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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20244B0018 March 1989Lists Facts to Consider for Action to Fix or Close GE Reactors Once & for All
ML20236S47712 November 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re PSAR Amend 4 for Plant
ML20134L47917 July 1985FOIA Request for Biographical Data on Region III Resident Inspector,H Livermore & SALPs for Listed Plants for Specified Time Frames
ML17278A29423 June 1985Comments on 850227 Application for Amend to License, Replacing High Discharge Signal W/Pump Running Input from Pump Breaker.Proposed Changes Will Not Solve Problem. Reevaluation of Proposed Amend Urged
ML20093E49513 July 1984Objects to Proposed Change to Tech Spec Special Test Requirement 3.10.5 & Exemption from 10CFR50.44(C)(3)(i) Requirements.Track Record of WPPSS Reflects Inept Performance
ML20106B7681 June 1984FOIA Request for Documents Re Testing,Startup,Low Power & Full Power Operation of Facility
ML20090L5798 March 1984FOIA Request for Documents Re Const Appraisal Team Insp Conducted in 1983
ML20090A81520 February 1984FOIA Request for Documents Re All Conversations or Communication W/A Parker,Electrical Designer at Facility from 1980-1982
ML20080N1651 November 1983FOIA Request for Feb 1982 IE Insp Rept 50-397/82-05 & Related Documents Concerning Bechtel Review of Generic Problem Areas
ML20080N1731 November 1983Requests Thorough File Check for IE Insp Rept 50-397/82-05 & Related Info Concerning Bechtel Review of NRC Repts.Nrc May Have Retained Rept or Portion of Rept
ML20083D2417 September 1983FOIA Request for Repts,Studies &/Or Evaluations Performed by Bechtel in Connection W/Ie Insp Rept 50-397/82-05
ML20063M64010 September 1982Informs of Unresolved Status of Coalition for Safe Power 820222 & 0318 Requests for Hearings on Applications for CP Extensions.Nrc & Permittee Filed Answers
ML17276B1369 March 1982Opposes Further CPs or Extension of Permits for Facilities Until Complete Investigation of Safety & Need Completed. Public Hearings Should Be Held to Address Issues
ML20042A88628 February 1982Forwards Wallace/Superior Ltr of Reprimand to QC Inspector Re Investigation of Company Policy Impact on Reporting Safety Violations
ML17275B26928 September 1981Forwards Comments on Des for Facility
ML17275B25325 September 1981Comments on NUREG-0812,DES for FacilityFatality
ML20040A9049 September 1981FOIA Request for 15 Categories of Records Re Wa Public Power Supply Sys
ML20009D27912 May 1981FOIA Request for Documents Re Seven Categories of Info Concerning Facilities
ML19344A5749 July 1980Requests NRC Memo Stating That Facility CP Does Not Guarantee OL
ML19259B1861 January 1979Requests Permission to Make Limited Appearance Before ASLB in Proceedings