (rms) spectral accelcratiou values. T herms duration is equal to the gTotmd motion duration plus a corrected oscillator duration as expressed in Equation 1.1.

/ 'n )

Trms = Tgm +To ( 'Yn

+a (1.1)

W here T,9111 is the ground motion duration, T 0 is the oscillator duration with T 0 = 1/(21Tf r(),

/ = T9 m/T0 , and n and a arc constants. The values used for the constants n and a determined based on the oscillator correction option chosen. When choosing the Boore and Joyner {1994) correction n = 3 and a = 1/3. If the Liu and Pezeshk (1999) oscillator correction is chosen, n = 2 and


112 a= [271" (i - mom2 (1.2) where mo, m1 and m2 are moments of the squared spectral amplitude. Additional details on RVT are provided in Chapter 3. Source Paramete rs The Source Parameters section allows you to specify the type of spectral shape to be used in calculating the FAS (e.g. single corner model or two corner model), the stress drop for the single corner model, source density, and source shear wave velocity. When selecting a two corner model, the earthquake magnitude is soley used to determine the corner frequencies. Additional details on each spectra.I shape are provided in Chapter 2. Geometrical Spreading The Geometrical Spreading section defines the function we use for describiug how wave amplitude decreases with distance from the source. The funct ion may consist of multiple segments as shown in Equation 1.3.


(~ti R$R2 Z(R2) (!ff f 2 R2 $ R $ R3 Z(R) = (1.3)

Z(f4) ('Ji r; f4 ~ R.

In eastern North America, Atkinson and Boore (1995) and Frankel ct, al. (1996) suggest us-ing the three segment, function shown in Figure 1.2. To implement t,he eastern North America geometrical spreading relation.ship, we enter a value of 3 for the number of line segments. The values Ri, R2, RJ, nlo n2 and n3 for Equation 1.3 which correspond to the line segments shown in Figure 1.2 are 1 km, 70 km, 130 km, 1, 0, 0.5, respectively.

0.1 O>


"O co (I)

0. 0.03 Cf) ro

.g 0.02 (i) 1/70 E

0 (I)

(9 0.01 1/70 (130/R)o.s 10 20 30 100 200 300 Distance (km)

Figure 1.2: Geometrical spreading function for eastern North America (Boore 2003).

1.2.2. 7 Site A mplification The Site Amplification section requires you to select a site amplification function used t o quantify site effects. The options consist of "Generic Hard Rock" , "Generic Soft Rock", "No Amplification",

and "User Defined". The "Generic Hard Rock" and *'Generic Soft Rock" amplification functions are shown in Figures 1.3. \i\lhen "No Amplification" is selected, the amplification value is 1 at all frequencies. When selecting "User Defined" , you will be prompted to select a *.mat file that contains data used to define the amplification function. This file must have frequency values in column 1 and amplification values in column 2. o headings should be placed above the frequency and ampflication values.


- Generic Soft Rock

- Generic Hard Rock 4




~ 3 Q.


<t 2

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Figure 1.3: Generic site amplification. Dim inution You have two options for implementing the diminution function (high frequency filter). The first option is to utilize kappa, " and the second option is to use a !max filter. Equatious that define the diminution function are provided below.

D(J) = exp( - rr1~J) (1.4)

D(f) = [l + (f I !max)8r 112 (1.5)

A "'value of 0.04 has been used for coastal California sites (Boore and J oyner 1997, RC 2012),

and a value of 0.006 may be appropriate for sites in eastern North America. Seismic Attenuation Attenuation can be modeled as a three segment piecewise function . An example of this three seg-ment fw1ction is shown in Figure 1.4 along with the corresponding frequency, slope, and attenuation values that are used to define the function in NRC SMS. Often, sufficient data is only available to define the third segment (slope 2 segment) of the function. For this case, a single function is used to define t he attenuation relationship.

A single attenuation function is implemented in NRC SMS by selecting a value of 1 for t he number of segments in the drop down menu. Boore {2003) plotted a number of attenuation functions for the slope 2 segment and two of these functions are provided in Equation 1.6. These two equation were obtained t hrough best fit equations to the data presented by Boore (2003). vVhen implementing a function shown in Equation 1.6, the number of line segments is chosen to be 1, Lrl = 1 Hz, the slope is equal to the exponent (e.g. slope = 0.45) and Q is equal to t he coefficient (e.g. Q = 180).


1430J0*35 Central U.S. (Boore 2003)

Q(f) = 180/0.45 California (1.6)

{ 208!0.78 California (Boore 2003) 103 111 ft2 a {fr1, Qr1)

Seilmlc Attenuation No of L!ne Segmerts 133 FiequeACy Slope Atl&!Klatlofl 102 r1 ro;- I -2 03 [2a6 11 l"0"2

                            • -........ 12 ros

,\ a~ lo92 ITs

\ Setsmic Velocity 135' km's 101 10*2 10* 1 10° 101 102 Freq Figure 1.4: Three segment attenuation funct ion and associated input for NRC Sl\1S. Source Duration The source duration is a fw1ction of the corner frequency or corner frequencies , depending on the point source model used. Equation 1.7 is used to calculate the source duration. For the single corner model, Wa = 1 and la is the corner frequency. When Wa = 1. Wb = 0.

(1.7) 1.2.2 .11 P ath Duration The path duration can be modeled using a multi segmented line. For eastern North America, Boore has used a path duration function with four segments as shown in Figure 1.5. A single path duration begining at the source location having a slope of 0.05 is generally considered appropriate 6

for sources in California. Given a. single segment, the number of line segments is set equal to 1 a.nd an initial source to site distance and duration of 0 is input into the first row of the table.



10 Q)


c Path Duration 0



No of line Segments r-4

I SMu*S..Ollirce hfl!Ju'.....

0 - - --.-;;c.r. C-)

5 0 0 10 0 70 96000 130 7 8000 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Distance (km)

Figure 1.5: Path duration for east ern North America from Boore (2005).

1.2.3 Path and Site Effects Graphs The Path and Site Effects \iVorksheet shows plots of the geometrical spreading funct ion, site am-plificat ion function, diminution function and seismic attenuation function used in calculating the FAS. These plots updated as changes to the Input Worksheet are made.

1.2.4 Simulated T ime Histories The Simulated Time Histories vVorksheet is currently not functional. Upon implementation, this worksheet will be used t o provide input for developing time histories that spectrally ma tch a given FAS.


1.3 Calculate The Calculate menu option is used to initiate calculation of FAS and RS as well as simulated time histories.

1.4 Results The Results menu option is used to view FAS and RS or simulated time histories which have been calculated.

1.5 Help The Help menu option provides access to this user manual.


Chapter 2 Point Source Model 9

Chapter 3 Random Vibration Theory 10

Chapter 4 Time History Simulation 11

Appendix A NRC SMS Validation 12

MATLAB 5. 0 MAT-file, Platform : PCWIN, Created on : Fri Jan 04 12 :03 :27 2013 OMCixilc " O' d" CJD

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Sent:22 May 201520:07:14 +0000 To:Heeszel, David;Seber, Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane.


RE: Columbia GMM codes Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday. May 22, 2015 2:29 PM To: Seber, Dogan: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Columbia GMM codes Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both fi les are for a single fau lt at 8 mag11itudes from 5(fault 1)-8(fault8). ln this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with lOkm away that comes to the surface.

The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are the mean+/-sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.

The next step is to get a set of scenario earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard. Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.

Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T -7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:32: l 8 +0000 To:Heeszel, David


Re: Columbia Ground Motion Model Thanks David looking forward to looking at it next week Jon Sent from NRC BlackBerry Jon Ake l(b)(6)

From : Heeszel, David Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 09:26 PM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.

Cheers, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:3 Jun 2015 21:53:57 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan;Jackson, Diane;Munson, Clifford


RE: Columbia Seismic. Public Meeting Slides l agree. We should gently suggest the SSHAC discussion be very brief.

From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 2:41 PM To: Jackson. Diane; Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon


FW: Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides Quickly went over the slides. In SSC, Focus #2 is missing(!?). IL is to me more important to discuss #2 than fault slip rates (# 1). I wonder why they chose to not prepare slides for that. Also, can we tell them to skip SSHAC slides to save some time for more meaningful discussions on technical topics. There are about 20 slides discussing what SSHAC process is.

Original Message-----

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday. June03, 20 15 1:01 PM To: Munson. Clifford; Seber, Dogan; Jackson, Diane Cc: Vega, Frankie; Cho, Esther; Ake, Jon; Shams, Mohamed; Singal. Balwant; Alexander, Ryan; Maier, Bill; Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Burnell, Scott; Walsh, Lisa; Kock, Andrea; Monarque, Stephen


Columbia Seismic Public Meeting Slides

Folks, CGS Seismic Slides. For awareness, the State of Washington and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board plan lo listen to the meeting or attend.

Interim action adds information about Flex Strategy.

Esther, Please add to public ADAMS.
Thanks, Nick

Original Message-----

From: Williams, Lisa L. [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 11:54 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Rich Rogalski


Meeting slides Nick.

Here is Energy Northwest's presentation. I have made 20 copies of the slides (2 per page) that ram bring1ng with me for handouts. Lisa

Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:22:26 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas;Munson, Clifford Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Vega, Frankie


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates I will be on travel the 16-18.


From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie


Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.

Any preferences or limitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent:.Thursday, April 16, 2015 10:07. AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed


Planning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates

Cliff, I am out PM today and Friday.

PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRG Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a licensing call with PG&E Friday at 1pm to discuss NRG technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communicate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs.

single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to email a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice. Please let us know a couple of focus areas by noon Friday.

PV Meeting Date Coordination The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As I recall, I thought we had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Working Group. Let me know if I can propose any dates in the 2 nd and 3 rd week of June.

Thanks, Nick Senic',i Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

Sent:l3Apr201513:59:10+0000 To:Munson, Clifford


RE: Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP Cliff-Looks good Jon From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 3:09 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Ake, Jon


Overview of SWUS for PVNGS and DCPP

Vlad, Here is my slide set for overview of SWUS GMC.


Sent:2 Apr2015 17:03:24 +0000 To:Heeszel, David


RE: Palo Verde Catalog Thanks David From: Heeszel, David Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:56 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; Munson,. Clifford; Ake,. Jon; Hill, Brittain Cc: Miriam R.. Juckett (; John Stamatakos


Palo Verde Catalog Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. T he other columns should be relatively self explanatory.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:28 Apr 2015 13:44:04 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Thanks Alice-1hadn't seen this yet Jon From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:43 AM To: John Stamatkos; Li, Yong; Ake, Jon; Graizer, Vladimir


FW: Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team You may already have through others but you were not on distribution so I am sending.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 10:33 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Stieve, Alice Cc: Jackson, Diane; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Hill, Brittain


Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Cliff. Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this is the missing piece. They have this one file on the SSC in the reading room.

Thanks, Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 20154:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High

Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the. information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PP RP-Tl correspondence and interactions on the source. model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
Thanks, Cliff

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain;. Seber, Dogan;. Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt,. Gerry


DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team

Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.

Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.

DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website.

Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar


DCPP information on Certrec

Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
  • Login to
  • Click on "Inspections"
  • Set status to "In Progress" and Plant to "Diablo Canyon"
  • Click "Search" button .
  • Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
  • Click on t he "NRC Requests" tab
  • Click on what you would like to see.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell - j<bJ(6) I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 19:24:02 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (;Alice Stieve (Al;Heeszel, David; Vladim ir Graizer (;Heeszel, David; Yong Li ( );Jackson, Diane


PVNGS - Focus Area Topics for June-9 Public Meeting Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for PYNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx Attached are the edited questions from our meeting today. Attachment was released in full in interim response #1 stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7D10 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

Devlin-Gill,. Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:20 May 2015 17: 16:56 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Stieve, Alice;Munson,. Clifford ;Heeszel,. David ;Ake. Jon ;John Stamatkos;'Miriam R. Juckett (mjuckett@swri .org)';Hill, Brittain;Li , Yong


PVNGS Public Meeting Questions Palo Verd e team, For furth er discussion, below are t he edited questions about the areal zones:

Because the PVNGS host zones, SBA and East, contribute significantly to the hazard at the PVNGS site, the NRC staff is interested in hearing discussion, beyond what is presented in the PVNGS SSC SSHAC report, on the following topics regarding areal sources. Please discuss. the rational and analyses used for:

a. Choosing to model the spatial variation of recurrence rate per unit area using variable, but continuous and relatively smooth seismicity. Please also discuss the rationale for not considering the use of uniform spatial recurrence rates in the.

SSC areal sources. Although text in SSC Section mentions that uniform rates are often inappropriate, the text does not elaborate on conditions where uniform rates might be appropriate or if such conditions occur for the SSC. areal sources. Additionally, please discuss this in the context of the previously completed PVNGS SSC SSHAC 2, since decisions made for that model led to the use of the constant rate model for the areal sources , and what information informed the recent SSC SSHAC 3 to not use the constant rate model for any of the areal sources.

b. Not using a "floor" during the smoothing analysis of recurrence parameters . . Please also discuss this in the context of the. PVNGS host zones and the WEST and GULF zones, which all show in SSC Figures 9-30 through 9-33 cells of zero rate(M>5.0)/deg2/yr.
c. Not using earthquakes lower than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters for the Eastern source zones, as shown in SSC Table 9-4. Please discuss this in the context of there being so few events within the host zones that have magnitudes greater than to equal to M4.67 and inclusion of earthquakes lower than M4.67 despite the earthquake record below M4.67 not be complete.

I also updated the file on SharePoint: (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301.


From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 4:38 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I added 2 questions, attached. I also updated the fi le on SharePoint:

http: II epm .nrc.govI environ mental/illtq/wus-sshac/Shared%20 Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx (Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens) stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:47 PM To: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow I. have. more observation/questions. that I can present tomorrow.

From: Stieve, Alice .

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 1:43 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow Palo Verde SharePoint FOLDER: Click on the Palo Verde folder icon after the link opens. My draft focus areas file is in that folder.

The attached file are Vlad's draft topics.

From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Monday,. May 18, 2015 1:02 PM To: Stieve,. Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David;. Ake, Jon;. John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


RE: PV team meeting tomorrow

Alice, Can you send us the link to the topics/questions you've developed for the public meeting.
Thanks, Cliff From : Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 10:22 AM

To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong; Graizer, Vladimir


PV team meeting tomorrow I will not be at work all day tomorrow, therefore, I will not be at the PV team meeting_Don't cry. You will just have to carry on without me.@. Let me know what happens.

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: 13 May 2015 15:44:07 +0000 To:Clifford Munson (Clifford.Munson

Cc:Alice Stieve (;Heeszel, David


PVNGS Request

Cliff, Please review and forward the following request on to JLD for Palo Verde:

For the staff to preform confirmatory analysis, please have the licensee send the NRC the PVNGS composite earthquake catalog prior to the declustering analysis, meaning t he catalog with 1,941 events in it as mentioned in "Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Source Characterization" report on page 6-7 and 6-10. The staff requests the catalog be provided in the tabular fo r m.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:26 May 2015 18: 15:50 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Alice Stieve (


RE: latest version Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx

Cliff, OK. Alice and I spoke, we'll have a computer & laptop.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S.NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Munson,. Clifford .

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:39 PM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie


latest version Stephanie, I made edits to the first draft. Let's use this one for the meeting discussion. Alice is getting a projector and laptop?

Thanks, Cliff

Focus Area Questions!Topics for Palo Verde Public Meeting 5/9 In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.

Seismic Source Characterization

1. Provide additional detail on the PPRP and Tl interaction documentation for the SSC model, specifically . .. .... TBD .... I am working through that documentation this week (April 27).
2. Clarify how uncertainty derived from the difference in cumulative slip rates on Quaternary faults in AZ in comparison to the geodetic slip rates in southern AZ were evaluated and incorporated into model.
3. Clarify how uncertainty of the potential for the existence of unknown Quaternary faults in Southern Basin and Range province were evaluated and captured in model , in particular in the area W and NW of the PV site, and outside the geologic mapping project area.

4.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide. additional detail on the. involvement of. the PPRP. in the field review of the Quaternary geology mapping project of the PV site area and vicinity 5.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional. detail regarding verification and characterization of the 3 faults of interest in the site vicinity (Sand Tank, unnamed fault (Gilbert), unnamed fault (Pearthree)).

6.. Geologic. mapping project. Provide additional detail regarding the very simplistic geologic cross section of the PV site to rule out existence of unnamed fault (Pearthree) .

7. Geologic mapping project. Provide additional details regarding stratigraphic correlation of Quaternary units in the site area and vicinity, in particular the stand alone river terrace unit (Qorh) mismatch with the Qi1 alluvial fan surface.
8. Regarding information in PVNGS SSC Table 9-4, because the Eastern sources have so few events at M~4.67, please discuss how and why the Tl team chose to not use the events. lower. than M4.67 to determine the recurrence parameters. Also, please justify not using a "floor" during the recurrence parameters analysis.
9. Please talk about the SSHAC presentations, discussions, and/or analyses that led the Tl team to. use variable, continuous , and relatively. smooth seismicity when determining recurrence parameters for host zones, as opposed to constant rate values, particularly since there are so few recorded events in the PVNGS host zones.

Ground Motion Characterization Site Response

"O A>

cc CD



Palo Verde Nuclear I


<D 0

0 0

Generating Station Site Response Evaluation Section 2.3 of the "Seismlic Hazard and Screening Report for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units1, 2, and 3, March 2015" 1

Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting on June-9 SITE RESPONSE Provide additional detail regarding the Vs-kappa adjustment factors.

Specifically, provide the bases for

- the host Vs profile,

- the target deep Vs profile (including the use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 to develop the upper and lower profiles),

- the target kappa value used for the kappa adjustments and whether the input FAS were corrected to the site kappa of 0.033 sec or a lower baserock kappa value,

- use of a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5 to determine the upper and lower site kappa values,

- the scenario events (magnitudes and distances) used to develop the input spectra for the Vs-kappa adjustment factors,

- not including the Vs-kappa adjustment factors as additional epistemic uncertainty on the median GM 1\11s instead of capturing this variability as part of the variability in the site amplification functions.


Description of Subsurface Material

  • Subsurface at PVNGS consists of about 350 ft of basin sediments overlyi11g bedrock, with a crystalline basement co1mplex at a depth of about 1,200 feet below the grcJund surface.
  • Basin sediments: stratigraphic subdivisions of sands, gravels, clays, silts, and fanglomerate.
  • Bedrock: Miocene volcanic and interbedded sedimentary rocks.
  • Materials are divided into 2 site profiles, a shallow site profile and deep site profile, that are separated at the bottorr1 of the basin sediments.


Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Shallow Site Profile:

  • UFSAR and PSAR lithologic descriptions and natural gamma logs
  • Control point elevation is defined at the ground surface
  • Vs values are estimated from suspension logs, downhole and crosshole surveys from the UFSAR and Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) surveys.
  • Epistemic uncertainty (alnVs) was e*stimated for shear wave velocities in the base-case (BC) profile from the different measurements that were used to develop best-estimate valu es 1
  • Upper-range (UR) and lower-range (LR) profiles were. developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile by exp(1.28*alnVs), following guidance in the SPID to achieve 10th and 90th percentile values.
  • Note. that the UR profile does not include a lithologic layer of fanglomerate to account for its possible non-existence.


DISTANCE 8E1WEEN B~NGS RELATIVE TO Ul-81 \fcell Figure 35: Composite shallow profile 0 1111!> 2390 Figure 34: Depth Unit contact Uthologlc Description U1 -B1 U2-B1 U3-B1 (ft) (deptlllelev.)

(tleV. 1&3") (tlev. 15'1 (*ltv. t501 Sh allow profi le 0 boring logs from I *SANO yellow to red to brown ~ wrtll trwn lne~lar becls or Slit clayey-sin and S11ty-clay beneath each of

.. the three 60 880 reactors 80 850 100 II

  • CLAY yetlOw to red to brown olayey.sll! and Silty-clay w<th lenses Of fine-grained sand and silty-sand 120 820

...J 140 w 800



<( 15917114 w Ill SANO brown, uody..ilt sflty &and and &allC1f..cloy en 1661788 z<( 780 tv - CLAY blown. S1lty-clay. ctayey-s.n low to med plaSilclty 190 noncalcaleous to SbghlJy c:elear~ very sbn to hard w

~ 750 16817157 g v. SAND brown to red-brown 111ty sand 111ndy*Slll and cteyey sand vecy &I fl to hard nonptnbc to ION plashc1ly

~ 'l<Y5/748 paraco11lorm11y


11/fJ >- V1 - CLAY yeltON to red-brown. S<l!y-clay very stdf to haJd distinct

..J 220 <

w LmfOLOGIC UNITS uppe1 cori8cl stigttly to hlgl'fy calcareous med lo h91 plasbelly er 230l723 ..J SA"I> no () VII* SANO uody-MI and silty 111nd btoWn non1)lHllC

!z II Ill CIAY SAl<O 2-<<>

700 2371715 w

Q 0

~ IV cu.*

260 0:

w Gj VIII Cl..AY ~ebv to red-Crown. llify*cley c:la~ey-9111, Ancly-...1,

..J v 5""111 880 > silly-sand sandy.clay, ctayey.gand calcareous verystl!f 10 hard, w 280 high plalbcty VI CIAY 0

..J VII IAl<D 300 <

\Ill Ct.AV a.

640 3111642 IX ..... ;o 320 IX

  • IX - SANO llrlJwn 10 re<J.brown, $11nd. silty-sand and Clayiry-sand x FAIOGl.OM£~4Tt oc:c:asional (jfavel Cla&tli 6Ubaf1glllar to subroooded dense to very 620 dense Vf!fY S11n to hard 340 GENERALIZED UTHll.OGJC DESCRIPTIONS 341/612 ------~----------~~---..----~-----~-~-~----------

u nc0n form *iY D&o'° oay...., .....,_ .. _ .. 600 X

  • FANGLOMERATE brown to gay rroderately 10 wel cemened 1/0tcanic e1asts c:lenved from und<<lying bedtock in a matnl< of sand DCUIY-SAOfD_...., ...........

580 soil and occaitiooaJfy tlAlaoeous sand. el!M!1to11 of ~contact D Cl>* . ., . . ,,; - *


and thlckne!.6 ol tnt vary ectoss the site D fA.HGt.Olll£'tATE. ,.. "'""' IO 560 3951558 major uncontorm11y 0-run ... cv.v..-.. _.,......_

D ___


  • BEDROCK see deep prolile ll(µe IHlUll.A*-DFlOWlllt(CCIASo... '1.CW\


Saod Clay DNClUCTE---- ~FanglOmerale LITHOt..OGIC UNIT 5

Dynamic properties of shallow site profile (base case profile)

Base Strati- l:nit Sigma ~ oma sigma

~nemlized Lanr . graphic

{;nit lithology D eprh (ft)

Thickness (ft)

" *eight (pd)

Depth (ft)

Case Ys y .,


, .., (ln)


(ft/s) 1 I Sand 0 21 110 0.0 101 7 0.070 0.13 2 I Sand 21 14 120 3 ~2 1041 0.0&8 0.19 3 I Sand 35 10 120 5A U50 0.075 0.17 4 I Sand 45 7 120 6.9 1181 0.063 0.15 5 II Clay 52 60 1151 8.0 1208 0.087 0.15 6 II Clav 112 25 12Sl 3.5 1293 0.073 0.15 7 II Clav 137 22 125 1 4.3 1391 0.073 0.15 8 m Sand 159 8 126* 5.0 1431 0.055 0.15 9 I\' Clay 167 19 ns 1 8.0 1+46 0.049 0.15 10 \ ...

Sand 186 19 126-' 2.0 1459 0.050 0.15 11 VI Clay 205 5 125t 5.0 1510 0.103 0.15 12 VI Clay 210 20 1251 1.8 1742 0.145 0.15 13 vn Sand 230 8 126- 2 .0 1829 0.160 0.15 14 VIII Clay ns 52 1251 LO 2094 0.127 0.15 15 \Till Clay 290 21 125 1 15.9 1094 0.127 0.15 16 IX Sand 311 30 130 17.0 2094 0.127 0.15 17 x Fane:lomerate 341 86 140 60.0 3262 0.176 0.15 A.ndesite Bed- ~A1 XI basal flow 427 140 83 4485 N'A1 NA 3

rock brecc1a/mff Notes:

1 125 pcf is the a\*erage urut weight of all day unrts. The unit weights for all clay ooits are averaged for the sake of simplicity ill me ~te response analysis.

'11 _6 pcfis. the average urut \\'eight of Sand {;ruts Ill\'. and VIl. The average is used fur the sake of simplicity in the site response an.alyill.

3In the site response analysis for shallow profile, Unit XI 1s cons.idered as die half space.. 6

Vs ( tt/scc) Layer depths, thicknesses, and 0 1000 2000 3000 400Cl shear wave velocities (Vs) for lower-range (LR), base-case (BC),

- LR

- BC and upper-range (UR) profiles for so


the shallow site profile at PVNGS.

100 Depth Tlt:ickness ,.-:s (ft/~et)


'" (ft) (ft) LR BC ml 1 0 21 929 1017 1113 bO l 21 15 ~BO ]041 1165

35 ro 1046 ] 150 1266 200 4 4 )- 7 1 0.~0 lUtl 12,80

- ) 52 60 1081 ]208 1351

.c Q.



6 112 25 117S ]293 1419 250 7 137 2'.! 12~6 ]391 t5Q8 s 159 8 1334 ~4"?

..:>- 1536 9 167 19 1359 l446 1540 300 10 186 19 1359 ]459 1555 11 205 5, l324 ]j1[ 0 1723 3SO 12 210 20 1448 ]74~ 2098 13 2]1] 8 i4gg ].829 2245 14 2:1S 52 1780 2094 2462 400 1.5 290 21 L S~O 2094 2462 16 311 30 1550 2094 2462 4.'.>0 17 341 86 2603 32:62 NI~

ED lhts H 81 bonnvs

@) LCIS.2~

- SASW "'-1*7 bear \Vave Velocity (ft/ ec) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 50(

0 100 200 300 0 1.000 2.000 II l 1 1

i I I I '

400 .._~~~~~~~......_~~~~~---'-_... __~~~............. o 250 500 m 2

£Q. 500


Figure 1. Locations of SASW lines SASW-LCl-1 through SASW -LCl-7 (shown m red as lines 1-7) at the PVNGS site.

Q 600 A WArray 200 700 - L Cl l

- - L 12 800 - L 13

- L C14 250

- L CIS 900 - L 16

- - L CI 7

.._,_._._.._._.___._.__._.__._._..._._..__._,__._'-'-'___._.~ 300 1000 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 hear Wave Velocity (m/ ec)

Figure 4.1 Companson of the Seven. hear Wave Velocity Profi lcs Determined ai lhe Palo 8 Verde NPP Site

PVNGS Borehole PALO VERDE BOREHOLE B-2 Receiver to Receiver Vs and VPAnalysis

  • Drill and. log 2 boreholes. (one deep[B-2, 423. 50 ft], one shallow [B-1, 45. ft]) at the site, collec downhole geophysical data from the deep 100 borehole, and preparation of each borehole for installation of borehole seismometer 150 equipment.
  • P-S Su spension Logging
  • Induction/Natural Gamma g 200 J:
  • Caliper/Natural Gamma Ii:w
  • Acoustic Televiewer/Boring Deviation c 250 i

411250 300


-=- m" 0 80 0  :!ID No\OQ ~,. FIPS ~202 fl

~ 201~ GOOQ18 Elflll -.ef!illgia LCl*B-1 450 .L...~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~-..1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (ft/s)

Fi gure 1. Locations of boreholes LCl*B*1 and LCl*B*2 at the PVNGS site. Note: north arrow shows 9

true north. as opposed to "plant north."

Figure 5. Boring LC l-B-2, Suspension R1-R2 P- and Swwave velocities

Geologic cross-section showing the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the PVNGS site 0 SCRJPTION E 6AS.En&an Ua!I""'~

I ......_ ,,., * * *Onln!!~


  • 10

Development of Base Case Profiles and Nonlinear Material Properties Deep Site Profile:

  • Developed from data presented in the UFSAR and Geological Society of America Bulletin A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona (Warren, 1969)
  • No borings underneath the. three units that reach the top of the basement complex, so the upper. contact is estimated using a. geologic cross-section from the UFSAR that shows.

the shallow and deep stratigraphy at the si1te

  • Control point elevation for this. profile is defined at the bottom of the shallow site profile.
  • Vs values were estimated from suspension (LCI,. 2015f) for bedrock. Vs for the basement complex was determined using typical seisn1ic wave velocities for granodiorite.
  • Uncertainty in the thickness of each layer vi1as accounted for in the LR and UR deep site profiles.
  • For the volcanics, this uncertainty was determined from boring logs as described in LCI (LCI, 2015d). For the upper basement layers, this uncertainty was taken as 10 percent of each respective mean thickness.
  • Consistent with SPI D:

- UR and LR Vs values were developed by multiplying and dividing the BC profile value by exp(1.28*alnVs), respectively, like for the shallow site profile

- Epistemic uncertainty was estimated for Vs in the BC profile using a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.35 as

- The LR and UR profiles were constructed by pairing 90th percentile Vs with 10th percentile thickness (and vice versa) in order to maximize the varia1tion in travel time 11

Dynamic properties of deep site profile (base case profile) 1 e. source: T able 16 from LCI (LCI . ?Ol )-d)

T a ble 5~ . D1ynallllc properaes of d eep sire pro fil Depth rmt ~!Jean  :\Jean Vs Poisson's Elevatiou

~1ea11 Sigma, to top weight Vs Vp Sigma Ratio Thickness Tbicklless Strat. Gt'neraUzed of layer unit lithology Range +, Range -,

Mean, Top Sigma ,

(ft) (pct) (ft/sec) (ft/sec) (lo) Top Top (ft) (ft)

(ft msl) Top (ft) 3 (ft msl) (ft msl)

Andesirel XI basa lt/ flow 395 140 4485 9863 0.35 0.370 558 83 641 475 808 145 breccia/ ruff Weathered granodiorire/

~'II 1203 1461 5438 10786 0.35 0.330 -250 NIA NIA NIA 20 10 mera-granice (top)

Weathered granodioritel xn mera-granire 1223 152 1 7343 12632 0.35 0.245 -270 NIA NIA NA 20 10 (middle)

Wearhered g:ranodio1ite/

xn mera-grnnire 1243 157 1

9248 14477 0.35 0.155 -290 NIA NIA NIA 20 10 (bonom)


xn mera-~anire 1263 171 2 10200 15400 0.35 0. 109 -310 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Notes:

1 Unir weight for the weathered basement complex is deremlined from Vp.

1 Unit weight for wnveathered basement complex is detemiiued from Wan-en (WatTen. 1969).

3 Sigma rop is only calculated for Andesite XI for use in shallow site profile site response calculations. Sigma is calculated using rop elevation contact of bedrock from Units 1-3 Bl boreholes (Figure 34).


Vr, (m /'>)

PVNGS deep site 0




.,. -, ,. :1 I

2000 3000 4 000 I ,,

.. - *~ ,_ - - ......... ..

profile 500 -

I 1 I-Lowtr R:mgt P rofilt (low n locidts. thil'ker layers. bas~:ise density):

m ight = 0.3 Desc:riptton Tbicbiess (m) Vs (m s)

I l ..

I QI Vokanic bedrock sequen~ 324.2 873_4 t6:

Basement (shallow; weafherul top) 10_ 0 l ,059_0 ~ 1000 - l -

Basement (shallov.r: wealhered middle) 10_0 1.430_0 Q.

3 . I Basement (shallow: weathered bottom) 10.0 l.800_9 0 Basement (shallow) 1.784.2 1.986-3 t1I I

Basemeru (deep) 12.560_0 3.680.0 ..."'


0 . I I

B:iw Case Profilt (mt dfan Ynlues :ill par:unerers): ~ 1500 - L weiebt =OA :t: 1 0

Description Thickness (m) Vs (m s) .D

\'olcanic bedrotl: ~ 267.6 1.367.0 E I 0

Basement (shallow; weathered top) l.657.5

..c I 6.1 Basement (shallow; vteatheted middle)

Basement (shallow~ weathered bottom)

B~t (shallow) 6.1 6.1 1,581.7 2.238_1 1.818..8 3,109.0

-.z E


2000 .


Basement (dttp) 10.0000 3.680.0 0 QI UR Prctile I

t:pper Range Profile (high , *elocitlts, rhiwter layers. b.-se cue density):

wei_ebt = 0.3 Description Ttucl.."ness (m ) Vs (m s)

. Base Case Prof ile LR Prctil e I


\'olcanic bedrock sequence 211.0 2. 139.6 2500 - I Basement (shallow; weathered top)

Basement (sh3.llow; weathered middle) 2.2 2.'.!

2.5943 3.503.1

- Warr en (1969) I I

Basement (shallow: weathered bottom)

Basement (shallow)

Basement (deep) 1.379.3 17,.i40.0 3.680.0 3.680 0 3.680.0

- S'NUS Re fere nce Profile I

I 13 3000 .

PVNGS Shear Modulus & Damping Curves Table . ~gradation CW\"eS for each stratigraphic unit at PVNGS. Source: Table 14 from LCI (I.CI 2015d' -

Degrndatlon DtgradatioJl Strntignapbic Gtnendized Depth Thickness Layer Curns Cw.t~

Cnit lithol~- (ft) (ft}

(..\lterna ch'e n l..Uternntin 2)

EPRI Soil Peninsular Cun-es 1 I Sand 0 21 0-20 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Sou Peninsular Cun;~

2 I Sand 21 14 20-50 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Soil Peni.nsular Curves 3 I Sand 35 10 20-50 ft 0-50 ft EPRI Sou Peninsular Curves 4 I Sand 45 7 20-50 ft 0-50 ft

  • Shallow profile Vucetic and Dobry Vuce-tic and Dobry 5 n Clay 52 60

( 1991)-PI=30 (1991}Pl=30 alternative were given Vucetic and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 6 II Clay 112 25 (1991)-PI=JO (1991)-Pl=30 equal weights

\*ocellc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 7 II Clay 137 22 (1991)-Pl=30 (1991)-PI=30

  • Deep profile linear EPRI Soil Peninsular Cw.-es 8 m Sand 159 8 120-250 ft 51-500 ft I\" Vucetic and Dobry Vucrtic and Dobry 9 Clay 167 19 (1991 )-PI=30 (1991}Pl=30 EPRI Soil Peninsular Curves 10 \ Sand 186 19 120-250 ft 51-500 ft

\"ucebc and Dobry Vucettc and Dobry 11 VI Oay 205 5 (1991)-PI=JO (199l}Pl=30

\"ucetic and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 12 VI Clay 210 20 (1991)-PI=30 (199l}PI=30 EPRI Soil Peninsulnr Cw...-es 13 VII Sand 230 8 120-250 ft 51-500 ft Vucebc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobty u VIII aay 238 51 099l)-PI=30 (1991)-PI=30 Vucellc and Dobry Vucetic and Dobry 15 \'III Clay 290 21 0991)-Pl=30 (1991)-Pl=30 EPRI Soil Peninsular Cun:es 16 IX Sand 311 30 150-500 ft 51-500 ft EPRI Soil Peninsular Cwve!. 14 17 x Fanglomernte 3-U 86 250-500 ft 51-500 ft

10 .' I I

~ - ~

i t, Z-  !--+-


I' PVNGS Kappa e



.~* i-,.... ~



~l~ ~

j I



'= f= 1~*~

  • = -




  • Adjustment factors were developed to convert ti .


ground motions. from the reference rock associated l

"'.... I l with the GMPEs from the SWUS. GMC to site specific ~

....  ?


- lJ;,?I rock conditions at PVNGS corresponding to the deep site profile ..

if c

0 1 I I I ~ Ti .,.. __


. I I: __...

__, /~

  • Vs-kappa adjustments consist of 2 parts.




.._~I r


  • L
  • ~

... - ~ -



1. Accou nt for impedance differences, calculated using

.-c r

...... """ "' "I" the Quarter-wavelength approach (Boore and Joyner, cu



' ' ','-- ~ ~

lo.. I



1997; Boore, 2003, 2013} and affects all frequencies. * - - 1~~ - ,_ ..... k


2. Account for the differences in kappa (kappa-zero ). It <


I has an exponential fo rm and affects mainly the high frequencies.

  • Host kappa value fo r SWUS GMPEs is 0.041 sec and 0.1 the target kappa value at PVNGS is 0.033 sec with a 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5.
  • BC, LR, and UR target kappas were combined with - LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.11) each of the BC, LR, and UR deep site profiles to get 9 sets of adjustment factors applied to the {BC, LR, UR} LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12) kappa alternatives and Vs profile alternatives.

- Medi.1n Profile, Medi an kappa {0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12}

  • Although some of these adjustment factors become very large at HF, the SWUS GMC rock motions have UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile. Median kappa (O.U) zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here. Net factors to convert ground motions from SWUS reference rock to PVNGS rock cond ffi ons.

PVNGS Randomizcition of Vs Profiles

  • Shear wave velocity in each layE~r. SPID (EPRI, 2013) guidance was followed - shear wave velocities were truncated to +/-2 alnVs. USGS site class "A" pararr1eters, for hard rock.
  • Material properties. SPID guidance was followed and realizations were. truncated at +/-2 aln for both G/Gmax and. damping curves.
  • Profile layer depths and thicknesses. Depth to the top of each layer was modeled using a Norrnal distribution, each realization of depth to the top of a given layer was limited to +/-2a.
  • Depth to bedrock was modeled using a Normal distribution, each realization of depth to the top c,f bedrock was limited to +/-2a.
  • 60 random velocity profiles were generated for each combination of profile (BC, LR, and UR), material model (EPRI or Peninsular values), input spectrum, and set of adjustment factors.


PVNGS Input Spectra

  • Obtained using reference-rock hazard for PVNGS
  • Following guidance from the SPID, HF (5 and. 10 Hz) and. LF (1. and 2.5 Hz) spectra at mean annual frequencies of exceedence (MAFEs) of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 were scaled to 11 different PGA amplitudes between 0.01 g and 1.5 g for a total of 22 input control motions.
  • Input response spectra were converted to Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) using IRVT, which requires an estimate of ground motion duration for each input control motion, which was calculated according to the method in Rathje et al. (2005) .

Table 8. Deaggregated magnitudes and distances for reference rock and associated durations. Source:

LCI (LCL 2015a).

\lotion ~Ia2nitude (l\1w) Di tance (km) Duration ( ec) 104 Lff~V Freq. 7.5 210 26.3 104 High Freq. 6. 1 18 4 .06 I 0-5 Low Freq. 7.6 200 27.7 10-5 High Freq. 6.2 8.0 3.94 10-6 Low Freq. 6.8 8.0 .46 10-6 High Freq . 6.4 6.0 4 .76 17

PVNGS Site Response Methodology

  • RVT. was used to perform the site response analyses, consistent with SPID.
  • For the BC, LR, and UR shallow site profiles, site amplification factors (SAF) are developed for seven spectral frequencies (0.5 Hz SA, 1.0 Hz SA, 2.5 Hz SA, 5.0 Hz SA, 10 Hz SA, 20 Hz SA, and 100 Hz SA or PGA) over the range of spectral amplitudes represented by the input contnol motions (refer to Section 2.3.4). Each set of SAF incorporates the various types of variability in profile and material properties and uncertainty in kappa and deep shear wave vellocities as represented by the nine sets of adjustment factors.
  • To include the deep site profile effect on SAF, the IRVT-derived input FAS was multiplied. by the set of Vs-kappa adjustment factors prior to using that input spectrum to drive the shallow site profile.


PVNGS Amplification Function BC. 10-4 BC 10-5 J

10' 10' 10 1 -

1cr' 10 * - -10* 10' ti/

10' 10 ' to* 10' 10 1

10' 10' to' 10' UT Frequency. (Hz) Frequenc~ (Hz)

Frequency, (Hz) Freqa>>ney (Hz]

Fi~ -He. PVNGS BC mr£l<< r6ponsc spectra mid SAF for 10* HF input motion ming the EPRI soil 1

Fi:ur~ -Ha. PVNGS BC s.udaa ~spectra and SAf for 10-4 HF i.npuc molion 11$Uig the EPRl soil marerial olOdel and a SUlgle re~ rock ro local rock adjustmen1 fuoc.tion. Green Imes are ~ for mataial model and 1 sin.git refet-mce rock ro loc&l rock adj11stmeo1 function.. Green are spectra for 60 indi\idual randomiud profiles Median (blade solid line) and :::lo1o (blaclc dashed linH) ~e abo 60 1.0dmdual randomized profiles. M~an (blad: sohd lio.e) and =loi. (black dashed 11.0es) ~ also shown. Souru: Figure 46 from LCI (l..CI.1015d).

shown. SoutN: F1gur-e 48 fromlCI (l..CL ::WlSd).

10' 10' 10' 10' 810' '

~; I J 10 '


10 1

10 ' --~ -;o* --"i°o' l(f' 10 ' 10' - -,o* --,rf F~(IUJ Fniquency. (Hz) 1 Figure 4lb. PVNGS BC~ r~nse spectra and SAF for 10-4 LF mput motion using !he EPRI soi.I f iptt 41d. PVNGS BC surfuce response spectta. aod SAF for 10* l.F 111put motton usuig ~ EPRI soil matenal modtl and a slQ!le re~ rock to local rod: adju5tmrnt function. Gtttn Imes are spectra for matmal model. and a smgle reftteoce rock to local rocl.: ad~llllttlt fimctton. Grett ~ are ~1A' for 60 111dmdual nmdoouz.ed pr-ofiles. Median (black sohd hne) and +/-loi. (blad: dashed lines) are also 60 1.odm.dual rmdomu.ed profiles. '.\ledian (black sohd !me) and "'lo11 {black dashed hoes) ~also shown. Soun:e: Figure 47 from LCI (I.CI. 2015d) shown. Source: Figure 49 from LCI (l..Cl.1015d)

PVNGS BC median amplification 2.5 -- . . -l -+- PGA

- .20Hz factors c nl

~ 1.5

~ . "W:I*-

~ -- ~~



-*-S H_z 2.5 Hz 1

1 Hz

- 0 .5 Hz 0.5 II -,.....~

0 II .


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 SpectraJ acceleration, (g) 0.6 0.5 " .. ,.~ c _c

- I ~~ u. -+-PGA

~ l l 'I ~~ I * ~~ ,...,.



. . .20Hz

"- *r J" ,_J - ~~ , ~I

'!"!' . -. ~ ~~

1 "" .... ~

-i - 10Hz l -, "', ** ~ - ~S Hz 2.5 Hz 1 Hz

[J I . -

0.1 ~ ~

- 0.5 Hz 0

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 20 Spectral aueleration, (g)

Devlin-Gill, Stephanie From:Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent:2 Jun 2015 17:35:50 +0000 To:Graizer, Yladimir;Munson , Clifford;Ake, Jon;Heeszel,. David ;Stieve ~ Alice;John Stamatkos;Weaver, Thomas;Stovall, Scott;Hill , Brittain;Chokshi , Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong;Jackson, Diane;Miriam Juckett (mjuckett@


RE: PVNGS: Site Response Attachments:PVNGS Site Response - SDG.pptx.

Site response overview slides attached.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Graizer, Vladimir Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 11:57 AM To:. Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Munson,. Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas;. Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (


RE: PVNGS: Site Response I put together few slides about GMRS and can show them .

From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:07 AM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Heeszel, David; Stieve, Alice; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatkos; Weaver, Thomas; Stovall, Scott; Hill,. Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh.

Cc: Li, Yong; Jackson, Diane; Miriam Juckett (


PVNGS: Site Response Palo Verde Team, I put together a few slides on the PV site response to generate discussion at today's meeting. I know there has been ongoing work by others regarding PV site response, please come prepared to discuss your work and knowledge of the PV site response with the whole team.

Tuesday, June 2 (TODAY), 2:30PM ET TWFN -07A03 Phone: (877) 927-0419 Passcode l (b)(6) j#

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7010 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2

TSCHILTZ, Michael From:TSCHILTZ, Michael Sent:29 Apr2015 19:14:30 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:MAUER, Andrew


DIABLO CANYON MEETING Nick in the staff slide presentation for the. subject meeting.. specifically, slide 15 shows l date for Group 1 SPRAs ... as has been discussed with NRC upper management our understanding is that Diablo (if it is in group 1) will be given the. same amount of time as others. to. complete SPRA which pushes it out beyond the date shown on the slide .... . was this just an oversight or is t his an issue t hat needs further discussion?


Mike Tschiltz.

Director,. Risk Assessment Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8083.

M f{b){6) I E:


  • essage transmission contains information.from the Nuclear Energy. Institute, Inc. The.information is intended solely.for the addressee.and its.use
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  • ion m error, and any.

review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution o mmunication is strict u ave received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender Immediately by telephone or by elect delete the orig/no/ message. IRS Circular 230 disdosure:

Ta ensure compliance with requirements im as other raxlng authorities, we inform you

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Sent through www.lntermedia .com DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 15:12:36 +0000 To:Gibson , Lauren


FW: PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Attachments:NRC Public Meeting 4-28 Seismic Final.pdf FYI. ... slide 54 has a summary of licensee and regulatory actions.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:42 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; 'John Stamatakos <> ('; Hill, Brittain; Graizer, Vladimir Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Walker, Wayne; Alexander, Ryan; Moreno, Angel; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Maier, Bill; Roth(OGC), David; Lindell, Joseph; Uttal, Susan; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Hipschman, Thomas; Wyman, Stephen


PG&E: Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Folks, Attached are the. PG&E slides in support of the Tuesday public meeting. NRG slides. will be available tomorrow morning.

Please forward to those I may have. missed.

Thanks, Nick From: Jahangir, Nozar []

Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:58 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl


Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on April 28 Philippe; Attached is the DCPP presentation for the subject meeting. I will also take 30 hardcopies with me, as well. I w ill be travelling on Monday and will be in Rockville on Monday night.

We also need the Web access number and passcode for Techn ical PG&E staff that w ill be calling in support of the presentation.

Thanks Nozar Juhangir P.E.

Manager, Techni cal Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering 805-545-6512 l<b)(6) I(cell)

nx jl From: Difrancesco, Nicholas [4]

Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:33 AM To: Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Jahangir, Nozar;. Vega, Frankie; Shams,. Mohamed; Jackson, Diane


NRC Technical Focus Areas for Support of Public Meeting on April 28 Mr. Soenen ,

In support of the public meeting scheduled for April 28, 2015, the NRG staff would like to gain additional technical understanding in several areas to support productive public meeting discussions. In addition to providing a general overview of the SSC and GMC SSHAC Reports and March 2015 50.54(f) response for DCPP, please provide additional clarification on the following topics.

Seismic Source Characterization

1. Summarize the key data used to constrain the slip rate of the Hosgri fault, including associated uncertainties.
2. Clarify how elements of the thrust/reverse interpretation for the San Luis Range Thrust are incorporated into the SSC.
3. Clarify how the rupture models are derived from the fault source geometry models.
4. Summarize the methodology used to define the equivalent Poisson rates.

Ground Motion Characterization

1. Provide additional detail on the criteria used for the selection of the candidate ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for development of the common form median ground motion models for DCPP. Specifically, please elaborate on the basis for including GMPEs based on datasets other than NGA-West2.
2. Provide additional detail on development of the common functional form used to fit the candidate GMPEs. Specifically, please discuss how model parameters such as depth to Vs=1 km/sand 2.5 km/s (which are present in some of the candidate GMPEs) are accounted for in the functional form.
3. Provide additional detail on the approach for weighting the selected common form models as well as the criteria used to verify the physicality of the final models.
4. Provide additional detail on how the continuous distribution for total sigma (crss) was developed by combining the between-event and within-event aleatory variabilities.

Site Response

1. Section of the 50.54(f) submittal states that shear modulus and damping curves are not directly applicable to DCPP since analytical modeling is not used and that non-linear site effects are implicitly included in the empirical GMPEs for Vs30=760 m/s. However, the NGA-West2 database has a limited amount of data for sites with Vs30 near 760 m/s and for earthquakes with magnitudes and source-to-site distances similar to those dominating the hazard for DCPP. Please provide additional information on how these limitations in the NGA-West2 database are accounted for in the site response model for DCPP.
2. Section 2.3.6 of the 50.54(f) submittal describes the development of the site term for DCPP. For the calculations of between-event residuals, provide additional information on the criteria used to determine the appropriate distance range(+ and - Rrup) to the sample station. Please discuss the sensitivity of this distance range on between-event residual values. Please provide an example calculation that uses site-specific values to determine the values for $ s2s, including the epistemic uncertainty in the site term .

Please let me know if you have any questions on the above focus areas.

Thanks, Nick Di f rancesco Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit


  • The NRC's first assessment of the Shoreline fault was detailed in RIL 09-
  • The NRG staff issued a request for 0


_.. :J I

0 -

001 and was based on information available at the time. The NRC found the Shoreline fault's maximum additional information to all nuclear power plants on March 12, 2012, to


_.. PJ

-CJ)* :J 6"

predicted shaking is less than what initiate several actions as a result of PJ -

NRC REvlEW OF S EISMIC < "O the plant was previously analyzed for. lessons learned from the Fukushima ~. PJ

-co Dai-ichi accident in Japan: HAZ'ARDATTHE DIABLO C,AJ\J'V PJ CD AIL 12-001 RIL 12-01 , "Confirmatory Analysis of Seismic Hazard at the Diablo Canyon

- Conduct "walkdowns" of all nuclear power plants to verify flooding and PONERPLANT -Q:

CD ~

0 CJ) 0


Power Plant from the Shoreline Fault seismic protection features -

CD _..

I Zone," updates the NRC's evaluation "O (JI

- Reevaluate flooding and seismic c: ~

based on information PG&E provided 0-0 hazard and design using present day =o in January 2011 , as well as a staff visit to Diablo Canyon. methods and guidance 0o



  • The NRC continues to conclude that ground shaking from the Shoreline fault's earthquake scenarios are less
  • The DCPP seismic hazard reevaluation, submitted in March 2015,. assesses all known faults in the area (i.e., not limited c:



CD than the HE and LTSP ground motion to just the Shoreline fault) using a 0 levels for which the plant was process similar to what is done for siting  : :;

previously evaluated and new reactors. The licensee reported that CD demonstrated to have reasonable the ground shaking from the known CJ)


assurance of satety fault's earthquake scenario exceeds the 0 "O

Double Design Earthquake in the CD

~ 10 1- 1OHz range and that there was reasonable assurance that the plant This brochure provides an overview o the NRC's review of the Shoreline fau 0

§ i u

-~**-- could achieve sate shutdown at the higher level. The NRC is currently zone. near Diablo Canyon . . It also ,,

CD evaluating the licensee's report places the Shoreline fault review in 0 context with the NRC's request that al )>

j '° ..,

l ..

  • The NRC performed a screening and prioritization review of this report and determirn~rl th::it niabln r.anyon screens U.S. nuclear power plants reanalyze seismic hazards based on lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi

.0 CD c:



accident in Japan.

in to do n me '"' 'l 'l r.-J *e seismic -i probablis ; rii a~ 3: mf .ts is due  ::;

(Prepared April 2015) CD Com parison of Hosgri and L TSP - - - - -* ua$0V VI I (he licensee's Spectra to NRC Deterministic reported interin actions, the NRC "O For additional information contact th PJ Evaluation Results determined that the plant is safe to <O operate while the further analysis is Office of Public Affairs. Phone~ (30 CD CJ) being completed. 415-8200 or email:

DIABLO CANYON POWER - Hosgri Earthquake (HE} ground SHORELINE FAULT motion level,. which is based on an PLANT SEISMIC earthquake from the Hosgri fault, BACKGROUND which was discovered in 1971 .

);;>. The HE ground motion level is

  • Nuclear power plant designs 0.75g peak ground acceleration consider earthquake effects by anchored at 100 Hz based on a providing margins against ground 7.5 magnitude earthquake 5 motion levels at the plant site. kilometers from the site

- The ground motion levels show >- Diablo Canyon's design was how much energy (measured in modified so that sufficient

'g,' or percent of Earth's gravity) is equipment survives the. HE to transmitted at different shaking safely shutdown the plant and frequencies keep the nuclear fuel cool Designers use ground motion

  • Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP}

levels to analyze how structures and equipment respond during an - The plant's original license earthquake required seismic reevaluation in 1O years

  • Diablo Canyon is licensed to three earthquake. ground motions (most The LTSP was initiated to meet plants have two) this license condition

- Design Earthquake (DE) ground - The LTSP spectrum has been

  • In November of 2008 , plant owner Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) motion is the biggest earthquake used to evaluate seismic margins informed the NRG it had identified a the plant is allowed to continue previously unknown fault during operating through collaborative research. with the U.S.

);;>. The DE ground motion level is Geological Survey (USGS}

0.2g anchored at 100 Hz

  • The Shoreline fault is approximately Double Design Earthquake (ODE) , 600. meters from the reactor and 300 ground motion is the shaking level meters offshore at. which all safety related
  • The NRC's first assessment of the equipment must remain functional Shoreline fault was detailed in Research Information Letter (R IL)

~ The ODE ground motion level is09-001 .. "Preliminary Deterministic double the amplitude of the DE Analysis of Seismic Hazard at Diablo (0.4g peak ground acceleration. 00 Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from anchored at 100 Hz) DI 10 100 f rfqUen<)' (H 7) Newly Identified 'Shoreline. Fault""

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:27 Apr 2015 12:45 :57 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane


FYT: Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Attachments:diablo canyon brochure revision 6.docx Fyi. . .

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:34 AM To: Gibson, Lauren Cc: Hill, Brittain; Vega, Frankie


Comment on the Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Lauren ,

Britt Hill had a new graphic with additional curves on it. We will probably need to add the GMRS and consider incorporation of the LSTP margin assessment.

Scott Flanders, Mohamed Shams, Yong Li , and Kamal Manoly are planning to travel for the end-of-cycle meeting June 24. Ahead of the meeting we should share with them for comment.

SPRA report will be due June 2017.

Thanks, Nick From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 8:21 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


FW: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo canyon seismic brochure

Nick, Have you been able to look at this yet? I think the time has come.
Thanks, Lauren From: Gibson, Lauren Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 4:56 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure

Nick, I took the liberty of updating this brochure as if the screening and prioritization review were already completed . All that's needed is to put in the due date for SPRA. There seems to be

quite a large number of people to coordinate with in this: your branch , DORL, Region 4, and NRO, so it should probably go into circulation for comment soon . We don't want to get ahead of the screening and prioritization , but I want to be ready to go so we can use this tool as soon as the initial review is completed.

When do you think I should send it to the others? I thought you should get the first crack at it.

Thanks, Lauren From: Uselding, Lara .

Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 9:32 AM To: Bowman, Gregory Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Great news Greg , thanks and we appreciate the support.

Lara From : Bowman, Gregory Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 7:29 AM To: Uselding, Lara Cc: Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Jackson, Diane; Oesterle, Eric; Markley, Michael; Lingam, Siva; Sebrosky, Joseph; Gibson, Lauren


RE: question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure

Lara, Lauren will take the lead for helping out with preparing for the meeting and pulling together the communication tools to support it. She'll coordinate with NRO , JHMB, DORL, and Region IV on that. I asked her to get in touch with you to discuss specifics, including timing of the meeting, so.

you should be hearing from her shortly.

Greg From: Sebrosky, Joseph Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 6:53 AM To: Bowman, Gregory; Gibson, Lauren; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Lingam, Siva; Markley, Michael; Oesterle, Eric; Jackson, Diane Cc: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Williams, Megan; Alexander, Ryan; Whaley, Sheena


question: how to help RIV with request regarding Diablo Canyon seismic brochure Greg, Lauren , Nick, Mike, Siva, Eric, and Diane, The purpose of this email is to inform you of a request from RIV regarding possibly updating the attached brochure that we used in the past to communicate Diablo Canyon seismic issues. The inquiry for possibly updating the brochure can be found in the email below. A second purpose is to provide a proposal for updating the brochure that would involve JLD, NRO and RIV resources. Any insights you might have on the best way of updating the brochure (if it is

deemed appropriate to do so) based on the information below on how the brochure was put together would be helpful.

The attached brochure was developed by me as the Diablo PM with help from Annie Kammerer, Cliff Munson, Chris Cook, RIV staff (including Neil O'Keefe, Christie Hale, Megan Williams and Lara Uselding), and the JLD (Barry Miller). It was. part of a broader effort to communicate seismic information to the public at a Fall 2012 public meeting. Barry, Annie, and Chris, all had poster boards that they developed along with the attached brochure and they attended the Fall 2012 public meeting. The. brochure and several poster boards from the Fall 2012 meeting are still available on the RIV sharepoint link (see

From my perspective, I understand the request below is limited to updating the attached brochure, I just wanted to give everyone that was not involved with the Fall 2012 public meeting an idea of how the seismic communication tools were developed (it was truly a team effort). For what it is worth my suggestion to update the brochure would include the following (the 4 megabyte word file is available on the RIV sharepoint link):

  • Me or Lauren Gibson work with Megan Williams to take a first crack at updating the brochure based on the Diablo's March 2015 seismic reevaluation information o Megan has the technical background on Diablo seismic issues and is an outstanding source of information
  • Have the revised brochure. reviewed for technical. content by Nick DiFrancesco (JLD seismic reevaluation lead PM) , Diane Jackson (NRO seismic branch chief - Diane can determine which NRO staff, if any, need to review the updated brochure for technical content) and RIV projects staff o Revise the brochure as appropriate based on comments from JLD, NRO, and RIV projects staff Please let me know if you have any questions about the above and feedback on the proposal if it is determined that updating the brochure is appropriate.
Thanks, Joe Sebrosky Senior Project Manager:

Japan Lessons-Learned Division Off ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 301-415-1132 From: OPA4 Resource Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 5:34 PM To: Gibson, Lauren; Sebrosky, Joseph Cc: Burnell, Scott


Hello Lauren and Joe-

Back in 2012 when we issued the RIL, we handed out the attached brochure. I forget who there at HQ put it together but it's been a super handy resource to pass out to public and the media. I thought it would be useful if we update it with 1) verbiage once the March submittals come 2)any necessary updates and take. it with. us this year to our meeting. Can you assist with this or point me to right person to work with?

I am no longer pursuing a video so this would provide a helpful overview of Oiablo Canyon seismic..

Thanks, Lara Uselding

Sent:24 Apr 2015 18:39:46 +0000 To:Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne;Uselding, Lara;Maier, Bill


FYI: Draft of WUS Screening and Pdoritization Letter Attachments: Redline~ Western US Screening and Prio1itization letter.docx, lnfo POP Western US Screening Letter rev5.docx

Folks, Current WUS seismic screening letter. Beginning management review in NRR and NRO. It generally mirrors the CEUS screening letter from May 9, 2014.

Attached is the current POP that will be updated for senior management briefings. I plan to schedule in the near future a NRR ET and include the R-IV management brief.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:08 PM To: Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Cho, Esther Cc: Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford; Vega, Frankie; Burnell, Scott; Lent, Susan


~ Draft of WUS Screening and PrioritizatiOll Letter ~le'Q)

Folks, Attached is the WUS Screening and Priorization Letter. Along with Frankie's and technical staff efforts the letter is ready for management review.

Attachment 2 - redline markup shows changes from the CEUS May 9, 2014 letter.

Items for Management Awareness :

  • Discusses acceptability of Oiablo Canyon and Palo Verde interim actions in lieu of ESEP
  • Discusses limited scope evaluation schedule for Group 1 WUS Sites only
  • No discussion of SPRA schedule relaxation (suggest to discuss with licensees when results are communicated)

Attachment 4 - Current Management POP and Communication Plan Timeline

Esther, Attachment 1 is ready for ADAMS add.
Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRG would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRG provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1 : Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach) . The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

I The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

I The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRG staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the. endorsed SPID guidance . .

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50.54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations including estimated seismic risk. Additionally, the. submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRG staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic. margins.

supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The licensees for Diablo. Canyon and Palo. Verde provided interim evaluations in lieu. of completing of the Expedited Approach . These licensees have demonstrated seismic margins that met the intent of the Expedited Approach review.

For Columbia, the interim evaluation provided in March 2015 is a first step in assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term, by January 2016,.

Columbia will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate. and identify reinforcements,. if necessary, for certain equipment to ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic ground motion.

SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRG staff's initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake. (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This results in a curve of ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRG staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-10 Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations

-. 3 -.

ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1O Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is. the focus for this portion of the risk evaluation , as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further. seismic risk evaluations.
  • If the GMRS, in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the. Interim Evaluation) .. Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.

In addition,. if the. GMRS meets the. low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID ,. and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above. 10. Hz, then the. licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible. to that specific range of ground motion. . provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 and by letter dated February 20, 2014, the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the. 30-day review period under certain circumstances .. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be. needed. In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models. and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during the. NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo. Verde additional time and interactions. will be. required to better understandthe. seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional evaluations . . Palo Verde has. been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority 5

Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

for further evaluations and establish. schedule. for an Expedited Approach, if. necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e., spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three. groups6 , which (i) reflects the. relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing. and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the. new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS). to the. SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to. the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in the 1-10 Hz range that are generally higher in absolute magnitude. Group 1 plants including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June 30, 2017.

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance in the. 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After. further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on the. staffs screening review the licensee for Columbia should. finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 2016. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders to assess acceptable alternatives for conducting these evaluations. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations. The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

can. complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1. plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic. hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such, the NRG staff will continue its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review . . The. staff has. placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations.

Initial interactions. with licensees. will occur as soon as. practicable. The NRG staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic. hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv

NAME NDiFrancesco Sl ent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/15 I /15 I /15 I /15 I /15 OFFICE NRO/ DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/ D NAME SFlanders BHarris JDavis WDean DATE I /1 5 I. /15 . I. /15 I .. /15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under No. Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seism ic Risk Limited-scope Evaluations.

Expedited Screening Evaluation High Low Spent Fuel Plant Name Approach Result (Prioritization Frequency Frequency Pool Evaluation Group) Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Columbia Generating Station In x 1 x x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 In 1 x x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional Station , Units. 1, 2, and 3 3 x x in Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 1O.. 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:2 1 May 201 52 1:14:05 +0000 To:Burnell , Scott;Maier, Bill ;Uselding, Lara;Moreno, Angel Cc:Alexander, Ryan;Walker, Wayne;Lingam, Siva;Vega, Franki e;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed;Hipschman, Thomas;Markley, Michael;Hill, Brittain


FYI: Future Issuance of Diablo Canyon R2. l Seismic Meeting Summary Attachments:Summary of April 28th Meeting with PGE_5.docx Meeting summary is publicly available as Folks, ML15125A186.

FYI: The following meeting summary will be issued regarding the April 28 - Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic public meeting COB Wednesday May 27, 2015. The summary closes two public comments received related to the webcast.

Open ADAMS P8 Document (Summary of April 28, 2015, Category 1 Public Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Discuss Diablo Canyon's Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Associated with Implementation of Japan Lessons-Learned Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1, Seismic)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

DiFrancesco. Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 19 May 2015 19:05:51 +0000 To:'Gene Nelson, Ph.D.'

Cc: Vega, Frankie


Incorporation of Public Comment Or. Nelson, Appreciate the public comment. Apologizes in the delay in response, the staff has received a number of public comments for review as part of the meeting. Below is the staff summary of your comment:

The staff received a comment from Dr. Gene Nelson (Californians for Green Nuclear Power) via email during the meeting. The NRG staff inadvertently missed the opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Nelson's. comment during the meeting. According to Dr.

Nelson, Diablo Canyon has favorable site conditions, which attenuate or dissipate earthquake energy over relatively short distances. Due to this favorable condition , the primary earthquake forces seen by the plant would be dominated by nearby earthquake sources and energy transmitted to the plant would be dominated by the small section of the earthquake rupture closest to the plant. Dr. Nelson stated that when considering the information presented at the meeting of overall plant ruggedness and the seismic hazard insights discussed above, Diablo Canyon continues to operate safely.

Please let Frankie and I know if you have proposed correction by May 21 , 2015.

Thanks, Nick

Original Message-----

From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. [mailtol(bl( l 5

h Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 7:39 PM To: DiFrancesco , Nicholas


Reminder: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. is still awaiting the summary of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP Importance: High

Dear Nicholas:

I'm still awaiting the summary for my review of the 28 April 2015 NRG meeting on DCPP that documents my participation in the meeting. Do you know when I will be able to review that document?

You may also be interested in the 231 pages of submissions as of 11 May 2015 to the California Energy Commission (CEC) docket 15-IEPR-12 regarding Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I wrote or assembled about 99% of the written exhibits. Upon request, I'll email you a 5-page summary of those exhibits .

Thanks! Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San Luis Obispo, CA

>Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08 :55:27 -0700

>To: "DiFrancesco, Nicholas" <>

>From: "Gene Nelson, Ph.D." 1<0 ><6 > ~

>Subft(t* Examnle DCPP N11f lear Safety Discussions by Gene Nelson, Ph.D.

>Beet >><5) _

>Nicholas DeFrancesco

>US Nuclear Regulatory Commission


>(301) 415-1 115


>30 April 2015

>I appreciate your telephone call to me yesterday regarding my not being

>a telephonic participant in the NRC DCPP seismic safety review on 28

>April 2015. I look forward to reviewing a draft of my contributions to

>the 28 April 2015 DCPP seismic safety review in the upcoming NRC


>I sincerely hope there will be more effort focused on public outreach

>to help interested non-expert participants understand future NRC

>reviews of DCPP safety. As a physical sciences professor at Cuesta

>College - and recently an engineering professor at California .

>Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, I recognize the

>importance of public outreach. As a consequence, I have provided

>citizen testimony at NRC field hearings, Diablo Canyon Independent

>Safety Committee hearings, California Coastal Commission hearings,

>California State Water Resources Control Board hearings, and California

>Energy Commission hearings. A Google search of both phrases "Diablo.

>Canyon Power Plant" and "Gene Nelson" shows 19 results, "DCPP" and

>"Gene Nelson" shows 13 results, and "CGNP" and "Gene Nelson" showed 12


>As an example of my outreach, please see my current exchange with Rod

>Deyo, Ph.D. in the attachment. His Ph.D. is in mathematics.

> Rod and I both graduated from

>Harvey. Mudd College. in 1973.

>I'm interested in your perspectives.

>Gene Nelson, Ph.D. San

>Luis Obispo, CA1<0><6 > !cell

Sent:24 Apr 2015 20:01:37 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph


Many thanks! RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides

Yosef, Have a good weekend. Appreciate the prompt review.

Sincerely, Nick From : Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 3:59 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Nick.

Yosef. Lindell.

Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301 -4 15-1474 MOTI C E

  • This iWil il illi'Q ilRf i\tiil6RQ2ifilt8 M!!i)' Hfill!iifil 88FlfiieF1tieJ ;0 :M9Ff19) elie1 :t er 1914101I :CJ Wo:lc P1ee~et  :::11te1 i11l. Qu ::ct aisclosc oatsiac tJAS :: itlibal 80111111issia11 app1oeal.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:31 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Vega, Frankie; Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan; Alexander, Ryan; Walker, Wayne; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane


For OPA and OGC Review: Near-final DCPP Slides Scott, Lara, OGG, Current working draft of slides. Let me know if have questions with messages. I plan to start processing for public release about 9:30 am Monday.

OGG, I don't see items that should impact ongoing hearings. - content relates to NTTF 2.1 Seismic.

only. Mostly from information from the public domain.

Thanks, Nick

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 12:58 PM To: Kock, Andrea; Jackson, Diane; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


Comments on DCPP slides

Folks, I added a slide 16 based on the bullets below. Written to avoid getting ahead of senior management and public affairs.

Proposed Bullets are:

Forthcoming Seismic Screening Letter

  • Issuance of letter for WUS sites in - 2 weeks
  • Diablo Canyon has screened-in for further risk evaluations and is a review priority
  • No immediate safety issues identified
  • Information supports safety assurance allowing additional time to complete the seismic risk evaluation
Thanks, Nick From: Kock, Andrea Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 11:56 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


RE: For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Slides look good to me. I would be sure to clarify a few things in your talking points if you have not already:

(1) Where are we in the process for Diablo- they screened themselves in and we are evaluating their hazard (2) They submitted an interim evaluation and based on this and other. information we. have, there is no immediate safety issue. This information provide additional safety assurance for us to take additional time to evaluate their risk evaluation and determine what regulatory actions. are needed if any Andrea Kock, Deputy Director, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD 301-415-2368

From: Jackson, Diane Sent:. Friday, April 24, 2015 8:56 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Kock, Andrea; Flanders, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Chokshi, Nilesh; Harrison, Donnie; Shams, Mohamed Cc: Spence, Jane


For comment: Preliminary Slides for DCPP meeting Good morning all - Please find attached, for your review and comment, the staff introductory slides. Right now, I am giving these.

Mohamed and Nick, your review and comment are requested as well. Once we have comments back, then we can send to the licensee.

I am also thinking on additional/alternative context. We don't want this part to be too long. The talking points are not updated. I will be working on them today. If you want to add bullets or ideas as suggestions for me to work into the slide message, please add them .

Diane fi>imie ~cm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)

Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 03; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One M ission

Sent:23 Apr 2015 13:50:37 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon;Jackson, Diane;Shams, Mohamed ;Manoly, Kamal;Li, Yong;Walker, Wayne;Lingarn, Siva;Uselding, Lara;Alexander, Ryan;Roth(OGC),

David;Lindell , Joseph ;Uttal, Susan;Moreno, Angel Cc:Kock, Andrea;Flanders, Scott;Bowen, Jeremy;MarkJey, Michael ;Rivera-Lugo, Richard;Hayes, Barbara;Hill, Brittain;NTTF R2.1_2.3 CAL Resource Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07C01- 15p


Prep meeting for Diablo Canyon Webcast (888-817-9392 PCl(bl( 5l I)

Attachments: PG&E Email.docx, 4 15 Public Notice.pdf, Potential Q As for April 3020 15 COM_BEH.DOCX


Prep Meeting to support Diablo Canyon Webcast on April 28 (888-817-9392 PC:l(bl( 5J ~


  • a:-*I~rs=-:?

I Agenda:

1. Meeting Notice Agenda -
a. Bridgeline Setup
i. 1 assisted bridgeline - queue for one question or comment ii. 1 open bridgeline for.licensee and R-IV
b. Attached Agenda
c. NRC Planned. Introduction to 2.1 and DC Seismic. Hazard Reviews
2. NRC Technical Questions (PGE Email to be Public April 23, 2015)
3. Public.Availability of Slides on Monday April 27, 2015
d. Licensee Slides to NRC Sunday April 26, 2015.
e. Slides to OCA and RSLO (Angel and Maier) - April 27.
4. Awareness of Open Contentions [OGC]
f. Content ion related t o SSHAC
g. Contention CLB.
h. Contention related to renewal
5. Discussion of Roles and Responsibility for Public Questions ITopics Primary Responsibility

Current Licensing and Design Basis, M. Markley, [B . Hill Y. Li], N.

USFAR DiFrancesco Inspection or Compliance M . Markley or R-IV over bridgeline Renewal NA - No renewal staff General R2. l Proces Questions N. DiFrancesco or DSEA Sei mic Que tion C. Munson, J Ake, B Hi ll Off Topic Questions N. Difrancesco

Thanks, Nick

April 22, 2015 Potential Commission Q&As April 30, 2015, Update on NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic

1. Are there plants that exceed 2X SSE? Why does the expedited approach only consider ground motions up to two times higher than the plant's design?

Yes, there are several plants that exceed their Safe Shutdown Earthquake by more than two times.

If. a re-evaluated seismic hazard is greater than the plant's design basis, completion of the expedited approach provided additional confidence that a plant can cope with the higher hazard. This information builds on the interim evaluations that were submitted to NRC in March 2014, which. showed that the plants were very unlikely. to experience core-damage at the higher hazard levels. T he expedited approach is designed to show that important equipment used to safely shut-down a plant will function as intended if a large earthquake occurs .. The expedited. approaches were completed by licensees in December 2014, and the NRC staff is reviewing these submittals. In general, licensees used a simplified method to analyze how safe shut-down equipment responds to the. re-evaluated ground motions. This method scales the plant's original engineering analyses to a higher level of ground motion, up to two times the plant's design basis. By using this scaling method, licensees could promptly determine if important safe-shutdown equipment is safe or needs additional modification .

If a plant's re-evaluated hazard exceeds two times its design basis, the plant is categorized as either. Priority Group 1 or Group 2 for completion, of a seismic probabilistic risk assessment. For these risk assessments, licensees will use detailed engineering models that are based directly on the re-evaluated levels of ground motion for the plant. However, the first of these detailed risk assessments aren't expected until June, 2017. T he NRC determined that the simplified method used in the expedited approach was appropriate, because it provided near-term information on the. functionality of important safety equipment at a higher hazard level years before the longer-term risk assessments could be completed.

2. If ESEP assures safety, what additional insights do we need from a PRA? How many sites provided modifications in the ESEP submittals? Does that give us insights regarding which sites need to do PRAs?

The longer-term seismic risk evaluations provide the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend design or licensing basis or make additional satety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in

conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. In contrast, the ESEP analyses provide an important intermediate step in demonstrating plant safety for the re-evaluated seismic hazard.

The interim analyses provided an overall plant-level assessment of seismic safety.

The ESEP analyses give a more focused assessment of the ability of safe-shutdown equipment to withstand the higher seismic hazards. Although some plant modifications have resulted from the ESEP analyses, the NRG staff does not expect the results of these analyses to modify the need for plants to conduct a seismic PRA.

3. How does ESSP relate to the mitigation strategies rule? How can licensees leverage work on the ESEP for the purposes of mitigation strategies?
4. What are the staff's views on R2.2?. May just. ask what is your personal view.

The staff will use the ongoing 2.1 activities and insight gained to inform our decision on augmenting the current regulatory process with a periodic review of external hazards. Recommendation 2.2 is a Tier 3 activity and a future decision.

5. How many plants need to do additional risk evaluations in response to the newly calculated seismic hazards? Update to indicate that the staff is working with industry to further. refine. which plants. will require. a PRA consistent with our May 9 2013 letter.

Based on the results of the NRC staffs review of the March 31, 2014 submittals, at least 20 CEUS sites will need to conduct the detailed seismic risk evaluations (either the seismic probabilistic risk assessment or the seismic margins analysis) during the next several years MAY 2014 Letter Count:

10. plants screened into priority Group 1,
11. plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in ,

22.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 13.5 plants that conditionally screened in.

16.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations Updated as of September 2014 1O plants screened into priority Group 1, 11 plants total screened into Group 2, including 1 conditional screen-in, 13.5 plants screened into Group 3, including 2.5 plants that conditionally screened in.

24.5 plants screened out of performing additional risk seismic evaluations 1 deferred - Vermont Yankee (permanent shutdown in 4 th quarter 2014)

We will determine where the remaining conditional sites will screen very soon.

6. How can we be sure that the information provided in 2014 on seismic hazards remains applicable when PRAs are submitted close to 2020?

The information submitted to the NRG in March of 2014 was a request for information [(50.54(f) request)] linked to Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 .. These reevaluations provide the current site-specific seismic hazard information to the NRG. The NRG staff will review and issue assessments on the licensee's.

reevaluated seismic hazard by the mid-year 2015. Priority Group 1 plants are performing risk evaluations, which. are due. in June of 201 7 . . Risk evaluations. for Group 2 plants are due at the end of 2019 and Group 3 evaluations, if needed, are due at the end of 2020. The staff will also review the insights gained from Recommendation 2 activities inform our decision on Recommendation 2.2 to determine if licensees need to confirm seismic hazard information on a periodic basis . .

7. Since the hazard information is always changing, what regulatory assurance do licensees have that the hazard they are using for their PRAs will be acceptable?

NRG understands that the seismic PRAs are. complex investigations that will take.

licensees several years to complete, and that the reevaluated seismic hazards are an intrinsic part of these analyses. Late last year, the NRG staff informed licensees that if there were no outstanding questions {i.e., RAls) on their March 2014 submittals, the licensees should move forward with using their seismic hazards in their PRA calculations. The staff is beginning to make final review determinations on the March 2014 seismic hazard submittals, with Group l plants having highest priority for completion. The staff expects that these review determinations will be completed in late 2015.

8. Will the schedule for review of the WUS allow PRAs to be completed on time?

The NRG staff will use the same approach as for CEUS plants and will communicate to W US licensees as soon as practicable about using their March 2015 seismic hazards in their seismic PRAs. If a WUS plant screen-in as priority Group 1, the plant will need to complete the seismic PRA no later than June 2017. Licensees for both the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Columbia Generating Station have seismic PRA programs ongoing, and have not indicated that they would be unable to meet completion deadlines.

9. Why are plants in the western United States (WUS) on a different and longer schedule than plants in the central and eastern United States?

The Columbia, Diablo Canyon , and Palo Verde plants required additional time to develop an updated, site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis due to the West Coast's complex seismic features. In developing probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, CEUS sites were able to use the same recently developed seismic source model and a common ground motion model (see Attachment 3). As a result, CEUS plants needed less time to. complete their seismic hazard re-evaluations. West Coast

site-specific seismic sources and ground motion models involve a Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) study, as described in NUREG/CR-6372, "Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis : Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts." The SSHAC is a group of independent seismic experts who were convened in the 1990's to develop guidance on the conduct of major seismic studies, and ensure that seismic activities are conducted properly and documented completely.

The SSHAC process is independent of the NRC's seismic experts. The NRC must approve any studies, models, methodologies, analyses etc. used by nuclear power plants if they form the. basis for safety assessments and where the. NRG needs to make regulatory decisions affecting their operating license. Further, although the NRC does carefully consider comments and recommendations from the SSHAC, as an independent regulatory body, NRC is not held to any decisions made by the SSHAC.

10. Will the staff complete it's review of the WUS reevaluated hazards in time to support implementation of mitigative strategies? Why or why not?
11. The CEUS screening process was completed in 30 days. Why is screening for the WUS taking longer?

The screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations will likely take 30- 60 days to accomplish , because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. Compared to the CEUS submittals, the WUS submittals contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, the WUS submittals are much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before. the seismic hazard reevaluations. were.


12. The staff sent a CA note to the Commission this. fall indicating. that the SFP evaluations would continue to be conducted. Why is this evaluation needed given the extent of previous study in this area and the findings from the recent RES. scoping study?

As discussed in the CA note, the planned SFP evaluation provides an additional plant-specific, systematic, and traceable investigation of the significance of the newly evaluated seismic hazard. The staff concluded that available risk insights were insufficient to support modification or elimination of the SFP evaluation, in large part because it was not possible to relate plant-specific changes in seismic hazard to changes in SFP risk. As a result of the SFP evaluation, licensees are expected to confirm the applicability of available generic analyses to their plant-specific conditions, and enhance the technical basis used by NRC for decisions on the seismic safety of SFP storage systems.

13. Why didn't the CEUS licensee's submit new SCDF numbers? How can the industry say that nobody is above 10-4/year? What does 10"4/year mean for plant safety?

Seismic core damage frequency (SCDF) is a numerical estimate of risk and provides a representative indication of plant safety. The March 12, 2012, 50.54(f) requested information stated that plant's where the re-evaluated hazard exceeds the design basis should submit and interim evaluation or actions. To support plant responses to the 50.54(f) request, industry independently assessed SCDF for all of the CEUS plants and provided the results to NRC in a March 12, 2014 letter. This assessment is similar to the NRC's preliminary seismic risk assessments for Gl-199. The 4

10* /year value demonstrates that current understandings of seismic hazard do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety, and that plants should continue to operate while more rigorous risk evaluations are completed.

The CEUS licensees, as part of the March 31 , 2014, submittals, confirmed that the industry conclusions for their facility are accurate. The NRC reviewed this information as part of the staffs assessment of licensee interim actions and evaluations, and agrees that the re-evaluated seismic hazards do not represent an immediate concern to plant safety.

14. Do we have similar risk information for WUS as was submitted for the CEUS (as indicated in #13) interim evaluation to demonstrate that WUS plants are safe while risk evaluations are completed?

The March 2015 WUS submittals included interim evaluations for the Diablo Canyon and Columbia plants. Diablo Canyon used the results of previously completed seismic margin analyses to show that the plant was. designed with sufficient margin to cope with the higher seismic hazard levels. Similar to CEUS plants, Columbia used updated core-damage frequency calculations to demonstrate the plant could cope with the higher seismic hazard. The Palo Verde submittal did not identify seismic hazard exceedances with the plant's design basis, and provided additional information showing the reevaluated seismic hazard did not exceed a 1.25 factor of safety above the plant's SSE. For all 3 WUS plants, the NRC staff believes that sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that these plants are safe to operate while additional risk evaluations are completed.

15. What is the likelihood of the design basis earthquake or "SSE" ground motions being exceeded over the life of a nuclear plant?

The ground motion response spectra forming the seismic design bases at U.S.

nuclear plants are called the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) . SSEs for operating nuclear power plants were established many years ago. Today's understanding of seismic hazard tells us there is some likelihood that a plant's SSE may be. exceeded by an earthquake ground motion. However, each plant was designed differently according to different licensing SSEs. Therefore, the likelihood of exceedance is plant specific. Meanwh ile, systems, structures and components typically have margin, meaning that they often can withstand shaking levels that are above the plant's design basis.

16. SEP Plants and Enhancements Background URI 156 - Systematic Evaluation Program, considered the review of 51 plants receiving operating licenses before 1976. A sample review of 1O of the older plants were completed as a part of SEP effort. Several of the 137 SEP identified issues were subsumed into A-46 and IPEEE. Standard review plan before 1975.

10 SEP Plants Operating Units Palisades, Ginna, Oyster Creek, Dresden 2, Units in Decommissioning Milestone Unit 1, Yankee Rowe, Haddam Neck, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, and San Onofre Ginna, SONG-1, and Yankee Rowe identified for plant enhancements 41 Non-SEP Plants Vermont Yankee, Maine Yankee, Kewaunee, Fort Calhoun, Zion 1/2, Browns Ferry 1/2, Indian Point 2/3, Peach Bottom 2/3 , Prairie Island 1/2, Duane Arnold, Cooper, Arkansas 1, Calvert Cliffs 1, Cook 1, Hatch 1 , Fitzpatrick, Three Mile Island 1, Brunswick 2, Trojan, Milestone 2

17. Has there been an operating U.S. reactor site that has experienced exceedance of. its. seismic design basis during an earthquake?.

The August 2011 earthquake at North Anna plant in Virgin ia was the first instance of an operating reactor in the United States where recorded ground motion exceeded its design basis in some frequency range. The plant shut down safely, and extensive inspections showed that there was no discernable damage to safety systems. After thorough review of the inspection information, NRC authorized the restart of North Anna in November 2011 . In 1986, earthquake motions at the Perry plant in Ohio exceeded its SSE in limited frequencies during construction, but the plant was found

acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In 1979, the V.C. Summer plant in South Carolina also exceeded its SSE while under construction, but was found acceptable for operation and its license was issued. In all of these cases, the exceedance of ground motion by itself was not an indicator of whether the plant's design limits were exceeded. Also, the plants had much higher capacity than the design basis. As expected , there was no damage to these plants from the earthquakes.

18. Why isn't the NRC immediately shutting down priority 1 plants/plants with higher seismic hazards?

The. prioritization is. not a risk ranking - . more analysis is needed to. determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk. The NRC continues to have confidence, based on our understanding of both reactor design and construction and the results of the plants' seismic "walkdowns," that plants can operate safely while more analyses are done. Nuclear power plant manufacturing and construction methods typically result in a plant having the capacity to withstand earthquakes larger than their design basis earthquake. This is because nuclear power plants are designed to withstand the force of different internal and external events. Many of these events create larger forces on a plant than an earthquake. Plants examined this capacity and demonstrated their safety systems can still perform properly after seismic hazards. larger than those the plant was designed to withstand. The. NRC is satisfied the systems will perform their safety functions at the higher seismic hazard levels, and that the plant can continue operating. NRC staff's initial review of an industry screening analysis and the interim evaluations provided confidence. that none of the plants showed a preliminary change in risk that would cause concern. Consequently, interim actions were not necessary to ensure the systems can function.

In addition to the design margins and interim actions, all plants recently underwent detailed seismic walkdowns. These walkdowns identified and addressed degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions through the corrective action program, and verified the adequacy of the. monitoring and maintenance procedures. NRC reviewed licensee actions to:

  • verify the plant configuration with the current seismic licensing basis;
  • address degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed seismic conditions; and
  • verify the adequacy of monitoring and maintenance programs for protective features.

The results of these walkdowns provide additional confidence that plants can continue to operate safely while longer-term risk assessments progress.

19. How would you characterize the reevaluated hazards of the western sites. in comparison to the CEUS sites? How much has the "needle moved" with regard to the reevlauated WUS hazards?
20. There. are many more earthquakes and active faults in the WUS than in the CEUS, and WUS plants have been designed to withstand. these higher seismic. hazards. Seismic hazards changed. for WUS plants similar to the way hazards changed for CEUS plants. For Palo Verde, the licensee reports that the reevaluated seismic hazard is smaller than the design basis SSE for the plant. For Diablo Canyon and Columbia, the reevaluated hazards can be up to about 2.5x the SSE, which is comparable to some CEUS Group 2 plants. Are there seismic monitors on site?

Yes. The NRC requires nuclear power plants to maintain operating seismic monitors on site.

21. Are there seismic trips installed on US plants?

As required by their Technical Specifications, Diablo Canyon has an installed seismic trip. No other US operating nuclear plant has installed seismic trips ,

22. How does the U.S approach and timelines for response to seismic Fukushima issues align with other countries?
23. How will we use the information from risk evaluations to make regulatory decisions on plant modifications or any necessary changes to plant licensing bases?

Once the SPRA analyses are completed, the NRC wi ll use these results along with other available risk information to determine if additional regulatory actions are needed to provide additional protection against the updated seismic hazards. The NRC staff expects that the results of the SPRA analyses will provide a transparent basis to support backfit decisions for. potential safety enhancements.


1. Why is Diablo Canyon safe to operate today?

In support of the requested interim evaluation for Diablo Canyon, PG&E provided a comparison of the reevaluated GMRS to ground motions based on the 1988 Long Term Seismic Program (LTSP). As part of the LTSP, PG&E determined that structures, systems and components at Diablo Canyon can safely withstand ground motions that are at least 1.35 times larger than the LTSP median ground motion.

The NRC staff had previously reviewed the LTSP analyses and determined they were acceptable. Although the reevaluated GMRS exceeds Diablo. Canyon's. SSE, these ground motions do not exceed the minimum 1.35 factor of safety" in Diablo Canyon's design. After reviewing this information, NRC determined that the DCPP remains safe to operate while additional seismic risk evaluations are being

conducted. Diablo Canyon has been screened-in as a priority Group 1 plant and a detailed risk evaluation is expected to be submitted to the NRC by June 30, 2017.

2. Have seismic hazards been increasing or decreasing when new analyses are done at DCPP?

In 2011, information from the Shoreline and other faults was used in deterministic analyses of seismic hazard at DCPP, which showed ground motions were bounded by the previous Hosgri design-basis and LTSP ground motions .. PG&E updated these deterministic analyses with new information (AB 1632) in 2014. The 2014 seismic hazards were higher than calculated in 2011, but still bounded by Hosgri and LTSP. The latest probabilistic. analyses. are even higher than calculated in 2014, and slightly exceed the Hosgri ground motions at some low (1 .5 Hz) and high (>25 Hz) frequencies. Nevertheless, DCPP has a well-established margin in its design that can cope with such small increases in seismic hazard above the plant's design basis.

The science of seismic hazards analysis have advanced considerably since Diablo Canyon was first designed. The 2015 analyses use currently available science, along with current NRC regulations and guidance, to characterize potential seismic hazards at this site. The 2015 analyses now consider, for example, the likelihood that earthquakes could occur on seismic sources and the possibility that slip on one fault might trigger slip on nearby faults. These considerations appear to contribute to the observed increase in calculated seismic. hazard for the DCPP site.

3. What is the impact of this new information on seismic design and licensing of DCPP? Has the licensee entered this new information into the corrective action program and performed an operability evaluation? Needs to be updated As stated in the March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter, the seismic hazard reevaluations conducted in Phase 1 do not revise the design basis of the plant. Based upon the results of Phase 1, the. NRC staff will determine whether additional regulatory actions are necessary (e.g., update the design basis and SSCs important to safety) to provide additional protection against the updated hazards.

In their March 2015 submittal, PG&E provided an interim evaluation that shows the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazards. This interim evaluation documents the specific seismic design characteristics of the DCPP , and summarizes analyses that demonstrate the plant has a sufficient design margin to safely cope with the reevaluated hazards. The March 12, 2012 50.54(f) letter considered the requested seismic hazard reevaluations to be outside the design basis of the plant, and the reevaluations were not expected to initiate an additional operability evaluation.

4. How will the AB 1632 seismic report be coordinated with the 50.54(f) required submittal in March 2015? What does. Diablo's submitted reevaluated hazard


Much of the new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling from the AB 1632 report was used to develop the March 2015 submittal. To consider how this new information affects seismic hazard, PG&E had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) using a very detailed, multi-year process. This process, from the Senior Seismic Hazards Analysis Committee (SSHAC, NUREG/CR-6372), evaluates the center, body and range of available information to rigorously calculate seismic hazards at a site.

(If asked what things the plant has done since Fukushima : It is important to note that OCPP is an industry leader in implementing FLEX which was a post-Fukushima industry initiative to have extra equipment available remotely in the event of a beyond design basis event).


6. Why didn't the NRC discover the length of the faults when it did its seismic review of. the Shoreline fault in 2011 prior to issuing the AIL?.

California Assembly Bill 1632 (Blakeslee, Chapter 722, Statutes of 2006) directs the California Energy Commission to assess the potential vulnerability of California's largest base-load power plants, Oiablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, to a major disruption due to a seismic event or plant aging; to assess the impacts of such a disruption on system reliability, public safety, and the economy; to assess the costs and impacts from nuclear waste accumulating at these plants; and to evaluate other major issues related to the future role of these plants in the state's energy portfolio. The licensee has used the most state-of-the-art 20 and 30 geophysical mapping techniques, which are commonly used in offshore petroleum resource exploration. These techniques provide higher-resolution data than what was available to characterize the Shoreline Fault in the 2011 report.

The NRG has requested licensees of operating nuclear power reactors to submit a seismic hazard reevaluation using up-to-date methodologies and analyses which is due for OCPP in March 2015.

7. There is high public interest in the reevaluated seismic hazard at Oiablo Canyon.

How have we ensured that this complicated topic is clearly communicated to the public surrounding the plant?

Sent: l May 2015 18:49:27 +0000 To:Proffitt, Andrew


RE: Diablo Public Meeting It was a straight forward meeting . . Great meeting for staff technical exchange and understanding of the submittal. Diablo Seismic analysis is at least a decade ahead of everyone else in the fleet.

-Nick From: Proffitt, Andrew Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 2:38 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Diablo Public Meeting Any key insights or take-aways from the Diablo public meeting earlier this week?.

J. Andrew Proffitt U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical. Assistant NRR/JLD (301) 415-1418

Sent:29 May 2015 17:26:55 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie


RE: FYI. ... FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Call or send an email to Diane and Stephanie to schedule some SRB time to review the letter and the request. I'll review the MS Order Alignment Section and back revisions.

From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:19 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: FYl....FW: Proposed 2. 1 Seismic Task Tracker more interest from management ahhh!

Have you heard from Diane on this and if they are planning to engage the SRB? If you haven't heard from her, I'll follow up with her early next week.

Thanks From:. Difrancesco, Nicholas.

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:07 PM To: Vega, Frankie


FYI.. .. FW: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker FYI .. only your letter made the cut.

Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega) (Interest NRR/ET Commission)

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:06 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Proffitt, Andrew


RE: Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker Let us go with the Diablo Canyon one only for now. The August dates are too far out for now.

Thx From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 10: 12 AM To: Shams, Mohamed Cc: Proffitt, Andrew


Proposed 2.1 Seismic Task Tracker

Mohamed, If you approve, I propose the following be added to the action tracker.

Issue SPRA Relief or Alternatives Letter (August 30) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR ET)

Issue. HF Endorsement Letter (August 30). [Owner:Wyman] (Interest NRR. ET)

Diablo Canyon Acknowledge on ESEP (June 19) [Owner: Vega] (Interest NRR/ ET Commission)

Watts Bar 2 JLD OL Appendix Input (June 5) [Owner: DiFrancesco] (Interest NRR/ET Commission)

Thanks, Nick From :. Shams, Mohamed .

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:55 AM To: Uribe, Juan; NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution


RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Juan - thanks very much for the background. That was very helpful.

All - I spoke with Andrew and he said just send him an email with the action and he will update the tracker. That is what other branches do. The description Juan had below is perfect to defining the type of information to send to tracker.

Thx Mohamed From :. Uribe, Juan Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:33 AM To: Shams, Mohamed


RE: REQUEST - Update Task Tracker Mo, My $0.02 on this for background purposes was that this table (if it's the one I think it is) and the items within were added and maintained by the previous TA Billy Jessup. To my knowledge, he was. the only one who updated/maintained the. list so that the rest of the division wasn't trying to access and modify it. It was basically his own activity tracker that he then used to keep the directors up to speed. Your item #1 below suggests we may need to start doing it ourselves?

My understanding is that he fed the list based on the discussions from Monday mornings between BCs and JLD management as well as other meetings he attended within the Division and LTI ET. He would then do the rounds with his list asking for updates to prepare for the following Monday. It basically captured high level items that had a divisional impact. Below is a excerpt from one of the TA docs that details what the tracker (again , if it's the one Im thinking it is) is for:

o Focus is primarily on the JLD Task Tracker ( jld/Lists/Tasks/ All ltems.aspx)

  • The Task Tracker is used to maintain awareness of due dates for high-level actions and activities in the division including controlled correspondence, EDO and Commission-level information requests, assistance to internal and external stakeholders (i.e., presentation

requests), meeting preparations, and other items added at the request of JLD management.

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 9:14 AM To: NRR_JLD_JHMB Distribution


REQUEST - Update Task Tracker All - In the management meeting on Monday mornings, we go over the task tracker assessing the status of upcoming tasks for the division. I have noticed, and was also told, that our branch does not have any tasks on the list. Or at a minimum, our tasks are not up-to-date. I don't know to what degree you are aware of that task tracker and have updated it in the past. I also don't know the threshold of the tasks that go on the tracker-although I have a feel tor it. Two request: (1 ) please start/continue to update the tracker with our tasks, and (2) if you need clarification on the type of tasks to add to the list, please reach out to Andrew Proffitt. The examples that come to my mind that should have been tracked include: COMSECY on flooding action plan , WUS screening letter, VY 2.1/2.3/9.3 closure letter, and IA extension letter. No worries .. .everything was tracked regardless.

Many thanks, Mohamed

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:l4 May 2015 18:24:29 +0000 To:Vega, Frankie Cc: Hill ,. Brittain


References fo r Di ablo Letter Prep on Expedited Approach Response

Frankie, To start the Diablo Letter and confirm technical assignment, I think we general ly need the following references. We probably should handle Palo Verde separately (in a screening letter).
  • NRC response letter to licensees related to expedited approach commitment change (December 15, 2014)
  • Licensee Integrated Plan (due February 28, 2013) (report page 8 has a statement about will enter reevaluated hazard into CAPs If warranted - designed to CLB)
  • NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for WUS Licensees (May 13, 2015)

Reference and Background from Britt:

NRC's. review of the LTSP, and conclusion of its acceptability, are documented in the Diablo Canyon SER rev 34 (1991), which is publically available in ADAMS as ML14279A130 . SSER34 documents NRC staff's thorough review of the LTSP , which includes the margins assessment cited by PG&E in their March 2015 submittal.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of. Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Sent: 15 May 2015 2 1:02:25 +0000 To:Lindell, Joseph;OGCMailCenter Resource Cc:Roth(OGC), David;Uttal, Susan


Thanks ! RE: 'rn:TO' - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - ~ Work Product Thank you ! Have a great weekend.

-Nick From: Lindell, Joseph Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:02 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan


RE ~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E -

OUO Work Product

Nick, Yosef Yosef Lindell Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel OWFN 15 015 301-4 15-1474 14eTleE. Tliis Cll mil u::c:l a: 19 atl!iel 11 ;;e11te 1118)' BBJiil8iJii iiOPfidortiil:I °Uc may qj 02

+ gr Attmne~, Wmk -

P1 eeJtsot Jtt&lc: ial. Bo ::ct disclose outside fJfil8 ooitl 1oat 60111111issio11 app1ova1.

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 2:37 PM To: OGCMailCenter Resource Cc: Lindell, Joseph; Roth(OGC), David; Uttal, Susan


~ - OGC Review? Public Comment on April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E - OUO Work Product OUO VVOIR PIOOOCt

OGC, Don't think this needs review. However, the response below is to Ms. Rochelle Becker, Executive Director, Alliance. for Nuclear Responsibility. Her concerns relate in part to the fidelity of the Diablo Canyon SSHAC and engineering methods.

The propose response is fact based, consistent with the public meeting, and our public staff review plan.

Thanks, Nick 01::10 Wrnk f'1odott From : Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May. 14, 2015 1:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott; Difrancesco, Nicholas; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


RE: Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E One small clarification in green. Rest looks good.

Britt From : Burnell, Scott Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:42 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


. RE: Comments on Draft Response? :::::: Written concerns - April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Minor grammar tweak below.

From : Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:35 PM To: Hill, Brittain; Gibson, Lauren Cc: Shams, Mohamed; Uselding, Lara; Burnell, Scott; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie; Lingam, Siva


Comments on Draft Response?:::::: Written concerns -April 28th, 2015 webcast meeting with PG&E Britt, Lauren ,


Ms. Becker, Thank you for the public comment related to the April 28, 2015, webcast. The staff is aware and following the California Public Utilities Commission's Independent Peer Review Panel activities. The staff review for the Diablo Canyon Seismic Hazard Screening Report is ongoing in support of Near-Term Task Force - Recommendation 2.1: Seismic. We are independently reviewing PG&E's probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, which was developed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee results and process. As you may be aware, on May 13, 2015, NRG placed Diablo Canyon into the highest priority group for the reevaluated Seismic

Hazard review along with 11 other reactor sites. For awareness, I have placed our emails in NRC agency document access and management system (ADAMS) as a public record.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards, Nick DiFrancesco Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation. Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115 Non Responsive

Sent:24 Apr 2015 14:32:36 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Stieve, Alice Cc:Jackson, Diane;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Hill, Brittain


Palo Verde Source Information for: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Attachments:SSC SSH AC Documentation of PPRP-TT-Team lnteraction.pdf Cliff, Alice, Stephanie, Please let me know if this. is. the missing piece. They have this one file on the. SSC in the.

reading room.


Nick From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:14 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<>; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


RE: DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team Importance: High

Nick, We took a quick look at the contents of the information for DCPP and PVNGS. The DCPP folder contains the PPRP-TI correspondence and interactions on the source model and ground motion model SSHACs. However, the PVNGS only has the ground motion model SSHAC PPRP-TI team material and not for the Source model. Please let us know when we can get the source model PPRP-TI team documentation.
Thanks, Cliff From: Dif rancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:25 PM To: Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon Cc: Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Vega, Frankie; Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos

<> (; Hill, Brittain; Seber, Dogan; Vega, Frankie; Stirewalt, Gerry


DCPP, Palo Verde, and Columbia Audit Information: SSHAC Documentation from PPRP-IT Team

Folks, Please control distribution to the designated review team member for the following references.

Following your audit review, please advise if information reviewed should be docketed to support development of the hazard staff assessment or RAls.

DC Audit Information S:\Diablo Canyon R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team

Palo Verde Audit Information S:\Palo Verde R2.1 Seismic lnformation\SSHAC Documentation of PPRP-TI Team Columbia Information is on ePortal (PM action to work through access controls) . Also, licensee plans to work with PNNL to post information on public website .

Thanks, Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:49 AM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Jahangir, Nozar


DCPP information on Certrec

Nick, We have uploaded the PPRP information onto Certrec IMS and granted access to Vladimir Grazier, John Stamatakos, and yourself. Here is. how you get to the PPRP information in Certrec:
  • Login to
  • Click on " Inspections"
  • Set status to "In Progress" and Plant te. "Diablo Canyon"
  • Click "Search" button.
  • Click link to "Self-Assessment I Audit- Review of PPRP Comments and TIT Resolution"
  • Click on the "NRC Requests" tab
  • Click on what you would like to see.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell j(b)(GJ I PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:7 Apr2015 19:13:56 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Agreed, I spoke with Kamal and Yong, they have the same concern .

Not worried about this issue.. the technical staff will work it out. The seismic guys are worried the hazard could move.

From: Shams, Mohamed Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:49 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter Why are we still going after these folks for+/- 1 to 2% from the SSE? Is that making sense to you?

From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 9:57 AM To: Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Li, Yong


Inquiry: Palo Verde Supplemental Letter

Folks, Any additional comments? I intend to follow-up with the. licensee today.

The licensee stated that they did not pass the. 0.2 g licensing basis SSE around 3 Hz. Received a staff comment that you get a different answering depending on how you transform the. SSE from a log plot to a linear plot.

Thanks, Nick From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 7:07 AM To: Vega, Frankie; Jackson, Diane; Shams, Mohamed; Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Frankie - it's not clear if APS intends to screen-out based on IPEEE, following the process outlined in the SPID. Please emphasize to APS that the screening process allows for screen-out based on IPEEE. results, provided the IPEEE analyses meet the criteria outlined in the.

SPID. Although "background information" on IPEEE appears useful, APS should focus on addressing the IPEEE acceptability criteria if they wish to use these analyses in screening decisions.

Thanks-Britt From: Vega, Frankie Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 8:18 AM To: Jackson, Diane;. Shams, Mohamed; Hill, Brittain;. Munson, Clifford; Manoly, Kamal Cc: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Preview of upcoming Palo Verde seismic hazard supplement letter Hi all; Nick and I met with APS (licensee for Palo Verde) and discussed details on the supplemental letter they are planning to submit next week regarding their seismic hazard reevaluation. Also, a preliminary agenda for the public kick-off meeting next month was discussed. Regarding the supplement, I've provided a short summary of the information APS is planning to submit to provide additional clarity for the staff's review:

1. APS will be adding a graph overlaying the .2g (licensing basis). IPEEE and .25g (design basis) spectral responses all together. This would add some clarity on the plant's margin.
2. APS will provide additional background information on their IPEEE curve. This will document the basis for selecting .3g instead of .5g PGA. The 841h percentile and median curves will be provided.
3. APS will provide a short discussion on why the ESEP will not add additional value to their seismic evaluation.
4. APS will clarify and provide additional background , referencing FSAR information, on the licensing (.20g) and design (.25g) basis responses.
5. Regarding PPRP discussions (comments and their resolutions) . APS belief this information was provided as part of the SSHAC report. APS committed to verify this and will get back to us. APS agreed that having this information will greatly help the staffs review.

APS intends to submit this letter by April 8, 2015. Nick is planning to have one additional call before this submittal to make sure they'll provide the information the staff is requesting .

Please let us know if something is missing so we can communicate it to APS before the subm ittal.


Frankie G. Vega, P.E.

Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 30l -4 15-1617 Location: 0 -13H1 0

DiFrancesco, Nicholas.

From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: l Apr 2015 12:41:54 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane


RE: publ icall y available PV SSHAC

Diane, I spoke with the licensee, the Palo Verde SSHAC is effectively decontrolled (e.g. printing and sending are ok). Licensee stated that the eRoom was sending the files due to the size. Only restriction would be purge copies when the review is completed . If the staff assessment relies on the SSHAC we may need to look at docketing information. The licensee also understands it is subject to FOIA.

- Nick From: Jackson, Diane .

Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:17 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


publically available PV SSHAC Nick -

The PV reviewers expressed the concern about the PV SSHAC reports not be public. They are allowed to down load and print it right? They 9at least one reviewers) believes it will take them more time , if they have to write questions to identify what needs to be on the docket.

I'd like to discuss further. Any chance PV is going to change their mind on the public vs non public?

Diane 9>iane J.adLHm, Chief Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 2 (RGS2)

Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis (DSEA), Office of New Reactors (NRO)

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

+1301-415-5641; office: T-7 D3; mail stop: T-7 F3 NRC - One Team - One Mission

Sent:28 Apr 20 15 20:08:36 +0000 To:Ake, Jon


FW: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation From: Gene Nelson, Ph.D. l(b)(6) IJ Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:59 PM To: DiPrancesco, Nicholas


RE: 28 April 2015 Meeting - DCPP Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Nicholas Defrancesco US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/DORL/LPLA (30 I ) 415-11 15 njd2 28 April 2015 Hello, Nicholas:

As a Ph.D. physical scientist, I note that today's PG&E presentation provided a large body of technical information regarding the latest update regarding DCPP seismic safety. I appreciate that as a consequence of how earthquake energy is sttongly attenuated by the distance between the earthquake rupture and a measurement point, the earthquake forces seen by the compact DCPP site are dominated by the small section of the eanhquake rupture closest to the plant.

Today's data continue to confirm that DCPP can safely withstand any earthquake in the region near DCPP with a substantial safety margin. Since I have a schedule conflict that will likely prevent my parlicipation in the public question and answer period, I'm requesting that you ask the NRC staff attending this meeting to confirm my summary.

(Please confinn receipt of this message.)

Sincerely 5

Gene Nelson, Ph.D. Physical Science Faculty, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA .. r_)_(_l - - - - ' cell

Soenen, Philippe R From:Soenen, Philippe R Sent: 1 Jun 2015 20:15:29 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford ;Jackson, Diane


FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties Attachments:June 2015 DCPP RAJ.DOCX I

Original Appointment-----

From: Soenen, Philippe R []

Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 4:14 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Difrancesco, Nicholas


FW: Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6J I

Original Appointment-----

From: Soenen, Philippe R Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:33 PM To: Soenen, Philippe R; Jahangir, Nozar; Ferre, Kent S; thompson@lettisci .com ; Abrahamson, Norman; Cc:; Strickland, Jearl


Advanced Draft RAI on Geophysical Site Properties When: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:00 AM-10:30 AM UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Where: Bridgeline: 1.866.652.7690, pass code: (b)( 6l

All, This phone call is proposed to discuss the advanced draft RAI related to geophysical site properties. The meeting is proposed. for Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 1000 to 1030 Pacific Time. Please call in to Bridge line: 1.866.652.7690, pass code:l(b)(6) l lf this date or time. does not work please propose any alternative.
Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Office - 805.545.6984 Cell f b)(6J I

PG&E is committed to. protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

June XX, 2015 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFO NEAR~ERMTASKFORCERECOM RE-EVALUATIONS RELAT 0 SITE POWER PLANT (TAC NO 5275 AND By letter dated March 11 , 20151, tot mission (NRC), Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for N,...,.._" ic Hazard an creening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federa ection 50.54(f), Response for Information Regarding Recommen

  • n 2.1 erm Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ic
  • Acciden ~~u1ablo Can Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluatiCJP18lQ luation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical app*~*~........

ro ed for Diablo Canyon and has determined co te its review. Enclosed is a request for additional sponse evaluation . As discussed with your staff on June to the RAI would be provided no later than July 30, 1

The letter can be found under Agen cywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) No.


If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA/

ior Project Manager


1. Request for Additional Information
2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv 1

-. 2. -.

If you have any questions related to the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-11 15 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA!

ior Project Manager


1. Request for Additional Information cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv RidsNrrDorllpl4-2 RidsNrrOd NDiFrancesco, NRR Slingam, NRR RidsNrrPM RidsRgn2MailCenter ADAMS Ac ee *via mail NRR/JLD/JHMB/ LA* NRO/DSEA/RGS1

REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and M agement System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRC staff requested that sees submit site specific hazard curves that capture. the variability in soil depth (including. d to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities , layer thicknesses, damping, train de ent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seis closur f the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be dev r ab range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation o qu By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accessio Electric Power Research Institute [EPR I] Final Draft Re Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and lmple tation De using the SPID guidance.

Regarding the development of site. a seismic hazard reevaluations, Seer As lmlM~oil r rock uncertainties should be. incorporated into site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard curves. The control-point elevation hazard curves should By lette . (ADAMS Accession No. ML15071A046), the licensee for the Diablo Ca nt ( P) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empir which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to he site amplification rather than analytical models." While the staff considers the em te response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach ,

the method as imple nted by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data. In addition, the. site.term developed by the licensee using the empirical approach shows a significant amount of deviation in the negative direction over an important frequency range from the NGA-West2 ground motion models for a Vs3o=760 m/s site.

Enclosure. l

Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 1O of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a supplemental response to the March 2015 seismic hazard reevaluation that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain levels produced by the scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) the control point elevation. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa c rections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or rock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response as a figure and a table control point mic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertai hrough azard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.

Enclosure 1

Sent:20 Mar 2015 17 :47: l 7 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Wbaley, Sheena;Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea;Bowen, Jeremy


FW: PG&E Drop-in Attendees on March 26 FYl. .. Attendees. Also, Philippe meant Thursday March 26. DC plans to cover a number of topics regarding their submittal and next steps with R2. 1 activities.

-Nick From: Soenen, Philippe R [5]

Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 12:28 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


PG&E Drop-in Attendees

Nick, The following are the people from PG&E that w ill be present for the drop-in on 3/28:

Jearl Strickland - Director, Technical Services Nazar Jahangir - Manager, Nuclear Seismic Engineering Norm Abrahamson - Chief Geosciences Consu ltant Bill Horstman - Senior Consulting Engineer All of these individuals are PG&E employees. I will be providing t hese individuals your contact information to contact you once they are down in the lobby on 3/28.

Regards, Philippe Soenen Regulatory Services Officf - 805 545 6984 Cell (bJ( 5 l ]

PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Information (pages 948-960/1000) is outside of the scope of the FOIA request. The information concern licensee press release - not the NRC's for review reevaluated hazard.

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:lO Mar 2015 20:01:43 +0000 To:Li, Yong;Manoly, Karnal;Oesterle, Eric;Lingarn, Siva


FW: PG&E Summary Sheet Attachments:Final Fact sheet - March 12, 2015 NRC Updates.pdf, News Release_Alt.docx Importance:High FYI.. Attachment l may be of interest.

From: Uselding, Lara Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 12:53 PM To: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Importance: High Lara Uselding NRC Region 4 Public Affairs 817-200-1519 From : Hipschman, Thomas Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 03:23 PM To: Uselding, Lara; Walker, Wayne; Maier, Bill


FW: Pending Press Release FYI From: Jones, Thomas P. []

Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:04 PM To: Hipschman, Thomas Cc: Baldwin, Thomas (DCPP)


Pending Press Release Importance: High Good Morning Tom, Please find attached the press release PG&E intends to issue today at 3PM local time regarding completing the March 12 hazard updates for the NRC. We offer some highlights about plant safety and will make t he filing this week. I have also attached a small fact sheet we will be using to help explain some of these complex topics.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Regards, Tom Jones

Director, Government Relations Pacific Gas & Electric Company Office: 805 595 6340 6

Mobile1...(b-J(- l_ _ _ __.

PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Quick Facts on Seismic & Flooding Hazards Re-evaluation

~e-evaluations :

New and extensive analyses performed at the direction. of the Nuclear Regulatory

  • Performed at Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Diablo Canyon Power Plant can. safely withstand direction of Nuclear extreme natural events, including potential earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding . .

Regulatory Commission (NRC) The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts

  • Continue to show that earthquakes, large waves and flood ing could have on the facility.

Diablo Canyon can w ithstand Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation earthquakes, tsunamis and Represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously flooding performed .

  • Performed with Using the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent experts independent seismic experts publically reanalyzed existing and new seismic using latest scientific information. including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies. to re-methodologies and evaluate. how earthquakes could. potentially impact the facility. The. probability of site-specific earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults was also determined.

information Key Results:

  • NRC will independently
  • Confirms plant's design can withstand earthquakes from all regional fau lts . .


  • 0.0001 annual chance of an earthquake producing ground motions of .8g.
  • .8g does not exceed the robust seismic. design. margin of the plant.
  • The plant has at least 35% design margin beyond .8g (left graph).
  • A minor exceedance (approx. 7%) in the Hosgri earthquake design in a specific, low frequency range (1 .33 Hz) that does not impact safety (right graph).
  • No safety structures, systems and components required for safe shutdown are sensitive to ground motions at a frequency below 2.7 Hz. .

rr "'

.I " **

I i ** i Comparison of Ground Motion Response Spectrum Comparison of GMRS and. 1977 Hosgri (GMRS) and Long Term Seismic Program Seismic Design Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Margins Spectrum for Diablo Canyon Power Plant Power Plant March 2015

Tsunami/Flooding Hazard Re-evaluation Used the latest NRC guidance, methodologies and independent expertise to determine the maximum waves and rainfall that could impact the site.

Key Results:

  • Plant continues to be safe from tsunamis, including those generated from underwater landslides and earthquakes.
  • Design can withstand expected storm flooding.
  • Measures were identified - and have already been implemented -- to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall.

What's Next?

PG&E will submit the re-evaluations to the NRC for independent review on March 12, 2015.

The NRC will later provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk assessment that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.

The NRC will also review the flooding re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.

March 2015

March 9, 2015 NEW ANALYSES SHOW DIABLO CANYON SAFE FROM EXTREME NATURAL EVENTS Re-evaluations Demonstrate Earthquake, Flooding and Tsunami Safety AVILA BEACH, Calif. - New and extensive analyses performed at the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) re-confirm that Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) can safely withstand extreme natural events, including potential ea1t hquakes, tsunamis and flooding ..

The new analyses, known as hazard re-evaluations, will be submitted to the NRC this week for independent review. The agency called on all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perfonn s uch work fo llowing the events that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan.

"Safety is and always will be the top priority for PG&E and Diablo Canyon. That's why seismic, flooding and tsunami safety was at the forefront in the design of the facility. These. updated findings are the.

culmination of years of study and analysis, and further confirm the safety of the plant's design," said Ed Halpin, PG&E's Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.

The hazard re-evaluations used the latest regulatory guidance, scientific methods and models, site-specific information and independent expertise to re-evaluate the impacts that earthquakes, large waves and flooding could have on the Diablo Canyon facility .

T he updated seismic assessment represents a more extensive evaluation of the seismic hazard than previously performed. Prior evaluations dete1mined the ground shaking from an earthquake on a pa1ticular fault in the region, based on historical records and geological evidence, and then compared this information against structures, systems and components at the faci Uty to ensure they could withstand seismic ground shaking ..

Us ing the NRC's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process, independent seismic experts publicaJly re-evaluated existing and new seismic informati on, including data acquired during the advanced seismic studies recently performed near. Diablo. Canyon, to re-evaluate how. earthquakes could potentially impact the faci lity. This process included examining the probabi lity of earthquakes occurring on individual and multiple geologic faults.

The result is a more thorough assessment of the seismic hazard, providing additional confirmation that the plant is seismically safe.

The NRC will review the re-evaluation in order to provide guidance on how and when PG&E should perform an additional risk evaluation that examines the probability of earthquakes potentially damaging plant safety equipment. The same evaluation is being asked of other U.S. commercial nuclear power facilities.

"The updated seismic source model for Diablo Canyon incorporates an extensive body of new onshore and offshore data a nd emerging new scientific concepts to characte rize earthquake sources. For example, it is the first earthquake model developed for a nuclear site that allows for multi-fault linked ruptures to produce large maximum earthquakes. Through the extensive use of experts in the fi eld of seismic geology and independent peer review, the model was developed to capture. the full range of possibilities regardjng the location, size and frequency of large magnitude eruthquakes in the vicinity of Diab lo Canyon. In my

opinion, the model developed for Diablo Canyon will set the standard for how future eaithquake source models are developed," said Bill Lettis, who serves as one the key technical leads for the SSHAC process .

PG&E's flooding and tsunami hazard update involved the use of the latest NRC guidance and methodologies to determine the maximum potential waves and rainfall that could impact Diablo Canyon.

The re-evaluation, ut ilizing independent expertise, detenni_ned that the plant's key safety systems and components continue to be safe from tsunamjs, including those generated from underwater landslides and eaithquakes.

The plant's design is also deemed appropriate to withstand expected storm flooding. In addition, measures were identified and implemented to address a rare, theoretical event of excessive rainfall and a quick build-up of water in some plant locations that greatly exceeds any known precipitation event recorded in the site's history. The NRC will review the re-evaluation to determine if additional actions might be required to further enhance safety.

"These important updates. provide an in depth look at the seismic, tsunami and flooding hazards in our region, and most importantly, demonstrate the plant's design is safe. Our work in these areas, however, will never cea<;e. Our commitment to safe operations and protecting public health and safety will continue to be reflected in our ongoing study and evaluation of the. areas. Our customers expect no less," said PG&E's Halpin.

NR C Hazards Assessment Background As part of its response to the Fukushima event in Japan in 2011 , the NRC directed all U.S. commercial nuclear power plants to perform updated assessments of the seis mic and flooding hazards for their facilities. Plants located in the eastern and Central U.S. completed such analyses and provided them to the NRC in 2014. Western plants, including Diablo Canyon, were directed to complete and submit their assessments by March 20 15.

About Diablo Canyon Power Plant Diablo Canyon Power Plant is a nuclear power facility owned and operated by PG&E. Its two units together produce approximately 2,300 net megawatts of carbon-free power. It provides nearly 10 percent of all electricity generated in California, and enough energy to meet the needs of more than three mjJlion Northern and Central Californians. Diablo Canyon has a $920 million annual local economic impact and is the largest p1ivate employer in San Luis Obispo County.

About PG &E Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (N YSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation's cleanest energy to 16 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and

Sent:8 May 2015 13:01:42 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Jackson, Diane;Ake, Jon Cc:Shams, Mohamed


FW: Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity di scussion.

FYI. ..

From : Jahangir, Nozar [6]

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 6:44 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas; Soenen, Philippe R Cc: Strickland, Jearl


Public Meeting announcement by "PEER" on Directivity discussion Nick; In the Diablo Canyon public meeting on April 28th, we stated that there will be an industry expert panel meeting, sponsored by PEER, on the topic of "Directivity" that the staff may be interested in participating. This was an area that the SSC SSHAC requested Diablo Canyon to provide additional documentation and PG&E made a commitment in our March 11 submittal to provide such documentation to the NRC once we. have greater clarity on the approach.

This. is a link to the recently posted public announcement by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) regarding the expert panel discussion on treatment of "Directivity" in Ground Motion models. PG&E will be an observer. in the proceedings.

http ://

Thanks Nazar Jahangir P.E.

Manager, Technical Services Diablo Canyon Seismic Engineering S-'i -

(cell )

nx.1 PG&E is committed to protecting our customers' privacy.

To learn more, please visit

Sent:25 Mar 2015 21 :20:08 +0000 To:Markley, Michael Cc:Bowen, Jeremy;Shams, Mohamed


RE: Did you notice. the PG&E drop-in ?

Mike, Thank you for the recommendation and support. The PG&E drop-in is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The level-high topics are consistent with discussions allowed by COM-203. I will prepare a summary as appropriate.

I have advised my management and the licensee that technical discussions are inappropriate. At present, we are working to have a public meeting discussing technical issues with PG&E on April 28, 2015, to better understand their seismic analyses and assumptions. Our current target is to notice the meeting around April 2 following confirmation of the agenda topics with staff and the licensee.

Very respectfully, Nick Sr. Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115 From: Markley, Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 25,. 2015 11:14. AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Did you notice the PG&E drop-in?

Nick, I did not hear back from you on the drop-in tomorrow. It would be better to notice it now and take your beating on not meeting the 10-day noticing requirement, than to have to answer all the stakeholder inquiries and accusations.

Michael T. Markley, Chief Plant Licensing Branch IV-1 (LPL4-1)

Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 301-415-5723 (Office) l<bl(6l ~ (Blackberry)


What information is NRC expecting in the. March 12,. 2015 WUS plant submittals?

NRC expects that the March 12, 2015 submittals will contain substantially more information than was submitted for CEUS plants in March 2014. This is because each of the WUS plants had to develop site-specific source models and ground-motion models, using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) approach. In contrast, the CEUS plants all used a common set of models (see Attachment 3). In addition to the information that was included for the CEUS plants, NRC expects that the important details of the site-specific SS HAC studies will be included in the March 12, 2015 submittals. NRC also expects that the complete SSHAC study report will be available for the NRC staff to review, as needed.

If the reevaluated hazard exceeded the plant's seismic design basis, NRC expects the WUS plants to follow the same approach as used for CEUS plants and also submit an interim evaluation of the plant's. capacity to. withstand the higher ground motions. Because nuclear power plants generally have significant margin beyond their design capacity to withstand earthquake motions, the interim evaluation uses the actual capacities and new hazard information to see if the preliminary understanding of seismic risk is still within acceptable limits while the plant does more detailed evaluations.

Will NRC conduct a screening and prioritization review for western United States (WUS) plant submittals?

Yes. NRC staff will conduct a screening and prioritization review for the WUS hazard reevaluations after the complete hazard reports are submitted. This review will likely take two months to accomplish, because there is substantially more new information in these reports than was submitted for the CEUS plants in March 2014. If the reevaluated hazard is within the plant's design basis, the NRC staff will need to determine if sufficient information is available to support that conclusion. However, if the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds the plant's design basis, NRC will need to determine:

(1) if the plant's interim evaluations and actions demonstrate the plant can continue to operate safely at the reevaluated hazard level, while longer-term risk assessments are ongoing.

(2) the priority for WUS plants to complete the additional risk evaluations (3) the schedule for completion of the expedited approach and seismic risk evaluation.

NRC's review of the interim evaluations. and actions will determined if there is an immediate safety concern that warrants immediate regulatory action for WUS plants. The NRC's longer-term review will examine in detail licensees' reevaluated hazard submittals and related seismic risk assessments.

Will NRC prioritize WUS plants for completion of seismic risk assessments?

Yes. As part of the initial review, WUS plants that have "screen in". for more detailed risk assessments will be prioritized to ensure the plants of most interest are reviewed first. This prioritization is not a risk ranking - more analysis is needed to determine actual changes in a plant's seismic accident risk . Using the same approach as for the CEUS plants, the NRC staff will consider several factors in prioritizing (or screening) the WUS risk assessments:

(1) the extent to which the reevaluated hazard exceeds the current design basis ;

(2) the site's overall seismic hazard. based on an examination of the reevaluation; and (3) previous estimates of plant capacity (e.g ., IPEEE insights).

Does NRC expect to review the WUS submittals the same way as the CEUS submittals?

Compared to the CEUS submittals, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much longer and contain a lot more new information on site geology, earthquake sources, and ground motion modeling. As a result, NRC expects that the WUS submittals will be much more complex to review than the CEUS reevaluations. In addition to all the new information, each WUS plant also had to do a complex probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) , using a very detailed, multi-year process. In contrast, all the CEUS plants used essentially the same PSHA, which was extensively reviewed by NRC before the seismic hazard reevaluations were submitted.

After the screening and prioritization review is completed, NRC staff will conduct a thorough review of the WUS seismic hazard reevaluations. To review each of these site-specific hazard reevaluations, the NRC staff will need to examine important details of each plant-specific source characterization and ground motion model. The NRC staff expects to conduct confirmatory analyses of key parts of these models, to determine if the reevaluated seismic hazards are reasonable. In addition to examining the detailed technical information that supports the hazard reevaluation , the NRC staff also will review the lengthy documentation about the SSHAC process that licensees used to develop the source characterization and ground motion models.

Will NRC. produce its. own version of the WUS plant's reevaluated seismic hazard?

To support the initial review of CEUS plant submittals, the NRC developed a computer model that could calculate seismic hazards for each CEUS plant. These calculations were possible because all the CEUS plants used the same seismic hazard model, and the model was developed several years before the CEUS hazard reevaluations were submitted.

However, the WUS plants completed their site-specific hazard analyses less than a year before the final reports were submitted to NRC, and each plant used different types of seismic hazard models. The NRC staff determined that they could conduct an appropriate, risk-informed review of the WUS hazard reevaluations without expending considerable resources to develop three new, site-specific computer models. The NRC staff expects to do site-specific confirmatory analyses on key parts of the hazard analyses, including independent evaluations of the earthquake source models, ground motion models, and site response models.

Will WUS plants have to do additional risk assessments if their reevaluated hazard is larger than the plant's safe shutdown earthquake?

Yes , the same criteria used for CEUS plants applies to WUS plants for determining if additional risk assessments are needed. WUS plants that screen-in for the risk assessments will need to complete the expedited approach (see question #4) and either a seismic margins assessment or a probabilistic risk assessment. Plants that screen-out from the risk assessment might still meet the criteria for conducting focused-scope evaluations of low frequency exceedances, high frequency exceedances, or spent fuel pool performance. The need for conducting additional analyses will be determined during NRC's screening and prioritization review.

Sent:5 May 2015 14:49:05 +0000 To:Shams, Mohamed Cc:Jackson, Diane;Hill. B1ittain


Awareness of OGC. NLO on WUS Seismic. Reevaluation Letter Attachments:WUS Seismic Reevaluations Letter 4-2015 LSC.docx Mohamed, Awareness only. We continue to make progress on concurrences for the WUS letter. The letter will go to DORL and JLD senior management COB today.

Thanks, Nick From: Clark, Sheldon Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:07 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Spencer, Mary; Biggins, James


WUS Seismic Reevaluation Letter Nick, (b)(5)

Sheldon L. Sheldon Clark Attorney Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-2189

Page 135 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Page 136 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Page 137 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Page 138 of 739 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act


If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301-415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M, Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv
ML15113B344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC NRR/ DORUO NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/ 15 I / 15 I / 15 I / 15 I /1 5 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/. D NAME SFlanders BHarris JDavis WDean DATE I / 15. I ./15. . I / 15 . I . / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations (b)(5)

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites (b)(S)

Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015. (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11 , 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 10, 2015 (ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10,. 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:4 May 2015 18:34:12 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane Cc:Shams, Mohamed;Kock, Andrea


FYI: POP JLD Status (05.05.15).docx Attachments: POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx

Diane, POP for DEDO brief tomorrow for awareness.
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 2:29 PM To: Bowen, Jeremy Cc: Shams, Mohamed


One Change --- POP - JLD Status (05.05.15).docx

Jeremy, One change from the current plan for Diablo Canyon. Technical staff is pushing to provide additional basis documenting the decision that no ESEP is needed for Diablo. We have a letter template from last year that I plan to use {letter. dated December 15. 201 4).
Thanks, Nick


Update NRR ET on status of J LD activities EXPECTED OUTCOMES Provide current status and address any questions Outside of Scope

  • wus o Screening & prioritization letter - targeting 05/12/15 o All 3 plants screen in for sPRA; no immediate safety issues o Columbia & Diablo Canyon - Group 1
  • sPRA due 06/30/17
  • Diablo Canyon - Separate letter on no ESEP; LTSP provides safety basis
  • Public Meetings o Diablo Canyon (04/28/ 15 o Columbia (96/04/ 15) o Palo Verde - Group 3
  • sPRA due 12/31 /20 Non Responsive

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.

March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID gu idance.

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.

For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and. will response under a seperate letter.

SCREENING PROCESS As defined in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results, which were the focus of the NRC staffs initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over frequency. The ability of equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected significantly by high frequencies (i.e., >10 Hz). The frequency range 1- 10 Hz is the focus for 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations

-. 3 -.

this portion of the risk evaluation, as this range has the greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other. frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant. Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations.
  • If the GMRS, in the. 1-10 Hz range, is greater than the. existing SSE, then the. plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations.

In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds the SSE below 2.5 Hz, the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions .. Similarly, if. the. GMRS. exceeds. the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the. possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the. SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed.

In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during. the NRG screening. and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the plant. As such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations .. Palo Verde has been prioritized to complete a seismic risk evaluation in Group 3. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to the licensee. If the plant remains screened-in,. the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach, if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo Verde needs to complete limited-scope evaluations (i.e. ,. spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency).

5 Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals , plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design-basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10. Hz range; (2). the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as. well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally. higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-10 Hz. range is relatively small, and the maximum. ground motion in. the 1-1O Hz range is also not high. Based on these criteria, Palo Verde is prioritized as a Group 3 plant. Given the limited level of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on. the staffs screening review the licensee. for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than. January 31 , 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance with the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRG staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has conducted a number of public meetings to reach alignment on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

2015. and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard. As such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur. as soon. as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18. months ..

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at .,

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/ encls: Listserv

ML15113B344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/ DSENRGS2/BC NRR/ DORUO NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/ 15 I / 15 I / 15 I / 15 I /15 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/JLD/D NRR/. D JDavis (MFranovich NAME SFlanders SCI ark for)

WDean DATE I /1 5 05/04/15 I / 15 I / 15 Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRG review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing. The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

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Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 andNPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

Sent:5 May 2015 16:04: 18 +0000 To:Hill, Brittain Cc:Jackson, Diane


Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Attachments: Western US Screening and Prioritization letter.docx

Britt, Still working on the letter. However, I think that. I have resolved the primary comments supporting DSEA concurrence .
1. ESEP. assessment tor DC and PV will be a separate letter
2. GMRS agreement will come late 2015 trom the NRC.
3. Most editorial changes have been incorporated
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:58 AM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas


Western US Screening and Prioritization letter

The Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



Section 50.54(f). (hereafter referred. to as the 50.54. (f). letter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning , in part, the seismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine. whether licenses. should. be. modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section of Enclosure 1 indicated that licensees and construction permit holders should provide a Seismic Hazard Evaluation and Screening report within 3 years from the date of the. letter for Western United States (WUS) plants (i.e., Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) , Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) , and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Palo Verde)). Further, the 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and. prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to 1

the re-evaluated seismic hazard. Additionally, by letter dated February 20, 2014, the NRC provided supplemental information on the content of the seismic re-evaluated hazard submittals including guidance on reportability and operability. The purpose of this letter is to inform WUS licensees of the. NRC's screening and prioritization and to allow licensees to appropriately plan the completion of further seismic risk evaluations described in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter.

To respond to the 50.54(f) letter, all addressees committed to. follow the Electric Power.

Research Institute (EPRI) Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"2 as. supplemented, by the EPRI Report, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Augmented Approach for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 2.1: Seismic"3 (referred to as the Expedited Approach). The NRC held multiple public meetings and teleconferences with industry and the public leading to the development of the guidance documents supporting review of re-evaluated seismic hazards.

1 The February 20, 2014, supplemental information letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14030A046.

2 The SPID guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12333A170. The staff endorsement letter for the SPID guidance is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML12319A074.

3 The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in ADAMS under Accession No. ML13102A142.

The WUS licensees submitted the re-evaluated seismic hazards. by letters dated on. or before.

March 12, 2015 (references are provided in Enclosure 3 of this letter). The NRC staff conducted the screening and prioritization review of the submittals by assessing each licensee's screening evaluation and hazard analysis utilizing the endorsed SPID guidance.

4 INTERIM EVALUATIONS The 50 .54(f) letter requested that licensees provide "interim evaluations and actions taken or planned to address the higher seismic hazard relative to the design-basis, as appropriate, prior to completion of the risk evaluation." For those plants where the re-evaluated seismic hazard exceeds the seismic design-basis, licensees stated they will provide interim evaluations to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the higher re-evaluated seismic. hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing.

In support of the requested interim evaluations for licensees, WUS plants provided information related to margin evaluations or insights from Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) evaluations included estimated seismic risk. Additionally,. the submittals discussed completing plant seismic walkdowns as part of NTIF Recommendation 2.3 in order to verify that the current plant configuration is consistent with the licensing basis. The NRC staff review of WUS reports found that licensees have demonstrated additional plant seismic margins supportive of continued plant operation while additional risk evaluations are conducted .

The interim evaluation provided in March. 2015 is a first step in. assessing the plant's capacity to withstand the re-evaluated hazard. In the near-term , by January 2016, licensees will complete an "Expedited Approach" to evaluate and identify reinforcements, if necessary, for certain equipment to. ensure a safe shutdown pathway can withstand a higher seismic. ground motion.

For Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde sites, the NRC staff is continuing to assess seismic evaluations completed by the licensees to determine if they meet the intent of the Expedited Approach review and will respond under. a seperate letter.

SCREENING PROCESS As described in the 50.54(f) letter and the SPID guidance, the seismic hazard re-evaluations were to be conducted using current analysis methods and guidance. The licensees' responses to the 50.54(f) letter provided seismic hazard re-evaluation results , which were the focus of the NRC staff's initial screening and prioritization review.

Although the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) is commonly referred to as a single number, this number represents a distribution of ground motions that occur over a range of spectral frequencies. This. results in a curve of. ground acceleration over. frequency. The ability of the equipment and structures in the plant to withstand the effects of ground motions is frequency specific. For the purposes of the licensees' analyses and NRC staff's review, the SPID guidance identifies three frequency ranges that are of particular interest: 1-1 O Hertz (Hz), a low frequency range of <2.5 Hz, and a high frequency range of > 1O Hz. The different ranges have been identified due to the different types of structures and equipment that may be impacted by ground motions in that range. For example, large components generally are not affected 4

Enclosure 1 of this letter provides a Glossary of Seismic Evaluations, explaining each o f the evaluations that are part of the overall seismic reevaluation.

-. 3 -.

significantly by high frequencies (i.e., > 1o Hz). The frequency range 1-1 O Hz is the focus for this portion of the. risk evaluation , as this range has the. greatest potential effect on the performance of equipment and structures important to safety. For other frequency ranges, discussed below, limited-scope evaluations will be conducted, when appropriate.

In accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations are warranted for a plant (i.e., the plant screens in for further evaluation). Specifically, the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS) in the 1-10 Hz frequency range is compared to the existing SSE:

  • If the re-evaluated GMRS, in the 1-10 Hz range, is less than the plant's existing SSE, then the plant screens out of conducting further seismic risk evaluations ..
  • If the GMRS, in the 1- 1O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant will complete the Expedited Approach (including the Interim Evaluation). Most plants that meet this criterion also screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and have committed to conduct high frequency. and spent fuel pool. evaluations.

In addition, if the GMRS meets the low hazard threshold, which is described in the SPID, and only exceeds. the SSE below 2.5 Hz,. the licensee will perform a limited evaluation of equipment potentially susceptible to low frequency motions. Similarly, if the GMRS exceeds the SSE only above 10 Hz, then the licensee will perform an evaluation of the equipment or structures susceptible to that specific. range of ground motion. provides the staffs determination of priority for plants that screen-in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, and identification of plants to complete limited-scope. evaluations (i.e.,

spent fuel pool, high frequency, or low frequency) . .

CONDITIONAL SCREENING As discussed in public meetings5 , the staff anticipated the possibility of not being able to complete the determination for conducting a seismic risk evaluation for some plants in the 30 to 60 day review period under certain circumstances. For example, if a licensee provided a unique submittal or deviated from the SPID guidance, additional time for the review might be needed ..

In general, WUS submittals contain extensive site specific information including site specific source models and ground-motion models which could affect the final screening decisions.

Accordingly, during the NRC screening and prioritization process, the staff identified that for Palo Verde additional time and interactions will be required to better understand the seismic hazard for the. plant. As. such, the staff determined that Palo Verde "conditionally screens-in" for the purposes of prioritizing and conducting additional. evaluations.. After interactions have occurred, the staff will make a final screening and prioritization determination and provide a letter to. the licensee .. If the plant remains screened-in, the final screening letter will affirm the plant priority for further evaluations and establish schedule for an Expedited Approach , if necessary. If the plant screens out, the final screening letter also will determine if the Palo 5

Discussion as part of public meetings dated December 4, 2014, February 11, 2015, and March 30, 2015 (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14342A901, ML15104A065 and ML15111A031 , respectively).

Verde needs to. complete limited-scope evaluations. (i.e., spent fuel pool , high frequency, or low frequency).

PLANT PRIORITIZATION The NRC grouped the "screened-in" plants into three groups6 , which (i) reflects the relative priority for conducting a seismic risk evaluation that compares each plant's current capabilities to the re-evaluated seismic hazard, and (ii) accounts for the appropriate allocation of limited staff and available expertise for reviewing and conducting seismic risk evaluations. During the prioritization. review, the staff considered each licensee's re-evaluated hazard submittals, plant specific seismic and risk insights, and previous design basis ground motion estimates.

To prioritize the plants for completing seismic risk evaluations, staff examined certain key parameters such as (1) the maximum ratio of the new re-evaluated hazard (GMRS) to the SSE in the 1-10 Hz range; (2) the maximum ground motion in the. 1-10 Hz range; and (3) insights from previous seismic risk evaluations. As such, Group 1 plants are generally those that have the highest re-evaluated hazard relative to the original plant seismic design-basis (GMRS to SSE) , as well as ground motions in. the 1-10 Hz range that are. generally higher in absolute magnitude. Based on these criteria, Columbia and Diablo Canyon are prioritized as Group 1 plants. Group 1 plants, including Columbia and Diablo Canyon are expected to conduct a seismic risk evaluation and submit it by June. 30, 2017 ..

Group 3 plants have GMRS to SSE ratios that are greater than 1, but the amount of exceedance. in the 1-1O Hz range is relatively small, and the maximum ground motion in. the 1-10 Hz range is also not high. As described above, Palo Verde has conditionally screened in; based on current information Palo Verde has been assigned to prioritization Group 3. Given the limited level. of exceedance of the Group 3 plants including. Palo Verde, staff is evaluating the need for licensees to conduct a seismic risk evaluation in order for the staff to complete its regulatory decision making. After further review, the staff will decide which Group 3 plants need to complete a risk evaluation. Risk evaluations for Group 3 plants are due by December 31, 2020.

NEXT STEPS Based on the staff's screening review the licensee for Columbia should finalize and submit an Expedited Approach Report no later than January 31, 2016. The NRC staff is continuing to review the licensee provided information for Diablo Canyon and Palo Verde related to the Expedited Approach. In accordance. with. the endorsed guidance, the staff acknowledges that the January 2016 Expedited Approach submittal will focus on plant equipment (i.e. safe shutdown pathway7) evaluations and modifications, as necessary, prior to submitting the plant seismic risk evaluations.

The content of limited-scope evaluations or confirmations and their associated schedule milestones remain under development with NRC staff and stakeholders. The NRC staff has 6

Central and Eastern licensees seismic hazard screening and priority reviews were completed in 2014.

7 Section 3 of the Expedited Approach guidance (ADAMS Accession No. ML13102A142) provides a process to identify a single seismically robust success path using a subset of installed plant equipment, FLEX equipment and connection points.

conducted. a number of public meetings on. the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and. spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected. that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the seismic hazard submittals for the purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's. calculated hazard. As such .. the NRC staff. will continue. its review of the submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months ..

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensees March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic.

Hazard Submittals

4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv

conducted a number of public meetings on the implementation details of these evaluations, including the development of alternatives approaches for conducting these evaluations The staff expects that implementing guidance should be established by summer 2015 and fall 2015 for high frequency and spent fuel pool evaluations, respectively. It is expected that WUS licensees can complete these evaluations in parallel with completion of SPRAs for Group 1 plants by June 2017.

This letter transmits the NRC staff's results of the. seismic hazard submittals for the. purposes of screening and prioritizing the plants. It does not convey the staff's final determination regarding the adequacy of any plant's calculated hazard . . As. such , the NRC staff will continue. its review of the. submitted seismic hazard re-evaluations, and may request additional. plant-specific information to support this review through the summer of 2015. The staff has placed a high priority on this review for the early identification of issues that might adversely affect each licensee's seismic risk evaluations. Interactions with licensees will occur as soon as practicable, including NRC staff plans to acknowledge the whether seismic hazard curves are suitability for use in SPRA development by late 2015. The NRC staff plans to issue a staff assessment on the re-evaluated seismic hazard once each review is completed in approximately 12 to 18 months.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Nicholas DiFrancesco at 301 -415-1115 or via email at

Sincerely, William M. Dean , Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Glossary of Evaluations
2. Screening and Prioritization Results
3. List of Licensee March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals
4. List of Licensees cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RidsNrrOd AKock, NRO LPL4-1 R/F RidsNsirOd DJackson, NRO LPL4-2 R/F RidsOeMailCenter RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNroOd RidsOgcMailCenter RidsNrrPMColumbla RidsNrrDorl MMarkley, NRA RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsNrrDorllpl4-1 MKhanna, NRR RidsOgcRp Resource RidsNrrDorllpl4-2 MShams, NRR RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource NDiFrancesco, NRR RidsEdoMailCenler Resource ADAMS Accessi on No.: Ml151138344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NRR/JLD/LA NRR/JLD/HMB/BC NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC NRR/DORUD NAME NDiFrancesco. SLent MShams DJackson Llund DATE 04/22/15 04/24/15 04/23/15 . . /. / 15. . I. / 15 OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGC NRR/J LD/D NRR/ D NAME SFlanders SClark JDavis IMFranovich forl WDean DATE I / 15 05/04/15 I /15 I / 15 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Glossary of Evaluations Associated with Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations Interim Evaluation or Actions - An immediate licensee and NRC review of the re-evaluated hazard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluations are ongoing . The staff has completed its review and concluded that, based on the licensees' interim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continued operations. Interim evaluations and actions are provided in Section 5.0, "Interim Actions," of the licensee submittals.

Expedited Approach - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds the current design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks at the systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditions of a station blackout (i.e. , no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate heat sink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to continue with a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance the seismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedited Approach guidance document is found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System under Accession No. ML13102A142.

Seismic Risk Evaluation - Longer-term seismic risk evaluation provides the most comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amend a plant's design or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provide information to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this information in conjunction with the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulatory actions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins Analysis or a Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment, depending on the magnitude of the exceedance.

Limited-Scope Evaluations - These include i) Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation, ii) High Frequency Evaluation, and iii) Low Frequency Evaluation. Respectively, these evaluations are focused on the following: i) spent fuel pool components and systems capable of draining water inventory to the level of the spent fuel, ii) a review of components susceptible to high frequency accelerations (e.g. electrical relays), and iii) a review of components susceptible to low frequency accelerations (e.g. water storage tanks).

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the. Fukushima Dai -lchi Accident Seismic Risk Evaluations Screening and Prioritization Results for Western United States (WUS) Reactor Sites Seismic Risk Limited-scope Evaluations.

Expedited Screening Evaluation High Low Spent Fuel Plant Name Approach Result (Prioritization Frequency Frequency Pool Evaluation Group) Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Columbia Generating Station In x 1 x x Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 In x 1 x x Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Conditional x 3 x x Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 in Enclosure 2

March 2015 Re-evaluated Seismic Hazard Submittals for Western United States Reactor Sites Licensee Facility Date of letter (ADAMS Accession Nos.)

Columbia Generating Station March 12, 2015 (ML15078A243)

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 March 11, 2015 (ML15071A046)

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units March 1O, 2015(ML15076A073) and 1, 2, and 3 April 10, 2015 (ML15105A076)

Enclosure 3

LIST OF APPLICABLE POWER REACTOR LICENSEES Columbia Generating Station Energy Northwest Docket No .. 50-397 License No. NPF-21 Mr. Mark E. Reddemann Chief Executive Officer Energy Northwest MD 1023 76 North Power Plant Loop P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Diablo Canyon Power. Plant. Unit Nos .. l and 2.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323 License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82 Mr. Edward D. Halpin Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Pacific Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 56 Mail Code 104/6 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 Arizona Public Service Company Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529, and STN 50-530 License Nos. NPF-41 , NPF-51 and NPF-74 Mr. Randall K. Edington Executive Vice President Nuclear/CNO Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034, MS 7602.

Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Enclosure 4

DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:5 May 201521 :18:36 +0000 To:Jackson, Di ane Cc: Hill , Brittain


Working Version of WUS Seismic Screening Letter Attachments:Western US Screening and Prioritization letter Rev l 5-5-15 5pm.docx

Diane, For awareness, attached is the working version of the letter .. This. includes incorporating limited OGC comments. There was one OGG comment regarding providing additional background that I maintained for consideration and discussion. Still considering a small update to support transition to the. interim evaluations section.
Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:15 PM To: Burnell, Scott


Press Release on WUS Seismic Screening Letter

Scott, We. briefed the DEDO, NRR, and R-IV management on the content of the. WUS Screening letter during the JLD status weekly. Mentioned that we are working towards a press release. We received no realignment on the letter or communication plan approach.

View ADAMS P8 Properties ML151138344 Open ADAMS P8 Document (Screening and Prioritization Results for the Western United States Sites Regarding Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Seismic Hazard Re-Evaluations for Recommendation 2.1 of the. NTTF Review)

Current working towards issuance on Tuesday May 12 (that can always slip with NRR/ET review) . . Happy to. support a limited accuracy review as needed ..

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Communication Plan Timeline (ADAMS ML14083A619)

Date Activity (responsible organization)

SignitJ.cant Historic Actions Completed (2/20/14} Issued letter to all licensees Re: Operability, Reportability, Interim Evaluation and Actions (ML14030A046)

Completed (5/9/14) Issued Central and Eastern US (CEUS) Seismic Screening Letter (ML14111A147)

WUS Seismic Hazard Screening Review Completed (3/12/15) NRC Receipt of WUS Hazard Reports (JLD/licensees)

Completed (3/30/15) NRC/NEI Seismic Public Meeting w/ Discussion of WUS Review Process Completed (4/15/15) Target for public meeting notice of April 28 Diablo Seismic Meeting (JLD-DiFrancesco)

Completed 4/27/15 Public availability of NRC and licensee slides for April 28 meeting (JLD -


Completed 4/28/15 Diablo Canyon Public Meeting on 2.1 Seismic (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee)

Completed 4/29/15 Complete WUS screening & prioritization technical review (NRO/DSEA) 5/7/2015 Distribute WUS screening & prioritization letter to R-IV, OPA, OCA, OEDO (NRR/JLD liaison team) 5/11/2015 Notice to states, congressional, licensee issuance, and NGOs of pending issuance (RSLO, OCA, JLD) 5/12/2015. Issue WUS screening & prioritization letter licensees including review of interim evaluation and actions (NRR/JLD)

Issue Press Release on prioritization review (OPA) 6/4/15 Columbia Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/9/15 Palo Verde Public Meeting on Methods (NRR/JLD, NRO/DSEA, Licensee) 6/23/15 Diablo End of Cycle Meeting and Open House (R-IV)

Late.Summer Columbia End of Cycle Meeting (R-IV)

Continuing Staff assessment of the reevaluated seismic hazard (NRO/DSEA, NRR/JLD)



DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent:20 May 201 5 15:26:48 +0000 To:Rosenberg, Stacey Cc:Laur, Steven;Han-ison , Donnie;Shams, Mohamed;Jackson, Diane


Awareness of Public Meeting Slides on SPRA Relief and Working Letter Outline Attachments:R2. l Seismic - May 21 2015 Public Meeting Rev 7.pptx, SPRA Relief Letter for Group 2 and Group 3 Sites.docx

Stacey, As mentioned in the May 4 NRR/DRA brief. The staff is moving forward to provide relief to certain priority Group 2 and Group 3 sites from completing an SPRA. The May 21 public meeting. tomorrow. (Attachment 1 ). is. a step, along the way. were we consider. external.

stakeholder insights. Following the May 21 public meeting we will have one additional public meeting to consider stakeholder input. NRR ET has asked us to target August 2015 (Attachment 2) for issue of the letter response to licensee. The working draft contains my initial outline. I plan seek NRR/DRA concurrence sometime this summer and communicate awareness of SPRA activities.

Steve, Donnie, During an NEI call this morning the technical background about ice condensers containment failure probability. Tomorrow I expect an industry question on this topic.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301 ) 415-1115

J 0



J "O

co OJ CD


w Protecting People and the Environment 01 I

0 0

--0 NTTF Recommendation 2.1 Seismic -

3 0







May 21 , 2015. r_.



Andrea Kock, Diane Jackson, 0


en I\)

Mohamed Shams, Nick DiFrancesco --CX>

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office of New Reactors

U.S.NRC llNTTllD STATES NUCLl!AI\ IU!CllUTORY COMMISSION Proucnng People and tlu Environment Today's Agenda NRC

  • Discussion of SPRA for Groups 2 and 3
  • Development of Guidance fair Proposed Rulemaking Related to Mitigation Strategies
  • Public Questions or Comments NEI
  • Spent Fuel Pool Evaluation l)evelopment
  • High Frequency Guidance Updates
  • Public Questions or Comments NRC
  • Key Messages I Actions SPRA - Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessmen1t 2

U.S.NRC llNlTl!D ~TATES h'UCLEAI\ IU!CUl.ATORY COMMISSION Protecting People aruJ the Environment Assessment of SPRAs for Group 2 and Group 3 plants Diane ,Jackson 3

Seismic 2.1 Process Ensures Clarity, Consistency, and Risk-Informed Regulatory Decisions PHASE 1 INFORMATION GATHERING STAGE 1 STAGE 2 PHASE 2 DECISION-MAKING Interact with Industry on Hazard and Risk Evaluation Guidance NRC makes Regulatory Decisions, as needed Screened-in plants complete CEUS Licensees submit Expedited Interim Evaluation

  • Safety Enhancements Site Response (9/2013 & CEUS:12/2014 ; WUS:1/2016
  • Backfit Analysis 3/2014) and Risk Evaluation
  • Modify Plant License (Group. 1: 201 7)

NRC review Seismic Risk Evaluation, as needed L-----------------------------


U.S.NRC UNITED ~"TATES NUCLEAR Rl!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Pl'Otecting PeQJJle and tJu Environment R2.1 Seismic lnforn1ation Needs for Regulatory Decisions

  • 50.54(f) letter gathers information to support regulatory decision to modify, revoke or suspend license
  • SPRA are an important tool to identify safety enhancements and assess plant capacity
  • May 9, 2014, letter discusse~j that SPRAs for some Group 3 plants with limited exceedanices may not be needed to make regulatory 50.54(f) decision
  • Presently the staff is evaluating 50.54(f) responses and available information to sup~,ort potential SPRA relief for some Group 2 and Group 3 1plants 5

U.S.NRC UmTllD STATES 1\JCLEAR IU!CUl..ATORY COM MISSION Prot"'cnng P"'opl"' an.d tlu Ett vironmen t Available Information Supporting Limited SPRA Relie1f

  • R2.1 seismic reevaluated hazard I interim actions
  • R2.3 walkdown review:s and inspections
  • Gl-199, CEUS seismic hazard insights
  • IPEEE seismic plant Ccipacity insights
  • Expedited Approach Eivaluations 6

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Proucting Pet>ple 1uul the Environment Evaluation Approach for SPRA Relief

  • Staff built on Gl-199, IF>EEE, and reevaluated hazard risk insights for its review
  • Considered exceedanc:e above SSE, hazard peak, area between curves between 1 to 10 Hz, and reactor design
  • Assessed if SPRA safe~ty insights would likely identified plant specific enhances 7

U.S.NRC Ul'o'l'l'ED ~,.ATES NUCLEAR RllCUl..ATORY COMMISSION A-otectmg PeQJJle an.d tlu En.viron.m en.t SPRA Relief Letter. and Target Timeline

  • Engagement of stakeholder planned today and as part of next R2.1 Se~ismic public meeting
  • May - June 2015 - Sta.ff is continuing to develop inputs and as~;ess decisions
  • Late Summer - Letter Issuance

- Documents staff decisic>n providing SPRA relief for potential some Group 2 and Group 3 plants

- Limited Scope Evaluati<)ns are expected from licensees provided SPFtA relief 8

U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAR R£CU1..ATORY OOMJ\t!SSION Protecting Peqple and the Environm ent NRC Guidance Development for Proposed Rule on Mitigation of Beyond-Design-Basis Events (MBDBE)

Incorporating Reevaluated Seismic Hazard 9

U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR lll!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the En vironment Overview of Topics for Discussion

  • Background on propose of MBDBE rule and guidance
  • Scope of proposed rule
  • Reasonable Protectiion
  • Deployment and interactions
  • Use of existing engineering insights 10

U.S.NRC Ul'o1TED STATES NUCLEAR R£CU1..ATORY OOM1'fiSSION Protecting People and the Environment Guidance Development

  • Proposed rulemaking extends Mitigation Strategies to met the reevaluated hazard level
  • Draft Regulatory Guide [)G-1301 under development to support issuance for public comment by early Augu~>t
  • Guidance to address scc)pe and performance requirements


U.S.NRC UNrt'l!D ~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Proposed Rule Scope

  • All phases of FLEX equipment, including portable and installed
  • FLEX equipment must perform its intended function
  • Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard 12

U.S.NRC UKITllD STATES NUCLEAR RECULATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and tlu En vironment Reasonable Protection - Equipment

  • Equipment must ren1ain functional

- Components retain c~oolant or fuel

- Structures allow access for deployment

- Supporting equipment remains functional

  • Evaluation of equiprnent for robustness at the reevaluated seis,mic hazard

- Analysis, testing, earthquake_experience, and generic test data.


U.S.NRC UNITED ~TATES NUCLEAJ\ RJ!CUl..ATORY COMMISSION Protecnng People and the Environment Reasonable Protection - Buildings

  • Reasonable protection of equipment and strategies against the reevaluated hazard

- Inelastic deformatior1 is permitted so long as strategy can be implemented

- Deformation limit co111mensurate with intended function 14

U.S.NRC UNITED~TATES NUCLEAR RJ!CUl..ATORY OOM MlSSION Protecnng People and the Environment Deployment and Interactions

  • Secure and protect, equipment and strategies from seismic interactions
  • Seismically induced flooding
  • Feasible deployment routes

- Potential soil liquefac:tion or non-safety building failures

- Confirm access throLJgh robust structures 15

U.S.NRC U1'Tl'ED ~,.ATES 1\JCLl!AR R£CUl..ATORY COMMJSSION Pw>tecting People and the Environment Existing Engineering Framework

  • IPEEE A-46, capacity cind risk insights
  • R2.1 Seismic ESEP interim evaluation -

capacity insights

  • Seismic probabilistic ri~;k assessment -

capacities and risk insi!~hts

ESEP - Expedited Seismic Ev;aluation Process ASCE -American Society of C:ivil Engineers 16

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:

JLD_ 17

U.S.NRC l!NtTBD STATES NUCLEAR R£CUl..ATORY OOMAUSSION Proucnng People and the Environment Key Messages and Next Steps 18

U.S.NRC UNITllD STATES NUCLEAR RJ!CULATORY COM MISSION Protecnng People and the Environment NTTF 2.1 . Seismic Next Steps

  • Discussion of dates for r1ext meeting (late June)
  • Interaction on guidance *for proposed rulemaking (June - August 2015)
  • Discuss and finalize SRf)A decision for Groups 2 and 3 (August 2015)
  • Finalize high-frequency fevaluation implementing guidance (June/July 2015)
  • Spent fuel pool evaluatic>n implementing Guidance (Summer/Fall 2015) 19

U.S.NRC UNITED STATES 1\JCLEAJ\ RECUl..ATORY OOMMISSIOl'I Protecting People and the Environment Opportunity for Public Questions. or. Comments Additional Questions? Please ask us at:

JLD_ 20


ProkctinK People and the Enviromnent Backup Slides 21

jinformation (pages 52-61/ 1000) is available from ADAMS ML151138344.

The Power Reactor Licensees and Holder of Construction Permits in Deferred Status on the Enclosed List UBJECT: SUSPENSION OF SEISMIC RISK EVALUTION INFORMATION REQUES PURSUANT TO TITLE 10 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATI N




W~ O~

N I FR THE F K HI A DAI- HI A IDEN fie purpose of tfits letter is to inform enc ose lcensees tflat certain Group 2 a Group 3 sit ay suspend respondin to the seismic risk evaluation information r; uest based on a revie avajlable inf *o [This letter discussions the analysis approach of this decisions and expectations for completion of limit-scope evaluation (i.e. spent fuel pool , high-frequency, and/or low frequency evaluations).] Does not provide relief from other licensing requirements for risk-informed technical specifications or plant licensing.]

BACRGROONll On Marcfl 12, 2012, the NRC issued a request for information pursuant to Title 10 of the Cod of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (1 OCFR), Section 50.54(f) (hereafter referred to as the 50.54 etter) (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System {ADAMS) Accession No L12053A340). The purpose of that request was to gather information concerning, in part, th ismic hazards at operating reactor sites and to enable the NRC staff to determine whethe icenses should be modified, suspended, or revoked. The "Required Response" section o

  • nclosure 1 indicated that licensees and ns i n rm* h Id r h r vi i mi azaro Evaluation and Screenin re . The 50.54(f) letter stated that NRC would provide the results of the screening and prioritization indicating deadlines for individual plants to complete seismic risk evaluations to assess the total plant response to the re-evaluated seismic hazard.

By (five] letters NRC completed its screening and prioritization review which places 34 reactor sites into three review groups based on relative priority and resource constraints to complete seismic risk evaluations.

Previously, in accordance with the SPID and Expedited Approach guidance, the re-evaluated seismic hazard determines if additional seismic risk evaluations. If the re-evaluated ground motion response spectra (GMRS), in the 1-1 O Hz range, is greater than the existing SSE, then the plant complete an Expedited Approach, screen in to conduct a seismic risk evaluation, committed to conduct high frequency, and a spent fuel pool evaluation.

The seismic screening letters dated in 2014 and 2015 also discussed that relief from the request was under consideration for some Group 3 sites. Based on further review, the staff found it prudent to also review Group 2 sites .. In total the staff identified that seismic risk evaluations for approximately (12.5] sites are not required [footnote Hatch unit CLB difference] to complete regulatory decision making. [This letter discussion the rationale].

AVAILIBLE INFORMATION The NRC staff as part of. its 50 .54(f) request sought information to support regulatory decisions related to the seismic reevaluated hazard for operating reactor sites. The 50.54(f) letter discusses that this information would be used in Phase 2 decisions. Although seismic risk evaluations are an important tool to. assess plant satety and ruggedness. Based on the. staff review of licensee hazard, risk insights, and plant design, substantial safety benefits are not expected for a number of previously screened Group 2 and Group 3 review sites. The NRC staff in coming to this decision considered , the reevaluated hazard screening reports,. Gl-199 risk insights, R2.1 hazard updates, probabilistic risk assessment guidance and standards, and 10 CFR 50.109 backfit criteria.

EVALUATION PROCESS AND ANALYSIS , documents plants identified in Group 2 and Group 3 where low to moderate seismic hazard exceedance and risk insights provided sufficient safety basis to not require a seismic risk evaluation. In otherwords, the seismic hazard was. reasonable small to. not require plant specific improvements.

The staff found that Calvert Cliffs , Units 1 and 2, GMRS hazard slightly exceedance. the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and previous seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) found plant risk to be very low.

The staff found that Cooper, Perry, Seabrook, and Three Mile Island, Unit 1, hazard slightly exceeded the SSE, and previously risk evaluations demonstrated plant risk to be low.

The staff found that Davis-Besse, Wolf Creek, Point Beach, Fermi , and LaSalle, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates. are low.

The staff found that Hatch Unit 2 and Monticello, GMRS hazard exceedance was moderately above the SSE, its spectral peak was low, and recent risk estimates are moderate.


ML151138344 *via email OFFICE NRR/JLD/PMB/PM NAR/JLD/ LA NRR/JLD/ HMB/BC NRO/DSEA/RGS2/BC NRR/DOAUD NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MShams DJackson Llund DATE OFFICE NRO/DSEA/D OGG NRR/JLDID NRR/D NAME SFlanders JDavis WDean DATE RidsNrrPMSalem RidsNrrPMSeabrook RidsNrrPMSequoyah RidsNrrPMShearonHarris RidsNrrPMSummer RidsNrrPMSurry RidsNrrPMSusquehanna RidsNrrPMThreeMilelsland RidsNrrPMTurkeyPoint RidsNrrPMVogtle RidsNrrPMWaterford RidsNrrPMWattsBar1 RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 RidsNrrPMWolfCreek RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn 1MailCenter Resource RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource RidsRgn3MailCenter Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource.

PUBLIC RidsNroOd RidsNrrOd RidsNsirOd.

MMarkley, NRR MKhanna, NRR MShams, NRR NDiFrancesco, NRR AKock, NAO DJackson, NRO RidsNrrPMDiabloCanyon RidsNrrPMColumbia RidsNrrPaloVerde RidsOgcRp Resource RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource RidsEdoMailCenter Resource

Glossary of Evaluation

?G'Sociat Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Re-evaluations ntenm Evaluat on or Actions - An immediate licensee an(j NBC review of the re-evaluat azard to determine whether actions are needed to assure plant safety while further evaluation e ongoing. The staff has completed Its review and concluded that, based on the licensees nterim evaluations and actions, Western United States (WUS) plants are safe for continu operations. Interim evaluatio s and actions are rovided In Section 5.0 "Interim Actions " of th .

h - A near-term licensee evaluation to be completed in December 2014 f CEUS plants and by January 31 , 2016, for WUS plants whose re-evaluated hazard exceeds r.urrent design-basis for the safe shutdown earthquake hazard level. The evaluation looks a he systems and components that can be used to safely shut down a plant under the conditi fa station blackout (i.e., no alternating current power is available) and loss of ultimate hea ink. The expedited approach will either confirm that a plant has sufficient margin to contin ith a longer-term evaluation without any modifications, or confirm the need to enhance th~

~ismic capacity to assure they can withstand the re-evaluated hazard. The Expedite .....__~

~proach guidance document is found in the A enc

  • e Documents Access and Mana emen S stem under Accession No. ML13102A142 comprehensive information to make regulatory decisions, such as whether to amena a plant's esign or licensing basis or make additional safety enhancements. These evaluations provid nformation to make risk-informed decisions. The staff will use this infonnation in conju~

ith the existing regulatory tools, such as backfit analysis, to decide on further regulato ctions. The longer-term seismic risk evaluations could be either a Seismic Margins AnalY,sis o

  • *
  • s e gewndi;m*n~auml.llliunal!ll*~U21.:IDitJWfB~~

Enclosure 1

Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from. the Fukusnima Dai-lchi Acciden1 Seismic Screening UDdated Based on Review of Available lnformatio Umited-scooe Evaluation!i


~ ~

  • Evaluatio Plant Name ~ee~~ ~~~J~~::,pm esu D;~~~zatio nc 0 al en a

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2i Ou Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 and ~ Du Coooer Nuclear Station Ou , ~

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Unit 1] Out ~ ~

EdWin I. Ratcfi Nuclear Plant. Unit 2 1 QYj I

=ermi, Unit 2! Ou 1 LaSalle Countv Station. Units 1 and 2! Ou I Monticello Nuclear Generatina Plan~ :o u ~

Dvster Creek Nuclear Generatina Statiori bu ' I> ~

Palo Verde Nuclear Station Units 1. 2, and 3 Ou ) ~

Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1J Du i>oint Beach Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2 Pu ~

Seabrook, Unit 11 Pu

~auovah Nuclear Plant.. Units 1 and 2 'O

. u, '

jfhree Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 11 Pu Wolf Creek Generatina Station Unit 1l Ou Enclosure 2

arch 2015 Re-evatuated Seismic Hazard and Screening Repo dwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and Salle Coun Station, Units 1 and rch 27 2014 ML14092A413 Station Unit 1 rch 31 2014 ML14097A020 Enclosure 3


DiFrancesco, Nicholas From:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Sent: 13 May 2015 18:34:49 +0000 To:Witt, Kevin;Yale ntin, Milton Cc: Bowman, Gregory;Shams, Mohamed


Comment Re: SFP Commitments to Commission Attachments:20 l 3-0030comscy. pdf We need to confirm with the technical experts but, l think the only plant we need to understand better is Columbia.

DC and Palo Verde general appear to be within their CLB.

Might be a good item to consider as we develop the SPF evaluation implementing details.


Original Message-----

From: Witt. Kevin Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:15 PM To: Valentin, Milton Cc: Bowman. Gregory; Difrancesco, Nicholas


Commitments to Commission Hi Milton, since we were talking about commitments this morning, 1 was just reminded of one. ln the expedited transfer paper (attached- footnote on pg 10), we committed to go back and verify that the western US Plants SFPs are bounded by this analysis when we gain sufficient information about seismic hazards. We may be able to utilize the work that JHMB is doing on the SFP seis mic hazard reevaluations to close this item out.


Ol'FICIAL USE ONLY SENSI I IVE IN I ERNAL INFoRMAllON March XX, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Burns Commissioner Svinicki Commissioner Ostendorff Commissioner Baran FROM: Michael R. Johnson Deputy Executive. Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs Office of the Executive Director for Operations




As stated cc : SECY OGC OCA OPA CFO Ol'l'lelAL t:l!I! 014L I !1!14SITI OI!! ii"l!!l'\14AL 114FORMA I ION

  • via email OFFICE NRR/JLD NRR/JLD/JPSB:BC OEDO/TCCM DEDR NAME LKGibson* GBowman*. MDudek MJohnson.


-2 (6) On March 12, 2015, the NRC staff received the seismic hazard reevaluation reports for the. plants in the Western United States (Columbia Generating Station; Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3). Along with their submittals, licensees whose reevaluated seismic hazard is higher than their design basis are expected to provide an interim evaluation to demonstrate that the plant can cope with the reevaluated seismic hazard while the longer-term seismic risk evaluations are ongoing. The NRC staff will review the licensee submittals and establish a prioritization schedule for the seismic risk evaluations for those plants where the reevaluated seismic hazard exceeds that in the facility's design basis . The staff will also review the licensee's interim evaluation and actions,. if applicable .. This review, which will be documented in a letter. will likely take between 30-60 days to accomplish. With the submittal of these report, seismic hazard reevaluation have been submitted for all plants.

Outside of Scope 8FFl81AI:: l:ISE Q~lb>f Gli~Usll'l'/li IHl'liRHP:b l~IFQRU 0 TIQH

8FFl81AL ~SE 8HLV SEHSl"flVE lftifEfilHAL lt4F8filMAll8H I

§.~~r-~~** Regulator} A~t.i~_n i '

ComJ?I~~~~- r:'!~~!:.~!l~st,cfrie' Future Milestones Tier 1 NRG to document review of Expedited Approach. for GEUS by RFI issued December 31, 2015 March 12, 2012 NRG to issue seismic NRG to issue review Seismic Hazard Reevaluation hazard staff assessments Licensees for Western U.S. letters on Expedited NTTF 2.1 Request for Information for GEUS licensees by facilities submitted site Approach for GEUS by (RFI) September.30, 2015 seismic hazard February 28, 2016 reevaluations by March 12, 2015 Licensee(s) for Western U.S. facilities to submit Expedited Approach by January 31 , 2016 Non Responsive Enclosure 2 QFFIGhl:b l!ISi: 8ttl'/ 8EHSl'flV! IH'l'! .. HAL 1m*onlUIA I ION

Sent:20 May 2015 19:43: 18 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon;Stephanie Devlin;Heeszel, David


Palo Verde questions Attachments:Questions for PVNGS.docx Attached are my draft questions based on their use of GMM.

They supersede couple of my questions send to you 10 days ago.

Provide more rational for the choice of subset of GMPEs for PVNGS. What is the reason for deviation from approach chosen by DCPP? What is the reason for not using Idriss and Zhao GMPEs for Greater Arizona sources (Table EX-2)?

Section justifies use of Zhao models for California and they are used for Diablo. In mean time Table 5.5.1-1 (p.5-46) says that Zhao tectonics and attenuation are not relevant to California/West Arizona. DCPP. and PVNGS seem to contradict each other's ..

Section 6.2.2 is including Bindi 2014 model, but limits its use to M=7 because of magnitude scaling which is different from others (Fig. 6.2.2-1) 1.50 -~----~--~* 1 1.00 T = 0.2 SS Rx = S 0.70 El

<( 0.50 en CL

  • ASK14
  • AS814 l.


  • Bi14 BSSAt4
  • C814 en~

0.20 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 M

In mean time for DCPP the use of different scaling (strong saturation) by Zhao is considered to be useful representing alternative approach.

It looks like when alternative scaling results in lower GM it is acceptable to Tl team, but when it results in higher GM it is not acceptable.

Page 6-6 states:

"Based on the evaluation of the candidate GMPEs for application to earthquakes in California and Mexico recorded in central Arizona given in Kishida et al. (2014), the Tl Team judged that the. NGA-West2 GMPEs are suitable for estimating path terms. for the paths from California and Mexico to central Arizona."

In mean time existing publications Phillips (2013) demonstrate higher Q for Arizona (also Fig. 5.5, p.107).

Kishida et al. ,. 2014 report states. (Abstract):

"The comparison showed that overall the recorded 5% damped response spectral ordinates were. over predicted by the NGA-West2 models by a range of 0-0.35 natural log units for events occurring in Central California, and by a range of 0.2-0.7 natural log units for events occurring in Southern California and the Gulf of California."

This conclusion looks inconsistent with:

1. Arizona Q at least same or higher than that of California
2. Kappa same or lower than that of California This conclusion is based on comparisons with records from mostly small. magnitude events (Table 2.2, p.6) and data having extremely limited frequency range of 0.5 to 8 Hz (may be actually up to 5 Hz). Figure 2.18 (p.19) confirms that

(/) 150 ---...--.---.................--.--.-...-.-.........-n--.....-........~~

~@ 100 ------------- ... -... - Arizona Events

\ --- NGA-West2 Events



0 '--~~-L..U-1..LU.__;:=.........1....1....:..u..u....-..1.-..1-1...i..:iu.u.i 0.1 1 10 100 Period (s)

Are there any consideration of basin effect in applying GMPEs for Arizona considering that basin effect in NGA-West2 relations depends upon the depth to Vs=1km/s or 2.5 km/s?

Use of such a subset of data actually questions estimates of kappa.

Fig. 4.17-4.37 also don't look convincing.

Sent: 10 Apr 20 15 21 :24:07 +0000 To:John Stamatakos;Stirewalt, Gerry;PJaza-Toledo, Meralis;Miriam R. Juckett Cc:Ake, Jon;Hill, Brittain;Munson. Clifford;lisa.;Li, Yong


RE: Monday Diablo Meeting That is very good.


From: John Stamatakos [].

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:01 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Stirewalt, Gerry; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Miriam R. Juckett Cc: Ake, Jon; Hill, Brittain; Munson, Clifford;; Li, Yong


Monday Diablo Meeting

Vlad, For Monday, I can walk everyone through the draft summary report we have on the seismic imagining data and searchable image table.

John Dr. John Stamatakos Direct or ofTechnical Programs Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)

Southwest Research Institute 1801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-0290

IInformation (pages 282-283/1000) is .. ... ..... .

Graizer, Vladimir From:Graizer, Vladimir Sent:28 May 2015 13:53:52 +0000 To:Jackson, Diane;Munson , Clifford Cc:John Stamatakos;Ake, Jon;Plaza-Toledo, Merali s;Giacinto, Joseph ;Stovall, Scott;H111, Britlain;Li, Yong


RE: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Diane and Cliff, I don't know if it is considered an RAI, but as I mentioned at one of the Diablo meetings I need the following info:

Section 8.4.1 of the SWUS report discusses evaluation of median base models and their range.

Please provide Excel files of the plots shown on Figures 8.4-17 and 8.4-18 showing comparisons of hazard curves for frequencies of 5 and 0.5 Hz.

In addition, please provide similar files for the frequencies of 1O and 1 Hz.

Vladimir Graizer, Ph.D.

Seismologist Office of New Reactors Mail Stop: T-7F3 Washington, DC 20555-0001 From: Jackson,. Diane Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:43 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Graizer, Vladimir; John Stamatakos; Ake, Jon; Plaza-Toledo, Meralis; Giacinto, Joseph; Stovall, Scott; Hill, Brittain; Li, Yong


FYI: Reminder sent to Diablo for Information Request Nick sent a reminder.

Diane From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9: 16 AM To: Philippe Soenen (; Jahangir, Nozar Cc: Michael Richardson (; Strickland, Jearl; Shams, Mohamed; Jackson, Diane; Vega, Frankie


Reminder on Diablo Information Request Philippe , et, al Just a reminder that the staff is interested in the following references to support NRC review:

1) Benchmark files for SWUS-DCPP median ground motion models.
2) ESTA 27 and 28 recordings of Parkfield and San Simeon earthquakes
a. Time histories
b. Response spectra
c. Response spectra adjusted for Vs30
3) Engineering reports describing development of velocity profiles for stations ESTA 27. and 28.
4) Paper describing WAACY Magnitude PDF by Wooddell and others.

Please let me know when the references will be available.

Thanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division I Tel: (301) 415-1115

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 18:29:27 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane


Columbia GMM codes Attachments:ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_yeskappa.pdf, ss_90_0_ 10_ 10_ 10_nokappa.pdf Hi All, Attached are two files that contain some results from my Columbia GMM software. Both files are for a single fault at 8 magnitudes from 5(fault1 )-8(fault8). In this case the fault is a vertical strike-slip located with 1Okm away that comes to the surface.

The red dots are individual realizations of the SA at the branch level. The solid black curve is the. weighted mean SA, and the dashed lines are. the mean+/ -sigma. For this code, we are simply using the middle branch of the normal distribution of sigma.

The next step is to get a set of. scenario. earthquakes that are realistic and important to hazard.

Perhaps we can discuss at the Columbia weekly meeting on Thursday.

Thanks, David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066




0. 001 ;--____,....--,....-r--T'"...,.....,.....,........--____,....----..-.....,--,...........,....,.-----r----..-......--.-...,....,......--

0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1


0. 1


(j) 0.0 1 0 .00 1 ~----~...,.....,........,....,...;-----.-----..--.,.....-r-.,......,....,..,...;----.----.----...-~......,...,.-t-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



CJ) 0.001 ~----.---.--.,......,.........,....,.....--~""T""""""T'"...........,.......,...,...,.._.,....----.__,........,....,.....,....-r-t-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault4 1

., .,. ,. __. . - * - *1 * --- .


..._... ___,,____.__ i i -=' *-:--. *-' *-*- *

0. 1 i ' '

t *

<( .. " .:

(j) /

0.0 1 0 .001 -------.---.-...,.....,....,...,....,...;-----.-----..--...--.-.,.............,...;---.....----.----.-..,........,.............. 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault5 1



0. 1 .. . . .. ... . .

<( / I (j)

/ I

.I 0.0 1 I

I ,,

0.001 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



(j) 0.001 ~----.---.--.,......,.........,.....,....,-~""T""""""T'"...................,...,...;--.,....----,.__,........,....,....,....,....-r 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



.,.,,,.. . - - - * ~ * :- * -r* --.

t I

t 1


I * - .


  • I t I I
  • I I ' - *- * -*

t t t i

  • O>

..._... /

/ I t t

t I

I 1


II t


'11 t

I t

1 1:



t t : I t I t i ---...;l; _ - - 1
0. 1 ~ * . . . , .. t I I

<( . .. . , ~ ' . ~

  • I (j) 0.01 0 .00 1 ~-----.---r-...,......,.......,.......;-----.-----..--.,.....-r-.,.....,....,..,...;---.....----.----...-...,.....,.....,.....,...,...i 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

faults 0.001 ~-----.---.-...,.....,........,....,...;-----.-----..--.........,...."!'""T'""l"",...;---.....---.----.-..,........,.............. 0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)



CJ) 0.01 ---~f-l------l-I-- , - - -t-I* *

.i .

0.001 ------.---.--.--.-........-'T'1--.....----r---r--l""""l""°T'"'l'-----r-

  • -.,........,.....,....,....,'T"'l-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1 -,:1- - - - - - 1 0 .1 -+------.e---1~...-.~-f--'-~--l--l---i----1'-----I-

.. t . . . . . . ... . .

<(  : .

(j) 0.01 -~--- - - + - - - - - - + - --1-- -

1 i jI j 0.001 --t-"----r---.---r"""T""'T""T..........-------r----r-..............."""T""T'"T'"T--+--,_;......,.....-r""P""r'".,..+-

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault3 10 1

- -- . I I

. ,..- I

  • A' I O>

..._... /


,, ./

0. 1 v *, .. . .. . . ... ......







. . ... I. ..I I


. / . .*

0.01 .; .


/ I I I I

/ I  !

.I .I 0.001 '

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




'1 0.001 ~-...---.........-r....,.............,.....,....,.,_._____,.____,.---,-~,....,...,...,.----..---....---.---.--.......-r-r-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)


. - * -

  • i- * ..


----..... t' .

~.~ . ~;---- -~

. ~ . ~ . -~-

/ /

/ / ~ ~


. --1---/~

. ,.. /

. <---.- v ~~

., , .-v


. * * ~---+---'-I-~ .. ~

,. -+-

.: ..~

~ - -~~-~-- ~-

. .. -. . . ~ .


CJ) 0.01 v */




. . . .. .. .. j*

I: i

i .

0.001 ------.-----.--.--.--.-.,...,......;--......----.---r--T...............-----,..----.-

I .* ,.........,......,....,....,..

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault6 0)

<( 0. 1

.*r . .... ..... .


  • ~ ~

(j) I t

I I I I 0.001 ~--r---.........-r-T-r-'l"'"'!""T-;---.....,....----,----.--.-""T"""T"""!'";----....,................,........,.....,....,...

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)


1 -* .- *- * -**-. . . . .


0. 1 I

. *J- * - * - *-


.. *:* .: .. ! ... ~ ..... .


<( t I (j)

  • 0.0 1

.* I*'


'I ..


0 .00 1 ~-----.---r-..,......,....,...,......;----.----,--.........,...."T""'"T"'T"",..;---.....---.--  : ..,........,_"T""'"T"'T""'T'"t-0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault8 1 .- ~ * ---. .


. I . I I

. -... I I O>

0.1 ,,. *""


  • ""
  • I



-~ -- L.J-+--t-t--~ -

.... *.l *.::.... !. ..... .

<( /

(j) /

/ II ** **

  • It I I
  • I *I t
  • I 0.01 .. a a a 0.001 ~----.----r-...........,..."'T""'l'""'!"'-----.-----.--r--r-...,.....,....,.,...;------.----.--.-..,....,......--

0 .1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 Mar 2015 20:17:38 +0000 To:Seber , Dogan;Munson, Clifford Cc:Graizer, Vladimir


Columbia GMM Implementation Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx Attached is a brief PowerPoint detailing the implementation of the Columbia GMM. I focused primarily on Appendix 02 of the SSHAC report and so am not intimately familiar with the technical bases used to develop the GMM. Let me know if you have any questions I may be able to answer.

Please forward to anyone who may have a use or need for this.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Hanford SSHAC Ground Motion Mod~1s and ~J11pleni.~ntation 43N 50 100

- = - = - - Kilometers 122'W t20W 118W

Hanford Ground Motion Model

  • Defined at 20 Periods
  • Divided into two pieces

- GMM for background and fault sources (crustal model)

- GMM for subduction sources (subduction model)

  • Independent Logic Trees
  • Single Sigma Logic Tree

- Different parameters use~d for crustal and subduction earthquakes

  • V530 is 760 m/s throughout

Crustal Model (189 branches)

Backbone Vs-K Adj ustment Inherent Uncertainty in Host-to-Target GMPE Factors Backbone Adjustments Uncertainty Factors Vs K-7 I

[~ln (Y) M )9 (0.0625)



[~ln {Y} M) 8 (0.0625)

Vs K-6

{0.136) [~ln { Y) IMh (0.0625) x1.3 Vs K-5

[61n (Y) IM) 6 (0.0625) (0.3}


CY14 [flln(Y) I M] 5 (0.50) xl.O (1.0) (0.222) (0.6)

[61 n(Y) IM] 4 (0.0625)

Vs K-3 x0.8 (0.198) [61n (Y) IMh (0.0625)


Vs K-2

[~ln (Y) IMh {0.0625)

[~ln(Y ) IM]1 (0.0625)


Backbone Model

  • Modification of Chiou and Youngs, 2014
  • Can be broken into "'10 subcomponents Some parameters fall out b/c not considered by this PSHA
  • E.g. directivity component
  • Included in software for completeness
  • Necessary Inputs Frequency (f)

Magnitude (m)

- Rupture Distance (RRuP)

Joyner-Boore Distance (RJs)

Fault Dip (6)

Reverse Faulting Flag (FRv)

Normal Faulting Flag (FNM) (I should remove this)

Depth to top of rupture (ZroR)

Subsequent Adjustment Factors

  • V5-kappa factors

- Table lookup

  • Period Dependent Uncertainty

- Required Inputs

  • Hanging Wall Factor (FHw)

- Depends on Rx and fault type

  • Joyner-Boore Distance (RJ8 )
  • Dip (6)
  • Rx
  • Magnitude (M)
  • Host-to-Target Uncertaint\l

- Constant

Implementation in SSC

  • Same GMM used for fault sources and background sources All earthquakes are considerE~d faults
  • Yakima Fold and Thrust treated Discretely
  • Zones treated generally

- Randomly Distributed

- Sometimes randomly oriented

- All Boundaries are Leaky Need to consider fault type

  • Sources have styles of faulting and dips associated with them

- Necessary to calculate the parameters Rx and Ztor

  • Fault scaling relations. become important particularly for determining ztor

- Calculate width based on scaling relations and determine ~or

>> If Ztor <0 then this realization is not considered in PSHA

Subduction Model (72 branches)

Scaling on Epistemic Host-to-Target Backbone Magnitude An elastic Uncertainty in Vs Adjustment GMPE Scal ing Attenuation Med ian Factor*


[~Cl]med + 0.2 Vs factor-4 0.5 05 x1 .62 (0.335)

(0.2) ( 0.4 ) (0.2)

Vs factor-3 Back-arc [6C1]med x1 .0 (0.165)

{1.0) (0.6) ( 0.6)

V5 factor-2

[tiCl]med - 0.2 05 x0 .62 (0.335)

(0.2) ( 0.6) ( 0.2)

V5 factor-1


Implemented Within GMPE (0.165)

Backbone Model

  • Modification of BC Hydro Model.
  • Broken into "'9 subcomponents
  • Necessary inputs Freq uency (f)

Moment Magnitude (M)

Foca l Dept h (Zh) fo r Interface event s Depth w ithin slab for lntras lab events Eve nt type fl ag (Fevent)

  • lnterplate
  • lntraslab R
  • Rupture for lnterplate
  • Hypocentre for lntraslab
  • Site correction term means that PGA callculation must be done for hypothetical case where V530=1,000 m/s Time co nsuming circular loop
  • Requires calculating much of logic t ree for IPGA at 1000 m/s prior to calcu lating SA at desired frequency.

Implementation in SSC

  • Reads as if interplate e~arthquakes are (semi)finite (Rrup)
  • lntraplate are point(ish) sources (Rhyp)
  • Logic tree is primarily <<3 lookup exercise
  • Despite simpler form -- more difficult to implement due to correction factors w/in backbone

Sigma (6 branches)

I Distri but ion I Sigma Model High Normal (0.2)


Cent ral (0.6)

Mixture Model Low



CY2 -CY1 a == a-1 + [ mir1(max(M, 5), 7) - 5]


  • Same tree used for both crustal and subduction earthquak~~s

- Normal Model Uses Table Lookup

- Mixture Model Uses CcJnditional Probability and table lookup

  • Need to call integration subroutine 6 times for one realization P(z > z) =WMixl 1

- ffi ( z- /1)


Potential Sirr1plifications?

  • All ruptures reach a specific depth_(Ztor=constant)?.
  • Ignore hanging wall effect*!>
  • Constant Dip?
  • Rrup=RJs=RHYP ?=Rx?

- All could be implemented t::>n SSC side

  • Full GMM logic tree is coded

- Decide which, if any simplifications to apply later

  • Need a definitive answer 01n the level of granularity necessary

- Only interested in Median SA and sigma?

  • Computationally cleaner

Implementation So Far

  • Fortran90 - need to consicler that most of Roland's codes are in C
  • Models coded as indepenclent subroutines

- With dependencies (mostlv lookup)

  • Sigma developed as well

- With dependencies

  • Simple wrapper programs have been developed for testing

- Comparisons to Chapter 9 in SSHAC report look reasonable

  • No digital testing files for comparison
  • Currently~ only output is. ~;A and sigma.

- Not individual branches

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:26 May 2015 19:46:45 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


Columbia GMM without host to target uncertainty.

Attachments:no_htu_yeskappa.pdf, no_htu_nokappa.pdf Attached are two pdfs containing plots for the Columbia GMM without the host to target uncertainty. nokappa does not contain the Vs-kappa correction, and yeskappa does. The faulting parameters and magnitudes are the same as the plots sent last week and the size of the dots corresponds to that branches relative weight in calculating the mean. There are nine branches for the nokappa realization and 63 for the yeskappa. The results. appear to be approximately 7% lower than for the case that includes the host-to-target uncertainty correction .

- -David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office : T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066




(f) 0.0001 1e -os--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(j) 0.001 1 e-os--~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~....-~~~....-~~~......+--

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




0.001 1e-os---~---..~---------.......-...-.-~~--~--..----.....-.-....-~~-----------. . . . . .-----

0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.0001 -+--- - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)




(f) 0.01 1 e-o s--~~~~~----~.......-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~-.--.-+-

o.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault1 10 1 . . .

  • t__

0.1 0.01 0.001




0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault2 1

0.1 0.01 0.001








r;--~~~~-~~~~===j 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault3 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-09j_~----r~-r---,--..,..--,---i--r-r.f-~~.,.-----r-----r----r---,--,--r--i-r~~-r------r-----r----r--r-r-~

1 00 0.1 1 10 Frequency (Hz)

fault4 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



(f) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

faults 10 1

0.1 0.01 0.001



Cf) 0.0001 1e- 05 1e- 06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault6 10 1

0.1 .. . .. . .. . ...... . ... ... .. . .. .

0.01 * **



<l: 0.0001 (f) 1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)


10 1

0.1 * ** ;****: .... . ... .. ... ... .


+* *

  • 0.001
  • O>

<( 0.0001


1e- 05 1e-06 1e-07 1e- 08 1e-09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

fault8 10 1 ,_ . - :* - . _ ;, - ;

0.1 0.01






0.0001 1e- 05 1e-06 1e- 07 1e- 08 1e- 09 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

Information (pages 332/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:25 Mar 2015 20:26:34 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford Cc:Ake, Jon ;Jackson, Diane


Columbia Ground Motion Model Hi Cliff, I've finished coding up the ground motion model for the Columbia SSHAC. I. can walk you through the program in about 20 min if your interested.


David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent:2 Apr 2015. 12:09:41 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Seber, Dogan;Li, Yong; Walsh, Lisa;Stovall, Scott Cc:'Miriam R. Juckett' Bcc:HQ-TWFN-07 A04-15p.


Discussion of CGS GMPEs Attachments:Columbia Ground Motion Background.pptx We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation. Call in and presentation attached Bridge line phone number: 888-71 1-9770 Participant passcode1(b)(6) I

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12: 13:54 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: CGS GMPE Codes Hi Lisa, I'll be going through the logic tree approach and how I have currently implemented it. I imagine.

that much of the discussion will be around simplifications that we can make that will help our review be more efficient. I would skim Chapter 9 of the report and (maybe) familiarize yourself with Appendix D2 . . I haven't given the code to Cliff or Dogan yet, so I don't want to put the cart before the horse in terms of handing them around.

-- David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:58 AM To: Heeszel, David


CGS GMPE Codes Hi David, Dogan just mentioned that you are going to present the Columbia GMPEs and implementation along with the codes you have developed for confirmatory analysis on Thursday. He forwarded me the appointment and I plan to attend, but I just thought I would check in with you. I am planning on reading through the SSHAC report over the next few days. Would I be able to look at the codes you developed from the SSHAC report before the meeting (and/or would that be useful)?

Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph .D.

Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612

PGA Weighted VS-kappa I Backb~ne I Log(SA)

Frequency SA (code) Weight SA (Branch* Uncertainty B kb branch Branch ac one code) 2.60E-01

- 3.44E-03 8.94E-04 1

-5.3100 100 1 100 1.72E-01 3.44E-03 5.92E-04 1 2 -5.3100 100 1.38E-01 3.44E-03 4.75E-04 1 3 -5.3100 100 3.25E-01 3.44E-03 1.12E-03 1 4 -5.3100 100 2.12E-01 2.75E-02 5.83E-03 1 5 -5.3100 100 1.81 E-01 3.44E-03 6.23E-04 1 6 -5.3100 100 3.32E-01 3.44E-03 1.14E-03 1 7 -5.3100 100 1.35E-01 3.44E-03 4.64E-04 1 8 -5.3100 100 2.47E-01 3.44E-03 8.50E-04 1 9 -5.3100 100 1.63E-01 8.50E-03 1.39E-03 2 1 -5.3100 100 1.08E-01 8.50E-03 9.18E-04 2 I 2 -5.3100 100 8.64E-02 8.50E-03 7.34E-04 2 I 3 -5.3100 100 2.04E-01 8.50E-03 1.73E-03 2 I 4 -5.3100 100 1.33E-01 6.SOE-02 9.04E-03 2 I 5 -5.3100 100 1.13E-01 8.50E-03 9.61 E-04 2 6 -5.3100 100 2.08E-01 8.50E-03 1.77E-03 2 I 7 -5.3100 100 8.46E-02 8.50E-03 7.19E-04 2 8 -5.3100 100 1.55E-01 8.50E-03 1.32E-03 2 9 -5.3100 100 8.14E-02 1.24E-02 1.01E-03 3 I 1 -5.3100 100 5.37E-02 1.24E-02 6.66E-04 3 2 -5.3100 100 4.30E-02 1.24E-02 5.33E-04 3 3 -5.3100 100 1.02E-01 1.24E-02 1.26E-03 3 4 -5.3100 100 6.61 E-02 9.90E-02 6.54E-03 3 5 -5.3100 100 5.65E-02 1.24E-02 7.01 E-04 3 6 -5.3100 100 1.04E-01 1.24E-02 1.29E-03 3 7 -5.3100 100 4.21 E-02 1.24E-02 5.22E-04 3 8 -5.3100 100 7.73E-02 1.24 E-02 9.59E-04 3 9 -5.3100 100 4.23E-02

- -- 1.39E-02

--- - 5.88E-04

- - - -> - 4 ..... 1 -5.3100 1-----

100 2.79E-02 1.39E-02 3.88E-04 4 2 -5.3100 100 2.23E-02 1.39E-02 3.1OE-04 4 3 -5.3100 100 5.27E-02 1.39E-02 7.33E-04 4 4 -5.3100 100 3.43E-02 1.1 1E-01 3.81 E-03 4 5 -5.3100

- 100 2.94E-02 1.39E-02 4.09E-04

- 4 6

- -5.3100 100 5.39E-02 1.39E-02 7.49E-04 4 7 -5.3100 100 2.19E-02 1.39E-02 3.04E-04 4 8 -5.3100 100 4.01 E-02 1.39E-02 5.57E-04 4 9 -5.3100 100

- 1.46E-03 1.24E-02 1.81E-05 5 1 -5.3100 100 9.62E-04 1.24E-02 1.19E-05 5 2 -5.3100 100 7.71 E-04 1.24E-02 9.56E-06 5 3 -5.3100 100 1.82E-03 1.24E-02 2.26E-05 5 4 -5.3100 100 1.18E-03 9.90E-02 1.17E-04 5 5 -5.3100 100 1.01 E-03 1.24E-02 1.25E-05 5 6 -5.3100 100 1.86E-03 1.24E-02 2.31 E-05 5 7 -5.3100 100 7.55E-04 1.24E-02 9.36E-06 5 8 -5.3100 100 1.38E-03 1.24E-02 1.71 E-05 5 I 9 -5.3100 100 7.57E-07 8.50E-03 6.43E-09 6 I 1 -5.3100 100 5.00E-07 8.50E-03 4.25E-09 6 I 2 -5.3100 100 4.00E-07 8.50E-03 3.40E-09 6 3 -5.3100 Page l

PGA 100 9.45E-07 8.50E-03 8.03E-09 6 4 -5.3100 100 6.15E-07 6.80E-02 4.18E-08 6 5 -5.3100 100 5.26E-07 8.50E-03 4.47E-09 6 6 -5.3100 100 9.65E-07 8.50E-03 8.20E-09 6 7 -5.3100 100 3.92E-07 8.50E-03 3.33E-09 6 8 -5.3100

- 100 100 100

- 7.19E-07 1.20E-13 7.90E-14

- 8.50E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 6.11 E-09 4.13E-16 2.72E-16

- 6 7

7 9

1 2



-5.3100 100 6.33E-14 3.44E-03 2.18E-16 7 3 -5.3100 100 1.49E-13 3.44E-03 5.13E- 16 7 4 -5.3100 100 9.73E-14 2.75E-02 2.68E-15 7 5 -5.3100 100 8.32E-14 3.44E-03 2.86E-16 7 6 -5.3100 100 1.53E-13 3.44E-03 5.26E-16 7 7 -5.3100 100 6.20E-14 3.44E-03 2.13E-16 7 8 -5 .3100 100 1.14E-13 3.44E-03 3.92E-16 7 9 -5.3100 Weighted 5.21E-02 Mean SA Page2

PGA Backbone SA*VSK + Weighted I VS-Kappa Backbone SA *Vs SA Uncertainty Backbone. SA Correction kappa Correction (Branch)

Correction J:!_ncertainty ~ranch)_

- -1.8054

- -1.3424 2.61 E-01 8.99E-04 1 0.340 0.4630 0.340 0.0471 -1.8054 -1.7583 1.72E-01 5.93E-04 2 0.340 -0.1740 -1 .8054 -1 .9794 1.38E-01 4.75E-04 3 0.340 0.6840 -1.8054 -1.1214 3.26E-01 1.12E-03 4 0.340 0.2550 -1.8054 -1.5504 2.12E-01 5.83E-03 5 0.340 0.0984 -1.8054 -1.7070 1.81 E-01 6.24E-04 6 0.340 0.7050 -1.8054 -1 .1004 3.33E-01 1.14E-03 7 0.340 -0.1950 -1.8054 -2.0004 1.35E-01 4.65E-04 8 0.340 0.4120 -1.8054 -1.3934 2.48E-01 8.54E-04 9 0.428 0.4630 -2.2727 -1 .8097 1.64E-01 1.39E-03 10 0.428 0.0471 -2.2727 -2.2256 1.08E-01 9.18E-04 11 0.428 -0.1740 -2.2727 -2.4467 8.66E-02 7.36E-04 12 0.428 0.6840 -2.2727 -1.5887 2.04E-01 1.74E-03 13 0.428 0.2550 -2.2727 -2.0177 1.33E-01 9.04E-03 14 0.428 0.0984 -2.2727 -2.1743 1.14E-01 9.66E-04 15 0.428 0.7050 -2.2727 -1.5677 2.09E-01 1.77E-03 16 0.428 -0.1950 -2.2727 -2.4677 8.48E-02 7.21E-04 I 17 0.428 0.4120 -2.2727 -1.8607 1.56E-01 1.32E-03 18 0.560 0.4630 -2.9736 -2.5106 8.12E-02 1.01 E-03 19 0.560 0.0471 -2.9736 -2.9265 5.36E-02 6.64E-04 20 0.560 -0.1740 -2.9736 -3.1476 4.30E-02 5.33E-04 I 21 0.560 0.6840 -2.9736 -2.2896 1.01 E-01 1.26E-03 22 0.560 0.2550 -2.9736 -2.7186 6.60E-02 6.53E-03 23 0.560 0.0984 -2.9736 -2.8752 5.64E-02 6.99E-04 24 0.560 0.7050 -2.9736 -2.2686 1.03E-01 1.28E-03 25 0.560 -0.1950 -2.9736 -3.1686 4.21 E-02 5.22E-04 26 0.560 0.4120 -2.9736 -2.5616 7.72E-02 9.57E-04 27

-3.6267 28 0.683

- -0.4630

- - - --4.23E-02


--- 5.88E-04

-3.88E-04 0.683 0.0471 -3.6267 -3.5796 2.79E-02 I 29 0.683 -0.1740 -3.6267 -3.8007 2.24E-02 3.11 E-04 I 30 0.683 0.6840 -3.6267 -2.9427 5.27E-02 7.33E-04 I 31 0.683 0.2550 -3.6267 -3.3717 3.43E-02 3.81 E-03 32 0.683 0.0984

- -3.6267

- -3.5283 2.94E-02 4.08E-04 ] 33 0.683 0.7050 -3.6267 -2.9217 5.38E-02 7.48E-04 34 0.683 -0.1950 -3.6267 -3.8217 2.19E-02 3.04E-04 35 0.683 0.4120 -3.6267 -3.2147 4.02E-02 5.58E 36 1.320 0.4630

- ----*-f-

-7.0092 -6.5462 1.44E-03 1.78E-05 37 1.320 0.0471 -7.0092 -6.9621 9.47E-04 1.17E-05 38 1.320 -0.1740 -7.0092 -7.1832 7.59E-04 9.41 E-06 39 1.320 0.6840 -7.0092 -6.3252 1.79E-03 2.22E-05 40 1.320 0.2550 -7.0092 -6.7542 1.17E-03 1.15E-04 41 1.320 0.0984 -7.0092 -6.9108 9.97E-04 1.24E-05 42 1.320 0.7050 -7.0092 -6.3042 1.83E-03 2.27E-05 43 1.320 -0.1950 -7.0092 -7.2042 7.43E-04 9.22E-06 1 44 1.320 0.4120 -7.0092 -6.5972 1.36E-03 1.69E-05 45 2.740 0.4630 -14.5494 -14.0864 7.63E-07 6.48E-09 46 2.740 0.0471 -14.5494 -14.5023 5.03E-07 4.28E-09 47 2.740 -0.1740 -14.5494 -14.7234 4.03E-07 3.43E-09 48 Page 3

PGA 2.740 0.6840 -14.5494 -l 3.86~m51 E-07 8.09E-09 49 2.740 0.2550 -14.5494 -14.2944 6.19E-07 4.21E-08 50 2.740 0.0984 -14.5494 -14.4510 5.30E-07 4.50E-09 51 2.740 0.7050 -14.5494 I -13.8444 _9.72E-07 8.26E-09 52 2.740 -0. 1950 -14.5494 I -14.7444 3 .95E-07 3.36E-09 53 2.740 0.4 120

- -14.5494 -14.1374 7.25E-07 54 6.16E-09 5.690 5.690

. _5.690 0.4630 0.0471

-0. 1740 t-





- 1.20E-13

-30.1668 .... 7.92E-14

-30.3879 6.35E-14 4.13E-16 2.72E-16 2.18E-16 55 56 57

,__ 5.690 0.6 840 t-

-30.2139 -29.5299 1.50E-13 5.15E-16 58 5.690 0.2550 -30.2139 -29.9589 9.75E-14 f.-

2.68E-15 59 5.690 0.0984 -30.2139 -30.1 155 8.34E-14 2.87E-16 60 5.690 0.7050 -30.2139 -29.5089 1.53E-13 ~

5.26E-16 61 5.690 -0. 1950 -30.2139 -30.4089 6.22E-14 2.14E-16 62 5.690 0.4 120 -30.2139 -29.8019 1.14E-13 3.92EOJ1j 63 Weighted 5 .21 E-02 Mean SA Page4

PGA 5.0000 0 .0000 61 - Log(SA) Backbone


-10.0000 +-- - - - - -- -- t- - - - - VS-Kappa Correction Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction

-20.0000 -- - -- - - - - - --1-- -

- SA *vsK +. Backbone

-25.0000 + - - - - - - - - -- - -*- - Uncertainty

-30.0000 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii.,,.,._

-35.0000 .....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

l.OOE+OO l.OOE-02 l.OOE-04 1.00E-06

- SA (Branch) 1.00E--08

- Weighted SA (Branch) l.OOE-10 l.OOE-12 l.OOE-14 Page5

PGA Page 6

PGA Page 7

0.1 Hz Weighted Backbone VS-kappa Log(SA} VS-Kappa Frequency SA Weight SA Uncertainty branch Backbone Correction (Branch} Branch 0.1 2.80E-04 3.44E-03 9.63E-07 1 1 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 5. 19E-05 3.44E-03 1.79E-07 1 2 -1.11E+01 8.54E-01

-- 0.1 9.15E-05 3.44E-03 3.15E-07

- 1

--- -3 -1.11 E+01

  • - 8.54E-01 0.1 1.59E-04 3.44E-03 5.47E-07 1 4 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 1.20E-04 2.75E-02 3.30E-06 1 5 -1.11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 1.80E-04 3.44E-03 6.19E-07 1 6 -1. 11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 2.66E-04 3.44E-03 9.15E-07 1 7 -1.11 E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 5.47E-05 3.44E-03 1.88E-07 1 8 -1 .11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 8.06E-05 3.44E-03 2.77E-07 1 9 -1. 11E+01 8.54E-01 0.1 2.47E-04 8.50E-03 2.10E-06 2 1 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 4.58E-05 8.50E-03 3.89E-07 2 2 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 8.08E-05 8.50E-03 6.87E-07 2 3 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.40E-04 8.50E-03 1.19E-06 2 4 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.06E-04 6.80E-02 7.21 E-06 2 5 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 1.59E-04 8.50E-03 1.35E-06 2 6 -1 .11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 2.35E-04 8.50E-03 2.00E-06 2 7 -1.11E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 4.83E-05 8.50E-03 4.1 1 E-07 2 8 -1.11E+0 1 8.65E-01 0.1 7.12E-05 8.50E-03 6.05E-07 2 9 -1.11 E+01 8.65E-01 0.1 2.20E-04 1.24E-02 2.73E-06 3 1 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 4.08E-05 1.24E-02 5.06E-07 3 2 -1 .11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02 8.94E-07 3 3 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 1.25E-04 1.24E-02 1.55E-06 3 4 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 9.49E-05 9.90E-02 9.40E-06 3 5 -1 .11 E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 1.42E-04 1.24E-02 1.76E-06 3 6 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01

-- 0.1 2.09E~4 1.24E-02 2.59E-o6

- 3

-- 7 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 4.30E-05 1.24E-02 5.33E-07 3 8 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 6.35E-05 1.24E-02 7.87E-07 3 9 -1.11E+01 8.75E-01 0.1 2.02E-04 1.39E-02 2.81E-06 4 1 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 3.74E.:-05 1.39E-02 5.20E-0-7

- 4

-- 2

- -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02 9.19E-07

-- 4 3 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 1.14E-04 1.39E-02 1.58E-06 4 4 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 8.70E-05 1.11E-01 9.66E-06 4 5 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 1.30E-04 1.39E-o2 1.81 E-06

- 4

-- 6 -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 1.92E-04 1.39E-02 2.67E-06 4 7 -1.11E+01 8.83E-01 0.1 3.95E-05 1.39E-02 5.49E-07 4 8 -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01

-- 0.1 5.82E-05 1.39E-02 8.09E-07

- 4

9- -1.11 E+01 8.83E-01

-- 1.24E-02 0.1 1.76E-04 2.18E-06 5 1 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 3.27E-05 1.24E-02 4.05E-07 5 2 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 5.76E-05 1.24E-02 7.14E-07 5 3 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 9.99E-05 1.24E-02 1.24E-06 5 4 -1.11 E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 7.59E-05 9.90E-02 7.51 E-06 5 5 -1 .11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.13E-04 1.24E-02 1.40E-06 5 6 -1. 11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.67E-04 1.24E-02 2.07E-06 5 7 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 3.44E-05 1.24E-02 4.27E-07 5 8 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 5.08E-05 1.24E-02 6.30E-07 5 9 -1.11E+01 8.95E-01 0.1 1.66E-04 8.50E-03 1.41 E-06 6 1 -1.11E+01 9.01E-01 0.1 3.08E-05 8.50E-03 2.62E-07 6 2 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 Page 8

0.1 Hz 0.1 5.43E-05 8.50E-03 4.62E-07 6 3 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.SOE-03 8.00E-07 6 4 -1. 11E+01 9.01 E-01 0.1 7.15E-05 6.80E-02 4.86E-06 6 5 -1.11 E+01 9.01E-01 0.1 1.07E-04 8.50E-03 9ToE-07 6 6 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 1.58E-04 8.SOE-03 1.34E-06 6 7 -1.11 E+01 9.0 1E-01 0.1 3.24E-05 8.SOE-03 2.75E-07 6 8 -1.11E+01 9.01 E-01

-- 0.1 4.79E-05 8.SOE-03 4.07E-07

- 6

-- 9

- -1.11 E+01 9.01E-Of 0.1 1.60E-04 3.44E-03 5.50E-07 7 1 -1 .11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 2.97E-05 3.44E-03 1.02E-07 7 2 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 5.24E-05 3.44E-03 1.80E-07 7 3 -1. 11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 9.07E-05 3.44E-03 3.12E-07 7 4 -1.11 E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 6.89E-05 2.75E-02 1.89E-06 7 5 -1 .11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 1.03E-04 3.44E-03 3.54E-07 7 6 -1. 11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 1.52E-04 3.44E-03 5.23E-07 7 7 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 3.13E-05 3.44E-03 1.08E-07 7 8 -1.11E+01 9.04E-01 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03 1.59E-07 7 9 -1.11 E+01 9.04E-01 Weighted 9.67E-05 Mean SA Page 9

0.1 Hz Backbone Backbone SA*VSK +

SA *Vs- Weighted Uncertainty Backbone SA (Branch) kappa SA (Branch)

Correction Uncertainty Correction 1.32E+OO -9.4794 -8.1594 2.86E-04 9.84E-07 1 2.00

-3.69E-01 -9.4794 -9.8484 5.28E-05 1.82E-07 2

- 1.99E-01 -9.4794

- -9.2804 - 9.32E-05

- 3.21 -

E-07 3 7.49E-01 -9.4794 -8.7304 1.62E-04 5.56E-07 4 0.00 4.74E-01 -9.4794 -9.0054 1.23E-04 3.38E-06 5 8.76E-01 -9.4794 -8.6034 1.83E-04 6.31 E-07 6 -2.00 1.26E+OO -9.4794 -8.2194 2.69E-04 9.27E-07 7

-3.16E-01 -9.4794 -9.7954 5.57E-05 1.92E-07 8 -4.00 7.25E-02 -9.4794 -9.4069 8.22E-05 2.83E-07 9 1.32E+OO -9.6015 -8.2815 2.53E-04 2.15E-06 10 -6.00

-3.69E-01 -9.6015 -9.9705 4.68E-05 3.97E-07 11 1.99E-01 -9.6015 -9.4025 8.25E-05 7.01 E-07 12

-8.00 7.49E-01 -9.6015 -8.8525 1.43E-04 1.22E-06 13 4.74E-01 -9.6015 -9.1275 1.09E-04 7.39E-06 14

-10.00 8.76E-01 -9.6015 -8.7255 1.62E-04 1.38E-06 15 1.26E+OO -9.6015 -8.3415 2.38E-04 2.03E-06 16

-3.16E-01 -9.6015 -9.9175 4.93E-05 4.19E-07 17 -12.00 7.25E-02 -9.6015 -9.5290 7.27E-05 6.18E-07 18 l.OOE 1.32E+OO -9.7125 -8.3925 2.27E-04 2.81 E-06 19

-3.69E-01 -9.7125 -10.0815 4.18E-05 5.19E-07 20 1.99E-01 -9.7125 -9.5135 7.38E-05 9.16E-07 21 1.00E 7.49E-01 -9.7125 -8.9635 1.28E-04 1.59E-06 22 4.74E-0 1 -9.7 125 -9.2385 9.72E-05 9.63E-06 23 1.00E 8.76E-01 -9.7125 -8.8365 1.45E-04 1.80E-06 24 1.26E+oo -9.7125 -8.4525 2.13E-04 2.65E-06 25 1.00E

-3.16E-0 1 -9.7125 -10.0285 4.41 E-05 5.47E-07 26 7.25E-02 -9.7125 -9.6400 6.51E-05 8.07E-07 27 1.00E 1.32E+OO -9.8013 -8.4813 2.07E-04 2.88E-06 28

-3.69E-01 -9.8013 -10.1703 3.83E-05 5.32E-07 29 l.OOE 1.99E-01 -9.8013 -9.6023 6.76E-05 9.39E-07 30 7.49E-01 -9.8013 -9.0523 1.1 7E-04 1.63E-06 31 l.OOE 4.74E-01 -9.8013 -9.3273 8.90E-05 9.87E-06 32 8~76*E:o 1 -9.8013 -8.9253 1.33E-04 1.85E-06 33 1.26E+OO -9.8013 -8.5413 1.95E-04 2.71E-06 34 l.OOE

-3.16E-01 -9.8013 4.04E-05 5.61 E-07 35 7.25E-02 -9.8013 -

- -10.1173


- 5.95E -

- - - - 8.28E 36 1.32E+OO -9.9345 -8.6145 1.81 E-04 2.25E-06 37

-3.69E-01 -9.9345 -10.3035 3.35E-05 4 .16E-07 38 1.99E-01 -9.9345 -9.7355 5.91 E-05 7.33E-07 39 7.49E-01 -9.9345 -9.1855 1.03E-04 1.27E-06 40 4.74E-01 -9.9345 -9.4605 7.79E-05 7.71E-06 41 8.76E-01 -9.9345 -9.0585 1.16E-04 1.44E-06 42 1.26E+OO -9.9345 -8.6745 1.71E-04 2.12E-06 43

-3.16E-01 -9.9345 -10.2505 3.53E-05 4.38E-07 44 7.25E-02 -9.9345 -9.8620 5.21 E-05 6.46E-07 45 1.32E+OO -10.001 1 -8.6811 1.70E-04 1.44E-06 46

-3.69E-01 -10.0011 -10.3701 3.14E-05 2.67E-07 47 Page 10

0.1 Hz 1.99E-01 -10.001 _1 _ _-.c...

9 .-"-



1 _ _5_.5_3_E_-0_5-+- 4.70E-07 48 7.49E-01 -10.0011 -9.2521 9.59E-05 8.15E-07 49


4.74E-01 -10.0011 -9.5271 7.29E-05 4.95E-06 50 8.76E-01 -10.0011 -9.1251 1.09E-04 I 9.26E-07 51 1.26E+OO -10.0011 -8.7411 1.60E-04 1.36E-06 52

-3.16E-01 -10.0011 -10.3171 3.31E-05 2.81 E-07 53 7.25E-02 -10.0011 -9.9286 4.88E-05 4.14E-07 54 1.32E+OO -10.0344 -8.7144 1.64E-04 5.65E-07 55

-3.69E-01 -10.0344 - -10.4034 3.03E-05 1.04E 56 i.-_1_.9:...:..

9E-O1 -10.0344 - -9.8354 5.35E-05 1.84E-07 57 7.49E-01 -10.0344 -9.2854 9.28E-05 3.19E-07

- 58 f--

4.74E-01 -10.0344 -9.5604 7.05E-05 1.94E 59 8.76E-01 -10.0344 -9.1584 1.05E-04 3.62E-07 60 1.26E+OO -10.0344 -8.7744 1.55E-04 5.32E-07 61

-3.16E-01 -10.0344 -10.3504 3.20E-05 1.10E-07 62 7.25E-02 -10.0344 -9.9619 4.72E-05 1.62E-07 63 Weighted 9.90E-05 Mean SA Page 11

0.1 Hz 21 41 61 - Log(SA) Backbone

- VS-Kappa Correction

- Backbone SA *Vs-kappa Correction

- SA*VSK +Backbone Uncertainty

+oo 21 41 61

- SA (Branch)

-04 - Weighted SA (Branch)
-07 Page 12

Sheet3 0.1 2.80E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 1 0.1 5.19E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 2 0.1 9.15E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 3 0.1 1.59E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 4 0.1 1.20E-04 2.75E-02 0.649E+OO 5 0.1 1.80E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 6 0.1 2.66E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 0.1 5.47E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 8 0.1 8.06E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 1 9 0.1 2.47E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 1 0.1 4.58E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 2 0.1 8.08E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 3 0.1 1.40E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 4 0.1 1.06E-04 6.80E-02 0.649E+OO 2 5 0.1 1.59E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 6 0.1 2.35E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 2 7 0.1 4.83E-05 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 2 8 0.1 7.12E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 2 9 0.1 2.20E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 1 0.1 4.08E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 2 0.1 7.21 E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 3 0.1 1.25E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 4 0.1 9.49E-05 9.90E-02 0.649E+OO 3 5 0.1 1.42E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 6 0.1 2.09E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 7 0.1 4.30E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 8 0.1 6.35E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 3 9 0.1 2.02E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 1 0.1 3.74E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 2 0.1 6.61 E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 3 0.1 1.14E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 4 0.1 8.70E-05 1.11 E-01 0.649E+OO 4 5 0.1 1.30E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 6 0.1 1.92E-04 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 7 0.1 3.95E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 8 0.1 5.82E-05 1.39E-02 0.649E+OO 4 9 0.1 1.76E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 1 0.1 3.27E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 2 0.1 5.76E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 3 0.1 9.99E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 4 0.1 7.59E-05 9.90E-02 0.649E+OO 5 5 0.1 1.13E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 6 0.1 1.67E-04 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 7 0.1 3.44E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 8 0.1 5.08E-05 1.24E-02 0.649E+OO 5 9 0.1 1.66E-04 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 1 0.1 3.08E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 2 0.1 5.43E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 3 0.1 9.41 E-05 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 4 0.1 7.1SE-05 6.80E-02 0.649E+OO 6 5 0.1 1.07E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 6 Page 13

Sheet3 0.1 1.58E-04 8.50E-03 0.649E+OO 6 7 0.1 3.24E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 8 0.1 4.79E-05 8.SOE-03 0.649E+OO 6 9 0.1 1.60E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 1 0.1 2.97E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 2 0.1 5.24E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 3 0.1 9.07E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 4 0.1 6.89E-05 2. 75E-02 0.649E+OO 7 5 0.1 1.03E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 6 0.1 1.52E-04 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 7 0.1 3.13E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 8 0.1 4.61 E-05 3.44E-03 0.649E+OO 7 9 Page 14

Sheet3 1 2-0.111E+02 0.854E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.854E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.854E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.854E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.865E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.865E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.865E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.875E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.875E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.875E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.875E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.875E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.883E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.1 11E+02 0.883E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.883E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.883E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.895E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.895E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.895E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.1 11 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.895E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.901E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0.111E+02 0.901E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.901E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.11 1E+02 0.901E+OO 0.876E+OO Page 15

Sheet3 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.901 E+OO 0.725E-01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.132E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO -0.369E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.199E+OO 1 2-0. 111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.749E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.474E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.876E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.126E+01 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO -0.316E+OO 1 2-0.111 E+02 0.904E+OO 0.725E-01 Page 16

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:8 May 2015 15: 16:30 +0000 To:Weaver , Thomas


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Sure.

From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015.11:11 AM To:. Heeszel,. David


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Does Monday at 1 PM work for you?

From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:05 AM To: Weaver, Thomas


RE: Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi Thomas, Sure. My schedule is pretty open, but I plan to be out on Friday. Perhaps before or after one of the WUS site meetings?

--David From: Weaver, Thomas Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 11:01 AM To: Heeszel, David


Columbia GMPEs and CMS Hi David, If. possible , I would like to work with you on developing some conditional mean spectra that we can use for Columbia Generating Station site response analyses. Let me know if you have some time next week when you are available to discuss .

Regards, Thomas

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:! May 2015 14:44:11 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


RE: Columbia GMPEs Hi. Dogan, I need to make a few modifications - specifically to how the sigma model operates, but it should be useable for the purpose you want. Cliff. also wants me. to simplify it to the branch level, which I am working on as well. I'll try and have an updated version on Monday.

--David From: Seber, Dogan Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 10:26 AM To: Heeszel, David


Columbia GMPEs Hi. David, I need to make some comparisons of the Columbia GMPE models. against some of the NGA-West 2 models. Is your Columbia GMPE code, you mentioned a while back, ready to be used by others? I need to make simple comparisons such as g vs distance given M. Please let me. know if I can use. your code. for this. purpose.


Dogan Seber, PhD Senior Geophysicist Geosciences and Geotechnical Engineering Branch 1 Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis Office of New Reactors U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

~ 301-415-0212

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 1Apr2015 12:08:07 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Thanks, that was on my list for this morning.

--David From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:54 PM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;


RE: Discussion of CGS GMPEs Bridge line phone nu ~- 711-9770 Participant passcode~

<<Message: FW: Conference Details {APR 02, 2015--11:00 AM ET--Conf# 3279869) >>

Original Appointment-----

From:. Heeszel,. David .

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:40 AM To: Heeszel, David; Walsh, Lisa; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong;


FW: Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-15p

Original Appointment-----

From:. Heeszel,. David .

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:11 AM To: Heeszel, David; Munson, Clifford; Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas; Seber, Dogan; Li, Yong


Discussion of CGS GMPEs When: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07A04-1 Sp We will go over the Columbia GMPEs and current implementation.

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:2 Apr 2015 14:55:33 +0000 To:Devlin-Gill , Stephanie;Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon ;Hill, Brittain Cc:Miriam R.Juckett(;John Stamatakos


Palo Verde Catalog Attachments:PVNGS_independent_evenL_catalog.xlsx Attached is an excel version of the Palo Verde Catalog (Appendix E of the report). Events highlighted in gray can be linked to a specific fault. The other columns should be relatively self explanatory.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC,. NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail.Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Year Month Day Hour Min. Sec. lat. long. Depth 1852 11 29 20 0 0 32.5 -115 9.9 1856 9 21 7 30 0 33.1 -116.7 9.9 1870 3 11 10 20 0 34.55 -112.47 0 1870 8 12 0 0 0 34.55 -112.47 0 1871 2 7 15 8 2 34.1 -112.44 0 1872 5 3 1 0 0 33 -115 9.9 1875 1 21 19 45 0 33.65 -114.S 0 1875 11 2 9 0 0 32.38 -114.6 0 1875 11 15 22 30 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1880 12 19 23 35 0 34 -117 9.9 1885 9 13 12 34 0 33.3 -116.9 9.9 1887 5 30 14 0 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1887 11 11 0 0 0 32 -110.58 0 1888 7 25 0 0 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1888 11 25 0 0 0 32.22 -110.97 0 1889 2 7 5 20 0 34.1 -116.7 9.9 1890 2 9 12 6 0 33.4 -116.3 9.9 1891 4 26 20 0 0 35.18 -114.52 0 1891 7 30 14 10 0 32 -115 9.9 1892 2 2 0 30 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1892 2 24 7 20 0 32.55 -115.63 9.9 1893 6 5 6 40 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1894 10 23 23 3 0 32.8 -116.8 9.9 1899 9 20 0 0 0 35.19 -114.06 0 1899 10 6 23 30 0 31.71 -110.07 0 1899 12 25 12 25 0 33.8 -117 9.9 1903 1 24 5 0 0 31.5 -115 9.9 1906 1 25 13 32 30 35.540 -111.870 0 1906 4 19 0 30 0 32.9 -115.S 9.9 1910 4 11 7 57 0 33.5 -116.5 9.9 1910 9 24 4 5 0 35.690 -111.670 0 1912 8 18 21 12 0 35.320 -111.710 0 1913 12 6 0 15 0 35.25 -112.17 0 1915 6 23 3 59 0 32.8 -115.S 9.9 1915 6 27 8 30 0 33.4 -111.8 0 1915 11 21 0 13 0 32 -115 9.9 1916 3 30 5 20 0 31.34 -110.94 0 1916 9 30 2 11 0 33.2 -116.1 9.9 1917 5 28 6 6 0 32.8 -115.3 9.9 1918 4 20 8 45 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1918 4 21 22 32 0 33.8 -117 9.9 1918 5 1 4 32 0 32.6 -115.4 9.9 1919 5 23 11 5 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1919 10 1 19 30 0 32.6 -115 9.9 1920 1 1 2 35 0 33.2 -116.7 9.9 1921 4 6 21 7 0 34.9 -110.16 0 1921 9 8 19 24 0 32.4 -115.S 9.9

1922 6 16 21 1 0 32.7 -114.7 0 1922 6 17 23 42 0 33.38 -110.86 0 1923 9 28 0 0 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1923 9 30 18 27 0 34 .2 -111.5 0 1923 11 7 23 57 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1926 4 3 20 8 0 34 -116 9.9 1927 1 1 8 16 0 32.5 -115.5 9.9 1927 2 11 3 40 0 31.54 -110.75 0 1928 10 2 19 1 0 33.6 -116.7 9.9 1929 9 26 20 0 22.7 34.83 -116.52 9.9 1930 1 16 0 24 0 34.2 -116.9 9.9 1930 2 26 2 30 0 33 -115.S 9.9 1930 7 16 19 0 0 34.2 -112.5 0 1931 4 17 12 38 0 34.53 -110.05 0 1931 7 28 8 35 0 34.7 -112 0 1932 3 23 0 20 6.5 35.795 -115.932 6 1932 5 20 20 22 49.84 34.995 -115.841 6 1932 6 27 10 7 21 .22 31.53 -116.091 6 1933 11 27 0 0 0 34.42 -112.91 0 1933 11 28 20 10 55.89 35.697 -116.072 6 1934 1 11 7 15 0 31.91 -109.82 0 1934 3 12 0 0 0 35.1 -110.9 0 1934 4 13 10 55 11.69 35.123 -116.233 6 1934 5 14 13 14 0 31 -114.5 0 1934 11 25 8 18 29.19 31.501 -116.074 6 1934 12 25 12 20 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1934 12 31 18 45 43.92 32.18 -115.175 6 1935 1 1 1 12 43.43 31 -114 6 1935 1 1 8 50 0 36.05 -112.14 0 1935 1 2 7 30 0 32.67 -114.14 0 1935 1 9 0 58 44.08 33.486 -115.167 6 1935 10 24 14 48 7.51 34.106 -116.699 6 1935 11 4 3 55 54.71 33.507 -116.667 6 1935 12 5 21 25 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1935 12 20 7 45 31.86 32.811 -115.296 6 1936 1 12 0 0 0 36.05 -112.14 0 1936 1 30 17 13 53.26 32.842 -114.82 6 1936 2 25 6 30 0 35.19 -114.06 0 1936 9 9 2 48 6.89 34.889 -116.049 6 1936 10 13 20 39 54.87 35.374 -115.772 6 1937 2 27 1 29 17.57 31.78 *116.599 6 1937 3 25 16 49 2.18 33.4 -116.25 6 1937 4 8 12 0 0 35.71 -109.54 0 1937 7 20 22 49 0 35.33 -112.88 0 1937 7 21 23 55 0 33.46 -112.07 0 1937 11 12 1 38 58.31 35.913 -115.274 6 1937 12 4 0 54 47.73 35.5 -113 6 1937 12 17 23 30 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1938 6 6 2 42 41.93 32.273 -115.191 6

1938 7 21 15 34 23.02 34.616 -115.938 6 1938 7 24 3 5 0.41 33.45 -115.065 6 1938 8 18 7 39 44.47 34.818 -116.047 6 1938 9 17 17 20 18 33.2 -108.6 0 1938 9 18 23 30 0 32.72 -109.1 0 1938 9 18 23 45 0 32.27 -109.23 0 1938 9 24 18 0 0 32.62 -109.97 0 1938 9 29 23 32 0 33.05 -109.3 0 1938 12 28 22 7 12 33.05 -109.3 0 1939 3 9 13 30 0 36.1 -112.1 0 1939 3 22 19 16 33.16 34.641 -115.671 6 1939 5 4 20 44 0 35.97 -114.82 9.9 1939 6 4 1 19 12 32.75 -109.1 0 1939 6 4 5 0 0 33.05 -109.3 0 1940 5 5 9 38 27.41 35.456 -115.29 6 1940 5 18 5 3 59.66 34.089 -116.282 6 1940 5 19 4 36 40.5 32.844 -115.381 6 1940 5 19 18 6 0 32.67 -114.14 0 1940 6 4 10 35 8.12 32.966 -116.315 6 1940 6 4 23 33 0.33 33.096 -114.7 6 1940 7 7 18 42 55.8 31.454 -115.133 6 1940 10 16 13 25 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1940 12 7 22 16 27 31.667 -115.083 9.9 1940 12 7 22 17 0 31.069 -114.853 6 1941 3 21 0 0 0 35.9 -114.6 0 1941 5 21 16 25 0 35.9 -114.6 0 1941 9 3 21 25 0 36 -114.7 0 1942 1 8 2 42 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1942 3 3 1 3 25.85 34.001 -115.847 6 1942 3 31 0 29 30.33 35.545 -115.891 6 1942 5 23 15 47 33.78 32.995 -116.25 6 1942 9 9 5 15 0 36 -114.7 0 1942 11 9 20 34 25.57 34.858 -116.092 6 1943 7 1 16 19 16.01 35.807 -115.955 6 1943 8 18 0 30 15.14 35.781 -116 6 1943 8 29 3 45 14.31 34.268 -116.968 6 1943 12 21 9 0 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1943 12 22 15 50 28.6 34.37 -115.819 6 1944 1 31 4 24 58 36.9 -112.5 0 1944 6 12 11 16 35.81 34.002 -116.699 6 1944 9 30 0 54 8.88 36.106 *114.701 6 1944 10 28 4 1 35.77 31.163 -115.739 6 1945 1 7 22 25 32 36.5 -111.8 0 1945 3 20 21 55 7 34.25 -116.167 9.9 1945 3 31 18 50 45 31 -114 0 1945 4 22 9 45 48 31.5 -114 9.9 1945 4 22 22 14 0.12 32 -114.5 6 1945 5 11 23 32 55.69 30.884 -115.897 6 1945 5 12 7 33 0 31.6 -115.6 9.9

1945 8 15 17 56 18.39 33.082 -115.631 6 1946 6 4 12 5 26.66 33.986 -115.704 6 1946 7 18 14 27 57.99 34.502 -115.915 6 1946 9 28 7 19 10.42 33.935 -116.867 12.8 1946 11 26 22 49 0 36.1 -114 0 1947 4 6 8 10 54.29 31.5 -115 6 1947 4 10 15 58 5.11 34.983 -116.531 6 1947 4 10 17 29 27 34.967 -115.55 6 1947 5 14 21 45 31.77 34.75 -114.5 6 1947 6 21 8 9 37 32 -115.5 9.9 1947 7 24 22 10 46.82 33.994 -116.481 6 1947 10 27 4 15 40 35.75 -111.48 0 1948 1 24 2 57 0 36.1 -111.5 0 1948 8 8 23 20 0 36.8 -112.l 0 1948 12 3 18 45 0 35.03 -110.7 0 1948 12 4 23 43 16.41 33.983 -116.331 6 1949 3 3 5 59 34 31 -113 0 1949 5 2 11 25 46.9 34 -115.696 6 1949 5 3 21 10 19.9 34.566 -115.447 6 1949 6 26 1 35 24 32.1 -113.9 0 1949 11 4 20 42 38.77 32.127 -116.75 6 1950 1 17 0 53 0 35.71 -109.54 0 1950 2 2 10 37 24 32 -113 0 1950 2 3 15 51 50.28 30.5 -114.5 6 1950 7 29 14 36 31.93 33.088 -115.664 6 1950 9 5 19 19 56.77 33.726 -116.697 6.4 1951 1 24 7 16 52.62 32.622 -115.119 6 1951 2 15 10 48 0.22 33.482 -116.601 3.4 1951 3 5 23 0 0 36.95 -112.5 0 1951 4 12 6 20 10 32 -113 0 1952 2 8 8 59 5.5 36 -114.7 0 1952 5 24 4 15 12.84 36.156 -114.461 6 1952 5 25 13 6 36 36 -115 6 1952 10 22 19 46 36 32 -113.S 0 1953 5 18 7 3 1.57 36.022 -113.784 6 1953 6 14 4 17 26.7 32.892 -115.504 6 1953 6 14 4 30 1.76 33.567 -115.251 6 1953 10 8 20 19 46 34.66 -111.01 0 1953 10 10 18 49 6 31.8 -116.1 9.9 1954 2 1 4 31 48.85 32195 -114.352 6 1954 2 1 13 5 10.16 31.719 *114.011 6 1954 3 19 9 54 27.83 33.298 -116.081 6 1954 5 31 8 6 24 31.6 -115.2 9.9 1955 1 28 12 10 18.08 33.748 -115.327 6 1955 4 25 10 43 7.42 32.466 -114.989 6 1955 12 17 6 7 27.9 32.955 -115.472 6 1956 1 3 14 24 1 32.383 -116 9.9 1956 1 9 12 56 59.66 35.624 -115.865 6 1956 2 9 14 32 41.91 31.832 -116.231 6

1956 2 15 1 20 35.27 31.149 -115.485 6 1956 3 16 20 29 33.73 34.289 -116.775 2.7 1957 4 25 21 57 36.9 33.119 -115.681 6 1957 7 5 0 58 0 32 -114 9.9 1957 9 22 16 3 47.97 33.884 -114.92 6 1958 3 15 8 34 4 32.5 -113.5 9.9 1958 6 12 22 1 4.46 34.816 -116.025 6 1958 8 18 6 0 52 30.5 -114 0 1958 9 18 6 3 0 31.4 -109.85 0 1958 12 1 3 21 17.62 32.216 -115.754 6 1959 2 11 14 1 0 35.19 -111.65 0 1959 6 14 6 13 37. 14 31.335 -116.093 6 1959 7 21 12 39 0 36.8 -112.37 0 1959 10 13 8 15 0 35.5 -111.5 0 1960 1 23 3 11 43.76 35.4 19 -116.288 6 1960 6 3 21 38 0.06 31.5 -114 6 1961 2 9 17 50 44.41 31.579 -115.478 6 1961 9 12 19 18 49.21 32.742 -115.57 6 1962 2 15 7 12 42.9 36.9 -112.4 26 1962 3 7 19 57 37.5 32.29 -109.77 0 1962 5 9 16 39 6.1 32.06 -110.32 0 1962 5 27 1 45 40.74 32.258 -115.769 6 1962 8 6 13 59 58.72 34.613 -115.753 6 1962 8 10 2 29 55.83 35.007 -115.649 6 1962 8 20 10 43 13.7 31 -114 6 1962 10 29 2 42 53.71 34.349 -116.866 6 1963 1 27 3 0 38.98 31.564 -115.834 6 1963 3 25 9 28 43.94 35.962 -114.861 6 1963 5 10 23 49 50.5 35.04 -113.82 0 1963 5 19 22 55 21.7 35.46 -114.21 0 1963 6 11 15 23 41 .67 31.973 -116.252 6 1963 6 20 14 59 42.6 30.2 -114.1 14 1963 6 29 3 3 50 34.81 -114.54 0 1963 9 11 11 59 41 33.2 -110.7 33 1963 9 23 14 41 52.79 33.704 -116.938 10.7 1963 10 20 13 29 32.64 31.685 -115.387 6 1963 11 2 8 47 43 32.4 -113.7 14 1963 11 18 14 38 28.9 29.9 -113.6 14 1963 11 23 10 53 18.4 30.4 -113.5 14 1964 1 17 17 8 24.4 31 -114 6 1964 2 3 8 43 36 31.5 -114.2 9.9 1964 4 16 4 16 26.7 30.5 -114.4 33 1964 4 16 4 56 47 31.8 -113.7 9.9 1964 4 16 6 45 43.9 32.5 -113.2 33 1964 8 21 19 41 37.5 30.6 -113.8 15 1964 8 22 3 3 20.7 31.5 -114.3 15 1964 9 6 18 51 18.6 34.2 -114 15 1964 9 23 18 9 36.16 36.135 -114.657 6 1964 12 20 21 56 6.2 35.959 -114.655 6

1965 1 9 20 37 11.83 32.037 -114.549 6 1965 2 16 12 24 35.9 30.7 -113.2 33 1965 3 13 8 46 56.8 32.2 -111.4 0 1965 5 3 3 30 48.81 36.483 -114.382 6 1965 5 15 6 25 1.5 35.9 -114.8 5 1965 6 7 14 28 1.3 36.1 -112.2 15 1965 6 17 22 58 20.9 31.7 -113.3 10 1965 7 1 2 43 1.4 30.9 -113.7 33 1965 7 9 1 26 54.6 30.6 -113.5 33 1965 9 13 8 47 6.5 31 -114.4 33 1965 9 23 10 35 58.7 30.4 -113.7 33 1965 9 25 17 43 43.33 34.714 -116.432 6 1965 10 14 17 47 35.3 31 -113 33 1965 10 17 9 45 18.78 33.99 -116.761 13 1965 11 26 13 57 2.6 31.8 -112.7 33 1966 1 11 10 25 12.2 31.1 -114.3 33 1966 1 22 12 16 35.1 36.57 -111.99 0 1966 2 24 8 24 53.47 31.919 -114.619 6 1966 3 29 22 56 17.15 33.728 -115.363 6 1966 3 31 0 56 39.3 29.9 -111.8 33 1966 4 3 19 44 38 30.7 -113.7 33 1966 4 13 9 36 15.3 36.7 -112.9 0 1966 4 28 0 42 57.4 35.6 -113 20 1966 5 2 14 59 13.1 36.4 -112.5 0 1966 5 3 5 28 11.1 31.5 -113.8 33 1966 5 26 20 33 22.69 31.544 -115.72 6 1966 6 14 10 45 17.1 36.4 -113.3 0 1966 6 17 20 12 23.9 36.6 -113.5 0 1966 6 24 22 59 56.2 31.5 -114.1 33 1966 7 23 22 55 59.1 1 35.47 -114.595 6 1966 8 7 17 36 26.7 31.8 -114.S 9.9 1966 8 10 13 24 51.1 30.8 -114.5 33 1966 8 10 17 45 37.97 30.328 -114.561 6 1966 8 16 4 43 21.4 30.1 -113.7 11 1966 9 28 12 so 26.7 30.4 -113.9 33 1966 10 1 19 23 11 30 -114.2 32 1966 10 3 16 3 50.9 35.8 -111.6 34 1966 10 30 22 20 6.8 30.8 -113.S 30 1966 11 5 5 18 14.89 31.573 -115.615 6 1966 11 9 14 11 30.66 36.092 -115.065 6 1966 12 1 9 20 40.9 36.2 *113.9 26 1966 12 8 7 23 5.1 30.6 -114.2 14 1967 3 2 6 29 24.4 34.475 -110.964 14 1967 3 10 13 5 17.9 30.333 -114.486 33 1967 3 28 3 48 59.1 35.45 -111.73 5 1967 4 1 15 39 49.9 30.781 -114.03 33 1967 4 26 7 18 22.5 31.14 -114.547 33 1967 5 1 19 48 7.1 34.457 -112.864 26 1967 5 4 22 34 48.5 30.416 -114.403 33

1967 5 21 14 42 34.06 33.552 -116.632 8.4 1967 5 21 18 0 5.1 34.29 -110.57 11 1967 5 26 7 48 43 36.42 -111.56 11 1967 6 14 23 11 53.3 35.28 -112.24 28 1967 8 7 16 40 32.1 36.4 -112.6 0 1967 9 4 23 27 44.7 36.2 -111.7 0 1967 9 21 0 1 52.74 31.301 -115.826 6 1967 10 13 1 19 3.5 30.4 -113.7 33 1967 11 1 16 55 43.3 30.7 -113.4 33 1967 12 5 11 9 37.4 30.8 -114.1 33 1967 12 5 13 15 31 .8 30.2 -114.2 33 1967 12 5 18 12 13.9 31.1 -113.S 33 1968 4 9 2 28 58.39 33.18 -116.103 10 1968 6 20 19 28 51 31.285 -113.529 33 1968 9 3 13 51 36.8 30.847 -113.57 33 1968 12 1 19 16 32.9 31.108 -113.083 33 1969 1 23 23 1 0.44 33.892 -116.049 6 1969 2 2 19 3 38.3 31.588 -113.451 33 1969 2 10 2 57 35.7 30.818 -112.691 33 1969 2 10 6 58 39.7 29.899 -112.95 33 1969 2 10 20 41 30.5 30.291 -112.669 33 1969 3 9 2 53 19.9 30.866 -114.22 33 1969 3 9 3 21 58.3 31.731 -113.89 33 1969 3 21 3 7 31.9 31.3 -114.7 9.9 1969 3 22 7 25 35.6 31.4 -114.1 9.9 1969 5 27 16 17 39.37 35.337 -116.046 6 1969 6 10 3 41 31.5 31.436 -116.301 6 1969 7 31 22 36 2.32 34.467 -114.974 6 1969 9 10 1 7 24.2 31.031 -113.632 33 1969 9 10 2 42 1.5 30.431 -113.843 33 1969 12 25 12 49 10.1 33.4 -110.6 15 1970 1 19 7 16 21 31.497 -115.974 10 1970 4 25 8 25 50.1 36.019 -114.734 5 1970 4 28 7 0 36.22 32.175 -114.676 6 1970 8 6 20 2 24.3 33.199 -115.033 7.6 1970 8 19 2 55 23.31 32.015 -114.525 6 1970 9 3 23 8 28.95 34.642 -115.817 6 1970 9 25 21 24 21 .77 34.737 -115.93 6 1970 10 4 7 21 18.4 29.965 -113.887 33 1970 10 4 17 39 45.4 30.629 -113.645 33 1970 10 12 20 5 34.5 30.072 *113.384 33 1970 11 24 16 47 56 36.357 -112.273 6 1970 12 3 3 47 24.6 35.874 -111.906 5 1970 12 14 19 14 19.15 34.33 -115.706 6 1970 12 18 9 18 33.4 35.99 -114.771 7 1970 12 28 1 13 8.01 33.813 -115.228 6 1971 5 1 3 11 19.9 36.518 -113.375 5 1971 5 6 22 32 36.4 36.45 -114.467 5 1971 5 23 21 31 51.6 35.02 -113.89 0

1971 9 30 22 46 10.87 32.983 -115.804 6 1971 11 4 2 18 58.7 35.2 -112.2 5 1971 11 30 4 21 57.3 31.233 -115.393 8 1971 12 15 12 58 14.5 36.791 -111.824 5 1972 2 20 6 8 17.9 29.895 -113.532 33 1972 4 20 13 28 16.3 35.31 -111.64 5 1972 8 2 13 6 15.6 31.539 -114.425 33 1972 8 3 22 36 2.94 31.818 -114.586 6 1972 9 4 6 8 19.5 30.908 -113.186 33 1972 9 4 23 55 56 30.353 -113.277 33 1972 10 28 13 22 37.89 31.763 -114.508 6 1973 4 19 16 59 42.7 34.3 -112.62 0 1973 7 23 20 37 46.1 30.751 -113.468 33 1973 7 24 1 46 5.8 31.124 -113.33 33 1973 10 10 17 20 19.2 30.203 -113.287 33 1973 10 16 14 53 52.4 31.6 -115.833 8 1973 11 20 19 1 4.44 33.959 -115.495 8 1973 12 26 6 18 16.6 36.081 -114.639 5 1974 3 14 20 59 57.2 34.24 -112.7 0 1974 3 23 17 36 47 30.346 -113.833 33 1974 5 8 19 27 35.72 31 .768 -114.562 6 1974 6 4 21 58 41.86 34.597 -112.901 6 1974 6 11 4 55 6.51 35.783 -115.645 6 1974 6 30 8 44 29.76 30.619 -114.451 6 1974 9 5 21 41 5.84 31.789 -114.031 6 1974 9 5 22 3 22.46 31.654 -114.629 1.51 1974 10 4 18 59 58.4 34.54 -113.02 17 1974 10 16 23 49 39.3 31.499 -114.468 8 1974 11 16 7 38 59.43 30.588 -113.814 6 1974 11 16 7 39 9.32 31.163 -114.364 8 1974 11 22 16 25 49.6 31.18 -115.241 33 1974 12 24 5 47 20.7 33.9 -111.9 4 1975 1 23 17 2 30.14 32.964 -115.508 13.9 1975 3 26 4 30 54.7 36.1 -115.7 11 1975 4 9 6 54 26.1 34.596 -113.135 6 1975 4 13 19 8 48.06 35.401 -116.438 13 1975 4 28 0 17 49.7 31.998 -114.792 10 1975 4 28 2 37 58.09 31.632 -114.268 6 1975 4 29 17 35 32.72 35.598 -116.297 6 1975 5 5 16 56 49.76 31.505 -114.622 6 1975 6 1 1 38 48.74 34.521 *116.481 9.9 1975 7 17 18 24 46.1 31.883 -115.807 10 1975 8 1 11 42 12.6 33.65 -116.75 5 1975 9 8 22 25 23.4 32.55 -114.33 0 1975 11 5 12 23 15.5 34.538 -115.808 5.2 1975 11 15 7 43 48.3 34.3 -116.33 5 1975 12 3 10 12 22.8 32.83 -108.663 27 1976 2 4 0 4 58 34.66 -112.5 10 1976 2 28 20 53 58.5 35.91 -111.79 5

1976 7 19 20 7 39 30.748 -113.502 33 1976 7 30 23 18 49.64 33.492 -113.245 6 1976 8 9 21 43 2.9 35.54 -111.68 5 1976 10 4 14 48 39 36.026 -114.735 5 1976 10 19 5 39 5.2 30.277 -112.96 33 1976 10 21 14 58 18 30.592 -113.204 33 1976 11 4 10 41 37.87 33.124 -115.61 11 1976 11 10 16 36 9.71 33.871 -113.702 3 1976 12 4 23 18 58.2 33.457 -114.478 6 1976 12 7 12 59 56.3 31.983 -114.783 8 1976 12 15 17 50 20.4 29.947 -113.364 33 1976 12 23 21 5 22.55 34.573 -114.372 0 1977 1 10 21 51 59.29 32.77 -114.711 6 1977 2 26 9 44 0.32 31.238 -113.899 6 1977 2 26 23 25 37.19 31.209 -114.212 6 1977 3 17 19 11 11.93 35.212 -112.925 0 1977 3 24 6 24 14.63 34.689 -115.717 0 1977 4 27 21 48 17.79 34.684 -113.724 3 1977 4 29 18 59 35.67 34.877 -113.067 6 1977 5 25 22 36 32.12 32.253 -112.643 8 1977 6 1 19 12 9.76 35.051 -113.52 0 1977 6 14 19 3 39. 11 34.859 -113.01 0 1977 7 13 22 10 51. 12 34.682 -112.934 0 1977 7 19 18 47 1.84 36.076 -114.463 6 1977 7 20 4 7 55.98 36.61 -114.635 6 1977 8 6 3 16 39.67 30.269 -113.603 6 1977 9 2 12 40 56.15 36.551 -113.779 0 1977 9 2 18 51 41.65 34.793 -113.479 0 1977 9 12 19 2 9.34 34.81 9 -113.138 0 1977 10 4 14 51 32.69 31.183 -114.097 6 1977 10 4 17 7 55.39 31.365 -114.413 6 1977 10 13 22 28 19.81 32.277 -112.522 0 1977 10 30 5 30 13.3 32.88 -115.5 4 1977 11 10 14 30 0 33.01 -113.35 0 1977 12 23 11 0 4.33 35.366 -113.978 0 1978 1 10 17 37 14.47 34.932 -113.186 0 1978 1 23 22 37 10.42 34.919 -113.336 0 1978 1 25 19 5 38.24 34.951 -113.055 0 1978 2 6 22 39 5.48 33.048 -113.946 21.2 1978 2 14 18 49 28.37 32147 -112.553 6 1978 2 14 20 49 23.03 34.304 *112.876 0 1978 2 17 10 13 43.24 35.834 -115.787 6 1978 3 14 23 43 11.52 32.011 -112.756 6 1978 3 29 21 56 49.44 34.602 -113.303 0 1978 4 4 2 14 10.2 30.275 -113.403 33 1978 4 5 18 42 17.23 32.136 -112.624 0 1978 5 5 21 3 15.8 32.211 -115.303 6 1978 7 10 21 40 17.6 30.704 -114.002 15 1978 7 17 14 46 13.14 35.538 -116.271 13.3

1978 9 23 14 28 41.09 36.431 -115.156 6 1978 10 21 3 19 1.96 31.341 -113.874 6 1978 11 17 23 28 12.52 31.972 -112.615 6 1978 11 29 14 37 40.3 30.177 -113.956 15 1978 12 10 13 35 8.48 36.102 -114.407 6 1979 1 6 22 32 13.39 35.439 -114.524 6 1979 1 22 18 7 1.45 34 -113 0 1979 3 15 20 50 33.46 34.805 -113.302 0 1979 3 15 21 7 16.53 34.327 -116.445 2.5 1979 4 7 16 20 17.27 32.202 -112.346 6 1979 4 15 2 59 56.21 31.393 -114.408 6 1979 6 24 22 26 19.93 31.805 -112.523 6 1979 7 3 3 52 48.29 32 -114.589 6 1979 7 3 10 48 6.38 31.472 -114.681 6 1979 8 9 9 3 10.21 32.105 -114.698 6 1979 8 31 7 51 38.21 32.3 -114.605 10 1979 10 7 7 45 3.37 32.096 -114.677 6 1979 10 15 23 16 53.44 32.614 -115.318 12.3 1979 10 21 19 46 58.18 32.019 -114.596 15 1979 11 14 21 9 9.79 31.348 -112.589 6 1979 11 21 16 50 5.08 36.907 -112.852 7 1980 1 8 1 21 24.36 32.237 -114.391 6 1980 2 13 16 58 50.13 31.127 -113.79 10 1980 2 22 13 12 41.3 31 -113 6 1980 2 25 10 47 38.41 33.475 -116.5 19.4 1980 3 18 11 29 47.81 31 -112.714 6 1980 3 18 12 25 35.3 30.169 -113.966 15 1980 3 18 12 50 27.1 30 -113 6 1980 3 28 22 11 50.07 36.379 -114.161 6 1980 4 29 18 25 10.1 1 36.927 -113.491 7 1980 5 15 9 14 12 31.23 -113.769 15 1980 6 1 8 40 27.5 35.391 -111.986 5 1980 6 10 22 40 25.04 32.296 -112.439 6 1980 7 14 11 46 12.6 36.5 -112.33 13 1980 7 27 4 21 32.64 31.048 -113.428 6 1980 8 7 12 38 46.34 35.514 -113.623 6 1980 8 29 8 57 55.2 30.211 -113.212 15 1980 9 1 11 34 55.7 31.176 -113.194 15 1980 9 18 8 55 34 31.299 -113.893 6 1980 10 29 14 53 35.5 29951 -114.072 15 1980 10 30 16 37 48.28 32.295 *112.463 6 1980 11 8 6 4 42.4 31.039 -113.686 15 1980 11 9 7 29 2.6 30.431 -113.789 15 1980 12 11 17 54 6.86 34.719 -113.403 6 1981 1 12 8 59 13.2 35.658 -113.469 5 1981 2 15 21 16 46.64 30.644 -113.937 6 1981 3 13 0 9 6.6 35.948 -114.799 2 1981 3 18 11 45 43.37 30.762 -113.81 6 1981 4 6 18 21 37.38 34.555 -113.1 0

1981 4 9 22 58 49.91 31.648 -112.714 6 1981 5 7 1 38 17.8 32.202 -108.898 5 1981 8 28 6 44 36.29 31.968 -113.587 6 1981 10 29 19 31 1.16 31.688 -113.254 10 1981 11 16 4 32 48.97 36.961 -112.527 0.85 1981 12 20 3 6 21.59 30.937 -113.914 10 1982 1 3 4 2 17.92 33.053 -114.826 6 1982 6 9 2 21 12.44 34.377 -115.732 2.8 1982 6 15 23 49 21 .16 33.555 -116.667 11.6 1982 7 31 6 42 19.31 35.47 -116.298 6 1982 10 21 15 17 15.05 31.407 -114.374 6 1982 10 22 19 2 47.94 33.385 -114.523 6 1982 11 1 23 14 21.8 36.033 -114.375 5 1982 11 4 23 3 37.16 36.133 -115.072 6 1982 11 19 20 57 34.67 36.027 -112.006 5 1982 11 27 23 38 18.41 35.943 -114.317 6 1982 12 7 9 43 49.61 36.023 -114.826 5 1983 1 1 22 29 30.68 32.686 -114.06 6 1983 2 12 4 4 8.42 34 -114 6 1983 2 23 11 10 20.87 35.973 -114.711 5 1983 4 9 0 45 26.03 36.394 -114.758 6 1983 4 17 6 3 30.93 30.39 -114.048 10 1983 5 17 21 55 58.9 35 -114.5 0 1983 6 10 1 22 31.96 36.179 -114.071 6 1983 6 18 11 9 34.05 31.575 -114.74 0.5 1983 7 14 18 59 22.82 34.62 -113.15 0 1983 7 19 18 43 23.02 31.3 -114.559 6 1983 7 23 12 48 7.3 30.856 -113.814 10 1983 8 31 8 10 8.74 36.135 -112.037 5 1983 11 3 18 26 23.56 36.483 -114.56 5 1983 12 3 21 1 10.61 32.322 -113.782 6 1984 2 11 19 30 1 35.93 -115.81 6 1984 3 7 3 32 36.68 34.569 -115.917 6 1984 4 3 14 34 32.52 36.132 -114.804 6 1984 4 22 9 49 56.38 31.787 -114.007 6 1984 4 22 10 41 10.95 35.488 -116.295 6 1984 5 5 21 56 47.3 36.1 -115.69 6 1984 6 20 13 37 18.31 36.049 -114.801 6 1984 6 30 3 30 2 .59 30.074 -114.123 10 1984 7 5 1 12 28.45 31.52 -114.39 6 1984 7 7 18 14 59.06 32.462 *114.008 6 1984 7 18 14 29 31.82 36.216 -111.844 5 1984 9 5 12 37 5.03 31.078 -113.746 10 1984 9 6 20 34 25.49 30.614 -113.966 10 1984 9 22 17 59 55.04 32.435 -113.978 0 1984 12 4 20 53 8.62 36.042 -115.089 6 1985 1 21 4 18 15.98 35.917 -115.753 6 1985 1 29 5 37 54 35.3 -111.4 0 1985 1 30 13 47 16.42 34.75 -112.137 5

1985 3 30 18 34 57.57 32.466 -113.878 6 1985 5 8 23 40 21 .75 31.942 -115.873 18.4 1985 7 6 10 34 44.2 31.108 -114.277 6 1985 7 6 11 11 31 .85 32.288 -114.714 6 1985 7 16 17 57 50.9 34.54 -116.84 9.9 1985 7 23 20 16 44.91 36.01 -114.638 6 1985 8 7 21 28 44.28 35.491 -116.271 6 1985 10 4 8 3 44.97 35.898 -115.173 6 1985 10 11 0 16 26.48 35.657 -116.224 6 1985 11 16 12 6 48.31 36.088 -114.653 5 1986 1 19 19 35 0.1 32.55 -114.1 0 1986 3 24 17 29 57.34 32.446 -113.893 6 1986 4 27 16 14 29.1 30.518 -113.885 10 1986 7 8 9 20 44.35 34.007 -116.607 10.8 1986 8 6 5 31 7.9 36.8 -112.345 0.06 1986 8 22 14 43 58.55 36.245 -114.359 13.05 1987 1 26 12 44 27.72 35.854 -115.031 5 1987 2 7 3 45 14.5 32.373 -115.307 10.3 1987 2 25 13 52 27.2 31.45 -114.72 6 1987 3 15 19 25 38.66 31.355 -113.006 5 1987 4 15 7 16 10.8 34.64 -111.21 10 1987 6 21 9 44 7.2 30.88 -113.88 6 1987 9 9 4 20 10.3 31.48 -114.31 6 1987 9 20 0 0 0 36.17 -113.16 0 1987 9 20 11 24 33.02 34.853 -113.732 5 1987 10 1 20 20 8.1 36.423 -114.656 29.07 1987 11 16 5 52 43.36 30.049 -114.405 10 1987 11 17 23 44 24.91 30.641 -114.559 12 1987 11 24 13 15 56.29 33.014 -115.834 5.5 1988 1 25 13 17 12.31 31.834 -115.865 6 1988 2 12 5 23 56.47 30.105 -113.896 10 1988 2 14 7 39 49 35.59 -111.63 13 1988 2 23 0 48 25.3 35.912 -114.947 5 1988 4 20 9 59 1.01 30.538 -114.139 8 1988 4 28 6 16 7.85 35.585 -116.288 6 1988 5 4 18 53 33.54 35.974 -114.995 0 1988 5 22 19 22 45.77 36.925 -112.995 0.3 1 1988 5 28 10 51 13.97 35.933 -114.896 5 1988 7 4 10 56 54.54 35.918 -114.916 5 1988 7 15 0 38 9.59 36.374 -110.448 5 1988 9 7 1 17 40 36.01 *112.14 12 1988 9 10 20 59 3.86 34.249 -115.705 6 1988 12 16 5 53 4.77 33.986 -116.683 8.7 1988 12 29 18 18 57.4 36.896 -112.952 1.37 1988 12 30 19 55 55.09 35.983 -114.8 5 1989 1 9 5 8 8.46 36.3 -115.1 7 1989 2 1 0 32 40.37 35.775 -115.419 6 1989 2 4 12 26 58.08 36.788 -112.954 0.89 1989 2 5 21 51 12.79 32.494 -114.626 1

1989 2 7 1 48 12.03 32.167 -114.534 6 1989 3 5 0 40 30.84 35.952 -112.257 5 1989 3 12 6 30 19.49 36.976 -112.907 3.96 1989 4 6 16 10 4.09 36.046 -114.661 5 1989 4 18 10 45 47.66 34.669 -110.925 5 1989 6 21 19 42 23.38 30.959 -114.126 11.86 1989 6 22 21 6 1.84 30.395 -114.262 10 1989 7 17 20 10 22.25 34.038 -110.946 5 1989 8 2 20 59 9.39 35.627 -116.265 6 1989 8 24 22 44 10.92 35.62 -115.644 6 1989 9 6 12 36 55 34.87 -110.99 20 1989 9 6 18 26 52 36.03 -112.37 10 1989 9 19 9 46 0.79 36.663 -112.407 5 1989 9 21 9 33 58.95 33.57 -114.458 6 1989 10 29 9 8 30 35.886 -114.862 5 1989 11 12 0 14 39.69 30.871 -114.015 10 1989 11 28 18 37 32 36.1 -112.2 10 1990 1 13 5 47 33.52 30.222 -114.44 10 1990 1 27 6 28 52.07 30.121 -113.73 10 1990 6 14 23 28 48.92 31.566 -114.483 5.74 1990 7 23 6 51 11.47 30.248 -114.458 10 1990 8 14 15 7 2.76 32.07 -113.124 5 1990 10 14 6 17 2.8 30.618 -114.51 8 1990 10 17 11 48 23.5 36.53 -111.13 3 1990 11 11 12 32 16.83 30.768 -114.52 3 1991 2 18 12 51 21.78 30.973 -113.258 10 1991 2 20 0 56 55.72 29.874 -113.592 10 1991 4 26 13 8 20.64 36.627 -112.345 10 1991 4 29 13 4 37.35 32.088 -114.664 6 1991 7 4 7 51 22.5 30. 151 -113.598 10 1991 7 4 11 20 30.56 30.446 -113.857 10 1991 8 22 15 7 13.55 30.777 -114.722 5 1991 8 22 16 41 1 36 -112.13 2 1991 9 10 4 21 4.31 30.46 -114.367 7 1991 11 13 21 37 27.03 34.644 -112.36 5 1991 12 3 17 54 35.81 31.703 -115.91 5 1991 12 25 8 44 14.93 30.551 -114.184 11.77 1991 12 25 20 30 7.88 31.288 -114.039 15.93 1992 1 23 7 55 28.79 35.625 -116.277 6 1992 2 17 5 43 40.54 30.808 -113.314 6 1992 2 24 17 15 20.79 35.953 *112.221 5 1992 3 6 16 19 0.88 36.553 -114.883 6 1992 3 13 11 20 2.87 35.516 -113.584 6 1992 3 14 5 13 31 .64 35.96 -112.355 5 1992 3 15 0 17 47.16 30.82 -114.677 8 1992 4 6 11 25 1.93 31.062 -114.009 6 1992 4 7 0 39 9. 19 35.447 -113.226 5 1992 5 6 1 41 1.27 36.346 -112.043 5 1992 5 20 21 46 5.2 36.02 -112.17 9

1992 5 26 6 0 15.2 31.691 -114.272 6 1992 5 26 6 24 23.95 30.207 -114.294 6 1992 5 27 10 56 54.31 30.837 -114.657 8 1992 6 28 11 57 33.98 34.203

  • 116.431 2.8 1992 7 5 18 17 29.97 35.982 -112.219 5 1992 7 13 9 56 13.16 35.345 -114.654 18 1992 8 28 10 14 44.5 1 36.057 -114.938 3 .87 1992 8 30 1 17 45.02 30.144 *114.195 10 1992 9 20 4 44 24.5 30.607 -114.377 8 1992 10 18 4 52 47.01 30.801 -114.661 7.77 1992 12 4 18 15 54.73 36.444 -114.021 5 1992 12 7 9 4 53.49 30.586 -114.216 15.99 1992 12 10 19 15 42.64 31.875 -114.718 8 1992 12 20 3 12 56.79 30.902 -114.208 1.63 1993 1 21 20 42 53.89 36.384 -114.97 6 1993 2 4 6 18 18.06 35.964 -112.225 5 1993 2 4 11 4 25.21 36.08 -115.045 10.23 1993 3 7 8 53 27.95 31.164 -114.242 10 1993 3 19 21 1 46.28 36.398 -114.828 0 1993 4 1 18 34 13.87 36.383 -114.704 13.16 1993 4 15 1 24 58.96 31.376 -114.297 17.28 1993 4 29 8 21 0.81 35.611 -112.112 10 1993 5 2 11 5 1.57 30.485 -114.043 3.03 1993 5 12 7 23 56.11 36.203 -113 5 1993 5 12 7 24 4.1 36.203 -114.013 5 1993 6 13 12 9 33.48 31.482 -114.411 20.03 1993 6 27 13 20 9.5 36.73 -113.03 10 1993 7 8 2 5 20.94 30.25 -114.174 8 1993 7 9 11 25 6.99 31.387 -114.36 15.83 1993 7 12 3 37 47.2 36.75 -113.01 10 1993 7 18 11 37 35.4 34.77 -111.04 10 1993 8 16 14 9 49.68 30.718 -112.858 6 1993 8 16 14 10 7.12 31.352 -114.332 14.86 1993 9 5 13 36 9.59 30.261 -114.729 10 1993 9 8 1 1 44.07 35.951 -115.711 6 1993 10 18 11 54 54.7 36.74 -113 10 1993 11 3 12 14 27.31 35.925 -115.72 6 1993 11 25 2 46 35.31 35.833 -115.781 0 1994 2 3 12 47 17.13 31.793 -114.68 14.38 1994 2 20 15 42 56.71 30.576 *114.053 8 1994 2 25 19 16 10.78 31.458 -114.385 15.57 1994 3 23 2 59 16.17 31.806 -116.128 22.5 1994 3 25 6 41 49.2 36.14 *112.2 10 1994 4 1 17 17 33.86 34.936 *112.707 5 1994 4 24 8 41 33.7 36.71 -113.04 10 1994 5 19 6 0 43.86 30.45
  • 114.017 8.39 1994 6 17 13 43 10.12 30.658 -114.542 1.35 1994 7 4 7 2 15.05 31.655 -113.48 10 1994 7 17 23 41 37.41 30.573 -114.349 3.82

1994 7 21 13 51 23.74 30.174 -114.524 20.15 1994 8 8 21 17 8.37 30.511 -114.373 35.09 1994 9 4 16 43 22.35 30.195 -114.556 30.72 1994 9 19 3 53 8.76 31.519 -114.438 36.7 1994 9 29 11 21 24.58 35.464 -111.992 5 1994 10 3 14 0 48.63 32.066 -114.948 10 1994 10 29 22 27 52.19 36.081 -114.119 5 1994 11 25 8 17 26.41 31.497 -114.421 15.89 1994 11 27 11 10 53.46 36.332 -113.597 5 1994 12 13 18 42 59.73 30.593 -113.878 31 .77 1994 12 23 4 9 58.41 30.209 -114.638 10.59 1995 1 1 14 59 43.41 36.047 -114.827 4.42 1995 1 11 4 51 27.06 32.43 -115.23 12 1995 2 6 14 28 21.2 35.07 -111.63 10 1995 3 7 21 56 14.9 36.78 -113.01 10 1995 3 7 22 33 19.36 36.602 -113.418 5 1995 3 21 9 43 21.12 30.404 -114.145 13.83 1995 3 26 14 32 6.41 31 .265 -114.351 35.21 1995 4 16 8 23 45.7 36.05 -112.16 10 1995 5 7 11 3 32.85 33.911 -116.285 10.5 1995 6 12 18 51 58.66 32.085 -114.61 19.66 1995 6 17 19 42 56.93 31.454 -114.337 14.47 1995 6 20 16 21 16.09 36.391 -114.525 0 1995 8 2 18 24 27.32 30.513 -113.818 13.2 1995 8 2 18 26 58.46 30.912 -114.23 8 1995 8 2 18 32 11.7 30.318 -114.214 32.87 1995 9 22 2 42 55.8 36.137 -114.16 2.56 1995 10 26 4 4 37.03 30.593 -113.854 8 1995 11 1 18 54 37.58 31.029 -113.903 11.72 1995 12 6 3 27 31.89 31.515 -114.388 15.57 1995 12 27 22 25 13.26 36.196 -114.48 5 1996 1 2 1 44 48.86 30.767 -114.414 10.47 1996 1 31 22 59 56.24 35.919 -114.679 5 1996 2 8 22 58 26.72 30.883 -114.187 3 1996 2 15 22 41 37.87 36.793 -113.973 0.14 1996 3 13 5 43 53.25 36.917 -112.423 1.13 1996 3 15 9 17 33.71 30.811 -114.197 2 1996 3 31 22 43 13.68 32.034 -113.032 6 1996 4 26 4 4 1.1 36.54 -112.37 10 1996 5 1 23 10 54.32 31.286 -114.406 10 1996 5 1 23 13 3.46 30.98 -114.277 13 1996 6 6 2 30 36.97 30.207 -114.598 9 1996 6 14 19 23 0.48 32.051 -114.709 6 1996 9 12 21 19 13.74 36.833 -113.763 7.31 1996 10 8 4 13 19.26 31.018 -113.097 4 1996 10 22 4 15 12.33 36.17 -115.166 6.52 1996 11 17 2 37 53.82 35.746 -115.75 0 1997 1 22 1 5 54.4 36.76 -113.03 3 1997 2 2 2 26 0.01 30.251 -114.316 10.79

1997 2 5 8 23 5.58 30.435 -114.654 10 1997 2 5 10 21 36.95 30.596 -114.326 10 1997 2 9 16 15 24.9 34.77 -111.06 10 1997 3 31 7 34 48.91 35.534 -111.993 5 1997 4 22 0 44 29.13 30.419 -113.989 13.01 1997 4 29 20 4 49.94 30.118 -114.276 15 1997 5 28 4 26 20.1 36.73 -113.05 10 1997 6 8 14 29 59.7 36.09 -112.28 10 1997 6 19 11 21 49.53 31.246 -115.491 6 1997 7 3 0 24 0.48 36.078 -114.772 0 1997 7 9 19 29 19.6 36.79 -112.98 10 1997 7 10 10 34 42.1 36.44 -112.42 10 1997 7 19 9 59 22.9 34.52 -112.86 10 1997 7 19 11 43 57.7 36.082 -114.622 5.88 1997 7 26 3 14 55.75 33.402 -116.348 11 .6 1997 7 31 7 30 1.2 36.7 -113.01 10 1997 8 26 6 52 20 36.2 -111.88 10 1997 10 15 11 7 49.6 36.74 -112.98 10 1997 12 20 2 5 52.2 36.341 -115.253 8.93 1998 1 5 5 23 48.5 35.54 -112.07 10 1998 1 6 8 36 46.63 34.916 -110.495 5 1998 1 16 8 35 30.6 36.5 -112.4 10 1998 2 3 6 26 31.64 30.868 -114.09 8 1998 2 18 14 29 32.65 31.854 -115.771 6 1998 2 22 10 15 9.4 36.49 -112.38 10 1998 2 24 11 31 48.78 31.235 -115.601 12 1998 4 8 12 2 57.16 30.372 -114.483 9.52 1998 4 13 14 31 11.5 34.26 -110.12 10 1998 4 24 1 27 8.54 31.756 -114.263 10 1998 5 15 12 48 16.1 36.71 -113.01 10 1998 6 8 18 49 2 .98 31.968 -114.546 8 1998 6 15 12 56 13.44 31.329 -114.247 2.03 1998 8 22 23 20 28.78 36.281 -113.984 5 1998 10 18 7 13 10.65 36.033 -111.091 5 1998 10 27 1 8 40.33 34.321 -116.842 6 1998 10 31 22 38 6.26 30.443 -114.491 8 1998 11 6 17 15 3.24 31.552 -114.722 6 1998 11 8 0 24 18.21 36.216 -112.47 5 1998 11 17 0 6 27.41 36.8 -114.08 1.49 1998 12 7 20 32 45.29 36.793 -114.053 0.45 1998 12 14 21 40 37.47 36.293 *115.32 5 1999 1 5 23 24 0.32 36.822 -114.026 1.19 1999 2 10 5 9 46.65 36.551 -113.518 5 1999 2 11 6 37 36.16 35.634 -111.575 5 1999 2 24 21 9 52 35.81 -113.3 0 1999 3 2 19 8 22.28 36.458 -114.515 5 1999 3 17 18 29 43.68 30.338 -113.931 10 1999 3 17 20 4 59.32 30.393 -114.505 3.37 1999 3 29 6 47 38.19 30.503 -113.466 10

1999 3 30 21 41 13.12 36.814 -114.043 1.34 1999 5 5 19 4 40.85 36.794 -114.063 1.35 1999 5 14 7 54 2.98 34.066 -116.369 2.3 1999 6 1 12 40 5.01 35.904 -115.79 6 1999 6 1 15 18 2.46 32.411 -115.226 3.3 1999 6 11 8 57 25.62 31.725 -114.558 29.99 1999 8 2 17 59 58.73 36.02 -114.947 6 1999 8 3 9 37 25.08 31.322 -114.301 6.21 1999 8 24 13 4 7.39 31.986 -114.692 6 1999 9 10 7 6 2.72 31.379 -114.334 6 1999 10 1 18 38 23.82 31.681 -114.043 13 1999 10 8 21 26 41 33.28 -114.68 6.1 1999 10 8 21 34 14 33.03 -114.75 5.7 1999 10 16 9 46 43.96 34.596 -116.269 1.2 1999 10 16 9 47 43.59 33.23 -115.654 6.7 1999 10 16 17 15 9.17 30.751 -110.749 5 1999 11 29 15 14 49.12 30.13 -114.399 5 1999 12 6 14 20 3.26 35.049 -111.469 5 1999 12 7 19 25 21.68 36.852 -113.962 1.31 2000 2 22 3 31 37.8 35.77 -113.16 0 2000 3 28 4 45 20.49 36.512 -113.51 5 2000 4 12 15 57 0 36.24 -112.33 14 2000 5 2 6 45 45 32.111 -115.119 5 2000 5 4 6 48 0 36.09 -111.51 12 2000 5 4 7 42 15.98 36.632 -113.055 5 2000 6 2 17 51 14.27 31.113 -114.338 5 2000 6 12 18 13 22.49 30.464 -113.993 2.53 2000 6 23 20 10 42.73 35.509 -116.264 6 2000 8 8 3 18 2.42 30.75 -114.138 13.83 2000 8 8 3 18 9.32 32.448 -113.474 5 2000 8 25 15 23 16.96 29.932 -113.392 10 2000 10 31 21 56 39.69 36.456 -114.307 0 2000 12 1 0 1 9.1 36.051 -114.98 6 2001 1 16 7 26 35.21 30.391 -113.852 0.3 1 2001 1 17 1 26 32.85 31.812 -114.705 6 2001 1 17 4 13 3.67 32.448 -113.719 6 2001 1 17 9 33 27.88 31.867 -114.316 19.95 2001 2 4 3 29 2.65 36.143 -115.346 0 2001 5 17 10 15 32.31 30.807 -114.027 9.84 2001 7 12 20 9 1.7 31.392 -114.358 15.52 2001 9 9 6 30 30.1 30.224 *114.61 7 2001 10 23 7 19 42.4 31.697 -114.703 5 2001 10 31 7 56 16.36 33.511 -116.502 15.6 2001 11 28 16 24 0.74 30.331 -113.547 10 2001 12 6 12 58 16.03 30.639 -114.436 4 2001 12 8 23 36 10.14 32.059 -115.036 0.6 2002 2 11 23 34 24.91 30.565 -113.889 13 2002 3 3 0 9 0.64 35.422 -116.454 6.8 2002 3 3 15 20 56.14 35.618 -116.251 7

2002 3 27 11 18 5.92 30.216 -114.011 10 2002 4 15 6 53 20.5 36.79 -112.46 15 2002 5 25 0 5 17.71 35.589 -116.31 7 2002 7 7 5 37 38.98 36.486 -113.55 5 2002 8 30 5 16 12.98 31.863 -114.265 5 2002 9 13 11 42 17.29 30.216 -114.573 15 2002 10 29 14 16 54.08 34.803 -116.266 4.6 2002 12 10 21 4 0.5 32.25 -115.788 10.9 2003 1 11 15 40 37.1 31.248 -114.238 5 2003 2 7 10 34 4 .83 31.628 -115.511 7.6 2003 2 22 12 19 10.53 34.31 -116.846 3.6 2003 3 17 6 28 41.3 31.851 -114.654 6 2003 3 25 21 11 34.89 36.766 -112.982 4.68 2003 6 8 19 14 48 31.92 -114.427 8 2003 6 11 0 56 15 31.917 -114.724 5 2003 8 10 0 33 23.52 35.066 -113.37 5 2003 9 8 18 13 24.7 31.324 -114.169 6 2003 9 9 23 7 21 .35 30.155 -114.114 10 2003 9 9 23 41 52.8 30.159 -114.49 10 2003 9 10 11 26 44.55 30.641 -113.544 10 2003 9 17 18 1 36.93 35.939 -114.698 3.65 2003 10 24 18 18 53.92 35.939 -114.727 0 2003 11 1 2 43 29.3 30.661 -114.201 7 2003 11 15 12 54 11.3 32.496 -114.689 6 2003 11 18 19 35 45 32.183 -114.598 13 2003 12 4 16 0 52 31.964 -114.495 16 2003 12 12 2 55 18.1 30.808 -114.471 5 2003 12 21 16 8 57 33.62 -109.78 0 2003 12 21 21 28 22 33.8 -109.07 0 2004 1 13 7 58 53.3 31.058 -114.145 7 2004 1 17 9 47 21.7 30.78 -114.33 11 .3 2004 1 26 7 14 23.8 31.67 -114.456 7 2004 3 5 8 28 0 34.98 -109.99 24 2004 3 12 8 37 26.21 33.227 -109.557 5 2004 3 15 17 19 12.6 30.689 -114.697 4 2004 3 16 4 6 3.6 30.75 -114.225 5 2004 3 30 1 40 23.1 30.201 -114.193 8.1 2004 5 14 10 58 1.67 36.05 -114.123 0 2004 5 14 14 9 36.7 31.528 -114.311 4 2004 6 27 5 0 0 36.21 -111.57 16 2004 8 12 14 44 30 30.546 *114.45 4 2004 8 20 6 33 2.7 30.147 -114.15 7.5 2004 8 26 0 16 14.6 30.646 -113.901 6 2004 10 18 16 47 14.3 30.309 -114.574 6 2005 2 24 8 58 54.1 30.63 -114.256 8 2005 3 2 11 12 57.42 34.715 -110.97 5 2005 3 15 0 21 7.29 36.911 -112.546 22.75 2005 4 20 19 3 25 31.931 -114.745 12 2005 4 25 22 59 39.6 30.059 -114.46 8

2005 4 27 0 32 59.02 30.253 -114.132 10 2005 6 8 4 32 33.1 36.832 -113.564 2.29 2005 6 12 15 41 46.33 33.538 -116.567 14.1 2005 6 16 20 53 25.68 34 .061 -117.007 14.2 2005 7 12 23 32 41.38 36.959 -112.352 9.03 2005 9 2 1 27 19.5 33.143 -115.634 5.6 2005 10 31 13 41 33.62 30.517 -113.109 10 2005 11 8 4 11 59.5 30.715 -114.236 12 2005 11 20 8 45 36.39 36.185 -113.854 5 2005 11 25 12 32 53.6 31.288 -114.272 6 2005 12 16 8 17 1.41 30.177 -114.063 10 2006 1 20 20 1 15.5 30.5 -114.549 5 2006 2 5 11 36 55.89 36.988 -112.861 12.01 2006 2 23 1 22 2.2 30.618 -114.195 5 .3 2006 5 1 21 4 42.6 30.199 -114.332 10 2006 5 24 4 20 26.01 32.307 -115.228 6 2006 6 21 1 45 8 .9 31.536 -114.481 15 2006 7 9 17 43 33 34.743 -112.707 1 2006 7 23 15 24 20.1 31.895 -114.565 15 2006 11 15 7 4 2.3 30.69 -114.338 4 2007 1 4 19 4 43.7 30.97 -114.583 4 2007 1 18 6 21 6.42 30.493 -114.086 10 2007 1 19 17 34 27.58 36.283 -115.431 16 2007 1 24 12 27 25.6 30.546 -114.664 10 2007 5 22 20 55 19.8 31.364 -114.167 12 2007 6 25 14 52 28 33.73 -111.14 7 2007 7 4 18 30 28 36.104 -111.073 8 2007 7 5 1 38 32.4 30.551 -114.6 4 2007 7 5 4 37 29 31.053 -114.351 6 2007 7 26 2 37 24.5 31.532 -114.324 4 2007 8 28 13 52 27.32 30.315 -113.983 10 2007 9 8 7 15 40.59 33.697 -108.811 5 2007 9 15 5 26 24.33 33.401 -108.835 5 2007 9 21 0 58 0.4 31.284 -114.215 8 2007 9 28 0 23 22.28 35.773 -115.805 5.4 2007 10 5 6 28 12.7 31.588 -114.41 12 2007 10 25 20 35 29.5 31.712 -114.505 13 2007 10 29 2 2 16.8 30.505 -114.159 6 2007 10 29 22 21 11.9 31.47 -114.311 9 2007 12 5 0 22 41 36.428 -113.127 13 2007 12 27 0 13 20 36.53 *112.258 23 2008 1 10 11 26 15.97 30.917 -113.892 10 2008 1 12 12 50 20.44 30.445 -113.901 10 2008 1 17 22 0 13 35.02 -113.914 1 2008 1 29 14 46 6.3 31.339 -114.449 9 2008 2 9 7 12 4.5 32.36 -115.277 6 2008 2 19 20 41 28.35 30.01 -114.014 10 2008 3 27 1 7 13.78 36.465 -113.581 5 2008 4 7 21 32 5 34.704 -111.181 2

2008 5 14 1 7 40.88 30.569 -113.744 10 2008 5 14 16 9 52.93 30.25 -114.3 10 2008 5 17 19 8 55.3 31.912 -114.745 9 2008 6 4 23 32 35 36.443 -112.492 13 2008 7 8 17 51 5.16 36.62 -114.563 6 2008 9 3 23 44 17.03 34.615 -112.897 6 2008 10 1 23 49 18 35.925 -112.073 15 2008 10 8 9 31 41.04 30.279 -113.305 10 2008 10 19 19 51 14 35.479 -111.764 11 2008 10 26 19 47 48.35 36.235 -114.554 10.79 2008 11 5 6 17 40.6 31.813 -114.658 8 2008 11 13 7 48 45.42 29.98 -114.21 5 2008 11 19 15 35 39.2 30.564 -114.354 4 2008 11 20 19 23 0.1 32.329 -115.332 6 2008 12 4 2 4 36.9 36.044 -114.832 5.99 2008 12 6 4 18 42.8 34.813 -116.419 7 2008 12 11 3 41 55.68 30.335 -113.797 10 2008 12 30 11 44 12.97 30.107 -113.222 10 2009 2 24 7 10 30.6 30.104 -114.349 14 2009 2 24 7 17 35.7 30.456 -114.099 15 2009 2 27 15 10 1.4 36.352 -115.073 8.4 2009 3 24 11 55 43.9 33.317 -115.728 6 2009 4 28 0 59 53.5 30.571 -114.578 4 2009 5 9 6 7 31 .97 34.213 -112.141 5 2009 5 11 22 35 49.8 31.711 -114.539 5 2009 5 14 4 23 27.2 30.852 -114.083 14.1 2009 9 3 15 54 6.8 31.232 -114.344 10 2009 9 4 11 47 54 36.647 -112.956 5 2009 10 7 16 35 5.5 30.212 -114.39 5 2009 10 8 3 47 45.1 30.542 -114.32 5 2009 10 8 6 1 0.3 30.278 -113.745 6.3 2009 10 9 22 13 54.18 35.963 -114.546 10.93 2009 10 16 10 27 10.7 29.991 -114.081 4 2009 10 31 3 17 31.9 35.358 -111.578 6.38 2009 11 3 23 39 42 36.713 -113.046 16 2009 11 16 6 55 46 36.833 -112.352 21 2009 11 21 20 45 46 36.877 -111.9 8 2009 11 28 5 23 15.7 30.912 -114.478 6 2010 1 27 20 33 31 36.581 -111.471 7 2010 2 19 23 30 17 31.402 -114.39 12 2010 2 20 1 12 48.7 31.673 *114.094 15 2010 2 21 1 12 9.5 31.837 -114.521 10 2010 3 2 0 51 39 36.564 -113.272 12 2010 3 13 20 55 8 30.62 -114.557 3 2010 3 18 18 40 41.97 35.019 -111.609 5 2010 3 21 17 40 6.08 36.61 -113.318 10 2010 3 30 9 14 10.46 31.276 -114.049 10 2010 4 4 22 40 41.7 32.216 -115.3 10 2010 5 3 0 59 24.24 31.539 -114.726 10

2010 5 24 7 27 7.76 33.298 -109.231 5 2010 5 29 15 31 54 36.463 -113.259 6.72 2010 6 15 4 26 58.4 32.7 -115.921 5 2010 6 18 15 7 33.65 31.716 -114.716 10 2010 6 25 10 30 34.12 33.61 -111.196 5 2010 7 3 7 34 46.28 30.731 -114.028 6 2010 7 7 23 53 33.5 33.421 -116.489 14 2010 7 27 12 22 31 35.889 -111.394 18.28 2010 8 9 23 55 47.4 31.01 -114.001 8 2010 8 10 22 47 47.1 30.365 -114.365 4 2010 8 11 17 23 2.1 30.617 -114.11 4 2010 9 8 3 58 8.45 30.435 -113.63 10 2010 9 15 7 50 2 .4 30.069 -113.802 10 2010 9 25 16 49 26.3 31.23 -115.65 5 2010 9 26 22 20 30.64 33.696 -111.147 5 2010 10 13 18 20 47.34 31.54 -114.347 10 2010 10 19 1 27 55 36.855 -113.022 9.8 2010 10 20 23 1 54.8 31.395 -116.026 8 2010 11 6 20 39 5 36.969 -112.874 12.24 2010 11 11 3 23 38 36.463 -113.495 7.39 2010 11 24 14 58 20 36.818 -111.791 5.8 2011 1 16 11 55 48.81 31.474 -114.293 10 2011 1 17 21 2 24.7 31.725 -114.624 10 2011 1 23 12 16 47.19 34.837 -112.087 5 2011 1 26 10 51 36 36.098 -112.074 6.9 2011 3 18 19 54 46.74 34.827 -112.092 15 2011 3 20 21 28 16 36.077 -111.908 7.55 2011 4 7 13 40 57.9 31.233 -115.62 5 2011 5 26 19 46 30.3 30.822 -113.934 10 2011 6 16 0 0 0 35.872 -112.191 8.96 2011 6 21 0 0 0 35.055 -111.554 16.2 2011 7 8 3 44 3.04 36.288 -112.181 2.7 2011 7 18 0 0 0 36.603 -113.769 1.7 2011 7 18 9 6 54.13 36.891 -113.555 6 2011 7 29 0 0 0 34.9 -112.032 3.6 2011 8 31 0 0 0 35.784 -113.226 7 2011 9 17 2 8 39.5 31.385 -114.311 8 2011 10 11 10 12 2.38 34.72 -116.028 7.56 2011 10 13 0 0 0 35.666 -111.414 3.6 2011 10 14 16 15 46.5 31.304 -114.245 10 2011 10 20 3 45 49.2 30.622 *114.038 8 2011 10 25 18 20 24.6 34.871 -112.518 5 2011 11 3 0 0 0 35.842 -113.216 6.88 2011 11 12 23 3 46.33 36.014 -114.818 6 2011 12 13 0 0 0 36.764 -113.017 8 .2 2011 12 14 18 34 47 36.666 -113.794 0.3 2011 12 23 12 32 37.6 30.451 -114.011 10 2012 1 8 19 11 12.21 34.826 -110.942 5 2012 1 19 1 38 55.6 30.887 -114.171 8

2012 2 26 0 0 0 34.898 -110.965 2 2012 3 20 14 18 52.8 31.288 -114.258 4 2012 3 21 1 18 22.5 31.084 -114.392 12 2012 3 26 3 42 43.1 31.517 -114.319 7 2012 4 22 0 0 0 34.894 -110.961 3.65 2012 6 1 5 24 34.1 30.452 -114.066 10 2012 6 25 0 0 0 35.025 -112.546 1.85 2012 7 19 5 8 39.3 31.428 -114.295 8 2012 7 24 21 39 24 30.56 -114.216 7 2012 8 25 9 28 26 31.339 -114.306 5 2012 8 26 20 57 58.2 33.02 -115.55 9 2012 8 26 21 17 26.72 34.175 -115.608 8.9 2012 8 27 5 23 19.1 30.658 -114.063 10 2012 8 28 11 36 52.97 30.026 -114.213 10 2012 9 25 16 3 33.46 36.486 -114.879 13.3 2012 10 8 0 0 0 33.431 -109.28 5 2012 10 11 21 26 49.76 36.431 -114.432 0 2012 10 17 0 0 0 35.748 -113.088 4.9 20 12 10 30 9 20 57.6 31.24 -114.298 15 2012 11 13 0 19 16.49 35.511 -116.246 0 2012 12 11 0 0 0 35.61 9 -113.154 10

M ag Mag Type Source Catalog Priority Zone Mag Sigma Mw E(M) 6.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.5 6.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5 MMI AZGS AZG S 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 5 6 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.2 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.2 6.03 5.9 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.9 5.73 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 7 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.6 5.43 6.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.8 6.63 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3 3.00 6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6 5.83 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 7.3 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 7.3 7.13 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4 .33 4.33 6.1 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.1 5.93 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.7 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.7 6.53 6.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 5 0.3 6.6 6.43 6.2 Ms AEIC AEIC 2 3 0.3 6.2 6.03 6.2 Mw Toppozada Unif ied 1 1 0.3 6.2 6.03 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 6 Ms AEIC AEIC 2 3 0.3 6 5.83 6.2 Ms AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.3 6.2 6.03 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6 5.83 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 6.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.6 6.43 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5.7 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.7 5.53 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 6.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 6.8 6.63 5.6 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.6 5.43 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 5.9 Mw Toppoza da Unified 1 1 0.3 5.9 5.73 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5 4.83 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33

5 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.8 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.8 5.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5.1 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5.1 4.93 5.5 Mw Toppozada Unified 1 1 0.3 5.5 5.33 5 Mw COMG Unified 1 1 0.3 5 4.83 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 4.46 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.46 4.39 3.78 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.78 3.71 4.7 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7 4.63 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 2.96 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 3.58 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.58 3.51 5.5 ML CDMG AZGS 5 4 0.2 5.5 5.43 5.07 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 5.07 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6.46 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.46 6.39 3.93 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 3.93 3.86 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 2 0.5 5 5.00 3.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.84 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.84 4.77 4.79 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.79 4.72 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.25 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.25 5.18 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.79 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.79 3.72 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 2.78 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.78 2.71 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.85 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.02 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.02 5.95 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.58 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.58 3.51 3.63 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.2 3.63 3.56 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.88 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.88 4.8 1

3.32 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.32 3 .25 3.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.72 3.65 4.54 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.54 4.47 5.5 M AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.2 5.5 5.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5 Md NMBMG AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 6 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5 5.00 3.83 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 4.69 Mw Deng Unified 1 7 0.2 4.69 4.62 4.5 Md NMBMG AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 3.47 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 5.29 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.29 5.22 6.89 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.89 6.82 4.5 ML CDMG AZGS 4 2 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5 4.93 3.47 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.47 3.40 4.84 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.84 4.77 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5 5.43 6.05 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 5 0.2 6.05 5.98 4 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3.67 3.67 3 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 3 3.00 3 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3 3.00 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.78 4.71 3.28 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.28 3.21 4.83 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.11 4.04 3 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3 2.93 3.62 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.62 3.55 5.26 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.26 5.19 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.08 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.08 5.01 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5.22 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.22 5.15 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.34 3.27 4.7 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7 4.63 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.86 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 5.3 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.3 5.23 4.39 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.2 4.39 4.32 5.15 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 5 0.2 5.15 5.08 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2 5.13

5.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.78 5.71 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.5 5.43 4.83 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.83 4.76 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.85 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.85 4.78 6.48 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.48 6.41 3.81 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.81 3.74 3.4 I SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.4 3.33 4.8 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 4.8 4.73 5.28 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.28 5.21 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.96 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.96 5.89 4.5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5.69 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.69 5.62 3.53 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.53 3.46 4.3 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 5.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.66 5.59 7 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 5.67 5.67 4.2 Unk NE I AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.16 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.16 4.09 5.41 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.41 5.34 4.72 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 5.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.97 5.90 4.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 4.5 Unk NE I ANSS 3 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 MMI AE IC AZGS 4 7 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.72 Mw SCSN Unified 1 7 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.67 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.67 3.60 5.1 Ml AZGS AZGS 5 4 0.2 5.1 5.03 3.7 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 5.46 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.46 5.39 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 2 0.2 4.76 4.69 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5 4.93 566 Mw ANSS Unified 1 6 0.2 5.66 5.59 5.35 Mw SCSN Unified 1 6 0.2 5.35 5.28 6.37 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.37 6.30 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 1 0.2 5.2 5.13 4.31 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 4.31 4.24 4.85 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.85 4.78 5.24 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.24 5.17 4.7 Mw COMG Unified 1 1 0.2 4.7 4.63 3.03 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.03 2.96 6.76 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 6.76 6.69

6.52 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 5 0.2 6.55 6.48 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.65 4.58 5.17 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.17 5.10 4.7 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 3.64 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.64 3.57 4.9 Mw CDMG Unified 1 3 0.2 4.9 4.83 3.26 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.26 3.19 5.25 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.25 5.18 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 5.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.76 5.69 5 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 4.33 4.33 4.82 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.82 4.75 5.75 ML Brumbaugh AZGS 2 3 0.2 5.75 5.68 2008 5 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 5 4.93 3.38 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.38 3.3 1 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 4 0.2 4.74 4.67 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 4.71 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.5 ML uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.5 4.43 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 5.07 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.07 5.00 2.96 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 3.01 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.01 2.94 4.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.9 4.83 4.94 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.94 4.87 4.86 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.86 4.79 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 7 0.2 4.78 4.7 1 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.7 2.63 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 4 7 0.2 2.9 2.83 5.6 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 5.6 5.53 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 4 2 0.2 2.7 2.63 4.2 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.2 4.13 5.27 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.27 5.20 4.96 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4 .96 4.89 4.7 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.7 4.63 5.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.9 5.83 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.5 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5 4.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.7 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 4.1 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.1 4.03 4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.7 4.63 5.73 Mw ANSS Unified 1 4 0.2 5.73 5.66 3.3 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 4.41 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 4.41 4.34 3.61 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 3.61 3.54

4 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.2 4 3.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.4 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.03 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.2 4.03 3.96 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.8 3.73 3.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 5.11 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 5.11 5.04 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.92 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.92 4.85 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 4.4 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.7 2.63 4.33 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 4.33 4.26 3.11 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.11 3.04 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 3.3 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 3.5 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.5 3.43 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.74 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.74 4.67 3.3 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.3 3.23 3.5 M uuss AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.5 3.43 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 3.76 Ml Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.76 3.69 6.3 Mw COMG Unified 1 6 0.2 6.3 6.23 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4 3.93 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.4 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.6 4.53 4.72 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.2 4.72 4.65 3.28 Ml Cl ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.28 3.21 3.7 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.7 3.63 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 3.9 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 2.8 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.8 2.73 4.5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 3.8 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.8 3.73 5 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93

4.66 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.66 4.59 3.8 Mb AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.8 3.73 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3.2 3.13 4 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4 3.93 4.6 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 4.6 4.53 4.97 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.97 4.90 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.1 4.03 6.58 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 6.58 6.51 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.71 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.71 4.64 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.5 4.43 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.8 4.73 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 3.9 3.83 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 5.2 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.2 5.13 5.5 Mw CDMG Unified 1 4 0.2 5.5 5.43 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.22 3.15 4.89 Mw SCSN Unified 1 5 0.2 4.89 4.82 2.96 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.96 2.89 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.3 4.23 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4.2 4.13 4.4 Mb AEIC AZG S 2 3 0.2 4.4 4.33 4.9 Mw CDMG Unified 1 5 0.2 4.9 4.83 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3 2.93 3.1 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 3.1 3.03 2.75 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.75 2.68 3.02 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.2 3.02 2.95 3.23 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.23 3.16 2.87 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.87 2.80 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 4 3.93 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5 4.93 5.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.2 5.2 5. 13 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 2.8 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.8 2.73 3.83 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 3.83 3.76 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 3.7 3.63 2.94 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.2 2.94 2.87 2.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 2.9 2.83 2.8 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.2 2.8 2.73 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93

4.99 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.2 4.99 4.92 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 4.7 Mw COMG Unified 1 5 0.2 4.7 4.63 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.2 3 2.93 5.4 Ms NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.5 5.48 3.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 6 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.63 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.63 3.61 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 4 3.98 4.5 mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.5 4.48 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 4.1 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0. 1 4.1 4.08 4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 4.86 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.86 4.84 2.9 Mc Cl ANSS 3 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.1 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.1 mbGS USGS_PDE AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.53 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.53 3.51 3.26 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.26 3.24 3.27 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.27 3.25 3.3 ML Cl ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.9 Mc Cl ANSS 3 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.16 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.16 4.14 4.1 Ml Cl ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 5 0.1 4.9 4.88 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.76 4.74 3.4 Unk PAS ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.7 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 d SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 5.13 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.13 5.1 1 3.34 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.12 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.12 3.10 2.97 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.97 2.95 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 5.25 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.25 5.23 4.88 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.01 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.01 2.99 4.88 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 3.9 Unk NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 5 M AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 5 4.98 3 M AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98

4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.02 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.02 3.00 2.9 Ml AEIC AZG S 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 5.07 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.07 5.05 3.78 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.78 3.76 2.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 5.79 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.79 5.77 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.05 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 3.05 3.03 3.16 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.16 3.14 3.11 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.11 3.09 3.02 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.02 3.00 2.73 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.73 2.71 3.06 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 3.2 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.84 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.84 2.82 3.05 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.05 3.03 3.09 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.09 3.07 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.45 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.45 3.43 3.97 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.97 3.95 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.97 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.97 2.95 4.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.08 4.06 3.21 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.14 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.14 3.12 4.68 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0. 1 4.68 4.66 4 MMI AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.5 3.67 3.67 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.9 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.95 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.95 2.93 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.01 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.01 2.99 5.31 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.31 5.29 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.84 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.84 3.82

2.78 Mh Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.78 2.76 3.03 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.03 3.01 3.26 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.26 3.24 5.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.46 5.44 3.41 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.41 3.39 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.15 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.15 3 .13 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 5.51 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.51 5.49 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.21 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.25 3.23 3.24 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 3.24 3.22 2.99 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.99 2.97 2.8 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.1 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 6.51 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.51 6.49 2.85 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.49 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.49 3.47 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.08 3.06 3.98 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.98 3.96 3.45 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.45 3.43 5.32 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.32 5.30 4.39 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.39 4.37 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 4.22 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.22 4.20 2.9 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.6 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0. 1 2.8 2.78 2.8 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.27 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.27 3.25 2.98 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.98 2.96 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.53 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.53 3.51 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.38 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.38 3.36 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 2.7 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.02 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.02 3.00 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.14 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.14 3.12 2.8 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78

2.9 n SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0. 1 2.8 2.78 4.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 2.71 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 2.98 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.98 2.96 2.73 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.73 2.71 4.77 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.77 4.75 3.16 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.16 3.14 3.22 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.22 3.20 3.05 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.05 3.03 3.3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.79 2.77 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.12 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.12 3.10 3.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.79 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.85 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.9 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.79 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.79 2.77 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3.09 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.09 3.07 2.85 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 2.85 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.06 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.25 3.23 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.71 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 3.2 Unk PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.2 3.18 3 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0. 1 3 2.98 2.75 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.12 h SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.12 3.10 2.7 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.2 Unk PAS ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.7 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0. 1 4.4 4.38 2.81 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.81 2.79 3.3 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 2.75 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.75 2.73 2.92 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.92 2.90 3.04 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.04 3.02 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98

3.54 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.54 3 .52 5.49 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.49 5.47 4.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 4.72 4.70 3.07 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.07 3.05 5.17 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 5.17 5.15 3.45 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.45 3.43 3.04 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.04 3.02 2.77 c SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 3.68 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.68 3.66 3.1 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 Unk PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.64 c SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.64 3.62 5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5 4.98 6.02 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.02 6.00 2.85 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.85 2.83 3 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.48 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.48 5.46 3 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 Unk PAS ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 3.3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 6.5 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 6.5 6.48 5.49 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.49 5.47 5.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.3 5.28 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.9 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0. 1 3.9 3.88 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.69 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.69 3.67 3 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 3.74 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.74 3.72 3.2 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3 2.98 5 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5 4.98 3.61 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.61 3.59 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.6 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.01 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.01 2.99 3.42 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.42 3.40

3.27 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.27 3 .25 4 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4 3.98 3.44 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.44 3.42 2.7 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.01 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.01 2.99 2.72 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.72 2.70 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.7 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.22 c SCSN_re SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.22 3.20 2.8 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 5 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.9 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 3.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.8 h SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.5 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3 2.98 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 5.37 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 5.37 5.35 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.36 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.36 3.34 3.33 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.33 3.31 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.77 d SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 3.02 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.02 3.00 4.2 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.27 h SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.27 3.25 3.4 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.9 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.1 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08

3.26 d SCSN_re SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.26 3.24 2.85 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.9 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 7.28 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0. 1 7.28 7.26 4 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 4 3.98 2.85 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 2.71 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.71 2.69 4.2 Unk NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.4 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3 d SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3 2.98 3.6 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.91 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.91 2.89 3.11 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.11 3.09 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 5.5 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 5.61 5.59 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.9 b SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.5 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.43 d SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.43 3.41 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 4.2 4.18 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.83 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.83 3.81 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.34 ML Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.34 3.32 3.9 Mc NN ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.1 MO_res RESN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 36 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.6 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98

2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.6 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 5.21 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 3.6 Unk NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.5 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.67 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.67 3.65 4.57 Mw NEIC Unified 1 1 0.1 4.57 4.55 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.1 Unk NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.4 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 4.71 Mw Berk_MT_TO Unified 1 1 0.1 4.71 4.69 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3 2.98 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 5.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.2 5.18 2.75 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 4.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.8 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.4 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.71 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.71 2.69 2.87 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 h SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.87 c SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.87 2.85 2.72 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.72 2.70 4.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 3.71 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.71 3.69 2.86 Mc NN ANSS 3 2 0.1 2.86 2.84 3.6 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48

3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 2.8 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.7 Ml NE I AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.9 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.75 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 5 0.1 4.75 4.73 2.7 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.2 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.85 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0. 1 2.85 2.83 4.85 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.85 4.83 2.9 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.77 Mc NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.77 2.75 2.7 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.9 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.5 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.81 Mw SCSN Unified 1 1 0.1 4.81 4.79 2.8 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.76 Mw ANSS Unified 1 5 0.1 4.76 4.74 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.2 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.5 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.1 Ml AE IC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.8 MD_ res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.3 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3.3 3.28 3.4 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 4.78 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.78 4.76 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.08 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.08 3.06 3.3 Ml NE I AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.8 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.97 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.97 2.95 2.9 ML NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.18 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.18 3.16 3.1 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.87 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.87 2.85 3 Ml NEI ANSS 2 7 0.1 3 2.98 4.3 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4.4 Mb NE I ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38

2.83 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.83 2.81 2.91 Mc uu ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.91 2.89 4.89 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.89 4.87 3.25 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.25 3.23 4.97 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.75 Mc Cl ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.75 2.73 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 5.13 Mw ANSS Unified 1 6 0.1 5.13 5.1 1 3.2 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 Mb Cl AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 Mb Cl AZGS 4 2 0.1 2.7 2.68 7.12 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 7.12 7.10 4.65 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.65 4.63 4.5 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.2 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.3 3.28 2.7 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.73 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.73 2.71 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.1 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.73 Mw SCSN_MT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.73 4.71 3.2 Ml AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.06 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.06 3.04 4.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.5 4.48 3.5 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 2.72 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.72 2.70 3 Ml PAS ANSS 2 7 0. 1 3 2.98 4.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.4 4.38 4.38 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 4.38 4.36 3.21 c SCSN_le SCSN 4 3 0.1 3.21 3.19 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.53 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.53 3.51 3.3 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 5.02 Mw SCSN_MT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.02 5.00 4.2 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 5.74 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.74 5.72 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.23 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.23 3.21 2.71 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.71 2.69

4.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.7 4.68 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 2.72 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.72 2.70 3.5 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 4.73 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.73 4.7 1 4.88 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.88 4.86 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.97 Mw ANSS Unified 1 1 0.1 4.97 4.95 5.19 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.19 5.17 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.96 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.96 2.94 3.3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0. 1 3.4 3.38 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 4.2 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 3.7 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.73 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.73 2.71 2.9 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 5 2 0.1 3.1 3.08 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3 2.98 3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.2 Ml Eagar 2007 AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.6 Ml Eagar2007 AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.4 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 3.4 3.38 2.8 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.78 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.78 2.76 2.8 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3 .88 4.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.9 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 5.1 Mb NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.51 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.51 3.49 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58

5.1 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 2.7 Mc uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.21 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.21 5.19 4.87 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 4.87 4.85 2.88 Ml uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.88 2.86 5.15 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.15 5.13 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.2 Ml NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.9 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.1 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 Ml uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 4 3.98 5.1 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 5.1 5.08 5.29 Mw GlobalCMT Unified 1 1 0.1 5.29 5.27 3.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.2 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 3 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 4.8 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 2.85 I SCSN_le SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.85 2.83 3.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.9 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.3 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.9 2.88 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.6 Mw NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.9 Ml NEI ANSS 3 3 0. 1 2.9 2.88 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.22 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 3.22 3.20 3.1 ML ECX ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.8 MD_res RESN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.5 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 3 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.8 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.9 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.4 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 5.14 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.14 5.12 3.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 3.7 Mw NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.8 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78

3.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 4.8 Mw NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 2.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 Ml ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.5 h SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.8 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.6 ML NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.9 ML ASU_TA AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.76 Ml NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.76 3.74 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 4.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.3 4.28 4.98 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 4.98 4.96 2.95 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.95 2.93 5.13 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.13 5.11 3.7 ML NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3 Ml NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 3 2.98 4.8 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 4.5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 2.88 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 2.88 2.86 4.96 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 4.96 4.94 3.9 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4 3.98 3.1 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 4.1 Ml ECX ANSS 3 6 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 3 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 4.7 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.85 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.85 3.83 4.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0. 1 5 4.98 2.9 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 2.8 MO AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.8 2.78 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.9 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 4.6 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.6 4.58 7.19 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 7.19 7.17 3.1 ML PAS ANSS 3 6 0.1 3.1 3.08

3.6 Mw NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 5.8 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.8 5.78 2.93 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 2.93 2.91 3.1 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.34 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.34 3.32 5.54 Mw UC3 UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.54 5.52 3.1 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.6 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.6 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.7 3.68 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 4 Mb NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4 3.98 5.1 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.2 5.18 4.9 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 5 4.98 2.8 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.48 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 6 0.1 3.48 3.46 3.06 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.06 3.04 4.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 4.8 4.78 3.2 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 2.8 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3 ML AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 3 2.98 3.35 I SCSN_le SCSN 4 4 0.1 3.35 3.33 3.2 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 3.3 3.28 3.6 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 ML NEI AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.7 3.68 2.9 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2.88 5 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 5 0.1 5.1 5.08 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 2.79 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.7 MO AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.1 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.97 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.97 2.95 2.83 I SCSN_re SCSN 4 3 0.1 2.83 2.8 1 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.44 ML Cl ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.44 3.42 2.8 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.9 3.88 3.7 MD_res RE SN OM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 3.5 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.5 3.48 2.79 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.79 2.77 2.71 I SCSN_re SCSN 3 7 0.1 2.71 2.69 3.1 ML uu AZGS 2 3 0.1 3.1 3.08 3.4 Mc SLC ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.4 3.38 4.8 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.9 4.88 3.2 ML NEI ANSS 3 3 0.1 3.2 3.18 4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 4.1 4.08

2.95 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.95 2.93 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 2.8 2.78 3.5 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.6 3.58 2.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 4 6 0.1 2.8 2.78 2.7 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.7 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.8 3.78 2.7 MD AZGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.7 2.68 3.3 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.4 3.38 3.4 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3.5 3.48 4.2 Mc UNM ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 5.46 Mw CMT UCERF3 1 1 0.1 5.46 5.44 3.9 Ml PAS ANSS 3 2 0.1 3.9 3.88 5.4 MO_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 5.61 5.59 4.2 Mc NEI ANSS 3 4 0.1 4.2 4.18 3.59 ML NN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.59 3.57 4.1 Ml AZGS-USGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 4.1 4.08 3.1 ML REN ANSS 2 7 0.1 3.1 3.08 2.9 ML AZGS-USGS AZGS 2 3 0.1 2.9 2 .88 2.9 MD_res RESNOM RESNOM 2 4 0.1 3 2.98 2.94 I SCSN_le SCSN 2 2 0.1 2.94 2.92 2.72 MD AEIC AZGS 2 3 0. 1 2.72 2.70


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Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:20 Apr 2015 15:20:20 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Cc:Graizer, Vlad imir;M unson, Cl ifford ;Ake, .Jon;John Stamatkos


RE: Palo Verde public meeting in mid-J une?

I plan to be out the 22-26th, but am available otherwise.


Original Message-----

Frorn: Stieve, Alice Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 11:17 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Graizer. Vladimir; Munson. Clifford; Ake. Jon; John Stamatkos


Palo Verde public meetjng in mid-June?

Cao the Palo Verde team support a APS public meeting in mid-June?

1 have no vacation plans yet so l guess l am open in June. What about the rest of you? Of course Vlad is in CA for the week. Maybe he will check his email.

Original Messagc-----

From: Devl in-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, April 20. 2015 I J :10 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Heeszel, David


FW: Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:24 AM To: Munson, Clifford Cc: Jackson, Diane; Ake, Jon; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Vega, Frankie


Inquiry: Palo Verde Public Meetings Dates Cliff, et. al.

Any preferences or li mitations for planning the Palo Verde public meeting in mid-June.

Thanks, Nick From: Difrancesco, Nicholas Sent: Thursday. April 16,. 2015 10:07 AM To:. Munson, Clifford Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane; Vega,. Frankie; Hill, Brittain; Shams, Mohamed


P lanning Items - DC Focus Areas and PV Meetings Dates Cliff.

I am out PM today and Friday.

PG&E Licensing Coordination and NRC Public Meeting Prep Frankie is PM backup and has a l icensing call with PG&E Friday at lpm to discuss NRC technical focus areas as part of the April 28 public meeting. For Friday I would like to communi cate a few topics for them to begin work on. Perhaps the 1. ergodic method vs. single-station correction weighting. Early next week I plan to e mai l a formal request for incorporation into the meeting notice.. Please let us know a couple. of focus areas by noon Friday.

PV Meeting Date Coord ination.

The licensee (APS) cannot support meeting until the 2 nd week of June. As. f recall,. I thought we. had conflicts starting then with NGA-East Wo rking Group. Let me know. if I can propose any dates in the. 2nd and 3rd week of June.

T hanks, Nick Senior Project Manager - Seismic Reevaluation Activities U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Japan Lesson Learned Project Division<> I Tel: (301) 415 -1115

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:24 Mar 2015 18:07:16 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: Pal o Verde Is this in addition to or a replacement for the meeting already scheduled for 3:30?


Original Appointment-----

From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:05 PM To: Graizer, Vladimir; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David


Palo Verde When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:00 PM-3:30 PM {UTC-05:00) Eastern nme (US & Canada).

Where: HQ-TWFN-07CO 1- 15p Can we meet at 3PM for a short meeting?

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15:01:01 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice;Devlin-Gill, Stephanie;Graizer, Vladimir;Munson, Clifford;Hill, Brittain;Ake, Jon;Li, Yong;John Starnatkos;Miriam R. Juckett (


RE: PY topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site .

-- David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:22 May 2015 15: 18:24 +0000 To:Stieve, Alice


RE: PV topics Here From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:18.AM To: Heeszel, David


RE: PV topics What file?

From: Heeszel, David Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:01 AM To: Stieve, Alice; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


RE: PV topics My question (as it stands) about site response is also updated on the sharepoint site.

--David From: Stieve, Alice Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:43 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Graizer, Vladimir; Munson, Clifford; Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Li, Yong; Heeszel, David; John Stamatkos; Miriam R. Juckett (


PV topics I made some mods to the SSC part of the PV topics (geology). They are in the SharePoint folder. PV Topics

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent: 11 May. 2015 14:56:25 +0000.

To:Devlin-GiU, Stephanie;Jackson, Diane Cc:Stieve, Alice;Munson, Clifford


RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation I will do the same for Ch . 9.

-- David From: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:09 AM To: Jackson, Diane; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford


RE: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation.

Ok, I'll cover the SWUS Chp 5 as it applies to PVNGS next Tuesday.

When Vlad returns, we should probably also make sure he's knows to attend the Tuesday PVNGS meeting, since it wil l be of interest to him.

stephanie Geophysicist 301-415-5301 T-7Dl0 U.S. NRC, NRO, DSEA, RGS2 From: Jackson, Diane Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 9:41 AM To: Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Heeszel, David Cc: Stieve, Alice; Munson, Clifford


FW: PVNGS GMM Review and Presentation Stephanie and David -

Cliff and I were discussing status of the PV review, and continuing to splice it up into reasonable chunks. Vlad is out this week.

For next Tuesday (not tomorrow),

Stephanie review and prepare slides for SWUS GMC SSHAC Report Ch5. For Ch5 some of the subsections are only applicable to DCPP so Stephanie can skip those (there aren't too many).

David the same for Ch9.

If you have questions on technical direction and level of detail, see the good Dr. Munson. Also, let me know if you think your workload will /will not support and we can look at workload and timelines.

Thanks - Diane

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:31Mar2015 17:33:05 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford


RE: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HfD

-. Appendix. F)

Is there any way we can also request the peer review comments and the Tl teams response from the workshops? I can't find them in the SSHAC report.

-- David From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:32 PM To: Heeszel, David; Devlin-Gill, Stephanie; Stieve, Alice; John Stamatkos


FW: Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID -

Appendix F)


From: Munson, Clifford Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:31 PM To: Difrancesco, Nicholas Cc: Ake, Jon; Jackson, Diane


Request for Palo Verde Electronic Attachments from Hazard Input Document (HID - Appendix F)

Nick, There are five electronic attachments listed in the Palo Verde SSHAC Appendix F (page F-57),

which is the. very important Hazard Input Document. We need these electronic files to be able.

to perform our sensitivity studies for the PV hazard. Please have the licensee put these in the electronic reading room as soon as possible.

Thanks, Cliff These attachments were released in interim response #1 HID Attachments Attachment A: Areal Source Coordinates (electronic attachment)

Attachment B: Fault Source Coordinates (electronic attachment).

Attachment C: UCERF3.3 Rupture Sets (electronic attachment)

Attachment D: ABSMOOTH Output (electronic attachment)

Attachment E: SWUS GMC Regions for Fault Sources (electronic attachment)


I *1tl . ~,"'"u! ln\, rn.1llv,..,1. fn<

COVER SHEET Revision 0 Page 1of18 CALCULATION TITLE Adjustment Factors from Reference Rock to Palo Verde Rock Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Hazard PROJECTNAME: _E~v~ a~lu~a~


PROJECT No.: _1;;...;:0c.;;.


6- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -

Prepared by: Gabriel Toro[ ~


Date: 2/ 27 / 15' Verlrled by: Robin McGuire{ (2iL./Ji.A~ IV Date: 2 *'2(11<

(Name/ Signature of Verlller)

Approved by: £*s.s ~"'* ~ I fZ.,-J/.~ Date: 2./t1/*r (Name/Signature of Project Manager or Vice President)

Optlonal Cllent Approval: Date:

(Name/ Signature)

LCIFORM.QAP-3*38.02 (04.04.2014)

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION LCI Lt'lti.' illll*ul nl' lnt.-m.11il'll\.1l, In<.

r*c l ' , 1*;. t I,. I REVISION LOG Revision O Page 2of18 Calculation Revision Status Impacted Document Rev. No. Date Description No.

0 2/27/15 Initial Issue Text Revision. History Page No .. Rev. No .. Page No. Rev. No.

1-18 0 Attachment Revision History Attachment Page No. Rev. No. Attachment Page No. Rev. No.

No .. No.

A A1-A2 0 B 81-BS 0 LCIFORM.QAP-3-38.03 (04.04.2014)



SHEET Page 3of18 VERIFICATION METHOD 1:81 Step-by-Step Method D Alternate Calculation Item Parameter Yes No N/ A 1 Purpose Is clearly stated and Calculation satisfies the x Purpose.

2 Methodology Is appropriate and properly applied. x 3 Assumptions are reasonable, adequately described, and x based upon sound geotechnlcal principles and practices.

4 Input received via signed communications from x authorized signatories and correctly Incorporated Into the Calculation.

5 Software Is properly Identified; Is appropriate for this x application; and validation Is referenced, or Included, and acceptable.

6 Calculation Is complete, accurate (I.e., equations are x correct, Input to equations is correct, and math Is correct),

adequate, and leads logically to Results and Conclusions; or Is verified via Altemate Calculation.

7 Results and Conclusions are accurate, acceptable, and x reasonable compared to the Input and Assumptions.

8 References are valld for Intended use. x 9 Appendices are complete, accurate, and support text. x Comments: (use addltlonal pages as necessary)

Verifier: Robin McGuire/ f2R-- V1A.x;,"I._

(Nome/ Signature) (Date)

LClfORM.QAP-3*38.04 (04.04.2014)

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI l cttJ.;¥';,,,.1111111:> lott>m>t10n.1I, 1.,.-

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 4of18 I ' *~ ~* t Table of Contents Section Page Purpose .........*....................*.......*................... *.......*...........................*.......................*............ 5 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 Assumptions.....*............*...........................*.................*............*....*........................................* 6 Inputs ...........................................................*.....................................*.........................*.......... 6 Software ..........................................*...................................*...................*..........*.........*.......... 7 Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Results and Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10 References.............................................................................................................................. 17 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX A (PROPRIETARY} ...................................................................................................Al APPENDIX B. Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics ................................................... Bl List of Tables Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination) ....*.*...*.....*........*.....*......*...........*..*.... *.......***..*....*..........*....*........*............... *... 14 List of Figures Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS. A depth of 0.corresponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15} and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles ............ 8 Figure 2. Adjustment Factors ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor ........................................................... 13

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 LCI l.etn¥n*t1l10nb lnwmahollJI, 1,,.

\ -.. ,,_,-

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page S of 18 Adjustment Factors.from Ref erence Rock to Palo Verde Rock

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to develop adjustment fac tors to convert ground motions from the reference rock associated with the South Western US Ground Motion Project (the SWUS project) GMPEs to the rock conditions at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).

These factors , which are given in Fourier-amplitude space, will be converted later to factors in spectra l-acceleration space, and these in turn will be used to conve1t the amplitudes pred icted by the SWUS GMPEs to Palo Verde rock ..

2. METHODOLOGY The following inputs are required to convert SWUS ground motions on Reference Rock (the host) to ground motions on PVNGS bedrock (the target) using Vs-kappa 1 adjustments.

Calculation of the SWUS rock to Palo Verde rock requires the fo llowing inputs:

1. Host Vs and density profile, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
2. Host kappa value, specified by SWUS (Ref. 1).
3. Target Vs and density profile, developed by LCI (Ref. 2). This is the. profile below PVNGS bedrock, and extending to deep basement.
4. Target PVNGS bedrock kappa value (and its uncertainty), specified by the SWUS project (Ref. I)..

These quantities are used to calculate host and target Vs-kappa filters in the frequency domain.

Each fi lter consists of two parts. The fi rst part accounts for impedance differences and can be calcu lated using the Quarter-wavelength approach (see Refs. 3-5) and affects a ll frequencies. The second filter accounts for the differences in kappa. It bas an exponential form and affects mainly the high frequencies. The net adjustment factor (in Fourier-amplitude space) is the ratio of the target filter divided by the host filter. Multiple values of this factor wil1 be calculated, to account for uncertainty in the inputs. This approach has. been used in a number of studies (e.g., Refs. 8-1 0 and 14).

The result from this calculation consist of multiple values of the adjustment factor (in terms of Fourier amplitude) as a function of frequency (with associated weights), given in tabular form.

1 Vs is the shear-wave velocity; kappa is a quantity that represents the anelastic attenuation in the upper crust. ln the nomenclature of Anderson and Hough (1984) (Ref. 7), the kappa used in this calculation corresponds to kappa-zero, as it captures attenuation effects in the upper crust, rather than whole-path attenuation.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI I ~ltl*~n*-ullianh lntematlOll<ll, Inc.

! A' r-PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 6of 18

3. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions are made in this calculation:

Assumption Rationale The input data provided by the SWUS These data were developed under a project (Host Vs and density profile, host SSHAC Level 3 process kappa. target kappa and its uncertainty) are correct.

The site-specific deep profile (thickness, Vs, These data were developed, documented, and density for each layer beneath soil) is. and reviewed by LCI. (Ref. 2), using site-correct. specific data (recently acquired and from UFSAR). Good agreement with shallow portion of Warren (1969; Ref. 15) profile.

The basement portion of the deep profile Model based on regional data and used (from Warren ( 1969)) is correct. for earthquake locations (see Lockridge et al. , Ref. 12).

The. guidance provided by the EPRI SPID This document has been extensively document (Ref. 11) regarding uncertainty reviewed and accepted by the NRC.

ranges is correct.

The. Qua11er Wave Length (QWL) approach Approach is well documented in the is adequate for the adjustment of GM PEs. literature and has been used for regional and NPP studies (e.g., Refs. 8-10 and 14)

The. Gardner et al (1974) equation for Relation is widely used (see Bracher, density as a function of Vp is correct. 1995; Ref. 6).

4. INPUTS Input Source Host profile (thickness, Vs, and SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. I and its attached Excel density for each layer) and host file WUS_VsProfile-10272014.xls) kappa (0.041 s)

Target (PVNGS) kappa and SWUS (Appendix L of Ref. 1) associated uncertainty

  • median 0.033s
  • 0'1 n=0.5

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 7. of.18.

Deep PVNGS profile (thickness, LCI (Ref. 2; volcanics and upper basement; used the Vs, and density for each layer) thickness of the volcanics derived from the elevation column because it is more reliable) and Warren(! 969; Ref. 15; lower basement)

Equation for density as a Gardner et al (1974; Ref. 12).

function of Vp (used only for lower basement of PVNGS profile).

6. CALCULATIONS All calculations are performed in spreadsheet Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A),

as described below.

Sheet Deep_Projlle_Summary tabulates the base-case deep profile (as generated from Refs. 2 and 15), converts it to metric units, generates the Lower Bound (LB), Median, and Upper Bound (UB) profiles, and generates. graphs. Following the. EPRI SPID (Ref. 11 ), cr1nvs is given a value of 0.35 for the upper two layers (applicable to sites with limited geophysical information). cr1nvs is set to 0 for the lower basement, just as Ref. 11 sets the CEUS basement Vs to 9200 ft/s (without uncertainty). Also, following Ref. 11, the. UB. Vs. values are. not allowed to exceed the lower basement Vs. Uncertainty in the thickness of the volcanics is taken from LCI (Ref. 2).

Uncertainty in the thickness of the upper basement is taken as 10 percent. The UB and LB profiles are constructed by pairing 90-th percentile Vs with 10% thickness in order to maximize the variation in travel time (in a manner similar. to what is done in Ref.. 11 ). The three resulting Vs profiles are shown in Figure I.

PC No. PV001- PC-02 LCI l"~?l"-ulltlnb lntcnJiJholl<!I, Inc I _1.;-,.

PROJ ECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 8of18 Vs (m/s) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 - ,.. ... . , I I ,1 I -1 I

. l 500 I-"'


I l ..

I l:!Q. 1000



~ L

-I n; I



~ 1500 -


~ L. 1 0

..c E I 0

~ I

.[ I of 2000 T 1 Q.

QI - UBProfile I 0

- Base Case Profile I

... I I

- LB Profile 2500 Warren (1969}

SWUS Reference Profile 1 : I I

3000 Figure 1. Vs deep profiles for PVNGS. A depth of 0 corr esponds to the bottom of the shallow profile (soils).

Also shown ar e the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiJes.

Sheet Lockridge_et_al lists. the Warren ( 1969; Ref. l 5) profile and contains tables used for plotting it.

Sheet Density_Bsmnt documents the calculation of density for those basement layers for which no density. is provided in Ref. 2, using an equation. from Ref. 12 ..

Sheet HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760 contains information about the host profi le received from SWUS (Ref. 1) and a few calculations to extract information from them.

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 9of1 8

  • Columns A-Y contains information about the host profile received from SWUS (Vs vs.

depth, density vs. depth, and adjustment factors).

  • Columns Z-AC contain profile information in the form (thickness, Vs, density) extracted from columns A-Y.
  • Columns. N-0 contain amplification factors for this profile (calculated by SWUS (Ref. 1) using the QWL approach). These adjustment factors are relative to the source (characterized by Vs=3500 mis and density 2.7 gr/cc).

Sheet Amplif'_Calcs_Ref_Pro.file contains. the calculation of the impedance. Z (see Refs. 3-5) for the reference SWUS (Ref. 1) profile.

  • Columns A-C contain the profile data (from HostVsProfile_ Vs30_760) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.
  • Columns H-J (step I) calculate travel time and integrated density to the bottom of each layer~ as the. first step in the calculation of the impedance (see. Eqs. 16-1 8 of Ref. 4 for the equations used; equations are reproduced in same columns).
  • Columns L-R (step 2) interpolate the travel time and integrated density linearly to a finer depth scale. Interpolation is done using a user-defined function. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet. These interpolated values are then used to calculate the assoc iated frequency l/(4*travel time), time-averaged. Vs. (beta_bar), average density (rho_ bar), and impedance (beta_bar* rho_bar).
  • Columns T-U (step 3) interpolate the impedance vs. frequency values to a fine frequency scale (0.1 to 100 Hz, 30 frequencies per decade), which will be the same frequency sampling to be used for all profiles. The correctness of the interpolation can be verified graphically using the graphs shown at the bottom of the sheet.
  • Columns W-X use the impedance to calculate the adjustment factor with respect to the source (Vs=3500 mis, density=2.7 gr/cc). These values are compared to those calculated independently by SWUS (Ref. I) and provided in sheet HostVsProfile_ V.d0_760 (see graphical comparison on same columns), obtaining a very. close agreement .. This comparison serves as an additional check for the calculation of impedance vs. frequency used in this calculation document.

Sheets Amplif_Calcs_ *_PV_Pro,file (where* takes the values of LB, Median, and UB) contain the calculation of the impedance Z for the three PVNGS deep profiles and the calculation of their associated impedance factors.

  • Columns A-C contain the profile data (from Deep_Profile_Summary) and columns E-F contain top and bottom depths derived from them.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI L..-111.;?m-*uhont'l lnwm 1hon.JI, In.;

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 10of18 t *~* r

  • Columns H-U contain the various steps in the calculation of impedance Z as a function of frequency. These calculations are similar to the ones performed in Columns H-U in Amplif_Calcs_Ref_Profile..
  • Column W calculates the adjustment factor associated with impedance effects (sqrt(Z_ Ref/Z_PVNGS)) vs .. frequency, using the impedance. Z calculated in. this sheet and in Amplif_ Calcs_Ref_Profile.
  • Columns Y-AB introduce the effect of kappa differences between the Host (0.04 ls) and the target, considering the LB (10%), median (50%), and UB (90%) values of the latter).

Sheet Summary tabulates all nine profiles from columns Y-AB of Amplif_ Calcs_ *_PV_Profile, calculates their weights, and computes their summary statistics.

7. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The calculated adjustment factors account for differences in impedance and kappa between the Host SWUS (Ref. 1) Reference Profile and the Target PVNGS rock profile, and can be used for the calculation of adjustment factors to convert SWUS spectral accelerations to PVNGS rock.

These factors (in Fourier amplitude space) are given in tbe Summary Sheet of Calc_Adjustment_Factors.xlsm (see Appendix A). They are also. given in Table 1 below and in stand-alone file Adjustment_Factors.csv (see Appendix A for a description of electronic fi les).

As part of the review of Ref.2, one interpretation was revised, resulting in a change in thickness of the volcanic unit (top of deep profile). from 878 ft to 808 ft. The effect of th is change is.

evaluated in Appendix B. The change in the adjustment factor is small (~2 percent at a few frequencies) and would reduce ground motions (therefore ignoring the change is conservative).

As a result, the adjustment factors based on the original volcanic unit thickness (Table 1 and file Adjustment_Factors.csv) are maintained ..

It is important to note the following when interpreting and using these results.

1. Although these adjustment factors become very large at high frequencies (as a result of the kappa adjustments), the SWUS (Ref. 1) rock motions have zero or no energy at these frequencies (say, above 20 Hz). Therefore, the effect on spectral accelerations is expected to be much smaller than the effect shown here.
2. Results are tabulated to l 00 Hz, but the exponential model for kappa effects (which can produce very high adjustment factors at these high frequencies) may not be applicable.

Based on seismological principles, one expects the product of these adjustment factors and the Fourier amplitudes of the SWUS (Ref. 1) motions to produce a spectral-shape falloff beyond approximately 10 Hz that is roughly linear in log-amplitude vs. frequency space (see Ref. 7), possibly becoming steeper at higher frequencies. If there are appreciable differences from this anticipated fa lloff (e.g., shapes that do not reach a peak, bimodal shapes with an extra peak beyond 20 Hz), it is appropriate to truncate or flatten these adjustment factors at some appropriate frequency to remove these unphysical shapes. Because it is difficult to anticipate whether these effects will occur, and at what frequencies, the adjustment factors are provided as calculated, but with the understand ing that they may need some modifications at high frequencies. The task to truncate or flatten

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI 11111< ()ln..,,hllnb lnl\'m 1t10rlJI, Inc

\" I. .;

PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 11 of 18 them (if needed) is left to the analyst that converts these adjustment factors to spectral-acceleration factors.

3. For frequenc ies below 0.1 Hz, it is appropriate to assume that the adjustment factor is equal to the factor at 0.1 Hz.

The nine calculated adjustment factors are shown in Figure 2 and given in Table 1; the associated summary statistics are given in Figure 2 .

PC No. PV001 - PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 12of18 10 I I ,. I

- -~-/

I I I i i ,_


- I

-**- .J n 1--

'-/J lt)l 1 E


'II 7 ~;


u C1I c.

...C1I V)

s 1: ~


0 u.


0 1 -- I I






_j.. ~I


.- I

- "/ ,., /



i u .........

u. i-..... ' '... ~'

c: i"' ... ~ f'I~




...... l "" ~





t t ,_ t +- .... 1--

0.1 0.1 I I 1

I1 10

~ 100 Frequency (Hz)

- LB. Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB. Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- LB. Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)

Figure 2. Adjustment Factors

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 13 of18 10 2 j +t t t t t: l+

- Logarithmic mean AF logarithmic sigma (right Y axis)


i/ 1.8 I



11 I I


..,I.I QI a.

II) 11 I 1.4 ~

I.I IU c.

I II) i,~


J 0

1.2 E


""'c J 0

1 1 *~


...0 I I I I ~ t l _Y( *:;


- c QI ti --!-<

IU I I I I I 0 .8 'E

""' I I I I IU "O

c c QI E I I

,/ 0.6 ~


~~T t;


< 0.4 y


- -- /



0 .2

/ 11 I I I 11 0.1 0 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency {Hz)

Figure 3. Summary statistics of the adjustment factor

PC No. PV001-PC-02 LCI lct11.;f"nsi1llanb ln1l'maho11<1l, l1"K"

' ,_, , f PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 14of18 Table 1. Adjustment factors (numbers in parentheses are weights for each profile-kappa combination)

SWUS t o PVNGS Adjustment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profile, Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, M edian UB Profile, M edian UB LB M edian UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hzi (0.09) (0.12) (0.09) (0.12) (0.16) (0.12) (0.0 9). (0.12) (0.09).

0.1000 1.0136 1.0086 0.9993 0.8916 0.8873 0.8790 0.8598 0.8556 0.8477 0.1080 1.0218 1.0165 1.0063 0.8871 0.8824 0.8736 0.8528 0.8483 0.8398 0.1166 1.0313 1.0255 1.0144 0.8821 0.8771 0.8676 0.8451 0.8403. 0.8312 0.1259 1.0424 1.0360 1.0240 0.8766 0.8712 0.8611 0.8367 0.8316 0.8219 0.1359 1.0574 1.0504 1.0372 0.8721 0.8663 0.8554 0.8291 0.8236 0.8132 0.1468 1.0768 1.0691 1.0546 0.8684 0.8622 0.8505 0.8219 0.8160 0.8050 0.1585 1.0999 1.0914 1.0754 0.8643 0.8576 0.8451 0.8140 0.8077 0.7959 0.1711 1.1279 1.1185 1.1009 0.8597 0.8526 0.8391 0.8054 0.7987 0.7861 0.1848 1.1660 1.1555 1.1358 0.8571 0.8493 0.8349 0.7981 0.7910 0.7775 0.1995 1.1927 1.1811 1.1594 0.8549 0.8466 0.8310 0.7910 0.7833. 0.7689 0.2154 1.1895 1.1770 1.1536 0.8524 0.8435 0.8268 0.7830 0.7748 0.7594 0.2326 1.1852 1.1718 1.1467 0.8496 0.8400 0.8220 0.7742 0.7654 0.7491 0.2512 1.1856 1.1711 1.1441 0.8501 0.8397 0.8203 0.7678 0.7584 0.7409 0.2712 1.1867 1.1710 1.14 19 0.8511 0.8398 0.8189 0.7612 0.7511 0.7324 0.2929 1.1878 1.1709 1.1395 0.8522 0.8400 0.8175 0.7538 0.7431 0.7231 0.3162 1.1890 1.1707 1.1368 0.8533 0.8402 0.8159 0.7456 0.7341 0.7128 0.3415 1.1950 1.1752 1.1385 0.8580 0.8438 0.8174 0.7393 0.7271 0.7043 0.3687 1.2037 1.1821 1.1423 0.8578 0.8425 0.8141 0.7334 0.7203 0.6960 0.3981 1.2136 1.1902 1.1469 0.8537 0.8372 0.8068 0.7268 0.7128 0.6869 0.4299 1.2251 1.1996 1.1526 0.8490 0.8313 0.7987 0.7193 0.7043 0.6768 0.4642 1.2429 1.2149 1.1636 0.8464 0.8274 0.7924 0.7133 0.6973 0.6678 0.5012 1.2688 1.2380 1.1817 0.8466 0.8260 0.7884 0.7092 0.6920 0.6605 0.5412 1.3013 1.2673 1.2051 0.8474 0.8252 0.7847 0.7046 0.6861 0.6525 0.5843 1.3476 1.3096 1.2403 0.8521 0.8281 0.7843 0.7014 0.6816 0.6455 0.6310 1.4077 1.3648 1.2871 0.8586 0.8325 0.7851 0.6987 0.6774 0.6388 0.6813 1.4269 1.3801 1.2954 0.8659 0.8375 0.7861 0.6956 0.6728 0.6315 0.7356 1.4146 1.3645 1.2744 0.8755 0.8445 0.7887 0.6931 0.6686. 0.6244 0.7943 1.4047 1.3511 1.2549 0.8901 0.8561 0.7952 0.6929 0.6665 0.6191 0.8577 1.3940 1.3366 1.2342 0.9073 0.8699 0.8033 0.6928 0.6643 0.6134 0.9261 1.3821 1.3207 1.2118 0.9275 0.8863 0.8132 0.6926 0.6619 0.6073 1.0000 1.3731 1.3074 1.1914 0.9546 0.9089 0.8283 0.6943 0.6611 0.6024 1.0798 1.3666 1.2962 1.1724 0.9900 0.9390 0.8494 0.6980 0.6620 0.5988 1.1659 1.3594 1.2839 1.1520 1.0338 0.9764 0.8762 0.7019 0.6629 0.5948 1.2589 1.3512 1.2703 1.1300 1.0758 1.0114 0.8998 0.7062 0.6639. 0.5906

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 15of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profile~ Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median UB Profile, Median UB LB Median UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hz) (0.09) (0.12) (0 .09) (0.12) (0.16) (0 .12) (0 .0 9) (0.12) (0.09) 1.3594 1.3483 1.2614 1.1117 1.0777 1.0082 0.8886 0.7142 0.6681 0.5888 1.4678 1.3478 1.2543 1.0943 1.0773 1.0026 0.8747 0.7246 0.6743 0.5883 1.5849 1.3471 1.2464 1.0757 1.0767 0.9963 0.8598 0.7364 0.6813 0.5880 1.7113 1.3460 1.2378 1.0557 1.0759 0.9894 0.8439 0.7496 0.6893 0.5879 1.8478 1.3446 1.2282 1.0344 1.0748 0.9817 0.8268 0.7645 0.6984 0.5882 1.9953 1.3435. 1.2184 1.0121. 1.0739 0.9739 0.8090 0.7821 0.7093 0.5892 2.1544 1.3435 1.2089 0.9895 1.0739 0.9663 0.7909 0.8033 0.7228 0.5916 2.3263 1.3431 1.1984 0.9654 1.0735 0.9579 0.7716 0.8280 0.7387 0.5951 2.5119 1.3424 1.1869 0.9398 1.0730 0.9487 0.7512 0.8522 0.7535 0.5966 2.7123 1.3421 1.1751 0.9132 1 .0728 0.9392 0.7300 0.8575 0.7508 0.5835 2.9286 1.3413 1.1620 0.8851 1.0721 0.9288 0.7075 0.8570 0.7424 0.5655 3.1623 1.3399 1.1476 0.8553 1.0710 0.9173 0.6837 0.8561 0.7332 0.5465 3.4145 1.3419 1.1351 0.8264 1 .0726 0.9073 0.6606 0.8573 0.7252 0.5280 3.6869 1.3434 1.1213 0.7960 1.0738 0.8963 0.6362 0.8583 0.7164 0.5086 3.9811 1.3451 1.1067 0.7644 1.0751 0.8846 0.6110 0.8594 0.7070 0.4884 4.2987 1.3525. 1.0956 0.7347. 1.0811 0.8757 0.5873 0.8641 0.7000 0.4694 4.6416 1.3605 1.0837 0.7040 1.0874 0.8662 0.5627 0.8692 0.6924 0.4498 5.0119 1.3751 1.0756 0.6751 1.0991 0.8598 0.5396 0.8785 0.6872 0.4313 5.4117 1.3923 1.0680 0.6458 1.1129 0.8536 0.5162 0.8895 0.6823 0.4126 5.8434 1.4148 1.0625 0.6173 1.1309 0.8493 0.4934 0.9039 0.6788 0.3944 6.3096 1.4430 1.0592 0.5892 1.1534 0.8466 0.4710 0.9219 0.6767 0.3765 6.8129 1.4746 1.0560 0.5606 1.1787 0.8441 0.4481 0.9421 0.6747 0.3582 7.3564 1.5156. 1.0569 0.5334. 1.2114 0.8448 0.4264 0.9683 0.6752 0.3408 7.9433 1.5606 1.0574 0.5054 1.2474 0.8452 0.4039 0.9971 0.6756 0.3229 8.5770 1.6136 1.0599 0.4776 1.2898 0.8472 0.3817 1.0310 0.6772 0.3051 9.2612 1.6782 1.0659 0.4507 1.3414 0.8520 0.3603 1.0722 0.6810 0.2880 10.0000 1.7503 1.0722 0.4233 1.3990 0.8570 0.3383 1.1183 0.6850 0.2704 10.7978 1.8346 1.0808 0.3962 1.4664 0.8639 0.3167 1.1721 0.6905 0.2531 11.6591 1.9374 1.0941 0.3702 1.5486 0.8746 0.2959 1.2378 0.6990 0.2365 12.5893. 2.0549 1.1088 0.3441. 1.6425. 0.8863 0.2750 1.3129 0.7084 0.2199 13.5936 2.1894 1.1246 0.3179 1.7500 0.8989 0.2541 1.3988 0.7185 0.2031 14.6780 2.3499 1.1446 0.2926 1.8783 0.9149 0.2338 1.5014 0.7313 0.1869 15.8489 2.5422 1.1692 0.2680 2.0321 0.9346 0.2142 1.6243 0.7470 0.1712 17.1133 2.7672 1.1962 0.2438 2.2119 0.9562 0.1949 1.7680 0.7643 0.1558 18.4785 3.0319 1.2258 0.2201 2.4235 0.9798 0.1759 1.9371 0.7832 0.1406

PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 16of18 SWUS to PVNGS Adju stment Factor (Fourier-amplitude Space)

LB LB M edian M edian UB UB UB Profile, Profi le~ Median Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, Profile, LB Profile, Median UB Profile, Median UB LB Median UB Frequency LB kappa kappa kappa LB kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa (Hz} (0.09} (0.12) (0.09} (0.12) (0.16) (0.12) (0.0 9) (0.12) (0.0 9) 19.9526 3.3536 1.2614 0.1975 2.6806 1.0083 0.1578 2.1427 0.8059 0.1262 21.5443 3.7485 1.3041 0.1761 2.9963 1.0424 0.1407 2.3950 0.8332 0.1125 23.2631 4.2270 1.3518 0.1556 3.3787 1.0805 0.1244 2.7006 0.8637 0.0994 25.1189 4.8118 1.4050 0.1361 3.8461 1.1231 0.1088 3.0743 0.8977 0.0869 27.1227 5.5426 1.4671 0.1179 4.4303 1.1727 0.0943 3.5412 0.9373 0.0754 29.2864 6.4784 1.5422 0.1014 5.1783 1.2327 0.0811 4.1391 0.9853 0.0648 31.6228 7.6667 1.6277 0.0861 6.1281 1.3010 0.0688 4.8983 1.0399 0.0550 34.1455 9.1952 1.7252 0.0722 7.3499 1.3789 0.0577 5.8748 1.1022 0.0461 36.8695 11.1888 1.8369 0.0597 8.9434 1.4682 0.0477 7.1486 1.1736 0.0381 39.8107 13.8284. 1.9655 0.0486 11.0533 1.5710 0.0388 8.8350 1.2557 0.0310 42.9866 17.3805 2.1143 0.0389 13.8925 1.6900 0.0311 11.1045 1.3508 0.0249 46.4159 22.2896 2.2920 0.0307 17.8164 1.8320 0.0245 14.2409 1.4644 0.0196 50.1187 29.2648. 2.5099 0.0238 23.3918 2.0062 0.0190 18.6974 1.6036 0.0152 54.1170 39.2659 2.7684 0.0181 31.3858 2.2128 0.0145 25.0872 1.7687 0.0116 58.4341 53.9344 3.0774 0.0135 43.1106 2.4598 0.0108 34.4589 1.9662 0.0086 63.0957 75.9811 3.4500 0.0098 60.7328 2.7576 0.0078 48.5447 2.2042 0.0063 68.1292 110.005. 3.9029 0.0069 87.9283 3.1197 0.0055 70.2824 2.4936 0.0044 73.5642 164.031 4.4589 0.0048 131.113 3.5641 0.0038 104.800 2.8488 0.0031 79.4328 252.802 5.1544 0.0032 202.069 4.1200 0.0026 161.517 3.2932 0.0020 85.7696 404.226. 6.0417 0.0021 323.104 4.8292 0.0017 258.262 3.8601 0.0013 92.6119 671.328 7.1753 0.0013 536.603 5.7353 0.0010 428.915 4.5843 0.0008 100.000 1160.96 8.6394 0.0008 927.980 6.9056 0.0006 741.749 5.5197 0.0005

PC No. PV001- PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev. O Page 17 of18

1. GeoPentech. (2015). Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3- Technical Report Rev.I, February 2015.
2. Lettis Consultants International (2015). Development of site profile and amplifications for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, PYOOl-PC-04-RevO.
3. Boore, D.M., and Joyner, W.B. (1997). Site amplifications for generic rock sites, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (2), 327-341.
4. Boore, D. M. (2003). Simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method, Pure.

and Applied Geophysics v.160, 635-675.

5. Boore, D. M. (2013). The Uses and Limitations oftbe Square-Root-Impedance Method for. Computing Site. Amplifi cation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,.

I 03(4), 2356-2368.

6. Brocher, T. M. (2005). Empirical relations between elastic wavespeeds.and density in the Earth's crust. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95(6), 208 1-2092.
7. Anderson, J. G., and Hough, S. E. (1984). A model. for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequencies. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 74(5), 1969-1993.
8. Al Atik, L., Kottke, A., Abrahamson, N., and Hollenback, J. (2014). Kappa (K) Scaling of Ground-Motion Prediction Equations Using an Inverse Random Vibration Theory Approach. Bulletin of the. Seismological Society of America, 104( I), 336-346.
9. Biro, Y., and Renault, P. (2012). Importance and impact of host-to-target conversions for ground motion prediction equations in PSHA. In Proc. of the 15th World Conference on.

Earthquake Engineering (pp. 24-28).

10. Cotton, F., Scherbaum, F ., Bommer, J. J., and Bungum, H. (2006). Criteria for selecting and adjusting ground-motion models for specific target regions: Application to central Europe and rock sites. Journal of Seismology, 10(2), 137-156.
11. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (2013). Seismic Evaluation Guidance:

Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task. Force Recommendation 2. J: Se i smic~ E PRl Report J025287, Palo Alto, Calif.

12. Gardn er~ G. H.F., L. W. Gardner, and A .. R. Gregory (1974) .. Formation velocity and density- the diagnostic basics for stratigraphic traps. Geophysics 39, 770-780.
13. Lockridge. I. S. , Fouch, M. J.,.& A1Towsmith,.J. R. (2012). Seismicity within Arizona during the Deployment of the EarthScope USArray Transportable Array. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(4), 1850-1863.
14. Rodriguez-Marek, A., Rathje, E. M., Bommer, J. J. , Scherbaum, F ., and Stafford, P. J.

(2014). Application of Single-Station Sigma and Site-Response Characterization in a Probabilistic Seismic-Hazard Analysis for a New Nuclear Site. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

PC No. PV001-PC-02 PROJECT CALCULATION Rev.O Page 18of18

15. Wan*en, D. H. (1969). A seismic-refraction survey of crustal structure in central Arizona.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 80(2), 257-282.

9.. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Electronic fi les are provided in a DVD. (PROPRIETARY)

APPENDIX B: Calculations for 808 ft Thickness of Volcanics


PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Revision 0 L. tti.-

  • J'nsuh.1ntii lnlern.>, Inc APPENDIX A PageA2 of A2 PROPRIETARY Electronic files included in this appendix are provided on a DVD-ROM disc that contains multiple files developed as part of this calculation. This disc is labeled: 'PVOOl-PC-02-RevO' PROPRJETARY A complete list of data directories and associated files are contained in the text file named file_ list_ a_ 02262015. txt, located in a separate folder named 'App_ A_ file_ list'.

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B Page 81 of BS APPENDIX B. CALCULATIONS FOR 808 FT THICKNESS OF VOLCANICS The calculations presented here follow the same steps documented in Section 6 above and are performed in file Calc_ Adjustment_Factors_ 808ft.xlsm (contained in Appendix A). The on ly difference between the. two sets of calculations is that the thickness. of the volcanics has. been changed from 878 ft to 808 ft (see sheet Deep_Projile_Summary).

Figures B-1 through B-3 show the Vs profiles considered, individual adjustment factors, and logarithmic-mean adjustment factors. These can be compared to Figures 1-3 ..

An additional sheet in Calc_ Adjustrnent_Factors_ 808ft .xlsm (sheet Compare_878ft) compares the results obtained with the 808-ft thickness to those obtained earlier with the 878- ft thickness.

The differences observed are. small and are much smaller than the. the uncertainty in the adjustment factors (see Figure B-4). The maximum change in the logarithmic-mean adjustment factor is a reduction of two percent, and the change is much smaller at most frequencies. Given the size of this change, and given that ignoring this change is conservative, it is concluded that the change. can be ignored and the values in Table I and in fi le Adjustment_Factors.csv can be used.

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev.O LCI APPENDIX B Page 82 of BS Vs (m/s) 0 0

1000 I

2000 3000 4000 I


I 1

I 500 I "'

I l ....

Qi I

~ 1000 l -


~ I


Ri I


...."'0 I t


0 1500 ~


.ll E I 0


I I .- -


2000 ~-

J- - I -

cu UB Profile 0

- Base Case Profile  ; I

... I

- LB Profile 2500 I

- - Warren (1969) I I

- - SWUS Reference Profile I

I 3000 Figure B-1. Vs deep profiles for. PVNGS, after modifying thickness of volcanics, A depth of 0 corresponds to.

the bottom of the sh allow profile (soils). Also shown are the Warren (1969) (Ref. 15) and SWUS (Ref. 1) profiles.


- r,~ ,I.



Ii ~


J ti hl/J'


w ~~-



.... - -t- ..+- I- ,_

-- - r.--- ~


J __J- ~-


0 u..


....v 0

1 ~-- I I


  • ~

. """' ~ ~



,_ -L-l





i. . . .'r.....' '.... .... ,

...."'c u.. I QI .... ~~ 1"-~I

....E  !"I~

0 Ill
J "" ~ ~~

"'- '\.

0.1 I I 1


0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz)

- LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09)

Figure B-2. Adjustment factors after modifying thickness of volcanics.


-- I I I II I i ' i I I


  • -*-+- - 1- 1~

- Logarithmic mean AF 1.8 l


~ loga rithmic sigma (right Y axis) 1~c-E I I->- -+ - I-+- 1.6

I ti QI 1.4 -;-

u Q.


- ro

....QI - + Q.


~/ -...

I 1.2 c 0

u.. c:

0 c J ~

.£. 0

u 1


--- I 'I I

+- ~ .



"  ! 1 0

0.8 "C ro QI

...c u.. -+ +.

ro l

+ "C c


...E - - - 0.6 ...

ro l




!tJ -


<t ~ 0.4 0.1



- -r ,- '-' '


~[_,( +

10 100 0.2 0

Frequency (Hz)

Figure B-3. Swnmary statistics of the adjustment factor after modifying thickness of volcanics

PROJECT CALCULATION PC No. PV001-PC-02 Rev. O APPENDIX B Page BS of BS Change in Adjustment Factor as a Result of Modifying Thickness of Volcanics 30%

I ' ' ~

I 20%

, _, /

10% I u..

  • =Gi 11.0 c


.s:. 0%

u c


...u Q,I Q.







' \ ,.,



10 100 Frequency {Hz)

- LB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - LB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- - LB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Median Profile, LB kappa (0.12)

- Median Profile, Median kappa (0.16) - Median Profile, UB kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, LB kappa (0.09) - UB Profile, Median kappa (0.12)

- UB Profile, UB kappa (0.09) - Logarithmic mean AF

-1 sigma + 1 sigma Figu re B-4. Change in logarithmic-mean adj ustment factor (thick blue line) as a result of modifying thickness of volcanjcs.

Heeszel, David From:Heeszel, David Sent:? May 2015 20:01:54 +0000 To:Seber, Dogan


Vs-kappa corTection paper Attachments: Reference 7 .21. pdf Attached is the Vs-kappa correction from PVNGS.

--David David Heeszel Geophysicist U.S. NRC, NRO/DSEA/RGS2 Office: T-7E28 Mail Stop: T-7F3 Phone: 301-415-5066

Sent: 12 Feb 20 15 20:0 l :46 +0000 To:Munson, Clifford;Ake, Jon Cc:Jackson, Diane


ACTJON: SSHAC Review Guidance lmportance:High Amigos-I've taken the risk of putting together some guidance on how the WUS teams can approach review of the SSHACs. I've focused on what I think are the. key questions. we'd want the teams to answer as the goals of their reviews, so that we'd have a good, traceable basis for concluding the SSHAC process was acceptable/unacceptable. Certainly, I don't think that every team would necessarily have to address every sub-question, but have tried to identify 7 basic yet distinct areas that appear intrinsic to a good SSHAC process.

I've pulled these 7 areas from various statements and concepts in NUREG/CR-6372 (SSHAC), NUREG-2117 (Implementing SSHAC), and NUREG-1563 (BTP on Expert Elicitation). I'm intentionally avoiding the use of anything that reads like Acceptance Criteria/Review Methods, as I appreciate the sensitivities that the scope isn't a licensing review ...

I would appreciate your thoughts on this approach for guiding the teams in their upcoming reviews. I've run it past Diane as a straw man, and she didn't barf. If you think this is on the right track, please add/edit the attached. If you think this is nuts, or want to work on an alternative approach, let's talk on Tues/Wed. I'll be out on AL from Thurs 2/19 through 3/5, and would like to get your initial feedback before I split for sunnier climes.

Thanks-Britt Brittain E. Hill, Ph.D.

Sr. Technical Advisor US Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS T7-F03, NRO/DSEA Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ph + 1 1301' 41 5-6588* Er +1 (301 ) 415-5399; 5

Mobile_(bJ( l j email:

Sent:3 Jun 2015 l 7:32:37 +0000 To:Walsh, Lisa


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Lisa - this. looks good and is a handy reference - the changes make the data comparisons clear. Seems appropriate to send to group, but I don't see a need for using at tomorrow's meeting (we're not doing evaluations/comparisons with PSHA bases yet).

Thanks-Britt From : Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:23 PM To: Hill, Brittain


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi. Britt, Here is an updated version. Do you see. any additional changes I should make? . Should I send this version to the rest of the group?


  • Magnitude threshold to. only display events greater than and equal to 1.85 as they used in the SSHAC . .
  • lluminated pre- and post- the licensee's catalog Lisa From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:32 AM To: Walsh, Lisa


RE: Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi Lisa - nice map - are you running Arc for this, or GMT?

Before showing this at a public meeting , I'd suggest truncating the USGS catalog to same M threshold as the SSHAC (2?). By plotting all USGS quakes, the map gives the impression that lots of. earthquakes are missing from the SSHAC database (i.e., not considered in the PSHA).

From: Walsh, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 8:19 AM To: Seber, Dogan; St irewalt, Gerry; Weaver, Thomas Cc: Hill, Brittain; Ake, Jon; Munson, Clifford; Li, Yong; Chokshi, Nilesh; John Stamatkos; Jackson, Diane; Karas, Rebecca


Columbia - Seismicity Map Hi CGS Team,

Attached is a map I compiled with seismicity out beyond the 200 mi radius from the. site and info provided in the SSHAC by the licensee. This might be a useful resource for the public meeting tomorrow.

Lisa Lisa S. Walsh, Ph.D ..

Geophysicist, U.S. NRC NRO/DSEA/RGS1 T-7F15, 301-415-5612

Sent:21May201521:40:13 +0000 To: Vega, Frankie;JacksonFD .....,.

ian= e_ _ _ _ _ __,

Cc:DiFrancesco, Nicholas (bl(5 l


Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Someone who knows the details of. what Diablo is relying on for FLEX need to confirm that the 1988 LTSP analyses have indeed evaluated the. SSCs Diablo currently relies on for shutdown path. Unless. this.

is clear, issue needs to be resolved with SRB discussion. etc .. Absent that confirmation, it is premature to conclude that.the 1988 LTSP. margins assessment encompasses the 2015 shutdown path that includes FLEX. Diablo didnt address FLEX SSCs in submittal.

Working from blakberry- very hard to edit files!

Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6) I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04: 16 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


RE: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; I'm not aware if the SRB has. discussed this issue yet. I will confirm.

Thanks Frankie From: Hill, Brittain Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4: 12 PM To: Vega, Frankie Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Re: Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Hi Frankie - has the issue of Diablo meeting the ESEP requirements been discussed by the SRB? Have they determined that all FLEX is covered by LTSP analyses? Please confirm.

Thanks-Britt Sent from Brittain Hill's PDA l(b)(6) I From : Vega, Frankie Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 04:02 PM To: Hill, Brittain Cc: DiFrancesco, Nicholas


Draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon Britt; Hope you are doing well. I've attached the draft ESEP relief letter to Diablo Canyon. This letter follows a very similar format to the letter we sent last year to several CEUS licensee also requesting ESEP relief (Based on their previous IPEEE evaluations). I'm sending this draft letter to you first since It mostly references Diablo's LTSP which you are very familiar with. Please review and feel free to make any necessary changes. I'm also planning to share this with the mitigation strategies technical reviewers. just as we did with the other ESEP relief letter I mentioned above.

If you have questions please let me. know.



Frankie G. Vega, P.E.

Project Manager NRR/JLD/JHMB 301-415-1617 Location: 0 -13Hl2

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:26 May. 2015 14:54:41 +0000.

To:Ake, Jon ;John Starnatkos


l st Draft - Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Publi c Meeting Attachments:Focus Area Topics for PVNGS Public Meeting (draft l).docx Britt is out this week. Here is what I cobbled together so far. Would appreciate your comments and input. I am working on the site response question on Vs-kappa corrections.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015.19:04:03 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott


Boore paper on adjusting from vs30=760 to 3000 You may already have this paper. notes/Adjusting PSA amplitudes to Vs30 3000.v02.pdf

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:21May.2015 19:42: 17 +0000.

To:DiFrancesco, Nicholas Cc:Jackson, Diane;Seber, Dogan ;Ake, Jon; Weaver, Thomas;Stirewalt, Gerry;Wal sh, Lisa;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Kock, Andrea


Columbia Topics for 6/4 meeting.

Attacbments:Focus Area Topics for CGS Public Meeting (draft 2).docx These are ready to go.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent: 19 May. 2015 13:21: 14 +0000.

To:Seber, Dogan Cc:Jackson, Diane


Columbia Topics for Public Meeting

Dogan, When you get a chance would you please forward your topics/questions for the Columbia public meeting to Britt, Jon, and me. Diane suggested that we discuss during the Thursday meeting so that we can get them over to JLD by the end of the week.
Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 May 2015 20:47:43 +0000 To:Weaver, Thomas;Stovall , Scott;Ake, Jon.

Cc: Heeszel, David


Confirm Hanford Vs-Kappa correction

Thomas, David has programed the Hanford GMM both with and without the vs-kappa correction. If you give him some scenario events similar to the ones used by Hanford, you could try to replicate the Vs-kappa corrections in Figure 9.38. This would be useful to make sure we understand each of the steps in preparation for the meeting next week.

Let's talk tomorrow after the Columbia. meeting.

Thanks, Cliff

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 201516:25: 16 +0000 To:Ake, Jon ;Stovall, Scott Cc:Graizer, Vladimir


dcpp median gmm I finished the swus-dcpp gmm this morning. Below are median gm results for a scenario event on one of the local faults which we can use for the analytical site response. Solid line is the weighted average of the 31 median models. There are 21 frequencies between 0.1 and 100. Benchmarking to come.


DCPP Median Ground Motion 2.0 ....------------------------------_.__________________

1.8 x

1.6 x x

x x ~

x 1.4 x x x x x )C x M 3E x x x x

~ x ~ x x x x 1.2 )rt xx x ~



1.0 x x x


x x

x x

x en x ~

x ~



  • x x x x x

x x

x ~ x x x x x ~

0.6 )C x


  • x x x x x )(

x x x x x M x x 0.4



x x *x x


x 0.2 x ~

x 0.1 1 10 frequency (Hz)

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:28 May 2015 13:57:39 +0000 To:DiFrancesco, Nichol as;Jackson, Diane


DCPP RAI - Draft 2 Attachments:DCPP RAJ (draft 2).docx Some modifications.


May 27, 2015.

To the Power Reactor Licensees on the Enclosed List



By letter dated March 15, 2015,. to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) , Pacific Gas and Electric, submitted for NRG review the Seismic Hazard and Screening Report, Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f) , Response for Information Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term. Task Force. Review. of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Included in the seismic hazard reevaluation report is an evaluation of the site response for Diablo Canyon using an alternative empirical approach.

The NRG staff has reviewed the information provided for Diablo Canyon and has determined that additional information is required to complete its review .. Enclosed is. a request for additional information (RAI) related to the site response evaluation. As discussed with your staff on XXXX YY, 2015, it was agreed that a response to the RAI would be provided no later than XXXXX YY, 2015.

If you have any questions related to. the enclosed RAls or the requested submission date, please contact me at 301-415-1115 or via e-mail at

Sincerely, IRA/

Nicholas J. DiFrancesco, Senior Project Manager Hazards Management Branch.

Japan Lessons-Learned Division Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Request for Additional Information
2. Addressee List cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv


NAME NDiFrancesco Slent MBarillas SWilliams DATE 09/29/14 09/29/14 10/15/14 09/30/14 OFFICE NRR/DORULPL2-1 /PM* NRO/DSEA/RGS1

  • NRR/JLD/JHMB/BC NRR/JLD/JHMB/ PM NAME RHall (w/comments) DJackson SWhalev. NDiFrancesco DATE 09/30/14 10/15/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.1 SEISMIC HAZARD AND SCREENING REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Review of Alternative Empirical Site Response Evaluation By letter dated March 12, 2012 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340), the NRG staff requested that licensees submit site specific hazard curves that capture the variability in soil depth (including depth to generic rock conditions), shear-wave velocities, layer thicknesses, damping, and strain dependent nonlinear material properties at the site. Specifically, Attachment 1 to "Seismic" Enclosure 1 of the March 12, 2012, letter stated that "site amplification curves should be developed over a broad range of annual exceedance frequencies to facilitate estimation of seismic core damage frequency." .

By letter dated February 15, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML12319A074), "Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] Final Draft Report 1025287, 'Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID),' the NRG staff endorsed using the SPID guidance.

Regarding the development of site amplification curves for the NTTF Recommendation 2.1 seismic hazard reevaluations, Section 2 of the SPID states:

Site amplification factors should be calculated as described in Section 2.4. As discussed in that section , multiple models of site amplification factors (and associated. uncertainties) should be developed, indicating the log-mean and log-standard deviation of control-point motion divided by input rock motion, for various spectral frequencies.

The SPID further recommends that the soil and/or rock uncertainties should be incorporated into the seismic hazard calculations via the site amplification and their uncertainties through the hazard integral to develop control-point hazard curves .. The control-point elevation hazard curves should then be used to calculate the GMRS.

By letters dated March 15, 2015, the. licensee for the Diablo. Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted an alternative site response evaluation, referred to as the empirical approach , which uses the observed ground motions at the site from two earthquakes to "constrain the site amplification rather than analytical models." While. the staff considers the empirical site response approach as a viable alternative to the analytical approach, the method as implemented by the licensee was able to use only three site recordings from two earthquakes to constrain the local site amplification. As such, the licensee's estimate of the uncertainty in the local site term is potentially impacted by the limited amount of data.

Request for Additional Information Consistent with the request for information issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal regulations, Part 50, Section 50.54(f) and the SPID guidance, please provide a revised March 2015 Enclosure1

seismic hazard reevaluation submittal that develops site amplification factors as recommended in Section 2.4 and Appendix B of the SPID. Please provide (1) a detailed description of the subsurface profile properties including uncertainties, (2) potential for nonlinear behavior at the strain produced by the. scenario earthquakes of interest, and (3) control. point elevation .. In addition, provide the adjustment factors (Vs-kappa corrections) needed to modify the median ground motion models for the selected reference or baserock elevation and velocity. Also include in the response, in table form, control point seismic hazard curves developed using the site amplification factors and their uncertainties through the hazard integral as recommended in Appendix B of the SPID.

List of Addressees H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy Progress, Inc.

Docket No. 50-261 License No. DPR-23 Mr. William R. Gideon, Vice President H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 3581 West Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550 Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Docket Nos. 50-269 , 50-270 and 50-287 License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55 Mr. Scott Batson Vice President, Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 7800 Rochester Highway Seneca, SC 29672-0752 Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Docket No. 50-395 License No. NPF-12 Mr. Thomas D. Gatlin, Vice President Nuclear Operations South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Post Office Box 88, Mail Code 800 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Enclosure 2

Sent:23 Apr 2015 19:34:30 +0000 To:Ake. Jon;John Stamatkos


DCPP Scenario events

Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:30 Apr 2015 19:28:09 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott;Ake, Jon.

Cc: Graizer, Vladimir


DCPP Scenario Worksheet Attachments:scenario-spreadsheet.csv, scenario-spreadsheet.xlsx, Scott and Jon, I developed 5 scenario events each at 3 levels (16, 50, 84). So there are a total of 15 events.

saved the spreadsheet in three formats - hopefully one of them will work for you.

Here are the parameters Mag 7.5 6.5. 6.8 6.0 8.0 Ztor 1 1 1 1 1 Rrup 5.1 1.2 9.2 5.1 5.1 Rjb . 3.7 . . 0.6 . o.n . 3.7 . 3.7.

Dip 85 90 60 85 85 Width 15 12 15 12 15 Rx . 5. . 0.6 . 10 5 5 F SS SS REV SS SS I tried to get a sufficient range of SA values yet still keep this. somewhat realistic. Let me know if you want me to add another scenario .

Thanks, Cliff

Sheetl freq S1 -L S1-M S1 -H S2-L S2-M S2-H 0.1 0.0135928 0.02323223 0.03970752 0.00589409 0.01020574 0.01767144 0.133333 0.02126067 0.03630149 0.06198292 0.01001215 0.01731891 0.02995808 0.2 0.02409332 0.0411381 0.07024117 0.01871057 0.03236535 0.05598526 0.25 0.04022888 0.06862008 0.11704813 0.02539436 0.04388301 0.07583252 0.333333 0.05301979 0.09043807 0.15426398 0.03797482 0.0656228 0.1134002 0.5 0.09164862 0.15601652 0.26559216 0.06757365 0.11653808 0.20098255 0.666666 0.14167118 0.24093055 0.40973422 0.09803317 0.16889984 0.29099493 1 0.21814579 0.37024451 0.62839165 0.17031874 0.29285324 0.50354425 1.333333 0.27242788 0.4614501 0.78162409 0.22171708 0.38084868 0.65419282 2 0.36417754 0.61501182 1.03861304 0.32708952 0.56016641 0.95932883 2.5 0.40726873 0.68640871 1.15686986 0.39553462 0.67670695 1.15775528 3.333333 0.47517616 0.79925945 1.34437649 0.48466229 0.82753578 1.41297 45 4 0.58357937 0.98061553 1.64777384 0.57464538 0.98019656 1.6719621 5 0.65999943 1.10681187 1.85611147 0.60995261 1.03938167 1.77114457 6.666667 0.67182266 1.12326444 1.87805962 0.64599653 1.09750438 1.86458565 10 0.58402362 0.97256939 1.61961123 0.5758048 0.97532302 1.65204421 13.33333 0.53894264 0.89480798 1.48565221 0.50718422 0.85737405 1.44935555 20 0.40332911 0.66764251 1.10516825 0.41862939 0.70626183 1.19152113 33.33333 0.32281427 0.53169879 0.87574691 0.33913793 0.56986923 0.95757774 50 0.30574949 0.5030885 0.82779547 0.31006683 0.52049895 0.8737 4438 100 0.29870653 0.49002754 0.80388932 0.29220525 0.48904596 0.81848615 Page I


$3-L $3-M $3-H $4-L $4-M S4-H S5-L 0.00451818 0.00776098 0.01333122 0.001 41504 0.00247976 0.00434558 0.02435431 0.007 45782 0.01279767 0.02196089 0.00251936 0.00441057 0.00772146 0.03666668 0.01214696 0.02084426 0.03576889 0.00523621 0.00916689 0.01604823 0.03245563 0.0180192 0.03089016 0.05295474 0.00736962 0.01288889 0.02254167 0.0597338 0.02837656 0.0486457 0.08339292 0.01202286 0.02102705 0.03677468 0.07387252 0.05878505 0.10057337 0.17206762 0.02361384 0.04125751 0.07208407 0.12573558 0.09098823 0.15551313 0.26579629 0.0361113 0.06309275 0.11023405 0.20049557 0.1565745 0.26707565 0.45556206 0.06559398 0.11437516 0.19943411 0.29220897 0.22743113 0.387551 0.66040116 0.09763834 0.17008022 0.2962697 0.3556664 0.32907062 0.5590687 0.94981988 0.15350101 0.26685545 0.46391768 0.44779938 0.3932533 0.66677586 1.1305437 0.19326401 0.33564605 0.58292422 0.47353872 0.48875519 0.82704718 1.39948801 0.25366551 0.43966651 0.7620533 0.53575002 0.55287124 0.93460608 1.5799131 1 0.29240918 0.50681909 0.87844571 0.68431228 0.64332396 1.08533984 1.83105655 0.32928307 0.57016043 0.98724454 0.77468653 0.65070698 1.09560218 1.84467692 0.36299417 0.62727609 1.08397137 0. 78104157 0.61 103827 1.02470454 1.71841837 0.33126088 0.57072428 0.9832921 0.66341963 0.52224613 0.87317761 1.45992302 0.29304614 0.50438006 0.8681201 0.62851214 0.41903824 0.69851887 1.16440113 0.23611794 0.40558539 0.69668365 0.45284468 0.32035244 0.53188205 0.88308526 0.18941057 0.32438043 0.55552688 0.36316698 0.29310184 0.48615141 0.80635179 0.16916332 0.28970543 0.49614323 0.3506405 0 .28652044 0.47381165 o. 78353042 0.16295276 0.2782334 0.47506912 0.34416697 Page2

Sheetl S5-M S5-H 0.04162532 0.07114419 0.06260646 0.1068973 0.05541631 0.09462047 0.10189042 0.17379874 0.12600743 0.21493612 0.21404391 0.36437413 0.34096921 0.57986317 0.49594707 0.84173833 0.60244309 1.02044411

o. 75622982 1.27709765 0.79809982 1.34511351 0.90114634 1.51575306 1.14988171 1.93219967 1.29914089 2.17864514 1.30587471 2.18337773 1.10478686 1.83979184 1.04352046 1.73255995 0.7496071 1.24084665 0.59816267 0.9852178 0.5769534 0.94933477 0.5646053 0.926234 Page 3

Munson,. Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:29 Apr 2015 17:55:32 +0000 To:Stovall, Scott


dcpp site response See Section 9.3 in the Hanford SSHAC - this is what I was thinking we could do for DCPP.

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:27 Apr 20 1517:21:46 +0000 To:HiJl, Brittain



Britt, Would you make an unlocked version of the SSC like you did for the GMC?
Thanks, Cliff

Sheetl freq host AF target27 AF target28 AF target27/host target28/host 0.1 1.137 1.132 1.138 0.99560246 1.00087951 0.13333 1.181 1.173 1.182 0.99322608 1.0008467 4 0.2 1.262 1.249 1.263 0.98969889 1.00079239 0.25 1.311 1.294 1.312 0.9870328 1.00076278 0.3333 1.38 1.356 1.382 0.9826087 1.00144928 0.5 1.488 1.449 1.491 0.97379032 1.00201613 0.6666 1.578 1.52.2 1.583 0.96451204 1.00316857 1 1.732 1.635 1.74 0.94399538 1.00461894 1.3333 1.875 1.73 1.886 0.92266667 1.00586667 2 2.135 1.893 2.154 0.88665105 1.0088993 2.5 2.292 2.019 2.3 0.88089005 1.0034904 3.3333 2.48 2.215 2.407 0.89314516 0.97056452 4 2.593 2.348 2.428 0.90551485 0.93636714 5 2.724 2.535 2.431 0.93061674 0.89243759 6.66667 2.88 2.765 2.455 0.96006944 0.85243056 10 3.104 3.161 2.577 1.0183634 0.83021907 13.3333 3.266 3.462 2.828 1.06001225 0.865891 20 3.514 3.671 3.136 1.04467843 0.89243028 33.3333 3.808 3.799 3.267 0.99763655 0.85793067 50 3.996 3.854 3.314 0.96446446 0.82932933 100 4.147 3.895 3.358 0.93923318 0.80974198 Page I

DCPP Mediar1 Ground Motion 2.0 _..,.--~------------..............--~~........--.......----...............~~--.......---......._._.............._


....... \

I \

I \

1.6 I \

I ~

I \

I ~ \

1.4 I x x \

>', Ix \

I x ~ x \

I x \

1.2 / X )I. ~

~ x~ XX \

x >:I~ ~ ~


)( ~ x ~ \





<( 1.0


Cf) \


0.8 x

0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 1 10 100 frequency (Hz)

Information (pages 503/1000) is within scope of FOIA and should be released .

Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:4 May 2015 17:44:31 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir


dcpp-scenario.pptx Attachments:dcpp-scenario.pptx Slide with one of the scenario SA for DCPP.


Munson, Clifford From:Munson, Clifford Sent:23 Apr 2015.18:56: 12 +0000 To:Graizer, Vladimir Cc:Ake, Jon ;John Stamatkos;Hill, Brittain;Jackson, Di ane


Diablo GMM for Local Sources Presentation Attachments:Diablo GMM_Local.pptx

Vlad, Attached are a few slides for Monday.
Thanks, Cliff

SWUS GMM for DCPP April 2:3, 2015

SWUS GMM Notation Table 1-1: Notation used in HID, Part II: DCPP.

T Period (seconds)

M Moment magnitude NML Normal sources (-120 ~rakes -60)

REV Reverse sources, including Reverse-Oblique (REV-OBL); (30 s rakes 150)

SS Strike-slip sources, including Normal-Oblique; (-180 s rake< -120, -60

< rake < 30, and 150 < rake s 180)

FNML style of faulting (FNML=1 for NML, 0 otherwise)

FRv style of faulting (FRv=1 for REV , 0 otherwise)

ZroR Depth to top of rupture (km)

Dip Fault dip (degrees) w Down-dip rupture width (km)

L Rupture length (km)

RRuP Rupture distance (km)

Ris Joyner-Boore distance (km)

Rx Horizontal distance from top of rupture measured perpendicular to strike (km)

Rv Horizontal distance from center of rupture measured parallel to strike (km) f Hw Hanging Wall factor (155 Total sigma

SWUS GMM Distance Notations Reverse or normal faulting, hanging-wall site Strike-slip faulting Rx (positive)

Rx= Rib (positive) :

l( )!

I Surface Surface Site Dip Width Fault Rrup =Closest distance to rupturing fault plane (slant distance)

Rjb =Closest horizontal distance to vertical projection of the rupture Rx = Closest horizontal distance to top of rupture


  • DCPP. median. ground motion models separated into two.


- Nearby faults

- Distant faults

  • Up to 31 Common form median models for nearby faults

- Hosgri rupture model

- Outward-Vergent rupture model

- Southwest-Vergent rupture n1odel

- Northeast-Vergent rupture rr1odel

- Irish Hills-Estero Bay {IHEB) Source Zone

  • Five NGA-West 2 GMPEs (+ 3 additional epistemic for each=

15 total models) used for distant sources

Logic Tree for Median at DCPP-Nearbv Faults

'J.ourcf' Mf'n le hS4!- M~d fl llrutiv1tv (h for ( r>'11m0fl f !Jlll'm Arl111i h 1

u o 1s11 tr !V:\ UI

-. ~ fo oas1 Ht'l.'4111 1 of 5 HW models tfl lf *I


H'Wl ( assigned to each llN3 [ . 1 Example for PGA base model branch 1-f~ l ll ll!Nl (ll H n 5 (lJ f Ji ll~

( 1111 111 tll f Ulll llvvS I l

1r v2 1 H..,. J llJ "t f;~ C t>tll 1 0

HN't (l}

tr.H U)

U2 [0020) l lW!i [ l]

Al a23(oou1 lfAi 4(1) 1111f \ tl.2."1 [0024)

  • II ~3 (1) a2s coon1 l f:l'Y l( JJ

~16 ( 00?41 1227 (0011) 1 28 (0041 )

ll JVS (tl trNZ(l)

I M 'l l ll I No directivity adjustment I

ltl '>(OOU) 11.Nl (l]

tl'.30 [1) 019) 11# 4 ll)

O~ llO 02iJ 1-tWl ( l)

R11 trncd l oo1moo ronn 0

°1 110 11

Base Model The functional form of the DCPP ba se model GMPEs is given in Eq. 2-1:

2 2 Ln (SABASE (M ,RRuP, ZT0 R, F ,T)) =a0 (T)-a (T)RRUP + ai (T)ZroR +a10 (T)FRv

+(a4 (T) +a5 (T)(M - 5)) In (~R~uP +a:(T) ) - a9 (T)FNML


-a1(T) +a 2 (T)(M -5.5) for M < 5.5 a1(T)(M - 6.5) for5.5 < M < 6.5 a3(T)(M -6.5) for M > 6.5 (Eq. 2-1)

Each of 31 models has 9 coefficients which are unique for each period Some. periods do. not use all 31 models Coefficient a9 is different for each period but same for all 31 models

Base Model Coefficients for f=lO Hz Weight ID ao. a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 as alO HW branch (T=0.1s)

Model 1 1.37939 0.208505 1.22538 -0.20679 -1.07715. 0.221829 5.79698. 0.110195 0.108741 0.046582 3 0.213802 Model 2 2.08907 -0.03872 0.288456 -0.29772 -1.50424 0.285801 6.32318 0.073587 0.212603 0.321285 4 0.026091 Model 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 2-1: Period dependent a, coefficients for F.....

Model 4 1.42017 0.229463 1.26391 -0.18665 -1.01908 0.158087 5.54758 0.097386 0.164283 0.40946 5 0.045412 Model 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Model 6. 2.1 1812 0.018214. 0.601 -0.2412. -1.43939 0.229396 6.44111 0.099093 0.109868 0.187477 2 0.090946 Period (sec) ...

Model 7. 1.41537 -0.15843. 0.184346 -0.34334. -1 .35195 0.248723 4.83625 0.043879 0.156605 0.283496 3 0.106704 0.01 0.132 Model 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 O.G2 0.132 Model 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.132 Model 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.132 0 0 0 0 ---o:n7r:; n 132 Model 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Model 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.1 0.132 D 0.1:. 0.132 Model 13 Model 14 Model 15 1.71824 -0.12097 0.045631 -0.41779 -1.52157 0.365292 1.70842 -0.06499. 0.933162 -0.38424. -1 .33162 0.272438 1.35801 0.227881. 0.80121 -0.07749. -0.98918 0.17225 4.77083 0.078932 0.322164 0.070163 5.4551 7 0.032357 0.279844 0.026501 5.81514 0.150695 0.109848 0.582348 1 0.021841 5 0.025405 5 0.033783

- 0.2 0.25 0.3

- 0.122 0.113 0.104 Model 16 0.135637 0.55761 0.680404 -0.02608 -0.46462 0.206783 3.94907. 0.156003 O.Q13575 0.291355 2 0.023577 0.4 0.095 Model 17 2.5824 -0.08858 0.070521 -0.46784 -1.82498. 0.330311 7.36546. 0.04215 0 .176967 0.092855 2 0.070407 o.s 0.095 0.75 0.086 Model 18 1.29169 0.160183 0.256293 0.000711 -1.14381 0.158694 5.98039 0.044523 -0.02714 0.395977 4 0.039704 1 0.077 Model 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0.068 Model 20 1.13328 -0.01714 0.917788 -0.10739 - 1.00981 0.120088 5.50958 0.137317 0.049162 0.265754 3 0.038353 2 0.058 Model 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.039 Model 22 1.83279. -0.18253 0.87006. -0.30695 -1 .42278 0.358787 5.59443 0.083036 0.262303 -0.10329 5 0.014387. 4 0.020 Model 23 1.72167 0.036879. 0.069845 -0.38891. -1.44441 0.360783 4.97423 0.111618 0.331344 0.047177 4 0.015225 5 0.000 Model 24 1.48175 0.160589 1.03484 -0.19933 -1.0126 0.130542 6.03483 0.063056 0.096106 0.269177 3 0.013056 7.5 0.000 10 0.000 Model 25 1.2764 0.148104 1.1556 -0.29942 -1.09622 0.264494 4.31646. 0.16418 0.31363 0.031954 1 0.02341 Model 26 1.69432 0.364288 0.512214 -0.08895 -1.141 72 0.219346 6.92161 0.168786 0.183995 0.120731 5 0.026731 Model 27 0.997811 -0.01465 0.810009 -0.02759 -1.02663 0.176784 4.90505 0.028728 0.007867 0.261264 2 0.018086 Model 28 1.67589 0.240931 0.3965 -0.12191 -1.23775 0.180479 6.61248 0.130284 0.073181 0.315853 3 0.088166 Model 29 0.44296 0.248235 0.446781 0.209578 -0.71921 0.089693 5.0781 0.108356 -0.06265 0.39772 1 0.030853 Model 30 -0.09241 0.111952 0.391203 -0.05354 -0.61128 0.125671 2.84165 0.131 171 0.028781 0.323736 4 0.009617 Model 31 1.03204 0.190696. 0.640938 -0.10285. -0.96101 0.107609 5.67792 0.154048 0.050723 0.282794 1 0.024445 sum.

Hanging Wall Effect Iit Rx is positive I (Eq. 2-2a) where (Eq . 2-2 b)

(Eq . 2-2 c)

Hanging Wall Coefficients Table 2-2: Coefficients for HW Factor Model.

Period Model-dependent Cl Coefficients Coefficients held Constant (sec) for all five models Model Model Model Model Model C2 C3 C4 HWl HW2 HW3 HW4 HWS 0 .01 0 .868 0 .982 1.038 1.095 1.209 0.2160 2 .0289 0.1675 0 .02 0.867 0 .987 1.046 1.106 1.226 0.2172 2.0260 0.1666 0 .03 0.856 0 .997 1 .067 1.138 1.278 0.2178 2 .0163 0 .1670 0.05 0.840 1.027 1.121 1.215 1.402 0.2199 1.9870 0.1699 0 .075 0.857 1.041 1.133 1.226 1.410 0.2218 1.9906 0.1817 0.1 0.848 1.040 1 .135 1.231 1.422 0.2213 1.9974 0 .1717 0 .15 0.868 1.009 1.080 1.150 1.292 0.2169 2.0162 0 .1814 0.2 0.850 1.005 1 .082 1.160 1.315 0 .2131 1.9746 0 .1834 0 .25 0.868 0 .985 1.044 1.102 1.219 0.1988 1.9931 0 .1767 0 .3 0 .839 0 .974 1.041 1 .108 1.242 0.2019 2.0179 0 .1658 0 .4 0.780 0 .934 1 .011 1 .089 1.243 0.2090 2.0249 0.1624 0 .5 0.741 0 .902 0.982 1 .063 1.223 0.2053 2.0041 0 .1719 0 .75 0.613 0 .869 0.997 1.125 1 .380 0.1713 1.8697 0 .1866 1 0 .621 0 .788 0 .872 0 .955 1.123 0.1571 1.8526 0 .3143 1.5 0.506 0 .662 0.740 0 .818 0.974 0 .1559 1.8336 0 .3195 2 0.391 0.537 0.609 0.682 0.828 0.1559 1.7996 0.3246 3 0.128 0 .245 0 .304 0 .362 0.480 0.1616 1.6740 0 .3314 4 0 0 .034 0 .088 0.138 0.231 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 5 0 0 0 0 0.040 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 7.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.1616 1.6740 0.3314

DCPP Median Ground Motion Southwestern United States Ground Motion Characterization SSHAC Level 3 TECHNICAL REPORT - Rev. 2 2.5 DCPP Ground Motion for the Median The DCPP ground motion model for the median from REV and SS sources is given by ln(SA(g)) =Ln ( SABASE (J\tl. RRUP' ZTOR' F. T) )

+ f HWO\!f.,Dip fV,Rx.RJB ,RRUP,ZroR ) (Eq. 2-3)


foJR ss(M ,R,o.,,, R ,R or SS events

,RY, W,L.D;p) for REV events I No directivity J The DCPP ground motion model for the median from NML sources is given by In( SA(g)) = Ln (SABASE ( M. RRUP, ZTOR, F. T))

(Eq. 2-4)

+ f HW ( M ' Dip. ff ' Rx . RJB . RRUP' ZTOR )

Results for f=l and 10 Hz 2.0 --+-'-__.__....................__.__..........................__..........................__.................................................................__.__...........-+-

1.8 1.6 Parameter Value O> 1.4


Cf) 1.2 f=l Hz Mag 8.1 c 1.0 co

  • 2.0 km i5 0.8 ZroR Q)
  • E o.6 * * *
  • RRUP 10.2 km 0.4 - - .!. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - .. - - - - -*-~ !_ _ . - - - - -


  • * **
  • RJB 10.0 km 0.0 ---..-.-.......................-.-.......................-.-.......................- .......................-.-..-............- - --....-.--

0 10 20 30 median model no.

Dip 85 2.0 ............- ...................................__............_ _ _........................._____.__.......................__..._._..........._ _

  • Width 15.0 km 1.8 1.6 f=lO Hz Rx 10.0 km O> 1.4


Cf) 1.2

  • F SS c 1.0 * *
  • co ----- -.- ---------~ - ~ ----------------

i5 0.8 *

  • Q)

E o.6 * * * **

0.4 * **

0.2 0.0 -t--.--.-..-....-.-....,........,-.....-................,........,.-.-.......................-.-..-..,........,.......,........,-.....-.......................- -

0 10 20 30 median model no.

Total Sigma Model Partially Non-Ergodic

3. Total Sigma Model for DCPP 3 .1 Structure of the Logic Tree Model Epistemic Directivity Aleatory U ncerta inty Adjustment Distribution Form H igh (95% percentile) Yes- C entral Mixture Model 0 .3 0.0 08 ~

M-Dependent Central 10 0 .55 Accounts for heavy tails Low (5*.4 ercentile) No Normal 0 15 1.0 0 .2 (See Eq. 3-1 ) (Set? Tobie J 1) (See Eq 3-l)

Figur e 3-1: Logic Tree for Total Sigma at DCPP.

Total Sigma Model 3 .2 DCPP Total Sigma Model The fol lowing values are provided obtain the total sigma as a function o f Magnitude, O$$(M), for hazard calculations using:

( M-5) ( )

CT1+--* Uz-U1 fo1*M < 7.0 CTss(M) = 2 (Eq. 3-1) fCTz forM ~ 7.0 The period-dependent values of 0'1 and a 2 are listed in Table 3-1: For M=8.1 T~ble 3-1 : Epistemic Distribution for O'ss for DCPP. ass (low) 0.434 (0.15)

Period (sec)

Low Branch Cen tral Branch High Branch ass (central)= 0.592 (0.55)

<n en 0.01 CH 0.456 0.390 CH 0.576 0.495 CH 0.699 02 0.614 ass (high) = 0.629 (0.30) 0.02 0.457 0.394 0.577 0.498 0.699 0 .614 0.03 0.458 0.396 0.577 0.499 0.700 0.615 0 .05 0 .460 0 .402 0 .578 0 .504 0.700 0.616 0.075 0.4 6 1 0.407 0.578 0.507 0.701 0.617 0 .1 0.462 0.411 0.579 0.510 0.702 0.618 0.1 5 0.464 0.41 6 0.580 0.514 0.703 0.620 0.2 0.465 0.4 19 0.58 1 0.51 7 0.703 0.621 0.25 0.465 0 .422 0.581 0.519 0.704 0.622 0.3 0.466 0.424 0.581 0.520 0.704 0.623 0 .4 0 .466 0.427 0.582 0 .522 0 .704 0 .625 0.5 0.467 0.429 0.582 0.524 0.705 0.626 0.7" ..... -- v.4.:SL u.::>o., U.::>.L I v. -- """8 c 1 0.468 0.434 0.583 0.529 0.706 0.629 ... 1 1.:> - A _...,

n .d'.:t7 O'i~d n <;.'.:t1 ~

v:031 2 0.469 0.439 0.584 0.532 0.707 0.632 3 0.470 0.441 0.585 0.534 0.707 0 .633 4 0.470 0.441 0.585 0.534 0.707 0.634 5 0.470 0.441 0 .585 0 .535 0.707 0.634 7.5 0.471 0.442 0.585 0.535 0.708 0.635 10 0.471 0.442 0.586 0.536 0.708 0.635

To Do List

  • Program more periods
  • Validate results for a fE~w examples
  • Implement with Roland's codes
  • Run PSHA for major ne~arby sources
  • Distant sources

- NGA West 2 GMPEs already part of Roland's codes