L-MT-21-038, 2021 Refueling Outage 90-Day Inservice Inspection (ISI) Summary Report: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:fl      Xcel Energy*
RESPONSIBLE    BY NA T URE 2807 West County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362 August 17, 2021                                                                    L-MT-21-038 10 CFR 50.55a(g)
ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Docket No. 50-263 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-22 2021 Refueling Outage 90-Day lnservice Inspection (ISi) Summary Report Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g), Northern States Power Company - a Minnesota corporation (NSPM), doing business as Xcel Energy, hereby submits the enclosed lnservice Inspection (ISi) Summary Report and Form OAR-1 "Owner's Activity Report" (Enclosure 1) for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP).
The Owner's Activity Report has been prepared in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code, Section XI Code Case N-532-5, "Alternative Requirements to Repair and Replacement Documentation Requirements and lnservice Summary Report Preparation and Submissions as Required by IWA-4000 and IWA-6000, Section XI, Division 1." This code case is an alternative to the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Articles IWA-4000 and IWA-6000, as authorized by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) through Regulatory Guide 1.147, "lnservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section XI, Division 1," Revision 19, October 2019.
The Owner's Activity Report is included in the enclosure and provides an overview of inservice examination results and repair/replacement activities performed during Cycle 30, including the 2021 Refueling Outage (1 R30).
Examinations and tests for Cycle 30 were scheduled and conducted in accordance with the following plans:
* 5th Interval ISi Plan, applicable to Inspection Period 3
* 3rd Interval IWE Plan , applicable to Inspection Period 1
L-MT-21-038 Included in this report is supplemental information for the Cycle 25 (RFO-25) ISi Summary Report submitted August 23, 2011 (Reference ADAMS Accession Number ML112351222).
MNGP identified an omission of RFO 25 reportable indications on the Boiling Water Vessel Integrity Program (BWRVIP) supplement to the Cycle 25 ISi Summary Report, entered the condition into the Quality Issues Management/ Corrective Action Program, updated the list of indications, and are including the updated list as a supplement to this ISi Summary Report.
Summary of Commitments This letter makes no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.
Thomas A. Conboy Site Vice President, Monticett    uclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company - Minnesota Enclosures (2) cc:    Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, Monticello, USNRC Resident Inspector, Monticello, USNRC
ENCLOSURE 1 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Owner's Activity Report Form OAR-1
fl      Xcel Energy-Xcel Energy, Inc.
Northern States Power Co. - Minnesota 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 INSERVICE INSPECTION
REPORT Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 1 2807 West County Road 75 Monticello, MN 55362 Commercial Service Date: June 30, 1971 Cycle No. 30 Refueling Outage Outage Dates: April 17, 2021 to May 20, 2021 Inservice Inspection:Interval 5 (September 1, 2012 -May 31, 2022)
Period 3 (September 1, 2019- May 31, 2022)
Containment (IWE) Inspection: Interval 3 (September 9, 2019- September 8, 2029)
Period 1 (September 9, 2019 - September 8, 2022)
Prepared By:        } . ~ .,.. ,- )1/4wt/(., I 2.02. \
Richard Deopere ASME Section XI ISi Program Owner ANII:    1<.a---A    ~          I Kurt Suleski s- / IG 1  {<' 1 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company Approved By:      T. Erickson - Electronically Approved 8/16/2021 Todd Erickson Engineering Manager Report Date: August 16, 2021
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                      Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                        2021 Refueling Outage TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS                                                          PAGES
: 1. Summary                                                                1
: 2. Form OAR-I, Owner's Activity Report for Cycle 30                      1
: 3. Table 1, Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions                      1 That Required Evaluation for Continued Service
: 4. Table 2, Abstract of Repair/Replacement Activities                    1 Required for Continued Service
: 5. Cycle 25 (2011) ISi Summary Report Supplemental Information          3
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                                  Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                                      2021 Refueling Outage SECTION 1.                                 
Page 1 of 1 In accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code, Section XI and approved alternative requirements of Code Case N-532-5 1, this report provides the following:
* Form OAR-1, Owner's Activity Report
* Table 1, Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions That Required Evaluation for Continued Service
* Table 2, Abstract of Repair/Replacement Activities Required for Continued Service.
This information is applicable to Inservice Inspection (ISI) activities performed during operating Cycle 30 at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Unit 1, including the 30th refueling outage. Cycle 30 began May 13, 2019, immediately following completion of the 29th refueling outage.
Examinations and tests for Cycle 30 were scheduled and conducted in accordance with the following plans:
* 5th Interval ISI Plan, applicable to Inspection Period 3
* 3rd Interval IWE Plan, applicable to Inspection Period 1.
Also included in this report is supplemental information for the Cycle 25 (RFO-25)
ISI Summary Report submitted August 23, 2011 (Reference ADAMS Accession Number MLl 12351222). MNGP identified an omission ofRFO 25 reportable indications on the Boiling Water Vessel Integrity Program (BWRVIP) supplement to the Cycle 25 ISI Summary Report, entered the condition into the Quality Issues Management/ Corrective Action Program, updated the list of indications, and are including the updated list as a supplement to this ISI Summary Report.
1 NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section XI, Division 1, Revision 19, October2019
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                                                                                                          Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                                                                                                                      2021 Refueling Outage SECTION 2.                                                                            FORMOAR-1                                                                                            Page 1 of 1 FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number_~M~N~G~P_1~R~3~0~0~A~R~-~1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Plant _~M=o~n=ti=ce=l=lo'-N~uc=l=ea=r'--G=en=e=r=a=tin=q,_,__P=la~n=t.~2=8=0_,_7_,W~es=t~C=-o=u=n=ty'--'--'R=o=a=d_,_7=5~,.,_,_M=o=n=tic=e=l=lo""".=M=in..,_,n=e=s=o=ta~5=5=36=2~-------
Unit N o . - - - ~ - - - Commercial service date -~J~u~n=e~3~0~1=9~7_,_1_ _ Refueling outage no._ _~1R~3~0~--
{if applicable)
Current inspection interval --'-'IS=I"-:_,5'-th_,l.,_,n"'sp=e=c=ti=o.,_,n_,_ln=t=e~rv=a"-l- ~_ _,I_,_W.,_,E=:~3'_d..,_,ln=s,.,p=e=ct,,.io=n-'--"-ln.,_,_te=rv-'-=al'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
{1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, other)
Current inspection period --~IS~I~:~3-'d~l=ns=p~e=c=ti=on~P=e=ri=od~~'---=IW~E~:~1_*t~ln=s=p=e=c=tio=n~P=e=rio=d~-----------
{1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Edition and addenda of Section XI applicable to the inspection plans ISi: 2007 Edition. 2008 Addenda I IWE: 2013 Edition Date and revision of inspection plans _ _,l=S.,_,_l:=5_                  th
Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repair/replacement activities, if different than the inspection plans _ _ _ __
2017 Edition, IWA-4540/b)
Code Cases used for inspection and evaluation:._----'-'N'--'-5=0=8'---4-'-'--'-N.,_-=55=2=--_,_1'""'N'-'--=6'--'1=3--=2'-'-'-'N,_-7,_,0=2'-'-'-'N,_-7,_1=6'------------
Qf applicable, including cases modified by Case N-532 and later revisions)
CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made in this report are correct; (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI; and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting the completion of __1~R_,_,3=0~(=20=2~1_,R=F~O;-il-,---_
(refueling outage number) conform to the requirements of Section XI.
Signed:                  f c::::=," ~ J P , . _ , ISi Program Owner                                          Date _    _,_b~-i"l'wct~~-\~4-'--l)>-Z,O          __Z.._\_________
Owner or Owner's Oesignee, Title                                                      ~
CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by                      The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company                                                      of                Hartford. Connecticut                                have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report in accordance with the requirements of Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the repair/replacement activities and evaluation described in the report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
_,~'--'""'(~J.....J'-f_,(}_~'-----":;.._--'~*_____                      Commission _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,_N.,_,B"-'1'-'1=86=3"--'-'l.,_,N...,.R.,____ _ _ _ _ _ __
Inspectors Signature                                                                              (National Board Number and Endorsements)
Date_ _o_'_/_*_I'f-'--+/-'l.=-=-lJ~2....=i/,_ __
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                      Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                        2021 Refueling Outage SECTION 3.                            TABLE 1                              Page 1 of 1 TABLE 1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATION FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Category and Item Number          Item Description                  Evaluation Description None                  None                                  None
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                    Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                      2021 Refueling Outage SECTION 4.                          TABLE2                              Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 ABSTRACT OF REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES REQUIRED FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Item        Description      Date      Repair/Replacement Code Class      Description    of Work      Completed        Plan Number None            None          None            None              None
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                          Cycle 30 Summary Report Inservice Inspection                                            2021 Refueling Outage SECTIONS.
Cycle 25 ISi Summary Report Supplemental Information (2 pages to follow)
Supplemental records, applicable to the Cycle 25 ISI Summary Report, include the following items:
: 1. Cycle 25 IVVI Summary Report, "Table BWRVIP-1: RFO25 Indications," Page 2 of 8
* AddedRow o Shroud Support Leg
* 1 new indication on Hl 0 weld at 30 degree location
* Bounded by previous evaluation EC 14116
* 2 new indications on Hl0 weld at 120 degree location
* Bounded by previous evaluation EC 14116
: 2. Cycle 25 IVVI Summary Report, "RFO25 Inspection Results," Page 7 of 8
* Updated Shroud Support Inspection section o Second bullet: Added "and 120&deg;"
* Added fifth bullet
* One new indication discovered on Hl 0 weld at 30 degree location and two new indications at 120 degree location.
Note: The heading on the following pages is applicable to the Cycle 25, 2011 Refueling Outage Summary Report.
Supplemental Record - Updated August 14, 2021 Reference Monticello Quality Issue/ Corrective Action (QIM/CAP) 501000037654 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                                  Cycle 25 IWI Summary Report BWRVIP Inspection Program                                                      2011 Refueling Outage Page 2 of 8 Table BWRVIP-1: RFO25 Indications Component                Indication/CAP                              Resolution Guide Rod                Indication on the guide rod                  Indication evaluated and at 175 degree location                      accepted for continued (CAP 01280462)                              service through the next cycle in condition evaluation for CAP 01280462. Indication will be re-examined in next outage in 2013.
Shroud Support          Indication discovered on                    Indication evaluated and Leg                      H10 weld at 90 degree                      accepted for continued location. (CAP 01282530) service through the next cycle in Engineering Change (EC) 18051. Indication will be re-examined in next outaQe.
Shroud Support          Indication discovered on                    Indication evaluated and Leg                      H 10 weld at 330 degree                    accepted for continued location. (CAP 01283709) service through the next cycle in EC 18051. Indication will be re-examined in next outaQe.
Shroud Support          Indication discovered on                    Indication evaluated and Leg                      H10 weld at 350 degree                      accepted for continued location. (CAP 01283715) service through the next cycle in EC 18051. Indication will be re-examined in next outaae.
Shroud Support          1 new indication                            These locations had Leg                      discovered on H10 weld at previously identified 30 degree location and                      indications from 2009.            Suppl two new indications at 120 Previous evaluation EC                            2021 degree location. (CAP                        14116 was bounding of new 501000037654)                              indications.
Shroud Support          Indications discovered on                    Indications evaluated and Plate/Baffle Plate      H8 and H9 welds on lower accepted for continued plenum side. (CAP                          service in EC 18051, 18095 01280490)                                  and 18067. Indications will be re-examined in next outage in 2013.
N/A                      Legacy FME (CAP                            All FME removed from vessel.
Supplemental Record - Updated August 14, 2021 Reference Monticello Quality Issue/ Corrective Action (QIM/CAP) 501000037654 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant                                  Cycle 25 IVVI Summary Report BWRVIP Inspection Program                                                      2011 Refueling Outage Page 7 of 8 RF025 Inspection Results Core Spray Piping
* Examination of previously recorded indication on Core Spray Piping weld P3A at 90&deg; (repaired) showed no change.
* No new relevant indications Core Spray Sparger
* Examination of the Core Spray Spargers revealed no relevant indications.
Top Guide Assembly
* Examination of the Top Guide Assembly revealed no relevant indications.
Shroud Support Inspection
* Examination of previously recorded indications on H10 at 010&deg;, 030&deg;, 060&deg;,
120&deg;, 150&deg;, 170&deg;, 190&deg;, 210&deg;, 240&deg;, 270&deg;, and 300&deg; showed no change.
* Examinations of previously recorded indications on H10 revealed new relevant indications at 90&deg; and 120&deg;.                                                                          I Suppl 2021
* VT-3 examination of the Shroud Support Legs revealed new indications at 330&deg; and 350&deg;.
* During examinations of previously recorded indications on H10, new relevant indications were reported on the H-8 and H-9 welds on the underside of the Shroud Support Plate.
* 1 new indication discovered on H10 weld at 30 degree location and two new                          I suppl indications at 120 degree location (CAP 501000037654).                                              2021 Control Rod Guide Tubes
* Examination of accessible Control Rod Guide Tubes revealed no relevant indications.}}

Revision as of 01:14, 17 January 2022

2021 Refueling Outage 90-Day Inservice Inspection (ISI) Summary Report
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/2021
From: Conboy T
Northern States Power Company, Minnesota
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21229A092 (12)
