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FPL-024F - Turkey Point Plant; Annual Post-Uprate Monitoring Report, Units 3&4 Uprate Project (August 2014) - Pages 3-56 to 3-64
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2014
Florida Power & Light Co
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-250 -LA, 50-251-LA, ASLBP 15-935-02-LA-BD01, RAS 28503
Download: ML15314A644 (9)


FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-8. Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2014.


FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend:

TPGW-1, -2, -3, -12, -14 =

TPGW-4, -5, -6 =

TPGW-7, -8, -9 =

TPGW-10, -11 =

TPGW-13 =

TPGW-L3, -L5, -G21, -G28, -G35 =

Figure 3.1-9. Tri-linear Diagram of Pre and Post-Uprate Groundwater Ionic Concentrations.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-10. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Groundwater Nutrient Samples from the Shallow (S) and Deep (D) Wells.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-1. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Chloride (mg/L).


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-2. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Sodium (mg/L).


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-3. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Specific Conductance



FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend: TPBBSW = , TPSWC = , TPSWID = , TPSWCCS =

Figure 3.2-4. Tri-Linear Diagram of Surface Water Ionic Concentrations.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-5. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Nutrients.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-6. Nutrient Concentrations (average +/- standard error) in the BBSW, ID, SWC, and CCS for the Pre-Uprate to Post-Uprate Periods.


FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-8. Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2014.


FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend:

TPGW-1, -2, -3, -12, -14 =

TPGW-4, -5, -6 =

TPGW-7, -8, -9 =

TPGW-10, -11 =

TPGW-13 =

TPGW-L3, -L5, -G21, -G28, -G35 =

Figure 3.1-9. Tri-linear Diagram of Pre and Post-Uprate Groundwater Ionic Concentrations.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-10. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Groundwater Nutrient Samples from the Shallow (S) and Deep (D) Wells.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-1. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Chloride (mg/L).


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-2. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Sodium (mg/L).


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-3. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Specific Conductance



FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend: TPBBSW = , TPSWC = , TPSWID = , TPSWCCS =

Figure 3.2-4. Tri-Linear Diagram of Surface Water Ionic Concentrations.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-5. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Nutrients.


FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-6. Nutrient Concentrations (average +/- standard error) in the BBSW, ID, SWC, and CCS for the Pre-Uprate to Post-Uprate Periods.
