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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24090A00731 March 2024Enclosures 10 - 17: Crystal River, Unit 3, Response to Request for Additional Information
ML24090A00429 March 2024Enclosure 6, Part 1: Crystal River, Unit 3 - Appendix E – CHAR-05 Site Characterization of Buildings
ML24089A03629 March 2024Response to Audit Plan in Support of Accelerated Decommissioning Partners and Request to Add License Condition to Include License Termination Plan Requirements. W/Enclosures 1 to 5Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Feedwater Heater
ML24088A27228 March 2024Draft Crystal River Historic and Cultural Sections for LTP Environmental Assessment
ML24073A19211 March 2024Fws to NRC, List of Threatened and Endangered Species That May Occur in Your Proposed Project Location or May Be Affected by Your Proposed Project
NRC-2023-0174, Comment (1) of Anonymous Individual on Accelerated Decommissioning Partners Crystal River Unit 3, LLC; Crystal River Unit 3; License Termination Plan7 March 2024Comment (1) of Anonymous Individual on Accelerated Decommissioning Partners Crystal River Unit 3, LLC; Crystal River Unit 3; License Termination Plan
ML24054A64529 February 2024Letter - Reply to Request for RAI Extension Related to the Crystal River License Termination Plan
ML24060A08629 February 2024NRC Request for Concurrence with Endangered Species Act Determinations for Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant License Termination Plan (Consultation Code: 2024-0023697)License Renewal
ML24054A64629 February 2024Request for RAI Extension Related to the Crystal River License Termination Plan
3F0224-04, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Plan, Security Training and Qualification Plan, and Safeguards Contingency Plan, Revision 423 February 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Plan, Security Training and Qualification Plan, and Safeguards Contingency Plan, Revision 4Safeguards Contingency Plan
3F0224-05, Report of Investigation Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G22 February 2024Report of Investigation Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G
ML24030A74713 February 2024Audit Report Attachment - Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant LTP
ML24030A74812 February 2024Audit Report Cover Letter and Report - Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant LTP
3F0224-03, Report of Investigation Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G8 February 2024Report of Investigation Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G
ML24025A09524 January 2024Clarifications Related to the NRC Staffs EA for Crystal River
3F0124-01, Response to Request for Additional Information for the Additional Information Assessment of the License Termination Plan for Crystal River, Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant (Public Version)18 January 2024Response to Request for Additional Information for the Additional Information Assessment of the License Termination Plan for Crystal River, Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant (Public Version)License Renewal
Environmental Justice
ML23342A0949 January 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Plan