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Response to NRC Request for Additional Information - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station PR-03 and PR-05 Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Testing (IST) Program (TAC No. MF0370)
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/19/2013
From: Lynch J R
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MF0370
Download: ML13267A160 (70)


Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.600 Rocky Hill RoadPlymouth, MA 02360Pilgrim Nuclear Power StationSeptember 19, 2013.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionAttn: Document Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555SUBJECT: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.Pilgrim Nuclear Power StationDocket No.: 50-293License No.: DPR-35Response to NRC Request for Additional Information -Pilgrim NuclearPower Station PR-03 and PR-05 Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Testing (IST)Program (TAC NO. MF 0370)REFERENCE: 1. NRC Request for Additional Information Related to PR-03 and PR-05,dated July 1, 2013 (TAC No. MF0370)2. Entergy Letter No. 2.12.088, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Testing (IST) Program and Request for Approval of ISTRelief Requests PR-03 and PR-05, dated December 6, 20123. Entergy Letter No 2.07.056, Response to NRC Request for AdditionalInformation Related to Pilgrim Inservice Testing (IST) Relief Request PR-03 (TAC NO. MD2478), Attachment 2, "HPCI Main Pump Vibration Data",dated July 12, 2007LETTER NUMBER: 2.13.076Dear Sir or Madam:The Attachments to this letter provide the Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., (Pilgrim) responseto the NRC Request for Additional Information (Reference 1) related to Pilgrim Relief (PR) -03and PR-05, included in the Pilgrim Fifth Ten-Year Inservice Testing Program (References 2and 3).Attachment 1 provides responses to the NRC RAI, which includes as Attachment 2, therevised IST PR-05, Rev. 1 and Enclosure 1, which provides HPCI Pump vibration data from2008 to 2013. Reference 3 provides HPCI Pump vibration data for testing conducted duringearly 2007.This letter contains no commitments.KtL PNPS Letter 2.13.076Page 2 of 2Please do not hesitate to contact me at (508) 830-8403, if there are any questions regardingthis submittal.Sincerely,Joseph R. LyncManager, Pilgrim LicensingAttachment 1: Pilgrim Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Related to IST PR-03and PR-05 (4 pages)Attachment 2: Revised Relief Request, PR-05 (Revision 1) (2 pages)Enclosure 1: HPCI Pump Configuration and Historical Vibration Results (61 pages)cc: Mr. William M. DeanRegional Administrator, Region 1U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission2100 Renaissance Blvd., Suite 100King of Prussia, PA 19406-2713Ms. Nadiyah Morgan, Project ManagerOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOne White Flint NorthMail Stop O-8-C2A11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD. 20852-2738USNRC Senior Resident InspectorPilgrim Nuclear Power Station


s toLetter Number 2.13.076Pilgrim Response to NRC Request for Additional InformationRelated to IST PR-03 and PR-05Attachment 1: Pilgrim Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Related to IST PR-03and PR-05 (4 pages)Attachment 2: Revised Relief Request, PR-05 (Revision 1) (2 pages)Enclosure 1: HPCI Pump Configuration and Historical Vibration Results (61 pages)(Total 67 Pages)


I to Entergy Letter No. 2.13.076Page 1 of 4Response to NRC RAI Questionsfor Standby Liquid Control System PumpsRAI PR-05-1ISTB-5300(a)(1) is applicable to Group A and comprehensive pump tests. The standby liquid control(SLC) pumps are Group B pumps. Is the alternative that is requested only applicable to thecomprehensive pump test for the SLC pumps?Response:Yes, the Standby Liquid Control (SLC) pumps are categorized as Group B (standby system) pumps.The alternative is requested for flow measurement during the hydraulic portion of the comprehensivepump test. The vibration parameters for the comprehensive pump test are obtained with the SLC pumpin recirculation mode, and are recorded after a 2 minute hold period following establishment of the SLCpump reference discharge pressure. Relief Request PR-05 has been revised to clarify that thealternative requested is for the comprehensive pump test. The revised PR-05, Rev. 1 is attached asAttachment 2 to this letter.RAI PR-05-2Please describe other alternatives for measuring flow rate that have been considered, such as installinginstrumentation for measuring flow rate (permanent or temporary), and explain why these could not beimplemented.Response:Ultrasonic (UT) flow instrumentation has been considered for flow measurement of the SLC pumps.Historically, two efforts to install and utilize a UT flow system (both portable and permanent units)through plant design change process have been attempted for SLC pump flow measurement. Theseflow systems were later abandoned due to intermittent erratic flow measurement readings and overallunacceptable flow repeatability. The SLC pump system has limited sections of straight piping that arenot impacted by upstream tee fittings, elbows, and/or valves in the discharge test line. These pipesections experience high levels of turbulence which undermines UT flow signal reliability. Otherstraight piping sections in the test loop, do not remain completely full of fluid (required for reliable UTsignal), which also impacts UT flow signal reliability and measured flow rate. Benchmark testing of thepreviously installed UT flow meters has shown that modification of the SLC test circuit piping will mostlikely be necessary to implement reliable and repeatable UT flow system testing.The test tank measurement methods for the SLC pumps are highly accurate, as measuring the volumethat a pump system delivers over a specified period of time is a reliable and repeatable method fordetermining flow rate. Measuring the fluid volume or fluid weight that a pump delivers over a specifiedperiod is a commonly applied method for determining actual flow rate when calibrating ultrasonic flowmeters. It is believed that replacement of the flow measurement tank with ultrasonic flow meters, andimplementation of associated SLC discharge pipe modifications, would not produce flow measurementresults that are more accurate or repeatable than the current method of determining system flow ratethrough measuring test tank level change.

Page 2 of 4Therefore, PNPS believes that installing an ultrasonic flow measurement system to facilitate pumptesting in accordance with the ASME OM Code would impose a hardship without a compensatingincrease in level of quality and safety.RAI PR-05-3Please explain why the existing test tank cannot be replaced with a larger test tank.Response:Replacement of the SLC pump test loop flow measurement test tank with a larger size would notsignificantly increase pump flow measurement accuracy or repeatability as the current flowmeasurement configuration meets a high standard for accuracy and repeatability. The marginal benefitthat might be realized would not change the observed in-service test results or improve pump hydraulicperformance monitoring. Therefore, PNPS believes that installing a larger test tank to facilitate pumptesting in accordance with the ASME OM Code would impose a hardship without a compensatingincrease in level of quality and safety.Response to NRC RAI Questionsfor HPCI System PumpsRAI PR-03-1It is stated in part, in Section 6 of the Reference, that, "Enclosures 1 and 2 (of Entergy Outgoing NRCLetter 02.08.007) provide HPCI pump vibration spectrum at locations required by the operatorsmanager (OM) Code procedure." The vibration information in Enclosures 1 and 2 is for the time periodfrom 1994 to 2005. Please provide the high-pressure coolant injection (HPCI) pump vibration spectrumfor the time period from 2006 through 2012.Response:Entergy has supplied vibration data from the 2008 through 2012 time frame in Enclosure 1 to thisAttachment. Entergy Letter 02.07.056, Attachment 2, "HPCI Main Pump Vibration Data (10 pages)"provided HPCI pump vibration spectrum for testing conducted during early 2007 (Reference 3).RAI PR-03-2It is stated in part, in the second bullet of Section 5 of the Reference, that, "Quarterly lubrication oilsampling and periodic laboratory analysis as appropriate for the pressure-fed bearings..." Pleaseprovide a more detailed explanation as to what is meant by "periodic laboratory analysis asappropriate."Response:The quarterly lubrication oil sampling and periodic laboratory analysis for the pressure-fed bearings onthe Turbine, Main pump, and Gear Reducer consists of the following:

Page 3 of 4* Quarterly lubrication oil sampling analysis will be performed. This includes analysis forviscosity, water content, chemical changes, and contaminants including ferrous particles.* Once/cycle (i.e., once/2 years) laboratory analysis of the lubrication oil for the pressure-fedbearings on the Turbine, Main pump, and Gear Reducer will be performed. The Laboratoryreviews include but not limited to particle wear analysis, acid number readings, analyticalferrogram and oxidation stability. This type of monitoring will detect degradation of theturbine or pump bearings due to accelerated wear, fretting, surface fatigue, or oilcontamination." In addition to the above sampling, when the quarterly lubrication oil sampling analysis showsthat a more detailed analysis is warranted, then an oil sample is also sent out for the morecomprehensive laboratory analysis.RAI PR-03-3The HPCI main pump proposed vibration values at vibration points P3H, P4H, and P4V, for theAcceptable Range, at vibration points P3H, P4H, and P4V for the Alert Range, and for vibration pointsP3H and P4H for the Required Action Limit are higher than the proposed values at the same points inAlternative Request PR-03 Revision 3, which was authorized by the NRC staff. Please explain why youare proposing to increase the vibration values as stated above over what was authorized in AlternativeRequest PR-03 Revision 3.Response for P3H and P4H:Alternative Request -Absolute Vibration Level Criteria for P3H and P4HAcceptable Range of P3H < 1.06 in/sec and P4H < 0. 70 in/secAlert Range of P3H > 1.06 in/sec to 1.3 in/sec and P4H > 0.70 in/sec to 0.83 in/secAbsolute Vibration Required Action Limit of P3H > 1.26 in/sec and P4H > 0.83 in/secThe absolute Acceptable, Alert, and Required Action values contained within Alternative Request PR-03 Revision 3 were not authorized by the NRC approved SER. Instead the approval SER providedsubstitute absolute Acceptable, Alert, and Required Action values, which have now been incorporatedinto Alternative Request PR-03 Revision 4.Background Information:The HPCI main pump proposed vibration values for Alternative Request PR-03 Revision 3 at vibrationpoints P3H and P4H, for the Acceptable Range, at vibration points P3H, P4H for the Alert Range, andfor vibration points P3H and P4H for the Required Action Limit were based upon an obtained vibrationvalue resulting from the vibration point spectrum overall value with the discrete peak at 4X Boosterpump RPM extracted (using the mean-squared subtraction method). This information is provided in the2nd paragraph of the Alternate Testing section and is identified as a footnote (**) at the bottom of theMain Pump table. The SER, sent by NRC letter dated August 27, 2008 (TAC No.MD8052), thatauthorized PR-03 Revision 3 as an alternative did not embrace the approach (to subtract the discretepeak at 4X Booster pump RPM) identified within the Main Pump table. Instead the SER approvedAlternative Request PR-03 Revision 3 by specifying substitute absolute overall vibration criteria forvibration points P3H and P4H (which is not based upon discrete peak subtraction at 4X Booster pumpRPM).

Page 4 of 4The absolute overall vibration criteria for the acceptable range, alert range and required action limitspecified within the approval SER for PR-03 Revision 3, have been placed into the proposedAlternative Request PR-03 Revision 4 (5th interval).Alternative Request -Relative Vibration Level Criteria for P3H and P4HRelative Vibration Acceptance Limit for P3H and P4H < 1.1 Vr (Alert Value of > 1. 1 Vr)The relative (value based upon multiple of reference vibration) overall vibration values provided withinthe approval SER for PR-03 Revision 3, for the acceptable and alert ranges has been modified to equal1.1 Vr, in lieu of the 1.05 Vr value specified within the PR-03 Revision 3 approval SER. Pilgrim revisedthe proposed acceptable and alert ranges to 1.1 Vr because it is believed that an Alert criteria basedupon a 5% change (1.05 Vr) in overall vibration amplitude is too close to the normal expected band foroverall vibration amplitude, and therefore, small vibration amplitude increases which can be expected tooccur occasionally during long term vibration monitoring (period of years) will intermittently place thepump into Alert status. When an IST component intermittently triggers an Alert vibration criterion it isessentially considered to reside in IST Alert status, which is undesirable.Response for P4V:The HPCI main pump vibration values for proposed Alternative Request PR-03 at vibration point P4V,for the Acceptable Range, Alert Range and Action Required Limit are the same as specified within theOM Code, and therefore, are in compliance with the OM Code criteria. Alternative Request PR-03revision 4 states (page Alternate Testing, 3rd paragraph last bullet): "The Table rows for P4V and P8Aare in compliance with the OM Code vibration criteria and have been placed into this Relief Request forinformation only."Enclosure 1: HPCI Pump Configuration and Historical Vibration Test results (61 Pages)


2 to Entercy Letter No. 2.13.076[5] PUMP RELIEF REQUEST PR-05 (Revision 1)Information to Support NRC Re-Approval of a 10CFR50.55a Request for UseDuring a New 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing ProgramPumps: P-207A and P-207BSystem: Standby Liquid Control System (1101)Class: 2Function:Provides a method of shutting down the Reactor without use of the control rods.Test Requirements:ISTB-5300(a), Duration of Tests(1) For the Group A test and the comprehensive test, after pump conditions are as stable asthe system permits, each pump shall be run at least 2 min. At the end of this time, at least onemeasurement or determination of each of the quantities required by Table ISTB-3000-1 shallbe made and recorded.Relief Requested:Determine the Standby Liquid Control (SLC) pump hydraulic parameter (measured flow rate)by establishing the reference pump discharge pressure during the procedure initial conditions(prior to the start of the flow measurement test) in lieu of running the pump for at least 2minutes after pump conditions are as stable as the system permits.Basis For Relief:The Standby Liquid Control (SLC) pumps are categorized as Group B (standby system)pumps. During the hydraulic portion of the comprehensive pump test, the SLC pumps aretested by pumping fluid from the SLC storage tank into a test tank. The test tank capacitydoes not allow operation of the pump for much longer than 3 minutes.The SLC system was not designed with flow meter instrumentation in the flow test loop anduses a test tank to determine flow rate by measuring the change in tank level over a period oftime. Due to physical limitations of the size of the tank, the pump run time for measuring thehydraulic test parameter of flowrate is limited. Design, fabrication, and installation changeswould have to be made to comply with the ISTB-5300(a) requirement. The 2 minute hold timeis an OM Code requirement in order to achieve stable pump performance parameters beforethe test data is recorded. The present surveillance test procedure has provided consistenthydraulic test results and produces good repeatability.During testing, the initial test conditions are established by operating each SLC pump inrecirculation mode and adjusting the pump discharge test flow (throttle) valve to obtain the testreference discharge pressure. Once the reference test pressure has been established andstable conditions are observed, the pump is stopped and the pump discharge path is realignedto the test tank. Next the pump is started, the reference pressure is again verified whilepumping into the test tank, and the pump is again stopped. After the initial test tank level ismeasured, the pump is restarted and allowed to run for exactly 3 minutes. The test tank finallevel is measured and the pump flow rate is calculated. Pump flow rate calculations meet therequirements of table ISTB-3510-1 for measured values.


2 to Entergy Letter No. 2.13.076[5] PUMP RELIEF REQUEST PR-05 (CONTINUED)When using the test tank flow circuit; the pump suction pressure remains constant becausethe pump suction is aligned to the SCL storage tank (insignificant tank level change), and thepump discharge head remains constant because the test tank discharge piping is notsubmerged (no back pressure from test tank fluid level).Alternate Testing:The pump test procedure will establish the pump reference discharge pressure prior toconducting the 3-minute pump test run. When the initial conditions for reference dischargepressure are established, the SLC pump will be stopped and initial test tank level will bemeasured. Then the SLC pump will be run for a duration of exactly 3 minutes. An accuratemeasurement of the initial test tank level and final test tank level will be used to determine themeasured test flow rate.This alternative was requested by PNPS by letter dated October 29, 2003, and approved forthe 4th Inservice Testing Ten-Year Interval as RP-05, Revision 0, on April 30, 2004 (NRCLetter from James W. Clifford, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation to Michael Kansler,Entergy Nuclear Operations, Dated April 30, 2004) (No TAC NO. was assigned). Theproposed relief was approved pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii).Changes to Applicable ASME Code SectionApplicable Code and Addenda:OM-2004 Edition through OMb-2006 AddendaApplicable Code Requirement:ISTB 5300(a) Duration of Tests(1) "For the Group A test and the comprehensive test, after pump conditions are as stable asthe system permits' each pump shall be run at least 2 min. At the end of this time, at least onemeasurement or determination of each of the quantities required by Table ISTB-3000-1 shallbe made and recorded."The specified Code requirement is unchanged for the ASME OM Code 1995 Edition, with the1996 Addenda ISTB 5.6.3, comprehensive test requirement:ISTB 5.6.3, Comprehensive A Test: "After pump conditions are as stable as the systempermits' each pump shall be run at least 2 min. At the end of this time, at least onemeasurement or determination of each of the quantities required by table ISTB 4.1-1 shall bemade and recorded."Duration of Re-Approval for Proposed Alternative:This relief is requested for the duration of the PNPS 5th Inservice Testing Ten-Year Interval(December 7th, 2012 through December 6th, 2022).

ENCLOSURE 1HPCI PUMP CONFIGURATION AND HISTORICAL VIBRATION TEST RESULTS(Total 61 oaces)(Pilgrim seeks Authorized Alternative of Required Action Limit for P3H and P4H Points.)HPCI Pump Layout1. HPCI Pump Vibration Monitoring ProgramReg. Action Requested Alternative Point P3H Data2. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 20, 20083. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 20094. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 20105. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 20116. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 20127. P3H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Reg. Action Requested Alternative Point P4H Data8. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 20, 20089. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200910. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201011. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 201112. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201213. P4H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Point P3V Data14. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,200815. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200916. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201017. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 201118. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201219. P3V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Point P3A Data20. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,200821. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200922. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201023. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 201124. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201225. P3A HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Point P4V Data26. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,200827. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200928. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201029. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16,201130. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201231. P4V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013 Point P7H Data32. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,200833. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200934. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201035. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 201136. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201237. P7H HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Point P7V Data38. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,200839. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 200940. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 201041. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16,201142. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 201243. P7V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 201344. P8H45. P8H46. P8H47. P8H48. P8H49. P8HPoint P8H DataHPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb, 20,2008HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 22, 2009HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 18, 2010HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Aug 16, 2011HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, Feb 14, 2012HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data, May 29, 2013Point P8V Data50. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,51. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,52. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,53. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,54. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,55. P8V HPCI Vibration Spectrum Data,Feb, 20,2008May 22, 2009Feb 18, 2010Aug 16, 2011Feb 14, 2012May 29, 2013Point P8A Data56. P8A HPCI Vibration Spectrum57. P8A HPCI Vibration Spectrum58. P8A HPCI Vibration Spectrum59. P8A HPCI Vibration Spectrum60. P8A HPCI Vibration Spectrum61. P8A HPCI Vibration SpectrumData, Feb, 20,2008Data, May 22, 2009Data, Feb 18, 2010Data, Aug 16, 2011Data, Apr 29, 2012*Data, May 29, 2013*April 29, 2012 data is submitted since Feb. 14, 2012 spectrum data is not available for point P8A.

HPCI PUMP VIBRATION DATAPOINTS P3H, P3V, P3A, P4H, P4V, P7H, P7V, P8H, P8V, P8AX203. P20S. HP'1 TURBINE & PUMPTOV.TI1VP`3APM1P4YIURB7NE OUTBCVRD H-ORIZONTALTURBINE OUTBOARD VERTiCALIURBINE OtJTBOArD AXIALTURBINE iNBOARD HORIZONTALTURBINE VERTICALPUMP Y.B- -HORiZONTALPUMP L-B. VERTICALPUMP i.B. AXIALPUMP I.B- QRIZONTALPUMP i.B. VERTICALG i!'GOVGOAP7VpaiiGEAR iNBOARD -.HORiZONTALGEAR INBOARD VERTICALGEAR OUTBOARD !{ORIZONTALGEAR OUTBOARD VERTICALGEAR OUTBOARD AXIALPUMP OUTBOARD -ORIZONTALPUMP OJTBOARM VERTICALPUMP OULTBOARD -50RIZONTALPUMP OUfTBOARD VERTICALPUMP O.TBOARO AXIAL 1ST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALUwU0SA- SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:25:22OVRALL= .7261 V-DGPK = .7164LOAD =4250.0RPM 4011.RPS 66.850)CC.40wi0.200I3456Frequency in Order1.51.20.9ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:25:22PK = .7326PK(+) = 1.18PK(-) = 1.22CRESTF= 2.36UU)CU00.60.30-0.3-0.6-0.9-1.2-1.50 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.016134.77.522 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5k1.0 HPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALROUTE SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:36:59OVRALL= .8124 V-DGo.8 PK = .80720: LOAD =4250.04038.0.6 RIPS= 67.30> 0.40.20-0 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.5ROUTE WAVEFORM1.2 22-MAY-09 13:36:590.9,- PK(+) = 1.34SPK(-) =1.260 .6 .. t, 4.ý :1 ~. bCRESTF= 2.320.3b i I "60 218 4 00Fe: 157T-0.3 ,-1.52L1 10 6 10 10 40 00Ordr: 2.01660 20 80 40 00Freq: 135.70Time in mSecs Spec: .602 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTAL1.00.8ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:46:34OVRALL= .7368 V-DGPK = .7322LOAD =4250.0RPM= 3998.RPS = 66.63C)lieCLC40.60.4o.Lo.0.20 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.51.20.9ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:46:34PK = .6616PK(+) 1.16PK(-) = 1.06CRESTF= 2.49C)SU)C00.60.3-0.3-0.6-0.9-1.20 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.017134.39.595 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALin0IL0.8 -0.60.4tROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:26:23OVRALL= .8749 V-DGPK = .8658LOAD =4250.0RPM= 3996.RPS = 66.600,Li0.20 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.51.20.900.60.30-TIROUTE WAVEFORM16-AUG-11 11:26:23PK = .7368PK(+) =1.29PK(-) = 1.22CRESTF= 2.48ii-U.3-0.6-0.9-1.2-1.5ii Iii Ii1* 4.--1-060120180Time in mSecs240300OrdrFreq:Spec:2.027135.00.447 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALC.)C)(nCU41'p0- SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:02:59OVRALL= .7001 V-DGPK = .6922LOAD =4250.0RPM = 4013.RPS = 66.88CN0900n0.20 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.51.20.9U0CCC)0'p0.60.3-0.3HIROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:02:59PK = .8183-PK(+) =1.32PK(-) = 1.36-CRESTF= 2.35-0.6-0.9-1.2-1.50 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.015134.77.439 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3H #3 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALC.)C1. SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:41:02OVRALL .7447 V-DGPK = .7384LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4020.RPS = 66.99ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:41:02PK = .5921PK(+) = .9708PK(-) = 1.02CRESTF= 2.450.20Frequency in Order1. 120 180 240Time in mSecs300OrdrFreq:Spec:2.019135.23.522 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALu0a- SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:27:24OVRALL= .5961 V-DGPK = .5905LOAD =4250.0RPM = 4018.RPS = 66.97ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:27:24PK = .4928PK(+) = .9209PK(-) = .8212CRESTF= 2.640.20Frequency in OrderU4~CC4,0S1. 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr.Freq:Spec:2.016135.00.175 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALU01.÷CD0ý040RROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:47:57OVRALL= .4676 V-DGPK = .4023LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4001.RPS = 66.68ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:47:57PK = .4648PK(+) =.8023PK(-) = .9456CRESTF= 2.88USCCU00.60.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0-1.20 1 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order--------1A i jij 1 VIJ lJSI /060120180Time in mSecs240300Ordr;Freq:Spec:2.018134.53.279 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALIL1. SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:33:20OVRALL- .7261 V-DGPK = .7228LOAD =4250.0RPM 4001.RPS = 66.680.20Frequency in Order1-20.90.6ROUTE WAVEFORM16-AUG-11 11:33:20PK = .6237PK(+) = 1.08PK(-) 1.07CRESTF= 2.45ci0Ii000.30-0.3-0.6-0.9-1.20 60 120 180 240 300Time in mSecsOrdr:Freq:Spec:2.017134.53.409 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTAL43IJ~Ca-t. SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:06:25OVRALL= .7394 V-DGPK = .7365LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4020.RPS = 67.000,0"01CN0.200>0401 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.20.90.600.30ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:06:25PK = .8083PK(÷)= 1.07PK(-) = 1.27CRESTF= 2.22-0.3-U.9 --0.9-1.2-1.5060120180Time in mSecs240300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.018135.23.272 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTAL1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:44:24OVRALL= .7070 V-DG0.8 PK = .7051o LOAD =4250.0) 0RPM 4006.S"RPS 66.76.E 0.60 0** N> 0.4 eýe0.2I0 __ ______. _____ ________________________0 1 3 4 5 6Frequency in OrderROUTE WAVEFORM1.2! 29-MAY-13 23:44:24PK = .69320.9PK(+) =1.120.9 :: =1.050.9Am~ ~ > /CRESTF= .20..E 0.3Uo0-04.3-0, i-12 Ordr: 2.0190 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.77Time in mSecs Spec: .258 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL0IL1. SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:26:18OVRALL-- .3380 V-DGPK = .3334LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4014.RPS = 66.91ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:26:18PK = .4930PK(+) = .9124PK(-) =.8917CRESTF= 2.620.20Frequency in Order0. 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.018135.00.189 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL1.0 TROUTE SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:37:48OVRALL= .3202 V-DG0.8 -PK = .3159LOAD =4250.0n0RPM= 4038..RPS 67.300.60o> 0.40.00 00 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 ...ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 j 22-MAY-09 13:37:48IPK = .3048PK(+) = .56280.4 PK(-)=.6002UII ~ iK0.2 ,,!Z Oi t'l )I-0.2,,I i' ' 'Ii ,, , l z~-0.04I l~-0.6-0.8 1Ordr: 2.0160 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.70Time in mSecs Spec: .149 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICALU) 4ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:47:00OVRALL= .3329 V-DGPK = .3275LOAD =4250.0RPM= 3995.RPS= 66.59040C3ýCýW)0.20>001 23Frequency in Order4560.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:47:00PK = .3248PK(+) = .6867PK(-) = .6484CRESTF= 2.99U(0U00.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8a60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.017134.30.189 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPC$ ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL001. SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:26:50OVRALL= .2803 V-DGPK = .2735LOAD =4250.0RPM = 4004.RPS = 66.740.20Frequency in Order0.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM16-AUG-11 11:26:50PK = 2806PK(+) = .5753PK(-) = .5357CRESTF= 2.90US'I,U000.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.60 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.016134.53.106 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICALLiciCCU00a. SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:13:08OVRALL= .3535 V-DGPK = .3456LOAD =4250.0RPM = 8000.RPS 133.3390.20T-01 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.80.60.4I ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:13:08PK = .3645PK(+) =.6877PK(-) = .7579CRESTF= 2.94Uci(0CCLi00.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.000266.72.00069 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3V #3 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL1.00.8ROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:57:40OVRALL= .3890 V-DGPK = .3826LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4016.RPS = 66.930IL0.60.4CCU)0.2Frequency in Order1.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:57:40PK = .4015PK(+) = .7720PK(-) = .7790CRESTF= 2.740a)InCCU0S0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.017135.00.178 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3A #3 BEARING-PUMP AXIALUanU0a~. SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:26:56OVRALL= .3630 V-DGPK = .3616LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4016.RPS = 66.930.20.1 00I3Frequency in Order4560.60.4ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:26:56PK = .3669PK(+) = .5322PK(-) = .5835CRESTF= 2.25UanC4'ci0'I0.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.017135.00.297 iST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4H #4 BEARING-PUMP HORIZONTALCC) SPECTRUM19-AUG-09 09:48:52OVRALL= .5812 V-DGPK = .5765LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4013.RPS = 66.890.200 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.20.90.6---I--"T"U00.30kIlIJROUTE WAVEFORM19-AUG-09 09:48:52PK = .6230PK(+) : 1.08PK(-) = 1.11CRESTF= 2.52-0.3-0.6-0.9-1.2-1.5!LL060120180Time in mSecs240300OrdrFreq:Spec:2.018135.00.356 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3A #3 BEARING-PUMP AXIAL1.0 *i'a0IL0.80.60.4ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:47:30OVRALL= .3314 V-DGPK = .3297LOAD =4250.0RPM = 4003.RPS 66.72N'404C..0.201~ C0 0o.U301 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:47:30PK = .3112PK(+) = .5710'PK(-) = .4713CRESTF= 2.590,aU)o0>0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.60 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.016134.53.273 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3A #3 BEARING-PUMP AXIAL1.0 ,- r I ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:27:16OVRALL= .3416 V-DG0.8 PK = .3377LOAD =4250.0RPM = 4000.0. RPS 66.67S 0.6> 0.40.20 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 lROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 16-AUG-11 11:27:160.6{~ , PK = .38850. f ! PK =.6371 PK(-) =.7520-~U ~I, ICRESTF=2.740.2 h-0.0 ' t-0.6 I:-::: t__ __ __-0.6 8-41.0Ordr: 2.0180 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.53Time in mSecs Spec: .199 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3A #3 BEARING-PUMP AXIAL0IL1. SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:05:48OVRALL= .3336 V-DGPK = .3305LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4012.RPS = 66.860.20C'40C4-r-0o I~10123Frequency in Order4560.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:05:48PK = .3658PK(+) = .5765PK(-) = .5227CRESTF= 2.23U0CCa.9S0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.60 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.016134.77.265 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P3A #3 BEARING-PUMP AXIALC)0CU00a- SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:58:30OVRALL= .3125 V-DGPK = .3088LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4010.RPS = 66.840.2Frequency in Order0.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:58:30PK = .3379PK(+) = .5605PK(-) =.5920CRESTF= 2.48LiaCCC)00.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.016134.77.236 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL0IL1. SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:27:56OVRALL= .1788 V-DGPK = .1627LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4020.RPS = 67.00('40N0.20I',0I34 5 6Frequency in Order0.40.3ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:27:56PK = .1840PK(+) = .3417PK(-) = .3448CRESTF= 2.650CD0.20.1-0.0-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300OrdrFreq:Spec:2.018135.23.09045 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL1.0 --- T- ROUTE SPECTRUM19-AUG-09 09:49:190.8 OVRALL= .1566 V-DG0.8 PK = .1382LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4019.S 0.6 RPS 66.990,>~' , '01 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.4 t ROUTE WAVEFORM0.3 -19-AUG-09 09:49:19PK = .16330.2 I PK(-) = .3270.,, II, -.,Iio ; I iI CRESTF= 2.83-o.0 , Jil ltl "'"1I"-0.2 '-0.3 -60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.00Time in mSecs Spec: .07111 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICALROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:48:24OVRALL= .1445 V-DGu- LOAD =4250.0* I RPM= 3999.-RPS 66.65.E 0.6a0> 0.4(L tI0.200400 1 1 oj0 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.3 1 V -ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:48:240.2 PK = .1493i J1 PK(-) =.2912I 1 CRESTF= 2.76-010iU Io -0.1-0.2 I-0.3 _Ordr: 2.0190 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.53Time in mSecs Spec: .07042 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:28:44OVRALL= .1722 V-DG0.8 PK = .1610u LOAD =4250.0cnRPM = 4009.RPS= 66.81C= 0.6> 0.4a-0.2 0t0J0 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.4 ROUTE WAVEFORM0.3 16-AUG-11 11:28:44PK = .1571PK(+) =.27890.23pie ~i e~l r'i'Vi~"" ~ TCRESTF 3.16"0.4 I iOrdr 2.0140 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.53Time in mSecs Spec: .09045 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL1.0 SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:07:29OVRALL= .1774V-DG0.8 PK = .1672LOAD =4250.0RPM 4012.07 6 RPS 66.86,- 0.6ZT0> 0.40.2 00 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.3 fROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:07:29PK(+) =.26141il l p q)I =.31380.2Gil t i~ CRESTF= 2-64.0~ IOrdr: 2.01960 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.00Time in mSecs Spec: .08412 MI I -15 1, E205 HPCI G P42.5kHPCI ISTR -P4V #4 BEARING-PUMP VERTICAL0IL1."400.200.60.40aU)ROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:55:42OVRALL= .2226 V-DGPK = .2175LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4013.RPS 66.88ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:55:42PK = .2147PK(+) = .3740PK(-) = .3920CRESTF= 2.58I34 5 6Frequency in OrderUCCU07.0.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:2.015134.77.146 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZ1.0ROUTE SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:28:36OVRALL= .3077 V-DGPK = .1840LOAD =4250.0RPM = 2010.RPS = 33.500I00. in Order560.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:28:36PK = .3084PK(+) = .6591PK(-) = .7197CRESTF= 3.300(I)CU000.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.80 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.037135.23.110 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZU0UaSa- SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:42:10OVRALL= .3217 V-DGPK = .2347LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2035.RPS = 33.920.20Co00U,I40I23Frequency in Order560.80.6USU0S0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8ROUTE WAVEFORM22-MAY-09 13:42:10PK = .3306PK(+) = .7041PK(-) = .6201CRESTF= 3.01Ordr: 4.Freq: 13Spec: .1060 120 180 240Time in mSecs30(0005.70185 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZ1.0 -[ ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:50:13OVRADL.= .280 V-DG0.8 PK = .16660LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2000.0. RPS 33.33E00> 0.4a. ICL01_,_ Frequency in Order0.8 -ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 118-FEB-10 16:50:13PK = .2742PK(+) w.6851:3 { K~kI~, ~it~ ~ II ~PK(-) = .4941Or0.04030 60120180 40 00 rdq: 14.536Time in mSecs Spec-, .101 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZ1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:30:27OVRALL= .3262 V-DG0.8 PK = .2264t LOAD =4250.0RPM = 2015.--) RPS 33.58,E- 0.6 40> 0.4a,.001 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0 .a ROUTE WAVEFORMC) .6 16-AUG-11 11:30:27PK(+) = .67910 j! PK(.) =.5820III~ ICRESTF= 2.97-0.2 ! ii t !I iIt-0.6-0.8 -Ordr: 3.9990 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.30Time in mSecs Spec: .141 HPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZZ0d) SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:08:39OVRALL= .3029 V-DGPK = .2527LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4015.RPS = 66.920.20040I23Frequency in Order560.80.60.404)0.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:08:39PK = .3100PK(+) = .7328PK(-) =.6800CRESTF= 3.34Ordr: 4.035Freq: 270.00Spec: .020280 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300 ZY -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7H #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD HORIZ1.00.8IIROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:48:06OVRALL= .3171 V-DGPK = .1905LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2000.RPS = 33.33CC00.60.40.2040Frequency in Order0.80.60.4ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:48:06PK = .3328PK(+) =.7126PK(-) =.7636CRESTF= 3.24Lia'CLia-i0.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.050135.00.142 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICAL0IL1. -I---- I0ROUTE SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:29:12OVRALL= .3358 V-DGPK = .0958LOAD =4250.0RPM = 2008.RPS 33.460.200I23Frequency in Order4' 561.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:29:12PK = .3460PK(+) = .7884PK(-) =.6790CRESTF= 3.22(300.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.80 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.035135.00.06248 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICALUC)COCU0S0~ SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:42:44OVRALL= .2633 V-DGPK = .1137LOAD =4250.0RPM 2021.RPS 33.6804 4 C00I23Frequency in Order4'560.80.6U0)0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6ROUTE WAVEFORM22-MAY-09 13:42:44PK = .2746PK(+) = .6146PK(-) = .5301CRESTF= 3.17Ordr: 4.036Freq: 135.94Spec: .062140 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICAL1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:50:47OVRALL= .2231 V-DG0.8 PK = .0992LOAD =4250.0ai RPM = 2000.__.6 RPS =33.33> 0.40.20 2 3 4 .5 6Frequency in Order0.6- --1" -ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:50:470.4 IPK = .23511 11/41 TPK(+) =.49510.2 PK(-) =.46850.2~ CRESTF= 2.98All 11!-0.-0.2 P-0.4 II-0.6 1 ___120 180 Ordr: 4.02960 1 Freq: 134.30Time in mSecs Spec: .05178 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICAL1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:30:54I OVRALL= .2795 V-DG0.8 -PK = .1123LOAD =4250.0u) RPM= 2021.C RPS 33.690.6-> 0.4Y.0.2{___r0 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 16-AUG-11 11:30:540.6 PK = .31780. PK(+)= 5W830.4 " PK(-) = .634502 ,InCRESTF= 2.82-0 0 ti t! "I If, ,z° oiliti ll !'1 ý2i 1H1 T-01.6-0.81 _ ____ IOrdr: 4.0010 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.77Time in mSecs Spec: .07215 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @,42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICAL10 ROUTE SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:09:25OVRALL= .3021 V-DG0.8 PK = .283108LOAD =4250.0RPM= 4010.-RPS 66.84.E 0.60> 0.40.20-00 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 -ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:09:250.6 PK = .2995PK(+) =.70060.4 PK(-) = .5466CRESTF= 3.31__ 0.260 120 180 Ordr 4.033ime in mScs.03 IST -iST, P205 HPCi @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P7V #7 BEARING-PUMP INBOARD VERTICAL1.0 I 'I ROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-1 3 23:48:56OVRALL= .2415 V-DG0.8 PK = .0939oLOAD =4250.0RPM= 2015.C RPS= 33.58mc 0.60> 0.40.2 "0 1 2 3 4' 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 29-MAY-13 23:48:56PK = .2730PK(+) = .50690.4 PK(-) =.6543oU,* IHCRESTF= 3.390.2 ,/I°oI+00 II ~t j'-0.4-0.6-0.8Ordr: 4.0350 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.47Time in mSecs Spec: .05938 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8H #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZ0a'C,,CCU0U0. SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:29:48OVRALL= .3723 V-DGPK = .2795LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2008.RPS = 33.47ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:29:48PK = .3936PK(+) = .7891PK(-) = .6403CRESTF= 2.840.20Frequency in Order1.00.80.6UUU)CU00.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.033135.00.210 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8H #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZIn0.8ROUTE SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:43:17OVRALL= .3486 V-DGPK = .2870LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2000.RPS = 33.330OhU00.ýC10(0N.-01 23Frequency in Order4560.80.60.4UOh0)U000.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8ROUTE WAVEFORM22-MAY-09 13:43:17PK = .3632PK(+) = .7157PK(-) = .7145CRESTF= 2.79Ordr: 4.071Freq: 135.70Spec: .231060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300 m I -it-f, P205 HPCI §42.5kHPCI ISTR -PSH #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZE0I01. SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:51:25OVRALL= .3697 V-DGPK = .2489LOAD =4250.0RPM 2001.RPS 33.360 1 2 3 44 5 6Frequency in Order1.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:51:25PK = .3776PK(+) =.7481PK(-) =.6597CRESTF= 2.80cie-0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.033134.53.193 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8H #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZ1.00.8ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:31:19OVRALL= .3890 V-DGPK = .3135LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2007.RPS = 33.4500toCUaa- in Order4:50.80.6T.ROUTE WAVEFORM16-AUG-11 11:31:19PK = .3824PK(+) = .7153PK(-) = .6544CRESTF= 2.65C00.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.80 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.036135.00.238 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8H #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZU0U)CUa0a- SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:10:05OVRALL .3940 V-DGPK = .3749LOAD =4250.0RPM 4015.RPS = 66.910.200 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM14-FEB-12 12:10:05PK = .4159PK(+) = .7618PK(-) = .7583CRESTF= 2.59C00.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.00 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.035270.00.03021 Po j --H a, ruN m-PUMi OUT4BoAKHPCI ISTR -P8H #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD HORIZ720IL1. SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:49:56OVRALL= .3865 V-DGPK = .294LOAD =4250.0RPM 2010.RPS= 33.500.203Frequency in Order1.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM29-MAY-13 23:49:56PK = .3778PK(+) = .8160PK(-) =.6850CRESTF= 3.05Cu0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.80 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.037135.23.228 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8V #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICL00£flC000a- SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:30:22OVRALL= .3329 V-DGPK = 1684LOAD =4250.0RPM 2000.RPS 33.330.2ftCo000I23Frequency in Order456ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:30:22PK = 2.26PK(+) = 3.27PK(-) 2.82CRESTF= 2.04C.,0C,20-1-20 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:4.057135.23.09252 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8V #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICLUG)U)CU0a. SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:43:50OVRALL= .3343 V-DGPK = .1720LOAD =4250.0RPM = 2033.RPS : 33.890.200 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.00.80.6ROUTE WAVEFORM22-MAY-09 13:43:50PK = .3159PK(+) =.7569PK(-) = .6753CRESTF= 3.39USU)Ua'p0.40.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300Ordr:Freq:Spec:3.997135.47.115 iST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8V #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICL1.0 IROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:52:00OVRALL= .3372 V-DG0.8 PK = .1432LOAD =4250.0.64 RPM =2000.," 06 iRPS =33.330.I00m> 0.40.2 R0 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 1 ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 j18-FEB-10 16:52:00PK(+) = .68100.4 !PK(-) =.5171~ f. I PK = 3.318-o4 ! ' '-0.8Time in mSecs Spec: .08907 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8V #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICL1.0 --ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:31:42OVRALL= .3590 V-DG0.8 PK =.1177a FT LOAD =-4250.00) RPM 1998.-.RPS= 33.300.60o> 0.40.2o0 1 2 3 4, 5 6Frequency in Order1.0 T ROUTE WAVEFORM0.8 16-AUG-11 11:31:42PK = .37020.6 I PK(+) = .736604 CRESTF= 2.810 pi loo I t I 0-0.61 J-0.8 _ _ _ --4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _______________ ____Ordr: 4.0330 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.30Time In mSecs Spec: .04833 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8V #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICL1.0 --- -- ROUTE SPECTRUM14-FEB-12 12:10:44OVRALL= .3749 V-DG0.8 PK = .3536LOAD =4250.0en RPM = 4003.RPS = 66.7272 0.60> 0.4a. o0.2010 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.8 ROUTE WAVEFORM0.6 14-FEB-12 12:10:44I.6PK = .3757PK(+) = .66730.4 PK(-) = .6986C llI Iitn. i ,Id-0.01' ii-0.2 .-0.4 1-0.6Ordr: 4.0390 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 269.53Time in mSecs Spec: .02140 HPCI ISTR -P8V #- BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD VERTICL1.0 ' IROUTE SPECTRUM29-MAY-13 23:50:40OVRALL= .3535 V-DG0.8 PK = .1717LOAD =4250.0RPM =2027.RPS = 33.780.60> 0.4C.0.20 1 2 23 4 5 6Frequency in Order1.0 -ROUTE WAVEFORM0.8 29-MAY-13 23:50:40PK = .37350.6 PK(+) = .7949T PK(-) = .64090.4 CRESTF= 3.010.2-0).00-0.2 REF.-0.4 I-0.6 i"0.8,Ordr 4.00360 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.23Time in mSecs Spec: .105 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8A #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD AXIAL.23'I1. SPECTRUM20-FEB-08 23:31:02OVRALL= .1597 V-DGPK = .1374LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2028.RPS = 33.790.2C4D00i00I23Frequency in Order4560.40.300.20.1-0.0-0.1-0.2-0.3ROUTE WAVEFORM20-FEB-08 23:31:02PK = .1466PK(+) = .2866PK(-) =.2969CRESTF= 2.86Ordr: 3,999Freq: 135.14Spec: .014560 60 120 180 240Time in mSecs300 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8A #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD AXIAL1.0 ROUTE SPECTRUM22-MAY-09 13:44:39OVRALL= .1612 V-DGPK = .1425o LOAD =4250.0RPM= 2035.RPS= 33.920.6CL 0.S0 .40.2oI_ __ __ __ __ __ _ I0 1 2 3 4 5 6Frequency in Order0.5 -_ __ -, ROUTE WAVEFORM0.4 122-MAY-09 13:44:390 I PK = .17160.3 PK(+) = .3552PK(-) = .36080.2 ,t4CRESTF= 2-970.1 -0.4 .Ordr: 4.003o 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 135.77Time in mSecs Spec: .01681 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -PBA #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD AXIAL1.0 -0.80.6 1ROUTE SPECTRUM18-FEB-10 16:52:40OVRALL= .1554 V-DGPK = .1331LOAD =4250.0RPM 2015.RPS : 33.5800.40.2004-p0123Frequency in Order4560.60.4-1-- --1 1 ....... ... .=ROUTE WAVEFORM18-FEB-10 16:52:40PK = .1642PK(+) = .3772PK(-) = .3696CRESTF= 3.25C.50.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6iiI.... ----- -------_ _ ~ J ._ _ ....... .060120180240300Ordr:Freq:Spec:3.999134.30.01976Time in mSecs IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5k1.0__HPCI ISTR -P8A #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD AXIAL1.0 I ROUTE SPECTRUM16-AUG-11 11:32:06OVRALL= .1639 V-DG0.8 PK = .14220LOAD =4250.0RPM = 2021.RPS = 33.680.6 +Z,~0a> 0.40.2 4oV-0 1 2 3 5 6Frequency in Order0.4 -ROUTE WAVEFORM0.3 16-AUG-11 11:32:06PK = .15540.2 PK(-) = .3107i~ I +CRESTF= 2.85"0.1-0.3-0.4 __ _ _ __ ___Ordr: 4.0010 60 120 180 240 300 Freq: 134.77Time in mSecs Spec: .01467 IST -IST, P205 HPCI @42.5kHPCI ISTR -P8A #8 BEARING-PUMP OUTBOARD AXIAL9L1. SPECTRUM29-APR-12 03:01:11OVRALL= .1631 V-DGPK = .1407LOAD =4250.0RPM 2000.RPS 33.330.20NA0I23Frequency in Order4560.60.4Ua,CU00.2-0.0-0.2-0.4-0.6ROUTE WAVEFORM29-APR-12 03:01:11PK = .1779PK(+) = .3815PK(-) = .3967CRESTF= 3.15Ordr: 4.001Freq: 133.36Spec: .00712060 120 180 240Time in mSecs300