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{{#Wiki_filter:Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantXcelEnergy@ 2807 W County Road 75Monticello, MN 55362April 29, 2014 L-MT-14-04610 CFR 50.90U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555-0001Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantDocket No. 50-263Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-22Response to a Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request:Change to the MNGP Emergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder (TAC No. MF2898)References: 1) NSPM to NRC, "License Amendment Request: Change to the MNGPEmergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder," (L-MT-13-089) dated October 4, 2013 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML13281A826).2) NRC e-mail to NSPM, "Conference Call to Discuss Draft RAIs re:E-Plan Change to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60-MinuteResponder (TAC No. MF2898)," dated January 16, 2014.On October 4, 2013, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, the Northern States PowerCompany -Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., submitted aLicense Amendment Request (LAR) (Reference 1) that proposed changes to theEmergency Plan for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposedchange would revise the MNGP Emergency Plan to remove the Radwaste Operator asa sixty (60) minute responder.On January 16, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) suggested aphone call and requested additional information (RAI) from NSPM (Reference 2) tocomplete their review. The enclosures provide the requested information.NSPM has reviewed the No Significant Hazards Consideration determination andEnvironmental Evaluation provided in the LAR and determined that they are unaffected,and still applicable as supplemented by the enclosed additional information.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, a copy of this response, with enclosure, is beingprovided to the designated Minnesota Official.
Document Control DeskL-MT-14-046Page 2 of 2Summary of CommitmentsThis letter proposes no new commitments and does not revise any existingcommitments.Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. Richard Loeffler at(763) 295-1247.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed on April _!, 2014.Karen D. FiliSite Vice President, Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantNorthern States Power Company -MinnesotaEnclosurescc: Administrator, Region III, USNRCProject Manager, Monticello, USNRCResident Inspector, Monticello, USNRCMinnesota Department of Commerce ENCLOSURE 1MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANTRESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST:CHANGE TO THE MNGP EMERGENCY PLAN TO REMOVE THE RADWASTEOPERATOR AS A 60 MINUTE RESPONDER(7 pages follow)
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 1 of 7RESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST:CHANGE TO THE MNGP EMERGENCY PLAN TO REMOVE THE RADWASTEOPERATOR AS A 60 MINUTE RESPONDERBy letter dated October 4, 2013, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, the Northern StatesPower Company -Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., submitteda License Amendment Request (LAR) (Reference 1) that proposed changes to theEmergency Plan for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposedchange would revise the MNGP Emergency Plan to remove the Radwaste Operator asa sixty (60) minute responder. On January 16, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) suggested a phone call and requested additional information (RAI)from NSPM to complete their review. This enclosure provides the requestedinformation.RAI 1: Section 2.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal states:Results of the OSA [On-Shift Staffing Analysis] indicated that the RadwasteOperator position was not necessary to perform the specified staffaugmentation function (perform repair and corrective actions within60-minutes, considering the staffing in place). Consequently, NSPM proposesto remove the Radwaste Operator position as one of the 60-minute respondersidentified within the Emergency Plan.However, Section 3.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal states:When in SAMGs [Severe Accident Management Guidelines] the dutyoperations staff implements the actions as directed by the SAMGs. Non-dutyOperations personnel in the TSC and OSC will augment the duty Operationsstaff. Included in this augmentation is the addition of one Operator, qualifiedin radioactive waste system operations, in approximately 60mnutes.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 2 of 7a. Provide the relevant portions of the OSA, performed in accordance with10 CFR Part 50 Appendix E.IV.A.9, to support removing the Radioactive WasteSystem Operator from the emergency response organization (ERO). This OSAshould address both Radwaste Operator maintenance and system operationalfunctions.ResponseProcedure A.2-002, "Monticello On-Shift Staffing Analysis," Revision 0, discusses inTable 2 (page 7) the MNGP Design Basis Accident (DBA) / Interim Staff Guidelines(ISG) Analyzed Events. The events evaluated(1) were the following:1. Land or waterborne or both hostile action directed against the Protected Area2. Control Rod Drop3. Loss of Coolant Accident4. Main Steam Line Break5. Refueling Accident6. Anticipated Transient without Scram (ATWS)7. Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat"8. Control Room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown9. Station Blackout (SBO)10. Appendix R Fire ResponseA copy of the Phase II Event Analysis Tables pages for these events from the OSA isprovided in Enclosure 2. For each event a Table 1 -"On-Shift Positions," a Table 2 -"Plant Operations and Safe Shutdown," and a Table 3 -"Firefighting" (if required for theevent) is provided.NEI 10-05, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing andCapabilities," (Reference 2) provides guidance for performing the On-Shift StaffingAnalysis (OSA). As discussed in the license amendment request (LAR), the OSA didnot include the Radwaste Operator (RWO) since this position was not necessary toaddress the DBA and ISG events analyzed for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant(MNGP). Consequently, the OSA makes no presumption that a RWO is available toperform maintenance and system operational functions. The operations tasks for theseevents were accomplished in the 60-minute timeframe of the OSA. No tasks wereidentified that continued after completion of this timeframe, and hence requiresupplemental personnel, e.g., the RWO for performance. These insights, together withthe determination that radwaste processing after an event is a long-term, recoveryoperation, support removal of the RWO from the MNGP Emergency Plan. Also, the1. The Fuel Loading Error Accident and One Recirculation Pump Seizure events were notanalyzed since in accordance with NEI 10-05 an analysis was not required. The SevereAccident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) are implemented as a Technical Support Center(TSC) function.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 3 of 7definition of the "repair or corrective action" function(2) in NEI 10-05 implies that theoperational knowledge (e.g., implementation of lockout / tagout controls) possessed bythe RWO is not necessary to perform the repair or corrective action functions.NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Table B-i, "Minimum Staffing Requirements for NRCLicensees for Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies" (Reference 3), provides guidance forstaffing personnel to perform various tasks, including repair and corrective actions(3)The current Monticello Emergency Plan staffing table aligns with Table B-1 for the repairand corrective action function, being discussed herein.The duty Operations crew is initially responsible for any emergency repair andcorrective actions that may be immediately required prior to Emergency ResponseOrganization (ERO) augmentation. During the initial stages of an event, majorresponse activities are concentrated on determining the cause of the event and placingthe plant in a safe condition through plant manipulations and system alignments. Majorequipment repairs are not expected to be performed during the initial phases of anevent. The repair and corrective action functions performed are focused on thosenecessary to implement the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP). The dutyOperations crew implements the EOPs. Only after the Technical Support Center (TSC)is activated(4) are the Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) entered.At 30-minutes the duty crew is augmented by an electrical maintenance person and aninstrumentation and controls (I&C) technician. At 60-minutes staffing is augmented byan additional mechanical maintenance person, an electrical maintenance person, andthe RWO. At 60-minutes the TSC is required to be activated. Arrival of the RWOoccurs effectively concurrent with activation of the TSC. At this point in an event, asdescribed below, the focus is shifting to the TSC directing event response / assessmentand the Operations Group Leader (who is a Senior Reactor Operator) providestechnical and operational input to the duty Control Room operating staff. Therefore,utilization of the RWO at this transition point from an operations or maintenanceperspective is implausible.After augmentation, technical and operational advice is provided by the OperationsGroup Leader who reports to the Emergency Director. The group consists of theOperations Group Leader and all members of the Operations staff including the dutyoperating crew, off-duty Shift Managers, Control Room Supervisors and all Operators.2. An action that can be performed promptly to restore a nonfunctional component to functionalstatus (e.g., resetting a breaker), or to place a component in a desired configuration (e.g.,open a valve), and which does not require work planning or implementation of lockout /tagout controls to complete.3. Note that several plant Emergency Plans have been identified which do not include a RWOunder the repair and corrective action function, among these licensees are the Ginna andDuane Arnold plants.4. Transition to the SAMGs cannot occur unless the TSC is staffed and operational.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 4 of 7Also after augmentation, repair and corrective actions are the responsibility of theMaintenance Group under the direction of the Emergency Director. The MaintenanceGroup consists of the group leader and members of the mechanical and electricalmaintenance groups including I&C personnel designated capable of performingemergency tasks.(5) The Maintenance Group Leader is responsible for the overalldirection of corrective actions including damage control and emergency repairs tosystems, components or equipment. Personnel are assigned according to the skillsthey possess so that the team is capable of coping with the emergency situation.Repair and damage control team members are selected from available personnel. TheOperations Support Center (OSC) Coordinator reports to the Maintenance GroupLeader and is responsible for the coordination of emergency repair activities initiated outof the OSC. Additionally, personnel are called in as deemed appropriate. Thepersonnel report to the OSC where they are assigned corrective action tasks by theOSC Coordinator.There is no need for a RWO until well after the event has been mitigated. Anyradiological waste processing would be performed by an auxiliary operator as part oftheir normal duties during the recovery phase of the event. Therefore, there is nospecific need for an RWO from a system operational perspective.From an operational support perspective, the RWO is not part of the duty Operationscrew who implements the EOPs. Also, as described in the following response, thereare no RWO requirements within the SAMGs or within the implementing procedures.Additionally, it was determined that performance of the operations related activities didnot require an additional operator, e.g., the RWO.b. Provide justification that the Radwaste Operator is not required to augmentthe Operations staff for any activities, including implementation of the SAMGscurrently stated in the [station emergency plan] SEP.As described previously, the major initial response activities are concentrated onresponding to the event and placing the plant in a safe condition through plantmanipulations and system alignments. Repair and corrective action functions arefocused on those necessary to implement EOPs by the duty Operations crew.The SAMGs are entered when a transition point (Primary Containment floodingrequired) in the EOPs is reached and the duty Shift Manager and Operations GroupLeader make a joint decision to transition to the SAMGs. At this point, the TSCassumes the responsibility to assess and select the strategies to be implemented.When using the SAMGs, the Operations Group Leader directs Control Room responseas specified in the SAMGs.5. Control of the mechanical and electrical maintenance and I&C personnel that were called inat the 30 and 60-minute mark, respectively, is transferred to the Maintenance Group Leader.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 5 of 7Section 5.3 of the MNGP Emergency Plan describes augmentation of the ERO.Subsection, "Plant Operations and Operational Assessment," in the MNGPEmergency Plan describes the responsibilities of the Operations staff. Subsection5.3.1.1 states:The duty Operations crew retains the responsibility for plant operation throughoutan emergency situation. When in SAMGs the duty operations staff implements theactions as directed by the SAMGs. Non-duty Operations personnel in the TSC andOSC will augment the duty Operations staff. Included in this augmentation is theaddition of one Operator, qualified in radioactive waste system operations, withinapproximately 60 minute-s.The inclusion of the RWO in the last sentence of this paragraph implied that the RWOhas a specified function to implement the SAMGs. The sentence was only intended toidentify that this operationally oriented individual is included under the "Plant Operationsand Operational Assessment" heading, similar to the other non-duty Operationspersonnel available to provide operational support. The next paragraph in thatsubsection clarifies that the non-duty Operations personnel provide operationalassessment and support repair and corrective action functions, stating:The responsibilities of the non-duty Operations personnel include operationalassessment, under the direction of the Emergency Director in the TSC, and supportof emergency repair and corrective action efforts in the OSC including Fire Brigadesupport.The Operations Group provides non-duty personnel to staff and support the OSC.However, there are no tasks identified in the SAMGs and the EOPs that require orspecify the RWO for performance. Therefore, it is proposed to remove the lastsentence in the first paragraph of Subsection (struck-through above) since theRWO is not one of the personnel credited with performance of SAMG actions.A review of the SAMGs(6) procedures and the procedures called out in the SAMGs wasconducted. These procedures involve the following types of activities:" Defeating isolations or bypassing signals* Use of alternate injection systems for Reactor Pressure Vessel makeup" Containment spray" Venting or purging Primary Containment6. Note the beyond-design-basis Extensive Damage Mitigation procedures are activated usingavailable qualified plant personnel and call-outs as necessary. No specific role for a RWO isspecified.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 6 of 7These activities are all used in performance of the EOPs as well, and do not containadditional requirements beyond what actions were already being taken in the EOPsprior to entering SAMGs. Also, there are no specific RWO requirements in theseprocedures. Therefore, the actions to implement the SAMGs do not require a RWO.RAI 2. Section 3.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal contains change bars onpages 29 and 30 with no indication or description on what was changed.Provide supporting documentation that identifies and contains the basisfor these SEP changes.ResponseThe revision bars were inadvertently retained on the pages of the Emergency Plan thatwere submitted. No additional changes beyond the removal of the RWO are proposed.
L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 7 of 7REFERENCE1. Letter from K. Fili (NSPM) to NRC, "License Amendment Request: Change tothe MNGP Emergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder," (L-MT-13-089), dated October 4, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No.ML13281A826)2. NEI 10-05, Revision 0, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency ResponseOrganization Staffing and Capabilities," June 2011. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML111751698)3. NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluationof Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support ofNuclear Power Plants," dated November 1980.
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0IOTI Page ! 2 of. 100Figure 6.2PHASE II EVENT ANALYSIS TABLESAnalysis #1: DBA/ISG Event #1 -DBT Hostile Action -Protected AreaTable 1'ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: Site Area EmergencyAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time T oleLin Tank? R ue" mi) Table#/Line# Task? Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E. Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT51L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, FP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1) T5/L5 NoT5/L7 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Raole# /ine Unanlz R ired(min) Table#/Line# task? Required?7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L9 No No10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L5 No NoCommunicatorT5/L6 NoT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 NoNotes: No further analysis. required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 14 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNAnalysis #1: Monticello One Unit -One Control Room Minimum Operations CrewNecessary to Implement -AOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validatio*~Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training-8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator Training9 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Security 2 Man Rule in effect after neutralization. Duck and cover untilneutralization. Duck and cover may affect some AOP actions.Procedures in use: EOP, AOP C.4-L; A.2-1 10Unit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and oversightRO #1 -SCRAM/AOP Actions (RCIC)RO #2 -SCRAM/AOP Actions (RWCU Isolation)RO #3 -AOP Actions (CR Vent in recirc; standby @ ASDS panel)AO#1 -AOP Actions (RCIC Operations)AO#2 -AOP Actions (EDG Start)AO#3 -AOP ActionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 15 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A2 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A3 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A4 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A5 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/ANotes: **DUCK and COVER Fire Brigade. Per assumptions no fire brigade responserequired. Fire Brigade stationed at Alternate Fire Brigade Room location afterevent.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. jRevision 0...h Page 18 of 100Analysis #2: DBA/ISG Event #2 -Control Rod DropECL: Site Area EmergencyTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min) Table#/Line# Task? Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L4 No No(RO #1) N/AT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/1_5 No No6. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0age 19of 100Augmentation .Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min)- Table#/Line# Task? Required?8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/110 NoT5L11 NoT5/L1_3 NoT5/1_14 No9. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No No10. Radiation Protection (RP #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L5 No YesT4/L7 NoT4/L8 NoT4/L9 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 20 of. 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation~Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: First radiological indication -SJAE off gas & WRGM indications (per DBAanalysis -1.7 Rem @ EAB in 2 hours).Procedures in use: EOP/AOP: C.5-1400; C.4-A; C.4-B.04.01..BUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actionsRO #2 -AOP actionsAO #1 -AOP actions (as assigned by ROs)AO #2 -AOP actions (as assigned by ROs)M/arb
.I MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT[A.2402TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0'I I Page 21 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A'2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision0Page 24 of 100Analysis #3: DBA/ISG Event #3 -LB LOCA with release and PARsTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: Site Area -General EmergencyAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(m) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No(SRO #1)3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No(SRO #2)4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO (RO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No NoT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No NoN/A6. NulearPE&R (RO#3) ontiello Pla, EP5, Tble .0-1T.- 6NoN7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No No9. Nuclear APEO. (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L9 No N*M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 25 of 100Augmentation Role ,in Unanalyzed. TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed-Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L5 No YesCommunicatorT5/L6 NoT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No.11. Radiation.Protection (RP #1). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No YesT4/L6 No12. Radiation Protection (RP #2). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No13. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L5 No YesT4/L7 NoT4/L8 No14. GAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: TMS required for SEC due to Task T5/L3 -SEC is required to be in constant communications with NRC per NEI 10-05Table 3.1 note 14. This task presents a conflict of responsibility as additional notifications are required during upgradeto General Emergency.TMS required for Radiation Protection due to competing functions/tasks.TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0* Page 26 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position ValidatioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7. Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator Training.9 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: DBA assumes loss of one vital electrical bussProcedures in use: EOP/AOP -C.4-AUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM response actions)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM response actions)RO #3 -AOP actions (BOP actions following SCRAM)AO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM actions)AO #2 -AOP actions (Loss of electrical buss/multiple AOP actions asdirected by ROs)AO #3 -AOP actions (AOP actions related to EDG SW)See Table 2A for listing of EOP/AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002.TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page. 27 of 100Table 2AEOP/AOP ACTIONSLarge Break LOCA with Release and PARsProcedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure ImplementationAssigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 *20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60Proc/Step Task ResourceC.4-B.09.02B Loss of Offsite Power RO#1 X X X X X X X X X X X XPA for CRcommunicator (SEC) to RO#1 Xreport to CRC.5-1 100 RPV Control CRS XCheck Detail A for Rx STA XWater levelInhibit ADS RO#3 XC.5-2002 Blow Down CRS, STA, XRO#3C.5-1200 Primary Containment CRS, STA,Control RO#3Maintain Torus Temp RO#3 xC.4-B.09.02B, Dispatch Operator,step 6 Check out DG for APEO#2 XoperationC.4-A, Part A Perform RX Shutdown(Scram) operationsC.4-A, Part A, RHR Service waterstep 28 pump check out and APEO#3 XstartedA.2-1 04 Classification of Event SM, CRS x XEALA.2-104, step PA announcement of6.1.6 the SAEA.2-104, step Perform State/Local &6.1.4 NRC Notifications for XALERT and-SAE.A.2-104, step Direct Chem Tech to6.1.9.a perform EPIP A.2-406 Chem Tech X X X(Off-site DoseProjection)A.2-104, step RP to monitor plant rad RPT#16.1.9.b monitorsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0I! IPage 28 of 100Large Break LOCA with Release and PARsProcedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure ImplementationAssigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60Proc/Step Task ResourceC.4-8.09.02B, Re-energize MCC-131,step 13b MCC-131, MCC-141 & APEO#2 X XMCC-142BC.4-B.09.02B, Dispatch Operator to APEO#3 Xstep 18 check out DG 13A.2-105 Upgrade to GEClassification of Event SM, CRS X X XEALA.2-105, step PA announcement of SEC6.1.5 the GEA.2-105, step Perform State/Local & SEC6.1.6 &6.1.7 NRC notificationsA.2-105, step Direct Chem Tech to6.1.10 perform EPIP A.2-406 Chem Tech X X(Off-site DoseProjection)C.5-1300 Secondary Containment CRS, STA,Control RO#1, 2, & 3C.5-1400 Radioactivity Release CRS, STA, XControl RO#1, 2, & 3 xM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002Page 29 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 33 of 10.0Analysis #4: DBA/ISG Event # 4 -Main Steam Line BreakTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Augmentation Unanalyzed''Role in. TIVS* Elapsed Time in Task?Reference (m)Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L1 No No5.0-1T5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L2 No No5.0-13. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table T2/1L3 No No5.0-1 N/A4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO (RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table T2/L4 No No#1) 5.0-1 N/AT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L5 No No5:0-16. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table. N/A T2/L6 No No5.0-17. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L7 No No5.0-1M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 34 of 100Lin Onshit PsiionEmegeny PanAugmentation Rlin UnanalyzedEmrgnc Planent ti Role in H TMSLine On-shift Position Elapsed Time Task?Reference (min) Table#/Line# Required?8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicator 5.0-1T51L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L 10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No9. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T4/L1 No No5.0-110. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T4/L2 No No5.0-111. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 60 T4/L5 No Yes5.0-1T4/L7 NaT4/L8 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T5/L15 No No5.0-1Notes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 35 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: DBA assumes CR radiation levels > 15 mR/hr (330 mR/hr). Firstclassification indication for CR personnel.Procedures in use: EOP/AOP: C.4-A; C.4-B.04.01 .B; C.4-B.02.04.AUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM response)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM response)AO #1 -AOP actions (as directed by ROs)AO #2 -AOP actions (as directed by ROs)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT. STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 36 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGLine Performed By Task AnalysisControlling MK.thod1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. Revision 0, Page 40 of 100Analysis #5: DBA/ISG Event # 7 -Refueling AccidentECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(i) Table#1Line# Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No NoShift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L3 No No3. N/ANuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No4. (RO #1)N/5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L5 No NoN/AT5/L5 No6. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A .T2/L7 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 41 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Role#in Task?(mm) Table#/Line# Required?.. ~~~~~~(min)=: .,=~e.8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No9. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No No(RP #1)10. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No(RP #2)11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1' 60 T41L5 No No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 42 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Va lid atioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #3. Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: C.4-B.04.01..B; C.4-B.08.07.A; Ops Manual D.2-05(Refueling procedure); 9007Unit Supervisor -AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (C.4-B.08.07.A)RO #3 -AOP actions (C.4-B.04.01 .B)AO #1 -AOP actions (verify CAM sample pump off)AO #2 -AOP actions (verify appropriate actions for TB ventilation units)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERA TING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 43 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb.
MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 47 of 100Analysis #6: DBA/ISG Event # 8 -ATVVSECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time ReqTask?(min) TableiLine Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/ L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEQ #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 48 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?Table#/Line# Required?(min),Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EPý5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No10. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L7 No NoT4/L8 NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0" ~Page 49 of I 0- FTable 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: EOP/AOP -C.4-A; C.4-K; C.4-B.04.01..B; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor- EOP & AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (BOP SCRAM actions)RO #2 -AOP actions (manual SCRAM)RO #3 -EOP actionsAO #1 -AOP actionsAO #2 -AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 50 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGe P e BTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 54 of 100Analysis #7: DBA/ISG Event # 9 -Response to Aircraft Threat (1 OCFR50.54(hh))Table ION-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table.5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan,- EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8.' Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoT3/L3 No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7* No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002I TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 01. Page 55 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(mi) Table#/Line# Required?10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L5 No NoCommunicatorT5/L6 No'T51L8 NoT5/L9 No.T5/110 NoT5L11I NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T3/L4 No No(RP #1)12. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L6 No No(RP #2)13. Duty Shift Chemist Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHI1FT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 56 of 100Table 2PLAN-T OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position ValidatioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager. Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator.Training7 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedure in use: AOP C.4-LUnit Supervisor- AOP direction and oversightRO #1 -AOP actions (Reduce Rx Power)RO #2 -AOP actions (start EDG)AO #2 -AOP actions (reduce plant lighting footprint prior to dispersal to FBroom)AO #3 -AOP actions (RCIC operation)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002.TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 57 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGL Task AnalysisLine Performed By .Controlling Method1 Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Brigade is dispersed not to preclude actions of AOPAll Fire Brigade personnel are available for in-plant activities until dispersedM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE:- MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision.0Page 61 of 100Analysis #8: DBA/ISG Event # 10 -Control Room Fire with Evacuation (IN 95-48)Table 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS.Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(mn) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT51L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No NoNuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No4. (RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L3 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision, 0Page 62 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyied TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task Required?(min) Table#/Line#.Task10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T31L4 No No(RP #1)12. Radiation Protection Monticello.E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No. No(RP #2)13. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No YesT4/L8 NoT41L9 NoNotes: TMS required for Duty Shift Chemist due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 63 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift PositionValidation:1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: AOP -C.4-C; C.4-B.08.05.A; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor -AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM and ASDS)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM and as directed by RO #1)AEO#3 -AOP actions (as directed by RO #1)Time Critical Operator Actions for this event have been validated by MNGPOperations personnel. Validation has determined the all required operatoractions can be completed at the ASDS Panel within 15 minutes 30 seconds.Refer to Attachment 1, CR Fire TCOA Validation Package.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 64 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment 1 -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackageIQF-1 128, Revision 1 (FP-OP-CTC-01 Page 1 of 1XceI Energy- Time Critical Operator ActionsTime Validation -Summary Sheet1. Identify Specific Operator Action to be time validated: (include flow rates, equipment failuresand locations of equipment if possible)2. Validation Team Members:Team Members Name Department Crew Position for ValidationDale Nygaard Operations OperatorBill Ergen Operations OperatorJoe Yarbrough Training Validation LeadSarah Schwartz Operations TCOA Coordinator3, Validation Method: (circle selected method) cjimator r Walkthrough4. Scenarios:Scenario Titlenumber4 Fire in Control Room/Cable Sprpading RoomForm retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 65 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment 1 -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackageQF-1129, Revision 1 (FP-OP-'CC-01) Page I of 2X Im VEnergyl Time Critical operatorActionsTime Validation -Scenario Description---I vua kthrou-h Scenarios:lumber: 2. Scenario Title:4 jApp RFire3. Initial Plant Conditions: 4. Equipment Assumed to be Out of Service:Plant at 100% power, Mode I All credited equipment is in service5. Short Description of Scenario and How it Validates Timed Operator.Actions:At t=0 a fire will start in the control room resulting in evacuation and the use of the ASDS panelto control plant conditions. This validates the App R Fire required operator actions.6. Assumed Procedure Flow Path:When the fire is recognized and evacuation is complete, the operator will use C.4-C at theASDS panel to establish control, perform an emergency depressurization and establishcontainment cooling.Developed By: Sarah SchwartzAccepted for Use:For m retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 66 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment I -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackagerTime Validation -Timing Record SheetScenario Number: 4 Scenario Title: Appendix RFirePrior to Scenario: Plant at 100% power, Mode 1. All credited systems are availableSpecific Events to Be Recorded1) Control at ASDS established (10 minutes)2) Perform emergency depressurization at ASDS panel (17 minutes)3) Establish Containment Cooling (40 minutes)During Scenario:Scenario Real Time Event LogTime: 0:00 Event: App R fireT = 5 minutes Start Scenario: Arrival at ASDS Panel8 minutes, 14 seconds Establish Control at ASDS Panel12 minutes, 13 seconds Begin depressurization at ASDS Panel15 mintues, 30 seconds Establish containment coolingForm retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01,M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page-67 of 100*Table 3FIREFIGHTINGLine Performe Task AnalysisLed By Controlling Method1 Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Procedure C.4-B.08.05.AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 71 of 100Analysis #9: DBA/ISG Event # 11 -Station BlackoutECL: Site Area EmergencyTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO'#2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO.(RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 72 of 100Augmentation Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line# Task?T ab e#/ ine R eq u ired ?___ (min)9. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No10. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5..0-1 30 T4/L1 No No(RP #1)11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L7 No YesT4/L.8 NoT41L9 NoT4/L10 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/15 No NoNotes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002'TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 73 of 1Q10Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validationl Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: EOP/AOP -CA-A; C.4-B.09.02.AUnit Supervisor- Direct EOP/AOP actionsRO #1 -AOP actions (electrical back panels; etc.)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM; operate HPCI/RCIC as necessary to maintainRPV level)RO #3 -Perform EOP actions and AOP actions (C.4-B.09.02.A)AO #1 -AOP actions (directed actions from RO #1 -Fire doors, etc.)AO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM and trouble shoot EDG electrical per RO)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002Page 74 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGI; Task AnalysisLine Performed ByTakAlyiControlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3. Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 78 of 100Analysis #10: DBA/ISG Event # 12 -Appendix R FireECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine. On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?Table#/L~ine# Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)*T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No.7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L3 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0IPage 79 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position* Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time- Task?RTable#/Line# Required?(min)Reurd10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T3/L4 No No(RP #1)12. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 80 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Vaiation* ValidationI Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Appendix R area -Intake ScenarioProcedures in use: C.4-B.08.05.A; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor- AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actionsRO #2 -AOP actionsAEO #3 -AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE.-: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 81 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGn PTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling MethodI Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training.5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Procedure C.4-B.08.05.AM/arb *

Revision as of 09:42, 30 March 2018

Monticello, Response to a Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request: Change to the MNGP Emergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 Minute Responder (TAC MF2898)
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/2014
From: Fili K D
Northern States Power Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14122A044 (56)


Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantXcelEnergy@ 2807 W County Road 75Monticello, MN 55362April 29, 2014 L-MT-14-04610 CFR 50.90U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555-0001Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantDocket No. 50-263Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-22Response to a Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request:Change to the MNGP Emergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder (TAC No. MF2898)References: 1) NSPM to NRC, "License Amendment Request: Change to the MNGPEmergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder," (L-MT-13-089) dated October 4, 2013 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML13281A826).2) NRC e-mail to NSPM, "Conference Call to Discuss Draft RAIs re:E-Plan Change to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60-MinuteResponder (TAC No. MF2898)," dated January 16, 2014.On October 4, 2013, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, the Northern States PowerCompany -Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., submitted aLicense Amendment Request (LAR) (Reference 1) that proposed changes to theEmergency Plan for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposedchange would revise the MNGP Emergency Plan to remove the Radwaste Operator asa sixty (60) minute responder.On January 16, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) suggested aphone call and requested additional information (RAI) from NSPM (Reference 2) tocomplete their review. The enclosures provide the requested information.NSPM has reviewed the No Significant Hazards Consideration determination andEnvironmental Evaluation provided in the LAR and determined that they are unaffected,and still applicable as supplemented by the enclosed additional information.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, a copy of this response, with enclosure, is beingprovided to the designated Minnesota Official.

Document Control DeskL-MT-14-046Page 2 of 2Summary of CommitmentsThis letter proposes no new commitments and does not revise any existingcommitments.Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. Richard Loeffler at(763) 295-1247.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed on April _!, 2014.Karen D. FiliSite Vice President, Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantNorthern States Power Company -MinnesotaEnclosurescc: Administrator, Region III, USNRCProject Manager, Monticello, USNRCResident Inspector, Monticello, USNRCMinnesota Department of Commerce ENCLOSURE 1MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANTRESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST:CHANGE TO THE MNGP EMERGENCY PLAN TO REMOVE THE RADWASTEOPERATOR AS A 60 MINUTE RESPONDER(7 pages follow)

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 1 of 7RESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST:CHANGE TO THE MNGP EMERGENCY PLAN TO REMOVE THE RADWASTEOPERATOR AS A 60 MINUTE RESPONDERBy letter dated October 4, 2013, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, the Northern StatesPower Company -Minnesota (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, Inc., submitteda License Amendment Request (LAR) (Reference 1) that proposed changes to theEmergency Plan for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). The proposedchange would revise the MNGP Emergency Plan to remove the Radwaste Operator asa sixty (60) minute responder. On January 16, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) suggested a phone call and requested additional information (RAI)from NSPM to complete their review. This enclosure provides the requestedinformation.RAI 1: Section 2.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal states:Results of the OSA [On-Shift Staffing Analysis] indicated that the RadwasteOperator position was not necessary to perform the specified staffaugmentation function (perform repair and corrective actions within60-minutes, considering the staffing in place). Consequently, NSPM proposesto remove the Radwaste Operator position as one of the 60-minute respondersidentified within the Emergency Plan.However, Section 3.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal states:When in SAMGs [Severe Accident Management Guidelines] the dutyoperations staff implements the actions as directed by the SAMGs. Non-dutyOperations personnel in the TSC and OSC will augment the duty Operationsstaff. Included in this augmentation is the addition of one Operator, qualifiedin radioactive waste system operations, in approximately 60mnutes.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 2 of 7a. Provide the relevant portions of the OSA, performed in accordance with10 CFR Part 50 Appendix E.IV.A.9, to support removing the Radioactive WasteSystem Operator from the emergency response organization (ERO). This OSAshould address both Radwaste Operator maintenance and system operationalfunctions.ResponseProcedure A.2-002, "Monticello On-Shift Staffing Analysis," Revision 0, discusses inTable 2 (page 7) the MNGP Design Basis Accident (DBA) / Interim Staff Guidelines(ISG) Analyzed Events. The events evaluated(1) were the following:1. Land or waterborne or both hostile action directed against the Protected Area2. Control Rod Drop3. Loss of Coolant Accident4. Main Steam Line Break5. Refueling Accident6. Anticipated Transient without Scram (ATWS)7. Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat"8. Control Room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown9. Station Blackout (SBO)10. Appendix R Fire ResponseA copy of the Phase II Event Analysis Tables pages for these events from the OSA isprovided in Enclosure 2. For each event a Table 1 -"On-Shift Positions," a Table 2 -"Plant Operations and Safe Shutdown," and a Table 3 -"Firefighting" (if required for theevent) is provided.NEI 10-05, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing andCapabilities," (Reference 2) provides guidance for performing the On-Shift StaffingAnalysis (OSA). As discussed in the license amendment request (LAR), the OSA didnot include the Radwaste Operator (RWO) since this position was not necessary toaddress the DBA and ISG events analyzed for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant(MNGP). Consequently, the OSA makes no presumption that a RWO is available toperform maintenance and system operational functions. The operations tasks for theseevents were accomplished in the 60-minute timeframe of the OSA. No tasks wereidentified that continued after completion of this timeframe, and hence requiresupplemental personnel, e.g., the RWO for performance. These insights, together withthe determination that radwaste processing after an event is a long-term, recoveryoperation, support removal of the RWO from the MNGP Emergency Plan. Also, the1. The Fuel Loading Error Accident and One Recirculation Pump Seizure events were notanalyzed since in accordance with NEI 10-05 an analysis was not required. The SevereAccident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) are implemented as a Technical Support Center(TSC) function.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 3 of 7definition of the "repair or corrective action" function(2) in NEI 10-05 implies that theoperational knowledge (e.g., implementation of lockout / tagout controls) possessed bythe RWO is not necessary to perform the repair or corrective action functions.NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Table B-i, "Minimum Staffing Requirements for NRCLicensees for Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies" (Reference 3), provides guidance forstaffing personnel to perform various tasks, including repair and corrective actions(3)The current Monticello Emergency Plan staffing table aligns with Table B-1 for the repairand corrective action function, being discussed herein.The duty Operations crew is initially responsible for any emergency repair andcorrective actions that may be immediately required prior to Emergency ResponseOrganization (ERO) augmentation. During the initial stages of an event, majorresponse activities are concentrated on determining the cause of the event and placingthe plant in a safe condition through plant manipulations and system alignments. Majorequipment repairs are not expected to be performed during the initial phases of anevent. The repair and corrective action functions performed are focused on thosenecessary to implement the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP). The dutyOperations crew implements the EOPs. Only after the Technical Support Center (TSC)is activated(4) are the Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) entered.At 30-minutes the duty crew is augmented by an electrical maintenance person and aninstrumentation and controls (I&C) technician. At 60-minutes staffing is augmented byan additional mechanical maintenance person, an electrical maintenance person, andthe RWO. At 60-minutes the TSC is required to be activated. Arrival of the RWOoccurs effectively concurrent with activation of the TSC. At this point in an event, asdescribed below, the focus is shifting to the TSC directing event response / assessmentand the Operations Group Leader (who is a Senior Reactor Operator) providestechnical and operational input to the duty Control Room operating staff. Therefore,utilization of the RWO at this transition point from an operations or maintenanceperspective is implausible.After augmentation, technical and operational advice is provided by the OperationsGroup Leader who reports to the Emergency Director. The group consists of theOperations Group Leader and all members of the Operations staff including the dutyoperating crew, off-duty Shift Managers, Control Room Supervisors and all Operators.2. An action that can be performed promptly to restore a nonfunctional component to functionalstatus (e.g., resetting a breaker), or to place a component in a desired configuration (e.g.,open a valve), and which does not require work planning or implementation of lockout /tagout controls to complete.3. Note that several plant Emergency Plans have been identified which do not include a RWOunder the repair and corrective action function, among these licensees are the Ginna andDuane Arnold plants.4. Transition to the SAMGs cannot occur unless the TSC is staffed and operational.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 4 of 7Also after augmentation, repair and corrective actions are the responsibility of theMaintenance Group under the direction of the Emergency Director. The MaintenanceGroup consists of the group leader and members of the mechanical and electricalmaintenance groups including I&C personnel designated capable of performingemergency tasks.(5) The Maintenance Group Leader is responsible for the overalldirection of corrective actions including damage control and emergency repairs tosystems, components or equipment. Personnel are assigned according to the skillsthey possess so that the team is capable of coping with the emergency situation.Repair and damage control team members are selected from available personnel. TheOperations Support Center (OSC) Coordinator reports to the Maintenance GroupLeader and is responsible for the coordination of emergency repair activities initiated outof the OSC. Additionally, personnel are called in as deemed appropriate. Thepersonnel report to the OSC where they are assigned corrective action tasks by theOSC Coordinator.There is no need for a RWO until well after the event has been mitigated. Anyradiological waste processing would be performed by an auxiliary operator as part oftheir normal duties during the recovery phase of the event. Therefore, there is nospecific need for an RWO from a system operational perspective.From an operational support perspective, the RWO is not part of the duty Operationscrew who implements the EOPs. Also, as described in the following response, thereare no RWO requirements within the SAMGs or within the implementing procedures.Additionally, it was determined that performance of the operations related activities didnot require an additional operator, e.g., the RWO.b. Provide justification that the Radwaste Operator is not required to augmentthe Operations staff for any activities, including implementation of the SAMGscurrently stated in the [station emergency plan] SEP.As described previously, the major initial response activities are concentrated onresponding to the event and placing the plant in a safe condition through plantmanipulations and system alignments. Repair and corrective action functions arefocused on those necessary to implement EOPs by the duty Operations crew.The SAMGs are entered when a transition point (Primary Containment floodingrequired) in the EOPs is reached and the duty Shift Manager and Operations GroupLeader make a joint decision to transition to the SAMGs. At this point, the TSCassumes the responsibility to assess and select the strategies to be implemented.When using the SAMGs, the Operations Group Leader directs Control Room responseas specified in the SAMGs.5. Control of the mechanical and electrical maintenance and I&C personnel that were called inat the 30 and 60-minute mark, respectively, is transferred to the Maintenance Group Leader.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 5 of 7Section 5.3 of the MNGP Emergency Plan describes augmentation of the ERO.Subsection, "Plant Operations and Operational Assessment," in the MNGPEmergency Plan describes the responsibilities of the Operations staff. Subsection5.3.1.1 states:The duty Operations crew retains the responsibility for plant operation throughoutan emergency situation. When in SAMGs the duty operations staff implements theactions as directed by the SAMGs. Non-duty Operations personnel in the TSC andOSC will augment the duty Operations staff. Included in this augmentation is theaddition of one Operator, qualified in radioactive waste system operations, withinapproximately 60 minute-s.The inclusion of the RWO in the last sentence of this paragraph implied that the RWOhas a specified function to implement the SAMGs. The sentence was only intended toidentify that this operationally oriented individual is included under the "Plant Operationsand Operational Assessment" heading, similar to the other non-duty Operationspersonnel available to provide operational support. The next paragraph in thatsubsection clarifies that the non-duty Operations personnel provide operationalassessment and support repair and corrective action functions, stating:The responsibilities of the non-duty Operations personnel include operationalassessment, under the direction of the Emergency Director in the TSC, and supportof emergency repair and corrective action efforts in the OSC including Fire Brigadesupport.The Operations Group provides non-duty personnel to staff and support the OSC.However, there are no tasks identified in the SAMGs and the EOPs that require orspecify the RWO for performance. Therefore, it is proposed to remove the lastsentence in the first paragraph of Subsection (struck-through above) since theRWO is not one of the personnel credited with performance of SAMG actions.A review of the SAMGs(6) procedures and the procedures called out in the SAMGs wasconducted. These procedures involve the following types of activities:" Defeating isolations or bypassing signals* Use of alternate injection systems for Reactor Pressure Vessel makeup" Containment spray" Venting or purging Primary Containment6. Note the beyond-design-basis Extensive Damage Mitigation procedures are activated usingavailable qualified plant personnel and call-outs as necessary. No specific role for a RWO isspecified.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 6 of 7These activities are all used in performance of the EOPs as well, and do not containadditional requirements beyond what actions were already being taken in the EOPsprior to entering SAMGs. Also, there are no specific RWO requirements in theseprocedures. Therefore, the actions to implement the SAMGs do not require a RWO.RAI 2. Section 3.0 of the October 4, 2013, submittal contains change bars onpages 29 and 30 with no indication or description on what was changed.Provide supporting documentation that identifies and contains the basisfor these SEP changes.ResponseThe revision bars were inadvertently retained on the pages of the Emergency Plan thatwere submitted. No additional changes beyond the removal of the RWO are proposed.

L-MT-14-046Enclosure 1Page 7 of 7REFERENCE1. Letter from K. Fili (NSPM) to NRC, "License Amendment Request: Change tothe MNGP Emergency Plan to Remove the Radwaste Operator as a 60 MinuteResponder," (L-MT-13-089), dated October 4, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No.ML13281A826)2. NEI 10-05, Revision 0, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency ResponseOrganization Staffing and Capabilities," June 2011. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML111751698)3. NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluationof Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support ofNuclear Power Plants," dated November 1980.


MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0IOTI Page ! 2 of. 100Figure 6.2PHASE II EVENT ANALYSIS TABLESAnalysis #1: DBA/ISG Event #1 -DBT Hostile Action -Protected AreaTable 1'ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: Site Area EmergencyAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time T oleLin Tank? R ue" mi) Table#/Line# Task? Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E. Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT51L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, FP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1) T5/L5 NoT5/L7 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Raole# /ine Unanlz R ired(min) Table#/Line# task? Required?7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L9 No No10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L5 No NoCommunicatorT5/L6 NoT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 NoNotes: No further analysis. required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 14 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNAnalysis #1: Monticello One Unit -One Control Room Minimum Operations CrewNecessary to Implement -AOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validatio*~Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training-8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator Training9 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Security 2 Man Rule in effect after neutralization. Duck and cover untilneutralization. Duck and cover may affect some AOP actions.Procedures in use: EOP, AOP C.4-L; A.2-1 10Unit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and oversightRO #1 -SCRAM/AOP Actions (RCIC)RO #2 -SCRAM/AOP Actions (RWCU Isolation)RO #3 -AOP Actions (CR Vent in recirc; standby @ ASDS panel)AO#1 -AOP Actions (RCIC Operations)AO#2 -AOP Actions (EDG Start)AO#3 -AOP ActionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 15 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A2 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A3 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A4 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/A5 None per guidance in NEI 10-05 N/ANotes: **DUCK and COVER Fire Brigade. Per assumptions no fire brigade responserequired. Fire Brigade stationed at Alternate Fire Brigade Room location afterevent.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. jRevision 0...h Page 18 of 100Analysis #2: DBA/ISG Event #2 -Control Rod DropECL: Site Area EmergencyTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min) Table#/Line# Task? Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L4 No No(RO #1) N/AT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/1_5 No No6. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0age 19of 100Augmentation .Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min)- Table#/Line# Task? Required?8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/110 NoT5L11 NoT5/L1_3 NoT5/1_14 No9. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No No10. Radiation Protection (RP #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L5 No YesT4/L7 NoT4/L8 NoT4/L9 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 20 of. 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation~Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: First radiological indication -SJAE off gas & WRGM indications (per DBAanalysis -1.7 Rem @ EAB in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />).Procedures in use: EOP/AOP: C.5-1400; C.4-A; C.4-B.04.01..BUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actionsRO #2 -AOP actionsAO #1 -AOP actions (as assigned by ROs)AO #2 -AOP actions (as assigned by ROs)M/arb

.I MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT[A.2402TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0'I I Page 21 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A'2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision0Page 24 of 100Analysis #3: DBA/ISG Event #3 -LB LOCA with release and PARsTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: Site Area -General EmergencyAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(m) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No(SRO #1)3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No(SRO #2)4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO (RO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No NoT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No NoN/A6. NulearPE&R (RO#3) ontiello Pla, EP5, Tble .0-1T.- 6NoN7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No No9. Nuclear APEO. (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L9 No N*M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 25 of 100Augmentation Role ,in Unanalyzed. TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed-Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L5 No YesCommunicatorT5/L6 NoT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No.11. Radiation.Protection (RP #1). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No YesT4/L6 No12. Radiation Protection (RP #2). Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No13. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L5 No YesT4/L7 NoT4/L8 No14. GAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: TMS required for SEC due to Task T5/L3 -SEC is required to be in constant communications with NRC per NEI 10-05Table 3.1 note 14. This task presents a conflict of responsibility as additional notifications are required during upgradeto General Emergency.TMS required for Radiation Protection due to competing functions/tasks.TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0* Page 26 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position ValidatioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7. Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator Training.9 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: DBA assumes loss of one vital electrical bussProcedures in use: EOP/AOP -C.4-AUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM response actions)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM response actions)RO #3 -AOP actions (BOP actions following SCRAM)AO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM actions)AO #2 -AOP actions (Loss of electrical buss/multiple AOP actions asdirected by ROs)AO #3 -AOP actions (AOP actions related to EDG SW)See Table 2A for listing of EOP/AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002.TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page. 27 of 100Table 2AEOP/AOP ACTIONSLarge Break LOCA with Release and PARsProcedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure ImplementationAssigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 *20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60Proc/Step Task ResourceC.4-B.09.02B Loss of Offsite Power RO#1 X X X X X X X X X X X XPA for CRcommunicator (SEC) to RO#1 Xreport to CRC.5-1 100 RPV Control CRS XCheck Detail A for Rx STA XWater levelInhibit ADS RO#3 XC.5-2002 Blow Down CRS, STA, XRO#3C.5-1200 Primary Containment CRS, STA,Control RO#3Maintain Torus Temp RO#3 xC.4-B.09.02B, Dispatch Operator,step 6 Check out DG for APEO#2 XoperationC.4-A, Part A Perform RX Shutdown(Scram) operationsC.4-A, Part A, RHR Service waterstep 28 pump check out and APEO#3 XstartedA.2-1 04 Classification of Event SM, CRS x XEALA.2-104, step PA announcement of6.1.6 the SAEA.2-104, step Perform State/Local &6.1.4 NRC Notifications for XALERT and-SAE.A.2-104, step Direct Chem Tech to6.1.9.a perform EPIP A.2-406 Chem Tech X X X(Off-site DoseProjection)A.2-104, step RP to monitor plant rad RPT#16.1.9.b monitorsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0I! IPage 28 of 100Large Break LOCA with Release and PARsProcedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure ImplementationAssigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60Proc/Step Task ResourceC.4-8.09.02B, Re-energize MCC-131,step 13b MCC-131, MCC-141 & APEO#2 X XMCC-142BC.4-B.09.02B, Dispatch Operator to APEO#3 Xstep 18 check out DG 13A.2-105 Upgrade to GEClassification of Event SM, CRS X X XEALA.2-105, step PA announcement of SEC6.1.5 the GEA.2-105, step Perform State/Local & SEC6.1.6 &6.1.7 NRC notificationsA.2-105, step Direct Chem Tech to6.1.10 perform EPIP A.2-406 Chem Tech X X(Off-site DoseProjection)C.5-1300 Secondary Containment CRS, STA,Control RO#1, 2, & 3C.5-1400 Radioactivity Release CRS, STA, XControl RO#1, 2, & 3 xM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002Page 29 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 33 of 10.0Analysis #4: DBA/ISG Event # 4 -Main Steam Line BreakTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Augmentation UnanalyzedRole in. TIVS* Elapsed Time in Task?Reference (m)Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L1 No No5.0-1T5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L2 No No5.0-13. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table T2/1L3 No No5.0-1 N/A4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO (RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table T2/L4 No No#1) 5.0-1 N/AT5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L5 No No5:0-16. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table. N/A T2/L6 No No5.0-17. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T2/L7 No No5.0-1M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 34 of 100Lin Onshit PsiionEmegeny PanAugmentation Rlin UnanalyzedEmrgnc Planent ti Role in H TMSLine On-shift Position Elapsed Time Task?Reference (min) Table#/Line# Required?8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicator 5.0-1T51L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L 10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No9. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T4/L1 No No5.0-110. Radiation Protection (RP #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 30 T4/L2 No No5.0-111. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 60 T4/L5 No Yes5.0-1T4/L7 NaT4/L8 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table N/A T5/L15 No No5.0-1Notes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 35 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: DBA assumes CR radiation levels > 15 mR/hr (330 mR/hr). Firstclassification indication for CR personnel.Procedures in use: EOP/AOP: C.4-A; C.4-B.04.01 .B; C.4-B.02.04.AUnit Supervisor- EOP/AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM response)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM response)AO #1 -AOP actions (as directed by ROs)AO #2 -AOP actions (as directed by ROs)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT. STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 36 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGLine Performed By Task AnalysisControlling MK.thod1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. Revision 0, Page 40 of 100Analysis #5: DBA/ISG Event # 7 -Refueling AccidentECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(i) Table#1Line# Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No NoShift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L3 No No3. N/ANuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No4. (RO #1)N/5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 T2/L5 No NoN/AT5/L5 No6. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A .T2/L7 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 41 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Role#in Task?(mm) Table#/Line# Required?.. ~~~~~~(min)=: .,=~e.8. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No9. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No No(RP #1)10. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table5.0-1 30 T4/L2 No No(RP #2)11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1' 60 T41L5 No No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/L15 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 42 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Va lid atioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #3. Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: C.4-B.04.01..B; C.4-B.08.07.A; Ops Manual D.2-05(Refueling procedure); 9007Unit Supervisor -AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (C.4-B.08.07.A)RO #3 -AOP actions (C.4-B.04.01 .B)AO #1 -AOP actions (verify CAM sample pump off)AO #2 -AOP actions (verify appropriate actions for TB ventilation units)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERA TING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 43 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb.

MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 47 of 100Analysis #6: DBA/ISG Event # 8 -ATVVSECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time ReqTask?(min) TableiLine Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/ L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEQ #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 48 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?Table#/Line# Required?(min),Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EPý5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No10. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L7 No NoT4/L8 NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0" ~Page 49 of I 0- FTable 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: EOP/AOP -C.4-A; C.4-K; C.4-B.04.01..B; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor- EOP & AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (BOP SCRAM actions)RO #2 -AOP actions (manual SCRAM)RO #3 -EOP actionsAO #1 -AOP actionsAO #2 -AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 50 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGe P e BTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3 Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 54 of 100Analysis #7: DBA/ISG Event # 9 -Response to Aircraft Threat (1 OCFR50.54(hh))Table ION-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table.5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan,- EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8.' Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoT3/L3 No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7* No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002I TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 01. Page 55 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(mi) Table#/Line# Required?10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L5 No NoCommunicatorT5/L6 No'T51L8 NoT5/L9 No.T5/110 NoT5L11I NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T3/L4 No No(RP #1)12. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L6 No No(RP #2)13. Duty Shift Chemist Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHI1FT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 56 of 100Table 2PLAN-T OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position ValidatioValidation1 Shift Manager Shift Manager. Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator.Training7 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedure in use: AOP C.4-LUnit Supervisor- AOP direction and oversightRO #1 -AOP actions (Reduce Rx Power)RO #2 -AOP actions (start EDG)AO #2 -AOP actions (reduce plant lighting footprint prior to dispersal to FBroom)AO #3 -AOP actions (RCIC operation)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002.TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 57 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGL Task AnalysisLine Performed By .Controlling Method1 Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Brigade is dispersed not to preclude actions of AOPAll Fire Brigade personnel are available for in-plant activities until dispersedM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE:- MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision.0Page 61 of 100Analysis #8: DBA/ISG Event # 10 -Control Room Fire with Evacuation (IN 95-48)Table 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSECL: AlertAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS.Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(mn) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT51L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No NoNuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No4. (RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L3 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision, 0Page 62 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyied TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task Required?(min) Table#/Line#.Task10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T31L4 No No(RP #1)12. Radiation Protection Monticello.E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T4/L1 No. No(RP #2)13. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No YesT4/L8 NoT41L9 NoNotes: TMS required for Duty Shift Chemist due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 63 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift PositionValidation:1 Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator #3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: AOP -C.4-C; C.4-B.08.05.A; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor -AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actions (SCRAM and ASDS)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM and as directed by RO #1)AEO#3 -AOP actions (as directed by RO #1)Time Critical Operator Actions for this event have been validated by MNGPOperations personnel. Validation has determined the all required operatoractions can be completed at the ASDS Panel within 15 minutes 30 seconds.Refer to Attachment 1, CR Fire TCOA Validation Package.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 64 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment 1 -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackageIQF-1 128, Revision 1 (FP-OP-CTC-01 Page 1 of 1XceI Energy- Time Critical Operator ActionsTime Validation -Summary Sheet1. Identify Specific Operator Action to be time validated: (include flow rates, equipment failuresand locations of equipment if possible)2. Validation Team Members:Team Members Name Department Crew Position for ValidationDale Nygaard Operations OperatorBill Ergen Operations OperatorJoe Yarbrough Training Validation LeadSarah Schwartz Operations TCOA Coordinator3, Validation Method: (circle selected method) cjimator r Walkthrough4. Scenarios:Scenario Titlenumber4 Fire in Control Room/Cable Sprpading RoomForm retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 65 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment 1 -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackageQF-1129, Revision 1 (FP-OP-'CC-01) Page I of 2X Im VEnergyl Time Critical operatorActionsTime Validation -Scenario Description---I vua kthrou-h Scenarios:lumber: 2. Scenario Title:4 jApp RFire3. Initial Plant Conditions: 4. Equipment Assumed to be Out of Service:Plant at 100% power, Mode I All credited equipment is in service5. Short Description of Scenario and How it Validates Timed Operator.Actions:At t=0 a fire will start in the control room resulting in evacuation and the use of the ASDS panelto control plant conditions. This validates the App R Fire required operator actions.6. Assumed Procedure Flow Path:When the fire is recognized and evacuation is complete, the operator will use C.4-C at theASDS panel to establish control, perform an emergency depressurization and establishcontainment cooling.Developed By: Sarah SchwartzAccepted for Use:For m retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 66 of 100Table 2 -PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN (CONT'D)Attachment I -CR Fire TCOA Validation PackagerTime Validation -Timing Record SheetScenario Number: 4 Scenario Title: Appendix RFirePrior to Scenario: Plant at 100% power, Mode 1. All credited systems are availableSpecific Events to Be Recorded1) Control at ASDS established (10 minutes)2) Perform emergency depressurization at ASDS panel (17 minutes)3) Establish Containment Cooling (40 minutes)During Scenario:Scenario Real Time Event LogTime: 0:00 Event: App R fireT = 5 minutes Start Scenario: Arrival at ASDS Panel8 minutes, 14 seconds Establish Control at ASDS Panel12 minutes, 13 seconds Begin depressurization at ASDS Panel15 mintues, 30 seconds Establish containment coolingForm retained in accordance with record retention schedule identified in FP-G-RM-01,M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page-67 of 100*Table 3FIREFIGHTINGLine Performe Task AnalysisLed By Controlling Method1 Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Procedure C.4-B.08.05.AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 71 of 100Analysis #9: DBA/ISG Event # 11 -Station BlackoutECL: Site Area EmergencyTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?(min) Table#/Line# Required?1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO'#2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO.(RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No No7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L7 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L8 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 72 of 100Augmentation Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line# Task?T ab e#/ ine R eq u ired ?___ (min)9. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No10. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5..0-1 30 T4/L1 No No(RP #1)11. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T4/L7 No YesT4/L.8 NoT41L9 NoT4/L10 No12. CAS Operator Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T5/15 No NoNotes: TMS required for Chemistry due to competing functions/tasks.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002'TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 73 of 1Q10Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Validationl Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Reactor Operator #3 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training7 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator Training8 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator TrainingNotes: Procedures in use: EOP/AOP -CA-A; C.4-B.09.02.AUnit Supervisor- Direct EOP/AOP actionsRO #1 -AOP actions (electrical back panels; etc.)RO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM; operate HPCI/RCIC as necessary to maintainRPV level)RO #3 -Perform EOP actions and AOP actions (C.4-B.09.02.A)AO #1 -AOP actions (directed actions from RO #1 -Fire doors, etc.)AO #2 -AOP actions (SCRAM and trouble shoot EDG electrical per RO)M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002Page 74 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGI; Task AnalysisLine Performed ByTakAlyiControlling Method1 Not Required per event N/A2 Not Required per event N/A3. Not Required per event N/A4 Not Required per event N/A5 Not Required per event N/AM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 78 of 100Analysis #10: DBA/ISG Event # 12 -Appendix R FireECL: AlertTable 1ON-SHIFT POSITIONSAugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine. On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Task?Table#/L~ine# Required?(min)1. Shift Manager Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L1 No NoT5/L1 NoT5/L2 NoT5/L3 NoT5/L4 No2. Control Room Supervisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L2 No No3. Shift Technical Advisor Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L3 No No4. Nuclear Lead PE&RO Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L4 No No(RO #1)*T5/L5 No5. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L5 No No6. Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L1 No No.7. Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L2 No No8. Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T3/L3 No No9. Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 N/A T2/L6 No NoM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0IPage 79 of 100Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMSLine On-shift Position* Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time- Task?RTable#/Line# Required?(min)Reurd10. Shift Emergency Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T5/L6 No NoCommunicatorT5/L8 NoT5/L9 NoT5/L10 NoT5/L11 NoT5/L13 NoT5/L14 No11. Radiation Protection Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 30 T3/L4 No No(RP #1)12. Chemistry Monticello E Plan, EP-5, Table 5.0-1 60 T3/L5 No NoNotes: No further analysis required for this event.M/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 80 of 100Table 2PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWNMonticello One Unit -One Control RoomMinimum Operations Crew Necessary to ImplementAOPs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicableTask PerformanceLine Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Vaiation* ValidationI Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training2 Unit Supervisor Control Room Supervisor Operator Training3 Shift Technical Advisor Shift Technical Advisor Operator Training4 Reactor Operator #1 Nuclear Lead PE&RO Operator Training5 Reactor Operator #2 Nuclear PE&RO Operator Training6 Auxiliary Operator Nuclear APEO (AEO #3) Operator TrainingNotes: Appendix R area -Intake ScenarioProcedures in use: C.4-B.08.05.A; C.4-B.08.07.AUnit Supervisor- AOP direction and guidanceRO #1 -AOP actionsRO #2 -AOP actionsAEO #3 -AOP actionsM/arb MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT A.2-002TITLE.-: MONTICELLO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS Revision 0Page 81 of 100Table 3FIREFIGHTINGn PTask AnalysisLine Performed By Controlling MethodI Nuclear PE&RO (RO #3) -Fire Brigade Operator/Fire Brigade TrainingLeader2 Nuclear APEO (AEO #1) Operator/Fire Brigade Training3 Nuclear APEO (AEO #2) Operator/Fire Brigade Training4 Radiation Protection (RP #1) RP/Fire Brigade Training.5 Chemistry Chemistry/Fire Brigade TrainingNotes: Fire Procedure C.4-B.08.05.AM/arb *