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{{#Wiki_filter:NOC-AE- 14003161ATTACHMENT 1Cameron Measurement Systems/Caldon Ultrasonics Engineering Report:ER-1059 Rev 1, "Bounding Uncertainty Analysis for Thermal PowerDetermination at SouthTexas Project Units 1 and 2 Using theLEFM CheckPlus System" (Non-Proprietary) p.Caldon UltrasonicsEngineering Report:-Measurement SystemsER-1059 Rev. 1BOUNDING UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS FORTHERMAL POWER DETERMINATION AT SOUTHTEXAS PROJECT UNITS 1 and 2 USING THELEFMV-+ SYSTEMPrepared by: Ed MaderaChecked by: David MarkowskiReviewed by: Don AugensteinReviewed for Proprietary Information by: Ernie HauserAugust 2014ER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: And CCAMERONMeasurement SystemsEngineering Report No. ER-1059 Rev. 1August 2014ER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: A~iL..ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: A% tj rCAMERON Measurement SystemsEngineering Report: ER-1059 Rey. 1BOUNDING UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS FOR THERMAL POWERDETERMINATION AT SOUTH TEXAS NUCLEAR PROJECT UNITS 1AND 2 USING THE LEFM,/+ SYSTEMTable of Contents
6.0 APPENDICESA Information Supporting Uncertainty in LEFM/"+ Flow andTemperature MeasurementsA.1 LEFM,1+ InputsA.2 LEFMV+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsA.3 LEFMv1+ Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentA.4 [ ] TradeSecret &A.5 [ ConfidentialCommercialInformationB Total Thermal Power and Mass Flow Uncertainties using the LEFM-/+SystemER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~ER- 1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: ff!!LH CAM ERON Measurement SystemsPage I
The LEFM" and LEFM,/+1 are advanced ultrasonic systems that accurately determine thevolume flow and temperature of feedwater in nuclear power plants. Using a feedwater pressuresignal input to the LEFM" and LEFMV+: mass flow can be determined and, along with thetemperature output are used along with plant data to compute reactor core thermal power. Thetechnology underlying the LEFMv' ultrasonic instruments and the factors affecting theirperformance are described in a topical report, Reference 1, and a supplement to this topicalreport, Reference 2. The LEFMv'+, which is made of two LEFMv" subsystems, is described inanother supplement to the topical report, Reference 3. The exact amount of the uprate allowableunder a revision to 1OCFR50 Appendix K depends not only on the accuracy of the LEFM-/+instrument, but also on the uncertainties in other inputs to the thermal power calculation.It is the purpose of this document to provide an analysis of the uncertainty contribution of the TradeLEFM,/+ System [ ]to Secret &Confidentialthe overall thermal power uncertainty of South Texas Nuclear Generating Station Units I and 2 Commercial(Appendix B). InformationThe uncertainties in mass flow and feedwater temperature are also used in the calculation of theoverall thermal power uncertainty (Appendix B). [ TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercial] A detailed Informationdiscussion of the methodology for combining these terms is described in Reference 3.This analysis is a preliminary bounding analysis for the South Texas Nuclear Generating StationUnits 1 and 2. This revision utilizes nominal dimensions for the spool piece and nominal values Tradefor full power mass flow, final feed temperature, and steam conditions. [ Secret &ConfidentialCommercial] The commissioning tests for the LEFMV/+, to be performed following its Informationinstallation in the plant, will confirm that in fact, the time measurement uncertainties are withinthe bounding values used in the analysis.TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: Akjý eCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 22.0 SUMMARYFor South Texas Nuclear Project Units I and 2, Revision 1 results are as follows:1. The mass flow uncertainty approach is documented in Reference 3. The uncertainty in theLEFM,/+'s mass flow of feedwater is as follows:o Fully Functional LEFMV+ system mass flow uncertainty is [o Maintenance Mode LEFM,/+ system mass flow uncertainty is [ ][2. The uncertainty in the LEFM'+ feedwater temperature is as follows:o Fully Functional LEFM,/+ system temperature uncertainty is [ ]o Maintenance Mode LEFMV1+ system the uncertainty is [ I3. The total thermal power uncertainty approach is documented in Reference 3 and Appendix Bof this document. The total uncertainty in the determination of thermal power uses theLEFMv'+ system parameters and plant specific parameters, i.e., heat gain/losses, etc.;however, the uncertainty values below do not include the plant specific parameters.o Thermal power uncertainty using a Fully Functional LEFMv+ system is [ Io Thermal power uncertainty using a Maintenance Mode LEFM,/+ system is[ ]TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationI TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationIER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~IdLL!ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: A95vi C CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage 33.0 APPROACHAll errors and biases are calculated and combined according to the procedures defined inReference 4 and Reference 5 in order to determine the 95% confidence and probability value.The approach to determine the uncertainty, consistent with determining set points, is to combinethe random and bias terms by the means of the RSS approach provided that all the terms areindependent, zero-centered and normally distributed.Reference 4 defines the contributions of individual error elements through the use of sensitivitycoefficients defined as follows:A calculated variable P is determined by algorithm f, from measured variables X, Y, and Z.P = f (X, Y, Z)The error, or uncertainty in P, dP, is given by:dP-f dX + if dY +-Y dZA =- Z A --As noted above, P is the determined variable--in this case, reactor power or mass flow-- which iscalculated via measured variables X, Y, and Z using an algorithm f (X, Y, Z). The uncertainty orerror in P, dP, is determined on a per unit basis as follows:&=Xqj___ýYy ýd+Zqy JdZwhere the terms in brackets are referred to as the sensitivity coefficients.If the errors or biases in individual elements (dX/X, dYfY, and dZ/Z in the above equation) are allcaused by a common (systematic) boundary condition (for example ambient temperature) thetotal error dP/P is found by summing the three terms in the above equation. If, as is more oftenthe case, the errors in X, Y, and Z are independent of each other, then Reference 4 and 5recommends and probability theory requires that the total uncertainty be determined by the rootsum square as follows (for 95% confidence and probability):dP ~X~f dXJ2 +(JY df xzdY)2(IZ_!f dz )2IObviously, if some errors in individual elements are caused by a combination of boundaryconditions, some independent and some related (i.e., systematic) then a combination of the twoprocedures is appropriate.ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by:. O&W SCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 44.0 OVERVIEWThe analyses that support the calculation of LEFM,'+ uncertainties are contained in theappendices to this document. The function of each appendix is outlined below.Appendix A.1, LEFMV+ InputsThis appendix tabulates dimensional and other inputs to the LEFMv/+. [TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformation] which is used by the LEFM-/+ for thecomputation of mass flow and temperature.Appendix A.2, LEFMV"+ Uncertainty Items CalculationsThis appendix calculates the uncertainties in mass flow and temperature as computed bythe LEFM,"+ using the methodology described in Appendix E of Reference 1 andAppendix A of Reference 33, with uncertainties in the elements of these measurementsbounded as described in both references4.The spreadsheet calculations draw on the dataof Appendix A. 1 for dimensional information. []These uncertainties are an important factor in establishing the overall uncertainty of theLEFM '/+.Revision 1 of this analysis utilizes the bounding values of Reference 3 for all uncertaintyelements5 in the computation of plant specific uncertainties. Revision 2 of this appendixwill utilize the results of the calibration test for the plant spool piece(s) for the uncertaintyin the meter factor (calibration coefficient). The engineering report for the spool piececalibration test will be included as Appendix A.3 to Revision 2 of this report.TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationReference 3 (ER 157P-A) develops the uncertainties for the LEFM,/+ system. Because this system uses twomeasurement planes, the structure of its uncertainties differs somewhat that of an LEFMv.4 Reference 3 (ER 157P-A) revised some of the time measurement uncertainty bounds. The revised bounds are aconservative projection of actual performance of the LEFM hardware. ER 80P used bounds that were based on aconservative projection of theoretical performance.[IITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~2L~ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: AR" SCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 5Appendix A.3, Meter Factor (Calibration) UncertaintiesThis report documents the meter factor bounding uncertainty analysis for South TexasProject (STP) Units 1 and 2. Once the actual flow elements STP are made and calibrated,the actual calibration data and parametric tests will be used to compute a meter factoruncertainty for each unit.The calibration test report for the spool piece(s) establishes the overall uncertainty in themeter factor of the LEFM'/+. [TradeSecret &ConfidentiaCommerciaInformationIThis report's approach is to use the body of calibration and parametric testing thatCameron has performed on 195 nuclear power plant flow meters.Cameron will use the most conservative approach to compute a bounding uncertainty inthe meter factor as applied to STP. Further, additional conservatisms are used such thatthe uncertainty can be considered to be bounding.Appendix A.4, [[Appendix A.5, [IIITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationIIAppendix B, Total Thermal Power Uncertainty due to the LEFM V"+The total thermal power uncertainty due to the LEFM,/+ is calculated in this appendix,using the results of Appendix A.2, A.4 and A.5. Plant supplied steam conditions (whichenter into the computation of errors due to feedwater temperature) are used for thiscomputation. This appendix also computes the fraction of the uncertainty in feedwatertemperature that is systematically related to the mass flow uncertainty.ER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ...~&~L4LER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: 45ý4d e CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage
: 1) Cameron Topical Report ER-80P, "Improving Thermal Power Accuracy and Plant SafetyWhile Increasing Operating Power Level Using the LEFM Check System", Rev. 02) Cameron Engineering Report ER-160P, "Supplement to Topical Report ER 80P: Basis fora Power Uprate with the LEFM System", May 20003) Cameron Engineering Report ER-157(P-A), "Supplement to Cameron Topical Report ER-80P: Basis for Power Uprates with an LEFM Check or an LEFM CheckPlus", dated May2008, Revision 8 and Revision 8 Errata4) ASME PTC 19.1-1985, Measurement Uncertainty5) ISA-RP67.04.02-2000, Methodologies for the Determination of Set Points for NuclearSafety-Related InstrumentationER15 e.1Peae b:EMRvee yER-1059 Rev. 1Prepared by: EJMReviewed by: x0W_1 CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage 7Appendix AAppendix A.1, LEFMvI+ InputsAppendix A.2, LEFMvl+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsAppendix A.3, Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentAppendix A.4, [ ] TradeSecret &Appendix A.5, [ ]ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: .e~MLtL.ER- 105.9 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: Attg Appendix A.1LEFMI'+ InputsNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix A.2LEFM,'+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix A.3LEFM,'+ Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentThe meter factor report for Unit I and 2 is ER-1060 Rev 1.
Appendix A.4TradeSecret &[ ] ConfidentialCommercialInformationNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety#~M f Appendix A.5[IITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix BTotal Thermal Power and Mass Flow Uncertainty using the LEFM,/+SystemNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety}}

Revision as of 16:22, 26 June 2018

Engineering Report ER-1059, Rev. 1, Bounding Uncertainty Analysis for Thermal Power Determination at South Texas Project Units 1 & 2 Using LEFM System.
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2014
From: Madera E
Cameron Measurement Systems
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14260A432 List:
NOC-AE-14003161 ER-1059, Rev 1
Download: ML14260A438 (17)


{{#Wiki_filter:NOC-AE- 14003161ATTACHMENT 1Cameron Measurement Systems/Caldon Ultrasonics Engineering Report:ER-1059 Rev 1, "Bounding Uncertainty Analysis for Thermal PowerDetermination at SouthTexas Project Units 1 and 2 Using theLEFM CheckPlus System" (Non-Proprietary) p.Caldon UltrasonicsEngineering Report:-Measurement SystemsER-1059 Rev. 1BOUNDING UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS FORTHERMAL POWER DETERMINATION AT SOUTHTEXAS PROJECT UNITS 1 and 2 USING THELEFMV-+ SYSTEMPrepared by: Ed MaderaChecked by: David MarkowskiReviewed by: Don AugensteinReviewed for Proprietary Information by: Ernie HauserAugust 2014ER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: And CCAMERONMeasurement SystemsEngineering Report No. ER-1059 Rev. 1August 2014ER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: A~iL..ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: A% tj rCAMERON Measurement SystemsEngineering Report: ER-1059 Rey. 1BOUNDING UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS FOR THERMAL POWERDETERMINATION AT SOUTH TEXAS NUCLEAR PROJECT UNITS 1AND 2 USING THE LEFM,/+ SYSTEMTable of Contents




6.0 APPENDICESA Information Supporting Uncertainty in LEFM/"+ Flow andTemperature MeasurementsA.1 LEFM,1+ InputsA.2 LEFMV+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsA.3 LEFMv1+ Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentA.4 [ ] TradeSecret &A.5 [ ConfidentialCommercialInformationB Total Thermal Power and Mass Flow Uncertainties using the LEFM-/+SystemER-1059 Rev. I Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~ER- 1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: ff!!LH CAM ERON Measurement SystemsPage I


The LEFM" and LEFM,/+1 are advanced ultrasonic systems that accurately determine thevolume flow and temperature of feedwater in nuclear power plants. Using a feedwater pressuresignal input to the LEFM" and LEFMV+: mass flow can be determined and, along with thetemperature output are used along with plant data to compute reactor core thermal power. Thetechnology underlying the LEFMv' ultrasonic instruments and the factors affecting theirperformance are described in a topical report, Reference 1, and a supplement to this topicalreport, Reference 2. The LEFMv'+, which is made of two LEFMv" subsystems, is described inanother supplement to the topical report, Reference 3. The exact amount of the uprate allowableunder a revision to 1OCFR50 Appendix K depends not only on the accuracy of the LEFM-/+instrument, but also on the uncertainties in other inputs to the thermal power calculation.It is the purpose of this document to provide an analysis of the uncertainty contribution of the TradeLEFM,/+ System [ ]to Secret &Confidentialthe overall thermal power uncertainty of South Texas Nuclear Generating Station Units I and 2 Commercial(Appendix B). InformationThe uncertainties in mass flow and feedwater temperature are also used in the calculation of theoverall thermal power uncertainty (Appendix B). [ TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercial] A detailed Informationdiscussion of the methodology for combining these terms is described in Reference 3.This analysis is a preliminary bounding analysis for the South Texas Nuclear Generating StationUnits 1 and 2. This revision utilizes nominal dimensions for the spool piece and nominal values Tradefor full power mass flow, final feed temperature, and steam conditions. [ Secret &ConfidentialCommercial] The commissioning tests for the LEFMV/+, to be performed following its Informationinstallation in the plant, will confirm that in fact, the time measurement uncertainties are withinthe bounding values used in the analysis.TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: Akjý eCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 22.0 SUMMARYFor South Texas Nuclear Project Units I and 2, Revision 1 results are as follows:1. The mass flow uncertainty approach is documented in Reference 3. The uncertainty in theLEFM,/+'s mass flow of feedwater is as follows:o Fully Functional LEFMV+ system mass flow uncertainty is [o Maintenance Mode LEFM,/+ system mass flow uncertainty is [ ][2. The uncertainty in the LEFM'+ feedwater temperature is as follows:o Fully Functional LEFM,/+ system temperature uncertainty is [ ]o Maintenance Mode LEFMV1+ system the uncertainty is [ I3. The total thermal power uncertainty approach is documented in Reference 3 and Appendix Bof this document. The total uncertainty in the determination of thermal power uses theLEFMv'+ system parameters and plant specific parameters, i.e., heat gain/losses, etc.;however, the uncertainty values below do not include the plant specific parameters.o Thermal power uncertainty using a Fully Functional LEFMv+ system is [ Io Thermal power uncertainty using a Maintenance Mode LEFM,/+ system is[ ]TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationI TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationIER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~IdLL!ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: A95vi C CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage 33.0 APPROACHAll errors and biases are calculated and combined according to the procedures defined inReference 4 and Reference 5 in order to determine the 95% confidence and probability value.The approach to determine the uncertainty, consistent with determining set points, is to combinethe random and bias terms by the means of the RSS approach provided that all the terms areindependent, zero-centered and normally distributed.Reference 4 defines the contributions of individual error elements through the use of sensitivitycoefficients defined as follows:A calculated variable P is determined by algorithm f, from measured variables X, Y, and Z.P = f (X, Y, Z)The error, or uncertainty in P, dP, is given by:dP-f dX + if dY +-Y dZA =- Z A --As noted above, P is the determined variable--in this case, reactor power or mass flow-- which iscalculated via measured variables X, Y, and Z using an algorithm f (X, Y, Z). The uncertainty orerror in P, dP, is determined on a per unit basis as follows:&=Xqj___ýYy ýd+Zqy JdZwhere the terms in brackets are referred to as the sensitivity coefficients.If the errors or biases in individual elements (dX/X, dYfY, and dZ/Z in the above equation) are allcaused by a common (systematic) boundary condition (for example ambient temperature) thetotal error dP/P is found by summing the three terms in the above equation. If, as is more oftenthe case, the errors in X, Y, and Z are independent of each other, then Reference 4 and 5recommends and probability theory requires that the total uncertainty be determined by the rootsum square as follows (for 95% confidence and probability):dP ~X~f dXJ2 +(JY df xzdY)2(IZ_!f dz )2IObviously, if some errors in individual elements are caused by a combination of boundaryconditions, some independent and some related (i.e., systematic) then a combination of the twoprocedures is appropriate.ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by:. O&W SCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 44.0 OVERVIEWThe analyses that support the calculation of LEFM,'+ uncertainties are contained in theappendices to this document. The function of each appendix is outlined below.Appendix A.1, LEFMV+ InputsThis appendix tabulates dimensional and other inputs to the LEFMv/+. [TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformation] which is used by the LEFM-/+ for thecomputation of mass flow and temperature.Appendix A.2, LEFMV"+ Uncertainty Items CalculationsThis appendix calculates the uncertainties in mass flow and temperature as computed bythe LEFM,"+ using the methodology described in Appendix E of Reference 1 andAppendix A of Reference 33, with uncertainties in the elements of these measurementsbounded as described in both references4.The spreadsheet calculations draw on the dataof Appendix A. 1 for dimensional information. []These uncertainties are an important factor in establishing the overall uncertainty of theLEFM '/+.Revision 1 of this analysis utilizes the bounding values of Reference 3 for all uncertaintyelements5 in the computation of plant specific uncertainties. Revision 2 of this appendixwill utilize the results of the calibration test for the plant spool piece(s) for the uncertaintyin the meter factor (calibration coefficient). The engineering report for the spool piececalibration test will be included as Appendix A.3 to Revision 2 of this report.TradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationReference 3 (ER 157P-A) develops the uncertainties for the LEFM,/+ system. Because this system uses twomeasurement planes, the structure of its uncertainties differs somewhat that of an LEFMv.4 Reference 3 (ER 157P-A) revised some of the time measurement uncertainty bounds. The revised bounds are aconservative projection of actual performance of the LEFM hardware. ER 80P used bounds that were based on aconservative projection of theoretical performance.[IITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ~2L~ER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: AR" SCAMERONMeasurement SystemsPage 5Appendix A.3, Meter Factor (Calibration) UncertaintiesThis report documents the meter factor bounding uncertainty analysis for South TexasProject (STP) Units 1 and 2. Once the actual flow elements STP are made and calibrated,the actual calibration data and parametric tests will be used to compute a meter factoruncertainty for each unit.The calibration test report for the spool piece(s) establishes the overall uncertainty in themeter factor of the LEFM'/+. [TradeSecret &ConfidentiaCommerciaInformationIThis report's approach is to use the body of calibration and parametric testing thatCameron has performed on 195 nuclear power plant flow meters.Cameron will use the most conservative approach to compute a bounding uncertainty inthe meter factor as applied to STP. Further, additional conservatisms are used such thatthe uncertainty can be considered to be bounding.Appendix A.4, [[Appendix A.5, [IIITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationTradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationIIAppendix B, Total Thermal Power Uncertainty due to the LEFM V"+The total thermal power uncertainty due to the LEFM,/+ is calculated in this appendix,using the results of Appendix A.2, A.4 and A.5. Plant supplied steam conditions (whichenter into the computation of errors due to feedwater temperature) are used for thiscomputation. This appendix also computes the fraction of the uncertainty in feedwatertemperature that is systematically related to the mass flow uncertainty.ER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: ...~&~L4LER-1059 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: 45ý4d e CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage


1) Cameron Topical Report ER-80P, "Improving Thermal Power Accuracy and Plant SafetyWhile Increasing Operating Power Level Using the LEFM Check System", Rev. 02) Cameron Engineering Report ER-160P, "Supplement to Topical Report ER 80P: Basis fora Power Uprate with the LEFM System", May 20003) Cameron Engineering Report ER-157(P-A), "Supplement to Cameron Topical Report ER-80P: Basis for Power Uprates with an LEFM Check or an LEFM CheckPlus", dated May2008, Revision 8 and Revision 8 Errata4) ASME PTC 19.1-1985, Measurement Uncertainty5) ISA-RP67.04.02-2000, Methodologies for the Determination of Set Points for NuclearSafety-Related InstrumentationER15 e.1Peae b:EMRvee yER-1059 Rev. 1Prepared by: EJMReviewed by: x0W_1 CAMERON Measurement SystemsPage 7Appendix AAppendix A.1, LEFMvI+ InputsAppendix A.2, LEFMvl+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsAppendix A.3, Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentAppendix A.4, [ ] TradeSecret &Appendix A.5, [ ]ConfidentialCommercialInformationER-1059 Rev. 1 Prepared by: EJM Reviewed by: .e~MLtL.ER- 105.9 Rev. IPrepared by: EJMReviewed by: Attg Appendix A.1LEFMI'+ InputsNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix A.2LEFM,'+ Uncertainty Items/CalculationsNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix A.3LEFM,'+ Meter Factor Calculation and Accuracy AssessmentThe meter factor report for Unit I and 2 is ER-1060 Rev 1.

Appendix A.4TradeSecret &[ ] ConfidentialCommercialInformationNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety#~M f Appendix A.5[IITradeSecret &ConfidentialCommercialInformationNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety Appendix BTotal Thermal Power and Mass Flow Uncertainty using the LEFM,/+SystemNo attachment to follow as Appendix is Proprietary in its Entirety}}