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{{#Wiki_filter:1NRR-PMDAPEm ResourceFrom:Klett, AudreySent:Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:05 PMTo:Tomonto, Bob (; Czaya, Paul (; 'Hanek, Olga' (; Cross, William (
Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)Follow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedBob, Paul, Olga,  By letter dated July 10, 2014, as supplemented by letter dated July 17, 2014, Florida Power & Light Company (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (Turkey Point). The licensee requested revisions to the Turkey Point Technical Specifications (TSs), Section 3/4.7.4, "Ultimate Heat Sink [UHS]."
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Containment and Ventilation Branch (SCVB) staff reviewed the information provided by the licensee and determined that it needs additional information to complete the review. The NRC staff's request for additional information (RAI) is as follows. SCVB RAI-1  The LAR does not clearly describe changes in the current methodology for analyzing the component cooling water (CCW) supply cooling water temperature to the emergency containment coolers (ECCs) and residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger (HX). In the revision of the Turkey Point Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) dated Apri 17, 2013, page 14.3.4-25, under the heading, "Noding Structure," the last sentence states:  "The recirculation system model uses GOTHIC component models for the residual heat removal and component cooling water heat exchangers and pumps. Recirculation flow from the sump is modeled as a boundary condition."  Page 13 of 17 of the LAR enclosure (under the heading, "Safety Analysis Scenarios,") states: 
"The calculation for CCW heat exchanger performance was revised using the HX3/HX4 computer program to demonstrate that the CCW heat exchangers can remove the necessary post-accident containment heat load for the LOCA and MSLB containment integrity analyses."
A.        Does the HX3/HX4 computer program replace the currently used GOTHIC methodology in the current licensing basis analysis?  If so, please describe in detail how the HX3/HX4 computer program replaces the GOTHIC modeling to determine the revised CCW supply temperature to the ECCs and RHR HX, while considering the limiting values of all of the post-accident CCW HX heat loads. Please include the analysis inputs and assumptions used in the revised method justifying their conservatisms. B.        Using the current GOTHIC model and the proposed ICW water temperature of 104 oF as input, provide the CCW supply water temperature profiles to the ECCs and RHR HX for the limiting Double-Ended Pump Suction (DEPS) and Double-Ended Hot Leg (DEHL) Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) and Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident, and provide the CCW peak temperature values. The analysis should be performed using the same inputs as in the current analysis, i.e., assuming the worst safety related equipment heat loads, while using the proposed improved CCW HX tube resistance. If any of the remaining inputs are revised, please justify.
2SCVB RAI-2  The Turkey Point UFSAR Revision dated April 17, 2013, Section14., "Description of Analysis," states that the containment response for a LOCA or MSLB accident is performed using GOTHIC computer code. The UFSAR Table, "Containment Analysis Parameters," provided the intake cooling water (ICW) temperature used for containment integrity as 100 °F, which is proposed to be revised to 104 °F as an input to the analysis. The Table does not explicitly state the assumed value of the CCW supply water temperature to the EECs and RHR HX in the GOTHIC analysis. Please confirm that based on the proposed ICW temperature of 104 oF, and the revised worst value of the CCW supply water temperature (to be stated in response to this RAI) to RHR HX and ECCs, all current containment analyses for containment peak pressure and temperature response and for containment heat removal are not affected and will remain as the licensing basis.
Audrey Klett Project Manager NRR/DORL/LPLII-2 301-415-0489 Hearing Identifier:  NRR_PMDA  Email Number:  1447  Mail Envelope Properties  (Audrey.Klett@nrc.gov20140722170400) 
Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)  Sent Date:  7/22/2014 5:04:47 PM  Received Date:  7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM  From:    Klett, Audrey  Created By:  Recipients:    "Tomonto, Bob (" <>  Tracking Status: None "Czaya, Paul (" <>  Tracking Status: None  "'Hanek, Olga' (" <>
Tracking Status: None  "Cross, William (" <>  Tracking Status: None
Post Office:      Files    Size      Date & Time  MESSAGE    3982      7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM  Options  Priority:    Standard  Return Notification:    No  Reply Requested:    No  Sensitivity:    Normal  Expiration Date:      Recipients Received:  Follow up 1NRR-PMDAPEm ResourceFrom:Klett, AudreySent:Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:05 PMTo:Tomonto, Bob (; Czaya, Paul (; 'Hanek, Olga' (; Cross, William (
Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)Follow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedBob, Paul, Olga,  By letter dated July 10, 2014, as supplemented by letter dated July 17, 2014, Florida Power & Light Company (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (Turkey Point). The licensee requested revisions to the Turkey Point Technical Specifications (TSs), Section 3/4.7.4, "Ultimate Heat Sink [UHS]."
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Containment and Ventilation Branch (SCVB) staff reviewed the information provided by the licensee and determined that it needs additional information to complete the review. The NRC staff's request for additional information (RAI) is as follows. SCVB RAI-1  The LAR does not clearly describe changes in the current methodology for analyzing the component cooling water (CCW) supply cooling water temperature to the emergency containment coolers (ECCs) and residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger (HX). In the revision of the Turkey Point Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) dated Apri 17, 2013, page 14.3.4-25, under the heading, "Noding Structure," the last sentence states:  "The recirculation system model uses GOTHIC component models for the residual heat removal and component cooling water heat exchangers and pumps. Recirculation flow from the sump is modeled as a boundary condition."  Page 13 of 17 of the LAR enclosure (under the heading, "Safety Analysis Scenarios,") states: 
"The calculation for CCW heat exchanger performance was revised using the HX3/HX4 computer program to demonstrate that the CCW heat exchangers can remove the necessary post-accident containment heat load for the LOCA and MSLB containment integrity analyses."
A.        Does the HX3/HX4 computer program replace the currently used GOTHIC methodology in the current licensing basis analysis?  If so, please describe in detail how the HX3/HX4 computer program replaces the GOTHIC modeling to determine the revised CCW supply temperature to the ECCs and RHR HX, while considering the limiting values of all of the post-accident CCW HX heat loads. Please include the analysis inputs and assumptions used in the revised method justifying their conservatisms. B.        Using the current GOTHIC model and the proposed ICW water temperature of 104 oF as input, provide the CCW supply water temperature profiles to the ECCs and RHR HX for the limiting Double-Ended Pump Suction (DEPS) and Double-Ended Hot Leg (DEHL) Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) and Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident, and provide the CCW peak temperature values. The analysis should be performed using the same inputs as in the current analysis, i.e., assuming the worst safety related equipment heat loads, while using the proposed improved CCW HX tube resistance. If any of the remaining inputs are revised, please justify.
2SCVB RAI-2  The Turkey Point UFSAR Revision dated April 17, 2013, Section14., "Description of Analysis," states that the containment response for a LOCA or MSLB accident is performed using GOTHIC computer code. The UFSAR Table, "Containment Analysis Parameters," provided the intake cooling water (ICW) temperature used for containment integrity as 100 &deg;F, which is proposed to be revised to 104 &deg;F as an input to the analysis. The Table does not explicitly state the assumed value of the CCW supply water temperature to the EECs and RHR HX in the GOTHIC analysis. Please confirm that based on the proposed ICW temperature of 104 oF, and the revised worst value of the CCW supply water temperature (to be stated in response to this RAI) to RHR HX and ECCs, all current containment analyses for containment peak pressure and temperature response and for containment heat removal are not affected and will remain as the licensing basis.
Audrey Klett Project Manager NRR/DORL/LPLII-2 301-415-0489 Hearing Identifier:  NRR_PMDA  Email Number:  1447  Mail Envelope Properties  (Audrey.Klett@nrc.gov20140722170400) 
Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)  Sent Date:  7/22/2014 5:04:47 PM  Received Date:  7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM  From:    Klett, Audrey  Created By:  Recipients:    "Tomonto, Bob (" <>  Tracking Status: None "Czaya, Paul (" <>  Tracking Status: None  "'Hanek, Olga' (" <>
Tracking Status: None  "Cross, William (" <>  Tracking Status: None
Post Office:      Files    Size      Date & Time  MESSAGE    3982      7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM  Options  Priority:    Standard  Return Notification:    No  Reply Requested:    No  Sensitivity:    Normal  Expiration Date:      Recipients Received:  Follow up}}

Revision as of 02:46, 6 June 2018

NRC-017 - Email from Audrey Klett, N.R.C., to Bob Tomonto, Paul Czaya, and Olga Hanek,Florida Power & Light, Turkey Point 3 and 4: Request for Additional Information - License Amendment Request 231, (July 22, 2014) (ADAMS Accession No. ML14
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/2015
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 28492, ASLBP 15-935-02-LA-BD01, 50-250-LA, 50-251-LA
Download: ML15314A505 (3)


1NRR-PMDAPEm ResourceFrom:Klett, AudreySent:Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:05 PMTo:Tomonto, Bob (; Czaya, Paul (; 'Hanek, Olga' (; Cross, William (


Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)Follow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedBob, Paul, Olga, By letter dated July 10, 2014, as supplemented by letter dated July 17, 2014, Florida Power & Light Company (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (Turkey Point). The licensee requested revisions to the Turkey Point Technical Specifications (TSs), Section 3/4.7.4, "Ultimate Heat Sink [UHS]."

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Containment and Ventilation Branch (SCVB) staff reviewed the information provided by the licensee and determined that it needs additional information to complete the review. The NRC staff's request for additional information (RAI) is as follows. SCVB RAI-1 The LAR does not clearly describe changes in the current methodology for analyzing the component cooling water (CCW) supply cooling water temperature to the emergency containment coolers (ECCs) and residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger (HX). In the revision of the Turkey Point Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) dated Apri 17, 2013, page 14.3.4-25, under the heading, "Noding Structure," the last sentence states: "The recirculation system model uses GOTHIC component models for the residual heat removal and component cooling water heat exchangers and pumps. Recirculation flow from the sump is modeled as a boundary condition." Page 13 of 17 of the LAR enclosure (under the heading, "Safety Analysis Scenarios,") states:

"The calculation for CCW heat exchanger performance was revised using the HX3/HX4 computer program to demonstrate that the CCW heat exchangers can remove the necessary post-accident containment heat load for the LOCA and MSLB containment integrity analyses."

A. Does the HX3/HX4 computer program replace the currently used GOTHIC methodology in the current licensing basis analysis? If so, please describe in detail how the HX3/HX4 computer program replaces the GOTHIC modeling to determine the revised CCW supply temperature to the ECCs and RHR HX, while considering the limiting values of all of the post-accident CCW HX heat loads. Please include the analysis inputs and assumptions used in the revised method justifying their conservatisms. B. Using the current GOTHIC model and the proposed ICW water temperature of 104 oF as input, provide the CCW supply water temperature profiles to the ECCs and RHR HX for the limiting Double-Ended Pump Suction (DEPS) and Double-Ended Hot Leg (DEHL) Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) and Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident, and provide the CCW peak temperature values. The analysis should be performed using the same inputs as in the current analysis, i.e., assuming the worst safety related equipment heat loads, while using the proposed improved CCW HX tube resistance. If any of the remaining inputs are revised, please justify.

2SCVB RAI-2 The Turkey Point UFSAR Revision dated April 17, 2013, Section14., "Description of Analysis," states that the containment response for a LOCA or MSLB accident is performed using GOTHIC computer code. The UFSAR Table, "Containment Analysis Parameters," provided the intake cooling water (ICW) temperature used for containment integrity as 100 °F, which is proposed to be revised to 104 °F as an input to the analysis. The Table does not explicitly state the assumed value of the CCW supply water temperature to the EECs and RHR HX in the GOTHIC analysis. Please confirm that based on the proposed ICW temperature of 104 oF, and the revised worst value of the CCW supply water temperature (to be stated in response to this RAI) to RHR HX and ECCs, all current containment analyses for containment peak pressure and temperature response and for containment heat removal are not affected and will remain as the licensing basis.

Audrey Klett Project Manager NRR/DORL/LPLII-2 301-415-0489 Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 1447 Mail Envelope Properties (Audrey.Klett@nrc.gov20140722170400)


Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393) Sent Date: 7/22/2014 5:04:47 PM Received Date: 7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM From: Klett, Audrey Created By: Recipients: "Tomonto, Bob (" <> Tracking Status: None "Czaya, Paul (" <> Tracking Status: None "'Hanek, Olga' (" <>

Tracking Status: None "Cross, William (" <> Tracking Status: None

Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 3982 7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received: Follow up 1NRR-PMDAPEm ResourceFrom:Klett, AudreySent:Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:05 PMTo:Tomonto, Bob (; Czaya, Paul (; 'Hanek, Olga' (; Cross, William (


Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393)Follow Up Flag:Follow upFlag Status:FlaggedBob, Paul, Olga, By letter dated July 10, 2014, as supplemented by letter dated July 17, 2014, Florida Power & Light Company (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (Turkey Point). The licensee requested revisions to the Turkey Point Technical Specifications (TSs), Section 3/4.7.4, "Ultimate Heat Sink [UHS]."

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Containment and Ventilation Branch (SCVB) staff reviewed the information provided by the licensee and determined that it needs additional information to complete the review. The NRC staff's request for additional information (RAI) is as follows. SCVB RAI-1 The LAR does not clearly describe changes in the current methodology for analyzing the component cooling water (CCW) supply cooling water temperature to the emergency containment coolers (ECCs) and residual heat removal (RHR) heat exchanger (HX). In the revision of the Turkey Point Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) dated Apri 17, 2013, page 14.3.4-25, under the heading, "Noding Structure," the last sentence states: "The recirculation system model uses GOTHIC component models for the residual heat removal and component cooling water heat exchangers and pumps. Recirculation flow from the sump is modeled as a boundary condition." Page 13 of 17 of the LAR enclosure (under the heading, "Safety Analysis Scenarios,") states:

"The calculation for CCW heat exchanger performance was revised using the HX3/HX4 computer program to demonstrate that the CCW heat exchangers can remove the necessary post-accident containment heat load for the LOCA and MSLB containment integrity analyses."

A. Does the HX3/HX4 computer program replace the currently used GOTHIC methodology in the current licensing basis analysis? If so, please describe in detail how the HX3/HX4 computer program replaces the GOTHIC modeling to determine the revised CCW supply temperature to the ECCs and RHR HX, while considering the limiting values of all of the post-accident CCW HX heat loads. Please include the analysis inputs and assumptions used in the revised method justifying their conservatisms. B. Using the current GOTHIC model and the proposed ICW water temperature of 104 oF as input, provide the CCW supply water temperature profiles to the ECCs and RHR HX for the limiting Double-Ended Pump Suction (DEPS) and Double-Ended Hot Leg (DEHL) Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCAs) and Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident, and provide the CCW peak temperature values. The analysis should be performed using the same inputs as in the current analysis, i.e., assuming the worst safety related equipment heat loads, while using the proposed improved CCW HX tube resistance. If any of the remaining inputs are revised, please justify.

2SCVB RAI-2 The Turkey Point UFSAR Revision dated April 17, 2013, Section14., "Description of Analysis," states that the containment response for a LOCA or MSLB accident is performed using GOTHIC computer code. The UFSAR Table, "Containment Analysis Parameters," provided the intake cooling water (ICW) temperature used for containment integrity as 100 °F, which is proposed to be revised to 104 °F as an input to the analysis. The Table does not explicitly state the assumed value of the CCW supply water temperature to the EECs and RHR HX in the GOTHIC analysis. Please confirm that based on the proposed ICW temperature of 104 oF, and the revised worst value of the CCW supply water temperature (to be stated in response to this RAI) to RHR HX and ECCs, all current containment analyses for containment peak pressure and temperature response and for containment heat removal are not affected and will remain as the licensing basis.

Audrey Klett Project Manager NRR/DORL/LPLII-2 301-415-0489 Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 1447 Mail Envelope Properties (Audrey.Klett@nrc.gov20140722170400)


Turkey Point 3 and 4 Request for Additional Information - LAR 231 (TACs MF4392 and MF4393) Sent Date: 7/22/2014 5:04:47 PM Received Date: 7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM From: Klett, Audrey Created By: Recipients: "Tomonto, Bob (" <> Tracking Status: None "Czaya, Paul (" <> Tracking Status: None "'Hanek, Olga' (" <>

Tracking Status: None "Cross, William (" <> Tracking Status: None

Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 3982 7/22/2014 5:04:00 PM Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received: Follow up