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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20058J89119 November 1993Insp Rept 70-0824/93-05 on 931018-22.Weakness Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness,Including Coordination of Emergency Planning W/Offsite Support Agencies
ML20059A12514 October 1993Insp Rept 70-0824/93-04 on 930913-17.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Ncs & FP
ML20056F4929 August 1993Insp Rept 70-0824/93-02 on 930719-22.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Exam of Organization,Mgt Controls, Audits,Appraisals,Training,External & Internal Exposure Controls
ML20125E41627 November 1992Insp Rept 70-0824/92-06 on 921027-30.Violations Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness, Including Coordination of Emergency Planning W/Offsite Support Agencies & Emergency Facilities & Equipment
ML20217B56925 February 1991Insp Rept 70-0824/91-01 on 910122-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of Licensee Remedial DrillEarthquake
ML20062G33719 November 1990Insp Rept 70-0824/90-04 on 900924-28.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Training,Nuclear Criticality Safety,Operations,Maintenance & Followup on Inspector Followup Item
ML20062D34626 October 1990Insp Rept 70-0824/90-02 on 900917-21.Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness, Observation & Evaluation of Emergency Drill,Maint of Select Emergency & Fire Protection Equipment & Drills
ML20058G11925 October 1990Insp Rept 70-0824/90-03 on 900919-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Liquid & Gaseous Effluents,Radiological Environ Monitoring, Instrumentation & Audits
ML20247L53013 September 1989Insp Rept 70-0824/89-05 on 890816.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Inventory & Records & Repts Used to Account for SNM within Licensed Facility.Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20247C95810 May 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890313-14 & 28-30. Violations Noted:Failure to Perform Insps During Dec 1988 & Jan 1989 or Fire & Rescue Team Training During Oct 1988 - Mar 1989
ML20247D1795 May 1989Insp Rept 70-0824/89-03 on 890410-12.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radioactive Effluent Radiological Environ Monitoring & QC
ML20247C9884 May 1989Insp Rept 70-0824/89-02 on 890313-14 & 28-30.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Program, Including State of Operational Readiness,Training,Periodic Drills & Exercises & Maint of Equipment & SuppliesFire Protection Program
ML20154R73822 September 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-08 on 880912-14.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Controls,Training,Nuclear Criticality Safety,Operations Review & Maint
ML20154R72322 September 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880912-14.Violations Noted: Individual Listed on Authorized Users List Had Not Received Passing Grade on Written Exam Administered on 880426
ML20151K96422 July 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-06 on 880613-16.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Instruments & Equipment,Staffing,External Exposures,Internal Exposures,Surveys,Radwaste Mgt & TransportationHigh Radiation Area
ML20153B55430 June 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-03 on 880516-18.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Effluents,Radiological Environ Monitoring & Confirmatory Measurements
ML20150C76123 June 1988Notice of Violation from Insp on 880523-25.Violation Noted: Failure to Provide Indoctrination as Well as Annual Retraining for Members of Emergency Control Organization
ML20150C76522 June 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-04 on 880523-25.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review & Evaluation of Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program
ML20148F6767 March 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-01 on 880203-05.No Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Areas of Radiation Protection,Solid Waste Mgt,Transportation of Radioactive Matls,Followup on Previous Enforcement Issues
ML20150B1112 March 1988Insp Rept 70-0824/88-02 on 880208-10.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Review of Liquid & Gaseous Waste Mgt & Environ Monitoring
ML20236S97619 November 1987Insp Rept 70-0824/87-04 on 871029-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review & Evaluation of Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program
IR 05000013/198700124 September 1987Insp Rept 50-013/87-01 on 870917-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of NRC Contractor Final Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Facility Decommissioning & of Records of Fuel Disposition
ML20238F6684 September 1987Insp Rept 70-0824/87-02 on 870817-19 & 21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Review of Liquid & Gaseous Waste Mgt,Environ Monitoring & Confirmatory Measurements
ML20236C50522 July 1987Notice of Deviation from Insp on 870629-0701.Deviation Noted:One Completion Date Not Met in That While Phase 1 Completed in Timely Manner,As of 870701,Phase 2 Not Completed
ML20236C51815 July 1987Insp Rept 70-0824/87-01 on 870629-0701.Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection,Solid Waste Mgt,Solid Waste,Transportation of Radioactive Matls & Followup on Previous Enforcement Issues
ML20210D81421 January 1987Notice of Violation from Insp on 861215-19
ML20210D8286 January 1987Insp Rept 70-0824/86-06 on 861215-19.Violations Noted: Failure to Implement Respiratory Protection Requirements W/ Two Examples,To Follow Up on Plutonium Urinalysis Result & to Provide Required Info to Mgt from Monthly AuditsOverexposure
ML20209C33619 August 1986Insp Rept 70-0824/86-04 on 860804-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Review of Radwaste Mgt & Environ Protection
ML20205B1535 August 1986Insp Rept 70-0824/86-03 on 860721-25.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Actions Taken to Complete Requirements of 841221 Confirmatory Action Ltr CAL-824/84-01 & Insp of Radiation Protection & Radwaste MgtHigh Radiation Area
ML20205A2485 August 1986Partially Withheld Insp Rept 70-0824/86-05 on 860722-25 (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790).No Violations or Deviations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Physical Inventory & Matl Control & Accounting
ML20206R51626 June 1986Partially Withheld Insp Rept 70-0824/86-02 on 860603 (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21).No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:General Requirements for Physical Protection of SNM Onsite
ML20154C83429 January 1986Insp Rept 70-0824/85-08 on 851009-11 & 1118-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Closeout Insp & Confirmatory Survey of Decommissioning of Bldg C,Phase IDepleted uranium
PNO-II-85-104, on 851105,operations at Sites Shut Down Due to Flooding of Equalization Ponds,Containing Radioactive Matl Concentrations.Security Surveillance Doubled.Controls Initiated to Assure Process Liquid Waste Not Released5 November 1985PNO-II-85-104:on 851105,operations at Sites Shut Down Due to Flooding of Equalization Ponds,Containing Radioactive Matl Concentrations.Security Surveillance Doubled.Controls Initiated to Assure Process Liquid Waste Not Released
ML20198E7214 November 1985Notice of Violation from Insp on 851007-11High Radiation Area
ML20198E73628 October 1985Insp Rept 70-0824/85-07 on 851007-11.Violations Noted: Failure to Control Access to High Radiation,To Calibr Breathing Air Supply Pressure Gauges & to Perform Beta Radiation Surveys During Personnel Entries Into Hot CellHigh Radiation Area
ML20133P27030 July 1985Insp Rept 70-0824/85-06 on 850705-16.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Organization & Controls,Nuclear Criticality Safety,Procedures,Operations Reviews & Audits
ML20133P78729 July 1985Notice of Violation from Insp on 850610-14
ML20133P81118 July 1985Insp Repts 50-013/85-01 & 70-0824/85-05 on 850610-14. Violation Noted:Failure to Package Low Specific Activity Radioactive Matl in Strong Tight Package & Failure to Label Packages of Radioactive Matl Per Burial Facility LicenseExclusive Use
ML20132E6963 July 1985Insp Rept 70-0824/85-04 on 850610-14.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste Mgt, Environ Protection & Independent MeasurementsGrab sample
Depleted uranium
ML20128L31918 June 1985Insp Rept 70-0824/85-03 on 850603-04.No Noncompliance Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness
ML20133D50013 May 1985Notice of Violation from Insp on 850415-19
ML20133D5677 May 1985Insp Rept 70-0824/85-01 on 850415-19.Violation Noted:Failure to Properly Post Radiation Area
ML20058G47213 July 1982IE Insp Rept 70-0824/82-04 on 820614-16.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:10CFR21 Implementation, Organization,Safety Committees,Internal Review & Audit, Facility Changes & Mods & Nuclear Criticality Safety
IR 05000099/198200318 June 1982IE Insp Rept 50-099/82-03 on 820525-26.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Associated W/Dismantling of Facility & Confirmatory Survey of Radioactivity Levels
IR 05000013/19780048 December 1978IE Inspec Repts 50-013/78-04 & 50-099/78-04 on 781115-17 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Logs & Records;Reviews & Audits; Experiments;Refueling;Procedures & IE Circular ReviewShutdown Margin
ML20204D0951 November 1978IE Insp Rept 70-824/78-09 on 780918-22.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Records & Repts of Radioactive Effluents & Liquid & Airborne Effluent Monitoring Instruments
ML20204C74227 October 1978Notice of Violation from Insp on 780911-15
ML20197B10313 September 1978Insp Rept 70-0824/78-08 on 780807-10.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Safety Committees, Training & Procedural Controls
ML20147J10229 December 1977IE Inspec Rept 70-824/77-10 on 771215 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Included: Storage & Internal Control & Records & Reports
IR 05000013/197700422 December 1977Insp Repts 50-013/77-04 & 50-099/77-04 on 771129-1201.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program,Security Plan,Security Organization,Surveillance & Access Controls