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ML20004F48516 June 1981Answer Opposing Carolina Environ Study Group 810606 Request to Stay ASLB 810419 & 0526 Decisions.Util Compliance W/Regulations Entitles ASLB to Find Facility Can Be Operated W/O Undue Risk to Public Health.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20004F0138 June 1981Exceptions to ASLB 810526 Supplemental Initial Decision & 790418 Initial Decision.Aslb Erred in Rejecting Jl Riley Evidence as Expert Witness & Decision That Riley Affidavit Not Responsive.Affidavit of Suc EnclAffidavit
ML20004D4235 June 1981Request for Stay of Initial & Supplemental Initial Decisions.Aslb Lacks Basis for Finding Operation Would Not Expose Public to Undue Risk Since Board Did Not Determine Consequences of Shell Rupture.Affirmation of Svc Encl
ML20004D4165 June 1981Request for Stay of Initial & Supplemental Initial Decisions.Commission Should Refer Decisions to ASLAP for Review.Potential for Irreparable Harm Due to Serve Hydrogen Explosion Is Great.Affirmation of Svc Encl
ML20004C8571 June 1981Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group 810515 Motion to Permit Appeal of ASLB 810506 Order Denying Util Request for 35% Power Operations.Party May Not Appeal Favorable Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19345G90217 April 1981Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group 810402 Motion Questioning Util 810324 Request for OL for 35% Power level.TMI-type Accident Is Not Credible.Proposed Order & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19343D34517 April 1981Response Opposing Applicant Request for Waiver,Exception or Exemption from 10CFR2,App B.No Special Circumstances Exist to Waive Procedures
ML19347D9179 April 1981Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group 810406 Request for Extension to File Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Applicant Transcripts Available to Intervenors.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19350D2476 April 1981Request for 10-day Extension to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Counsel Occupied W/Other Cases. Certificate of Svc EnclAffidavit
ML19343D1466 April 1981Response Opposing Carolina Environ Study Group 810302 Request for Certification or Referral.Request Unnecessary Since Commission Has Specifically Addressed Issue. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19347D9763 April 1981Response Opposing Applicant 810327 Submittal of Jl Riley Affidavit & Affirmation of Svc.Filing Is Contrary to ASLB Ruling.Record Is Closed & Filing Is Not ResponsiveAffidavit
ML19347D9793 April 1981Response to Jl Riley 810327 Affidavit Re Polyurethane Pyrolysis in Form of Encl Wh Rasin AffidavitAffidavit
ML19350D2502 April 1981Reply Opposing Applicant 810324 Motion for License Authorizing Up to 35% Rated Power Operation.Alleged Need to Bolster Util Summer Reserve Is Result of Scheduling Oconee 1 Maint During Summer Peak.W/Certificate of SvcAffidavit
ML19347D78124 March 1981Request for License Authorizing Operation Up to & Including 35% Rated Power.Fuel Loading,Initial Criticality & Zero Power Physics Testing to Be Completed by 810515.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19341D4502 March 1981Response in Objection to ASLB 810217 Memorandum & Order Denying Admission of Contentions 5 & 6.Supplementary EIS on Class 9 Accident Is Necessary Predicate in Proceeding.Denial Should Be Certified to Commission.W/Certificate of Svc
ML19350B75126 February 1981Carolina Environ Study Group Application for Subpoenas Re Reopened McGuire Units 1 & 2 OL Proceeding.List of Proposed Witnesses & Questions Encl.Related CorrespondencePotassium iodide
ML20003B3154 February 1981Request for Reconsideration of Schedule.Carolina Environ Study Group Should Be Allowed to Submit Prefiled Testimony Seven Days After Receipt of NRC Complete Prefiled Testimony. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML19345E8432 February 1981Response Opposing Carolina Environ Study Group Motion & Memorandum to Add Contentions.Question of Need to Suppl EIS Resolved.No Special Circumstances Exist to Include Charlotte,Nc in Emergency PlansAffidavit
ML20002E08721 January 1981Memorandum Supporting Carolina Environ Study Group Motion to Add Contentions 5 & 6 Advanced in 801107 Reply to Applicant Motion for Summary Disposition.Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20002E05319 January 1981Response to Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners & City of Charlotte 801231 & 810113 Requests to Participate. Applicant Has No Objection.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19340E5888 January 1981Motion to Suppl 801107 Contentions 5 & 6 W/Memorandum of Law.No Objection to Extension for Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19340D28215 December 1980Response to Carolina Environ Study Group Motion to Add Further Contentions.Carolina Environ Study Group Addl Contentions 5 & 6 Found Factually & Legally Flawed & Merit Denial.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19345E0492 December 1980Response in Opposition to M Fennel 800926 Request to Reopen Hearing If Viewed as Late Petition to Intervene.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19339C33612 November 1980Supplemental Filing Re Applicant Motion for Summary Disposition of Application for Fuel Loading & Low Power Testing.Calls Attention to Encl 801021 Fr Notice.Urges Expedited Consideration.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19340C4807 November 1980Response in Opposition to Applicant 800930 Motion for Summary Disposition Re Application for License Authorizing Fuel Loading.Moves for Consolidated Hearing Re Provisionary & Full Term Ols.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML19340B7757 November 1980Suppl to Statement of Matl Facts Re Absence of Issues to Be Heard.Hydrogen Generation Event During Worst Case May Be Terminated Prior to Onset of Core Damage.Notice of Mu Rothschild Appearance & Certificate of Svc EnclFailure to Scram
ML19339B5583 November 1980Comments on Commission 800926 Order Requesting Positions of Parties on Carolina Environ Study Group Revised Motion to Reopen Record.Affirms Prior View That CLI-80-16 Has No Direct Bearing on Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19347B4119 October 1980Response in Opposition to P Edmonston 801002 Request to Make Statement,If Viewed as Petition to Intervene.No Objection If Viewed as Request to Make Limited Appearance Statement If Hearing Held.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19347B3648 October 1980Response in Opposition to s Wilson 800930 Ltr,If Viewed as Late Petition to Intervene.No Objection to s Wilson Public Statement,If Hearing Reopened.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19332B12319 September 1980Submittal Updating Applicant 800903 Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group Motion to Reopen OL Record Re Hydrogen Generation Control Issue Arising from TMI Accident.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19331E0003 September 1980Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group 800609 & 0815 Motions Requesting Reopening of Hearing Record.New Contentions Re Emergency Planning & Comparative Containment Design Are Impermissible Attack on RegulationsAffidavit
ML19344D86722 August 1980Response in Opposition to VB Dykes 800729 Ltr If Viewed as Late Petition to Intervene.Does Not Object to Request Re Appearance as Representative of Greenville League of Women Voters,If Hearing Reopened.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19327A3241 August 1980Motion for Low Power OL Authorizing Fuel Loading,Initial Criticality,Zero Power Physics Testing & low-power Testing. Applicant Complied & Will Comply w/NUREG-0694,Pages 10-20. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19330C42929 July 1980Petition for Hearing in Charlotte,Nc Re Containment Bldg. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19329G1029 July 1980Response in Opposition to Carolina Environ Study Group Motions to Add New Contentions & to Reopen OL Hearing. Petitioner Failed to Comply W/New Evidence CriterionAffidavit
ML19318B33024 June 1980Request for Extension Until 800707 to Respond to Carolina Environ Study Group 800609 Motions to Admit New Contentions & Reopen Record.Possibility of Stipulation Is Being Discussed W/Intervenor.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19326D6559 June 1980Response in Opposition to Applicant 800520 Motion to Terminate Stay of ASLB 790418 Initial Decision.Suppl 3 to SER Indicates That NRC Review,Re TMI-related Requirements,Is Not Complete.Intervenor 800609 Ltr to Util Encl
ML19326D6609 June 1980Motion to Admit TMI-related New Contentions & to Reopen OL Hearing.Consequences of Significant Hydrogen Release in Westinghouse Containment,Were Not Subj of Adversary Proceedings.Contentions & Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19323H03030 May 1980Motion to Terminate Stay of ASLB 800418 Initial Decision Due to NRC 800523 Issuance of Suppl 3 to Ser.Requests Expeditious Issuance of full-term OL & Commencement of Initial Fuel Loading in Late Summer.W/Certificate of Svc
ML15219A04728 April 1980Statement of Board of Commissioners' Position in Opposition to Radwaste Transportation Through Gaston County,Nc.Urges Transportation Via Interstates 77 & 85.Encourages Expending Energy & Money for Recycling.W/Correspondence
ML19241A98917 May 1979State of Il Opposition to NRC 790504 & Comm Ed 790507 Motions for Reconsideration &/Or Clarification & Referral of ASLB 790419 Memo & Order Admitting Contentions 6 & 11
ML19282A69828 January 1979Intervenor'S Petition to Reopen Safety Phases of Licensing Proceedings.Urges Review of Pressure Suppression Containments,Lack of Rod Sys Required by WASH-1270 & Possible Inadequacy of Stud Bolts
ML20064E81613 November 1978Applicant Dpc'S Reply to Intervenor Cesg'S Proposed Findings of Fact & Argument in Support of Consideration Submitted 781019.Asserts Inter Alla,That Proposed Findings Raise Impermissible Challenges to NRC Regs.Cert of Svc EnclEarthquake
ML20064D9101 November 1978Applicant Dpc'S Request for Extension of Time to File Reply to Intervenor Cesg'S Proposed Findings of Fact.Dpc Asserts That Its Reply Req Input of Certain Persons Who Have Been Recently Unavailable.Cert of Svc Encl
ML20064C45628 September 1978Response to J Riley Affidavit Re Trends in Util Base Load. Util Contends That Affidavit Should Not Be Received by BoardAffidavit
ML20064C06425 September 1978Responses by Applicant to Motions by Intervenor to Reopen Environ Hearing to Add Contentions.Applicant Submits That Each Motion Should Be Denied
ML19317E26228 March 1975Settlement Agreement Between Applicant,Municipal Intervenors,Nc Electric Membership Corp & Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp
ML19317E24328 March 1975Joint Motion of Applicant & Municipal Intervenors to Accept Settlement & Terminate Proceeding.Settlement Agreement Dtd 750328, & Order on Joint Motion of AEC & DOJ to Place Conditions on Facility OLs Encl
ML19317E20424 May 1974Motion by Municipal Intervenors to Suspend Procedural Schedule.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19317E3597 February 1974Joint Motion by DOJ on Behalf of Aec,Intervenors & Applicant Requesting Changes in Schedule of Proceeding Per ASLB Request.Certificate of Svc Encl