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FACIL:50"315 Donal a"., Cook Nuc1 ear Power Pl ant~Uni t ii 50-31(Donal o", Cook<~ucl ear Power Pl ant~Unit 2r AUTH.NA'E hv[~JR AFFILIATION 41ALQVKYpS
FACIL:50"315Donala".,CookNuc1earPowerPlant~Unitii50-31(Donalo",Cook<~uclearPowerPlant~Unit2rAUTH.NA'E hv[~JRAFFILIATION 41ALQVKYpS
~~Indi aqa 8<i cni=an K l ec tri c Co, REC IP RK"IP I EN f AFFILIATION DENTONg<.~.
~~Indiaqa8<icni=anKlectricCo,RECIPRK"IPIENfAFFILIATION DENTONg<.~.
Office cf Nuclear Reactor Regulationi Di  
OfficecfNuclearReactorRegulationi Di

AoplicationfzraniendtoLicensesDPR-58FOP~7asrevisions toTech-Soees redecayteatre>ova>refuel<pa cav)tywaterleveliinresponsetoNR0815Itrs.DISTRIBJTI3N C3D'001SCOPIESRKCKIVKO'LTR ENCLTITLE;GeneralDistribution forafterIssuanceofOperafiiV0DOCKETIndiana8050Ind'la'lRrecto"suovitted caoaoility C800eiiSIZE:g$+98ngLicenseVOTES:IRK'.3cooiesallmateri'al
Aopl i cat ion f zr aniend to Li censes DPR-58 F OP~7 as revisions to Tech-Soees re decay teat re>ova>refuel<pa cav)ty water leveliin response to NR 0815 I tr s.DISTRIBJTI3N C3D'001S COPIES RKCKIVKO'LTR ENCL TITLE;General Distribution for after Issuance of Operafi iV0 DOCKET Indiana 8 050 Ind'l a'lR recto" suovitted caoaoility C 800eii SIZE: g$+98 ng License VOTES: IRK'.3 cooi es al l materi'al.Send 3 copies of all material to 5)(G4.8&Sw 9%0@o~RKCIoIENT COPIES 13 CO~K/IMAGE LTTR ENCL ACTION: ORB 41 BC 04 13.13 I8,K.RECIPIENT ID CODE/NARK COPIES LTTR ENCL 05000315 05000316 INTERNAL+D/3IRgdU4l FAC05-ILK Oe OR SS 6R 10 EG F ILE 01 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 DIRg DIV OF LIC OELD li PAD ASST BR 1 1 1 0 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS VR PDR VTIS 09 02 le 16 1 1 1 1 LPDR VSIC 03 05 1 1 1 1 CLpp QGQ l S+TOTAL VV~BE<OF COPIES,<KJUIRED:
LTTR 4 ENCL I~~~~Ip~~i a,l'.+  
)NDIANA L MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COHPANY P.O.BOX 18 SOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y.10004 August 14 1981 AEP:NRC:0042OA Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 DECAY HEAT REMOYAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulatory U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555  
LTTR4ENCL I~~~~Ip~~ia,l'.+  
)NDIANALMICHIGANELECTRICCOHPANYP.O.BOX18SOWLINGGREENSTATIONNEWYORK,N.Y.10004August141981AEP:NRC:0042OA DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2DocketNos.50-315and50-316LicenseNos.DPR-58andDPR-74DECAYHEATREMOYALTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Mr.HaroldR.Denton,DirectorOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulatory U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
Thisletteranditsattachments provideour'response toMr.D.G.Eisenhut's letterofJunell,1980andMr.T.M.Novak'sletterofAugust15,1980whichrequested submittal ofTechnical Specification revisions concerning DecayHeatRemovalCapability andRefueling CavityWaterLevel,respectively.
This letter and its attachments provide our'response to Mr.D.G.Eisenhut's letter of June ll, 1980 and Mr.T.M.Novak's letter of August 15, 1980 which requested submittal of Technical Specification revisions concerning Decay Heat Removal Capability and Refueling Cavity Water Level, respectively.
Attachment 1discusses thelimiteddifferences betweenthemodelTechnical Specifications andthoseattachedherein.Attachment
Attachment 1 discusses the limited differences between the model Technical Specifications and those attached herein.Attachment
'2'on-tainstheproposedTechnical Specifications forUnit1oftheCookPlantandAttachment
'2'on-tains the proposed Technical Specifications for Unit 1 of the Cook Plant and Attachment
'3'ontains theproposedTechnical Specifications forUnit2.TheseproposedTechnical Specifications closelyfollowtheguidanceprovidedbythemodelTechnical Specifications contained intheafore-mentioned NRCletters.TheproposedTechnical Specifications contained hereinhavebeenreviewedbythePlantNuclearSafetyReviewCommittee andtheAmericanElectricPowerServiceCorporation NuclearSafety5DesignReviewCommittee.
'3'ontains the proposed Technical Specifications for Unit 2.These proposed Technical Specifications closely follow the guidance provided by the model Technical Specifications contained in the afore-mentioned NRC letters.The proposed Technical Specifications contained herein have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee and the American Electric Power Service Corporation Nuclear Safety 5 Design Review Committee.
Asaresultofthesereviews,ithasbeenconcluded thatimplementation oftheproposedTechnical Specifications willnotinanywayendangerthehealthandsafetyofthegeneralpublic.8108250255 8i0814PDRADOCK05000315PPDRgooiSi/iLn/JCl~~lP9goo.oo Mr.HaroldR.DentonAEP:NRC:00420A Indiana&MichiganElectricCompanyconsiders thissubmittal tobeaClassIIIAmendment, witha'duplicate unit'ee(ClassIAmendment) added,aspertheprovisions of10CFR170.22.Accordingly, attachedisacheckintheamountof$4,400.00.
As a result of these reviews, it has been concluded that implementation of the proposed Technical Specifications will not in any way endanger the health and safety of the general public.8108250255 8i0814 PDR ADOCK 05000315 P PDR gooi S i/i Ln/JC l~~l P 9goo.oo Mr.Harold R.Denton AEP: NRC:00420A Indiana&Michigan Electric Company considers this submittal to be a Class III Amendment, with a'duplicate unit'ee (Class I Amendment) added, as per the provisions of 10 CFR 170.22.Accordingly, attached is a check in the amount of$4,400.00.Very truly yours, G.P.Malo y Vice Presi en cc: John E.Dolan,-Columbus G.Charnoff R.C.Callen R.W.Jurgensen D.V.Shaller-Bridgman Joe Williams, Jr.Region III Resident Inspector at Cook Plant-Bridgman Attachment No.1 to AEP:NRC:00420A Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Decay Heat Removal Technical Specifications  
Verytrulyyours,G.P.MaloyVicePresiencc:JohnE.Dolan,-ColumbusG.CharnoffR.C.CallenR.W.Jurgensen D.V.Shaller-BridgmanJoeWilliams, Jr.RegionIIIResidentInspector atCookPlant-Bridgman Attachment No.1toAEP:NRC:00420A DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2DecayHeatRemovalTechnical Specifications  
'I ATTACHMENT 1 to AEP:NRC:0420A The Technical Specifications contained in Attachments
'I ATTACHMENT 1toAEP:NRC:0420A TheTechnical Specifications contained inAttachments
'2'nd'3.'or Units 1 and 2 of the Cook Plant respectively, reflect the requests of Mr.D.G.Eisenhut's letter of June ll, 1980 and Mr.T.M.Novak's letter of August 15, 1980.Mr.Eisenhut's letter requested submittal of Oecay Heat Removal Technical Specifications and Mr.Novak's letter addressed a Technical Specification on the Refueling Cavity>later level.The attached specifications differ from the model specifications contained in Messrs.Eisenhut's and Novak's letters only in that: (1)Under APPLICABILITY in Section of both Units, an upper internals reference has been added.The water level indicated now limits when the upper internals are removed.(2)The NRC model Surveillance Requirement in Section of both Units has been replaced by the similar Specification already exist-ing which is suitable for this Surveillance Requirement.
'2'nd'3.'orUnits1and2oftheCookPlantrespectively, reflecttherequestsofMr.D.G.Eisenhut's letterofJunell,1980andMr.T.M.Novak'sletterofAugust15,1980.Mr.Eisenhut's letterrequested submittal ofOecayHeatRemovalTechnical Specifications andMr.Novak'sletteraddressed aTechnical Specification ontheRefueling Cavity>laterlevel.Theattachedspecifications differfromthemodelspecifications contained inMessrs.Eisenhut's andNovak'slettersonlyinthat:(1)UnderAPPLICABILITY inSection3.9.8.2ofbothUnits,anupperinternals reference hasbeenadded.Thewaterlevelindicated limitswhentheupperinternals areremoved.(2)TheNRCmodelSurveillance Requirement inSection4.9.8.1ofbothUnitshasbeenreplacedbythesimilarSpecification alreadyexist-ingwhichissuitableforthisSurveillance Requirement.
(3)The Specifications under Surveillance Requirements in Sections and of Attachment 2 reference Specification 4.0.5.The latter does not exist as yet;however we plan': to sub-mit in the near future revisions to the Unit 1 Technical Specifi-cations which will include a Specification 4.0.5 very similar to the presently existing specification for Unit 2.(4)Where the proposed technical specifications make reference to pressurizer or steam generator water volumes, the appropriate level has been given in percent of instrument span.
(3)TheSpecifications underSurveillance Requirements inSections4. and4.9.8.2ofAttachment 2reference Specification 4.0.5.Thelatterdoesnotexistasyet;howeverweplan':tosub-mitinthenearfuturerevisions totheUnit1Technical Specifi-cationswhichwillincludeaSpecification

==4.0. 5verysimilartothepresently==
Attachment No.2 to AEP:NRC:00420A Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Decay Keat Removal Technical Specifications}}
existingspecification forUnit2.(4)Wheretheproposedtechnical specifications makereference topressurizer orsteamgenerator watervolumes,theappropriate levelhasbeengiveninpercentofinstrument span.
Attachment No.2toAEP:NRC:00420A DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2DecayKeatRemovalTechnical Specifications}}

Revision as of 08:27, 6 July 2018

Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74 Submitted as Revisions to Tech Specs Re Decay Heat Removal Capability & Refueling Cavity Water Level,In Response to NRC 800611 & 0815 Ltrs
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 08/14/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17331A782 List:
AEP:NRC:00420A, AEP:NRC:420A, NUDOCS 8108250255
Download: ML17331A781 (9)



FACIL:50"315 Donal a"., Cook Nuc1 ear Power Pl ant~Uni t ii 50-31(Donal o", Cook<~ucl ear Power Pl ant~Unit 2r AUTH.NA'E hv[~JR AFFILIATION 41ALQVKYpS

~~Indi aqa 8<i cni=an K l ec tri c Co, REC IP RK"IP I EN f AFFILIATION DENTONg<.~.

Office cf Nuclear Reactor Regulationi Di


Aopl i cat ion f zr aniend to Li censes DPR-58 F OP~7 as revisions to Tech-Soees re decay teat re>ova>refuel<pa cav)ty water leveliin response to NR 0815 I tr s.DISTRIBJTI3N C3D'001S COPIES RKCKIVKO'LTR ENCL TITLE;General Distribution for after Issuance of Operafi iV0 DOCKET Indiana 8 050 Ind'l a'lR recto" suovitted caoaoility C 800eii SIZE: g$+98 ng License VOTES: IRK'.3 cooi es al l materi'al.Send 3 copies of all material to 5)(G4.8&Sw 9%0@o~RKCIoIENT COPIES 13 CO~K/IMAGE LTTR ENCL ACTION: ORB 41 BC 04 13.13 I8,K.RECIPIENT ID CODE/NARK COPIES LTTR ENCL 05000315 05000316 INTERNAL+D/3IRgdU4l FAC05-ILK Oe OR SS 6R 10 EG F ILE 01 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 DIRg DIV OF LIC OELD li PAD ASST BR 1 1 1 0 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS VR PDR VTIS 09 02 le 16 1 1 1 1 LPDR VSIC 03 05 1 1 1 1 CLpp QGQ l S+TOTAL VV~BE<OF COPIES,<KJUIRED:

LTTR 4 ENCL I~~~~Ip~~i a,l'.+

)NDIANA L MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COHPANY P.O.BOX 18 SOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y.10004 August 14 1981 AEP:NRC:0042OA Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 DECAY HEAT REMOYAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulatory U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

Dear Mr.Denton:

This letter and its attachments provide our'response to Mr.D.G.Eisenhut's letter of June ll, 1980 and Mr.T.M.Novak's letter of August 15, 1980 which requested submittal of Technical Specification revisions concerning Decay Heat Removal Capability and Refueling Cavity Water Level, respectively.

Attachment 1 discusses the limited differences between the model Technical Specifications and those attached herein.Attachment

'2'on-tains the proposed Technical Specifications for Unit 1 of the Cook Plant and Attachment

'3'ontains the proposed Technical Specifications for Unit 2.These proposed Technical Specifications closely follow the guidance provided by the model Technical Specifications contained in the afore-mentioned NRC letters.The proposed Technical Specifications contained herein have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee and the American Electric Power Service Corporation Nuclear Safety 5 Design Review Committee.

As a result of these reviews, it has been concluded that implementation of the proposed Technical Specifications will not in any way endanger the health and safety of the general public.8108250255 8i0814 PDR ADOCK 05000315 P PDR gooi S i/i Ln/JC l~~l P 9goo.oo Mr.Harold R.Denton AEP: NRC:00420A Indiana&Michigan Electric Company considers this submittal to be a Class III Amendment, with a'duplicate unit'ee (Class I Amendment) added, as per the provisions of 10 CFR 170.22.Accordingly, attached is a check in the amount of$4,400.00.Very truly yours, G.P.Malo y Vice Presi en cc: John E.Dolan,-Columbus G.Charnoff R.C.Callen R.W.Jurgensen D.V.Shaller-Bridgman Joe Williams, Jr.Region III Resident Inspector at Cook Plant-Bridgman Attachment No.1 to AEP:NRC:00420A Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Decay Heat Removal Technical Specifications

'I ATTACHMENT 1 to AEP:NRC:0420A The Technical Specifications contained in Attachments

'2'nd'3.'or Units 1 and 2 of the Cook Plant respectively, reflect the requests of Mr.D.G.Eisenhut's letter of June ll, 1980 and Mr.T.M.Novak's letter of August 15, 1980.Mr.Eisenhut's letter requested submittal of Oecay Heat Removal Technical Specifications and Mr.Novak's letter addressed a Technical Specification on the Refueling Cavity>later level.The attached specifications differ from the model specifications contained in Messrs.Eisenhut's and Novak's letters only in that: (1)Under APPLICABILITY in Section of both Units, an upper internals reference has been added.The water level indicated now limits when the upper internals are removed.(2)The NRC model Surveillance Requirement in Section of both Units has been replaced by the similar Specification already exist-ing which is suitable for this Surveillance Requirement.

(3)The Specifications under Surveillance Requirements in Sections and of Attachment 2 reference Specification 4.0.5.The latter does not exist as yet;however we plan': to sub-mit in the near future revisions to the Unit 1 Technical Specifi-cations which will include a Specification 4.0.5 very similar to the presently existing specification for Unit 2.(4)Where the proposed technical specifications make reference to pressurizer or steam generator water volumes, the appropriate level has been given in percent of instrument span.

Attachment No.2 to AEP:NRC:00420A Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Decay Keat Removal Technical Specifications