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| number = ML110120630
| number = ML110120630
| issue date = 01/12/2011
| issue date = 01/12/2011
| title = San Onofre, Units 2 and 2 - License Amendment Request to Support Use of Areva Nuclear Fuel, Slides from 1/12/2011 Meeting
| title = License Amendment Request to Support Use of Areva Nuclear Fuel, Slides from 1/12/2011 Meeting
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Southern California Edison Co
| author affiliation = Southern California Edison Co
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| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| page count = 24
| page count = 24
| project =
| stage = Meeting

Revision as of 04:45, 9 February 2019

License Amendment Request to Support Use of Areva Nuclear Fuel, Slides from 1/12/2011 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/2011
Southern California Edison Co
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Hall, J R, NRR/DORL/LPL4,301-415-4032
Download: ML110120630 (24)


San Onofre Nuclear Generating icense Amendment Request to Use of AREVA Nuclear January 12, 2011

'I Agenda .:. Introduction and Overview (Non-Proprietary)

.:. AREVA Fuel Design (AREVA Proprietary)

.:. Core Thermal Hydraulics (SCE Proprietary)

.:. Fuel Rod Behavior Analysis (SCE Proprietary)

.:. Non-LOCA Transient Analysis (SCE Proprietary)

.:. LOCA Analysis (AREV A Proprietary)

.:. Summary and Schedule (Non-Proprietary)

January 12,2011 2 Introduction and Owen Nuclear Fuel Southern California


.:. General

  • Need for Fuel Design Change at SONGS
  • AREVA Fuel Design Solution
  • SONGS Licensing Amendment Roadmap .:. Implementation into SCE Reload Analysis
  • Reload Analysis Process
  • Changes Required to Implement AREVA Fuel
  • LOCA / Mechanical Design Methods
  • Recent Methodology Related Audit Items .:. Summary and Conclusion January 12, 2011 4
  • eed for Fuel Design Change at SONGS .:. SONGS has ongoing Grid-To-Rod Fretting (GTRF) fuel failures
  • Did not meet INPO Zero-By-2010 goal with existing fuel design
  • Restrictive GTRF mitigation strategy
  • Unit 3 Cycle 15 had GTRF fuel pin failures in first cycle fuel .:. Fuel inspection and core redesign required due to GTRF failures .:. Transition to preferred longer fuel cycles significantly hampered .:. High seismic

.:. Implement fretting resistant fuel January 12, 2011 5 AREVA GTRF AREVA High Thermal Performance (HTpTM) design has proven track record for preventing grid-to-rod fretting failures at other reactors HTpTM design meets SONGS seismic requirements

.:. HTpTM Lead Assemblies implemented in Unit 2, Cycle 16 (currently in first cycle of operation) Post irradiation examination (PIE) to validate GTRF performance expectations January 12. 2011 6


  • seE Reload Design Methodology Licensing Overview .:. CE LOCA Methodology (CENPD-132-P-A, CENPD-137-P-A)

.:. SCE Reload Topical (SCE-9801-P-A) .SCE licensed to use Combustion Engineering (CE) methods for reload analysis for COLSS/CPC plants .:. Topical Report CEN-635(S)-P "Identification of NRC Safety Evaluation Report Limitations and/or Constraints on Reload Analysis Methodology:

Tabulation of Other SER Limitations and/or Constraints" February 1999 .:. Subsequent Approvals .Westinghouse ZIRLOTM Cladding (CENPO-404-P-A) .SCE PWR Physics using Studsvik codes (SCE-0901-P-A) .AREVA M5Ž Clad Temporary 10 CFR 50.46 Exemption (12/17/2009) .CENTS NSSS Simulation Code for CEA Ejection Peak Pressure (CENPO 282-P-A) .Oeparture from Nucleate Boiling (ONB) Statistical Convolution Methodology for Estimating Fuel Failure for Non-LOCA Events, SONGS Units 2/3 License Amendments 210/202, September 2008 January 12, 2011 7 SONGS License Amendment The application of AREVA's Approved LOCA methodology to SONGS Implement AREVA fuel correlations and parameters into SCE Reload Analysis Methodology Permanent M5Ž cladding exemption to 1 OCFR50.46 Assemblies placed in limiting locations in batch quantities Unit 3 Cycle 17 planned mini-batch Existing AREVA Lead Fuel Assemblies will continue per Commitments in SONGS License Amendments 222 (Unit 2) and 215 (Unit 3), December 15,2009 Technical Specification Changes January 12, 2011 8 seE Reload Design SCE performs reload design and non-LOCA analysis for SONGS (SCE-9801-P-A) SCE has independently performed design and analyses for fourteen (14) reload cycles Fuel Mechanical Design and LOCA Analyses are scope of the fuel vendor, using NRC approved methods January 12, 2011 9

--" SCE Reload Design Methodology-Current

//As-Buitt Data ".. -" fmm R910ad I R9qub'ldmants


/ r o Vendor Scope 0 r ------1 I I


I I "\ Core Load Map ManufBeturil""..g .f CECOR tit-rene.)

Core Pflysk:9 Design Analyses J Test Predidlons

"\L.OCA J 1IneiIY.. Long Tonn 0 Performance Moni1oring Noo-LOCA Core The""'" J Analysis Transient Hl'<!raulOc RRpOIt t-t "\Analysis TSBa""",, LCS& COLR Ch,a"goos COLSSICPC Trensienl"----------t

-.J COLSSlCPC"""" Fuel Rod Products BehiIVioT tJ Analysis1 COLSSICPC I ------SCENendor IntE erface Setp.-oints I I [I 0 SeE Scope January 12, 2011 10

... .. sc Reload Design Methodology-

/ As-Built Data ,/ Core load Map .I CECOR Libraries .I S!artup T9St Pr&di::tlons long Term Performance

/ "' 7 from l' Mamft'Bcturing Core

,---LOCA- I I I I I Moni1aring I Core Thermal ReI<>ad RAIoBd Analysis H\l'draul;c I-i Report AnRlysl" ""elyses TS Sa""". LCS & , I COlR Changes I COLSSlCPC I Transient I I .I COLSSlCPC Fuel Anatyse5 Preduct& / I I Am,lysls 7 1 COLSS/CPC , .I Selpoims ------SCENendor IntE erface Ana!yses o SCE Scope 0 IIIo Vendor Scope D 1------1 I I I SCE Scope I Ernchment F.... impacted by req....Des AREVAFuel January 12. 2011 11

') Fuel Mechanical Design and LOCA Analyses Current SCE Fuel Mechanical Design and LOCA analyses are performed by Westinghouse For AREVA fuel, AREVA will perform equivalent scope LTC -AOR unchanged

  • LOCA mass and energy release -AOR unchanged

.:. AREVA will use current NRC approved methods EMF-92-116(P)(A), "Generic Mechanical Design Criteria for PWR Fuel Designs," Revision 0, February 1999 EMF-2103(P)(A), "Realistic Large Break LOCA Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactors," Revision 0, April 2003 EMF-2328(P)(A), "PWR Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model, RELAP5 Based," Revision 0, March 2001 .:. Tech Spec change to list AREVA LOCA methods in TS January 12, 2011 12 Thermal I Hydraulic

.:. SCE analysis uses TORC/CETOP +TORC is COBRA based code, similar to VIPRE, + Implementation of Approved BHTP Critical Heat Flux (CHF) correlation for AREV A fuel +Allows for DNBR calculation for both Westinghouse (CE16) and AREVA (HTpTM) fuel +SCE TORC code, using the AREVA BHTP CHF correlation, will be validated to test cases used in approved AREVA topical report + Implementation of AREVA BHTP CHF correlation into TORC does not change CE methods or SCE's analysis capability

+ Mixed core explicitly modeled in TORC Same process used by Westinghouse to implement other CHF correlations into TORC I sam January 12, 2011 13

'I Fuel Rod Behavior Analyses seE methods use the FATES38 code FATES3B is a fuel behavior code that provides fuel behavior input data to Westinghouse Fuel Mechanical Design, LOCA and LOCA transient analyses Approved M5TM cladding properties added to FATES3B code, to allow SCE to provide needed input to Non-LOCA Transient Analyses FATES3B will not be used for AREVA LOCA and Fuel Mechanical Design calculations Implementation of AREVA M5TM cladding properties into FATES3B does not change CE methods or SCE's analysis capability Follows same process used to implement Westinghouse ZIRLOTM cladding properties into FATES38 code January 12, 2011 14 Non-LOCA ansient AREVA M5Ž and BHTP critical heat flux correlation are inputs to Non-LOCA Transients BHTP correlation impact on DNB Statistical Convolution for fuel failures is bounded by CE-1 correlation (example:

pre-trip steam line break will be discussed) M5Ž clad is addressed by inputting properties into strain limit calculation in DNBR propagation methodology used to verify coolable geometry M5Ž clad is addressed by inputting properties into STRIKIN-II code Follows same process used to implement Westinghouse ZIRLOTM clad (example:

CEA ejection will be discussed) BHTP correlation is addressed in the Core Thermal Hydraulic analysis Follows same process used for CE-1 correlation Incorporation of AREVA fuel does not change the Non-LOCA CE methods or SCE's analysis capability January 2011 15

'I SONGS Implementation of Fuel Vendor SCE is implementing limited cladding and fuel assembly design properties to its methodology SCE performs these analyses and is very familiar with the licensing basis AREVA Approved Realistic Large Break (RLB) methodology will be Westinghouse current approve method for SONGS Units 2 and 3 is an Appendix K model .:. SCE recognizes the potential for errors when implementing methodology changes and has compensatory processes in place Section 4 of SCE's Reload Topical (SCE-9801-P-A)

January 12.. 2011 16


.... ****

      • SONGS Activities Added or Modified Due to Reload Technology Transfer NFM Procedures:

Software V&V Computer Hardwal-e Control Calculation Documentation Quality Program *************************************

Implementation Reload Analyses SCE/ASS CE Interface Monitoring 17 "

-Responses to Recent Fuel Transition seE has a robust Reload Analysis process Use of human performance tools (barriers) Roles and responsibilities are specified in SONGS Quality Procedure S0123-XXXVI-1

  • Significant supervisor and management involvement

.:. Implemented as part of the original approval Audited by the NRC

  • Have completed fourteen (14) reload analysis campaigns

.:. Have used outside expertise to supplement in-house capability e.g., used a third party to assist in the review of AREVA's seismic analyses for the AREVA Lead Fuel Assemblies As part of this License Amendment Request, SeE will provide SONGS specific responses for docketed RAls January 12, 2011 18 Summary of Changes required to implement approved AREVA fuel at SONGS: AREVA approved LOCA Methods and Fuel Mechanical Design Methods to be applied for SONGS M5Ž material and SHTP CHF Correlation approved for implementation into SCE's approved reload analysis methodology Added AREVA SHTP CHF Correlation into TORC M5Ž material properties added to FATES3S to provide SCE required inputs to Non-LOCA Transient Analyses M5Ž material properties implemented into SCE approved LOCA analyses January 12.. 2011 19 Design change needed to eliminate GTRF fuel failures AREVA HTP/HMP fuel design has proven track record for preventing GTRF fuel failures at other reactors Implementation process designed to minimize changes to SeE's approved methodology and analysis capability Initial implementation of mini-batch in Unit 3 Cycle 17 Recent docketed RAI's will be explicitly addressed January 12. 2011 20 License Amendment Submittal Steve Sparks & Linda Conklin Southern California Edison tr.': f:';i'.,':\


':' '...ri':':

I.... 1:::.11111 Agenaa .:. Overview (Non-Proprietary)

.:. Fuel Design (AREVA Proprietary)

.:. Core Thermal Hydraulics (SCE Proprietary)

.:. Fuel Rod Behavior Analysis (SCE Proprietary)

.:. Non-LOCA Transient Analysis (SCE Proprietary)

.:. LOCA Analysis (AREVA Proprietary)

.:. Summary and Schedule (Non-Proprietary) anuary 12, 2011 -\:'. FF,.JI .." ,"

  • "F,-:'r}flJ.

2 echnical Summary SCE uses NRC Approved Reload Analysis Methods Previously approved correlations and properties are being added to the SCE Codes for analysis of AREVA fuel Results of code testing -SCE codes accurately modeling AREVA fuel Current Fuel Vendor scope will remain Fuel Vendor scope, using previously approved methods for Mechanical Design and LOCA License Amendment Request (LAR) is a request to implement AREVA fuel into SCE approved Westinghouse-CE methods January 12, 2011 3 AR

        • \ **** * ***** * ... *:. June 2011 -LAR Submitta .:. December 2011 -Begin SONGS 3 Cycle 17 core design .:. September 2012 -Delivery of Mini-Batch of AREVA fuel for SONGS 3 Cycle 17 October 2012 -NRC Safety Evaluation with LAR approval needed for Core Reload January 12, 2011 '1 r.\';',' 1;.\ ..1..-:.:: ...*/,1...' L,,',;'IJ:'JI!I' 4