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| number = ML17054C226
| number = ML17054C226
| issue date = 01/17/2017
| issue date = 01/17/2017
| title = Wolf Creek, License Amendment Request for the Transition to Westinghouse Core Design and Safety Analyses - WCAP-18083-NP, Rev 0, Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations.
| title = License Amendment Request for the Transition to Westinghouse Core Design and Safety Analyses - WCAP-18083-NP, Rev 0, Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp
| author affiliation = Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp
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{{#Wiki_filter:Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek  
{{#Wiki_filter:Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek Generating Station  
Generating Station  

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3  
*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system. Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA © 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved WCAP-18083-NP Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek Generating Station Terrence P. Williams* Setpoints and Control Systems November 2016 Reviewer: Brandon T. Phillips*
*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.
Setpoints and Control Systems Approved: Michael P. Drudy*, Manager
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA  
© 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved WCAP-18083-NP Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek Generating Station Terrence P. Williams*
Setpoints and Control Systems November 2016 Reviewer:
Brandon T. Phillips*
Setpoints and Control Systems Approved: Michael P. Drudy*, Manager Setpoints and Control Systems

Setpoints and Control Systems
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 ii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................... iv PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING STAMP............................................................................................... v 1
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 1-1 2
METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 2-1 3
INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 PRESSURIZER PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES........................................................... 3-1 3.2 Tavg UNCERTAINTIES................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES........................ 3-1 3.4 LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES........................................... 3-7 3.5 REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES......................................... 3-7 3.6 UNCERTAINTY SOURCES......................................................................................... 3-10 3.7 INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS.............................. 3-12 4
RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................ 4-1 5
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 5-1

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 ii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Pressurizer Pressure - Control....................................................................................... 3-13 Table 3-2 Tavg - Control............................................................................................................... 3-18 Table 3-3 RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement........................................................................... 3-26 Table 3-4 RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication................................................................ 3-52 Table 3-5 Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement....................................................................... 3-56
....................... iiiLIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................................................
...................... ivPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING STAMP ...............................................................................................
v1INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................
...... 1-1 2METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................
.... 2-1 3INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES ................................................................................. 3-13.1PRESSURIZER PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES ........................................................... 3-13.2Tavg UNCERTAINTIES ................................................................................................... 3-13.3RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ........................ 3-13.4LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ........................................... 3-73.5REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ......................................... 3-73.6UNCERTAINTY SOURCES ......................................................................................... 3-103.7INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS .............................. 3-12 4RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 4-1  5REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................
......... 5-1

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Pressurizer Pressure - Control ....................................................................................... 3-13Table 3-2 Tavg - Control ......................................................................................................
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iv WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF FIGURES None.  
......... 3-18Table 3-3 RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement ........................................................................... 3-26Table 3-4 RCS Flow  Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication ................................................................ 3-52Table 3-5 Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement ....................................................................... 3-56 Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iv WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF FIGURES None.  

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 1-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 1 INTRODUCTION This WCAP reflects four operating parameter uncertainties that are used in the uncertainty analysis of the Revised Thermal Design Procedure (RTDP) (Reference 1). These parameters are pressurizer pressure, primary coolant temperature (T avg), reactor coolant system (RCS) flow and reactor power. They are frequently monitored and several are used for control purposes. Pressurizer pressure is a controlled parameter and the uncertainty reflects the control system. T avg is a controlled parameter via the temperature input to the rod control system, and the uncertainty reflects this control system. Reactor power is monitored by the performance of a secondary side heat balance (power calorimetric) at least once every 24 hours. RCS flow is monitored by the performance of a RCS flow calorimetric measurement at the beginning of each cycle for verification of minimum measured flow (MMF) and every 12 hours for RCS flow degradation when in Mode 1. The loop RCS flow channels are normalized to the RCS flow calorimetrics and are used to satisfy the 12-hour RCS flow surveillance (with a small increase in uncertainty). These calculations are based upon the uncertainty al gorithms and setpoint methodology defined in WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, "Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology" (Reference 2). These indicated and control uncertainties, when supported by appropriate plant procedures and equipment qualification, are considered to result in a total instrument loop uncertainty, termed Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA), at a 95% probability and 95% confidence level (95/95) as required by Reference 1.
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 1-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 1
This document is divided into four sections. Section 2 notes the current Westinghouse generalized algorithm for control functions (Eq. 2.1) and parameter indication (Eq. 2.2). The algorithms and their basis are described in Reference 2. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of the plant baseline design input documentation, have been included in each uncertainty calculation. WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1 documents definitions of terms and associated acronyms used in the control and indication uncertainty calculations. Section 3 includes a brief description of the uncertainty terms and values for each of the control and indication function uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse for the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS). Section 3 also contains a listing of the sources of information for the determination of each of the uncertainty terms contained in the tables and the uncertainty calculations. Shown on each table is the function specific uncertainty algorithm which notes the appropriate combination of instrument uncertainties used to determine the CSA. Included for each control function is a listing of the following parameters: Safety Analysis Limit ([SAL] for initial conditions), Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS), Total Allowance (TA), Margin, and Operability criteria As Left Tolerance (ALT) and As Found Tolerance (AFT), for both the sensor/transmitter and process racks.  
INTRODUCTION This WCAP reflects four operating parameter uncertainties that are used in the uncertainty analysis of the Revised Thermal Design Procedure (RTDP) (Reference 1). These parameters are pressurizer pressure, primary coolant temperature (Tavg), reactor coolant system (RCS) flow and reactor power. They are frequently monitored and several are used for control purposes. Pressurizer pressure is a controlled parameter and the uncertainty reflects the control system. Tavg is a controlled parameter via the temperature input to the rod control system, and the uncertainty reflects this control system.
Reactor power is monitored by the performance of a secondary side heat balance (power calorimetric) at least once every 24 hours. RCS flow is monitored by the performance of a RCS flow calorimetric measurement at the beginning of each cycle for verification of minimum measured flow (MMF) and every 12 hours for RCS flow degradation when in Mode 1. The loop RCS flow channels are normalized to the RCS flow calorimetrics and are used to satisfy the 12-hour RCS flow surveillance (with a small increase in uncertainty).
These calculations are based upon the uncertainty algorithms and setpoint methodology defined in WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology (Reference 2). These indicated and control uncertainties, when supported by appropriate plant procedures and equipment qualification, are considered to result in a total instrument loop uncertainty, termed Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA), at a 95% probability and 95% confidence level (95/95) as required by Reference 1.
This document is divided into four sections. Section 2 notes the current Westinghouse generalized algorithm for control functions (Eq. 2.1) and parameter indication (Eq. 2.2). The algorithms and their basis are described in Reference 2. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of the plant baseline design input documentation, have been included in each uncertainty calculation.
WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1 documents definitions of terms and associated acronyms used in the control and indication uncertainty calculations.
Section 3 includes a brief description of the uncertainty terms and values for each of the control and indication function uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse for the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS). Section 3 also contains a listing of the sources of information for the determination of each of the uncertainty terms contained in the tables and the uncertainty calculations. Shown on each table is the function specific uncertainty algorithm which notes the appropriate combination of instrument uncertainties used to determine the CSA. Included for each control function is a listing of the following parameters: Safety Analysis Limit ([SAL] for initial conditions), Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS),
Total Allowance (TA), Margin, and Operability criteria As Left Tolerance (ALT) and As Found Tolerance (AFT), for both the sensor/transmitter and process racks.  

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 2 METHODOLOGY This section contains a brief description of the Westinghouse Uncertainty Methodology as applied to WCGS. A more detailed description is contained in Reference 2. The basic algorithms for control and indication used in the determination of the overall CSA are noted in Eq. 2.1 below. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of plant specific baseline design input documentation, are included in each control or indication function CSA calculation. See Reference 2 for the definitions of terms used in the algorithms. The methodology used to combine the uncertainty components for a channel is an appropriate combination of those groups that are statistically and functionally independent. Those uncertainties considered dependent are conservatively treated by arithmetic summation and then systematically combined with the independent terms. The basic algorithm used is a square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS). The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for a control channel is noted in Eq. 2.1 (subscript IND denotes indication):
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 2
Eq. 2.1   a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for an indication channel is noted in Eq. 2.2 (subscript IND denotes indication - control board meter or plant process computer):  Eq. 2.2 where, CSA = Channel Statistical Allowance PMA = Process Measurement Accuracy PEA = Primary Element Accuracy SRA = Sensor Reference Accuracy SMTE = Sensor Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy SD = Sensor Drift SCA = Sensor Calibration Accuracy SPE = Sensor Pressure Effects STE = Sensor Temperature Effects RMTE = Rack Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy RD = Rack Drift RCA = Rack Calibration Accuracy RTE = Rack Temperature Effects EA = Environmental Allowance BIAS = One directional, known magnitude allowance CA = Controller Accuracy READOUT = Readout Device Accuracy
METHODOLOGY This section contains a brief description of the Westinghouse Uncertainty Methodology as applied to WCGS. A more detailed description is contained in Reference 2. The basic algorithms for control and indication used in the determination of the overall CSA are noted in Eq. 2.1 below. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of plant specific baseline design input documentation, are included in each control or indication function CSA calculation. See Reference 2 for the definitions of terms used in the algorithms.
The methodology used to combine the uncertainty components for a channel is an appropriate combination of those groups that are statistically and functionally independent. Those uncertainties considered dependent are conservatively treated by arithmetic summation and then systematically combined with the independent terms. The basic algorithm used is a square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS).
The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for a control channel is noted in Eq. 2.1 (subscript IND denotes indication):
Eq. 2.1 a,c

[ ]a,c Each of the previous terms is defined in Reference 2. The basis for the above equations is provided in Reference 2. The CSA values from Eq. 2.1 and Eq. 2.2 are considered to be determined at a 95% probability and at a 95% confidence level, consistent with the requirements of the RTDP (Reference 1).
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for an indication channel is noted in Eq. 2.2 (subscript IND denotes indication - control board meter or plant process computer):
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3 INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES This section contains a discussion of the RTDP uncertainty functions. The first two sections, 3.1 and 3.2, include the two parameters which are controlled by Automatic Systems, Pressurizer Pressure and Tavg (through Rod Control). The next three sections, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, include the RCS Flow Calorimetric, Elbow Tap Indication and the Daily Power Calorimetric. Section 3.6 contains a listing of sources of information used for the uncertainties and Section 3.7 defines the type of information presented in the uncertainty tables. 
Eq. 2.2
: where, CSA
Channel Statistical Allowance PMA
Process Measurement Accuracy PEA
Primary Element Accuracy SRA
Sensor Reference Accuracy SMTE
Sensor Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy SD
Sensor Drift SCA
Sensor Calibration Accuracy SPE
Sensor Pressure Effects STE
Sensor Temperature Effects RMTE
Rack Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy RD
Rack Drift RCA
Rack Calibration Accuracy RTE
Rack Temperature Effects EA
Environmental Allowance BIAS
One directional, known magnitude allowance CA
Controller Accuracy READOUT =
Readout Device Accuracy
]a,c Each of the previous terms is defined in Reference 2. The basis for the above equations is provided in Reference 2.
The CSA values from Eq. 2.1 and Eq. 2.2 are considered to be determined at a 95% probability and at a 95% confidence level, consistent with the requirements of the RTDP (Reference 1).

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3
PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES Pressurizer Pressure is controlled by comparison of the measured vapor space pressure and a reference value. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made for the transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller. As noted on Table 3-1, the indicated higher than actual controller uncertainty for this function is
INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES This section contains a discussion of the RTDP uncertainty functions. The first two sections, 3.1 and 3.2, include the two parameters which are controlled by Automatic Systems, Pressurizer Pressure and Tavg (through Rod Control). The next three sections, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, include the RCS Flow Calorimetric, Elbow Tap Indication and the Daily Power Calorimetric. Section 3.6 contains a listing of sources of information used for the uncertainties and Section 3.7 defines the type of information presented in the uncertainty tables.
[ ]a,c which corresponds to an accuracy of  
3.1 PRESSURIZER PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES Pressurizer Pressure is controlled by comparison of the measured vapor space pressure and a reference value. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made for the transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller. As noted on Table 3-1, the indicated higher than actual controller uncertainty for this function is [
[  ]a,c. In addition to the controller accuracy, an allowance is made for pressure overshoot or undershoot due to the interaction and thermal inertia of the heaters and spray. Based on previous Westinghouse evaluation of typical plant operation, an allowance of []a,c was made for this effect. Therefore, a total control system uncertainty of  
]a,c which corresponds to an accuracy of [
[ ]a,c is calculated, which results in a standard deviation of
  ]a,c. In addition to the controller accuracy, an allowance is made for pressure overshoot or undershoot due to the interaction and thermal inertia of the heaters and spray. Based on previous Westinghouse evaluation of typical plant operation, an allowance of
[ ]a,c (assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution).
3.2 T avg UNCERTAINTIES T avg is controlled by a closed loop control system that compares the auctioneered high T avg from the loops with a reference derived from the First Stage Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure. T avg is the average of the narrow range T H and T C values. The highest loop T avg is then used for rod control. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made (as noted on Table 3-2) for the Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller.
]a,c was made for this effect. Therefore, a total control system uncertainty of [
The CSA for this function is dependent on the type of RTD, pressure transmitter, and the location of the RTDs, i.e., in the hot and cold legs. Based on the assumption that three T H and one T C cross-calibrated RTDs are used to calculate T avg and the RTDs are located in the hot and cold leg piping, the CSA for the instrumentation is  
]a,c is calculated, which results in a standard deviation of [
[ ]a,c. Assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution results in an instrumentation standard deviation of
]a,c (assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution).
[ ]a,c. 3.3 RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES WCGS Technical Specifications require a RCS flow calorimetric measurement to verify RCS flow at the beginning of every fuel cycle at or near 100% rated thermal power (RTP) operation. It is assumed that the RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for measurement of feedwater flow and the plant computer is used to measure all parameters. No allowance has been made for feedwater fouling. The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed by determining the steam generator thermal output (corrected for the reactor coolant pump (RCP) heat input and the loop's share of primary system heat Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 losses) and the enthalpy rise (h) of the primary coolant. Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the RCS total vessel flow is the sum of the individual primary loop flows, i.e., W RCS = (W L) Eq. 3.1 The individual primary loop volumetric flows are determined by correcting the thermal output of the steam generator for steam generator blowdown (if not secured), subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the loop's share of the primary side system losses, dividing by the primary side enthalpy rise and multiplying by the cold leg specific volume. The equation for this calculation is: (A) {Q SG  Q P + Q L} (V C) W L = ------------ Eq. 3.2 (h H  h C) where, W L = Loop flow (gpm) A = Constant conversion factor 0.1247 gpm / (ft 3 / hr) Q SG = Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr)
3.2 Tavg UNCERTAINTIES Tavg is controlled by a closed loop control system that compares the auctioneered high Tavg from the loops with a reference derived from the First Stage Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure. Tavg is the average of the narrow range TH and TC values. The highest loop Tavg is then used for rod control. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made (as noted on Table 3-2) for the Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller.
Q P = RCP heat addition for primary system (BTU / hr)
The CSA for this function is dependent on the type of RTD, pressure transmitter, and the location of the RTDs, i.e., in the hot and cold legs. Based on the assumption that three TH and one TC cross-calibrated RTDs are used to calculate Tavg and the RTDs are located in the hot and cold leg piping, the CSA for the instrumentation is [
Q L = Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr)
]a,c. Assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution results in an instrumentation standard deviation of [
V C = Specific volume of the cold leg at T C (ft 3 / lb) h H = Hot leg enthalpy (BTU / lb) h C = Cold leg enthalpy (BTU / lb) The thermal output of each steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement that is defined as:
Q SG = (h s  h fw)W fw  (h s  h bd)W bd Eq. 3.3 where, h s = Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) h fw = Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)
3.3 RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES WCGS Technical Specifications require a RCS flow calorimetric measurement to verify RCS flow at the beginning of every fuel cycle at or near 100% rated thermal power (RTP) operation. It is assumed that the RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for measurement of feedwater flow and the plant computer is used to measure all parameters. No allowance has been made for feedwater fouling.
W fw = Feedwater flow (lb / hr) h bd = Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)
The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed by determining the steam generator thermal output (corrected for the reactor coolant pump (RCP) heat input and the loop's share of primary system heat  
W bd = Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr) The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated liquid conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The feedwater flow is determined by a venturi and a P transmitter in each of four feedwater lines. The steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The total system steam generator blowdown flow is the sum of flow from the flash tank and the flow to the heat exchanger determined by orifices and P transmitters.
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 For measurement of feedwater flow with the feedwater venturis, the feedwater flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 losses) and the enthalpy rise (h) of the primary coolant. Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the RCS total vessel flow is the sum of the individual primary loop flows, i.e.,
fw fwfwa,fw fw PFKW Eq. 3.4 where, W fw = Feedwater loop flow (lb / hr)
K fw = Feedwater venturi flow coefficient F a,fw = Feedwater venturi correction for thermal expansion fw = Feedwater density (lb / ft
Eq. 3.1 The individual primary loop volumetric flows are determined by correcting the thermal output of the steam generator for steam generator blowdown (if not secured), subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the loops share of the primary side system losses, dividing by the primary side enthalpy rise and multiplying by the cold leg specific volume. The equation for this calculation is:
: 3) P fw = Feedwater venturi pressure drop (inches H 2 O) The feedwater venturi flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the venturi and calibration tests performed by the vendor. The thermal expansion correction is based on the coefficient of expansion of the venturi material and the difference between feedwater temperature and calibration temperature. Feedwater density is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The venturi pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the venturi. For measurement of steam generator blowdown flow with the blowdown orifices, the blowdown flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:
(A) {QSG QP + QL} (VC)
bd bd bd bd PKW Eq. 3.5 where, W bd = Steam generator blowdown (lb / ft)
WL =
K bd = Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient bd = Steam generator blowdown density (lb / ft
Eq. 3.2 (hH hC)
: 3) P bd = Steam generator blowdown orifices pressure drop (inches H 2O) The blowdown orifice flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the orifice and calibration calculations performed by the vendor. Blowdown density is based on the measurement of steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The orifice pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the orifice. RCP heat addition is determined by calculation, based on the best estimate of coolant flow, pump head, and pump hydraulic efficiency.  
: where, WL
Loop flow (gpm)
Constant conversion factor 0.1247 gpm / (ft3 / hr)
Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr)
RCP heat addition for primary system (BTU / hr)
Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr)
Specific volume of the cold leg at TC (ft3 / lb) hH
Hot leg enthalpy (BTU / lb) hC
Cold leg enthalpy (BTU / lb)
The thermal output of each steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement that is defined as:
QSG = (hs hfw)Wfw (hs hbd)Wbd Eq. 3.3
: where, hs
Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) hfw
Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Feedwater flow (lb / hr) hbd
Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr)
The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated liquid conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The feedwater flow is determined by a venturi and a P transmitter in each of four feedwater lines. The steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The total system steam generator blowdown flow is the sum of flow from the flash tank and the flow to the heat exchanger determined by orifices and P transmitters.  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 For measurement of feedwater flow with the feedwater venturis, the feedwater flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:  
fw fw fw a,
fw fw P
Eq. 3.4
: where, Wfw
Feedwater loop flow (lb / hr)
Feedwater venturi flow coefficient Fa,fw  
Feedwater venturi correction for thermal expansion fw  
Feedwater density (lb / ft3)
Feedwater venturi pressure drop (inches H2O)
The feedwater venturi flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the venturi and calibration tests performed by the vendor. The thermal expansion correction is based on the coefficient of expansion of the venturi material and the difference between feedwater temperature and calibration temperature. Feedwater density is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The venturi pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the venturi.
For measurement of steam generator blowdown flow with the blowdown orifices, the blowdown flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:  
bd bd bd bd P
Eq. 3.5
: where, Wbd
Steam generator blowdown (lb / ft)
Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient bd  
Steam generator blowdown density (lb / ft3)
Steam generator blowdown orifices pressure drop (inches H2O)
The blowdown orifice flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the orifice and calibration calculations performed by the vendor. Blowdown density is based on the measurement of steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The orifice pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the orifice.
RCP heat addition is determined by calculation, based on the best estimate of coolant flow, pump head, and pump hydraulic efficiency.  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-4 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The primary system net heat losses are determined by calculation, considering the following system heat inputs and heat losses:
Charging flow Letdown flow Seal injection flow RCP thermal barrier cooler heat removal Pressurizer surge line flow Component insulation heat losses Component support heat losses Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) heat losses.
A single calculated sum for 100% RTP operation is used for these losses and heat inputs.
The hot leg and cold leg enthalpies are based on the measurement of the hot leg temperature, the cold leg temperature and the pressurizer pressure. The cold leg specific volume is based on measurement of the cold leg temperature and the calculation of cold leg pressure based on the pressurizer pressure measurement.
The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is thus based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:
Steamline pressure (Ps)
Feedwater temperature (Tfw)
Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)
Hot leg temperature (TH)
Cold leg temperature (TC)
Pressurizer pressure (Pp)
Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP) and on the following calculated values:
Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)
Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa)
Feedwater density (FW)
Feedwater enthalpy (FWh)
Feedwater pressure (FWp) (a constant value)
Steam enthalpy (hsp)
Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBFa) (a constant value)
Steam generator blowdown density (SGB)
Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGBh)
Moisture carryover (impacts hs)
Primary system net heat losses (QL) (a constant value)
RCP heat addition (Qp) (a constant value)
Hot leg enthalpy (hH)
Cold leg enthalpy (hC)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-4 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The primary system net heat losses are determined by calculation, considering the following system heat inputs and heat losses:  Charging flow  Letdown flow  Seal injection flow  RCP thermal barrier cooler heat removal  Pressurizer surge line flow  Component insulation heat losses  Component support heat losses  Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) heat losses. A single calculated sum for 100% RTP operation is used for these losses and heat inputs. The hot leg and cold leg enthalpies are based on the measurement of the hot leg temperature, the cold leg temperature and the pressurizer pressure. The cold leg specific volume is based on measurement of the cold leg temperature and the calculation of cold leg pressure based on the pressurizer pressure measurement. The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is thus based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:  Steamline pressure (P s)  Feedwater temperature (T fw)  Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)  Hot leg temperature (T H)  Cold leg temperature (T C)  Pressurizer pressure (P p)  Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP)  and on the following calculated values:  Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)  Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWF a)  Feedwater density (FW)  Feedwater enthalpy (FW h)  Feedwater pressure (FW p) (a constant value)  Steam enthalpy (hs p)  Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBF a) (a constant value)  Steam generator blowdown density (SGB)  Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGB h)  Moisture carryover (impacts h s)  Primary system net heat losses (Q L) (a constant value)  RCP heat addition (Q p) (a constant value)  Hot leg enthalpy (h H)  Cold leg enthalpy (h C)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-5 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and flow uncertainties on Table 3-3 are noted below.
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-5 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and flow uncertainties on Table 3-3 are noted below.
Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:   Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-3. For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of  
Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:
[ ]a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of  
Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-3.
[ ]a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of  
For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of [
[ ]a,c. Since RCS loop flow is proportional to steam generator thermal output that is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as  
[ ]a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling. The venturis should be inspected, and cleaned if necessary, prior to performance of the calorimetric measurement. If fouling is present but not removed, its effects must be treated as a flow bias. The uncertainty applied to the feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa) is based on the uncertainties of the measured feedwater temperature and the coefficient of thermal expansion for the venturi material, usually 304 stainless steel. For this material, a change of 1 F in the nominal feedwater temperature changes FWFa t by [  ]a,c and the steam generator thermal output by the same amount. An uncertainty in FWFa m of [  ]a,c for the material variance of the composition of 304 stainless steel is used in this analysis. This results in an additional uncertainty of  
a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of
[ ]a,c in feedwater flow. Westinghouse uses the conservative value of  
[ ]a,c in the uncertainty calculation. Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables, it is possible to determine the sensitivities of various parameters to changes in feedwater temperature and pressure. Table 3-3 notes the instrument uncertainties for the hardware used to perform the measurements and lists the various sensitivities. As can be seen on Table 3-3, feedwater temperature uncertainties have an impact on venturi FWFa t, feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy. Feedwater pressure uncertainties impact feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy.
Feedwater venturi FWP uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor: % flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100) 2 Eq. 3.6 The feedwater flow transmitter span is  
a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of [
[ ]a,c nominal flow.
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-6 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables again, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of steam enthalpy to changes in steam pressure and steam quality. Table 3-3 notes the uncertainty in steam pressure and provides the sensitivity. For steam quality, the Steam Tables were used to determine the sensitivity at a moisture content of  
a,c. Since RCS loop flow is proportional to steam generator thermal output that is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as [
[ ]a,c in steam mass. This value is noted on Table 3-3. An allowance of  
[ ]a,c is used for the combined steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient. The combined steam generator blowdown orifice SGBP uncertainties are converted to % steam generator blowdown flow using the following conversion factor:  
a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling.
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100) 2 Eq. 3.7 The combined steam generator blowdown flow transmitter span is  
The venturis should be inspected, and cleaned if necessary, prior to performance of the calorimetric measurement. If fouling is present but not removed, its effects must be treated as a flow bias.
]a,c nominal flow.
The uncertainty applied to the feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa) is based on the uncertainties of the measured feedwater temperature and the coefficient of thermal expansion for the venturi material, usually 304 stainless steel. For this material, a change of 1 F in the nominal feedwater temperature changes FWFat by [  
Primary Side The primary side uncertainties are in four principal areas, hot leg enthalpy, cold leg enthalpy, cold leg specific volume, and net pump heat addition. These are specifically noted on Table 3-3. Three primary side parameters are measured, T H , T C and pressurizer pressure by the plant computer. Hot leg enthalpy is influenced by T H, pressurizer pressure, and hot leg temperature streaming. The uncertainties for the instrumentation and the sensitivities are provided on Ta ble 3-3. The hot leg temperature streaming is split into loop and systematic components. For WCGS, the RTDs are located in the hot leg and cold leg thermowells (3 RTDs in the hot leg and 1 RTD in the cold leg: the RTD bypass manifolds are eliminated). A plant-specific evaluation has been performed that results in a hot leg temperature streaming uncertainty of [  ]a,c for the loop and  
[ ]a,c for the systematic components. The cold leg enthalpy and specific volume uncertainties are impacted by T C and the measured cold leg pressure (via Pressurizer Pressure). Table 3-3 provides the T C instrument uncertainty and the sensitivities. The net pump heat addition uncertainty is derived from the combination of the primary system net heat losses and the RCP heat addition. The uncertainty is summarized as follows:   System heat losses   Component conduction and convection losses + Pump heat adder________________________ = Net heat input to RCS = 14 MWt The uncertainty on system heat losses that is essentially all due to charging and letdown flows has been estimated to be  
a,c and the steam generator thermal output by the same amount.
[ ]a,c of the calculated value. Since direct measurements are not possible, the uncertainty on component conduction a nd convection losses is assumed to be  
An uncertainty in FWFam of [  
[ ]a,c of the calculated value. Reactor coolant pump hydraulics are known to a relatively high confidence level, supported by system hydraulic tests performed by Prairie Island Unit 2 and by input power measurements from several other plants. Therefore, the uncertainty for the RCP heat addition is estimated to be  
  ]a,c for the material variance of the composition of 304 stainless steel is used in this analysis. This results in an additional uncertainty of [
[   ]a,c of the best estimate value. Considering these parameters as one combined uncertainty, designated as the net pump heat addition (NPHA) uncertainty, the combined effect is estimated to be less Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-7 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 than [  ]a,c of the net heat input of 14 MWt. So, the overall uncertainty is less than
[  ]a,c of RCS flow. Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-3. Westinghouse has determined the dependent sets in the calculation and the direction of interactions, i.e., whether components in a dependent set are additive or subtractive with respect to a conservative calculation of RCS flow. As a result, the calculation explicitly accounts for dependent effects with credit taken for sign (or direction of impact).
a,c in feedwater flow.
3.4 LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES As noted in Section 1.0, RCS flow calorimetric is used as the reference for the normalized loop RCS flow control board indicators from the cold leg elbow tap P transmitters. The required Technical Specification 12-hour surveillance can then be performed by reading the loop RCS flow indicators. Table 3-4 notes the instrument uncertainties of the loop RCS flow indicators, assuming the average of three loop RCS flow channels per RCS loop. The P transmitter uncertainties are converted to % flow using the following conversion factor:  % flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100) 2 Eq. 3.8 The loop RCS flow transmitter span is
Westinghouse uses the conservative value of [
[  ]a,c  of nominal flow. The loop RCS flow channel uncertainty is then combined with the RCS flow calorimetric measurement uncertainty. The total four loop RCS flow uncertainty is
[  ]a,c assuming a normal, two-sided probability distributio n results in a standard deviation of
a,c in the uncertainty calculation.
[  ]a,c. 3.5 REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES A daily power calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for feedwater flow measurement, and the plant computer to measure all plant parameters. Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the core power is determined by summing the thermal output of the steam generators, correcting the total secondary power for steam generator blowdown, subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the primary side system losses, and dividing by the core BTU / hr at rated full power. The equation for this calculation is: 
Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables, it is possible to determine the sensitivities of various parameters to changes in feedwater temperature and pressure. Table 3-3 notes the instrument uncertainties for the hardware used to perform the measurements and lists the various sensitivities. As can be seen on Table 3-3, feedwater temperature uncertainties have an impact on venturi FWFat, feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy. Feedwater pressure uncertainties impact feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy.
Feedwater venturi FWP uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor:  
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.6 The feedwater flow transmitter span is [
a,c nominal flow.  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-6 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables again, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of steam enthalpy to changes in steam pressure and steam quality. Table 3-3 notes the uncertainty in steam pressure and provides the sensitivity. For steam quality, the Steam Tables were used to determine the sensitivity at a moisture content of [
a,c in steam mass. This value is noted on Table 3-3.
An allowance of [
  ]a,c is used for the combined steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient.
The combined steam generator blowdown orifice SGBP uncertainties are converted to % steam generator blowdown flow using the following conversion factor:  
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.7 The combined steam generator blowdown flow transmitter span is [
a,c nominal flow.
Primary Side The primary side uncertainties are in four principal areas, hot leg enthalpy, cold leg enthalpy, cold leg specific volume, and net pump heat addition. These are specifically noted on Table 3-3. Three primary side parameters are measured, TH, TC and pressurizer pressure by the plant computer. Hot leg enthalpy is influenced by TH, pressurizer pressure, and hot leg temperature streaming. The uncertainties for the instrumentation and the sensitivities are provided on Table 3-3. The hot leg temperature streaming is split into loop and systematic components. For WCGS, the RTDs are located in the hot leg and cold leg thermowells (3 RTDs in the hot leg and 1 RTD in the cold leg: the RTD bypass manifolds are eliminated).
A plant-specific evaluation has been performed that results in a hot leg temperature streaming uncertainty of [
  ]a,c for the loop and [
  ]a,c for the systematic components.
The cold leg enthalpy and specific volume uncertainties are impacted by TC and the measured cold leg pressure (via Pressurizer Pressure). Table 3-3 provides the TC instrument uncertainty and the sensitivities.
The net pump heat addition uncertainty is derived from the combination of the primary system net heat losses and the RCP heat addition. The uncertainty is summarized as follows:
System heat losses Component conduction and convection losses  
+ Pump heat adder________________________  
= Net heat input to RCS = 14 MWt The uncertainty on system heat losses that is essentially all due to charging and letdown flows has been estimated to be [
  ]a,c of the calculated value. Since direct measurements are not possible, the uncertainty on component conduction and convection losses is assumed to be [
  ]a,c of the calculated value. Reactor coolant pump hydraulics are known to a relatively high confidence level, supported by system hydraulic tests performed by Prairie Island Unit 2 and by input power measurements from several other plants. Therefore, the uncertainty for the RCP heat addition is estimated to be
]a,c of the best estimate value. Considering these parameters as one combined uncertainty, designated as the net pump heat addition (NPHA) uncertainty, the combined effect is estimated to be less  

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-8 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 RP = {(Q SG) + Q L - Q P}(100) Eq. 3.9 H where, RP = Core power (% RTP)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-7 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 than [
Q SG = Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr) as defined earlier Q P = RCP heat addition (BTU / hr) as defined earlier Q L = Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr) as defined earlier H = Rated core power (BTU / hr). For the purposes of this uncertainty analysis (and based on H noted above) it is assumed that the plant is at 100% RTP when the measurement is taken. Measurements performed at lower power levels will result in different uncertainty values. The thermal output of the steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement. The equation for this calculation was given previously, (Eq. 3.3), but is repeated here for convenience.  
]a,c of the net heat input of 14 MWt. So, the overall uncertainty is less than [
]a,c of RCS flow.
Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-3. Westinghouse has determined the dependent sets in the calculation and the direction of interactions, i.e., whether components in a dependent set are additive or subtractive with respect to a conservative calculation of RCS flow. As a result, the calculation explicitly accounts for dependent effects with credit taken for sign (or direction of impact).
3.4 LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES As noted in Section 1.0, RCS flow calorimetric is used as the reference for the normalized loop RCS flow control board indicators from the cold leg elbow tap P transmitters. The required Technical Specification 12-hour surveillance can then be performed by reading the loop RCS flow indicators. Table 3-4 notes the instrument uncertainties of the loop RCS flow indicators, assuming the average of three loop RCS flow channels per RCS loop. The P transmitter uncertainties are converted to % flow using the following conversion factor:
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.8 The loop RCS flow transmitter span is [
]a,c of nominal flow.
The loop RCS flow channel uncertainty is then combined with the RCS flow calorimetric measurement uncertainty.
The total four loop RCS flow uncertainty is [
]a,c assuming a normal, two-sided probability distribution results in a standard deviation of [
3.5 REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES A daily power calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for feedwater flow measurement, and the plant computer to measure all plant parameters.
Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the core power is determined by summing the thermal output of the steam generators, correcting the total secondary power for steam generator blowdown, subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the primary side system losses, and dividing by the core BTU / hr at rated full power. The equation for this calculation is:
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-8 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 RP = {(QSG) + QL - QP}(100)
Eq. 3.9 H
: where, RP  
Core power (% RTP)
Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr) as defined earlier QP
RCP heat addition (BTU / hr) as defined earlier QL
Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr) as defined earlier H  
Rated core power (BTU / hr).
For the purposes of this uncertainty analysis (and based on H noted above) it is assumed that the plant is at 100% RTP when the measurement is taken. Measurements performed at lower power levels will result in different uncertainty values.
The thermal output of the steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement.
The equation for this calculation was given previously, (Eq. 3.3), but is repeated here for convenience.
QSG = (hs - hfw)Wfw - (hs - hbd)Wbd
: where, hs
Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) hfw
Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Feedwater flow (lb / hr) hbd
Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr)
The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and calculated feedwater pressure. Steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions.
The (daily) power calorimetric measurement is based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:
Steamline pressure (Ps)
Feedwater temperature (Tfw)
Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)
Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP) and by the following calculated values:
Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)
Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa)
Feedwater density (FW)
Feedwater enthalpy (FWh)

Q SG = (h s - h fw)W fw - (h s - h bd)W bd  where, h s = Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) h fw = Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-9 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Feedwater pressure (FWp) (a constant value)
W fw = Feedwater flow (lb / hr) h bd = Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)
Steam enthalpy (hsp)
Wbd = Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr) The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and calculated feedwater pressure. Steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions. The (daily) power calorimetric measurement is based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:  Steamline pressure (P s)  Feedwater temperature (T fw)  Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)  Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP)  and by the following calculated values:  Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)  Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWF a)  Feedwater density (FW)  Feedwater enthalpy (FW h)
Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBFa) (a constant value)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-9 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Feedwater pressure (FW p) (a constant value) Steam enthalpy (hs p) Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBF a) (a constant value) Steam generator blowdown density (SGB) Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGB h) Moisture carryover (impacts h s) Primary system net heat losses (Q L) (a constant value) RCP heat addition (Q p) (a constant value) The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and power uncertainties are shown on Table 3-5.
Steam generator blowdown density (SGB)
Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:   Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-5. For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of  
Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGBh)
[ ]a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of  
Moisture carryover (impacts hs)
[   ]a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of  
Primary system net heat losses (QL) (a constant value)
[ ]a,c. Since the calculated steam generator thermal output is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as  
RCP heat addition (Qp) (a constant value)
[   ]a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling. The effect of fouling results in an indicated power hi gher than actual which is conservative.
The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and power uncertainties are shown on Table 3-5.
Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:
Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-5.
For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of [
  ]a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of
]a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of [
  ]a,c. Since the calculated steam generator thermal output is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as
]a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling. The effect of fouling results in an indicated power higher than actual which is conservative.
Feedwater venturi P uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor:  
Feedwater venturi P uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor:  
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100) 2 Eq. 3.10 The feedwater flow transmitter span is  
% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.10 The feedwater flow transmitter span is [
]a,c of nominal flow. Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-5. Westinghouse has determined the dependent set in the calculation and the direction of interactions. This is the same as that performed for the RCS flow calorimetric measurement, but applicable only to power. The total four loop Daily Power Calorimetric uncertainty is  
]a,c of nominal flow.
[ ]a,c. Assuming a normal two-sided probability distribution results in a standard deviation of  
Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-5. Westinghouse has determined the dependent set in the calculation and the direction of interactions. This is the same as that performed for the RCS flow calorimetric measurement, but applicable only to power.
[ ]a,c.
The total four loop Daily Power Calorimetric uncertainty is [
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-10 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0
Assuming a normal two-sided probability distribution results in a standard deviation of [

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-10 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3.6 UNCERTAINTY SOURCES This section contains the sources of information utilized in the uncertainty calculations.
SOURCES This section contains the sources of information utilized in the uncertainty calculations. Noted below is a listing of the principal sources of information for the instrument channel uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse. These sources include information from the following areas: NRC Documents Westinghouse Safety Analyses Vendor Documents Scaling Procedure Calibration Procedures (listed as a typical example) Surveillance Procedures (listed as a typical example) Additional WCGS Documents The following sources represent the equipment currently being used at WCGS. These sources may change in the future if equipment is replaced due to obsolescence, etc. Given the information noted below and design inputs from WCNOC, e.g., M&TE to be utilized, Westinghouse performed the setpoint uncertainty calculations documented in Tables 3-1 through 3-5.
Noted below is a listing of the principal sources of information for the instrument channel uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse. These sources include information from the following areas:
NRC Documents Westinghouse Safety Analyses Vendor Documents Scaling Procedure Calibration Procedures (listed as a typical example)
Surveillance Procedures (listed as a typical example)
Additional WCGS Documents The following sources represent the equipment currently being used at WCGS. These sources may change in the future if equipment is replaced due to obsolescence, etc.
Given the information noted below and design inputs from WCNOC, e.g., M&TE to be utilized, Westinghouse performed the setpoint uncertainty calculations documented in Tables 3-1 through 3-5.
: 1. Rosemount, the Rosemount logotype, and Alphaline are registered trademarks of Rosemount, Inc.
: 1. Rosemount, the Rosemount logotype, and Alphaline are registered trademarks of Rosemount, Inc.
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-11 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-12 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0

===3.7 INSTRUMENT===
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-11 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 a,c
CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS Tables 3-1 through 3-5 document individual parameter uncertainties and instrument channel uncertainty CSA calculations for the RTDP functions. Each table includes a listing of the applicable terms for the function uncertainty and setpoint calculation:  Model of sensor/transmitter  Type of process rack  Listing of each uncertainty parameter, noting 
- Value (% span) or applicability
- Notes applicable to the parameter, including the Source Listing number from Section 3.6  Algorithm utilized  Algorithm with parameter values (% span) filled in  Source Material for SCA, SD, RCA and RD (where applicable)  Safety Analysis Limit (engineering units), including the Source  Nominal Control Setpoint (engineering units), including the Source  Instrument span, including the Source  Total Allowance (% span)  CSA (% span)  Margin (% span)  Transmitter operability criteria
- As Left Tolerances (ALT) (% span)
- As Found Tolerances (AFT) (% span)  Process rack operability criteria
- As Left Tolerances (% span)
- As Found Tolerances (% span) Westinghouse reports TA, CSA and Margin values to one decimal place using the technique of:  Rounding down values < 0.05% span  Rounding up values  0.05% span, as defined in Reference 2 Parameters reported as:
"N/A" are not applicable, i.e., have no value for that channel  "0" are applicable but are included in other terms, e.g., normalized parameters  "0.0" are applicable with a value less than 0.05% span

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-13 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance* Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-12 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3.7 INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS Tables 3-1 through 3-5 document individual parameter uncertainties and instrument channel uncertainty CSA calculations for the RTDP functions. Each table includes a listing of the applicable terms for the function uncertainty and setpoint calculation:
Prim ary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Model of sensor/transmitter Type of process rack Listing of each uncertainty parameter, noting Value (% span) or applicability Notes applicable to the parameter, including the Source Listing number from Section 3.6 Algorithm utilized Algorithm with parameter values (% span) filled in Source Material for SCA, SD, RCA and RD (where applicable)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)  
Safety Analysis Limit (engineering units), including the Source Nominal Control Setpoint (engineering units), including the Source Instrument span, including the Source Total Allowance (% span)
CSA (% span)
Margin (% span)
Transmitter operability criteria As Left Tolerances (ALT) (% span)
As Found Tolerances (AFT) (% span)
Process rack operability criteria As Left Tolerances (% span)
As Found Tolerances (% span)
Westinghouse reports TA, CSA and Margin values to one decimal place using the technique of:
Rounding down values < 0.05% span Rounding up values 0.05% span, as defined in Reference 2 Parameters reported as:
N/A are not applicable, i.e., have no value for that channel 0 are applicable but are included in other terms, e.g., normalized parameters 0.0 are applicable with a value less than 0.05% span

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 3) Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) (Source Listing 10) Value controlled by #  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-13 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 3)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) (Source Listing 10)
Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
]a,c Bias
]a,c Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)
Indicator Drift (RDIND)
Value controlled by ##
Indicator (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)
Control board meter readability Controller Accuracy (CA)
*In % span (800 psi) a,c a,c a,c

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-14 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)
Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance [
]a,c (indicated lower than actual) =
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and Instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-15 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)
Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by #
Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance [
]a,c (indicated higher than actual) =
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-16 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)
[  ]a,c   Bias [   ]a,c Ind i cator Calibration Accuracy (RCA IND) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##
Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1) = [
Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTE IND) (Source Listing 10)  
]a,c Instrument Span (Source #)  
[   ]a,c  Value controlled by ##
= 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1)
(indicated higher than actual)  
= [  
  ]a,c Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual)
= [
  ]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual)
= [  
]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual)  
= [
]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1)
(indicated lower than actual)  
= [
]a,c Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual)  
= [
]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)  
= [  
]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)
= [
  ]a,c Transmitter +As Left Tolerance (ALT)
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +As Found Tolerance (AFT)
Transmitter -AFT

Indicator Temperature Effect (RTE IND) (Source Listing 5)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-17 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)
Indicator Drift (RD IND)   Value controlled by ##
Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Process Racks (controller) +ALT
Process Racks (controller) -ALT
Process Racks (controller) +AFT
Process Racks (controller) -AFT
Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT
Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT
Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT
Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT
a,c a,c

Indicator (READOUT IND) (Source Listing 6) Control board meter readability
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-18 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRARTD) (Source Listing 4)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCARTD) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTERTD)
]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPERTD)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STERTD)
Sensor Drift (SDRTD)
Value controlled by #
RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) (Source Listing 9)
Environmental Allowance (EARTD)
Bias Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)
Indicator Drift (RDIND)
Value controlled by ##
* In Tavg span (100&deg;F) a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-19 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance*
Indicator Control Board Meter Readability (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)
Controller Accuracy (CA)  
Controller Accuracy (CA)  
*In % span (800 psi) a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-14 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.) Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance
*In Tavg span (100&deg;F)
[  ]a,c (indicated lower than actual) =              Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and Instrument span  
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.
# STS IC-502A, "Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-502B, "Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation," (typical for this function).
STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-15 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.) Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance
[  ]a,c (indicated higher than actual) =
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-502A, "Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).  ## STS IC-502B, "Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation," (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-16 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.) Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1)  =
[  ]a,c Instrument Span (Source #)  = 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1) 
  (indicated higher than actual) 
=  [  ]a,c Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual)
= [  ]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual)
= [  ]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual)
= [    ]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1)

  (indicated lower than actual) 
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-20 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
= [  ]a,c Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual) 
Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance**
= [  ]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMATP)
= [  ]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
= [  ]a,c Transmitter +As Left Tolerance (ALT)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRATP) (Source Listing 3)
=  Transmitter -ALT
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCATP) (Source Listing 3)
=  Transmitter +As Found Tolerance (AFT) =
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTETP) (Source Listing 10)
Transmitter -AFT
Value controlled by #
=    a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-17 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.) Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Process Racks (controller) +ALT =  Process Racks (controller) -ALT = Process Racks (controller) +AFT =  Process Racks (controller) -AFT =  Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT =  Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT =  Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT =
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPETP)
Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT =
Sensor Temperature Effects (STETP)
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-18 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance* Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)          Prim ary Ele ment Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Drift (SDTP)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA RTD) (Source Listing 4)
Value controlled by #
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA RTD) (Source Listing 7) Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EATP) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE RTD) [ ]a,c  Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE RTD)   Sensor Temperature Effects (STE RTD)   Sensor Drift (SD RTD)  Value controlled by #
  ]a,c Bias Turbine Pressure Sensitivity (TP_Sen)
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCATP) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTETP) (Source Listing 10)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
**In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)  
***Sensitivity of Tref to Turbine Pressure uncertainties is based on the relationship between Turbine Pressure and Tref from no load to full power. It is used to convert Turbine Impulse Pressure uncertainties to Tavg Span.
a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-21 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance**
Rack Temperature Effects (RTETP) (Source Listing 5)
Rack Drift (RDTP)
Value controlled by ##  
** In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span STS IC-506A, Channel Calibration Impulse Chamber Pressure, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STS IC-506B, Calibration of 7300 Process Turbine Impulse Pressure, (typical for this function).

RTD Lead Imbalance (RTD LI) (Source Listing 9)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-22 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator NH = Number of hot leg RTDs = 3 NC = Number of cold leg RTDs = 1
]a,c Channel Statistical Allowance =

Environmental Allowance (EA RTD)   Bias    Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCA IND) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-23 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Channel Statistical Allowance =
However, this does not include the controller deadband of [
]a,c. The controller uncertainty is the combination of the electronics uncertainty and the deadband. The probability distribution for the deadband has been determined to be [
]a,c. The variance for the deadband uncertainty is then:
(s2)2 = [
Combining the variance for the electronics and the variance for the deadband results in a controller variance of:
(sC)2 = (s1)2 + (s2)2 = [
]a,c The controller standard deviation sC = [
]a,c results in a total random uncertainty of
]a,c and a total bias of [

Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTE IND) (Source Listing 10)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-24 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
[  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Nominal Full Power Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1)
Indicator Temperature Effect (RTE IND) (Source Listing 5)
= 588.4&deg;F1 Instrument Span (Tavg) (Source #)  
Indicator Drift (RD IND)  Value controlled by ##
= 530&deg;F to 630&deg;F Instrument Span (Turbine Pressure) (Source #)  
* In Tavg span (100&deg;F) a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-19 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance*
= 0 to 900 psig = 900 psi / 4-20 mA = 16 mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated lower than actual) (Source Listing 1) = 594.9&deg;F Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual)  
Indicator Control Board Meter Readability (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6) Controller Accuracy (CA)  
= [
*In Tavg span (100&deg;F)
]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)  
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span # STS RE-014, "Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs." ## STS IC-500D, "Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1," (typical for this function).
= [
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-20 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance** Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA TP)  Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)  
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA TP) (Source Listing 3)
= [
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA TP) (Source Listing 3) Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA
]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated higher than actual) (Source Listing 1) = 584.4&deg;F Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual)  
= [
]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual)  
= [
]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual)  
= [
]a,c RTD Input RTD +ALT
: 1. This analysis covers a Tavg operating window of 570.7&deg;F to 588.4&deg;F. The highest full power Tavg is shown and is the most limiting for this analysis. If the full power Tavg for the current operating cycle is different than this value then the calculations in this analysis will change.

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE TP) (Source Listing 10)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-25 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)
Valu e controlled by #
Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Turbine Pressure Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +ALT =
Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -ALT =
Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +AFT =
Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -AFT =
Tavg Indicator +ALT
Indicator -ALT
Indicator +AFT
Indicator -AFT
a,c a,c a,c

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE TP)   Sensor Temperature Effects (STE TP)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-26 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Sensor Drift (SD TP)  Value controlled by #  
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [
]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [
]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)
Sensor Drift (SD) [
]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [
]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [
]a,c (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by #
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [
  ]a,c Value controlled by #
RTD Interchangeability (RTDI)
]a,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTDNL)
* In % span (500&deg;F) a,c

Environmental Allowance (EA TP) (Source Listing 3)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-27 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c Bias  Tu rb ine Pressure Sensitivity (TP_Sen)
Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA TP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##
Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-011, Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check.
a,c a,c

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTE TP) (Source Listing 10)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-28 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[   ]a,c       Value controlled by ##  
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
]a,c Bias
* In % dp span a,c a,c

**In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-29 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
***Sensitivity of Tref to Turbine Pressure uncertainties is based on the relationship between Turbine Pressure and Tref from no load to full power. It is used to convert Turbine Impulse Pressure uncertainties to Tavg Span.
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-21 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance**
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Rack Temperature Effects (RTE TP) (Source Listing 5)  
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Value controlled by ##
* In % dp span a,c

Rack Drift (RD TP) Value controlled by ##
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-30 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
]a,c N = Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 2 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-417E Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STN IC-417A, Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c

  ** In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-31 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 2)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2)
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA)
]a,c Bias
]a,c (Bias1)
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Value controlled by ##
* In % span (1300 psi) a,c

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-32 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
  # STS IC-506A, "Channel Calibration  Impulse Chamber Pressure," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-506B, "Calibration of 7300 Process Turbine Impulse Pressure," (typical for this function).
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-22 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator N H = Number of hot leg RTDs = 3 N C = Number of cold leg RTDs = 1
N = Number of Steam Pressure Channels used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-507A, Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
[  ]a,c Channel Statistical Allowance =
STS IC-507D, Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I, (typical for this function).
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-23 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Channel Statistical Allowance =
a,c a,c
However, this does not include the controller deadband of  
[  ]a,c. The controller uncertainty is the combination of the electronics uncertainty and the deadband. T he probability distribution for the deadband has been determined to be
[  ]a,c. The variance for the deadband uncertainty is then:  (s 2)2 = [  ]a,c. Combining the variance for the electronics and the variance for the deadband results in a controller variance of:  (s C)2 = (s 1)2 + (s 2)2 = [  ]a,c The controller standard deviation s C = [  ]a,c results in a total random uncertainty of
[  ]a,c and a total bias of
[  ]a,c. a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-24 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Nominal Full Power Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1) = 588.4&deg;F 1 Instrument Span (Tavg) (Source  #) = 530&deg;F to 630&deg;F  Instrument Span (Turbine Pressure) (Source #) = 0 to 900 psig = 900 psi / 4-20 mA = 16 mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated lower than actual) (Source Listing 1) =  594.9&deg;F Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual)  =
[  ]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)  =
[  ]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)  = [ ]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated higher than actual) (Source Listing 1) =  584.4&deg;F Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual) =
[    ]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual) =
[  ]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual) =
[  ]a,c RTD Input RTD +ALT =
: 1. This analysis covers a Tavg operating window of 570.7&deg;F to 588.4&deg;F. The highest full power Tavg is shown and is the most limiting for this analysis. If the full power Tavg for the current operating cycle is different than this value then the calculations in this analysis will change.
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-25 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.) Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Turbine Pressure Transmitter +ALT =      Transmitter -ALT  =      Transmitter +AFT =      Transmitter -AFT  =     

Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +ALT      =
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-33 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -ALT      =
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +AFT      =    Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -AFT      =
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Tavg Indicator +ALT  =    Indicator -ALT  =    Indicator +AFT  =    Indicator -AFT  =
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
a,ca,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-26 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA) Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
  ]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Sens or Calibration Accuracy (SCA) 
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
[ ]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
[  ]a,cSensor Measure m ent & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Sensor Pressure Effects  (SPE)    Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) Sensor Drift (SD)
[  ]a,c  Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias  RTD Lead Imbalance (RTD LI) [  ]a,c  Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) [  ]a,c(Source Listing 8) Value controlled by # Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [  ]a,c[   ]a,c Value controlled by #
]a,c Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)   [  ]a,c Rack Drift (RD COMP) [  ]a,c Value controlled by # RTD Interchangeability (RTD I) [  ]a,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTD NL) [  ]a,c
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
* In % span (500&deg;F) a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-27 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Num ber of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-011, "Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check."
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
  ]a,c Bias
* In % dp span a,c a,c

a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-28 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-34 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
[    ]a,c  Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)  
Value controlled by #
[ ]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA
]a,c Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Value controlled by #
* In % dp span a,c

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-35 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled.
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STN IC-225 Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
a,c a,c

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-36 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[   ]a,c [   ]a,c Value controlled by #
Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Drift (SD)  Value controlled by #  
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
]a,c Bias
  ]a,c (Bias1)
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Value controlled by ##
* In % span (800 psi) a,c

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-37 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[ ]a,c Bias
Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
* In % dp span a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-29 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
N = Number of Pressurizer Pressure Channels used: 4 Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##
STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Pressurizer Pressure Instrumentation.
Rack Meas ure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  [  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
a,c a,c
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)  Rack Drift (RD COMP)  Value controlled by ##
* In % dp span a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-30 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =  
[    ]a,c N = Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 2 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-417E "Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STN IC-417A, "Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation," (typical for this function).
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-31 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 2) Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) 
[  ]a,c [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2) Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by # Environmental Allowance (EA) 
[  ]a,c Bias  [  ]a,c (Bias1) Rack Calibration Acc u racy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ## Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  [  ]a,c  Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)  Rack Drift (RD COMP) Value controlled by ##
* In % span (1300 psi)

a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-32 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-38 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
N = Num ber of Steam Pressure Channels used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-507A, "Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-507D, "Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I," (typical for this function).
RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-33 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer  Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  
  ]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [
]a,c (Source Listing 9)
Value controlled by #
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [
]a,c (Source Listing 4)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)
Sensor Drift (SD)
]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [
]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [
]a,c (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP) [
  ]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by ##
* In % span (120&deg;F) a,c

Prim ary Ele ment Accuracy (PEA)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-39 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c  Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA
N = Number of RTDs used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.
STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-40 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [
]a,c (Source Listing 9)
Value controlled by #
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [
]a,c (Source Listing 4)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)
Sensor Drift (SD)
]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [
]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [
]a,c (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP) [
]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by ##
* In % span (120&deg;F) a,c

Sensor Measure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-41 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.
STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c  

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-42 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by #
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-43 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)
h (SG)

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-44 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c Bias
RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)
* In % dp span    a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-34 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by #
Rack Meas ure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)  Rack Drift (RD COMP)  Value controlled by #
* In % dp span a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-35 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
[  ]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled. Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STN IC-225 "Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-36 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7) Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) 
h (VESS)  
[  ]a,c [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3) Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by # Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
[  ]a,c Bias  [  ]a,c (Bias1)  Rack Calibration Acc u racy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ## Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  [ ]a,c  Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)  Rack Drift (RD COMP) Value controlled by ##
* In % span (800 psi) a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-37 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
N = Number of Pressurizer Pressure Channels used: 4 Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span
# STS IC-502A, "Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-502B, "Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Pressurizer Pressure Instrumentation."
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-38 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA) 
[    ]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA)
[  ]a,c (Source Listing 9) Value controlled by # Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) 
[ ]a,c (Source Listing 4)Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) 
[  ]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects  (SPE)    Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) Sensor Drift (SD) 
[  ]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias  RTD Lead Imbalance (RTD LI) [  ]a,c  Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) [  ]a,c (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ## Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [  ]a,c [  ]a,c  Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP) [  ]a,c Rack Drift (R D COMP) [  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
* In % span (120&deg;F)

a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-39 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Channel Statistical Allowance =
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-45 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
N = Num ber of RTDs used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS RE-014, "Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs." ## STS IC-500D, "Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1," (typical for this function).
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
a,ca,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-40 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA) Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sens or Calibration Accuracy (SCA)  
[  ]a,c (Source Listing 9) Value controlled by # Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA)  
[  ]a,c (Source Listing 4)Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
[  ]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)   Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) Sensor Drift (SD)
[  ]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias  RTD Lead Imbalance (RTD LI) [  ]a,c  Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) [  ]a,c (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ## Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [  ]a,c[  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP) [  ]a,c Rack Drift (RD COMP) [ ]a,c Value controlled by ##
* In % span (120&deg;F) a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-41 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Channel Statistical Allowance = Num ber of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS RE-014, "Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs." ## STS IC-500D, "Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1," (typical for this function).
a,ca,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-42 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
MOISTURE (hsmoist)
P (SGBP)  
*, **, +, ++, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-46 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
*, **, +, ++, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-47 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Using the flow uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:
Flow = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-48 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Safety Analysis Uncertainty
]a,c Margin
N/A Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT
Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500&deg;F (Source #)
Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT
a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-49 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter.
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 1300 psig = 1300 psi Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT
SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 100 in H2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT
a,c a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-50 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-43 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis) FEEDWATER FLOW F a  TEMPERATURE = MATERIAL =DENSITY TEMPERATURE =
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT  
Transmitter -ALT  
Transmitter +AFT  
MATERIAL =P =  a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-44 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis) HOT LEG ENTHALPY TEMPERATURE =
Transmitter -AFT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT  
PRESSURE =  a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-45 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) COMPONENT INSTRUMENT UNCERTAINTY FLOW UNCERTAINTY
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT  
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-46 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) COMPONENT INSTRUMENT UNCERTAINTY FLOW UNCERTAINTY
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT  
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-47 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Using the flow uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:  Flow = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-48 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Safety Analysis Uncertainty =
N/A CSA =[  ]a,c Margin = N/A Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer   Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT  
= Transmitter -ALT  
= Transmitter +AFT  
Hot Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 540&deg;F to 660&deg;F RTD +ALT  
= Transmitter -AFT  
= Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT =
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT = Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500&deg;F (Source  #) Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT
= Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT
= Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT
= Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT
=  a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-49 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter. Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer   Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 1300 psig = 1300 psi Transmitter +ALT = Transmitter -ALT = Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT = SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source #)  0 to 100 in H 2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT = Transmitter -ALT = Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT =
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT  
a,c a,c a,c a,c

a,c a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-50 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source #) 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT = Transmitter -ALT = Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT =
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-51 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT = Hot Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source #) 540&deg;F to 660&deg;F  RTD +ALT = RTD -ALT = RTD +AFT = RTD -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT =
RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT =
Cold Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 520&deg;F to 640&deg;F RTD +ALT  
a,c a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-51 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.) RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Cold Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer   Instrument Span (Source #) 520&deg;F to 640&deg;F RTD +ALT = RTD -ALT = RTD +AFT = RTD -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT =
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT =
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-52 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow  Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication  Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance* Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)        Prim ary Ele ment Accuracy (PEA)
  [  ]a,c  Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) 
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT  
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT  
a,c a,c

  [   ]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-52 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*
  [  ]a,c   Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)  
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
  [   ]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)  
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
  [  ]a,c   Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)  
  [  ]a,c Sensor Drift (SD)
]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA)
  [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)  
]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
  [  ]a,c   Bias [  ]a,c Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCA IND) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##  
  ]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
  ]a,c Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)
  ]a,c Sensor Drift (SD)
  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
  ]a,c Bias
  ]a,c Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)
]a,c Value controlled by ##
Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)
* In % flow a,c a,c

Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTE IND) (Source Listing 10)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-53 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)
[  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*
Indicator Temperature Effect (RTE IND) (Source Listing 5)
Indicator Drift (RDIND)
  [  ]a,c
* In % flow a,ca,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-53 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.) Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance* Indicator Drift (RD IND)   [  ]a,c   Value controlled by ##
  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Indicator (READOUT IND) (Source Listing 6) Control board meter readability
Indicator (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)
* In % flow a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-54 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow  Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.) Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance
Control board meter readability
=  Channel Statistical Allowance for
* In % flow a,c
[  ]a,c Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-504B, "Reactor Coolant Flow Transmitter Calibration," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-504C, "Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Reactor Coolant Flow," (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-55 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow  Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.) Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter RCS Flow - Low Instrument Span (Source  ##) = 120% flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA CSA = [  ]a,c Transmitter +ALT
= Transmitter -ALT
= Transmitter +AFT
= Transmitter -AFT
= Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT
= Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT
= Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT
= Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-56 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sens or Calibration Accuracy (SCA)
[  ]a,c  Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA)
[  ]a,cSensor Measure m ent & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)    Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) Sensor Drift (SD)  
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-54 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)
[  ]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance =
Bias  RTD Lead Imbalance (RTD LI) [  ]a,c  Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) [  ]a,c (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by # Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [  ]a,c [  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Channel Statistical Allowance for [  
  ]a,c Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-504B, Reactor Coolant Flow Transmitter Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STS IC-504C, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Reactor Coolant Flow, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c a,c

Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)   [    ]a,c Rack Drift (RD COMP) [ ]a,c Value controlled by # RTD Interchangeability (RTD I) [  ]a ,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTD NL)  [  ]a, c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-55 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)
* In % span (500&deg;F)
Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter RCS Flow - Low Instrument Span (Source ##)  
120% flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA CSA
]a,c Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT
Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT
Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT
Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT
a,c a,c

a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-57 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-56 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =  Num ber of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-011, "Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check."
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-58 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Parameter Allowance*
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)  
]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [
[   ]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)  
]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
[       ]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)
Sensor Drift (SD) [  
]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)
Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [  
]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [
]a,c (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by #
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [
]a,c Value controlled by #
RTD Interchangeability (RTDI)
]a,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTDNL)
* In % span (500&deg;F) a,c

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-57 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span
# STS IC-011, Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check.
a,c a,c

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-58 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[   ]a,c [   ]a,c Value controlled by #
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by #  
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
]a,c Bias (Source Listing 4)
* In % dp span a,c a,c

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-59 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c Bias (Source Listing 4) 
[  ]a,c
* In % dp span a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-59 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by ##
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Rack Meas ure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  ]a,c   Value controlled by ##
Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP)   Rack Drift (RD COMP) Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
* In % dp span a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-60 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =  
  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
[   ]a,c Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span  
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
# STS IC-417E "Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STN IC-417A, "Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation," (typical for this function).
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-61 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Value controlled by ##
* In % dp span a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-60 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
]a,c Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-417E Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STN IC-417A, Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-61 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA) Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7) Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
Sensor Measure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
[  ]a,c [  ]a,c Value controlled by # Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2) Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by # Environmental Allowance (EA)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)
[   ]a,c Bias   [  ]a,c (Bias1) Rack Calibration Acc u racy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8)   Value controlled by ## Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  ]a,c   Value controlled by ##
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP) Rack Drift (RD COMP) Value controlled by ##
* In % span (1300 psi) a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-62 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance = N = Number of Steam Pressure Channels used: 2 per loop Function spec ific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STS IC-507A, "Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT). ## STS IC-507D, "Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I," (typical for this function).
  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2)
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA)
]a,c Bias
  ]a,c (Bias1)
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Value controlled by ##
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
  ]a,c Value controlled by ##
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Value controlled by ##
* In % span (1300 psi) a,c

a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-63 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-62 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
N = Number of Steam Pressure Channels used: 2 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-507A, Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
STS IC-507D, Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I, (typical for this function).
a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-63 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)  
Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)
[   ]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA  
]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)
Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)
[   ]a,c [   ]a,c Value controlled by #
]a,c Value controlled by #
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)
Sensor Drift (SD) Value controlled by #  
Sensor Drift (SD)
Value controlled by #
Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
]a,c Bias
* In % dp span a,c a,c

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-64 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
[  ]a,c Bias
* In % dp span a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-64 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCA COMP) (Source Listing 8) Value controlled by #
Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)
Rack Meas ure ment & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)  ]a,c Value controlled by #
Value controlled by #
Rack Temperature Effect (RTE COMP) Rack Drift (RD COMP) Value controlled by #
Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)
* In % dp span a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-65 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =  
  ]a,c Value controlled by #
[   ]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled. Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span # STN IC-225 "Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration," (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)
a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-66 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Rack Drift (RDCOMP)
Nominal Parameters FEEDWATER TEMPERATURE =  
Value controlled by #
* In % dp span a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-65 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =
]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled.
Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STN IC-225 Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).
a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-66 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-67 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)
h (SG)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-68 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
MOISTURE (hsmoist)
*, **, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-69 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-67 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Power Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis) FEEDWATER FLOW F a TEMPERATURE = MATERIAL = DENSITY TEMPERATURE =
= MATERIAL = P =    a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-68 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) COMPONENT INSTRUMENT UNCERTAINTY POWER UNCERTAINTY  
*, **, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.
*, **, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-69 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) COMPONENT INSTRUMENT UNCERTAINTY POWER UNCERTAINTY
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-70 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Using the power uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:
Power = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-71 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Safety Analysis Uncertainty, Total Power (Source Listing 1)
= [
]a,c CSA
= [
]a,c Margin
= [
]a,c Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT
Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500&deg;F (Source #)
Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT
Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT
a,c a,c a,c
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-72 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)
Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter.
Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 1300 psig / 4 - 20mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT
Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT
SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 100 in H2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT
Transmitter -ALT
Transmitter +AFT
Transmitter -AFT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT
Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT
a,c a,c a,c a,c

*, **,  Indicates sets of dependent parameters.
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 4-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 4
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-70 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS The preceding sections provide the methodology to account for pressure, temperature, RCS flow measurement, and power measurement uncertainties for the RTDP analysis. The uncertainty calculations have been performed for WCGS utilizing plant specific information and instrumentation and calibration procedures. The following or more conservative values are used in the WCGS RTDP analysis.
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Using the power uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:  Power = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-71 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Safety Analysis Uncertainty, Total Power (Source Listing 1)      =   
[  ]a,c CSA  =    [  ]a,c Margin  =    [  ]a,c Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source #)  0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT = Transmitter -ALT =
Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT = Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500&deg;F (Source #) Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT = Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT = Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT =

a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-72 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 5-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 5
Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis) Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter. Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source  #)  0 to 1300 psig / 4 - 20mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT = Transmitter -ALT = Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT = Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT = SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer  Instrument Span (Source  #) 0 to 100 in H 2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT =
Transmitter -ALT =
: 1.
Transmitter +AFT = Transmitter -AFT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT = Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT =
WCAP-11397-P-A, Revised Thermal Design Procedure, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, April, 1989.
a,c a,c a,c a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 4-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 4 RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS The preceding sections provide the methodology to account for pressure, temperature, RCS flow measurement, and power measurement uncertainties for the RTDP analysis. The uncertainty calculations have been performed for WCGS utilizing plant specific information and instrumentation and calibration procedures. The following or more conservative values are used in the WCGS RTDP analysis.
: 2.
a,c Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 5-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 5 REFERENCES  
WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, October, 2016.}}
: 1. WCAP-11397-P-A, "Revised Thermal Design Procedure," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, April, 1989.  
: 2. WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, "Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, October, 2016.}}

Latest revision as of 13:31, 9 January 2025

License Amendment Request for the Transition to Westinghouse Core Design and Safety Analyses - WCAP-18083-NP, Rev 0, Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations
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Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/2017
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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek Generating Station

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3

  • Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA

© 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved WCAP-18083-NP Revision 0 Westinghouse Revised Thermal Design Procedure Uncertainty Calculations for the Wolf Creek Generating Station Terrence P. Williams*

Setpoints and Control Systems November 2016 Reviewer:

Brandon T. Phillips*

Setpoints and Control Systems Approved: Michael P. Drudy*, Manager Setpoints and Control Systems

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 ii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................... iv PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING STAMP............................................................................................... v 1

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 1-1 2

METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 2-1 3

INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 PRESSURIZER PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES........................................................... 3-1 3.2 Tavg UNCERTAINTIES................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES........................ 3-1 3.4 LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES........................................... 3-7 3.5 REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES......................................... 3-7 3.6 UNCERTAINTY SOURCES......................................................................................... 3-10 3.7 INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS.............................. 3-12 4

RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................ 4-1 5

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 5-1

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iii WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Pressurizer Pressure - Control....................................................................................... 3-13 Table 3-2 Tavg - Control............................................................................................................... 3-18 Table 3-3 RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement........................................................................... 3-26 Table 3-4 RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication................................................................ 3-52 Table 3-5 Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement....................................................................... 3-56

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 iv WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 LIST OF FIGURES None.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 1-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 1

INTRODUCTION This WCAP reflects four operating parameter uncertainties that are used in the uncertainty analysis of the Revised Thermal Design Procedure (RTDP) (Reference 1). These parameters are pressurizer pressure, primary coolant temperature (Tavg), reactor coolant system (RCS) flow and reactor power. They are frequently monitored and several are used for control purposes. Pressurizer pressure is a controlled parameter and the uncertainty reflects the control system. Tavg is a controlled parameter via the temperature input to the rod control system, and the uncertainty reflects this control system.

Reactor power is monitored by the performance of a secondary side heat balance (power calorimetric) at least once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. RCS flow is monitored by the performance of a RCS flow calorimetric measurement at the beginning of each cycle for verification of minimum measured flow (MMF) and every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for RCS flow degradation when in Mode 1. The loop RCS flow channels are normalized to the RCS flow calorimetrics and are used to satisfy the 12-hour RCS flow surveillance (with a small increase in uncertainty).

These calculations are based upon the uncertainty algorithms and setpoint methodology defined in WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology (Reference 2). These indicated and control uncertainties, when supported by appropriate plant procedures and equipment qualification, are considered to result in a total instrument loop uncertainty, termed Channel Statistical Allowance (CSA), at a 95% probability and 95% confidence level (95/95) as required by Reference 1.

This document is divided into four sections. Section 2 notes the current Westinghouse generalized algorithm for control functions (Eq. 2.1) and parameter indication (Eq. 2.2). The algorithms and their basis are described in Reference 2. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of the plant baseline design input documentation, have been included in each uncertainty calculation.

WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1 documents definitions of terms and associated acronyms used in the control and indication uncertainty calculations.

Section 3 includes a brief description of the uncertainty terms and values for each of the control and indication function uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse for the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS). Section 3 also contains a listing of the sources of information for the determination of each of the uncertainty terms contained in the tables and the uncertainty calculations. Shown on each table is the function specific uncertainty algorithm which notes the appropriate combination of instrument uncertainties used to determine the CSA. Included for each control function is a listing of the following parameters: Safety Analysis Limit ([SAL] for initial conditions), Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS),

Total Allowance (TA), Margin, and Operability criteria As Left Tolerance (ALT) and As Found Tolerance (AFT), for both the sensor/transmitter and process racks.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 2

METHODOLOGY This section contains a brief description of the Westinghouse Uncertainty Methodology as applied to WCGS. A more detailed description is contained in Reference 2. The basic algorithms for control and indication used in the determination of the overall CSA are noted in Eq. 2.1 below. All appropriate and applicable uncertainties, as defined by a review of plant specific baseline design input documentation, are included in each control or indication function CSA calculation. See Reference 2 for the definitions of terms used in the algorithms.

The methodology used to combine the uncertainty components for a channel is an appropriate combination of those groups that are statistically and functionally independent. Those uncertainties considered dependent are conservatively treated by arithmetic summation and then systematically combined with the independent terms. The basic algorithm used is a square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS).

The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for a control channel is noted in Eq. 2.1 (subscript IND denotes indication):

Eq. 2.1 a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 2-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The generalized relationship between the uncertainty components and the calculated uncertainty for an indication channel is noted in Eq. 2.2 (subscript IND denotes indication - control board meter or plant process computer):

Eq. 2.2

where, CSA


Channel Statistical Allowance PMA


Process Measurement Accuracy PEA


Primary Element Accuracy SRA


Sensor Reference Accuracy SMTE


Sensor Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy SD


Sensor Drift SCA


Sensor Calibration Accuracy SPE


Sensor Pressure Effects STE


Sensor Temperature Effects RMTE


Rack Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy RD


Rack Drift RCA


Rack Calibration Accuracy RTE


Rack Temperature Effects EA


Environmental Allowance BIAS


One directional, known magnitude allowance CA


Controller Accuracy READOUT =

Readout Device Accuracy


]a,c Each of the previous terms is defined in Reference 2. The basis for the above equations is provided in Reference 2.

The CSA values from Eq. 2.1 and Eq. 2.2 are considered to be determined at a 95% probability and at a 95% confidence level, consistent with the requirements of the RTDP (Reference 1).


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3

INSTRUMENTATION UNCERTAINTIES This section contains a discussion of the RTDP uncertainty functions. The first two sections, 3.1 and 3.2, include the two parameters which are controlled by Automatic Systems, Pressurizer Pressure and Tavg (through Rod Control). The next three sections, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, include the RCS Flow Calorimetric, Elbow Tap Indication and the Daily Power Calorimetric. Section 3.6 contains a listing of sources of information used for the uncertainties and Section 3.7 defines the type of information presented in the uncertainty tables.

3.1 PRESSURIZER PRESSURE UNCERTAINTIES Pressurizer Pressure is controlled by comparison of the measured vapor space pressure and a reference value. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made for the transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller. As noted on Table 3-1, the indicated higher than actual controller uncertainty for this function is [

]a,c which corresponds to an accuracy of [

]a,c. In addition to the controller accuracy, an allowance is made for pressure overshoot or undershoot due to the interaction and thermal inertia of the heaters and spray. Based on previous Westinghouse evaluation of typical plant operation, an allowance of


]a,c was made for this effect. Therefore, a total control system uncertainty of [

]a,c is calculated, which results in a standard deviation of [

]a,c (assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution).

3.2 Tavg UNCERTAINTIES Tavg is controlled by a closed loop control system that compares the auctioneered high Tavg from the loops with a reference derived from the First Stage Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure. Tavg is the average of the narrow range TH and TC values. The highest loop Tavg is then used for rod control. Proper operation of the control system is verified through indication. Allowances are made (as noted on Table 3-2) for the Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), transmitter and the process racks/indicators and controller.

The CSA for this function is dependent on the type of RTD, pressure transmitter, and the location of the RTDs, i.e., in the hot and cold legs. Based on the assumption that three TH and one TC cross-calibrated RTDs are used to calculate Tavg and the RTDs are located in the hot and cold leg piping, the CSA for the instrumentation is [

]a,c. Assuming a normal, two sided probability distribution results in an instrumentation standard deviation of [


3.3 RCS FLOW CALORIMETRIC MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES WCGS Technical Specifications require a RCS flow calorimetric measurement to verify RCS flow at the beginning of every fuel cycle at or near 100% rated thermal power (RTP) operation. It is assumed that the RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for measurement of feedwater flow and the plant computer is used to measure all parameters. No allowance has been made for feedwater fouling.

The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is performed by determining the steam generator thermal output (corrected for the reactor coolant pump (RCP) heat input and the loop's share of primary system heat

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-2 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 losses) and the enthalpy rise (h) of the primary coolant. Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the RCS total vessel flow is the sum of the individual primary loop flows, i.e.,


Eq. 3.1 The individual primary loop volumetric flows are determined by correcting the thermal output of the steam generator for steam generator blowdown (if not secured), subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the loops share of the primary side system losses, dividing by the primary side enthalpy rise and multiplying by the cold leg specific volume. The equation for this calculation is:

(A) {QSG QP + QL} (VC)

WL =

Eq. 3.2 (hH hC)

where, WL


Loop flow (gpm)



Constant conversion factor 0.1247 gpm / (ft3 / hr)



Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr)



RCP heat addition for primary system (BTU / hr)



Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr)



Specific volume of the cold leg at TC (ft3 / lb) hH


Hot leg enthalpy (BTU / lb) hC


Cold leg enthalpy (BTU / lb)

The thermal output of each steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement that is defined as:

QSG = (hs hfw)Wfw (hs hbd)Wbd Eq. 3.3

where, hs


Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) hfw


Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)



Feedwater flow (lb / hr) hbd


Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)



Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr)

The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated liquid conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The feedwater flow is determined by a venturi and a P transmitter in each of four feedwater lines. The steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The total system steam generator blowdown flow is the sum of flow from the flash tank and the flow to the heat exchanger determined by orifices and P transmitters.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-3 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 For measurement of feedwater flow with the feedwater venturis, the feedwater flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:

fw fw fw a,

fw fw P



Eq. 3.4

where, Wfw


Feedwater loop flow (lb / hr)



Feedwater venturi flow coefficient Fa,fw


Feedwater venturi correction for thermal expansion fw


Feedwater density (lb / ft3)



Feedwater venturi pressure drop (inches H2O)

The feedwater venturi flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the venturi and calibration tests performed by the vendor. The thermal expansion correction is based on the coefficient of expansion of the venturi material and the difference between feedwater temperature and calibration temperature. Feedwater density is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and a nominal feedwater pressure. The venturi pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the venturi.

For measurement of steam generator blowdown flow with the blowdown orifices, the blowdown flow is determined by a P measurement and the following calculation:

bd bd bd bd P


Eq. 3.5

where, Wbd


Steam generator blowdown (lb / ft)



Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient bd


Steam generator blowdown density (lb / ft3)



Steam generator blowdown orifices pressure drop (inches H2O)

The blowdown orifice flow coefficient is the product of a number of constants including as-built dimensions of the orifice and calibration calculations performed by the vendor. Blowdown density is based on the measurement of steam pressure, assuming saturated conditions. The orifice pressure drop is obtained from the output of the differential pressure transmitter connected to the orifice.

RCP heat addition is determined by calculation, based on the best estimate of coolant flow, pump head, and pump hydraulic efficiency.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-4 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The primary system net heat losses are determined by calculation, considering the following system heat inputs and heat losses:

Charging flow Letdown flow Seal injection flow RCP thermal barrier cooler heat removal Pressurizer surge line flow Component insulation heat losses Component support heat losses Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) heat losses.

A single calculated sum for 100% RTP operation is used for these losses and heat inputs.

The hot leg and cold leg enthalpies are based on the measurement of the hot leg temperature, the cold leg temperature and the pressurizer pressure. The cold leg specific volume is based on measurement of the cold leg temperature and the calculation of cold leg pressure based on the pressurizer pressure measurement.

The RCS flow calorimetric measurement is thus based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:

Steamline pressure (Ps)

Feedwater temperature (Tfw)

Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)

Hot leg temperature (TH)

Cold leg temperature (TC)

Pressurizer pressure (Pp)

Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP) and on the following calculated values:

Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)

Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa)

Feedwater density (FW)

Feedwater enthalpy (FWh)

Feedwater pressure (FWp) (a constant value)

Steam enthalpy (hsp)

Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBFa) (a constant value)

Steam generator blowdown density (SGB)

Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGBh)

Moisture carryover (impacts hs)

Primary system net heat losses (QL) (a constant value)

RCP heat addition (Qp) (a constant value)

Hot leg enthalpy (hH)

Cold leg enthalpy (hC)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-5 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and flow uncertainties on Table 3-3 are noted below.

Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:

Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-3.

For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of [


a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of



a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of [


a,c. Since RCS loop flow is proportional to steam generator thermal output that is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as [


a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling.

The venturis should be inspected, and cleaned if necessary, prior to performance of the calorimetric measurement. If fouling is present but not removed, its effects must be treated as a flow bias.

The uncertainty applied to the feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa) is based on the uncertainties of the measured feedwater temperature and the coefficient of thermal expansion for the venturi material, usually 304 stainless steel. For this material, a change of 1 F in the nominal feedwater temperature changes FWFat by [


a,c and the steam generator thermal output by the same amount.

An uncertainty in FWFam of [

]a,c for the material variance of the composition of 304 stainless steel is used in this analysis. This results in an additional uncertainty of [


a,c in feedwater flow.

Westinghouse uses the conservative value of [


a,c in the uncertainty calculation.

Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables, it is possible to determine the sensitivities of various parameters to changes in feedwater temperature and pressure. Table 3-3 notes the instrument uncertainties for the hardware used to perform the measurements and lists the various sensitivities. As can be seen on Table 3-3, feedwater temperature uncertainties have an impact on venturi FWFat, feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy. Feedwater pressure uncertainties impact feedwater density and feedwater enthalpy.

Feedwater venturi FWP uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor:

% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.6 The feedwater flow transmitter span is [


a,c nominal flow.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-6 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Using the IAPWS-95 Steam Tables again, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of steam enthalpy to changes in steam pressure and steam quality. Table 3-3 notes the uncertainty in steam pressure and provides the sensitivity. For steam quality, the Steam Tables were used to determine the sensitivity at a moisture content of [


a,c in steam mass. This value is noted on Table 3-3.

An allowance of [

]a,c is used for the combined steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient.

The combined steam generator blowdown orifice SGBP uncertainties are converted to % steam generator blowdown flow using the following conversion factor:

% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.7 The combined steam generator blowdown flow transmitter span is [


a,c nominal flow.

Primary Side The primary side uncertainties are in four principal areas, hot leg enthalpy, cold leg enthalpy, cold leg specific volume, and net pump heat addition. These are specifically noted on Table 3-3. Three primary side parameters are measured, TH, TC and pressurizer pressure by the plant computer. Hot leg enthalpy is influenced by TH, pressurizer pressure, and hot leg temperature streaming. The uncertainties for the instrumentation and the sensitivities are provided on Table 3-3. The hot leg temperature streaming is split into loop and systematic components. For WCGS, the RTDs are located in the hot leg and cold leg thermowells (3 RTDs in the hot leg and 1 RTD in the cold leg: the RTD bypass manifolds are eliminated).

A plant-specific evaluation has been performed that results in a hot leg temperature streaming uncertainty of [

]a,c for the loop and [

]a,c for the systematic components.

The cold leg enthalpy and specific volume uncertainties are impacted by TC and the measured cold leg pressure (via Pressurizer Pressure). Table 3-3 provides the TC instrument uncertainty and the sensitivities.

The net pump heat addition uncertainty is derived from the combination of the primary system net heat losses and the RCP heat addition. The uncertainty is summarized as follows:

System heat losses Component conduction and convection losses

+ Pump heat adder________________________

= Net heat input to RCS = 14 MWt The uncertainty on system heat losses that is essentially all due to charging and letdown flows has been estimated to be [

]a,c of the calculated value. Since direct measurements are not possible, the uncertainty on component conduction and convection losses is assumed to be [

]a,c of the calculated value. Reactor coolant pump hydraulics are known to a relatively high confidence level, supported by system hydraulic tests performed by Prairie Island Unit 2 and by input power measurements from several other plants. Therefore, the uncertainty for the RCP heat addition is estimated to be


]a,c of the best estimate value. Considering these parameters as one combined uncertainty, designated as the net pump heat addition (NPHA) uncertainty, the combined effect is estimated to be less

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-7 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 than [

]a,c of the net heat input of 14 MWt. So, the overall uncertainty is less than [

]a,c of RCS flow.

Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-3. Westinghouse has determined the dependent sets in the calculation and the direction of interactions, i.e., whether components in a dependent set are additive or subtractive with respect to a conservative calculation of RCS flow. As a result, the calculation explicitly accounts for dependent effects with credit taken for sign (or direction of impact).

3.4 LOOP RCS FLOW MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES As noted in Section 1.0, RCS flow calorimetric is used as the reference for the normalized loop RCS flow control board indicators from the cold leg elbow tap P transmitters. The required Technical Specification 12-hour surveillance can then be performed by reading the loop RCS flow indicators. Table 3-4 notes the instrument uncertainties of the loop RCS flow indicators, assuming the average of three loop RCS flow channels per RCS loop. The P transmitter uncertainties are converted to % flow using the following conversion factor:

% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.8 The loop RCS flow transmitter span is [

]a,c of nominal flow.

The loop RCS flow channel uncertainty is then combined with the RCS flow calorimetric measurement uncertainty.

The total four loop RCS flow uncertainty is [

]a,c assuming a normal, two-sided probability distribution results in a standard deviation of [


3.5 REACTOR POWER MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES A daily power calorimetric measurement is performed with the use of the feedwater venturis for feedwater flow measurement, and the plant computer to measure all plant parameters.

Assuming that the primary and secondary sides are in equilibrium, the core power is determined by summing the thermal output of the steam generators, correcting the total secondary power for steam generator blowdown, subtracting the RCP heat addition, adding the primary side system losses, and dividing by the core BTU / hr at rated full power. The equation for this calculation is:

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-8 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 RP = {(QSG) + QL - QP}(100)

Eq. 3.9 H

where, RP


Core power (% RTP)



Steam generator thermal output (BTU / hr) as defined earlier QP


RCP heat addition (BTU / hr) as defined earlier QL


Primary system net heat losses (BTU / hr) as defined earlier H


Rated core power (BTU / hr).

For the purposes of this uncertainty analysis (and based on H noted above) it is assumed that the plant is at 100% RTP when the measurement is taken. Measurements performed at lower power levels will result in different uncertainty values.

The thermal output of the steam generator is determined by a secondary side calorimetric measurement.

The equation for this calculation was given previously, (Eq. 3.3), but is repeated here for convenience.

QSG = (hs - hfw)Wfw - (hs - hbd)Wbd

where, hs


Steam enthalpy (BTU / lb) hfw


Feedwater enthalpy (BTU / lb)



Feedwater flow (lb / hr) hbd


Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (BTU / lb)



Steam generator blowdown flow (lb / hr)

The steam enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions. The feedwater enthalpy is based on the measurement of feedwater temperature and calculated feedwater pressure. Steam generator blowdown enthalpy is based on the measurement of steam generator outlet pressure assuming saturated conditions.

The (daily) power calorimetric measurement is based on the following plant measurements via the plant computer:

Steamline pressure (Ps)

Feedwater temperature (Tfw)

Feedwater venturi differential pressure (FWP)

Steam generator blowdown orifice differential pressure (SGBP) and by the following calculated values:

Feedwater venturi flow coefficient (FW) (a constant value)

Feedwater venturi thermal expansion correction (FWFa)

Feedwater density (FW)

Feedwater enthalpy (FWh)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-9 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Feedwater pressure (FWp) (a constant value)

Steam enthalpy (hsp)

Steam generator blowdown orifice flow coefficient (SGBFa) (a constant value)

Steam generator blowdown density (SGB)

Steam generator blowdown enthalpy (SGBh)

Moisture carryover (impacts hs)

Primary system net heat losses (QL) (a constant value)

RCP heat addition (Qp) (a constant value)

The derivation of the measurement uncertainties and power uncertainties are shown on Table 3-5.

Secondary Side The secondary side uncertainties are in three principal areas:

Feedwater flow Feedwater enthalpy Steam enthalpy These areas are specifically identified on Table 3-5.

For the measurement of feedwater flow, each feedwater venturi is calibrated by the vendor in a hydraulics laboratory under controlled conditions to an accuracy of [

]a,c. The calibration data that substantiates this accuracy is provided to the plant by the vendor. An additional uncertainty factor of


]a,c is included for installation effects, resulting in a conservative overall flow coefficient (FW) uncertainty of [

]a,c. Since the calculated steam generator thermal output is proportional to feedwater flow, the flow coefficient uncertainty is expressed as


]a,c. It should be noted that no allowance is made for venturi fouling. The effect of fouling results in an indicated power higher than actual which is conservative.

Feedwater venturi P uncertainties are converted to % feedwater flow using the following conversion factor:

% flow = (P uncertainty) (1/2) (transmitter span / 100)2 Eq. 3.10 The feedwater flow transmitter span is [

]a,c of nominal flow.

Parameter dependent effects are identified on Table 3-5. Westinghouse has determined the dependent set in the calculation and the direction of interactions. This is the same as that performed for the RCS flow calorimetric measurement, but applicable only to power.

The total four loop Daily Power Calorimetric uncertainty is [


Assuming a normal two-sided probability distribution results in a standard deviation of [


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-10 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3.6 UNCERTAINTY SOURCES This section contains the sources of information utilized in the uncertainty calculations.

Noted below is a listing of the principal sources of information for the instrument channel uncertainty calculations performed by Westinghouse. These sources include information from the following areas:

NRC Documents Westinghouse Safety Analyses Vendor Documents Scaling Procedure Calibration Procedures (listed as a typical example)

Surveillance Procedures (listed as a typical example)

Additional WCGS Documents The following sources represent the equipment currently being used at WCGS. These sources may change in the future if equipment is replaced due to obsolescence, etc.

Given the information noted below and design inputs from WCNOC, e.g., M&TE to be utilized, Westinghouse performed the setpoint uncertainty calculations documented in Tables 3-1 through 3-5.

1. Rosemount, the Rosemount logotype, and Alphaline are registered trademarks of Rosemount, Inc.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-11 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-12 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 3.7 INSTRUMENT CHANNEL UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONS Tables 3-1 through 3-5 document individual parameter uncertainties and instrument channel uncertainty CSA calculations for the RTDP functions. Each table includes a listing of the applicable terms for the function uncertainty and setpoint calculation:

Model of sensor/transmitter Type of process rack Listing of each uncertainty parameter, noting Value (% span) or applicability Notes applicable to the parameter, including the Source Listing number from Section 3.6 Algorithm utilized Algorithm with parameter values (% span) filled in Source Material for SCA, SD, RCA and RD (where applicable)

Safety Analysis Limit (engineering units), including the Source Nominal Control Setpoint (engineering units), including the Source Instrument span, including the Source Total Allowance (% span)

CSA (% span)

Margin (% span)

Transmitter operability criteria As Left Tolerances (ALT) (% span)

As Found Tolerances (AFT) (% span)

Process rack operability criteria As Left Tolerances (% span)

As Found Tolerances (% span)

Westinghouse reports TA, CSA and Margin values to one decimal place using the technique of:

Rounding down values < 0.05% span Rounding up values 0.05% span, as defined in Reference 2 Parameters reported as:

N/A are not applicable, i.e., have no value for that channel 0 are applicable but are included in other terms, e.g., normalized parameters 0.0 are applicable with a value less than 0.05% span

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-13 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 3)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE) (Source Listing 10)

Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias


]a,c Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)

Indicator Drift (RDIND)

Value controlled by ##

Indicator (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)

Control board meter readability Controller Accuracy (CA)

  • In % span (800 psi) a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-14 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)

Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance [

]a,c (indicated lower than actual) =

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and Instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-15 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)

Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance [

]a,c (indicated higher than actual) =

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-16 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)

Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Nominal Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1) = [

]a,c Instrument Span (Source #)

= 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1)

(indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (Source Listing 1)

(indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c Transmitter +As Left Tolerance (ALT)


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +As Found Tolerance (AFT)


Transmitter -AFT



Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-17 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-1. Pressurizer Pressure - Control (cont.)

Rosemount 1154SH9 Transmitters, Westinghouse Process 7300 Instrumentation, VX-252 Meter Process Racks (controller) +ALT


Process Racks (controller) -ALT


Process Racks (controller) +AFT


Process Racks (controller) -AFT


Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT


Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT


Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT


Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT


a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-18 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRARTD) (Source Listing 4)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCARTD) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTERTD)


]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPERTD)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STERTD)

Sensor Drift (SDRTD)

Value controlled by #

RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) (Source Listing 9)

Environmental Allowance (EARTD)

Bias Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)

Indicator Drift (RDIND)

Value controlled by ##

  • In Tavg span (100°F) a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-19 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Tavg Input Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Parameter Allowance*

Indicator Control Board Meter Readability (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)

Controller Accuracy (CA)

  • In Tavg span (100°F)

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.

STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-20 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance**

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMATP)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRATP) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCATP) (Source Listing 3)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTETP) (Source Listing 10)

Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPETP)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STETP)

Sensor Drift (SDTP)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EATP) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias Turbine Pressure Sensitivity (TP_Sen)

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCATP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTETP) (Source Listing 10)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

    • In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)
      • Sensitivity of Tref to Turbine Pressure uncertainties is based on the relationship between Turbine Pressure and Tref from no load to full power. It is used to convert Turbine Impulse Pressure uncertainties to Tavg Span.

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-21 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Turbine Impulse Pressure Input Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Parameter Allowance**

Rack Temperature Effects (RTETP) (Source Listing 5)

Rack Drift (RDTP)

Value controlled by ##

    • In Turbine Pressure span (900 psi)

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, instrument span STS IC-506A, Channel Calibration Impulse Chamber Pressure, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-506B, Calibration of 7300 Process Turbine Impulse Pressure, (typical for this function).


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-22 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator NH = Number of hot leg RTDs = 3 NC = Number of cold leg RTDs = 1


]a,c Channel Statistical Allowance =


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-23 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Channel Statistical Allowance =

However, this does not include the controller deadband of [

]a,c. The controller uncertainty is the combination of the electronics uncertainty and the deadband. The probability distribution for the deadband has been determined to be [

]a,c. The variance for the deadband uncertainty is then:

(s2)2 = [


Combining the variance for the electronics and the variance for the deadband results in a controller variance of:

(sC)2 = (s1)2 + (s2)2 = [

]a,c The controller standard deviation sC = [

]a,c results in a total random uncertainty of


]a,c and a total bias of [



Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-24 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Nominal Full Power Control Setpoint (NCS) (Source Listing 1)

= 588.4°F1 Instrument Span (Tavg) (Source #)

= 530°F to 630°F Instrument Span (Turbine Pressure) (Source #)

= 0 to 900 psig = 900 psi / 4-20 mA = 16 mA Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated lower than actual) (Source Listing 1) = 594.9°F Total Allowance (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c CSA (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c Margin (indicated lower than actual)

= [

]a,c Safety Analysis Initial Condition (indicated higher than actual) (Source Listing 1) = 584.4°F Total Allowance (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c CSA (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c Margin (indicated higher than actual)

= [

]a,c RTD Input RTD +ALT








1. This analysis covers a Tavg operating window of 570.7°F to 588.4°F. The highest full power Tavg is shown and is the most limiting for this analysis. If the full power Tavg for the current operating cycle is different than this value then the calculations in this analysis will change.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-25 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-2. Tavg - Control (cont.)

Weed N9004E RTD, Rosemount 1153GB8RA Transmitter, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Indicator Turbine Pressure Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +ALT =

Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -ALT =

Analog Input Process Racks (controller) +AFT =

Analog Input Process Racks (controller) -AFT =

Tavg Indicator +ALT


Indicator -ALT


Indicator +AFT


Indicator -AFT


a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-26 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [

]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [

]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)

Sensor Drift (SD) [

]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)

Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [

]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [

]a,c (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by #

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [



]a,c Value controlled by #

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)


]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [

]a,c Value controlled by #

RTD Interchangeability (RTDI)


]a,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTDNL)



  • In % span (500°F) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-27 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-011, Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check.

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-28 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)


]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)


]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias

  • In % dp span a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-29 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by ##

  • In % dp span a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-30 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =


]a,c N = Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 2 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-417E Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STN IC-417A, Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-31 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 2)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA)


]a,c Bias


]a,c (Bias1)

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by ##

  • In % span (1300 psi) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-32 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

N = Number of Steam Pressure Channels used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-507A, Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-507D, Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-33 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)


]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias

  • In % dp span a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-34 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by #

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by #

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by #

  • In % dp span a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-35 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =


]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled.

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STN IC-225 Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-36 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias


]a,c (Bias1)

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by ##

  • In % span (800 psi) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-37 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

N = Number of Pressurizer Pressure Channels used: 4 Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-502A, Calibration of Pressurizer Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-502B, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Pressurizer Pressure Instrumentation.

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-38 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)


]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [

]a,c (Source Listing 9)

Value controlled by #

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [

]a,c (Source Listing 4)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)


]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)

Sensor Drift (SD)


]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)

Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [

]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [

]a,c (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [



]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP) [

]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [

]a,c Value controlled by ##

  • In % span (120°F) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-39 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Thot Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

N = Number of RTDs used: 3 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.

STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-40 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [

]a,c (Source Listing 9)

Value controlled by #

Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [

]a,c (Source Listing 4)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)


]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)

Sensor Drift (SD)


]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)

Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [

]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [

]a,c (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [



]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP) [

]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [

]a,c Value controlled by ##

  • In % span (120°F) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-41 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Tcold Temperature Weed N9004E RTD, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS RE-014, Cross Calibration of Wide and Narrow Range RTDs.

STS IC-500D, Channel Calibration DT/Tavg Instrumentation Loop 1, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-42 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)
















Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-43 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)

















h (SG)

















Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-44 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)









h (VESS)











Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-45 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)











MOISTURE (hsmoist)







  • , **, +, ++, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-46 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)











  • , **, +, ++, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-47 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Using the flow uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:

Flow = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-48 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Safety Analysis Uncertainty





]a,c Margin


N/A Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500°F (Source #)

Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT


a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-49 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter.

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 1300 psig = 1300 psi Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 100 in H2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT


a,c a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-50 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Pressurizer Pressure Rosemount 1154SH9RA, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 1700 to 2500 psig = 800 psi / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


Hot Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 540°F to 660°F RTD +ALT








Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


a,c a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-51 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-3. RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

RCS Flow Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Cold Leg Temperature Weed N9004E, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 520°F to 640°F RTD +ALT








Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-52 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)


]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA)


]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)


]a,c Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)


]a,c Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)


]a,c Sensor Drift (SD)


]a,c Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias


]a,c Indicator Calibration Accuracy (RCAIND) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Indicator Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTEIND) (Source Listing 10)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Indicator Temperature Effect (RTEIND) (Source Listing 5)



  • In % flow a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-53 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)

Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Parameter Allowance*

Indicator Drift (RDIND)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Indicator (READOUTIND) (Source Listing 6)

Control board meter readability

  • In % flow a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-54 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)

Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter Channel Statistical Allowance =

Channel Statistical Allowance for [

]a,c Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-504B, Reactor Coolant Flow Transmitter Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-504C, Channel Calibration of 7300 Process Reactor Coolant Flow, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-55 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-4. RCS Flow Cold Leg Elbow Tap Indication (cont.)

Rosemount 1153HD5RC Transmitters, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, VX-252 Meter RCS Flow - Low Instrument Span (Source ##)


120% flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA CSA



]a,c Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (Indicator) +ALT


Process Racks (Indicator) -ALT


Process Racks (Indicator) +AFT


Process Racks (Indicator) -AFT


a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-56 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) [

]a,c Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) [

]a,c Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE)

Sensor Drift (SD) [

]a,c Environmental Allowance (EA)

Bias RTD Lead Imbalance (RTDLI) [

]a,c Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) [

]a,c (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by #

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP) [



]a,c Value controlled by #

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)


]a,c Rack Drift (RDCOMP) [

]a,c Value controlled by #

RTD Interchangeability (RTDI)


]a,c RTD Non-Linearity (RTDNL)



  • In % span (500°F) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-57 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

Number of RTDs used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for RCA, RD, and instrument span

  1. STS IC-011, Precision Calorimetric Loop Instrumentation Calibration Check.

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-58 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)


]a,c Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)


]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias (Source Listing 4)



  • In % dp span a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-59 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by ##

  • In % dp span a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-60 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =


]a,c Number of Feedwater Flow Channels used: 1 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-417E Calibration of Feedwater Flow Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STN IC-417A, Channel Calibration of Feedwater, Steamflow, and Related Steam Generator A Level Process Instrumentation, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-61 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)

Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 2)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 2)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA)


]a,c Bias


]a,c (Bias1)

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by ##

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by ##

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by ##

  • In % span (1300 psi) a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-62 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =

N = Number of Steam Pressure Channels used: 2 per loop Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STS IC-507A, Calibration Steam Line Pressure Transmitters, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

STS IC-507D, Channel Calibration Steamline Pressure Instrumentation Protection Set I, (typical for this function).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-63 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Process Measurement Accuracy (PMA)

Primary Element Accuracy (PEA)


]a,c Sensor Calibration Accuracy (SCA) (Source Listing 7)

Value controlled by #, consistent with SRA Sensor Reference Accuracy (SRA) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (SMTE)




]a,c Value controlled by #

Sensor Pressure Effects (SPE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Temperature Effects (STE) (Source Listing 3)

Sensor Drift (SD)

Value controlled by #

Environmental Allowance (EA) (Source Listing 3)


]a,c Bias

  • In % dp span a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-64 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Parameter Allowance*

Rack Calibration Accuracy (RCACOMP) (Source Listing 8)

Value controlled by #

Rack Measurement & Test Equipment Accuracy (RMTECOMP)


]a,c Value controlled by #

Rack Temperature Effect (RTECOMP)

Rack Drift (RDCOMP)

Value controlled by #

  • In % dp span a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-65 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Channel Statistical Allowance =


]a,c Number of SG Blowdown Flow Channels used: System SG Blowdown flow is the combined steam flow from the flash tank and flow to the heat exchanger. Instrument errors doubled.

Function specific source material for SCA, SD, RCA, RD, and instrument span STN IC-225 Steam Generator Blowdown System Flow Channel Calibration, (procedure controls transmitter drift magnitude determined from drift data evaluation process, see transmitter AFT).

a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-66 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)










Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-67 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Sensitivities (Using Feedwater Venturis)

















h (SG)

















Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-68 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)











MOISTURE (hsmoist)




  • , **, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-69 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)








  • , **, Indicates sets of dependent parameters.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-70 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Using the power uncertainty values, the 4 loop uncertainty equation is as follows:

Power = Channel Statistical Allowance a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-71 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Safety Analysis Uncertainty, Total Power (Source Listing 1)

= [

]a,c CSA

= [

]a,c Margin

= [

]a,c Feedwater Flow Rosemount 1152DP6N, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 129.2% Flow / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


Feedwater Temperature 100 RTD, Plant Computer Instrument Span = 500°F (Source #)

Process Racks (Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -ALT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) +AFT


Process Racks (Plant Computer ) -AFT


a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 3-72 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 Table 3-5. Daily Power Calorimetric Measurement (cont.)

Power Calorimetric Measurement Uncertainty (Using Feedwater Venturis)

Feedwater Pressure Feedwater Pressure is not a measured parameter.

Steam Pressure Barton 763, Westinghouse 7300 Process Racks, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 1300 psig / 4 - 20mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -ALT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) +AFT


Process Racks (7300 Process Racks/Plant Computer) -AFT


SG Blowdown Flow Rosemount 1151DP4E, Foxboro SPEC 200, Plant Computer Instrument Span (Source #) 0 to 100 in H2O / 4 - 20 mA = 16 mA Transmitter +ALT


Transmitter -ALT


Transmitter +AFT


Transmitter -AFT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +ALT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -ALT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) +AFT


Process Racks (Foxboro Spec 200) -AFT


a,c a,c a,c a,c

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 4-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 4

RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS The preceding sections provide the methodology to account for pressure, temperature, RCS flow measurement, and power measurement uncertainties for the RTDP analysis. The uncertainty calculations have been performed for WCGS utilizing plant specific information and instrumentation and calibration procedures. The following or more conservative values are used in the WCGS RTDP analysis.


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 5-1 WCAP-18083-NP November 2016 Revision 0 5



WCAP-11397-P-A, Revised Thermal Design Procedure, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, April, 1989.


WCAP-17504-P-A, Rev. 1, Westinghouse Generic Setpoint Methodology, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, October, 2016.