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| number = ML052300155
| number = ML052300155
| issue date = 02/25/2005
| issue date = 02/25/2005
| title = Fort Calhoun Station-07/2005-NRC Draft Operating Exam Comments
| title = 07/2005-NRC Draft Operating Exam Comments
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-IV
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-IV
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{{#Wiki_filter:Comments on Fort C alhoun Ini tial Lice nsing Exam Ope rating Section 1.Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 a ll have similar mal function wi th the Steam Genera tor Level transmi tter. Response: Al though malfunctions look similar, actions required are different for the opera tors.Che ck du ring val ida tion we ek.2.Standard Post trip actions listed as c ritical step in some scen arios, but not in others.
{{#Wiki_filter:Comments on Fort Calhoun Initial Licensing Exam Operating Section
Response: Onl y listed as critical if there were actions nec essary rather than just veri fication of proper response of automatic function
: 1. Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have similar malfunction with the Steam Generator Level transmitter.
.3.Securing of 1 reacto r coolant pump per loop a t 1350 psia listed as c ritical i n scenario 1
Response: Although malfunctions look similar, actions required are different for the operators.
, but not in sc enario 2.Response: W ill make it critical.
Check during validation week.
4.Manual control of FRV marked as critical in scenari os 3, not criti cal in sce nario 1, 2, a nd 4.Response: Will check and mark as critical if appropriate.
: 2. Standard Post trip actions listed as critical step in some scenarios, but not in others.
5.Why is HPSI throttling a critical ste p in scenari o 4, but not i n scenario 1
Response: Only listed as critical if there were actions necessary rather than just verification of proper response of automatic function.
?Response: Should be, will make critical.
: 3. Securing of 1 reactor coolant pump per loop at 1350 psia listed as critical in scenario 1, but not in scenario 2.
: 6. JPM-0613 A:   How long does ap plicant hav e to start pump be fore equipment damage/
Response: Will make it critical.
UNSAT? Response: Will need to determine.
: 4. Manual control of FRV marked as critical in scenarios 3, not critical in scenario 1, 2, and 4.
7.JPM-0613A:   How many pump restart attempts are allowed if applicant does not hold start switch in the start po sition?Response: One 8.JPM-0613A: JPM see ms very si mple, with out much discri minatory v alue.Response: Ch osen because of importance, w hen vali dated previ ously, most o perators failed.
Response: Will check and mark as critical if appropriate.
Proc edur e w as mo difi ed a s a r esul t. D eci sio n to chec k dur ing v ali dati on w eek.9.JPM-RO-CO-1:   Sho uld a ppli cant b e giv en cop y of pr ocedu re or d o they need to identify it before copy i s provide d?Resp onse: App lican t sho uld id enti fy pr oced ure, will add wordin g to JPM.10.JPM-RO-CO-2:   JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if appli cant i s compe tent.Respo nse: Thi s is a very criti cal fun ction. Appl icant needs to id entify proce dure a nd lo cate appl ica ble grap hs. D eci sio n to chec k dur ing v ali dati on w eek.11.JPM-RO-EC-1:
: 5. Why is HPSI throttling a critical step in scenario 4, but not in scenario 1?
Is it neces sary for the app licant to i dentify the sp ecific paths, i ncluding pumps and sourc es, for satisfactory co mpletion of the c ritical step
Response: Should be, will make critical.
?Respo nse: Y es, w ill add w ordin g to JPM so thi s is c lear.12.JPM-RO-EC-1:   Are referenc es to be directly provided to the applicant at start of JPM or do they nee d to ide ntify and loc ate r efere nces as p art o f the task?Res pons e: A ppl ica nt ne eds to i dent ify and loc ate r efere nce mate rial s as part of th e tas k.
: 6.     JPM-0613A: How long does applicant have to start pump before equipment damage/
13.JPM-RO-RC-1: Very simple if being perf ormed as a stand alone JPM, W ould have little discriminatory value.Respons e: JPM will be com pleted in c onjunc tion with an other J PM requir ing RCA ent ry.14.JPM-0719M: Initiating cu e needs ty po corrections Response: Will make necessa ry correction s.15.JPM-0 719M: Is ap plica nt g iven a c opy of the pr oced ure a t beg innin g of JPM?Response: Yes, that is what would be expected when operator is tasked with completion of th is task.16.JPM-0719M: Initiating cu e that HC-745 is in HA ND appears to be out of step w ith the procedure.
Response: Will drop from in itiating cue, add step in JPM requiri ng applicant to have HC
Response: Will need to determine.
-745 posit ioned in HA ND an d add cue th at Con trol R oom rep orts HC-745 i s in H AND. 17.JPM-0719M:   Step 4 of Atta chment 5B, read and record in itial H2 sample connec tion and H2 conc entration, is not in the JP M. Is this the same sample point and concentration listed in Attachme nt 5A?Respons e: Not su re, will add st ep for applicant to conta ct cont rol and pr ovide cue as necessa ry.18.JPM-0719M: How lo ng of a delay is allow ed betwee n completion of step 6a and 6b, caution states step 6b must be competed immedia tely after step 6a or a radi ological relea se to r oom 59 and equ ipment damage wil l resu lt.Response: Do n't know, w ill determi ne and make nece ssary entrie s.19.JPM-0356:
: 7. JPM-0613A: How many pump restart attempts are allowed if applicant does not hold start switch in the start position?
Why is it critical to ensure AI-133 A switch is in emergency a critical step at one po int i n JPM , but p laci ng it i n emerge ncy e arlie r in th e JPM isn't?Respons e:Not su re, will dete rmine an d make change s as neces sary.20.JPM-0225:
Response: One
Does appli cant need to n otify Control room that potabl e water i s aligned before cue is giv en and flow verified?
: 8. JPM-0613A: JPM seems very simple, without much discriminatory value.
Response: Yes, will add step for applicant to infor m control.
Response: Chosen because of importance, when validated previously, most operators failed.
21.JPM0 726: Why i s the c ue "The y are shut a nd w ill not op en" giv en to t he app lica nt.Applicant should be given approp riate indi cation and ma ke necessary d eterminations a s appropriate.
Procedure was modified as a result. Decision to check during validation week.
Response: Agree, will change cue to gr een light lite, and direction from the control room if report made that un able to ope n valv es.22.JPM-SRO-CO-2: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if appli cant i s compe tent.Respo nse: Will l ook at a dding addit ional requir ements to it.23.JPM-SRO-RC-1: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if appli cant i s compe tent.Respo nse: Will l ook at a dding addit ional requir ements to it.24.JPM-0329: JPM step re quires 72%, no margin provi ded. Is this the requ iremen t?Respo nse: N o, wi ll ad d a ba nd abo ve 72% but b elow high l evel alarm.
: 9. JPM-RO-CO-1: Should applicant be given copy of procedure or do they need to identify it before copy is provided?
Response: Applicant should identify procedure, will add wording to JPM.
Need guidance in case ap plicant ex ceeds high pres sure limit w hen filling SIT, not cove red by proce dure. Response: We have a se parate procedure for adjusting the pres sure. Will add note for examiner tha t if applican t reports SIT pressure limit ex ceeded, exa miner provi des cue that another operator will take care of this.
: 10. JPM-RO-CO-2: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.
Response: This is a very critical function. Applicant needs to identify procedure and locate applicable graphs. Decision to check during validation week.
Why are keys being plac ed in the a ppropriate sw ithes for the appl icant, the Procedure states obtain neces sary keys.
: 11. JPM-RO-EC-1: Is it necessary for the applicant to identify the specific paths, including pumps and sources, for satisfactory completion of the critical step?
Respo nse: Will c hange J PM. A ppli cant w ill obtai n keys and h ave t o loc ate the appro priate switches to operate.
Response: Yes, will add wording to JPM so this is clear.
: 12. JPM-RO-EC-1: Are references to be directly provided to the applicant at start of JPM or do they need to identify and locate references as part of the task?
Typo in step 24 Response: Will correct 28.JPM-0387:
Response: Applicant needs to identify and locate reference materials as part of the task.
Need to add note to exa miner not to giv e cue at JPM step 39 until after applicant s tates requirement of Proc edure step 11.
: 13. JPM-RO-RC-1: Very simple if being performed as a stand alone JPM, Would have little discriminatory value.
Response: Will add no te.29.JPM-0778:
Response: JPM will be completed in conjunction with another JPM requiring RCA entry.
Why isn't technical specification recognition an d log entry a critical s tep?Response: Will mark as criti cal for operator to notify Control room of entry i nto the TS and reque st log en try.30.JPM-0627:
: 14. JPM-0719M: Initiating cue needs typo corrections Response: Will make necessary corrections.
Have conc ern that appli cant may focus on issue of failed pressure control sys tem a nd n ot co mple te as sign ed ta sk.Res pons e: Will add note to e xam ine r to i nform app lic ant t hat a noth er op erat or w ill take necessary a ctions to add ress failure.}}
: 15. JPM-0719M: Is applicant given a copy of the procedure at beginning of JPM?
Response: Yes, that is what would be expected when operator is tasked with completion of this task.
: 16. JPM-0719M: Initiating cue that HC-745 is in HAND appears to be out of step with the procedure.
Response: Will drop from initiating cue, add step in JPM requiring applicant to have HC-745 positioned in HAND and add cue that Control Room reports HC-745 is in HAND.
: 17. JPM-0719M: Step 4 of Attachment 5B, read and record initial H2 sample connection and H2 concentration, is not in the JPM. Is this the same sample point and concentration listed in Attachment 5A?
Response: Not sure, will add step for applicant to contact control and provide cue as necessary.
: 18. JPM-0719M: How long of a delay is allowed between completion of step 6a and 6b, caution states step 6b must be competed immediately after step 6a or a radiological release to room 59 and equipment damage will result.
Response: Dont know, will determine and make necessary entries.
: 19. JPM-0356: Why is it critical to ensure AI-133A switch is in emergency a critical step at one point in JPM, but placing it in emergency earlier in the JPM isnt?
Response:Not sure, will determine and make changes as necessary.
: 20. JPM-0225: Does applicant need to notify Control room that potable water is aligned before cue is given and flow verified?
Response: Yes, will add step for applicant to inform control.
: 21. JPM0726: Why is the cue They are shut and will not open given to the applicant.
Applicant should be given appropriate indication and make necessary determinations as appropriate.
Response: Agree, will change cue to green light lite, and direction from the control room if report made that unable to open valves.
: 22. JPM-SRO-CO-2: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.
Response: Will look at adding additional requirements to it.
: 23. JPM-SRO-RC-1: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.
Response: Will look at adding additional requirements to it.
: 24. JPM-0329: JPM step requires 72%, no margin provided. Is this the requirement?
Response: No, will add a band above 72% but below high level alarm.
: 25. JPM-0329: Need guidance in case applicant exceeds high pressure limit when filling SIT, not covered by procedure.
Response: We have a separate procedure for adjusting the pressure. Will add note for examiner that if applicant reports SIT pressure limit exceeded, examiner provides cue that another operator will take care of this.
: 26. JPM-0387: Why are keys being placed in the appropriate swithes for the applicant, the Procedure states obtain necessary keys.
Response: Will change JPM. Applicant will obtain keys and have to locate the appropriate switches to operate.
: 27. JPM-0387: Typo in step 24 Response: Will correct
: 28. JPM-0387: Need to add note to examiner not to give cue at JPMstep 39 until after applicant states requirement of Procedure step 11.
Response: Will add note.
: 29. JPM-0778: Why isnt technical specification recognition and log entry a critical step?
Response: Will mark as critical for operator to notify Control room of entry into the TS and request log entry.
: 30. JPM-0627: Have concern that applicant may focus on issue of failed pressure control system and not complete assigned task.
Response: Will add note to examiner to inform applicant that another operator will take necessary actions to address failure.}}

Latest revision as of 01:07, 24 November 2019

07/2005-NRC Draft Operating Exam Comments
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/2005
NRC Region 4
Omaha Public Power District
Download: ML052300155 (3)


Comments on Fort Calhoun Initial Licensing Exam Operating Section

1. Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have similar malfunction with the Steam Generator Level transmitter.

Response: Although malfunctions look similar, actions required are different for the operators.

Check during validation week.

2. Standard Post trip actions listed as critical step in some scenarios, but not in others.

Response: Only listed as critical if there were actions necessary rather than just verification of proper response of automatic function.

3. Securing of 1 reactor coolant pump per loop at 1350 psia listed as critical in scenario 1, but not in scenario 2.

Response: Will make it critical.

4. Manual control of FRV marked as critical in scenarios 3, not critical in scenario 1, 2, and 4.

Response: Will check and mark as critical if appropriate.

5. Why is HPSI throttling a critical step in scenario 4, but not in scenario 1?

Response: Should be, will make critical.

6. JPM-0613A: How long does applicant have to start pump before equipment damage/


Response: Will need to determine.

7. JPM-0613A: How many pump restart attempts are allowed if applicant does not hold start switch in the start position?

Response: One

8. JPM-0613A: JPM seems very simple, without much discriminatory value.

Response: Chosen because of importance, when validated previously, most operators failed.

Procedure was modified as a result. Decision to check during validation week.

9. JPM-RO-CO-1: Should applicant be given copy of procedure or do they need to identify it before copy is provided?

Response: Applicant should identify procedure, will add wording to JPM.

10. JPM-RO-CO-2: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.

Response: This is a very critical function. Applicant needs to identify procedure and locate applicable graphs. Decision to check during validation week.

11. JPM-RO-EC-1: Is it necessary for the applicant to identify the specific paths, including pumps and sources, for satisfactory completion of the critical step?

Response: Yes, will add wording to JPM so this is clear.

12. JPM-RO-EC-1: Are references to be directly provided to the applicant at start of JPM or do they need to identify and locate references as part of the task?

Response: Applicant needs to identify and locate reference materials as part of the task.

13. JPM-RO-RC-1: Very simple if being performed as a stand alone JPM, Would have little discriminatory value.

Response: JPM will be completed in conjunction with another JPM requiring RCA entry.

14. JPM-0719M: Initiating cue needs typo corrections Response: Will make necessary corrections.
15. JPM-0719M: Is applicant given a copy of the procedure at beginning of JPM?

Response: Yes, that is what would be expected when operator is tasked with completion of this task.

16. JPM-0719M: Initiating cue that HC-745 is in HAND appears to be out of step with the procedure.

Response: Will drop from initiating cue, add step in JPM requiring applicant to have HC-745 positioned in HAND and add cue that Control Room reports HC-745 is in HAND.

17. JPM-0719M: Step 4 of Attachment 5B, read and record initial H2 sample connection and H2 concentration, is not in the JPM. Is this the same sample point and concentration listed in Attachment 5A?

Response: Not sure, will add step for applicant to contact control and provide cue as necessary.

18. JPM-0719M: How long of a delay is allowed between completion of step 6a and 6b, caution states step 6b must be competed immediately after step 6a or a radiological release to room 59 and equipment damage will result.

Response: Dont know, will determine and make necessary entries.

19. JPM-0356: Why is it critical to ensure AI-133A switch is in emergency a critical step at one point in JPM, but placing it in emergency earlier in the JPM isnt?

Response:Not sure, will determine and make changes as necessary.

20. JPM-0225: Does applicant need to notify Control room that potable water is aligned before cue is given and flow verified?

Response: Yes, will add step for applicant to inform control.

21. JPM0726: Why is the cue They are shut and will not open given to the applicant.

Applicant should be given appropriate indication and make necessary determinations as appropriate.

Response: Agree, will change cue to green light lite, and direction from the control room if report made that unable to open valves.

22. JPM-SRO-CO-2: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.

Response: Will look at adding additional requirements to it.

23. JPM-SRO-RC-1: JPM appears to have very little discriminatory value to determine if applicant is competent.

Response: Will look at adding additional requirements to it.

24. JPM-0329: JPM step requires 72%, no margin provided. Is this the requirement?

Response: No, will add a band above 72% but below high level alarm.

25. JPM-0329: Need guidance in case applicant exceeds high pressure limit when filling SIT, not covered by procedure.

Response: We have a separate procedure for adjusting the pressure. Will add note for examiner that if applicant reports SIT pressure limit exceeded, examiner provides cue that another operator will take care of this.

26. JPM-0387: Why are keys being placed in the appropriate swithes for the applicant, the Procedure states obtain necessary keys.

Response: Will change JPM. Applicant will obtain keys and have to locate the appropriate switches to operate.

27. JPM-0387: Typo in step 24 Response: Will correct
28. JPM-0387: Need to add note to examiner not to give cue at JPMstep 39 until after applicant states requirement of Procedure step 11.

Response: Will add note.

29. JPM-0778: Why isnt technical specification recognition and log entry a critical step?

Response: Will mark as critical for operator to notify Control room of entry into the TS and request log entry.

30. JPM-0627: Have concern that applicant may focus on issue of failed pressure control system and not complete assigned task.

Response: Will add note to examiner to inform applicant that another operator will take necessary actions to address failure.