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{{#Wiki_filter:,C Docket 2 3 1977 Indi'ana v Michigan Electric Conpany Indiana 6)'Ifchlgan Power COBpany ATTN: (lr.John A.Tillfnghast, Vice President, P.0.Box l8 Bowling Green Station New York New York 1GOU4 Gentlemen:
{{#Wiki_filter:,C 2 3 1977 Docket tio. bo-3lb Indi'ana v Michigan Electric Conpany Indiana 6 )'Ifchlgan Power COBpany ATTN: (lr . John A. Tillfnghast, Vice President, P. 0. Box l8 Bowling Green Station New York New York 1GOU4 Gentlemen:

ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATItiG LICENSE NO.DPR-74 (Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit t)o.2)The Nuclear Regulatory Co~aafssfon has issued Facility Operating License No.DPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana 5 Hfc'nf gan Electric Company and Indiana 8 Hichigan Power Company for the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No, 2 authorizing operation at 3391 megawatts thermal subject to the conditions delineated therein.However, the operation of the facility fs temporarily restricted to the sequence of operational modes described in Attachment 1 to the license until the preoperational tests, startup tests and other items noted in Attachment 1 are completed to the written satisfaction of the Cmmfssfon.
ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATItiG LICENSE NO. DPR-74 (Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit t)o. 2)
A copy of the Notice of Issuance is also enclosed.'The Comafssfon has also fssued Supplement No.7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.Two copies are enclosed for your information and use.Three signed copies of Amendment 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your review and acceptance.
The Nuclear Regulatory Co~aafssfon has issued Facility Operating License No.
Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the Division of Project fianagement.
DPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana 5 Hfc'nf gan Electric Company and Indiana 8 Hichigan Power Company for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No, 2 authorizing operation at 3391 megawatts thermal subject to the conditions delineated therein.
However, the operation of the       facility       fs temporarily restricted to the sequence of operational modes described in Attachment               1 to the license until the preoperational tests, startup tests and other items noted in Attachment 1 are completed to the written satisfaction             of the Cmmfssfon.           A copy of the Notice of Issuance is also enclosed.
        'The Comafssfon has also     fssued Supplement No.         7   to the Safety Evaluation Report.
Two copies are enclosed     for your information         and use.
Three signed copies of Amendment 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your review and acceptance. Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the Division of Project fianagement.
Original Signed By Roger S.Boyd Roger S.Boyd, Director Divi sion of Project f4anagement Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Original Signed By Roger S. Boyd Roger S. Boyd, Director Divi sion of Project f4anagement Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


License No.DPR-74 2.Federal Reqister Notice 3.Supplement, Ho.7 to Safety Evaluation Repor t g~QRJZ.+See paa orrlcE~BVRNAMKW DATC~NRC FORM 318 (9-76)NRChf 0240 1 Bss8110.W u: s.oovas~eum rsivviNo orr<cci toro-eg~~
License No. DPR-74
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: 2. Federal Reqister Notice                                                             g~ QRJZ. +
Docket Ho.50-316 Indiana 5 tfichigan Electric Company Indiana k IIichigan Power Company ATTN: Nr.John A.Tillinghast Vice President'.0.Box 18 Bowling Green Station Hew York, New York 10004.Gentlemen:
: 3. Supplement, Ho. 7 to Safety Evaluation Repor t See paa orrlcE~
BVRNAMKW                                                               Bss8110.
1 NRC FORM 318 (9-76) NRChf 0240           W u: s. oovas~eum rsivviNo orr<cci toro-eg~~
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Docket Ho. 50-316 Indiana 5 tfichigan Electric Company Indiana k IIichigan Power Company ATTN: Nr. John A. Tillinghast
      '. 0. Box 18 Vice President Bowling Green Station Hew York, New York 10004

ISSUAIICE OF FACILITY OPERATIIIG LICENSEP.OPR-74 (Donald C-Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit N.2)The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued acility Operating License Wo.OPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana A laichigan El tric CoIspanp and Indiana A tiichigan Power Company for the Donald C.Gook Nucl ar Plant, Unit No.--2 authorizing operation at 339l Iseganatts thensal snh t to the conditions delineatedOIerein.
7 A copy of the No~ice of Issuance is al o enclosed.The Comission has also issued Supp ement Ho.7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.Two copies are enclosed for your%formation and use.Three signed copies of Amendme 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your review and acceptanc.Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the vision of Project, management.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued acility Operating License Wo.
Sincerely, Roger S.Boyd, Director Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana A laichigan El tric CoIspanp and Indiana A tiichigan Power Company for the Donald C. Gook Nucl ar Plant, Unit No.--2 authorizing operation at 339l Iseganatts thensal snh                       t to the conditions delineatedOIerein.       7 A copy of the No~ice of Issuance is al o enclosed.
The   Comission has also issued Supp ement Ho. 7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.
Two   copies are enclosed for your %formation and use.
Three signed copies               of Amendme 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your         review and acceptanc . Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the                   vision of Project, management.
Sincerely, Roger S. Boyd,         Director Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

: l. License Ho. PR-74
: 2. Federal Re ister Notice
: 3. Supplemen No., to Safety Evaluation Repor
: 4. Amendm          t7    to 8-61, ccs wien            s:
See pag          2 t
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l.License Ho.PR-74 2.Federal Re ister Notice 3.Supplemen No., to Safety Evaluation Repor 4.Amendm t 7 to 8-61, ccs wien s: t See pag 2 D: WR P2 ,J mt OPPICCW SURNAMCW O'ATSW.....I.ZP.(J77...,.....
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Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Company Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company DEVI r<3 tS77 ccr tir.R.H.Jurgensen Chief Nuclear Engineer American Electric Power Service Corporation 2 Broadway New York, Hew York 10004 Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Shaw, Pittman, Potts 5 Trowbridge 1800 t'1 Street, N.H.'1lashington, D.C.20006 l1r.David Dinsmore Comey Executive Director Citfzens for a Better Envirorment 69 East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60606 Executive Office of the Governor Division of Intergovernmental Relations Lewis Cass Building, 2nd F1oor Lansing, Michigan 49813 State Board of Health-AT%: Director, Bureau of Engraving, 1330 Hest tifchigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 llr.Hade Schuler, Supervisor Lake Tow'nshfp Baroda, thfchfgan 49101 ter..H.Nabry, Hiyor City of Bridgman, tiichigan 49106 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AH-469)Office of Radfatfon Programs U.S.Environmental Protectfon Agency Room 645, East Tower 401, N Street, S, H.Washington, D.C., 20460 U.S, Envfronmental Protection Agency Federal Activftfes Branch Region V Office ATTt<: EIS Coordinator 230.South
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==Dearborn Street Chicago,==
Indiana      8  Michigan Electric Company                                                          DEVI  r< 3 tS77 Indiana      8  Michigan Power Company ccr    tir. R. H. Jurgensen                                            U. S,    Envfronmental Protection Chief Nuclear Engineer                                                Agency American Electric Power Service Corporation                        Federal      Activftfes      Branch 2 Broadway                                                        Region    V  Office New York, Hew York 10004                                          ATTt<:      EIS Coordinator 230. South    Dearborn Street Gerald Charnoff, Esquire                                          Chicago,       Illinois     60604 Shaw, Pittman, Potts 5 Trowbridge 1800    t'1 Street,  N. H.                                      Hr. Bruce Blanchard
Illinois 60604 Hr.Bruce Blanchard Environmental Projects Review U.S.Department of the Interior Room 4256 18th and C Streets, N.H.Washington, D.C.20240 Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)St.Louis Afr Force Station tHssourf 63118 Nr.Bert Lindenfeld Herald-Palladium lllhig d Benton Harbor, t1ichigan 49022 t1s.Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson Office of-Federal Activities Environmental Protection Agency Room H-636, 1laterside Wall 401 H Street.S.1l.Washington, D.C., 20460 ORRICC~SVRNAM2&DATE~NRC FORM 518 (9.76)NRCM 0240 A UI So OOVCRNMRNT PRINTINO OI'PICCI 1078 620 OR4 1 1 I*~PV Ik)jedk 1 1 III~=1 g}C I)I I4 I 1 ,I P'~4',I k 1 V-"~1~P Jk Q EC--I I 1 li C 1)Ik~"cv v t Jd P k'c~II fe" 1~P 1 Pfl'~~I,)t cv e Pll It~Cd',', I~~~)'h}1 d Ik~tl I I C 1 e 1~~~1 k C)t, C II~$4r P N" 1.d II Jkd', k f k  
                '1lashington,    D. C. 20006                                      Environmental Projects Review U. S. Department of the Interior l1r. David Dinsmore        Comey                                  Room 4256 Executive Director                                                18th and C Streets, N. H.
,I INDIANA AND flICHIGAN ELEClRIC COllPA%C XNDIMPA AND HICflXGAN PONBR KNPANY I 7l oonrz Ho.316 IXKV23 C.OOOK NUCLEAR PLA&#xc3;Zr UNIT kQ.2 FACILITY OPEBATXNQ LICENSE License No.DPQ-,74, l., The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) having found that: The application for license filed by Xndiana and Nichigan Electric Company and Xndiana and Hichigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirerents of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission'ules and regulations set forth ip 10 CPR Chapter I and all required notificationsto other agencies or bodies have been duly made;B.C.D.Fs~J Construction of the Donald C.Cook Nuclear PlMt,'nit Ho.2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit Na.CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Conmission; I The facility will operate in conformity, with the application, as amended, y the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of-the Commission j~'iiere is reasonable assurance>(i)that the activities" authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii)that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations oE the Comnission; Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this op rating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
Citfzens for        a Better Envirorment                          Washington, D. C. 20240 69  East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60606                                            Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)
Executive Office of the Governor                                  St. Louis Afr Force Station Division of Intergovernmental Relations                          tHssourf 63118 Lewis Cass Building, 2nd F1oor Lansing, Michigan 49813                                          Nr. Bert Lindenfeld Herald-Palladium State Board of Health                                            lllhig           d     F. st
                -AT%: Director, Bureau of Engraving,                                Benton Harbor, t1ichigan             49022 1330 Hest tifchigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206                                      t1s. Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson llr. Hade  Schuler, Supervisor                                Office of -Federal Activities Lake Tow'nshfp                                                    Environmental Protection Baroda, thfchfgan        49101                                        Agency Room   H-636, 1laterside Wall ter.. H. Nabry, Hiyor                                          401 H   Street. S.1l.
City of Bridgman, tiichigan            49106                    Washington,       D. C., 20460 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AH-469)
Office of Radfatfon Programs U. S. Environmental Protectfon Agency Room 645, East Tower 401, N    Street,  S, H.
Washington,      D. C.,  20460 ORRICC~
NRC FORM 518 (9.76) NRCM 0240                   A UI So OOVCRNMRNT PRINTINO OI'PICCI 1078 620 OR4
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                              ,I INDIANA AND flICHIGAN ELEClRIC COllPA%C XNDIMPA AND HICflXGAN PONBR KNPANY I                       7l oonrz     Ho. 316 IXKV23 C. OOOK NUCLEAR       PLA&#xc3;Zr UNIT kQ. 2 FACILITY OPEBATXNQ LICENSE License No. DPQ-,74, l., The Nuclear     Regulatory Comission (the Comission) having found that:
The application for license filed by Xndiana and Nichigan Electric Company and Xndiana and Hichigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirerents of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission'ules and regulations set forth ip 10 CPR Chapter   I and all required notificationsto other agencies or bodies have been duly made; J
B. Construction of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear                 PlMt,'nit   Ho. 2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit Na. CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Conmission; I
C. The   facility will operate in conformity, with the application, as amended, y the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of- the Commission j~
D.  'iiere is reasonable assurance> (i) that the activities" authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations oE the Comnission; Fs ~  Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this op rating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
Indiana and Hichigan Poser Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ccenission~
Indiana and Hichigan Poser Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ccenission~
she licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140,"Financial Protection Requirements and Xndemnity Agreements," of Vie Commission' regulations; I SURNAME&DATE&HRC FORM 918 (9-76)NRCM 0240 6 u.o.oovoa~aeoccr aswrwo ornca sore ac+a~
she licensees    have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140,  "Financial  Protection Requirements and Xndemnity Agreements," of Vie Commission' regulations; I
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HRC FORM 918 (9-76) NRCM 0240              6 u. o. oovoa~aeoccr aswrwo ornca sore ac+a~
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H. The issuance    of this operating      11cense    will not      be  inimical to the common    defense and security or      to,the health        and    safety of the public; I,  After weighing the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the facility against environmental and ether costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, subject to the conditions for protection of the env1ronment set, forth herein, 1 s in 'accordance with Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 (currently known as 10 CFR Part, 51) of the Coriefssfon's regulations and all applicable requirements have bein satisfied; and J. The  receipt, possession,    and use      of source, byproduct            and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be fn accordance with the Commission's regulations fn 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and /0, including 10 CFR Sectforis 30.33, 40.32, 70.23 and 70.31.
: 2. Fac11fty Operating License      Ho'. DPR-74      is hereby issued to the Indiana and t1fchfgan Electr    fc Company and  the Indiana and tlfchfgan Power Company to read as follows:
A    This license applies to the Donald G. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit Mo. 2, a pressurized water reactor and assoc1ated equipment (the facility),
owned by the Indiana and Vifchigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Hfchigan Power Company.          The facility is -located in Gerrien County, tHchfgan and is    described  fn    the "Ffnal Safety Analysis Report" as supplemented and    amended  (Amendments      12 through 79) and tho Environmental Report as supplemented    and  amended    (Supplements 1 through 4).
B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Indiana

: 1. License Ho. DPR-74
: 2. Federal ~ke i Ster NOtitd
: 3.        Supplement No.                  7  to Satety'Evaluation Report
: 4.        Amendment                7  to D-bl ccs w/encls:
See page 2
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Indiana'5 llichigan Electric Company                                DEC 8 3  877 Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company cc:  Mr. R. W. Jurgensen                      U. S. Envirqgrgental,Ppotprtion, Chief Nuclear Engineer                        Agency Ameeican Electric Power Service Corporation Federal    Activi;ties Brancll 2 Broadway                                  Region  V. Office New York, New York 10004                    ATTN: EIS Coordinator 230 South Dearborn Street Gerald Charnoff, Esquire                    Chicago,    Illinois    60604 Shaw, Pi ttman, Potts 8 Trowbridge 1800  M  Street,  N. W.                    Mr. Bruce Blanchard Washington,    D. C. 20006    .            Environmental Projects Review U. S. Department of the Interior Mr. David Dinsmore      Comey              Room 4256 Executive Director                          18th and C Streets, N. W.
Citizens for    a  Better Environment      Washington, D. C. 20240 59  East Van  Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60605.                    Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)
Executive Office of the Governor            St. Louis Air Force Station Division of Intergovernmental Relations    Missouri 63118 Lewis Cass Building, 2nd Floor Lansing, Michigan      49813              Mr, Bert Lindenfeld Hera 1 d-Pal 1 adium State Board of Health                      Michigan and Oak Streets ATTN:    Director,  Bureau of*Engraving    Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 1330 West Michigan      Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206                Ms. Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson.
Mr. Wade Schuler,    Supervisor            Office of Federal Activities Lake Township                              Environmental Protection Baroda, Michigan      49101                  Agency
    'r. W. Mabry, Ci.ty of Bridgman, Mayor Michigan  49106 Room 401  M W-535, Waterside. Mall Street,    S.W.
Washington,    D. C. 20460 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AW-459)
Office of Radiation Programs U.'. Environmental Protection Agency Room  645, East =Tower 401  M  Street,  S. W.
Washington, D. C.      20460
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            +                0    'i                      UNITED STATES Cy
                            ~  nO                NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I                                              WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555
: 1.      The Nuclear            Regulatory Commission (the Commission) having found that:
A. The    application for license filed        by Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and    Indiana and Michigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set fortH in 10 CFR Chapter I and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; Construction of the Donald          C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The    facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There        is reasonable assurance:    (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be          conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and          (ii)  that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of tHe Commission; Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
F., Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by thi s operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; G. The    licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, "Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements," of the,.
Commission's regulations;
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H. The issuance    of this operating license will not  be  inimical to the common    defense and security or to the health and    safety of the public; I. After weighing      the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth herein, is in accordance with Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 (currently known as 10 CFR Part 51) of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and J. The  receipt, possession,    and use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, including 10 CFR Sections 30.33, 40.32, 70.23 and 70.31.
: 2. Facility Operating License No. DPR-74 is hereby issued to the Indiana and Michigan  Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan Power Company to read as follows:
A. This license    applies to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, a pressurized    water reactor and associated equipment (the facility),
owned by the    Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan    Power Company. The facility is located in Berrien County, Michigan and    is described in the "Final Safety Analysis Report" as supplemented and amended (Amendments 12 through 79) and the Environmental Report as supplemented    and amended (Supplements 1  through 4),
B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company:
(1)  Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess and use, and Indiana and Michigan Power Company to operate, the facility at the designated location in Berrien County, Michigan, in accordance wi th the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2)  Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended;
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(3)  Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration,  and as  fission detectors in amounts as required i (4)  Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (5)  Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the  facility.
C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I:
Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Section 40.41 of Part 40, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and Section 70.32 of Part 70; and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:
Maximum Power  Level Indiana and Michigan Power Company is authorized to operate the facility at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal in accor-dance with the conditions specified herein and in Attachment 1 to this license. The preoperational tests, startup tests and other items identified in Attachment 1 to this license shall be completed. Attachment 1 is an integral part of this license.
(2)  Technical    cifications The  Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A attached hereto are hereby incorporated in this license.
The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix B to Facility Operating License No. DPR-58 issued on
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October 25, 1974 for'onald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-315), as revised through Amendment No.
22, also are hereby incorporated in this license. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications, Appendices A and B.
(3) Additional Conditions (a)  Anal  sis of Reactor Vessel  Su  orts and  Internals Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit by September 30, 1979, an analysis which defines the loads on the reactor coolant system and internals for a postulated break at or very near the cold leg of the reactor pressure vessel nozzle and evaluates:
(a) the full restraint capability of the reactor coolant system, (b) the structural capability of the internals, and ( c) the safety margins of each. The required analysis shall be performed using the approved hydraulic model referenced in CAP-8708, "MULTIFLEX, A Fortran IV Computer Program for Analyzing Thermal-Hydraulic Structure System Dynamics." If modifications to the facility are indicated by the results of the analysis, Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit them for review and implement them on a schedule acceptable to the Commission.
(b)  Steam Generator Subcom artment Pressure      Res onse Anal sis Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit prior to Mode 2 operation for Commission review and approval an analysis of short-term steam generator subcompartment pressure response. The analysis shall be performed using the TMD computer code and shall define: (a) the adequacy of the steam generator supports to withstand asymmetric loads resulting from a postulated steamline break within the steam generator subcompartment, and ( b) the adequacy of the steam generator enclosure to withstand the calculated pressure differential across the enclosure after a postulated steamline break.
(c)  Leak Testin    of Emer enc  Core Coolin    S  stem Valves Indiana and Michigan Power    Company shall prior to completion of the  first inservice testing interval leak test each of the two valves in series in the residual heat removal, safety injection and boron injection systems in accordance with the specifications of Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical
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Engineers Code. In addition,    prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval, test connections which allow individual leak testing of the charging pump system discharge check valves shall be installed and the check valves shall be leak tested. The tests shall be repeated at the conclusion of each subsequent inservice inspection interval.
Over ressure  Mitigatin  S stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall achieve full implementation of its proposed overpressure mitigating system which utilizes power operated    relief valves with a low pressure setpoint before twelve effective    full power  months of operation of the facility.
New Thermal  Desi n Basis/WRB-1 Heat Transfer Correlation Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall limit the reactor thermal power to 1695 MWQ (50% of maximum rated power) until the Commission has approved the WRB-1 correlation and the Improved Thermal Design Procedure (Westinghouse Topical Reports WCAP-8762 "New Westinghouse Correlation WRB-1 for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in Rod Bundles with Mixing Vane Grids" and NCAP-8567 "Improved Thermal Design Procedure" ) or    until the technical specifications are modified to reflect the results of Coranission approved thermal design calculations.
During the period when power operation is limited to 1695 MWt, the reactor flux trip shall be set to 2035 MWg (60% of maximum rated power) .
Electrical Connectors Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall replace all safety-related ITT-Cannon electrical connectors in the lower containment with qualified splices prior to Mode 2 operation. This facility modification shall be comparable to the modification made to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.
Containment Lon -Term    Tem  rature and Pressure Res  nse Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall subnit an analysis of the long-term containment temperature and pressure response to a postulated steamline break using the IQTIC-3 computer code within five  months of approval by the Commission of the LOTIC-3 code.
Containment  Sum  Desi n Verification Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall complete tests to verify containment    sump design before November 1978 and submit the results for Commission review and approval.
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Leak Rate  Testin  of Containment Isolation Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall install prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, test connections to allow Type C leak testing of containment isolation valves. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify the containment isolation valves in the component cooling water system which are identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 25(l), 25(2), 25(3), 25(4),
72(l), 72(2), 72(3) and 72(4). Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify to allow pneumatic leak rate testing the isolation valves identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 38, 39 and 56.
Power 0  eration with  Fewer Than Four Reactor Coolant    Pum s in  0 eration Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not operate the reactor at power levels above P-7 (as defined in Table 3.3-1 of Specification of Appendix A to this license) with fewer than four reactor'coolant loops in operation until safety analyses for fewer than four loop operation have been submitted and approval for fewer than four loop operation at power levels above P-7 has been granted by the Commission by Amendment of this license.
Electrical Modification of the Auxiliar Feedwater        S stem Indiana and Michigan Power      Company shall convert prior to startup, following the    first regularly  scheduled refueling outage, the throttle-stop steam admission valve to the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump and the four motor-operator feedwater valves to the steam generators from the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump from alternating current to direct current power Residual Heat Removal    S  stem Low Flow Alarm Indiana and Michigan Power      Company shall prior to startup, following the    first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the
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reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system. Following initial startup and prior to installation of the alarm, Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall station an operator at a local panel to monitor cooldown flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.
(m) 600  Volt Containment  Power Penetrations Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall modify the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.63 prior to startup following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage.
This modification consists of the installation of redundant circuit breakers in the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to protect the penetration seals by a trip of the 600 volt switchgear breakers in the event of a failure of the molded case circuit breakers.
(n) Instrument  Tri  Set  ints Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall submit    for Commission review within six months of the date of issuance    of this operating license the following values for each    Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features    instrumentation channel:
(a)  the technical specification  trip setpoint  value; (b)  the technical specification allowable value (the technical specification trip setpoint plus the instrument drift assumed in the accident analysis);
(c)  the instrument  drift assumed  to occur during the interval  between  technical specification surveillance tests;
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(d)  the components of the cumulative instrument bias; and (e)  the maximum margin between the technical specification trip setpoint and the trip value assumed in the accident analysis.
(o)  Fire Protection Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, provide for Commission review the following:
(a)  results of penetration fire stop testing; (b)  results of testing of control  room  fire detectors; (c)  details of the implementation of the    emergency shutdown system which provides for compliance with the Commission's position that the system shall be capable of performing its function given the loss of offsite power; (d)  a schedule  for implementation of changes  to the  fire protection system; (e)  an update  of the Final Safety Analysis Report to include a descri ption of the upgraded fire protection system.
(p)  Emer enc    Plannin Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review prior to  Node 2 operation all documentation required to support its revised emergency plan.
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(q)    Qualification of Electrical    i  nt Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 2 operation make available for Comnission review documentation for test procedures used to qualify electrical equipment in the lower containment for steamline break in accordance with 10 CFR  Part 50, Appendix B.
(r) Seismic Qualification    Review Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to June 1, 1978 complete the documentation of seismic qualification procedures for safety-related electrical and mechanical, equipment.
(s)  Diesel Generator Lockout Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 1 operation modify the design of the control circuitry for the emergency diesel generators to provide an alarm in the control room to alert the reactor operator should the associated diesel generator become incapable of responding to an emergency start signal due to open knife switches in the control circuitry of the generator.
The licensees shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p). The approved security plan consists of proprietary  documents, collectively titled, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant  Industrial Security Manual," with revisions as follows:
Letter Submittal Date Original                                    August 15, 1972 Revisions Dated:
September 21, 1972                        September 21, 1972 January 15, 1973                          January 22, 1973 November 16, 1973                        November 27, 1973 May 10, 1974                              May 24, 1974 October 7, 1974                          November 13, 1974 October 2, 1975                          November 14, 1975 March 12, 1976                            April 5, 1976 September 16, 1976                        October 4, 1976 December 3, 1976                          December 20, 1976 January 3, 1977                          February 3, 1977
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In addition the licensees shall      fully implement the physical protection commitments  of their proprietary letters to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation dated July 2, 1976 and December 13, 1977.
Further, the licensees shall fully comply with the applicable requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 with specific attention to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 73.55 except for any requirement involving construction and installation of equipment not already in place, and shall diligently accomplish the necessary construction and installation of equipment, so as to be able to fully implement the requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 by August 24, 1978.
E. This license is subject to the following additional conditions      for the protection of the environment:
(1)  The  licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Ster Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972).
(2)  If harmful  effects or evidence of unacceptable    damage  are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensees shall provide to the Commission an analysis of the problem and a plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects, or damage.
(3)  Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by,'the Commission, the licensees will prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity .      hhen the evaluation indicates that such activity      may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated', or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regul ati on for the acti vi ti es.
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F. In accordance with the requirement imposed by the October 8, 1977 Order of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of b
Commission, No. 74-1385 abd 74-1586 (cert. granted sub nom Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Cor ~ vs. Natural Resources Defense Council.,
45 U.S.L.W. 3570, February 22, 1977) that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission "shall make any licenses granted between July 21, 1976 and such time when the mandate is issued subject to the outcome of the proceedings herein," the license issued herein shall be subject to the outcome of such proceedings.
G. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, March 25, 2009.
er S. yd, Dire Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attachments:
: 1. Preoperational Tests, Startup Tests and Other Items Which Must Be Completed Prior to Proceeding to Succeeding Operational Modes
: 2. Appendix A  Technical Specifications Date  of  Issuance:  December 23, 1977
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PROCEEDING 1Q SUCCEEDING OPERATIONAL MODES This attachment identifies certain preoperational tests, startup tests and other items which must be completed to the Commission's satisfaction prior to proceeding to certain specified Operational Modes. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not proceed beyond the authorized Operational Modes without prior written authorization from the Commission.
A. Indiana and Michigan Power Company may at the license issue date proceed directly to Operational  Mode 6 (initial fuel loading) and may subsequently proceed to Operational Mode 1 (power operation) except as noted below.
B. The  following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 6  (initial fuel loading):
: l. Satisfactory completion of the following preoperational tests:
: a. The (CVCS) Boron Makeup (S/7) preoperational test.
C. The  following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational  Mode 4  (hot shutdown):
: 1. Evaluation of water hanmers experienced in the nonessential service water system. (Operations)
: 2. Evaluation of complete power loss (AC & DC) to one train of engineered safeguards resulting in complete loss of status lights or the complete loss of power to the other train resulting in complete loss of alarm annunciators. (Operations)
: 3. Evaluation of effects of loss of reactor coolant system wide range temperature indication on loss of the one distribution bus. (Operations)
D. The  following items must  be completed prior to proceeding to Operational, Mode 2  (initial criticality):
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: 1. Review of licensee's seismic analysis of conduit supports, cable trays and instruments (IE Reportse 77-06 and 77-09  Construction).
: 2. Replacement of electrical connectors  with splices (IE Bulletin 77-05  Construction).
: 3. Review of open design changes and  deviation reports (IE Report 77-23  Construction).
: 4. Review of 50.55(e) report of seismic support of Class IE instruments and tubing,(50.55e report dated September 2, 1977 Construction).
: 5. Installation of fire barriers on cable  trays in cable spreading room below control  room.  (Construction).
: 6. Resolution of items identified in special inspection of electrical qualification records for steamline break. (Construction).
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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 50-316 INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRIC 00i41PANY INDIANA AND MICHIGAN PONER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NO. 2 NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF A FACILITY OPERATING IICENSE Notice is hereby given that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has issued    Facility Operating  License No. DPR-74 to Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company authorizing operation of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear  Plant, Unit No. 2  at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of    3391 megawatts    thermal, in accordance with the provisions of the license    and the Technical  Specifications.      However/
the  facility is  temporarily restricted from operating at    full rated  power until certain tests  and  other items noted in the license conditions are completed to the written satisfaction of the Commission.      The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, is    a pressurized  water nuclear reactor located at the licensees'ite in      Berrien County, Michigan.
The Commission has made    appropriate findings as required by the Atomic Energy Act  of  1954, as amended (the  Act), and the Commission's    rules  and regulations in 10    CFR Chapter  I, which are set forth in the license. The Commission has also made appropriate findings which are set forth in the license regarding the environmental impact associated with operation of the facility. The  license also includes the condition that the license is
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subject to the outcome of the proceeding in Natural Resources Defense Council vs. NRC  (D. C. Circuit) (July  21, 1976), Nos. 74-1385 and 74-1586.
The  application for the license complies with the standards        and requirements of the Act  and  the Commission's rules and regulations.
The license is effective as of      its date of issuance and shall expire on March 25, 2009.
A copy  of (1) Facility Operating License      No. DPR-74, complete  with Technical Specifications (Appendices "A" and "B"); (2) the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, dated December        l3,  1977; (3) the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Safety Evaluation Report dated September  10, 1973 and Supplements 1. through    7  thereto (Supplement No. 7 relates solely to issuance of DPR-74); (4) the Final Safety Analysis Report and amendments  thereto; (5) the licensees'nvironmental        Report dated February 1971 and supplements thereto; (6) the Draft Environmental Statement dated December 1972; (7) the Final Environmental Statement dated August 1973; and (8) Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmental Statement, dated November 1977 (NUREG-0385) are      available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room      at  1717 H Street, N. W., Washington,    D. C.
and the Maude Preston Palenske Memorial      Library,  500 Market  Street, St.
Joseph, Michigan      49085.
4'g I
A copy  of the Safety Evaluation Report  and Supplements  1  through 7, the Final 'Environmental Statement and the license    may be  obtained upon Venue;-.t
    'addressed  to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Co@mission, Washington, C
D. C. 20555,  Attention: Director, Division of Project  Management.      Copies of Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmental Statement    (Document No. NUREG-0385) may be purchased,  at current costs, from the National Technical Information Service, U. S. Department of    Commerce,  5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
Dated  at Bethesda, Maryland, this 23rd    day of  December,    1977.
0 FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COllt1ISSION Karl Kniel, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Project  i~management
( w'l ~ m '4

1.License Ho.DPR-74 2.Federal~ke i Ster NOtitd 3.Supplement No.7 to Satety'Evaluation Report 4.Amendment 7 to D-bl ccs w/encls: See page 2 t~I I C' Indiana'5 llichigan Electric Company Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company DEC 8 3 877 cc: Mr.R.W.Jurgensen Chief Nuclear Engineer Ameeican Electric Power Service Corporation 2 Broadway New York, New York 10004 Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Shaw, Pi ttman, Potts 8 Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.20006.Mr.David Dinsmore Comey Executive Director Citizens for a Better Environment 59 East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60605.Executive Office of the Governor Division of Intergovernmental Relations Lewis Cass Building, 2nd Floor Lansing, Michigan 49813 State Board of Health ATTN: Director, Bureau of*Engraving 1330 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Mr.Wade Schuler, Supervisor Lake Township Baroda, Michigan 49101'r.W.Mabry, Mayor Ci.ty of Bridgman, Michigan 49106 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AW-459)Office of Radiation Programs U.'.Environmental Protection Agency Room 645, East=Tower 401 M Street, S.W.Washington, D.C.20460 U.S.Envirqgrgental,Ppotprtion, Agency Federal Activi;ties Brancll Region V.Office ATTN: EIS Coordinator 230 South
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I" r            'kktV Docket Hos. 50-315 50-316 AMENDMEHT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO.                       8-61 Effective                "-'EI-'": l',
Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric AMENDMENT No.
Company, and the Atomic Energy Commission, dated May 26, 1972, as amended, is hereby further              amended  as  follows:
7 Indemnity Agreement No. 8-61, between P
Item        3  of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the, following substituted therefor:
Item  3  -    License number or numbers SNM-1301                          (From 12:01 a.m., May 26, 1972, to 12 midnight, October 24, 1974, inclusive)
DPR-58                              (From 12:01 a.m., October 25, 1974)
SNM-1753                            (From 12:01 a.m., August 18, 1977, to
: 12. Inldnl ght. pj.'T!, .
I inclusi ve)
DPR=74                              (From 12:Ol a.m.,       I'!CI','! Iy7$ )
                                                              '          )'
Jerome Sal tzman, Chief Antitrust      and Indemnity Group Of fi ce o f    Nuc 1 ear Reac  tor      Reg      ul a ti on Accepted                                          1977 By INDIANA A!ID MICHIGAN          POWER COMPANY
          -Accepted                                                            1977

==Dearborn Street Chicago,==
Illinois 60604 Mr.Bruce Blanchard Environmental Projects Review U.S.Department of the Interior Room 4256 18th and C Streets, N.W.Washington, D.C.20240 Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)St.Louis Air Force Station Missouri 63118 Mr, Bert Lindenfeld Hera 1 d-Pal 1 adium Michigan and Oak Streets Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 Ms.Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson.Office of Federal Activities Environmental Protection Agency Room W-535, Waterside.
Mall 401 M Street, S.W.Washington, D.C.20460 I'1 q 1~8 REQOi+0'i Cy~n O I+~+**++UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C.20555 INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY INDIANA AND MICHIGAN PO tER COMPANY DOCKET NO.316 DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANTI, UNIT NO.2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE License No.DPR-74 1.The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) having found that: A.C.D.F., G.The application for license filed by Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set fortH in 10 CFR Chapter I and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made;Construction of the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No.2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No.CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; There is reasonable assurance: (i)that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii)that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of tHe Commission; Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by thi s operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; The licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140,"Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements," of the,.Commission's regulations;
~'l 1l H.The issuance of this operating license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public;I.After weighing the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No.DPR-74, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth herein, is in accordance with Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 (currently known as 10 CFR Part 51)of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and J.The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, including 10 CFR Sections 30.33, 40.32, 70.23 and 70.31.2.Facility Operating License No.DPR-74 is hereby issued to the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan Power Company to read as follows: A.This license applies to the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No.2, a pressurized water reactor and associated equipment (the facility), owned by the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan Power Company.The facility is located in Berrien County, Michigan and is described in the"Final Safety Analysis Report" as supplemented and amended (Amendments 12 through 79)and the Environmental Report as supplemented and amended (Supplements 1 through 4), B.Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company: (1)Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50,"Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess and use, and Indiana and Michigan Power Company to operate, the facility at the designated location in Berrien County, Michigan, in accordance wi th the procedures and limitations set forth in this license;(2)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended;
~"~'~C I P~I~~I I~P I~lII I~~~P~~I'~~~~
(3)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required i (4)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (5)Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.C.This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I: Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Section 40.41 of Part 40, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and Section 70.32 of Part 70;and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect;and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below: Maximum Power Level Indiana and Michigan Power Company is authorized to operate the facility at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal in accor-dance with the conditions specified herein and in Attachment 1 to this license.The preoperational tests, startup tests and other items identified in Attachment 1 to this license shall be completed.
Attachment 1 is an integral part of this license.(2)Technical cifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A attached hereto are hereby incorporated in this license.The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix B to Facility Operating License No.DPR-58 issued on 0~~~<k'L~~I 4 It~P~~~I October 25, 1974 for'onald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No.1 (Docket No.50-315), as revised through Amendment No.22, also are hereby incorporated in this license.Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications, Appendices A and B.(3)Additional Conditions (a)Anal sis of Reactor Vessel Su orts and Internals (b)Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit by September 30, 1979, an analysis which defines the loads on the reactor coolant system and internals for a postulated break at or very near the cold leg of the reactor pressure vessel nozzle and evaluates: (a)the full restraint capability of the reactor coolant system, (b)the structural capability of the internals, and (c)the safety margins of each.The required analysis shall be performed using the approved hydraulic model referenced in CAP-8708,"MULTIFLEX, A Fortran IV Computer Program for Analyzing Thermal-Hydraulic Structure System Dynamics." If modifications to the facility are indicated by the results of the analysis, Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit them for review and implement them on a schedule acceptable to the Commission.
Steam Generator Subcom artment Pressure Res onse Anal sis (c)Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit prior to Mode 2 operation for Commission review and approval an analysis of short-term steam generator subcompartment pressure response.The analysis shall be performed using the TMD computer code and shall define: (a)the adequacy of the steam generator supports to withstand asymmetric loads resulting from a postulated steamline break within the steam generator subcompartment, and (b)the adequacy of the steam generator enclosure to withstand the calculated pressure differential across the enclosure after a postulated steamline break.Leak Testin of Emer enc Core Coolin S stem Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval leak test each of the two valves in series in the residual heat removal, safety injection and boron injection systems in accordance with the specifications of Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical
~t/~~II~//~/~g 1~~I~t t//~I,~t'~~t t t t/~'~I Engineers Code.In addition, prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval, test connections which allow individual leak testing of the charging pump system discharge check valves shall be installed and the check valves shall be leak tested.The tests shall be repeated at the conclusion of each subsequent inservice inspection interval.Over ressure Mitigatin S stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall achieve full implementation of its proposed overpressure mitigating system which utilizes power operated relief valves with a low pressure setpoint before twelve effective full power months of operation of the facility.New Thermal Desi n Basis/WRB-1 Heat Transfer Correlation Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall limit the reactor thermal power to 1695 MWQ (50%of maximum rated power)until the Commission has approved the WRB-1 correlation and the Improved Thermal Design Procedure (Westinghouse Topical Reports WCAP-8762"New Westinghouse Correlation WRB-1 for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in Rod Bundles with Mixing Vane Grids" and NCAP-8567"Improved Thermal Design Procedure")or until the technical specifications are modified to reflect the results of Coranission approved thermal design calculations.
During the period when power operation is limited to 1695 MWt, the reactor flux trip shall be set to 2035 MWg (60%of maximum rated power).Electrical Connectors Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall replace all safety-related ITT-Cannon electrical connectors in the lower containment with qualified splices prior to Mode 2 operation.
This facility modification shall be comparable to the modification made to the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.Containment Lon-Term Tem rature and Pressure Res nse Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall subnit an analysis of the long-term containment temperature and pressure response to a postulated steamline break using the IQTIC-3 computer code within five months of approval by the Commission of the LOTIC-3 code.Containment Sum Desi n Verification Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall complete tests to verify containment sump design before November 1978 and submit the results for Commission review and approval.
,r 7 J\~'\7~5~7 7 I~/~~~~I r i I~r~J 0 r h~~V~I*~~I (~V h'i~~~~.1~~'I~I~I i I 4 I I~~A>>(~~h~<<Pr.''" I~~~'1.i',~7 I V~~Vhr I'I'~<FV~~i I r I 7 7)*I~*~7,'IJ i i II~I'7~7 J'I7 J~'I I<~(<<7 I<<~('h 7 Jir 4~-Ji~Ph.W<$.11<1~7 J h ah>>J 1 J 4~~'-"'hi*i h'>>J i~~V<<J 7~1~I'~~"J\J I 7"*\*I Leak Rate Testin of Containment Isolation Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall install prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, test connections to allow Type C leak testing of containment isolation valves.Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify the containment isolation valves in the component cooling water system which are identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 25(l), 25(2), 25(3), 25(4), 72(l), 72(2), 72(3)and 72(4).Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify to allow pneumatic leak rate testing the isolation valves identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 38, 39 and 56.Power 0 eration with Fewer Than Four Reactor Coolant Pum s in 0 eration Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not operate the reactor at power levels above P-7 (as defined in Table 3.3-1 of Specification of Appendix A to this license)with fewer than four reactor'coolant loops in operation until safety analyses for fewer than four loop operation have been submitted and approval for fewer than four loop operation at power levels above P-7 has been granted by the Commission by Amendment of this license.Electrical Modification of the Auxiliar Feedwater S stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall convert prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, the throttle-stop steam admission valve to the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump and the four motor-operator feedwater valves to the steam generators from the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump from alternating current to direct current power Residual Heat Removal S stem Low Flow Alarm Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the e h I~I~hf\~I V4~~I eh~h I~~C h'I I~
reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system.Following initial startup and prior to installation of the alarm, Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall station an operator at a local panel to monitor cooldown flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.(m)600 Volt Containment Power Penetrations Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall modify the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.63 prior to startup following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage.This modification consists of the installation of redundant circuit breakers in the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to protect the penetration seals by a trip of the 600 volt switchgear breakers in the event of a failure of the molded case circuit breakers.(n)Instrument Tri Set ints Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review within six months of the date of issuance of this operating license the following values for each Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features instrumentation channel: (a)the technical specification trip setpoint value;(b)the technical specification allowable value (the technical specification trip setpoint plus the instrument drift assumed in the accident analysis);(c)the instrument drift assumed to occur during the interval between technical specification surveillance tests; P': PI"I~~"/~P'P~'P~/~, I~'~~~P'~~'
(d)the components of the cumulative instrument bias;and (e)the maximum margin between the technical specification trip setpoint and the trip value assumed in the accident analysis.(o)Fire Protection Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, provide for Commission review the following: (a)results of penetration fire stop testing;(b)results of testing of control room fire detectors;(c)details of the implementation of the emergency shutdown system which provides for compliance with the Commission's position that the system shall be capable of performing its function given the loss of offsite power;(d)a schedule for implementation of changes to the fire protection system;(e)an update of the Final Safety Analysis Report to include a descri ption of the upgraded fire protection system.(p)Emer enc Plannin Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review prior to Node 2 operation all documentation required to support its revised emergency plan.
(q)Qualification of Electrical i nt Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 2 operation make available for Comnission review documentation for test procedures used to qualify electrical equipment in the lower containment for steamline break in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.(r)Seismic Qualification Review Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to June 1, 1978 complete the documentation of seismic qualification procedures for safety-related electrical and mechanical, equipment.(s)Diesel Generator Lockout Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 1 operation modify the design of the control circuitry for the emergency diesel generators to provide an alarm in the control room to alert the reactor operator should the associated diesel generator become incapable of responding to an emergency start signal due to open knife switches in the control circuitry of the generator.
The licensees shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p).The approved security plan consists of proprietary documents, collectively titled,"Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Industrial Security Manual," with revisions as follows: Original Letter Submittal Date August 15, 1972 Revisions Dated: September 21, 1972 January 15, 1973 November 16, 1973 May 10, 1974 October 7, 1974 October 2, 1975 March 12, 1976 September 16, 1976 December 3, 1976 January 3, 1977 September 21, 1972 January 22, 1973 November 27, 1973 May 24, 1974 November 13, 1974 November 14, 1975 April 5, 1976 October 4, 1976 December 20, 1976 February 3, 1977 g~~~y~I C 1 e~i'I~~-e>~I>ra>-~~e E~'"e I e>~'~\E~~'I~~  In addition the licensees shall fully implement the physical protection commitments of their proprietary letters to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation dated July 2, 1976 and December 13, 1977.Further, the licensees shall fully comply with the applicable requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 with specific attention to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 73.55 except for any requirement involving construction and installation of equipment not already in place, and shall diligently accomplish the necessary construction and installation of equipment, so as to be able to fully implement the requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 by August 24, 1978.E.This license is subject to the following additional conditions for the protection of the environment:
(1)The licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Ster Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972).(2)If harmful effects or evidence of unacceptable damage are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensees shall provide to the Commission an analysis of the problem and a plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects, or damage.(3)Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by,'the Commission, the licensees will prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity.hhen the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated', or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regul ati on for the acti vi ti es.
1~~~1'i*'I 1~il il 1~1~C 1'1'I~~1~
F.In accordance with the requirement imposed by the October 8, 1977 Order of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of b Commission, No.74-1385 abd 74-1586 (cert.granted sub nom Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Cor~vs.Natural Resources Defense Council., 45 U.S.L.W.3570, February 22, 1977)that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission"shall make any licenses granted between July 21, 1976 and such time when the mandate is issued subject to the outcome of the proceedings herein," the license issued herein shall be subject to the outcome of such proceedings.
G.This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, March 25, S.yd, Dire Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attachments:
1.Preoperational Tests, Startup Tests and Other Items Which Must Be Completed Prior to Proceeding to Succeeding Operational Modes 2.Appendix A-Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: December 23, 1977 4 I~~H 1 tt I'h 4*f d ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE DPR-74 PREOPERATIONAL TESTS, STARTUP TESTS AND OTHER ITEMS WHICH MUST BE CQ1PLETED PRIOR K)PROCEEDING 1Q SUCCEEDING OPERATIONAL MODES This attachment identifies certain preoperational tests, startup tests and other items which must be completed to the Commission's satisfaction prior to proceeding to certain specified Operational Modes.Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not proceed beyond the authorized Operational Modes without prior written authorization from the Commission.
A.Indiana and Michigan Power Company may at the license issue date proceed directly to Operational Mode 6 (initial fuel loading)and may subsequently proceed to Operational Mode 1 (power operation) except as noted below.B.The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 6 (initial fuel loading): l.Satisfactory completion of the following preoperational tests: a.The (CVCS)Boron Makeup (S/7)preoperational test.C.The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 4 (hot shutdown):
1.Evaluation of water hanmers experienced in the nonessential service water system.(Operations) 2.Evaluation of complete power loss (AC&DC)to one train of engineered safeguards resulting in complete loss of status lights or the complete loss of power to the other train resulting in complete loss of alarm annunciators.(Operations) 3.Evaluation of effects of loss of reactor coolant system wide range temperature indication on loss of the one distribution bus.(Operations)
D.The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational, Mode 2 (initial criticality):
l r V C'Lf al 1.Review of licensee's seismic analysis of conduit supports, cable trays and instruments (IE Reports 77-06 and 77-09-Construction).
e 2.Replacement of electrical connectors with splices (IE Bulletin 77-05-Construction).
3.Review of open design changes and deviation reports (IE Report 77-23-Construction).
4.Review of 50.55(e)report of seismic support of Class IE instruments and tubing,(50.55e report dated September 2, 1977-Construction).
5.Installation of fire barriers on cable trays in cable spreading room below control room.(Construction).
6.Resolution of items identified in special inspection of electrical qualification records for steamline break.(Construction).
0't yH 0 it ll gl UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COMMISSION DOCKET NO.50-316 INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRIC 00i41PANY INDIANA AND MICHIGAN PONER COMPANY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NO.2 NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF A FACILITY OPERATING IICENSE Notice is hereby given that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has issued Facility Operating License No.DPR-74 to Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company authorizing operation of the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No.2 at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal, in accordance with the provisions of the license and the Technical Specifications.
However/the facility is temporarily restricted from operating at full rated power until certain tests and other items noted in the license conditions are completed to the written satisfaction of the Commission.
The Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No.2, is a pressurized water nuclear reactor located at the licensees'ite in Berrien County, Michigan.The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the license.The Commission has also made appropriate findings which are set forth in the license regarding the environmental impact associated with operation of the facility.The license also includes the condition that the license is (4~
subject to the outcome of the proceeding in Natural Resources Defense Council vs.NRC (D.C.Circuit)(July 21, 1976), Nos.74-1385 and 74-1586.The application for the license complies with the standards and requirements of the Act and the Commission's rules and regulations.
The license is effective as of its date of issuance and shall expire on March 25, 2009.A copy of (1)Facility Operating License No.DPR-74, complete with Technical Specifications (Appendices"A" and"B");(2)the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, dated December l3, 1977;(3)the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Safety Evaluation Report dated September 10, 1973 and Supplements 1.through 7 thereto (Supplement No.7 relates solely to issuance of DPR-74);(4)the Final Safety Analysis Report and amendments thereto;(5)the licensees'nvironmental Report dated February 1971 and supplements thereto;(6)the Draft Environmental Statement dated December 1972;(7)the Final Environmental Statement dated August 1973;and (8)Supplement No.1 to the Final Environmental Statement, dated November 1977 (NUREG-0385) are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.and the Maude Preston Palenske Memorial Library, 500 Market Street, St.Joseph, Michigan 49085.
4'g I A copy of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplements 1 through 7, the Final'Environmental Statement and the license may be obtained upon Venue;-.t'addressed to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Co@mission, Washington, C D.C.20555, Attention:
Director, Division of Project Management.
Copies of Supplement No.1 to the Final Environmental Statement (Document No.NUREG-0385) may be purchased, at current costs, from the National Technical Information Service, U.S.Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virg inia 22161.Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 23rd day of December, 1977.0 FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COllt1ISSION Karl Kniel, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No.2 Division of Project i~management t~(w'l~m'4 UNI tr:o s1 arcs NUCLERR REGULATORY COh1MISSIOIJ V'IA.IIINGTON D C.205.")".>~)<<~" 4 n<<rp Y q t'i~<<Ip(..r4 ,s-5>'-g.!'-'I;'tlllljl,";
j." I"'kktV r Docket Hos.50-315 50-316 AMENDMEHT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO.8-61 AMENDMENT No.7 Effective"-'EI-'": l', Indemnity Agreement No.8-61, between Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, and the Atomic Energy Commission, dated May 26, 1972, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: P Item 3 of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the, following substituted therefor: Item 3-License number or numbers SNM-1301 DPR-58 SNM-1753 DPR=74 (From 12:01 a.m., May 26, 1972, to 12 midnight, October 24, 1974, inclusive)(From 12:01 a.m., October 25, 1974)(From 12:01 a.m., August 18, 1977, to 12.Inldnl ght.pj.'T!,.I inclusi ve)(From 12:Ol a.m., I'!CI','!Iy7$)FOR THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION r)>V~>>.)~')'Jerome Sal tzman, Chief Antitrust and Indemnity Group Of f i ce o f Nuc 1 ear Reac tor Reg ul a ti on Accepted 1977 By INDIANA A!ID MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY-Accepted 1977 P'}}

Revision as of 19:58, 20 October 2019

D.C. Cook - Issue Facility Operating License No. DPR-74 for Unit No. 2 Authorizing Operation at 3391 Megawatts Thermal. Also, Issue Supplement No. 7 to SER
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1977
From: Boyd R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tillinghast J
Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, Indiana Michigan Power Co, (Formerly Indiana & Michigan Power Co)
Download: ML18219B004 (84)


,C 2 3 1977 Docket tio. bo-3lb Indi'ana v Michigan Electric Conpany Indiana 6 )'Ifchlgan Power COBpany ATTN: (lr . John A. Tillfnghast, Vice President, P. 0. Box l8 Bowling Green Station New York New York 1GOU4 Gentlemen:


ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATItiG LICENSE NO. DPR-74 (Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit t)o. 2)

The Nuclear Regulatory Co~aafssfon has issued Facility Operating License No.

DPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana 5 Hfc'nf gan Electric Company and Indiana 8 Hichigan Power Company for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No, 2 authorizing operation at 3391 megawatts thermal subject to the conditions delineated therein.

However, the operation of the facility fs temporarily restricted to the sequence of operational modes described in Attachment 1 to the license until the preoperational tests, startup tests and other items noted in Attachment 1 are completed to the written satisfaction of the Cmmfssfon. A copy of the Notice of Issuance is also enclosed.

'The Comafssfon has also fssued Supplement No. 7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.

Two copies are enclosed for your information and use.

Three signed copies of Amendment 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your review and acceptance. Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the Division of Project fianagement.


Original Signed By Roger S. Boyd Roger S. Boyd, Director Divi sion of Project f4anagement Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


License No. DPR-74

2. Federal Reqister Notice g~ QRJZ. +
3. Supplement, Ho. 7 to Safety Evaluation Repor t See paa orrlcE~



1 NRC FORM 318 (9-76) NRChf 0240 W u: s. oovas~eum rsivviNo orr<cci toro-eg~~

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Docket Ho. 50-316 Indiana 5 tfichigan Electric Company Indiana k IIichigan Power Company ATTN: Nr. John A. Tillinghast

'. 0. Box 18 Vice President Bowling Green Station Hew York, New York 10004




The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued acility Operating License Wo.

OPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana A laichigan El tric CoIspanp and Indiana A tiichigan Power Company for the Donald C. Gook Nucl ar Plant, Unit No.--2 authorizing operation at 339l Iseganatts thensal snh t to the conditions delineatedOIerein. 7 A copy of the No~ice of Issuance is al o enclosed.

The Comission has also issued Supp ement Ho. 7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.

Two copies are enclosed for your %formation and use.

Three signed copies of Amendme 7 to Indemnity Agreement 8-61 are enclosed for your review and acceptanc . Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the vision of Project, management.

Sincerely, Roger S. Boyd, Director Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


l. License Ho. PR-74
2. Federal Re ister Notice
3. Supplemen No., to Safety Evaluation Repor
4. Amendm t7 to 8-61, ccs wien s:

See pag 2 t


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Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Company DEVI r< 3 tS77 Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company ccr tir. R. H. Jurgensen U. S, Envfronmental Protection Chief Nuclear Engineer Agency American Electric Power Service Corporation Federal Activftfes Branch 2 Broadway Region V Office New York, Hew York 10004 ATTt<: EIS Coordinator 230. South Dearborn Street Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Chicago, Illinois 60604 Shaw, Pittman, Potts 5 Trowbridge 1800 t'1 Street, N. H. Hr. Bruce Blanchard

'1lashington, D. C. 20006 Environmental Projects Review U. S. Department of the Interior l1r. David Dinsmore Comey Room 4256 Executive Director 18th and C Streets, N. H.

Citfzens for a Better Envirorment Washington, D. C. 20240 69 East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60606 Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)

Executive Office of the Governor St. Louis Afr Force Station Division of Intergovernmental Relations tHssourf 63118 Lewis Cass Building, 2nd F1oor Lansing, Michigan 49813 Nr. Bert Lindenfeld Herald-Palladium State Board of Health lllhig d F. st

-AT%: Director, Bureau of Engraving, Benton Harbor, t1ichigan 49022 1330 Hest tifchigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 t1s. Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson llr. Hade Schuler, Supervisor Office of -Federal Activities Lake Tow'nshfp Environmental Protection Baroda, thfchfgan 49101 Agency Room H-636, 1laterside Wall ter.. H. Nabry, Hiyor 401 H Street. S.1l.

City of Bridgman, tiichigan 49106 Washington, D. C., 20460 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AH-469)

Office of Radfatfon Programs U. S. Environmental Protectfon Agency Room 645, East Tower 401, N Street, S, H.

Washington, D. C., 20460 ORRICC~





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,I INDIANA AND flICHIGAN ELEClRIC COllPA%C XNDIMPA AND HICflXGAN PONBR KNPANY I 7l oonrz Ho. 316 IXKV23 C. OOOK NUCLEAR PLAÃZr UNIT kQ. 2 FACILITY OPEBATXNQ LICENSE License No. DPQ-,74, l., The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) having found that:

The application for license filed by Xndiana and Nichigan Electric Company and Xndiana and Hichigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirerents of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission'ules and regulations set forth ip 10 CPR Chapter I and all required notificationsto other agencies or bodies have been duly made; J

B. Construction of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear PlMt,'nit Ho. 2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit Na. CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Conmission; I

C. The facility will operate in conformity, with the application, as amended, y the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of- the Commission j~

D. 'iiere is reasonable assurance> (i) that the activities" authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations oE the Comnission; Fs ~ Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this op rating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.

Indiana and Hichigan Poser Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ccenission~

she licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, "Financial Protection Requirements and Xndemnity Agreements," of Vie Commission' regulations; I



HRC FORM 918 (9-76) NRCM 0240 6 u. o. oovoa~aeoccr aswrwo ornca sore ac+a~



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H. The issuance of this operating 11cense will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to,the health and safety of the public; I, After weighing the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the facility against environmental and ether costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, subject to the conditions for protection of the env1ronment set, forth herein, 1 s in 'accordance with Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 (currently known as 10 CFR Part, 51) of the Coriefssfon's regulations and all applicable requirements have bein satisfied; and J. The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be fn accordance with the Commission's regulations fn 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and /0, including 10 CFR Sectforis 30.33, 40.32, 70.23 and 70.31.

2. Fac11fty Operating License Ho'. DPR-74 is hereby issued to the Indiana and t1fchfgan Electr fc Company and the Indiana and tlfchfgan Power Company to read as follows:

A This license applies to the Donald G. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit Mo. 2, a pressurized water reactor and assoc1ated equipment (the facility),

owned by the Indiana and Vifchigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Hfchigan Power Company. The facility is -located in Gerrien County, tHchfgan and is described fn the "Ffnal Safety Analysis Report" as supplemented and amended (Amendments 12 through 79) and tho Environmental Report as supplemented and amended (Supplements 1 through 4).

B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Nfchigan Power Company:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act, and 10 CFR Part 60, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess and use, and Indiana and thfchfgan Power ComIpany to operate, the facility at the designated location in Berrfen County, Michigan, fn accordance with the procedures and 11mitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, fn accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended; OPFICC~



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( 3) Pursuant to the Act. and 1 0 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use at any timIe any byproduct, sourCe and special nuclear mater ial as sealed neutron sources for reactor star tup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring eguipnent calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as requi red;

( 4) Pursuant to the Act and 1 0 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample-analysis ox'nstrument cal ibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or componentsy and

( 5) Pursuant to the Act and 1 0 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.

C. This 1 icense shall be dee1ned 'o contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter" I:

Part 20, Section 30a34 of Part 30, Section 40 41 of Part 40, Sections


50 . 54 and 50. 59 of Part 30, and Section 70 ~ 32 of Part 70 and is subject ~

to al 1 appl icable provisions of the Act and to the rul'es, regulations, and orders of the Comiss ion now or hereaf ter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

C (1 ) Haximum Power Level Indiana and E1 ich igan Power Company is authorized to oporate the facil ity at '391 steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of megawatts thermal in accor-dance with the conditions specified herein and in Attachment 1 to this license. The preoperational tests<

star tup tests and other items identified in Attachmlent 1 to thi license shall be completed. Attachment 1 is an, integral part of this license.

(2) Technica~lS scHicanicna The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A attached hereto are hereby incorporated in this 1 icense.

The Technical Specif ications contained in Appendix 9 to Facility Operating License No . DPR-58 issued on PFI ICE~




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t Oct'ober 25; 1974 for Donald C. Cook Nuclear PlantUnit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-315)', as revised through Amendment No.

22, also are hereby incorporated in this license. Indiana and Nichigan Po'wer Company shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications, Appendices A and B.

(3) Additional Cond)tions (a) ~II I I Pt I 11 Pl Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit by September 30, 1979, an analysis which defines the loads on the rteactor coolant system and internals for a postulated break at or very near the cold leg of the reactor pressure vessel nozzle and evaluates:

(a) the full restraint capability of the reactor coolant system, (b) the structural capability of the internals, and (c) the safety margins of each. The required analysis shall be performed using the approved hydraulic model referenced in L'AP-8708,.NMULTIFLEX, A Fortran IV Computer Progr am for Analyzing Thermal-Hydraulic Structure System Dynamics,." If modifications to the facility are indicated by the results of the analysis, Indiana and thichigan Power Company shall submit them for review and implement (b) them on a schedule acceptable to the CtmwIi ssion.

tt I t I '1 Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit prior to

~t Mode 2 operation for Commission review and approval an analysis of short-term steam generator subcompartment pressure response. The analysis shall be performed using the TtS computer code and shall define: (a) the adequacy of the steam generator supports to withstand resulting from a postulated steamline break within asymmetric'oads the steam generator subcompartment, and ( b) the adequacy of the steam generator enclosure to withstand the calculated pressure differential across the enclosure after a postulated steamline break.

(c) Leak Testin of Emer enc Core Coolinq S stem Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval leak test each of the two Valves in serfes in the residu51 heat renoval, safety injection and boron injection systems in accordance with the specifications of Section XI of the American'ociety of Mechanical OIPIPICE~





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I Engineers Code. In addition, prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval, test connections which allow individual leak testing of the charging pump system discharge check valves shall be installed and the check valves shall be leak tested. The tests shall be re~ated,at the conclusion of each subsequent inservice inspection interval.

(d) Over ressure lliti ating stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall achieve full impleIIIntation of its proposed overpressure mitigating system which utilizes power operated relief valves with a low pressure setpoint before twelve effective full power months of operation of the facility.

(e) New Thermal Design Basis/NHB-1 Heat Transfer Correlation Xndiana and Hichigan Power Company shall limit the reactor thermal power to 1695 HHj (508 of mIximum rated power) until the Commission has approved the HBB-1 correlation and the Improved Thermal Design Procedure (IKstinghouse Topical Beports RCAP-8762 "New Nestinghouse Correlation NBB-1 for Predicting Critical Heat Plux in Bod Bundles with tlixing Vane Grids" and NCAP-8567 "Improved Thermal Design ProcedqreN) or until the technical specifications are modified to reflect the results of Commission approved thermal design calculations.

During the period when power operation is limited to 1695 Yiifg, the reactor flux trip shall be set to 2035 M0< (608 of rIIximmn rated power) .

Electr ical Connectors Indiana and Michigan Power, Company shall replace all safety-related ITT-Cannon electrical connectors in the lower containment with qualified splices prior to hlode 2 operation. This facility modification shall be comparable to the modification made to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.

(g) Containment Inn -Term Tem rature and Pressure Bes nse Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall subnit an analysis of the long-term containment temperature and pressure response to a postulated steamline break using the XGTXC-3 computer code within five months of approval by the Corteission of the MTXG-3 code.

(h) Containment S Desi n Verification OPTICS~ verify co tainment s design befor November 197 subfi't 'Ui -'resolts for" Ammxssion re ew and appro al SURNAME~



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Leak Rate Testfn of Containment Isolation Yalves Indiana and fiichfgan Power Company shall install prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, test connections to allow Type C leak testfng of containment isolation valves. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify the containment isolation valves in the component cooling water system which are identified by and associated with the following, containment penetration numbers: CPN 25(l), 25(2), 25(3), 25(4),

72(1), 72(2), 72(3) and 72(4). Indiana and Nichfgan Power Company shall modify to allow pneumatic leak rate testing the isolation valves identified by and associated with the following,contain"vent penetration numbers: CPN 38, 39 and 56.

,(a) Power 0 er ation with Fewer Than Four Reactor Coolant Pum s fn 0 eration Indiana and t4fchigan Power Company shall not operate the reactor at power levels above P-7 (as defined in Table 3.3-1 of Specification of Appendix A to this license) with fewer than four reactor coolant loops in operation until safety analyses for fewer than four loop operation have been submitted and approval for fewer than four loop operation at power levels above P-7 has been granted by the Ccemfssfon by Amendment of this license.

(k) Electrical Hodificatfon of the Auxf1 far Feedwater S stem Indiana and Hfchfgan Power Company shall convert prior to star tup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, the throttle-stop steam aCafssfon valve to the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump and the four motor-operator feedwater valves to the steam generators from the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pm'>p from alternating current io direct current power Residual Keat Remova1 S stem Low Flow Alarm Indiana and tlichigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the OPPICII~



NRC 1IORM 318 (9-16) NRCM 0240 6 VI S, COVIIRNMaNT PIIINTINO OPPICas 10'le>> CLaaa4

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reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system. Following initial star tup and prior to installation of the, alarm, Indiana and tfichigan Power Company shall station an operator at a local panel to monitor cooldo<<n flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.

(m) 600 Volt Containment Power penetrations Indiana and Hichigan Power Company shall modify the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.63 prior to startup following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage.

This mdification consists of the installation of redundant circuit breakers in the 600 volt containment electrical power p netration circuits to protect the penetration seals by a trip of the 600 volt switchgear breakers in the event of a failure of the molded case circuit breakers.

(n) Instrument Tria Setpoints Indiana and Hichigan Power Company shall subnit for Commission review within six months of the date of issuance of this operating license the following values for each Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features instrumentation chanllel (a) the technical specification trip setpoint value;'b) the technical specification allowable value (the technical specificatioh trip setpoint plus the instrun1ent drift assumed in 'the accident analysis);

(c) the instrument drift assumed to occur during the interval beben technical specification surveillance tests; OPPICE+




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(d) the components of the cumulative instrument bias; and (e) the maximum margin between the technical specification trip setpoint and the trip value assumed in the accident analysi's.

{o) Fire Protection Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, provide for Commission review the following; (a) results of penetration fire stop testing; (b) results of testing of control room fire detectors; (c), details of the implementation of the emergency shutdown system which'provides for compliance with the Cormission's

.position that the system shall be capable of performing its function given the loss of offsite power; (d) a schedule for implementation of changes to the fire protection system; (e) an update of the Final Safety Analysis Report to include a description of the upgraded fire protection system.

( pj Emerge ac~PI a~nnl n indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review prior to Mode 2 operation all documentation required to support its revised emergency plan.



NRC 1'ORM 518 (9-76) NRC24 0240 UI Sy COVE RNMENT PRINTI NO OP PIC EI 1074 44~44

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(q) Qualification of Elactcical dqui~nt t

Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Node 2 operation make available for Commission review documentation for test procedures used to qualify electrical equipmmt.

in the lower containment for steamline break in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.

(r) Seismic Qualification Review Indiana and Michigan Par r Company shall prior to June 1, 1978 complete the documentation of seismic qualification procedures for safety-related electrical and mechanical equipment.

(s) Diesel Generator lockout

~iana and Hichigan Power Company shall prior to Node 1 operation modify the design of the control circuitry for the emergency diesel generators to provide an alarm in the control room to alert the reactor operator should the associated diesel generator become incapable of responding to an emergency start signal due to open knife switches in the control circuitry of the generator.

The licensees shall .maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Camnission approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p). The approved security plan consists of proprietary documents, collectively titled, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Industrial Security Hanual," with revisions as follows:

Letter Submittal E}ate Original August 15, 1972 Revisions Dated:

September 21, 1972 September 21, 1972 January 15, 1973 January 22, 1973 November 16, 1973 November 27, 1973 May 10, 1974 Hay 24, 1974 October 7, 1974 Novenber 13, 1974 October 2, 1975 Novenher 14, 1975 Harch 12, 1976 , April 5, 1976 September 16, 1976 October 4, 1976 DecerIIer 3, 1976 ~ember 20, 1976 January 3, 1977 February 3, 1977 bRRICe~


NRC FORM 318 (9 76) NRCht 0240 A U, S, OOYSRNMdNT PRINTINO Oditlcda IDTS 02~24




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In addition the licensees shall fully implement the physical protection comitments of their proprietary letters to the Director, dffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation dated July 2, 1976 and December 13, 1977.

Further, the licensees shall fully comply with the applicable requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 with specific attention to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 73.55 except for any requirement involving construction and installation of equipment not already in place, and shall diligently accomplish the necessary construction and installation of equipment, so as to be able to fully implement the requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 by August 24, 1978.

E. This license is subject to the following additional conditions for the protection of the environment:

( 1) The licensees will comIply with appropriate Hater quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Oter Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) .

(2) -If harmful effects or evidence of unacceptable damage are detected by the monitoring programs the licensees shall provide to the Cozaission an analysis of the problem and p plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects or damage.

(3) Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by the Commission, the licensees will prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity . Mien the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that, was not evaluated, or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtaih prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities.



NRC 1IORM 518 (9-76) NRCM 0240 6 U, $ , OOVSRNMENT PRINTINO OaalcÃI 10TS SSlM04

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P. In accordance Mith the requirement imposed by'he October 8, 1977 Order of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Hatural Resources Defense Council vs. Nuclear ulatory Corzaission, No. 74-1385 74- 586 (cert. grant sub nom Vermont 45 U;S.E.M. 3570, February 22, 977) that the Nuclear I~ulatory Comission "shall nake any licenses granted be4reen July 21, 1976 and such time sken the mandate is issued subject to the outcome of the proceedings herein," the license issued herein shall be subject to the outcome of such proceedings.

Q. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, March 25, 2009.

Drlginal Signed By Roger S. Boy/

Roger S. Boyd, Director Division of Project Llanagement Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attachments:

1. Preoperational Tests, Standup"'Tests and Other Items Which Must be Completed Prior to Proceeding to Succeeding Operationa] Nodes
2. Appendix A - Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: December 23, 1977 12+/77 r i D DPM:AD ELD-E)D e DBVaasa 1 1 o J Rugb g oung 12/2M77 12/~77 12/ /77 12/ 5'77 ~1 I 2 ~/77 12/ /77 OFFICE+ DP: WR 82 82 S OR SB: DOR OA 1 ncza J JSa SURNAME& JLe mt DATE~ 12/ /77 12/~/77 .Q RL7 .I2ip+.7.




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0QQ 8 8 1977 ATZACHMENT 'I0 LICENSE DPR-74 PREOPERATIONAL TESTS, STARTUP TESTS AND OTHER ITEMS WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR I0 PMCEEDING TO SUCCEEDING OPERATIONAL MODES This attachment identifies certain preoperational tests, star tup tests and other items which must be completed to the Commission's satisfaction prior to proceeding to certain specified Operational Modes. Indiana and Michigan power Company shall not proceed beyond the authorized Operational Nx3es without prior written authorization from the Commission.

A. Indiana and Michigan Power Company may at the license issue date proceed directly to Operational Mode 6 (initial fuel loading) and may subsequently proceed to Operational Mode 1 (power operation) except as noted below.

B. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to'Operational Mode 6 ( initial fuel loading):

1. Satisfactory completion of the following preoperational tests:
a. The (CVCS) Boron Makeup (S/7) preoperational test. I C. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 4 (hot shutdown):
l. Evaluation of water hamners experienced in the nonessential service water system. (Operations)
2. Evaluation of complete power loss (AC & DC) to one train of engineered safeguards resulting in complete loss of status lights or the complete loss of power to the other train resulting in complete loss of alarm annunciators. (Operations)


3. Evaluation'of effects of loss of reactor coolant system wide range temper'ature indication on loss'of the one distribution bus. (Operations) ~

D. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 2 (initial criticality):



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1..Review of licensee's seismic analysis of conduit supports:, cable trays and instruments (IE Reports 77-06 and 77-09 ConstpuctioJ)),


2. Replacement of electrical connectors with splices (IE Bulletin 77-05 Construction).
3. Review of open design changes and deviation reports (IE Report, 77-23 Construction).
4. Review of 50.55(e) report of seismic support of Class IE instruments and tubing (50.55e report dated September 2, 1977 Construction).
5. Installation of fire barriers on cable trays in cable spreading room below control room. (Construction).
6. Resolution of items identified in special inspection of electrical qualification records for steamline break. (Construction).

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'Notice is hereby given that the Nuclear Regulatory Ccmission (the Commission) has issued Facility Op rating License ho. DPR-74 to Indiana and tfichigan Electric Company and Indiana and Hichigan Peter Com~. my authorizing operation of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit'No. 2 at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal, in accordance with the provisions of the license and the Technical Specifications. However, the facility is t~i rarily restricted from operating at full rated power until l.

certain tests and other items noted in the license conditions are completed to the written satisfaction of the Comission. The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, is a pressurized water nuclear reactor located at the licensees'ite in Berrien County, blichigan.

The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the license. The Commission has also made appropriate findings which are set forth in the license regarding the environm ntal impact associated with operation of the facility. The license also incli<es the condition that the license is OrnCR~



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subject to the outcome of the proceeding in Natural Resources Defense Council vs. HRC (D. C, Circuit) (July 21, 1976), Nos. 74-1385 and 74-1586.

The application for the license comI.plies with the standards and requirements of the Act and the Co~mission's rules and regulations.

The license is effective as of its date of issuance and shall expire 4

on Harch 25, 2009.

A copy. of"(1) Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, complete Mith Technical Specifications (Appendices "A" and "8") ~ (2) the report of the havisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, dated December 13, 1977~ (3) the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Safety Evaluation Report dated SeptenMr 10, 1973 and Supplements 1 through 7 thereto (Supplement No. 7 relates solely to issuance of DPR-74); (4) the Final Safety Analysis Report and amendments thereto; (5) the licensees'nvironmental Report dated Pebruary 1971 and supplements thereto; (6) the Draft Environmental Statement dated Decker 1972~ (7) the Final Environmental Statement dated August 1973; and (8) Supplement No. 1 to the Pinal Environmental Statement, dated November 1977 (NUIKQ-0385) are available for public inspection at the Conmission's Public Doc1M1ent Room at 173.7 EI Street, N. I7., h>ashingtoni D C.

and the IIaude Preston Palenske IIemorial Library, 500 Basket Street, St.

Joseph, I!ichigan 49085.



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NRC FORM 518 (9.76) NRCM 0240 4 UI 0, OOVRRNMRNI'RIKTlNO0/Flcdl I01d dd~d4

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A copy of the Safety Evaluation Report arid Supplements 1 through 7, the Pinal &vtronmental Statement and the license may be obtained upon recast addressed to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Coamission, Mashington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Project management, Copies of Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmental Statement (Docum nt No. NUREG-0385) may be purchased, at current costs, from the National Technical- Information Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

Dated at Bethesda, Haryland, this 23rd ,day of December, 1977.

POR THE NUCLEAR REIGULA'IORY COiRGSSIOiV Original signed hy, I<. lkniel Earl Kniel, Chief Light Mater Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Project k4anagement DPM LWR g2 DPM+RSg DPM: LWR b'2~+


IIURNAME~ J .mt KKniel tZ/ /77 i2/ "r/77 iZIN'77 i i 2/gg/77 DATE&


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Advisory Cormittee on Reactor Safeguards, dated December 13, 1977'3) thS Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Safety Evaluation Report dated September 10, 1973 and Supplements 1 through 7 thereto (SuppleriIent No. 7 relates solely to issuance of DPR-74); (4) the Final Safety Analysis eport and amendments thereto; (5) the licensees'nvironnmntal Report d February 1971 and supplements thereto; (6) the Draft L'nviron Statement dated Decor 1972; (7) the Final Environmental Statement 'ated August 1973; and (8) Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmen Statement, dated

.November 1977 (NUREG-0385) are available for public spection at the Cowmission's Public Document Room at 1717 r1 Stree, H. H., Nashington, D. C.

and the Haude Preston Palenske Hmerial Librar, 500 Market Street, St.

Joseph, Hichigan 49005.

A copy of the Safety Evaluation Re rt, and Sqgglements 1 through 7, the Final Environmental Statement an the license may be obtained upon request addressed to the United States Nuc ear Regulatory Cpmission, Nashington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Directo Division of Project Hanagement. Copies of Supplement No. 1 to the Fin Environmental Statement (Document No. NUREG-0385) may be purchased, at cutr nt costs, from the National Technical Information Service, U. 8. Depar t of Commerce, 52B5 Port Royal Road,'pringfield, Virginia 22161.

Dated at Be esda, Naryland, this day of FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Karl Kniel, Chief Light Water Reactors OFFICC~

Division of Project Nanag ment DPM:LWR SVRNAMCW ynczak KKniel i 2J~+77 i2/g/77 i 2/g Z/77 "NRC FORM 318 (9-16) NRCM 0240 A UI 0 OOVRRNMRNT FRINTINO OFFICE( IOTA OR~2il

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Docket Nos. 50-315 Sg-'$16 AMENDMENT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO. B-61 AMENDMENT NO. 7 Effective DFC F8 t~o77, Indemnity Agreement No. B-61, between Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, and the Atomic Energy Commission, dated May 26, 1972, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:

Item 3 of the Attachment 'to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the following substi tuted therefor:

Item 3 - License number or numbers SNM-1301 (From 12:01 a.m., May 26, 1972, to 12 midnight, October 24, 1974, inclusive)

DPR-58 (From 12:01 a.m., October 25, 1974)

SNM-1753 (From 12:01 a.m., August 18, 1977, to 12 midnight, g,'Ft', q,, ~>

inclusive) .

DPR-74 (From 12:Ol a.m., DEC 2,'I I)g/ )


..~- '~

Jerome Saltzman,'hief Antitrust and Indemnity Group Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Accepted 1977 By INDIANA AND MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY Accepted , 1977 By

P, DONALD Co COOK NUCLEAR PLANT~ UNIT NOe 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO+ DPR-74 DECB93ER 23~ 1977 Intern Distribution Excludi Enclosure of Transmittal Letter To Re Distributed Se aratel Docket File E. Hughes*

NRC PDR EP Project ianager Local PDR EP Licensing Assistant*

LWR 82 File* HE Bristow*

Attorney, ELD S. Duncan*

R. S. Boyd* V. Stello*

R. C. DeYoung* K. Goller D. B. Vassallo* J. McGough K. Kniel D. Eisenhut M. fllynczak Project Manager, OR J. Lee Branch Chief, OR F. J. Williams* Licensing Assistant, OR

  • H. Smith*

B, Scott*

rE (5)

N. Dube*

M. Jinks (4)

W. Miller* bcc: JRBuchanan, NSIC V. A. Moore TBAbernathy, TIC H. Denton* ASRosenthal, ASLAB R. H. Vollmer* JYore, ASLBP M. L. Ernst* ACRS (16)

W. P. Gammill*

R. J. Mattson*

J. Knight D. F, Ross R. L. Tedesco B. Scharf (lg)

D. Skovholt A. Toalston*

  • w/o Technical Specifications

~ ~


Jl Licensee: Indiana Ec Michi an Electric Com an Indian 8c Michi Po Company Facility Designation: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2 C

PARZ I Oa<$ .

Notice of Consideration of Issuance of License:

Action Date OR Initial Decision or Order N A Safety Review:

Safety Evaluation Report Issued (Original)

ACRS Letter Issued Environemtnal Review:

Final Environmental Statement Issu~ Supplement 1 Issued 1 7 Published in the Federal Re ister 2S/77 Antitrust Review:

AIG Concurrences N A Notifications Required by Act Commission Rules S

(date initial. application forwarded):

State Officials Local Officials 8 '30 1


Submitted by Appl icant 27/7a Transmitted to EPA ~/va

$ sL77 Paid Indemnity Agreement: AIG concurrence (attach cy to ltr,)

Status of outstanding construction items checked with IE:

QA Program: Required to be operational*

In Effect Final Inspection Report (if available)

Technical Specifications: DPN Concurrence DSE Concurrence (44)

  • 90 days prior to fuel loading or 30 days prior to hearing if QA item in contention

>Y0V ]oyy

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'Public Announcement (to be releasea-attach cy if available)

Issuance Package: ELD Concurrence Letter to Licensee Operating License Mz~l.g Transmittal to SECY PARZ II i~

Date Date Oriciinated Sent Operating Lic nse zzLzg7V Transmittal to SECY t

Transmittal to SEE & SNR Letter to Licensee 12 2 cc w/encl:

State Officials Local Officials Intervenors, et al EPA ACRS (16)

Mr. Bruce Blanchard Environmental Projects Review Departml ent of the Interior Room 4256 18th and C Street, N.N.

Nashington, D. C. 20240 For less than full power 1'icense :

Ms . Rebecca Hanmer ATTN : Jack Anderson Office of Federal Activities Environmental Protection Agency Room W-535 , Waters ide Mal 1 401 M Street , S . N.

',lash ington , D . C . 20460 FR Notice Filing Date FR Publication Date Citation r

AQP ]gg

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A license authorizing operation of Unit 2 of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear goner Plant near Benton Ilarbor, Iaicbiga'n, uas issued on 5 I(V~77 to JOdiAoa A>l4 tlichigan Power Compa'ny and Indiana and Hichigan Elertric Company by the Nuclear Regulatory Co)anission Office'f Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Unit 2 uses a pressurized water reactor and


will have an electrical capacity of about 1100 megawatts. The plant site is on. Lake Hichigan in Berrien County near the City of Bridgman and about 11 miles southwest of Benton Harbor.

The term of the license is 40.years from the date construction 4F

~~-~~t was authorized in Harch 1969.

Before the license was issued, the facility was inspected by rep-resentatives,of 'the NRC staff to assure that it has been satisfactorily completed and is ready for. fuel loading.

On the same site, Unit 1, of 'similar size and design, has been in operation since 48RK '

ric<oja58 4 (n tstrt8 "


ENCLOSURE A Items to be completed before fuel loading (Hode 6)

1. Satisfactory completion of the (CVCS) Boron Makeup (S/7)

Preoperational test,

ENCLOSURE 8 Items to be completed before heatup (trode 4) l.'valuation of water hammers experienced in the nonessential service water system,'Operations)

2. EYaluation of complete power loss (AC 8 DC) t(i one train oF engineered safeguards resulting in complete loss of status lights or the complete loss of power to the other train result-ing in complete loss of alarm annunciators. (Operations)
3. 'Evaluation of effects of loss of reactor coolant system wide range temperature indication on loss of the one distribution bus. (Operations)

ENCLOS'JRE C Items to be completed before "fnitia'i critical1ty (diode 2)

Review of licensee's seism1c analys1s of conduit supports, cable trays and instruments <IE Reports 77-06 and 77-09 -=('.onstruction),

'2. Replacement of electr1cal connectors with spl,1ces (IE Bul fetin 77 Cons true t1on ) .

Review of open design changes and deviation reports (IE Report 77 Construction ).

I Review of 50.55(e) report of se1smic support of Class 7E instru-ments and tubi'ng (50.55e report dated September 2,ig977 Construction ).

5. Installation 'of fire barriers on cable trays in cable spreading room below control room (Construct1on ).
6. Resolution of items 1dentified in special 1nspection oi: electrical qualification records for steamline break - Enclosure D. (Construction)

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qO DF-C 33 t9V Docket Ho. 50-3lb IIdi ana b l ii chi gan El ec tri c CDIIIpany


Indiana 8 tlichigan Power Company, Al'TH: tlr. John A. TillinglIasi Yice President P. 0. Box Green 18'owling Station New York; New York lU004 Gentlemen:


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission- has issued Facility Operating License hlo.

DPR-74 (enclosed) to Indiana 5 Michigan Electric Company and Indiana 8 hlichigan Power Company for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2 authorizing operation at 3391 megawatts thermal subject to the conditions delineated therein.

However, the operation of the facility is temporarily restricted to the sequence of operational modes described in AttachAIent 1 to the license until the preoperational tests, startup tests and other items 'noted in AttachIIIent 1 are completed to the written satisfaction of the Commission. A copy of the, Notice of Issuance is 'also enclosed.

The Comnission has also issued Supplement No. 7 to the Safety Evaluation Report.

Two copies are enclosed for your information and use.

. Three signed copies of Amendment 7 to Indemnity Agreement B-bl are enclosed fur your review and acceptance. Please have both licensees sign all copies and return one copy to the Division of Project tlanagement.

rely, er . d, Dire Divi sion ot Project llanageIaent Office of Huclear Reactor Regulation


1. License Ho. DPR-74
2. Federal ~ke i Ster NOtitd
3. Supplement No. 7 to Satety'Evaluation Report
4. Amendment 7 to D-bl ccs w/encls:

See page 2

t I

~ I C'

Indiana'5 llichigan Electric Company DEC 8 3 877 Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company cc: Mr. R. W. Jurgensen U. S. Envirqgrgental,Ppotprtion, Chief Nuclear Engineer Agency Ameeican Electric Power Service Corporation Federal Activi;ties Brancll 2 Broadway Region V. Office New York, New York 10004 ATTN: EIS Coordinator 230 South Dearborn Street Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Chicago, Illinois 60604 Shaw, Pi ttman, Potts 8 Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N. W. Mr. Bruce Blanchard Washington, D. C. 20006 . Environmental Projects Review U. S. Department of the Interior Mr. David Dinsmore Comey Room 4256 Executive Director 18th and C Streets, N. W.

Citizens for a Better Environment Washington, D. C. 20240 59 East Van Buren Street Chicago, Illinois 60605. Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (ADL)

Executive Office of the Governor St. Louis Air Force Station Division of Intergovernmental Relations Missouri 63118 Lewis Cass Building, 2nd Floor Lansing, Michigan 49813 Mr, Bert Lindenfeld Hera 1 d-Pal 1 adium State Board of Health Michigan and Oak Streets ATTN: Director, Bureau of*Engraving Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 1330 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Ms. Rebecca Hanmer ATTN: Jack Anderson.

Mr. Wade Schuler, Supervisor Office of Federal Activities Lake Township Environmental Protection Baroda, Michigan 49101 Agency

'r. W. Mabry, Ci.ty of Bridgman, Mayor Michigan 49106 Room 401 M W-535, Waterside. Mall Street, S.W.

Washington, D. C. 20460 Chief, Energy Systems Analyses Branch (AW-459)

Office of Radiation Programs U.'. Environmental Protection Agency Room 645, East =Tower 401 M Street, S. W.

Washington, D. C. 20460


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1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) having found that:

A. The application for license filed by Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company (the licensees) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set fortH in 10 CFR Chapter I and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; Construction of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2 (facility) has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-61 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of tHe Commission; Indiana and Michigan Power Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.

F., Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric Company are financially qualified to engage in activities authorized by thi s operating license in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; G. The licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, "Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements," of the,.

Commission's regulations;


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H. The issuance of this operating license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; I. After weighing the environmental, economic, technical and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth herein, is in accordance with Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 50 (currently known as 10 CFR Part 51) of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and J. The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, including 10 CFR Sections 30.33, 40.32, 70.23 and 70.31.

2. Facility Operating License No. DPR-74 is hereby issued to the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan Power Company to read as follows:

A. This license applies to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, a pressurized water reactor and associated equipment (the facility),

owned by the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and the Indiana and Michigan Power Company. The facility is located in Berrien County, Michigan and is described in the "Final Safety Analysis Report" as supplemented and amended (Amendments 12 through 79) and the Environmental Report as supplemented and amended (Supplements 1 through 4),

B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104b of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess and use, and Indiana and Michigan Power Company to operate, the facility at the designated location in Berrien County, Michigan, in accordance wi th the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended;

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(3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required i (4) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (5) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I:

Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Section 40.41 of Part 40, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and Section 70.32 of Part 70; and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

Maximum Power Level Indiana and Michigan Power Company is authorized to operate the facility at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal in accor-dance with the conditions specified herein and in Attachment 1 to this license. The preoperational tests, startup tests and other items identified in Attachment 1 to this license shall be completed. Attachment 1 is an integral part of this license.

(2) Technical cifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A attached hereto are hereby incorporated in this license.

The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix B to Facility Operating License No. DPR-58 issued on

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October 25, 1974 for'onald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-315), as revised through Amendment No.

22, also are hereby incorporated in this license. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications, Appendices A and B.

(3) Additional Conditions (a) Anal sis of Reactor Vessel Su orts and Internals Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit by September 30, 1979, an analysis which defines the loads on the reactor coolant system and internals for a postulated break at or very near the cold leg of the reactor pressure vessel nozzle and evaluates:

(a) the full restraint capability of the reactor coolant system, (b) the structural capability of the internals, and ( c) the safety margins of each. The required analysis shall be performed using the approved hydraulic model referenced in CAP-8708, "MULTIFLEX, A Fortran IV Computer Program for Analyzing Thermal-Hydraulic Structure System Dynamics." If modifications to the facility are indicated by the results of the analysis, Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit them for review and implement them on a schedule acceptable to the Commission.

(b) Steam Generator Subcom artment Pressure Res onse Anal sis Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit prior to Mode 2 operation for Commission review and approval an analysis of short-term steam generator subcompartment pressure response. The analysis shall be performed using the TMD computer code and shall define: (a) the adequacy of the steam generator supports to withstand asymmetric loads resulting from a postulated steamline break within the steam generator subcompartment, and ( b) the adequacy of the steam generator enclosure to withstand the calculated pressure differential across the enclosure after a postulated steamline break.

(c) Leak Testin of Emer enc Core Coolin S stem Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval leak test each of the two valves in series in the residual heat removal, safety injection and boron injection systems in accordance with the specifications of Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical

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Engineers Code. In addition, prior to completion of the first inservice testing interval, test connections which allow individual leak testing of the charging pump system discharge check valves shall be installed and the check valves shall be leak tested. The tests shall be repeated at the conclusion of each subsequent inservice inspection interval.

Over ressure Mitigatin S stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall achieve full implementation of its proposed overpressure mitigating system which utilizes power operated relief valves with a low pressure setpoint before twelve effective full power months of operation of the facility.

New Thermal Desi n Basis/WRB-1 Heat Transfer Correlation Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall limit the reactor thermal power to 1695 MWQ (50% of maximum rated power) until the Commission has approved the WRB-1 correlation and the Improved Thermal Design Procedure (Westinghouse Topical Reports WCAP-8762 "New Westinghouse Correlation WRB-1 for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in Rod Bundles with Mixing Vane Grids" and NCAP-8567 "Improved Thermal Design Procedure" ) or until the technical specifications are modified to reflect the results of Coranission approved thermal design calculations.

During the period when power operation is limited to 1695 MWt, the reactor flux trip shall be set to 2035 MWg (60% of maximum rated power) .

Electrical Connectors Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall replace all safety-related ITT-Cannon electrical connectors in the lower containment with qualified splices prior to Mode 2 operation. This facility modification shall be comparable to the modification made to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.

Containment Lon -Term Tem rature and Pressure Res nse Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall subnit an analysis of the long-term containment temperature and pressure response to a postulated steamline break using the IQTIC-3 computer code within five months of approval by the Commission of the LOTIC-3 code.

Containment Sum Desi n Verification Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall complete tests to verify containment sump design before November 1978 and submit the results for Commission review and approval.



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Leak Rate Testin of Containment Isolation Valves Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall install prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, test connections to allow Type C leak testing of containment isolation valves. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify the containment isolation valves in the component cooling water system which are identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 25(l), 25(2), 25(3), 25(4),

72(l), 72(2), 72(3) and 72(4). Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall modify to allow pneumatic leak rate testing the isolation valves identified by and associated with the following containment penetration numbers: CPN 38, 39 and 56.

Power 0 eration with Fewer Than Four Reactor Coolant Pum s in 0 eration Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not operate the reactor at power levels above P-7 (as defined in Table 3.3-1 of Specification of Appendix A to this license) with fewer than four reactor'coolant loops in operation until safety analyses for fewer than four loop operation have been submitted and approval for fewer than four loop operation at power levels above P-7 has been granted by the Commission by Amendment of this license.

Electrical Modification of the Auxiliar Feedwater S stem Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall convert prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, the throttle-stop steam admission valve to the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump and the four motor-operator feedwater valves to the steam generators from the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump from alternating current to direct current power Residual Heat Removal S stem Low Flow Alarm Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the

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reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system. Following initial startup and prior to installation of the alarm, Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall station an operator at a local panel to monitor cooldown flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.

(m) 600 Volt Containment Power Penetrations Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall modify the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to meet the requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.63 prior to startup following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage.

This modification consists of the installation of redundant circuit breakers in the 600 volt containment electrical power penetration circuits to protect the penetration seals by a trip of the 600 volt switchgear breakers in the event of a failure of the molded case circuit breakers.

(n) Instrument Tri Set ints Indiana and Nichigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review within six months of the date of issuance of this operating license the following values for each Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features instrumentation channel:

(a) the technical specification trip setpoint value; (b) the technical specification allowable value (the technical specification trip setpoint plus the instrument drift assumed in the accident analysis);

(c) the instrument drift assumed to occur during the interval between technical specification surveillance tests;


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(d) the components of the cumulative instrument bias; and (e) the maximum margin between the technical specification trip setpoint and the trip value assumed in the accident analysis.

(o) Fire Protection Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, provide for Commission review the following:

(a) results of penetration fire stop testing; (b) results of testing of control room fire detectors; (c) details of the implementation of the emergency shutdown system which provides for compliance with the Commission's position that the system shall be capable of performing its function given the loss of offsite power; (d) a schedule for implementation of changes to the fire protection system; (e) an update of the Final Safety Analysis Report to include a descri ption of the upgraded fire protection system.

(p) Emer enc Plannin Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall submit for Commission review prior to Node 2 operation all documentation required to support its revised emergency plan.


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(q) Qualification of Electrical i nt Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 2 operation make available for Comnission review documentation for test procedures used to qualify electrical equipment in the lower containment for steamline break in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B.

(r) Seismic Qualification Review Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to June 1, 1978 complete the documentation of seismic qualification procedures for safety-related electrical and mechanical, equipment.

(s) Diesel Generator Lockout Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to Mode 1 operation modify the design of the control circuitry for the emergency diesel generators to provide an alarm in the control room to alert the reactor operator should the associated diesel generator become incapable of responding to an emergency start signal due to open knife switches in the control circuitry of the generator.

The licensees shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.54(p). The approved security plan consists of proprietary documents, collectively titled, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Industrial Security Manual," with revisions as follows:

Letter Submittal Date Original August 15, 1972 Revisions Dated:

September 21, 1972 September 21, 1972 January 15, 1973 January 22, 1973 November 16, 1973 November 27, 1973 May 10, 1974 May 24, 1974 October 7, 1974 November 13, 1974 October 2, 1975 November 14, 1975 March 12, 1976 April 5, 1976 September 16, 1976 October 4, 1976 December 3, 1976 December 20, 1976 January 3, 1977 February 3, 1977

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In addition the licensees shall fully implement the physical protection commitments of their proprietary letters to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation dated July 2, 1976 and December 13, 1977.

Further, the licensees shall fully comply with the applicable requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 with specific attention to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 73.55 except for any requirement involving construction and installation of equipment not already in place, and shall diligently accomplish the necessary construction and installation of equipment, so as to be able to fully implement the requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 by August 24, 1978.

E. This license is subject to the following additional conditions for the protection of the environment:

(1) The licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Ster Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972).

(2) If harmful effects or evidence of unacceptable damage are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensees shall provide to the Commission an analysis of the problem and a plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects, or damage.

(3) Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by,'the Commission, the licensees will prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity . hhen the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated', or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regul ati on for the acti vi ti es.


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F. In accordance with the requirement imposed by the October 8, 1977 Order of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of b

Commission, No. 74-1385 abd 74-1586 (cert. granted sub nom Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Cor ~ vs. Natural Resources Defense Council.,

45 U.S.L.W. 3570, February 22, 1977) that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission "shall make any licenses granted between July 21, 1976 and such time when the mandate is issued subject to the outcome of the proceedings herein," the license issued herein shall be subject to the outcome of such proceedings.

G. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight, March 25, 2009.

er S. yd, Dire Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attachments:

1. Preoperational Tests, Startup Tests and Other Items Which Must Be Completed Prior to Proceeding to Succeeding Operational Modes
2. Appendix A Technical Specifications Date of Issuance: December 23, 1977

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PROCEEDING 1Q SUCCEEDING OPERATIONAL MODES This attachment identifies certain preoperational tests, startup tests and other items which must be completed to the Commission's satisfaction prior to proceeding to certain specified Operational Modes. Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall not proceed beyond the authorized Operational Modes without prior written authorization from the Commission.

A. Indiana and Michigan Power Company may at the license issue date proceed directly to Operational Mode 6 (initial fuel loading) and may subsequently proceed to Operational Mode 1 (power operation) except as noted below.

B. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 6 (initial fuel loading):

l. Satisfactory completion of the following preoperational tests:
a. The (CVCS) Boron Makeup (S/7) preoperational test.

C. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational Mode 4 (hot shutdown):

1. Evaluation of water hanmers experienced in the nonessential service water system. (Operations)
2. Evaluation of complete power loss (AC & DC) to one train of engineered safeguards resulting in complete loss of status lights or the complete loss of power to the other train resulting in complete loss of alarm annunciators. (Operations)
3. Evaluation of effects of loss of reactor coolant system wide range temperature indication on loss of the one distribution bus. (Operations)

D. The following items must be completed prior to proceeding to Operational, Mode 2 (initial criticality):

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1. Review of licensee's seismic analysis of conduit supports, cable trays and instruments (IE Reportse 77-06 and 77-09 Construction).
2. Replacement of electrical connectors with splices (IE Bulletin 77-05 Construction).
3. Review of open design changes and deviation reports (IE Report 77-23 Construction).
4. Review of 50.55(e) report of seismic support of Class IE instruments and tubing,(50.55e report dated September 2, 1977 Construction).
5. Installation of fire barriers on cable trays in cable spreading room below control room. (Construction).
6. Resolution of items identified in special inspection of electrical qualification records for steamline break. (Construction).



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UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 50-316 INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRIC 00i41PANY INDIANA AND MICHIGAN PONER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NO. 2 NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF A FACILITY OPERATING IICENSE Notice is hereby given that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has issued Facility Operating License No. DPR-74 to Indiana and Michigan Electric Company and Indiana and Michigan Power Company authorizing operation of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2 at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 3391 megawatts thermal, in accordance with the provisions of the license and the Technical Specifications. However/

the facility is temporarily restricted from operating at full rated power until certain tests and other items noted in the license conditions are completed to the written satisfaction of the Commission. The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2, is a pressurized water nuclear reactor located at the licensees'ite in Berrien County, Michigan.

The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the license. The Commission has also made appropriate findings which are set forth in the license regarding the environmental impact associated with operation of the facility. The license also includes the condition that the license is

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subject to the outcome of the proceeding in Natural Resources Defense Council vs. NRC (D. C. Circuit) (July 21, 1976), Nos. 74-1385 and 74-1586.

The application for the license complies with the standards and requirements of the Act and the Commission's rules and regulations.

The license is effective as of its date of issuance and shall expire on March 25, 2009.

A copy of (1) Facility Operating License No. DPR-74, complete with Technical Specifications (Appendices "A" and "B"); (2) the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, dated December l3, 1977; (3) the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Safety Evaluation Report dated September 10, 1973 and Supplements 1. through 7 thereto (Supplement No. 7 relates solely to issuance of DPR-74); (4) the Final Safety Analysis Report and amendments thereto; (5) the licensees'nvironmental Report dated February 1971 and supplements thereto; (6) the Draft Environmental Statement dated December 1972; (7) the Final Environmental Statement dated August 1973; and (8) Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmental Statement, dated November 1977 (NUREG-0385) are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.

and the Maude Preston Palenske Memorial Library, 500 Market Street, St.

Joseph, Michigan 49085.

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A copy of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplements 1 through 7, the Final 'Environmental Statement and the license may be obtained upon Venue;-.t

'addressed to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Co@mission, Washington, C

D. C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Project Management. Copies of Supplement No. 1 to the Final Environmental Statement (Document No. NUREG-0385) may be purchased, at current costs, from the National Technical Information Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 23rd day of December, 1977.

0 FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULAK)RY COllt1ISSION Karl Kniel, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 2 Division of Project i~management


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I" r 'kktV Docket Hos. 50-315 50-316 AMENDMEHT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO. 8-61 Effective "-'EI-'": l',

Indiana and Michigan Power Company and Indiana and Michigan Electric AMENDMENT No.

Company, and the Atomic Energy Commission, dated May 26, 1972, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:

7 Indemnity Agreement No. 8-61, between P

Item 3 of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the, following substituted therefor:

Item 3 - License number or numbers SNM-1301 (From 12:01 a.m., May 26, 1972, to 12 midnight, October 24, 1974, inclusive)

DPR-58 (From 12:01 a.m., October 25, 1974)

SNM-1753 (From 12:01 a.m., August 18, 1977, to

12. Inldnl ght. pj.'T!, .

I inclusi ve)

DPR=74 (From 12:Ol a.m., I'!CI','! Iy7$ )


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Jerome Sal tzman, Chief Antitrust and Indemnity Group Of fi ce o f Nuc 1 ear Reac tor Reg ul a ti on Accepted 1977 By INDIANA A!ID MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY

-Accepted 1977
