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{{#Wiki_filter:EnclosureAttachment 5PG&E Letter DCL-1 1-104Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units I & 2 Process Protection System ReplacementSystem Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP), Revision 0(LAR Reference 53)
Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyDiablo Canyon Power PlantUnits 1 & 2Process Protection System (PPS) ReplacementSystem Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP)Nuclear Safety RelatedRev0Prepared Sig. iL1twJot ý Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Clarkson User ID NAReviewed Sig. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name He User ID JWH3Coord Sig/Org. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Quinn, User ID NAApproval Sig. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Patterson User ID SBP1aLTRanBOLUTIONB PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 1 of 21REVISION HISTORYRevision Affected Reason for RevisionNumber Pages0 All Initial Issue+ I.t t.
PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 2 of 21Table of Contents1. PURPO SE .......................................................................................................................................... 31 .1 S C O P E ............................................................................................................................................. 31 .2 G O A LS ............................................................................................................................................. 32. REFERENC E DO CUM ENTS ..................................................................................................... 42.1 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................... 42.1.1 Regulatory Standards .......................................................................................................... 42.1.2 Industry Standards .......................................................................................................... 42.2 CONTROL PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 62.2.1 PG &E Control Procedures .................................................................................................. 62.2.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Control Procedures ........................................................ 63. DEFINITIO NS ..................................................................................................................................... 74. O RGANIZATIO N ............................................................................................................................. 154.1 PG &E ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 154.2 10 CFR 50 APPENDIX B SUPPLIER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................. 165. V&V PRO C ESSES ........................................................................................................................... 165.1 PG &E TASKS ................................................................................................................................. 165.1.1 Concept Phase ..................................................................................................................... 165.1.2 Installation and Checkout Phase ....................................................................................... 165.1.3. Operation Phase V&V Tasks ............................................................................................ 185.1.4 M aintenance Phase V&V Tasks ....................................................................................... 185.2 1 OCFR50 APPENDIX B SUPPLIER TASKS ......................................................................................... 206. V&V REPO RTING REQ UIREM ENTS ......................................................................................... 207. V&V ADM INISTRATIVE REQ UIREM ENTS ............................................................................... 218. V&V DO CUM ENTATIO N REQ UIREM ENTS ............................................................................... 21 PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 3 of 211. PurposeThe purpose of this System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) is to establish the goals, processes,and responsibilities required to implement effective system level verification and validation for the ProcessProtection System (PPS) Replacement Project at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP). This SyWPprovides a plan for specifying, evaluating, controlling, and maintaining the overall design for the PPSreplacement at Diablo Canyon Power Plant.The current Eagle 21 PPS is a digital microprocessor-based system. The proposed PPS replacementconsists of the microprocessor-based Tricon Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and the fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) based Advanced Logic System (ALS). The microprocessor-basedTricon PLC portion of the platform utilizes software to direct the PLC to perform its intended safety-relatedfunctions. The ALS portion of the platform is hardware logic-based and does not utilize software.1.1 ScopeSoftware used in the Triconex portion of the PPS replacement is Nuclear Safety-Related and requiresquality controls to meet SIL 4 as defined in IEEE-1 012-1998 []. The Triconex productdevelopment process is specifically tailored to development of software used in designing andmaintaining programmable logic devices (PLDs). The FPGA-based ALS does not utilize amicroprocessor and does not execute software. However, the FPGA is configured using software tools;therefore a quality control procedure must be used in the development of the FPGA.This SyWP describes activities performed by the three responsible parties: PG&E, Invensys OperationsManagement (IOM), and Westinghouse/CS Innovations, LLC (CSI). The Triconex portion of the PPSreplacement is provided by IOM. The ALS portion is provided by CSI.Both suppliers have 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA programs. Respective V&V activities are governed bythe Triconex Nuclear Safety-Related Process Protection System Replacement DCPP Software V&V Plan(SVVP) [], the ALS VV Plan [], the ALS DCPP Management Plan [], and the ALSDCPP Test Plan []. These plans have been reviewed and accepted by PG&E to ensure that theV&V effort is complete.This SyVVP implements guidance described in IEEE Standard 1012-1998, Software Verification andValidation Plans [] as relevant to the PPS Replacement Project.1.2 GoalsPG&E will perform initial Concept phase development activities as described later in this SyVVP. Theoutputs of this phase will be utilized by the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers in accordance with theirapproved procedures to develop, implement, and test the respective systems. The supplier activities andproducts will be traceable to the PG&E design input documents. The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierswill verify and validate their respective systems to ensure that all safety functions are traced to theirrequirements and are acceptable per their respective control procedures.PG&E will review and accept the products of the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier development andimplementation V&V activities and will use the results to complete the overall PPS Replacement ProjectV&V activities. Upon completion of all V&V activities PG&E will issue a final System Verification andValidation Report (SyVVR).
PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 4 of 212. Reference Documents2.1 Developmental References and Standards2.1.1 Regulatory Standards2.1.1.1 U.S. Regulatory GuidanceNUREG-0800 BTP 7-14, Branch Technical Position: Guidance onSoftware Reviews for Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems,Revision 5, March 2007. NUREG/CR-6101, Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems,November 1993. NUREG/CR-6430, Software Safety Hazards Analysis, February 1996. Regulatory Guide 1.118, Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protection Systems, Revision3, April 19952.1.1.5 Regulatory Guide 1.152, Criteria for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear PowerPlants, Revision 3, July 2011. Regulatory Guide 1.153, Criteria for Safety Systems, Revision 1, June 19962.1.1.7 Regulatory Guide 1.168, Verification, Validation, Reviews, and Audits for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1, February 20042.1.1.8 Regulatory Guide 1.169, Configuration Management Plans for Digital Computer SoftwareUsed in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.9 Regulatory Guide 1.170, Software Test Documentation for Digital Computer Software Used inSafety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.10 Regulatory Guide 1.171, Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used in SafetySystems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.11 Regulatory Guide 1.172, Software Requirements Specifications for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.12 Regulatory Guide 1.173, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.13 Regulatory Guide 1.174, An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis, Revision 1, November20022.1.1.14 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-01, Cyber Security, Revision Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-02, Diversity and Defense-in-Depth Issues, Revision 2, June20112.1.1.16 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-04, Highly Integrated Controls Rooms-Communications Issues(HICRc), Revision 1, March 20092.1.1.17 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-06, Licensing Process, Revision 1, January 20112.1.2 Industry Standards2.1.2.1 Industry Codes and StandardsANSI/IEEE Std. 983-1986, IEEE Guide for Software QualityAssurance Planning PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 5 of ANSIIISO/ASQ Q9001-2000, Quality management systems -Requirements2.1.2.3 ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-1-1994, Quality Management and Quality System Elements -Guidelines2.1.2.4 ASME NQA-1-1994, 1997, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications2.1.2.5 EPRI TR-1 03291, Handbook of Verification and Validation for Digital Systems, Revision 1,December 19982.1.2.6 EPRI TR-108831, Requirements Engineering for Digital Upgrades2.1.2.7 NEI 08-09, Revision 6, Cyber Security Plan for Nuclear Reactors2.1.2.8 IEEE Std. 7-4.3.2-2003 IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems ofNuclear Power Generating Stations, Appendix D (Informative) Identification and Resolution ofHazards2.1.2.9 IEEE Std. 279-1971, Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.10 IEEE Std. 308-1971, Criteria for Class 1E Electric Systems for Nuclear Power GeneratingStations2.1.2.11 IEEE Std. 323-1974, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations2.1.2.12 IEEE Std. 338-1987, IEEE Standard Criteria for the Periodic Testing of Nuclear PowerGenerating Station Protection Systems2.1.2.13 IEEE Std. 344-1987, Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1EEquipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.14 IEEE Std. 379-1977, IEEE Application of Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear PowerGenerating Station Class 1 E Systems2.1.2.15 IEEE Std. 384-1981, IEEE Trial-Use Standard Criteria for Separation of Class 1E Equipmentand Circuits2.1.2.16 IEEE Std. 352-1987, IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of NuclearPower Generating Station Safety Systems2.1.2.17 IEEE Std. 497-2002, IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation forNuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.18 IEEE Std. 577-1976, IEEE Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the Design andOperation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.19 IEEE Std. 603-1991, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations2.1.2.20 IEEE Std. 730-2002, Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans2.1.2.21 IEEE Std. 828-1998, Software Configuration Management Plans2.1.2.22 IEEE Std. 829-1983, Standard for Software Test Documentation2.1.2.23 IEEE Std. 830-1993, Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications2.1.2.24 IEEE Std. 1008-1987, IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing2.1.2.25 IEEE Std. 1012-1998, Standard for Software Verification and Validation2.1.2.26 IEEE Std. 1016-1997, Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions2.1.2.27 IEEE Std. 1028-1997 (reaffirmed 2002), Standard for Software Reviews PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 6 of IEEE Std. 1042-1987, ANSI/IEEE Standard Guide to Software Configuration Management2.1.2.29 IEEE Std. 1044-1997, IEEE Standard for Classification of Software Anomalies2.1.2.30 IEEE Std. 1058.1-1991, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans2.1.2.31 IEEE Std. 1058-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans2.1.2.32 IEEE Std. 1061-1998, IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology2.1.2.33 IEEE Std. 1063-1987, Standard for Software User Documentation2.1.2.34 IEEE Std. 1074-1995, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes2.1.2.35 IEEE Std. 1219-1998, Standard for Software Maintenance2.1.2.36 IEEE Std. 1228-1994, IEEE Standard for Software Safety Plans2.1.2.37 IEEE Std. 1233-1998, Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications2.1.2.38 IEEE Std. 1471-2000. Systems and Software Engineering -Recommended Practice forArchitectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems2.2 Control Procedures2.2.1 PG&E Control Procedures2.2.1.1 DCPP References and Procedures:PG&E Procedure, IDAP AD7.ID8, Project Management2.2.1.2 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF3.1D9, [Design Change (Package) Development2.2.1.3 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF2.1D9, Software Quality Assurance Plan Software Development2.2.1.4 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF2.1D2, Software Configuration Management for Computers &Software Used for Plant Operations and Operations Support2.2.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Control Procedures2.2.2.1 CS Innovations Document No. 6002-00003, "ALS W Plan" CS Innovations Document No. 6116-00000, "DCPP Management Plan" CS Innovations Document No. 6116-00005, "DCPP Test Plan" Triconex Document No. 993754-1-802, Nuclear Safety-Related Process Protection SystemReplacement DCPP Software V&V Plan (SWP)NOTE: The various 10 CFR 50 Appendix B software suppliers and the various regulatory agencies do notuse the same terminology for software and software verification and validation. As mentioned in DI&C-ISG-06 Rev. 1 [], an applicant may have different names for similar documents. Regardless ofthe titles of the documents submitted, the actual LAR should contain sufficient information to address thecriteria discussed in the technical evaluation sections... This procedure does not specify that an approvedsoftware supplier meet this particular terminology, only that the intent of this procedure is followed and ahigh quality software product is generated for plant use.NOTE 2: If any part of the software life cycle process is contracted to an approved supplier with a1 OCFR50 Appendix B program, their SQA processes apply for their product, with PG&E auditing theirprogram, and owner acceptance by PG&E.
.DeAcceptanceAcceptance TesAccuracyAnomalyPPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 7 of 21finitionsOfficial recognition that a product (usually hardware or software configurationitem) meets contractual and project A Formal test conducted in an operational environment to determine whetheror not the system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customerto determine whether or not to accept the system.The degree of freedom from error of sensor and operator input, the degree ofexactness exhibited by an approximation or measurement, and the degree offreedom from error of actuator output.Any condition that deviates from the expected based on requirements,specifications, design, documents, user documents, standards, etc.Application SoftwareSoftware designed to fulfill specific needs of a user; for example, software fornavigation, or process control.ApprovalOfficial recognition of product validity.ArchitectureBaselineThe organizational structure of a system or component.* A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreedupon, and thereafter serves as the basis for further development. It ischanged only through formal change-control procedures* A complete and documented set of design requirements and systemcomponents (hardware and software) placed under configuration controlthat identifies the applicable version/revision level of each of theserequirement documents and system components.Work products (e.g., document and/or software) that have been officiallyapproved or accepted and used to judge the acceptability of a system,Subsystem, or configuration item. (A baseline is subject to configurationcontrol and is updated to reflect approved changes to the configurationitem throughout its life cycle.)Intermediate version of a system or configuration item that provides ademonstrable subset of capabilities needed to meet requirements allocatedto the system or configuration item.Those attributes of the planning documents, implementation processdocuments and design outputs that provide full implementation of thefunctions required of the software. The functions that the software is requiredto perform are derived from the general functional requirements of the safetysystem and the assignment of functional requirements to the software in theoverall system design.Testing conducted to verify the correct implementation of the design andcompliance with program requirements for one software element (e.g.,function block) or a collection of software elementsBuildCompletenessComponent Testing PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 8 of 21CorrectnessConceptual PhaseConfigurationConfiguration AuditConfiguration ItemThe degree to which a design output is free from faults in its Specification,design, and implementation. There is considerable overlap betweencorrectness properties and properties of other characteristics such asaccuracy and completeness.Encompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the basic designand functional requirements for the project or system. The conceptual phaseidentifies the idea or need for. a software application including feasibilitystudies. It establishes the scope, basic design criteria, required effort, cost,functionality, and classification of the software.Form, fit, and functions of a system or configuration item as defined inbaseline documentation.In the context of an audit for delivery of a product, a configuration auditincludes both a functional configuration audit and a physical configurationaudit.* An aggregation of hardware, software, or both, that is designated forconfiguration management and treated as a single entity in theconfiguration management process. The collection of configurationitems should encompass all data, code, drawings, and other informationthat is used to configure, maintain, or define the operation orconfiguration of the designated equipment and the project application.* Developed or purchased item, controlled, accepted, and maintainedseparately from other items. (A configuration item can be composed ofhardware or software or, for major configuration items, an aggregation ofboth.)A discipline that involves identifying, controlling, and tracking theconfiguration of a system or product.Corrective action is taken to eliminate the causes of an existingnonconformity, defect, or other undesirable situation in order to preventrecurrence.A subjective description of the intended use and application of the system.Software criticality properties may include safety, security, complexity,reliability, performance, or other characteristics.A structured evaluation of the software characteristics (e.g., safety, security,complexity, performance) for severity of impact of system failure, systemdegradation, or failure to meet software requirements or system objectives.A work product or service given to the client for review and acceptance. Itfrequently has contractual implications.ConfigurationManagementCorrective ActionCriticalityCriticality AnalysisDeliverable PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 9 of 21Design PhaseFactory AcceptanceTesting (FAT)FirmwareFunctional RequirementFunctional TestingFunctionalityHardwareHazards AnalysisEncompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the SoftwareDesign Description for the project or system. The primary activity is encodingthe application information and function definitions of the SoftwareRequirements Specification into function diagrams. Design Descriptions arethe translation of the Requirements Specification into the design anddevelopment of the software.Final customer-witnessed or customer-performed testing at supplier's sitewhich demonstrates that the designed system meets the purchaser'sfunctional and performance requirements and/or industry and regulatoryrequirements.Computer programs and data loaded in a class of memory that cannot bedynamically modified by the computer during processing, e.g., EPROM.Requirement on the I&C system from point of view of the process function.The functional requirements usually are given in the form of writtendescriptions (customer functional specifications) and information flowdiagrams.Tests whether the functions of the I&C system fulfill the softwarerequirements. In the case of safety-related I&C equipment these tests areperformed by simulating the measurement signals that prevail during normalor accident conditions in order to check that protective actions are initiatedcorrectly.The operations, which must be carried out by the software. Functionsgenerally transform input information into output information. Inputs may beobtained from sensors, operators, other equipment, or other software.Outputs may be directed to actuators, operators, other equipment, or othersoftware.Physical equipment (components) that typically provide a specific functionand is assembled with other equipment to create a system; certaincomponents host the various types of Software or FirmwareA systematic qualitative or quantitative evaluation of softwarefor undesirableoutcomes resulting from the development or operation of a system. Theseoutcomes may include injury, illness, death, mission failure, economic loss,property loss, environmental loss, or adverse social impact. This evaluationmay include screening or analysis methods to categorize, eliminate, reduce,or mitigate hazards.The formal specification of the functional behavior of the I&C equipment, asderived from the functional requirements. I&C functions are specified anddescribed in the SRS, as information flow diagrams and data tables, and formthe basis for automatic software generation in application softwaredevelopment.I&C Function PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 10 of 21Implementation PhaseIndependenceEncompasses those activities that are necessary to generate the code fromthe completed function diagrams or source code and load it onto theprocessors. This includes documenting the steps and matching specificchecksums for identity checking.Organization whose personnel maintain independence from a Technical,Managerial, and Financial perspective:* Technical Independence is defined as personnel who are not involved inthe development of the software.* Managerial Independence is defined as an organization separate fromthe development and program management organizations. Managerialindependence also means that the independent organization selects thesegments of the software and the system to analyze and test, choosetechniques, defines testing schedule, and selects the specific technicalissues and problems to act upon. The independent organization effortmust be allowed to submit to program management the testing results,anomalies, and findings without restrictions or adverse pressure, director indirect, from the development group.Financial Independence is defined as an organization that is financiallyindependent from the development organization. This independenceprevents situations where independent activities cannot be completedbecause funds have been diverted or adverse financial pressures orinfluences have been exerted by the development organization.A detailed line by line technical verification of a document by a competentindividual other than the preparer. The independence and technicalcompetence of the reviewer is certified by the cognizant technical manager.This is performed by the design group personnel, is not part of the softwareverification and validation process, and may also be referred to asIndependent Review.Evaluation technique in which intermediate development products areexamined in detail by a person or group other than the author to detecttechnical deficiencies or violations of standards.An orderly progression of testing in which software elements, hardwareelements or both are combined and tested until the entire system has beenintegrated. The final set of testing, completed successfully, before the FATwhich demonstrates that the system (integrated hardware and software) isready for FAT.The assigned integer value from 0 to 4 that indicates the degree ofverification and validation that is applied to the system during thedevelopment life cycle, subsequent to an evaluation of a combination of thecriticality of the system function to the owner's mission, and the importanceand likelihood of a system failure. For larger systems, this level may beapplied to specific subsystems or sub-modules.Independent DesignReviewInspectionIntegration TestingIntegrity Level PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 11 of 21A shared boundary across which information is passed.A Hardware or Software component that connects two or more othercomponents for passing information from one to the other.InterfaceInterface ControlLessons LearnedMalicious SoftwareMayMeasurePeer ReviewProduct ReviewProject ManagerQualityQuality Management* Identification of all functional and physical characteristics relevant to theinterfacing of two or more Configuration Items provided by one or moreorganizations* Ensuring that proposed changes to these characteristics are evaluatedand approved prior to implementation.Lessons learned are guidance that enhance the practitioner's understandingof a process, clarify a process' applicability to a particular application, provideguidance for special cases, highlight issues, or convey supplier advice. Thelessons learned come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to,operation experience, experiences in the use of tools and techniques, andpublished best practices from other organizations.Software code that is intended to breakdown or bypass security barriers; orsoftware code that is intended to adversely impact proper systemperformance or function.An expression of possibility, a permissive choice to act or not, asdistinguished from shall, which is a requirement or action that must beperformed.A measure is any quantitative group. Examples of measures are estimatedcost, actual cost, ratio of actual to estimated cost, number of defects, defectdensity, mean time between failures, average length of support call, andnumber of peer reviews performed.An examination of a product by the creators' peers to identify defects andareas where changes are needed. It uses the capabilities of independentreviewers, individually or in a group, to identify the improvements needed in aproduct and to agree on which improvements should be made.An examination of a product to identify errors before the product is formallypassed forward in the development process.Individual responsible to coordinate all aspects of the assigned project(s).Primary customer interface responsible for coordinating implementation of theproject, quality control, customer invoicing and tracking project performanceagainst as- sold estimates.Degree to which a system or configuration item satisfies its requirements.Consists of the management responsibilities and actions that determine andimplement quality policies. It includes obtaining the commitment of theorganization, marshaling resources, and ensuring that quality managementprocesses are used and supported effectively.
ReleaseReliabilityPPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 12 of 21A build that will be delivered to the customer. A release may include anintegrated set of builds.The degree to, which a software system or component operates withoutfailure. This definition does not consider the consequences of failure, onlythe existence of failure.Requirements PhaseRequirementsTraceabilityRequirementsTraceability Matrix (RTM)ReviewSafetySecurityShallEncompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the SoftwareRequirements Specification (SRS) for the project or system. These are theprimary software design activities wherein customer requirements areidentified and described, and documented in a manner necessary for thespecification of function diagrams. The Requirements Specification is thebuilding block for the development, procurement, and maintenance ofsoftware and data. As such it is important the Requirements Specification iscreated considering all the requirements for the software/data.The process of verifying that each specified requirement for a system hasbeen implemented into the design, that all aspects of the design have theirbases in the specification requirements (forwards and backwards traceability,respectively), and that testing produces results compatible with the specifiedrequirements. The completed steps of the verification process are typicallyrecorded in a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). This usually takes theform of a table that lists requirements and the corresponding sections ofdocuments that indicate how the particular requirement is satisfied.A Requirements Matrix provides a method that can be used to trace anddocument that requirements have been met. It provides a complete view ofrequirements to be tested, and traces specific requirements through allphases of development to verify that the requirement was met. Additionally,the RTM formally documents the process and provides documented evidencethat can be useful in auditing that safety requirements and licensingcommitments were met.An expert analysis and evaluation of the results of a task, a step, or a phase.It is implemented either globally, or in detail on random samples (e.g., in thecase of code inspection).Those properties and characteristics of the software system that directlyaffect or interact with system safety considerations. The safety characteristicis primarily concerned with the effect of the software on system hazards andthe measures taken to control those hazards.The ability to prevent unauthorized, undesired, and unsafe intrusions.Security is a safety concern insofar as such intrusions can affect the safety-related functions of the software."Shall" denotes a requirement or action that must be performed."Should" denotes a requirement or action that would be beneficial toSUPPLIER or OWNER but is not mandatory within the PPS scope of work.Should PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 13 of 21The programs, procedures and any associated documentation pertaining tothe operation of a data processing or computing system. Software is anintellectual creation, independent of the medium on which it is stored.Software includes firmware and logic developed from software baseddevelopments systems.SoftwareSoftware ComponentSoftware LifecycleSoftware RequirementsSoftware ToolSurveillanceSystemSoftware components are a constituent element of a software system. Forapplication software, this usually means the modules, sub-modules, or I&Cfunctions as described in the SRS. A specific collection of SoftwareComponents is assembled to form a System Component.The period of time that starts when a software product is conceived and endswhen the software product is no longer available for routine use. Includes thefollowing phases: preliminary engineering (conceptual), requirements,detailed design, implementation, integration, testing, installation andcheckout, operations & maintenance, and sometimes a retirement phase.Software requirements are those that must be met by the software to satisfy acontract, standard, specification, procedure, or user need. The set of allsoftware requirements form the basis for subsequent development of thesoftware. Requirements include, but are not limited to: identification ofneeded software functions, the inputs, processes, and outputs required foreach function, the design constraints and attributes of the software,performance requirements, interface requirements, and developmentstandards. Each requirement is defined such that its achievement can beverified and validated objectively.A computer program used in the development, testing, analysis, -ormaintenance of a program or its documentation. Examples includecomparator, cross-reference generator, decompiler, driver, editor,flowcharter, monitor, test case generator, and timing analyzer.A formal review of a process implementation against a documented standardor process. Surveillance is a planned activity that focuses on a project or afunctional area.The hardware and software required for solving a complex task. It consists ofseveral subsystems or components which have different performancecharacteristics but which are suitable for use together to accomplish therequired functions.System components are the equivalent of a subsystem that can be usedseparately and performs a self-contained function. They consist of one ormore modules, which are suitable for use together in an overall system. Inthe documentation, emphasis is placed on functionality, communicationrelationships, sequences, inputs/outputs and common resources.System tests are used to determine whether the specified systemcharacteristics of equipment (behavior on failure, behavior on start-up,testability, etc.) have been implemented. These types of test are performedwithout regard to the specific I&C function.System ComponentSystem Test PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 14 of 21Task Iteration The repeat of a V&V task which occurs as a result of identification of ananomaly, its resolution, and the verification by the V&V team that theresolution is complete.Test Sequence of events designed to verify that a system or configuration itemsatisfies requirements or to identify differences between expected and actualresults.Test Phase Encompasses those activities that are necessary during the applicationsoftware production process to assemble and integrate the complete system,and to perform required testing. These are the primary software designactivities wherein system performance is checked and documented to ensurethe required functions are correctly and completely implemented.Timing The ability of the software system to achieve its timing objectives within thehardware constraints imposed by the computing system being used.Traceability The degree to which each element of one life cycle product can be tracedforward to one or more elements of a successor life cycle product, and canbe traced backwards to one or more elements of a predecessor life cycleproduct. Traceability is central to the production of complex systems toensure all requirements are implemented, checked and tested.Unit Smallest replaceable element in a configuration item also referred to as aconfiguration unit (CU). For software, a unit is typically a subroutine; forhardware, a unit may be a board that is fabricated as a separate item.Validation The evaluation of a product at the end of the development process to ensurethe product complies with previously specified software requirements. Thisprocess is usually performed by testing. Validation involves evaluating theoverall system and software behavior under conditions representative of itsintended use.Verification The process of determining whether or not the products of a givendevelopment phase fulfill the requirements imposed at the start of the phase.Verification includes detailed review and testing at each phase anddetermines whether the project is ready to proceed to the next phase.Verification and The systematic program of review and testing activities performed throughValidation the software lifecycle to ensure that the software satisfies its intended useand user needs. V&V activities are performed by persons who are differentand independent from those who accomplish the design and integration.Verifiability The degree to, which a software planning document, implementation processdocument or design output is stated or provided in such a way as to facilitatethe establishment of verification criteria and the performance of analyses,reviews, or tests to determine whether those criteria have been met.Will "Will" means that an action or activity can be assumed to be completed bythe subject of the sentence whether the subject is SUPPLIER, OWNER orothers.
PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 15 of 214. OrganizationDifferent organizational units, their responsibilities and relationships with regard to Verification andValidation are discussed in this SyWP. The basic organizational structure for the PPS ReplacementSystem project is shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-1 PPS Project OrganizationDiablo CanyonPPS UpgradeProject MaMrger~ ~- --- --- ...............k~g ..PG&E~~PJ~ T Cirer4.1 PG&E Roles & ResponsibilitiesDetailed PG&E roles and responsibilities are defined in control procedures listed in Section 2.2.The PG&E Project Manager has the ultimate responsibility, authority, and accountability for all aspects ofthe project. Responsibilities include quality of design, timely integration with site schedules, supplierquality management/oversight, quality field implementation, and successful post-installation testing. TheProject Manager is also responsible to recommend re-evaluation of the project if he detects changes inthe project that alter the decision to proceed.The PG&E Project Manager shares the responsibility for meeting the software quality goals andobjectives of the project and for the implementation of software quality management throughout theproject.The PG&E Project Manager will:* Release the system level V&V plan and reports* Review progress of the SyWP and V&V program* Approve corrective actions, scope changes and resource allocations.* Coordinate the disposition of discrepancy reports generated in the course of verification andvalidation.The Engineer of Choice (EoC) Design Change Package Team is responsible for the design changeprocess utilized by DCPP for the design and implementation of modifications to controlled Structures,Systems, and Components. The Engineer of Choice (EoC) Design Change PackageTeam is alsoresponsible for establishing quality goals and objectives for their organization consistent with those of theproject.The PG&E Project Engineering Team conducts and ensures quality-related inter-group coordination fordesign and engineering between software and hardware design activities. Project engineering isresponsible for identifying the processes and corresponding standards and procedures to guide project PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 16 of 21performance. The project engineering team is further responsible for ensuring work activities areperformed in compliance with these standards and procedures.4.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Roles and ResponsibilitiesDetailed roles and responsibilities for each of the 1 OCFR50 Appendix B suppliers are provided in therespective 1 OCFR50 Appendix B supplier control procedures listed in Section 2.2.2.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Project Manager (PM) is responsible for providing direction inimplementation of the V&V activities to ensure that they are performed per the respective controlprocedures listed in Section 2.2.2. The Project manager is responsible for overall project safety in therespective organization.The 1OCFR50 Appendix B supplier produces documentation and is responsible for the performance ofthe reviews, audits, and inspections as described in the control documents. PG&E will review thedocuments and products produced and witness testing activities. PG&E will accept the documeents andreports after the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers resolve anomalies and PG&E comments.5. V&V ProcessesThe PG&E SyVVP and 1 OCFR50 Appendix B supplier SVVP describe documents, hardware andsoftware V&V tools, techniques, methods, and operating and test environment to be used in therespective V&V process.During the Project Initiation and Planning activities the lifecycle documentation needed to support theLAR was identified, and is shown in Figure 5-1. Additional detail regarding each of the illustrateddocuments will be provided in the System Quality Assurance Plan (SyQAP) and System Verification andValidation Plan (SyWP).5.1 PG&E V&V Tasks5.1.1 Concept Phase V&VDuring the Concept phase, the system architecture is selected, and system requirements are allocated tohardware, software, and user interface components. The outputs of the Concept phase, shown in Figure5-1 are:1. Conceptual Design Document (CDD)2. Functional Requirements Specification (FRS -includes Function Block Diagrams)3. Interface Requirements Specification (IRS -includes Input/Output List)Development of concept documentation and allocation of resources was performed for the PPSReplacement Project per PG&E procedure CF2.1D9 [], which includes verification of the Conceptphase documents through a signature process involving all stakeholders. There are no specific V&Vproducts of this phase.PG&E considers the CDD to be a descriptive document, not a design input document. Taceability by the10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers from the CDD to the FRS and IRS is not required.5.1.2 Installation and Checkout Phase V&VThe Installation and Checkout phase begins after PG&E has reviewed and accepted all developmentphase documentation and V&V reports, including the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier Software (orSystem) V&V Report ( SWR), that have been prepared per the control documents listed in Section2.2.2.
PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 17 of215.1.2.1 Project IntegrationThe 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier FAT will verify that the respective systems correctly process allsafety-related and non-safety-related analog and discrete inputs and outputs. The FAT will verify that allsafety functions specified in the PG&E design documents (FRS and IRS) perform in accordance withspecified requirements. The FAT will also verify operation of the non-safety-related MaintenanceWorkstation (MWS) functions associated with each platform per specified requirements.However, the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will implement their respective systems in differentfacilities with different physical locations, and without access to external PG&E non-safety-relatedsystems, such as the Plant Process Computer Gateway. Necessarily, the FAT will not include end-to-endtests of functions that involve such dependencies. The completed systems will be assembled in thePG&E Project Integration and Test (PIT) facility for pre-installation staging and checkout of the integratedsystem.The ALS processes Reactor Coolant System and Pressurizer Vapor Space temperatures and providesscaled analog 4-20 mA signals corresponding to Engineering Units to the Tricon. The ALS FAT will verifythat the ALS processes the temperature signals correctly and produces properly scaled 4-20 mA analogoutputs per specified requirements. The Tricon FAT will verify that all safety functions utilizing the 4-20mA analog signals perform per specified requirements using simulated signals. The SAT will test theintegrated PPS replacement system using the transmission of live 4-20 mA analog Reactor CoolantSystem temperatures from the ALS to the Tricon. Site Acceptance TestThe PG&E Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) will test the fully integrated system prior to installation. TheSAT does not retest safety functions. All specified safety functions will be tested in the 10 CFR 50Appendix B supplier FAT. As described above, the SAT will test the transmission of live analog data fromthe ALS to the Tricon and will also include V&V of the non-safety-related communication interfaces withthe MWS and external systems as specified in the IRS.Tasks performed in this phase:" Audit the installation configuration to verify that all products required to integrate the system havebeen delivered by the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers and that all ancillary components areavailable.-For the software based Tricon portion of the PPS replacement, verify that the installed softwarecorresponds to the software subjected to V&V. Verify that the system initializes, execute, andterminates as specified. Verify the requirements for continuous operation and service, includinguser notification of errors.-For the hardware based ALS portion of the PPS replacement, verify that the installed FPGA logiccorresponds to the logic subjected to V&V. Verify that the system initializes, executes, andterminates as specified. Verify the requirements for continuous operation and service, includinguser notification of errors.* Validate that all site-dependent parameters or conditions to verify supplied values are correct." Conduct the SAT per approved PG&E plant procedure. Installation and Design Verification TestThe Design Verification Test (DVT) is performed on the system once it is fully installed in the final targetenvironment and location. The DVT is performed per PG&E plant procedure CF3.1D9 []. PG&E isresponsible for acceptance of the results of the SAT and DVT.Tasks performed in this phase:
PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 18 of 21* Audit the installation configuration to verify that all software products required to correctly install andoperate the completed system are present in the installation package.* Validate that all site-dependent parameters or conditions to verify supplied values are correct.* Conduct the DVT per approved PG&E plant procedure.* Verify that the installation procedures and installation environment do not introduce new hazards;Update the hazard analysis;" Generate the V&V Final ReportPG&E will review and accept the products of the Appendix B supplier development andimplementation V&V activities and will use the results to ensure that the overall PPS ReplacementProject V&V activities are complete. Upon completion of all V&V activities, tasks, and results,including status and disposition of anomalies, PG&E will issue a final System Verification andValidation Report (SyVVR). Traceability AnalysisPG&E will prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) to document the verification and validationof specified requirements that were not included in the respective 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier V&Vscope. Outputs of this phase are:" Site Acceptance Test Report* V&V Installation Analysis* Design Verification Test Report.* RTM for items not in 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier V&V scope.* SyWR5.1.3 Operation Phase V&V TasksNot in the scope of this SyVVP; governed by other approved DCPP procedures5.1.4 Maintenance Phase V&V TasksNot in the scope of this SyVVP; governed by other approved DCPP procedures PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 19 of 21Figure 5-1 PPS Replacement Project Lifecycle Document FlowGlossary:CDD Conceptual Design DocumentFRS Functional Requirements SpecificationIRS Interface Requirements SpecificationSAD Software Architecture RequirementsHAD Hardware Architecture RequirementsSyRS System Requirements SpecificationSyDS System Design SpecificationSRS Software Requirements SpecificationHRS Hardware Requirements SpecificationHDS Hardware Design SpecificationSDD Software Design DescriptionFAT Factory Acceptance TestSAT Site Acceptance TestDVT Design Verification TestingRTM Requirements Traceability MatrixSWR Software Verification & Validation ReportSyWR System Verification & Validation ReportConcept (PG&E)TVConcept (PG&E)Requirements DefinitionCSIIOMSysterm Architecture Descriptionrj Hardware)TVWTRequirements DefinitionDesignDesignTestVT-I-TestInstallation/CheckoutVVT PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 20 of 215.2 10CFR50 Appendix B Supplier TasksRespective V&V activities are governed by the Triconex Nuclear Safety-Related Process ProtectionSystem Replacement DCPP Software V&V Plan (SWP) [], the ALS W Plan [], the ALSDCPP Management Plan [], and the ALS DCPP Test Plan []. These plans have beenreviewed and accepted by PG&E to ensure that the V&V effort is complete.During requirements definition, design and implementation activities, the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierswill issue reports for the results of V&V activities. PG&E will review and accept the reports aftercomments and any anomalies have been resolved according to the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierprocedures.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will prepare traceability documentation and analyses for the startingfrom the FRS and IRS and continuing through Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) per their respectivecontrol procedures. The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will verify and validate their respective systemsto ensure that all safety functions are traced to their requirements and perform per the specifiedrequirements in accordance with the respective control procedures. This process ensures that all safetyrequirements specified in the FRS and IRS are properly implemented and tested at the FAT.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will issue a final V&V Report,(SWR) which summarizes all lifecycle V&V tasks and the task results. It will also summarize the discrepancies and their resolution foundduring the V&V evaluation. The report will give an assessment of overall software quality and provide anyrecommendations. The SWR will be prepared per the respective control procedures.6. V&V Reporting RequirementsV&V reporting shall consist of Task Reports, V&V Activity Summary Reports, Anomaly Reports, and theV&V Final Report. Task report(s), V&V activity summary report(s), and anomaly report(s) are provided asfeedback to the software development process regarding the technical quality of each software productand process.Task Reports shall document V&V task results and status, and shall be in a format appropriate fortechnical disclosure. Task Report requirements are defined in the respective 10 CFR 50 Appendix Bsupplier control procedure.An Activity Summary Report shall summarize the results of V&V tasks performed for each of the V&Vactivities. V&V Activity Summary Report requirements are defined in the respective 10 CFR 50 AppendixB supplier control procedure,An Anomaly Report shall document the identification and resolution of all anomalies detected by the V&Veffort. Anomaly reporting and resolution requirements are defined in the respective PG&E and 10CFR 50Appendix B supplier control procedures.The V&V Final Report, consisting of the System V&V Report (SyVVR), will be issued by PG&E at the endof the installation and checkout phase. The V&V Final Report will include the following, as a minimum:a. Summary of all life cycle V&V activities within PG&E and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier scopeb. Summary of anomalies and resolutionsc. Assessment of overall software qualityd. A copy of or reference to all completed V&V documents and reports PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 21 of 217. V&V Administrative RequirementsAnomaly Resolution and Reporting shall be performed per the respective PG&E and 1 OCFR 50 AppendixB supplier control procedures.Task iteration evaluation and disposition shall be performed in accordance with the PG&E and 1 OCFR50Appendix B supplier control procedures.V&V Task Reports shall be generated to document the results of regression testing per the PG&E and1OCFR50 Appendix B supplier control procedures.The procedures and criteria used to deviate from this SyWP are defined as follows. The informationrequired for disposition of deviations shall include task identification, rationale, and potential effect onsoftware quality. The authority responsible for approving deviations is the PG&E Project Manager.Approval shall be documented in a Change Notice or equivalent formal PG&E document, and shall beincorporated into the SyVVP as a revision at the first practical opportunity.Control Procedures: Refer to Section 2.2.1 (PG&E) and Section 2.2.2 (10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers)Standards, Practices and Conventions: Refer to Section 2.1.8. V&V Documentation RequirementsV&V documentation shall be prepared in accordance with the PG&E and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliercontrol procedures.}}

Revision as of 09:45, 12 June 2018

Attachment 5: Rev. 0 to Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Process Protection System (PPS) Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (Syvvp) Nuclear Safety Related.
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/2011
Altran Solutions Corp, Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML113070457 List:
Download: ML15099A064 (23)


EnclosureAttachment 5PG&E Letter DCL-1 1-104Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units I & 2 Process Protection System ReplacementSystem Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP), Revision 0(LAR Reference 53)

Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyDiablo Canyon Power PlantUnits 1 & 2Process Protection System (PPS) ReplacementSystem Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP)Nuclear Safety RelatedRev0Prepared Sig. iL1twJot ý Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Clarkson User ID NAReviewed Sig. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name He User ID JWH3Coord Sig/Org. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Quinn, User ID NAApproval Sig. Date 10/06/2011Print Last Name Patterson User ID SBP1aLTRanBOLUTIONB PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 1 of 21REVISION HISTORYRevision Affected Reason for RevisionNumber Pages0 All Initial Issue+ I.t t.

PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 2 of 21Table of Contents1. PURPO SE .......................................................................................................................................... 31 .1 S C O P E ............................................................................................................................................. 31 .2 G O A LS ............................................................................................................................................. 32. REFERENC E DO CUM ENTS ..................................................................................................... 42.1 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................... 42.1.1 Regulatory Standards .......................................................................................................... 42.1.2 Industry Standards .......................................................................................................... 42.2 CONTROL PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 62.2.1 PG &E Control Procedures .................................................................................................. 62.2.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Control Procedures ........................................................ 63. DEFINITIO NS ..................................................................................................................................... 74. O RGANIZATIO N ............................................................................................................................. 154.1 PG &E ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 154.2 10 CFR 50 APPENDIX B SUPPLIER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................. 165. V&V PRO C ESSES ........................................................................................................................... 165.1 PG &E TASKS ................................................................................................................................. 165.1.1 Concept Phase ..................................................................................................................... 165.1.2 Installation and Checkout Phase ....................................................................................... 165.1.3. Operation Phase V&V Tasks ............................................................................................ 185.1.4 M aintenance Phase V&V Tasks ....................................................................................... 185.2 1 OCFR50 APPENDIX B SUPPLIER TASKS ......................................................................................... 206. V&V REPO RTING REQ UIREM ENTS ......................................................................................... 207. V&V ADM INISTRATIVE REQ UIREM ENTS ............................................................................... 218. V&V DO CUM ENTATIO N REQ UIREM ENTS ............................................................................... 21 PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 3 of 211. PurposeThe purpose of this System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) is to establish the goals, processes,and responsibilities required to implement effective system level verification and validation for the ProcessProtection System (PPS) Replacement Project at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP). This SyWPprovides a plan for specifying, evaluating, controlling, and maintaining the overall design for the PPSreplacement at Diablo Canyon Power Plant.The current Eagle 21 PPS is a digital microprocessor-based system. The proposed PPS replacementconsists of the microprocessor-based Tricon Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and the fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) based Advanced Logic System (ALS). The microprocessor-basedTricon PLC portion of the platform utilizes software to direct the PLC to perform its intended safety-relatedfunctions. The ALS portion of the platform is hardware logic-based and does not utilize software.1.1 ScopeSoftware used in the Triconex portion of the PPS replacement is Nuclear Safety-Related and requiresquality controls to meet SIL 4 as defined in IEEE-1 012-1998 []. The Triconex productdevelopment process is specifically tailored to development of software used in designing andmaintaining programmable logic devices (PLDs). The FPGA-based ALS does not utilize amicroprocessor and does not execute software. However, the FPGA is configured using software tools;therefore a quality control procedure must be used in the development of the FPGA.This SyWP describes activities performed by the three responsible parties: PG&E, Invensys OperationsManagement (IOM), and Westinghouse/CS Innovations, LLC (CSI). The Triconex portion of the PPSreplacement is provided by IOM. The ALS portion is provided by CSI.Both suppliers have 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA programs. Respective V&V activities are governed bythe Triconex Nuclear Safety-Related Process Protection System Replacement DCPP Software V&V Plan(SVVP) [], the ALS VV Plan [], the ALS DCPP Management Plan [], and the ALSDCPP Test Plan []. These plans have been reviewed and accepted by PG&E to ensure that theV&V effort is complete.This SyVVP implements guidance described in IEEE Standard 1012-1998, Software Verification andValidation Plans [] as relevant to the PPS Replacement Project.1.2 GoalsPG&E will perform initial Concept phase development activities as described later in this SyVVP. Theoutputs of this phase will be utilized by the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers in accordance with theirapproved procedures to develop, implement, and test the respective systems. The supplier activities andproducts will be traceable to the PG&E design input documents. The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierswill verify and validate their respective systems to ensure that all safety functions are traced to theirrequirements and are acceptable per their respective control procedures.PG&E will review and accept the products of the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier development andimplementation V&V activities and will use the results to complete the overall PPS Replacement ProjectV&V activities. Upon completion of all V&V activities PG&E will issue a final System Verification andValidation Report (SyVVR).

PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 4 of 212. Reference Documents2.1 Developmental References and Standards2.1.1 Regulatory Standards2.1.1.1 U.S. Regulatory GuidanceNUREG-0800 BTP 7-14, Branch Technical Position: Guidance onSoftware Reviews for Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems,Revision 5, March 2007. NUREG/CR-6101, Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems,November 1993. NUREG/CR-6430, Software Safety Hazards Analysis, February 1996. Regulatory Guide 1.118, Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protection Systems, Revision3, April 19952.1.1.5 Regulatory Guide 1.152, Criteria for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear PowerPlants, Revision 3, July 2011. Regulatory Guide 1.153, Criteria for Safety Systems, Revision 1, June 19962.1.1.7 Regulatory Guide 1.168, Verification, Validation, Reviews, and Audits for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1, February 20042.1.1.8 Regulatory Guide 1.169, Configuration Management Plans for Digital Computer SoftwareUsed in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.9 Regulatory Guide 1.170, Software Test Documentation for Digital Computer Software Used inSafety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.10 Regulatory Guide 1.171, Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used in SafetySystems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.11 Regulatory Guide 1.172, Software Requirements Specifications for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.12 Regulatory Guide 1.173, Developing Software Life Cycle Processes for Digital ComputerSoftware Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants, September 19972.1.1.13 Regulatory Guide 1.174, An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis, Revision 1, November20022.1.1.14 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-01, Cyber Security, Revision Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-02, Diversity and Defense-in-Depth Issues, Revision 2, June20112.1.1.16 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-04, Highly Integrated Controls Rooms-Communications Issues(HICRc), Revision 1, March 20092.1.1.17 Interim Staff Guide DI&C-ISG-06, Licensing Process, Revision 1, January 20112.1.2 Industry Standards2.1.2.1 Industry Codes and StandardsANSI/IEEE Std. 983-1986, IEEE Guide for Software QualityAssurance Planning PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 5 of ANSIIISO/ASQ Q9001-2000, Quality management systems -Requirements2.1.2.3 ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-1-1994, Quality Management and Quality System Elements -Guidelines2.1.2.4 ASME NQA-1-1994, 1997, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications2.1.2.5 EPRI TR-1 03291, Handbook of Verification and Validation for Digital Systems, Revision 1,December 19982.1.2.6 EPRI TR-108831, Requirements Engineering for Digital Upgrades2.1.2.7 NEI 08-09, Revision 6, Cyber Security Plan for Nuclear Reactors2.1.2.8 IEEE Std. 7-4.3.2-2003 IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems ofNuclear Power Generating Stations, Appendix D (Informative) Identification and Resolution ofHazards2.1.2.9 IEEE Std. 279-1971, Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.10 IEEE Std. 308-1971, Criteria for Class 1E Electric Systems for Nuclear Power GeneratingStations2.1.2.11 IEEE Std. 323-1974, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations2.1.2.12 IEEE Std. 338-1987, IEEE Standard Criteria for the Periodic Testing of Nuclear PowerGenerating Station Protection Systems2.1.2.13 IEEE Std. 344-1987, Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1EEquipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.14 IEEE Std. 379-1977, IEEE Application of Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear PowerGenerating Station Class 1 E Systems2.1.2.15 IEEE Std. 384-1981, IEEE Trial-Use Standard Criteria for Separation of Class 1E Equipmentand Circuits2.1.2.16 IEEE Std. 352-1987, IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of NuclearPower Generating Station Safety Systems2.1.2.17 IEEE Std. 497-2002, IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation forNuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.18 IEEE Std. 577-1976, IEEE Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the Design andOperation of Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations2.1.2.19 IEEE Std. 603-1991, IEEE Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations2.1.2.20 IEEE Std. 730-2002, Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans2.1.2.21 IEEE Std. 828-1998, Software Configuration Management Plans2.1.2.22 IEEE Std. 829-1983, Standard for Software Test Documentation2.1.2.23 IEEE Std. 830-1993, Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications2.1.2.24 IEEE Std. 1008-1987, IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing2.1.2.25 IEEE Std. 1012-1998, Standard for Software Verification and Validation2.1.2.26 IEEE Std. 1016-1997, Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions2.1.2.27 IEEE Std. 1028-1997 (reaffirmed 2002), Standard for Software Reviews PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 6 of IEEE Std. 1042-1987, ANSI/IEEE Standard Guide to Software Configuration Management2.1.2.29 IEEE Std. 1044-1997, IEEE Standard for Classification of Software Anomalies2.1.2.30 IEEE Std. 1058.1-1991, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans2.1.2.31 IEEE Std. 1058-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans2.1.2.32 IEEE Std. 1061-1998, IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology2.1.2.33 IEEE Std. 1063-1987, Standard for Software User Documentation2.1.2.34 IEEE Std. 1074-1995, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes2.1.2.35 IEEE Std. 1219-1998, Standard for Software Maintenance2.1.2.36 IEEE Std. 1228-1994, IEEE Standard for Software Safety Plans2.1.2.37 IEEE Std. 1233-1998, Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications2.1.2.38 IEEE Std. 1471-2000. Systems and Software Engineering -Recommended Practice forArchitectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems2.2 Control Procedures2.2.1 PG&E Control Procedures2.2.1.1 DCPP References and Procedures:PG&E Procedure, IDAP AD7.ID8, Project Management2.2.1.2 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF3.1D9, [Design Change (Package) Development2.2.1.3 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF2.1D9, Software Quality Assurance Plan Software Development2.2.1.4 PG&E Procedure, IDAP CF2.1D2, Software Configuration Management for Computers &Software Used for Plant Operations and Operations Support2.2.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Control Procedures2.2.2.1 CS Innovations Document No. 6002-00003, "ALS W Plan" CS Innovations Document No. 6116-00000, "DCPP Management Plan" CS Innovations Document No. 6116-00005, "DCPP Test Plan" Triconex Document No. 993754-1-802, Nuclear Safety-Related Process Protection SystemReplacement DCPP Software V&V Plan (SWP)NOTE: The various 10 CFR 50 Appendix B software suppliers and the various regulatory agencies do notuse the same terminology for software and software verification and validation. As mentioned in DI&C-ISG-06 Rev. 1 [], an applicant may have different names for similar documents. Regardless ofthe titles of the documents submitted, the actual LAR should contain sufficient information to address thecriteria discussed in the technical evaluation sections... This procedure does not specify that an approvedsoftware supplier meet this particular terminology, only that the intent of this procedure is followed and ahigh quality software product is generated for plant use.NOTE 2: If any part of the software life cycle process is contracted to an approved supplier with a1 OCFR50 Appendix B program, their SQA processes apply for their product, with PG&E auditing theirprogram, and owner acceptance by PG&E.

.DeAcceptanceAcceptance TesAccuracyAnomalyPPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 7 of 21finitionsOfficial recognition that a product (usually hardware or software configurationitem) meets contractual and project A Formal test conducted in an operational environment to determine whetheror not the system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customerto determine whether or not to accept the system.The degree of freedom from error of sensor and operator input, the degree ofexactness exhibited by an approximation or measurement, and the degree offreedom from error of actuator output.Any condition that deviates from the expected based on requirements,specifications, design, documents, user documents, standards, etc.Application SoftwareSoftware designed to fulfill specific needs of a user; for example, software fornavigation, or process control.ApprovalOfficial recognition of product validity.ArchitectureBaselineThe organizational structure of a system or component.* A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreedupon, and thereafter serves as the basis for further development. It ischanged only through formal change-control procedures* A complete and documented set of design requirements and systemcomponents (hardware and software) placed under configuration controlthat identifies the applicable version/revision level of each of theserequirement documents and system components.Work products (e.g., document and/or software) that have been officiallyapproved or accepted and used to judge the acceptability of a system,Subsystem, or configuration item. (A baseline is subject to configurationcontrol and is updated to reflect approved changes to the configurationitem throughout its life cycle.)Intermediate version of a system or configuration item that provides ademonstrable subset of capabilities needed to meet requirements allocatedto the system or configuration item.Those attributes of the planning documents, implementation processdocuments and design outputs that provide full implementation of thefunctions required of the software. The functions that the software is requiredto perform are derived from the general functional requirements of the safetysystem and the assignment of functional requirements to the software in theoverall system design.Testing conducted to verify the correct implementation of the design andcompliance with program requirements for one software element (e.g.,function block) or a collection of software elementsBuildCompletenessComponent Testing PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 8 of 21CorrectnessConceptual PhaseConfigurationConfiguration AuditConfiguration ItemThe degree to which a design output is free from faults in its Specification,design, and implementation. There is considerable overlap betweencorrectness properties and properties of other characteristics such asaccuracy and completeness.Encompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the basic designand functional requirements for the project or system. The conceptual phaseidentifies the idea or need for. a software application including feasibilitystudies. It establishes the scope, basic design criteria, required effort, cost,functionality, and classification of the software.Form, fit, and functions of a system or configuration item as defined inbaseline documentation.In the context of an audit for delivery of a product, a configuration auditincludes both a functional configuration audit and a physical configurationaudit.* An aggregation of hardware, software, or both, that is designated forconfiguration management and treated as a single entity in theconfiguration management process. The collection of configurationitems should encompass all data, code, drawings, and other informationthat is used to configure, maintain, or define the operation orconfiguration of the designated equipment and the project application.* Developed or purchased item, controlled, accepted, and maintainedseparately from other items. (A configuration item can be composed ofhardware or software or, for major configuration items, an aggregation ofboth.)A discipline that involves identifying, controlling, and tracking theconfiguration of a system or product.Corrective action is taken to eliminate the causes of an existingnonconformity, defect, or other undesirable situation in order to preventrecurrence.A subjective description of the intended use and application of the system.Software criticality properties may include safety, security, complexity,reliability, performance, or other characteristics.A structured evaluation of the software characteristics (e.g., safety, security,complexity, performance) for severity of impact of system failure, systemdegradation, or failure to meet software requirements or system objectives.A work product or service given to the client for review and acceptance. Itfrequently has contractual implications.ConfigurationManagementCorrective ActionCriticalityCriticality AnalysisDeliverable PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 9 of 21Design PhaseFactory AcceptanceTesting (FAT)FirmwareFunctional RequirementFunctional TestingFunctionalityHardwareHazards AnalysisEncompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the SoftwareDesign Description for the project or system. The primary activity is encodingthe application information and function definitions of the SoftwareRequirements Specification into function diagrams. Design Descriptions arethe translation of the Requirements Specification into the design anddevelopment of the software.Final customer-witnessed or customer-performed testing at supplier's sitewhich demonstrates that the designed system meets the purchaser'sfunctional and performance requirements and/or industry and regulatoryrequirements.Computer programs and data loaded in a class of memory that cannot bedynamically modified by the computer during processing, e.g., EPROM.Requirement on the I&C system from point of view of the process function.The functional requirements usually are given in the form of writtendescriptions (customer functional specifications) and information flowdiagrams.Tests whether the functions of the I&C system fulfill the softwarerequirements. In the case of safety-related I&C equipment these tests areperformed by simulating the measurement signals that prevail during normalor accident conditions in order to check that protective actions are initiatedcorrectly.The operations, which must be carried out by the software. Functionsgenerally transform input information into output information. Inputs may beobtained from sensors, operators, other equipment, or other software.Outputs may be directed to actuators, operators, other equipment, or othersoftware.Physical equipment (components) that typically provide a specific functionand is assembled with other equipment to create a system; certaincomponents host the various types of Software or FirmwareA systematic qualitative or quantitative evaluation of softwarefor undesirableoutcomes resulting from the development or operation of a system. Theseoutcomes may include injury, illness, death, mission failure, economic loss,property loss, environmental loss, or adverse social impact. This evaluationmay include screening or analysis methods to categorize, eliminate, reduce,or mitigate hazards.The formal specification of the functional behavior of the I&C equipment, asderived from the functional requirements. I&C functions are specified anddescribed in the SRS, as information flow diagrams and data tables, and formthe basis for automatic software generation in application softwaredevelopment.I&C Function PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 10 of 21Implementation PhaseIndependenceEncompasses those activities that are necessary to generate the code fromthe completed function diagrams or source code and load it onto theprocessors. This includes documenting the steps and matching specificchecksums for identity checking.Organization whose personnel maintain independence from a Technical,Managerial, and Financial perspective:* Technical Independence is defined as personnel who are not involved inthe development of the software.* Managerial Independence is defined as an organization separate fromthe development and program management organizations. Managerialindependence also means that the independent organization selects thesegments of the software and the system to analyze and test, choosetechniques, defines testing schedule, and selects the specific technicalissues and problems to act upon. The independent organization effortmust be allowed to submit to program management the testing results,anomalies, and findings without restrictions or adverse pressure, director indirect, from the development group.Financial Independence is defined as an organization that is financiallyindependent from the development organization. This independenceprevents situations where independent activities cannot be completedbecause funds have been diverted or adverse financial pressures orinfluences have been exerted by the development organization.A detailed line by line technical verification of a document by a competentindividual other than the preparer. The independence and technicalcompetence of the reviewer is certified by the cognizant technical manager.This is performed by the design group personnel, is not part of the softwareverification and validation process, and may also be referred to asIndependent Review.Evaluation technique in which intermediate development products areexamined in detail by a person or group other than the author to detecttechnical deficiencies or violations of standards.An orderly progression of testing in which software elements, hardwareelements or both are combined and tested until the entire system has beenintegrated. The final set of testing, completed successfully, before the FATwhich demonstrates that the system (integrated hardware and software) isready for FAT.The assigned integer value from 0 to 4 that indicates the degree ofverification and validation that is applied to the system during thedevelopment life cycle, subsequent to an evaluation of a combination of thecriticality of the system function to the owner's mission, and the importanceand likelihood of a system failure. For larger systems, this level may beapplied to specific subsystems or sub-modules.Independent DesignReviewInspectionIntegration TestingIntegrity Level PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 11 of 21A shared boundary across which information is passed.A Hardware or Software component that connects two or more othercomponents for passing information from one to the other.InterfaceInterface ControlLessons LearnedMalicious SoftwareMayMeasurePeer ReviewProduct ReviewProject ManagerQualityQuality Management* Identification of all functional and physical characteristics relevant to theinterfacing of two or more Configuration Items provided by one or moreorganizations* Ensuring that proposed changes to these characteristics are evaluatedand approved prior to implementation.Lessons learned are guidance that enhance the practitioner's understandingof a process, clarify a process' applicability to a particular application, provideguidance for special cases, highlight issues, or convey supplier advice. Thelessons learned come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to,operation experience, experiences in the use of tools and techniques, andpublished best practices from other organizations.Software code that is intended to breakdown or bypass security barriers; orsoftware code that is intended to adversely impact proper systemperformance or function.An expression of possibility, a permissive choice to act or not, asdistinguished from shall, which is a requirement or action that must beperformed.A measure is any quantitative group. Examples of measures are estimatedcost, actual cost, ratio of actual to estimated cost, number of defects, defectdensity, mean time between failures, average length of support call, andnumber of peer reviews performed.An examination of a product by the creators' peers to identify defects andareas where changes are needed. It uses the capabilities of independentreviewers, individually or in a group, to identify the improvements needed in aproduct and to agree on which improvements should be made.An examination of a product to identify errors before the product is formallypassed forward in the development process.Individual responsible to coordinate all aspects of the assigned project(s).Primary customer interface responsible for coordinating implementation of theproject, quality control, customer invoicing and tracking project performanceagainst as- sold estimates.Degree to which a system or configuration item satisfies its requirements.Consists of the management responsibilities and actions that determine andimplement quality policies. It includes obtaining the commitment of theorganization, marshaling resources, and ensuring that quality managementprocesses are used and supported effectively.

ReleaseReliabilityPPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 12 of 21A build that will be delivered to the customer. A release may include anintegrated set of builds.The degree to, which a software system or component operates withoutfailure. This definition does not consider the consequences of failure, onlythe existence of failure.Requirements PhaseRequirementsTraceabilityRequirementsTraceability Matrix (RTM)ReviewSafetySecurityShallEncompasses those activities that are necessary to produce the SoftwareRequirements Specification (SRS) for the project or system. These are theprimary software design activities wherein customer requirements areidentified and described, and documented in a manner necessary for thespecification of function diagrams. The Requirements Specification is thebuilding block for the development, procurement, and maintenance ofsoftware and data. As such it is important the Requirements Specification iscreated considering all the requirements for the software/data.The process of verifying that each specified requirement for a system hasbeen implemented into the design, that all aspects of the design have theirbases in the specification requirements (forwards and backwards traceability,respectively), and that testing produces results compatible with the specifiedrequirements. The completed steps of the verification process are typicallyrecorded in a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). This usually takes theform of a table that lists requirements and the corresponding sections ofdocuments that indicate how the particular requirement is satisfied.A Requirements Matrix provides a method that can be used to trace anddocument that requirements have been met. It provides a complete view ofrequirements to be tested, and traces specific requirements through allphases of development to verify that the requirement was met. Additionally,the RTM formally documents the process and provides documented evidencethat can be useful in auditing that safety requirements and licensingcommitments were met.An expert analysis and evaluation of the results of a task, a step, or a phase.It is implemented either globally, or in detail on random samples (e.g., in thecase of code inspection).Those properties and characteristics of the software system that directlyaffect or interact with system safety considerations. The safety characteristicis primarily concerned with the effect of the software on system hazards andthe measures taken to control those hazards.The ability to prevent unauthorized, undesired, and unsafe intrusions.Security is a safety concern insofar as such intrusions can affect the safety-related functions of the software."Shall" denotes a requirement or action that must be performed."Should" denotes a requirement or action that would be beneficial toSUPPLIER or OWNER but is not mandatory within the PPS scope of work.Should PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 13 of 21The programs, procedures and any associated documentation pertaining tothe operation of a data processing or computing system. Software is anintellectual creation, independent of the medium on which it is stored.Software includes firmware and logic developed from software baseddevelopments systems.SoftwareSoftware ComponentSoftware LifecycleSoftware RequirementsSoftware ToolSurveillanceSystemSoftware components are a constituent element of a software system. Forapplication software, this usually means the modules, sub-modules, or I&Cfunctions as described in the SRS. A specific collection of SoftwareComponents is assembled to form a System Component.The period of time that starts when a software product is conceived and endswhen the software product is no longer available for routine use. Includes thefollowing phases: preliminary engineering (conceptual), requirements,detailed design, implementation, integration, testing, installation andcheckout, operations & maintenance, and sometimes a retirement phase.Software requirements are those that must be met by the software to satisfy acontract, standard, specification, procedure, or user need. The set of allsoftware requirements form the basis for subsequent development of thesoftware. Requirements include, but are not limited to: identification ofneeded software functions, the inputs, processes, and outputs required foreach function, the design constraints and attributes of the software,performance requirements, interface requirements, and developmentstandards. Each requirement is defined such that its achievement can beverified and validated objectively.A computer program used in the development, testing, analysis, -ormaintenance of a program or its documentation. Examples includecomparator, cross-reference generator, decompiler, driver, editor,flowcharter, monitor, test case generator, and timing analyzer.A formal review of a process implementation against a documented standardor process. Surveillance is a planned activity that focuses on a project or afunctional area.The hardware and software required for solving a complex task. It consists ofseveral subsystems or components which have different performancecharacteristics but which are suitable for use together to accomplish therequired functions.System components are the equivalent of a subsystem that can be usedseparately and performs a self-contained function. They consist of one ormore modules, which are suitable for use together in an overall system. Inthe documentation, emphasis is placed on functionality, communicationrelationships, sequences, inputs/outputs and common resources.System tests are used to determine whether the specified systemcharacteristics of equipment (behavior on failure, behavior on start-up,testability, etc.) have been implemented. These types of test are performedwithout regard to the specific I&C function.System ComponentSystem Test PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 14 of 21Task Iteration The repeat of a V&V task which occurs as a result of identification of ananomaly, its resolution, and the verification by the V&V team that theresolution is complete.Test Sequence of events designed to verify that a system or configuration itemsatisfies requirements or to identify differences between expected and actualresults.Test Phase Encompasses those activities that are necessary during the applicationsoftware production process to assemble and integrate the complete system,and to perform required testing. These are the primary software designactivities wherein system performance is checked and documented to ensurethe required functions are correctly and completely implemented.Timing The ability of the software system to achieve its timing objectives within thehardware constraints imposed by the computing system being used.Traceability The degree to which each element of one life cycle product can be tracedforward to one or more elements of a successor life cycle product, and canbe traced backwards to one or more elements of a predecessor life cycleproduct. Traceability is central to the production of complex systems toensure all requirements are implemented, checked and tested.Unit Smallest replaceable element in a configuration item also referred to as aconfiguration unit (CU). For software, a unit is typically a subroutine; forhardware, a unit may be a board that is fabricated as a separate item.Validation The evaluation of a product at the end of the development process to ensurethe product complies with previously specified software requirements. Thisprocess is usually performed by testing. Validation involves evaluating theoverall system and software behavior under conditions representative of itsintended use.Verification The process of determining whether or not the products of a givendevelopment phase fulfill the requirements imposed at the start of the phase.Verification includes detailed review and testing at each phase anddetermines whether the project is ready to proceed to the next phase.Verification and The systematic program of review and testing activities performed throughValidation the software lifecycle to ensure that the software satisfies its intended useand user needs. V&V activities are performed by persons who are differentand independent from those who accomplish the design and integration.Verifiability The degree to, which a software planning document, implementation processdocument or design output is stated or provided in such a way as to facilitatethe establishment of verification criteria and the performance of analyses,reviews, or tests to determine whether those criteria have been met.Will "Will" means that an action or activity can be assumed to be completed bythe subject of the sentence whether the subject is SUPPLIER, OWNER orothers.

PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyWP) Rev 0Page 15 of 214. OrganizationDifferent organizational units, their responsibilities and relationships with regard to Verification andValidation are discussed in this SyWP. The basic organizational structure for the PPS ReplacementSystem project is shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-1 PPS Project OrganizationDiablo CanyonPPS UpgradeProject MaMrger~ ~- --- --- ...............k~g ..PG&E~~PJ~ T Cirer4.1 PG&E Roles & ResponsibilitiesDetailed PG&E roles and responsibilities are defined in control procedures listed in Section 2.2.The PG&E Project Manager has the ultimate responsibility, authority, and accountability for all aspects ofthe project. Responsibilities include quality of design, timely integration with site schedules, supplierquality management/oversight, quality field implementation, and successful post-installation testing. TheProject Manager is also responsible to recommend re-evaluation of the project if he detects changes inthe project that alter the decision to proceed.The PG&E Project Manager shares the responsibility for meeting the software quality goals andobjectives of the project and for the implementation of software quality management throughout theproject.The PG&E Project Manager will:* Release the system level V&V plan and reports* Review progress of the SyWP and V&V program* Approve corrective actions, scope changes and resource allocations.* Coordinate the disposition of discrepancy reports generated in the course of verification andvalidation.The Engineer of Choice (EoC) Design Change Package Team is responsible for the design changeprocess utilized by DCPP for the design and implementation of modifications to controlled Structures,Systems, and Components. The Engineer of Choice (EoC) Design Change PackageTeam is alsoresponsible for establishing quality goals and objectives for their organization consistent with those of theproject.The PG&E Project Engineering Team conducts and ensures quality-related inter-group coordination fordesign and engineering between software and hardware design activities. Project engineering isresponsible for identifying the processes and corresponding standards and procedures to guide project PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 16 of 21performance. The project engineering team is further responsible for ensuring work activities areperformed in compliance with these standards and procedures.4.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Roles and ResponsibilitiesDetailed roles and responsibilities for each of the 1 OCFR50 Appendix B suppliers are provided in therespective 1 OCFR50 Appendix B supplier control procedures listed in Section 2.2.2.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Supplier Project Manager (PM) is responsible for providing direction inimplementation of the V&V activities to ensure that they are performed per the respective controlprocedures listed in Section 2.2.2. The Project manager is responsible for overall project safety in therespective organization.The 1OCFR50 Appendix B supplier produces documentation and is responsible for the performance ofthe reviews, audits, and inspections as described in the control documents. PG&E will review thedocuments and products produced and witness testing activities. PG&E will accept the documeents andreports after the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers resolve anomalies and PG&E comments.5. V&V ProcessesThe PG&E SyVVP and 1 OCFR50 Appendix B supplier SVVP describe documents, hardware andsoftware V&V tools, techniques, methods, and operating and test environment to be used in therespective V&V process.During the Project Initiation and Planning activities the lifecycle documentation needed to support theLAR was identified, and is shown in Figure 5-1. Additional detail regarding each of the illustrateddocuments will be provided in the System Quality Assurance Plan (SyQAP) and System Verification andValidation Plan (SyWP).5.1 PG&E V&V Tasks5.1.1 Concept Phase V&VDuring the Concept phase, the system architecture is selected, and system requirements are allocated tohardware, software, and user interface components. The outputs of the Concept phase, shown in Figure5-1 are:1. Conceptual Design Document (CDD)2. Functional Requirements Specification (FRS -includes Function Block Diagrams)3. Interface Requirements Specification (IRS -includes Input/Output List)Development of concept documentation and allocation of resources was performed for the PPSReplacement Project per PG&E procedure CF2.1D9 [], which includes verification of the Conceptphase documents through a signature process involving all stakeholders. There are no specific V&Vproducts of this phase.PG&E considers the CDD to be a descriptive document, not a design input document. Taceability by the10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers from the CDD to the FRS and IRS is not required.5.1.2 Installation and Checkout Phase V&VThe Installation and Checkout phase begins after PG&E has reviewed and accepted all developmentphase documentation and V&V reports, including the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier Software (orSystem) V&V Report ( SWR), that have been prepared per the control documents listed in Section2.2.2.

PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 17 of215.1.2.1 Project IntegrationThe 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier FAT will verify that the respective systems correctly process allsafety-related and non-safety-related analog and discrete inputs and outputs. The FAT will verify that allsafety functions specified in the PG&E design documents (FRS and IRS) perform in accordance withspecified requirements. The FAT will also verify operation of the non-safety-related MaintenanceWorkstation (MWS) functions associated with each platform per specified requirements.However, the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will implement their respective systems in differentfacilities with different physical locations, and without access to external PG&E non-safety-relatedsystems, such as the Plant Process Computer Gateway. Necessarily, the FAT will not include end-to-endtests of functions that involve such dependencies. The completed systems will be assembled in thePG&E Project Integration and Test (PIT) facility for pre-installation staging and checkout of the integratedsystem.The ALS processes Reactor Coolant System and Pressurizer Vapor Space temperatures and providesscaled analog 4-20 mA signals corresponding to Engineering Units to the Tricon. The ALS FAT will verifythat the ALS processes the temperature signals correctly and produces properly scaled 4-20 mA analogoutputs per specified requirements. The Tricon FAT will verify that all safety functions utilizing the 4-20mA analog signals perform per specified requirements using simulated signals. The SAT will test theintegrated PPS replacement system using the transmission of live 4-20 mA analog Reactor CoolantSystem temperatures from the ALS to the Tricon. Site Acceptance TestThe PG&E Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) will test the fully integrated system prior to installation. TheSAT does not retest safety functions. All specified safety functions will be tested in the 10 CFR 50Appendix B supplier FAT. As described above, the SAT will test the transmission of live analog data fromthe ALS to the Tricon and will also include V&V of the non-safety-related communication interfaces withthe MWS and external systems as specified in the IRS.Tasks performed in this phase:" Audit the installation configuration to verify that all products required to integrate the system havebeen delivered by the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers and that all ancillary components areavailable.-For the software based Tricon portion of the PPS replacement, verify that the installed softwarecorresponds to the software subjected to V&V. Verify that the system initializes, execute, andterminates as specified. Verify the requirements for continuous operation and service, includinguser notification of errors.-For the hardware based ALS portion of the PPS replacement, verify that the installed FPGA logiccorresponds to the logic subjected to V&V. Verify that the system initializes, executes, andterminates as specified. Verify the requirements for continuous operation and service, includinguser notification of errors.* Validate that all site-dependent parameters or conditions to verify supplied values are correct." Conduct the SAT per approved PG&E plant procedure. Installation and Design Verification TestThe Design Verification Test (DVT) is performed on the system once it is fully installed in the final targetenvironment and location. The DVT is performed per PG&E plant procedure CF3.1D9 []. PG&E isresponsible for acceptance of the results of the SAT and DVT.Tasks performed in this phase:

PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 18 of 21* Audit the installation configuration to verify that all software products required to correctly install andoperate the completed system are present in the installation package.* Validate that all site-dependent parameters or conditions to verify supplied values are correct.* Conduct the DVT per approved PG&E plant procedure.* Verify that the installation procedures and installation environment do not introduce new hazards;Update the hazard analysis;" Generate the V&V Final ReportPG&E will review and accept the products of the Appendix B supplier development andimplementation V&V activities and will use the results to ensure that the overall PPS ReplacementProject V&V activities are complete. Upon completion of all V&V activities, tasks, and results,including status and disposition of anomalies, PG&E will issue a final System Verification andValidation Report (SyVVR). Traceability AnalysisPG&E will prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) to document the verification and validationof specified requirements that were not included in the respective 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier V&Vscope. Outputs of this phase are:" Site Acceptance Test Report* V&V Installation Analysis* Design Verification Test Report.* RTM for items not in 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier V&V scope.* SyWR5.1.3 Operation Phase V&V TasksNot in the scope of this SyVVP; governed by other approved DCPP procedures5.1.4 Maintenance Phase V&V TasksNot in the scope of this SyVVP; governed by other approved DCPP procedures PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 19 of 21Figure 5-1 PPS Replacement Project Lifecycle Document FlowGlossary:CDD Conceptual Design DocumentFRS Functional Requirements SpecificationIRS Interface Requirements SpecificationSAD Software Architecture RequirementsHAD Hardware Architecture RequirementsSyRS System Requirements SpecificationSyDS System Design SpecificationSRS Software Requirements SpecificationHRS Hardware Requirements SpecificationHDS Hardware Design SpecificationSDD Software Design DescriptionFAT Factory Acceptance TestSAT Site Acceptance TestDVT Design Verification TestingRTM Requirements Traceability MatrixSWR Software Verification & Validation ReportSyWR System Verification & Validation ReportConcept (PG&E)TVConcept (PG&E)Requirements DefinitionCSIIOMSysterm Architecture Descriptionrj Hardware)TVWTRequirements DefinitionDesignDesignTestVT-I-TestInstallation/CheckoutVVT PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 20 of 215.2 10CFR50 Appendix B Supplier TasksRespective V&V activities are governed by the Triconex Nuclear Safety-Related Process ProtectionSystem Replacement DCPP Software V&V Plan (SWP) [], the ALS W Plan [], the ALSDCPP Management Plan [], and the ALS DCPP Test Plan []. These plans have beenreviewed and accepted by PG&E to ensure that the V&V effort is complete.During requirements definition, design and implementation activities, the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierswill issue reports for the results of V&V activities. PG&E will review and accept the reports aftercomments and any anomalies have been resolved according to the 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplierprocedures.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will prepare traceability documentation and analyses for the startingfrom the FRS and IRS and continuing through Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) per their respectivecontrol procedures. The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will verify and validate their respective systemsto ensure that all safety functions are traced to their requirements and perform per the specifiedrequirements in accordance with the respective control procedures. This process ensures that all safetyrequirements specified in the FRS and IRS are properly implemented and tested at the FAT.The 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers will issue a final V&V Report,(SWR) which summarizes all lifecycle V&V tasks and the task results. It will also summarize the discrepancies and their resolution foundduring the V&V evaluation. The report will give an assessment of overall software quality and provide anyrecommendations. The SWR will be prepared per the respective control procedures.6. V&V Reporting RequirementsV&V reporting shall consist of Task Reports, V&V Activity Summary Reports, Anomaly Reports, and theV&V Final Report. Task report(s), V&V activity summary report(s), and anomaly report(s) are provided asfeedback to the software development process regarding the technical quality of each software productand process.Task Reports shall document V&V task results and status, and shall be in a format appropriate fortechnical disclosure. Task Report requirements are defined in the respective 10 CFR 50 Appendix Bsupplier control procedure.An Activity Summary Report shall summarize the results of V&V tasks performed for each of the V&Vactivities. V&V Activity Summary Report requirements are defined in the respective 10 CFR 50 AppendixB supplier control procedure,An Anomaly Report shall document the identification and resolution of all anomalies detected by the V&Veffort. Anomaly reporting and resolution requirements are defined in the respective PG&E and 10CFR 50Appendix B supplier control procedures.The V&V Final Report, consisting of the System V&V Report (SyVVR), will be issued by PG&E at the endof the installation and checkout phase. The V&V Final Report will include the following, as a minimum:a. Summary of all life cycle V&V activities within PG&E and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier scopeb. Summary of anomalies and resolutionsc. Assessment of overall software qualityd. A copy of or reference to all completed V&V documents and reports PPS Replacement System Verification and Validation Plan (SyVVP) Rev 0Page 21 of 217. V&V Administrative RequirementsAnomaly Resolution and Reporting shall be performed per the respective PG&E and 1 OCFR 50 AppendixB supplier control procedures.Task iteration evaluation and disposition shall be performed in accordance with the PG&E and 1 OCFR50Appendix B supplier control procedures.V&V Task Reports shall be generated to document the results of regression testing per the PG&E and1OCFR50 Appendix B supplier control procedures.The procedures and criteria used to deviate from this SyWP are defined as follows. The informationrequired for disposition of deviations shall include task identification, rationale, and potential effect onsoftware quality. The authority responsible for approving deviations is the PG&E Project Manager.Approval shall be documented in a Change Notice or equivalent formal PG&E document, and shall beincorporated into the SyVVP as a revision at the first practical opportunity.Control Procedures: Refer to Section 2.2.1 (PG&E) and Section 2.2.2 (10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliers)Standards, Practices and Conventions: Refer to Section 2.1.8. V&V Documentation RequirementsV&V documentation shall be prepared in accordance with the PG&E and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B suppliercontrol procedures.