Category:Legal-Pre-Filed Exhibits
MONTHYEARML18009B0432018-01-0909 January 2018 NRC-012 - NRC Staff Response to Commission Post-Hearing Questions ML18009A9992018-01-0909 January 2018 FPL-011 - Fpl'S Responses to Post-Hearing Questions ML18023B5832017-11-0303 November 2017 NRC-005-R - NRC Staff Responses to Commission Prehearing Questions (November 3, 2017) ADAMS Accession No. ML17338A728 ML16004A2642016-01-0404 January 2016 FPL-037 - Recommended Order State Hearing L-31 E Water Use ML15314A5442015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-009 - Figure - Comparison of Pre- and Post- Uprate Heat Discharge to the Cooling Canal System ML15314A5242015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-002 - Declaration of Steven D. Scroggs, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A5252015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-003 - Declaration of Jim M. Bolleter, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A5492015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-012 - Figure - Turkey Point Intake Cooling Water Temperature Record; August 2014 to September 2015 ML15314A6312015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-046 - Florida Power and Light, Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4 - License Amendment Request for Extended Power Uprate, Attachment 4; Licensing Report (December 14, 2010)(ADAMS Accession No. ML103560177) ML15314A5472015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-011 - Figure - 60-Day Canal Peak Temperature Trend 2014 V. 2015 ML15314A6632015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-002 - Audrey L. Klett Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6642015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-003 - Briana A. Grange Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6652015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-004 - William Ford Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A6662015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-005 - Nicholas P. Hobbs Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15314A7722015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-050 - NRC Staff Hearing Exhibits ML15314A5262015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-004 - Declaration of Peter F. Andersen, Dated November 10, 2015 (Includes Statement of Professional Qualifications) ML15314A7702015-11-10010 November 2015 NRC-049 - NRC Staff'S Initial and Rebuttal Statement of Position Regarding Contention 1 ML15314A5292015-11-10010 November 2015 FPL-006 - Aerial Photograph of Turkey Point Site (Figure from Turkey Point Units 6 &7 Cola Environmental Report) ML15314A5712015-11-0909 November 2015 NRC-038 - Aquifers, Fla. Dep'T. of Envtl. Protection, Https://Fldep.Dep.State.Fl.Us/Swapp/Aquifer.Asp#. (Last Visited Nov. 9, 2015) ML15314A5702015-11-0909 November 2015 NRC-037 - Water Manager'S Glossary, S. Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., http://www.sfwmd.gov/portal/page/levelthree/water%managers%20glossary. (Last Visited Nov. 9, 2015) ML15299A1092015-10-26026 October 2015 INT-007 Revised Oct 26, 2015 Case Exhibit List ML15299A1082015-10-26026 October 2015 INT-001 - the Science of the Turkey Point Wetlands ML15295A2092015-10-22022 October 2015 INT-003 - Case Oct 9 2015 CCS Salinty 1973 to 2015 (Corrected) ML15295A1272015-10-22022 October 2015 INT-002 - Case Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Uprate Implementation Water Quality Impacts ML15295A3062015-10-0909 October 2015 INT-007 - Case Exhibit List ML15295A1232015-10-0909 October 2015 INT-001 - Case Oct 9 2015 the Science of the Turkey Point 3 and 4 Wetlands ML15295A2082015-10-0606 October 2015 INT-006 - Case Oct 9 105 FPL Derm Consent Agreement ML15299A1162015-10-0303 October 2015 INT-013 - an Attack from Below: Water, Water, Everywhesea Level Rise in Miami ML15295A2072015-10-0202 October 2015 INT-005 - Case Oct 9 2015 Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action ML15314A6182015-09-30030 September 2015 FPL-019 - Biscayne Well Withdrawal Salinity Data, June - September 2015 ML15314A6882015-09-30030 September 2015 FPL-036 - UHS License Amendment Analysis Using CC-6 as a Surrogate Temperature Location ML15299A1172015-08-27027 August 2015 INT-029 - Letter August 27, 2014 FPL to Sfwmd Request for Emergency Authorization of Temporary Water Withdrawal from L-31E Canal ML15299A1152015-08-18018 August 2015 INT-012 - Emails to Case from Dr. Christopher Kelble, NOAA, August 18, 2015 ML15299A1352015-08-14014 August 2015 INT-042 - Sfwmd Final Order Withdrawals from L-31E Canal August 14, 2015 ML15314A5392015-08-0303 August 2015 NRC-031 - Exelon Generation Company, LLC, LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact; Issuance. 80 Fed. Reg. 46062 (August 3, 2015) ML15314A5052015-07-22022 July 2015 NRC-017 - Email from Audrey Klett, N.R.C., to Bob Tomonto, Paul Czaya, and Olga Hanek,Florida Power & Light, Turkey Point 3 and 4: Request for Additional Information - License Amendment Request 231, (July 22, 2014) (ADAMS Accession No. ML14 ML15314A6822015-05-31031 May 2015 FPL-025 - Turkey Point Plant; Annual Post-Uprate Monitoring Report (Addendum), Units 3&4 Uprate Project (May 2015) Tritium Addendum (This Excerpted Version Excludes the Data Appendices) ML15314A6992015-05-19019 May 2015 FPL-034 - South Florida Water Management District L-31E Withdrawal Emergency Final Order (May 19, 2015) ML15314A6912015-03-19019 March 2015 FPL-028 - Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Final Order Modifying Conditions of Certification for Turkey Point Units 3-5 (March 19, 2015) ML15314A6982015-03-13013 March 2015 FPL-033 - South Florida Water Management District Final Order: Authorizing Short Term Water Withdrawals from the L-31E Canal System; (April 9, 2015)(Includes Andersen Memorandum Evaluation of L-31E Water Addition Impacts on Ccs.. ML15321A4742015-01-23023 January 2015 FPL-032R - FPL 2015 L-31 Consumptive Use Permit Application ML15295A1982015-01-0808 January 2015 INT-004 - Case Oct 9 2015 AO Turkey Point Dec 23, 2014 (ML15035A227) ML15314A5152014-11-21021 November 2014 NRC-025 - Florida Power and Light, Root Cause Evaluation for CR Number 1979235, Canal Temperature Exceeded 100 Degrees F (Nov. 21, 2014) (ADAMS Accession No. ML15128A656) ML15314A6932014-11-13013 November 2014 FPL-030 - Revised Andersen Memorandum Evaluation of Drawdown in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Due to Proposed Salinity Reduction-based Withdrawals, Dated November 13, 2014 ML15299A1342014-09-11011 September 2014 INT-030 - Minutes Sfwmd, Governing Board Meeting September 11, 2014 ML15314A6892014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-027 - Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Plant Unit 3 and 4 Nuclear Plant; Unit 5 Combined Cycle Plant Request for Site Certification Modification Additional Consumptive Use, Dated September 5, 2014 (Includes Andersen Memorandum ML15314A6922014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-029 - Figure Showing Proposed Layout of Upper Floridan Wells from FPL Site Certification Modification Application (September 5, 2014) ML15314A5282014-09-0505 September 2014 FPL-005 - Map of Turkey Point Facility Layout (Figure from 2014 Turkey Point Units 3-5 Site Certification Modification Application) ML15314A6192014-08-31031 August 2014 FPL-020 - Figure Excerpted from 2014 Uprate Monitoring Program Showing Biscayne Aquifer Salinity ML15314A6252014-08-31031 August 2014 FPL-023 - Figures (Saltwater Isopleths) from Turkey Point Plant; Annual Post-Uprate Monitoring Report (Addendum), Units 3&4 Uprate Project (August 2014) 2018-01-09
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FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-8. Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2014.
FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend:
TPGW-1, -2, -3, -12, -14 =
TPGW-4, -5, -6 =
TPGW-7, -8, -9 =
TPGW-10, -11 =
TPGW-13 =
TPGW-L3, -L5, -G21, -G28, -G35 =
Figure 3.1-9. Tri-linear Diagram of Pre and Post-Uprate Groundwater Ionic Concentrations.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-10. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Groundwater Nutrient Samples from the Shallow (S) and Deep (D) Wells.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-1. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Chloride (mg/L).
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-2. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Sodium (mg/L).
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-3. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Specific Conductance
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend: TPBBSW = , TPSWC = , TPSWID = , TPSWCCS =
Figure 3.2-4. Tri-Linear Diagram of Surface Water Ionic Concentrations.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-5. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Nutrients.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-6. Nutrient Concentrations (average +/- standard error) in the BBSW, ID, SWC, and CCS for the Pre-Uprate to Post-Uprate Periods.
FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-8. Cross Section C-C Showing Quarterly Groundwater Chloride Concentrations from June/July 2010 through June 2014.
FPL-024F FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend:
TPGW-1, -2, -3, -12, -14 =
TPGW-4, -5, -6 =
TPGW-7, -8, -9 =
TPGW-10, -11 =
TPGW-13 =
TPGW-L3, -L5, -G21, -G28, -G35 =
Figure 3.1-9. Tri-linear Diagram of Pre and Post-Uprate Groundwater Ionic Concentrations.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.1-10. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Groundwater Nutrient Samples from the Shallow (S) and Deep (D) Wells.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-1. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Chloride (mg/L).
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-2. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Sodium (mg/L).
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-3. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Specific Conductance
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Legend: TPBBSW = , TPSWC = , TPSWID = , TPSWCCS =
Figure 3.2-4. Tri-Linear Diagram of Surface Water Ionic Concentrations.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-5. Range (pre-Uprate) and Results (post-Uprate) of Quarterly Surface Water Samples for Nutrients.
FP L Turk ey P oint Annual P ost-Uprate M onitoring Report for Units 3 & 4 Uprate P roject - August 2014 Section 3 Figure 3.2-6. Nutrient Concentrations (average +/- standard error) in the BBSW, ID, SWC, and CCS for the Pre-Uprate to Post-Uprate Periods.